"MS Word:" |
", Microsoft Word. 15 . , , . . , , 15 , , ."
Price: 39.99

"Effective Email: How to master your inbox and outbox" |
"Email is a ubiquitous tool that many people enjoy complaining about. Email is not a poor tool, but it is a tool that is often poorly employed. Your inbox may havethousands of emails. Which ones are important?Which ones require action on your part?Do you really need the quote from the caterer for your wedding five years ago? We will cover a variety of effective practices making up a system that will free you from the angst and dread of your inbox. You will be able to get on top of your email and remain there with less time than you are spending now getting further behind. We will cover how to set up your email folders in a way that will enable your GTDpractice or help you employ some effective practices inspired by David Allen's book. We will cover how to clear your inbox in a GTD fashion so you can focus on what is really important to you.It's not just in handling receivedemail that may professionals falter. Much of the email written in the workplace is so poorly composed that it is any wonder that people bother to read it, let alone act on it. The emails you write and send can achieve the results you want, if you take the time (it doesn't require much) to make the email clear and easy on the recipients.This course will cover several simple practices you can start using today to get more positiveresults out of the emails you send."
Price: 64.99

"Build an amazing physique with Kettlebells" |
"Learn how to use kettlebell for just 20 mins a day to change your shape and become much much healthier.Lose body fat, increase muscle mass, improve posture, increase cardiovascular fitness and feel GREAT.This course is design to help beginngers learn how to use kettlebell and enjoy it. It doesn't matter if you have never picked one up before, by the end of this training I am confident you will be an expert.JOIN US in this journey to a healthier, more confident you."
Price: 39.99

"The 4-Week Stress Detox" |
"Have you ever experienced stress before? Your palms start to sweat, you heart begins to race, and your mind is full of emotions... this is the stress response.We can't eliminate stress from our life, but what we can do is take control of our stress response with these 4 proven strategies.In this course you will learn what stress is and how to overcome the stress response by:1) Adopting an Attitude of Gratitude2) Standing up to Stress with a Power Posture3) Focusing on your Mind and Body with Mindful Movements4) Utilizing Better Breathing TechniquesIf you want a long-term strategy to combat stress that you can learn in just 4 weeks, then we have the solution for you!If you are ready to overcome stress, to take control of your live, and live healthier and better then this course is for you.Discover easy to implement solutions and a step-by-step plan of action. We are here to support you in your journey of overcoming stress in a natural way!What You'll Get Inside This Course:17 Videos SeriesWhat to ExpectIntroductionThe Stress ResponseAdopt an Attitude of GratitudeAttitude of Gratitude 31 Day JournalPower PosturePosture Habit ResetMindful MovementsMindful Movements: Anti-Gravity ExercisesMindful Movements: Desk ExercisesMindful Movements: Beautiful to the CoreMindful Movements: Posture ExercisesBetter BreathingHow to Perform Diaphragmatic BreathingHow to Perform Parasympathetic Posture BreaksNew Habit FormationYou Cant Eliminate Stressors, But You Can Overcome Stress5 Digital DownloadsThe 31 Day Attitude of Gratitude JournalThe Mindful Movement GuideThe Power Posture PDFThe Good Sleep GuideThe Better Breathing Guide"
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Web Services With Java Course" |
"Welcome to this course: The Complete Web Services With Java Course. Are you a fan of Java? Want to use it to create powerful web applications? Then this course is perfect for you. A web service is a service offered by an electronic device to another electronic device, communicating with each other via the World Wide Web. As described by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), web services provide a standard means of interoperating between software applications running on a variety of platforms and frameworks. Web services are characterized by their great interoperability and extensibility, as well as their machine-processable descriptions, thanks to the use of XML. Web services can be combined in a loosely coupled way to achieve complex operations. Programs providing simple services can interact with each other to deliver sophisticated added-value services.In this course, you'll learn:Simplify API developmentBuild portable RESTful web APIsSee how the role of RESTful web services changes with emerging technologies and trendsSecure your RESTful web services with various authentication and authorization mechanismsLearn to to write REST-style and SOAP-based web servicesUnderstand the design and coding guidelines to build well-performing RESTful APIsGet to grips with the various metadata solutions to describe, produce, and consume RESTful web servicesAt the end of this course, you will have a deep understanding of Java needed to build powerful web services. So let's get started."
Price: 149.99

