"Gesund und fit mit Schlersalzen 1" |
"In diesem Kursteil bekommst Du eine Einfhrung in die Schlersalze und lernst DeinImmunsystem besser kennen und verstehen.Genau vorgestellt werden die Nr.3,Ferrum phosphoricum, und die Nr.7, Magnesium phosphoricum.Das Motto lautet:Ich bin gesund, ausgeglichenund wehrhaft!Der Kursteil ist interessant fr Dich, wenn Du hufiger unter akuten Erkrankungen oder Schmerzenleidest, wenn Du Kinder hast, Sport machst oder eine Hausapotheke zusammenstellen willst.Auerdem lernst Du die Wirkungsweise, die Dosierung und Grundstzliches zu den Mineralstoffen nach Dr. Schler.Viel Spa und viel Erfolg in der Anwendung!"
Price: 19.99

"Gesund und fit mit Schlersalzen 2" |
"In diesem Kursteil bekommst Du eine Einfhrung in die Schlersalze und lernst Deinen gesamten Bewegungs-und Sttzapparatbesser kennen und verstehen.Genau vorgestellt werden dieNr.1,Calcium fluoratum, die Nr.2, Calcium phosphoricum, Nr.11 Silicea (Kieselsure)und der""Joker""Nr.12, Calcium sulfuricum.Das Motto lautet: Ich binstabil und flexibel!Der Kursteil ist interessant fr Dich, wenn Du hufiger unter Problemen mit Deiner Wirbelsule, Gelenken, Knochen, Knorpeln, Bndern, Sehnen, Faszien, Ngeln, Haarenleidest, wenn Du schwanger bist,Kinderhast, oderSportmachst.Auerdem lernst Du die Wirkungsweise, die Dosierung und Grundstzliches zu den Mineralstoffen nach Dr. Schler.Viel Spa und viel Erfolg in der Anwendung!"
Price: 34.99

"Gesund und fit mit Schlersalzen 3" |
"In diesem Kursteil bekommst Du eine Einfhrung in die Schlersalze und lernst Dein Lymph-Nerven,-und Entgiftungssystembesser kennen und verstehen.Genau vorgestellt werden dieNr.4,Kalium chloratum, das NervensalzNr.5 Kalium phosphoricumund dieNr.6, Kalium sulfuricum.Das Motto lautet: ""Es fliet.""Der Kursteil ist interessant fr Dich, wenn Du hufiger unter Erkltungen, Nasennebenhhlenentzndungen, depressiven Verstimmungen, ErschpfungoderLeberfunktionsstrungenleidest.Auerdem lernst Du die Wirkungsweise, die Dosierung und Grundstzliches zu den Mineralstoffen nach Dr. Schler.Abgerundet wir der Kurs durch eine Vorstellung von bewhrten Anwendungen aller Schlersalze: Sportlermischung, Schmerzcocktail, Energieschaukel, Entgiftung....Viel Spa und viel Erfolg in der Anwendung!"
Price: 34.99

"Gesund und fit mit Schlersalzen 4" |
"Verdaust Du gut? Das, was Du isst, aber auch das, was Du erlebst, atmest und was Dein Krper sonst noch so alles aufnimmt?In diesem Kursteil bekommst Du eine Einfhrung in die Schlersalzeund in das Thema ""bersuerung"".Du lernst Dein gesamtes Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselsystembesser kennen,verstehen und optimieren.Genau vorgestellt werden dieNr.8,Natrium chloratum, die Nr.9, Natriumphosphoricum und dieNr.10, Natrium sulfuricum.Das Motto lautet: ""Ich verdaue, ich verwerte, ich lasse los.""Der Kursteil ist interessant fr Dich, wenn Du hufiger unter Problemen mit Deinem Verdauungstrakt, Deinem Stoffwechsel, Wassereinlagerungen, Mdigkeit, Erschpfung, Kummer-und noch vielem mehr- leidest.Auerdem lernst Du dieWirkungsweise, dieDosierung, Kombinationenund Grundstzliches zu den Mineralstoffen nach Dr. Schler.Viel Spa und viel Erfolg in der Anwendung!"
Price: 34.99

"Endlich frei von Allergie und Heuschnupfen!" |
"Bist Du auf der Suche nach einer ganzheitlichen Medizin?Mchtest Du Ursachen anstelle von Symptomen behandeln, nachhaltige Ergebnisse erzielen und Deinen Krper untersttzen?Mchtest Du mehr ber deinen Krper wissen?Dann kannst Du mit diesem Kurs einen Einblick bekommen, wie das mit Homopathie und Schlersalzen gelingen kann.Ich stelle die homopathischen Mittel und Mineralstoffe vor, die in meiner Praxis bei Allergie und Heuschnupfenam hufigsten und erfolgreichsten vorkommen.Ausserdem erklre ich Grundstzliches, wie ich die Homopathie verstehe und anwende, welche Rahmenbedingungen optimal wren und wie Du mit einer Meditation die Selbstheilungskrfte Deines Krpers aktivieren kannst.Viele Erkenntnisse und Freude an Deiner Gesundheit!"
Price: 29.99

