"Python Pratico" |
"In questo corso vedremo un p di teoria e vedremo molte applicazioni pratiche. Include anche il corso gratuito con lezioni teoriche ed una esercitazione pratica con la costruzione di un progetto ""biblioteca"".Usando diverse tecniche, mescolate fra loro, avendo sempre come denominatore comune python, vedremo come realizzare applicazioni interessanti, ad esempio creare un bot telegram e una GUI, fare un web scraping di un sito con Selenium, recuperare le informazioni che ci servono ed inviarle a Telegram, oppure vedremo come da Telegram potremmo controllare da mobile un nostro Arduino.Non si vuole con questo corso entrare nel dettaglio di tutte le tecnologie proposte, ma l'obiettivo quello di prendere da ciascun modulo quanto basta per cominciare ad evolvere il nostro modo di programmare e avere tutti gli strumenti per fare dei progetti innovativi e divertenti senza entrare troppo nel dettaglio tecnico. Il corso comunque tratta anche approfondimenti teorici sulle stringhe e su alcuni funzioni built-in rilevanti."
Price: 59.99

"Managing Conflict: It's Really About Knowing How" |
"My course provides an overview of how your brain works when confronted with the threat or fear of conflict. I'll explain why it's important to understand the dance that the brain orchestrates between conflict and your emotions. And how you can better manage this dance particularly when challenged by reactive emotions that could lead to conflict Additional materials are included to expand on the subjects discussed in each lecture, giving you an opportunity to broaden your knowledge for managing conflict. During the last half of the course I'll share with a set of skills that have proved effective for minimizing conflict and help you get through a rough patch when conflict seems inevitable. Ultimately, the goal for the course give you the tools you need to cultivate habits that minimize conflict and improve your chances for making the best of bad situations at work and home. Here are a few of the skills you'll learn: How to move beyond disagreeing so easily. Managing strong emotions, like anger, frustration and contempt. How to examine a bad experience to bring out the positive upside. Avoid negative reactions toward people and events that are annoying. Learn how to minimize misinterpretation of your words. Techniques to prevent people from ruining your day. How to quite the voices inside your head that divert your attention. You'll learn proven techniques for integrating new skills into your daily life Learning and applying the skills included in the course will boost your confidence and ability to manage conflict with greater ease and calm."
Price: 19.99

"How To Make Extra Money Through Lawn Care" |
"This course teaches how you can make money through lawn care. It covers everything you will need to get started and expand your client list. For less money than you'd earn mowing one lawn you can learn how to generate $2,000+ through lawn care. What is taught in this course can be used to generate as much as you're willing to put in. It's easily scalable.The curriculum includes lectures on: LicensingEquipmentMarketingCustomer ServiceFinances and Recordkeepingand a BONUS section"
Price: 24.99

"Practice Your First Ethical Hacking with Metasploit and Kali" |
"Learn the popular securitytools andtechniques that you will need to run penetration tests with the best ethicalhacking distribution Kali, and thetools: Nmap and Metasploit.Learn the Essential Techniques andBuild a Strong Foundation in Penetration Testing in This Comprehensive Course From Scratch!Setup ethical hacking environment with KaliPreparevirtualvictim environment to run your tests safelyScan the targetswith easy-to-use and affectivecommandsinNmapDiscover the vulnerabilities to hack into systemsExploit thetargets with MetasploitInteractwith payloads on victim machinesDownload documents, create remote users and take screencaptures from exploited Linux and Windows servers.Powerful SecuritySkills at Your FingertipsLearning the fundamentals of ethical hacking puts a powerful and very useful skill at your fingertips. Kali, nmap and metasploit are free andeasy to learn toolsfrombeginner to advancedpenetration testing operations.Jobs in penetration testing positions are plentiful and companies are constantly looking for cybersecurity professionals who have practical-hands on experience on Kali and Metasploit. Experts from the IT industry arealso looking for simple yet effective solutions to keep their systems secure.This course is perfect foranyone seeking to provide safe andsecure IT systems withimplementingethical hacking andpenetration testing solutions.Contents and OverviewSuitable for beginners in cybersecurity, through this course of 45+ lectures and 5hours of video content,you will learn all the details about setting up and using Kali Linux Distribution and establish a strong understanding of the process behind a professional penetration test.This course starts withintroducingbasic - yet veryimportant aspects of ethical hacking. After this quick summary, you will find yourself already practicing how to setup apenetration testing platform with Kali and victim machines,which you can use in your professional life.Right afterdeploying the systems, you will immediately start scanning the target environment, which consists of 1 intentionally vulnerable Linux distribution and 1 Windows 7.Aftercompleting scanning operations, you will learnthe famous hacking framework Metasploit withall important options, by practicing againstvictim machines. And finally, you will be able to exploit and remotely access to Linux and Windows machines, whereyou will practice ethical hacking skills like downloading documents and gaining passwords, with leveraging advanced payloads like meterpreter.Upon completion, you will learn how to prepare your ethical hacking environment with Kali, scan network segments per your needs, discover vulnerabilities, exploit victims and gain remote access to compromised machines.What are the requirements?A willingness to learn and an open mindBasic understanding of how computers workSome linux and network experience is a plusWhat am I going to get from this course?By the end of this course, you will be able to prepare your hacking environment and start usingKaliYou will have the ability to scan networks to detect open ports and servicesYou will discover vulnerabilities by comparing yournmap scan resultsand relatedmetasploit modulesYou will exploit vulnerable application with metasploit modulesYou will access compromised servers and run commandsremotelyWhat is the target audience?Collegestudents and professionals from technical domainsITenthusiasts orentrepreneursAnyone interested in exploring a new domain from scratch"
Price: 29.99

"How to start an online business from home?" |
"This course is good for persons who may be seeking a side income from a business. It is also for those who want to start a business on the side with the desire to be successful and make enough money to leave their job and have a successful online business. This course should provide enough information to get you started out in business for yourself on a path to success.who is the target audience?The target audience is anyone who has an interest in starting their own business, specifically, starting their own online business.This course should not be taken by those who are seeking help to decide what niche to start a business in, or what to name their business or things of that basic nature. It should be taken by those who perhaps have an idea of what business they would like to start but not sure how to make it popular and successful."
Price: 19.99

