"Facebook Live Chat For Business Website Marketing & Support" |
"Last Updated: 19/09/2018Have you always wanted to know a better way to connect with your prospects & customers for FREE?Do you want to learn how to integrate, customize and automate facebook live chat with your WORDPRESS website?Then, The Facebook Messenger LIVE CHAT For Business Website Marketing is for you!=======================================================================================You would learn how to set up, customize and automate facebook customer live chat for wordpress websites.=======================================================================================.Join over3,261+ students who have enrolled for my courses here on udemy as well as many five star studentreviews.Please, click on the RED Buy Now button to gain lifetimeaccess to this course instantly!Here are some of the reviews of the current students of this course:Joseph Cox:Excellent course!! The instructor is very knowledgeable about getting your domain white-listed, WordPress, the chat-fuel platform and tying it all into your Facebook page. Also, he is able to present the concepts in a way that is easily understandable. I feel ready to implement the knowledge gained from the course. Fakhir Bantan:Nice course to learn about Facebook Live Chat. I still new to this topic, so I have learned some good information. Enroll NOW & get INSTANT Access to the course.WHY YOU NEED TO ENROLL FOR THISCOURSE:According to a report by Facebook, it was revealed that53% of people are more likely to buy from a business customers can message directly. In this course, you would:=> Learn how to embed & customizelive chat widget on any type of website.=> Learn how to install facebook customer live chat plugin on yourwordpress websites or that of your clients.=> Learn how to automate customer service by integrating artificial intelligence with the live chat so that customers would always get what they wanted even while you are asleep.=> Learn how to turn website visitors into leads=> Learn how to integrate facebook messenger bot with your live chat with the aid of chatfuel.My goal is to create the most comprehensive and step by step guide to setting up facebook live chat for websiteson udemy.Enroll for this course todayand have exclusiveaccess to all the current videos and all other upcoming contents.Are you still having second thoughts?In addition to my personal guarantee, you haveUDEMY'S 30 Days - 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEEif you buy this course and within 30 days, ifyou feel it doesn't liveup to its promises, your money back, no questions asked.Sign up today and getINSTANTaccess to all the videos within the course.See you in the course.Your sincerely.Jamiu Oloyede."
Price: 199.99

"Chatfuel Masterclass -How To Build & Make Money From Chatbot" |
"CHATFUEL CHATBOT MASTERCLASS COURSE LAST UPDATED: 05/11/2018Would you like to learn how to use chatfuel tobuild highly engagingfacebook messenger chatbots?Did you just say ""How Can I Make Money FromFacebook MessengerChatbots""?Are you wondering how to monetize your chatbot knowledge?Are you a chatbot owner who islooking to learn more about chatbot revenue models?If you said Yes to any of the above questions.Then this course, Chatfuel Masterclass - How To Build & Make Money From Chatbotis for you!You may get a lot of value from taking this course now. You've got a down to approach with me sharing how I personally build great chatbots with chatfuel without coding. ================================================================================.Join 3300+ studentswho have enrolled for my courses here on udemy as well as manyfive star studentreviews.Please, click on the Buy Nowbutton to gainlifetimeaccessto this courseinstantly!Act on your feeling of love, hope &faith to enroll in my course now while it's still fresh in your heart!WHY YOU NEED TO ENROLL FOR THISCOURSE:=> You would learn (step by step) how I build highly converting facebook messenger chatbots with chatfuel=> Learn how a guy like youmade $800k from building 400+ chatbots within a year and how you too can do the same=> Learn how tomake money from different chatbot businesses I would reveal to you if you enroll for this course.=> Learn about different ways you can get paid as a chatbot builder.=> Learn the different revenue models you can start implementing on your chatbots starting from today.=> Learn how to massively grow your chatbot subscribers for FREE.=>Learn how to engage your chatbot subscribers the right way.=> You would learn how you too can benefit from the chatbot revolution and the best revenue models for chatbots in 2018.My goal is to create the most comprehensive, easy to followand step by step guide on how to build &make money from facebook messenger bot hereon udemy.Enroll for this course todayand have exclusiveaccess to all the current videos and all other upcoming contents.Want to what others students are saying about this course?Martins:Nice course from a good and friendly instructor. Recommended Wasiu: Great course, no time wasting straight to the point and informative. Babatunde:It's absolutely amazing! A+++ Samuel: Awesome course! It is full of valuable materials and amazing ideas to get the most out of Chatbots. Definitely would recommend this course to anyone who's looking to get Chatbots to another level! Thanks Jamiu, and keep up the great work!Minh: Great course! Thank you so much.Ahmed: It was well spelt out and explanatory Fatimot: The course is super credible, Marketing Automation is very powerful. I feel overwhelmed after the class i've been explosive and gingered. Jamiu! you're simply amazing, a very big thank you for this wonderful course it was indeed a great job.Ismail:This is best course I will recommend for any one willing to learn chatbot and make his/her cool money. Well done to the great instructor the person of OLOYEDE JAMIU Mariam: The course is great, it just simplify what needs to be done AbdulJaleel: Excellent. I just need to watch again and practise more. Are you still having second thoughts?In addition to my personal guarantee, you haveUDEMY'S 30 Days - 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEEif you buy this course and within 30 days, ifyou feel it doesn't liveup to its promises, your money back, no questions asked.Sign up today and getINSTANTaccess to all the videos within the course.See you in the chatfuel chatbot courseYour sincerely.Jamiu Oloyede."
Price: 199.99