"Learning JavaScript Shell Scripting" |
"Welcome to this course: Learning JavaScript Shell Scripting. JavaScript is a high-level, dynamic, weakly typed, prototype-based, multi-paradigm, and interpreted programming language. Shell is a program that gives the user direct interaction with the operating system. Scripts are collections of commands that are stored in a file. The shell can read this file and act on the commands as if they were typed on the keyboard. Shell scripting is used to automate day-to-day administration, and for testing or product development tasks.In this course, you'll learn:Introduction to JavaScript Shell ScriptLearn how to connect shell conceptsLearn and understand ShellJSLearn about options with commanderLearning functional pipelines and reusing scriptsLearn to test shell scriptsAt the end of this course, youll get to understand the capabilities of shell scripting. So let's get started."
Price: 149.99

"The Complete Concurrent and Parallel Programming Course" |
"Welcome to this course: The Complete Concurrent and Parallel Programming Course. The terms concurrency and parallelism are often used in relation to multithreaded programs. Concurrency means that an application is making progress on more than one task at the same time (concurrently). Parallelism means that an application splits its tasks up into smaller subtasks which can be processed in parallel, for instance on multiple CPUs at the exact same time.In this course, you'll learn:Learn about concurrency and parallelismLearn and understand multiprocessingLearn and understand multithreadingLearn about thread-safety in javaLearn about high-level concurrent typesLearn parallelism and distributed computingAt the end of this course, you will be an expert in Concurrent and Parallel programming. What are you waiting for? Let's get started!"
Price: 149.99

"Database Techniques For Java Developers" |
"Welcome to this course: Database Techniques For Java Developers. We live in an increasingly data-centric and data-driven world. Java is a general-purpose computer programming language that is concurrent, class-based, object-oriented, and specifically designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. Java uses JDBC, an API that defines how a client may access a database.In this course, you'll learn:Learn and understand JDBCLearn about the Java JDBC, JPA, and MongoDB APIsLearn and understand the distinctions in programmingLearn about SQLite3, PostgreSQL, and MongoDBLearn the basics of schema design and normalization for RDBMS systemsAt the end of this course, you will have a deep understanding of the database needed to build powerful web services. What are you waiting for? Let's get started!"
Price: 149.99

"Learning Lambdas and Streams In Java 8" |
"Welcome to this course: Learning Lambdas and Streams In Java 8. Java 8 introduced a host of new features, including lambda functions and streams. With the release of Java 8 the lambda function was introduced. You can write functions inline without having to define a class. This course also teaches you how to work with Java 8 streams and how to use the different kind of available stream operations. You'll learn about the processing order and how the ordering of stream operations affect runtime performance.In this course, you'll learn:Learn about the basics of Java 8Learn about the basics of LambdasLearn and understand InterfacesLearn about the basics of StreamsLearn Advanced Streams and Parallell StreamsAt the end of this course, you will be an expert in using Lambdas and Streams. What are you waiting for? Let's get started!"
Price: 149.99

"Learning Java Performance Optimization" |
"Welcome to this course: Learning Java Performance Optimization. Java is one of the most in demand and highest paying programming language. Java is a very popular language and JVM is a popular platform to build high performance programs in Java. This course will be your one-stop guide to optimize the performance of your Java applications.In this course, you'll learn:Work with JIT compilersUnderstand the Different Types of Data StructureGenerate JSON with code examplesGo from zero to hero in Functional ProgrammingLearn to make an application thread safeUnderstand the usage of profiling toolsLeverage some of the multithreaded capabilities of JavaLeverage the command-line tools to speed up application developmentAt the end of this course, you will have a deep understanding of the java needed to build powerful web applications. What are you waiting for? Let's get started!"
Price: 149.99

"Learning Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)" |
"Welcome to this course: Learning Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is a graphical subsystem by Microsoft for rendering user interfaces in Windows-based applications. It is Microsoft's latest approach to a GUI framework, used with the .NET framework. WPF employs XAML, an XML-based language, to define and link various interface elements. WPF applications can be deployed as standalone desktop programs or hosted as an embedded object in a website. Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) in Visual Studio provides developers with a unified programming model for building modern line-of-business desktop applications on Windows.In this course, you'll learn:Learn the basics of Windows Presentation FoundationLearn how to install Visual StudioLearn and understand WPFLearn and understand XAMLLearn WPF Layout BasicsLearn to build a complete applicationAt the end of this course, you will build a complete application with Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). So let's get started."
Price: 149.99

"Everything You Need to Know About Mold Illness" |
"Not many people, including doctors, know the dangerous health effects of toxic mold. Mold can completely ruin your health as it causes dysfunction in many bodily systems. Up to 50%of buildings today are contaminated with toxic mold, and it needs to be addressed.Many people are misdiagnosed with brain disorders like A.D.D, alzheimers, and depression. Little do they know, mold can bethe cause of it all.Have you or any of your loved ones been diagnosed with any of the following?-chronic fatigue syndrome-A.D.D.-fibromyalgia-dementia-depression-multiple SclerosisThese can all be the result of toxic mold. This is why it's so important to get to the root cause of disease. Instead of just looking at how we can treat an illness with medicine, we need to see how we can eliminate the cause.Toxic mold can causehormone imbalance, liver dysfunction, neurotransmitter imbalance leading to depression, gut infections such as parasites and yeast, and weight fluctuations. By using a whole body approach, you can bring the body back into balance."
Price: 19.99

