"Android ()" |
"C ++Javayuvglsl Android studio 3.0 c ++c ++ 11 java1.6 ffmpegubuntu16.04 C ++ C ++javaC ++javajava RTMPrtsphttp 1+2Androidffmpeg3openglesNDK shaderyuvcpu4cpu2401080p5rtmprtsphttp rtsp6opensles NDK7 -"
Price: 59.99

"FFmpeg + qt C++" |
"FFMpegQT CC++qtffmpegC++ ffmpegqtffmpegQTqt.XPlay1.0qtopengl shaderyuv"
Price: 39.99

"Industrial Upholstery Machines" |
"During this course I will take you through a lot of industrial upholstery machines and tools. I will show you what they are and where they are used for. These are my own tools which I use on a daily basis in my upholstery shop. This course is very handy for if you would like to start your own upholstery shop, but don't where to start and what kind of tools and machines you should be purchasing.Except the tools I have, there are offcourse many more. So if I will come across some tools or something that will be of interest for you, I will add an article or lecture to this course for you. Below a few of the items I will show you in the lectures.Sewingmachines: Juki, durkopp adler - how to thread, wind a bobbin, different feet Overlocker: Juki, how to thread Skiving machine: how does it workHand tools:Pneumathic toolsBottonmachine: how does it work, different kind of buttons and diesDifferent kind of little helpers.We have multiple upholstery courses available on this platform"
Price: 49.99

"Upholster a steel tubular chair with clasps" |
"Welcome to the online course upholster a cantilever steel tubular chair with clasps. This model is of the series Cirrus of Dutch designer Gispen. On the outside there are no bolts or screws. The backrest consists of two parts. The upholstery is fastened with staples. Do you have a simular chair you want to reupholster yourself, than this course is exactly what you need to get a professional finish. This is a step by step guide in which I will show you the tools you will need, explain about the foam and fabric. There is no sewing involved. The chair will be cleared to the bare wood and built up again from scratch, so it will last for a another number of years. If you are in any doubt if your chair is suitable for this course, please do not hesitate and contact me, because there are many models of this type of chair."
Price: 49.99

"How to create a stunning artwork in just 30 minutes" |
"In this crash course you will learn how to make professional realistic artwork.The course contains 6 videotutorials, where we step by step create a fantasticdigital artworkwith abeautifulJapanese girl.I will show you the whole process of creating a composition from beginning to end.You will learn about the photoshop tools, the layers and groups, the selections, adjustment layers, layer masks and much more.This coursewill not teach you everything about Photoshopbut it will give you a fundamental understanding of how create a professional digital artworks.Bonus Content - With this course you get allthe necessary images and PSD-file.If you have any questions, I'm here. I will be very grateful for your feedback."
Price: 24.99

"Sci Fi Movie Poster: Photoshop Photomanipulation Course" |
"Do you want to learn how to create stunning compositings in Photoshop? Then you have come to the right place!In this course, I will show you the complete process of creating a fantastic photomanipulation in Photoshop. You will master the tools used in compositing, including adjustment layers, masking, blending and work with textures.Learning how to combine or composite multiple photos together will open a new world of possibilities for any designer. Whether you are new to compositing or an experienced editor, this course will change the way you create photomanipulations.Bonus Content - With this course you get all the necessary images and PSD-file.If you have any questions, I'm here. I will be very grateful for your feedback."
Price: 29.99

