"Cmo dibujar Retratos - Dibujo artstico y pintura" |
"Curso sobre cmo dibujar y pintar retratos realistas, en el que aprenders a representar personas de manera profesional, eficiente y fluida a partir de distintas metodologas y tcnicas. A lo largo del curso vamos a ver contenidos tericos y prcticos para abordar la representacin del rostro humano correctamente, adquirir buenos hbitos y dominar esta disciplina en muy poco tiempo. Entenderemos la morfologa del rostro humano y de cada uno de sus elementos y aprenderemos a representarlos, as como las distintas expresiones y estados de nimo, las posturas, la iluminacin, el sombreado, la textura, y muchos ms contenidos de ilustracin y pintura explicados paso a paso y en detalle. A travs de los vdeos aprenders de manera sencilla y entretenida todos los contenidos, de la mano de un artista experimentado (licenciado en Bellas Artes y con un mster de enseanzas artsticas) para aprender a hacer fantsticos dibujos a lapiz."
Price: 54.99

"Spanish for beginners" |
"In this course you will learn all the basic spanish required to have a basic conversation with someone.Its the perfect course to lead you in to thebeginning of you learning a new language!Ill show you everything you need to know such as:-Presenting yourself- Asking for the most basic but fundamental questions in the spanish language!-Havinga basic conversation in spanish-Asking and telling time to others-Count from 1-100And many other basic but fundamental things that will allow you togo anywhere you want in an spanish speaking country and speak with a spanish speaking person!I have tried really hard in this course to make you learn spanish in the most easiest ndquickestway possible!!Hope you guys enjoy and have fun learning this new language!!"
Price: 24.99

"Strengthening your VOICE with Proper Communications Skills" |
"The 60 + videos and 80 supplementstransform concepts using color-coding, animation, and story lines to enrich the learning experience. Students of all ages and in a varietylearning environments can enhance their English Language Arts skills.Four categories include: grammar, reading, writing, and write & read tips. Each video, 4 to 15 minute segments, concentrates on a specific concept or skill under the assigned category. For each video, a handout download can be used for free style note taking. Under certain topics, downloadable graphic organizers can be used for yourcreativity and organizing your thoughts.Video Content: GRAMMAR 1.Nouns, Adjectives, & Adverbs2. Basic Sentence Parts3. Pronouns 4. Direct & Indirect Objects 5. Dialogue & Commas 6. Nouns and Clauses 7. Active & Passive Voice 8. Sentence Combination 9. Fickle Words 10. Appositives 11. Parallel Structures 12. Verb Tense 13. Verb Mood-Subjunctive14. Verb,Participles, Gerunds15.In-Action Verbal Phrases-Friday16. In-Action Grammar Neighborhood17. Misplaced Modifiers18. Run on Sentences19. FragmentsREAD 1. Authors Tone & Purpose 2. Context Clues & Loaded Words 3. Mood & Sensory Details 4. Aspects of Setting 5. Author's Writing Style 6. Theme & Tone 7. Irony 8. Tone 9. Author's Purpose-Non-Fiction 10. Facts & Opinions 11. Method of Arranging Details 12. Appeal to Authority 13. Appeal to Emotion WRITE 1. Writing with P.O.W.E.R.2. Write Tone & Purpose3. Short Story Elements 4. Drama & Dialogue 5. Types of conflict 6. Conflict & Setting the Scene7. Motive8. Compare & Contrast9. Point of View10. Organizing Paragraphs11. Thesis Statement12. Support Reasons forPersuasive Essay13. Compare &Contrast Paragraph Details14.Writing Strong ParagraphsREADWRITETIPS1.Sequence2.ShowDon't Tell3.Dynamic &Static Change4.NarratorOrganization5.WordWall 16.WordWheel 17.MakingInferences8.WordWall- We Pity9.WordWheel 210PersuasiveArgument11.WhyCompare and Contrast12,MakingEvaluationsBONUS ProjectDigital Story Telling 2. Resources"
Price: 59.99

"Siemens NX 11 Basic Manufacturing - Curso Prtico" |
"O curso de SIEMENS NX 11Basic Manufacturing vai introduzir os principais conceitos de programao CAM usando esta fantstica ferramenta de manufatura assistida por computador. Vai apresentar ao aluno todos os conceitos e o mais importante, a filosofia de trabalho dentro do NX 11 Manufacturing. Neste curso ser abordado diversos recursos de usinagem 2/5 eixos onde o aluno vai aprender escolher e definir corretamente suas estratgias de usinagem, criar ferramentas, vai aprender que, com o NX 11 so inmeras as possibilidades e recursos de usinagem e vamos quebrar todos os paradigmas existentes sobre a complexidade do software."
Price: 84.99