"Build an app with ASPNET Core and Angular from scratch" |
"This course has been fully re-recorded and rewritten for .Net 5.0 and Angular 10. Please note that the true course length is 26 hours - the original course is in a legacy section at the endHave you learnt the basics of ASP.NET Core and Angular? Not sure where to go next? This course should be able to help with that. In this course we start from nothing and incrementally build up our API and Angular front end until we have a fully functional Web Application that we then publish to IIS and a Linux server.These are 2 of the hottest frameworks right now for the 'back-end' (Microsoft's ASP.NET Core) and the 'front-end' (Google's Angular) and are well worth spending the time to learn.In this course we build a complete application from start to finish and every line of code is demonstrated and explained.This course is right up to date as at September 2020 using ASP.NET 5.0 and Angular v10 and as these frameworks evolve, this course will evolve with it. Read some of the great reviews of the course:Jim says ""The absolute best course for building an API in .Net core and working with Angular!""Daniyal says: ""This is a complete project based course from start to finish with real world experience using technologies that are currently in demand in the market. People interested in learning latest technologies should consider this course.""Here are some of the things you will learn about in this course:Setting up the developer environmentCreating the ASP.NET Core WebAPI and the Angular app using the DotNet CLI and the Angular CLIAdding a Client side login and register function to our Angular applicationAdding 3rd party components to add some pizzazz to the appAdding routing to the Angular application and securing routes.Using Automapper in ASP.NET CoreBuilding a great looking UI using BootstrapAdding Photo Upload functionality as well as a cool looking gallery in AngularAngular Template forms and Reactive forms and validationPaging, Sorting and FilteringAdding a Private Messaging system to the appPublishing the application to Heroku free of chargeUsing SignalR for real time presence and live messaging between usersMany more things as wellTools you need for this courseIn this course all the lessons are demonstrated using Visual Studio Code, a free (and fantastic) cross platform code editor. You can of course use any code editor you like and any Operating system you like... as long as it's Windows, Linux or MacIs this course for you?This course is very practical, about 90%+ of the lessons will involve you coding along with me on this project. If you are the type of person who gets the most out of learning by doing, then this course is definitely for you. On this course we will build an example Dating Application, completely from scratch using the DotNet CLI and the Angular CLI to help us get started. All you will need to get started is a computer with your favourite operating system, and a passion for learning how to build an application using ASP.NET Core and Angular. "
Price: 189.99

"Build an app with React, Redux and Firestore from scratch" |
"*** Re-recorded, rewritten and fully up to date as at July 2020****** Please note that this is a 23 hour course (not 50) as there is still 28 hours of legacy content included in the total hours ***Do you want to learn React and Redux in the context of building a complete application? Do you want to learn about Firestore, the new Database offering from Google that provides 'live data' to our application? Are you the type of learner who gets most out of actually building an application rather than watching endless slides about how something is supposed to work? If so then this course is for you!In this course we build a complete application from start to finish. Every line of code is demonstrated and explained. We warm up by building a CRUD application in React, we then enhance it by adding Redux and following that we add in Firestore to provide the persistence layer for the application.Here are just some of the things you will learn about in this course:Setting up the developer environmentCreating a React application using the create-react-app utility from FacebookLogin and Register functionality using Firebase authenticationAdding social login for Facebook and Google into the applicationGoogle maps and Places autocomplete integrationPhoto uploading using drag and drop, with resizing and cropping of the images before uploadAdding a live chat systemPaging, Sorting and Filtering with FirestoreInfinite scroll for the paginationFirestore database designCreating reusable form components with Formik formsBuilding a great looking application with Semantic UIMany more things as wellTools you need for this courseIn this course all lessons are demonstrated using Visual Studio Code, a free (and really good) cross platform code editor. You can of course use your preferred IDE or Code editor of choice and any operating system you like... well as long as it's either Max OSX, Windows or Linux.Is this course for you?This course is extremely practical. About 90% of our time is spent actually building the application. If you are the type of person who gets the most out of learning 'by doing', then this course will be for you.Please note that we do not start from zero coding knowledge. Whilst this is aimed at beginner/intermediate level, you will need to have some basic javascript knowledge (not a lot is needed) or if you are coming from another programming language then you should be fine with this course. It's designed to take you from beginner level to having the skills to build a much more significant application.What do we do on this courseWe are building a social events application, much like Facebook events or Meetup. Building a social application gives us opportunity to build more than just a simple CRUD application."
Price: 189.99

