"Facebook ChatfuelChatbot" |
Price: 10800.00

"Scratch 3.0" |
Price: 10800.00

"Angular CLI: Using Angular made easy" |
"Throughout this course, you will be learning what Angular CLI is and why it was introduced in the first place. The command line interface that is provided by the Angular team will help you to generate your Angular applications more effectively than ever. You will be learning everything related to the CLI, from generating a new app to adding components, services, routing features and a lot more. You will learn how to build and serve your app quickly with the help of CLI. At the end of this course, you will take away the power to ease your solution making skills."
Price: 19.99

"Gestin de nminas, salarios y Seguridad Social" |
"Un mdulo orientado al crecimiento profesional para trabajadores de las reas de RRHH, en el que aprenders los conceptos bsicos relacionados con la confeccin de la nmina. Manejar los conceptos de permisos retribuidos y no retribuidos as como las vacaciones. Manejar la gestin de situaciones bsicas en la Seguridad Social, incapacidades y prestaciones."
Price: 79.99

"Evaluacin de la empleabilidad" |
"El curso de Evaluacin de la empleabilidad te ayuda a conocer nuevos mtodos de reclutamiento y tecnicas de anlisis decompetencias profesionales en la seleccin de candidatos. Conocer la situacin psicolgica, social y econmica del desempleado, as como los riesgos emocionales a los que se ven sometidos los reclutadores, ayudar a establecer un proceso ptimo de casacin deoferta y demanda de empleo. Gracias a este curso podrs detectar y evaluar paso a paso los niveles de empleabilidad de candidatos en bsqueda de empleo en funcin de la normativa actual vigente RD 1224/2009 de Reconocimiento de Competencias profesionales a travs de la experiencia laboral y vas no formales de formacin. Adems de identificacin de los mecanismos de certificacin de competencias profesionales en los distintos organismos pblicos."
Price: 114.99

"Gestin de empleo 3.0 y e-recruitment" |
"La tecnologa se ha convertido en uno de los principales aliados en los procesos de reclutamiento en las empresas. Conocer las herramientas que ayudan a encontrar los candidatos adecuados ahorra tiempo y costes en la empresa y aumenta exponencialmente la capacidad de tener xito en el proceso de seleccin. Las redes sociales y aplicaciones mviles buscan la mejor forma de conectar a empresas y candidatos y los tcnicos de empleo deben conocer su funcionamiento para optimizarlos resultados de su gestin. Adems, en este curso conocers cmo se trabaja en Reino Unido a travs del famoso Work Programme."
Price: 119.99

"Gestin de la formacin en la empresa" |
"Los trabajadores de las empresas pueden seguir creciendo en formacin gracias a la gestin de la formacin programada, una medida que incentiva la adquisicin de nuevas competencias a travs de la gestin de unos sencillos trmites administrativos. De esta forma, empresa y trabajador se unen para conseguir mejores objetivos en un camino conjunto. Con este curso se establecen los siguientes objetivos bsicos de aprendizaje:Desarrollar aspectos bsicos del manejo de la gestin de la formacin programada a empresasConocer y aplicar los cambios normativos del RD694/2017 en la formacin de tu empresaA travs de 4 sencillas unidades didcticas, tendrs acceso a las principales cuestiones relacionadas con la gestin del conocimiento y la formacin dentro de la empresa, materal de referencia ya poyo, y 4 vdeos explicativos con la temtica del curso detallada paso a paso. Con este curso podrs gestionar todo el plan formativo anual de tu empresa, detectar las necesidades en competencias laborales de los trabajadores y coordinar los sistemas de bonificacin en la Seguridad Social en formacin"
Price: 149.99

