"How to Write a Great Script with Final Draft 10" |
"Dreaming about writing a screenplay?Have you ever watched a movie and thought, ""I could do better than that!""Maybe youve got a vision, some inspiration, and a handful of great ideas, but you just don't know how to get started?Or maybe, you havea copy of Final Draft but foundit too complicated and intimidating. Yet you know it could help you turn your great ideas into a great screenplay, but you just need a littlehelp soyou'll feel comfortable.Or, maybe youve already written anovel and want to convert it into a screenplay to see your story up on the big screen?Either way, youre here because you want tomake something BRILLIANT andLIFECHANGING.Then congratulations!! I wrote""How to Write a Great Script with Final Draft"" just for you.Final Draft is THEscreenwriting word processor usedin Hollywood today. All the pros use Final Draft. Shouldn't you?Check out what James Cameron (writer/director/producer of ""Titanic,""""Avatar,"" Terminator"")had to say about Final Draft:""You can't win a race without a champion car. Final Draft is my Ferrari.""Robert Zemeckis (writer/director/producer of ""Back to the Future,"" ""Forrest Gump,"" and ""The Polar Express"") says this:The intuitive ease of Final Draft allows the writer to focus on whats truly important story.Ben Stiller (actor/writer/producer of ""Zoolander,""Tropic Thunder,"" and ""Night at the Museum"") says:""Final Draft is the only screenwriting software I have ever used, and it is the only one I ever will use. I owe ALL my success to Final Draft. Period. End of story.""What does all this mean for you?You can write a screenplay!You can start a new career!You can achieve your dream!So why should you take MY course?Im Wallace Wang, author of dozens of books including ""Microsoft Office For Dummies,""""Absolute Beginner's Guide to Computing,"" and ""Steal This Computer Book.""I've spent a lifetime demystifying computers and software to make them easy to understand for the average person.In addition, I've also written ""The 15-Minute Movie Method,""Writing Scenes for Screenplays,"" and ""How to Write a Great Script with Final Draft."" All of these books distill the knowledge I've accumulated from studying movies from classics such as ""Casablanca"" and ""It's a Wonderful Life"" to modern day blockbusters such as ""WALL-E,""""Pulp Fiction,"" and ""Die Hard."" Just look at some of these quotes about my screenwriting books:***** Amazing book! Broke stuff down in such a clear way with lots and lots of examples. Worth having in yourreference library as a writer. J. Carrie***** I absolutely love this book. He drills the concepts in with a repetitive style that at first I thought would be annoying but instead it has been the best way to come away with a working knowledge of thematerial. He uses lots of examples frommovies I've actually seen. Literally transformed the way I'm writing now.S. JohnsonBut enough about me! What about YOU?My guess is youre looking for a changein your life. Start anew career? Chase a long cherished dream? Change the world with your ideas? Am I right?Yes, this course is absolutely for YOU. Whatever stage youre at.Beginner? No problem. We start with the basics. Already a writer? Good. This is the perfect refresh ofyour skills.Youll not only learn how to use Final Draft, but you'll also understand why you want to use certain features as well. In addition, you'll learn how to turn a great idea into a structured story, and then use Final Draft to help you organize your ideas and write them down as a polished, perfectly formatted screenplay.By using popular movie examplesalong withshort videos that focus on one feature at a time,you'll learn at your own pace whenever it's convenient for you. Best of all, it won't even feel like work because you'll get to watch all your favorite movies to help reinforce each lesson. How awesome is that?Imagine how youll feel after seeing yourideas turn into a fully structured story. Then you'll know exactly which features of Final Draftto turn your story into a great screenplay!Help when YOU need itNeed help? You got it. I'm here to answer your questions. Just hop on emailor the Udemy forums and well get back to you. Simple. Got a suggestion for making a lesson better? Iwant your feedback. This course is for everyone who wants to dream big and that includes you.OK, Im sold what do I need to get started?Your brain, this course and a Windows or MacintoshcomputerA copy of Final Draft 10 or laterA desire to learn and a belief in yourselfDont forget, there's alwaysa 30-day money back guaranteeif youre not completely happy.Who is the target audience?Anyone wanting to write a screenplayPeople who already own a copy of Final Draft and want to take advantage of all its featuresAnyone who wants to tell a great storyYou really have nothing to lose!Remember, you can achieveany dream, but you absolutely must takethat first step.Click thatBuy Now button and lets begin your adventuretoday!"
Price: 29.99