"Create and Sell Online Courses" |
"This course was designed to enlighten you on the benefits of creating an online course and how you can make extra money while selling them. The course is divided into four modules with different topics to give you an in-depth knowledge from basic information gathering to the most complex promotion of your online course. What to expect from this course include A step by step guide on the benefits of creating your online course by gathering ideas, turn them into fantastic online courses, record these courses and market them to the public. Detailed explanation and action proven examples to give you a better understanding of real market situations and how to move from a novice to a pro in online teaching. Lectures on how to identify your market and communicate with your audience effectively. A free guide to product promotion.Hi, my name is Yariv, and I am honored to be your instructor on this course. Throughout this course, I promise to be your teacher, friend and confidant because I was once like you. This is an adventure you are going to love. Join me in this wonderful and comprehensive course and learn the secret of how to monetize your expertise today. I will love to share the secret of how I make passive income selling online courses. In this course, youll learn with specific examples of how I was able to gain that amount with just a single course. I will tutor you on how to create your online course, make it appear excellent, promote it, sell it and above all, make some more cash with it. It sounds great right? Let me whet your appetite with a recap of what youll learn. Learning the basics: how to plan your online course, all the equipment and tools needed to create the course and how to grab peoples attention. Validating your course: I will give you a pro guide on how to strategize and confirm your idea to ensure you create a course people will love to pay for.Mapping out your course content: Ill be your guide on how to create a proper outline and a super cool presentation using PowerPoint or Keynote. Recording your course: I will teach you the best methods to record your online presentation and also edit it. Promotingyour course: Once you create the course, I will take you by the hand and lead you to where you can market your courses online; Making money selling your course: the pricing session will teach you how to create a great sales page for your course and much more. By enrolling for this course, get ready to tap into my over 7 years experience in the creation of online courses. I have invested zillions of seconds and dollars and many years of educating myself, learning a new skill and I believe it is time I share this with you. I have a passion for sharing my knowledge with people, and I believe creating an online course is the best way for me to reach a larger. Lets rock and roll"
Price: 19.99

"How to Create a Brilliant Newsletter People Want to Read?" |
"No matter the kind of business you have, an email newsletter is an essential part of a marketing strategy and the best tool that helps you build a relationship with your audienceIn this course youll learn how to;1. Compose your newsletter with your marketing and business goals in mind.2. Drive conversion and sales.3. Build your brand using email newsletters and create a long-lasting relationship with customers.4. Build your email list and generate more revenue5. Market to your subscribers what they want from youMaking newsletters doesnt have to be expensive if you use a mailing list provider that is actually free for up to 2000 subscribers. It doesnt have to be confusing if there are tips and tricks of the trade.Once you finish and understand the course, you will be able to compose a brilliant newsletter and know the tips and tricks of email newsletter marketing and campaigns."
Price: 19.99

"Build Full Realtime Chat + Tinder App" |
"This is the most comprehensive iOS Chat/Dating Application on the internet in which you will learn to:A comprehensive authentication system:Sign In/Sign Up with emails.Sign In/Sign Up with Facebook and Google.Reset Password for existing users.Efficiently model super complex Realtime Chat and Dating architecture with:User profiles.Inbox.Message (Text, Photo and Video)Search.Push Notification.Handing address location on MapKitReal-time show User's location/information.Details of an User with the route on the MapKit.Allow users search username.Send/Receive Messages & Push Notifications.Realtime User's location queries.And so much more!This course is all about communication. We are going to create an awesome Chat/Dating App that will include features like push notifications., real time updates, find and chat with the people nearby. This App is called JChat.After outlining the challenges we are facing when creating a messaging application we are going to compile all the resources we are going to need to create our JChat App. Using Firebase as a backend service, we will then start developing a possibility for users to login and register with Email, Google and Facebook for the JChat.The core of our JChat App is of course a great user interface for exchanging messages. After setting up a iMessage-like UI we will focus our efforts on efficiently loading and sending messages.As important as a way to register to a messaging service is an intelligent way to find users that we want to talk to. So we will also implement a great search feature.If you want to chat with the people nearby, you can give your location and the app will show people around you. You can also link your Facebook account with the app. But there is also an option to make an account with the email id.You'll learn how to create user profile, manage swipes and matches, like Tinder. Users can like and dislike profiles of other users to find a match, after finding a match user can engage start seamless conversations and exchange unlimited images and messages. Furthermore, you'll build a push notification feature in which users will get notified instantly when their profiles were liked by others.What are you waiting for? Enroll in this course for step-by-step instructions to guide you through building your own professional app in no time!"
Price: 199.99

"Der Git Crashkurs - Versionskontrolle praktisch und kompakt" |
"Als Softwareentwickler ist es nicht nur wichtig, guten, dokumentierten und wartbaren Code zu schreiben, sondern auch die Nachvollziehbarkeit im Projekt zu bewahren. Heutzutage gibt fr eigenen Quellcode, Konfigurationsdateien oder sonstige textuelle Projekte keinen Grund, auf eine Versionskontrolle zu verzichten. Eine Versionskontrolle versioniert das Projekt, vereinfacht Entwicklern die Zusammenarbeit und ermglicht kollisionsarme Arbeit in Verzweigungen.In diesem Kurs bringe dir die Grundlagen der populren Versionsverwaltung Git nahe. Sie wurde fr Linux, dem weltweit grten Open Source-Projekt, entwickelt und spiegelt sich im Arbeit vieler Entwickler nieder. Plattformen wie GitHub, GitLab oder Bitbucket bauen auf diese Software.Dieser Kurs ist in 4 einander aufbauenden typischen Anwendungsszenarien eingeteilt und richtet sich an alle Linux- und Windows-Nutzer, die einen einfachen und schnellen Einstieg in die Versionsverwaltung bekommen mchten. Neben der Kommandozeilenanwendung werde ich auch unter Windows die grafische Benutzeroberflche TortoiseGit vorstellen."
Price: 49.99

"PHP Codeigniter from beginner to super advanced" |
"PHP is the most used web programing language in the world running over 60 % of the websites that exist today, which makes it one of the most important languages that are worth investing in. It is also a great choice because it has a great large community, which means whenever you get stuck, there is always someone who has your back to help you get over it.To build an efficient web application, you should use a framework to cover most of the standard functionalities so that you don't have to re-invent the wheel, and codeigniter is one of them. Codeigniter is a free and opensource framework that is very easy and very efficient to work with. It features the MVC design pattern and is a great language to build all types of web applications in a simple but re-bust way, so whether you are building a school project, or the next airbnb, Codeigniter can let you do that and build amazing applications easily.I have built hundreds of web applications for clients using codeigniter, and in this course I give you the cream of all the experience I have to save you months of headaches and get you ready with the best practices to build your web applications"
Price: 189.99

