"The Complete Javascript & jQuery Course" |
"Don't miss out on an opportunity to learn JavaScript with the help of this super clear and straightforward course. JavaScript is the most in-demand programming language in the world right now! And it's used pretty much everywhere. From programming websites to smart TVs, from building desktop apps to creating music and even making generative art.After taking this course, you'll have a solid foundation of JavaScript functions, syntax and basic programming in general. You'll also find out what is JavaScript used for and how you can take your website to another level.Begin Your Programming Career with JavaScriptJavaScript is pretty easy to learn if you're doing it correctly. The beginning of your programming journey might be intimidating, but there is no need to worry. This course will take you through basic programming and some specific features like JavaScript functions slowly and steadily.Another neat thing about learning JavaScript is that it's easy to find support. JavaScript has one of the most significant programming language communities. That's very convenient if you run into a problem and need some help. Also, large community means more useful tools that can simplify your programming experience immensely. After finishing this course, you'll be able to call yourself a member of this community too.JavaScript is a pretty old programming language. It was created in 1995, and since then JavaScript has been working on web browsers. Together with HTML and CSS, JavaScript is used for building websites. HTML gives your web pages their structure, CSS - their visual appearance and JavaScript is used to program their behavior. JavaScript makes your sites super interactive and user-friendly.The Many Use Cases of JavaScriptIf you're interested in the mobile app, backend server-side or big data development there is no way around it, you have to learn JavaScript. When talking about mobile applications, it's worth mentioning that Apple and Google incorporated JavaScript into their toolkits used for development of apps. This way they're trying to broaden their developers base. At the same time, it means that there are even more job opportunities for JavaScript programmers now!There's no doubt that some fun and playful visual effects will make any website far more exciting. JavaScript allows you to create those effects. By learning JavaScript, you can brighten your web page and receive even more visitors.After fully mastering JavaScript you could also become a bug hunter. Big companies pay handsomely for JavaScript programmers who can find bugs and fix them. Naturally, everyone wants their sites and programs to run smoothly, and JavaScript developers are often needed to make it happen. Do you think you could become the next master bug hunter?Well, the best way to find out is starting to learn basic programming.Earn More as a JavaScript DeveloperNow, let's talk real business. Learning JavaScript can help you earn a nice living. Since the demand for skilled JavaScript programmers keeps on growing so do their salaries. JavaScript developers are one of the highest paid programming specialists out there. An average salary for a JavaScript developer in the US is around 91 thousand dollars per year!Wouldn't it be delightful if there was a JavaScript course that could set you on that path?Well, you're looking at it right now!This course in almost record time teaches you all the essential basics of programming and JavaScript. After finishing it, you'll be able to start doing simple programming tasks instantly."
Price: 99.99

"Dog Training for Humans - How to control your distracted dog" |
"Is it difficult to walk your distracted dog?Is he more interested in every passing bird, person, dog or crisp packet that floats by?Do you wish you had the confidence to allow your dog off leash exercise and not worry that he will run away? Do you feeljealous when you see other dog owners with really well behaved dogs?Then you need expert dog trainer and best selling author Dom Hodgson's 'How to control your distracted dog' dog training course! Dom is the author of the Amazon bestselling How to Be Your Dog's Superhero and in this jargon free course he shares the secrets to training your devilish dog.This simple to follow course is perfect for petdog owners who love their dogs but they have no control of them at the dog park.It is packed witheasy to understand and actionable dog training tipsthat will transform your daily walks from arm jerking stress fests to calm and enjoyable experience for you AND your dog. This course breaks down into easy to manage sections the seminar that Dom toured the UK with in 2017. You will hear in full how Dom went from being a hapless dog owner to a superhero dog trainer.In this LIVE seminar recording you will learn;Why you SHOULDN'T take your dog to the park - Many dog owners try and teach new behaviours at the park, but this inevitably leads to failure for the dog and frustration for the dog owner. Dom shows you how to play with and train your dog at home.How dogs learn new behaviours (and why your dog does the annoying things he currently does...) - There are two main factors that influence why your dog behaves as he does. Dom explains exactly how dog's learn without using any complicated and unessacrry dog trainer jargon. Why you NEEDto be a selfish dog owner - One of the secrets to enjoying stress free walks with your dog is to become a more selfish owner. If you provide all of the fun, food, stimulation and entertainment for your then he will ignore other dogs and stay close by your side. Dom breaks down exactly how to achieve that. Why you SHOULDN'T allow your to play with other dogs - Dom made this mistake with the adventure dogs and this is something you need to avoid IFyou want your dog to be safe off lead.How to conduct a 'Dog Audit'. - Dom demonstrates a LIVE'dog audit' with his cocker spaniel Sidney. During the dog audit he finds out exactly what Sid's favourite toys and treats are. You can follow along and do exactly the same with your dog (s). How to build a strong and lasting bond with your dog - If you want to make your dog love you then you need to find out what his 'Kryptonite' is. The Kryptonite is the thing your dog loves above all else. Once you've found it you can use the Kryptonite to 'pay' your dog to do what you need him to do. Who this course is for?This course is perfect for beginner pet dog owners and also dog walkers who want to learn how to better control the dogs they exercise. No previous dog training experiences is required."
Price: 79.99

