"A complete guide of cryptocurrency storage on Ledger Nano S" |
"This course introduces you to the basics of using a Ledger Nano S, including setting up, resetting and restoring. The course also gives you a step by step guide on how totransferdifferent cryptocurrencies, includingERC-20 tokens. By the end of this course, you should be able to use a Ledger Nano S proficiently and securely,and be able to transfer cryptocurrency to and from the device."
Price: 34.99

"3ds Max e Photoshop CC - Maquete Eletrnica 3D (Externa)" |
"Bem vindo ao curso! Nesse curso completo de Maquete Eletrnica 3D para cenas externas voc aprender todos os passos necessrios para o desenvolvimento do seu projeto realista desde a organizao,passando pela modelagem, texturizao, iluminao, humanizao, Renderizao e ps-produo com 3ds Ma e Photoshop CC.Este curso completo um curso intuitivo para iniciantes, o que significa que procurei explicar tudo e cada detalhe sempre que possvel, mas se voc ainda tiver algumas dvidas, eu estarei sempre pronto para responder a todas as suas dvidas. Neste Curso Voc Aprender a:Importando DWG e Organizando o ProjetoModelando Paredes, Portas e JanelasAdicionando Portas e JanelasCriando EntornoConstruindo TelhadoCriando MoldurasMaterial IDIluminaoTelhado Material IDTexturizaoAdicionando CortinasVegetaoRenderizaoPs-Produo com Photoshop CCMaterial de ApoioDeixe-me dar-lhe mais algumas razes para fazer este curso agora mesmo.1. Este curso d-lhe o acesso aos arquivos de exerccio Premium usados no curso para que voc possa acompanhar e acelerar o seu aprendizado - Vale R$ 29.2. Este curso d-lhe o acesso a todas as futuras atualizaes, como e quando elas acontecem, absolutamente grtis, vale R$ 49.3. Este curso oferece suporte especializado.Significa se durante ou aps o curso, voc de alguma forma tiver alguma dvida eu estarei aqui para responder todas as suas perguntas e dvidas relacionadas ao curso.Se voc tivesse me contratado apenas para esse propsito, normalmente cobro R$ 299.Mas com este curso, voc obter isso absolutamente grtis sem custo extra!4. O ltimo mas no menos importante que faz este curso ainda mais surpreendente que este curso vem com 30 dias de garantia total de devoluo do dinheiro sem perguntas.O que significa que, se durante os primeiros 30 dias de voc ingressar no curso de alguma forma, por qualquer motivo voc no gostar do curso, poder reivindicar seu dinheiro de volta 100%.Ento voc tem um risco zero ao se matricular neste curso!O que voc est esperando para ir em frente e se inscrever neste curso!Invista em voc e no seu futuro melhor!Comee hoje mesmo!"
Price: 39.99

"Total Station, Surveying and Mapping" |
"Every one can become civil engineer but to become a good surveyor they need special skills and digital surveying techniques. Total station is one such instrument which has made survey much easier and user friendly. it works on the principle of electronic distance measurement techniques. basic skills are essential for the surveyor for his good carrier. we have given all inputs required for self learning."
Price: 2560.00

"Developmental Exercises for Your Baby or Toddler: Part 1" |
"Our videos will teach you exercises you can do with your baby or toddler in the comfort of your home. Suitable for the little one with or without developmental disabilities, you will learn proper handling techniques and which exercise is best to do to achieve a certain functional skill. Whetheryou're trying to help your baby or toddlerroll over, gain head control, sit up independently, or even walk, these exercises are foryou.In addition, accessing physical therapy services can be excruciatingly hard! Insurance companies, high co-pays, changing health care laws and a variety of other factors can discourage even the most astute parents from receiving services for their child. The collection of exercises videos is also our answer to the barrier for physical therapy services many parents and caregivers face.Joscelyn Washington is a licensed physical physical therapist with over 16 years experience working with children with developmental disabilities. She is also the owner of Rapha Physical Therapy, a rehabilitation clinic located in Montclair, California providing physical, occupational,and speech therapy services to infants, children, and adults with developmental disabilities.Please feel free to contact us at info@raphapt.com with any questions. Thank you for allowing usto be a part of your journey.Disclaimer: As with all exercise programs, please use common sense. These exercises cannot take the place of receiving physical therapy services by a licensed physical therapist. Before participating in this or any exercise program that may be described and/or made accessible in or through this course, we strongly recommend that you consult with a physician, physical therapist or other healthcare providers.These exercisesare not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You acknowledge and agree that when participating in this exercise or exercise program, and/or when using any fitness products or services, there is the possibility of physical injury and you assume the risk and responsibility for any such results."
Price: 49.99