"Face Fitness:" |
"FaceFitness: ""! , , . -, . , . , . , , , , , , . ! ? ! ,"
Price: 59.99

"Ventas Profesionales para Emprendedores Latinos" |
"Aumentar las ventas no es cuestin de pasar ms tiempo vendiendo, sino de ser ms asertivos al hacerlo. Con este mtodo logrars ms ventas en menos tiempo, mayorprospectacin por intentoy ms cierres por cada visita.Te ensear mi mtodo de nueve peldaos para subir hasta el xito de la venta y quedarte arriba produciendo ms con los clientes fidelizados.Planifica asertivamenteCrea una fuente inagotable prospectosCrgate de tcnicas para analizar y encontrar la verdadera necesidad del clienteHaz que el cliente te solicite a gritos tu ofertaLogra cierres rpidos y sin dolorDa un seguimiento que te traiga ms ventasDomina la PNL para ofertas ms efectivasInterpreta el Lenguaje del Cuerpo para lograr ms ventasConsigue ms ganancias por cada ventaAumenta tu calidad de vidaAprende y domina las tcnicas ms eficientes de conseguir una cartera de clientes que crezca sin mucho esfuerzo.Un mtodo probado con xito por ms de dos dcadas por decenas de miles de vendedores.He diseado este curso para que puedasobtener resultados despus de aplicar cada leccin. Con 9 peldaos mi escalera de ventas te lleva de la mano de principio a fin. Con ejercicios prcticos aplicados a tu situacin haces tu proceso adecuado a lo que vendes. Elaborars tu propio sistema, lo que lo hace ms efectivo para cada persona.CONTENIDO Y OBJETIVOSMs de 5 horas de video, 76 lecciones y prcticas personalizadas te llevan al xito del curso y por ende de cada venta.Aqu vas a aprender no solo de la venta tpica, sino del comportamiento del cerebro comprador. Aplicars en tus ventas cada dalos conocimientos aprendidos de Programacin Neurolingstica (PNL),Lenguaje Paraverbal, Lenguaje del Cuerpo y mucho ms.Al finalizar cada seccin podrs ponerla en prctica, lo que aumentar la seguridad en cada venta y la construccin de tupropioproceso. Y al finalizar el curso ya tendrs tu mtodo afinado, el que te estar rindiendo ganancias extras desde que pongas el primer escao en prctica.Aprenders tcnicas de negociacin basadas en dejar contento al cliente sin dejar de ganar con nuestra venta. Logrando mayores beneficios por ventas.El principal objetivo es aumentar las ventas de manera perenne. Adems, lograr ms ventas en menos tiempos y ms clientes fieles.GARANTAY como si todo esto fuera poco, recuerda que tienes una garanta de reembolsode 30 das.RESEASEsto dicen algunos estudiante:RICARDOCONCEPCINEl curso est basado en caso reales, lo cual ayuda mucho al alumno. Aprend muchas cosas que desconoca y espero poner en prctica. El instructor demuestra su experiencia y dominio del tema. Recomiendo este curso para los que inician en el mundo de las ventas.RAFAELMOCKTengo una pequea empresa y he vendido, he tomado cursos breves y ledo algo sobre ventas y encuentro muy bueno el curso, tomo notas y entiendo que me beneficia en mi eficiencia en las ventas y el buen desarrollo de mi negocio. Lo recomiendo mucho.FELIPECONTRERASiento que he ganado mas confianza y seguridad para vender, muy buen curso lo recomiendo. Tengo plena confianza que van a aumentar mis ventas e ingresos.SANTIAGOINFANTELo que ms me gust de este curso en lnea es lo prctico que es y que se adapta perfectamente a nuestro mercado, estos conocimientos deben ponerse en prctica de una vez, porque es como montar bicicletas, se aprende con la prctica. Las ventas son primordiales para el xito, conocer esas tcnicas y hacerlo un hbito nos elevan nuestra autoestima y mejoramos bastante nuestro ingresos, no importa la industria o tipo de negocios, hasta venderse uno mismo como profesional es algo importante."
Price: 194.99

