"How to Start and Grow a Family Business" |
"Welcome to ourcourse onHow to Start and Grow a Family Business.This course isdesignedfornew or existingentrepreneurslooking to start anew familybusiness or are currentlyinvolvedin a family business.By the end of the course, you will:- learn how to organize better a family business,-grasp the issues involved with Governance and Ownership of a Family Business,-get practical advice on how to manage shareholder arrangements,- learn practical tips to improve communication in a family business,- get advise on how to manage conflicts,- receive suggestions on how to celebrate success,- understand the importance of managing kids effectivelyin a family business,- learn how to handle a family crisis.Course starts by providing an overview on how to organize a family business by setting expectations and defining roles as well as differentiating between business and family life. Then, we walk through the Governance and Ownership issues including how to set business controls and how to manage shareholder arrangements. Course continues by providing practical tips for success in a family business including effective communications, managing conflicts and celebration of success. Course is completed by providing suggestions on overcoming challenges including managing kids and handling family crisis.The ideal student for this course is anew or existing entrepreneurlooking to start or growafamilybusiness. Also, this course is great for others who are currently involved in a family business or looking to setup a familybusiness.There areno technicalrequirementsnecessary to enroll.We only ask that you come open minded andready to learnand ready totake some risks.In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklistsprovidedand engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!Theinstructorfor this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including20 years of business experiencehaving founded and developed multiple companies. He has worked in family businesses of various kinds and has coached many others.Also, AJ has an educational background teachingEntrepreneurship coursesto University students"
Price: 19.99

"How to Start and Grow a Consulting Business" |
"Welcome to ourcourse onHow to Start and Grow a Consulting Business.This course isdesignedfornew or existingconsultantslooking to get practical advice on howto start and grow a consultingbusiness.By the end of the course, you will:- understand better the consulting business,- learn the strategic approach to consulting,- improve your knowledge for marketing consulting services,- learn from practical tips on how to start and grow a consulting business.Course starts by providing an overview of the consulting business, presenting the strategic approach to consulting and practical methods to market the consulting services. Course continues by presenting 10 practical tips on how to start a consulting business. Course is completed by providing 10 practical tips on how to grow a consulting business.The ideal student for this course is anew or existing consultantlooking to start a newconsultingbusinessor looking to provide a new consulting service. Also, this course is great for full-time employees or full-time consultants looking to start their first consulting business.There areno technicalrequirementsnecessary to enroll.We only ask that you come open minded andready to learnand ready totake some risks.In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklistsprovidedand engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!Theinstructorfor this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including20 years of business experiencehaving founded and developed multiple companies including a consulting company. He has worked in delivering consulting services to more than 200 client organizations in many areas. In addition, hehas trained more than10,000 peopleincluding top level executives, managers and business owners. Also, AJ has an educational background teachingEntrepreneurship coursesto University students."
Price: 19.99

"How to Start and Grow a Digital Marketing Agency" |
"Welcome to ourcourse onHow to Start and Grow a Digital Marketing Agency.This course isdesignedfornew or existing marketing professionalslooking to start anew digital marketing agency.By the end of the course, you will:- How digital marketing agency works,- What kind of services are provided by a digital marketing agency,- How agencies work with their clients,- Learn 20 practical steps on how to establish a digital marketing agency within a month,- Learn 20 practical tips on how to grow an already created digital marketing agency.The ideal student for this course is anew or existing digital marketing professionallooking to start or growa digital marketing agency. Also, this course is great for full time students or full time employees looking to start their business career with their own digital marketing agency.There areno technicalrequirementsnecessary to enroll.We only ask that you come open minded andready to learnand ready totake some risks.In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklistsprovidedand engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!Theinstructorfor this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including20 years of business experiencehaving founded and developed multiple companies. He has manageddigital marketing projects in the past 5 years for various client organizations.Also, AJ has an educational background teachingEntrepreneurship coursesto University students."
Price: 19.99

"Financing Options for Small Business" |
"Welcome to ourcourse onFinancing Options for Small Business.This course isdesignedfor new or existingentrepreneursseeking financing to start or grow their small business or startup.By the end of the course, you will:- Learn how to determine your financing needs,- Learn how to estimate startup costs,- Understand the difference between debt and equity financing,- Understand the difference between short-term and long-term financing,- Learn different financing options available for startups and small businesses,- Learn aboutLoans, micro-loans and credit cards, as a form of debt financing,- Learn aboutGrants, as a form of debt financing,- Learn aboutVenture Capital, as a form of equity financing,- Learn aboutAngel Investors, as a form of equity financing,- Learn aboutCrowdfunding,- Learn aboutOnline loans, as a form of debt financing, and- Learn aboutFamily and friends, as a form of equity or debtfinancing.The ideal student for this course is anew or existing entrepreneurthat is looking for financing for their small business or startup, or an individual looking to launch anew product or service, grow anexisting business, or evena full-time employee or student looking to start abusiness career.There areno technicalrequirementsnecessary to enroll.We only ask that you come open minded andready to learnand ready totake some risks.In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklistsprovidedand engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!Theinstructorfor this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including20 years of business experiencehaving founded and developed multiple companies.Also, AJ has an educational background teachingEntrepreneurship coursesto University students.Check out the course description and we look forward to seeing you enroll in this course."
Price: 19.99

"How to Find and Attract Investors for Your Business" |
"Welcome to ourcourse onHow to Find and Attract Investors for Your Business.This course isdesignedfor new or existingentrepreneursseeking financing to start or grow their small business or startup.By the end of the course, you will:- Understand the outside financing world,- Graspthe challenge of financing your business,- Learnhow to estimate your financing needs,- Understandthe difference between debt and equity financing,- Understand how investors think andwhat kind of investors are out there,- Improve your skills onhow to find investorsand how to convince them to invest in your business,- Will learn the investment process, how long it takes andwhat are the investor expectations,- Benefit fromthe7 types of online resources where to find investors,- Receive suggestions aboutparticipation on local networking events in your city.The ideal student for this course is anew or existing entrepreneurthat is looking for financing for their small business or startup, or an individual looking to launch anew product or service, grow anexisting business, or evena full-time employee or student looking to start abusiness career.There areno technicalrequirementsnecessary to enroll.We only ask that you come open minded andready to learnand ready totake some risks.In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklistsprovidedand engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!Theinstructorfor this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including20 years of business experiencehaving founded and developed multiple companies.Also, AJ has an educational background teachingEntrepreneurship coursesto University students.Check out the course description and we look forward to seeing you enroll in this course."
Price: 19.99

