"Physics 100: Mastering Work, Energy, and Power" |
"This comprehensive course covers kinetic energy, work, potential energy and conservation of energy. The course combines lectures that summarize the important concepts and tutorials that will guide you andhelp you develop a problem solving strategy.You'll learn how to apply conservation of energy principles to study the dynamics of systems.Topics include in this class are:1) Kinetic Energy, Work2) Applying Work-Energy Theorem3) Work done by gravitational forces, springs4) Power5) Potential Energy and Conservation of Mechanical EnergyThere are over 40 fully solved problems ranging in difficulty. I've mixed in many conceptual problems as well as algebraic problems to help you practice applying energy principles to solve problems.If at any point you don't understand something in my videos please feel free to reach out. I'm always willing to help someone learn. Physics Ninja always has your back!Happy LearningDr. E.,Physics Ninja and Expert Physics and Math Teacher."
Price: 19.99

"Physics 100: Mastering Rotational Kinematics and Dynamics" |
"This comprehensive course covers everything about rotational kinematics and dynamics. The course combines lectures that summarize the important concepts and tutorials that will guide you andhelp you develop a problem solving strategy.Topics include in this class are:1) Angular MotionReview angular displacement, angular velocity and acceleration2) Kinematics Equations for Angular Motionanalyzing motion with constant angular acceleration.3) Dynamics of Rotational MotionReview of torque produced by constant forcesRotational inertial and Newton's 2nd Law applied to rotation problemsCalculating moment of inertia so simple systems and solid objectsParallel-axis theorem4) Rotational EnergyEnergy and work in rotational motionConservation of Energy applied to rolling motion.Work and Power5) Angular Momentumunderstand the rotational analog of linear momemtumsystems with conservation of angular momentum.precessionalmotionThere are over 50 fully solved problems ranging in difficulty. I've mixed in many conceptual problems as well as algebraic problems to help you practice applying Newton's laws to solve problems. If at any point you don't understand something in my videos please feel free to reach out. I'm always willing to help someone learn. Physics Ninja always has your back!Happy LearningDr. E.,Physics Ninja and Expert Physics and Math Teacher."
Price: 19.99

"Illustrator Complete Beginner Tips, Tricks & Basics." |
"Hello everyone my name is Youssef Sanad i am a graphic designer and your instructor for this course. in thiscourse we will learn adobe illustrator tips and tricks and you will be up to date with the new tips and tricks weekly and monthly. this course will make you professional in adobeillustratorbecause it's all about saving time and effort.through the course you will learn and know the interface of illustrator cc, colors, coping vector tips, how to alien graphics, shape builder tool tricks, clipping mask, rounded corners, graidiants, exporting files tips, how to make your brush, the sheft key importance and more coming tips and tricks because this course is updatable. that means that you will be up to date with all the new adobe illustrator cc tips and tricks.so, what you got to lose? enroll now and take the chance."
Price: 99.99

"Poster Design From Scratch." |
"Youssef Sanad Graphic Designer and Instructor,i will guide you through his approach on creating an engaging poster design using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. In this course i am sharing many useful techniques and best practices i have been using in my own work. This workshop is a very effective way to improve your Illustrator skills with an emphasis on working with design elements.By the end of the class, you will be familiar with photo editing in Photoshop, designing in Illustrator, choosing the wright text, using the color curves feature and even creating mockups of posters with the final design.i am famous for my concise and clear instructions and explanations of complex features and topics. Join me on his creative class and improve your design skills!For this class basic familiarity with Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop is recommended and it's ok if you are a beginner."
Price: 99.99

"mascot logo design from sketch to vector." |
"Do you want to be a professional mascot logo designer who can design stunning mascot logos with little effort? This is your chanceto learn how to design mascot logosso that youcan design themin no time at all!In the course, I reveal the whole professional logo design process from start to finish. transformingeverything from sketch to vector. You'll also learntips and tricks that will save you a lot of time and effort.All that's required to start is a free download of Adobe Illustrator. From here we're going to go on a journey to design professional mascotlogos.join me now and unleash your creativity.Who is the target audience?Ideal for both beginners who haven't used Adobe Illustrator or those who are interested in learning the mascotlogo design field.Intermediate logo / graphic designers will undoubtedly learn from the course also in relation to insight into the mascot logo design process."
Price: 99.99