"How to Write a Great Script with Scrivener 3" |
"Dreaming about writing a screenplay?Have you ever watched a movie and thought, ""I could do better than that!""Maybe youve got a vision, some inspiration, and a handful of great ideas, but you just don't know how to get started?Or maybe, you bought a special screenwriting word processorbut foundit too complicated and intimidating. Yet you know it could help you writea great screenplay if you only knew how to structure your idea into a compelling and intriguing story.Or, maybe youve already written anovel and want to convert it into a screenplay to see your story up on the big screen?Either way, youre here because you want tomake something BRILLIANT andLIFECHANGING.Then congratulations!! I wrote""How to Write a Great Script with Scrivener 3"" just for you.What does all this mean for you?You can write a screenplay!You can start a new career!You can achieve your dream!So why should you take MY course?Im Wallace Wang, author of dozens of books including ""Microsoft Office For Dummies,""""Absolute Beginner's Guide to Computing,"" and co-author of""Breaking Into Acting for Dummies.""I've spent a lifetime demystifying computers and other complicated topics to make them easy to understand for the average person.In addition, I've also written ""The 15-Minute Movie Method,""Writing Scenes for Screenplays,"" and ""How to Write a Great Script with Final Draft."" All of these books distill the knowledge I've accumulated from studying movies from classics such as ""Casablanca"" and ""It's a Wonderful Life"" to modern day blockbusters such as ""WALL-E,""""Pulp Fiction,"" and ""Die Hard."" Just look at some of these quotes about my screenwriting books:***** Amazing book! Broke stuff down in such a clear way with lots and lots of examples. Worth having in yourreference library as a writer. J. Carrie***** I absolutely love this book. He drills the concepts in with a repetitive style that at first I thought would be annoying but instead it has been the best way to come away with a working knowledge of thematerial. He uses lots of examples frommovies I've actually seen. Literally transformed the way I'm writing now.S. JohnsonBut enough about me! What about YOU?My guess is youre looking for a changein your life. Start anew career? Chase a long cherished dream? Change the world with your ideas? Am I right?Yes, this course is absolutely for YOU. Whatever stage youre at.Beginner? No problem. We start with the basics. Already a writer? Good. This is the perfect refresh ofyour skills.Youll not only learn how to use Scrivener 3, but you'll also understand why you want to use certain features as well. In addition, you'll learn how to turn a great idea into a structured story, and then use Scrivener 3 to help you organize your ideas and write them down as a polished, perfectly formatted screenplay.By using popular movie examplesalong withshort videos that focus on one feature at a time,you'll learn at your own pace whenever it's convenient for you. Best of all, it won't even feel like work because you'll get to watch all your favorite movies to help reinforce each lesson. How awesome is that?Imagine how youll feel after seeing yourideas turn into a fully structured story. Then you'll know exactly which features of Scrivener 3 to turn your story into a great screenplay!Help when YOU need itNeed help? You got it. I'm here to answer your questions. Just hop on emailor the Udemy forums and well get back to you. Simple. Got a suggestion for making a lesson better? Iwant your feedback. This course is for everyone who wants to dream big and that includes you.OK, Im sold what do I need to get started?Your ambition, this course and a MacintoshcomputerA copy of Scrivener 3 or laterA desire to learn, belief in yourself, and a dream of writing and completing a screenplayDont forget, there's alwaysa 30-day money back guaranteeif youre not completely happy.Who is the target audience?Anyone wanting to write a screenplayPeople who already own a copy of Scrivener 3and want to take advantage of all its featuresAnyone who wants to tell a great storyYou really have nothing to lose!Remember, you can achieveany dream, but you absolutely must takethat first step.Click thatBuy Now button and lets begin your adventuretoday!"
Price: 24.99

"Aprenda Banco de Dados MySQL do Zero de Maneira Eficiente" |
"OcursoAprenda Banco de Dados MySQL do Zero de Maneira Eficiente foi elaborado para ser direto ao ponto. Com uma didtica sem enrolao, voc vai aprender MySQL do zero de verdade. Criado especialmentepara voc que no tem tempo a perder.O foco do curso prtico, iniciando com uma teoria bsica sobre Banco de Dados. Ao entrar na parte dos comandos SQL, comentado a teoria rapidamente e vai direto para a prtica, ou seja, 99% prtica e 1% teoria.Entre no mundo de um dosBancos de Dados mais utilizados no mercado: MySQL. O MySQL utilizado por grandes empresas, por ser estvel e seguro, alm de ser muito robusto.Matricule-se agora mesmo.O acesso ao curso Acesso vitalcio!"
Price: 39.99

"How To Recover Deleted Phone Numbers By Mistake" |
"While deleting phone data or factory resetting regardless of whether the phone numbers and names are saved in the external memory card makes you lose your entire numbers and this is really frustrating, and many smartphone users lose these numbers up to 200 or more friends, family and people The need to contact them is a necessity.So losing your names or contacts is limited to:Format work for the machine.Delete numbers by mistake.Not saved on SIM card.Contacts are hidden from the device.Steal your phone.All of these reasons are detrimental to the loss of numbers you want to call or chat with through communication applications such as Whatsapp, so there is a perfect way to retrieve the phone numbers that you lost easily."
Price: 19.99

