"Kurs Astronomii dla pocztkujcych" |
"Kiedy rozmawiamy z przyjacimi na temat astronomii, bardzo czsto przekraczamy granice nauki, pynnie przechodzc w sfer psychologii czy religii. Bo jak w racjonalny sposb wytumaczy zjawisko nieskoczonoci, czy wielkoci wszechwiata. Na dzie dzisiejszy pojcia takie wykraczaj poza moliwoci poznania czowieka, ale przez to prowokuj do niezwykle ciekawych dyskusji i rozwaa.Z drugiej strony, dua cz wiedzy na temat planet, gwiazd, galaktyk, a nawet pocztku znanego nam wszechwiata, jest ju dostpna dla wikszoci osb. Teleskop, ktremu znaczn cz ycia powieci Galileusz, jest dzisiaj osigalny za kilkaset zotych, a posiada parametry optyczne, o ktrych odkrywca ksiycw jowiszowych nawet nie marzy. Przez to, astronomia staa si dla jednych dziedzin wiedzy, a dla innych hobby. To czsto ci wanie hobbyci w lokalnych spoecznociach wsplnie odkrywaj wszechwiat.Do takiej niesamowitej przygody chciabym Ci dzisiaj zaprosi. W kursie astronomii video z wykorzystaniem bezpatnego programu Stellarium dowiesz si, jak od zupenych podstaw, rozpocz eksploracj nieba. Bez wzgldu na pogod i sprzt obserwacyjny jaki posiadasz, poka Ci zaktki nieba, ktre od dzisiaj stan si dla Ciebie bardziej zrozumiae i bliskie."
Price: 69.99

"Kurs Android" |
"Czy wydae ju kilkaset zotych na ksiki, ktre spowodoway, e znasz kilka ciekawych reguek bez moliwoci zastosowania ich w praktyce?A moe trafie na jedn z tych, ktre pokazuj np. jak zrobi super gr 3D krok po kroku?Pewnie spotkae te treci w stylu: t cz listingu pomijamy, gdy wykracza ona poza poziom tutaj prezentowany cao listingu moesz pobra tu i tu .adny spis treci, adna cena i brak efektw.Powicone pienidze, czas i nerwy tylko po to, eby wiedzie, e nic si nie wie. Ewentualnie przepisa bez zrozumienia jedn jedyn gr zgodnie z pobranym listingiem.Jako posiadacz telefonu z androidem i zwyky uytkownik, nie chc pisa gier 3D, czy typowych aplikacji. W cenie ksiek kupi ich dziesitki i zaoszczdz czas.Wic do czego chciabym wykorzysta moliwoci androida?Do personalizowania swojego telefonu.Chciabym zrobi program, ktry praktyczny byby tylko dla mnie, np. pokazujcy na wykresie zuycie energii tylko na podstawie odczytu licznika, z prognoz na kolejne miesice.Przyda by mi si take program, ledzcy tytuy i ilo czytanych przeze mnie ksiek, oraz przypominajcy o brakach w tej materii.A Ty jak chciaby zwikszy moliwoci swojego telefonu?Nie odpowiem ci na to pytanie, take ten kurs nie da ci gotowego rozwizania.Skoro wiesz ju jaki masz cel, potrzebujesz jedynie pozna elementy, za pomoc ktrych go osigniesz.W przypadku androida musisz mie odpowiednie rodowisko programistyczne i przede wszystkim zna sposoby komunikacji z uytkownikiem.Odpowiednie algorytmy stosujesz pewnie na co dzie np. zapisujc na kartce stan licznika i odpowiednio obliczajc miesiczne, a pniej roczne zuycie energii. Jak nie znasz wzorw, wystarczy popularna wyszukiwarka internetowa i po problemie.Jedyn przeszkod jest pobranie odpowiednich danych a nastpnie ich prezentacja na ekranie telefonu.Tutaj te pomocna moe by wyszukiwarka. Jednak aby znale sposb na narysowanie odpowiednich ksztatw na swoim wykresie, bdziesz musia przebrn przez setki nieznanych obiektw, a trafisz na ten waciwy.Kto to zrobi ju za Ciebie.Kurs pokazuje w praktyczny sposb, jak posugiwa si poszczeglnymi elementami i jak odpowiednio przechwytywa informacje od uytkownika i przekazywa je do innych obiektw oraz jak rysowa po ekranie telefonu.Szczeglny nacisk pooono tutaj na zrozumienie mechanizmw nie na fajerwerki. Efekty specjalnie, to Twoja dziaka"
Price: 69.99

"Kurs C++ Video" |
"Kurs C++ to pakiet filmw Video, ktry moesz oglda na ekranie swojego monitora o cznej dugoci ponad omiu godzin. Kurs przeznaczony jest dla osb, ktre nie miay wczeniej stycznoci z kompilatorami, jak rwnie dla osb, ktre posiadaj podstawow wiedz z zakresu programowania w jzykach takich jak Basic, Pascal, Delphi, C, C++.Kurs oparty jest na bezpatnym kompilatorze Dev C++, dziki czemu bez adnych dodatkowych kosztw opanujesz w bardzo krtkim czasie sztuk programowania.Wszelkie zagadnienia przedstawione s w sposb przejrzysty, poparty przykadami, bez zbdnej teorii. Dziki temu, uytkownik moe po zapoznaniu si kursem bez problemu napisa prosty program uytkowy, czy wykona zoony formularz.Do czego moesz wykorzysta jzyk c++?tworzenie gier;tworzenie programw;tworzenie baz danych i formularzy;tworzenie dowolnych aplikacji dedykowanych dla przedsibiorstw i uytkownikw prywatnych."
Price: 84.99