"Criando REST API com Laravel 5.7" |
"Deseja aprender como construir RESTAPI utilizando o poderoso Framework PHP Laravel em sua recente verso 5.7? Est criando aplicaes em VueJS, Angular ou React e precisa consumir RESTAPI? Voc veio ao lugar certo.Qualquer que seja sua motivao voc veio ao lugar certo.Para Trabalhar com Aplicaes Web utilizando inmeras linguagens de programao e frameworks entre eles React, Angular ou VueJS, necessrio aprender a consumir Web Services, e atualmente uma das melhores maneiras para consumir Informaes na web so por meio de RESTAPI, Neste Curso Voc aprender usando o Framework Laravel do PHP 7 como construir uma RESTAPI que serve de base para ser utilizada com qualquer linguagem de programao que possa consum-la.Neste curso cobriremos de forma objetiva:1) Instalao e configurao do Ambiente Laravel 5.7 com PHP 7.3, Composer, Apache 2.4 e MySQL 8.2) Estrutura dos Diretrios Laravel3) RESTAPI e suas Rotas 4) Migration, Factory, SeedAo final deste curso voc estar apto a criar RESTAPI com Laravel para seus Projetos Web!Acesso vitalcio! Te aguardo no curso!"
Price: 399.99

"Curso de HTML 5 COMPLETO e com Projetos Prticos para WEB" |
"Deseja aprender a Criar Sites Profissionais e Modernos que funcionam em Smartphones? Que tal aprender a criar projetos profissionais como uma lista de Tarefas, um site usando HTML5, CSS3 e JavaScript? Ou ser que chegou a hora de elevar o seu conhecimento no Desenvolvimento Web e criar seus prprios Projetos? Qualquer que seja sua motivao voc veio ao lugar certo.Este o Curso Completo de HTML5. Primeiro voc aprender sobre HTML5 desde o bsico da estrutura, imagens, semntica, formulrio, CSS3, depois como utilizar na prtica esses conceitos construindo projetos passo a passo com dois especialistas em Desenvolvimento Web que possuem mais de 15 anos de desenvolvimento Web e JavaScript.Neste curso cobriremos cerca de 18 horas de contedo com os seguintes tpicos:1) Estrutura do HTML52) Estrutura da CSS33) Estrutura do JavaScriptComandos e aplicaes reais em 4 projetos incrveis.Ao final deste curso voc estar apto a criar aplicaes Web de Alto Impacto!Acesso vitalcio e disponvel para estudar a qualquer hora e at revisar no futuro! Te aguardo no curso!"
Price: 399.99

"CCA 131 - Cloudera Certified Hadoop and Spark Administrator" |
"CCA 131 is certification exam conducted by the leading Big Data Vendor, Cloudera. This online proctored exam is scenario based which means it is very hands on. You will be provided with multi-node cluster and need to take care of given tasks.To prepare the certification one need to have hands on exposure in building and managing the clusters. However, with limited infrastructure it is difficult to practice in a laptop. We understand that problem and built the course using Google Cloud Platform where you can get credit up to $300 till offer last and use it to get hands on exposure in building and managing Big Data Clusters using CDH.Required SkillsInstall - Demonstrate an understanding of the installation process for Cloudera Manager, CDH, and the ecosystem projects.Set up a local CDH repositoryPerform OS-level configuration for Hadoop installationInstall Cloudera Manager server and agentsInstall CDH using Cloudera ManagerAdd a new node to an existing clusterAdd a service using Cloudera ManagerConfigure - Perform basic and advanced configuration needed to effectively administer a Hadoop clusterConfigure a service using Cloudera ManagerCreate an HDFS user's home directoryConfigure NameNode HAConfigure ResourceManager HAConfigure proxy for Hiveserver2/ImpalaManage - Maintain and modify the cluster to support day-to-day operations in the enterpriseRebalance the clusterSet up alerting for excessive disk fillDefine and install a rack topology scriptInstall new type of I/O compression library in clusterRevise YARN resource assignment based on user feedbackCommission/decommission a nodeSecure - Enable relevant services and configure the cluster to meet goals defined by security policy; demonstrate knowledge of basic security practicesConfigure HDFS ACLsInstall and configure SentryConfigure Hue user authorization and authenticationEnable/configure log and query redactionCreate encrypted zones in HDFSTest - Benchmark the cluster operational metrics, test system configuration for operation and efficiencyExecute file system commands via HTTPFSEfficiently copy data within a cluster/between clustersCreate/restore a snapshot of an HDFS directoryGet/set ACLs for a file or directory structureBenchmark the cluster (I/O, CPU, network)Troubleshoot - Demonstrate ability to find the root cause of a problem, optimize inefficient execution, and resolve resource contention scenariosResolve errors/warnings in Cloudera ManagerResolve performance problems/errors in cluster operationDetermine reason for application failureConfigure the Fair Scheduler to resolve application delaysOur ApproachYou will start with creating Cloudera QuickStart VM (in case you have laptop with 16 GB RAMwith Quad Core). This will facilitate you to get comfortable with Cloudera Manager.You will be able to sign up for GCPand avail credit up to $300 while offer lasts. Credits are valid up to year.You will then understand brief overview about GCPand provision 7 to 8 Virtual Machines using templates. You will also attaching external hard drive to configure for HDFSlater.Once servers are provisioned, you will go ahead and set up Ansible for Server Automation.You will take care of local repository for Cloudera Manager and Cloudera Distribution of Hadoop using Packages.You will then setup Cloudera Manager with custom database and then Cloudera Distribution of Hadoop using Wizard that comes as part of Cloudera Manager.As part of setting up of Cloudera Distribution of Hadoop you will setup HDFS, learn HDFS Commands, Setup YARN, Configure HDFSand YARNHigh Availability, Understand about Schedulers, Setup Spark, Transition to Parcels, Setup Hive and Impala, Setup HBase and Kafka etc.Once all the services are configured, we will revise for exam by mapping with required skills of the exam."
Price: 199.99