"Google Blogger Training: Create A Blog For Free, Make Money" |
"GOOGLE BLOGGER TRAINING COURSE LAST UPDATED: 05/11/2018Want to use google blogger to build your personal brand or a business?Do you want to learn""How To Create A Blog For Free And Make Money""?Would you like to learn how to easilypersonalize & customize your blogdesign andlayout?Want to learn how to rank your blog into the first page of google and the different traffic generation tactics you can start using starting from today?Then this course,How To Create A Blog For Free And Make Moneyis for you!==================================================================.Join over3000+ studentswho have enrolled for my courses here on udemy as well as manyfive star studentreviews.Kiran S., one of the students of this course left a 5 star review and has this to say:Good tutor and well experienced person , pls make a course about google ad-sense Please, click on the REDBuy Nowbutton to gainlifetimeaccessto this courseinstantly!WHY YOU NEED TO ENROLL FOR THISCOURSE:=> Get started with creating a blog for your personal brand.=>Learn how to personalize & customize your design & layout=>Learn how to rank your blog into the first page of google and the different traffic generation tactics.My goal is to create the most comprehensive, easy to followand step by step guide on how build and make money from freegoogle blogger bloghereon udemy.Enroll for this course todayand have exclusiveaccess to all the current videos and all other upcoming contents.Are you still having second thoughts?You have nothing to loose because am giving you mypersonal guarantee on this course.Sign up today and getINSTANTaccess to all the videos within the course.See you in the google blogger for beginners course on how to create a blog for free & make money.Your sincerely.Jamiu Oloyede."
Price: 199.99

"Devenir papa, pour la premire fois!" |
"Lorsque je suis devenu papa, je me suis rendu compte qu'il me manquait beaucoup d'information! Grce des milliers d'heures de pratique et des dizaines de livres trs intressants, j'ai voulu recycler toutes les rponses aux questions basiques que tout jeune papa va se poser...tt ou tard! Ce cours vous permettra d'anticiper de nombreux problmes, de soutenir la maman depuis le dbut de cette aventure, et de pouvoir savourer, tous, au mieux cet incroyable moment qu'est devenir parents. Bon amusement ;)"
Price: 29.99

"Sales Training: The Best Process, Skills & Techniques" |
"This is the real-life tool kit that gives you everything you need to know to go from sales zero, with no knowledge in the bank, to sales hero. In two hours of professional-standard video, Ill give you the most valuable sales resources youll ever own. In it me and my team lay out and explain the broad detail of the sales process, and then drill down into the fine detail of every step, including what to say next if your buyer says X, Y or Z.You cant just turn up and see a prospect for the first time and expect to charm them into being a customer. The sales world doesnt work like that. You need a plan that you can rely on. We equip you with the only Sales Blueprint youll ever need to make your own successful sales. And if youre more experienced? Well provide you with a forensic map with which to analyse how you can do it better, every time.In this life changing event (if you want it to be), me and my team will help also you identify the right mindset and motivations to provide yourself with job success and a meaningful income. Well guide you through all the pitfalls that other unsuccessful sales people make, so you can see every point of failure in the sales process ahead of time and avoid it before you get there, or fix it when youre in it.This is the only course that you will attend, online or offline, where the three presenters give you the entire sales process and every skill, technique and tactic you will need to make sales. Theyll also give you in-depth analysis of what buyers do to make your like tougher, and how to deal with it all.The course content looks like this:7 steps to engineer your personal Sales Blueprint, and the rest of your sales life.Stage 1: The Stopper. The Gate Guardian.Stage 2: Can we talk? The Pitch.Stage 3: Whats your opportunity? Discovering Needs.Stage 4: Want something good? The So-If.Stage 5: Why ever not? Overcoming Objections.Stage 6: How does this sound? The Proposition.Stage 7: Shall we crack on? Closing.Full video playback of your completed Sales Blueprint.Is this course for you? It is if youre: Interested in getting a job in sales and want a significant head-start.Already in sales but dont know what you need to do to immediately win productive sales.In a competitive sales team and want to be the best.If youve been in sales for a year or two but really need a boost to raise your performance levels.If youve been in sales for 5-10 years and youre not earning what you want.Looking for the way to be a sales leader, not a sales follower.Want to dazzle your boss so you get the bigger rewards.Looking for a way to double your sales income.Looking for a way to make your sales people the ones to beat.Who is Greg Anyon?Greg is a highly experienced sales growth facilitator, international skills trainer, and strategic coach who inspires the teams he leads and works with. Hes acted as sales growth facilitator in companies from 200k to 32bn turnover all over the world. Hes held a 10 year tenure as Sales, Sales Management and Negotiation Course Director with the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM). Hes also the author of the Marshall Cavendish book Zero to Hero 7 Steps to Revolutionize Your Sales How to Create High Value Sales. Greg is the CEO of a number of brands and businesses, and leads sales and marketing teams."
Price: 49.99