"Personal Finance Bootcamp: Easy Guide to Build Wealth" |
"Thispersonal finance course will teach you how to jumpstart your wealth building goals. Learn tomaster your money, grow your income earned andpassive income, reduce your debt, invest your money, and much more!Can you imagine a life of financial freedom?Do you want to make more money?Would you like to start investing but just dont know where to start?Areyou strugglingwith credit card or student loan debt?Do you want to own a home?Are you hoping to save enough to retire happy and well?If you answered yes to any of these questions, youre in the right place. I know how hard it is first hand to handle all of those money decisions. Since I have managed to answer some of those questions for myself, I decided to help you.Nora has managed to pay more than $70,000 in student loan debt and built several side businesses within 3years of college graduation.This isnt your traditional personal finance course.This is an interactive and fun way to get from point A to financial freedom.This online personal finance course covers all of the following topics:Understand Your FinancialGoalsBudgeting, Savings, Reducing ExpensesGrow Your IncomeUnderstanding Credit Cards & Debit CardsLoans, Debt, Debt ReductionUsing Debt to Build WealthInvesting 101Retirement BasicsRetirement Plan & Financial FreedomRelationship& MoneyStart building your wealth today and set your family up for life!"
Price: 149.99

"Event Management & Planning for Success" |
"This course is designed to teach the basic processes a successful event planner will utilize. Students will learn how to build an event from scratch, how to define what kind of event it is, develop clear goals with measurable results after the event is completed as well as how to generate net profitability. Students will also walk through revamping or refreshing an existing event to increase attendance, net profits and impact.We cover everything from budgeting(revenues, expenses, trades) to marketing (social media, print, media, and invitations); sponsors (securing, engaging, retaining) to attendees (early bird sales, sell out, post event engagement). This course covers it all so that you can customize your workflow and process when creating any event, whether it is a community gala to a business conference.You need the right tools and you need to stay focused on the right tasks.I will share with you all my tips, tricks and strategies I have learned over the last 25 years of event planning. Learn from my mistakes and learn how easy it is to build any event, at any time for any size audience when you have the right tools for the task."
Price: 49.99

"Working With Volunteers: Connect, Engage, Develop" |
"Through this course students will learn how to design, launch, maintain and grow volunteer engagement programs, often referred to as Ambassador Programs within the chamber of commerce sector. In reality the program can be called whatever you want, as long as it is delivering value to your volunteers and driving impact within your organization and your community.Designing a program that has high value proposition for both your organization and your volunteers. Launching a program that has people on a waiting list to participate in. Maintaining the appropriate size and function for your organization and your community. Growing your volunteer base to a manageable level for today and in the future.To be truly successful, organizations must have the right decision for their organization, their community and for the long term. Making sure you have the right mix of demographics, activities, accountability, measurements and rewards is the path forward to success.If you are trying to engage volunteers, currently managing volunteers or need to build a new volunteer program then this course is for you.First, you need to ask the right questions and have the right tools; then you will need to design the right framework for the program to be sustainable over the long term and finally you will learn how to actively manage a volunteer program with high value and the most active participants. Everyone wants to feel that they are adding value and that their time matters. Make the most of your time and your volunteers.Let's build YOUR program together!"
Price: 49.99

"The Complete Guide to Algebra 2" |
"Is math a challenge for you?Then consider what Albert Einstein wrote to a 7th grade student asking for advice on her math classes:""Don't worry about your difficulties in mathematics. I can assure you that mine are still greater.""Math is challenging for everyone, even those who are great at it (it just doesn't feelhard for them until they reach ahigher level. But it's still hard).But anyone can learn to do math well provided they have someone available to give them a good explanation. Look no further than this course.I'm a high school mathematics teacher, and this course is designed to help you master algebra. It's ano-fluff version of all the algebra essentials you would learn in a full year-long algebra course in school, with clear and to-the-point explanations geared towards helping you master the basics in the shortest time possible.No stone is left unturned to give you the most complete algebra course out there.One of the most important factors in learning any skill, math included, is the guidance of a patient and experienced instructor who can clearly explain to you what you need to do. Here are some reactions from some of my students and their parents who have worked with me:""He has certainly fostered a love for math in my daughter.""--Parent""Very clear and thorough. Our daughter enjoys his class and is excelling in the subject.--Parent""I think he is an awesome math teacher. He really enjoys math and always challenges us.--Student""One of my favorite teachers. His teaching method is understandable and very easy to comprehend.""--Student""Best math teacher I have ever had""--Student"
Price: 199.99