"Unreal Engine 4 - Impara a creare un videogame" |
"Giochi con una console (Playstation, Xbox, Nintendo ecc.)o con il tuo PC? Sei interessato a creare un'esperienza videoludica con le tue idee? Hai fatto il 50% del lavoro. Grazie alla tua esperienza dagamer potrai comprendere appieno le nozioni di Game Design e apprendere in fretta le capacit di Programmatore di videogiochi! Con questo corso imparerai ad utilizzare UNRELENGINE4, il miglior motore al mondo per la creazione dei videogiochi, con qualit grafica eccelsa e logica di programmazione user friendly.Attraverso il percorso, costituito dalezioni precise ed intuitive, l'insegnante ti guider nella creazione del tuo primo videogame, dandoti l'occasione di creare un prodotto originale sumisura per i gamer come te.Alla fine del corso imparerai le principali tematiche di game design e di programmazione tramite blueprint, un geniale sistema algoritmico di decisioni e comportamenti dei modelli 3D. Potrai scriptare il mondo a tuo piacimento.Nelle lezioni saranno disponibili per te delle risorse di altissimo livello che ti permetteranno di ottenere il massimo risultato in un tempo brevissimo, grazie all'importazione facile e di qualit di Unreal Engine 4.Il corso di Unreal Engine 4 ti aiuta a padroneggiare tutte le capacit che deve avere un game designer:- Inserimento risorse- Creazione materiali- Creazione mondo di gioco- Sculpting- Painting- Grass Tool- Foliage Tool- Lighting- Reflections- Post Processing- Sounds- Geometry Editing- Blueprint- Animations- Special Effects- HUD- Sistema di danno e vita- Pick up- Combat system- Wave di nemici- Boss systemIL TUO UNICO LIMITE SARA' LA TUA FANTASIA"
Price: 194.99

"Introduccin a la Ilustracin Digital en Photoshop" |
"Un curso indicado para iniciar en la ilustracin digital, en el aprenderslos cimientos que componen la ilustracin digital de una manera simple y concisa, aprendiendo tcnicas que el artista Christian Benavides/Voyager Illustration a desarrollado y aprendido con su experiencia en el medio, para aplicar de forma contundente los conceptos de linea, iluminacin y color en la ilustracin digital. Siendo un curso de introduccin a este universo grfico, al finalizar, tendrs los conocimientos y conceptos para poder desarrollar Ilustraciones de alta calidad y con sello propio."
Price: 19.99

"Write your first book and publish it" |
"Having a published book contributes to your career and self esteem, no matter where you stand now, what you do, what your plan is.The journey itself adds a lot to your life experience, change your thinking ways for better and clearer view. Besides, itcosts much less what you think (almost nothing). You are muchmuchcloser to achieve thatthan any other time.The course is also helpful for those who (or their children) have reading difficulties,or would like to improve their learning capabilities and change theirthinking patterns. It helps also with dealing with somepropensitieslike perfectionism."
Price: 19.99

"A complete Course to do Auto Event Blogging in Urdu/Hindi" |
"Hello Students!This is the First full practically course in Urdu Language. In this course I will guide you complete How to make a Professional Auto-Blog.If you'r joining this course i hope you will able to Creating your own professional blog with designing.If you want to learn compleet autblogging then this is the right course for you. In this course you will able to make blog on WordPress.Hope Guys You will Enjoy learning"
Price: 19.99

"Using Grids To Create The Perfect Logo" |
"Using shapes and objects from nature to create a piece of art gives not only a smart and proportionate design but it also helps us relate to the piece of art on a much deeper level. Using grids to create logos gives your design a sense of balance creating a harmony out of all the pieces combined.My first course on Skillshareis created for anyone who is looking into creating a perfect logo using the grid system. In this course, we will be talking about:Finding inspiration for your logosSetting up your gridCutting the gridColoring the logoThe course is segmented into different short sections which will make your following of the process much smoother. You are more than welcome to share you thoughts throughout following the videos and ask any questions you may have.I hope there are many things you will learn from this course, but feel free to take it as slow as you need to and make sure to send me your projects and drafts! I want to see your thinking process, not only the end result!Stay humble.MarinaMusic by:bensound dotcom."
Price: 19.99

"Learn the After Effects 2019 User Interface. For Beginners" |
"Have you ever wanted to learn after effects but feel intimidated by the thought of starting? Have you watched ""beginner courses: and still had no idea how to follow along. In this course we cover nothing but the basics, starting from the ground up.This is the best beginnerafter effects class in all of Udemy. Take the After Effects User Interface tutorial before moving onto any other topics."
Price: 19.99

