"Il Linguaggio PL/SQL di Oracle - Da Zero a Esperto" |
"Integrazione Maggio 2019 - Aggiunta Sezione dedicato alla creazione di tipi oggetto (OOP) in PL/SQLBenvenuti nel corso ""Il Linguaggio PL/SQL di Oracle - Da Zero a Esperto""Il corso rivolto a tutti coloro i quali, dopo aver acquisito sufficienti conoscenze del Structured Query Language (SQL), hanno l'esigenza di imparare il Linguaggio Procedurale PL-SQL (Procedural Language SQL) di Oracle.Il corso si compone di tre livelli didattici:Al termine del primo livello lo studente avr una chiara conoscenza di:Come creare i blocchi anonimi di PL/SQLCome distinguere le diverse sezioni dei blocchiCome usare ed inizializzare le variabili nel codice PL/SQLCome Gestire le TransazioniCome utilizzare le Espressioni CondizionaliCome utilizzare i CicliCome gestire le EccezioniCome usare i CursoriCome usare le CollezioniCome usare i RecordAl termine del secondo livello lo studente avr una chiara conoscenza di:Come creare codice PL/SQL ModulareCome creare ed usare le Procedure (Procedure)Come creare ed usare le Funzioni (Function)Come creare ed usare i Trigger Come creare, modificare ed usare i PackageCome creare i tipi oggetto (OOP)Come creare Package Strutturati e Procedure PL/SQL DinamicheAl termine del terzo livello lo studente sapr:Come utilizzare le applicazioni modulari PL/SQL con Spring BootCome creare un servizio REST in Spring Boot che impieghi il codice PL/SQLCome testare il web service con JUnit 4 e manualmente con PostMan Tutti gli argomenti verranno trattati utilizzando un database con dati reali* analizzando, commentando ed eseguendo il codice PL/SQL nell'Oracle SQL Developer.*I dati provengono da un database di produzione sottoposto ad alterazione casuale per preservare la privacy e la riservatezza dei proprietari dei dati."
Price: 149.99

"Amazon EC2, Load Balancers, Auto Scaling and Lifecycle Hooks" |
"What's the buzz around EC2? Why are organizations moving their solutions to EC2? What makes it so special:Is it cheaper?Is it freedom from having to manage hardware?Is it about elasticity?Or, is it about automation?You'll know the answers to these questions by the end of this course.Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a web service that provides secure, resizable compute capacity in the cloud. It is designed to make web-scale cloud computing easier for developers.With over 70 lectures and over 8 hours of on-demand content, this is the most highly rated Amazon EC2 course on Udemy.This course will teach you everything about Amazon EC2, Elastic Load Balancers, Auto Scaling, and Lifecycle Hooks. You'll get lifetime access to all videos, with a 30-days, no questions asked, money back guarantee, and a certificate of completion!Watch this course:to move from being a beginner to an expert at Amazon EC2to add a valuable skill to your Resumeto improve your prospects at getting a better project at your office, and even landing a better jobThis course:features hands-on lab exercises for every topiccontains links to articles and code samplesdoes not require you to have any programming or Linux knowledgefeatures an instructor who quickly responds to every question and feels great about your success!In this Amazon EC2 course, you'll learn the following topics in-depth:AWS Regions and Availability Zones - the fundamental blocks of Amazon Web ServicesAmazon Machine Image (AMI) - golden images used to create EC2 InstancesEC2 Instance Sizes and Types - different combinations of storage, CPU, and memory for EC2 InstancesEBS Volumes and Snapshots - block storage (virtual hard drives) for EC2 InstancesSecurity Groups - virtual firewalls for EC2 InstancesEC2 Key Pairs - login information for instancesHow to launch Windows and Linux InstancesHow to connect to your instance from Windows and Linux computersT2 and T3 Instances - something about these that makes them most popularInstance Store - temporary storage for EC2 instances, for use cases like caches and buffersUser Data - allows you to run custom scripts at instance startupElastic IP Address - static IP addresses for EC2 InstancesElastic Network Interfaces - virtual network interfaces for EC2 Instances (like Ethernet cards on physical computers)Placement Groups - a logical grouping for EC2 InstancesEC2 Instance Metadata - data about EC2 Instances like IP address, hostname, and MAC addressEC2 Purchasing Options - Reserved / On-demand / Scheduled / Spot InstancesDedicates Instances and Hosts - EC2 instances launched on dedicated hardwareConcept of Elastic Load Balancers - improve the availability of your web applicationsClassic Load Balancers - simple load balancer, can be configured in minutesApplication Load Balancers - intelligent next-generation load balancer for EC2 InstancesNetwork Load Balancers - intelligent, high-performance load balancers that work on the Transport LayerAuto Scaling Groups - automatically scale up/down your instances based on scaling policiesLaunch Configurations - predefined EC2 configuration used to create an auto scaling groupLaunch Templates - save your EC2 settings and preferences into templates and use them to launch instances, any timeManual Scaling - scaling instances manually without scaling policiesScheduled Scaling - set up automatic scheduled scaling for predictable workloadsDynamic Scaling - configure dynamic scaling policies to handle an increase/decrease in required compute capacityLifecycle Hooks - interrupt your EC2 instances at startup or termination to perform custom actionsI'm confident this course will meet and exceed your expectations, I'll see you on the inside!"
Price: 19.99