"How to Write a Business Plan" |
"Welcome to ourcourse onHow to Write a Business Plan. This course isdesignedfor new or existingentrepreneursseeking practical advice on how to write abusiness plan. By the end of the course, you will:- Understand what is a Business Plan,- Know what is the purpose of a Business Plan,- Learnwhy you need to write one for your business,- Know what are the 6 main components of the business plan,- Learn practical skills on how to write each maincomponent of a Business Planincluding Executive Summary, Company Description, Marketing Analysis, Description of Products and Services, Marketing and Sales, and Financial Projections.- Benefit from10 online resources and templates to help you write a business plan in a week,The ideal student for this course is anew or existing entrepreneurthat wants to write a business plan, to start anew business, launch anew product or service, grow anexisting business, or evena full-time employee looking to start abusiness career.There areno technicalrequirementsnecessary to enroll.We only ask that you come open minded andready to learnand ready totake some risks.In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklistsprovidedand engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!Theinstructorfor this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including20 years of business experiencehaving founded and developed multiple companies.Also, AJ has an educational background teachingEntrepreneurship coursesto University students.---------------------------------------------------------------------Customer Testimonials: ""I learned concrete knowledge on how to create a business plan, this course was a great equalizer it helped me realize the importance of this whole idea, i didnt know writing a plan before you start up something is that critical and that it can decisively affect your level of success.. I recommend this course to any one who wants to pursue business seriously."" - Kyle J. Green ""Great course with very practical knowledge to get promising results. Highly Recommended."" - Harish ""A short course. But to a point. I just listened to it and I think it gave me the insight I needed to start with. Obviously, I cannot compare it with other courses, since I haven't tried them, so I do no regret paying for this course."" - Marin Ruzicka ""Although the teacher is not a native English speaker, the narrative is perfectly understandable, especially clear and formal, (something I like). These facts are good reminders that the real-life business environment in which you are to coexist are not homogeneous, but diverse. And there is always something new to learn with diversity. The presentation is divided into well-defined points with clear and concise descriptions. It is a course that certainly is a good vade-mecum to keep you focused on the task of creating your new business, (and future, start-ups if needed,) and for evolving it to new conditions it will have to operate, such as growth and expansions. A good tool and reference."" - Nelson Semino"
Price: 19.99

"How to Write a Marketing Plan" |
"Welcome to ourcourse onHow to Write a MarketingPlan.This course isdesignedfor new or existingentrepreneursseeking practical advice on how to write a marketingplan.By the end of the course, you will:- Understand what is a Marketing Plan,- Know how to prepare yourself to write a Marketing Plan,- Know what is the purpose of a Marketing Plan,- Learnwhy you need to write one for your business,- Know what are the 5main components of the marketing plan,- Learn practical skills on how to write each maincomponent of a Marketing Planincluding Situation Analysis, Marketing Objectives, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Activities and Marketing Budget.- Benefit from10 online resources and templates to help you write a marketingplan in a week,The ideal student for this course is anew or existing entrepreneurthat wants to write a marketing plan, to start anew business, launch anew product or service, grow anexisting business, or evena full-time employee looking to start abusiness career.There areno technicalrequirementsnecessary to enroll.We only ask that you come open minded andready to learnand ready totake some risks.In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklistsprovidedand engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!Theinstructorfor this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including20 years of business experiencehaving founded and developed multiple companies.Also, AJ has an educational background teachingEntrepreneurship coursesto University students."
Price: 19.99

"How to Gain Competitive Advantage for Your Startup" |
"Welcome to ourcourse onHow to Gain Competitive Advantage for Your Startup.This course isdesignedforstartup foundersand others who seekpractical adviceon how to improve yourcustomer service efforts.By the end of the course, you will:- Learn how to build a strong brand,- Learn how to analyze the competition,- Improve your skills for analyzing the customers,- Improve your strategic approach to competitive advantage,- Identify and learn how to implementstrategies for gaining competitive advantage,- Benefit from practical tips for Startups on how to gain competitive advantage,- Understand what are the competitive advantages of Startups in the marketplace.The ideal student for this course is astartup founderthat wants toimprove competitiveefforts of their startup. Also,newentrepreneurs and marketing studentscan benefit from this course.There areno technicalrequirementsnecessary to enroll.We only ask that you come open minded andready to learnand ready totake some risks.In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklistsprovidedand engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!Theinstructorfor this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including20 years of business experiencehaving founded and developed multiple companies.Also, AJ has an educational background teachingEntrepreneurship coursesto University students."
Price: 19.99

"Social Media Marketing for Startups" |
"Welcome to ourcourse onSocial Media Marketing for Startups.This course isdesignedforstartup foundersand others who seekpractical adviceon how to improve yoursocial media marketingefforts.By the end of the course, you will:- Understand the benefits of using social media for your startup,- Understand the advantages of different platforms including Facebook, Instagram,Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Pinterest,- Be able to determine in which platforms to build your presence,- Learn how to prepare and implement a social media marketing plan,- Benefit from practical tips on how implement social media campaigns that bring you results and achieve your marketing objectives,- Receiveadvice and online templates for preparing and implementing a social media marketing plan,The ideal student for this course is astartup founderthat wants to improve social media marketing efforts of their startup. Also, new entrepreneurs and marketing students can benefit from this course.There areno technicalrequirementsnecessary to enroll.We only ask that you come open minded andready to learnand ready totake some risks.In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklistsprovidedand engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!Theinstructorfor this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including20 years of business experiencehaving founded and developed multiple companies.Also, AJ has an educational background teachingEntrepreneurship coursesto University students."
Price: 19.99