"CCA 175 Spark and Hadoop Developer - Practice Tests" |
"CCA 175 Spark and Hadoop Developer is scenario based exam. You will be provided with Remote Desktop based on Linux and tasks for which you have to come up with solutions.Following are the areas you should be focusing on before giving the exam:Required Skills - Sqoop, Hive and Hive QL, Spark 1.6 or Spark 2.3Ability to navigate through documentation with out googling aroundProgramming using Scala or PythonHDFS Commands to validate the resultsAbility to use editors like Sublime Text and Linux Terminal to save the timeBe comfortable with Linux based Remote DesktopAt ITVersity, we have the track record of helping thousands of students clearing CCA 175 Certification. However, on popular demand we have decided to provide you practice tests and as well as tools to make your self comfortable with exam environment.What you will learn?As part of this course, we will be focusing on Refreshing important commands to validate resultsAbility to get properties using command line toolsPractice Test exclusive to Hive and SqoopPractice Test exclusive to SparkMock Test with Sqoop, Hive and SparkTotal 25+ questions of examination standardNote: Our tools will only enhance your confidence to take the exam. This does not guarantee that you will be able to pass the exam. Also the questions are not examination dumps and don't take it as complete set of scenarios which you might be getting as part of the exam."
Price: 199.99

"CCA 159 - Data Analyst using Sqoop, Hive and Impala" |
"CCA 159 Data Analyst is one of the well recognized Big Data certification. This scenario based certification exam demands in depth knowledge of Hive, Sqoop as well as basic knowledge of Impala.This comprehensive course covers all aspects of the certification with real world examples and data sets.Overview of Big Data eco systemHDFS CommandsCreating Tables in HiveLoading/Inserting data into Hive tablesOverview of functions in HiveWriting Basic Queries in HiveJoining Data Sets and Set Operations in HiveWindowing or Analytics Functions in HiveImporting data from MySQLto HDFSPerforming Hive ImportExporting Data from HDFS/Hive to MySQLSubmitting Sqoop Jobs and Incremental Importsand moreExercises will be provided to prepare before attending the certification. Intention of the course is to boost the confidence to attend the certification.All the demos are given on our state of the art Big Data cluster. If you do not have multi node cluster, you can sign up for our labs and practice on our multi node cluster."
Price: 199.99

"Databricks Essentials for Spark Developers (Azure and AWS)" |
"Are you an experienced Spark Developer and want to understand about Databricks platform?Conventionally we used to work on Data Engineering with clusters built using distributions. However, with cloud if we can separate storage from compute and leverage pay as you go model, the costs of infrastructure for Big Data Clusters can go down significantly. Databricks is one such Cloud Choice!!!As part of this course, you will be learning the essentials of Databricks Essentials.Understand different editions such as Community, Databricks (AWS) and Azure DatabricksSigning up for community editionUploading data to DBFSDeveloping using Databricks Notebook with Scala, Python as well as Spark SQLDevelopment Life Cycle using Scala with IntelliJ as IDEConfiguring jobs using Jar filesand many more"
Price: 99.99

"Java for Software Testing Professionals - Basics to Advanced" |
"Complete java guide forFresh graduates - Covers basics java to help you get started with Java programmingSoftware testing professionals - Covers just enough java concepts to develop Test Automation framework and for all your testing needsfor newbies - Covers basics java to help you get started with Java programming**Hand Written explanation for best understanding.About me : I have been working in IT-Software Testing industry from last 15 years and i have put all those experience and industry standard knowledge into this course. The course filled with industry standard approach, implementation,examples and interview QA Welcome to Java for Software Testing Professionals - Basics to Advanced Learn java from basics with simple techniques and examples. Java is essentials for IT career whether you are developer or Software Testers. This course below topics and moreUnderstand how java program is executedJVM, JDK , JREEclipse IDEKeywordsvariablesData TypesString data typeArithmetic operatorsAssignment operatorsIncrement operatorsLogical operatorsConditional statementsswitch caseLoops in javacontinue, break statementsOOPS concepts in javaClassMethodsConstructorstatic variablesstatic methodsJava collectionsarray listarrayHashMapAccess ModifierspackageInheritancePolymorphismMethod overloadingMethod overridingsuper keywordthis keywordfinal keywordEncapsulationabstract classabstract methodinterfaceregular expressionexception handlingInput/Output operationsRead/Write Microsoft Excel File By the end of this course:You will know how to use java program to derive development and testing solutionsYou will be able to design and develop test automation frame worksYou will be able to crack Java based interviews Take a look at the course description to get detailed information about course coverage. Enroll now and will see you insideHappy LearningSubhash Chandra"
Price: 99.99

"Rest Assured REST API Test Automation Framework development" |
" Complete A to Z course for learning the REST API Web-Service Automation testing using Soap UI & Rest-Assured Open Source Java libraries from basics to advanced concepts.**ONLY COURSE IN UDEMY PROVIDES OFFLINE REST API WEB-SERVICE CONNECTED TO DATABASE FOR LEARNING PURPOSE. HELPS IN BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF API & DB CONNECTIVITY **Hand Written explanation for best understanding.About me : I have been working in IT-Software Testing industry from last 15 years and i have put all those experience and industry standard knowledge into this course. The course filled with industry standard testing approach, implementation and examples. Welcome to REST API Web-Service Testing using SOAP UI tutorial. Currently API is a booming technology it exists everywhere like Social media, Mobile platform, cloud computing etc,. Now its a good opportunity to make promising career in API testing.This course below topics and moreWhat are the API & WebservicesHow to Test the Webservices using Soap UIWhat is Rest APIJSONRequest-ResponseSoap UI toolPath parameterQuery ParamterHTTP status codesJAVAUnderstand how java program is executedJVM, JDK , JREEclipse IDEKeywordsvariablesData TypesString data typeArithmetic operatorsAssignment operatorsIncrement operatorsLogical operatorsConditional statementsswitch caseLoops in javacontinue, break statementsOOPS concepts in javaClassMethodsConstructorstatic variablesstatic methodsJava collectionsarray listarrayHashMapAccess ModifierspackageInheritancePolymorphismMethod overloadingMethod overridingthis keywordfinal keywordEncapsulationabstract classabstract methodinterfaceregular expressionexception handlingInput/Output operationsRead/Write Microsoft Excel FileRest-Assured conceptsHTTP requests in Rest AssuredJson parsingJson pathJayway JsonpathJsonpath AssertionResponse AssertionRequest-Response LoggingAuthorization implementationData Driven testingRequest body parameterize This comprehensive course cover. REST API web-service testing using Soap UI and Rest-AssuredCore Java from basicsThe SPECIAL thing about this course is, you will get industry standard downloadable REST API web-service connected to Mysql database which can be executed on your own system without need of internet. You will know how API web-service interacts with back-end database.You don't need to depend on free online API Web services available on internet for learning purpose.This course is for someone who want make good career in API testing.You don't need to have previous knowledge on WebService as course cover from basics. I value your time, So course is medium paced and on-to the point without much dragging to avoid boredom. By the end of this course: You will know how to test REST API web-serviceYou will be having REST API web-service knowledge equivalent to industry standard experienced tester. Take a look at the course description to get detailed information about course coverage. Enroll now and will see you insideHappy LearningSubhash Chandra"
Price: 99.99