"Master Big Data Hadoop" |
"In this course we will explore what Big Data is? What Hadoop is? and everything that comes under in Big Datain minimum time. The main goalof this course is to help you understand the Complex Architectures of Hadoop and its components.It covers everything what you need to masterBig Data. You will learn about Big Data market,Big data systems life cycle,Commercial Hadoop distributions, use of Big Data in Business, technology trends,HDFS, Hadoop Ecosystem, Hive, and Pig. In this course, we will see how as a beginner one should start with Hadoop. We will understand with a lot of hands-on examples which will help you to learn Hadoop quickly.Become an EXPERTand learn what & how Big Datais changing the world.The course focuses on-What Big data is?In-memory technologyWhat isIn-memory database (IMDB)?Hardware technology advances adopted for In-memory systemSoftware technology advances adopted for In-memory systemsData compressionNo aggregate tablesInsert-only tablesColumn, row, and hybrid storagePartitioningWhatareNoSQL databases?Benefits of NoSQLData visualizationData visualization applicationData scienceHADOOP ECOSYSTEMSBig data Hadoop ecosystemsInbuilt tools and capabilities in Hadoop ecosystemBig data clustersUsage of Hadoop big data clusterHigh availabilityLoad balancingHigh availability and load balancingDistributed processing and parallel processingHadoop big data cluster nodesTypes of nodes and their rolesCommercial Hadoop distributionsHadoop Cloudera enterprise distributionA Hadoop Hortonworks frameworkAHadoop MapR frameworkPivotal Hadoop platform HD EnterpriseA Hadoop ecosystem on IBM big dataA Hadoop ecosystem on AWSMicrosoft Hadoop platform is HDInsight hosted on Microsoft AzureCapacity planning for systemsGuideline for estimating and capacity planningCluster-level sizing estimatesComming Soon:Building Big Data Applications"
Price: 19.99

"Cloud Computing: Boot-camp" |
"This is theboot-camp where you learn the complete Cloud Architecture.We start from the basic Cloud Definition- What is CLOUD actually and dive into to it steadily.Then we will see what are the technologies of Cloud and what are the benefits of Cloud and why everyone is attracting towards it.We will also learn HYPERVISOR, Virtual Machine Managers, Statefull and Stateless SERVERS and what are REST Protocols also the Authentication and Security.We will also see what Multi-Tier architecture is?1. Presentation Tier2. Business Logic Tier3. Data TierAfter this all we will understand what Cloud Architecture are?1. Public Cloud2. Private Cloud3. Hybrid Cloud4. Community Cloud ModelThe things Cloud offers-SaaS,Paas,DaaS,Idaas,Iaas We alsolearn the platforms like IBM, AWS, Azure. and how to work on them."
Price: 19.99

"Formao em Robtica Educacional (Com kits Openrobotics)" |
"Nesse curso iremos aprender, como montar e programar robs do bsico ato avanado. Estaremos utilizando como base de montagemo kit INVENTOR V3 da OpenRobotics durante as aulas. Para voc que deseja conhecer mais da rea de robtica ou quer se formar como um educador na rea, esse o curso que voc tanto procurava."
Price: 249.99

"Aprende a Realizar Topografa con Drone Paso a Paso" |
"El curso ofrece a los alumnos la posibilidad de evaluar en profundidad la generacin de modelos digitales de terreno, ortofotos y planos acotados utilizando tcnicas fotogramtricas de rango cercano, creacin de curvas de nivel como corresponde.La fotogrametra de rango cercano realizada desde UAV a baja altura mejora sustancialmente la precisin y los costes asociados a levantamientos de tamao pequeo o mediano. En el curso abordaremos con cierto detalle la prctica de estosmtodos, desde lapreparacinyejecucin de vueloshasta elprocesamiento de fotosocalibracin de cmaras.Se contar con todos los medios de trabajo de un profesional como seran cmaras, drones, GPSgeodesicos y los softwares indicados para la fotogrametra.En la modalidad online el alumno accede a nuestraplataforma virtualde formacin (disponible 24 horas) donde tiene acceso a los contenidos del curso, ejercicios, foros de debate y contenidos adicionales. En esta plataforma el alumno tiene acceso a lastutoras en tiempo real con el profesory puede enviar mensajes privados al profesor para solucionar dudas en cualquier momento. Tambin pueden ponerse en contacto con el profesor mediante correo electrnico.Si quieres comenzar en la topografa con drones, participar en este curso te va a ahorrar semanas de trabajo investigando por tu cuenta lo que nosotros ya hemos investigado, haciendo las pruebas que hemos hecho, y cometiendo los errores que ya hemos cometido."
Price: 49.99