"Effective Customer Service for Startups" |
"Welcome to ourcourse onEffective Customer Service for Startups.This course isdesignedfor startup founders and others who seek practical advice on how to improve your customer service efforts.By the end of the course, you will:- Understand what iscustomer service,- Learn best practices of customer service,- Understand thebenefits of good customer service,- Learn how to improve different aspects of customer service,- Improve your knowledge on customer service aspects offirst impressions, effective communication, relationship building and dealing with customer complaints,- Benefit frompractical tips on how to train employees, build social media presences and establish loyalty programs.The ideal student for this course is astartup founderthat wants to improve customer service efforts of their startup. Also, new entrepreneurs and marketing students can benefit from this course.There areno technicalrequirementsnecessary to enroll.We only ask that you come open minded andready to learnand ready totake some risks.In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklistsprovidedand engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!Theinstructorfor this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including20 years of business experiencehaving founded and developed multiple companies.Also, AJ has an educational background teachingEntrepreneurship coursesto University students."
Price: 19.99

"How to Buy an Existing Business" |
"Welcome to ourcourse onHow to Buy an Existing Business.This course isdesignedfor new or existingentrepreneursseeking practical advice on how to buy an existing business.By the end of the course, you will:- Understand the advantages and disadvantages of buying an existing business,- Learn about the decision making process of buying a business,- Know how to determine the value of the business,- Learn about Due Diligence,- Understand the steps involved in buying a business,- Learn about closing and transitioning phases of the process ofbuying a business.The ideal student for this course is a business professionalwho isseekingpractical advice on how to buy an existing business.Also, this course is good for any other people interested in buying an existing business.There areno technicalrequirementsnecessary to enroll.We only ask that you come open minded andready to learnand ready totake some risks.In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklistsprovidedand engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!Theinstructorfor this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including20 years of business experiencehaving founded and developed multiple companies.Also, AJ has an educational background teachingEntrepreneurship coursesto University students."
Price: 19.99

"How to Sell Your Business" |
"Welcome to ourcourse onHow to Sell YourBusiness.This course isdesignedfor new or existingentrepreneursseeking practical advice onhow to sell their business.By the end of the course, you will:- Determine your readiness to sell your business,- Learn how to determine the value of your business,- Know how to prepare for the sale of your business,- Understand how to find the right buyer,- Improve your skills on negotiating the sale of your business,- Learn how to prepare a sales agreement,- Learn what is required to ensure a successful transition.The ideal student for this course is abusiness professionalwho isseekingpractical advice onhow to sell their business.Also, this course is good for any other people interested inselling theirbusiness.There areno technicalrequirementsnecessary to enroll.We only ask that you come open minded andready to learnand ready totake some risks.In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklistsprovidedand engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!Theinstructorfor this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including20 years of business experiencehaving founded and developed multiple companies.Also, AJ has an educational background teachingEntrepreneurship coursesto University students."
Price: 19.99

"How to Design with Low Poly in Illustrator" |
"Welcome to How to Design with Low Poly in Illustrator course, where you will learn how to turn any image into a low poly illustration.The low poly look has it's roots in 3D animationand games, and has become very popular in illustration.My name is Ergon and I'll be leading you through the course. Ihave more than 25years of experience in design and illustration, working with clients and creating my own products.I've designed this course for anyone wishing to learn how to create low poly illustrations. By the end of the course you'll be able to create your own low poly designs.I'll be teachinghow to pickthe rightimage for low poly design, create the low poly structure, and color it. We'll end by creating a background and shadows for added realism. I will show the process step by step in detailand ina veryefficient way. You'll be able tofollow the process easily andlearn rapidly without wasting valuable time.The ideal student for this course is someone interested in illustration and design,with basic knowledge in Adobe Illustrator. There are no otherrequirements to enroll. Ionly ask that you come open minded and ready to learn.Feel free to look through the course description and preview videos, and I look forward to seeing you inside."
Price: 19.99

"How to Create 25 Flat Tree Designs in Illustrator" |
"Welcome to How to Create 25 Flat Tree Designs in Illustrator course, where you will learn how to create from scratch 25 different flattree designs.The flat design look isa very popular andwidely used styleinillustration, web, publishing, animation, games, icons and more.My name is Ergon and I'll be leading you through the course. Ihave more than 25years of experience in design and illustration, working with clients and creating my own products.I've designed this course for anyone wishing to learn how to create flat treeillustrations. By the end of the course you'll be able to create an unlimited number offlat treedesigns.I'll be teachinghow to create flat tree designs from triangles, circles, squaresand other simple shapes.How to style them, create backgrounds, shadows,icons and how to export them for use in multiple project formats.I will show the process step by step in detailand ina veryefficient way. You'll be able tofollow the process easily andlearn rapidly without wasting valuable time.The ideal student for this course is someone interested in illustration and design,with basic knowledge in Adobe Illustrator. There are no otherrequirements to enroll. Ionly ask that you come open minded and ready to learn.Feel free to look through the course description and preview videos, and I look forward to seeing you inside."
Price: 19.99

"Unlock VS Code: Ultimate Guide To Optimizing Your Workflow" |
"In this course you'll learn how to improve your workflow, increase productivity, and overall have a more enjoyable time working with your IDE. Everything from customization all the way up to working with databases and debuggingin your dev environment. If you've ever wondered why VS Code has become the most used and popular IDE among all developers, then this course will show you why."
Price: 19.99