"Tarot Cards Revealed - Powerful Course for Beginners" |
"A powerful course journeying into the heartof the Tarot.What setsthis course apart from others is that it is efficient, and concise. It can be hard to find the free-time or the attention span to complete a 8-15 hour course. That is exactly why I created this powerful course on How to Read the Tarot. In this course you will learn to:-Cleanse and activate your deck-Set clear intentions for clear answers-Interpret each of the tarot cards-Read 2 spreads-Give a reading for yourself-Give a reading For others-Integrate the learned wisdom to carry-on after the reading closesBy the end of this course you will know how to:Confidently give accuratereadings using these ancient divination cardsApply tarot to receive guidance in many areas of your life: love, career, finances, business, challengesDiscover the answer to quick questions and do more detailed readingsIdentify what spiritual lessons you need to master to rapidly improve your lifeKnow how to consult the tarot to heal any challenge in your lifeRead the cards intuitively for more accuracyReclaim your personal power by using the tarotFULL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!Master the Meanings of the TarotThe elements of the Tarot.The Major ArcanaThe Minor ArcanaCard SpreadsIf you are looking for deeper connection to your intuition, or a greater sense of wellbeing, Tarot Cards are a beautiful tool to use to achieve that."
Price: 94.99

"Chakra Healing With Essential Oils And Ritual" |
"Come discover your UNIQUE energy system. YES, in this course we look specifically at YOURpersonal chakra blueprint!!I guide you step by step through discovering what chakras are vibrating at thelowest frequency and which ones are functioning optimally.The vibration of our chakras plays a huge role in the vibration of our health, happiness, sexuality, prosperity, and so much more. We want energy centres that are vital, vibrant, open and fluid. Often, though, due to lifestyle, harsh environments and foods, limiting beliefs and fear, we end up with very stagnant or closed off chakras. When this happens, life seems ""hard"" and we experience massive dips in motivation, confidence, and passion.Luckily though,chakras are very responsive and will re-activate when given the right ""medicine"".Our chakras operate on an extremelysubtle level, and if we want to balance, activate, or harmonise them... we need to use tools that excelin the subtle-realm. Introducing, Essential oils!!Essential oils have a super-abundance of life-giving properties, and they rank athe top of the list of chakra-balancing tools.Each of our 7 chakracenters is thought to oversee its own expression of associated bodily, emotional and spiritual energy, but each is linked and in tune with all the others. When one or more of the chakras is over- or under-expressing its associated energy, it's thought to manifest as imbalance in the body, mind and spirit. When all of the chakras are balanced in their expression, the expression of physical, mental and spiritual well being is manifested.The influence that aromatic plant essential oils have on the body, mind and spirit in the practice of aromatherapy can be adapted to promote balanced chakra functioning.Join the adventure, a truly magical journey of self-discovery. I have experienced MASSIVE shifts in my finances, love-life, health, and confidence by working with my chakras via essential oils and other modalities I will cover in this program,This course is for YOU if:You have a longing to experience more vitality/spirituality/intuition but don't know howYou are looking for a piece of yourself you feel you have lost or forgotten aboutYou want to understand essential oils more and work with them on your chakrasYou feel that there is some big transformation that you are just waiting to happen in your life!In this journey we will explore:- Your personal chakra assessment through a specialsied-questionnaire- The 7 chakras in-depth- Essential oils and their properties, meaning, uses in-depth!- Plenty of bonus material on increasing vibration, energy, and vitality."
Price: 59.99

"Quadratic Equations - A complete course in algebra" |
"The course covers the concept 'Quadratic Equations' from scratch.It covers the following major conceptsMeaning of Quadratic EquationVarious methods of solving Quadratic EquationsFactorisation method also known as splittingCompleting the squareDiscriminant method and its Application to find out unknown variables 3. Application of Quadratic Equations to Real life Problems by introducing word problems"
Price: 24.99

"Who The Boss?!: Beginners' Guide to Starting a Business" |
"For those of us who decide that we want to venture off and pursue a business idea we have, where do we start? The library? The book store? Message boards? Without any sort of prior experience or education, starting a business can be quite an overwhelming and confusing objective to set for yourself. We will address the initial considerations that accompany the launch of a new company in the US, and help provide some direction so that you can begin formulating your vision and formally establishing your new endeavor. We want you to go from the passive state of ""I have an idea"" to the more proactive and committed state of ""I'm starting a business"". We help orient you in the fundamentals of creating your new business so you know what your first steps need to be. This includes learning the different legal structures your business can take on (and the pros and cons of each); different funding options available to cover start-up costs if you'd prefer not to pay out of pocket; why the state you establish your business in matters (from legal and financial standpoints) and the benefits some states offer that others do not; and how to figure out a focus if you happen to be someone who wants to start a business (or are simply sick of working for other people) but aren't quite sure what to start one in. Our intention is for this class to serve as an efficient reference point that will help you simplify the initial stages of setting up a business.AROV Education was developed with the intent of helping people achieve their goals and build the life they want to live. We offer this class in the hope that the information within it will help orient you in the right direction and inspire you to follow through on your entrepreneurial dream, whatever it may be. After all, if you're reading this, you're doing so for a reason. Thus, for what it's worth, our initial advice is this: Fear failure no more than you fear success, and think big- without limitations. As the philosopher Lao Tzu once said, ""The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.""Perhaps clicking onto this page was that first step...AROV Education: Become Your Dreams*Live classes available for schools and private groups. Contact us at info@arov.org. Interested in working with the instructor? Reach him at eddiesage .com."
Price: 19.99

