"Fx Seo Para Ecommerce" |
"Esse um curso de Seo que tem como objetivo atender todas as pessoas que possuem uma loja virtual e desejam trabalhar com a otimizao de sua loja, esse curso foi desenvolvido para que qualquer pessoa seguindo o passo a passo possa aplicar as estratgias e conseguir resultados. Essa uma tima forma de colocar a sua loja na primeira pgina do google."
Price: 189.99

"Criao de PBNs" |
"Esse curso de criao de Pbns uma estratgia de Seo avanada, indicada para quem quer posicionar os seus site no google, no curso voc vai aprender como criar sua Pbn, como comprar os melhores domnios para criar uma PBn. Essa estratgia de criao de Pbns uma forma de fazer Seo para o seu site, esse mtodo esta sendo muito utilizado no Brasil por quem trabalha com seo. Ento essa uma oportunidade para voc aprender a posicionar o seu site no google com mais facilidade j que ter o poder de criar os links necessrios para o seu projeto.Nesse curso o aluno ser redirecionado para outro site para ver o complemento da aula."
Price: 99.99

"BASICRUSSIANFOREVERYONE isa course for beginners. It includes 11lectures (with10 downloadable lessons for you to work on your pronunciation), 10 assignments and 2 tests.By the end of this course you will be able to read andspeak Russianusing thephrases necessary to function in differentlife situations likeintroducing yourself, making friends, going out,congratulating your Russian friends on various holidays etc.The course highlights the most important aspects of Russian Grammar. You will learn about the Russian nouns, pronouns, adjectives, their category of gender, grammar tenses etc.BASICRUSSIANFOREVERYONE willhelpyoudelve into the world oftheRussian language!"
Price: 29.99

"Sfrdan Kendinizi Sokakta Savunun ; Yakn Savunma Kursu" |
"Sokakta karlalan saldrlara kar nefsi mdaafay amalayan bir online eitim programdr. Ayrca temel tekniklerin uygulan , bu tekniklerin savunmalar ile beraber , bireysel ve partner ile alma yntemleri iermektedir. Kursu alrken en batan balamal ve sona kadar izleyip her bir teknii sindire sindire almalsnz. Bylelikle kurs bitiminde hem temel teknikleri vcudunuza retmi olacaksnz hemde cevaplarn refleks kazanm olacaksnz."
Price: 49.99

"Podcaster's Delight: Podcasting Made Deliciously Smooth" |
"Do you want to start a podcast but dont know where to start? Feeling overwhelmed by all of the choices? Tired of reviews, videos, and research?Are you ready to make podcasting deliciously smooth?In our course, well walk you step-by-step from beginning to end. Well help you with choosing your podcasts name, understanding cover art and selecting your audience. Each module is designed to help you understand what needs to happen at each stage of the process. Well share our experiences with you, offer our recommendations, and make it simple and clear to follow.This course is designed for Mac and PC users. Well cover microphones and hardware, sound recording software and recording techniques, show notes, and marketing your podcast. We even help you set up your WordPress site, by understanding categories, permalinks, and slugs.Each of the seven Sections offers the results of our experiences, so you can easily launch your podcast. **All Sections have supporting checklist and links.Section 1 - Pre-podcast set up.Section 2 - Software checklist.Section 3 - Hardware checklist.Section 4 - General practice.Section 5 - Sound recording.Section 6 - Final organization.Section 7 - Marketing and social media.*Bonus flavor - Alejandro Shares 10 Speaking Tips For A More Professional Podcast.*Bonus flavor - Mark Shares 10 Tips For Branding and Marketing Your Podcast.------------------------------------------------------------Who is the target audience:-People who want to start a podcast.-Beginners looking to build their brand, connect with their audience, and share a message.-Anyone looking for an easy and effective system for podcasting.Why should you listen to us?Because this is the product we wished we had when we started. We took the guess-work out of the process. AlejAndro is an international professional speaker, speaking coach, and wanna-be super hero. Mark is an author, blogger, and personal development consultant. We designed this course with you in mind. Our goal was to make podcasting deliciously smooth.Like ice cream, our course sells itself.*No fillers. No GMOs. No additives. No preservatives.Wemake podcasting fun."
Price: 19.99