"Blisko 18 godzin nauki videoNumer ISBN: 978-83-61362-43-2C#(C Sharp)jest obiektowym jzykiem programowania, bardzo zblionym do jzykw C++, Delphi czy Java. Oprcz tego, e jest to jzyk przyszociowy, doskonale nadaje si do efektywnej nauki programowania obiektowego i zapewnia atw przesiadk z/na inne jzyki.Kurs omawia programowanie dla platformy .NET i przeznaczony jest dla osb, ktre chc rozpocz przygod z programowaniem oraz tych bardziej zaawansowanych, ktre chc przesi si na jzyk bardziej uniwersalny ni Delphi czy C++.Na podstawie wieloletniego dowiadczenia w tworzeniu kursw i opiniach naszych klientw, udao nam si opracowa technik pozwalajc zwikszy efektywno nauki oraz skuteczne utrwalenie zdobytej wiedzy. Moesz wygodnie usi przed ekranem i bez potrzeby przewijania czy zatrzymywania, oglda kolejne lekcje. Nawet jeli czego nie zrozumiesz, moesz spokojnie oglda dalej. Forma przekazu oparta jest na stopniowaniu informacji w taki sposb, aby w momencie, gdy jakie zagadnienie staje si istotne, wrci do jego esencji ukazujc jednoczenie jego praktyczne zastosowanie i najczciej popeniane bdy.Po prostu usid i obejrzyj kilka lekcji w wolnej chwili.Osoby, ktre wczeniej nie miay stycznoci z programowaniem, zostan agodnie wprowadzone w tajniki tej sztuki bez zarzucania tonami niezrozumiaych poj. Natomiast osoby, biege w programowaniu, ktre zapragny przesiadki na co bardziej elastycznego i nowoczesnego, odnajd tutaj cenne informacje pozwalajce unikn puapek zwizanych z nawykami wyuczonymi w takich jzykach jak Java, Delphi, Pascal czy C++.W kursie uyto w peni darmowego wizualnego rodowiska programistycznegoSharpDevelop, ktre jest w obsudze bardzo podobne do komercyjnego Microsoft Visual Studio .NET.SharpDeveloppozwala take otwiera i edytowa projekty stworzone w Microsoft Visual Studio .NET oraz wykona tumaczenie programu napisanego w VBA.NET na C#.Wszystkie filmy nagrane s w rozdzielczoci 1280x720p25czny czas trwania filmw:17 godzin 42 minutySpis filmwzawartych w kursie:01 Pobieranie i instalacjaKurs rozpoczniemy od pobrania i instalacji darmowego kompilatora oraz niezbdnych bibliotek.Czas trwania: 6 minut 17 sekund02 Pierwszy program wywietlanie tekstu na ekranieFilm zaprezentuje, jak w prosty sposb wywietli tekst na ekranie konsoli, przenosi tekst do nowej linii oraz jak stosowa odnoniki.Czas trwania: 18 minut 24 sekundy03 Zmienne i staeFilm zawiera wyczerpujce informacje na temat zmiennych. Poznamy sposoby ich deklaracji, prawidowego inicjalizowania i modyfikowania. Omwione zostan take stae.Czas trwania: 14 minut 27 sekund04 Pobieranie danych od uytkownikaFilm prezentuje sposoby pobierania danych od uytkownika za pomoc konsoli systemowej. Omwiono tutaj pobierania penych zda jak, rwnie detekcj wcinicia pojedynczego klawisza.Czas trwania: 6 minut 23 sekundy05 Typ wyliczeniowyNa filmie omwiony zosta szczegowo typ wyliczeniowy, bardzo czsto stosowany w przypadku aplikacji korzystajcych z graficznego interfejsu uytkownika.Czas trwania: 5 minut06 RzutowanieFilm omawia zagadnienie rzutowania zmiennych oraz przedstawia jego wykorzystanie dla typu wyliczeniowego.Czas trwania: 2 minuty 46 sekund07 Konwersja typwFilm przedstawia sposoby konwersji typw danych przechowywanych przez zmienne oraz najczciej popeniane bdy podczas jej stosowania.Czas trwania: 16 minut 21 sekund08 Opakowywanie i rozpakowywanie typuNa filmie przedstawiono proces opakowywania i rozpakowywania typw.Czas trwania: 6 minut 14 sekund09 Operatory arytmetyczneNa filmie omwiono szczegowo operatory arytmetyczne oraz bdy najczciej popeniane podczas ich stosowania.Czas trwania: 10 minut 58 sekund10 Operatory bitoweFilm ten szczegowo omawia operatory bitowe na przykadzie pojedynczych bitw, jak rwnie caych liczb.Czas trwania: 10 minut 34 sekund11 Operatory relacjiKolejny film dotyczcy operatorw tym razem omwione zostan operatory relacji czsto nazywane operatorami porwnania.Czas trwania: 2 minuty 55 sekund12 Operatory logiczneFilm prezentuje operatory logiczne oraz przygotowuje nas do tworzenia warunkw.Czas trwania: 6 minut 25 sekund13 Operator warunkowyNa filmie pokazano w jaki sposb za pomoc operatora warunkowego i operatorw logicznych moemy okrela, ktry fragment kodu zostanie wykonany.Czas trwania: 3 minuty 44 sekundy14 Operatory przypisaniaFilm prezentuje operator przypisania oraz operatory powstae z poczenia z nim, umoliwiajce uproszczenie kodu.Czas trwania: 5 minut 16 sekund15 Pre oraz post inkrementacja i dekrementacjaNa filmie tym pokazano rnic midzy operatorami pre i post inkrementacji oraz dekrementacji.Czas trwania: 6 minut 21 sekund16 TabliceFilm zaznajamia nas z zagadnieniem tablic jedno i wielowymiarowych. Dowiemy si take, jak w programie odczytywa podstawowe informacje o tablicach, takie jak ilo wymiarw czy ilo elementw w kadym z wymiarw. Dodatkowo poznamy sposb na prawidowe kopiowanie zawartoci tablicy.Czas trwania: 17 minut 13 sekund17 Aplikacja Windows FormsNadszed czas na bardziej zaawansowane zagadnienia. Kolejny film omawia szczegowo tworzenie aplikacji z graficznym interfejsem uytkownika. Omwione tutaj zostay najczciej uywane kontrolki oraz ich najwaniejsze waciwoci. Na filmie zaprezentowane zostay podstawy dotyczce modelu programowania zdarzeniowego. Dalsza cz kursu bdzie oparta wycznie na tym modelu stopniowo dostarczajc nam bardziej zaawansowanych zagadnie.Czas trwania: 27 minut 53 sekund18 Ptla FORFilm omawia bardzo popularny algorytm iteracyjny. Oprcz przykadu jego standardowego zastosowania przedstawiono tutaj take wersj z kilkoma zmiennymi licznikowymi oraz najczstsze bdy popeniane podczas jego stosowania.Czas trwania: 10 minut 42 sekundy19 Instrukcja wyboru warunkowego IF ELSETym razem zapoznamy si z bardziej zoonym algorytmem warunkowym, ktry w poczeniu z wczeniej poznanymi operatorami logicznymi pozwoli na tworzenie znacznie bardziej rozbudowanych programw.Czas trwania: 16 minut20 Symbole sterujceNa filmie pokazano, w jaki sposb za pomoc symboli sterujcych umieszczanych w cigu tekstowym, moemy formatowa wywietlany tekst.Czas trwania: 6 minut 48 sekund21 Typ znaku i warunki zagniedoneFilm ten prezentuje metody pozwalajce sprawdzi jakiego typu jest pojedynczy znak. Dziki poczeniu metod z wczeniej poznanymi instrukcjami warunkowymi, utworzymy program analizujcy dane wprowadzone przez uytkownika.Czas trwania: 19 minut 4 sekundy22 Okno dialogowe MessageBoxKolejny film omawia bardzo szczegowo statyczn klas MessageBox, pozwalajc nie tylko na proste wywietlenie okna modalnego z informacj, ale take na komunikacj z uytkownikiem za pomoc konfigurowalnych przyciskw .Czas trwania: 16 minut 56 sekund23 Kilka wasnych okien w aplikacjiJeli podczas tworzenia aplikacji okno dialogowe generowane przez statyczn klas MessageBox okae si niewystarczajce do penej komunikacji z uytkownikiem, moemy utworzy wasne. Film ten pokazuje bardzo dokadnie, jak stworzy wasne okno, jak je wywietli w sposb modalny i niemodalny oraz w jaki sposb przekazywa informacje midzy oknami. Omwione zostay take najczciej popeniane bdy.Czas trwania: 32 minuty 53 sekundy24 Operacje tekstowePotrafimy ju pobiera dane od uytkownika zarwno w konsoli jak i za pomoc interfejsu graficznego. Film ten prezentuje w szczegowy sposb metody do analizy cigw tekstowych, co umoliwi nam jeszcze bardziej elastyczn komunikacj z uytkownikiem oraz przetwarzanie rnego rodzaju plikw tekstowych.Czas trwania: 32 minuty 22 sekundy25 Ptla FOREACHFilm zapoznaje nas z ptlforeachbardzo uyteczn w przypadku zoonych typw danych (np. tablice).Czas trwania: 4 minuty 17 sekund26 Ptla warunkowa DO WHILETym razem pod lup bierzemy ptl warunkowdo while.Czas trwania: 3 minuty 45 sekund27 Ptla warunkowa WHILEFilm omawia ptl warunkowwhileoraz rnice w stosunku do ptlido while.Czas trwania: 5 minut 45 sekund28 Sterowanie ptl za pomoc instrukcji BREAK i CONTINUENa filmie omwiono instrukcjebreakorazcontinueza pomoc ktrych mona wyj z dowolnej ptli lub pomin jeden z jej przebiegw.Czas trwania: 4 minuty 56 sekund29 Instrukcja SWITCHFilm omawia instrukcj wielokrotnego wyboruswitchna przykadzie algorytmu odrniajcego samogoski od spgosek.Czas trwania: 13 minut 29 sekund30 Przechwytywanie i rzucanie wyjtkwFilm omawia szczegowo sposoby przechwytywania wyjtkw, ktre domylnie powoduj przerwanie pracy programu. Omwiono take sposoby wywoywania okrelonych wyjtkw oraz najpopularniejsze ich klasy.Czas trwania: 20 minut 58 sekund31 ZdarzeniaNa filmie szczegowo omwiono najczciej wystpujce zdarzenia formatki i kontrolek.Czas trwania: 42 minuty 47 sekund32 Klasy (pola, konstruktor, metody, destruktor)Film bardzo szczegowo omawia podstawy dotyczce klas i tworzenia na ich podstawie obiektw. Informacje tu zawarte s niezbdne dla sprawnego programowania obiektowego.Czas trwania: 27 minut 33 sekundy33 Przekazywanie argumentwFilm demonstruje sposoby przekazywania argumentw do metod klasy. Poznamy tutaj sposb przekazywania zmiennej iloci argumentw, przekazywania przez warto, przez referencj oraz przez wyjcie.Czas trwania: 13 minut 57 sekund34 Dziedziczenie, przecianie i przesanianieKolejny bardzo wany dla skutecznego programowania obiektowego film. Omwiono tutaj zagadnienia dziedziczenia, przeciania i przesaniania metod oraz sposoby odwoywania si do metod przesonitych lub przecionych.Czas trwania: 31 minut 29 sekund35 Interfejsy i modyfikatory override oraz virtualFilm pozwala wzbogaci informacje dotyczce dziedziczenia, takie jak implementacja interfejsw czy metody wirtualne.Czas trwania: 20 minut 40 sekund36 Statyczne pola, metody i klasyPrzy omawianiu klasy MessageBox mona byo zauway jej wyjtkowo. Film ten omawia proces tworzenia wanie takich elementw.Czas trwania: 14 minut 40 sekund37 Waciwoci klasyFilm omawia sposb w jaki moemy uzyska kontrol nad danymi wprowadzanymi i odczytywanymi z pl klasy.Czas trwania: 9 minut 7 sekund38 ThisFilm omawia operatorthiswskazujcy instancj klasy w ktrej jest stosowany.Czas trwania: 6 minut 58 sekund39 DelegacjeFilm omawia tzw.delegatypozwalajce na wskazywanie metod w podobny sposb, jak instancje i klasy.Czas trwania: 12 minut 6 sekund40 StrukturyStruktury w jzykuC#s bardzo podobne do klas. Film skupia si przede wszystkim na zaprezentowaniu zalet stosowania struktur .Czas trwania: 8 minut 7 sekund41 Data i czas (UTC i lokalny)Film prezentuje klasy pozwalajce przechowywa i operowa na danych daty i czasu.Czas trwania: 22 minuty 33 sekund42 Wtki (BackgroundWorker)Film szczegowo omawiajcy obiekt klasyBackgroundWorkerpozwalajcy na wspbiene wykonywanie kodu.Czas trwania: 16 minut 9 sekund43 Obiekt TimerFilm szczegowo omawiajcy obiekt klasyTimerpozwalajcy na cykliczne wykonywanie kodu w okrelonych odstpach czasu.Czas trwania: 10 minut 39 sekund44 GrafikaFilm omawia metody klasyGraphicspozwalajcej na rysowanie ksztatw i obrazw po skojarzonym obszarze, ktrym moe by np. powierzchnia formatki lub kontrolki.Czas trwania: 52 minuty 35 sekund45 Zapis i odczyt z pliku oraz OpenFileDialog i SaveFileDialogFilm prezentuje sposoby odczytu i zapisu danych do pliku. Omwione zostay take obiekty klasy OpenFileDialog i SaveFileDialog pozwalajce na wywietlenie systemowego okna wyboru plikw do odczytu lub zapisu.Czas trwania: 28 minut 55 sekund46 Operacje na folderach i plikachFilm omawia klasy pozwalajce na odczyt i modyfikacj danych o plikach i folderach.Czas trwania: 25 minut 22 sekundy47 Pole tekstowe z wzorcem MaskedTextBoxFilm omawia obiekt klasyMaskedTextBoxsucy do wprowadzania hase.Czas trwania: 15 minut 37 sekund48 Pola typu RadioButon i CheckBox oraz obiekt grupujcy GroupBoxFilm omawia kontrolki pozwalajce na przeczanie lub wybr opcji przez uytkownika.Czas trwania: 21 minut 15 sekund49 Lista prosta i selekcji (ListBox i CheckedListBox)Film omawia kontrolki prezentujce dane w postaci listy oraz listy pl wyboru.Czas trwania: 27 minut50 Lista rozwijana ComboBoxFilm omawia kontrolk prezentujc dane w postaci rozwijanej listy.Czas trwania: 12 minut 58 sekund51 KalendarzFilm omawia kontrolki suce do prezentacji oraz pobierania od uytkownika danych daty i godziny. Omwiono tutaj take tworzenie wasnego formatu daty i godziny.Czas trwania: 20 minut 4 sekundy52 Zakadki TabControlFilm omawia kontrolki klasy TabControl i TabPages pozwalajce grupowa pozostae kontrolki osobnych zakadkach.Czas trwania: 33 minut 27 sekund53 Drzewo TreeViewFilm omawia kontrolk klasy TreeView prezentujc dane w postaci drzewa.Czas trwania: 18 minut 50 sekund54 Lista zoona ListViewFilm omawia kontrolk klasy ListView pozwalajc prezentowa dane w wielu formatach z podziaem na grupy i doczon grafik.Czas trwania: 29 minut 56 sekund55 01 Kolekcja ListFilm omawia kolekcj typulistidentyfikujc dane w podobny sposb do tablic za pomoc kolejnych indeksw.Czas trwania: 10 minut 24 sekundy55 02 Kolekcja DictionaryFilm omawia kolekcj typudictionaryidentyfikujc dane za pomoc kluczy.Czas trwania: 8 minut 43 sekundy55 03 Kolekcja QueueFilm omawia kolekcj typuqueuedziaajc na zasadzie kolejki bufora typu FIFO.Czas trwania: 7 minut 20 sekund55 04 Kolekcja StackFilm omawia kolekcj typustackdziaajc na zasadzie stosu bufora typu LIFO.Czas trwania: 2 minuty 26 sekund56 Przelicznik walutFilm prezentuje krok po kroku, w jaki sposb wykorzystujc kolekcje, operacje, zapis i odczyt oraz kontrolki TabControl i TabPage stworzy praktyczny przelicznik walut.Czas trwania: 57 minut 19 sekund57 Sprawdzanie numerw NIP,PESEL,REGON i EANFilm prezentuje krok po kroku w jaki sposb wykorzystujc operatory bitowe i odpowiednie zdarzenia, stworzy program sprawdzajcy na bieco poprawno numerw NIP, PESEL, REGON oraz EAN.Czas trwania: 23 minuty 6 sekund58 Edytor tekstu formatowanegoFilm prezentuje krok po kroku, w jaki sposb wykorzystujc poznane wczeniej kontrolki oraz kontrolk klasyRichTextBoxstworzy program, pozwalajcy na edycj tekstu formatowanego, podobny do programu wordpad.Czas trwania: 36 minut 25 sekund59 Wasna przegldarka internetowaFilm prezentuje krok po kroku, w jaki sposb wykorzystujc kontrolk klasyWebBrowserstworzy przegldark internetow z wasnym interfejsem uytkownika. Omwiona zostaa tu take kontrolka klasyToolStrip.Czas trwania: 38 minut 34 sekundy"
Price: 84.99