"Top Dollar Dog Trainer - The Dog Trainers Business Course" |
"Are you a dog trainer who is sick and tired of the feast and famine dog trainers business model?Do you wish you could make more money from your amazing dog training skills?Are you a dog training seminar junkie who needs to quite your seminar habit and finally learn how market your business?Then you have come to the right place because in 'Top Dollar Dog Trainer'Dom Hodgson, Europes Number One Pet Business Coach, will show you how to finally find your dog training niche so you can stand out from the ever growing competition. Who is this course for?If you are new to dog training andyou are failingto attract the type of high-quality (and high-paying)clients you know your dog training service deserves, or, you run an established dog training business but you are struggling to stand out from the ever increasing competition, then this course is for you. The pet service sector is booming but the market is becoming saturated. Competition is everywhere and increases every month. The harsh truth is if you want to make serious cash from your dog training business then it's not enough to just keep adding to your 'dog training' CPD. You MUSTget to grips with marketing your business and treating it as a business.This coursewill teach you the top three marketing secrets you must master if you want to charge top prices for your amazing service and still have clients queuing at your door. You will discover;Why the traditional dog trainers business model is dead - Once upon a time you could set up as a dog trainer and be the only one operating in your town, those days are over. Competition is fierce and it's only by emulating the 'top dog trainer' in your marketing that you will get 'top dollar results'.How to position yourself as the 'expert' dog trainer in your town - If you aren't considered an expert then you will never be considered worthy of charging top fees. Dom shows you how to claim the mantle and be seen as an expert leader in your field. How to exploit relationships with other pet businesses in your town - Most dog trainers waste a LOT of time messing around on social media giving away free advice which just attracts cheapskate freeloaders who aren't prepared to pay for advice. By teaming up with local businesses you can 'get eyes on your business' from people who are ready, willing and able to pay your expert fees.How to niche down so you easily stand out from the competition - Most dog trainers make the mistake of offering all services to everyone, this means there is nothing to make you stand out from the competition. Dom shows you how find a niche you can own which makes marketing your business so much easier. How to charge premium prices for your dog training skills - Most average dog trainers charge average prices and get average clients who experience average results. This has nothing to do with your skills but everything to do with how your service is perceived. Dom shows you you how charging higher prices means you attract better clients who are more likely to follow through with your training program ANDmore likely to refer you to other high end clients. The course provides the perfect introduction to marketing that all ambitious dog trainers require if they want to help more dog owners ANDcreate a sustainable and fun dog training business."
Price: 179.99

"[2020] Service Desk Fundamentos" |
"Service Desk Lider es un entrenamiento basado en los lineamientos de certificacion y con un alto grado de experiencia como Director de Mesa de Servicio (Mesa de Ayuda- Help Desk).Este curso brindalos conocimientosfundamentales de Service Desk y como impleementar conceptos que hacen que este sea exitoso.Complementa conocimiento de ITIL 4 e ITIL 2011.Este curso esta basado en vdeos donde se explican conceptos de Liderazgo de Service Desk acompaados por documentos en formato PDFy preguntas tipo examen de certificacin que ayudan a validar que el conocimiento adquirido."
Price: 19.99

"[2020] COBIT version 5 Examenes de Ejemplo" |
"Examen tipo test Soy Instructor acreditado por APMG para la certificacin COBIT 5, espero que este examen le sirva para su preparacin y logre pasar el examen. Si deseas agendar el examen oficial puedes contactarme enviandome un mensaje a traves del sistema de Udemy. Duracin: 100 minutos Instrucciones 1. Se debe contestar a cada una de las 50 preguntas. 2. Slo existe una respuesta correcta por pregunta. 3. Tiene a disposicin 100 minutos para completar el examen. 4. Debe contestar al menos 25 preguntas correctamente para aprobar. 5. Cada pregunta vale un punto."
Price: 19.99

"Agile Coach Introduccin al Rol" |
"Este curso muestra aspectos basicos del rol de un Agile Coach.Los portales de trabajo de todos los pases muestran cifras de la necesidad de este rol, sus responsabilidades y sus ingresos. [Algo muy interesante].Este curso te ensena aspectos basicos del rol Agile Coach.Contiene el curso una vista rapida a los conceptos que preparan para la certificacin mundial ACPC (Siglas en Ingles) Agile Coach Professional Certificate de CertiProf.Aprende, dame feedback y construyamos el mejor curso para aquel que desea ejercer el rol."
Price: 19.99

"Transform Your Confidence and Improve Self-Esteem" |
"This course will give you practical tips on how to transform your confidence and self-esteem. You will learn:What is authentic confidence and where it comes fromHow to make your life interestingHow to Overcome your fearHow to become good at what you doHow helping people effects your self-esteem and confidenceHow to stop comparing yourself with peopleWhat competition does to your self-esteemHow to get rid of negative thoughtsThe importance of a good social circle And much much more!"
Price: 19.99

"Curso ""Negociao Ganha Ganha"" com base no Modelo de Harvard" |
"Negociamos o tempo todo e nunca a negociao foi to importante quanto agora para o seu to sonhado sucesso pessoal e profissional.Neste curso aqui na Udemy eu vou compartilhar com voc os principais segredos, tcnicas e boas prticas do mais reconhecido e eficaz Modelo de Negociao do mundo, a ""Negociao baseada em Princpios"" ou a to famosa ""Negociao Ganha Ganha"" da Universidade de Harvard, onde fiz minha especializao nesta que uma das mais importantes e requeridas competncias dos grandes profissionais e lderes.Aqui voc ter acesso aos mesmos conhecimentos que tenho compartilhado com as maiores e melhores empresas do Brasil e do mundo em treinamentos memorveis, transformadores e que tm gerado resultados espetaculares.Esteja pronto ou pronta para uma jornada realmente fascinante e surpreendente que ter enorme impacto em todas as suas negociaes e tambm em sua vida. Bom estudo e excelentes negociaes para voc! Abraos,Z"
Price: 549.99

"Curso Completo de Vendas Consultivas de Alta Performance B2B" |
"Um curso que rene as melhores e mais comprovadas tcnicas, conhecimentos e boas prticas de vendas consultivas e que tem por objetivo ajudar profissionais e lderes de vendas consultivas (B2B) com o que de h de mais moderno, eficaz e comprovado no nosso fascinante e cada vez mais desafiador mundo das vendas de maior complexidade.Um curso impactante, rpido, objetivo e 100% conectado aos principais desafios no mundo das vendas B2B. O curso que tem revolucionado a performance e produtividade de vendas de algumas das maiores empresas do Brasil e do mundo. Ao final junto ltima aula do curso, voc ainda receber de presente o eBook ""Vendas Consultivas de Alta Performance"".Surpreenda-se com este curso que vai incrementar de forma significativa e mensurvel o seu repertrio de tcnicas, habilidades, conhecimentos, comportamentos e atitudes de vendas consultivas de alta performance.O curso est realmente incrvel!!Bom estudo e timas vendas para voc!!"
Price: 399.99