"The Art&Science of Networking: Build Meaningful Connections" |
"The Art & Science of Networking: Build Meaningful Connections is full ofSIWIKE ""Stuff I Wish I Knew Earlier"" Strategic and Tactical tips on building relationships through networking.Luki from FOCUSinspired shares his story of beingshy,introverted computer science student to aleader ina management consulting firm. He shares his tips and tricks on networking both to tactically network and to strategically build meaningful connections."
Price: 84.99

"Crie um aplicativo poderoso Ionic V3+, Chartjs e Firebase" |
"Poder, voc vai aprender a usar os componentes do Ionic de forma rpida diminuindo o tempo de entrega dos seus aplicativos.Rapidez,nesse curso vamos criar um aplicativo do zero usando Ionic3+, produzindo grficos maravilhososem tempo real com a biblioteca Javascript Chart.js em unio a poderosa ferramenta do Google, oFirebase, tudo isso num curso sem enrolaoe direto ao ponto para voc criar um produto incrvel.Publicao:Ao final do curso, alm de configurar a sua mquina com todos os detalhes necessrios para gerar o APK do Android, tambm vamos publicar na loja de aplicativos do Google, o Google Play!Vamos criar apps incrveis? Estarei junto com voc nessa jornada!"
Price: 99.99

"Becoming A Strategist - A Primer" |
"This cutting edge program on Becoming a strategist promise to transform your perspective on business forever. It will provide you strategic skills that will help you see your business in a new way. You will also learn a powerful strategic thinking methodology that will make you a highly effective problem solver.I have taught thousands of MBA andExecutive MBA studentsin business school across the world. I have also trained managers and aspiring business leaders on building powerful strategies and becoming more strategic. This course brings the same cutting edge knowledge.It will help you1. Become A Strategic thinker2. View Your Business like a business leader does.3. Develop business strategies4. See any potential business problem or business goal in anew way5. Master a powerful thinking style"
Price: 99.99

"Introduction to GPU computing with CUDA" |
"Self-drivingcars, machine learning and augmented reality are some of the examples of modern applications that involve parallel computing.With the availability of high performance GPUsand a language, such as CUDA, which greatly simplifies programming, everyone can have at home and easily use a supercomputer.The aim of this course is to provide the basics of the architecture of a graphics card and allow a first approach to CUDA programming by developing simple examples with a growing degree of difficulty."
Price: 19.99

"Come lavorare nel turismo online ed offline" |
"Questo corso rappresenta la porta dingresso al mercato turistico; in esso si illustrano il ruolo dell'intermediazione turistica, dei Tour Operator, delle agenzie di Viaggi e dei Consulenti turistici; vengono trattati temi come:Iprincipi della programmazione turistica e il ruolo del marketing territoriale;Le diverse tipologie di prodotto: dal pacchetto vacanze al Fly & Drive;Come strutturata un'offerta turistica;Il dettaglio delledifferenze di contenutoe dei prezzi al pubblicotra le offerte programmate con voli charter e voli di linea;Le diverse tipologie di offerta ecome calcolare il profitto derivante dalla vendita;Il dizionario turistico;Come effettuare una Prenotazione, cancellazione, modifica di pratica;Geografia e Climatologia turistica.Parleremo dei pro e dei contro, delle scelte da fare, di come il i tour operator sono strutturati, della compilazione di un contratto di viaggio, della legislazione turistica...e tanto altro!Offrir una consulenza gratuita e senza alcun impegno (rif. 60 minuti), a chi seguir la totalit del corso, al fine di potermi rivolgere eventuali chiarimenti/domande/studio di Case History."
Price: 34.99