"Egyptian taamiya (falafel)" |
"How to make egyptian falafel which is number 1 egyptian food in every egyptian home .. everybody in egypt eat this food once daily .. the most delicious food in egypt .. once you eat it you will love it so much .. in short words this is the main dish in egypt and arabian zone"
Price: 19.99

"So erreichst du eine WIN WIN Situation" |
"BeschreibungWasist eineWIN WINSituation?Undwieso sollte dasErreicheneinerWIN WINSituation fr dich das Nonplus ultra einer Gesprchsfhrung sein?Das werde ich dir konkret und an einfachen Beispielen aus dem tglichen Leben in meinem Kurs erklren.Ichwerde dir hilfreiche Werkzeuge sowie Impulse in meinem Kurs zur Verfgungstellen, umdein Mindset zuberprfenundfestzustellen, wodu gerade stehst.Ich werde dir konkret folgendenContent liefern:ERKLRUNG:Was ist eineWIN WINSituation? Mit Beispielen aus derPraxis.Wieso ist eineWIN WINSituation sowichtig?Was bringt dir und deinem Umfeld eineWIN WINSituation?ANALYSE: Ich werde dir Methoden zur Selbstreflexion bereitstellen, damit du berprfen kannst, wo du gerade stehst zum ThemaGesprchsfhrung.Wie gehst du an Gesprche ran?Wie bereitest du dich vor?Wie du dir richtigZiele setzt?Reagierst oder sprichst du schon?Mit einfachen und bildlichen Beispielen sowie Methoden werde ich dir zeigen,wie du dein Mindset erweiterst,um erfolgreich Situationen / Krisen / Konflikte / Verhandlungen / Mitarbeitergesprche nach demWIN WINPrinzip lst.Denn ab jetzt versetzt du dich vor deinen Gesprchen in die Rolle deines Gegenber und versuchst die Sicht des Anderen einzunehmen.Wie du dasmachst? Ganzeinfach....schreibedich in meinen Kurs ein und ich zeige dir wie.Ich danke dir fr deinVertrauenund freue mich dir meine Erfahrungen zu vermitteln.An welche Zielgruppe richtet sich dieser Kurs?Alle, die einen hohen Wert auf ihre Sozialkompetenzlegen."
Price: 19.99

"Build a Culture that Motivates & Engages your Employees" |
"FRUSTRATED WITH YOUR EMPLOYEES' PERFORMANCE?If I asked you right now, How's work going? I'll bet your answer would be, I'm frustrated with my employees! If youre unhappy and worried about employee performance, chances are youve blamed the lack of a quality team on one or more of the following problems...Millennials: The millennial generation is uncommitted, has a poor work ethic, and a lack of focus and direction.Labor Pool: The people who live in my community are underqualified, uneducated, and are incapable of doing quality work.Culture: We live in a society where people arent committed to their work, are lazy, and dont take jobs seriously like we used to in the old days.The honest truth is that those answers are easy cop-outs to a much bigger problem."
Price: 19.99

"Create Professional Websites and learn design with zero Code" |
"Welcome to thefirst comprehensive course on Graphic design and web design and development. This course is designed like an in-personbootcamp.NOPRIOREXPERIENCEREQUIREDWho this course is for:People who want to Design logos,posters, business cards, flyers, gaming assets.People who want to Create world class websites.Those who want to work as freelancers.Business ownersStudents &teenagersPeople who want to make money building appsWho is the target audience?If you are an absolute beginner to graphic design or web design and developmenttake this coursepeople who are interested to make money and never work for anyone anymore."
Price: 144.99

"Schlagzeug fr Anfnger der Grundkurs" |
"Der Schlagzeug Grundkurs fr Anfnger. Lerne in 24 Lektionen die ntigen Grundlagen, um die wichtigsten Beats der Pop-Musik spielen zu knnen. Ich zeige dir, wie man einen einfach Vier-Viertel-Takt spielt, ebenso wie ein Zwlf-Achtel-Blues funktioniert. Dann schauen wir uns zusammen ein paar Rudimentsan. Rudiments sind die elementaren Schlagfolgen beim Schlagzeug spielen, die jeder Schlagzeuger kennen sollte. Ausserdem zeige ich Dir die Grundrhythmen des Blues-Shuffle und des Swing/Jazz, zwei Knigsdisziplinen beim Trommeln. Zum Schlussprobieren wir ein paar einfach Fill-Ins, die dein Schlagzeugspiel abwechslungsreicher machen.Wenn Du den Kurs absolviert hast, bist Du in der Lage zu sehr vielen Pop-Songs zu spielen oder auch mit anderen Musikern in einer Band."
Price: 49.99