"JNCIA-Junos JN0-103 Practice Exams" |
"Last Updated: April 2020This practice test is fully aligned with JNCIA-Junos JN0-103 exams.This Juniper JNCIA-Junos practice exam is patterned based on the latest JNCIA exam format. The questions are updated regularly based on feedback from our students on what appeared in the actual exam.This practice test has been prepared with the utmost care and is as close to the real exam as possible. The exam questions are divided into sections, like the JNCIA certification syllabus.This JNCIA Junos Practice Exam is for anyone who is looking for a study material that provides the following:290+ first-class exam questions - divided into 6 sections like the real examDetailed explanations and references - our answer keys will tell you why your answer will be considered correct or incorrectSimulates the actual exam - updated with our students' feedback, this mimics the actual JNCIA exam to help you ace the certification.Updated weekly - our dedicated team updates the questions and answers weekly based on feedbackInstructor Support - this practice exam includes instructor support for all your questions within 72 hoursTest Report - the test validates your knowledge against the required pass score to mimic the actual examMobile compatible - use the practice exam on any device - computer, tablet or smartphoneImportant Note:I highly encourage you to repeat these practice questions again and again until you reach a score of 90% or higher on each section.Remember that the practice exam does not guarantee a pass in the JNCIA Junos exam. This is designed to give you a comprehensive assessment of your knowledge, identify areas where you need to focus, give you a real-world exam feel, and improve your confidence to pass at the first attempt.What our students say:""Questions are very technical, and there are explanations why my answer is considered correct or incorrect. This approach is impressive. Helped me a lot to prepare for the exam. I loved the course, will recommend to others. Many thanks!""""I have spent a lot of time with this, and other, practice exams and this exam site is constantly updating the question. That doesn't seem to be the case with other sites I have used!""""These tests are as close to the exam as it gets. Well supplemented with explanations and links for more reading. I'll recommend these for exam takers.""The S2 Academy Promise:Students love our courses and have top-rated each of them. We guarantee that this JNCIA-SEC practice test will add value to your knowledge and will improve your confidence to pass the exam. If we don't live up to any of these promises, just tell us and we'll refund your purchase. No questions asked!## The JNCIA certification bundle including 80 videos, 290 questions, online Juniper lab is available on S2 Academy website ##"
Price: 24.99

"Facebook Ads 2018: Creating Your First Facebook Campaign" |
"Today we live in a time when Facebook has become an essential component of the marketing mix of every organization, whether a large company or a startup. Why? With more than 2 billion active users, it is fair to say that most of the industries will find their target audience or potential customers on Facebook and thus this touchpoint cannot be missed.I am sure you are already aware of this and that is why you decided to take this course to get started with Facebook campaign hands-on experience.Who is the target audience?I am assuming that you lie in one of the following categories -i) You have launched your website recently but facing a traffic problem. Search traffic takes time to build, so you want to leverage Facebook to bring website traffic on a consistent basis.ii) You have an eCommerce website and looking to increase sales through Facebook and leverage it as ROI driven sustainable channel.iii) You are from a decent largestartup or big company and might be interested in exploring this new channel to either bring additional website traffic or create brand awareness.iv) You may have an App as the main product and want to increase App installs to grow user base.v) You might be from a B2B company wanting to get leads for your business through Facebook.vi) You might be interested in increasing followers of your Facebook page.vii) Lastly, you might be interested in just remarketing your website visitors which is enabled by Facebook pixel which will be covered later.Whatever the case might be, this course will help you get started. If you know the process, Facebook Ads are very simple to create and manage."
Price: 19.99

"JavaScript 360: Complete Introduction to EcmaScript" |
"In this course we will start off by going over the JavaScript language and syntax.We will also have a brief introduction to Git, Github and markdown to start building out your gitportfolio.After going through the JavaScript content you will move onto the practice section where there are algorithm problems you will attempt on your own and followed by my own solution to compare. This will give you realistic practice of what to expect in a white board or technical interview. It will also allow you to practice and make all the JavaScript you were introduced to stick.On your git you will have over 20+ algorithms to add your solutions to show your learning progression."
Price: 19.99

"100 Algorithms Challenge" |
"Technical interviews are the filter between good and great developers. At least that is how the industry sees it. In this course we will up your problem solving ability and speedwith 100 algorithm problems and solutions.These questions are some of the most common ones asked in interviews. A portion are questions that come from companies likeGoogle, Facebook, Uber, Amazon etc.By the end of the course you will be:Have a handle on higher order functions in JavaScriptUnderstand the basics of TypeScriptHave a 100 algorithm portfolio itemBe ready to ace the JavaScript technical interview"
Price: 199.99

"Master How to Find Winning Products For Shopify Dropshipping" |
"Use my proven winning product researchformula that has helped me generate multiple 6 figure incomes from individual winning products andgot mefeatured on the official Shopify Masters Podcast. A lot of Shopify marketers and dropshippingentrepreneurs are wasting a lot of time and money testing 5-10 products a day failing again and again to find anything successful. Testing 5-10 products a day is like gambling and with my strategic step by step winning productresearch you will learn to only spend money on ads for products through data backed validation.There are two different type of winningproducts you will learn how to find in my course.1. Trending Products2. Evergreen ProductsTrending products are items that have an influx of consumers looking to purchase something for an event, movement, fad, or season. Although these type of products don't last forever they can make you thousands of dollars in a short amount of time. In my course I'll walk through how I generated $18,000 through this type of research and actually show you the real product, research, and even ads I used to capitalize on the consumertrend. From my course you'll be able to do data research online to find consumer trends in every niche possible.Evergreen products are items that are currently not trending and they might not ever trend except there is a continuous stream of consumers who are looking to purchase this product every month. You may not be able to scale this product to thousands of dollars in a day, however, you may be able to generate a steady profit of $1,000 per month. The more evergreen products you discover the longer you can expect to have a successful store for years to come producing a profit.Not only will Iteach you to find winning products through data backed research, but also give you my best product testing calculator which is an equation I follow once I start putting money on ads to determine if I should scale or not. I'll also give you a few bonus videos on sourcing your product (if you only use Aliexpress you are missing the best places online to source quality goods) and share with you one of my exact stores and the set up I have on it."
Price: 34.99