"Productividad al mximo: No manejo del tiempo; asertividad" |
"Aumentar la productividad no es cuestin de suerte y mucho menos es una parte de nuestra vida que deberamos dejar sin atencin. Cada da tenemos ms tareas, queremos hacer ms y necesitamos ms tiempo para hacer lo que es realmente importante para nosotros.Tambin es un viaje filosfico. Por ms que hagamos siempre podremos querer hacer ms. Llega un punto que tenemos que entender qu es lo prioritario para dedicarle nuestro tiempo. No lograr ms no es necesariamente ser improductivo. Muchas veces tendremos que dedicar tiempo a buscar formas creativas para dejar de hacer tareas repetitivas; en otras ocasiones tendremos que aceptar que no podemos hacer cierto tipo de actividades y estar felices con todo lo que logramos y decidimos que es importante para nosotros.Si en ocasiones piensas que no tienes tiempo para alguna de las opciones que te plante{e en el prrafo anterior, tu mtodo puede ser afinado, mejorado o cambiado para lograr lo que quieres y lo que dentro de poco ser. Te ensear en mi mtodo a: Hacer ms en menos tiempo: Productividad al mximoConseguir tiempo personalLograr hacer lo que definas como importante en lo personalHacer las tareas con menos estrsDisfrutar de tiempo personalA delegar de manera asertivaA lograr reuniones que nos hacen ganar productividad: Reuniones asertivasHacer lo importante antes que se urgenteDecidir a tiempo lo que es importante y lo que es urgenteHacer planificacin diaria, semanal, mensual y perpetuaHacerlo todo sin dejar pendientesReducir las interrupcionesEntender que algunas interrupciones no lo sonCrear hbitos que ahorrar tiempoTomar decisiones con velocidadTener un sistema de trabajo a prueba de balasAumentar tu calidad de vidaY mucho msAprende y domina las tcnicas ms eficientes de conseguir la mxima productividad en un tiempo saludablemente razonable.Un mtodo probado con xito por ms de dos dcadas por decenas de miles de personas. He diseado este curso para que puedas obtener resultados despus de aplicar cada leccin. No teniendo que esperar al final, sino despus de cada minuto ejecutado. Sumando minutos de asertividad cada vez que pongas en ejecucin un tip de los miles que recibes. Sumados al mes son muchos los minutos que podrs destinar a lo que realmente es importante para ti.CONTENIDO Y OBJETIVOSMs de 5 horas de video, 87 lecciones y prcticas personalizadas te llevan al xito del curso y por ende a lograr la mayor productividad y ms tiempo para lo que quieres hacer... no solo para lo que tienes que hacer.Aqu vas a aprender no solo lo que te enseo, sino a afinar tu mtodo por tu propia iniciativa. Creciendo tu potencial da a da.Al finalizar cada seccin podrs ponerla en prctica, lo que reducir el tiempo perdido y aumentar tu productividad de manera sostenible.El principal objetivo eres t, tu salud, tus ingresos y tu calidad de vida.ENTRE OTRAS PERSONAS ESTA CAPACITACIN SE LA RECOMIENDO: A personas que quieren hacer ms sin sacrificar su vidaA personas que las horas de trabajo no le son suficientes para terminar todo el trabajo que les llegaA los que no les alcanza el tiempo para hacer lo que quierenA los que no tienen tiempo para hacer este cursoA los que quieren ganar ms dinero, pero el tiempo no les daA los que les estresa hacer lo que tienen que hacer en el tiempo que tienenA los que quieren vivir con el mnimo estrs posibleA los que quieren un equilibrio real entre lo que tienen que hacer y lo que desean hacerA los que quieren lograr msA los que quieren ver a sus hijos crecer y crecer junto a ellosA los emprendedores y los que quieren emprenderEn fin, a los que realmente quieren que su tiempo sea de calidad y quieran ms calidad de vida"
Price: 119.99