"Swedish Full-Body & Hawaiian Lomilomi Massage" |
"These video lessons demonstrate Swedish full-body and Hawaiian lomilomi massage on the beautiful shores of Morocco.Relax and enjoy the simple step-by-step learning process. Learn the movements of Swedish massage with the rhythmic backdrop of the waves of the ocean, critically-acclaimed piano music, and the elegant voice of a professional voice-over actress. Detailed explanations accompany this real-time 55-minute tutorial, demonstrating the treatment from start to finish, ensuring quick, easy and hassle-free understanding of these professional techniques. Additionally, a 7-minute 'Basic Principles of Massage' will help introduce you to some important fundamental concepts of massage. Designed for both beginners, couples, professionals, and those who want to become professional, by the end of this course, you will be able to give a 55-minute full-body Swedish and 67-minute Hawaiian lomlimoi massage at a professional standard. Introduction to Swedish MassageThis massage style is known in Sweden and throughout most of the world as classic massage; only the Dutch and English speaking countries refer to it as Swedish. True to its classical name, it is generally the most well-known massage in the Western world. The treatment helps to promote the many general benefits of massage. For example, circulation is enhanced while muscular tension is reduced and knots are removed. This full-body massage is soft and relaxing and employs a little deep tissue work. It is an ideal lesson through which to master the basics of massaging with oil. Once comfortable with these basics, the techniques of many other massages can be attempted with confidence. Effleurage, petrissage, friction and percussive strokes are demonstrated. Hawaiian Lomilomi MassageFor many centuries, the healing knowledge of lomilomi has been kept secret by shamans known as kahunas. However, in recent years, these shamans have decided to break their silence and openly share their wisdom, and Hawaiian massage has rapidly become popular worldwide.The motions of this Hawaiian lomilomi massage take inspiration from the four elements: water, fire, air and earth. Lomilomi is famous for graceful whole-body strokes that seek to reflect the waves of the ocean washing over the receiver. To receive one is extremely relaxing, pleasurable and therapeutic, and it can simultaneously be a mesmerizing and meditative experience to give one.How to Massage on a BedWe also provide a 20-minute simple massage performed on a bed. This is a perfect stepping stone for beginners to master some basic techniques before moving on to a professional style Swedish or Hawaiian massage.2019 Update:We are now including a short eBook with written instructions to help take your knowledge deeper and aid your revision and practice. Potential to Gain Two Accredited CTAA CertificatesThese Certificates are accredited by the CTAA and can be insured in the UK & EU, but please check relevant law for massage therapy in your country, as this varies from place to place.10 Practice Treatments on at least 5 different people with completed treatment plans will be required. Please note, certificates will not be issued during the 30-day trial period. Contact us if you have any questions before or after enrollment. "
Price: 19.99

"Master Indian Head, Hand & Foot Massage - 2 Pro Certificates" |
"Enjoy professionally narrated, real-time demonstrations of these powerful massages which focus on the most sensitive areas of the body. Our videos walk you through the treatments movement by movement, step by step, from start to finish.Enrich your social life with these awesome skills, as taught by the critically-acclaimed team, Ebodhi. Indian Head Massage - a 45-minute treatmentKnown in India as champi, Indian head massage grew out of the Ayurvedic medical system and has been widely practiced for around a thousand years. The massage focuses on the head, neck, shoulders and upper arms. Since tension tends to accumulate in these areas, this treatment can be very effective.The techniques are designed to infuse the receiver with feelings of comfort, relaxation and tranquillity. They can also help reduce muscle tension and eyestrain, relieve headaches and areas of soreness, and enhance flexibility, blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. By calming the nerves and relaxing the muscles, the treatment encourages deep abdominal breathing and benefits the whole body. Furthermore, improved circulation through the scalp may promote strong and healthy hair growth effects which can potentially be compounded if special oils are applied to the hair.On a spiritual level, Indian head massage may help to re-balance the energy flow through the chakras. On a practical level, it is a convenient but satisfying massage that can be given anywhere, in a short space of time if necessary, and many of the techniques can be performed without oil.Hand Massage (basic) The hand is one of the most sensitive and repetitively strained areas of the body. Our hand massage tutorial teaches intriguing techniques that are designed to unlock the tension that accumulates during everyday life. The forearm is also cared for. Foot Massage (basic)Reflexologists from all traditions agree that foot massage can relax and benefit the whole body. A variety of techniques are explained and demonstrated in this lesson, as well as how to use hot stones on the feet. Charts are provided which illustrate the target areas of reflexology and Thai reflexology, as well as the marma points of Ayurveda, and the acupuncture points of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which are the same as those used in acupressure.Deep Indian FusionThis course also provides a non-narrated demonstration of an Indian Head Massage that also integrates an emphasis on deep tissue techniques, which is particularly useful for many receives who store a lot of tension in their shoulders. Gain Up to Two CTAA-accredited Certificates From This CourseStudents who complete the required practice treatments will be eligible to apply for a fully-accredited certificate in:Indian Head MassageHand & Foot Massage (basic)CTAA certificates are insurable in some countries. However, certain countries do not legally recognize any sort of online certification, and you must check the laws regarding massage, and the policies of insurance companies, in your home country, before any professional practice. This is beyond our abilitiy to accurately and confidently advice our students - who are spread across 101 countries - so please do your own research if certification is important to you. And always remember, it's your skills, your health and your knowledge that will define your massage career - not the pieces of paper on your wall."
Price: 39.99