"Fundamentals of Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analysis" |
"MASTER THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF REMOTE SENSING AND GEOSPATIAL ANALYSIS!Do you find that other remote sensing courses are too short and vague, and do not prepare you for real world problems? Are you looking for a course that goes IN-DEPTH and teaches you all the fundamentals of remote sensing? My course provides a solid foundation to carry out practical, real life remote sensing spatial data analysis and gives you the techniques and knowledge to tackle a variety of geological and environmental problems. This course provides an introduction to remote sensing - the acquisition of information about the earth from a distance, typically via airborne and spaceborne sensors. The abundance of earth observation data allows us to address many pressing environmental, geographical, and geological issues. This course will prepare the students for the basics of using remote sensing data. Students will have a solid understanding of the physical principles of remote sensing, including electromagnetic (EM) radiation concepts, and will also explore in detail the interaction of EM radiation with the atmosphere, water, vegetation, minerals, and other land types from a remote sensing perspective. We will go over various industries where remote sensing can be used including agriculture, geology, mining, hydrology, forestry, environmental, and many more!The students will also learn about current satellite sensor platforms for remote sensing analysis including passive senors, synthetic aperture radar, and LiDAR. In addition to learning the basic concepts, terminology, and theories in remote sensing science and application, they will also learn the accurate steps for pre-processing images including radiometric and atmospheric correction techniques.Lastly, we will look at how to interpret spectral characteristics from different materials and how to create their own basic equation for using remote sensing images on their own projects in the future. Enroll in my course today! I want your experience with this course to be a success but more importantly prepare and give you the knowledge for using remote sensing in the real world."
Price: 119.99

"Complete Remote Sensing Image Analysis with ENVI Software" |
"Are you currently enrolled in my Fundamentals of Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analysis course and want to take your remote sensing knowledge to the next level? Are you already familiar with the field of remote sensing and want to learn how to process images?The next step for you is to gain proficiency in remote sensing data analysis using ENVI software!Go from zero to hero in remote sensing satellite image processing!My course provides a complete foundation to carry out practical and real life remote sensing image analysis processes using ENVI software. ENVI is the most widely used remote sensing and image analysis program within Industry and Research. In this course you will be using actual images and data from Landsat 8 and other popular satellites to give you hands on experience in image processing techniques. First we will go over the basic tools in ENVI and learn how to navigate the software. Then we will dive into and learn step by step the fundamental techniques in satellite remote sensing image processing such as:image mosaicingradiometric calibrationmultiple atmospheric correction techniques (Fast Line of Sight Atmospheric Analysis of Hypercubes and Dark Object Subtraction)supervised and unsupervised classificationvegetation indiesband ratiosand many more! Additional satellite images and data will be provided so that you can practice these techniques on your own. I will also provide you with additional resources that you can download and use in your future remote sensing career! We will also go over on how to locate and download FREE remote sensing satellite images!Once you have learned the basics of ENVI we will go into intermediate and advanced ENVI remote sensing processes such as: hyperspectral data analysis image registrationanomaly detectioncreating a burn index mapmineral mapping from hyperspectral imagesspectral angle mappertime series analysis pansharpening and much more!I hope that you ENROLL NOW and learn the remote sensing software that industry and research positions require! Start your remote sensing career here and learn the basics of remote sensing image analysis using ENVI software!"
Price: 119.99

"Complete beginners introduction to web development" |
"Hello and welcome to this course.This course is an introductory course to web development for absolute beginners.The aim of the course is not take you from beginner to expert but to take youfrom beginner to a point where you can you can decide if you want to explore more.The three technologies every web developer must know are :HTML : Used to create contentCSS: Used to present the contentJavaScript : Used to create interactionThey are the building blocks of all websites and web based projects.This course will teach you the basics of these three technologiesby creating a basic one page website project.What You will learnIntroduction to basic HTMLCreating a very basic websitePlanning a basic websiteAssembling files and foldersWhat is HTMLHTML document structureAnatomy of HTML elementMarking up textLinksUsing commentsHTML AttributesIntroduction to basicCSSWhat is CSSWays to apply CSSCSS RulesetCSS basic selectorsStyling multiple elementsCSS Box modelUsing margin and padding propertiesChanging background colorCSS Display propertyCSS Font propertyUsing google fontsIntroduction to basic JavaScriptWhat is JavaScriptWhere to place JavaScriptVariablesData TypesOperatorsOperator precedenceUsing ConditionalsFunctionsEventsUsing Linting toolsAdding image changerAdding personalized messageBy the end of this course you will be able to create a basic one page website and in the process acquire some basic but usefulweb development skills."
Price: 144.99

"JavaScript for beginners : Practical project based course" |
"JavaScript is the most popular scripting language in the world. It is responsible for the interactivity like games, online forms or surveys and other activities users can engage with on a website. Most dynamic if not all website contains some element of JavaScript.JavaScript programming language drives millions of interactive web sites, powers fast web servers and can even be used to build desktop and mobile applicationsIn this course we will together create 27 beginner JavaScript projects from scratch. The projects are listed below:Analogue ClockMortgage Loan CalculatorQuote of the day appDigital calculatorDigital clockTip calculatorWord count toolImage sliderAddition gameTodo List AppIn this course you will learn useful and practical steps to creating web based browser apps that will work when viewed with any modern web browser. I will be using google chrome for this project and i advise you do the same.A good text editor makes writing code fun and productive. I will be using a mixture of text editors for this course .By the end of this course you will be confident to build more useful projects ."
Price: 124.99