"Power Electronics" |
"This course contains a series of tests on Power Electronics. Topics covered include Rectifiers, DC-DC Converters, Commutation Circuits, Inverters and motor drives. The course is regularly adding content. This course will be useful for those of you who are preparing to ace competitive examinations like GATE as well as those willing to have a quick check on your fundamentals."
Price: 19.99

"Grow Your Business Using Net Promoter Score" |
"Have you been thinking to embark on the journey of Customer centricity and Net Promoter Score?and still thinking?Not anymore!This course will give you a step by step process to launch yourfirst Net Promoter Score (NPS) campaign and benchmark your NPS with 1000 customers quickly!You will get practical tips & ideas (cutting all the crap out) to launch yourfirst NPS campaign in 7 days or less!(yes, you read it right)I'm aCustomer Experience coachand have helped companies ranging from Startups to Fortune 500 embark and succeed in their journey of customer centricity.I've put together a simplestep by step blueprintthat you can follow without getting overwhelmed for a successfully kickstart NPS in your business.So, here's what you will learn inside this course:Introduction & Why Net Promoter ScoreThe Fundamentals of NPSListen to the voice of your customer effortlesslyClose the loop on your customer feedbackNPS Best practices and tipsBenchmark your NPS by reaching out to first 1000 customers for FREE!Get Help To kickstart NPS in your businessBy the end of this course, you will be all pumped up to launch your fist NPS survey!Plus you can alsoget a chance to work with me where I will personally help you launch you first NPS campaign, so you don't loosetrack!I look forward to welcoming you to the journey ofCustomer Centricityandlet's make it your strategy for massive business growth!To Your Success,Kushal DevChairman and Co-Founder, Customer GuruWhat are the requirements?You Should Know How To Use Computer & Internet.You Need A PC or MCWhat am I going to get from this course?You will have a step by step practical blueprint to launch your first NPS survey campaign!You will have a template that you can use to quickly design your survey and close the loop on customer feedback!You will be able benchmark your NPS by reaching out to 1000 customers for FREE!What is the target audience?Customer Experience Professionals, Entrepreneurs & Business leaders- Who are serious about building a customer centric business!Anyone who wants to learn about NPS and the principles of customer centricity"
Price: 194.99

"Introduo a ISO 9001:2015" |
"No cursosero abordados os assuntos referentes parte inicial danorma ISO 9001:2015. Sero abordados os seguintes temas: um breve histrico daestrutura da norma, a abordagem por processos, o ciclo PDCA, a mentalidade deriscos e oportunidades, alm da parte introdutria da norma ISO 9001:2015 e os seusconceitos iniciais."
Price: 39.99

"A'dan, Z'ye 3dsMAX" |
"lk kurulumdan itibaren, bir tasarmcnn 3dsmax hakknda bilmesi gereken herey bu eitim programnda yer almaktadr. Videolar mmkn olduu kadar ksa ve net olacak ekilde hazrlanmtr. Konu balklar ve alt balklar pedagojik bir alt yapya sahip olup zenle seilmitir. Genel arayz ayarlaryla balayan eitim, nesne oluturma, tama, dndrme, leklendirme, oaltma gibi temel konularla devam etmektedir. 2boyutlu ve 3boyutlu modelleme derslerinin arasnda bol miktarda rnek modelleme eitimleri konulmutur. Modify mens altndaki komutlarnn byk bir ounluu detayl olarak anlatlmtr. Ayrca Malzeme hazrlama, klar ve kameralar, render ayarlar gibi konular tm pf noktalar ile anlatlmtr. Bu eitim srecini tamamlayan arkadalar, balang seviyesinden orta seviyeye gelmi olacaktr."
Price: 69.99