"Risky Business: Beginners' Guide to Planning a New Business" |
"AROV's The Path to Greatness Series:From Concept to Reality- Planning, Marketing and Assessing Your BusinessSo here you are- you have a business idea you want to pursue. You want to be your own boss and you've got the gumption to follow through on it. Congratulation! That takes a lot of courage and dedication. But before you jump down the rabbit hole too far, it is important to realize that a majority of new business ventures fail within a few years, often due to poor planning. Now, we believe everyone can find success with the right planning, but the emphasis on that statement falls on the last two words: 'right planning'. It is not enough to jump into a business, throw money at ideas willy-nilly, buy websites, file business names, and start telling everyone what a success you'll be. Deciding to pursue your idea is often the most challenging step because fear and comfort often discourage people from doing so. However, once you've committed, you must make sure you move forth strategically and perceptively. Otherwise, it is quite easy to end up with a ton of costly mistakes that will not only undermine your growth and profits but also possibly thwart your success before it even begins. As Benjamin Franklin once said, ""If you fail to plan, you're planning to fail.""When starting a business, it is important to write an efficient business plan. This allows you to take an objective look at your business from various angles to increase familiarity and awareness of every aspect of your strategy, which is integral for success. The From Concept to Reality course teaches students how to develop the various aspects of an effective business plan, including the commonly in-demand executive summary, market analysis, and organizational structure sections. It also offers ideas on how to market a new business without much financial investment. Once you have your business set up, you need to figure out how to bring in customers. After all, a business without customers isn't much of a business at all. Plus, this course covers how to develop an efficient elevator speech (and explains why it's important); and teaches what SWOT and MOST analyses are, and how to use them to strengthen the efficacy of your business strategy. This allows you to analyze the strengths and weaknesses inherent within your company as well as within your business plan itself.AROV Education was developed with the intent of helping people achieve their goals and build the life they want to live. We offer this class in the hope that the information within it will help orient you in the right direction and inspire you to follow through on your entrepreneurial dream, whatever it may be. After all, if you're reading this, you're doing so for a reason. Thus, for what it's worth, our initial advice is this: Fear failure no more than you fear success, and think big- without limitations. As the philosopher Lao Tzu once said, ""The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.""Perhaps clicking onto this page was that first step...AROV Education; Become Your Dreams*Live classes available for schools and private groups. Contact us at info@arov.org. Interested in working with the instructor? Reach him at eddiesage .com."
Price: 19.99

"GRE,TOEFL,SAT & GMAT : Vocabulary Builder using GRASP-PT" |
"Doyou want to get a higher score on the Verbal Section of any tests ? This course is for GRE/SAT/TOEFL/GMAT test takers who want to truly excel.By the end of the course, you will have memorized nearly 400 new and high frequency English vocabulary words.Take the class now! It's fun, it's EASY. And you will remember the vocab words when you take your test.How is this course different?There are a lot of courses on vocabulary even in udemy but the way they teach is not quite fruitful.In this courses, I focused on different ways of learning vocabulary and that is through formula i.e. GRASP-PTwhere,G ==> Groups of words.e.g. Confluence Influence Fluent Flu Flux Melifluous Effluvium All starting through flu which means flow and all words related to flow.R ==> Roots of words. Philanthropist Misanthropist Phil ==> love anthropos ==> mankind Mis ==> against or hate anthropos ==> mankindA ==> Association of wordse.g.dilatory ==> Lawyers uses dilatory techniques to delay the procedures of courtsS ==> make sentenceP ==> Parts of speeche.g.Erudite ==> adjectiveErudition ==> nounT ==> ToneMahtma Gandi was paragon of virtue.paragon is used as positive tone.What if there was an easy, fun way to remember English Vocabulary?...you won't forget what you learned...you'll get through the class without PAIN and ANNOYANCE...you won't be BOREDWholl benefit?Anyone who is taking any vocabulary test.Anyone who wants to learn English in a PAINLESS way.Anyone interested in learning QUICKLY, without being confused, tired, or overwhelmed.Who is the target audience?If you want to get a high score on the GRE/SAT/TOEFL/GMAT, you should take this courseIf you don't want to study for weeks and weeks, and instead only study for a couple of hours."
Price: 44.99

"Python A-Z : Become MasterClass For Python Easy Jobs" |
"In early 2016, Python passed Java as the #1 beginners language in the world. Why? It's because it's simple enough for beginners yet advanced enough for the pros and its high usage in Data science and Machine Learning.If you are looking to Learn the Python programming language with a hands on approach, then have come to the right place.In this course we'll make 10 different fancy projects each one at the end of topicsTopic we are going to cover are:Variable and NumbersString handling techniquesConditionalsDatastructuresLooping techniqueFunctionsProblem solvingOOPAnimationWhat next after completing course:three broad field for job opportunities:Ethical hacking: needs higher skills and determination to write python scriptsData science and machine learning: should have knowledge of probability and stat and up on knowing some library of python for data science,you are qualified to applyWeb development: just read one or more framework made up of python like Django or flask and you can be web developerMany opportunities can knock you after completing this course,so enroll nowTech using python:SpaceX uses it to launch RocketsPixar uses Python to run their animation softwareInstagram & Pinterest use it to run their web application (backend via Django)"
Price: 194.99