"WordPress for Beginners" |
"No experience or coding Required! Quickly Plan, Build and Launch Your WordPress Website in 1 HourAre you starting a new website or blog for your personal brand or online business but stuck on how to get started with WordPress? Then this WordPress for beginners course is for you!When you complete this course, you will learn how to launch a WordPress blog fast. Most importantly, if you follow the simple step-by-step formula taught in this course, you'll be able to build your own WordPress website in as little as 1 hour! With a focus on saving you time, money and frustration, this WordPress for beginners course will walk you step-by-step on how to select the best hosting, theme and plugins, with a focus on laying the foundation needed to scale your website as your brand grows, without getting distracted by all of the bells & whistles WordPress has to offer.Why choose this over other WordPress for beginners courses?Simple. Whether you're already familiar with WordPress or are a total beginner, you'll save time and get your website up FAST! without wasting hundreds of hours on all of the other techie fluff you don't need to know as someone new to site building. I know. I've been there, you join a beginners course with hundreds of videos and months worth of content covering all of the technical WordPress features but the truth is... You don't have time for that!What you do have is a need to get a WordPress website up and running right now!You'll discover the secrets to building a professional-looking WordPress website for your blog or business and get it online in record time!"
Price: 64.99

"SQL Server 2016: Laboratorio Always On desde cero" |
"En este curso daremos una vista diferente al motor de base de datos SQLServer 2016, ya que no solo prepararemos un ambiente en el cual se podrn realizar trabajos de desarrollo, si no que tambin obtendrn losconocimientos para poder implementar una solucin de alta disponibilidad en cualquier ambiente productivo.El objetivo del curso es que se puedan divertir y adquirir los conocimientos necesarios para poder tomar la mejor decisin al momento de querer implementar una solucin con SQLServer 2016."
Price: 49.99