"Kurs Access Video" |
"Kurs Access Video przeznaczony jest dla osb, ktre nie miay wczeniej stycznoci z bazami danych, jak rwnie dla osb, ktre posiadaj podstawow wiedz z zakresu tworzenia baz danych, chciayby j usystematyzowa i rozbudowa.Wszelkie zagadnienia przedstawione s w sposb przejrzysty, poparty przykadami. Dziki temu, uytkownik moe po zapoznaniu si kursem bez problemu stworzy rozbudowan baz danych przydatn zarwno w firmie jak i yciu prywatnym.Do czego moesz wykorzysta baz danych?przyjmowanie zamwie klientw;tworzenie bazy towarowej;tworzenie wasnych encyklopedii i sownikw;gromadzenie danych kontaktowych;spis filmw, muzyki czy ksiek;zarzdzanie magazynem;spis przedmiotw kolekcjonerskich;raportowanie i wiele innychSpis filmw zawartych na kursie:01 Tworzenie nowej bazy danych czas trwania: 11 minut 38 sekund02 Tworzenie tabel czas trwania:10 minut 31 sekund03 Maska wprowadzania czas trwania: 12 minut 59 sekund04 Klucz podstawowy czas trwania: 7 minut 9 sekund05 Pole wymagane czas trwania: 2 minuty 18 sekund06 Warto domylna pola czas trwania: 4 minuty 2 sekundy07 Odnoniki czas trwania: 14 minut 15 sekund08 Relacje czas trwania: 9 minut 54 sekundy09 Sumy czas trwania: 4 minuty 18 sekund10 Filtrowanie i sortowanie czas trwania: 3 minuty 11 sekund11 Filtrowanie wedug formularza czas trwania: 2 minuty 41 sekund12 Filtr zaznaczenia czas trwania: 3 minuty 24 sekundy13 Ukrywanie pl czas trwania: 1 minuta 36 sekund14 Kreator kwerendy czas trwania: 3 minuty 10 sekund15 Dodawanie elementu podrzdnego do kwerendy czas trwania: 2 minuty 41 sekund16 Tworzenie kwerendy od podstaw w widoku projektu czas trwania: 6 minut 20 sekund17 Kwerenda grupujca czas trwania: 5 minut 20 sekund18 Kwerenda krzyowa czas trwania: 5 minut 15 sekund19 Kwerenda tworzca czas trwania: 4 minuty 4 sekundy20 Kwerenda doczajca czas trwania: 3 minuty 10 sekund21 Kwerenda aktualizujca czas trwania: 3 minuty 31 sekund22 Kwerenda usuwajca czas trwania: 2 minuty 12 sekund23 Kwerenda parametryczna czas trwania: 5 minut 1 sekunda24 Symbole zastpcze w kwerendzie czas trwania: 5 minut 24 sekundy25 Szybkie tworzenie formularzy czas trwania: 5 minut 13 sekund26 Tworzenie formularza od podstaw czas trwania: 13 minut 48 sekund27 Dodawanie podformularza czas trwania: 8 minut 9 sekund28 Blokowanie pl formularza czas trwania: 3 minuty 57 sekund29 Formularz nawigacji czas trwania: 2 minuty 17 sekund30 Automatycznie otwierany formularz czas trwania: 1 minuta 31 sekund31 Kolejno tabulacji czas trwania: 4 minuty 22 sekundy32 Szybkie tworzenie i edycja raportu czas trwania: 5 minut 46 sekund33 Grupowanie i sumowanie danych raportu czas trwania: 7 minut 1 sekunda34 Tworzenie raportu od podstaw czas trwania: 10 minut 53 sekundy35 Podraport czas trwania: 7 minut 52 sekundy36 Ostateczne poprawki czas trwania: 5 minut 45 sekundczny czas trwania filmw: 3 godziny 30 minutKurs oparty jest o wersj Accessa z 2013 roku."
Price: 189.99

"Kurs QuarkXPress" |
"Co to jest QuarkXPress?To jedno z najczciej wykorzystywanych narzdzi do przygotowywania publikacji do druku przez agencj reklamowe, wydawnictwa i drukarnie. QuarkXPress swoj funkcjonalno zawdzicza bogatej historii i ulepszaniom programu ju od 1987 roku. Oprcz typowych funkcji DTP, QuarkXPress umoliwia tworzenie serwisw internetowych z wykorzystaniem takich technologii jak Flash, arkusza stylw CSS, czy jzyka HTML.W kursie QuarkXPress Video od zupenych podstaw stworzymy profesjonaln ulotk reklamow, omawiajc przy tym najwaniesze funkcj programu oraz zagadnienia zwizane z wydrukiem stworzonego dokumentu. Osoba prowadzca kurs od 8 lat wsppracuje z najwikszymi agencjami reklamowymi na terenie Polski i za granic.Dlaczego DTP (stworzenie projektu i przygotowanie do wydruku) jest tak istotnym elementem pracy wspczesnych firm, wydawnictw i agencji reklamowych?Ulotka drukowana w chwili obecnej jest najsilniejszym narzdziem reklamowym pod wzgldem cena/skuteczno dziaania. Jest to jedna z nielicznych reklam stosowna przez wszystkie rodzaje firm oraz innego rodzaju instytucje bez wzgldu na ich wielko.Zastanw si przez chwil jak moesz wykorzysta profesjonaln ulotk do reklamowania wasnej dziaalnoci? A moe chcesz poszerzy swoje kwalifikacje o znajomo najpopularniejszego programu DTP QuarkXpress? W obu przypadkach powiniene skorzysta z kursu video, ktry w prosty sposb przekae Ci niezbdn wiedz.Do czego moesz wykorzysta QuarkXPress?projektowanie ulotektworzenie gazet i innych publikacjiprojektowanie serwisw internetowychprojektowanie wizytwekprojektowanie ksieki wiele innych"
Price: 69.99