"PHP for Begineers : BE READY FOR FUTURE" |
"Knowing PHP will allow you to build web applications, websites or Content Management systems, like WordPress, Facebook, Twitter or even Google.What we'll cover:VariablesconstantsstringNumbersarrayarray functionif statementsfor loop,while loop,foreach loopswitchuser defined functionstatic variableslocal variablesglobal variablessuper global variablesKnowing PHP has allowed me to make enough money to stay home and make courses like this one for students all over the world. Being a PHP developer can allow anyone to make really good money online and offline, developing dynamic applications.There is no limit to what you can do with this knowledge. PHP is one of the most important web programming languages to learn, and knowing it, will give you SUPER POWERS in the web development world and job market place.Why?Because Millions of websites and applications (the majority) use PHP. You can find a job anywhere or even work on your own, online and in places like freelancer or Odesk. You can definitely make a substantial income once you learn it."
Price: 19.99

"Python for Sorting and Searching : With Interview Riddles" |
"[[Never underestimate power of python]]There are some basic algorithms that every computer scientisthasto know if he wishes to design solutions for applications. These algorithms involve Sorting, Searching, andstoring and accessing data (data structures).This course is designed to equip you with the basic understanding ofsorting, searching, and storing algorithms. I will be teaching you these algorithms through a popular programming language called Python. We will learn how the concept of the algorithm works, the analysis of it in terms of efficiency, and the application of it in terms of code."
Price: 19.99

"R Programming Bible : Everything To Be A R-Programmer" |
"About R:R is a programming language and software environment for statistical computing and graphics. The R language is widely used among statisticians and data miners for developing statistical software and data analysis. Polls, surveys of data miners, and studies of scholarly literature databases show that R's popularity has increased substantially in recent years.In this course, you will learn:R IntroductionData analysis(creating dummy data and data manipulation and exploration)R Variables and OperatorsData StructureFunctionsFlow ControlR PackagesExploring Data With RException HandlingJoin and RemoveWorking with PHPSoftwares used in CourseR Studio"
Price: 174.99

"Java A-Z : Learn java within 8 hours" |
"Overview:This course for anyone whowant to be Java programmer from scratch, We will start bydiscus all Java fundamentals that you need to start programming Android,Java web or Java Desktop apps.Course Contents:IntroductionCompanies you can get hired toInstalling jdkand netbeanVariablesOperations and NumbersLogicLoopingArray StringFunctionsOOPFile handlingDatabasesMulti-ThreadingCollectionsGUIProjectsWe will start first by install the development environment then youwill run your first Java app,and understand how program flow works in Java. Then we will talk about variables and Mathoperation and prioiites. Then we will take about logic and making decision, then we will talk about loops. then we will talk about functionsand OOP concept that you need to use when you program apps with Java, then we will talk about multi-processingand how you could run multi-process in same time and how to avoid Deadlock, then we will talk about Databases, then we will talk about collections and which type collection you have to use for better performance depend on your app. Then we will talk about Java 8 new features, then we will talk about build desktop GUIapplication with JavaFx."
Price: 199.99

"Android Developer in 7 days Step by Step" |
"In this course, you'll learn the fundamentals of Android and build an app . I will walk you through downloading the necessary software (Android Studio and the Java Development Kit), teach you the fundamentals of programming, and at the end we will build a two android apps. You will accomplish all this in 7days."
Price: 19.99

"Python Game Development : Build 11 Total Games" |
"Have you ever wanted to build agameswith agraphical interfacebut didn't know how to? May be you even know how to create tools on a command line buthave no idea how to convert it into a graphical interface that people can click on. In this course we will be learningPython GUI Programming+Turtle+ other advancedpython modulesto build graphical user interfaces (GUI) and games from scratch.Games You will make throughout course:Cannon gameFlappy bird from turtlePacmanPongSnakeTilesTronTic Tac ToeFour major Projects:Flappy Bird from PygameAngry Bird from Pygame and PymunkRace 2DMario GameWe will learn from basics of Python i.e. variables, slicing, string, some module, arithmetic and logical operations, looping, functions, object oriented programming.After that we will learn the basics stuff of Pygame and OpenGL and Blender basics stuff."
Price: 174.99

"Curso Corel Draw Supremo" |
"O Corel Draw X8, a ferramenta mais utilizadas no Brasil para a criao de artes grficas e ilustraes.O curso de Core lDraw X8 da Aprenda Computao Grfica, abrange desde conceitos bsicos at a produo de projetos profissionais.So apresentadas as caractersticas de ferramentas, suas propriedades e efeitos. Em seguida so desenvolvidos exerccios e projetos para aplicao prtica."
Price: 579.99

"Wildlife Photography Lightroom CC Basic Photo Editing" |
"Learn how to master the basics of editing your wildlife images in Adobe Lightroom CCtodaySave yourself valuable time in the editing processCreate Images that steals peoples attentionYour will Learn- How to correctly Crop an Image- How to adjust the white balance- How to adjust Exposure & Contract- How to Adjust Highlights, Shadows, Whites & Blacks- How to use Clarity, Vibrance and Saturation to make your images popDon't miss out on this great opportunity to make your Wildlife Images look amazing"
Price: 24.99