"Creacin y animacin de personajes 3D en minutos" |
"La animacin 3d es una disciplina cuyo inters a crecido en los ltimos aos, su uso en el cine y los videojuegos han sido factor clave para el inters por su aprendizaje crezca. Sin embargo los procesos de modelado y animacin son particularmente detallados y tardados, debido a procesos como el riggin que consiste en crear un esqueleto para que la animacin de personajes sea mas fcil y natural.Aunque existen gran cantidad de software 3d sin embargo aun con las mas eficientes tcnicas de modelado crear y animar un personaje desde cero es una labor que puede durar das o hasta semanas.Afortunadamente existen actualmente herramientas que incluso son gratuitas que permiten crear y animar personajes en minutos y no en semanas, y en este curso aprenderemos a usarlas. Veremos como crear un personaje de forma modular con un gran nivel de detalle incluyendo ropa, bello facial y de mas objetos como gorras y guantes. Tambin veremos como animar ese personaje con apenas un par de clic y finalmente veremos como podemos exportar ese personaje con todo y animacin para usarlo en software 3d estndar."
Price: 270.00

"Curso completo de Adobe Muse" |
"Es un hecho que los usuarios actuales ya no solo navegan en sus computadoras sino que lo hacen incluso mas en otros dispositivos como tabletas y principalmente smartphones. Por esto es necesario para cualquier diseador saber crear sitios responsive cuyos contenidos se adapten a cualquier tipo de dispositivo con el que sean vistos. La creacin de este tipo de sitios tradicionalmente requeran de conocimientos sobre html, css y javascript, sin embargo en los ltimos aos han surgido herramientas orientadas a diseadores que no requieren el uso de programacin y la casa adobe no poda quedarse atrs a la hora de desarrollar un aplicacin con estos fines, as surgi Adobe Muse.Adobe Muse nos ayuda con esta misin, esta fantstica herramienta no solo nos ayuda a crear sitos responsive de forma rpida y fcil, sino que nos ayuda hacerlo con un flujo de trabajo bastante similar al de los programas de diseo, si has usado algn software de diseo ya tienes las bases para aprender a usar Muse.Muse es la mejor opcin actualmente para hacer sitios web gracias su sencilla interfaz, excelente flujo de trabajo ysi adems agregamos que Muse es completamente compatible con Photoshop lo convierten en la herramienta ideal.Mi nombre es Raul Martinez y en este curso te enseare a usr todos los paneles y herramientas necesarios para crear un sitio web responsive, al final de curso crearemos un sitio web completo donde aplicaremos todo lo visto en las clases.Nota: En el vdeo de presentacin mi micrfono se descompuso por eso se escucha raro el sonido, sin embargo el audio del curso tiene la mxima calidad."
Price: 345.00

"Photoshop a pagina web sin programacion" |
"Si eres Diseador Web seguramente ya ests familiarizado con el concepto de prototipo. Un prototipo es una imagen de cmo se ver el sitio para mostrarla al cliente y en caso de ser necesario hacer cambios. Dicho lo anterior, pronto se convirti en una meta el convertir esa imagen en una pgina web. Sin embargo hasta ahora la nica forma de hacerlo era a partir de lenguaje HTML Y CSS.En este curso aprenders a hacerlo con una herramienta que permite a partir de cualquier archivo de imagen (e incluso de un archivo psd de Photoshop) convertirla en una pgina web completamente funcional, incluyendo incluso interactividad y animacin en caso de ser necesario.No esperes ms e inscrbete a este curso para incrementar tu productividad y reducir drsticamente tus tiempos de creacin de sitios web."
Price: 270.00

"Crea sitios web dinamicos en php sin programacion" |
"Si eres diseador seguramente en algunos de tus proyectos web te has enfrentado a la necesidad de usar pginas o sitios dinmicos, especialmente en php. Para hacer este tipo de proyectos generalmente ocuparamos de programadores sin embargo en las ltimas fechas han salido aplicaciones que nos permiten hacer uso de estas pginas dinmicas sin que sepamos programacin, una de ellas es dreamwaver, sin embargo para proyectos ms grandes dreamwaver se queda corto sobre todo pensando que se ocupan muchos pasos para hacer simples tareas de manejo de datos y en algunas de ellas incluso se requiere programacin forzosa.Mi nombre es Raul Martinez y en este curso aprenderemos a crear sitios web dinmicos basados en php sin programacin desde una simple pgina de contacto hasta un completo sistema de gestin basado en web, todo ellos en minutos y completamente personalizable dejndonos la parte de diseos a nosotros y la maravillosa herramienta que usaremos en este curso hara todo lo dems de forma automtica.As que si te interesa agregar estas funcionalidades a tus nuevos proyectos no lo dudes ms e inscrbete a este el mejor y nico curso que existe en la red en espaol sobre esta revolucionaria herramienta."
Price: 345.00