"Docker 4" |
"Docker Docker Swarm Step by Step"
Price: 600.00

"Write your first iOS Game in Swift!" |
"Using Xcode, we'll create an incredible 'Candy Crush' style game for the iPhone. We'll use Swift to write it, and create amazing animations with SpriteKit.The game will have sound effects, animations (including particle effects!) and great gameplay.Once you've completed this course, you'll have a complete game that can be submitted to the App Store!"
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Power BI Desktop - Data Analytics with Dashboards" |
"MicrosoftPower BI is Microsofts new business intelligence tool.I will guide you from downloading and installing Microsoft PowerBI desktopto creating reports and dashboardswith a sample data set.We will waste no time! We will get to the end product within the first30 minutes of the course.THEN, we will slow things down, and explain some of the intricacies of the software and learn some advanced topics of Microsoft BusinessIntelligence tool.Do you want more from Microsoft Excel?Would you love to be able to play with massiveof data sets with ease?Do you run massive files that ""spin""and churn in excelwhen doing calculations?Do you want to learn Data Analysis and Data Visualization?Do you want to learn about DAX (Data Analysis Expression), the powerful data analysis language which is a HUGE hot career topic?Do you want a course that teaches you everything you need to know to get started, but doesn't waste your time with things you will likely never encounter?This course is the perfect course for someone who wants to get their feet wet, learn some advanced functions, and take their Data Analysis to the next level with Microsoft Power BI."
Price: 94.99

"Complete FB Messenger Mastery - Build Chatbots in Manychat" |
"**""He knows what he is talking about..i bought another course about chatbot building and it is sooo basic compared to this.""** - C. LangHeard about these ""chatbots"" but not really sure what they are? This course will get you where you need to be to create an explosive growth tool for you or your client's business. This course focuses not only HOW to build the chatbots, but how to build chatbots that WORK. We will cover the below topics and much more Manychat Messenger Bot Install & creation with step by step instructionsWhich types of chatbots to use for which funnel typeHow to send FB ads directly into your chatbotIncrease your conversions with FB Messenger buttons instead of email optinCollect email addresses inside the botHow to make bots go VIRALChatbots are not that complicated and are PERFECT for basically any business, including:Coaches - Grow you client base FASTAgencies - Lower your clients Cost Per Lead (CPL) by 80%Course Creators - Use the Product Launch Formula to launch to 1,000's of fansEcomm - Sell your products directly inside FB messengerRealtors - Qualify prospects and set appoints inside the botWebinars - double your attendance rateChiropractors - Get more free consultation clientsMarketers - Level up your strategy!With 80% lower Cost Per Leads (CPL) and 95%+ Open rates, this will MAKE ANY BUSINESSES'S PROFITS EXPLODEThis course will teach you EVERYTHING you need to be deadly with chat bots, as well as provide tons of FREE Templates that you can install in seconds, with more added monthly FREE BONUS BOT TEMPLATES COMINGSOON:Lead Magnet Delivery (Ebook/Mini Course) BotWebinar BotRealtor BotChiropractor BotMore Coming Soon...-----Imagine this... do NOTHING else in your business, but implement 1 of these strategies and see your profits increase by 30% - How much would that be worth? Is it worth investing the time in this course to become an expert in a BRAND NEW unfair advantage marketing tool?STOP READING AND GET STARTED SO YOUR PAYPAL ACCOUNT WILL BE FLOODED WITH CASH!"
Price: 94.99