"JavaScript Essentials: Things you must learn as a developer" |
"The completebrand newstep-by-step JavaScript beginner course in Udemy! This course is specially designed for you if you are new to Web Design or Web Development. Hi! Welcome to JavaScript Essentials. If you are new to Web Development, or more specifically, to JavaScript, and if your goal is to become a professional Web Developer, you must begin your journey by understanding essential concepts of JavaScript programming. JavaScript is the language of the web, mobile, and devices everywhere. This language is going to stay around for long time. This is why it is worth learning this language well. As a beginner, everything that you must learn is covered very intuitive way in this course.The structure and presentation have made this course very unique in Udemy. Course materials are designed in step-by-step, one-at-a-time approach. I did not bring up any topic or concept in the course without prior explanation about it. Every concept of JavaScript in this course is backed by detail and to-the-point lecture sessions followed by practical exercise sessions and quizzes. Lecture sessions will help you learn the technical theories behind each concept. Practical exercise sessions will help you learn by doing. Quizzes will help you evaluating your learning instantly. Finally towards the end of the course, you will have a series of coding challenges to take your JavaScript skill to the next level where you can start learning advanced JavaScript frameworks like Angular, React, and so on.Finally, I want you succeed in your pursuit to become a professional web developer. This course has everything you need to get you started. Moreover, I am here to help if you run into problems or questions. Please feel free to ask questions in the Q&A section. This course is optimizedformobile devices. So, you can carry on with your learning while on the go. Besides, it is enabled withEnglish subtitles.So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and take your JavaScript skills to a new height."
Price: 19.99

"Certified Teen Meditation Teacher" |
"Ready to begin a new career or add to your current skill set to help teens overcome stress and become all they were meant to be? Now is the time!This course will train you, in an easy and fun way, to set up your own classes for teen meditation or to add to your current class offerings. You will learn how to lead teen meditations classes successfully as well as creating your own meditations (full-length meditation examples are given as well to help you begin).If you're ready to make a difference in the lives of teens by sharing profound truths with them about the creative powers they hold within, the power of thought, and how they can manage stress and raise their self-esteem, this is the course created especially you! "
Price: 199.99

"Vision Board Workshop Facilitator" |
"This course will take you from A-Z with everything you need to deliver an out-of-this-world vision boardworkshopexperience! Ihave everything done for you, all you have to do is follow my syllabus. I'll teach you what to say, give you the worksheets you'll need to use to help your attendees figure out what areas of life they want to improve on, marketing help, how to get people excited about your upcoming event, exactly what to say to get people to sign up,where to find a location, how to set up your space, explainall the supplies you need and evenhow to organizelunchtime! This course is powerfully packed with loads of transformational goodness!"
Price: 199.99

"History of Ireland: Saint Patrick and his Mission" |
"This course explains the historicalprocesses that led to the successful introduction ofChristianity to the people of Ireland. It provides an overview of the main geo-political events that contributed to the formation of 5th century Irish society. There is an explanation of the factors that led to the mission of Saint Patrick in Ireland in the context of the struggles inside the Christian church for hegemony by the Roman Catholic Church. Details are provided of the work thatSaint Patrick undertook tospread the Christian faith, ofthe strategies he used to achieve his objectives, and of the methods he used."
Price: 49.99

"History of Ireland: Writings of Saint Patrick and his legacy" |
"This course provides the reader with anexplanation and understandingof the historical events that led to Patrick writing his two documents:Letter to the Soldiers of Coroticus and the Confessio. The purpose of the writings is addressed and the significance of the writings in the context of his mission in Ireland is presented. pdf's of his writings will be included."
Price: 34.99

"Probability for CBSE Class 10" |
"A Complete course for CBSE class 10 Probability. 40 + short and lively video lectures running for nearly 3 hours! Wide variety of examples from the NCERT text book Questions covering various levels of difficulty Solved questions from 8 recent CBSE question papers (2016 & 2017 CBSE papers for all regions - All India, Delhi, Foreign and NSQF) Will add more videos in the bonus section ! Please ask me to clear your doubts Use the Q & A section !"
Price: 1280.00

"ngilizce renme Teknikleri & En yi ngilizce Uygulamalar" |
"Gnmzde birok kii bilinsiz bir ekilde ngilizce renmeye alyor. Bu gruba kendi bana renenlerle birlikte; dil kurslarna gidenler, zel ders alanlar ve hatta okuluna gidenler bile dahil. Eer siz de bunlardan biriyseniz, muhtemelen sizin ngilizce renme maceranz hsranla sonulanacaktr. Ac ama gerek!Peki neden byle oluyor? nk insanlar ngilizce renmenin temeli olan ''nasl renebilirim ve nasl gelitirebilirim? sorusunu sormuyor veya sorsa dahi yeterli cevaplar alamyor.Ben istiyorum ki bu byle olmasn, emekleriniz ve vaktiniz boa gitmesin.Bu yzden sizlere 20 senelik ngilizce renme ve 10 senelik ngilizce retme sresince kazanm olduum tecrbeleri bu kurs ile aktaryorum. Unutmamanz gerekenler:ngilizce renmek; yalnzca baz teknikleri kullanarak kalc ve st dzeyde renilebilir.ngilizce renme ve gelitirme teknikleri bu uurda harcayacanz vakti byk lde ksaltr ve etkili hale getirir.ngilizce renmek gramer renmekten ibaret deildir! Tm becerileri (okuma, yazma, konuma, anlama) ayn anda gelitirmek zorundasnz.O yzden; bu sette tm bu becerilerin gelitirmesine ynelik eitimler mevcut olup gramer bilgisine yer verilmemitir.Gramer renmeniz de gerekir, bunun iin de harika bir set uan hazrlanma aamasnda.ngilizce arada bir almakla veya rastgele eitimler ile renilmez! Belirli bir plan ve program erevesinde almak durumundasnz.O yzden set ierisinde planl ve programl almann nemi ve nasl program hazrlayacanz anlatld.ngilizce renmek iin ikence ekmek zorunda deilsiniz! Bu set (3. blm) sayesinde hem elenip hem renmeyi de reneceksiniz.Teknoloji ngilizceyi renme ve gelitirme anlamnda en byk yardmcmz.Baka hibir ey kullanmadan dahi srf teknolojinin imkanlarn kullanarak ngilizce renebilir ve gelitirebilirsiniz.Bu yzden de; teknolojinin doru ekilde kullanm adna eitimler alacaksnz.Ve ok daha fazlas..."
Price: 114.99