"Presentaciones en 3D con 3D presentation" |
"En este curso online aprenders a crear presentaciones en 3d interactivas con Aurora 3D Presentation sin tener ningn concepto previo sobre animacin o modelado en 3D y lo mejor de todo, siguiendo la misma mecnica de trabajo de Power Point. No importa si eres un estudiante, un emprendedor o un ejecutivo, esta maravilla de programa te permitir darle vida a tus ideas y llevarlas a las tres dimensiones de una forma rpida y eficiente, algo que hasta hace poco solo lo podan hacer los animadores.Veremos desde como descargar e instalar la aplicacin, como agregar y configurar diapositivas, como agregar objetos como textos, formas, videos, imgenes, galeras y tablas hasta modelos 3d y partculas. Tambin veremos como dar fomato a todos los elementos, agregar acciones y animaciones, organizar todo nuestro trabajo y exportar la presentacin final. Finalmente haremos una prctica final donde realizaremos una presentacin interactiva para dispositivos tctiles.El objetivo es dominar las herremientas indispensables para la operacin fluida del software. As mismo el alumno una vez terminado el curso podr llevar a cabo los siguientes tipo de proyectos: Presentaciones interactivas para pantallas touch Presentaciones corporativas Presentaciones de productos en 3D Grficos para televisin y video Productos multimedia sin lmites como tutoriales, enciclopedias o demos Y un largo etctera todo con fantstico poder del 3DEl curso es impartido por Raul Martinez, profesor con mas de 10 aos en experiencia en la capacitacin y preparacin de presentaciones corporativas en Power Point, Flash y claro con 3D Presentation. Actualmente se desempea como director y profesor en un centro de capacitacin especializado en informtica, sobre todo en las reas de diseo grfico, programacin e informtica administrativa."
Price: 270.00

"Curso completo de Corel Draw de 0 a experto" |
"***CURSO EN ACTUALIZACIN CONTINUA. Apartir mediado del mes de Mayo el curso comenzara una fase de actualizacin continua se subir un vdeo por semana sobre actualizacin y nuevos temas usando ya la versin 2019***CorelDRAW es una aplicacin informtica de diseo grfico vectorial que te permite crear diseos impresionantes de forma sencilla. El diseo vectorial se caracteriza por estar fundamentado en vectores matemticos. En este curso online aprenders a usar COREL DRAW la herramienta ideal para iniciar al mundo del diseo grfico, una de las herramientas de diseo mas usadas en imprentas, agencias de publicidad y estudios de diseo. Y el software con mas experiencia en el mundo del diseo.Veremos desde como descargar e instalar la aplicacin, hasta como dibujar cualquier objeto y darle color, tambin agregaremos imgenes y textos e incluiremos efectos especiales a nuestras creaciones. Tambin veremos como organizar todo nuestro trabajo y exportarlo o imprimirlo. Incluyendo un capitulo especial sobre vectorizacion.Tambin aprenders a usar las herramientas que requieren un nivelmedio yavanzado. Veremos todas las opciones de los mens y el uso de todos los paneles. Finalmente llevaremos a cabo 7 prcticas donde pondremos en practica todo lo visto en este y en el anterior curso.La primer parte del curso lo bsico lo haremos con CorelDraw en su version X7 y la segunda parte donde vemos la parte mas avanzada la veremos con CorelDraw X8, debo comentar que e tenido algunos problemas con la versin 2017 de CorelDraw por esa no la inclu en el curso, aunque como menciono en el curso lo que veamos se podr aplicar a todas las versiones de CorelAs que si deseas convertirte en un experto en el programa de diseo ms verstil de mercado entonces esta serie de cursos es tu mejor opcin."
Price: 345.00

"Photo Manipulation With Adobe Photoshop : Amazing Designs" |
"This is a professional design course that enables you to become aprofessionaldesigner, and raise your level and develop your skills and learn new techniques. you can use what you learn hereto work in design companies oras a freelancer on a lot of sites and you can also make profits through these techniques by using them in the right ways."
Price: 199.99