"Llamada en fro 3.0 - La venta directa asertiva" |
"Este curso est elaborado para conseguir hacer ms llamadas en el mismo tiempo y lograr una mayor cuota de cierres por cantidad de llamada.Hemos dividido el aprendizaje en 4 partes:IntroduccinAntes de la llamadaDurante la llamadaDespus de la llamadaCada parte tiene sus secretos y su ciencia. La idea es orientarnos, prepararnos, lograr y fidelizar.Con ""Llamadas en fro 3.0"" logrars que tus llamadas sean rpidas y precisas. No perders tiempo con quin de todas formas no comprar y cerrars ms rpido con los prospectos indecisos.El mtodo no busca convertirte en un vendedor de los que todos odiamos, sino aquel que queremos volver a tener en la lnea. Esa persona emptica que nos entiende y nos vende soluciones a necesidades que tenemos.No le crearemos necesidades a nuestro cliente, solo encontraremos las que tiene y se las haremos entender... es que l no siempre sabe lo que necesita. Nosotros como especialistas s.Trabajamos la Programacin Neurolingstica (PNL) para poner le en la cabeza al comprador que la solucin que le conviene es la nuestra. Utilizamos medios cientficos para la elaboracin de la propuesta y la bsqueda de soluciones.Un mtodo diseado para vender ms.Nuestros aos de experiencia en las ventas y la capacitacin nos han dado la experiencia que aqu te damos, aprovecha al mximo cada minuto.Los videos son ligeros para que puedas aprender con eficiencia y eficacia. Est en un lenguaje coloquial y con elementos extra que te ayudan a incorporar rpidamente las enseanzas.Vende ms en menos tiempo... pero ms que eso, disfruta la venta telefnica.Aprende y domina las tcnicas ms eficientes de conseguir una cartera de clientes que crezca sin mucho esfuerzo.Un mtodo probado con xito por ms de dos dcadas por decenas de miles de vendedores.He diseado este curso para que puedasobtener resultados despus de aplicar cada leccin.Con ejercicios prcticos aplicados a tu situacin haces tu proceso adecuado a lo que vendes. Elaborars tu propio sistema, lo que lo hace ms efectivo para cada persona.CONTENIDO Y OBJETIVOSCasi 3 horas de videoy prcticas personalizadas te llevan al xito del curso y por ende de cada venta.Aqu vas a aprender no solo de la venta tpica, sino del comportamiento del cerebro comprador. Aplicars en tus ventas cada dalos conocimientos aprendidos de Programacin Neurolingstica (PNL),Lenguaje Paraverbal, Lenguaje del Cuerpo y mucho ms.Al finalizar cada seccin podrs ponerla en prctica, lo que aumentar la seguridad en cada venta y la construccin de tupropioproceso. Y al finalizar el curso ya tendrs tu mtodo afinado, el que te estar rindiendo ganancias extras desde que pongas el primer escao en prctica.Aprenders tcnicas de negociacin basadas en dejar contento al cliente sin dejar de ganar con nuestra venta. Logrando mayores beneficios por ventas.El principal objetivo es aumentar las ventas de manera perenne. Adems, lograr ms ventas en menos tiempos y ms clientes fieles.GARANTAY como si todo esto fuera poco, recuerda que tienes una garanta de reembolsode 30 das."
Price: 99.99

"How To Create Sales Funnel in Messenger and CRM." |
"In this video course you will learn to create a sales funnel with manychat. This is an advanced course which will show you everything necessary to start working.At first you will learn to create the most basic messages to answer your clients most basic questions. The bot will be able to answer questions based on keywords.You will also learn to use advanced growth tools which will allow you to add clients to your client base within one click after the advertisement. Imagine, you dont need a homepage or landing page. You gather subscribers through the messenger and communicate with them via Facebook.You will learn how to segment your subscribers pool, Create variational scenarios and tag users depending on their clicks. This will allow you to fully communicate with your subscribers base.And finally the most important thing. You will learn how to completely automate your marketing and acquire user emails within the chat. You will be able to import the emails into a sending service and CRM system.We will create a variative funnel that will allow us to send messages depending on the users actions on the site. For example, you will be able to handle such situations differently - they have not opened your email or have not bought the item you are selling, or has visited the website several times but did not purchase anything. This type of system will allow you to earn money with much less work.This is an advanced course. The basic Manychat course is a prerequisite.This course is for marketing specialists and entrepreneurs that want to automate sales.If you want to learn to create variative sales funnels that work via messenger and CRM systems register for this course now."
Price: 199.99

"How to Trend on Skillshare without Followers" |
"In this class I'll show you how you can get your class trend on Skillshare even when you don't have any following in the platform. You will also learn what is trending and how you can get most benefits from it.You'll get step by step instructions for what you need to do to succeed. This is the fruit of my own struggle as a teaches on Skillshare."
Price: 19.99

"The African Bass Lesson" |
"Maybe you have a background in African music or perhaps it's something completely new and you feel it could benefit your overall musical ability. If you try the course and within 30 days decide that it's really not for you I'll give you a full refund, no questions asked plus a free Skype lesson teaching you any style you want to learn, not only African.The course is an explanation of intricate bass guitar styles such as Congolese Soukous, Sungura from Zimbabwe and Zouk. Functioning as a clear learning resource this is still the only course in the world where students have the opportunity to see, hear and reproduce African bass examples with close ups, notation, bass tab and backing tracks. There are some basic techniques right at the beginning that you may wish to skip over if you're already an expert. I'm English and have lived here all my life so if I can master these styles then so can you, wherever you are.Also includedTheory - learn scales in different positions on the neckRhythmic and timing exercises - improve essential aspects of your playingTechniques - finger dexterity and strengthening workEar Training - backing tracks for extra practiceMusicology - learn the historic root of different genresAt any point during the course you can contact me with questions or send audio or video clips of your bass playing to the African Bass Lesson Facebook page for feedback. A suggested listening list to accompany the course is available at African Bass Lesson .com"
Price: 199.99