"Swift 4 ve xCode 9 ile batan sona bir uygulama" |
"Alt yldan fazlasredir, IOS konularna kafa yoruyorum.Objective-C ile balayan IOS servenim Swift ile devam ediyor ve bu sre ierisinde edindiim bilgi ve deneyimlerimin bir ksmn, bu kursla dilim dndncesizinle paylamak istiyorum.Bu kurs,bir uygulamay sfrdan hazrlayarak, App Store'da yaynlamaya kadar geen sreleri ele almaktadr.Hazrlayacamz uygulama u an App Store'da indirilebilir durumdadr.Burada direkt bir balantpaylaamyorum amaApp Store'da ""Prime Finder"" diye aratarak uygulamay cihaznza indirip inceleyebilirsiniz.Hazrlayacamz uygulama basit bir asal say hesaplama uygulamas olacak. Anlatacam konulara derinlemesine deinebilmek adna, nispeten basit bir uygulama setim, fakat buna ramen, kursu hazrlamak iin ektiim videolarn toplam sresi otuz saati buldu ama siz deerli kursiyerlerin zamann almamak iin tmvideolar saniye saniyeeditledim ve gereksiz duraksama ve anlatm bozukluklarn mmkn olduunca temizlemeye altm. Ama yine dekursumuzun toplam sresionalt saati at,fakather saniyesi dolu dolu bir kurs olduunu garanti ediyorum.Dediim gibi, hazrlayacamz uygulama, hesap makinesi benzeri bir asal say hesaplama uygulamas olacak veIOS 9 zeri tmcihazlarda (iPhone, iPad, iPod) altrlabilir olacak. Kullanclar bu uygulama sayesinde uygulama ekranna girdikleri tam saylarn asal olup olmadklarn kontrol edebildikleri gibi, girdikleri saydan nceki veya sonraki asal saylarn da nele olduunu hesaplayabilecekler. Uygulama ierisindeki paylama zelliini kullanarak yaptklar hesaplamalar dier uygulamalar araclyla darya aktarabilecekler.Uygulamay xCode 9 zerinde Swift 4 ile hazrlayacaz ve Swift dilinin bir ok gelimi zelliinin yan sra, xCode IDE'si nin sunduu kolaylklar dabu uygulamamzda kullanma ans bulacaz. Ayrca uygulama dosyasn oluturma ve yaynlama aamalarn,apple developer portal ve iTunesConnect zerinde neler yapmamz gerektiine de deineceiz.Dersierikleriniksa balklar halinde zetlemek gerekirse,Developer portal hazrlklar.Sertifikalar, APP ID, gelitirici cihazlarn tanmlamave provizyon dosyalarn oluturma.Proje dosyasnn oluturulmas.Provizyon dosyalar ve sertifikalarnprojeye dahil edilmesi.Tasarm dinamikleri.Autolayout, constraint, size class kullanmlarve bu konulara ait nemli pf noktalar.Arayz grsellerini projeye eklemek.Viewcontroller child olarak eklemek.Programsal yoldan size class modifikasyonuve constraint oluturmak.IBAction ile buton aksiyonlarn oluturmak.Programsal yoldan UIImageView oluturmak.zel font kullanm ve UIKit bitmap graphics contextkullanarak programsal yoldan grsel eler yaratmakve bu grseller iin caching mekanizmas kurmak.Enumerated data tipleri oluturmak.CoreGraphics kullanarak parlama efekti yaratmak.CoreAnimation ktphanesi kullanm.CALayer kullanarak maskeleme katman oluturmak.CABasicAnimation kullanarak animasyon oluturmak.Extension ve mutating fonksiyon ile class ilevselliiniarttrmak.Tekst ve karakter ileme teknikleri.Bellek ynetimi iin garbage collection.Block based UIKit property animasyonu oluturmak.UIGestureRecognizer ve hittest kullanarak dokunulannesneleri tespit etmek.UIPasteBoard kullanm.Singleton design pattern kullanarak class oluturmak.Struct, sequence ve iteratorProtocol kullanm.Completion handlerl fonksiyonlar oluturmak.lemleri GCD ile thread safe bir ekilde yaptrmak.Delegates tasarm kalbn kullanmak.Farkl threadlar da yaplan ilemlerle kullancarayzn (main thread) gncellemek.GCD Dispatchworkitem ile Global birgeciktirme fonksiyonu oluturmak.UIButton zelliklerini kurcalamak.Uygulama modlarn oluturmak vebuton aksiyonlarna balamak.Uygulama modlar ve asal say hesaplama/kontrolilemlerini uygulama ekrannda gncellemek.UIVisualEffectView ile bulanklk efekti oluturmak.UINavigationBar eklemek ve bar butonu oluturmak.UIBarButtonItem iin bir IBAction tanmlamak.UITableView eklemek.UITableViewa UITableViewCell eklemek.TableView ve TableViewCelli yaplandrmakve zel UITableViewCell subclasslar oluturmak.UITableViewDelegate ve UITableViewDataSourcemetodlarn oluturmak.UIView subclass oluturmak.CAGradientLayer ile gradient bir renk oluturmak.CALayer ile yuvarlatlm keler oluturmak.NSAttributedString ile zenginletirilmitekstler oluturmak.UIActivityViewController ile payla mens hazrlamak.UIActivityViewController excludedActivityTypes ilepaylama seeneklerini snrlandrmak.Uygulamaya sesler eklemek.AVFoundation ktphanesi ile,AVAudioSession ve AVAudioPlayer kullanmlar.Arc4Random ile rasgele tam say deerleri retmek.Date() yaps ve timeIntervalSince metodu kullanm.Taptic engine kullanm, UIImpactFeedbackGeneratorve UINotificationFeedbackGenerator tanmlamalar.IOS versiyon kontrol.UIAlertController kullanm.UserDefaults ile veri alma / kaydetme.Guard kullanm.OpenURL ile ynlendirme.Uygulama ikonu eklemek.Uygulama grnr adn deitirmek ve son kontroller.iTunesConnectde uygulama iin bir kayt oluturmak.App store grsel, video, tekst ve bilgilerini eklemek.Uygulamay paketleyip iTunesConnecte yollamak.Uygulamay incelemeye gndermek.nceleme aamalar ve uygulamann kabl."
Price: 59.99

"Betonarme I & Betonarme II Derslerinde APPS Uygulamalari" |
"Genel Tanitim 1- Kirislerin Tanimi1.1 Betonarme Kiri Tasarimi (rnek1) 1.2 Betonarme Kiri Tasarimi (rnek 2) 1.3 Betonarme Kiri Tasarimi (rnek 3) 1.4 Betonarme Kiri Tasarimi (rnek 4) 1.5Betonarme Kiri Tasarimi (rnek 5) 1.6Betonarme Kiri Tasarimi (rnek 6) 1.7 Betonarme Kiri Tasarimi (rnek 7) 1.8Betonarme Kiri Tasarimi (rnek 8)1.9Betonarme Kiris Tasarimi (rnek 9) 1.10Betonarme Kiri Tasarimi (rnek 10)1.11 Betonarme Kiri Tasarimi (rnek 11) 1.12 Betonarme Kiri Tasarimi (rnek 11)1.12Betonarme Kiri Tasarimi (rnek 12) 1.13Betonarme Kiri Tasarimi (rnek 13) 1.14Betonarme Kiri Tasarimi (rnek 14) 1.15Betonarme Kiri Tasarimi (rnek 15) 1.16Betonarme Kiri Tasarimi (rnek 16) 1.17Betonarme Kiri Tasarimi (rnek 17) 1.18 Betonarme Kiri Tasarimi (rnek 18) 1.19 Betonarme Kiri Tasarimi (Ornek 19)2 - Kolonlarin Tanimi 2.1Betonarme KolonTasarimi (rnek 1) 2.2Betonarme KolonTasarimi (rnek 2) 2.3 Betonarme KolonTasarimi (rnek 3) 2.4 Betonarme KolonTasarimi (rnek 4) 2.5 Betonarme KolonTasarimi (rnek 5) 2.6 Betonarme KolonTasarimi (rnek 6) 2.7 Betonarme KolonTasarimi (rnek 7) 2.8 Betonarme KolonTasarimi (rnek 8)2.9 Betonarme KolonTasarimi (rnek 3- Dosemelerin Tanimi 3.1 Betonarme Deme Tasarimi (rnek 1) 3.2 Betonarme Deme Tasarimi (rnek 2) 3.3 Betonarme DoemeTasarimi (rnek 3) 3.4 Betonarme DoemeTasarimi (rnek 4) 4- Temellerin Tanimi 4.1Betonarme Tekil TemelTasarimi (rnek 1) 4.2 Betonarme Tekil TemelTasarimi (rnek 2)4.3 Betonarme Tekil TemelTasarimi (rnek 3) 4.4 Betonarme Tekil TemelTasarimi (rnek 4) 4.5 Betonarme Tekil Temel Tasarimi (rnek 5) 4.6 Betonarme Radye Temel Tasarm (rnek 6) 5- Istinat Duvarlarin Tanimi 5.1Betonarme Istinat Duvari Tasarimi (rnek 1) 5.2 Betonarme Istinat Duvar Tasarimi (rnek 2)"
Price: 24.99