"Liderana em Vendas de Alta Performance" |
"Pare e pense: quem so os grandes e inspiradores lderes de vendas que voc j teve em sua vida? bem possvel que voc tenha encontrado uma certa dificuldade para lembrar de mais de 1 lder, certo? Sim, nunca vivemos no mundo um hiato to grande em termos de liderana em vendas no Brasil e no mundo.E o grande objetivo deste curso te equipar com novas e comprovadas tcnicas, com as melhores prticas, com novos conhecimentos, comportamentos e com as atitudes esperadas dos grandes lderes de vendas. Um curso rpido, impactante e repleto de insights que lhe faro refletir e incrementar rapidamente o seu estilo de liderana. Surpreenda-se e seja o/a grande e inspirador/a lder que os seus profissionais tanto desejam.Bom estudo!"
Price: 69.99

"Using Mindfulness Training As A Life Coaching Tool" |
"Whether youre happy or you feel in a funk, the truth is that life gets a whole lot better as soon as you fill it with meaning.That means finding your lifes purpose. Finding the thing that youre passionate about. And then focusing on that. In this course I will take you through the process of learning ""Why Finding Your Purpose Changes Everything"", how to find more meaning in life. You will learn the importance of positive social interaction and how to manage social exchanges.I will help you ""Learn What You Stand For"" and then how to conduct your life in harmony with your principles.And, all this is put together in a simple format that you can then use as refresher points to refer to when you are feeling an adjustment to your life is in order. In other words, your own personal life coach.There is much, much more so let's get started! Give this course the 30 day challenge - jump in and in 30 days you aren't sure you want to improve then ask for your money back. See, I am confident that if you just learn what you stand for you are on a path that will change you for the good."
Price: 49.99

"A Beginner's Guide To Writing Great Content" |
"If you are now or plan to be a blogger, video marketer, internet marketer, or an information product creator youve no doubt struggled with the question of content. You can have the best ideas, but if you dont know how to use that idea to build quality content for a website, it probably wont be successful. When it comes to your website, every part is important. Sure you want the right font, color, design, etc. The most important part of your website, however, is your content. Without quality content, your website cannot survive. It is important to rememberContent is everything! When you first start your site, you give a great deal of time to picking out the perfect domain name. Theres a reason you select a good domain name. Its where your site lives. If your website is your domain, then think of content as the king of that domain. In other wordscontent rules!Writing your own content can be a very rewarding experience. It can help you make a personal connection with your readers. It gives them a sense of who you are, because you will be sharing your knowledge, thoughts, and feelings in everything you write. Writing content that connects to your readers is what you want to do. In this course I give you the basics to get you started and also some ideas on where to use your content.I have also included a downloadable eBook that will give you more help and ideas."
Price: 24.99

"You Can Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs About Yourself" |
"Virtually everyone has dreams and desires, or their inner greatness, within them that they would like to achieve, but many question whether they have the ability to achieve those dreams and desires. They lack the confidence in themselves and their abilities to believe that their dreams and desires are achievable. They often think that their dreams and desires are just wishful fantasies that cant be realistically achieved. In order to achieve your dreams and desires, you must realize that you have the capability to achieve them, you have the greatness within you to achieve those dreams and desires. In this course we work through the things that probably are holding you back and then teach you sound principles to apply daily that will help you discover the potential that lies within you. We'll learn about proper, effective goal setting, how to address and then end your fears."
Price: 69.99

"Learn How To Develop Self-Awareness" |
"Virtually everyone has dreams and desires, or their inner greatness, within them that they would like to achieve, but many question whether they have the ability to achieve those dreams and desires. They lack the confidence in themselves and their abilities to believe that their dreams and desires are achievable. They often think that their dreams and desires are just wishful fantasies that cant be realistically achieved. In order to achieve your dreams and desires, you must realize that you have the capability to achieve them, you have the greatness within you to achieve those dreams and desires. In other words you need to become self-aware. In this course we work through the things that probably are holding you back and then teach you sound principles to apply daily that will help you discover the potential that lies within you. We'll learn about proper, effective goal setting, how to address and then end your fears."
Price: 49.99

"A No Nonsense Approach to Building Self-Esteem" |
"Virtually everyone has dreams and desires, or their inner greatness, within them that they would like to achieve, but many question whether they have the ability to achieve those dreams and desires. They lack the confidence in themselves and their abilities to believe that their dreams and desires are achievable. They often think that their dreams and desires are just wishful fantasies that cant be realistically achieved. In order to achieve your dreams and desires, you must realize that you have the capability to achieve them, you have the greatness within you to achieve those dreams and desires. In other words you need to become self-aware. In this course we work through the things that probably are holding you back and then teach you sound principles to apply daily that will help you discover the potential that lies within you. We'll learn about proper, effective goal setting, how to address and then end your fears."
Price: 49.99

"Learn How to Harness the Power of Your Thoughts" |
"What makes you different from everyone else? Is it your looks? Is it your interests or your hobbies?Well, yes to an extent but more than anything else: it's your brain.Your brain contains your memories, your goals, your desires, your beliefs and just about everything else that makes you 'who you are'. It's also what controls the way you think, the way you make plans and the way you react in any given situation.If you've been failing to get what you want out of life and if you've been feeling as though you're banging your head against the wall in your business, your relationships or your finances then the problem almost certainly originates from your brain. The way you're thinking, your creativity, your intelligence all of it comes from the physical make up of your brain and the way that you're approaching problems.In this course I will take you step-by-step through the process of changing your thinking by teaching in a way that will help you understand the importance of applying the Law of Attraction in your thinking. We will go through a comprehensive section on goals and proper goal setting. We will delve deeply into the neuroscience and how you can hack your brain for better thinking, learning and retention. Since thinking involves your mind I will teach you powerful mindfulness techniques and show you how simple they are to practice."
Price: 49.99