"Introduction to Data Analysis and Statistics Using SQL" |
"Descriptive statistics help us understand the overall structure of data, and SQL is the most widely used language for manipulating it. Together, they can help data analysts derive better insights and make far-reaching predictions. This course provides an overview of basic descriptive statistics and analytic SQL commands you need to know to summarise data sets, find averages, count, max and min value and calculate other analytic and statistical information relating to data contained in the database.SQL Server is a relational database management system -RDBMS developed and owned by Microsoft.Thousands of companies all over the world use SQL Server for their data solution .SQL -Structured Query Language is an internationally recognised language used to communicate and manipulate various database systems.T-SQL - Transact SQL is Microsoft's implementation of SQL. There are a lot of similarities between them but also proprietary parts that are specific to SQL Server.SQL can be used for Data Analysis to transform data already present in the database to valuable useful information that help companies and organisations make key business and management decisions.This course is a beginners guide to performing data analysis and statistics using SQL to interrogate SQL Server to provide answers to data related questions. You will learn to write useful SQL queries that is applicable to the Real World production environment.Everywhere data is being collected, every transaction, every web page visit, every paymentall these and much, much more are filling relational databases with raw data that can be analysed to provide useful information.There is a demand for people who can use data to perform reporting and analysis thus helping businesses and organizations make important and critical decisions.Topic covered include:Install SQL Server 2017Load sample databaseIntroduction to Aggregate FunctionsAVGMINMAXSUMCOUNTGROUPINGVARVARPIntroduction to Ranking FunctionsRANKNTILEDENSE_RANKROW_NUMBERIntroduction to Analytic FunctionsLEADLAGLAST_VALUEFIRST_VALUEPERCENT_RANKCUM_DISTPERCENTILE_DISCPERCENTILE-CONT"
Price: 124.99

"Final Cut Pro X 10.4" |
"Final Cut Pro X 10.4 Final Cut Pro X Final Cut Pro X 360 VR CC 4K HDR"
Price: 3600.00

"Top 10 Ways To Become A Great Communicator with Any Person" |
"**Brand New Verbal and Non-VerbalHighly Effective & Straight To The Point Communication SkillsCourse Join students from over 100 countries in learning and easily implementing the Top 10 highly effective communication techniques that will helpyou tohave, improve or create excellent communication with anyone you choose to,andbecome a great communicator with any person you wish to connect with on any level(whether its your family, your spouse, your boss or potential boss, your friends, your girlfriend/boyfriend/your date, your colleagues, clients, customers, patients or potential customers or clients). We will walk you through every step, from understanding what causes misunderstandings and difficulties in interpersonal communication to the how to easily connect with anyone both on the subconscious level and on the conscious level. By the end of this course:you will know and be able to implement 10 effective communication techniques that will allow you to have excellent communication with anyone (family, spouse, your boss or potential boss , your date, friends, girlfriend or boyfriend, your colleagues, clients, customers, patients or potential customers or clients). You will learn fundamental neurological and psychological principles that affect and create great communication. You will know why sometimes people don't understand you, your behavior or your choices.You will know how to become more clear and understood and more influential in your communication with others. You will know how to influence people by using verbal and non verbal communications methods. You will be able to understand others body language and tonality and use your body language and tonality in ways that influence effective communication. You will know what others subjective language suggests about their thinking patterns and their representational systems, and how to communicate with them effectively.You will know how to identify different types of people and different patterns of communication that they unconsciously or consciously use, and adapt your communication in ways that create great interaction and connection between all of you.You will know how to fine tune your communication with others and become aware of what affects the communication with them. You will become consciously aware of verbal and non verbal signs that affects communication. You will know how to overcome limiting beliefs relating to communication or communication skills. You will be able to use our Bonus worksheet that will help you implement all the techniques covered in this course. ... and much, much more! Enroll today and enjoy: Lifetime accessto the course and all future updates Straight to the point and concise top quality and up to date techniques. Bonus worksheet for easy implementation 30 days, no questions asked,money back guarantee Students from over 100 countries that have already enrolled We look forward to seeing you enroll in our course and to get your feedbackafter you have changed your life for the better.What is the target audience? People who wish to have, improve or create excellent communication with: Family members Spouse Boyfriend or Girlfriend People who want to improve their dating chances Jobseekers who wish to improve their chances of being hired Employees who wish to connect better with their boss or team mates Marketers and Sales representatives who wish touse neuromarketing to connect better with their clients and potential clients Entreprenuers who wish to build work teams, improve their persuasion and influence skills or sell their ideas People who wish to connect better with their friends or colleagues."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Basico de Firewalls Watchguard" |
"El curso es una nueva experiencia en conocer los firewalls de la marca Watchguard, veremos como funciona como marca y como funciona las licencias , el lenguaje utilizado por esta marca y sobre todo las diferentes modelos y versiones a la hora de comprar un firewall.Las herramientas de administracion seran mostradas y podran ver la facilidad de monitorizacion que tienen estos estupendos equipos que no paran de crecer en ventas, esta introduccion te dara una idea de valorar todo lo que una pequea caja roja puede hacer para solucionar todos los problemas de tu cpd.Tener varias lineas de internet, poder bloquear por url o bien por aplicacion o bien poder dar un ancho de banda especifico a un grupo de redes o una aplicacion, todo esto veremos como se puede realizar desde una maquina de esta marca."
Price: 29.99