"ETABS Advanced Course Modeling and Design of Tall Buildings" |
"Most Present day Design is carried out using computer program. This course offers a lucid presentation of the most famous program of high rise building (Etabs 2016 ).This course Contains detailed example of 19 Story Building and detailed explanation for the most important utility of the program.I used the step by step instruction guide through the development of ETABS model. Also, in this course, we will discuss the Static and the dynamic analysis Methods And the essential checks according to the ACI Code and the UBC 97 code."
Price: 59.99

"Minecraft Beginners Guide - How To Play Minecraft" |
"A simple and easily digestible course on Minecraft. This course, targeting complete beginners, takes students through a video based curriculum on how to play Minecraft survival. Fundamental skills will be presented, and we can assure students will complete the course and be able to play Minecraft with ease. On top of that, the course is simple and fun, and lectures are structured much like a ""Lets Play"" so students stay engaged.Other things including farming, redstone, and building in Minecraft will also be covered."
Price: 19.99

"How to String a Tennis Racket" |
"In this course, you will learn the step by step process of stringing a tennis racket.We will discuss every aspect involved in stringing a tennis racket.Not only will stringing your own racket save you money, but it will also save you the time of having to wait for someoneto restring your racket.You can also test out different strings and tensions more easily once you learn to string your own racket.It is a simple process that anyone can learn.I hope you join me in this course."
Price: 19.99

"How to String a Badminton Racket" |
"Are you a badminton player who is looking to save time and money by stringing our own racket? This course will show you how to string a badminton racket in a simple step by step process.All you need for this course is a racket stringing machine, a badminton racket, badminton string, small clippers and pliers and a ruler/tape measure. If you have a basic stringing machine and those simple tools, you are ready to get started.We will start with the basics of discussing the different types of stringing machines and badminton strings.We will then discuss mounting the racket and cutting/measuring the string.Then we will go step by step as we string the mains, crosses, tie them off, and clip the string.After taking this course, you will be able to string a badminton racket at any time and be confident in the quality of your work.By stringing your own racket, you will save time and money and no longer be dependent upon your local stringer's schedule. You will be able to string your racket on your own schedule and on budget.This is a great skill for a badminton player to have and I hope you enjoy this course."
Price: 19.99

"Zbrush ve Maya ile Oyunlar iin Modelleme" |
"Bu eitim setinde bir modelin oyunlar iin yapm srecini btn aamalar ile reneceksiniz. Ayrca en basit objeler ile balayp her blmde daha zorlu bir objenin ileniini reneceksiniz. Maya,Zbrush, 3D-Coat , X-Normal , Marmoset Toolbag programlarn bu eitim setinde uygulamal olarak grecek ve reneceksiniz.Bir modelin dk poligona aktarlmasn doku ile boyanmasn ve kompozisyon oluturarakrender alnmasn reneceksiniz."
Price: 49.99

"[TUTO] How to make your phone a surveillance camera" |
"Informatics is a branch of information engineering. It involves the practice of information processing and the engineering of information systems, and as an academic field it is an applied form of information science. The field considers the interaction between humans and information alongside the construction of interfaces, organisations, technologies and systems. As such, the field of informatics has great breadth and encompasses many subspecialties, including disciplines of computer science, information systems, information technology and statistics. Since the advent of computers, individuals and organizations increasingly process information digitally. This has led to the study of informatics with computational, mathematical, biological, cognitive and social aspects, including study of the social impact of information technologies."
Price: 24.99

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Price: 19.99

"Christmas in Budapest - more than an average tourist guiding" |
"Welcome to Christmas in Budapest video course,In this course I'll guide you to the best places in Budapest. We're going to Christmas Markets (included the best Christmas market in the city), Christmas places, streets and I share with you some important info about the city andof some sights.I show you places which are not in the tourist guide's book because I help you to know more about Budapest than the averagetourists can see.I hope you'll enjoy this course and you book your flight/train/bus tickets and see these beautiful sights in the capital of Hungary.See you soon in Budapest!Gabor"
Price: 29.99

"Hogyan kezdjek el sportolni?" |
"Sokakban megszletik a gondolat, hogy ""j lenne elkezdeni valamit sportolni"", de ez gyakran a gondolatnl megakad. A gondolatot nem tett, hanem kifogs kveti, emiatt a helyzet vagy vltozatlan lesz, vagy a jelenleginlrosszabb. A videkurzusban 14tancsot adok, amiket ha alkalmazol:- megtallod a sajt sportodat, amit imdni fogsz- elkezdesz sportolni- kitartasz a mlypontokban- eredmnyeketrsz el s megvalstod a clodat+ radsul hnapokat, akr veket takartasz meg az letedbl, mert neked mr nem kell elkvetned ugyanazokat a hibkat, amiket n mr elkvettem."
Price: 19.99

"Host your website for free - Life Long" |
"Hi guys, In this course I'll say a website where you can host your website for free.The main advantages of this website are:Free Unlimited Web HostingFastest Free Hosting99.9% UptimeUnlimited HostingCompletely FreeNo Forced AdsHost Any DomainAutomatic InstallerWebsite BuilderInstall 400+ applicationsUnlimited Disk SpaceUnlimited Bandwidth10 Email Accounts400 MySQL DatabasesPHP 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0MySQL 5.6Apache 2.4 with .htaccessLinux 3.2Free Sub Domain NameFree SSL on all websitesFree Cloudflare CDNFree DNS ServiceIf you like to have these in your website , purchase the course"
Price: 19.99