"Learn the Tricks to a Better Understanding of You" |
"What your life purpose is? What are you really meant to do on this Earth, in this lifetime? Do you feel that there is more to you and what you can offer? If you are still searching for these answers, then you have come to the right place. The journey of self-discovery requires a lot of groundwork and can be daunting at times, as it involves revisiting a lot of your past experiences, choices and emotions. Therefore, this course including the download material will guide you through all the intricate details you require in your journey to unravel your true self. This includes identifying your personality, awakening your spiritual dimension, learning to love yourself as well as embracing the change that comes. Let go of your past and focus on what is about to come. Give permission to yourself to go through this journey and allow yourself to be vulnerable. When you open up yourself to all the possibilities this journey will bring, you will realize how rewarding it is at the end. You will discover the most important element of all: You will discover YOU."
Price: 49.99

"Learn the 11 Hacks You Need to Become More Than You Are Now" |
"Have you ever wondered who you really are? What your life purpose is? What are you really meant to do on this Earth, in this lifetime?Do you feel that there is more to you and what you can offer?If you are still searching for these answers, then you have come to the right place. The journey of self-discovery requires a lot of groundwork and can be daunting at times, as it involves revisiting a lot of your past experiences, choices and emotions.Therefore, this course including the download material will guide you through all the intricate details you require in your journey to unravel your true self. This includes identifying your personality, awakening your spiritual dimension, learning to love yourself as well as embracing the change that comes. Let go of your past and focus on what is about to come. Give permission to yourself to go through this journey and allow yourself to be vulnerable. When you open up yourself to all the possibilities this journey will bring, you will realize how rewarding it is at the end.You will discover the most important element of all: You will discover YOU!"
Price: 49.99

"12 Hacks to Aid In Your Quest to Discover How Great You Are" |
"Many people are afraid to go outside of their comfort zones and push themselves to do other things. One reason why is because they just dont like feeling uncomfortable; as human beings, we like comfort and we like things that are familiar. We just have a tendency to avoid unfamiliar situations, partly out of natural instinct, and partly out of fear of the unknown. Another reason is that we are afraid that we will perform poorly at these new tasks and challenges we sign up or volunteer for, and as human beings, we are often fearful of performing poorly at tasks, partly because we are afraid well get replaced by someone better in a work environment, and partly because we just dont like performing poorly at something, as this brings down our self-esteem and self-confidence. A third reason is that, if we are performing poorly in front of others, we fear we may receive ridicule and/or criticism by them because we performed poorly in front of them.To find your greatness, you need to overcome these fears and hesitations. Its natural to feel these tendencies; even some of those who have done great achievements and accomplishments (i.e. found their greatness) have admitted theyve felt butterflies or apprehension over trying something new, performing in front of other people, and/or just doing something different from what they are accustomed to doing. However, they found the courage and desire to overcome these fears and push themselves to do these different tasks and activities in order to expand their skill set, learn more about themselves, and determine where their true greatness lies. The key point is that, you can also do this; it is not limited to the successful or famous, as they were in a similar situation as you are now, just looking for their calling or greatness to help enrich their lives and enable them to provide the most value to the world.There is much, much more so let's get started! Give this course the 30 day challenge - jump in and if in 30 days you aren't sure you want to improve then ask for your money back. See, I am confident that if you just learn what you stand for you are on a path that will change you for the good."
Price: 49.99

"Great Customer Service with Emotional Intelligence" |
"Why is it so difficult to offer great Customer Service?Simple, because we keep aproching the subject from a mainly rational perspectuve, like an organizational system that we can standarice, but in reality, great customer service has to do with human relationships, which are after all, completely emotional and primarily irrational.So, to create an amazing customer service experience, we need to understand emotions, emotional intelligence and how to manage our own emotional skills.This course will help you discover emotional intelligence, set you on the path to develop and improve your emotional skills and take it to the next level to build a great Customer Service Culture for yourself and in your company."
Price: 34.99