"Microsoft Excel Tehokyttjksi alle 3 tunnissa" |
"Tll kurssilla opit Excelin kaikkein trkeimmt tykalut ja ominaisuudet, joilla tehostat Excelin kyttsi huomattavasti.Tm Excel-kurssi on tarkoitettu sinulle, joka kytt Exceli usein tyss, koulussa tai vapaa-ajalla, ja haluat vied osaamisesi uudelle tasolle. Kurssin aikana opit luomaan svyttvi taulukoita ja nopeuttamaan Excelin kytt. 2,5 tunnin mittaisella kurssilla kydn lpi Excelin trkeimmt tykalut ja toiminnot, sek miten opittuja asioita voi hydynt jokapivisten taulukoiden tekemisess. Kurssin on rakennettu siten, ett sen aikana rakennetaan kolme erilaista taulukkoa, joita voit kytt sellaisinaan mys kurssin jlkeen. Uskon, ett tekemll oppii parhaiten, mink takia jokaisen videon yhteydest voit ladata kyttsi videolla muokattavan Excel-tiedoston. Annan videoilla ehdotuksia ja esimerkkej, miten opittuja taitoja voi hydynt mys kurssin ulkopuolella. Opetusmateriaali keskittyy kytnnnlheisyyteen ja kannustankin tyttmn tykirjaa videoiden mukana. Kurssin rakenne: Kurssin ensimminen osio ky lpi Excelin kytn perusteita. Toisessa osiossa tutustutaan erilaisiin taulukon rakentamista helpottaviin ja nopeuttaviin tykaluihin, kuten taulukon tytttykalu AutoFill sek pikanppimi liikkumiseen ja solujen valintaan. Kolmannessa osiossa opetamme, kuinka tekstitiedostosta voi ktevsti siirt tietoja Exceliin, ja muotoilla niist selken ja helposti selattavan Excel-taulukon. Kurssin neljnness osiossa perehdytn tykaluihin, joiden avulla taulukoiden muokkaaminen ja jrjestely helpottuvat huomattavasti. Osiossa tutustutaan lisksi hieman vaativampiin kaavoihin, joiden avulla voidaan esimerkiksi poimia haluttuja tietoja suuresta tietomrst ja koota tiedosta helposti luettava yhteenveto. Voit aina esitt Excel aiheisia kysymyksi Q&A osiossa, jos jokin j kurssilla epselvksi Kurssilla kytvi asioita: Exceliss liikkumisen Tietojen syttmisen Taulukon rakentamisen Tyskentely nopeuttavat nppinkomennot Lukujen muotoilun (esim. pivmrt, kellonajat) Etsi ja korvaa -toiminnon, jolla voit etsi arvoja ja korvata ne uudella AutoFill ja FlashFill -tykalut, jotka nopeuttavat taulukoiden tytt Peruskaavat (esim. SUMMA, KESKIARVO, LASKE) Tekstin erottelun eri sarakkeisiin sek yhdistmisen samaan soluun Suhteellisen ja absoluuttisen vertauksen Vaativampaan tietojen laskemiseen ja muokkaamiseen liittyvt kaavat (esim. LASKE.JOS, SUMMA.JOS) Etsimn ja poistamaan kaksoiskappaleet Suuren tietomrn muuntamisen nyttviksi ja helppolukuisiksi kaavioiksi Tietojen rajoittamisen, jonka avulla voit mritt, mit arvoja soluihin voi sytt Ehdollisen muotoilun, jolla voit muuttaa solun muotoilua, jos se tytt asettamasi ehdot "
Price: 99.99

"Android Dependency Injection with Dagger 2" |
"Many professional Android developers use Dagger 2 dependency injection framework to build clean and maintainable Android applications. Dependency injection is one of the most fundamental and beneficial architectural pattern in object-oriented design, and it is used extensively in Android world.After completing this course you'll know what dependency injection is and how to use Dagger 2 dependency injection framework. You'll understand that dependency injection is not about frameworks, annotations, reflection or code generation, but aboutthe fundamental design and architecture of your Android apps.You'll realize that dependency injection is not black magic and that all real-world Android applications, even the simplest ones, can benefit from it.Even though the end goal of this course is to teach you Dagger 2, I will also show you how to implement so-called Pure Dependency Injection in Android without using any third-party libraries at all. This will allow you to fully understand and appreciate the role of dependency injection frameworks.Professional gradeFrom fundamentals to best practicesOptimized for experienced Android developersNon-trivial examplesConciseSource code on GitHub with step-by-step commits history for easier reviewJust like any other tool, dependency injection frameworks can bevery helpful in Android development, or be misused. Therefore, while there are many alternative ways to use Dagger 2 in your applications, not all of them are equally good. This course will spare you a lot of time because you'll quickly learn how to integrate Dagger 2 into Android applications to achieve the best structure optimized for long term maintainability. This approach was tested in many professional commercial projects and it produces outstanding results.So, if you want to learn what dependency injection is and how to use Dagger 2 to develop clean and maintainable Android applications - this course is for you.I cant wait to see you inside."
Price: 99.99

"Android Unit Testing and Test Driven Development" |
"This course will teach you all you need to know about Unit Testing and Test Driven Development in Android applications. It's designed to get you up and running with unit testing using Android Studio and JUnit in no time by working through a series of carefully crafted hands-on exercises.What's unit testing?Unit testing is a practice of writing narrowly scoped automated tests to ensure correctness of your production code. These automated tests allow you to write code that has fewer bugs and issafer to work with in the long term. If you do unit testing, you can write higher quality Android applications that are easier to maintain.What's test driven development?Test driven development (TDD) is a set of special unit testing techniques that mandate writing the tests before the production code. While TDDmight look complicated on the first sight, I'll show you that it's actually the easiest way to do unit testing.What's the importance of unit testing in Android?Unit testing is widely considered one of the most important skills for senior Android developers to have. It's a great investment into medium- and long-term professional career growth.If bugs slip into your Android application, it can be very challenging to locate and fix them. Furthermore, even after you fix the bugs, it can take days or even weeks until all your users update the app to actually receive these fixes. That's a tough reality of professional Android developer's job. Fortunately, you can greatly reduce the number of bugs in your applications by unit testing your code!To make your applications unit testable, you'll need to write decoupled code that follows best design principles. This automatically guarantees easier long-term maintenance. In addition, unit testing makes developing Android applications easier and spares a lot of time when done right.Why you should take this course:This course is designed to introduce you to professional grade Android unit testing in the shortest amount of time. I assume that you already know Java and have experience building Android apps. Therefore, this course will not waste your time on Java and Android basics.You'll practice what you learn in this course with carefully designed exercises and gradually build up your unit testing skill. This course is aimed at professional Android developers who have no prior experience in unit testing. However, I'm confident that even experienced Android unit testers will find much new and valuable information in it.So, if you're interested in learning professional grade unit testing in Android apps - this course is for you."
Price: 99.99

"Electrical Distribution Course" |
"In the course you will learn the following: General over view about consulting work. Lighting Basics IP classification Lighting system calculation (indoor) manual calculation Lighting system calculation (computerized) by DIALUX program Load Estimation Electrical Spaces Calculation Lighting Switches AUTOCAD for Electrical Engineers Sockets Types and furnished on AUTOCAD Wiring Circuits Panel loading Scheduling Load balancing and Demand and Diversity Factors Transformers Types and Sizing Calculation Generators Types and Sizing Calculation UPS Electrical Loads Types SLD SLD and Sequence Of Operation Circuit Breakers Types and Sizing Cables and Sizing Calculations Voltage Drop Calculations Short Circuit Calculations Automatic Power factor Calculations"
Price: 39.99

"Great PowerPoint Presentations" |
"In this lesson, you will learn your way around thePowerPoint environmentPowerPoint uses slides to build apresentation. To create an engaging presentation, PowerPoint allows you to add text, bulleted lists, images, charts, and video to your slides. You can add as many slides as you want to a presentation, and at any time you can view or play back your presentation by selecting one of the slide show play options"
Price: 19.99

"DIY PR pitching 101 - getting press coverage... for free!" |
"Have you launched a new product? Are you celebrating a business milestone? Have you got some great advice to share?Do you have another story you're itching to share with the media? WOULD YOU LIKE MEDIA PUBLICITY FOR YOUR BUSINESS, WORTH HUNDREDS, IF NOTTHOUSANDS, BUT DON'T HAVE THE BIG ADVERTISING BUDGET?If you said 'yes' to any of the above,you needthis course!""Halima's practical pitching tips gave me the confidence to pitch my news storyto a journalist, resulting in a full page spread in my local paper that would have cost hundreds of pounds.""Louise, digital business ownerThis course has given me the confidence and insight I need to get my story in the press,including a literal explanation of what I should say to a journalist when they pick up the phone so they dont hang up on me! Highly recommend. Kulsuma, Udemy studentWhen it comes to pitching to a journalist, you only really get one shot...So give yourself the best chance with this DIY pitching 101 crash course.This quick, and easily digestible course enables you toget into the mind of a journalistto better understand what they need. There are a treasure trove of real pitch templates which you can copy and edit, to ensure that your story ispitch perfect.As a bonus - to help you further with that first approach, there's a detailed video all abouthow to approach journalists, right down to getting that email right, to ensure that you greatly increase your chances of a positive response.So if you've got a story that you've been waiting to pitch to the media, give yourself the best chance of getting it right with this DIY pitching 101 crash course.This course is relatable to EVERY sector, and applies to EVERY country, as it reveals the core principles every good PR expert swears by.It's also ideal for anyonelooking to carvea lucrative career in PR, and want to gain some really practical, real world experience that University or an internship can't provide.Best of all, as you have lifetime online access, you can learn in your own time, whilst still running your business.There's no classroom theory here, it's all practical and packed full of real, relatable examples of media coverage I've secured, and the full curriculum is below, so you can see for yourself exactly what you're getting."
Price: 59.99

"PR Storyfinding 101" |
"Would you love to get your business featured in the press, TV or online media without paying a fortune in advertising? The answer is surely, yes! Well, thats exactly what PR is, earned, credible coverage. However, are you unsure whether journalists would be interested in your business, or are you in the dark as to what area of your business is newsworthy? Then youre not alone. Many small businesses and start-upsfeel that the media would have no interest in what theyve got to say. However, your business can get media coverage, but it all boils down to what stories you have to tell.This quick-fire course, taken from my bigger PR 101, clearly shows you the kind of stories you have in your business, which will help you gain amazing PR coverage.To make it even easier, Ive laid out real, relatable examples of PR coverage I have secured for clients.Perfect for small businesses and start-ups, this in-depth PR Storyfinding101 coursetells you what other PR agencies wont - how to secure free, credible and invaluable media coverage for your brand.There's no classroom theory here, it's all real world expertise that you can use to find multiple stories in your business, that will gain s of free publicity.Why I created this courseI created this DIY PR online course to help businesses like yours reap the benefits of PR, without having to spend a fortune on an agency. As a small business owner (with a background in journalism and 10+ years in PR)myself,I understand that being lean is key, but at the same time, you need to invest to grow and market your brand. So this course is the perfect solution - rather than investing money and outsourcing your PR, you're investing in yourself by doing your own."
Price: 29.99