"Indonesian Recipes : NASI GORENG , SATAY , NASI PADANG ." |
"have you ever think to cooking tasty exotic food ? but you dont know how ? or sometimes to made its too dificult cause indonesian food got a lot of ingredent to prepare right ? but if so , you are coming to the right place at right time , im gonna show you how to cook indonesian food with very easy way , and you be surprise how easy the indonesian food is , for everybody who like to enjoy cooking indonesian food , i will be with you althrought the lectures , step by step so dont worry and if you have any quistion , please just feel free to let me know and i will get back to you as soon as i canso lets start now , and i hope you enjoy cooking with me , and dont forget to prepare with your ingredent , and the most important is dont forget to share with your friends and loved ones okay ? After this course, youll be inspired and motivated to start right away.If youre ready to SIMPLIFY your cooking, never worry about whats for dinner,eat healthy and spend quality time with family and friends, sign up for a classNOW!"
Price: 29.99

"PSpice Simulation for Electronic Circuits: Learn PSpice now!" |
"Verify that your operational amplifier and power switching converter circuits will actually work.Understand how to use PSpice for basic circuit analysis. Verify your hand calculations and homework in Circuits 1 and Circuits 2 class. A tutorial in PSpice for analog circuits. Learn the basics of circuit simulation using Cadence Design System's powerful simulation software."
Price: 69.99

"The Things They Don't Teach Us In School" |
"This class will not teach you how to do your taxes or how to make a million dollars. It may help you understand thethings we have always kind of known, but never applied a label to bridge the psychological gap. As we transition deeper into the course you will start to realize how much more rewarding these concepts arecompared to studying core education curriculum and how these theories can help us live a life of rich fulfillment in our allotted time here on earth. Why? The subjects touch the heart and human consciousness."
Price: 19.99

"Teaching Mathematics in English" |
""" - "" .. .. :Math Glossary .. Classroom Language .. Teaching styles and techniques aymanaref49@gmail.com 01062211553"
Price: 199.99

"The Hidden Secrets of Work Dynamics" |
"This course is an intensive course in the psychology of work dynamics. It aims to provide awareness of the basic factors that are tested and based on science for professional development. In addition, it allows the student to view practical tips and tricks and apply the given knowledge in this courseproperly.The course suites students who aim to grow at work though the analysis and exploration of their behavior and the behavior of others around them. It also should be appealing toall levels of knowledge regardless of the academic background."
Price: 19.99

"Paleo Diet Bootcamp : Lose Weight & Gain Energy with Foods" |
"If you ever thought of trying paleo diet and don't know where to start from, take this training to learn everything about the paleo diet and how you can do it confidently. The course is arranged in the boot-camp format where you complete one step and then move to the next step. So watch a video and then complete the steps mentioned in the video before going to the next video.This course is designed for both the beginner's as well as the folks looking for the help to take their paleo diet system to the next level.Welcome to the Complete Paleo Bootcamp!If you have tried a variety of weight loss programs and always got the weight back as soon as you stopped following their system, you should think of adopting the paleo lifestyle. Or if you want to feel energetic and planning to gain more muscle and lose fat, paleo lifestyle should be one of your main choices.It is extremely popular with those who want to live their life to the fullest by eating the right type of foods. If you are planning to achieve any of the following goals, you should think about trying the paleo diet system:Want to lose weight naturally and slowlyWant to cut down the body fat naturallyWant to feel more energetic throughout the dayWant to take only Gluten-Free food itemsWant to avoid milk products due to milk intoleranceWant to prepare for high endurance fitness programsWant to live a healthy lifestyle"
Price: 99.99

"Foods for Thyroid Health: Stop Weight Gain & Feel Energetic" |
"You may have heard many people saying that ""You are What You Eat"" as this quote is used a lot in day to day conversation. Some of you may believe in this and some may not. Whether you are a believer or a skeptic, we designed this course for those who want to eat healthy proactively to avoid thyroid issues due to family history or for those who are dealing with thyroid health issues currently and want to take control of their health for better.Many experts and scientists claim that most of the modern health issues can be managed easily by eating the right type of foods.Imagine your life If you start eating only those food which are good for your specific situation.Do you remember how healthy and fit you always felt until you were told about the thyroid health issues?It doesn't matter what's your current personal situation as eating healthy can never go wrong.So sign up for this course and start your healthy lifestyle journey with us. See you inside the video training!Jay AuthorHealthy Lifestyle Show Coach and Trainer"
Price: 199.99