"Configuracion Basica de Firewall Watchguard" |
"Veremos la configuracion desde que sacasel firewall de la caja hasta que lo pongas en funcionamiento.Como registrar un equipo en la web de watchguard, como hacer un setup wizard , como instalar la licencia y como realizar todo el paso desde que compras un firewall hasta que lo pones en produccion.Veremos el editor de politicas de manera muy basica para que puedas navegar por internet, y poder probar alguna licencia.Gestionaremos un poco la web de watchguard, para poder hacer incidencias y soporte , asi como un RMA."
Price: 29.99

"Trkler in spanyolca" |
"Bu kursspanyolca'ya ilk adm atan ve balang seviyesinde spanyolca bilen renciler iin tasarlanmtr.18 blmden oluan kursun herblmnde birgramer konusu ele alnr, konuanlatm yaplr, videonun sonunda rnekler zlr ve devlendirme yaplr.Alfabe ve okunutan balayarakA1 seviyesini tamamen bitiren kurs, A2 seviyesine ufak bir balang yaparak sonlandrlr.Basit anlatm ve bol rnekli yapsyla Trkler iin spanyolca kursu hem spanyolca renen kkler hem de kursa gitmeye zaman bulamayan yetikinler iin olduka kullanl bir kaynaktr."
Price: 59.99

"Introduction to SAP" |
"SAP training in 12 complete lessons about navigation modes, interfacesand user settings with basic reporting and Graphical User Interface (GUI).This lesson includes an essential overview of the SAP modules and interaction of their different components.After purchase, contact me to get promotional offers !BASIC SAP NAVIGATIONSEARCHING IN SAP MENU TREE NAVIGATING SAP VIA TRANSACTION CODES USER SETTINGS AND FAVORITES SAP LIBRARY AND TRANSACTIONS HELP PRINTING IN SAP REPORTING BY PO NUMBER REPORTING BY BALANCE SHEET MODULES OVERVIEW SAP GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE (GUI) BUSINESS WORKPLACE DOC MANAGEMENT ASSIGN DOC CLASSES TO DOC TYPES FINAL EXAM "
Price: 19.99

"SAP interactive simulator. As if you were connected to an SAP server !A complete training to define the SAP HR Organizational Structure with Employees, Roles, Groups and Positions.After creation of personnel structures, you will assign them to the company organizational levels.This course is achieved with a specific recruitment process going through all selection and admission phases.It includes payroll program and time management assignments to Personnel Schema.An all inclusive Human resource simulation with video.After purchase, contact me to get promotional offers !CREATE PERSONNEL AREA, EMPLOYEE GROUPS, ASSIGN PERSONNEL AREA TO CIE CODE, DEFINE PERSONNEL POSITION, ASSIGN ORGANIZATIONAL POSITION, ASSIGN SAP USER TO ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT, MAINTAIN HR JOB RELATIONS, APPLICANT PREPARE FOR HIRING, MAINTAIN PERSONNEL PAYROLL CALCULATION SCHEMAS, FINAL EXAM"
Price: 54.99

"Gesto Financeira Pessoal na Prtica" |
"Criei este curso voltado para Iniciantes, ele contm as informaes necessrias para que voc possa planejar e organizar sua vida financeira, gerir e gerar renda, sair das dvidas, obter controle de receitas/despesas e iniciar no mundo dos investimentos de forma rpida e segura. O programa TCF (Trilho do Crescimento Financeiro), foi desenvolvido para ajudar pessoas, que desejam aprender sobre educao financeira e suas vertentes. Este programa esta em maturao e ter em breve mais contedos de expanso para que seu desenvolvimento pessoal se aperfeioe cada vez mais. Os grandes diferenciais deste curso so: Abordagem prtica com pouca teoria Aulas objetivas e dinmicas Linguagem financeira usada de forma simples para fcil compreenso Atualizao no contedo do curso 1 Sesso de Coaching gratuita comigo! E muito mais! O curso possui acesso vitalcio e certificado de concluso. Quem tem o conhecimento, tem o poder!."
Price: 219.99