"Python for Beginners : Concise and Practical" |
"So, you've heard a lotabout Python, but you don't know how toget started?This Udemy course isexactlywhat you need!This course will teach you all the fundamentals you need.Trust us,you won't need any other courseto reach the intermediate/advanced level after this course.Among other things, here's what you'll learn in this course:How to get started with your Python setupThe building blocks of programming with PythonHow to manipulate data with PythonHow to create small Python programsHow to import and use existing Python librariesNOTICE: We will keep adding more and more content to the course to make it the best Python course for complete beginners.So, what are you waiting for?!Click onBUY NOWandLET'S GET STARTED!"
Price: 19.99

"Holistic Dog - Treating K9 Pain, Stress & Ailments Naturally" |
"Learn how holistic therapies and alternative medicine can help ease dog pain, stress, anxiety and common ailments such as allergies, intestinal upsets, arthritis, hip and elbow dysplasia, K9 cancer and more. This course will cover several different modalities of natural solutions to help you make the best decision on which is best for your dog. Here are some of the topics that will be covered:Veterinary AcupunctureTraditional Chinese MedicineAcupressureLaser TherapyAnimal ReikiHerbal MedicineHomeopathic RemediesBach Flower RemediesK9 Nutrition with RecipesAromatherapyCrystal TherapyCreating a happy healthy home for you and your petsBasic K9 anatomy.Western medication used for common K9 ailments and their side effects.Alternative therapies for K9 cancer.This class is for dog owners, dog walkers, dog trainers, vet techs and those who work with dogs who want to learn more about holistic veterinary medicine. Please note: several therapies discussed such as acupuncture and chiropractic medicine must be performed by a licensed practitioner. In this class you will NOT learn how to do acupuncture or how to give your dog a chiropractic adjustment. However, I will give you information on how to find a licensed practitioner. If you have any questions about the class feel free to contact me. Please note I cannot answer specific questions about your dog nor diagnose your pets. I hope you and your dog enjoys this class. Thank you jeanie mossa MS, L.Ac.Jeanie Mossa MS, L.Ac., is a licensed acupuncturist, herbalist and Reiki master. Owner of Four Paws Acupuncture in Salem MA and Practical Magic Salem. She has written five books on holistic medicine and also taught veterinary acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine for dogs to acupuncturists and veterinarians.Jeanie has been treating people and animals with holistic medicine for more than 25 years. "
Price: 79.99

"High polygon ve Low polygon Bake Texture Almak" |
"Bu dersimiz de High polygon bir modelin kalitesini Low polygonatama vezbrush, 3ds max, knald programalarn orta dzey olarak greceiz ve kurs sonunda diler oyun motorunda dilerseniz vray de daha hzl ve bilgisayarnz zorlamayacak Render alacaksnz. High polygon bir model gibi Low polygon bir modelikaliteli bir grntsne reneceiniz teknik ilesahipolacaksnz."
Price: 19.99

