"SEO For WordPress [Part 2]: On-Page SEO Secrets" |
"""This is Part 2of Our On-Page SEO Video Course""After you complete this course, you'll be an expertaton-page SEO.What Will You Learn?You'll discover:How to easily optimize your file names for GoogleHow to quicklyoptimize and setup keyword tags for your images.How to check for errors and optimize the source code on your websiteHow to easily increase your text to HTML ratio, increase page speed, reduce file requests, plus a lot more..Everything I teach in this video course is updated, tested, and still works.What Are The Requirements To Take This Course?You need a WordPress websiteYou should watch ""Part 1"" of this video course firstAre You Ready To Master SEO?If the answer is yes, then it's time to complete your training. Make a small investment now, and you'll learn the skills required to get to page #1 of Google, fast!This SEO course comes with a 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee, so you have nothing to lose.Are You Ready To Get Started?Enroll Now And I'll See You In The Course!"
Price: 199.99

"Keyword Research Secrets: SEO For Google [Beginners]" |
"Keyword Research Secrets: SEO For Google [Beginners]Are You Looking For A Unique Way To Find Profitable Keywords For Your Website?Do You Want To Learn The Secret Keyword Strategies Used By The Top SEO Agencies?If you answered ""YES"", then this course is for you!Discover How To Find Profitable Keyword Opportunities Without Spending Any Money On Confusing SEO Tools!My name is Kent Mauresmo, and I've been teaching SEO for the past 5 years through my books and live seminars in Los Angeles, California.There's a lot of information everywhere online aboutkeyword research, but most of it is confusing because it's not for beginners.That's why I've created this simple, step-by-step video course that will teach you creative ways to discover keyword opportunities for your website.You'll learn:The difference between broad keywords, keyword phrases, and long tail keywords.You'll discover how to find ""buyer keywords"" and avoid ""tire kicker"" keywords.I'll Also Show You...The correct way to use Google Keyword Planner to find profitable keywords.How to easily find out which keywords your competitors are using so you can ethically steal their web traffic.The strategies that I teach you in this video course are updated, tested, and used by the top SEO agencies in the world.What Are The Requirements To Take This Course?You need a computer.You need to be able to follow simple step-by-step instructions. That's it.Is This Video Course For Complete Beginners?Yes! Make a small investment today, and you'll learn the skills required to increase your profits fast! This training course comes with a 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee, so you have nothing to lose.Are You Ready To Get Started?Enroll Now And I'll See You In The Course!"
Price: 199.99

"Exploring AWS IoT" |
"This course explores the various features of device to cloud communication using Amazon AWS IoT Core on a AWS free tier account. Before the course starts we need an AWS free tier account, a local installation of the AWS CLI tool, and installation of the MQTT.fx testing tool (all free). After this is set up we will program inexpensive, WiFi enabled embedded devices such as the ESP8266, ESP32, and Raspberry Pi to communicate with AWS IoT Core with MQTT. We will take advantage of free ""Internet of Things"" (IoT) development environments, like Mongoose OS in JavaScript, Arduino in C, Zernyth in Python, AWS FreeRTOS in C, and the AWS IoT SDK in both JavaScript and Python for the Raspberry Pi to program our inexpensive WiFi devices. You will need at least one or more of the following devices to transmit data to AWS IoT. Alternately, you can send JSON test payloads from IoT Core directly, imitating a IoT device. The course continues on with programming our embedded devices to send data from the device to the AWS cloud. To transmit our data we will use the built in MQTT broker on our devices firmware, sending JSON encoded sensor data, to the AWS IoT console. Device Development Environment Programming LanguageESP8266 12-E Mongoose OS, Arduino/Node-RED JavaScript, ArduinoESP32 Arduino, Zerynth, FreeRTOS JavaScript, Python, Arduino, CRaspberry Pi 3 Model B AWS IoT SDK JavaScript, PythonFrom within the IoT console we will create AWS IoT Rules and Actions to explore many of the built in AWS IoT enabled services that are integrated in the AWS IoT Core console on the AWS cloud. Creating rules-based actions to AWS services we will send, store, file, manipulate, graph and analyze our sensor data through a variety of important AWS applications. Some of these integrated applications, using these rule-based actions, are Dynamo Database, S3, SNS, Lambda, Data Pipeline, Glue, QuickSight, AWS IoT Analytics, and SageMaker.IoT is largely the fusion of devices and the web, specifically the cloud; all sending and recording data, ubiquitously and continually, everywhere. Understanding and being able to prototype and implement an end-to-end, device to cloud path communication is a much in demand career skill. Having the skills to build a prototyping IoT solution in the cloud is already an important and highly demanded skill set for those wanting to call themselves IoT developers, and this is more true as time goes on and IoT exponentially expands as cheap connected devices become wide-spread. Remember! 30 days money-back guarantee with no questions asked. I want you to be happy with the value I believe this course provides. "
Price: 54.99