"Excel - 60 Frmulas e Funes Essenciais" |
"O curso ministrado em 71 video-aulas simples, direta e de curta durao (3 a 6 minutos cada aula) onde so apresentadas 61 funes internas do Excel.Este curso foi elaborado para ensinar a todos com necessidades de aprender a utilizar funes como SE, SOMASE, PROCV, Mdiaa, Cont.NUM, DiaTrabalho.Intl entre vrias outras importantes para o seu dia a dia.Aprenda as funes mais importantes do Excel, sem medo, passo a passo e com uma linguagem simples e didtica.Ao final deste curso voc vai ser um expert em funes, vai melhorar a sua produtividade em seu dia a dia e vai aprender excel sem mistrio.Nota: Este curso no focado em programao VBA (avanado), mas sim em funes.Material Didtico incluso (ebook com 95 pginas)Confira o conteudo programatico deste curso. Vamos comear?"
Price: 39.99

"Lire et compter en turc partir du premier jour" |
"Ce cours est adress aux personnes qui veulent apprendre le turc. il reprsenterala porte d'entrevers cette langue magnifique.Ce cours peut tre divis en deux grandes parties selon l'objectif qu'il cherche atteindre:Dans la premire partie du cours, vous allez prendre connaissance de l'alphabet turc (qui diffre un tout petit peu de l'alphabet franais). Vous allez aussi maitriser la prononciation de toutes les consonnes et de toutes les voyelles.Dans la deuxime partie du cours, vous allez prendre connaissance des chiffres et des nombres en turc et vous allez tre capable de compter jusqu' 9999! et ce grce l'astuce que j'ai partag avec vous.Je tiens finalement prciser que le cours contient aussi des exercices pour vous entrainer.Bonne chance."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to EU GDPR" |
"Welcome to thecourse on Udemy for GDPRBasics (Introduction). This is now a paid course to attract only learners serious about this topic. We have dealt with alot of spuriousreviews from learners who actually have enrolled to this course because of being free and for fun !! Apologies !The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the most important change in data privacy regulation in 20 years. The Industriescatering the European customers should be aware of the law and theimplications if this is not being followed.This course is designed to provide a high level introduction of the provisions within GDPR and also talks about the myths of this regulation.This course will be useful for anyone who would want to know the basics about this regulation, its implications if this is not being followed and also the structure of this regulation"
Price: 19.99

"Cisco 300-115 - Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks" |
"Welcome to the Cisco 300-115 - Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks : Practice TestsImplementing Cisco IP Switched Networks (SWITCH 300-115) is a 120-minute qualifying exam with 4555 questions for the Cisco CCNP and CCDP certifications. The SWITCH 300-115 exam certifies the switching knowledge and skills of successful candidates. They are certified in planning, configuring, and verifying the implementation of complex enterprise switching solutions that use the Cisco Enterprise Campus Architecture.The tests in this set are timed, so youll know when youre taking more time than the official test allows, and at the end of the test youll receive a personal breakdown of the questions you answered correctly and incorrectly to improve your knowledge and make you more prepared to pass the actual exam.In this practice test set, well cover all the topics included in 300-115 exam objectives such as:Layer 2 TechnologiesInfrastructure SecurityInfrastructure Services"
Price: 19.99

"Bootstrap 4" |
"Bootstrap CSS JavaScript Library Bootstrap Bootstrap 4 xx Component"
Price: 59.99

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"HTMLCSSjQuery Sass Semantic UI Semantic UI Sketch macOS Windows"
Price: 179.99

"Ynetmenlik - Film Grameri" |
"Bu eitim programnda film ekim teknikleri ile ilgili lekler, alar ve kamera hareketlerini balang seviyesinden ileri seviye detaylarna kadar filmlerden rnek grntler eliinde reneceksiniz. Eitim programnda rnekler eliinde ilenen konular lekler, alt a, st a, eik a, kamera hareketlerinden pan, tilt, zoom, vin hareketleri, kaydrma hareketleri, takip, netlik kaydrma ve komplike hareketler"
Price: 49.99