"How to Make Your PC Run Faster?" |
"Learn the basic, advance methods that you will need tooptimize your PC .Gain more optimization knowledgeHow to keep your PC fresh?What needed application?When you use this application?Why we need to optimize?Big question need big answer, if course optimization itsvery important to keep your device healthy,Optimization its not just a command or a application runand optimize, optimization its routine,Daily, weekly, monthly routine that help you to detect anyproblem you face.Course overview This course its suitable for all users, its contain manysteps to optimize, through this course there are 6 lectures, easy dont worry.Starting with basic steps to optimization, after that somehardware and software advises,Also there are an advance steps lecture and how to use manyapplication to optimize.After completing this course you will be able to do for yourdevice optimization any time.Good Luck."
Price: 24.99

"Profitable Career Launcher: Job Search, Your Career Course" |
"Your job WORRY is justifiedNo career pathThere's no career progression or opportunity.You've been passed over or overlooked for promotion.Politics and favoritism are keeping you stuck.You feel used and abused.Younger, less expensive staff chosen over experience, knowledge and abilities.No job securityYou don't know what the future holds.The economy is down and there arebudget cuts.People are being told to work less hours or to accept a pay cut or even worse lose their job due to restructures and downsizing.You don't feel confidentTraining is lacking.Your company is not investing in people.Processes and systems aren't working.This causes frustration and stress.There's too much work and pressureYou're struggling to keep up.You have to work longer hours and spend less time with family.You are bored and unfulfilledYou don't feel like going to work as you have no interest in the work.Finding it hard to care when you've checked out of the situation.Not passionate about what you're doing.You want to bring your spark back.Want to be challenged, fulfilled and rewarded for your efforts.You're not appreciatedThey're not listening, recognizing or appreciating the work you do.You don't feel valued.You want to know that your contribution counts and genuinely makes a difference.Team not the right fitThe culture is backwards.Some workers feel entitled.They can be stubborn and hard to create change with.You want to work with driven motivated high performers.You want competent team mates to count on.You're thinking of starting your own business.Current role not in demandThere is no continuity or guaranteed work.You may need to re-tool as the current role doesn't have a future.You still need to feed yourself and pay the bills.No work/life balanceYou don't want to work 40+ hours a week and not see your family.You know there is something elseYou can feel that there is something else deep down that you can be doing that will give you the income to work less hours and spend more time with family.It doesnt have to be this way.Its possible for youto: Have clarity and confidence moving forwardBe inspired and excited by whats possibleDo passionate and meaningful work that makes a difference in the worldStart your own business and become financially independentBe challenged, learn, grow and become the best version of yourselfWork with like minded people who understand and appreciate youHave work/life balance so you can work less hours and spend more time with familyWould you like to:1 ShineIgnite your passion and light up the world.Make the right career choice, one thats aligned with who you are.2 Sleep Well At NightKnowing that you are becoming a confident, independent and unique individual who shines.3 Be ProudLook forward to people asking you So, what do you do for a living?So WHY is it so difficult to make a career choice?Maybe its because you think...The process is pretty hectic or impossibleSometimes it feels like there is just SO MUCH choice involved that you secretly resent whoever created so many roles. You long for the good old days when roles were simple and the choices were limited.You might choose something you dont like.Thats understandable if youre not sure how to go about it...and so stressful! And then theres the fact you wasted time, money and energy pursuing the wrong career. Ouch!You might not be gainfully employed.Youre hoping to make money and youre terrified there maybe no work in your chosen field. Talk about a letdown!People will think youre dumb for making the wrong career choice.Youll feel embarrassed, be laughed at and made a joke of.If youve tried other courses or books in the past without results, let me guess what happened:Youve been run over by overwhelmI like to take students by the hand one tiny step at a time so they confidently move towards making a decision thats right for them.You never got results because most courses or books focus on the outside and not on the inside (which is the key)I work from the inside out. Starting with who you are and where you fit in this world.The information presented was confusingThe good news is that Im able to simplify the most complex information so its easy to understand and apply in the real world. I guess that comes from my engineering background.Or maybe you havent tried anything yet because you think you can just wing itSo you will just drift along and probably land in a job you hate, feeling stressed and turning to junk food, alcohol or drugs to ease the pain.Youve heard it beforeIts wise to ask for help, to get a mentor and not go it alone.So heres a taste of what your life will be like when you start working in your dream career:1. Your future self: Earning enough money to be comfortable.2. Your future self: Happy that you are able to support your family and lifestyle.3. Your future self: Looking forward to waking up to inspiring work.4. Your future self: Feeling worthy as your work makes a difference in the world.5. Your future self: Knowing your family and friends are proud of you.6. Your future self: Continuously learning and growing.7. Your future self: Being a confident, independent and unique individual who shines.So, how do you put a price on passion, fulfillment and profitability?Well, you cant.After you complete this course you will know exactly who you are and where you want to go.You will