"Big Data and Real World" |
"In this course you will have an emotional trip through the multiple ways of utilizing Big Data in your everyday life, discovering the thruth behind the thruth you have ever believed. You will learn a new definition of Big Data, what is text mining, how to use imagine and video as data, all the potential risks to live in a data-slavery."
Price: 19.99

"Blockchain and Cyber Security" |
"The high level of dependency on the internet and technology today has resulted in new revenue streams and business models for organizations, but with this arises new gaps and opportunities for hackers to exploit. Cybercriminals have become increasingly complex and are attempting to steal valuable data like financial data, health records, personal identifiable information (PII) and intellectual property, and are resorting to highly profitable strategies like disrupting the overall operations of a business via DDoS attacks, or monetizing data access via the utilization of advanced ransomware techniques.So, will blockchain technology be a cybersecurity help?"
Price: 19.99

"Introduzione a Tkinter: programmare semplici GUI con Python" |
"Questo il primo corso per principiantiinteramente in italiano per imparare a usare Tkinter in ambiente Python per programmare interfacce grafiche GUI a qualsiasi livello. Potrete imparare, al termine del corso, a creare sempliciapplicazioni grafiche con Python in modo assolutamente indipendente. Non sono richieste conoscenze di programmazione per iniziare il corso, che parte dai concetti pi semplici, spiegando passo per passo le singole istruzioni da digitare e tutti i passaggi necessari per diventare sempre pi indipendente e creare applicazioni sempre pi accattivanti e complesse."
Price: 19.99

"Toilet Training" |
"This course teaches a tried and tested, three stepmethod fortoilettraining. Method devised by a trained English Nanny and Nursery teacher with anexpertlevel ofexperience. The course also gives lots of tips and advice based on first hand experience and splits toilet training into easy, clear and manageable steps."
Price: 19.99

"Montessori, Course One ~ An Introduction to Montessori" |
"This course explains the Montessori method of teaching. It also explains how young children's minds develop according to the philosophy behind the method and answers such questions as 'what leads a baby to stand and walk?', 'why do children need to connect with nature?','what is the best age for children to learn to read?' and 'why do children learn in such a different way to adults?'."
Price: 19.99

Quantistica...Mente |
"Come ormai evidente, stiamo attraversandoun momento di cambiamento a dir poco epocale. E come tutti i momenti di cambiamento si pone una linea di confine che crea confusione. Siamo bombardati da migliaia di informazioni, ma cosa vero e cosa non lo ? Di certo ci stiamo approcciando ad un nuovo modo di vivere e si stanno svelando nuove verit e nuovi approcci alla vita. Ci accorgiamo che cambiato qualcosa, ma ancora non sappiamo cosa.Quantistica...Mente un seminario intensivo di una giornata nato nel 2013 e che oggi un famoso tour in citt come Lugano, Milano, Roma, Bologna, Como e non solo.Si pone come riferimento per fare chiarezza in questo momento di confusione e cambiamento. Pu esserci davvero una relazione tra realt e coscienza? E se c, qual ? Qual il nostro ruolo in tutto questo? Ci che pu far la differenza fare esperienza. Queste tematiche oggi ci potrebbero chiarire qual il rapporto tra individuo e realt comprendendo in che modo diamo forma agli eventi che ci accadono: conoscere questo pu permetterci di cambiare totalmente la nostra vita!Da oggi disponibile inversione video: Dvd e on demand (on line)!In questo videoseminario troverai un estratto del seminario live con gli argomenti pi rilevanti.VANTAGGI DEL VIDEO CORSO ON LINEPuoi rivederlo tutte le volte che vuoi, ti serve solo una connessione a internet.Puoi vederlo da pc, tablet, smartphone o da qualsiasi apparecchio ti consenta la visione on line.Puoi vederlo ovunque tu voglia, in viaggio, in treno, a casa.Puoi condividere o inviare il link del video a chiunque tu voglia, abbiamo deciso di non porre limiti alla divulgazioneE IN PIU'...4 ore di contenuti da vedere tutti d'un fiato con gli interventi dei 3 relatoriInsieme al seminario, hai tre video extra bonus con le interviste ai te relatori.La quota di partecipazione del seminario dal vivo di 90, potrai vedere il video corso ad 30(salvo sconti aggiuntivi o promozioni in essere)."
Price: 179.99