"Weird Parts of GST (Hindi)" |
"GST (Goods and Services Tax) is touted assingle biggest indirect tax reform since Independence.No tax system has been fullyefficient untilthe GST Law was implemented. GST was implemented on 1st July, 2017 with a single motto of 'One Nation One Tax'.This course will cover the intricacies of the beautifully drafted concepts of GST in depth making you amaster of GST. AdvancedTopics like ITCReversal and Reclaim, Capital Goods related calculation as well as important topics likeInvoicing, Registration, Return Filingetc.are covered andyou can easily grasp them with 0% confusion and 100% understanding because the course is designed in such away.Even if you are complete beginner to tax laws in India,this course will teach you how indirect taxation system reformed from Sales Tax to GST(VAT, CST, MODVAT, CENVAT) and how GSTtackles all the problems faced by previous taxation system.If you follow this course religiously, you will become master of GSTLaws within no time and apply GSTin practical world and thisnot something that is just theory.You could also become an expert instructor of GSTon the completion of full course.This is the officialcoursetaught in GWS (GST WEB SOLUTIONS) franchised coaching institutesinIndiafor imparting 'GST Expert Training'(Offline Mode).-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMERYou can adjust the Lecture speed according to your own pace.Please see the lectures very carefully in order to solve the quiz given after each lecture. (This quiz is not going to be very easy for those who underestimate any concepts in thelecture)You can take help of any lecture to solve it'squiz if you get into anydifficulty.Kindly take the notes ofimportant concepts and formulaswherever required.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 12800.00

"MASTER en Autodesk MAYA Aprende 3D de 0 a 100" |
"Hola! Soy Rodrigo Reyes y Bienvenid@ al Master en Autodesk MAYA.Este detallado curso est diseado para ayudarte a obtener una comprensin slida de las caractersticas principales encontradas en Autodesk MAYA, el cual, de una manera prctica, te aliviar la transicin de adentrarte en este potente programa. As, durante el curso de estas lecciones, tendrs la oportunidad de aprender acerca de diferentes aspectos de MAYA.Durante aos, he tenido el privilegio de poder ser docente de las reas digitales en diferentes estudios, universidades y centros de capacitacin especializados en el arte digital, tics, videojuegos y por supuesto todo lo que respecta al mundo de los grficos generados por computador.Para las prximas horas, como 3D POP, te facilitaremos el material lectivo mejor estructurado, bien ordenado y ms fcil de seguir que encontrars en cualquier lugar.En la primera parte de este tutorial, vamos a familiarizarnos con algunos puntos claves como la terminologa y habilidades bsicas que se requieren con el fin de que comiences a moverte y trabajar en MAYA.A partir de ah, vamos a pasar a explorar algunas de las caractersticas de modelado que se encuentran en MAYA en un entorno que crearemos desde cero, el cual, ser nuestro proyecto principal para el resto del cursoPosteriormente revisaremos: animacin,texturizado, rigging, iluminacin, efectos especiales, motion graphic, muchos tips profesionales en cuanto a la herramienta, exportacin a motores grficos de videojuegos y por supuesto, la debida exportacin de nuestro proyecto final como secuencia de vdeo.Otorgaremos semana a semana, en clases de bonificacin especial, material de refuerzo y aprendizaje que podrs implementar en cualquier proyecto que realices.Ahora bien, este curso est diseado para nuevos usuarios de MAYA que desean llegar a dominar de manera profesional la herramienta, por lo que nuestro objetivo es que no te enredes con demasiada informacin tcnica, en su lugar, queremos que formes algunos realmente buenos hbitos y aprendas los flujos de trabajo, para llegar a ver la totalidad de principio a fin de este proyecto.Para el final de este MASTER, queremos que llegues a un punto en el que realmente te sientas cmodo trabajando con MAYA, as que para ello, nos vamos a poner manos a la obra y comenzar a practicar y aprender mucho en las siguientes leccines!Buena suerte!- Rodrigo Reyes Artista CGI Director General en 3D POP."
Price: 194.99

"PNL e Estratgias de Comunicao em Vendas" |
"A Comunicao a principal ferramenta de todo Profissional de Vendas. atravs da Comunicao, que conseguimos motivar nosso Cliente a querer comprar. Alias, esse o nosso papel, o de motivar o Cliente a querer comprar. Logo, se faz necessrio, o aperfeioamento desta ferramenta. E isso que este Curso prope. Ao participar deste Curso, gravado ""Ao Vivo"", voc tem acesso a informaes que iro permitir, a voc, reconhecer e trabalhar todas as reaes que seu Cliente possa ter, durante uma interao de Vendas. Prepare-se... Ter sucesso em Vendas exige, principalmente, estar preparado, afinal, voc quem deve construir o seu Sucesso!"
Price: 114.99