"How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off Safely and Effectively!" |
"Over the past few years I have been asked by many of my patients, family and friends to help them to lose weight. I also struggled with my weight for many years when I was an athlete competing in Long-Jump, as it was extremely hard for me to stay lean and light,so I know how hard dieting can be. Most of us have been on a diet or two throughout our lives and the obesity epidemic is a real problem in society today,with not manysuccessful programs out thereto help us solve the problem.So, through mypersonal experience and extensive research in this topic I have finally put together a comprehensive program that covers all aspects of sustainable weight loss. By sustainable I mean being able to change your unhealthy eating and exercisepatterns and learn how to sustain a healthy way of living- resulting in a body that is healthy and fit. My sustainable weight loss program is designed to: Help you to lose weight gradually so that you can maintain the results throughout your life. Give you exercise programs that are easy and fun and designed to improve your overall strength, flexibility and fitness. Assist you to manage emotional and physical stress that can lead to over-eating and weight gain. Give you basic nutritional advice that is easy to follow long-term. Help you to make the right health choices for you so that you can take control of your own health.The program runs for 3 weeks and it is recommended that you do it a total of three times to get the maximum benefits and to create a new pattern in your life. You will be given a detailed plan withthe requirements for each day and your daily training time is approximately1 hour with one day off each week. The program consists of:6 short resistance training sessions- low intensity and low impact on the body.6 short pilates videos- for improving core strength, overall body strength, better posture and flexibility. Nutrition advice- my 6 best diet and weight loss tips. 4 meditation videos- to reduce stress levels and remove emotional baggage.Choose your own interval cardio sessions of approx. 20-30 mins.Research has found that a combination of strength training andinterval sessions are more effective than cardio alone in losing weight. So I have provided a variety of training videos and stylesto help you lose weight more effectively.The overallaim is for you to achieve a gradual weight loss that you can maintain. You will reach a level of fitness thatwill keep you healthy for life, so that you can feel great and look great! This will give you the freedom to be able to do the things that you love such as fun adventures and activities, travel and enjoyingtimewith your friends and family. I will help you to gain control of your body and health now and in the future. I look forward to assisting you! :)"
Price: 59.99

"Monocromatico Lagunare con Diana" |
"In questo nuovo capitolo ti voglio offrire qualcosa di nuovo, di performante in termini di monocromatico gi allo scatto.Capirai come impostare le luci, gestire la modella, avere la preview della fotocamera gi in bianco e nero per ottenere un valido file sorgente in fase di ripresa!E' finito qui? Nemmeno per sogno, da qui inizia il viaggio partendo da una foto che NASCE per il Bianco e Nero.Ti guider passo passo nella scelta della foto e scoprirai come utilizzare Lighroom per esaltare la tua immagine monocromatica in modo tale da sottolineare l'essenziale, sia nelle ritrattistica vestita che nel nudo.Sarai seguito nel processo di creazione dell'immagine dall'inizio alla fine, dalla gestione del soggetto al posizionamento luci, dalla elaborazione delle foto fino a darti la possibilit di applicare il mio stesso effetto con dei preset."
Price: 79.99