"Adobe Captivate" |
"Adobe Captivate'i anlattm bu eitim setinde, sadece programn nasl kullanlacan deil, e-learning ieriklerinin nasl hazrlandn, sunum aralarn kullanmay, interantif nesnelerle almay, projeye harici varlklar ekleyip dzenleyebilmeyi, test-simlasyonlar oluturabilmeyi, test ve deerlendirme sorular hazrlayp farkl farkl formatlar ile biimlendirmeyi, en sonunda da e-learning uygulamanz paketleyip datma nasl aabileceinizi adm adm rneklerle reneceksiniz."
Price: 19.99

"Adobe AIR ve ActionScript 3.0 ile Mobil Oyun Programlama" |
"Bu eitim setinde bir zamanlar popler olan ve herkesin nasl yapabilirim diye dnd Flappy Bird oyununun Adobe Flash/Animate CC ve ActionScript 3.0 ile nasl programlanacan, bu oyunun da Android (Mobil) versiyonun nasl hazrlanacan sfrdan balayan herkes iin anlatmaya altm.Semi olduumuz bu oyun rneini adm adm kendi izimlerinizle (nasl izeceinizi de gstereceim) nasl yapacanz reneceksiniz. Edineceiniz bilgiler ile daha farkl oyun trleri de gelitirmek kendi elinizde."
Price: 19.99

"Google Web Designer" |
"Google Web Designer, bir grsel ve kod arayz kullanarak HTML5 reklamlar ve dier web ieriini tasarlamanz ve oluturmanz salayan, HTML5 ve CSS3 ile yaplm gelimi bir web uygulamasdr. Bu eitim seti ile de, Google Web Designer ile reklamclk reklam eleri olutururken resim galerileri, videolar, reklam a aralar ve baka eler eklemenizi salayan bir bileenleri kullanmay reneceksiniz."
Price: 19.99

"Adobe Flash / Animate CC ile HTML5 Animasyon Hazrlama" |
"Bu kursta, AdobeFlash Pro CC, yeni ismi ile Adobe Animate CCile izim, boyama ve animasyon tekniklerini reneceksiniz.ster e-learning gibi ihtiyalarnz iineitim animasyonlar,isterseniz de web sayfalarnda kullanacanz tantm amalanimasyonlarnz rahatlklahazrlayabileceksiniz.createJS ile HTML5 olarak yaynlamay, animasyonlarnz konrol edebilmek iin de createJS ile JavaScript kodlar kullanarak animasyonunuzu nasl kontrol edebileceinizi uygulama zerindenreneceksiniz."
Price: 19.99

"Adobe Edge Animate CC" |
"Adobe Edge Animate CC, web tasarmclarnn masast ve mobil tarayclar iin hazrlad arayzlerde rahatlkla kullanabilecekleri web, dijital yaynclk, zengin medya reklamcl ve dier birok alan iin etkileimli HTML5 animasyonlar oluturmalarn salar. Bu eitim setinde de adm adm Adobe Edge Animate CC'yi nasl kullanacanz ve nasl ierik retebileceiniz konusunda teknikleri reneceksiniz."
Price: 19.99

"OpenCart 3 - Crie o seu E-commerce sem saber programar!" |
"Este curso destinado a todos que queiram aprender a desenvolver uma loja virtual completa SEM SABER PROGRAMAR, desde o cadastro de produtos at campanhas de marketing. Com a sua loja, voc poder vender produtos fsicos e digitais da forma que voc quiser de acordo com as diversas personalizaes que a loja oferece.Venha conosco conhecer esta incrvel e gratuita ferramenta para lojas virtuais chamada OpenCart!"
Price: 339.99

"Scratch Programming - Build 11 Games in Scratch 3.0 Bootcamp" |
"****THISCOURSECOVERSGAMEDEVELOPMENTINSCRATCH3.0 ANDCODINGPRINCIPLESTOFILLTHEGAPBETWEENSCRATCH3.0 AND REALCODING***In this course you will be able to develop 11 different games (including the great Arcade Arkanoid Game) in Scratch programming language. For the development of this game, is used Scratch because isan educational programming environmentthat is hasan easy graphical interface that it will allow us to drag and drop the right blocks of coding.I promise you that it will be a funny and exciting course that it will motivate you to learn coding in more depth.Scratch3.0 is a free programming language and online community where you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations.Using Scratch, users can create online projects and develop them into almost anything by using a simple block-like interface. When they are ready, they then share, and also discuss their creations with each other. Scratch was developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at theMIT Media Lab.Scratchis designed to help children (ages 8 and up) learn to utilize their imaginations, practice common sense, and, most importantly, to interact with computers.Scratch is the best educational programming software for kids available today. With Scratch, you can create games andinteractive art projectsall while having lots of fun!This course uses the amazing Scratch program developed by MIT to teach coding this courseis meant for:-Everybody that is interested in learning to code, from kids to adults,Scratch was developed by MIT to teach people to code. It is the best way to learn to code that I have been aware of in my lifetime.-Anyone interested in teaching beginning programming as a career or business.Teaching kids to code is becoming big business. Want to start your owncoding academy schoolor get a position as an instructor? They all use Scratch programming, learnScratch here from a University programming instructor.-Anyone that already knows how to code that wants to learn from ScratchProgrammingand build some fun games.Why did we get into programming in the first place? Because its fun and Scratch is super fun! No matter your level, you will have fun and learn from Scratch. I know I did and that is what the people at MIT intended."
Price: 149.99