"REssentials 102: Make 100K Annually in Real Estate Sales" |
"In this course: We will walk through, step-by-step, exactly what it takes to make $100K annually, in easy to understand terms, using an invaluable tool few Realtors have, and which I will give you for free. Using this tool we will discover how to measure how many clients you need to work with to meet your goals, and where to find them Using this tool we will calculate how many hours are required to meet your goals and what your work week should look like from a scheduling point of view. And finally, we will take a candid look at what the startup and ongoing expenses are in the business.If you are a Realtor and want key information about making your career more successful, or if you are thinking about getting your license, this information is essential to your career."
Price: 49.99

"REssentials 101: Get Licensed & Get Started" |
"Where should youtake your licensing training?What is the process involved in getting licensed, and what does a license actually allow you to do? What are real estate brokerages and how do they work? What should you be looking for in a brokerage? How long does it take to get yourbusiness started and what will you be doing? How will you learn how to do real estate transactions? By the end of this course you willhave all of these questions answered."
Price: 19.99

"REssentials 103: Ride the Money Cycle" |
"As a real estate pro, it is essentially important to understand the market cycles and the forces that shape them, in order to be ready for market shifts that can dramatically change the nature of your business. Your clients want to understand this information too, and if you are the one who can clearly explain it to them, they will view you as their go-to real estate expert. Frankly, what we cover in this course is worth a fortune, and it is information you wont get elsewhere!Whether you are already a Realtor or thinking about a career in real estate, you will leave this course with some great information that will make our time spent together well worth it."
Price: 49.99

"Reportes Ejecutivos en Excel con Tablas y Grficos Dinmicos" |
"El curso esta diseado para inducir a los participantes en dos aspectos importantes:1) Automatizar los procesos a travs de tablas dinmicas:aprenders a utilizar tablas y grficos dinmicosque te permitirn resumir todos losdatos de forma fcil y rpida Una herramienta muy poderosa al momento de realizar reportes.2) Construir un reporte ejecutivo o dashboard en el cual estn indicadores, grficos, que permitan hacer seguimiento al negocio, avance de proyectos, o cualquier otra informacin importante a la que se requiera tener informacin grfica."
Price: 24.99

"50 Consejos Prcticos para Mejorar TU Marca Personal" |
"Desarrollar una marca personal no es solamente obtener visibilidad y mostrar solidez profesional, implica conocerse mejor a uno mismo, plantearse metas y objetivos, comprometerse con la mejora continua, desarrollar la propia identidad y mostrar desde ah una ventaja competitiva.Este nuevo modelo deprofesional de marca registradaexige no solamente ser el mejor en su nicho, sino tener claro los objetivos, conocerse, y conocer cmo es percibido por el entorno, qu opinin tiene sobre su valor y confiabilidad como profesional.Esta estrategia est siendo empleada desde hace una dcada en importantes empresas como IBM, Warner BROS, Adobe, Bank of America, Microsoft, entre otras.La gestin adecuada de esta marca es clave para conseguir tus objetivos tanto en el mbito personal como en el profesional, y la verdad es que tener una marca personal cuidada es fcil si se sabe cmo y utilizando las herramientas ms adecuadas para conseguirla.Cada una de las personas que nos conocen tiene una imagen y una opinin de nosotros mismos, tanto si somos conscientes como no, y lo que necesitamos para optimizar nuestra marca personal lo mximo posible es tomar nota de consejos para mejorar, abrir los odos y los ojos, y sobre todo ir poco a poco marcndonos objetivos para conseguir hacerla perfecta. Por eso en esteVdeo - Curso quiero presentarte 50 consejos pragmticos que te ayudaran tremendamente a iniciarte (si eres nuevo) o a subir de nivel (si llevas tiempo en el mercado)."
Price: 19.99