"Write a Resume / CV that Employers INSTANTLY Notice" |
"Most people do the traditional thing and get to traditional places.Companies are drowning in traditional,boring, copy-paste Resumes/CVs.You canonlystandout IF you present yourself in a truly unique, non-traditional way.I inventedthe Custom Bespoke Resume formulatohelp my studentsGETMOREJOBINTERVIEWS.Now you can do the same!In this course I will teach youstep-by-step how to craft your CustomBespoke Resume:How to structure your resume?How todesign a custom resume, so that itmatchesthe employers' colors and design?How towrite every sentence so thatemployers want to invite youto aninterview?WHOAMI?I amfounder of the ""Catapult Your Career"" Academy, where I teach students, experienced professionals, and top executives how to advance their careers faster. Ilead offline workshops, seminars, as well as online videocourses.I am on a mission to help YOUreach YOURgoals. This is what gives me energy and motivation to creating actionable training videos!"
Price: 34.99

"Java para principiantes!!(JAVA Y MYSQL)" |
"Aprende sobre el funcionamiento bsico de JAVA y MySQL, sus sintaxis bsicas, que son y para que funcionan, de JAVA aprenders a desarrollar aplicaciones bsicas en consola, aplicando el uso de variables, condicionales, ciclos mtodos y funciones, que harn que tu crecimiento intelectual en este campo incremente y de la parte de MySQL, aprende que es, para que funciona y sus sentencias bsicas, de insercin, seleccin borrado y actualizacin, aparte de esto aprenders como crear variables en MySQL usarlas en procedimientos almacenados de la mano de condicionales o ciclos, segn lo pida tu aplicacin y lo mas importante, aprenders como crear una CONEXIN entre JAVA y MySQL, para disear una base de datos asociada a tu aplicacin y que esta sea mas potente a la hora de trabajar con estosEn este curso, tu te podrs encontrar con temas tales como:Lecciones JAVA-Introduccin a JAVA: aprenders que es JAVA y para que es utilizado-Instalacin de netbeans: aprenders que el entorno de desarrollo mas usado para trabajar con JAVA-""Hola mundo"" en java: este seria el desarrollo bsico por defecto, algo muy comn cuando estas aprendiendo a programar en cualquier lenguaje-Que son las variables: aprenders lo que necesitas saber sobre las variables y que son y como funcionan los tipos de datos asociados a ellas-Ciclos en JAVA: en programacion existen instrucciones que se necesitan repetir cierto numero de ocaciones, aprenderas como hacer uso de esta intruccion para poder realizar esto-Condicionales:en programacion existen instrucciones que dependen de una condicion, a la vez que los ciclos, aprenderas como hacer uso de esta sintaxis-Introduccin a los mtodos y las funciones: combina lo aprendido y aprenderas a hacer metodos y funciones que son como instrucciones programadas y aprenderas como hacerles el ""llamado"" para trabajar con ellasLecciones MYSQL-Introduccin a MYSQL:aprenderas que es y para que sirve MySQL-Instalacin y explicacin de XAMPP y MYSQL workbench : aprenderas como se instalan estas herramientas para trabajar con ellas correctamente-Sentencias basicas en MYSQL : aprenderas las sentencias basicas de MySQL para ir entendiendo como es su funcionamiento y aprovechar en el futuro estos conocimientos que vas a adquirir-Procedimientos almacenados : aprenderas la creacion de procedimientos almacenados que son semejantes a los metodos en JAVA, SON INSTRUCCIONES ALMACENADAS que trabajan en mysql y tu las puedes crear-Condicionales en MYSQL : igual que en JAVA aprenderas las condicionales en MySQL y como funcionan en este gestor de bases de datosVariables en MYSQL :aprenderas a crear y a trabajar con variables en este gestorLecciones Mixtas-Creacion de conexion a base de datos MYSQL desde NETBEANS: SERAS CAPAS DE CONECTAR TUS APLICACIONES CON TU BASE DE DATOS!!-Creacion del modelo MVC de nuestra aplicacion: esto se le conoce como PROGRAMACION ORGANIZADA, aprenderas a crear el ""esqueleto"" de tus aplicaciones"
Price: 19.99