"zel Ders Formatnda Sfrdan Zirveye ngilizce Eitim Seti" |
"Mart 2020- MEGA GNCELLEME!! : Temel konular (personal pronouns, ya, isim, hal hatr, gnler aylar vs. tamamen sfr konular) bir ksm rencilerimizin istekleriyle eklendi. Ekstra ve faydal eitimler; ngilizce efektif CV oluturma, Kurumsal e-mail yazma, ngilizcede doru bilinen yanllar vb.ngilizce noktalama iaretleriGrammar gncellemeleri; perfect modals, tense agreement, the indefinite pronouns (anbody, somebody vb.), tag questions vb.Ocak 2020 - GNCELLEME! rencilerimizin talepleri zerine snavlarn videolu zmleri eklendi. Ekim 2019 - GNCELLEME - 250 + adet ''Phrasal Verbs'' (bek fiiller) ngilizce aklamalar ve rnekleriyle birlikte kaynaklara eklendi. Mart 2019 - BYK GNCELLEME! - ''Snav Sistemi'' geldi. Bundan byle rencilerimiz bitirdikleri her blmden snav olacak ve ne kadar ilerleme kaydettiklerini snav sonu raporu ile grebilecekler. Kasm 2018 - GNCELLEME! - Nokta at eitimler blm eklendi; Trke dnmeye son!Temmuz 2018 - GNCELLEME! Derslere altrmalar eklendi, hata dzeltmeleri yapld. ngilizce renmek istiyor ancak aklnzda ''Nasl yapacam, nereden balamalym? Neler renmeliyim?'' gibi sorular m var? zin verin size yardm edeyim; hem de baka hi kimsenin yapamayaca bir ekilde!ngilizce kursuna veya yurt dna gitmeden, zel derslere avu dolusu paralar dkmeden, evinizin konforunda, sfrdan ngilizce renmek ister miydiniz? Eer cevabnz ''Evet'' ise; sizi Trkiye'nin ilk ve tek ''zel Ders Formatnda ngilizce Eitim Seti'' ile tantrmak isterim.Bu eitim seti; her yatan rencilerin sfrdan balayarak st dzey gramer bilgisinin yannda, kelime renme - yazma - dinleme (anlama) ve konuma gibi btn becerilerini ayn anda gelitirebilmesi iin uzmannca zel olarak hazrlanm ''tam'' bir online ngilizce kursudur. Bu sette anlatlanlar uygulayp ngilizce renememe gibi bir ihtimaliniz dahi yoktur!ngilizce renmek in Neden Bu Eitim Setini Tercih Etmeliyim?zel Ders Format: lk bilmeniz gereken ey kursun zel ders formatnda olduudur. Yani binlerce TL deyeceiniz zel dersler size ne verebilirse bu eitim seti size aynsn, hatta daha fazlasn verebilir. - Nedir Bunlar?Online ve seviyelere ayrlm kurs: ngilizce bilginize gre stediiniz seviyeden balayabilir, dilediiniz kadar ileri-geri tekrar yapabilirsiniz.Hedefe odakl kaliteli eitimler. (Aada blmlerimizi inceleyerek kendiniz grebilirsiniz.)dev ve grevlerle srekli olarak renci takibi ve unutmamas iin ynlendirme.Konu anlatmlarnn yannda renme srecinizi hzlandracak bir takm teknikler ve tavsiyeler.Konuma ve yazma pratii yapabilme imkan (ilerleyen seviyelerde)stediiniz zaman soru sorabilme, akl danabilme ve yeni eitim videosu talebinde bulunabilme imkan.Ve ok daha fazlas...Planl - Programl retim ve Sistematik YaklamNeyi, ne zaman renmeliyim, nasl ilerlemeliyim derdine son! Uzman tarafndan hazrlanm ve yllarca denenmi; planl ve programl bir eitim seti. Bu set ierisinde asla geliigzel ve kark anlatlm konular bulamazsnz. Btn eitimler belli seviyelere gre verilmitir; blmler kendi arasnda ve dersler kendi iinde sistematiktir. (seviyeye uygun-sral- birbirini destekler ve gelitirir nitelikte)Not: Sistematik retim; birok eitim seti tarafndan gz ard edilen bir durumdur, nk kark anlatmak ok kolaydr! Ancak kark veya rencinin neyi nerede reneceini semesi gereken setlerle baarya ulamanz ok zordur. nk bu plan yapabilecek bir rencinin eitim setlerine zaten ihtiyac yoktur!(Gncelleme) Snav Sistemi: Her blmde yer alan snavlarla kendinizi srekli olarak test edebilecek ve verdiiniz cevaplara gre snav sonucunda ''rendiklerinizi ve eksik olduunuz konular'' rapor olarak alabileceksiniz.Not: sterseniz snav sistemini ''Seviye Tespit Snav'' olarak da kullanabilir ve sizin iin en doru seviyeden kursa balayabilirsiniz. (sfrdan balamak istemiyorsanz.)Btnsel Yaklam:Gramer anlatmak bir ngilizce retmeni iin dnyann en kolay eyidir! Ben zor olan tercih ettim ve st dzey gramer eitimlerinin yan sra eit derecede neme sahip ''Kelime, anlama, dinleme, okuma, yazma, konuma'' gibi becerilerini de nasl gelitireceinizi seviyelere blp anlattm.dev ve Grev SistemiUygulamadnz hibir bilgiyi tam olarak renemez ve bir sre sonra unutursunuz. dev ve grevler sizlere rendiklerinizi uygulama ve pratik yapma imkan verecektir.dev Sistemi: rendiiniz gramer konularn (ve ara konular) her blmde en az 1 tane olmak artyla toplu olarak kullanmanz ve pratik yapmanz salar.Grev Sistemi: Gramer konularnn dnda kalan becerilerinizi (konuma, kelime, anlama gibi) gelitirmeniz iin her blmde sizlere verilen ve teknolojiden olduka faydalandmz uygulama sistemi.Gerekli Tm Gramer Konular ve Pf Noktalar:Eitim setimizde gerekli grlen btn gramer konular ''seviye bazl'' ve ''sistematik'' olarak verilmitir. Ayrca eitim videolarnn sonunda ufak tekrarlar ve esas noktalarn retildii ''Pf noktalar'' blmleri bulacaksnz.Ara Konular & Pratik ngilizce Konular Serisi:Gramer konularnn dnda kalan ara konular: saylar, saatler, hava durumu, evin blmleri, meslekler vb. ve Pratik ngilizce konularn (gezi ingilizcesi, alveri, yer yn sorma, gnlk konuma kalplar vb.) bulacanz ara blmlerdir. Bu ara konular yine blmlere 'kolaydan zora' doru paylatrlm ve bylece olas eksik renmenin veya 'atlamann' nne geilmitir.Baka Hibir Kaynaa htiyacnz Yok!Bu eitim seti sizden ekstra bir kaynak kullanma talebinde bulunmaz. Baka bir materyal gerektiinde en basit haliyle interneti kullanmay reneceksiniz. (Altrma, test, kelime vb.)% 100 Mteri Memnuniyeti ve 30 Gn Para ade GarantisiEitim setimiz % 100 mteri memnuniyetini garanti eder. Eer memnun kalmazsanz rn 30 gn iinde sorgusuz-sualsiz iade edebilir ve dediiniz cretin tamamn geri alabilirsiniz. Yani, hibir riskiniz yoktur!Ksaca; Temel olarak gramer konularn renme, ngilizce yazabilme, anlayabilme ve konuabilme adna sizin iin her ey, garantili olarak TEK BR SETTE hazr durumdadr. Tek yapmanz gereken harekete gemek!Not: Aada ak braklan eitim videolarn izleyerek setin sizin iin doru bir tercih olup olmayacana karar verebilirsiniz. Ak videolara ulamak iin blm balklarna tklamanz yeterlidir."
Price: 199.99