"Megacurso de Bootstrap 4 de Cero a Maestro" |
"Te doy la bienvenida al Megacurso de Bootstrap 4, el curso ms completo, ameno con el que tendrs todos los conocimientos necesarios para desarrollar cualquier sitio o aplicacin web completamente amigable a todos los dispositivos (telfonos, tablets, televisores Smart tv, etc).Bootstrap es el framework ms popular en el mundo para el desarrollo de interfaces web por su potencial y flexibilidad. En este curso iremos desde cero y paso a paso para que puedas comprender completamente los fundamentos y despus pasar a realizar proyectos prcticos.Si nunca has trabajado con Bootstrap, no es necesario que tengas conocimientos ya que iniciamos desde cero. Pero si ya tienes algn conocimiento o has trabajado con versiones anteriores aprenders todas las nuevas funciones, lo que se ha eliminado y en general todos los cambios incluidos en Bootstrap 4*Es necesario tener conocimientos bsicos en HMTL y CSS. Bootstrap 4Es un framework HTML, CSS Y Javascript para la creacin rpida de sitios web y aplicaciones. Contiene un sistema de rejilla de filas y columnas en los cuales distribuir nuestros contenidos para as lograr optimizar los mismos para diferentes dispositivos y resoluciones, logrando obtener un sitio completamente responsivo (amigable a todos los dispositivos). Tambin incluye un set de componentes Css prefabricados los cuales solo debemos usar y nos permiten crear: botones, barras de progreso, alertas, paginacin, tablas, tarjetas, barras de navegacin y mucho ms, as como tambin un set de widgets JavaScript para dotas de ms interactividad a nuestras aplicaciones, los cuales nos permiten crear sliders, ventanas modales, efectos de scroll y mucho ms. Cada uno de estos los veremos en detalle en el cursoEstructura del Megacurso de Bootstrap 41- IntroduccinEmpezaremos viendo la informacin acerca de Bootstrap, versiones, cambios, herramientas necesarias y las diferentes formas de instalar o configurar Bootstrap 4.2- FundamentosVeremos que es un framework y cuales son las ventajas de usarlo, los fundamentos de flexbox, las nuevas unidades de medidas Css Rem y Em y como usar estilos personalizados para dar a nuestras desarrollos ese toque personal que necesitemos.3- Sistema de RejillaEl fundamento principal de Bootstrap 4 est en su sistema de rejilla (contenedor, filas y columnas). En este captulo nos enfocaremos en el mismo para que puedas entenderlo de manera prctica y usarlo en todos tus desarrollos. Vers los prefijos para las columnas en resolucin pequea (-sm), mediana (-md), larga (-lg) y extra larga (-xl) y como distribuirlas y manejarlas en cada resolucin.4- Flexbox en Boostrap 4En este nueva versin de Bootstrap se ha introducido Flexbox y en este captulo te explicar en detalle cmo usarlo, cuales son las clases de flexbox que podemos usar y favorecernos de ellas para lograr una mejor precisin en el posicionamiento de nuestros contenidos.5- TipografaCaptulo dedicado a todo lo referente al trabajo con tipografa, encabezados de texto, prrafos, como alinear texto y tambin como es bien sabido a partir de la versin 4 ya no existen los glyphicons, en su lugar te ensear cmo usar un servicio muy popular y de calidad como son los conos de Font Awesome.6- UtilidadesA parte de todo lo visto hasta el momento, Bootstrap nos provee de utilidades o clases que nos ayudan a lograr tareas que necesitamos constantemente como posicionar o flotar elementos, manejar tamaos y bordes, colores de fondo margen (margin), margen interno (padding). Te mostrar todas las clases Css las cuales solo debemos usar y as nos ahorramos muchsimo trabajo.7- Componentes CssLlegamos a otro de los pilares de Bootstrap 4, los componentes Css con los cuales podremos crear todo tipo de elementos para nuestros proyectos: Botones, Barras de Navegacin, Formularios, Grupos de Listas, Alertas, Barras de Progreso y mucho ms. Los cuales te ensear en este captulo en profundidad.8- Widgets JavascriptEn este captulo aprenders a usar los widgets que nos provee Bootstrap para crear: Tooltips, Carrusel de imgenes (Slider), Efectos de Acorden, Ventanas Emergentes, Ventanas Modales, Efectos de Scroll.9- Proyecto 1 Agencia DigitalNuestro primer proyecto prctico, donde pondremos en prctica todo lo aprendido hasta el momento creando un sitio completo y de calidad con un efecto de scroll muy bonito al navegar sobre todas las secciones.10- Proyecto 2 Admin AppSegundo proyecto prctico y para que puedas tener los conocimientos profesionales y crear cualquier tipo de layout en este nos enfocaremos en la creacin de un panel de control para un sitio de ecommerce.11- Proyecto 3 Mi PortafolioEn este captulo crearemos mi portafolio personal y ser un layout completamente diferente al primer y segundo proyecto. Porque la idea de este curso es crear proyectos diferentes que pongan a prueba nuestros conocimientos y que al final tengas los conocimientos para crear cualquier tipo de interfaz, no importa la dificultad que plantee.Porque Debes Aprender Bootstrap?Es importante aprender Bootstrap porque es una de las tecnologas de mayor demanda en las empresas a nivel mundial ya que agiliza la creacin de los sitios web sin tener que escribir o escribir poco cdigo CSS y obtener as sitios adaptables a dispositivos mviles y en general a todos los dispositivos.Ya sea que quieras trabajar en una gran compaa o crear el sitio web o aplicacin para alguna, conocer Bootstrap es muy importante. Es por eso que mi objetivo en este curso es convertirte en un profesional de Bootstrap.El curso consta de ms de 70 clases y ms de 14 horas de contenido en las que tendrs acceso a todo el cdigo del curso, soporte a travs de la seccin de preguntas y respuestas para cualquier duda que tengas.Mi nombre es Jos Andrs creado y administrador de render2web creador del: Mega Curso de Wordpress de Cero a Maestro(Recuerda que si no te gusta el curso te devolvemos tu dinero en 30 das.)Si an no ests convencido, te invito a que mires los videos gratuitos del curso y as podrs ver todo el contenido desarrollado y el demo de los proyectos prcticos."
Price: 99.99

"DIY Website Design Bootcamp: WordPress Elementor Plugin" |
"This is a Website Design Boot-Camp that comprises hands-on and rigorous tutorials to help you build stunning web pages from nothing with Elementor Plugin (Free Version). ___Elementor is a WordPress plugin that helps you present and customize your website in an easy way with drag and drop (editing method). Apart from that, one of the greatest features provided is you can optimize web page in different view modes (different screen sizes). In other meaning, your website will be compatible and optimized in desktop, tablet and mobile modes. _____You will learn how to create mobile friendly and responsive website consist of:One (1) home pageTwo (2) sub pages (professional & social)One (1) extra home page style (bonus)These pages can be linked together to furnish an amazing website. And I will give these page templates to you for Free, and you can import the templates directly onto your WordPress Platform.And this course will expose you to use other Other Free Add-On WordPress Plugins to increase website performance, efficacy, conversions and ability to create indirect sales!___The ultimate purpose of a website is to build rapport with visitors and get sales. My course will definitely help you to achieve that with all free and available promotion tools like popups, sticky promotion, banners, contract form (with button trigger) and etc.So have a quick glance at the course structure below, there are free previews that you can watch to understand further on the hands-on and practical tutorials teachings.__________If you are interested, enroll into my course, and I will see you inside.P.S.All recommended plugins are Free to use, my aim is to teach students to build stunning & professional website with zero cost!"
Price: 39.99