"Programming Fundamentals + Python 3 Cram Course in 7 Days" |
"**** In this course, you'll learn the programming and algorithmic logic for applying it to EVERY PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE. ****Firstly, you will learn about how programming works, the sequential order and the variables. Next, we'll get into conditional statements, and while and do while loops. Once you know the basics, you can more easily learn specific languages to build on top of what you already know. It's time to introduce you to skills you can apply to almost any programming language in the future.Join over 200,000 students just like you whore having massive success in Python.Want to go from no previous coding experience -- overwhelmed and confused about where to even start -- to advanced Python programmer, able to seamlessly build creative and exciting programs with confidence?You wouldnt be reading this otherwise. Heres the great newsYouve just stumbled upon the most complete, in-depth beginner to advanced Python programming course online. Whether you want to:- become an in-demand Python developer for exciting software companies- go freelance and work from home, setting your own schedule and rates- sharpen your core programming skills to reach the advanced level- simply bring your own ideas to life with your first profitable program...this complete Python developer course is exactly what you need, and more. (Youll even get a certification of completion to add to your arsenal)What makes this course a bestseller?Master Python in 7 Days! Learn the basic of computer programming, variables, if-statements and decision making, loops, funtions and files input-output, XML Processing and Database Handling.After this course you will be able to code your fancy app for your work or your personal porfolio. Learning Python will give you more opportunities for jobs and career advancement because Python is one of the most requested skills in 2019!This course requires no previous programming or Python experience. If youve never programmed a computer before, or if you know another programming language and want to learn Python, this course will teach you everything you need."
Price: 194.99

"GDPR - A 3-Step Process for applying GDPR +Tools +Templates" |
"********No1 BEST SELLING COURSE IN GDPR***********TOOLS, TEMPLATES, AUTOMATEDSOFTWAREANDEVERYTHINGYOUNEEDFORGDPRCOMPLIANCEISHERE***This course is a resource to educate the public about the main elements of the General Data ProtectionRegulation GDPR.After four years of preparation and debate the GDPR wasfinally approvedby the EU Parliament on14 April 2016. Enforcement date:25May 2018- at which time those organizations in non-compliance GDPR may faceheavy fines.The EUGeneral Data Protection Regulation GDPRreplaces theData Protection Directive 95/46/EC and was designed to harmonize data privacy laws across Europe,toprotect and empower all EU citizens data privacy and to reshape the way organizations across the region approach data privacy.The key articlesof the GDPR, as well asinformation on its business impact,can be found throughout this course.Remember this course comes with 'LIFETIMEACCESS' giving you an amazing ongoing reference resource in GDPR.WithCOURSECERTIFICATE for GDPRincluded!"
Price: 149.99

"Project Management Certification Training + 2 Practice Exams" |
"****This course contains pretty much everything you need to pass the Project Management Certification exams. **** This course is designed to get you ready to take and pass any Project ManagementCertification Exams in the next 3 days!This course includes also an overview of the Project Management Certification methodology used in a project management environment.The majority of people that consider Project Management as a qualification do so for career and personal development reasons. Iam excited to start this Project Management journey together!Read what other students are saying about the A-Z Project Management Certification Training + Question Bank + Practice Exams + Tipscourse:I PASSED the exams! Really great preparation. Thank you for this course Dr. Christos! (Markus Aurelyus, 5 star)Really engaging. Very detailed, with nice pace and very informative. Best course for Project Management. I passed the exams with this course! Thank you!. (Daphne Douglas, 5 stars)The course offers clear examples and explanations of Project Management. It is by far the best project management course I've ever attended to. Congrats! (Stefanos Tsimogiannis, 5 stars)I just passed the certification exams! The content of the course was clear, focusing on the main points and giving proper examples. The information he provided was easy to comprehend, quite concise, up-to-the-point and valuable. (Nantia Mignolo, 5 stars)."
Price: 194.99