"How to Hire a Birth Doula" |
"This course will guide you on how to hire a Doula. A doula is a professional birth coach that is an intricate part of your birth team. This course is designed to help take the guess work out of research and give you suggestions on how to interview and choose a doula that will be right for you."
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Web Developer in 2020: Zero to Mastery" |
"Just Updated for 2020 and 2021! Become a Fullstack Web Developer by learning the most in demand skills! This is one of the fastest growing courses on Udemy with 10,000+ in the last 6 months. Graduates of this course are now working at companies like Google, Tesla, Amazon, Apple, JP Morgan, Facebook + other top tech companies (...seriously).Join a live online community of over 350,000+ developers and a course taught by an industry expert that has actually worked both in Silicon Valley and Toronto as a Senior Developer and Tech Lead. This is the tutorial you've been looking for to become a modern web developer in 2020 and 2021. It doesnt just cover a small portion of the industry. This covers everything you need to know to get hired: from absolute zero knowledge to being able to put things on your resume that will allow you to live the life you want. Sounds too good to be true? Give me 5 minutes of your time to explain why I built this Web Development course and what is different here than thousands of other courses all over the internet:I update the course every month to make sure you learn the most up to date skills! There is no wasted time here. We wont be using outdated technologies like PHP, Wordpress and JQuery. Although still useful, outdated technologies like the above are low paying and demands for them are decreasing. In this course, you will learn the specific technologies that are the most in demand in the industry right now. These include tools and technologies used by the biggest tech companies like Google, Facebook, Instagram, etc Its geared specifically for people that want to learn employable skills in 2020 and 2021.After finishing this course, you will be able to apply for developer roles, get a promotion, or upgrade your job title as a developer and earn a higher salary. We won't be taking any shortcuts in this course. You are going to go from absolute zero: where you learn how the internet works. To mastery: where you build an image recognition app using a Machine Learning API (a subset of Artificial Intelligence) and all the other modern technologies that we learn in the course. Most students have commented how the projects in this course have impressed their interviewers and allowed them to get an offer.This course is taught by an instructor who has worked in Silicon Valley, and one of the top tech companies in Toronto. I have built large scale applications, and have managed teams of developers. I am not an online marketer or a salesman, but a software developer who has worked directly with these technologies. I love programming and believe that there needs to be a course out there that actually teaches valuable real life skills (because most of them are taught by teachers with no work experience).Your time is valuable and you don't want to spend thousands of dollars on a bootcamp. You want a course that outlines the best way to become a Web Developer, in simple and well explained terms, so that you fully understand topics instead of watching somebody on your screen and having no clue what is going on. I have taken the best pieces, tools, and practices that I have found over the years, and condensed everything into this course. 50 hours of videos doesn't mean much if the instructor isn't engaging or focuses on outdated topics. I made sure that everything covered in this course is efficient and focuses on getting you job ready as soon as possible! We have a thriving online chat community so you really feel like you are part of a classroom and not just watching videos by yourself. You will have a chance to communicate with fellow students, work on group projects together, and contribute to open source projects. Anytime you have a question, you can ask in many locations and get help right away (including from myself). The course is designed to give you employable skills so you can get a job. Here is what one student recently wrote after taking the course and being hired right away: ""Im a self taught dev, who has been out of work for ~6 months. I had some family things that came up that prevented me from seeking permanent employment, so for awhile I was Postmates/Uber delivery driver. After taking this course, I immediately got catapulted back to where I was before, but better equipped and with the knowledge to take on the next job. I had just finished the React section when I went to a recent interview, and it really helped me excel. As of today, I am officially re-employed back in the field, and it is all thanks to this course. I had a blast creating the final project, and FINALLY got around to learning SQL statements, and getting to use them in a project. Im really ecstatic that Andrei went with teaching relational databases over something like MongoDB, which can also be fun, but is less practical for use on the job. So thanks Andrei , I really enjoyed the course and will be making sure to share it with others who find it helpful. Im also looking forward to the new ES10 content that was recently added, and going through the DB stuff again when I go to build a personal project."" - J.C.Think of this course like a Web Developer bootcamp. By the end, you will be comfortable using the below skills and you will be able to put them on your resume:HTML/HTML5CSS/CSS3SemanticUIResponsive DesignFlexboxCSS GridBootstrap 4DOM ManipulationJavascript (including ES6/ES7/ES8/ES9/ES10)Asynchronous JavaScriptHTTP/JSON/AJAXReact + ReduxGit + GithubCommand LineNode.jsExpress.jsNPMRESTful API DesignPostgresSQLSQLAuthenticationAuthorizationScalable InfrastructureSecurityProduction and DeploymentYou will be taken through online videos and exercises where you will be able to do the following things by the end:Build real complex applications and websitesBuild an image recognition app so you can add it to your portfolioGo into a job interview confident that you understand the fundamental building blocks of web development and the developer trends in 2020Be able to go off on your own and grow your skills as a developer, having built a solid foundationLearn how frontend, servers, and databases communicate and how they all fit together in the eco systemBuild your own startup landing pageGo off and work remotely by being a freelance developer that can bid on projectsThis course is the accumulation of all of my years working in the industry, learning, and teaching. There is so much information out there, so many opinions, and so many ways of doing things, that unless you have spent the last few years working with these technologies in a company, you will never fully understand. So this course is the answer to that exact problem for you: How to gain experience when you need experience to get hired? I have gone through thousands of coding books, online tutorials and bootcamps. Throughout the years I have taken notes on what has worked and what hasn't, and I have created this course to narrow down the most efficient way to learn with the most relevant information. I am 100% confident that you won't find a course like this out there. We're not going to be building simple todo applications and cat image sliders. We are going to learn actual practical skills that will put you into the workforce. Some unique sections that you won't find anywhere else are:React.js + Redux: You will learn the library that companies like Netflix, Facebook and Instagram use to build fast, scalable applications. This is one of the highest in-demand skill in the industry.A day in the life of a developer: What will your day to day look like and what tools will you use? I will take you through a sample day at a tech company.How does the internet actually work? What is the history of these technologies?: You will actually understand the underlying concepts of the internet, and how the technologies we have now, have come to be where they are.How do you actually deploy a real life app so that it is secure, and won't get hacked?: How does a real life app get out to the public in a safe and secure way?What is Machine Learning and how you can harness its power: Whether you have heard about it or not, this is something that you will hear more and more in the coming years. Those who understand the high level concepts and can harness its power will have an advantage. What does your developer environment on your computer look like?: We will be setting up our computers with all the tools necessary of a developer so you can use the same setup when you go work in the industry.Why do we teach the above? Because in this day and age, just knowing HTML CSS and Javascript is not good enough, and you won't be able to grow in your role and command a higher salary. You will learn these things because these are the things you should know in 2020 so that you are miles ahead of the rest. Make this the year that you took a risk, you learned highly in demand skills, you had new experiences, and you received new opportunities. I hope you join me in this journey. This is the proudest work I have ever done in my life and I am confident that you won't find a course better than this. See you inside!Taught by:Andrei is the instructor of the highest rated Web Development course on Udemy as well as one of the fastest growing. His graduates have moved on to work for some of the biggest tech companies around the world like Apple, Google, Amazon, JP Morgan, IBM, UNIQLO etc... He has been working as a senior software developer in Silicon Valley and Toronto for many years, and is now taking all that he has learned, to teach programming skills and to help you discover the amazing career opportunities that being a developer allows in life.Having been a self taught programmer, he understands that there is an overwhelming number of online courses, tutorials and books that are overly verbose and inadequate at teaching proper skills. Most people feel paralyzed and don't know where to start when learning a complex subject matter, or even worse, most people don't have $20,000 to spend on a coding bootcamp. Programming skills should be affordable and open to all. An education material should teach real life skills that are current and they should not waste a student's valuable time. Having learned important lessons from working for Fortune 500 companies, tech startups, to even founding his own business, he is now dedicating 100% of his time to teaching others valuable software development skills in order to take control of their life and work in an exciting industry with infinite possibilities.Andrei promises you that there are no other courses out there as comprehensive and as well explained. He believes that in order to learn anything of value, you need to start with the foundation and develop the roots of the tree. Only from there will you be able to learn concepts and specific skills(leaves) that connect to the foundation. Learning becomes exponential when structured in this way.Taking his experience in educational psychology and coding, Andrei's courses will take you on an understanding of complex subjects that you never thought would be possible.See you inside the courses!"
Price: 199.99