be on your way to becoming a confident, independent and unique individual who shines.""Yes Martin! I would love to join you in Profitable Career Launcher!""Your InvestmentIf I was coachingyouone on one it would take 5 sessions at $120 per session. Thats $600.BUT (I can see my wife shaking her head)... this is what Im going to do:Im going to give you:LIFETIME Access to the Profitable Career Launcher Course and all content updates (VALUE: $600)You will also receive...Bonus: Passion To Profit Blueprint PDF (Value: $37)Discover how to take your passion and turn it into a money making machine that works while you sleep.TOTAL VALUE: $637GET STARTED NOWOne payment of ONLY $95USDPast clients say:Hello,Im Mollieand when I was in year 9, I was asked what I wanted to do with my life. Unfortunately I didnt know what to say. Everyone else knew but not me. 2 years later and I still didnt know. Luckily my mum referred me to Martin.Martin runs a coursecalled Profitable Career Launcher. He taught me that the answer is inside of me and by using his tools and strategies he helped me extract it. Now after my sessions with Martin, weve come to a conclusion about what my purpose is in life. My passion and purpose is to end animal cruelty. I feel as if now I have a clear path to my passion and know how I can endeavor the tasks to get where I want to be.Martin really cares about people. Hes open, honest and trustworthy. His gift is helping people decide what to do with their life, and with Martins help and guidance I feel relieved and determined to carry out my passion. I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending Martins courseto anyone who wants help deciding what to do with their life. So if you are a bit lost or unsure I hope you give Martin a go so you too can find yourself like I did.I cannot ever thank you enough for the love, help and support you gave me, you came at just the right time. I know you are a busy man but l do hope we can keep in touch. You helped save my life and made it richer.Lynne, London, United KingdomMartin has a very beautiful energy. Gave very good insight & clarity in helping achieve my goals.Morning Clouds, NSW, AustraliaYou are a great inspiration to many people and a great coach.Rui Rajiv, Maputo, MozambiqueVery nice and compassionate person, generous with his time and easy to speak to. Very nice man.Beaugosse, California, United StatesVery happy with the new perspective Martin was able to give me with my coaching needsDEFINITELY a recommended service and MORE than worth the price. Thanks again Martin and well be speaking again soon.Myles I Dez, London, United KingdomSo...how is Profitable Career Launcher different anyways?Other Programs...Their focus is 80% EXTERNAL (Environment) and 20% INTERNAL (You)...misalignment #wrongtarget.Profitable Career Launcher...Welcome to Profitable Career land. Where the focus is 80% INTERNAL (You), on who you are and 20% EXTERNAL (Environment) on where you fit in.Other Programs...Teach you to find a job (which stands for ""Just Over Broke""), where you look forward to Friday (get me the hell out of here) and payday. #hatemyjob #hatemylifeProfitable Career Launcher...Helps you find your passion, purpose and mission, which is bigger than you and leads to a freedom, fulfilment and impact.Other Programs...Claim to help you find your perfect career but they dont, are confusing, full of fluff, you end up wasting your time and left feeling frustrated #nothelpfulProfitable Career Launcher...Takes you by the hand and leads you along a clear and logical path to a career made for you. Consists of simple, brief and actionable steps.Other Programs...Typically give you scattered information (or worse, missing information like no mention of personality and its impact on your career; or no reference to anything online) and leaves you to it. #byebyeProfitable Career Launcher...Ill be there to answer your questions and to have a private one on one conversation with you (if you like)Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)When does the course start and finish?You can start anytime, anywhere, whenever you are ready and you can go through it at your own pace (no rush).How long will I have access to the course?You will have unlimited, lifetime access to the course on all devices.What if I want a refund?Im happy to issue you a refund within the first 30days.What skills will this course teach me?Profitable Career Launcher is a course that takes you from having ""no idea"" to finding the right career for you. Highlights include: learning why you are here, why you matter, whats your purpose, mission, message, and more!What equipment/tools will I need to complete the course?Access to a computer, internet, video player software,acrobat reader software, an email account, and an eager and open mind!How can I make sure I complete this course?Ultimately you want freedom and independence. This course will help you achieve this. It will guide and support you in making your own career choice.GET STARTED NOW!One payment of ONLY $95USDSo heres what to do next:If youre ready to ignite your passion and light up the world, click on the buy buttonThere is nothing in this course that will be difficult for you.All you need to do is listen, answer some questions and do some homework.One of my objectives is to ensure that you enjoy the course.At the end of the course you will know exactly what to do with your life (which is aligned with who you are).Knowing this increases your confidence, happiness and chances of success in life.I look forward to igniting your passion and being a part of yourtransformation.Today YOU have an opportunity to create a better future.You do deserve the BEST, don't you?And that you trust, with the help of this course, that you will make the right decision.With my support the path is going to be smooth, safeand not so scary.So are you coming on the bus (where its warm, safe and supportive) or are you going to walk it alone in the cold and dark (who knows whats out there and where youll end up)?I hope you join us on the bus!Kind Regards,Martin FormatoProfessional Certified Life Coach and Career CoachEmail: martin@profitablecareerlauncher.comReady?Lets do this!Enrol NOW for just $95 USDClick on the buy buttonto take the first step to a passionate, fulfilling and profitable career."
Price: 94.99