"Pele Perfeita Profissional Photoshop (CS6 & CC)" |
"Uma completa aula sobre tratamento de pele profissional no Photoshop que ensina passo a passo, na prtica, todo o caminho na direo certa para uma edio de pele em nvel profissional! Todas as tcnicas e macetes que so sempre mantidos em segredo agora esto disponveis para voc.Neste curso, assim como nos meus tutoriais e vdeos de dicas, ensino tudo o que sei, sem o bl bl bl, indo direto ao ponto! Mostrarei todas as tcnicas que uso para o tratamento de pele em minhas imagens.No uma frmula mgica!Se voc acredita em frmulas mgicas voc ainda no est preparado para se tornar um profissional. O que voc vai aprender nesse curso o passo a passo, o mapa do tesouro para resultados profissionais. No curso, voc acompanhar o tratamento de pele de uma imagem, camada-por-camada, desde a converso do arquivo RAW. Lembrando que o resultado final sempre depende da sua disposio e dedicao. PERGUNTAS FREQUENTES Para quem o curso?O curso bem didtico e as tcnicas ensinadas podem ser executadas mesmo com um conhecimento muito bsico do Photoshop.O curso tambm para aqueles que j tem um certo conhecimento, mas acreditam que os resultados poderiam ser melhores.Voc pode garantir que vou ter esses resultados?Claro que no. Mostro aqui o que possvel ao se seguir as informaes que ensino. Ainda assim, o quo rpido e o quo longe voc ir vai depender de voc.O curso online ou presencial?O curso 100% online. Ou seja: voc pode acessar quando e de onde voc quiser, do seu jeito e no seu ritmo. O acesso ILIMITADO.Preciso de alguma ferramenta ou algum conhecimento para poder comear?Tudo o que voc precisa para iniciar o curso ter o Adobe Photoshop instalado em seu computador. Alguma experincia com o aplicativo sempre bem-vinda.Vou aprender a fazer um tratamento completo na imagem?Esse curso contempla apenas a parte de tratamento de pele. Outros detalhes sero abordados em cursos especficos para que o material seja o mais detalhado possvel. AINDA TEM ALGUMA DVIDA? Tenho uma srie de videos/tutoriais 100% grtis no qual mostro algumas tcnicas que utilizo e que vo te ajudar, tenho certeza! Fique a vontade para visitar meu canalno Youtube.Encontre dezenas comentrios de pessoas que assistindo meus videos aprenderam algo novo e que realmente adicionou conhecimentos em suas vidas."
Price: 84.99

"The Complete Fundraising Course" |
"Hi! Welcome to the Complete Fundraising Course, theonly course you need to learn fundraising.There are a lot of options for fundraising, but this course is without a doubt the most comprehensive and effective on the market. Here's why:This is the only online course taught by a former broker who has raised over $70 million dollars for projects and business.80-90% of my campaignsget funded utilizing some of the techniques you will learn. Most entrepreneurs are complete beginners when I start working with them.It cost $7,500 to $15,000 a month for someone to hire my firm, to do fund raising for there project, making it out of reach for most.This course is just as comprehensive but with brand new content for a fraction of the price.Everything I cover is up-to-date and relevant to today's fundraising industry.Assuming entrepreneurs with low to no budget. This course does not cut any corners.This is the only completecourse covering investor funnels, sandbox concept, relationship building messaging, investor databases, referrals and more.We will go over almost 15+ different ways to raise funds, including Investment bankers, vcs, angels, financial institutions,Referrals, Pink sheets, PPM, FFF, IPO For startup. No other course walks you through the fundraising process in so much detail.The course isconstantly updatedwith new content, projects, and modules, and 95Lectures the most of any fundraising course on Udemy. Think of it as Mastercourse on fundraising, with new updates when needed.Learn why a NO, is no big deal and how to get referrals from warm market instead of cold market.Learn to Speed up the fundraising process, set goals and use strategies and messages outlined herein.When you're learningabout fundraising you often have to go through a long process, and sacrifice a lot of hours waiting to see what works. In this course, youll skip the learning curve. Which has taken me oversevenyears to learn, and you will get beginner friendly classes.With this course, you will get the best of both world. Real world experience in fundraising and instruction how todo it. This course is designed for the complete beginner to fundraising, yet it covers some highly relevant topics in the industry, and it contains all the information you need to get started right away.Throughout the course we cover tons of tools and technologies including:Fundraising FunnelsKPI to measureContacting InvestorsMessaging InvestorsAppointment SettingFace to face MeetingsMarketing Material to haveRelationship BuildingSocial Media Investor TargetingWhat to say to investorsHow to do Pre-ValuationsHow to increase Pre-ValuationRight partnership for business dealPrototype fund raisingLicensing Fee FundraisingWhere to contact investorResearching investorsDue DiligenceGetting ReferencesMeasuring activitySandbox conceptPPM and investment bankersFFF investorsPink sheetsThis course is also unique in the way that it is structured and presented. Because it has examples of what actions you can use, and documents and references Ive used to connect with investors. This course is different.The course includes: LecturesProjectsExercisesWebsitesReferencesInvestor DatabasesBuilding your own databaseResearch AssignmentsDocumentsDownloadsReadingsIf you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. I got into thisfundraising because I love working with people and helping students learn. Sign up today and see how exciting, and rewarding fundraising can be!Who is the target audience?This course is for anyone who wants to learn about fundraising, regardless of previous experience.This course can be for teachers, student's, entrepreneurs, engineers or inventors. Who never raised money and have a technical background.It's perfect for complete beginners with zero experienceThis course is also good for people who bootstrapped a business but never delved into the ground work of fundraising from angels, angel groups and vc.If you want to take ONE COURSE to learn everything you need to know about fundraising, take this course"
Price: 199.99