"Build a Battle Royale and an RPG in Unity and Blender!" |
"""There is so much content!! I love how Blender is put into the course to give you the option to create your own weapons."" - Keith""I like that you guys take the time to explain every single detail. Looking forward to get into the more serious chapters. You rock!"" - Paul Tibulca""I love FPS/Battle Royale games and have been wanting to make my own game for quite a while. The fact that there is a course that teaches people how to make their own Battle Royale game is absolutely amazing. The learning is not too fast-paced or too slow-paced. It's just the right speed and goes in depth for specific assets, modifications etc. This course is amazing!"" - J Dean""So far this course is very good. The instructor takes his time to explain everything and is not rushing. I will update on this comment once I've completed a bit more of the course."" - Alexander K.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We at Mammoth Interactive value input from students like you. We check the Q&A and will get back to every Q within 2 business days.Do you love Battle Royale games? This is the perfect course for you. Learn how to create a full 3D environment as well as create and animate characters to wield weapons and run a muck as they try to survive your own Battle Royale.A wildly successful Kickstarter funded this courseIn this course, you learn how to build your own Battle Royale and 3D Adventure Game with Unity and Blender. This course is unique because we make both the code and the art for the game from scratch. We teach you the fundamentals of designing, coding, and modeling a 3D game.First you design the game and its functionality in Unity. You learn how to code in C# and build video game levels. Don't worry if you've never coded before. We start simple and add more to the game as the course goes on.Why Unity?Unity is one of the most popular platforms in game development. You can use Unity to build 2D and 3D games. Unity is cross-platform, which means it is easy to use with other platforms.Then you create the 3D models for the game in Blender. You build all the art assets for the game. You learn how to integrate your art from Blender into Unity.Why Blender?Blender, like Unity, is a popular production suite that is free to download. Blender is a revolutionary tool for making 3D art digitally. With Blender, you can make art assets for games, like we do in this course.This course contains many Blender sections to give you an in-depth curriculum of 3D modeling your Battle Royale, not just coding. You can choose to build models from scratch or download them from the source files we provide and import straight into Unity.Let's get startedIncluded in this course are bonus sections on topics including C# and Java. This is for when you finish your Battle Royale. You get more content at a great price.""Great instructor. Amazing course, very helpful"" - Hussein C.Enroll now to join the Mammoth community!"
Price: 199.99

"Learn to Build Some Shooter Games with Unity and Blender!" |
"""Instructor is very knowledgeable with Unity. Very interesting concepts are presented.""- Tom L.Create two awesome Shooter Games with Blender and UnityDo you love Battle Royale games? Do you want to give your own spin at the genre? Do you want to develop your own 1st person shooter? Then this is the perfect course for you!Learn how to create a full 3D environment as well as Create and Animate characters to wield weapons and run a muck as they try to survive your own Battle Royale!A wildly successful Kickstarter funded this courseIn this course, you learn how to build your own Battle Royale and a Portal-like Game with Unity and Blender. This course is unique because we make both the code and the art for the game from scratch. We teach you the fundamentals of designing, coding, and modeling a 3D game.First you design the game and its functionality in Unity. You learn how to code in C# and build video game levels. Don't worry if you've never coded before. We start simple and add more to the game as the course goes on.Why Unity?Unity is one of the most popular platforms in game development. You can use Unity to build 2D and 3D games. Unity is cross-platform, which means it is easy to use with other platforms.Then you create the 3D models for the game in Blender. You build all the art assets for the game. You learn how to integrate your art from Blender into Unity.Why Blender?Blender, like Unity, is a popular production suite that is free to download. Blender is a revolutionary tool for making 3D art digitally. With Blender, you can make art assets for games, like we do in this course.Even if you're not an artist, you can make basic art models. You may have heard of Axiom Verge and Stardew Valley. These games are million-dollar successes. But did you know that only one person made each?Usually it takes a whole team of people to build a game. But creators Thomas Happ and Eric Barone developed and designed their games by themselves. Now they're millionaires. You can do it, too!Let's get started!Also, Now Included in these bundled Course are Bonus courses of other Related Topics, such as C# and Java! You get more content at a great price!We at Mammoth Interactive value input from students like you. Feel free to leave us your feedback.Enroll now to join the Mammoth community!"
Price: 199.99

"Learn about Game AI with Unity and Blender!" |
"The best coding program online.Beginner's guide for aspiring game developers.Learn C# and programming fundamentals.In this course, you'll learn:How to use UnityThe game development process step by step for beginnersMake a pathfinding game in Unity with a star artificial intelligenceBuild a battle royale gameAdd multiplayer functionality to game programmingLearn the foundations of Blender 3DHTML and web programming through tutorials for beginnersLearn Python through programming examplesWhat Python is used forLearn the best way to learn PythonData mining techniques with examplesData mining tools and applicationsJava programmingGames and Algorithms TutorialsWelcome to Mammoth Interactive's A* course with Glauco Pires. You will learn how to make a game that uses artificial intelligence.Do you Love Battle Royale games? Do you want to develop your own 3rd person shooter? This is the perfect course for you.Learn how to create a full 3D environment. Create and animate characters to wield weapons and run a muck as they try to survive your own Battle Royale.A wildly successful Kickstarter funded this courseIn this course, you learn how to build your own Battle Royale with Unity and Blender. This course is unique because we make both the code and the art for the game from scratch. We teach you the fundamentals of designing, coding and modeling a 3D game.First you design the game and its functionality in Unity. You learn how to code in C# and build video game levels. Don't worry if you've never coded before. We start simple and add more to the game as the course goes on.Why Unity?Unity is one of the most popular platforms in game development. You can use Unity to build 2D and 3D games. Unity is cross-platform, which means it is easy to use with other platforms.Then you create the 3D models for the game in Blender. You build all the art assets for the game. You learn how to integrate your art from Blender into Unity.The Best Blender CourseBlender, like Unity, is a popular production suite that is free to download. Blender is a revolutionary tool for making 3D art digitally. With Blender, you can make art assets for games, like we do in this course.Even if you're not an artist, you can make basic art models. You may have heard of Axiom Verge and Stardew Valley. These games are million-dollar successes. But did you know that only one person made each?Take your first steps in AI here.You will learn how to use the A* algorithm to make a 2D game in Unity 2017.3.0f3. A Super Tank on a maze will find the best way to go to a point you click. The tank will collect objects along its path.This course's topic is bulletproof knowledge.Glauco has a decade's experience in game development. He makes games in Unity, Unreal, and HTML languages. He works with languages like C#, C++, and JavaScript.straightforward coding skillsclean development techniquesthoughtful developer adviceWith Glauco you will learn to make games in the most efficient and cleanest way possible.Why you need artificial intelligence in gamesWith artificial intelligence, you can make your games morecomplexrandominterestingvaluablewithout putting in more effort thanks to algorithms.Old games - the very first computer games - were simple and straightforward.These days, you must make more complex games. Players want to believe they are playing against something complex, something lifelike.The power of the A* algorithmThe A* is the base algorithm for path finding. A* is artificial intelligence that will find a path. This algorithm has existed for decades.A* is also important to avoid dangers like a cliff while getting to a destination. As well - suppose a game's level has two paths. You can program your artificial intelligence player to think on its own. It can choose a better path to avoid monsters and other obstacles.You must learn to use the A* algorithm. You will become a better game developer.Included are bonus courses of related topics, including C# and Java! You get more content at a great price.We answer every question within two business days. We want to hear from you. Watch the free lectures and amazing trailer, then jump right in and start participating with the Mammoth community."
Price: 199.99