"YDS/YKDL Yksek Baar Kursu - Test Teknikleri + Kaynaklar" |
"ngilizce YDS/YKDL gibi akademik snavlara eksiksiz ve etkili bir ekilde alarak yksek puanlar almak ister misiniz? Hem de en ekonomik ekilde! Yksek baar kursumuz ile bu amacnza her zamankinden bir adm daha yaknsnz!Eitmen destekli online kursumuz ile; dersler, kelime, gramer, test teknikleri, soru zmleri gibi snava hazrlanmak ve daha da nemlisi baarl olmak adna sizler iin her ey hazr ve hi beklemeden yabanc dil snavlarna almaya hemen imdi balayabilirsiniz!nemli Not: Kursumuz orta dzey ve st renciler iin uygundur. Sfr olan kiiler iin ise kurs ierisinde ynlendirme yaplmaktadr ancak bunun bir 'ingilizce renme' deil 'snava hazrlk' kursu olduunun farknda olunmaldr. ngilizce kurslaryla rekorlar kran Serdar Hoca'dan nemli bir alanda nemli bir kurs daha: YDS/YKDL Yksek Baar KursuSevgili arkadalar merhaba,zellikle YDS genel-geer bir snav olup, eitim hedeflerinizden kariyer hedeflerinize ve hatta uan kazandnz paralara dahi direkt etki edecek bir snav ve belgedir. ngilizce bilginizi 'resmi olarak kantlayacak' bu snava mutlaka girmeli ve belgenizi almalsnz. Genel ngilizce kursuma gsterilen youn ilgi ve artan talepler neticesinde dier uzmanlk alanm olan YDS/YKDL/YDT , ksaca birbirine ok benzeyen 'akademik yabanc dil snavlarna' doru ekilde alp baarl sonular almanz iin bu kursu hazrladm. Kursumuz YDS arlkl olup, dier snavlar YDS'ye ok benzedii iin ayn ekilde onlara da hazrlanabilirsiniz. Bu kurs ile ilk olarak ''doru ve planl'' bir ekilde snav zelinde almay reneceksiniz. Hazrlanan ve telefon/pc/tablet gibi her ortamdan ulalabilen derslerimiz ile dil bilgisi konularnda uzmanlaacak, kelime bilginizi st dzeylere karacak, ihtiyacnz olan btn KAYNAKLARA (kelime, deneme, soru, test vb.) ulaabilecek ve farkl yaklamlar gerektiren farkl soru tiplerini; ''Test Teknikleri'' adn verdiim yntemlerle pratik ve etkili bir ekilde zmeyi reneceksiniz.Ayrca her admda beraber yaptmz ''soru zmleri'' ile de benim tekniklerimi ve tarzm renirken bir yandan siz kendi tarznz oluturabileceksiniz.erie yle bir gz atalm:Kursumuz; eksiksiz hazrlanmanz amacyla 6 ana blm ve birok alt blmden olumaktadr. ** Eitmen Destei: Bu bir ierik deil elbette ancak her admda yannzda olacam, soru ve problemlerinize cevap vereceimi, anlamadnz konu veya sorularda sizlere zevkle yardmc olacam size garanti ediyorum!(Not: 3 snav da birbirine benzedii iin isim YDS (yabanc dil snav) olarak anlacaktr)Kursun temel yaps ie u ekildedir:1. Giri Blm: n Hazrlk + PlanlamaBu blmde YDS vb. snavlara dair genel ve zel bilgiler bulacaksnz. Daha sonra ile ''size ve seviyenize uygun'' plan-program yapmay renecek; sizlere salayacam ''3 Aamal alma ve Baar'' plann kendinize gre dzenleyerek kafanz rahat, hedef odakl olarak almalara balayacaksnz.2. YDSGrammar Blm: Bildiiniz gibi; YDS ve trevi snavlar gramer bilginizi ''en ince detaylarna ve u noktalarna kadar'' hem dorudan hem de dolay len bir snavdr. Salam bir gramer bilgisi olmayan bireylerin bu snavdan yksek not almas sadece hayaldir! O yzden bu konuya ok nem verdik ve ihtiya duyacanz btn gramer konularn YDS odakl anlatm; pf noktalar ve ipular eliinde sizlere sunduk. - Ayrca her gramer konular grubu sonunda soru zme blmleri bulunmaktadr. Bu sayede sorulara nasl yaklamanz gerektiini biz uzmann gznden grebileceksiniz. 