"O nico curso de memorizao publicado na UDEMY comprovado por Alberto Dell'Isola (campeo e recordista latino americano de memorizao) e o primeiro brasileiro a participar do (campeonato mundial de memria)!Aprenda tcnicas j consagradas em pases como Inglaterra, Estados Unidos, Nova Zelndia e tambm utilizadas por grandes organizaes como a Disney, a Apple e a Nasa.CONHEA AS MESMAS TCNICAS APLICADAS POR AUTORIDADES EM HABILIDADES MNEMNICAS), COMO:* O britnico, (octocampeo mundial de memria) e mentatleta, Ben Pridmore;* O britnico especialista em mnemnica e recordista do (Livro Guinness dos Recordes), Dominic O'Brien;* O norte-americano e (especialista na rea de estudos da memria), Harry Lorayne.EXPERIMENTE a METODOLOGIA APROVADA por mais de (45.000 ALUNOS SATISFEITOS), que j foram treinados pessoalmente pelo especialista e instrutor ""ROBINSON GESSONI!"" Seo 1 (Tcnicas fundamentais)Aula 1. Autodiagnstico de memria + Material para download + Recursos externos;Aula 2. O que memria humana + Teste de Memoria + Dicas de Ouro;Aula 3. Como as memrias so formadas;Aula 4. Como memorizar termos tcnicos + Material para download + Recurso externo;Aula 5. Como memorizar Ttulos, Captulos e de textos diversos;Aula 6. Como Memorizar Nomes + material para download (Bnus);Aula 7. Como memorizar Palavras-chave + Material para download;Aula 8. Como memorizar listas de itens, compromissos, atividades + Recurso externo;Aula 9. Como memorizar: senhas, cdigos e nmeros telefnicos;Aula 10. Como Memorizar frmulas e tabelas (Bnus);Aula 11. Como ativar o crebro aplicando a ""ginstica cerebral"" (Bnus);Aula 12. Encerramento das tcnicas fundamentais.Seo 2 (Tcnicas Avanadas)Aula 13. Apresentao de tcnicas avanadas do curso;Aula 14. Melhorando o desempenho mental por meio do relaxamento + Materiais para download;Aula 15. Exerccios e testes de concentrao + Materiais para download + Recurso externo;Aula 16. Aprenda o Mapa mental + Materiais para download + Recursos externos;Aula 17. Como escolher palavras-chave para produzir um mapa mental;Aula 18. Como produzir um mapa mental (passo a passo);Aula 19. Como estudar e revisar matrias de forma eficiente (Bnus);Aula 20. Como memorizar conceitos tcnicos e matrias diversas de forma simples e eficaz;Aula 21. Como memorizar o calendrio anual (Bnus);Aula 22. Conhea os cdigos dos anos de 1900 a 2100 para aplicar na tcnica do calendrio;Aula 23. Como memorizar artigos e incisos + Material para download + Recurso externo;Aula 24. Dicas de ouro para Memorizao de Vocbulos em outros idiomas - (Bnus);Aula 25. Encerramento das tcnicas avanadas + Recursos Externos;Aula 26 - PODEROSA TCNICA DE MEMRIA IMPRESSIONA 3000 PESSOAS no TJ SP (BNUS);Aula 27 - Tcnica incrvel de memria ensinada para quase 3000 pessoas (Bnus).DEPOIMENTOS DE ALGUNS ALUNO DO CURSO:***** Marcos Schmitt da Silva - Excelentes tcnicas, excelente professor! Recomendo.***** Hugo Diego Araujo da Silva - Curso apresenta bom custo benefcio, recomendo a todos.***** MRocel - timo curso, com tcnicas que realmente ajudam no dia a dia e at no trabalho.***** Lucas Henrique Barros da Silva - Gostei muito. Um conhecimento magnfico para se ter e levar pra vida inteira!***** Marjory Rocha Oliveira Mota Pantoja - O curso superou todas s expectativas, timo investimento para quem precisa.. A tcnica do encadeamento incrvel..***** Luciano Nasso - Curso de altssima qualidade e de informaes imprescindveis para quem quer ter uma tima memria!***** Allan Carvalho - Excelente, aprendi novas tcnicas e o instrutor realmente fez jus ao material que foi ensinado, obrigado !!!***** Othon Moraes - Muito bom, a qualidade do video e audio excelente, s perdendo para a qualidade do contedo. Muito bom o curso, indico a todos!***** Ismar Souza- Contedo fundamental para quem quer entender melhor sobre o funcionamento da memria e como melhor-la. O Robinson apresenta tcnicas fundamentais de memorizao de uma forma cativante e muito clara. Com certeza recomendo o curso.***** Leila Adriano Ostoyke - Estou apenas comeando o curso mas a qualidade tcnica e didtica do curso visvel! Alm disso, conta-se com um instrutor competente e experiente na sua rea de atuao. Parabns pelo curso Robinson e muito obrigada por compartilhar teu conhecimento conosco! ***** Larissa Pereira - O curso muito bom a tcnica do encadeamento curiosa, porque chega um momento que voc acha que no vai mais lembrar, porm depois consegue! muito bom!***** Hosan Dantas - um curso extremamente til para as demandas atuais; o contedo contribui muito para as ferramentas de aprendizagens de uma maneira geral. O instrutor demonstra muito conhecimento e tem uma didtica excelente.***** Marcia - O curso excelente, o professor muito didtico e demonstra total domnio do contedo... Recomendo a todos que assistam. Em um mundo onde h uma infinidade de informaes, aprender estas tcnicas tornou minha vida mais fcil e produtiva. Gratido ao professor Robinson por compartilhar conosco seu conhecimento e experincia.****** Leandro - Excelente curso. Mostra de maneira simples como aumentar de forma significativa o nosso desempenho mental para as diversas tarefas que precisamos executar em nossas vidas profissionais e pessoais.***** Sandromir - Excelente curso que j me faz mudar de atitude e melhorar minha performance pessoal e profissional. Recomendo a todos!***** Adriano - O Curso didtico e de fcil compreenso. As tcnicas ensinadas pelo Professor Robinson so excelentes, aplicveis no dia-a-dia. Com este curso, aumentarei meu grau de conscincia, percepo, concentrao e memria. Indico para todas as pessoas que desejam melhorar sua capacidade de memorizao e concentrao!***** Fbio de Oliveira Antunes - Excelente curso de Memorizao com professor Robinson Gessoni.Depois que fiz este maravilhoso curso comecei a colocar todos exerccios e ensinamentos em prtica melhorei muito as imagens mentais grudam na memria mesmo se voc quiser esquecer depois fica difcil rsrs.Robinson tem excelente dico e muito didtico explica tcnicas com calma sem pressa, domina o assunto e tambm muito atencioso para tirar dvidas .Eu s tenho que agradecer ao Robinson por este curso maravilhoso espero que ele crie outros cursos eu particularmente gostaria fazer um curso sobre Mapas mentais com Prof. Robinson parabns !Obrigado!***** Manoel Alcides Nogueira de Sousa - O ""Curso de Memorizao e Concentrao"" de autoria do Prof. Robinson Gessoni, revela-se como um conjunto de metodologias eficazes ao aproveitamento eficiente do estudo individual ou em equipe. Essas metodologias resultantes em magnficas tcnicas aplicadas nos diversos campos de conhecimento proporcionam uma aprendizagem adequada, em menos tempo e menor esforo cognitivo, consistente nos recursos psicolgicos, tais como: memrias, ateno, percepo, compreenso, raciocnio e criatividade na resoluo de diversos problemas. Excelente instrumento para executivos, profissionais do direito, pedagogos, oradores, locutores, palestrantes, concurseiros, estudantes e interessados, no apenas na leitura, mas sobre tudo em armazenar conhecimentos tcnicos e cultura geral. A forma pela qual o apresentador transmite os conhecimentos, de modo descontrado e senso de humor, torna-se esse curso divertido e fcil de assimilar, segundo suas tcnicas e linguagem associativa fomentando ao mundo cotidiano das pessoas, onde a OBSERVAO e ATENO, entre outras virtudes, esto em destaques a se desenvolver e treinar para uma boa comunicao. Parabns ao Prof. Robinson, pelo Curso, e obrigado pela significativa colorao! MANS.METODOLOGIA APLICADA NO CURSO:O Instrutor Robinson Gessoni, por meio da Programao Neurolingustica (PNL) conduz o curso, utilizando uma linguagem leve, objetiva e uma abordagem ldica, para que voc tenha mais bom humor, prazer e satisfao na absoro ou produo de conhecimento. Para muitos psiclogos, pedagogos e psicopedagogos, por meio de atividades ldicas que o trabalho realizado e a memorizao de fatos e dados, informaes e conhecimentos so internalizados e consolidados de forma significativa e efetiva.Trata-se de um (curso intensivo), para o (nvel iniciante), com uma uma carga horria enxuta, utilizada exclusivamente para tratar de tcnicas de fcil aplicao prtica! Este curso possui a melhor ""relao custo benefcio"" sobre o tema proposto para quem possui real interesse em obter resultados de forma rpida e efetiva! Neste curso, as (tcnicas, orientaes, dicas e exemplos expostos) seguem numa (escala crescente e em um fluxo gradual e progressivo de aprendizagem). Na (SEO: 1), partindo de um contedo (Introdutrio Bsico mas Essencial) at alcanar a (SEO: 2), contendo um (Contedo mais Avanado), conforme segue na descrio abaixo.BENEFCIOS PRTICOS DO CURSO:Voc aprender como controlar a ansiedade e o estresse diante dos desafios pessoais e profissionais;Conhecer a linguagens do sistema nervoso: recrutamento de diferentes estruturas do crebro no aprendizado;O curso visa tambm, proporcionar mais vitalidade e tempo para atividades de grande satisfao;O QUE MEMRIA HUMANA E COMO ELA FUNCIONA:A memria humana um processo cognitivo que envolve vrias funes complexas, tais como: o registro, a reteno e a recordao. Num conceito simples e profundo, seria a capacidade de registrar, reter e recordar informaes. Uma vez, devidamente registradas e retidas as informaes e experincias do passado, lembr-las no presente e de registrar e reter informaes e experincias no presente para utiliz-las no futuro.A memria sempre foi um ponto no qual as pessoas necessitam, querem e procuram melhorar. O ser humano, j faz algum tempo, vem tentando, e tem conseguido, aperfeioar-se no que diz respeito mente humana e quilo que ela pode beneficiar-nos.Como ns j bem sabemos, o crebro trabalha como um computador, o qual, lgico, tem seus programas, comandos, cdigos e senhas, mas o crebro humano muito melhor que o computador, porque quanto maior o nmero de informaes armazenadas no crebro, melhor o seu funcionamento; enquanto que no computador, quanto mais informaes, mais moroso ser o processamento dessas. Diferentemente do supercomputador mais rpido do mundo, a capacidade do crebro humano em termos de armazenamento e processamento desses dados imensurvel e ainda mistrio para a cincia. Aproveite este curso para despertar e expandir sua incrvel capacidade cerebral!Sem a memria no podemos aprender e sem aprender no podemos viver.Robinson Gessoni (Autor e Instrutor)"
Price: 444.99