"Copywriting Guide" |
"Become a copywriter by learning to use your full potential! Do you want to learn how to create exceptional copy? Do you want a simple step-by-step guide that will make you successful copywriter? Your step-by-step guidein my short course will teach you all you need to know about copywriting. We are going to stick to fundamentals but you will learn all the golden nuggets that you need to know. Dont become a victim of information overload! This course is short but intensive so that you can get started and feel confident withyour copywriting skills! This course comes with aneasy step-by-step guide that gives you the basic ideas and concepts of copywriting. Nothing overwhelming, copywriting is not rocket science!It is creative selling in a written form! I will walk you through what you need to do to get started - step by step. You will learn: How to make the product features and benefits stand out! What isthe secret saucefor creating a great copy How to make your copy stand out from the crowd Making aneffective copy and generating new ideas! Techniques to create a strong brand message Tools for copywriting Capture your audience with punchy slogans and headlines Learn the number one skill you will need in the job market (B2B, B2C, Job seeking.) Become confident with your skills and master the essentialsPress the ""BUY button and get started! + FREE BONUS a copywriting bookletP.S. Are you ready to transform your career?"
Price: 24.99

"Astronomy: BIG and FAR are Relative in Space" |
"BIG and FARchallenges your concept of what constitutes size and distancein astronomical terms. The part of the lesson calledBIG looks at size in the universe bycomparing celestial objects with the sizes of things we are more familiar with close by. The part of the lesson called FAR take you onan amazing trip around the universe on a plane, the space shuttle and finally a beam of light to understand how far things really are in space."
Price: 19.99

"Tour of the Solar System" |
"Tour of the Solar System is vivid and informativeoverview of the solar system using an imaginary spacecraft whichallows us to visit all the planets that orbit around our Sun in one day. This is a full astronomy course on its own, or it can be used as part Home School Astronomy'slarger full year of Astronomy with a total of 26 astronomy lessons."
Price: 19.99

"Constellations & Planets: The Story of the Night Sky" |
"Do you want to be able to find the constellations and planets in the night sky? This presentation comes with the tricks you need to know. Discover the constellations and planets and become familiar with the night skys story.This is a full astronomy lessonon its own, or it can be used as part Home School Astronomy'slarger full year of Astronomy with a total of 26lessons."
Price: 19.99

"Exo-Planets: Planets Beyond Our Solar System" |
"Discovering exoplanets is one of the most exciting fields in astronomy today. We have found thousand of planets besides the ones that circle our Sun now, and planet hunting has reached a fever pitch. What are these other planets like? How do we find them? Are any other planets like the Earth?"
Price: 19.99

"Comets, Asteroids and Meteorites" |
"Comets are among the most beautiful astronomical objects in our sky, but brought fear to our ancestors when they appeared. Find out what comets are and where they come from in this lesson. Whats the difference between a comet an asteroid and a meteorite? Could one of these objects really hit the Earth? You will know after streaking through the solar system with this lesson"
Price: 19.99

"Dream Warrior Training" |
"Gain a better understanding from a Judaeo/Christianbiblical and spiritualperspective of whatdreams are telling you.Learnhow you can interact with your dreams to have a positive impact on your Life. Develop a closer relationship with God in learning his symbolic language of the night to discover your life's calling and purpose."
Price: 19.99

"Angels of Meditation" |
"Have you heard all of the great benefits of meditation and your ready to either begin or take it to the next level? The level of consciousness that we seek in meditation is the normal vibrational level for the Angels.By using their guidance and energy we can boost our ability to reach higher states of being where can attain clarity, joy, peace, wisdom, and the answers to life's questions.If you're ready to make meditation part of your daily routine for health, well being, abundance, and tranquility, let the Angels show you the way."
Price: 19.99

"Ethical Hacking with Metasploit the Penetration testing Tool" |
"Are you a Metasploit user, and want to hack stuff (that you have permission to hack) just like in the movies?Metasploit modules for publicly known exploits, 0days, remote exploits, shellcode, and more things.it consist more 3,000 plus modules, all are available with relevant links to other technical.All of the modules included in the Exploit Database.Rapid7 announced that it has a total of $5,000 to reward to contributors whosend in exploits for its Top 5 or Top 25 vulnerability lists.The exploits have to be submitted, and accepted, as modules under its standard Metasploit Framework license.The quickest way to get started is by taking this courseIn this course your are going to learn:A perfect Lab Setup for exploitationStart with simple Exploitation of Operating SystemsWork On the shell CommandsInformation Gathering of Target MachineServer Side All Port ScanningWeb ExploitationAnd I will be keep updating different types modules present in metasploit.properly testing your defences is critical for a strong security program.By using metasploit simulate in real-world attacks,youll better understand any potential weaknesses you may have and also know how to fix them proactively."
Price: 199.99