"Investor Ready Pitch Deck" |
"In the ""Investor Ready Pitch Deck"" you will learn in a simple and effective way. How to prepare, present ideas to investors to raise anywhere from $50,000 up to $1,000,000 million dollars in seed round of financing. What investors want to see, and how you can save yourself. Hundreds, of hours. By having the right information. That they want from the beginning, thus saving you time and energy and improving your chances of getting funding. What is included in this Course. Apply for financing from angels, VC's Build real-world pitch deck that can get funding The 15 most important things to have on a deck How to add research to a deck What traction is most important for investors? Why teams matter to investors? How to add projections to deck! How to show (USP),and a 10x return.Description This course was made for an entrepreneur/students/any person who has a product,business oridea and would like to raise capital from an accredited investor, VC's or other funding institution by utilizing a pitch deck. We will start by discussing the key topics, investors want to see when it comes to a business. Including the most important pages to have on an investment ready pitch deck.Why your pitch deck should only be a maximum of 12-15 pages, and what is the vital information that you must have inside it to get an investor want to contact you and or give you a term sheet.The course will also contain, elevator pitch at the beginning of the deck. We will also cover how to present your deck, if you don't have much traction. How to make your deck look like, it's investment-ready.In addition,We will also include information for adding (Niche Market info, Sales Projections, Team information).You will learn how to price the service or product your offering to figure out either profit per product or service. Finally, you will learn how to do research, how to finda market to disrupt, identify customers B2B or B2C. The competition for the market or industry you're going into. Understandthe problem your solving.by providea solution.Then finally, the timeline for execution, your (SERVICE ADDRESSABLE MARKET), and (TOTAL AVAILABLE MARKET). Your business funding needs, your potential exit scenarios. And your burn and run-way length.Months of cash uponreceiving(capital injection)."
Price: 19.99

"What is a Cryptocurrency and How do I Trade One" |
"This course will teach you how to trade Bitcoin, Ethereum Litecoin, and other altcoins. The purpose of this course is to empower you with basic information on blockchain technology and cryptocurrency, so that you have the knowledge you need to trade and invest. In the course you'll learn about what cryptocurrencies are, how you get setup on exchanges for trading,, and how you store your cryptocurrencies."
Price: 19.99

"### ### - Manage Your Personal Expenses using Microsoft Excel, Manage your Expenses and Learn Excel in one Course . EXCEL . ... . EXCEL EXCEL EXCEL . EXCEL : EXCEL . EXCEL Formulas Formats . EXCEL EXCEL Formulas Conditional Formatting Data Validation 12 . / EXCEL . EXCEL EXCEL EXCEL :Excel Functions VLOOKUP, SUMIFS, IF STATEMENT, SUBTOTAL, IFFERROR, LEFT, RIGHT, EOMONTH, OFFSET, TEXT, ISBLANK, TODAY, AND, VALUE, CONCATINATE, EXCEL logical and mathematical operations :SLICERS, Data Validation, Conditional formatting, Format as Table EXCEL . EXCEL : ( ) EXCEL"
Price: 19.99

"Excel Functions and Formulas" |
"#### ### Excel Functions and Formulas . Excel Excel Expert Excel Functions and Formulas MS Excel Excel Functions ########################### ########################### Excel Functions and Formulas 65 Excel Functions Excel :Named RangesValidation RulesConditional FormattingArray Functions Think as an Excel Expert Excel Functions :Logical Excel Functions - Statistical Excel Functions - Lookup Excel Functions - Text Excel Functions - Date and Time Excel Functions - Array Excel Functions - : 30 ( ) ************************** :Microsoft Excel Course , Excel Excel Excel , ,"
Price: 24.99

"trojanized - Die Kunst der beruflichen Orientierung" |
"Wo absolviere ich ein Praktikum? Welches Unternehmen passt zu mir? Wie komme ich auch ohne Vitamin B an einen begehrten Job? Fragen, die viele Studierende umtreibt und auf die Dr.Sebastian Pioch uberraschend simple Antworten hat. Als Karrierecoach einer privaten Hochschule hat er ein ausserst wirksames Konzept entwickelt, das ein wenig an die berhmte Sage von Troja erinnert, jedoch ohne unliebsame berraschungen auskommt.""Der Kurs, welcher sich an das gleichnamige Buch anlehnt, fhrt die Teilnehmer Schritt fr Schritt durch einen bewhrten Prozess, den Dr. Pioch bereits mit vielen Studierenden gemeinsam gegangen ist. Er eignet sich grundstzlich fr alle Studienrichtungen, ist aber besonders wirksam fr Studienfcher, die einsehr breit gefchertes berufliches Umfeld ermglichen - z.B. BWL, Wirtschaftspsychologie oder Medienwissenschaften."
Price: 29.99