"Swift 3 - Master Swift Development From Scratch" |
"The most comprehensive course on Swift 3.The numbers speak for themselves.Over 2000 people in about 100 countries have enrolled in this course in just 5 days and are becoming great at Swift Programming.Course 5 starReviews:Good, clear explanations of Swift in small, manageable chunks, which makes it easy for study and review. Five stars! :Paul DenlingerThis is an amazing course for learning how to develop in Swift. Nikant is a great teacher who makes complex concepts easy to understand. : JigarThe course has helped me to learn quickly and grow my skills. Nikant does an outstanding job teaching this course. Well organised, easy to follow.I highly recommend taking this. : AnuragSwift is being hailed as the future of iOS, Mac and server side development.The meteoricrise in the popularity of this language since its open source release in 2014 has been unheard of in world of programming languages. Swift not only runs on Apple platforms but has been released for Linux which makes it a great candidate to become the Server Side language of the future.It's a great time to learn Swift. The language offers the performance ofthe compiled languages like C, C++ along with the expressiveness of a scripting language like Python, Ruby which makes it a fun language to learn for beginners as well as experienced programmers.In this course you will learn the Swift Programming language from scratch beginning from the basics like Data Types, Loopsgoing up to the advanced features like Protocols and Generics. The course has been designed keeping in mind that it caters to the audience with no prior programming experience as well as experienced programmers who want to learn Swift.The curriculum offers a lot of fun lectures,exercises and quizzes that will help you to practice the content as you progress through this course. You will deep dive into a lot of paradigms like Object Oriented Programming and Functional Programming which will solidify your understanding of other languages as well.We will also focus onthe best practices to write Swiftcode so that after this course you become confident in producing good quality code.As the Swift language is constantly evolving,I will keep on adding and refreshing course content so that you stay in line with the future developments of Swift.Swift has been developed by some really intelligent minds in Apple keeping the future in mind. This course will make it very easy for you to learn Swift whether you are an experienced programmer or a complete newbie. Thiswill open a world of opportunities for you whether you decide to learn iOS app development after this or go into server side development with Swift."
Price: 29.99

"Music Production + Mixing Music in Presonus Studio One" |
"Start Producing Your Own Music in Presonus Studio OneThis course is all about Studio One, which is a digital audio workstation for Windows and OS X.Studio One is used by bedroom producers and professional studios worldwide. Learning how to use your DAW correctly will dramatically improve the quality of your music and the speed you create it.In this course, we use Studio One 4.5, however, the skills and techniques we teach you will be applicable in Studio One 5 and 4 as the interface are very similar in both versions.What is this Presonus Studio One Course all about?In this course, you will gain a deep understanding of Studio One and how to learn the tools and processes to Create, Record, Edit, Mix and Master your own music. You'll learn the beauty and the power of this software that's used by many professional producers today. This course will cover such topics as : Understanding the Basics of Studio One Recording MIDI and Software Instruments Recording Audio Creating a Song from Scratch MIDI Editing Quantizing Audio Editing Automation Learn Synthesis with an in-depth look at Studio One's Presence Synth Learn how to correctly use Audio Effects such as Compression, EQ and Reverb Mixing your tracks in Studio One Mastering your tracks in Studio One Use 'Melodyne' to tune vocals and other instruments and Much More.What you'll learn in this course will build your confidence and make you a better music producer in Studio One. This course will also improve your mixing abilities in Studio One and all other Digital Audio Workstations!Learn to love Studio One and make music with it. We've even included a bonus Mixing Walkthrough section. Here we provide you with a Song to download, so you can follow along with us step by step Mixing a track!If you are looking for a course that will show you how you can Create Music, Arrange and Mix Your Own Music in Studio One 4 then this is the course for you!NOTE: This course was created with Studio One Professional. Some of the advanced features we discuss in this course will only be available for Studio One ProfessionalBROUGHT TO YOU BY MUSIC PRODUCTION INSTRUCTOR TOMAS GEORGE AND PRO AUDIO ENGINEER IAN ALEXANDERWhat makes us qualified to teach you?Tomas George has a MMus Masters Degree in Music Production and a BA(Hons) Degree in Music Composition. He is also the creator of some of the world's most popular music production courses - with over 100,000 studentsQuick efficient, to the point. Solid information fed fast. Good work! - Mark ChaudharyA great way to get started with a solid foundation of learning the principles of Ableton. I found Tomas George to be a great lecturer because he was easy to understand and showed good examples of the work. It was well worth the price for easy access and being able to keep available for future and further reference. - Daniel OrtizVery clear and concise, exactly what I was looking for. I also appreciate that I can watch things being done while they're being explained. - Nikki GlennIan Alexander has a MA Masters Degree in Music Production and BA(Hons) Degree in Music Production. He is a professional Audio and Mastering Engineer.Our Promise to YouIf you have any questions about the content or composing or producing in general, we will always be responsive to questions and direct messages. Go ahead and click the enroll button, and we'll see you in lesson 1!Cheers,Tomas and Ian."
Price: 194.99

"DIY Music Business 101 - Learn about the New Music Industry" |
"Still scratching your head over things like copyright, royalties, and publishing?Not sure where all of the money comes from?We get it, and thats why we made this course.This course is for independent music artists and producers looking to pursue a career in the new music business. After taking this course, you will feel more confident and better informed when navigating the ever-complex business of music. Until now, you have probably tried to Google many of these industry concepts, but came away even more confused! Or, you have found many resources, but they dont explain how things work today.If this sounds like you, then we are here to help!Who are your instructors?Tomas George is a Music Producer and Best Selling Udemy Instructor with over 80,000 students enrolled.Christopher Carvalho runs Unlock Your Sound out of the UK, helping up-and-coming music artists like you, create and release their music online. This course covers the essentials of the new and ever-changing music industry:CopyrightRoyaltiesPublishingStreamingFacebook and Youtube monetisationDistribution...and much more!Anyone who is looking to build a career in music, must understand the above. If you don't, then this course is perfect for you. So go ahead and click the enrol button, and we'll see you in lesson 1!Cheers,Christopher and Tomas"
Price: 99.99

