"ICDL ( )"
Price: 19.99

"Announcer Training 101: The Basics" |
"Ready to start an excited (and Imean exciting!) career in Announcing? This course goes beyond public speaking. Announcer Training 101 will give you a solid foundation for your announcing future and will change your life. Taught by award-winning 20-year Veteran Announcer for ESPN, ABC, Olympic Games, and The NBA. Brad Jay teaches from his own personal experiences as a Professional Announcer with hands-on interactive training with fun exercises and quizzes. Whether it is sport announcing, event hosting or contest running, Tame Your Talent Announcer Training 101 is a giant step in the right direction. Taking this course, you will gain that level of professionalism. You will be able to effectively Host/Emcee an event, confidently speak with a microphone, keep organized and present material (and yourself) in the proper way. You can't learn this anywhere else. This was developed by Brad Jay in his 2 decades of announcing major events. This course is also the prerequisite for Tame Your Talent advanced courses.Whether you are looking to completely change your career or have a second job announcing, this Announcer Training 101: The Basics is for you."
Price: 199.99

"Curso Completo de DJ para iniciante com VirtualDJ" |
"O curso de DJ para iniciantes com VirtualDJ para qualquer pessoa que queira aprender, profissionalmente, a arte de discotecar. Neste curso o aluno vai aprender as principais tcnicas de discotecagem, aprender sobre equipamentos e como comear com equipamentos de baixo custo, utilizando apenas o computador, alem disso o aluno ira aprender sobre equalizao, BPM, efeitos e principalmente a mixar musicas.O curso ainda conta com dicas para leitura de pista, para conseguir animar a pista de dana do comeo ao fim.Vai aprender a diferenas entre Re-edits, Mashups, Remixes e Bootlegs. Aprender sobre os sub-gneros da msica eletrnica.Todos os alunos tero direito a entrar em um grupo exclusivo para alunos, onde vamos postar dicas e trocar experincias.Tudo isso e muito mais"
Price: 99.99

"Trabalhe Vetorizando fotos com CorelDraw" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender a vetorizar fotos e como divulgar esse servio, muitas pessoas gostam de imagens diferenciadas para colocar no perfil das redes sociais ou para presentear com lindas imagens vetorizadas profissionalmente.Use o cupom: LANCAMENTOTrabalhe em casaNeste cursovoc vai aprender a vetorizar:-Rosto (base)- Olhos- Nariz- Boca- Orelhas- Cabelo- Roupas- Sombrase muito mais...Voc vai aprender a divulgar o seu servio e tambm quanto cobrar pelo seu trabalhoIsso tudo no conforto da sua casa, ganhe dinheiro sem sair de casa.Alunos pagantes deste curso tem direito ao curso ""Facebook Ads: Curso Rpido para Impulsionar no Facebook"" totalmente grtisSempre vamos acrescentar aulas novas com contedo novo ou aulas respondendo as dvidas dos alunos.NO PERCA TEMPO E COMECE A GANHAR DINHEIRO TRABALHANDO EM CASA"
Price: 39.99

"Criar portal de notcia para jornal e revista em Wordpress" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender como criar um site incrvel de notcias para jornal ou revista.Vamos utilizar um tema do Wordpress e plugins totalmente grtis.Use o cupom: LANCAMENTO Alem de tudo isso vamos ensinar a como ganhar dinheiro com seu site atravs de banners de afiliado.Vamos aprender como configurar o seu site para aparecer nas buscas do Google atravs de tcnicas de SEOAlgumas categorias que vamos aprender:- Domnio e hospedagem- Instalando Wordpress- Instalar tema gratuito - Plugins gratuitos- Colocar logo no site- Favicon- Configurar as cores do site- Criar posts e pginas- Criar menu- Pagina com formulrio de contato- Configurando pagina inicial- Configurando barra lateral- Inserir Redes Sociais- Rodap- Copyright- Sistema de afiliados- Inserir publicidade no site- SEOe muito mais..."
Price: 99.99