3. Vocabulary (Kelime) zel Blm:YDS/YKDL gibi snavlar iin bilnen kelime saysnn ne kadar nemli olduunu sanrm anlatmama gerek yoktur; fakat saydan daha nemli olan kelimeleri ''doru ve kalc'' bir ekilde renmektir. Ayrca sadece akademik kelime bilginizi deil 'genel kelime bilginizi' de gelitirmek durumundasnz. Kelime zel blmnde; kelime reneceiniz kaynaklara ulaacak ve bu kaynaklar kullanarak kelimeleri 'en doru ekilde' nasl reneceinizi reneceksiniz.4. Reading (Okuma) zel Blm: YDS'deki 80 sorunun 20 tanesi 'reading' sorusudur. Bu tek bana dahi okuma almasn nemli hale getirir fakat atlanlan ok nemli bir nokta var: YDSgibi % 80'i ''Okuduunu Anlama'' eklindedir. Bu da bu konuyu 'zel' bir hale getirir. Bu blmde bir yandan snava alrken bir yandan zel ve ekstra olarak reading almay reneceksiniz.5. Kaynaklar Blm:Bu blmde sizlere ihtiyacnz olabilecek tm kaynaklara (kelime, soru, kategori baznda sorular, deneme, yaprak test vb. her ey) online ve cretsiz olarak nasl ulaabileceiniz net olarak anlatlacak. Ayrca soru zmek iin fiziksel kaynak tercih edebilecek arkadalarmz da dnlerek en etkili fiziksel kaynaklar tavsiye edilecektir. Tercih ise size braklmtr. 6. Soru Tipleri - Test Teknikleri BlmKursumuzun ana omurgasn oluturur. Bildiiniz gibi, YDS vb. snavlarda farkl soru tipleri vardr; kelime, reading, cloze test, eviri, cmle tamamlama, diyalog vb. Hi dndnz m; neden bu kadar farkl soru tipi vardr? = Farkl yaklam ve becerilerle bu sorular zmeniz iin! te biz bu yaklamlara ''test teknikleri'' diyoruz.Not: Bu blm ziyaret edeceiniz son adres olacaktr nk ncesinde gelitirmeniz gereken bilgileriniz var (=setin dier blmleri) fakat onlar tamamlayp bu teknikleri rendikten sonra netlerinize ve puannza A ATLATACAK teknikler reneceksiniz. Test teknikleri sayesinde:* Her soru tipine zel olarak yaklamay ve zmeyi reneceksiniz.* Cevaplara ''hzl-etkili ve doru'' ekilde ulamay reneceksiniz. * Testlerdeki ipularn annda yakalayabileceksiniz.* Test zme hznzda kayda deer bir art olacak.* Soruyu tam olarak anlamadan dahi (ki olabilir) doru cevapa ulamay reneceksiniz (Tricks)KISACA; % 100 ETKL ve E YARAYAN Snav Teknikleri reneceksiniz...Kurs Bitiminde Ne Olacak?Bu satrlar okuduunuza gre hedefiniz YDS veya benzer snavlardan ''Yeterli'' veya ''Yksek Puan'' almak olmal. Eer size verilen ynergelere uyar ve yeterince emek verirseniz net olarak belirtmek isterim ki bu kurs sizi hedeflerinize ulatracaktr. Bu elbette kolay olmayacak, birok ey yapmamz gerekiyor fakat verdiim emei grdnzde ''tnelin sonundaki '' rahatlkla grebileceinize yrekten inanyorum. almalarnzda ve snavlarda baarlar dilerim.Sayg ve SevgilerimleSerdar Hoca."
Price: 199.99

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