"Reincarnation: Working with the Past for a Better Future" |
"This course is designed to help you learn about reincarnation in general and to discover your own past lives. Internationally known past life researcher and reader Jessica Jewettand certified hypnotherapist and professional historian Nellie Kampmann, C. Ht, will share information, tips, and techniques fromover a decade of researching past lives together.You will learn the basic systems of reincarnation from a Western point of view, ways to uncover your own past lives, andpitfalls to watch out for. You will work with3 hypnoses and several other exercises to help you access your past life memories. Once you've pulled up the memories, this course is unique in that it will teach youbasic historical research techniques to track past lives down in historic records. By the end of this course, you will be able to:understandreincarnation from a Western perspectiveaccess your own past life memoriesvalidate the memoriesknow how to start doing historical research on them."
Price: 94.99

"100 Palavras e Frases do Futebol em Ingls" |
"O curso vai permitir que o(a)aluno(a)entre em contato com100 palavras e frases de uso corrente do futebol internacional, para que desenvolvae pratique esse vocabulrio, aumentando assim sua fluncia.Todas as palavras acompanham sua traduo em portugus, alm de umafrase em ingls,com a respectivatraduo emportugus, para quepossa ser contextualizada. Exercicios de fixao testam o conhecimento do aluno a cada 10 palavras estudadas."
Price: 54.99

"Curso de Introduo ao Marketing Digital" |
"O curso tem o intuito de introduzir os conceitos de marketing digital para interessados de todos os nveis, passando por elementos bsicos da publicidade e da publicidade online, visando proporcionar ao aluno uma formao slida para que ele conhea de maneira geral as principais ferramentas, nomenclaturas e prticas de marketing digital como gesto de comunidades, SEO, marketing em redes sociais, e-mail marketing, etc."
Price: 39.99

"SNSSNSSNSSNSInfotopFC2 IDFC2 FC2 FC2 FC2 FC2 TwitterTwitterTwitterTwitterTwitterTwitterURLFacebookFacebookFacebookURLFacebookFacebookFC2FacebookFacebook FacebookFacebookFacebookFacebookGoogle Chrome SEO"""" SEOSEOTwitterDreamersDreamersDreamersDreamersDreamersDreamersFC2SEOSNSSEO"
Price: 3600.00

Price: 19.99

"Ledger Nano S" |
Price: 5400.00

"Primordial Mantra Meditation 'Chopra Certified Instructor'" |
"Hosted and written by Marie Atkinson 'Chopra CenterCertified Instructor'So much of our life is subconscious programming. How we think, act, behave, feel, judge and choose, is based on our past; our life experiences. This is where we find the seat of our limiting beliefs, invisible bars that weve put around our creativity, our true potential, our intuition and sense of adventure.This course is about becoming aware of our thoughts, behaviour and choices. Its about living in the present moment and not allowing the past to rule our present moment or our destiny. This course is about falling in love with your true potential, believing in a future reality that as yet you cant touch but you can learn how to feel and experience it as though its already evolved. This course is about bringing your creativity and intuition back to life. The answers are never out there, they are inside us. Freedom from our limiting beliefs is a breath away. We just have to stop, become aware and really listen. To do that, we will need to learn how to meditate effectively. So, what will you get from this course? You will be given the skills and techniques to meditate effectively. This will be an opportunity to find yourself, transcend your limiting beliefs, and find your lifes purpose.Through your meditation practice, you will learn how to reach into your own state of being, rise above your limiting beliefs and then reconnect with your intuition, your passion and become the best version of you.You will learn how to effectively deal with stress and know how to rise above conditioned, habitual thoughts and behaviours, that are not loving to you, many of which have probably been running your life. You will become very aware of your life from a higher state of consciousness. And when you are aware you become so much better at listening, focusing, learning, noticing the small things, appreciating your environment, and naturallyyou become more compassionate, more grateful and appreciative. Its being in this state that brings more of the same to you. As the saying goes,You get what you are projecting out into the world, not what you want. Essentially if you put in the work, make the time, you methodically go through each lesson and participate fully in the meditation classes that are in each of the four modules then get ready to experience real changes in your life. And until I started meditation, I cant even count the number of times that I attempted and failed to make changes in my life. I just didnt know at the time, there was any other way to change other than effort, strain, force, positive thinking and battling forward. This course isnt about doing any of those things. Well be reaching into our subconscious programming and shining the light of awareness onto it. Who is this course for? If you want to grow, transform and be the best version of yourself or if you are searching for direction, searching for more creativity and inspiration, this course can certainly help you to find your path. When the mind becomes quiet and you experience a portal open into your own true essence, there will be no going back."
Price: 79.99