"Shopify Dropshipping Advanced Training - Lite Version" |
"Shopify Advanced Training: How To Source Products, Create High Converting Facebook Ads,and How To Generate Passive Income.About The Instructor & His Authentic Credibility On This Topic:Arnas Klasauskas already helped 100 of ""students"" in various facebook groups about shopify. Heshares thereinsider tips, techniques, short-cuts and hard-won lessons acquired as hepersonally set up and built up hisShopify stores.How Is This Course Different?This course includesnever seen beforetechniques, short-cuts, and tips from the instructor that you won't find on the help pages of Shopify, in other Udemy courses or even in the dropshipping courses of the most successful gurus.This course offers a uniqueframework for optimizing yourShopify Store to get more salesin a step-by-step method (I willspoon-feed you, sorry)that will prepare you for long-term ecommerce success.Who Is This Course Designed For?Students should already have a basic Shopify Store,or the willingness to learn to create your own Store.Students should already have a basic understanding of Facebook Ads and the metrics.This course is intended for entreprenuers, marketers, brand owners and small business people who struggle tofindwinning productsor who struggle to make asale- not developers.Who is the target audience?Take this course if you already have a Shopify Store and want to take it to the next level.Take this course if you already have a Shopify Store but didn't manage to make a sale.Take this course if you think you already know everything about Shopify and Facebook ads.Don't take this course if you're still an absolute beginner without any Shopify Store."
Price: 44.99

"15 Weeks To Happiness" |
"Dynamic comedy duo Jeff and Amy Beaver have joined creative forces to bring you what is quite possibly the most entertaining and innovative way to look at self-esteem and interpersonal communication today. Their fresh approach to happiness promotes an improved level of understanding of self and others while providing the insight and advantage you need in order to achieve and maintain your happiness goals.""15 Weeks To Happiness"" is designed with the busy person in mind. The videos are short, entertaining, and funny. Students are placed into a secret facebook group, where they can participate in daily quips and questions. The group is picture, gif, and meme based, so that learning occurs in a fun and easy way without interrupting the student's pre-existing daily routine.If you're looking for a way to eliminate negative self-talk, improve your relationships, and learn how to stay happy in an unhappy world, the ""15 Weeks To Happiness Course"" is it. It's an easy, fun experience you'll want to share with all. You'll also receive a Certificate of Completion to proudly display on your wall, so that you can show everyone that you, too, are an expert in happiness!"
Price: 19.99

"How I Got Rid of My Upper Back Pain And You Can Too!" |
"Get the tips from someone who's fought Upper Back Pain and won!One year ago I moved into a new house.Within a few weeks I started to get terrible headaches. A few months later I realized that these headaches were being caused by upper back pain! Over the next few months I painstalikingly read every article on the internet, talked to all the experts, and tried everything to get rid of my upper back pain. One year later my upper back pain is almost gone!This course is about what I discovered in my journey and helping you reduce and or eliminate your upper back pain!"
Price: 19.99

"Functional Fitness for ALL Levels #TrainwithTMax" |
"This workout plan is designed so that any healthy person of any age can perform theworkouts. Train with TMax adheres to the philosophy of functional fitness, training thingsthat will be useful in daily life. We believe that everyone should be able to perform normal daily actions effectively and without pain. The beauty of functional training is youcan do it anywhere and anytime. You can train at home, in the park, or even at work!You will be healthier, be developing a strong foundation for more advanced fitness andsports, and you will feel better. Your energy levels should rise and what you did in thefirst workout will seem like a warmup, after you finish the last workout in the program. This program is designed to be done three times per week (i.e. Monday, Wednesday, Friday). On the rest days between, we recommend active rest exercises, like jogging, yoga, orswimming. The entire program should be completed in eight weeks, but you can modify itto last longer. We are taking the tried and true methods that we've learned over the last two years from giving functional fitness classes to over 200 individuals in the group and individual training environment. The workouts are so customizable that a 10-year old, a 30-year old tennis player, and a 70-year old can both benefit from the same workout!Including the warm up, the workout, and the cooldown, you only need to dedicate 30-45 minutes per day!~~~~~~~~~~EN ESPAOL~~~~~~~~~~Este curso est diseado para que cualquier persona sana de cualquier edad pueda hacer los entrenamientos de deporte. Train with TMax cree en la filosofia del fitness funcional, entrenar cosas que nos ayuden en la vida cotidiana. Creemos que todos deben de poder hacer movimientos normales diariamente, efectivamente y sin dolor. Puedes entrenar en casa, en el parque, incluso en el trabajo!Estars ms sano, desarrollars una base fuerte para las actividades ms avanzadas, y te sentirs mejor. Tus niveles de energa aumentarn y lo que hiciste en el primer entrenamiento parecer como un calentamiento al terminar el curso.Este curso debe hacerse tres veces por semana (por ejemplo, lunes, mircoles, viernes). En los das de descanso, recomendamos actividades de descanso activos, como nadar, correr o yoga. El curso debe hacerse en ocho semanas, pero se puede modificarlo para que dure ms.Usamos mtodos demostrados y comprobados, que hemos aprendido durante los dos ltimos aos en clases de fitness funcional con ms de 200 personas. Los entrenamientos son tan personalizables (a medida del cliente) que una nia de 10 aos, un jugador de tenis con 30 aos o incluso un hombre de 70 aos, se beneficiarn del mismo entrenamiento.Incluyendo el calentamiento, el entrenamiento, y el cooldown, slo tienes que dedicar 30-45 minutos al da!"
Price: 99.99

"How to Master Kettlebells for Fat Burn #TrainwithTMax" |
"Kettlebells are all the rage now. Youve probably seen them at the gym or in a fitness commercial: they look like cannonballs with handles on top of them. But what the heck are they good for?Kettlebells are an excellent tool to train the nervous system, blast through exercises plateaus, burn fat, and improve your mobility. And you only need about 10 minutes to do an effectively kettlebell workout!This course is designed to:Introduce beginners to kettlebells and how to use themGive training cues that will improve your technique with Cleans and SwingsGo over core movements that will help you to be able to design your own kettlebell training program14 routines to help you become a kettlebell beastIn this course, I will show you the fundamentals of training with kettlebells, with a heavy emphasis on the Swing and the Clean. Ill give you cues, tips, and pointers on how to develop these two movements, which will set the foundation for you to be able to do more advanced movements like the Snatch and Turkish Get-ups. Train with TMax will make you a machine!~~~~~~~~~~EN ESPAOL~~~~~~~~~~Las pesas rusas (kettlebells) son de la moda ahora. Probablemente las has visto en el gimnasio o en un publicidad de fitness: parecen a las bala de can con asas encima. Pero, para qu sirven? Las kettlebells son herramientas excelentes para entrenar el sistema nervioso, superar los estancamientos, quemar grasa y mejorar la movilidad.Slo necesitas sobre 10 minutos para hacer un buen entrenamiento de kettlebells!Este curso est diseado para:Ensear los novatos como usar las kettlebellsDar instruccin para mejorar la tcnica de los Cleans y los SwingsAprender movimientos fundamentales que te ayudarn crear tus propios entrenamientos de kettlebells14 entrenamientos para ayudarte llegar a ser una bestia con las kettlebellsEn este curso, te ensear los bsicos de entrenar con las kettlebells, con un gran nfasis en los Cleans y los Swings. Te dar pistas, consejos y apuntes en cmo desarrollar estos dos movimientos, que son la base para que podrs hacer movimientos ms avanzados como el Snatch y los Turkish Get-ups."
Price: 44.99

"Get TRXcited - Master Suspension Training #TrainwithTMax" |
"Suspension training is an excellent way to develop a bulletproof core. Whether it's TRX or another brand, you can use suspension training to do low impact, high results training. With this type of training you will:Build the core muscles (including the muscles of the six-pack) Improve postureImprove range of motion and flexibilityHelp rehab injuries and strength deficienciesTrain the ENTIRE BODY in one workout sessionThis course offers:Nutrition HacksA Sample Warm UpA Suspension Trainer Specific Stretch SessionA 6-Week Specially Programmed Workout RoutineA Detailed Photo Exercise Index of 108 Different ExercisesA How-to On Programming Your Very Own WorkoutsYou've got your suspension trainer, now it's time to Train with TMax and start using it to help you reach your fitness goals!"
Price: 44.99