"Introduction to AWS Lambda for beginners with 4 Labs" |
"AWSLambda lies at the heart of the Serverless architecture on AWS. AWSLambda you pay per execution and get a million executions per month for free and you no longer have to worry about provisioning and maintaining servers. AWSLambda can be used for a wide range of tasks includingimage processing, log processing, and security automation.In this course, we cover the following things:-Create a Hello World Lambda function and walk through the Lambda console.- Automate starting and stopping of EC2 instances on a desired schedule using Lambda and Cloudwatch Events- Build a deployment package with external image processing library and build a serverless image processing app.Why should you take this course:- AWSLambda is easy to learn and fun to use, and can serve as a backbone for interesting personal or professional projects. - You will build an image processing app which you can expand. -You will get all the future updates on the course for free.- We cover the basicsof Lambdaand provide 4 demo in just around 2 hours. This is a no-frill, information dense course that helps you ramp up on AWSLambda quickly. - Test your knowledge with a AWSLambda quiz in the end of this course If you have any feedback, suggestions or request for additional content, please let us know. We want to keep improving this course."
Price: 19.99

"The 4 Elements for boosting your guitarplaying" |
"Jamman Bob brings you to a new level of guitar playing. We break the complexity down into the 4 elements:SoundvariationsRhythmPhrasing & TalkingChords & ScalesThe most important thing is to get a good, professional tone on the guitar.This is what we work on in the first chapters. Rhythm gives you millions of possibilites to get a flexible and interesting sound.Phrasing & Talking helps you to build your solos into smaller pieces and make them sound natural and clear.In theChords & Scales Chapter we expand the Pentatonic with some cool notes to get more variety! Playing ""outside"" makes your solos interesting - and that's easy!Finally you have a better tone, more flexibility and you are always improving!"
Price: 19.99

"Memory Mastery Secret Of Unlimited Memory (Hindi)" |
"You will Learn:How to Study 10 hours Without Getting Tired. [ 10 ]Scoring Good Marks Needs Intelligence, RIGHT? WRONG. [ , ? ]5 SECRET Rules to Develop Super-Memory [ 5 SECRET ]How to STOP PROCRASTINATION forever using SMART Goal Formula. [ ]You should NEVER REVISE Daily. Learn the SRS System. [ Revision SRS ]Say Goodbye to Forgetting [ ]The UNKNOWN TRUTH about Learning Revealed. [ UNKNOWN TRUTH]Have you been Studying WRONG way whole life? [ ?] , , , . - , - , ? , , Memory Mastery techniques , , , , , , - , ! , 10 , Enroll ============================= I keep on forgetting the things that I study and read.Even if I repeat and study again and again, after a while they fly away from my mind like I've not studied.I am trying hard to memorize the things that I need to know but no matter how hard, I always keep forgetting them.You read the same thing over and over again but it took you a long time. Sometimes you studied from midnight until the daylight and it stressed you a lot. And what is the result? They all fly away from your mind as if you never studied that hard. If you had the even one of those troubles then you are at the right place because no one ever taught you how to learn.With this course, You will learn advanced Memory Mastery techniques to learn faster and permanent. Memorize Vocabulary, Dictionary, Spellings, History dates, inventions & inventors, Books and Authors, Multiple choices instantlyRetain & maintain your memory foreverHow to understand theory faster and memorize long term.Time management techniquesAs you keep on studying, you will see and understand the potential of your memory that will change your life for good!If you are eager to rule your brain using Memory Mastery techniques, memorize things you want to learn and learn how to learn, enrol today and change your life... Who is the target audience? Willingness to learn a new skill that will change your lifeAnyone who has an interest in study skills and Memory Mastery techniquesStudentsProfessionalsTrainersParentsTeacher, Educators"
Price: 12800.00

"Simulado - NSCGJSP - GADEC/QC ""Premium"" SP 11" |
"O presente simulado uma realizaodo Grupo GADEC/QC ""Premium"" SP 11 e visa de forma despretensiosa reproduzir o ambiente simulado de prova, bem como proporcionar o exerccio e desenvolvimentodas habilidade em desenvolver questes objetivas. inteno doGrupo GADEC/QC ""Premium"" SP 11 proporcionar aos seus membros contedo de qualidade.Bom simulado a todos!"
Price: 54.99