"Move Beyond Limiting Beliefs 'Chopra Certified Instructor'" |
"Hosted and written by Marie Atkinson, 'Chopra CenterCertified Instructor.'A sure way to create a life with greater quality and meaning is to learn the art of meditation and then use these skills of awareness and observation to rise above habitual patterns and create a vision for your future.When you meditate you disconnect from your habitual patterns, you leave your past behind, you leave behind your comfort zone and you enter the unknown.This is where we create from.And as you probably know, the way you think has a profound effect on your life.In fact, your thoughts, those neural networks in the brain, create your destiny.The course is in 4 modules. The first module will take you on a journey to free your mind from limiting beliefs. Well travel from the reality of the five senses, expand our mind and move into pure potentiality where you hold the pen that writes the next chapter to your life. Module twois to extend your knowledge and understanding of the science behind perceptions, the practice of meditation and how this practice changes you from not only an emotional and mental level but also at a physiological level. This is an essential module for the sceptics amongst us and for those who doubt the power of meditation and its profound effects. We will then spend the next module on travelling through the higher states of consciousness. There are four guided meditations in this course. These practical sessions mainly focus on transporting energy through the body, which from a science perspective increases the electromagnetic bio field that emanates from our physical body. These meditations are a key aspect to changing and resetting your very state of being. And when we surrender to this practice, when we let go of judgments and opinions, we connect with something far greater than ourselves. And module fouris devoted to creating a vision for your future. All of us want to in some way improve the quality of our life so this module is purely focused on manifesting the life of your dreams and desires.This course is about going beyond the realm of our habitual patterns.Its about unleashing your potential.Its about stepping out of the familiar, well-worn comfort zones and giving the unknown a chance to dance in your life, otherwise known as taking a risk!Marie Atkinson"
Price: 24.99

"Intuition your Inner Guide" |
"Requirements A willingness to trust and to listen. Description In this online course you will be guided through learning how to connect with and tune into your intuitive wisdom. Through the exercises and activities within this course you will gain a deeper understanding of how your intuition communicates with you. When you begin connecting more deeply with your intuition and heart space you will learn to trust and be guided by the wisdom that comes through for you. Learn to connect deeply with your intuition, your inner wisdom. Learn the language of your intuition. Recognise where intuition arises from. Make the journey from your head to your heart. Understand how to connect to your heart space. Make decisions from your heart space, from your intuitive wisdom. Learn to use and trust your intuitive abilities. Go past your logical and thinking mind, and into your intuitive wisdom, to a place of trust and deep knowing. When you learn to connect with your intuition, you begin to tap into a realm of deep knowing and understanding. You can make decisions that feel aligned to the best possible path for you. When you are connected to your intuition there is no worrying, no to-and-froing about what to do and what not to do. Instead there is clarity and this feeling of divine timing and connection. Access to your intuition is the cornerstone for a life that flows with ease and grace, a life that feels fulfilling and purposeful. Contents and Overview This course contains a variety of activities and exercises that are practical and show you how to connect to and to trust the intuitive messages and information that you receive. Regardless of experience level, this course will enable you to experience connecting with your intuition. Learning the language of our intuition is the key to being able to recognise when it is communicating with us and being able to understand the messages and guidance it is delivering to us. Learn how you receive intuitive messages. You will learn what intuition is, where it comes from and what often stops us from using and accessing it. Most people in the Western world have been trained over and over again to proficiently use and trust their minds and intellect. Most have not learned anything about trusting their hearts. To access your intuitive wisdom, you will need to learn to make the journey from your head to your heart. There are a number of guided meditation which will assist you in finding your centre, from which you can access and connect to your heart space and to your intuitive guidance. As you begin to learn to connect to your heart space and your intuitive wisdom, so you will be able to make decisions from this space. Decisions made from your heart space are in alignment with your soul's purpose and will create a life of flow and beauty for you. By the end of the course you will experience what it feels like to connect to your intuitive wisdom and will be able to start asking it questions and learning to trust the answers you receive from it."
Price: 89.99