"Desert Eagle & Clio: la Post Produzione" |
"In questa avvolgente esperienza con la tonica Clio Pedrini, modella internazionale e fitness trainer, potrai scoprire come creare un favoloso set drammatico in un ambiente casalingo.Una sola luce sar sufficiente a creare il dramma che hai visto nella presentazione dove puoi assaporare le foto definitive ancora prima di essere post prodotte. Una totale armonia tra intesa con la modella, gestione posa, luce e concetto di scatto.Il risultato finale parla per me ed quello che potrai realizzare anche tu, apprendendo tutti i miei ""segreti"" nei corposi de-briefing e scoprendo come avere il controllo totale grazie ad una padronanza completa del set.Partirai dallo scatto, dal concetto, gestendo due diversi tipi di luce ed arriverai ad ottenere il risultato finale grazie al controllo anche in post produzione.Ti aspetto in classe e sono a tua completa disposizione nel gruppo di supporto Facebook dedicato ai miei allievi ""Chiedilo al Maui""A presto!MauiPS:se vuoi il Corso Completo iscriviti per capire come, questa la parte di PostProduzione"
Price: 199.99

"Google Nik Filter Effects: From Zero to Hero Masterclass" |
"Are you afraid about Post Production and Wasting Time to your Pc or Mac?Do you prefer spend time in photography or family stuff instead boring time on editing photos?We have soluction for you!With Nik Filters, now available for Free from Google, you'll be able to post produce like a pro in few seconds!By the end of this course you will learn how to free download andsetup properly all this Nik Filters.We cover setup, workflow and some trick about:Analog Efex ProColor Efex ProSilver Efex ProViveza, Hdr Efex ProSharpener ProDfineI'll show you how can use that filters in Adobe Photoshop and also you will apply them inAdobe Lightroom CC!We cover also the use of Layer Masks on Effects, how to use regulation sliders on Color , Hue &Brightness, and how to use it like a pro.Whatever it is your skill at the end of this course you will be up and running with improved workflow thanks to this powerful pluginAll explained easy way and Iwill available for you by message or support pool for every question you haveCan't wait to see you in class!_Maui"
Price: 199.99

"Start and Scale a Top-Earning Drone Business from Scratch" |
"In this course, learn from the founders of Drone Multimedia on every aspect of how to start your very own drone business from scratch, helping you to pay off your expensive new piece of equipment within the very first month. In case you couldn't tell, the drone industry is incredibly exciting to us, and we hope the knowledge taught in this course will bring you all of the same success it's brought us, earning you an incredibly lucrative revenue while doing something you already love doing.Although many courses on Udemy are taught via boring lecture slides and voice-overs, we personally hate learning that way and have found it very hard to focus. We're not going to just read off some slide while we sit in our underwear; we're going to speak directly to you throughout the course in order to make it more personal and have some fun, in addition to walking you through various programs, easy PowerPoint slides, and processes through live screen recordings. With nearly 3 hours of engaging, extremely high-quality 1080p HD video content, this course is certain to keep your attention throughout. You should enroll in this course not only because we've been running two highly successful drone companies for the past three years, but because we will provide you with all of the necessary tools and every ounce of knowledge for you to do the same. Covering everything from marketing strategy to cinematic flight techniques and camera settings, we've made learning the lessons taught in this course as efficient as possible. In addition to that, we will always remain available as a mentor for our students to answer questions and guide you along the way -- even after you've finished the course.Whether you're a starting a drone business from scratch with no flight experience or an experienced pilot looking to scale your current business, we can assure you that anyone will find value in this course.We're 100% positive that the cost of the course (and hopefully your drone as well) will be made back within your first month of running your new drone business. If you're not completely happy with it, let us know and we will personally find a way to ensure we've helped you in one way or another. If there's really nothing we can do to satisfy your expectations, then you're always welcome to take advantage of Udemy's money-back guarantee.Thank you, and we hope to be teaching you soon!"
Price: 99.99

"Vert.x 3.5 Java API's Fast and Simple" |
"Learn about the next generation of Micro Services.Learn about Reactive programming in Java using Vert.x 3.5 and how to create projects using Maven to include a complete RESTful API connected to MongoDB.Learn about Clustered Deployment for Micro Services across multiple JVM's and Machines.Learn about Modern software development using a new highly scale-able library that providers the next generation of API integration.Long gone are the days of using Java/J2EE with Tomcat on multiple servers so fight thread capacity issues, using this Next Generation technology backed by some of the largest technology companies you will be well on your way to creating True Event Driven / Non-Blocking software in a modular way.Great for any application but significantly positioned for IoT and massive amounts of Data for AI / Deep Learning systems."
Price: 29.99