"RAW------------RAWRAWAdobe LightroomRAW---------------------------------------------------------------<>RAWRAWex_ ---------------------------------------------------------------<>RAWRAWRAWRAW<>RAWRAWRAWAdobe Lightroom---------------------------------------------------------------RAWRAWRAWkostume :-)"
Price: 3000.00

"Photoshop 90" |
"< Photoshop > web -----------------------------------------------------------------------------<> <> Photoshop<>Photoshop ()Photoshop() -----------------------------------------------------------------------------( ) DemoNew ! 2018.11Photoshop() Section 1()PhotoshopCC2019_kotsume :-)"
Price: 4200.00

"Calisthenics Masterclass for Beginners" |
"Learn how to effectively move through space and become fit while doing it. This course is for anybody who wants to improve their strength, flexibility, mobility, motor skills and lose fat. Here you will find bodyweight workouts by the president of Dutch Calisthenics Federation. The course is built around the fundamentals of calisthenics, bodyweight workout and functional fitness, aiming to improve your body and lifestyle as efficiently as possible, helping you master the fundamental bodyweight exercises."
Price: 99.99

"Learn PHP Symfony Hands-On Creating Real World Application" |
"Symfony is a powerful PHP framework that would let you create not only websites but great web applications, APIs or mobile backends.It's latest version is the most powerful, yet simplest to use for developers. If you want to learn Symfony in-depth, this is the best place you could get.With over 13+ hours of content, without unnecessary talking, you'll learn and discover all the concepts of everyday programmer working with Symfony framework. We'll go through each single task step by step, you will code along with me. I'd explain every detail of how things work, and how things should be done. At the end of this course you will not only complete a fully working, real world Twitter like application, you will also deploy it to the production server. But that's not it, we will also create an automation server, so a single Git commit will automatically release your application.The recommended development environment is Vagrant and a ready Vagrant box Laravel Homestead, so you'll get up and running in no time. The course includes set up instructions for Ubuntu, MacOS and Windows. Of course you can use anything that works best for you, let it be XAMPP, MAMP, Docker, Vagrant or your own system, provided you have PHP 7+ and MySQL installed.The course starts with introduction and setup lectures and and overview of how Symfony project structure looks like.Then we'll move on and explain Service Container, as this is a crucial part of the framework. Don't worry if it's tough to understand and first, we will get back to it all the times, explaining how it works and seeing what you can do with it throughout the course.Next section is centered around Controllers, Routes and Twig templating engine. You will learn how to create a backbone of your application and how to render HTML together with data using Twig. We will also see how we can install and manage assets, like CSS & JavaScript, by installing Bootstrap using yarn.After that, will touch databases and the excellent Doctrine ORM. You will learn how you can create simple PHP objects as a representation of a table rows. You will learn about database migrations - an easy way of managing your database schema changes. This section will also show you how to quickly fetch, modify and delete data from the database."
Price: 99.99