AI |
"1.AI 2. 3.PythonOpenCVTensorflowKeras 4.SVM 5.CNN 6."
Price: 5400.00

"LifeBlueprint- Find what you want from life, & how to get it" |
"LifeBlueprint is astructured life development program based on Positive Psychologyto put mind, heart, and soul back into your life. It is aself-introspective personal development journey to help every individual break wrong beliefsystems, define a vision for all categories of life, and an action plan to create an extraordinarily happy life. We created LifeBlueprint because we wanted to break life myths that generally people have adopted without questioning as we strongly believethat these myths are the reasons behind many unhappy lives we see around us. LifeBlueprint is an opportunity to delve deeper to understand the mental and emotional blocks that are stopping you from creating and living a happier and fulfilling life and a structuredprocess to design the life that is truly yours in every possible sense of it.Discover12 of your life aspects where you need to focus on to create an extraordinary life.This program starts by broadening your vision from the narrow rules of success our broken education system ingrained into us to the broader 12 categories LifeBlueprint view. You learn about each category and the impact it has on your life in a very practical way.Experience self-assessments based on Positive Psychologyto know where you are in life right now in terms of 12 life aspects, and where do you want to be in future on those parameters. These assessments are eye-opening and would give you an objective and a subjective perspective of your life. With that, you will learn practical techniques to bridge these gaps.Break your wrong belief systems that are stopping you from achieving abundance in relationships, career, finance, spirituality among many others using practical science-based techniques.Create your own Vision-to-Action plan to turn your vision in each life category into an actionable and feasible practical planCourseProcess:Step 1- Discover and break your old belief systemsin 12 life categoriesthat are stopping your from living an extraordinary lifeStep 2- Adopt progressive and revolutionarybelief systems to define your personal vision and aspirations in each life category through self-introspectiveassessmentsStep 3- Convert your personal vision into an actionable master planto design a complete life master plan to help you take right decisions in life.Step 4- Implement the Vision to action implemented using simple steps defined in the programStep 5- Live the life that you truly deserve as an extraordinary life is not for the lucky few, it is everyone's birth right"
Price: 59.99

"10 for 10 in 10th" |
"This is an excellent and very useful program for every tenth class student. It gives you high level memory techniques for the very frequently asked and very important concepts.All the students till today who have attended this course are very much satisfied and the most of them get 10 by 10 points. All the participated students improved from their grades to the higher grades in very less time. The 10 points-environment, time, reading subjects, relaxation, writing, controlling pressure, revision, sleep, food and motivation are included. Contents / Major topicsBuilding Confidence & Vanishing Exam FearWhat is Education? & What is the Exam?Factors for poor memoryGoal Setting? (SWOT analysis)All, have the talent, but the real challenge is turning them into results. Here we help them towards the realization of their dreams.Reading TechniquesHow to Read? Time managementMaximize input in less time.*Accelerated learning techniques & Listening skillsEnhances the child listening skills, reduces boredom & pressure on teachers, saves time,... (*Elaborately in workshop)Contents / Major topicsSubject wise analysisMemory TechniquesFor students Memory is like a rocket scienceHow to Remember?The Laws, Types & Methods of MemoryHealthFood & ExercisesWriting skillsHow to Reproduce?Clear, concise and effective writingReproducing techniques plays a vital role in writing the exams. The better the writing skills are, the better impression they will make on the examiner. Presenting the best answers- decide the marks, ranks & future. Note to the student:Many of your parents/teachers are forcing you to read well & get ranks, but they forget to teach HOW? Let us work for you.This program is for you if you want to:Be a RankerGet 10/10 points/ A gradesHelp you learn things more quickly & retain information longerHelp you succeed in education & examsMake reading as a habit & exam as a winning play & total education as an enjoymentRead more in less time and Save timeRemember all concepts by using simple techniques Reproduce what you have read at the time of exam without fail Note to the teachers/ schools/ parents:Many of us (parents/teachers) are imposing the student to read well & get ranks, but we forget to teach them HOW?Let us work for you.This program is for you if you want to: See your children (students) as RankersGet 10/10 points/ gradesMake average student as an excellent oneHelp students learn things more quickly & retain information longerHelp your children succeed in education & examsCreate a healthy atmosphere among studentsMake reading as a habit & exam as winning play & total education as an enjoymentSave time Place your School at the top level Increase reputation in the society & Admissions by publicizing as child development oriented school.Giving the best & the all-round students as gifts to the Nation"
Price: 2240.00