"Aprende a Invertir en la Bolsa de Nueva York" |
"Este curso es perfecto para todo aquel que en VERDAD DESEEaprender a invertir en la Bolsa de Valores de Nueva York, tantopara todo aquel que no tiene ningun conocimiento como para aquel que lo tiene, porque?, porque en el aprenderas a ver de una manera totalmente diferente a como se invierte en la Bolsa de NY.Miexperiencia como inversionistao Traderen la Bolsa de Nueva York, mepermite poderte guiar y ensear con claridad y efectividad a SOLOLO QUE NECESITAS SABER, permitiendo acortar esa curva de aprendizaje.Estoy concientede que el proceso para convertirse en Trader Exitoso puede ser un trabajo duro, de mucho sacrificio y que requiere de mucha constancia, perseverancia y disciplina, pero que al final se obtienen grandes recompensas tanto econmicas como personales, es por eso que mi lema esRecorrer el Camino Juntos, asi que perminteme recorrer este camino junto a ti para poder guiarte y compartir miexperiencia y conocimientoMuchos te hablan de hacer tu primer Milln de Dlares en la Bolsa de Valores en corto tiempo, pero esto no lo consigues si no lo haces con alguien que te gue en tus primeros pasos, e inclusive si estas un poco ms avanzado y no has tenido resultados satisfactorios, es probable que te haga falta esa persona que te oriente.Quieres Aprender a Ganar?... Quieres alcanzar tus primeros 100K?...Veny aprende con los mejores!Obsequio: Curso de ""INTRODUCCION A FINANZAS PERSONALES"""
Price: 19.99

"Aprendendo Gulp" |
"CURSO AINDA EM DESENVOLVIMENTO.Automatizadores de tarefas, so ferramentes que auxiliam os programadores a realizarem tarefas repetitivas de uma forma simples, sem estresses e sem complicaes. Com ele possvel minificar arquivos, comprimir imagens, entre outras funcionalidades de grande valia. Neste curso bsico de gulp, voc ir aprender a automatizar algumas tarefas como compilar sass para css e minificar arquivos css."
Price: 39.99

"Arch Linux: Basics" |
"start your Linux journey. join me and a new army of people who don't want to pay high prices for tools that we don't like just because they're the only ones on the market. set up a new development environment personalized to you without silly extras or annoying features. get started with a basic knowledge of Arch Linux and find your way from there.learn:- The history of Arch Linux.- How to install Arch Linux.- Basic commands of arch (with free cheat sheet).- Personalising your System (GUIs and audio).- Bash Scripting."
Price: 39.99

"Success in Bipolar using Coaching & NLP" |
"Hospitalised twice with psychosis, Joe was in crisis. Luckily the second time she was admitted, she was a delegate on our programme, learning the art of effective Coaching. When Joe was discharged she and I began to work together. I shared with her the Coaching and NLP approaches that I believed would make a difference to her mental health and she became stronger and stronger. Joe is now a graduate of our programme and a highly credible Coach. She now works in the field on mental health, sharing her expertise born from her personal experiences. This course provides a clear understanding of how that process took place and how Joe became well again, maintaining her mental health. Coaching and NLP as a combined approach is so hugely effective and how we apply our skills really matters. NLP is ethical and effective when practiced within the Coaching framework.The process Joe and I undertook together inspired us and our aim is that it will inspire you too."
Price: 79.99