"Symfony API Platform with React Full Stack Masterclass" |
"Have you ever wanted to advance your PHP skills to the next level? Maybe you have some prior PHP experience but you never had a change to work with a framework? Or you are new to PHPat all?It does not matter! You can take this course to give your PHP projects a fresh start! In modern world, sooner or later, as a web developer you will have to create a API and a frontend application in React.JS or any other JS framework out there. It's just a must have these days for any professional web developer!This is where I can help you. Take this course to learn how to create robust APIs in PHP, using Symfony Framework 4 and APIPlatform. You will not believe how easy and instant it could be! I'll take you step by step during the whole process, from creating your own robust API to making a modern React.JS application using Redux, Redux-Form and all the other tools that you just need to know to get a job these days!Check out the course outline, free preview videos, and read some of the reviews that my other courses got:""Real world course, made by a developer for developers, and very well explained. Learner knows ALL what he does, and why! Congratz!!!""""I've taken a few different Udemy courses now with various instructors. I've found that I like Piotr's teaching style the best out of all the instructors I've taken. He has the right balance of coding and in depth explanation, which is exactly what I was hoping to get when I purchased this course. Piotr provides some excellent insight into the inner workings of Symfony and does an awesome job of showing how you would begin to build a larger application utilizing the proper Symfony components. Symfony is a huge framework and I don't think I would've been able to dig into the documentation and take it apart as quickly on my own. I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to get their hands dirty and jump right into the meat of how Symfony works.""""Really good course, i learned a lot. Keep up the good job!!""""Great course! Really liked how the instructor included production deployment in the course. It was helpful!""""Very detailed explanation. I'm loving it!""""Amazing course! In-depth explanations, perfect talking pace, talks slow and is direct to the point. I had no previously knowledge in Symfony before starting, and this course gave me the confidence to start developing real world apps using Symfony. You will learn a lot of the Symfony framework, and some other cool techniques like Ajax Calls, Testing, Server configuration and Continous Deployment of your code.""You will be creating a Blog application, starting with the API in Symfony APIPlatform, and then a complete React+Redux frontend app. We will also configure an administration panel for managing the platform.Both Windows and MacOS are supported (I'll show you how to install and configure PHP and Node.js on both)What will you learn about Symfony and APIPlatform?You will learn how to create Symfony controllers and work with routingYou will learn how to represent your database tables as objects in DoctrineYou will see how you can quickly convert your Doctrine model to an APIResourceYou will learn how to paginate, filter and sort your collectionsYou will see how to send an e-mail You will learn everything about Authentication (user sign-up, sign-in, including account confirmation through e-mail)You will understand everything about Authorization (User roles, privileges, restricting access)You will know how to handle file uploads through RESTAPIYou will learn how to log errorsYou will learn both unit testing (PHPUnit) and functional testing (Behat)You will know how to customize and extend the built-in operations that APIPlatform provideData validation and serialization/deserializationWhat will you learn about React.js?How to configure routes for your app using React RouterHow to handle state with ReduxHow to create great forms using Redux FormsCommunicating with the API using Thunk MiddlewareAfter finishing this course you will be able to confidently create your own complicated APIs in Symfony using APIPlatform and create a SPA application using React.js!See you inside the course!"
Price: 94.99

"Biblical Cognitive Behavioral Therapy" |
"You will get the biblical framework for understanding problems in relation to the BCBT model. You will learn what BCBT is all about and how it applies to our everyday problems. You will learn how to recognizeproblem thinking patterns, how to get on top of negative thinking habits and how to find better alternative ways of thinking for lasting wholeness and to maintain your deliverance."
Price: 49.99

"Formation Cration de Jeux Vido - Unreal Engine 4 avec NICO" |
"Bienvenue dans cette formation au dveloppement de jeux vido avec Unreal Engine ! Grce ce cours, vous allez apprendre crer vos propres jeux vido grce au moteur Unreal Engine, le moteur le plus puissant et le plus populaire du moment. Nous allons ensemble crer un jeu vido de plateforme 3D !A qui s'adresse cette formation ?Aucune connaissance n'est requise pour cette formation, nous allons voir absolument toutes les tapes de la cration de ce jeu ! Elle s'adresse galement aux dveloppeurs voulant renforcer leurs bases.Qu'allons nous voir ?- Tout d'abord nous allons dcouvrir l'interface et nous familiariser avec le logiciel Unreal Engine 4 (il s'agira d'ailleurs de la version 4.18 du logiciel). Nous commencerons ds le dbut programmer un premier petit jeu pour dcouvrir ce qu'est le Blueprint !- Dans un second temps nous allons modliser un terrain directement dans le logiciel, grce aux outils landscape puis nous verrons comment ajouter de la vgtation. Je vous fournis tous les objets 3D pour ce jeu, afin de vous faciliter la tche dans l'apprentissage du logiciel.- J'ai consacr toute une section l'apprentissage du Blueprint, avec chaque fois des exemples concrets par soucis de clart.- Nous passerons ensuite l'importation et la programmation d'un hro pour notre jeu. Nous dcouvrirons le ""character movement"", utile pour les dplacement du personnage puis nous apprendrons mettre en place un ""animation blueprint"" pour animer notre personnage (Idle, course, saut combat !).- Enfin verrons comment optimiser un jeu via des commandes, ajouter des particules, amliorer l'image grce au post-process volume, arranger les lumires, puis nous verrons comment exporter notre jeu pour les joueurs !Alors n'hsite plus et rejoins-nous dans cette formation ds maintenant !"
Price: 19.99

androidappsnocoding |
", , , . :"
Price: 19.99

"Linkedin y Social Selling para mejorar tus ventas" |
"Con LinkedIn como principal herramienta de tuestrategia de Social Selling conseguirs aumentar las ventas de tu negocio en el canal profesional, mejorando losobjetivos financieros de tu empresa.Si necesitas mejorar como comercial o crear un equipo de ventas adaptado a las nuevas tendencias de negocio, centrado en la venta a travs de redes sociales,que pueda llevar tu empresa al siguiente nivel.A travs delSocial Selling conseguirs posicionarte en la mente de tu cliente, convirtindote en un referente en tu mbito profesional y generars una mayor confianza en el mercado que te permitir incrementar tus tarifas progresivamente.Optimiza tus visitas a puerta fra!Trabaja tu reputacin para conseguir que tu organizacin sea ya conocida por tu cliente y aprende a compartir informacin de valor que te permita conectar con elmercado."
Price: 149.99