"Learn about Python and Blockchain: The Complete Guide!" |
"Create Blockchain projects with the Solidity language. This course was funded by a #1 Kickstarter Project by Mammoth Interactive. Enroll now to:Download Python and learn with examplesUse machine learning algorithmsBecome a blockchain developerHandle blockchain transactionsCode in SolidityBuild web apps that run on a blockchainDo you want to build your first decentralized app today? This course is for you.Build your first decentralized project today. Learn to store data and transactions on the blockchain. Enroll in this ultimate guide and get the competitive edge in any field.Part 1: Introduction to BlockchainsDefine 'blockchain.'Learn about digital ledgers and transactions like money transfers.Understand the peer to peer network.Define decentralization.Understand how Blockchains are structured through block mining.And more!In Part 1 you will understand the advantages of Blockchain (such as increased security through cryptography.) We use practical examples to explain each concept, to help you understand topics like how Blockchain can be used to prevent forgeries. You will watch slides and animations explaining how blockchains work. Sit back and relax as expert Mammoth Interactive instructor Nimish Narang leads you through step by step. Part 2: Introduction to Decentralized Apps Learn how decentralized apps work, and how they're different from regular web apps.Understand the Blockchain to generate Ether.Compare Ethereum vs Bitcoin Blockchain and their cryptocurrency.List the benefits of Ethereum for transactions.In Part 2 you will understand examples of decentralized apps for the virtual world. Youll learn how D-apps perform data fetch, data addition and data modification. You will learn what determines the cost of a transaction, which is valuable for when we start building a project. You'll be able to recognize smart contracts. These are similar to classes in object-oriented languages.Part 3: Solidity Language BasicsSolidity is a fairly rudimentary language that takes bits and pieces from other programming languages. It is easy to use because it's so simple, though it has less functionality. You will become an expert on the basics and key uses that will make you fluent in Solidity.Declare common variable types of Solidity.Build real-world examples of arrays.Use functions to perform practical actions you will see in many projects.And much more.You will build arrays for operations, storage, and memory. And much more in this huge Mammoth Interactive course. You will create structs, mappings, messages, and contracts. Each topic will be explained step by step for anyone. No prior coding experience is needed.Part 4: Build a Decentralized AppBuild a simple decentralized voting app.Implement a smart contract.Build an app interface using HTML, CSS & JavaScript.Add unique functions like casting votes and announcing the election winner.In Part 4 of this Mammoth course, you will build a complete app from zero to hero. You will be able to solve errors that can occur when you work as a programmer. You will build the contract skeleton and code. The result will be a basic app you can build upon and add to your portfolio!We answer every question within two business days. We want to hear from you. Watch the free lectures and amazing trailer, then jump right in and start participating with the Mammoth community."
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Beginners Guide: Make Unity Games from Scratch" |
"""Just amazing. Great job man."" -Review from Student HamzaThe best coding program online.Beginner's guide for aspiring game developers.Learn C# and programming fundamentals. Create epic 2D and 3D games using Unity and Blender! A runaway success of a Kickstarter funded this Mammoth Interactive courseGame development & designLearn how to use Unity in C#Make games like Mega ManLearn what Photoshop is used for in game developmentThe game development process step by step for beginnersMake your own shooter game in UnityBuild a battle royale game like FortniteAdd multiplayer functionality to game programmingLearn the foundations of Blender 3DBasic C# programming for beginnersLearn how to create a full 2D and 3D environment. Create and animate characters to wield weapons and run a muck as they try to survive your own Battle Royale!The Best University-Level Game Programming CourseIn this course, you learn how to build your own Battle Royale and a 2D platform shooter Game with Unity Blender, Adobe Photoshop and MagicaVoxel. This course is unique because we make both the code and the art for the game from scratch. We teach you the fundamentals of designing, coding, and modeling a 3D game.Why Learn From UsGlauco Pires takes you through the process of coding a game in Unity from scratch. Kevin Liao teaches you how to create all the artistic elements you will need to complete the game. Kevin will teach this section of the course in MagicaVoxel and Photoshop to make original art.First you design the game and its functionality in Unity. You learn how to code in C# and build video game levels. Don't worry if you've never coded before. We start simple and add more to the game as the course goes on.Best Unity Course: Build Multiple Games in FullUnity is one of the most popular platforms in game development. You can use Unity to build 2D and 3D games. Unity is cross-platform, which means it is easy to use with other platforms.Then you create the 3D models for the game in Blender. You build all the art assets for the game. You learn how to integrate your art from Blender into Unity.All About Blender and Things to Do in PhotoShopBlender, like Unity, is a popular production suite that is free to download. Blender is a revolutionary tool for making 3D art digitally. With Blender, you can make art assets for games, like we do in this course.We answer every question within two business days. We want to hear from you. Watch the free lectures and amazing trailer, then jump right in and start participating with the Mammoth community."
Price: 199.99