"Instagram Marketing: How To Get 10000 Followers In 2 Month" |
"Instagram is an active social media with more than 1,500,000,000 usersBring a large number among this very large number, for your personal account or for your business or to promote products, will not be difficult, all you need is a successful strategy and effective tools, This is what prompted us to do this coursein this course I will answer a question that Baffles all users of Instagram, Which is :Is there a way to increase real and interactive followers at the same time without wasting too much time in front of the computer or smart phone ?I came today to tell you yes, and even more, because I brought you an integrated strategy, which includes many services to facilitate your business on Instagram and make it fun and profitable as well, Services will save you a lot and a lot of time and effort, Services you may not knowSo you can:Get 10.000 real followers in less than 2 monthsTarget followers from any country or cityTarget any field you wantYour account will be 100% interactive without your interventionCreate and manage more than 5 accounts at onceAutomaticallyPosting photos at the time and date you specify"
Price: 199.99

"MASTER 3Ds MAX & V-RAY By Designing Arabian House" |
"3D design is as important as any other workGiving the viewer a future lookAnd helps you draw your imagination to people more clearly than sometimes explainedAt other times, we engineers avoid too many mistakesThe design also sometimes encourages the sale of offers - for example, when the customer sees his future home before his eyes before his construction will push him to deal and pay money with the company that works in the designerThe designer must have creative ideasWe are all graphic artistsEither on paper or on the computer or in our minds and imaginationFor example, three-dimensional design on the computer, however, professionals make it as a camera shotIf you are a beginner you will learn with us designIf you are average or maybe a professional you will increase your experience with usWe will address Arab culture in this sessionAnd we give it in the design programWe will learn Arabic culture on the one hand and we will learn how to design the Arab House in the 3Ds Max program on the otherWe'll first know the interface and shortcuts we useWe allocate the program to Match usWe will learn modeling where we will Modeling walls, doors, windows, window frames, garden, grass and treesThirdly, we will cover the Texturing with the materials that make them realisticWhere we will create it in our own in cooperation with Photoshop programWe give it reflections and realistic lusterThen we will create the appropriate lightingWhere we will get out two Shot (Daylight & Night)We will adjust the settings of the RenderingAfter taking the pictures we will deal with them in PhotoshopTo correct the colors and some few problems if anyWe'll end up seeing a real high-resolution feel it's From a cameraBelieve me my dear after watching for this course you will be professional for exterior designYou will be able to design your dream house or work in construction companiesAll this in almost a day"
Price: 199.99

"Muscular Adaptations and Goal Specific Programming" |
"This is a Continuing Education course This course will help the fitness professional get a deeper understanding on how the body reacts and adapts to different training modalities. Focusing on how the muscle fiber and nervous system adapt to strength/power, hypertrophy, and endurance specific training. This course will also dive into the basics on programming goal specific workouts. GOOD LUCK!!!"
Price: 24.99

"Create A Marketing Plan for Your Fitness Business" |
"This course is meant for personal trainers or individuals in the fitness industry that want a cost effective method to market their business. Think of this course as a template for your marketing plan. This course will focus on creating and implementing a marketing plan. We will go over all the steps to create a successful marketing plan and infuse it into a business plan. All business plans should have a detailed marketing plan embedded. This allows investors to gauge your methods of drawing in business, so they can determine if there will be a potential return on investment. Marketing plans often determine whether the business will be successful or will struggle and fade away. A well done marketing plan will give you specific long and short term goals for plan implementation. You will also create a realistic marketing budget based on anticipated income. This course will also talk about marketing on social media since that is a popular and cost effective method of marketing yourself. Do you know what your digital footprint is? If not you soon will! You will be able to view my example marketing plan for a small personal training company as you build a marketing plan that fits your needs. After this course you should have a marketing plan that is ready to implement for your benefit. YOU WILL NOT BE SUBMITTING ANY PARTS OF YOUR BUSINESS PLAN; THIS IS TO BE COMPLETED BY YOU FOR YOUR BENEFIT."
Price: 19.99