"React e Redux: Sviluppa applicazioni da zero" |
"React ? presente Redux?Presente.ES6/Babel?Presente con una vasta sezione.Webpack?Incluso!React st completamente trasformando lo sviluppo Front-End. React libreria JavaScript che si presenta come la soluzione ottimale per gli sviluppatori frontend di app web e mobile. Saper sviluppare con la tecnologia React e Redux ti permette sia di poter accedere a tante posizioni lavorative in ambito web development in Italia e all'estero sia di poter sviluppare i tuoi progetti personali. La richiesta di sviluppatori React nel mondo in forte crescita.Perch usare React ?React una ""potente"" libreria JavaScript sviluppata da Facebook ideale per costruire interfacce ""data-driven"" interattive. Tra i grandi nomi che utilizzano React in produzione ci sono Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Netflix, Airbnb, eBay, PayPal, New York Time e molte altre.L'obiettivo di questo corso darti gli strumenti e l'esperienza necessari per entrare nel mondo degli sviluppatori React. React la base per chi di voi vorr poi imparare a sviluppare app per iOS e Android con React Native.Un vantaggio per chi usa React ? Imparato una volta, lo si pu utilizzare in molte tipologie di progetti, dallo sviluppo di web app a quello mobile con React Native e desktop.Il corso ti permetter di essere produttivo da subito, ti mostrer i concetti che necessario sapere per capire a fondo e sviluppare componenti React e strutturare le applicazioni con ReduxCominceremo con le basi di React, imparando a sviluppare componenti sia con React puro che con JSX, vedremo props"", state"", e altro. Per ogni lezione sar fornito il codice sorgente visto nella lezione. Dopo l'introduzione a React, passeremo a Redux, coprendo argomenti come reducers, actions, e state tree.Per realizzare User interface in stile Material Design vedremo Material CSS e utilizzeremo Material UI.Se la prima volta che sentite parlare di React e Redux, o se avete iniziato a studiarlo, ma volete approfondire questo il corso per voi!Alcuni argomenti che vedremo nel corso:Imparerete a costruire interfacce web in modo dichiarativo Imparerete a usare il linguaggio di markup JSX per creare componente React personalizzatiImparerete a scomporre complesse interfacce in piccoli componenti React che saranno semplici da mantenere e riutilizzabili in altre vostre applicazioniImparerete le differenze tra props"" e state"" e quando usarli Se l'applicazione inizia a essere difficile da mantenere ? Imparerete a sviluppare applicazioni pi complesse con ReduxQuali Web Application realizzeremo ?Per il corso ho previsto di realizzare 2 applicazioni che ci permetteranno di applicare praticamente i concetti e permettervi di acquisire consapevolezza nei mezzi per poter trasformare le vostre idee in web application. Creeremo: MyPlaces: una web application che ci permetter di tenere traccia dei posti preferitiGym Workout: una web application che ci permetter di gestire la propria scheda di allenamento in palestra Nota: Il corso non ancora completo, inserir a breve tutte le sezioni principali, ma comunque non rimarr statico, continuer ad aggiornarlo anche in base ai suggerimenti che mi darete ;)"
Price: 199.99

"Sell More Beats Effectively 2018" |
"Sell More Beats Effectively 2018Are you a music producersuffering from these problems?Inconsistent traffic to your beat site?Artists come and go without coming back to your beat site?Frustrated at marketing your beats?What if I told you I could help youGet consistent traffic to your beatsKeep artist's on your beat site and buying over and overMake marketing your beats less of a headacheThen you need this course! In it I will show you how to:Quickly and easily release beatsSchedule your social media posts in advanceSetup your Beatstars account and profit from free beatsGet more prospects to your beat site over timeSo if you are a...Music Producer50 - 100 Bangers!Ready and motivated to make beat salesBuy this course ASAP!"
Price: 19.99