"PHP de cero a experto (no frameworks)" |
"Aprende las bases de php, realiza clases atributos y mtodos, salos para darle robustes a tu aplicacin, crea una comunicacin con base de datos MYSQL, usa librerias para datos como datatables, realiza consultas dinmicas a las bases de datos y refresca segmentos de la aplicacion con ajax.Creacin de una aplicacin 100% funcional con PHPActualizacin diaria de las clases para crear ese contacto con los alumnos"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Shamanism A Path to Personal Power" |
"Shamanism is an ancient healing tradition and way of life based in Nature. It is a way to connect with Spirit, the Divine and all of creation, restoring and re-connecting us with our best self.The intention for this course is to support students to find and connect with their Spiritual Team, to re-discover the best version of themselves through Shamanic Practise, and to overcome blocks to Personal Power & Growth.I work with a variety of helping spirits with whom I am constantly amazed and astonished at the depth of healing brought through. I encourage and support my students to develop a daily practice to hold you strong and centred as you move along this Path to Personal Power. If you KNOW there's more to life... If you KNOW you have untapped potential... If you KNOW that you have help from somewhere... but you don't know where, then this course is for you!"
Price: 99.99

"Uygulamal Etik Hacker Kursu" |
"Sizlere tecrbemizle, sektrdeki en geerli bilgileri, en uygun srada, en uygun srede sunan younlatrlm bir ierik hazrladk. Konunun zne odaklanarak hzla ilerlemenizi hedefledik. Kariyerinizde beyaz apkal hacker veya szma testi uzman olma hedefleriniz varsa, a ve web uygulama gvenlii konularnda detayl ve uygulamal bilgiler edinmek istiyorsanz, bilgisayar ve abilginizi daha ileri bir noktaya tamak istiyorsanz bu Uygulamal Beyaz apkal Hacker Kursu'nu ok seveceksiniz. Boazii niversitesi Siber Gvenlik Merkezi Topluluutarafndan titizlikle hazrlanan bu kursta sektrde geerlilii olanteknik bilgiye eriimin yan sra, szma testleri ve etik hacker olmakla ilgiliher sorunuzaalannda uzmaneitmenlerden yant alabileceksiniz.En temel seviyeden balayarak temel linux, a ve sistem bilgisi, Kali Linux ve VirtualBox kullanm, OSIkatmanlar, a ve servis protokolleri, Nmap, NetBIOS, Netdiscover aralar ile aktif bilgi toplama konularnn yan sra; orta ve ileri seviyezafiyet smrme aralar, metasploit,parola saldrlar,hash ve kripto kavramlar, a saldrlar,bilinen zafiyetler,DDos saldrlar, ARPSaldrlar, kablosuz asaldrlar ile devamedeceimiz kursun web uygulama gvenlii blmnde HTTP metot ve mesajlar,Brute-forcesaldrlar, sunucudakomut altrma,CSRF, XSS, LFI veSQLInjection zafiyetlerinin tamamn uygulamal olarak zafiyetlerinarka planlarninceleyerek renebileceksiniz.Bu kurs size u konularda temelden balayarakileri seviyeye kadar Beyaz apkal Hacker olmann inceliklerini katacaktr:Beyaz apkal hackerla giri,Linux kurulumlar, sanal makine ynetimleri,Temel Linux bilgisi, dizin, dosya, kullanc, sre ve paket ynetimi,Temel a bilgisi, balant, a ve uygulama katmanlar,ARP, DDos veya uygulama zafiyetleri kullanlarak dzenlenen a saldrlar,Web uygulamalarnda uygulamal olarak sunucudakomut altrma, CSRF, XSS, Dosya arma ve SQLInjection saldrlar dzenleyerek zafiyet tespitiHTTP protokol, metot ve mesaj kodlarnn yorumlanmas,Kablosuz a parolalar krmaaralarnn etkin kullanlmas ve alma mekanizmalar,Kii ve kurumlar hakknda pasif tarama yntemleri ile bilgi toplama,Zafiyet smrme aralarn etkin kullanarak bulunan zafiyetlerin dorulanmas,Parola saldrlar dzenleyebilmek ve popler wordlistlerSosyal mhendislik saldrlar ve korunma yollarUygulamal Beyaz apkal Hacker Kursu renci talepleri dorultusunda periyodik olarak gncellenecek ve yeni kurs ve videolar eklenecek, ayrca renciler kurstaki konular hakknda sorularna BSBEReitmenleri tarafndancevap alabilecekler;bu sayede online ortamda renci etkileimli en faydal kursu srekli salayacaz."
Price: 409.99