"Perdre du poids par hypnose" |
"Ce cours est conu pour vous mettre en contact une des techniques les plus fascinantes et les plus puissantes que vous puissiez utiliser pour perdre du poids sainementet progressivement, LHYPNOSE. Mon intention est qu la fin de ce cours, vous puissiez utiliser vos enregistrements dautohypnose rgulirement et dcouvrir quel point vous rpondez bien aux suggestions hypnotiques pour la perte de poids. Progressivement vos comportements alimentaires changeront positivement. Lautohypnose est une des mthodes les plus simples et les plus efficaces pour vous mettre en contact avec votre subconscient et utiliser sa phnomnale puissance. Cest un cheminement progressif et continuelle qui se produit au fur et mesure que vous liminez les programmations moins bnfiques de votre subconscient. Il va sans dire que ce nest pas instantan. Cest donc avec un grand plaisir que je vous prsente mon cours Perdre du poids par hypnose. Chaque leon est prsente sous forme de vido. Vous avez galement la version audio de de lautohypnose perdre du poids par hypnose et laudio subliminal de perdre du poids par hypnose que vous pourrez tlcharger la fin de votre cours afin de les couter rgulirement jusqu latteinte de votre poids sant. Bon apprentissage!"
Price: 59.99

"Mastering Options for Series 7 Candidates" |
"Ihave tutored numerous professionals for the Series 7 exam and their seems to be one commonality among requests - help with options. In providing tutor services I realized that most test preparation providers don't adequately prepare students and that the self-study material is difficult for students with or without a finance background to grasp. In addition, most individuals that are taking this exam are doing so under pressure from their employer with tight time restrictions (usually 6 weeks or less). For many students to succeed they must go to outside help in the form of a tutor or pay for additional services provided by expensive test providers. However, those test providers don't carve-out options in particularly, so prospective test takers overpay by paying for content they don't need.My goal with this course is to discuss options using the content provided by FINRA (specific to options) in their Series 7 test outline. I will walk you through definitions in play language and then show you how to answer questions by using simple techniques. Furthermore, I will organize the data in a way that allows you to focus on a simple topic within options and keep the content videos five minutes or less so that students can easily return to particular topics without wasting time searching.Moreover, if students think that I left out a critical piece of information, then I will allow those students to message me, so that I can modify or add content to this course. If I can save you time, money and effort, then I will consider this course a success.Thank you for your time and best of luck with your career.Sincerely,Thomas"
Price: 19.99

"How to start a Christmas Lighting Business" |
"Christmas Home Lighting Team teaches you exactly how to open your holiday lighting business in this course.It's easy, we've done it with great success for the last 6 years, and recorded our little lessons every step of the way. (Last year we brought in $52,000 in revenue, and only spent $2,600 marketing our service)What you'll learn...Unique and fresh ways ofmarketing your new serviceHow to train yourself or your crew to install lights safely ANDquicklyWhat you shouldrecommend to clientsHow to sell effectivelyHow to price your workHow to estimate material needsWhat type of lights work best for each applicationHow to schedule effectively for maximum profits, and minimum problemsHow to pay your crew to align everyone's motivesHow to lockin profit marginsWhat jobs to avoid (CAUTION!)How to fix lighting outagesPreferred vendors to use - pricing vs. quality vs. availabilityHow to convert your current customer base into Holiday Lighting clients, and vice versaHow to ensure business success with our full fledged troubleshooting videos/ written guideYou'll get copies of 18 documents which include all of our actualproposal blanks, sales scripts, flyers, and so much more.Hands on lessons are given via 12 separatevideoson countless valuable insights and tips on all subjects from installation to sales to troubleshooting lighting issues, so be prepared to pause and take notes.BONUS! - you'll even learn how to craft our innovative ""whiz-wand"" which makes uninstalling lights a breeze. We haven't used a ladder to uninstall lights in 3 years, because of this tool. That's allowed us to make a ton more money with uninstalls (we charge to uninstall also, and they store the lights!!!). We can do up to 5 per day at an average rate of $300 each.The Holiday Lighting service industryis sometimes written off in the contracting community as something that has limited potential. Because of that view point, the competition that does exist in this arenacannot even compete!Their sales processes, installation processes, scheduling systems, and actual know-how causes them to give up before they've even seen a dime - which in short means that we win... EVERY-TIME.Invest in yourself, invest in your business - Our average job size in Princeton, NJ last year was $1,100 to install only - why should you care?You already have the tools, if your a contractorYou already have the guysYou'll make the money back from this course after your first jobYou'll learn from 5 years worth of lessons and mistakesYou'll make your winter financial outlook change drastically (finally,in a good way.)You can keep your crew off of unemployment, and happily workingYou don't have to pray for snow to plowYou don't have to sell your services a bottom dollar rates just to keep everyone workingTHE LISTGOESON...In closing, the lessons that are taught in this course (regarding pay structure and scheduling) can be applied to your other contracting endeavors, which really set you up as a business owner to stop letting your business run YOU!YOURSUPPOSEDTOBERUNNINGYOURBUSINESS! (I mean it's not even alive....... or is it???)"
Price: 199.99