"10 for 10 in 10th (Telugu)" |
"This is an excellent and very useful program for every tenth class student. It gives you high level memory techniques for the very frequently asked and very important concepts.All the students till today who have attended this course are very much satisfied and the most of them get 10 by 10 points. All the participated students improved from their grades to the higher grades in very less time.The 10 points-environment, time, reading subjects, relaxation, writing, controlling pressure, revision, sleep, food and motivation are included. Contents / Major topicsBuilding Confidence & Vanishing Exam FearWhat is Education? & What is the Exam?Factors for poor memoryGoal Setting? (SWOT analysis)All, have the talent, but the real challenge is turning them into results. Here we help them towards the realization of their dreams.Reading TechniquesHow to Read? Time managementMaximize input in less time.*Accelerated learning techniques & Listening skillsEnhances the child listening skills, reduces boredom & pressure on teachers, saves time,... (*Elaborately in workshop)Contents / Major topicsSubject wise analysisMemory TechniquesFor students Memory is like a rocket scienceHow to Remember?The Laws, Types & Methods of MemoryHealthFood & ExercisesWriting skillsHow to Reproduce?Clear, concise and effective writingReproducing techniques plays a vital role in writing the exams. The better the writing skills are, the better impression they will make on the examiner. Presenting the best answers- decide the marks, ranks & future. Note to the student:Many of your parents/teachers are forcing you to read well & get ranks, but they forget to teach HOW? Let us work for you.This program is for you if you want to:Be a Ranker Get 10/10 points/ A grades Help you learn things more quickly & retain information longer Help you succeed in education & exams Make reading as a habit & exam as a winning play & total education as an enjoyment Read more in less time and Save time Remember all concepts by using simple techniques Reproduce what you have read at the time of exam without fail Note to the teachers/ schools/ parents:Many of us (parents/teachers) are imposing the student to read well & get ranks, but we forget to teach them HOW? Let us work for you.This program is for you if you want to:See your children (students) as RankersGet 10/10 points/ gradesMake average student as an excellent oneHelp students learn things more quickly & retain information longerHelp your children succeed in education & examsCreate a healthy atmosphere among studentsMake reading as a habit & exam as winning play & total education as an enjoymentSave timePlace your School at the top levelIncrease reputation in the society & Admissions by publicizing as child development oriented school.Giving the best & the all-round students as gifts to the Nation"
Price: 2240.00

"Brain, Memory & Exams" |
"It consists of 5 videos. Video 1 covers these topicsWhat is education? What is exam? Goal Time TableVideo 2 covers these topicsFactors affecting poor memory Poor Listening You never forgetVideo 3 covers these topicsWhat is Mind? What is Brain? The Nervous System Left & right hemispheres of brain Memory Video 4 covers these topics Process of Memory Good Listening Skills Reading skills Memory and Retention Review Writing Skills (Exam) Video 5 covers these topics Types of Memory Tips to effective memory Tools to effective memory Mnemonics Retrieval Food & brain Nutrition and Memory Exercises and Memory"
Price: 1280.00

"Brain, Memory & Exams Telugu" |
"It consists of 5 videos. Video 1 covers these topicsWhat is education?What is exam?GoalTime TableVideo 2 covers these topicsFactors affecting poor memoryPoorListeningYou never forgetVideo 3 covers these topicsWhat is Mind? What is Brain?The Nervous SystemLeft & right hemispheres of brainMemoryVideo 4 covers these topicsProcess of MemoryGood Listening SkillsReading skillsMemory and RetentionReviewWriting Skills (Exam)Video 5 covers these topicsTypes of MemoryTips to effective memoryTools to effective memoryMnemonicsRetrievalFood & brainNutrition and MemoryExercisesand Memory"
Price: 1280.00