"Music Production 101 - Producing + Songwriting for Beginners" |
"Still struggling to finish tracks? Fed-up of relying on others to fill in the gaps?We get it, and thats why we made this course.In this course, we compose, produce and arrange a song from scratch, and document the entire process.The purpose of this course is to show you how you can produce a song, from scratch, all by yourself.You will no longer have to rely on other people to fill in the gaps for you. This course has it all covered.Who are your instructors?Tomas George is a Music Producer and Songwriter, teaching over 100,000 students worldwide all aspects of music production.Tomas will be taking you through the first half of the process, where he documents himself writing and producing a basic song from scratch.Christopher Carvalho is a producer and engineer, who works with artists worldwide and has years of industry experience.Christopher will take you through the second half of the course, where he takes the song that Tomas produced, and mixes and masters it in front of you.By the end of this course, you will be armed with a consistent writing and production workflow, which will have you finishing as many tracks as you start. Writers block ends now!This course will cover the basics of Music Production + Songwriting, including:Writing ChordsWriting Drum BeatsWriting Basslines How to write a MelodyHow to Arrange your SongAn Overview of Mixing and Masteringand much more!We show all of these examples in Logic Pro X, but the skills and techniques we teach are applicable for all Digital Audio Workstation.Our GuaranteeYou have a 30-day money-back guarantee, so there's no risk in enrolling in our course right now. You can try our course out, and if it's not the right course for you, then you can always get a refund. We want to make sure you are happy with our course.If there is anything we can do to make this a better course, then we are always here to listen to your feedback.Ready to Learn the Essentials of Music Production + Songwriting Today?So go ahead and click the enroll button, and we'll see you in lesson 1!Cheers,Tomas and Christopher"
Price: 99.99

"Learn How to Play the Guitar - The Beginners Guide" |
"Have you always wanted to learn to play the guitar, but you didn't know where to start?Have you got a guitar at sitting at home gathering dust, and you wish you that could pick it up and playing some songs?If so then this is the course for you!This course is for anyone who's brand new to guitar and is ready to learn the basics of the guitar in a week!What will you learn?Understand the fundamentals of the guitar, so how a guitar works and how to hold a guitar You will learn the basics of guitar chords and scalesFigure position and how to strum the guitarYou will also learn about chord progressionsThen you will learn how to play a blues on the guitar You will also learn some advanced guitar chordsThen we will play some well known songs togetherYou will also learn how to read chord charts and tabsWhat do you get when you enroll?4 hours of premium video trainingLifetime access to course updatesHelpful support from your instructor who truly careWho is your instructor for this course?Jeffrey Hewer is a professional guitarist, composer, and teacher. He has both his Bachelor's of Music and Masters of Music degrees and over 20 years of experience. Friendly and engaging, Jeffrey demystifies music and the guitar and gets students excited about playing guitar!In this course Jeffrey show you the essentials skills and techniques, so by the end of this course you'll be able to pick up your guitar and start playing songs :)This Beginners Guitar Course is a fast and effective way to learn the essentials of the guitarOur Happiness GuaranteeYou have a 30-day moneyback guarantee. So there's no risk in enrolling in this beginners guitar course right now. You can try it out, and if it's not for you can get a refund. We want to make sure that you're are happy with your purchase.If there is anything we can do to make this course better, we are always here to listen to your feedback.Ready to Play the Guitar?So go ahead and click the enroll button, and we'll see you in lesson 1!"
Price: 149.99