"Start a Christmas Lighting Business - Intro" |
"What the full course offers:Christmas Home Lighting Teamteaches you exactly how to open your holiday lighting business in this course.It's easy, we've done it with great success for the last 5 years, and recorded our little lessons every step of the way. (Last year we brought in $52,000 in revenue, and only spent $2,600 marketing our service)What you'll learn...Unique and fresh ways ofmarketing your new serviceHow to train yourself or your crew to install lights safely ANDquicklyWhat you shouldrecommend to clientsHow to sell effectivelyHow to price your workHow to estimate material needsWhat type of lights work best for each applicationHow to schedule effectively for maximum profits, and minimum problemsHow to pay your crew to align everyone's motivesHow to lockin profit marginsWhat jobs to avoid (CAUTION!)How to fix lighting outagesPreferred vendors to use - pricing vs. quality vs. availabilityHow to convert your current customer base into Holiday Lighting clients, and vice versaHow to ensure business success with our full fledged troubleshooting videos/ written guideYou'll get copies of 18 documents which include all of our actualproposal blanks, sales scripts, flyers, and so much more.Hands on lessons are given via 12 separatevideoson countless valuable insights and tips on all subjects from installation to sales to troubleshooting lighting issues, so be prepared to pause and take notes.BONUS! - you'll even learn how to craft our innovative ""whiz-wand"" which makes uninstalling lights a breeze. We haven't used a ladder to uninstall lights in 3 years, because of this tool. That's allowed us to make a ton more money with uninstalls (we charge to uninstall also, and they store the lights!!!). We can do up to 5 per day at an average rate of $300 each.The Holiday Lighting service industryis sometimes written off in the contracting community as something that has limited potential. Because of that view point, the competition that does exist in this arenacannot even compete!Their sales processes, installation processes, scheduling systems, and actual know-how causes them to give up before they've even seen a dime - which in short means that we win... EVERY-TIME.Invest in yourself, invest in your business - Our average job size in Princeton, NJ last year was $1,100 to install only - why should you care?You already have the tools, if your a contractorYou already have the guysYou'll make the money back from this course after your first jobYou'll learn from 5 years worth of lessons and mistakesYou'll make your winter financial outlook change drastically (finally,in a good way.)You can keep your crew off of unemployment, and happily workingYou don't have to pray for snow to plowYou don't have to sell your services a bottom dollar rates just to keep everyone workingTHE LISTGOESON...In closing, the lessons that are taught in this course (regarding pay structure and scheduling) can be applied to your other contracting endeavors, which really set you up as a business owner to stop letting your business run YOU!YOURSUPPOSEDTOBERUNNINGYOURBUSINESS!(I mean it's not even alive....... or is it???)"
Price: 19.99