"CySA+ Fast Track Exam Preparation + Question Bank +SOS Tips" |
"This Cybersecurity course is designed to get you ready to take and pass the newCompTIA CySA+ (CS0-001) exams (the previous name was CompTIACSA+)in the next 2 evenings. We cover everything you need to pass the exam CompTIA CySA+ (previous CSA+) by breaking down the content. You will learn everything you need to know topass the exam CompTIA CySA+ on your first attempt!This course covers everything you need to know to pass your CompTIA CySA+ Certification (CS0-001) Exam. The first goal of the course is to make sure you are ready to pass the CompTIA CySA+ exam. The course covers all the CompTIA CySA+ (CS0-001) Objective Domains: 1.0 CySA+ Threat Management 27% 2.0 CySA+Vulnerability Management 26% 3.0 CySA+ Cyber Incident Response 23% 4.0 CySA+Security Architecture and Tool Sets24% TopicsCompTIACySA+ include: Threat managementImplement an information security vulnerability management process.Analyzing reconnaissanceDistinguish threat data or behavior to determine the impact of an incident.Prepare a toolkit and use appropriate forensics tools during an investigation. Analyze common symptoms to select the best course of action to support incident response.Determining the impact of incidentsUsing various cybersecurity tools and technologies.Read what other students are saying about ""CySA+ Fast Track Exam Preparation + Question Bank +SOS Tips"" course:I just love the course. The pacing and delivery perfectly suits the type of lecture I want especially for courses as technical as CompTIA CySA+. The Presentation was easy to follow, with the choice of words avoiding the use of academic jargons.What I love with the modules is that while they are dedicated to the content of the CySA+ Manual, the delivery and presentation. A proof of the instructors experience and competence. (Rilgson, 5 stars)CySA+ are hard exams to pass. Dr. Christos really helped me to pass the exams! I am grateful for taking this course. (Grungeris, 5 stars)Thank you for your help, I PASSED the exam today and wouldn't have done it without your course!Thank you for responding and actually being an active instructor. (Juiryes, 5 stars)This is one of the best course for fast and easy preparation. I have passed CompTIA CySA+ exam. Dr. Christos knows how to explain issues easily. (Dankinson, 5 stars)Really best value for money. It pretty much covers every topic required, that should do it to get your certification.Dr. Christos is really good instructor and you can tell how in-depth knowledge he has. I would recommend for all the CompTIA CySA+ aspiring candidates. (Geller, 5 stars)NOTE: CompTIA originally released this certification as CSA+. They had copyright issues and had to change the acronym to CySA+. It is the same certification and the same course."
Price: 149.99

"Professional UX/UI Designer start your profitable profession" |
"WELCOME TO THE COMPREHENSIVE COURSE ON UX / UI DESIGN!THIS COURSE IS PREPARED IN SUCH A WAY THAT WOULD BE THE BEST COURSE FOR UX UI DESIGNER!On the course: UX / UI Designer. Take this profession. From 0 to professional, you will learn how to be a professional UX UI designer.You will receive insider information that has accumulated over the few years for 1 hour of viewing this course.You will take all the skills and tools to be a professional designer.Here is just brief information that you will receive:1. All the secrets of literate UX for creating outstanding products.2. Get resources that are real support for a professional UX / UI designer.3. Get workflows that will make your work easier and you can create outstanding products.4. Get the skills to interact with developers and customers.5. Get Live Hacks, which will help you find large and interesting projects.The UX UI designer's profession is becoming more and more popular and if you become a UX UI designer, then you will get a bright future, doing the business that you like.By the end of this course, you ...You master all the necessary information in order to make high-quality research and implement it in user design, creating truly great projects and masterpieces.You will receive secrets and life khaki, which will make you 2-3 heads stronger than your competitors.You get information on how to properly work with clients and how to create your portfolio properly.You will allow building a career like a UX UI designer quickly and efficiently.In this course we will learn the next topics:Intro To The CourseUX FundamentalsWhat Is UX StrategyQualitative Audience Research5 Levels Of Experience Of InteractionPoints Of Contact For The Formation Of UXHow To Develop User BehaviorWhat Is Advertising Insight And How To Come Up With A Good InsightHow To Write A Custom Script For A Site Or Application InterfaceHow To Work With Wire FlowA / B TestingThe Basics Of UIAnimating UI ElementsHow To Choose References For DesignStages Of Creating InfographicsResources For UX UI DesignerText In UX And UIHow To Make A Mobile Application For Different Screen SizesWhat Are Backend And FrontendHow Does A Designer Work With Developers?How Will You Make Sure That The Development Team Understands The Design?Psychology Of UX Design8 UX SecretsWhat Does It Take To Be The Leading Designer In A Top Startup?How Does A Designer Make A Portfolio?How To Take Large OrdersHow To Get A Job In A Large CompanyHow To Work Remotely From Home In A Large CompanyHow To Work On FreelancingTrends In DesignAnd One More Thing..."
Price: 94.99