"JavaScript: The Advanced Concepts" |
"Recently updated for 2020 (this month)! This course is unlike any JavaScript course you will find online. Join a live online community of over 350,000+ developers and a course taught by an industry expert that has actually worked both in Silicon Valley and Toronto as a senior developer. Graduates of this course are now working at Google, Tesla, Amazon, Apple, IBM, JP Morgan, Facebook + other top tech companies.After many years of working with the language, Andrei has taken decades of experience, combining best practices from some of the top developers in the world, to get you to become one of the top performing Javascript developers. You will go from understanding the basics of JavaScript, to learning it to the point that you can teach it to others, impress coworkers, and wow future employers. You will be in the top 10% of JavaScript Programmers by the end of this course.This course is the accumulation of years in the field, and combining the best resources, tools, and tutorials out there to create the ultimate JavaScript course that will teach you everything you need to know to be considered a Senior Javascript Developer.Instead of spending years learning advanced Javascript concepts, you can fast track and get the knowledge that senior javascript developers have in just 30 days.With this course you are going to learn beyond just the basics like most online courses. You won't just learn patterns, techniques and best practices. You are going to understand the ""why"" of the toughest part of the language, to the point that when you get asked any question about Javascript in an interview or in a meeting, you will be able to explain concepts that would truly make people see that you are a senior javascript programmer.Most importantly, you will become a top 10% javascript developer by going beyond the superficial basics that a lot of courses cover. We are going to dive deep and come out the other end a confident advanced javascript developer. I guarantee it. Whether you are a web developer, a React, Angular, Vue.js developer (frontend developer), or a Node.js backend developer, you will benefit from this course because Javascript is at the core of these professions. Some of the topics covered in this course are:Javascript EngineJavascript RuntimeInterpreter, Compiler, JIT CompilerWriting Optimized CodeCall Stack + Memory HeapStack Overflow + Memory LeaksGarbage CollectionNode.jsES6, ES7, ES8, ES9 featuresSingle Threaded ModelExecution ContextLexical EnvironmentScope ChainHoistingFunction InvocationFunction Scope vs Block ScopeDynamic vs Lexical Scopethis - call(), apply(), bind()IIFEsContext vs ScopeStatic vs Dynamically TypedPrimitive TypesPass by Reference vs Pass by ValueType CoercionArrays, Functions, ObjectsClosuresPrototypal InheritanceClass InheritanceMemoizationHigher Order FunctionsFunctions vs ObjectsScheme + Java in JavaScriptOOP (Object Oriented Programming)Private vs Public propertiesFunctional ProgrammingImmutabilityImperative vs Declarative codeComposition vs InheritanceCurryingPartial ApplicationPure FunctionsReferential TransparencyComposePipeError HandlingAsynchronous JavaScriptCallbacks, Promises, Async/AwaitEvent Loop + Callback QueueTask Queue + Microtask QueueConcurrency + ParallelismModules in Javascript The topics you will learn in this course are timeless and will allow you to stay current with any new library or framework that comes out in the javascript ecosystem since you will have the core concepts understood. I guarantee you that you will not find a course as detailed and as well explained as this one at the end of the course I guarantee you that you will be in the top 10% of JavaScript developers or your money back! And remember,By joining this course you will also get access to one of the largest online communities and classroom for full stack developers.See you inside the course!---------------------------Taught by: Andrei is the instructor of the highest rated Web Development courses on Udemy as well as one of the fastest growing. His graduates have moved on to work for some of the biggest tech companies around the world like Apple, Google, JP Morgan, IBM, etc... He has been working as a senior software developer in Silicon Valley and Toronto for many years, and is now taking all that he has learned, to teach programming skills and to help you discover the amazing career opportunities that being a developer allows in life. Having been a self taught programmer, he understands that there is an overwhelming number of online courses, tutorials and books that are overly verbose and inadequate at teaching proper skills. Most people feel paralyzed and don't know where to start when learning a complex subject matter, or even worse, most people don't have $20,000 to spend on a coding bootcamp. Programming skills should be affordable and open to all. An education material should teach real life skills that are current and they should not waste a student's valuable time. Having learned important lessons from working for Fortune 500 companies, tech startups, to even founding his own business, he is now dedicating 100% of his time to teaching others valuable software development skills in order to take control of their life and work in an exciting industry with infinite possibilities. Andrei promises you that there are no other courses out there as comprehensive and as well explained. He believes that in order to learn anything of value, you need to start with the foundation and develop the roots of the tree. Only from there will you be able to learn concepts and specific skills(leaves) that connect to the foundation. Learning becomes exponential when structured in this way. Taking his experience in educational psychology and coding, Andrei's courses will take you on an understanding of complex subjects that you never thought would be possible. "
Price: 179.99