"Vendedor de Valor" |
"O porqu deste CursoMuito se fala na necessidade que toda empresa tem em ter vendedores que batam suas metas de venda, porm, pouco se fala em se investir na preparao do vendedor para que ele bata suas metas de venda. Muito se fala na necessidade que toda empresa tem em ter vendedores que vendam com lucratividade, porm, pouco se fala em se investir na preparao do vendedor para que ele venda com lucratividade. Muito se fala na necessidade que toda empresa tem em ter vendedores que consigam manter sua carteira de clientes ativos e que tambm consigam aumentar sua participao no fornecimento para estes mesmos clientes, porm, pouco se fala em se investir na preparao do vendedor para que ele mantenha seus clientes e aumente sua participao no fornecimento para os mesmos. Muito se fala na necessidade que toda empresa tem em ter vendedores que consigam prospectar e conquistar novos clientes, porm, pouco se fala em se investir na preparao do vendedor para que ele consiga prospectar e captar novos clientes. O Curso Vendedor de Valor foi pensado e elaborado para fornecer, aos profissionais que dele participam, as ferramentas necessrias para que os mesmos consigam: Atingir suas Metas de Venda; Vender com lucratividade; Manter seus Clientes Ativos e Aumentar sua participao no fornecimento aos mesmos; Prospectar e Conquistar novos Clientes.Acredito na construo,Passo-a-Passo, do Perfil de um Vendedor de Valor! Neste sentido, montei um programa embasado, inicialmente, em toda a minha experincia prtica no exerccio daProfisso de Vendas, que somammais de 40 anos, e em minha vivncia como Treinador de Vendedores Profissionais, trabalho que desenvolvo nos ltimos 30 anos."
Price: 114.99

"Beginners Guide To Drawing Cartoons" |
"Ever watched your favorite cartoon and wished you could draw them? Well in this course i'm going to get you on your way to being a Cartoonist yourself! Using simple shapes to construct figures, how to draw a nice face, some body basics, and more are waiting for you inside. Join me in the pursuit to cartoon glory, and begin making amazing worlds all your own!"
Price: 49.99

smash-contact |
": "" ""7 40.000 . Email - .37 HD , - . . . (Benjamin Franklin): "" "", , 100% , email-, -! , - MailChimp, email- . Skype"
Price: 19.99

"Tudo o que voc precisa saber sobre o Autismo" |
"O presente curso apresenta uma programao extensa que ir discutir sobre:- Histrico e Conceitos sobre o Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo - TEA;- Caractersticas Clnicas e tipos de Transtornos;- Etiologia ou possveis causas no TEA;- Ser Autista X Estar Autista;- Diagnstico Clnico e Laboratorial;- Aspectos Genticos do Espectro Autista;- Tipos de Intervenes no Transtorno;- Perspectivas Futuras."
Price: 99.99

"Beginner's Alexa Skills Kit Development" |
"Amazon has been putting a lot of efforts to make Alexa, their voice assistant, available everywhere. Nowadays, you can find Alexain various places such as phone apps, smart speakers, home decor, smart home appliances, and electronics, etc. Without a doubt, Alexa will become a huge trend and big opportunity for businesses to sell their products. I wouldnt be surprised if jobs with titles such as Alexa Developerstart appearing on job posting sites soon.In this course, Iwill guide you through the step by step process of building a basic greeter skill. Note: this is not a theory course. Ido give a brief overview on what happens with Alexa under the hood, however,Ilike to keep the information Igive you practical and easy to apply to the real world.Excited to start yet? Do you want to know howsmart voice apps are built but are to afraid to stumble upon something so complex? Fear no more! With this beginner's course you will be able to start building your own skills in 1 hour!"
Price: 19.99

"Lei 13146 - Estatuto da pessoa com deficincia" |
"Este curso visa ensinar os artigos da lei do estatuto da pessoa com deficincia e mostrar com qual frequncia os mesmoscaem em provas. Sero debatidas 89 questes ao longo de sua durao.No final do curso, sero apresentadas duas ferramentas para melhorar o aprendizado do aluno : mapas mentais e o software Anki."
Price: 19.99

"Lei 8429 - Improbidade Administrativa" |
"Este curso visa ensinar aos interessados a lei 8429 - Improbidade Administrativa.No decorrer do curso, lido e explicado o que as bancas de concursos costumam fazer para derrubar os candidatos. So respondidas vrias questes para auxiliar o aluno no seu aprendizado.Ao final do curso, apresentado um mapa mental e o software Anki, ambas utilizados para o auxlio ao aprendizado e memorizao"
Price: 19.99