"Build & 3D Model Huge and Complete Unity Games from Scratch" |
"Best Unity Course: Game Developer Training VideosA runaway success of a Kickstarter funded this Mammoth Interactive courseGame development & design. Learn how to use Unity in C#.Build 3D games like Super Mario in UnityLearn what Photoshop is used for in game developmentThe game development process step by step for beginnersMake your own shooter game in UnityBuild a battle royale game like FortniteAdd multiplayer functionality to game programmingLearn the foundations of Blender 3DThe best coding program online.Beginner's guide for aspiring game developers.Learn C# and programming fundamentals. Create epic 2D and 3D games using Unity and Blender! This course is unique because we make both the code and the art for the game from scratch. We teach you the fundamentals of designing, coding, and modeling a 3D game.First you design the game and its functionality in Unity. You learn how to code in C# and build video game levels. Don't worry if you've never coded before. We start simple and add more to the game as the course goes on.Complete your first Unity games for web, Mac & PC. Learn all about game development more efficiently YouTube tutorials.Unity is one of the most popular platforms in game development. You can use Unity to build 2D and 3D games. Unity is cross-platform, which means it is easy to use with other platforms.Then you create the 3D models for the game in Blender. You build all the art assets for the game. You learn how to integrate your art from Blender into Unity.Learn the Foundations of BlenderBlender, like Unity, is a popular production suite that is free to download. Blender is a revolutionary tool for making 3D art digitally. With Blender, you can make art assets for games, like we do in this course.We answer every question within two business days. We want to hear from you. Watch the free lectures and amazing trailer, then jump right in and start participating with the Mammoth community."
Price: 199.99

"Unity Game Development Mastery Build 2D & 3D Games" |
"Learn Unity game design & 2D & 3D game development & make your own C# games in Unity 3D.""Good straight-forward explanations to follow and like the pace of the instructor."" -Review from Student FilipA runaway success of a Kickstarter funded this Mammoth Interactive courseBuild 2D games like the classic Mario in UnityBuild a battle royale game like FortniteLearn how to add multiplayer functionalityBuild an unforgettable battle arenaLearn what Photoshop is used for in game developmentCoding step by step for beginnersBeginner's game programming in C#Learn the foundations of Blender 3DComplete your first Unity games for web, Mac & PC. Learn all about game development more efficiently YouTube tutorials. This is the best coding program online and a beginner's guide for aspiring game developers. Learn C# and programming fundamentals. Create 2D and 3D games using Unity and Blender! Note that the VR games we build will not be for a specific headset. This course is unique because we make both the code and the art for the game from scratch. We teach you the fundamentals of designing, coding, and modeling a 3D game. First you design the game and its functionality in Unity. You learn how to code in C# and build video game levels. Don't worry if you've never coded before. We start simple and add more to the game as the course goes on.Best Unity Course: Build Multiple Games in FullUnity is one of the most popular platforms in game development. You can use Unity to build 2D and 3D games. Unity is cross-platform, which means it is easy to use with other platforms. Then you create the 3D models for the game in Blender. You build all the art assets for the game. You learn how to integrate your art from Blender into Unity.Learn the Foundations of BlenderBlender, like Unity, is a popular production suite that is free to download. Blender is a revolutionary tool for making 3D art digitally. With Blender, you can make art assets for games, like we do in this course.These courses are project-based. You will not learn a bunch of useless coding practices. At the end of this course, you will have an AWESOME game to use in your portfolio. Taking this course means that you learn practical, employable skills immediately.Learning how to code is a great way to jump in a new career or enhance your current career. Coding is the new math! Learning to code will propel you forward for any situation. Learn it today and get a head start for tomorrow. People who can master technology will rule the future."
Price: 199.99

"Build 4 Unity Games: Best 2D, 3D and Multiplayer Tutorials" |
"Build 4 huge games in Unity and C#. Complete your first Unity games for web, Mac & PC. Learn all about game development more efficiently YouTube tutorials. You will learn:Game development & design. Learn how to use Unity in C#Build a 2D game like Flappy Bird in UnityMake an Angry Birds game from scratchBuild an air hockey game with C#Learn what Photoshop is used for in game developmentThe game development process step by step for beginnersMake your own shooter game in UnityBuild a battle royale game like FortniteAdd multiplayer functionality to game programmingLearn the foundations of Blender 3DThe best coding program online. Beginner's guide for aspiring game developers. Learn C# and programming fundamentals. Create epic 2D and 3D games using Unity and Blender! This course is unique because we make both the code and the art for the game from scratch. We teach you the fundamentals of designing, coding, and modeling a 3D game.First you design the game and its functionality in Unity. You learn how to code in C# and build video game levels. Don't worry if you've never coded before. We start simple and add more to the game as the course goes on.Best Unity Course: Build Multiple Games in FullUnity is one of the most popular platforms in game development. You can use Unity to build 2D and 3D games. Unity is cross-platform, which means it is easy to use with other platforms.Then you create the 3D models for the game in Blender. You build all the art assets for the game. You learn how to integrate your art from Blender into Unity.Foundations of Blender and Adobe Illustrator TutorialsBlender, like Unity, is a popular production suite that is free to download. Blender is a revolutionary tool for making 3D art digitally. With Blender, you can make art assets for games, like we do in this course.Watch the free lectures and amazing trailer, then jump right in and start participating with the Mammoth community."
Price: 199.99

"The Ultimate Blender Masterclass!" |
"We at Mammoth Interactive value input from students like you. Feel free to leave us your feedback.Create a professional 3D model for video games and more! No prior knowledge required. Learn to Use and Master BlenderLearn how to create a full 3D environment as well as multiple props to use for all your 3D modelling projects!A wildly successful Kickstarter funded this courseWhy Blender?Blender, like Unity, is a popular production suite that is free to download. Blender is a revolutionary tool for making 3D art digitally. With Blender, you can make art assets for games, like we do in this course.These courses are project-based. You will not learn a bunch of useless coding practices. At the end of this course, you will have an AWESOME game to use in your portfolio. Taking this course means that you learn practical, employable skills immediately.Learning how to code is a great way to jump in a new career or enhance your current career. Coding is the new math! Learning to code will propel you forward for any situation. Learn it today and get a head start for tomorrow. People who can master technology will rule the future.Even if you're not an artist, you can make basic art models. You may have heard of Axiom Verge and Stardew Valley. These games are million-dollar successes. But did you know that only one person made each?Usually it takes a whole team of people to build a game. But creators Thomas Happ and Eric Barone developed and designed their games by themselves. Now they're millionaires. You can do it, too!Let's get started!Enroll now to join the Mammoth community!"
Price: 199.99