"Learn How To Be A Sports Commentator" |
"Have you ever wanted to be a successful sports commentator?Learn from the very best in the business and take your first step to realizing your dream job.Dez will show you want your need to be a great commentator, how to use your voice, how to recognize players, what to do on game day as well as the tips and tricks on how to get your first commentary gig."
Price: 19.99

"Personal Branding Masterclass: The Complete Branding Course" |
"This course will teach you how to build an incredible personal brand in a few easy, actionable steps. You'll learn how to position your brand for success, beat your competitors with savvy research tactics, and end up with beautiful visual brand that you can sum up in a few words. Whether you're building a personal brand from scratch, or improving one that already exists, this course is designed just for you.Anynovice or pro andlearn a lot of useful strategiesfrom this course."
Price: 199.99

"Controle de Verso com Tortoise SVN - Rpido e Fcil" |
"TortoiseSVN um cliente Apache Subversion (SVN) , implementado como uma extenso de shell do Windows, isto , ao instalado ele passar a exibir propriedade sobre versionamento de arquivos quando clicarmos com boto direito em pastas e arquivos, ele bemintuitivo e fcil de usar,no exige que voc utilize prompt decomandopara o executaros comandos do Subversion. E de uso gratuito, mesmo em um ambiente comercial. Apreendasobre essa simples ferramenta que far toda a diferena na gesto de projetos!Esse curso lhe dar o conhecimento necessrio para voc aprender sobrecontrole de verses utilizando o Tortoise SVNatravs de aulas rpidas, didticas e fceis.O que est esperando? Cadastre-se agora mesmo no curso e conhea as diversas funcionalidades dessas ferramentas importantssimas no desenvolvimentode software!"
Price: 54.99

"Jak rozpocz rozmow przez telefon eby umwi spotkanie?" |
"Wielu agentw ubezpieczeniowych i doradcw finansowych czy porednikw kredytowych unika zimnych telefonw, bo uwaaj, e one nie dziaaj. Ale raczej po prostu si ich boj i nie lubi tak dzwoni.Ich opinia wynika gwnie z tego, e kiedy wczeniej prbowali dzwoni do firm i klientw indywidualnych syszeli:""Dzikuj, nie potrzebujemy kredytu/leasingu""""Nie interesuje mnie polisa""""Radzimy sobie bez tego""""Jak szef bdzie zainteresowany to sam zadzwoni""""Prosz wysa ofert mailem""Syszeli to dlatego, bo sposb, w jaki rozpoczynali rozmow telefoniczn automatycznie wywoywa po drugiej stronie takie reakcje.W efekcie porzucili telefon i nie chc z niego korzysta. Niepotrzebnie, bo telefon (cold-call) daje moliwo szybkiego umwienia spotkania o ile jest waciwie wykonany. Jest szybki (szybszy ni email), daje moliwo natychmiastowej weryfikacji klienta (strona www tego nie umie) i pozwala atwo sprawdzi czym tak na prawd klient jest zainteresowany w Twojej propozycji.Wystarczy zmieni sposb rozpoczcia, eby rozmowy wyglday zupenie inaczej i wywoyway prawdziwe, ywe zainteresowanie a w przypadku rozmw z sekretarkami - uatwiay kontakt z szefem.W tym kursie przedstawiam wycznie techniki zwizane z rozpoczciem rozmowy, pokazujc je na wielu przykadach (co konkretnie masz powiedzie w zalenoci od tego, czy Twoim produktem jest polisa, kredyt, leasing czy inwestycja lub lokata). Nauczysz si z niego jak rozpocz rozmow telefoniczn,eby umwi spotkanie z klientem indywidualnym albo wacicielem firmy (wtedy take jak sprawi, eby sekretarka Ci do niego przeczya).Kurs dotyczy tylko brany finansowo-ubezpieczeniowo-inwestycyjnej, dlatego jeeli pracujesz w innym biznesie to to nie jest kurs dla Ciebie bo nie znajdziesz w nim rzeczy przydatnych dla siebie."
Price: 234.99

"C++ QT (QT5)" |
"c++ QT5.9 SDKQTQTCreatorlinuxwindowsmacvs2015+QT5.9QTCreatorc++ 11vs2013 QTQTQTqssQTQTQT qtC++QT"
Price: 39.99

"OpenCV 3.2+ QT 5+ ffmpeg" |
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Price: 39.99