"Sinema ve Psikanaliz - Drt" |
"1. Program: Drtler ve Oral Drt1. Blm: Freudian Drt Teorisi, Drtnn Tanm, Drtnn zellikleri, Drtnn Amac, Drtnn Hedefi, Libido Kavram, Haz ve Honutsuzluk, Drt ve atma.2. Blm: Sz ve Eylem Temsilleri, Bastrlann Geri Dn, Drt Kavramnn Filmsel Karlklar.3. Blm: Drt zerinden nsan Temsilleri, Filmlerde ocuk ve Atein Drtsel levi, Isrmak ve Drtsel Karlklar, itsel Drt ve Telefonlu Filmler, Filmlerde Ben gali, Filmlerde Drt ve Hayvanlar.4. Blm: Varln Geliim Srecinin lk Aamas, Meme-Varlk likisi, Oral Pasif Dnem ve Otoerotizm, Oral Sadistik Dnem, yi Meme-Kt Meme, Stten Kesilme ve Nesne Kavramnn Gelimesi, Fiksasyon, Haset ve Irklk5. Blm: Sinemada Yamyamlar ve Oral Dnem likisi, Oral Drt ve pme, Oral Drtnn birlikileri, Yemek Sahneleri zerinden Oral Drt rnekleri, Alkolizm ve Oral Drt Bants, Sigara ve Oral Drt Bants, Vampirler ve Oral Drt Bants.2. Program: Skopofilik Drt, Ben deali ve Ayna, Anal Dnem ve Sinemada Sado Mazoizm1. Blm: Drtnn Aktif-Pasif zellii, Skopofili Tanm, Voyeuristik Drt ve tekinin Beden Kefi, Tehirci Drt ve Kendiliin Beden Kefi, Skopofilik Drtnn birlikileri, Merak ve Skopofili likisi, Film zlemekten Neden Keyif Alrz, Psikanalitik Adan zdeleme Kavram, Skopofili-zdeleme likisi2. Blm: Voyeuristik Film rnekleri, Panoptisizm-Voyeurism likisi, Fotoraflk-Voyeurism likisi, Kontrol ve Voyeurism, Merak ve Voyeurism likisi, Voyeurism-Tehircilik birlii, Tehircilik-Mastrbasyon likisi, Tehircilik Konulu Dier rnekler.3. Blm: Ayna ve Ben deali, Nesne Ayna-mge Ayna, Ben dealinin zellikleri, Ben deali ve Ayna likisine Dair rnekler, Aynaya Yansyanlar, Ayna ve rrasyonel likisi, Aynann Sinemada znel Kullanm Alanlar.4. Blm: Anal Dnem Tanm, Tuvalet Eitimi, Sado Mazoizmin nclleri, Dknn Filmlerdeki Gstergeleri, Dk ve Armaan likisi, Otto Muehl ve Regresyon Terapisi, Anal Drt ve Pasolini likisi, Sado Mazoistik Ritelin zellikleri.5. Blm: Filmlerle rnekler Dahilinde Sinemada Sado Mazoizm.3. Program: Oedipus Kompleksi ve Eril Fallik Drt1. Blm: Pre-Oedipal Srelerin zeti, Erkein Fallik Dnemine Giri, Fallik Drtnn Tanm, Merak ve Fallik Dnem Balants, Fallik Dnemin 5 Sreci, Fallik Dnem ve Filmlerdeki Yansmas.2. Blm: Fallik Drtnn Filmlerde ne kan rnekleri.3. Blm: Fallik Drtnn Filmlerde ne kan rnekleri.4. Blm: Fallik Drtnn Filmlerde ne kan rnekleri.5. Blm: Fallik Dnemin Metaforik Gstergeleri, Corafi Keifler, Yasak likiler, alnan Sevgililer ve Fallik Dnem Balants.4. Program: Kastrasyon1. Blm: Kastrasyon Tehdidinin Oluum Esaslar, Ayrlma ve Kastrasyon Bants, Yer Deitirme ve Kastrasyon, Kastrasyon Temsilleri, Filmlerde Kastrasyonun zleri, Oral Dnem ve Kastrasyon Bants2. Blm: Primal Scene Kavram, Kastrasyonun Rya Temsilleri.3. Blm: Kastrasyon ve Kskanlk Bants, Skopofili ve Kastrasyon Bants, Korku Sinemas ve Kastrasyon Bants, Anal Dnem ve Kastrasyon Bants.4. Blm: Kastrasyon ve Fallik Drt Bants, Yasak likiler ve Kastrasyon Bants, Kastrasyona Dair Bir Rya rnei.5. Blm: Big Lebowski ve Bir Kastrasyon Ryas.5. Program: Diil Fallik Dnem1. Blm: Kz ocuunun Oedipal Dnemi, Oedipus ncesi Dnem, Yalnzlk Dnemi, Etkin Oedipal Dnemin Aamas, Oedipusun zlmesi, Diil Fallik Drtnn Filmsel Gstergeleri.2. Blm: Menstrasyon, Yalnzlk Dnemi ve Filmsel Karlklar, Etkin Oedipal Dnem ve Filmsel Karlklar3. Blm: retmen-renci likileri Kapsamnda Diil Oedipusun Filmlerdeki Gstergeleri, Babann Reddedii Srecinin Filmsel Karlklar.4. Blm: Pasif Bir Taciz Filmi, Fallusun Sinemadaki Temsilleri. 5.Blm: A Night Full of Rain Filminden Bir Sahne6. Program: Diil Fallik Dnemin SonularKz ocuunun Oedipal Dneminin zlme Sreci, Fallik Rekabetten Vazgeen Asesel Kadn Karakter, Kastrasyonu Reddeden Eril-Diil Karakter, Kastrasyona Boyun Een Kadn Karakter, Rahibeler, Masal Kahramanlar, Fantastik Kahramanlar, ntikam ve Kinle Kuatlm Kadn Karakter, Haset ve Kskanlkla Kuatlm Karakter, Vajina Dentata, Korku Sinemasnda Sa Kalan Kadnlar.Film Listesi:1) La Prisonnere2) Carrie3) Tenebre4) Amer5) Hellraiser III6) Clockwork Orange7) Rear Window8) Psycho9) Final Destination V10) Opera11) Evil Dead I12) Diary of a Chambermaid13) Notebook14) La Grande Bouffe15) Texas Chainsaw Massacre16) Pi17) Evil Dead II18) The Society19) Une Femme Est Une Femme20) Une Femme Marie21) Murmur of the Heart22) Exorcist23) The Omen I24) The Entity25) An American Werewolf in London26) The Thing27) The Blob28) The Stuff29) Terminator I30) Poltergeist I31) The Brood32) Insidious III33) Village of the Damned34) The Burning35) 149236) Firestarter37) Carrie (Re-make)38) Conspirators of Pleasure39) 976-Evil I40) Nest41) Kujo42) The Birds43) Alligator44) The Food of the Gods I45) Creepshow I46) Dein Kind Das Unbekannte Wesen47) Sweet Movie48) Grace49) Otesanek50) Cannibal Holocaust51) Cinema Paradiso52) Fando y Lis53) Eat54) Raw55) Faces of Death56) Passengers57) The Kiss58) La Grande Buff59) The Merchant of Four Seasons60) Lola61) Fox and His Friends62) World on a Wire63) Love is Colder Than Death64) The Cook, The Thief His Wife and Her Lover65) A Bout de Souffle66) Band of Outsiders67) Alphaville68) Mauvais Sang69) A Nightmare on Elm Street II70) A Nightmare on Elm Street III71) A Nightmare on Elm Street V72) Refrigerator73) Killer Tongue74) Witchery75) A Girl Walks Alone At Night76) Only Lovers Left Alive77) Nosferatu The Vampyr78) Near Dark79) Hunger80) Washingtonians81) Fright Night II82) Hi Mom!83) Maniac84) I Spit On Your Grave85) Crawlspace86) A Snake of June87) Possession88) Mulholland Drive89) Peeping Tom90) Eyes Wide Shot91) The Key92) The Voyeur93) Unbearable Lightness of Being94) Body Double95) Basic Instict96) Malena97) Taxi Driver98) Raw99) Rambo100) Matrix101) Disturbia102) W.R. Mysteries of the Organism103) A Walk to Remember104) New York Stories105) Une Femme Public106) Under Fire107) Blow-up108) 9.5 Week109) Jeepers Creepers110) Angoisse111) Orphe112) Une Femme Mariee113) Mirror114) Contact115) A Woman Who Wanted to Die116) Une Femme Douce117) Der Fan118) The Lady From Shanghai119) Prince of Darkness120) A Nightmare On Elm Street 1121) A Nightmare On Elm Street 4122) Black Swan123) Dressed to Kill124) The Flat125) Duck Soup126) Earthquake127) Belle de Jour128) Leolo129) Ghoulies II130) The Whip And The Body131) Human Centipide II132) Maitresse133) The Santa Clause134) Le Fantme de la Libert135) Salo136) Venus in Fur137) Venus in Fur (1995)138) Bitter Moon139) Secretary140) Oswalt Kolle: Dein Kind, Das Unbekannte Wesen141) Surviving Life142) Teeth143) Kung-Fu Master144) Oedipus Rex145) Le Charme Discret de la Bourgeoisie146) Les Amants du Pont-Neuf147) Summer of 42148) The Graduate149) The Tit and the Moon150) Notes on a Scandal151) Back to the Future I152) Blue Velvet153) Reality Bites154) Womb155) Terminator II156) Dentist I157) Marathon Man158) Basket Case159) Boogeyman I160) Malena161) Alien162) Dentist II163) Little Shop of Horrors164) Hayatmn zeti165) Happy Birthday To Me166) Friday the 13th I167) Halloween168) Scream II169) Re-Animator I170) Un Chien Andalou171) Lucio Fulchi's Zombie172) Headles Eyes173) New York Ripper174) Grotesque175) Friday the 13th III176) Street Trash177) Christmas Evil178) Lost Highway179) Revenge180) Shining181) Big Lebowski182) My Girl183) A Nos Amours184) L'amour Fou185) Ms.45186) Black Moon187) The Legend of Billie Jean188) The Blue Lagoon189) Game of Thrones190) Fruits of Passion191) Noce Blanche192) Elegy193) Poison Ivy194) Leon195) Gerald's Game196) Ilsa: She Wolf of the SS197) The Woman198) A Night Full of Rain199) La passion de Jeanne d'Arc200) Vivre Sa Vie201) Wild at Heart202) Pomette203) Rust & Bone204) Cindrella205) Amelie206) Beetlejuice207) Alien208) Rabid209) The Brood210) Shivers211) Kramer vs Kramer212) The Burning213) Slither214) I Spit On Your Grave215) I Spit On Your Grave - Remake216) The Woman217) Last House On The Left218) Texas Chainsaw Massacre II219) Teeth220) Friday The 13th VI221) Friday The 13th VIII222) A Nightmare On Elm Street IV"
Price: 149.99