"Career Ready Bundle - Job Search, Applications & Interview" |
"During this course we will cover the following topics and use activities to help you practice the skills and strategies discussed.Your Job Search Tool KitEffective Job Search MethodsThe Application ProcessResearch and Uncovering Pain PointsTestingTracking Your ApplicationFollow up and gathering feedback you can utiliseTypes of recruitersTypes of interviewsInterview preparationCommon interview questionsInterview etiquetteEffectively closing your interviewFollow up and gathering feedback you can utiliseAfter completing this course, you will have a strong understanding of how to research, prepare and submit a standout application, prepare for and complete interviews confidently."
Price: 49.99

"Corso di Fotografia Base" |
"Hai una fotocamera e vorresti scoprire come usarla al meglio? Ilsegretonon nella conoscenza del mezzo, ma nellosviluppo di una ""sensibilit"" e spirito di ""osservazione"" dal quale possonoscaturire belle foto. Se vuoi imparare a capire come si sceglie qualcosa che meriti di essere fotografatoallora questo videocorso fa per te! Comprenderaile impostazioni baseper gestire al meglio laluce, losfuocatoilrumoree molto altro ancora. Accrescerai inoltre la tuasensibiliteconsapevolezza fotograficaattraverso un processo direvisione e selezione delle fotografie, unitamente ad unaleggera post-produzione, tesa afar comunicare meglio alle immagini ci che i tuoi occhi hanno visto al momento dello scatto! Ti aiuter adusare al meglio le funzionalit essenzialidella tuafotocamera, per ottenerescattifrutto non pi del caso (o dell'automatismo) ma dellaconsapevolezza!"
Price: 99.99

"Creare video con la fotocamera Reflex" |
"Lefotocamere Reflexvengono integrate sempre pi spesso nelleproduzioni videoper via delle loro qualit intrinseche. La possibilit di disporre diottiche intercambiabili, unita all'ampiezza del sensore, consentono di ottenerefilmatidi unaqualit elevata, al punto che spesso vengono usate anche durante intereproduzioni cinematografiche. Ebbene si, quellafotocamerache tieni al collo, con la quale fai solo fotografie in verit unafantastica videocamera. Devi solo capire come va usata al meglio. In effetti, il passaggio dallafotoalvideonon cos scontato. Ci sono cos tante cose nuove da considerare, che facile perdersi e iniziare a farevideocol piede sbagliato. Per questo motivo, ilvideocorso che ti propongo pensato proprio per chi ha una reflex (o mirrorless)e desidera avvicinarsi al mondo del video."
Price: 199.99

"Come creare video con tecniche creative" |
"Sempre pi spesso nellaproduzione videovengono utilizzatetecniche creativesia a livello diripresa, sia dimontaggio, per ottenerefilmati sempre pi avvincenti.Time Lapse,Tilt Shift,Hyper Lapse,Slow Motion,Time Remap, solo per citarne alcuni, sono di fatto dei ""linguaggi""visualiche incrementano lapotenza espressiva di un filmato. Spesso per la comprensione profonda di questi metodi richiede tempo, sopratutto in un mondo virtuale quale Internet che ci bombarda di informazioni, tutorial e consigli, nel quale difficile orientarsi. Ilvideocorso""Video Creativo"" quindiun'occasione unicaper scoprire le piinteressanti tecniche creativeper il video in tempi brevi e in modo estremanente semplice!"
Price: 199.99

"Impara le basi del montaggio video" |
"Questo videocorso pensato per chiunque voglia imparare le tecniche del montaggio video. Lo strumento di editing indubbiamente importante, purch questo per non diventi il centro del proprio lavoro. Montare un video significa prima di tutto saper scegliere le clip pi adatte, selezionandone anche le parti migliori, per poi metterle in una sequenza temporaleche funzioni, rispetto a ci che si vuole comunicare. Il software dunque importante, ma appunto uno strumento, che dobbiamo mettere al servizio delle nostre idee. Ecco, questo videocorso progettato per donarti quella necessaria consapevolezza di cosa vuol dire ""raccontare per immagini"", scegliendo il taglio, la ritmica e la musica pi adatta. Il videocorso non legato ad un software particolare, talvolta viene utilizzato Premiere per fare alcuni esempi, ma i contenuti sono pensati per essere adattati a qualunque ambito di lavoro, perch, appunto: non un corso sullo strumento, ma un corso sul montaggio video!"
Price: 199.99

"How to become Entrepreneur?" |
"this is course about how to become entrepreneur and earn more then any business and its course gives you universal rule that how to apply it in a free. its not a expensive ways to apply these recommendation to do business or any startup. just follow simple step and you will start your entrepreneur journey, its as sample as sleep and become a CEO of your own organization."
Price: 19.99