"The Complete Junior to Senior Web Developer Roadmap (2020)" |
"Join a live online community of over 350,000+ developers and a course taught by an industry expert that has actually worked both in Silicon Valley and Toronto as a senior developer. Graduates of this course are now working at Google, Tesla, Amazon, Apple, IBM, JP Morgan, Facebook + other top tech companies.This is the tutorial you've been looking for to no longer be a junior developer, level up your skills, and earn a higher salary. This extensive course doesnt just cover a small portion of the industry. This covers everything you need to know to go from junior developer, to learning the in-demand technical skills that some of the top developers in the industry know so you can become a senior developer this year. I guarantee you that you won't find a course that is as comprehensive, up to date, and better quality, than this tutorial. You will be guided in your journey to become an admired and respected Senior Developer one day.This is the hardest work I have ever done in my life, and it took me months to plan, months to film, months to edit, and years of experience to create. No course like this exists out there because this is a really difficult topic to teach and to combine all of the technologies we cover into one course is a long hard process.By the end of this course you will have a fully functioning image recognition app to show off on your portfolio. More importantly, you will be able to implement and add the below skillsets to your resume, impress your boss, and ace your next interview (Trust me, some of these may not mean anything to you now, but they are topics that ALL Senior Developers know). You will be taken from absolute zero to knowing how to:Use React and Redux to build complex and large applications.Improve performance of any web application (Code Splitting, Load Balancing, Caching, Code Optimizations, and much more)Use SSH on a remote linux server and generate ssh keysUse Webpack 4 and Parcel to set up a project and bundle your filesImplement proper security and securing your apps like an expertUse AWS Lambda and Serverless architecture to manage applications that can handle millions of usersUse Typescript on a project to have less bugs in your codeWrite all kinds of tests and learn about all the testing tools you can use to write better softwareUse Docker and docker compose to create containers for your servicesUse Sessions and JWT to manage user authentication and authorizationUse Redis database for session management and cachingDecide when to use Server Side Rendering vs Client Side Rendering for your projectsCreate a Progressive Web App that works offline like a native mobile app.Implement Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, Continuous Deployment for your company and make your boss happy.The above skillsets are exactly what Senior Developers know and can use in terms of their technical skills. Not only will you understand how to do these things, but most importantly, you will deeply understand why they exist and what problems they solve so that when asked in an interview, you can speak intelligently about them, or when asked by your boss, you can take the lead on the project and implement them.Here is what sets this course apart from the rest:There is no wasted time here. We wont be using outdated technologies that a lot of courses online use. Although still useful, outdated technologies are low paying and demand for them is decreasing. In this course, you will learn the specific technologies that are the most in demand in the industry right now. These include tools and technologies used by the biggest tech companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc Its geared specifically for people that want to excel in their career as a web developer in 2020.After finishing this course, you will be able to apply for intermediate to senior developer roles. You will no longer be a junior developer. We won't be taking any shortcuts in this course. You will be taken through everything I have learned over the many years coding while managing projects and people for some of the largest tech firms.This course is taught by an instructor who has worked in Silicon Valley, and one of the top tech consulting companies in Canada. I have built large scale applications, managed projects and people, but most importantly, I have worked directly with these technologies. I am not an online marketer or a salesman. I am a senior software developer who loves programming and believes that there needs to be a course out there that actually teaches valuable modern skills.Your time is valuable. You want a course that outlines the best way to learn the topic, in simple and well explained way, so that you fully understand the content instead of just watching somebody on your screen code. I have taken the best pieces, the best methods, from experience as well as from other experts, and condensed everything so that you can learn in the most efficient way possible. 50 hours of videos doesn't mean much if the instructor isn't engaging or focuses on outdated topics. We have a thriving online chat community so you really feel like you are part of a classroom and not just watching videos by yourself. You will have a chance to communicate with fellow students, work on group projects together, and contribute to open source. Anytime you have a question you can ask in the chat and someone will surely be able to help you right away including myself.The course is designed to level up your skills ABOVE a Junior Developer role. My previous course The Complete Web Developer in 2020: Zero to Mastery is the highest rated developer course on Udemy, and one of the fastest growing. I've helped students who now work at some of the largest tech firms in the world as developers.In this course, you will be taken through online videos and exercises. It will follow a storyline where you are hired by Keiko Corp. They are a fast growing tech company that has two products which definitely need some work. Each section of the course will solve different problems for this company which mimic real life scenarios you will encounter as a senior developer. You will become comfortable using the below skills and you will be able to put these on your resume:SSHReact + Redux Webpack4 + ParcelNode.js + ExpressFront End Performance OptimizationsBack End Performance OptimizationProgressive Web AppsTypescriptSoftware TestingServer Side Rendering and Client Side RenderingFront End Security OptimizationsBack End Security OptimizationsDockerRedisSessions + JWTAmazon Web ServicesServerless ArchitectureContinuous IntegrationContinuous DeliveryContinuous DeploymentThis course is the accumulation of all of my years working, learning, and teaching coding, and all of the frustrations and incomplete information I have encountered along the way. There is so much information out there, so many opinions, and so many ways of doing things, that unless you have spent the past years working with these technologies in a company, you will never fully understand. So this course is the answer to that exact problem. I have gone through thousands of coding books and online tutorials and bootcamps and have worked and consulted on some really big projects. I have worked with these tools on real applications. Throughout the years I have taken notes on what has worked, and what hasn't and I've created this course to narrow down the best way to learn and the most relevant information for you to become a superstar web developer.If you succeed in this course, that is my success as well. Therefore, I will be there every step of the way helping you understand concepts and answering any questions you have.I am 100% confident that you won't find a course like this out there that will help you build the strong foundations for you to start a new career or to upgrade your skills and become a top level developer. We're not going to be building simple todo applications and cat image sliders. We are going to learn actual practical skills that will put you above and beyond the skillset of the average developer.Why do we teach the above? Why did we pick these tools? Because in this day and age, just being a junior developer won't make you happy. You want to feel important, smart, and admired at work. You want to be able to make big decisions. With this course, you will be able to grow in your role and command a higher salary. I am teaching you these topics because these are the things you should know in 2020 so that you are miles ahead of the rest, because these are the skills used by the top tech firms around the world.Make this the year that you took a risk, you learned highly in demand skills, you had new experiences, and you received new opportunities. I hope you join me in this journey.See you inside!Taught by: Andrei is the instructor of the highest rated Web Development course on Udemy as well as one of the fastest growing. His graduates have moved on to work for some of the biggest tech companies around the world like Apple. He has been working as a senior software developer in Silicon Valley and Toronto for many years, and is now taking all that he has learned, to teach programming skills and to help you discover the amazing career opportunities that being a developer allows in life. Having been a self taught programmer, he understands that there is an overwhelming number of online courses, tutorials and books that are overly verbose and inadequate at teaching proper skills. Most people feel paralyzed and don't know where to start when learning a complex subject matter, or even worse, most people don't have $20,000 to spend on a coding bootcamp. Programming skills should be affordable and open to all. An education material should teach real life skills that are current and they should not waste a student's valuable time. Having learned important lessons from working for Fortune 500 companies, tech startups, to even founding his own business, he is now dedicating 100% of his time to teaching others valuable software development skills in order to take control of their life and work in an exciting industry with infinite possibilities. Andrei promises you that there are no other courses out there as comprehensive and as well explained. He believes that in order to learn anything of value, you need to start with the foundation and develop the roots of the tree. Only from there will you be able to learn concepts and specific skills(leaves) that connect to the foundation. Learning becomes exponential when structured in this way. Taking his experience in educational psychology and coding, Andrei's courses will take you on an understanding of complex subjects that you never thought would be possible. See you inside the courses!"
Price: 199.99