"Grme Hazz - Sinema ve Psikanaliz" |
"1. Blm: Drtnn Aktif-Pasif zellii, Skopofili Tanm, Voyeuristik Drt ve tekinin Beden Kefi, Tehirci Drt ve Kendiliin Beden Kefi, Skopofilik Drtnn birlikileri, Merak ve Skopofili likisi, Film zlemekten Neden Keyif Alrz, Psikanalitik Adan zdeleme Kavram, Skopofili-zdeleme likisi.2. Blm: Voyeuristik Film rnekleri, Panoptisizm-Voyeurism likisi, Fotoraflk-Voyeurism likisi, Kontrol ve Voyeurism, Merak ve Voyeurism likisi, Voyeurism-Tehircilik birlii, Tehircilik-Mastrbasyon likisi, Tehircilik Konulu Dier rnekler. 3. Blm: Ayna ve Ben deali, Nesne Ayna ve mge Ayna, Ben dealinin zellikleri, Ben deali ve Ayna likisine Dair rnekler, Aynaya Yansyanlar, Ayna ve rrasyonel likisi, Aynann Sinemada znel Kullanm Alanlar.4. Blm: Anal Dnem Tanm, Tuvalet Eitiminin nemi, Sado Mazoizmin nclleri, Dknn Filmlerdeki Gstergeleri, Dk ve Armaan likisi, Otto Muehl ve Regresyon Terapisi, Anal Drt ve Pasolini likisi, Sado Mazoistik Ritelin zellikleri.5. Blm: Filmlerle rnekler Dahilinde Sinemada Sado Mazoizm.rnek Verilen Filmler1) Sweet Movie 2) Hi Mom!3) Maniac4) I Spit On Your Grave5) Crawlspace6) A Snake of June7) Possession Leolo9) Rear Window 10) Mulholland Drive11) Peeping Tom12) Eyes Wide Shot13) The Key14) The Voyeur15) Unbearable Lightness of Being16) Body Double17) Basic Instict 18) Malena 19) Taxi Driver20) Raw21) Rambo22) Matrix 23) Disturbia24) W.R. Mysteries of the Organism25) A Walk to Remember26) New York Stories27) Une Femme Public 28) Under Fire29) Blow-up30) 9.5 Week31) Jeepers Creepers32) Angoisse 33) Orphe 34) Une Femme Mariee35) 149236) Mirror37) Carrie38) Contact39) A Woman Who Wanted to Die40) Poltergeist41) Une Femme Douce42) Mauvais Sang43) Der Fan 44) The Lady From Shanghai 45) Prince of Darkness46) A Nightmare On Elm Street 147) A Nightmare On Elm Street 348) A Nightmare On Elm Street 4 49) Evil Dead 2 50) Black Swan 51) Dressed to Kill52) The Flat53) Duck Soup54) Earthquake 55) Otesanek 56) Oswalt Kolle: Dein Kind, Das Unbekannte Wesen57) Belle de Jour 58) Leolo59) Ghoulies II60) The Whip And The Body61) Human Centipide II62) Sweet Movie63) Maitresse64) The Santa Clause65) Le Fantme de la Libert66) Salo67) Venus in Fur68) Venus in Fur (1995)69) Bitter Moon70) Conspirators of Pleasure 71) Secretary"
Price: 49.99