"Keynote: the making of a presentation!" |
"In this course you will learn the basics of Keynote.Here are the lecturesthat the course handles:- Keynote overview: in this section we will go through the process that goes from creating a new file to finding the best tools that Keynote has in order for us to make the best presentationpossible. - Presentation topic:the course has a specific topic which is ourselves.In this section we will explain the reason why we chose such a matter as the subject of our presentation. We will also underline the importance of choosing the argument of a presentation very clearly in a way that we can be very direct with our audience. - Slides scheme:here we will make a draft of our presentation. We will put our ideas into paper and create a general scheme that reflects how we want our presentation to be. In this sectionthe course will give advice on how to create a slide scheme for any presentation. - Slides creation: we will go to Keynote and transformour previous idea into something real through a step by step process that will allow us to understand every detail there is in the making of a presentation.- Pictures and Texts:all the basic things youneed to knowabout adding, editingpictures and texts in a presentation.- Animations:slide and objects animations. We will see together how to find them and how to add them to our presentation in a graceful way.- Exporting:there are different formats we can export our presentation with. We will see how to export a presentation, why it should be important to export it and all the different formats we have at our disposal.- Cheers! We will have a presentation about ourselves done and we will certainly be very proud of ourselves.It's time to celebrate and why not share the presentationwith each other!Here's the course! If you have any other questions, I'mat your completedisposal :)Annalisa"
Price: 19.99

"Nutrition made Simple!" |
"Are you confused about food in general? You feel like there's something wrong with today's eating habits but you don't really know what it is?Then, this course might be exactly what you've been looking for!Together we will talk about the main topics that concern our health.Here we have the topics we will talk about:- What's happening to our eating habits- Is there still hope? What can we do about it?- What are Nutrients?- Water- Carbohydrates- Proteins- Fats- Vitamins- MineralsAnd I'll be completely available to answer all the questions that come up into your mind!Once finished the course you will have a wider vision of our world's eating habits, you will be more aware of the consequences that a wrong lifestyle can bring to and you will realise that there'ssomething we can do about it.You will open your eyes and understandthat there is still some good in this world, but it's up to us to either stay still or take action."
Price: 19.99

"Portrait Skin Retouching In Photoshop For Beginners" |
"HiI am so excited to welcome you to this course for beginners.I have designed this course for beginners who want to learn how to retouch skin professionally in portrait and beauty photos.This course is explained simply and easily from start to finish, to enable you to grasp all the technique's and skills you will learn.If you are here now, because you want all the answers in one place, then you have arrived at the right destination.This course will take you on a journey which will enable you to discover how to retouch portrait and beauty images, both beautifully and professionally, giving you the skills you will need to transform your retouching to the next level.What WilI Learn From This Course?This course will take you through different 3 sections with over 30 videos, which have all been thoughtfully designed to benefit you, while removing any stress and overwhelm from the learning process. You will learn Professional Portrait and Beauty Skin Retouching from Start To Finish.Section 1: Introduction To Skin Retouching ( Learn how to use the tools which professional retouchers use to get magazine and web ready pictures )Section 2: The Complete Skin Retouch ( Step by Step process how to retouch skin from start to finish )Section 3: How To Retouch Facial FeaturesSection 4: COMPLETE BONUS COURSE : How To Retouch Facial Features In PhotoshopWhat WilI I Get With This Course?Over 2 Hours of LearningOver 30 VideosAll Raw Images Included To Work On Throughout The CourseCOMPLETE FREE BONUS 2 HOUR COURSEAnd Much..Much..More!I'm grateful that you have taken the time to read this, and really hope you will join me and the many other students around our world - to discover the world of retouching."
Price: 19.99

"Vlogging for Business" |
"Why should vlogging be part of your business strategy?When you are a professional,entrepreneur, manager, coach or trainer, you know how important it is to be able to reach your audience.What is currently thebest way to reach many potential customers at once? Creating video's!People are 64-85% morelikely to click on a link to a landingspage or website when they've watched a video.The easiest way to start with video is by creating a vlog. A vlog is basically a blog for which the medium is video. You start by using your own equipment, such as a smartphone or laptop. After watching your vlog, you can invite the viewers to click on a link to your landing page and from there convert them into buying customers.So if you are not vlogging or busy with online video in any way, now is the time to start. If you are already well on your way, this e-course cangive you a boost on your vlogging journey.What you will get out of this course is 9 steps to use vlogging for your business. At the end of this course you will be able to create a vlog where you let your personality shine, by using your own equipment, posting it on YouTube and monetizing your vlogs."
Price: 174.99