"Jak okazyjnie i bezpiecznie kupi nieruchomo" |
"Ten kurs to pomocna do dla kadego kto chce zacz zarabia na rynku nieruchomoci. Chc przekaza Ci najpotrzebniejsz wiedz, dziki ktrej pozyskasz i bezpiecznie kupisz swoje pierwsze mieszkanie na wynajem bd na flipa i unikniesz przy tym kosztownych bdw. Chciabym przekaza Ci swoj wiedz na nastpujce tematy:1. W jaki sposbzrozumie nieruchomoci i odnale si na tym rynku.2. Jak myli inwestor.3. Poszukiwanie i kreowanie okazji na rynku nieruchomoci.4. Kupowanie nieruchomoci poprzez licytacje komornicze.5. Kupowanie nieruchomoci poprzez przetargi spdzielcze.6. Weryfikacja aspektw technicznych nieruchomoci.7. Weryfikacja aspektw prawnych nieruchomoci.8. Proces zakupu mieszkania i koszty z tym zwizane.Moim celem jest aby po tym kursie wiedzia jak samodzielnie znale mieszkanie poniej ceny rynkowej i jak je bezpiecznie kupi. Jeli jeste na pocztku swojej przygody z nieruchomociami i czujesz si zagubiony w gszczu dostpnej wiedzy, to z pewnoci ten kurs bdzie dla Ciebie wartociowy i rozjani wiele Twoich wtpliwoci."
Price: 69.99

"Ultimate Beginner Guitar Course Level 1" |
"Hi, Welcome to Ultimate Beginners Guitar Course. This is Wizi and i will be instructing in this course. Here you will learn basic guitar playing,you will be learning not only guitar but also music as a whole. This guitarlesson series are made for beginners that will continues to other series of guitar lessons such as Intermediate, Advance and Master level guitar leaning. In this specific beginners guitar lesson series i have targeted those who wants to play the Guitar and have courage to learn. There will be focus on Slow & Accurate learning in this beginners guitar lessons series. We will be learning some Basic Scales and Chords with that we will be practicing a lot on these guitar scales and chords to move towards learning songs. As a teacher i have realized that putting too much information is not good for starters they just want to get some results in shorter period of time so i designed this course where there will be some knowledge and main focus will be on practice and learning songs so that one can get interested in learning more.I am pleased to announce that i will be making some more high level course and it is my promise to all of my students that i will be giving all the information that i will ever know on music and the instrument Guitar.I am planing to make these four guitar lessons series for beginners and moving the beginners to intermediate, advance and professional/master level,and i hope i will get successful in my goal.I would like to say thanks to all the students who have enrolled in my courses and i really appreciate any suggestions and the things that i missed or any request on any of my courses will be entertained immediately Thanks!"
Price: 19.99

"The Law of Attraction for Love" |
"An OverviewThis course offers aunique approach using boththeory and practice to teachstudents how tobecomesuccessful inachievingtheir unique set of desires for theirromantic love life. The course usesThe Law of Attractionto explainThe Love Process- A process divised by the instructor based onbasicprinciples of socialpsychology.The loveprocess describes the necessaryaspectsforgenerating successful experiences in the area of lifedealingwithromanticlovewhichmostpeopleoverlook butare actually responsible for hindering theachievement of theirlove goals.The course is adapted to suit the needs of anyone who would like to achieve a desire within the area of romantic love. Thiscourse is perfect for anyone who is looking toattractthe right person into their life,successfully date, build astrong, healthy relationship, or find their soulmate.The course includesa variety ofself-assessments dealing withThe Law of Attraction andThe Love Process. Students will use their new knowledge of The Law of Attraction and actively apply it with tools, exercises and evaluation techniquesto gain insight to theirown unique problem(s) concerning their current romantic love life situation and solve the problems they are faced with. The instructor uses concrete examples andanalogies to explain concepts pertaining to the Law of Attraction thatare often misunderstand andpoorly executed.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Section 1.0In this section,students will learn everything they need to know about The Law of Attraction to achieve theirdesires for love.The information is presented in a logical sequence where each lecture builds on the previous giving the student a conclusive and tangible way to understandThe Law of Attraction. This includes in depth definitions, diagrams and simple explanations that focus on core concepts whichare important forusing the Law of Attraction for love, but will also allow students to begin usingthe law of attraction in other areas of life if they so wish.At the end of the section their is a self-assessment to help the student to reflect on their current situation with their newly learned knowledge,solidify main concepts and set the pace for the rest of the course. The self-assessment in this section can be usedmultiple times through-outthe course to helpstudents make meaningful connections between what is being learned and their individual needs.Section 2.0In this section, students will learn about The Love Process. The process is broken down into three steps whichare key to manifesting love life desires. Each step containsincludes two self-assessments for a total of 6 self-assessments which aim to idenify the problemandoffer insight andguidelines for solving even the mostcomplicated problems relating to their unique desire for love.Section 3.0In this section, students will learn about the different tools and exercises that show them what they must do in order to apply the Law of Attraction and sucessfully achieve their love life desire. Students will continue to complete their self-assessments and be able to devise an action plan that is specific to their needs. Students will be able to download and start implementing the exercises quickly. Students are also provided with external resources for incorportingtechniques that go beyond traditional methods taughtby most Law of Attraction practioners.Section 4.0In this section, students will learn about evaluation techniques which willfine-tune their results. The techniques are effective for tracking progress, gaining even greater insight and double as additionalexercises thatstudent can use to further apply what they have learned. The evaluation techniques alsohelp to prevent the student from encountering more potential problems or road blocks thusincreasingtheir ability tomanifest their love goals and desiressuccessfully."
Price: 94.99