"Burp-suite: A Master of bug bounty hunter" |
"This course has got all the three Tags of udemy #hotandnew #highrated #bestseller Thinking of becoming a bug bounty hunter, not getting which software should be used and found difficult to find bugs.I am here to help you out, with my new course""Burp-suite a master of bug bounty hunter""Burp OR Burpsuite : is an integrated platform for performing security testing of web applications. Burp is more advanced featured and take further learning and experience to master. it can used on all the OS (MAC, WINDOWS,Linux) and Kali Linux gets the Burpsuite as inbuilt. This course is special for Ethical hackers, who are interested in finding bugs with burpsuite. And for Web security Analysis, and also for Web Developer to prevent form Different types of Vulnerabilities. In this course your are going to learn:Lab setup for to find bugsSimple Examples to Start Working on Session XSS -Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)CSRF vulnerability of my reportIDOR Found in virutal BankCommonly seen application security issuesPreventing of Different types of VulnerabiltiesMany of the companies will spend millions of $ to bug bounty hunter and ethical hacker, so there application can be secure.If your are really interested in finding bug, and getting bounty,becoming a top ranker in hacker one, bug crowd, google, and facebook.press on ENROLL BUTTON START THE COURSE"
Price: 199.99

"The Essential Risk Management In Trading" |
"Risk Management is one of the Important Element in Trading Success. Many has been neglect this knowledge and topic and the result their do not have a total profitable Portfolio at the end of the day.Risk Managementis an essential but often overlooked prerequisite to successful active trading.After all, a trader who has generated substantial profits over his or her lifetime can lose it all in just one or two bad trades if proper risk management isn't employed.[Note: Risk management plays an important role in the life of an active trader. After all, a trader can make 90% winning trades, but if the 10% of losing trades are mishandled, they can lose money on a net basis]Successful traders know what price they are willing to pay and at what price they are willing to sell, and they measure the resulting returns against the probability of the stock hitting their goals. If the adjusted return is high enough, then they execute the trade.Conversely, unsuccessful traders often enter a trade without having any idea of the points at which they will sell at a profit or a loss. Like gamblers on a lucky or unlucky streak, emotions begin to take over and dictate their trades.In this course,I will revealed lots ofinformationto you and the secreton how to manage your portfolio so that by the end of the day you will be having not only a really a profitable account but having a consistent profit in the market.Subscribe Now!You mayOne Skill Away Of Making Money In The Market!Remark: This course is suitable for everyone who are seeking making money in the market."
Price: 19.99

"Data Visualization Principles to Improve your Dashboards" |
"Data visualization is the key for making abstract data visible. However, it is no rocket science and anyone can learn how to do it. When heeding certain principles and adapting recommendations carefully, any target audience will be convinced about the great possibilities data visualization is offering.In this course you will learn about the most important and impactful rules for good for Information Design and Dashboarding. Thus, getting a better understanding of how state-of-the-art reporting and dashboarding works.You will learn how to optimize your presented information in order to making the communicated content easier to understand. Numerous implemented customer examples will round off the course."
Price: 199.99

"Creating a Successful Crowdfunding Video: The Complete Guide" |
"A study by Kickstarter showed that crowdfunding campaigns with videos were 90% more likely to be successful in raising their target funds. But do you need to hire an expensive videographer to make one?In this one hour project-basedclass, you will learnall the steps needed to make a 2-3 minute crowdfunding video that effectively communicates your vision and garners support. Using an unconventional but proven approach, commercial filmmaker Dandan Liu teaches you how to structure your pitch with an arc so it doesn't fall flat as an infomercial, but resonates as a story and sparks action.Then, she guides you step-by-step in the filmmaking, footage transfer, and editing process, so you leave the course with a compelling, cinematic crowdfunding video ready to post!MAINSECTIONSOFTHECOURSE:Story StructureCinematographyAudioFootageTransferEditingSupplemental guides are included to aid in the hands-on filmmaking and editing process, as well as bonus lessons to enhance the quality of your video. By the end of this course, you will havea compelling, cinematic crowdfunding video ready to post!"
Price: 99.99