"Sfrdan C++ ve Programlama renin!" |
"Bu kurs kapsamndahi bilmeyenlere hitap ederek ""Merhaba Dnya"" ile balayarak C++programlama dilinin temellerini anlatp,bilgisayarn hafzasna dk seviyeli mdahaleler yapabilecek seviyeye kadar katlmclar getireceiz.C++ eitim setimiz:Hi bilmeyen ve ilk kez programlamaya balayan,niversitede programlamaya giri dersi alan ve bu derse takviye amacyla kaynak arayan,Programlamay hobi olarak amalayan ve bir yerlerden balamak isteyen,Veya, bildiklerini pekitirmek ve formal bir ekilde bir programlama dilini renme admlarnn zerinden gemek isteyen herkese ak bir kurstur.Kursun zellii, konu anlatmnn yannda, anlatlan konularn tamamnn uygulamal olarak gsterilmesi ve ayn zamanda verilen soru, dev ve antremanlarla katlmclarn kodlama dnyasna ellerini bulatrmasdr."
Price: 349.99

"Her Seviyeye Uygun Utan Uca Veri Bilimi, Knime ile" |
"Verinin olduu her yerde bir deer vardr ve veri bilimcisi bu deeri arayan ve amacna ynelik olarak kullanan kiidir. Amacmz veri biliminin temel kavramlarn anlatmak, sfrdan bir veri bilimcisi olma yolundaki admlar beraber atmak ve bu srada ak kaynak kodu olan ve bu alanda en ok kullanlan Knime yazlmn beraber tanmak.Bu kursun sonunda knime yazlmn kullanabiliyor olmann yannda klasik veri bilimi projelerini tanmak, bunlara zm retebilmek.Pazarlama, tp, mteri ilikileri ynetimi, finans, ekonomi, yazlm gelitirme gibi pek ok alandan gerek veri bilimi projeleri ile bu eitim serisinde uygulama arlkl bir yol izlenecektir.Kurs henz hazrlanma aamasnda olup erken kayt dneminde salanan indirimler kursun tamamlanmas ile kaldrlacaktr. Bu zeldnemde ilk kayt olan kiiler olarak imdiden veri bilimi dnyasna ho geldiniz."
Price: 409.99

"Nesne Ynelimli Programlama (C++ ile)" |
"Programlama dillerine farkl bir gzle bakabilmek ve nesne ynelimli tasarm ve kodlama becerilerini kazanabilmekiler seviyede C++kodlar yazabilmek ve kendi ktphane ve kod depolarmz oluturabilmekBirden fazla kiinin ayn projede alt durumlarda, tasarm stratejisini belirleyebilmek ve yazlm mimarisine giri yapmakgibi ok sayda yeni kavram ve bu kavramlarn C++dili zerinden uygulamalarn grmek iin kursa katlabilirsiniz."
Price: 229.99