"7 Steps to Fast Track Your Music Career" |
"This course will up-skill you very efficiently in best practice and current music business models but more importantly artiststrategy! That is, things artists can do and use to increase their fanbase, profile and income extremely aggressively. You'll learn;- How to get radio play- How to sell out shows- How to earn more money instantly,- How to sell merch without spending a cent- How to have a full merch store by THIS EVENING without spending a cent- Digital Marketing for musicians- Best practice on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and more- Contracts- How to get a record label, management, publishing, and booking agent deal- Much, much more.If you're planning on having a career in music then this information is essential."
Price: 19.99

"How to Live a Fulfilled Life" |
"In thisCourse, we will be looking at - HOW TO LIVE A FULFILLED LIFEYou are going to learn - The 12 fundamental Laws of Life which will help you live a fulfilled Life.This Course is designed for people who are looking for their Purpose in a life and those who are looking for the meaning of Life. By the end of the Course, you will be able to understand how to live your life in the most fulfilling way.The Course is designed with Assignment at the end of each section to allow the student think through the new information and personally integrate it into their lives.You will be covering topics like -The True meaning of LifeThe Concept of LivingThe Concept of Life GoalsThe Laws of LifeHow to live fulfilledThe ideal student for this Course is someone who wants to decide on a Career path or who is already in a Career but wants to move on.It is generally for people who are looking for their path on Life and how to best live Life that is meaningful. You don't need anyrequirements to enroll in this Course, you only need the desire to change your Life."
Price: 19.99

"How to Differentiate Between Talent and Purpose" |
"Welcome to BeInspired Academy Online CourseWhere you will learn everything you need to know to become the leader you are born to be.In this particular Course, we will be looking at -HOW TO DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN TALENT AND PURPOSE You are going to learn -The differences between Talent and Purpose and the result of operating in either Talent or Purpose.This Course is designed for people who are looking for their Purpose in life and those who are looking for the meaning of Life.By the end of the Course, you will be able to understand the difference between your Talent and your Purpose and how to live your life in the most fulfilling way.The Course is designed with Assignment at the end of each lecture to allow the students think through the new information and personally integrate it into their lives.You will be covering topics like -The 2 Sides of ManThe 2 Lives of ManThe Differences between Talent and PurposeThe Dilemma of the TalentedThe ideal student for this Course is someone who wants to decide on a Career path or who is already in a Career but wants to move on.It is generally for people who are looking for their path in Life and how to best live Life that is meaningful.There are no requirements needed to enroll in this Course, you only need to come with an open mind and be ready to learnI look forward to seeing you there."
Price: 19.99

"Digital Marketing Strategy for Online Business" |
"This course will equip learners with the right digital strategies for their online business. The course is basically broken down in two simple sections:1: Digital Marketing Components: Theseare things you need to put in place to ensure you can maximize the best out of your Digital Marketing strategies:2: Digital Marketing Strategies: These are marketing strategies you can deploy immediately for your online business to ensure you can increase your sales. All the various key digital marketing strategies for online business are discussed here."
Price: 19.99

"Creative Writing: A Novel Idea" |
"This course will provide you the knowledge and hands-on practice to begin thecreation of your first or next novel. After learning the basic elements, you will have an opportunity to create characters, setting, plot elements, and working titles and covers. In addition, you will generate ideas for your novels and select appropriate genres and identify your target audiences."
Price: 24.99

Price: 19.99

"Embedded systems using ATmega series#5" |
"When designing an electronic project, it is necessary to present the project information, whether final results or preliminary measurements or phase tests on graphical LCDs in one of their textual, graphical or project-specific forms.this course makes you able to execute and program this stage of design of all kinds for your project with professionally"
Price: 29.99

"Embedded systems using ATmega series#2" |
"THE COURSE:Adopts the principle of a successful designer should be familiar with the HARDWAREentity as such his knowledge of the programming language.So the details of the Microcontrollers' electronic structure teach you how to use them successfullyWhere we begin to explain the structure of the Microcontroller and its components and then explain its programmingand use in applicationsSimplified and then simulated so that they are well understood and cost you a small part of the exercise to try it yourself.Finally, you can compile them later and invest them in allocating your project resources"
Price: 29.99

"Embedded systems using ATmega series#3" |
"THE COURSE:Adopts the principle of a successful designer should be familiar with theHARDWAREentity as such his knowledgeof the programming language.So the details of the Microcontrollers'electronic structureteach you how to use them successfullyWhere we begin to explain the structure of the Microcontroller and its components and thenexplain its programmingand use inapplicationsSimplified and thensimulatedso that they are well understood and cost you a small part of the exercise to try it yourself.Finally, you can compile them later and invest them in allocating your project resources"
Price: 24.99

"Embedded systems using ATmega series#1" |
"THE COURSE:Adopts the principle of a successful designer should be familiar with theHARDWAREentity as such his knowledgeof the programming language.So the details of the Microcontrollers'electronic structureteach you how to use them successfullyWhere we begin to explain the structure of the Microcontroller and its components and thenexplain its programmingand use inapplicationsSimplified and thensimulatedso that they are well understood and cost you a small part of the exercise to try it yourself.Finally, you can compile them later and invest them in allocating your project resources"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Unity Engine and C# by creating a real top down RPG" |
"If you are interested in quicklydeveloping an amazing top down RPG while learningtricks of the trade to speed up your workflow in Unity, or just looking to learn how to use the engine to its full potentialthen you've come to the right place.In this Unity course, you will:Detect collisions, receive user input, and create player movementsUse the Animator and animations to save precious coding timeUse the new Tilemap systemCollect and destroy game objectsNavigate the Unity EngineUse C#InheritenceAnd more!"
Price: 39.99