"Goal Hacking - the fastest way to achieving your top 3 goals" |
"Goal Hacking is a revolutionary new accelerated success system from bestselling author and serial entrepreneur Mike Pettigrew. It includes groundbreaking techniques that have been scientifically proved to work.In Goal Hacking you will discover the most powerful secrets to success, freedom and wealth ever revealed.You will learn the secrets of the world's wealthiest, most successful, and influential people - secrets that will allow you to get anything you want 10 times faster. Use them to increase your wealth, transform your career and relationships, and improve your health and personal life.Have both the confidence and know-how to get anything you want from now on.Anybody can get what they want faster using the principles in Goal Hacking, because it makes success automatic.And you'll do it without wasting years to find a system that actually works. It's all here in this 6-module course, and its easy to understand and put into practice.That's because of the way the system works - it's created using a combination of groundbreaking accelerated success strategies, as well as a simple yet powerful new approach for overcoming all the blocks in your way.This is really important to you because it sets you up for long-term success.Imagine how it will feel when you start achieving every goal you set...and as you start experiencing your career and personal life improving dramatically...You'll suddenly realise you don't need to settle for second best ever again!HERE'S JUST A FRACTION OF WHAT YOU'RE GETTING IN THIS COURSE...Money doesn't grow on trees - BUT it does grow in your mind! Finally Know the Truth About How Wealth is Created, and why its got nothing to do with hard work. Learn the true causes of abundant wealth and finally create your own financial freedom. Module 2.What to never do when you set goals, and Why. If you get this wrong, you'll make them extremely difficult to achieve, or worse; you'll be prevented from ever getting what you truly want. Module 1.Unleash the Power of Your Subconscious Mind, so it automatically steers you towards your goals like a guided missile.Use the most effective method in the world to get anything you want. Module 2.9 Powerful Brain Hacks that instantly boost your brain power. Activate them, and get the mindset of a winner. Experience rapid improvements in your career and personal life. EXTREMELY powerful - use with caution! Module 4.The Secret Way to Energise Your Goals - so you can achieve them more easily. Most goal achievements systems don't teach this and that's why they fail. Harness your emotional power to dramatically speed up the achievement of every goal you set. Module 3.The Truth About Millionaire Mind Programming. Do these techniques work? Should you avoid them? Highly successful people use their mind power to create unlimited success and wealth. Find out which ones work best and create dramatic improvements in your finances. Module 4.Create Deep Confidence and Improve Your Self-worth - so you can make more money and have more free time. Most highly successful people claim that confidence and self-worth are responsible for their success. You too can develop these important qualities, and they can totally change your life! Module 4.The Single Most Powerful Happiness Booster - money can't buy you happiness, but when you experience greater happiness, you can attract more wealth into your life too. Boost your happiness and experience the very best life has to offer. Module 6.Crush Every Obstacle in Your Path - Difficulties and setbacks can actually help you achieve your goals more easily, but only when you know how. Use this amazing tool to obliterate every obstacle holding you back! Module 5.The ""Magical Map"" That Gets You Anything You Want - to achieve anything worthwhile you need a sound plan, but not just any plan. Use the world's simplest and most effective goal map, and watch your dreams come true. Module 3.The Amazing Goal Filter Technique - stop wasting endless time and energy chasing after goals that are unfulfilling. Know in advance which of your goals are truly worth pursuing and which are not. Think of the relief you'll experience knowing that every goal you achieve will be deeply satisfying! Module 1.Erase Every Limiting Belief Holding You Back, even if you're a pessimist! We all have limiting beliefs and they're the biggest reason why people fail to achieve their goals. Yet it's easy to root out and overcome those troublesome beliefs. People say it's like being reborn - what was once impossible suddenly becomes possible! Module 2.The Near-Psychic Approach to Unlocking Your Inner Genius and getting answers to any problem. Highly successful people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Thomas Edison and Leonardo da Vinci all understood how to tap into their inner genius, so they could invent new things, solve problems quickly, and achieve their goals fast. Everybody has this ability, and its easier than you might think! Module 2.You're right, That's a lot of strategies and tactics for you to make more money, to have more free time, and to get anything you want faster, and its stuff that no one else can share with you because no one else is doing it quite like this.HERE'S WHY IT'S DIFFERENT...Goal Hacking is totally different from anything you've ever done before. There's no fluff or filler. It's just battle-tested tactics that simply work. It immediately gets down to brass tacks, showing you exactly what to do, how to do it, and why.Delivered over 6 modules in bite sized chunks - this online video training will educate, inspire, motivate, and keep you moving forwards.Start experiencing amazing improvements in your relationships, career, health, and personal life. And you'll immediately ""get"" the entire methodology Mike personally used to make millions of dollars as a successful entrepreneur, sought after coach, and bestselling author.You also get special software to help speed up the achievement of your goals, powerful success and confidence self-hypnosis recordings, and a multitude of downloadable worksheets, audio files, and quick reference guides.WHAT TO DO AND WHY...With Goal Hacking you will always know exactly what to do and why, with the simple easy to implement instructions.As well as the videos - you get the slides, and a full transcript of every module. You also get the audio recordings. So, if you don't have time to watch the videos - you can listen to the program when you're driving, taking exercise, or even while walking the dog. This means you will never again have to rely on luck, trial and error, or just hope you might achieve your goals.You'll just love the confidence that comes from knowing how to make more money, and from having the complete freedom to do as you choose.THE SECRETS OF ACCELERATED GOAL ACHIEVEMENT...In total, Mike Pettigrew put more than 40 years of his life into creating this life-changing system! The secrets you will learn in this course have allowed him to create businesses that have made millions, to travel to all sorts of exotic places, and to share his story on stage, radio and TV over 100 times all around the world.He's literally giving you the most important things he learnt from the age of 15 onward about success, wealth, happiness, high performance, and personal development- to help you get anything you want faster than you ever thought possible.All in a single easy to use program - to help you finally create the life that you want.But what's really amazing is what these secrets have done for other people. They've have helped thousands of people from all walks of life to dramatically improve their career, make more money, have more freedom and live the life they've been yearning for.HERE'S WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING...""You quickly realize you have the ability to change your life in spite of your circumstances.""- Pamela Parker""I love how Mike addresses our mindset & the fact that how we think about things truly can either make or break achieving our goals."" - Carrie Lowrance""He gives you a blueprint for making your life everything youve dreamed it could be."" - Jim Rodgers""Immediately had results just by changing my way of thinking."" - Mike Eckles""His ideas are simple to understand and implement. He also does a good job of dealing with your internal struggles of manifesting your goals."" - Jeff RodriguezWhile others have written self-help books on this subject, they simply do not compare to the surge of power Mike creates. - Grady Harp""I am a new entrepreneur. This helped me organize my goals and it is guiding me to be successful in business. I can apply to any kind of endeavor in life."" - Verna Guintu""I have noticed a change within me. Even my friends around me have noticed it too. If you want a better life, and want to improve the way you think then this is it."" - Andrew LeonardHERE'S WHY THIS IS A GREAT DEAL...You'd have to spend thousands of dollars attending several personal development, success, wealth and goal achievement seminars to learn just some of the things you get in this training.But, there's no need to do that because you can complete this course in the comfort of your own home, and at your own pace. You won't need to spend thousands of dollars on seminars, hotel rooms or plane tickets. You won't even need to take time off work, or be away from your family!GET GOAL HACKING RIGHT NOW!"
Price: 164.99

"Como planejar e executar o desenvolvimento de um jogo indie" |
"J considerou a possibilidade de criar seus prprios jogos ou trabalhar na indstria de games? Aprenda a planejar um jogo do zero com foco na sua carreira e na aquisio de novas habilidades.O curso tem como objetivo ensinar como as tcnicas de planejamento de projetos e desenvolvimento de software podem ser aplicadas na criao de jogos, alm de como voc pode utilizar essas habilidades para avanar sua carreira e criar seu portflio.Vamos comear com uma apresentao do mercado de jogos, como as grandes empresas e os pequenos desenvolvedores fazem dinheiro, e aos poucos iremos entender onde podemos nos encaixar no meio de tudo isso.Depois vamos investigar nossas ideias de jogos e aprender maneiras de selecionar a ideia que mais vai nos ajudar a avanar nosso portflio e carreira.Por ltimo, vamos aprender a criar uma lista de tarefas, priorizando as mais importantes e avanando o jogo na medida certa, sem perda de tempo ou recursos."
Price: 54.99

"English Spelling Simplified: English Spelling Crash Course" |
"We always hear that English Spelling is Katastrofik (catastrophic). Most of you have been in the predicament between writing IE or EI, or maybe AI or IA. As well all know that English is one of the languages whose pronunciation doesnt correspond to its writing.This could be a huge issue for all English students. Whether you're writing an essay, cover letter, or even an email, you should be aware of the Spelling mistakes you might do and try to avoid them. Therefore, this course will equip you with the skills necessary to know how to write English words well. How to be more accurate when your professor dictates something for you to write down. After you finish this course, you will have gained the prominent skills needed to enhance your writing.You'll be able to write with confidence, and you'll ensure that all of your writings are spelling-mistake free. Every English Student should take a look at this course as it'll enhance your learning process and equip you with some vital skills that might not have been taught before at school. Try to expand your learning even further with this informative course about English Spelling Rules.Who Should Take This Course?Every English StudentEnglish self-learnersPeople who use English for corresponding in their workplaceAnyone who is interested in improving their English writingBy the End of This Course You Will Have:Learned the necessary rules to refine your spelling skills.Acquired some background knowledge about Word formation in the English Language."
Price: 59.99