"Math for Grade 3" |
"This course is meant for children aged 7 to 8 years who are home schooled so that they can pick up simple concepts in a fun and easy environment. It has 42 lectures with clear explanations, practice demonstrations, and 37 Quizzes (146 Quiz questions)I have been home schooling my children and find that its a great way to build their creativity! Encouraging children to learn by themselves, to take the that crucial initiative nurtures their ability to learn. The ability to learn is the most important and valuable lesson they will ever learn since this simple ability will help them throughout their lives!This course is ALSO meant for children aged 7 to 8 years who attend school and get stuck or have difficultly. It is also great for students who simply want to revise what they have already learnt and want to gain extra practice before a test or examination. Its fun... Its easy!And If you have any problems you can feel free to contact me via the built in Udemy message service, or you can email me at shakir.elahi@gmail.comI look forward to hearing from you!"
Price: 99.99

"Trading Master 102 - An Introduction To Indicators" |
"Trading Master 102 - An Introduction To Indicators is an intermediate level stock market trading coursethat identifies and teaches the use of the most commonly known indicators that professionals use on a daily basis. Knowing how to use these indicators is a critical step towards trading successfully and generating consistent streams of profit.Unlike other courses where instructors focus their attention entirely on theory, I focus my courseon actual hands on trading. I use charts to show you where to enter a trade and where to exit a trade with profit!History repeats itself so therefore we must dive into the past by studying theTechnical charts inorder to predict the future. This course helps you understand indicators hands onby looking at the charts and practicing your skillstherebyhelpingyou grow!The ""Trading Master 102- An Introduction To Indicators"" covers:Identify the commonly used IndicatorsApply the indicatorsto yourchartsUnderstand how to modify their settingsLearn the advantages and disadvantages of each indicator.Learn the standard ways of usingthe Moving AveragesLearn the standard ways of usingtheBollinger BandsLearn the standard ways of usingtheMACDLearn the standard ways of usingtheRelative Strength IndexLearn the standard ways of usingtheStochastic Oscillator, &Understand that indicators can failFurther to this you will have direct access to me to discuss any of your trades."
Price: 199.99

"Math for Grade 4" |
"This course is meant for children aged 8 year to 9 years who are home schooled so that they can pick up simple concepts in a fun and easy environment. It has 36 lectures with clear explanations, practice demonstrations, and Quizzes to help you remember what you have learnt.I have been home schooling my children and find that its a great way to build their creativity! Encouraging children to learn by themselves and to take the initiative, nurtures their ability to learn. The ability to learn is the most important and valuable lesson they will ever learn since this simple ability will help them throughout their lives!This course is ALSO meant for children aged 8 year to 9 years who attend school. It is also great for students who simply want to revise what they have already learnt and want to gain extra practice before a test or examination. Its fun... Its easy!And If you have any problems you can feel free to contact me via the built in Udemy message service, or you can email me at shakir.elahi@gmail.comI look forward to hearing from you!"
Price: 99.99

"Accounting 101 - The Principles Of Accounting" |
"Principles Of Accounting:""Accounting 101 is Part 1 out of a series of Accounting Courses that are designed to help the complete beginner, go on to master the basics concepts of accounting and move on step by step to become a professional accountant!The course is not just theory but also takes real life examples and walks you through the accounting process. It is meant for students who would like to grasp the accounting concepts in an easy and fun learning environment. This is a slow moving course. Please do not expect me to move fast since it is designed for the beginner student. Those students who are already aware of accounting concepts should take a more advanced level course instead.Course Outline:In this course we are going to learn about the basic accounting principles of:Types Accounts,What are Assets?What are Liabilities?What is Revenue?What are Expenses?What is Capital?Types of Transactions, Cash or Credit?Double Entry SystemRules for Debit & CreditPassing Journal Entries / Posting Entries To The General JournalHaving completed the entire series students of the proper age would be able to take up entry level jobs as accountants, however students would have to practice these concepts again and again externally so that they can grasp real world applications quickly.Other Courses:The other parts of this Accounting Series are as follows:Accounting 102 - The Ledger & The Trial BalanceAccounting 103 - The Special Journals & The Subsidiary LedgersAccounting 104 - Bank Reconciliation & Correction Of Errors"
Price: 99.99