"Professional Trader. Stock Trading. Forex. Day Trading." |
"WELCOME TO THE COMPREHENSIVE COURSE ON TRADING IN FINANCIAL MARKETS!On the course: Trader - Take this profession. From 0 to professional, you will learn how to be a professional trader.You will receive insider information that has accumulated over the few years for 1 hour of viewing this course. You will take all the skills and tools to be a professional trader.At the end of the course, you will learn how to trade in any financial market. You will develop your own trading strategy and learn money management.In this course we will learn:INTROWHY IS THIS PROFESSION SO COOL?WHAT IS FOREX?WHAT IS A STOCK MARKET?HOW FINANCIAL MARKETS WORK?POTENTIAL EARNINGS IN THE FINANCIAL MARKETSTRADING. LEARNINGTYPES OF CHARTLONG AND SHORT POSITIONSVOLUMETYPE OF TRADE IN THE MARKETWHAT DISTINGUISHES THE PROFESSIONAL FROM THE AMATEURS?WHAT IS LIQUIDITY AND HOW TO APPROVE THIS?WHAT IS A FUNDAMENTAL ANALYSIS?WHAT IS THE LEVEL OF SUPPORT OR RESISTANCETRADE ON TRENDTRADE WITH THE RANGE / CHANNELWAVE ANALYSISASSESSMENT OF THE LEVEL OF OVERBOUGHT AND OVERSOLD. THE RSI INDICATORWORK WITH DIFFERENT TIMEFRAMESRISK MANAGEMENTCLEAR TRADING PLANCONCLUSIONAfter finishing the course ""Professional Trader. Stock Trading. Forex. Day Trading."" you will know:what is forexwhat is the stock markethow financial markets workhow much you can earn from financial marketshow to trade profitablywhat is a long positionwhat is a short positionwhat is the volume in financial marketswhat is the liquidity of the marketwhat is a fundamental analysiswhat is a technical analysiswhat is means levels of support and resistancehow to trade on trendhow to use wave analysiswhat is the asset managementwhat is risk managementhow to create your own trading planBecome a professional trader!"
Price: 194.99

"Effective Management. Marketing. Sales. Personal Efficiency." |
"WELCOME TO THE COMPREHENSIVE COURSE ON BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, SALES, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT!The course is comprehensive and will suit you if you are just starting to study the topic of creating your own business. But also those who work for hire will find for themselves a lot of useful content and information.On the course: Business Development. Sales. Project Management, you will learn how to be a professional project manager or sales manager.You will receive insider information that has accumulated over the 8 years for 1 hour of viewing this course. You will take all the skills and tools to be a project manager or sales manager.At the end of the course, you will learn how to become a project manager or sales manager!In the course, we will learn the next topics:Business ManagementProject ManagementMarketingCreation of Sales DepartmentSales FunnelSuccessful SaleSell by Phone - 15 secret life hacksHow to Negotiate a PriceWork with ObjectionsImportance of Humor When CommunicateThe Art of Trade IssuesHow to Involve the Client in the SalesHow to Win the Trust of a BuyerHuman EmployeesSearch for Executors to the ProjectMotivation of PersonnelHow to Establish Communication in BusinessHow to Increase EffectivenessTime ManagementAfter finishing the course ""Effective Management. Marketing. Sales. Personal Efficiency."" you will know:What is business management?What is project management?How to launch marketingHow to create a sales departmentHow to create sales funnelHow to sell by phoneHow to negotiate a priceHow to work with objectionsHow to motivate the personnelHow to establish communication when the saleHow to increase your own effectivenessThe information in the course is compressed and you only get the very use of knowledge, without any useless information."
Price: 94.99

"Professional investor. Finance Fundamentals. Forex. Stocks." |
"WELCOME TO THE COMPLETE INVESTMENT COURSE. FROM 0 TO PROFESSIONAL.In this course, you will learn how to be a professional investor.You will receive insider information that has accumulated over the 8 years for 1 hour of viewing this course. You will take all the skills and tools to be a professional investor.In this course we will learn the next topics:WHAT IS INVESTMENT?CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIESHOW TO CALCULATE THE ROI OF INVESTMENTSRISK INVESTMENTS - PUMP AND DUMP - HYIP PROJECTSLONG-TERM INVESTMENTSRISK AND ASSESSMENT OF RISK OF INVESTMENT ACTIVITIESDIVERSIFICATIONCREATE OWN PORTFOLIO AT INVESTING.COMTHE BANKING SECTORTHE PROPERTYWHAT IS AN IPO?BASIS OF INVESTMENT IN ICOINVESTMENTS IN BUSINESSASSET MANAGEMENT FUNDS: FINANCIAL MARKETSCAPITALIZATION AND REINVESTMENTSIMPLE (FIXED) INTEREST VS. COMPOUND INTERESTINVESTMENT CALCULATORIn this course about the investment, you will well learn:what is the investment, the meaninghow to start cashflow from investmentshow to accumulate moneyhow to become an investorhow to make diversificationhow to calculate the ROI of an investmenthow to use risk managementhow to create its own investment portfoliohow to invest in the banking sectorhow to invest in real estatehow to invest in IPOhow to invest in a businesshow to invest in asset management fundswhich financial instruments are better to usehow to find asset management funds,which is the difference between simple interest vs. compound interesthow to use an investment calculatorAfter finishing the course, you will be able to create your own profitable investment portfolio with an approximate profit of up to 100% per year!"
Price: 149.99