"Academic Writing Masterclass Advanced Essay Writing" |
"Most students struggle with the process of essay writing. Some would opt for essay writing services which do not provide good quality work. Besides, writing an essay means you have to do it yourself. You have to conduct your own research, collect data, and begin your essay writing. Practicing the essay writing skills will not only allow you to write well-structured, but also it will help you with your dissertation in case you are a college student. It's about time you stop looking for essay writing websites, essay writing services, or someone who can write an essay for you. It's the right time to learn how to do it yourself. It is not as daunting as it may appear to be at first. Once you get a solid grasp of the basics of essay writing, you will be able to write compelling and appealing essays that will impress your professors, and therefore, satisfy yourself. If you have taken my previous Academic Writing and Composition course, then this is a very good opportunity to take the skills you have learned to the next level. This course focuses mostly on essay writing, types of essays, research, writing longer essays, and dissertations. As you probably know, I focused only on paragraph writing in my previous course. The course covered all the basic elements of academic paragraphs with an introduction to essay writing. However, this course is dedicated wholly to the essay writing process. By the end of this course you will have acquired the necessary knowledge to write your own essays and research papers. Additionally, you will be able to conduct research and evaluate the information you find. So, the course's structure is as follows: a review of basic grammar skills (namely tenses, and sentence structure)an introduction to essay writingadvanced essay writing and introduction to researchfinally, you will be asked to conduct a research assignment that will be posted on a Google Classroom provided by the instructor.You will get your overall grade after the instructor finishes correcting your work. Also, all the mistakes and errors you may have will be highlighted, and new material can be given to you in order to bolster and help you memorize the sections you have trouble with. So, enroll to this course and start your academic journey"
Price: 49.99

"Creative Writing Novel Writing: How To Write Great Fiction" |
"WRITING NOVELS IS EASY WITH YOUR PERSISTENCE.This creative writing course is an extension to a previous course called The Art of Storytelling in which students explored the basic elements that make up a story. In this course, however, we're going to learn in more details about the process of novel writing. Fiction writing at first may sound very overwhelming, but actually, writing a fiction book, or a short story does not require you to enroll in a college course of creative writing. You can achieve the same result or maybe even better by self-learning. Well, This course highlights a wide range of aspects about the process of novel writing. We have four major modules in this creative writing - novel writing course. First of all, we begin with the foundation of fiction writing which is the plot. We learn some very crucial information about plotting your novel. Secondly, we move on to the most important part, and the beating heart of the whole process of fiction that is characters development. You'll learn how you can create characters well and produce well-developed characters to use in your fiction book or short story. Thirdly, we'll look at setting and description. Here you'll learn some interesting techniques of storytelling to help you convey your story successfully. Finally, we learn the elements of style needed in the fiction writing procedure. We'll talk about how we can refine our novel, fiction book, and short stories. At the end of this creative writing : novel writing course, you'll gain several skills which will be helpful to you in your career. You'll be able to write compelling novels, and short stories. You will write fiction books that would sell, and most importantly, get across the meaning you want to convey. There are several writing assignments that will require you to write short narrative, and by the end of all modules, you will have the ability to compose all that you learned into a single piece of writing, which will probably be your first short story. You will get feedback from me as I go through your writings and I'll help you edit and improve your short story to make it ready for publishing. All you have to do is to enroll to this course and unlock all its perks. There are several downloadable materials that will assist you with your learning alongside the video lectures."
Price: 49.99

"The Gmail Productivity & Google Calendar Masterclass" |
"Email still remains an important channel of communication and it's likely you check your email every day. But, if your like most people, despite so much time being spent checking email you've never put enough time aside to learn the features, tip and tricks that your email provider has to offer. Why? Because your busy and...Honestly, email providers like Gmail work well enough out of the box not to bother. But, here's the catch and the question you should ask yourself. What's the cost? When you stop and think about it, its actually pretty obvious: having a giant list of pending messages in your face all the time isnt an effective method of organization. How often do you lose track of emails or realize you never got around to taking care of something you meant to handle several days ago? Being visually overwhelmed tends to lead to those sorts of issues rather than efficiency.That doesnt mean you have to answer every email immediately, of course. For most of us, thatd be impractical. It just means you have to make it your goal to deal with your email. And, that's what this course does. It teaches you the ins and outs of Gmail. It teaches you organization. It teaches you the features where you save a bit of time every day which snowballs into weeks and even months saved over the course of your lifetime. Your time and attention are finite and this course teaches you ways to sort, categorize and automate your emails so you can spend more time on the most important issues in your life or doing what you love rather than having to constantly worry about your cluttered inbox. So, sure, you can choose to NOT BUY this course and move on. But before you do, ask yourself...Whats the cost? "
Price: 24.99

"Pilates for beginners - extended course" |
"Hello girls!Have you ever thought that you can't relax and feel yourself free during your life because of your hardworking or a lot of home work?We are here to help you!Pilates - is good not just for mental health and meditation. It's also an amazing style of fitness! It's a way to feel yourself more relaxed and to make your body more powerful.Have you ever practice yoga or not it doesn't matter. This course will help you anyway!Even if you have a lot of work in your office, you can spend any kind of brake to practice at least a few our exercises, because our trainings are really short but amazingly effective!You are going to feel yourself more powerful, relaxed and calmed down. We are waiting you in our course! See you!"
Price: 19.99

"Become A Wordpress Developer" |
"Becoming a wordpress developer is a lot easier than you think.I used to think creating wordpress plugins would require for me to learn some complicated programming language. Until I found out that all I need to know is some basic HTML, CSS, Javascript, and PHP.I have created a lot wordpress plugins over the last 5 years. Some of them only took me 10 minutes to create and charged my clients $1,000.Others I took me 1 week to create that sell online. These generate around $2,000 per month for me.Not bad for 1 weeks worth of work, right???Get StartedI am going to share with you all the secrets and tips that I have learned over the 5 years of creating wordpress plugins. These tips and tricks will help you learn how to create wordpress plugins faster.This course is divided into small bit size video modules to make it easier for you to learn wordpress plugin faster."
Price: 99.99