"Sell Beats Online with Wordpress" |
"Imagine if you hadyour own 100% automated turnkey music production business?What would life be like? What kind of income would you make? What kind of studio equipment could you buy?Being broke is no joke so I came through with this inexpensive, jam-packed course.I go over step by step on:How to Buy Domain and Hosting easily and cheapHow to Setup Wordpress On Your SiteInstallingThemes, plugins and tracking codesHow to Use Those Themes and PluginsHow To Build you own WooCommerce beat storeBlog Posts that SellIf you were looking to have a beat site that can generate you revenue then buy this course now!"
Price: 19.99

"Types of Electrical Fault & Protection of Generator from it" |
"Generator Protection1. Generator faults, Abnormal operating conditions and allocation of protection functions.2. Protection functions of statorOver load/Over heating Protection of generatorOver fluxing and Over voltage protectionDifferential protection (Low impedance + High impedance)Over current/ short circuit protection95% and 100% stator earth fault protectionInterturn or turn to turn fault protectionAccidental energization protection3. Protection function of RotorNegative phase sequence protectionLoss of field protectionPole slipping protectionRotor earth fault protection4. Protection function of Turbine/EngineReverse and low forward power protectionOver and under frequency protection5. Backup Protection of (Generator+Transformer+Transmission Line)6. Over view of faults Vs. Protections"
Price: 44.99

"Science Based Pullup And Muscle Up Training" |
"This coursemain focus is to get you on the right path to manage these exercises in the future. With the full insight of how a physical trainer thinks when it comes to these exercises. The right technieu and slight progression os key for a long term training relationship.go from 0 to hero in the gym with our pullup and muscle up training course."
Price: 49.99

"IELTS Preparation Course : Full Guide & Important Tips" |
"In this course you will get the most important tips that you should be familiar with to get a high score in the IELTS exam , and also you will be able to know all what you need about questions types , Strategies that should be used to solve each type ."
Price: 99.99

"Physics 100: Mastering Kinematics" |
"This course covers all of one and two dimensional kinematics and sets the foundation for other topics. The class is perfect for high school (honors and AP students), college and university students taking an introductory physics class. Students will learn to analyze themotion of an object using equations and graphs. I will teach you how to approach problems and help you develop your own problem solving strategies to become a better problem solver. 1) IntroductionScientific NotationConverting UnitsProblem solving using dimensional analysisPrefixesExample problems for each topic.2) One-Dimensional (1D) KinematicsUnderstanding the difference between displacement and distance traveledAverage velocity vs instantaneous velocityAverage acceleration vs instantaneous accelerationMotion with constant acceleration: The BIG 5 kinematic equationsSolving problems using kinematic equationsUsing graphs to solve problemsFree FallUnderstanding gravityInterpreting graphs (position vs time, velocity vs time and acceleration vs time)Calculating velocity from position vs time graphsCalculating acceleration from velocity vs time graphsCalculating displacement from velocity graphsCalculating velocity from acceleration graphs.+30 fully explained problems3) Two Dimensional (2D) KinematicsLearn how to apply kinematic the equations to analyze 2-dimensional motionAnalyze the motion of horizontally launched objectsAble to analyze the motion of a projectile launched at an arbitrary angleCalculating the range of projectile, maximum height, and time of flight10 fully explained problems and solutions4) Relative Motion in 1D and 2DDefinition of relative velocityLearn how to find the relative velocities of objects relative to different objects1D Relative motion problems: objects moving on airport walkways2D Relative motion problems: problems dealing with river crossing.If at any point you don't understand something in my videos please feel free to reach out. I'm always willing to help someone learn. Physics Ninja always has your back!If you have a topic that is missing from this course just email me and i'll add it to the curriculum.Happy LearningDr. E.,Physics Ninja and Expert Physics and Math Teacher."
Price: 19.99