"Power Video Editing: Adobe Premiere Pro in 45 min" |
"This course cuts down the traditional 5-6 hour editing course to its best essentials, so complete beginners learn all the steps needed to edit their video footage with Adobe Premiere pro in 45minutes. Using a real life example, the course lessons are designed to be applicable and get straight-to-the-point. By the end of this course, students will have learned the entire editing workflow, and have a polished, edited video ready to post!What This Course CoversHow to use the Adobe Premiere Pro InterfaceHow to import and cut footageHow to optimallyorganize your filesHow to smooth your edits with transitionsHow to edit audio soit sounds clean and cohesiveHow to addmusic to elevate your filmEditing rhythm and pacingHow to add titles to your videoHow to export your edited videoBonus tricks, such as adding titles, stabilizing shaky footage, and the KenBurns EffectCourse DeliverableAn edited, polished video ready to post!"
Price: 19.99

"Apache Cassandra from beginner to expert" |
"This course begins with NoSQL, comparing it with Relational Database and explaining how it fits in real world. You will learn what and how you can do with Cassandra. At the end of the course, you will be able to use Cassandra in your systems and applications. What you will learn in this lecture are:NoSQLconceptsNoSQLvs RDBMSCassandra Data ModelsTerms like CAPS, SPRAIN, Map Reduce, BASEHow to use Cassandra tools and cluster managementCassandra Query Language (cql)Index, views, security conceptsOnce you finish the course, you will feel comfortable using Cassandra both as admin and a developer."
Price: 59.99

"Complete RabbitMQ Course" |
"This course covers everything you need to know about RabbitMQ. The course has all information you need to install, configure and use RabbitMQ. This course does not only show you a web gui and let you click and do things without understanding. You will learn the logic behind and see how things are done using command line interface and source codes.At the end of the course, you will learn:InstallationRabbitMQ key concept and terminologyQueues and ExchangesImportant PluginsMemory and Disk ManagementManaging RabbitMQ from management user interface and management cli tool"
Price: 59.99

"Guitarra Blues 2.0" |
"ATENCIN...!!!!CURSO ACTUALIZADO AL 4 DE JUNIO DE 2020Ms Contenidos y vdeos renovados...;)--------------------------------------------------------------Sabas que la msica popular del siglo XX tuvo su origen en los blues? Estilos como el jazz, rock, heavy, reggae, pop, soul, funk y todos los sub-estilos que se te ocurran tienen en mayor o menor medida una clara relacin con los blues. Saber de los orgenes del blues, es conocer las races de la msica popular del siglo XX.En este CURSO aprenderemos la forma, la estructura, los acordes y sus escalas, el concepto de llamada/respuesta y de ""blue note"", y todos los elementos necesarios para poder acompaar e improvisar en este maravilloso e influyente estilo. "
Price: 29.99

"Cours d'initiation en Topographie Gnrale" |
"La premire question qui vient lesprit en lisant lintitul de ce cours se rapport latopographieCest quoi latopographie?Quel est le rapport entre la topographie comme champ disciplinaire et des notions de: -Dessin des plans et cartes; -Calcul des surfaces foncireset dlimitation des terrains ; -Implantation des projets et amnagement du territoire; -Cadastre;En quoi consiste le mtier du gomtre?Quelles sont les grandeurs mesures par le gomtre en vue dtablir les plans et implanter les projets?Quelles sont les tapes menes pour conduire une mission topographique (de lev, dimplantation ou autre)?Lobjectif de ce cours dinitiation en topographie est de prsenter:Des aspects gomtriques et physiques des interrelations entre les divers objets qui occupent notre paysage urbain et naturel;Des techniques, mthodes et appareils permettant aux gomtres dacqurir les informations spatiales et thmatiques sur les objets tridimensionnels de notre espace;une culture technique de base pour permettre un dialogue avec les professionnels."
Price: 39.99