"How to become a Project Manager for a Painting Company" |
"Learn the basic concepts, tools, and functions that you will need to run a painting business from the Project Management side of things.Build a strong foundation in Project Management...Troubleshooting subcontractor issuesHandling customer complaintsRe-marketingJob site brandingMUCHMORE!A Powerful Skill at Your Fingertips -Learning the fundamentals of Project Management puts apowerful and very useful tool at your fingertips.Jobs in project management anddevelopment are plentiful, and being able to learn this skillwill give you a strong background to more easily and efficiently run your job sites.Overview -Through this course, youll learn all of the skills to that are necessary toestablish a strong understanding of the concept behind multiple job production management. Each chapter includes resources which backsupyour newly learned skills with written documentation and support.With thesebasics mastered, thiscourse will take you and your company to the next level!!!"
Price: 199.99

"How to become a Project Estimator for a Painting Company" |
"Learn the basic concepts, tools, and functions that you will need to run a painting business from the Project Estimatingside of things.Build a strong foundation in Project Estimating...Troubleshooting sales issuesHandling customer objectionsCustom written service agreement creationHours of sales videos on a wide variety of important topicsMUCHMORE!A Powerful Skill at Your Fingertips -Learning the fundamentals of Project Estimating puts apowerful and very useful tool at your fingertips.Jobs in project estimatingare plentiful, and being able to learn this skillwill give you a strong background to more easily and efficiently grow your sales revenue.Overview -Through this course, youll learn all of the skills to that are necessary toestablish a strong understanding of the concept behind complete project estimating. Each chapter includes resources which backsupyour newly learned skills with written documentation and support.With thesebasics mastered, thiscourse will take you and your company to the next level!!!"
Price: 199.99

"How to become a Sales Manager for a Painting Company" |
"Learn the basic concepts, tools, and functions that you will need to run a sales teamfrom the Sales Managementside of things.Build a strong foundation in Team Building...Troubleshooting salesissuesHandling under-performanceLots of sales managementvideos on a wide variety of important topicsMUCHMORE!A Powerful Skill at Your Fingertips -Learning the fundamentals of Sales Managementputs apowerful and very useful tool at your fingertips.Jobs in team buildingare sought after, and being able to learn this skillwill give you a strong background to more easily and efficiently grow your sales teamsrevenue.Overview -Through this course, youll learn all of the skills to that are necessary toestablish a strong understanding of the concept behind running a successful team. Each chapter includes resources which backsupyour newly learned skills with written documentation and support.With thesebasics mastered, thiscourse will take you and your company to the next level!!!"
Price: 199.99

"Effective Email Communication: Enhancing Your Voice at Work" |
"Email is a primary method of communication; however, many are not aware of appropriate skills and strategies for communicating effectively. In this course, learners will build knowledge and understanding of email communication with the intent of improving both clarity and effectiveness. Course topics will include the following:understanding the nature of email communicationconsidering the nature of an intended audienceappropriate process for crafting an emailstrategies for enhancing communication in email messagemanaging email inboxLearners will have the opportunity to practice and reflect throughout the course."
Price: 39.99

"How to Be a Goal Crusher: Attaining Success in the Workplace" |
"This course will explore the history and complexity of goal setting. Topics of interest will include:-creating clearly outlined goals-creating challenging goals -committing to goals and,-constructive feedback for progressThroughout the course, we will consider a variety of examples and activities that will provide you with an opportunity for practice and reflection. Upon completion of the course, you should be ready to create a plan to help you achieve your goals in the workplace."
Price: 39.99

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Price: 34.99

"Prepare RHCSA 8 Exams on RHEL 8 with Real Exam Practice Test" |
"This course is designed, specially targeting you, who is new to Linux platform or who has already learned the Linux or the Red hat and wants to Pass the exam easily with a very less effort. In this course, you will learn how to install, configure and maintain Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1 of the RHCSA level first, and then you will be familiar with the Real Exam Practice Test. The questions that I have solved in the Practice Test Section are the real sample questions. In other words, the questions in the real exam will be similar to them. In addition to this, you will learn how Red hat Enterprise Linux system is actually implemented in the real world, that will help you grow your career in the field of Linux Administration. "
Price: 99.99