"Physics 100: Mastering Newton's Laws of Motion" |
"This comprehensive course covers Newton's Laws of Motion. The course is taught by Dr.E, an award winning instructor with over 15 years of teaching and tutoring experience. The course combines lectures that summarize the important concepts and tutorials that will guide you andhelp you develop a problem solving strategy.You'll learn how to apply Newton's laws to study particles in equilibrium and the dynamics of particles when forces are acting on them. Topics include in this class are:1) Vector ReviewReview vector addition and subtraction,Adding vectors using graphical methodsAdding vector using components2) Newton's First LawProblem solving strategiesFree-body diagramsExample problems for objects in equilibrium.3) Forces Review of push and pull forcesUnderstanding the force of gravityThe difference between weight and massFriction Forces: Kinetic vs StaticNormal ForcesTension ForcesForces due to a spring: Hooke's Law4) Newton's 2nd and 3rd LawDrawing Free Body DiagramsCalculating accelerationAction-reaction pairsStrategy to solve problemsExample problems5) Mastering Problems a) Elevator Problems Drawing Free body diagramsCalculate acceleration and effective mass b) Block on a slopeUnderstanding the Free Body DiagramCalculating AccelerationWhat happens when we add friction - kinetic and static frictionc) Pulleys and SpringsLearn how to solve dynamic problems that contain pulleysAtwood's machine: Calculating acceleration and TensionDealing with springs in series and in parallel5) Dynamics of Uniform Circular MotionCentripetal forces and centripetal accelerationProblem solving strategies for circular motionPeriod, frequency, and angular veloctiyBanked curve problemsThere are over 60 fully solved problems ranging in difficulty. I've mixed in many conceptual problems as well as algebraic problems to help you practice applying Newton's laws to solve problems. If at any point you don't understand something in my videos please feel free to reach out. I'm always willing to help someone learn. Physics Ninja always has your back!If have a specific problem not covered in this class simply email it to me and i'll add a video showing how to solve the problem.Happy LearningDr. E,Physics Ninja and Expert Physics and Math Teacher."
Price: 19.99

"Physics 100: Torque and Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies" |
"This course covers torque, center of mass,rigid bodies in equilibrium, and the stability of objects. The course is a mix of lectures and problem solving tutorials.Students will learn to how to calculate torque, how to evaluate the center of massof systems of particles and objects with uniform density. I will teach you how to approach problems and help you develop your own problem solving strategies to become a better problem solver. Part 1: TorqueWhat is torque?Understand how torque is different from forcesCalculate torque using 3 different techniques (standard methods, force components, and moment arms)Several example problems to practicePart 2: Center of MassLearn how to find the center of mass of symmetric objectsCalculating the center of mass of systems of particles in 1D, 2D, and 3D.Practice problemsPart 3: Static EquilibriumConditions for Static EquilibriumProblem solving strategiesPicking the right pivot locationSeveral example problems to practice the problem solving techniques.Part 4: VariousProblem SectionPractice solving Torque and center of mass problems and compare your answers to those of Physics NinjaSection contains conceptual questions and algebraic questions ranging from easy to very challenging.If at any point you don't understand something in my videos please feel free to reach out. I'm always willing to help someone learn. Physics Ninja always has your back!Happy LearningDr. E.,Physics Ninja and Expert Physics and Math Teacher."
Price: 19.99

"Physics 100: Mastering Ohm's Law and DC Circuits" |
"This is a comprehensive course on Ohm's law and Direct-Current (DC) circuits, which are circuits where the direction of the current in a circuit element does not very with time. The topics in covered in this class are:1. Current and the Motion of ChargesDefinition of electric current and current densityFinding the drift velocity and density number2. Resistance and Ohm's LawReview of Ohm's lawUnderstanding the difference between Resistance andResistivityUnderstand the Color Code for ResistorsConnection to the Electric Field3. Energy in Electric CircuitsReview of PowerRate of Potential Energy LossRate of Power Dissipated in a ResistorEMF's and BatteriesInternal Resistance and Maximum Power Delivered4. Combinations of ResistorsSimplifying Electric CircuitsEquivalent ResistorsResistors in Series vs Parallel and how to identify thedifferent combinations5. Applying Kirchhoff's Rules to CircuitsProblem solving strategies for single loop circuitsProblem solving strategies for multi-loop circuitsFinding the potential across resistors andbetween any twopoints in a circuitUnderstand measuring devices such as ammeters and voltmeters.6. RC CircuitsLearn how to analyze RC circuits in the short and long time limitsCharging vs discharging a CapacitorUnderstand RC time constantUnderstand energy conservation during charging and discharginga capacitor.The class is a combination of lectures and tutorial. I've put together a series of example problems, algebraic and conceptual, to help you better understand the material. The are over 60 fully solved circuit problems in this class. There are 4 problem set in the course:1) Multiple Short Questions2) Circuits with Resistors and EMF's3) RC Circuits4) Conceptual ProblemsIf you watch the lessons, work on the problems, i'm certain you'll become very proficient at analyzing DCcircuits.If at any point during any of my classes you didn't understand something, just message me and i'll make it right. Physics Ninja always has your back!Happy Learning,Dr. E.Physics Ninja and Expert Physics and Math Teacher"
Price: 19.99