"Leadership for Newbies: Avoid the Biggest Mistakes" |
"To take on a leadership position can be very challenging, especially in the beginning.Keeping your team motivated, creating results, dealing with new responsibilities, andtrying not to stress out about it at the same time - it's a lot! This course is hereto support you!This course will give you the perfect foundation to begin your leadership journey, or to take the next steps on the journey you are already on.It will help you to become the great leader you want to be. All of this, by learningfrom the biggest mistakes many leaders makefor decades.Kai is an internationalLeadership-, Sales- and TED-Speakers-Coach with more than 10 years of experience. During this time, he worked with more than 5000 people in 100+ different companies and universities all over Europe.In this course, hewill share with youthebiggestmistakes he has seen even experienced leaders makeon a day to day basis. This coursewill give you valuableinsights on what you can do toavoid these mistakes in your role as a leader.You will learn more about leadingyourself, as well as about leading your team. No matter if you areleading a team in a school project or running projects with a team in business. This applies to all kinds of leadership positions.You will alsolearnstrategies onhow to increase the productivity in your teamhow to drive innovationhow to connect with the people in your teamhow to be an effective leader with the right mindset...and more!The lectures are short and to the point. This will give you much more space and time to apply your learnings in the ""real world"".This course will give you a great boost to become the leader you want to be for your team, and for yourself."
Price: 34.99

"Limit ve Sreklilik" |
"Herkese merhaba. Sizler iin ok kaliteli bir kurs hazrladm. Bu kursta limit ve sreklilik konusunu ele aldm. HD kalite ekran kayd ile ak anlalr ve zgn anlatm tekniklerimi ieren ders anlatm videolar ve bu videolarnpdf dosyalarna bu kursta ulaacak benimle birlikte ilmek ilmek ileyerek limit ve srekliik konusunu reneceksiniz."
Price: 19.99

"Trev ve Uygulamalar" |
"Herkese merhaba. Sizler iin ok kaliteli bir kurs daha hazrladm. Bu kursta da trev konusunu ele aldm. HD kalite ekran kayd ile ak anlalr ve zgn anlatm tekniklerimi ieren ders anlatm videolar ilebenimle birlikte ilmek ilmek ileyerek trev konusunu reneceksiniz. Trev konusu gerek niversiteye giri snavlarnda gerek genel matematik ve calculus derslerinde ok nemli bir konudur. Bu konuyu ok iyi yapabilen bir renci zaten integrali de rahatlkla anlayabilir. Ayn zamanda trev bilmek bir kiinin matematiksel dnme yapsna da olumlu katk salar. nk trevle optimizasyonu yani minimum maliyet maksimum i nasl elde edilir bunu renir ve hayata kar bak anza trev bilmeyen insanlara gre daha fark katm olursunuz."
Price: 19.99

"ntegral ve Uygulamalar" |
"Herkese merhaba. Sizler iin ok kaliteli bir kurs daha hazrladm. Bu kursta da integralkonusunu ele aldm. HD kalite ekran kayd ile ak anlalr ve zgn anlatm tekniklerimi ieren ders anlatm videolar ilebenimle birlikte ilmek ilmek ileyerek integralkonusunu reneceksiniz. Bukonugerek niversiteye giri snavlarnda gerek genel matematik ve calculus derslerinde ok nemli bir konudur."
Price: 19.99

"Bitconnect Passively Grow your wealth 100% in 2 months" |
"This Bitconnect course will show you how to passively compound your money by 0.9% daily by lending it to a Bitconnect trading bot. In this course, you will learn how powerful compound interest is. How to set up an account on Coinbase to buy Bitcoins. How to transfer Bitcoins into your Bitconnect wallet. Strategies to grow that by 100%, 1000% and more using Bitconnect."
Price: 19.99