"How to Immigrate to Canada as an Engineer in 2020." |
"This course has been developed to assist International trained engineers like you to learn how you can become eligible to apply for Canadian Permanent Residency via the Express Entry System under the different immigration programs available In Canada and what you will require in order to begin your application.This course includes a basic overview of the Express Entry system, the different eligible immigration programs, the required language and accepted tests such as: EnglishCELPIP: Canadian English Language Proficiency Index ProgramIELTS: International English Language Testing SystemFrenchTEF Canada: Test dvaluation de franais, TCF Canada: Test de connaissance du franais,It also covers some resources like LinkedIn, Interviewing skills, Job search strategies and Canadian Resume templates that are designed to assist professional immigrants to navigate the Canadian labor market and secure employment.This course is ideal for Engineers in areas such as:NOC Code Occupation Title0211 Engineering Managers2131 Civil Engineers2132 Mechanical Engineers2133 Electrical and Electronics Engineers2134 Chemical Engineers2141 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineers.2142 Metallurgical Engineers.2143 Mining Engineers.2144 Geological Engineers2145 Petroleum Engineers.2146 Aerospace Engineers2147 Computer Engineers 2148 Other Engineers2173 Software Engineers and Designers You're going to get over 10 hours of video lectures, access to the recommended resources our student discussion forum, and the ability to ask me any questions you may have as you progress through the course. On top of all that, you get lifetime access.By the end of this course, you will know some of the strategies and resources used in your immigration journey, job search in Canada and how to integrate into the Canadian labor market and start your new life in the True North.What People Are Saying About Us:""Es un material muy completo, mucha informacin interesante y aplicable a la vida real. El instructor realiza su explicacin de manera dinmica, utilizando varias herramientas visuales. Muy buen curso.""--Karina Rodriguez""This course explains the Canadian immigration process in an easy way""--M.V.Sasi KumarThis course is taught by a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC)."
Price: 99.99

"How to Immigrate to Canada as an IT professional." |
"This course has been developed to assist International educated and trained professionals in the information and Communications Technology like you to learn how you can become eligible to apply for Canadian Permanent Residency via the Express Entry System under the different immigration programs available In Canada and what you will require in order to begin your application.This course includes a basic overview of the Express Entry system, the different eligible immigration programs, the required language and accepted tests such as: EnglishCELPIP: Canadian English Language Proficiency Index ProgramIELTS: International English Language Testing SystemFrenchTEF Canada: Test dvaluation de franais, TCF Canada: Test de Connaissance du franais,It also covers some resources like LinkedIn, Interviewing skills, Job search strategies and Canadian Resume templates that are designed to assist professional immigrants to navigate the Canadian labor market and secure employment.This course is ideal for ICT professionals such as:NOC Code Occupation Title5225 Audio and Video Recording Technicians0213 Computer and Information Systems Managers2147 Computer Engineers (Except Software Engineers and Designers)2281 Computer Network Technicians2174 Computer Programmers and Interactive Media Developers2172 Database Analysts and Data Administrators2241 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technologists and Technicians2133 Electrical and Electronics Engineers2242 Electronic service technicians (household and business equipment)9523 Electronics assemblers, fabricators, inspectors and testers0211 Engineering Managers5222 Film and Video Camera Operators5223 Graphic Arts Technicians5241 Graphic Designers and Illustrators1252 Health Information Management Occupations2243 Industrial Instrument Technicians and Mechanics2171 Information Systems Analysts and Consultants2283 Information systems testing technicians0911 Manufacturing Managers2173 Software Engineers and Designers9222 Supervisors, electronics manufacturing6221 Technical Sales Specialists - Wholesale Trade0131 Telecommunication Carriers Managers2282 User Support Technicians2175 Web Designers and Developers You're going to get over 10 hours of video lectures, access to the recommended resources our student discussion forum, and the ability to ask me any questions you may have as you progress through the course. On top of all that, you get lifetime access.By the end of this course, you will know some of the strategies and resources used in your immigration journey, job search in Canada and how to integrate into the Canadian labor market and start your new life in the True North.What People Are Saying About Us:""Esta todo muy bien espaciado pero al ser tanta la informacin, encuentro que es muy rpido todo para poder entender no el idioma los procesos al ser algo nuevo para mi no puede ser tan rpido podras ser mas pausado al dar las informaciones, tremendo trabajo felicidades..!""--Manuel Moreno""Muy interesante material didctico, simple pero con mucha informacin para saber que hacer dnde ir, y cmo hacer el proceso inmigratoria como profesional en Canad. Tan completo que hasta realiza un anlisis comparativo sobre gastos y costos para vivir en Canad y por qu elegir ese pas.""--Karina RodrguezThis course is taught by a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC)."
Price: 99.99