"Follow Along Fitness (Try before you buy!) #TrainwithTMax" |
"""I want to workout but I really have no idea what I'm doing! I don't know which training protocol is best for me, and I'm not sure how to select one.""If this sounds like you, then this is the perfect course to get you started and get you motivated to reaching your fitness goals. Picking a coach to help you on your journey can bedifficult and time consuming. Why not test out coaches from the comfort of your very own home? Now you can!In thiscourse, I offer you a FREE opportunity to follow along with my workout routines (including the warmup and cooldown), to see if we are a good match for one another. In order for you to be successful, you need to be able trust and like your coach.The main goal is that you find what works best for you, and I hope it's me. But, if it isn't I do wish you success on your fitness journey!Second, it's important for you to select training protocols that line up with your fitness goals, your current abilities, and that suit your schedule. That's why I offer several different styles of training, so you can see which works best for you.If you like the demo and are ready to get serious about reaching your goals, sign up for the full course! There are 11Full-Length Follow Along Workouts, all different styles of training, that you can do based on how much time you have and based on your fitness goals for the day.All of routines are 25 minutes or less, including the warm up, workout, and cool down. Many routines have3 levels, and you can pick which you want to dobased on your fitness level, and progress over time!There's a different workout for all of your needs:If you only havea small amount oftime to dedicate to fitnessIf you want super fat burnIf you want to focus on strengthIf you want to train your whole bodyIf you want to focus on balance and stabilityIf you want to challenge your cardiovascular enduranceDon't wait, let's do this!"
Price: 44.99

"Modelado y Esculpido 3D en Autodesk Maya" |
"En este curso se realiza paso a paso el procesopara modelar y esculpir la cabeza, los dientes, lasencas y lalengua de un personaje en 3D en el software de Autodesk Maya, la cabeza se modela con la topologa adecuada para que en un futuro se pueda animar adecuadamente.Posteriormente se explica el Hypershade, panel dnde se manipulan los materiales y nodos de conexin para aplicarle al modeloel material,elcolor y losbrillos adecuados.Finalmente se explica la interfaz del visualizador del render de Arnold para guardarla imagen final en jpg de la cabeza del personaje.*La primera seccin del curso se muestra la interfaz de Maya en caso de no tener conocimientos previos del programa, a partir de la segunda seccin comenzamos a modelar y esclulpir la cabeza del personaje."
Price: 495.00

"Your Daily Belly Dance Break" |
"In this course, you'll learn to belly dance by learninga fun, energizing belly dance choreography.Once you know how to do the choreography, you can break it out anytime that you need a quick dance break, some fun movement or just to reset your energy. Each video is between 5 and 10 minutes, and they are designed so you can fit them easily into your day as you learn the choreography.Belly dance is a beautiful, feminine dance form that really focuses on moving from the core with intention.It wakes up muscles and creates muscle memory and body awareness in parts of the body that are rarely used consciously. It involves moving your spine and pelvis (a womans power center) in all directions which is anamazing way to create and maintain spinal health (the key to aging gracefully)and core strength.Having a healthy spine and core strength are both essential formaintaining health, youthfulness, agility and longevity. Youll also noticereduced back painandimproved nerve functionand blood flow to all parts of the body.The best part is thatbelly dance is so much fun!Youll end your practice feelingenergized and upliftedyet more grounded and at home in your body. Its also done to music which always makes anything more fun. Plusmoving and listening to music has been proven to increase coordination and balance, improve brain function and memory, increase endurance and create overall better health.What you can expect from taking regular belly dance breaks:Reduced stress and anxietyReduced back painFeeling more at home and grounded in the bodyStronger coreIncreased coordination and balanceBetter brain function due to increased blood flowImproved memoryIncreased happiness and joyHelp with shedding unwanted poundsTaking regular dance breaks also offsets the damage of excessive sitting. Did you know that sitting for extended time periods (as most of us do every day) is one of the most damaging things for your health?The only way to offset this damages is by moving regularly and by regularly, Imean at least once an hour if not more. Going to the gym at the end of the day won't offset the damage. It's how often you move that matters, not how long at a stretch.This course is a wonderful way to incorporate regular movement breaks into your day and reap the health benefits of breaking up long periods of sitting with some really fun, energizing and uplifting dance."
Price: 34.99

"12 Steps to Home-Ownership" |
"AN ONLINE COURSE BASED ON THE BOOK 12-STEPS TO HOME-OWNERSHIP With3 hours of video,59 action steps, downloads and49 external references, this online course will help you build your personal road map to home-ownership: from making the home-ownership decision to implementing the steps for getting it done.If you think home-ownership is out of reach, if you think its too complicated, too expensive and cant happen to you, then youre about to read the letter youve been waiting for all your life. Heres why:Home-ownership is a process. Gone are the days when fogging a mirror can get you a loan. But Im getting ahead of myself.What Is Our Value Proposition?I believe each hour you devote to this course will save you ten or more hours in your journey towards becoming a home-owner: one day with the online course 12-Steps to Home-Ownership could save you ten days! Thats ten days you can devote to pursuing a home with the right tools to get it done right!Even better, and more to the point, this course will save you not just hours, but potentially thousands of dollars in opportunity costs from pursuing the wrong homes in the wrong neighborhoods that should have never made the cut- that is, if you had used the processes in the course to get right to the sweet spot of homes that fit you from the beginning, personally and financially.Knowing What You Can Afford before you Start LookingBuilding the right team with the right tools Beyond Theory delivering the right steps- in sequenceAction Steps that outline what to do next Our Goal Is to Save You Time, Money and Frustration. Because Time Is Money12 Steps to Home-Ownership Online Course is a do-it-yourself road map to home-buying providing tools and guidance for asking the right questions in advance of making the home buying decision. It is a guide to assist in your personal journey in the home-buying decision-making process.This course provides over five hours of video training and almost 50 specific ""action steps"" to assure you can go deep into the process at every level, or, in just those segments your require to up your game. For the serious home-owner-to-be please join us. The time you devote here could save you hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars.Home-Ownership is Hard, But Not ImpossibleHow many times have you started on the path to home-ownership only to be thrown off course by mountains of information, a lack of good advice and fast-talking sales people looking to make a quick buck?Home-ownership is a decision, one that will change your life and your financial future. To get there requires finding the right people to help you arrive with grace and less anxiety while avoiding the grind and grunge caused by fakers and takers of your time, energy and effort.The impossible becomes possible once you surround yourself with the right team, resources and a process that keeps you on task, on course and focused on the result: home-ownership!The 12 Steps to Home-Ownership Online Course presents a personal do-it-yourself mandate to getting on track to purchase a home. The course provides tools and guidance for asking the right questions as you make your way through the home-buying decision-making process.Sequence is the Key to Success In this online course, as you work through each module you can immediately set about the task of becoming a home-owner with little guess-work. You will be asking the right questions that guide your path to the goal while side-stepping parts and places that get most people confused, off track and unable to recover. While others are stuck with no way out you will keep moving from step to step having reached the goal!I loved the course because it was not only fun and interesting, but the material was great and helped me learn not only about purchasing a home, but about understanding the real estate field. The coursewas easy to navigate through and great for note taking. I strongly suggest this course and any of John Wilhoit's material on first-time home buying, re-financing, and rental properties. -Bill Reed, Atlanta, GA Each module dives deep into the thinking behind the ""how"" and ""why"" ending with specific action steps to accomplish one phase of the home-ownership process before moving on to the next. The result is YOU - the home-owner!Finding That Special Place to Call HomeChoosing Your Own Colors and CarpetParking in Your Very Own Garage Who is the Instructor and Why Should I Listen to him? The Instructor is John Wilhoit. John is the author of five books about real estate investing and management. You can find his books on Amazon. By profession John is a real estate asset manager responsible for the financial and physical care of real estate assets all over the country worth hundreds of millions of dollars. He has owned millions of dollars in real estate assets personally and has purchased many homes personally and as investments.John wrote 12 Steps to Home-Ownership as a gateway for home-owners-to-be to streamline the home-ownership process, as a reference guide and road map for people with some or no knowledge of the process- as a way for people to get on track and stay on track until the goal is achieved. You can read his full bio at the end of this letter.Who should take this course? Anyone seriously thinking about becoming a home-owner. There are a lot of steps to gaining home-ownership. This course outlines 100+. That may seem like a lot but consider trying this WITHOUT the road map! It's not about the number of steps, frankly, it's about taking the right steps in the right sequence.Make the Go-No Go Decision Consider Your Exit Strategy- Before You BuyBuild Your Home Buying Team You Never Have To Go It AloneDecide on Property Type Before Every Seeing a Single PropertyLearn the Action Steps That CountThe 12 Steps to Home-Ownership Online Course, is a practical step-by-step guide about buying your first home while avoiding as many pitfalls as possible.One objectives is saving you hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars in wasted time, energy and effort in pursuit of homes that are outside of your sweet spot, personally, financially or geographically. We want you to stay focused on what works for you.Each module ends with specific ""Action Steps"" to accomplish before going to the next step in the home-buying process.12 Steps to Home-ownership is for you if you have a willingness to become educated about the process in advance so that when the opportunity presents itself you are ready!Course Modules That Take You Step, by Step, by StepThe book 12 Steps to Home-Ownership, presents 36 action steps and multiple website references to get the job done. The 12 Steps to Home-Ownership Online Course goes deeper and presents almost fifty action steps in sequence for getting the job done along with 50+ web site references to prepare you for the task of purchasing a home.Define Your Neighborhoods of InterestChoose the Where In Advance Know the Neighborhood Boundaries That MatterFind That Perfect PlaceEach Module has multiple lectures, hand-outs (downloads) and instructor narrative to give you everything you need to get on the path to home-ownership. Answering the question of where you want to live creates a queasy feeling for many people; because we know where we want to live, then there is where we can afford to live. Balancing these two is discussed in depth as part of the process of buying your first home.Making a Quality Decision for You and Your Family This course is designed to prepare you for that moment in time when you can sign a contract for a home with confidence knowing that youve made a quality decision.I believe the contents of this course will set you on a path to home-ownership. Home-ownership is the bedrock of building personal wealth. There is no buying a second home, or third, without first buying the first one, right? Of course, there is far more to the process than just picking out a home with pretty colors and a nice door front.What the Federal Reserve Knows About Home-OwnershipThe Federal Reserve is run by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve Board of Governors is nominated by the President of the United States and confirmed by the Senate. Their role is to protect and preserve the economy of the country. Once every three years the Federal Reserve completes a survey of consumers that includes information related to home-ownership.The outputs of this survey range in value from one survey to the next, but the bottom line is this; homeowners are found to have a net worth of thirty to fifty times greater than non-homeowners. Thats 30 to 50 times greater!!!Build Wealth for You and Your FamilyIncrease Your Net Worth 30-50 Times Higher Than RentersHave a Place to Call Home That Is Yours not the Landlords!"
Price: 94.99