"Revit Structure 2018 from Zero to Hero" |
"In this course, you will learn how to create a full structural model using foundations, columns, beams, beam system, floors. The course will show you how to prepare the model for Structural Analysis software packages, by defining loads, and load combinations. You will learn how to annotate, tag, detail, your model, along with creating and printing sheets. Other advanced topics will be discussed in the course like creating several types of schedules, how to import CAD files, and link Revit files, how to create your own family. The course will show you how to deal with Trusses, Bracing, Steel connections, along with concrete reinforcement. Finally you see how to deal with worksharing in Revit.This course is built over exercises. You will have two sets of files: PDF files which carries instructions, and RVT files which will be your starting point for each topic. At the end of each video, you will be instructed to open a certain file to practice what you learned."
Price: 19.99

"Curtain Walls in Revit 2018 -- Everything you need to know" |
"This is a very unique course, you will never find anything similar to it online. This course is fully dedicated to discuss Curtain Walls in Revit 2018.The course will teach you how you will achieve Curtain Wall modeling challenges by showing you real life examples. We will discuss how to create your own mullions, panels, and wall with irregular shapes."
Price: 19.99

"Learn All About Creating Subtitles (SRT) and Closed-Captions" |
"Hey Guys, welcome to my course!My course is going to walk you to the knowledge of ""Making Subtitles""If you are a Youtuber or a content Creator, adding Subs to your Video Really adds a great value to it.If you're an instructor at Udemy and want to add Perfect synchronized subtitles to your videos which brings a lot more students!!Some friends of mine increased their engagementon social mediafrom just 50 and 60 to 500 and 600 just because of subtitles.If you're a Freelancer, Subtitling would really help you if you are a transcriber and will draw much more clients to your service, also will double your PRICE!!You can also become a Freelancer by only knowing Subtitling!Subtitles Also Help Greatly in Increasing Your SEO Rank and that's a plus to it.You can use subtitles with nearly any video content websites, i.e {YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo etc.}I made hundreds of Dollars just from Subtitles and my gigs got hundreds of orders just because I added the subtitling value to it.So in this course you will learn:The right way to prepare your script.Generate the SRT file.Edit the synchronization of the SRT to a perfect match.Add Effects to your subtitle.Embed the subtitle to the video.And those are the main 5 steps, I also regularly add some tips and tricksLike:How to add subtitles to Facebook and YouTube.How to shift subtitles.How to make subtitles appear from right to left.After this course you are going to be able to make professional subtitles and get into the market, THIS EASY!So, What Are You Waiting For?Enroll and enjoy your time.If you need anything else not mentioned in the course, You can contact me and I'll see if I can make a on-demand video for it!"
Price: 19.99

"Encuadernacin copta: Cuaderno creativo forrado en tela" |
"En este curso aprenders hacer cuadernos artesanales con papel envejecido para aadir un toque ""vintage"" a tus creaciones,del tamao A6 y forrados con tela.Conocers como calcular todas las medidas necesarias, preparar los materiales y coser un cuaderno desde cero utilizando la tcnica de encuadernacin copta.Conocers 3 maneras de envejecer el papel para hacerlo de una manera rpida en tu casa.Aprenders como utilizar prcticamente cualquier tela para encuadernar tus libretas y cuadernos, vers comohacer esquinas limpias y bonitas ya que te lo explico de una manera muy sencilla y detallada.Aprenders como aadir un marcapginas y coser cabezadas muy bonitas.Despus de aprender las tcnicas que te enseo en este curso podrs crear un sinfn de proyectos con tu toque personal haciendo cuadernos originales para ti mismo, para regalar atus amigos y familiares. O podrs hacer cuadernos para la venta, para tus clientes.No te garantizo que tu primer cuaderno saldr perfecto. Esto depender de ti, tu paciencia, tu creatividad, tus habilidades. Cmo sabemos, todo requiere su tiempo y prctica. Lo que s que te garantizo es que te ensear las tcnicas que te permitirn crear unos cuadernos artesanales de calidad para sorprender a tus amigos y a tus clientes.Para hacer este curso conmigo no necesitas ningn conocimiento especial. Si te gustan las manualidades, cosas originales y creatividad, entonces mi curso es para ti.Muchas gracias por tu inters!"
Price: 19.99