"Oedipus Kompleksi ve Eril Fallik Drt" |
"Oedipus Kompleksi ve Eril Fallik Drt1. Blm: Pre-Oedipal Srelerin zeti, Erkein Fallik Dnemine Giri, Fallik Drtnn Tanm, Merak ve Fallik Dnem Balants, Fallik Dnemin 5 Sreci, Fallik Dnem ve Filmlerdeki Yansmas.2. Blm: Fallik Drtnn Filmlerde ne kan rnekleri. 3. Blm: Fallik Drtnn Filmlerde ne kan rnekleri. 4. Blm: Fallik Drtnn Filmlerde ne kan rnekleri. 5. Blm: Fallik Dnemin Metaforik Gstergeleri, Corafi Keifler, Yasak likiler, alnan Sevgililer ve Fallik Dnem Balants.Filmler: 1) Oswalt Kolle: Dein Kind, Das Unbekannte Wesen2) Otesanek3) A Snake of June4) Surviving Life5) Teeth 6) Matresse7) Kung-Fu Master8) Oedipus Rex9) Le Charme Discret de la Bourgeoisie10) Mauvais Sang11) Les Amants du Pont-Neuf12) Summer of 4213) The Graduate14) The Tit and the Moon15) Leolo16) Notes on a Scandal 17) Back to the Future I 18) Blue Velvet 19) Mulholland Drive20) Le Fantme de la Libert21) Murmur of the Heart22) 149223) Reality Bites24) Womb25) Terminator II26) Dentist I27) Marathon Man"
Price: 49.99