"Basic to Advanced Website Designing Course HTML,CSS, JS / JQ" |
"In this Web Designing Course, I provide you the best quality web designing training, in this Web Designing Course modules I describe in-depth knowledge of web designing skills practically. After learning this web designing course you will be able to create any kind of website easily, you will be able to manage Hosting Cpanel, Domain Cpanel, Filezilla, HTML, CSS, Java Script / JQuery.Objective of Training Program To make you an expert in Web Designing & Understand How to create a website using HTML, CSS, Java Script, J Query. To Make you earn online with the help of Google Adsense. Outcome of Website Designing Course After Learning This Web Designing Course you will have enormous confidence in yourself to creating website. After Successful Completion of this Website Designing course you not only become a web designer, but, you will be able to earn from websites.Advance Website Designing Course with 7+ hours video lectures covers in 40 Videos.Introduction To Website Designing CourseLearn HTMLStart Learning HTMLHow to Use Head & Body Section In HTMLHow To Create Heading Tags & Paragraph Tags In HTMLHow to Highlight Text In HTML Web PageHow To Create Links In HTMLHow To Insert Images In HTMLHow To Create Tables in HTMLProperties Of TablesHow To Create Lists in HTML?How To Use Title & Meta Tags?Learn CSSWhat is CSS?Line Height Property in CSSBody Background In CSSHow to Use Class & IDs in CSSHow to Create DIVs in CSSHow to Manage Positioning in CSS?How to Decorate Links in CSS?How to Manage External, Internal & Inline CSS?Start Learning Java ScriptWhat is Java Script?How to Create Conditions in Java Script?If & Else Statement in Java Script?How to use comments in Java Script?Logical Operators?Arithmetic OperatorsLearn Use of Assignment OperatorsHow to Use Comparison Operators in Java Script?Learn what is Data types and how to use?Functions in Java ScriptWhat are Scopes in Java Script?How to Create Alerts in Java Script?What is While Loop & How to Use While Loops?What is For Loops and How to Use For Loop?What is Block Nesting & How to Use?Switch Statement?Prompt in JavascriptVariables in Java ScriptHow to Use Complex Comparison?"
Price: 19.99

"Complete Digital Marketing Course to Become Professional" |
"Become a Certified Digital Marketer and join a network of more than 40,000 alumni in the world's bestselling Digital Marketing Course by Mr. Kapil Heera who is working in Digital Marketing from last Nine Years.Worlds Most Advanced Digital Marketing Course on Udemy Grow your income with the power of Digital Marketing, this Digital Marketing Course is for everyone who wants to increase their income, in this Digital Marketing Course you will get to know about how to design a website or blog first and after that you will get to learn how you can promote your website or blog Digitally. A To Z of Digital Marketing CourseThis is a leading Digital Marketing Course, in which you will learn A to Z of Digital Marketing from website designing to Marketing tactics. You can become a Digital marketing professional right from home by learning and practicing online, there are many peoples, who like to take classroom Training but for taking classroom training you need time to visit and all, but this course is online where you do not need to waste your time in visiting classes you can learn from your home even from bed. Digital Marketing Course Syllabus CORE MODULES of Digital Marketing Course (Everyone should attend these sessions) Website Designing Learn how to design a website or blog. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Learn how you can rank your website on the top of search engines. Paid Marketing Learn How to grow your website visitors via Paid Marketing (SEM). Social Media Marketing (SMM/SMO) Learn how you can boost followers on Facebook, twitter and YouTube, Learn how to build your brand, generate leads & aggregate audience on Social Media. Email Marketing In this Digital Marketing course you will also get to know about creating users lists, deliver emails and generate relevant clicks from email marketing Google Analytics Learn how to track website visitors with Google Analytics. Content Marketing - Content marketing consists of all advertising performance that centres on creating and sharing information. Affiliate Marketing: Boost your income through Affiliate. This Digital Marketing Course How to become a Freelancer in Digital Marketing? Learn Blogging to make money online. E-commerce Listing v/s Website v/s Marketplace Mobile App Marketing ORM (Online Reputation Management) How to create an Info graphic Resume? Hands-on Assignments & Projects - The learning that is real any digital advertising institute occurs through hands-on work. The individuals can get hands-on Assignments and Projects across different Core & Specialization Modules to create mastery across multiple Digital Marketing areas. Industry Case Study Exercises - For every single for the core modules, participants will do a exercise that is hands-on on a real-life industry case study. Digital Marketing Tools - Experience the opportunity of various Digital Marketing tools by utilizing them practically. We have partnered with various industry leaders to supply you access that is free tools. Research-Based Internship - We now have designed internship that is research-based that you simply will do a research on one digital marketing topic. For every quality research submission, you will publish a blog post on our website with your credentials. On 10 successful submissions, you will be awarded an Internship Certificate."
Price: 1280.00

"Her Yn le Hibernate Framework" |
"Bu kursun sonunda, Hibernate'in hemen her yn ile tanacak ve kendi projelerinizde istenilen tm ilemleri yapabiliyor hale geleceksiniz. nce detayl olarak anlatlacak, ardndan anlattmz her ey iin rnekler yapacaz. rendiklerimizi uygulayacamz bir proje gelitireceiz. Oluturacamz projede;Olabildiince farkl tiplerde alanlar tanmlayp, hangi durumda hangi anotasyonlarn kullanlmas gerektiini greceiz. Tm sorgu ilemleri iin birer tane Criteria, HQL ve Native Query rnei yapacaz. Data Access Object ve Entity Service'ler oluturularak veritaban ile uygulama katmann birbirinden ayracaz."
Price: 199.99

"Learn Permutation And Combination From Scratch" |
"This course is good for all aspirant, even a beginner can learn P&C concept in depth. It is require only basic mathematical skills.I have covered all the concepts with number of examples ofPermutation And Combination. Also, I have added few important notes for advance topics and critical questions. I have covered few very important questions considering many examinations."
Price: 19.99

"Kindern ohne Trnen Haare schneiden. Tips und Tricks" |
"Dieser Kurs ist fr alle Erwachsenen die einem Kind die Haare schneiden wollen und Bedenken haben, das es zu Geschrei oder Trnen kommen knnte.Ich mchte den Kindern helfen ein tolles Erlebnis mit dem Haare schneiden zu verbinden.Ich mchte Dir zeigen, dass es wirklich Spa machen kann mit Kindern zum Friseur zu gehen oder ihnen die Haare zu schneiden."
Price: 39.99

"Crer un logo avec Inkscape" |
"Inkscape est un logiciel gratuit qui permet de faire normment de chose. Nous l'utiliserons pour crer simplement et rapidement des logos.Nous apprendrons le logiciel de manire progressive en utilisant un un les outils proposs pour reproduire diffrents logos.Nous ferons un survol des caractristiques d'un bon logo en balayant les lments essentiels sa ralisation.Nous mettrons profit toutes les connaissances apprises afin de raliser efficacement un logo de qualit."
Price: 19.99

Erfolg-Glck-Potentialentfaltung |
"Dies ist ein Kurs fr die sogenannten ""Rauhnchte"", die kostbare Zeit zwischen Weihnachten und dem 06.01. , die sich wie keine andere eignet, Bilanz zu ziehen, nach innen zu gehen und den Samen fr ein gelingendes, Deiner Einzigartigkeit gerecht werdendes, Jahr zu legen.Nach dem Motto ""Werde ganz Du selbst, und es kommt zu Dir, was zu Dir gehrt.""Nach den Rauhnchten kannst Du diesen Kurs als Jahrescoaching nutzen.Beginne dann einfach im jeweiligen Monat und schaue Dir monatlich die jeweilige Lektion an.Neben einer Einfhrung gibt es fr jede Rauhnacht vom 24.12. bis zum 06.01.19 ein abwechslungsreiches Video mit Anleitungen und Inspirationen fr den jeweiligen Tag und damit auch fr jeden Monat im kommenden Jahr.Im ersten Teil beschftigen wir uns mit Rckschau, Dankbarkeit und Loslassen.Im zweiten Abschnitt geht es um Deine Zukunft, Deine Trume, Deinen Fokus, Deine Wnsche und Ziele.Spielerisch, bewusst und mit klarer Struktur fhre ich Dich durch diese besondere Zeit, damit Du vershnt das Alte abschliessen und gelst, klar und voller Freude in und durch das Jahr gehen kannst.Wir beschftigen uns intensiv mit Deinen 12 Herzenswnschen, und ich zeige Dir 12 Schlssel fr eine gelingende und glckliche Zeit.Die Rauhnchte gelten seit alters her als besondere magische Zeit ""ausserhalb der Zeit"". Es ist die dunkelste Zeit des Jahres, in der es gilt, das Licht in uns selbst zu finden, zu danken, zu orakeln, zu wnschen , zu reinigen, zu ""zaubern"".Lasse Dich von mir mitnehmen auf eine Reise mit Dir selbst und zu Dir selbst.ACHTUNG:Denke Dir bitte selbstndig die aktuellen Jahreszahlen 2019/2020.Ansonsten hat der Kurs nichts an Aktualitt eingebt."
Price: 79.99