"Redes en Microsoft Azure (2018)" |
"Curso donde profundizaremos en los elementos de red que ofrece Microsoft Azure, crearemos una solucin completa que tenga presencia en dos continentes, haciendo uso de los elementos que Azure pone a disposicin de todos sus clientes.Iniciaremos con un escenarios bsico que iremos modificando y agregando elementos conforme avancen los captulos, hasta que completemos una solucin global."
Price: 94.99

"FacebookLeaks A-Z: Hands-On Facebook Ads & Marketing Course" |
"YOUR SUCCESS MEANS MY COURSE REACHED ITS GOALNote:You dont have to spend any advertisement money to finish this course.My goal and mission for this course is to teach you everything relevant to succeed in running advertisements on Facebook and Instagram. Specifically; a positive return on investment. In this masterclass, you will learn everything you need to know about Facebook Ads and Marketing. From A to Z.FROMZEROTOHEROWe will start this course at 0. So even if you are a complete beginner, you wont be lost. After setting up your account and going through all the basics, we will dive into deeper waters. If you consider yourself an intermediate, you will get lots of new insights and learn the best practices that I have gained through years of working with these tools. Experience, I fully want to share with you now.THESTRUCTUREClear defined topics and focused on learning objectivesComplete setup guide: Detailed introduction for beginnersHands-on approach: Five real world challenges which you will solveMeasure success: Complete section about finding and understanding Ad metricsFinding real purpose: Meet demand & create ""the right""creativesThis course is not an audiobook. You will learn, you will get challenged and you will create. The philosophy behind this course is learning by doing. 1:1 you will follow my steps through the course and learn hands-on how to successfully create and run your own ads on Facebook. Why learn boring theory when there are fun and engaging gamification? In this course, you will be assigned to a new job. Starting at section seven, you will be the new marketing manager for The Umbrella Corporation. A corporation ranging from electric cars to movie production.Across the sections, you will receive different assignments with different worldly challenges that you will solve, meanwhile learning everything about Facebook as a marketing tool to reach your goals.WHYISTHISCOURSERELEVANT TODAY?Facebook knows a lot about you (and me).For responsible owners, creators and advertisers, not knowing and understanding how marketing and advertising on Facebook works, means many (!) lost opportunities. Why? Using Facebook as a marketing channel means receiving access to all of this collected and categorised data in return. Target people whose birthday is in February, are using an iPhone, are in a relationship, have a dog or like Kickstarter, Sushi and Pizza. You can even target people with same interests as your existing customers. The possibilities to narrow down and define your audience are nearly endless. It doesnt take any talent to successfully apply this course. All it takes is some time and your commitment to work through it. Facebook Marketing and Advertising is relevant now. Dont miss great opportunities."
Price: 199.99

"Contratao de pessoas com deficincia e gesto inclusiva" |
"Curso de orientao para contratao de pessoas com deficincia e para o cumprimento da Lei de Cotas (Lei 8213/91) por meio de uma gesto de diversidade e incluso de qualidade. O curso voltado para profissionais de recursos humanos, jurdico e demais reas envolvidas no programa de incluso, com o objetivo de orient-los sobre a legislao atual, estratgias para contratao e reteno de profissionais, e etapas importantes no desenvolvimento do programa.* Curso reconhecido com o Selo Direitos Humanos e Diversidade da Prefeitura de So Paulo."
Price: 249.99