"Python ile Makine renmesi" |
"Makine renmesini merak ediyor musunuz veya iinizde youn olarak veri kullanyor veya gelecekte makinelerin nasl alacan merak ediyor musunuz?Bu kurs, Do. Dr. adi Evren EKER tarafndan hazrlanmaktadr. adi Evren eker,lisans, yksek lisans ve doktorasn bilgisayar mhendisliinde tamamlam, yksek lisans ve doktora srasnda yapay zeka zerine alm ve sonrasnda doktora sonras aratrmac olarak veri bilimi zerine dnyann eitli lkelerindealmalarna devam etmi, makine renmesi, byk veri, veri bilimi ve yapay zeka konularnda ok sayda akademik makale ve kitaplar yaynlam, literatre kazandrd patent ve algoritmalar yannda 20 yla yakn sektrde ok farkl kurumlara eitim, danmalk ve yazlm hizmetleri vermenin yannda halen aktif olarak akademisyenlieve sektrde veri bilimi, yapay zeka ve byk veri uygulamalarna devam etmektedir. Aktif olarak alt irketler arasnda, Trkiye ve dnyada lider olan, bankaclk, telekom, sigortaclk, ulatrma, inaat, turizm ve finans firmalar bulunmaktadr.Bu kursta amalanan, hi bilmeyen ve yeni balayan birisini makine renmesi konusunda uzman seviyesine karmaktr. Adm adm, makine renmesi dnyasna giri yaplacak ve her blmde farkl yetenekler kazandrlarak makine renmesi ve bir alt alma alan olarak grlebilecek veri bilimi konularndaki gerek uygulamalar hakknda fikir verilecektir. Ayrca gncel ve gzde konular olan derin renme veya arttrml renme gibi konulara da giri yaplacak ve bu kavramlarn kullanmlar ve uygulamalar rnekler zerinden gsterilecektir.Kurs boyunca konular elenceli ve heyecanl bir ekilde anlatlmaya allacak ve genel bir yap olarak aadaki sra izlenecektir.Part 1 - Veri nileme (Data Preprocessing)Part 2 - Tahmin ve Regresyon: Simple Linear Regression, Multiple Linear Regression,PolynomialRegression,SVR, Decision Tree Regression,Random Forest RegressionPart 3 - Snflandrma (Classification): Logistic Regression, K-NN, SVM, Kernel SVM, Naive Bayes, Decision Tree Classification,RandomForest ClassificationPart 4 - Bltleme (Kmeleme,Clustering): K-Means,Hierarchical ClusteringPart 5 - Birliktelik Kural karm (Association Rule Learning): Apriori,EclatPart 6 - Arttrml renme (Reinforcement Learning):Upper Confidence Bound,Thompson SamplingPart 7 - Doal Dil leme (Natural Language Processing): Bag-of-words modelandalgorithms for NLPPart 8 - Derin renme (Deep Learning): Artificial Neural Networks,Convolutional Neural NetworksPart 9 - Boyut Dnm ve indirgemesi (Transformation,Dimensionality Reduction): PCA, LDA, Kernel PCAPart 10 - Model Seimi ve Kollektif renme:Model Selection & Boosting: k-fold Cross Validation, Parameter Tuning, Grid Search,XGBoostKurs kapsamnda, gerek hayat rnekleri kullanlacak ve kendi makine renme modelinizi oluturmann yolu da gsterilecektir.Kursun en nemli zelliklerinden birisi, kurs kapsamnda, Pythondilinde kod ablonlar verilecek olup bu kod ablonlarn, kendi problemlerinizde kullanabilecek olmanzdr."
Price: 409.99

"Cration d'un projet e-commerce simple" |
"Bienvenue dans mon premier cours sur Udemy.A travers ce cours je vous apprends mettre en place une solution e-commerce simple en utilisant Symfony (version 3.4), Stripe et EasyAdmin Bundle.Beaucoup de choses sont faire, et vos commentaires seront les bienvenus dans la qute d'une amlioration continuelle de ce cours :).A bientt,Christophe Lablancherie"
Price: 24.99

"Best python course for beginners ( Basic + Advanced )" |
"Build 11 Easy-to-Follow Python 3 ProjectsAutomate Coding Tasks By Building Custom Python FunctionsAdd Python 3 to your Resume by Understanding Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)Use Variables to Track Data in Python ProgramsUse Numbers to Create Behind-the-Scenes FunctionalityUse Strings to Create Customized, Engaged User ExperiencesCreate Programs that can think using logic and data structuresUse Loops to Improve Efficiency, Save Time, Maximize Productivity"
Price: 149.99

"Kung Fu Shaolin Student Level 1 - Part 2" |
"This is the second part of the first level in the Shaolin Wu Tao program. In this course you learn two taolu, that are routin of techinques, plus the test to get the First Level as a Shaolin Student. The way of teaching is that you see and try, looking at every detail so that you can learn in a deeper level."
Price: 59.99

"Kung Fu Shaolin Student Level 2 - Part 1" |
"To take this class you should have done the Kung Fu Shaolin Level 1 - part 1 & 2 of Shaolin Wu Tao program, the journey to learn shaolin is not short, but I'll follow you step by step. The video are organized like mini classes, with warm-up and stretching in every lesson, so that you don't just learn the skills, but you also will develop your strength and flexibility. This is the traditional method unified with modern knowledge of the human body. In this class you will learn other seven base techniques (Ji Ben Gong) that are focused on the kicks. The way of teaching is that you see and try, looking at every detail so that you can learn in a deeper level."
Price: 49.99

"Kung Fu Shaolin: Baji Level 1 - Part 1" |
"In this course you will learn six powerful techniques, coming from the Baji Quan. This stile developed from the Shaolin focuses in strong strikes usually associated to a tank that moves straight and passes trough the opponent. In the old age this style was thought to the Emperor's guard because of its power. In the Wu Tao System we learn this maneuver to understand the strikes in the shaolin too, and because our goal is to become Shaolin Warriors, able to defeat an enemy with one strike."
Price: 79.99

"Kung Fu Shaolin Student Level 2 - Part 2" |
"This is the third part of the second level in the Shaolin Wu Tao program. In this course you willlearn the tornado kick technique,two taolu, which are routine of techniques, plus the test to get the Second Level as a Shaolin Student. The way of teaching is that you see and try, looking at every detail so that you can learn in a deeper level."
Price: 64.99

egyptian-cuisine-and-sweets |
", . Ingredients Three cups flour One cup and quarter of warm water Two tablespoons yeast Three tablespoons of olive oil Teaspoon salt Tablespoon garlic powder Tablespoon onion powder Tablespoon thyme"
Price: 19.99

"- Different cleaning methods" |
"- Different cleaning methods - -"
Price: 19.99