"Rider-Waite Iconotropy" |
"This course offers continuing education for those already familiar with the 78 cards of the Rider-Waite tarot deck system. We will delve further into the hidden symbolism and discuss the following topics in this first Volume: History Typography Color and Monochromatic Iconotropy Plant IconotropyAnimal IconotropyHuman Iconotropy Iconotropy of the Elements Iconotropy Everywhere (Simple SymbolsI have prepared for students of this class a free PDF available for their personal use as a download. It is FULL of simple symbols for their personal study and ONLY relates to the Rider-Waite deck and no other!AND as an added BONUS I have included a preview video of my upcoming class (coming soon to Udemy): Rider-Waite Star Lore"
Price: 24.99

"Moroccan Recipes :how to prepare moroccan tea." |
"Do you have an idea about Morocco cuisine? ? Do you have a chance to taste one of the most popular beverages in Morocco which is Moroccan tea? Do you think you can set it up?Do you want to learn how to prepare Moroccan tea in a traditional and healthy way?Now is the place for you.You will discover tea with mintType of tea.Method of combining ingredientsIn each section, you will take a step by step preparation of Morocco teaEnjoy a healthy drink."
Price: 29.99

"C++ od podstaw" |
"KursC++odpodstawstworzonyzostaprzezMichaaOrlikowskiego.Jestonkoordynatoremmerytorycznymcieki C++ w Software Development Academy - najwikszej w Polsce akademii programowania. SDAco roku, w ramach stacjonarnych kursw, umoliwia przekwalifikowanie zawodowe ponad 1000 osboraz wspiera przedsibiorstwa z brany IT w pozyskiwaniu talentw. Kurs adresowany jest do wszystkich osb, ktre nie posiadaj dowiadczenia w programowaniu lub posiadaj wycznie jego podstawy. Student jest przeprowadzony krok po kroku przez cay proces nauki. Cay kurs oparty jest na wiedzy praktycznej, a kada jego cz jest sprawdzana wiczeniem, ktre wykonuje student wraz z instruktorem.Wnajbliszym czasie kurszostanie rozszerzony o zagadnienia uzupeniajce oraz redniozaawansowan cz, a nastpnie zaawansowan. Tym samym kurs jest wietnym wyborem w caym procesie nauki jzyka C++."
Price: 74.99

"Testy jednostkowe z uyciem Mockito" |
"Kurs ""Testy jednostkowe z uyciem Mockito"" stworzony zosta przez Rafaa Roppel. To wieloletni praktyk iDyrektorTechnicznyw Software Development Academy - najwikszej w Polsce akademii programowania, ktra co roku, w ramach stacjonarnych kursw, umoliwia przekwalifikowanie zawodowe ponad 1000 osb. SDAwspiera przedsibiorstwa z brany IT w pozyskiwaniu talentw odpowiadajcych potrzebom dzisiejszego rynku pracy.W kursie zostay uyte biblioteki:JUnit,Mockito,AssertJ."
Price: 29.99

"Tcnicas de Estudio. Triplica tu enfoque y concentracin." |
"En este curso te ensear a identificar los principales distractores y hbitos que estn impidiendo que puedas enfocarte y optimizar tu aprendizaje. Compartir contigo las tcnicas que les han servido a miles de mis clientes y estudiantes para deshacerse de los distractores originados tanto en su entorno como dentro de s mismos, y te explicar los mtodos para adquirir los hbitos de estudio ms efectivos adaptados a tu personalidad, preferencia y estilo primordial en el que asimilas mejor la informacin. Te mostrar, paso por paso, las condiciones que debe tener tu espacio ideal y exclusivo para aprender. Y luego te revelar algunos trucos curiosos muy efectivos para fortalecer tu msculo mental y desarrollar una concentracin inquebrantable, tanto para cuando ests estudiando, como para cuando ests en medio del evento para el cual te preparaste, ya sea un examen, una presentacin, una entrevista, una propuesta, una reunin comercial, o cualquier otro escenario de importancia para ti."
Price: 49.99

"Tcnicas de Estudio. Multiplica tu motivacin para estudiar." |
"En este curso te ilustrar acerca de cmo funciona el ciclo de la motivacin humana, y cmo sacarle el mayor partido a cada una de las etapas por las que todos pasamos. Te explicar la importancia de ponerte metas poderosas a corto, mediano y largo plazo, as como los objetivos diarios y por sesin de estudio, y te mostrar la manera ptima de hacerlo. Te ensear a identificar las razones por las que ests desmotivado, y cmo convertirlas en motivadores, as como los mtodos para maximizar la intensidad de tus razones para estar inspirado a avanzar. Y compartir contigo los motivadores externos ms poderosos que puedes utilizar, as como los trucos ms efectivos para mantener los ms altos niveles de motivacin, a travs de tcnicas como la gamificacin, que te ensea a aprender jugando, y el uso de la regla 80/20 para motivarte a travs del alcance altamente acelerado de resultados."
Price: 49.99

unreal-engine-4-blueprint |
"UnrealEngine4UE4UE4UE4UE4 2UE4"
Price: 24000.00