"Informed Risk Taking : Risk Management Process - Analysis" |
"Learn 15 practical steps on integrating risk management into decision making, business processes, organizational culture and other activities!This course is not about doing risk assessments, building risk registers, heat maps or risk reports. None of these things have anything to do with proper risk management. This is what I call risk management 1 risk management for external stakeholders (Board, auditors, regulators, government, credit rating agencies, insurance companies and banks). This course is about alternative, different take on risk management, it's about risk management 2 risk management for the decision makers inside the company. If there is one thing I learned in my previous role as Head of Risk of a multibillion-dollar sovereign investment fund, risk management is not about managing risks. Its about helping management make strategic, operational and investment decisions with the risks in mind.It sounds simple enough, but its anything but. Here are some of the lessons I had to learn the hard way:A. Thinking about risks is not naturalB. Individual and corporate risks are not the sameC. Business decisions happen every day, not once a quarterD. Integrating into business processes means knocking on peoples doorsOver the years, risk managers have tried various ways to get the business units to participate in the risk management process. Some simplified the risk identification and assessment methodologies, others complicated them. The result in both cases was the same disappointment. Best case scenario annual or quarterly risk assessments were perceived as a necessary evil with most employees ignoring them and few actively resisting.Did it for example ever strike you as odd, that risk management is supposed to be a support function, yet business units are constantly required to provide the information to the risk managers and not the other way around? It almost feels like the business is there to support risk managers in doing their job.Maybe, just maybe, it is time for the risk managers to stop living in a universe, where the business is regularly required to provide information, participate in risk assessments and to contribute to lengthy discussions about risk mitigation. After all, this does not make business sense. Why would business units take the time away from making money to supply risk managers with all this information? The only logical answer is because they must, its a compliance issue. And this is where it gets interesting, risk managers have for years been telling us that its not about compliance, its about generating business value. Something doesnt add up. If an activity takes time and resources and doesnt have an immediate impact on business decisions or business processes, something is clearly wrong.Join me to discover how to integrate risk management principles into day to day decisions, change how investments are done, change how strategy and budgets are set and change the very culture of the organization.BONUS: - 4 future trends - How to integrate risk management into strategic planning- How to integrate risk management into decision making #managerisk #riskmanagement #riskanalysis #decisionmaking #riskacademy #iso31000 #cosoerm #erm #risk"
Price: 19.99

"USB injection with DigiSpark (IT Security)" |
"Everybody is talking about BadUSB attacks:""If you put anything into your USB [slot], it extends a lot of trust,"" Karsten Nohl, chief scientist at Security Research Labs in Berlin""The BadUSB attack is quickly gaining global attention, and rightfully so.""Ken Jones, VP engineering and product management, IronKey Secure USB Devices""Until strategies and plans to implement protection against firmware manipulation come into play, we can only urge you to be cautious.""Niall MackeyAnd there are real and seriousreasons:There is no full proof protections to this new kindof attack.You don't need to be a scripting Guru in order to configure some scripts.Anyone can get this device for as low as 1$ on eBay-Want to know more ? Enrol today and find out a detailed explanation and exclusive scripts to perform your own assessments with this new kind of approach.This course is constantly reviewed and updated with new lessons.Find out more at hackademy.tech"
Price: 19.99

"GDPR and Data anonymization (2020)" |
"Data anonymization is a type of information sanitisation whose intent is privacy protection. It is the process of either encrypting or removing personally identifiable information from data sets, so that the people whom the data describe remain anonymous:Learn how to apply methodologies to anonymise your data and keep users secure.Use specialized software to anonymise your dataTechniques to Anonymise DataGenerate random dataThe European Union's new General Data Protection Regulation demands that stored data on people in the EU undergo either an anonymization or a pseudonymization process, learn about:Privacy,personal dataand according legislationPrivacy in HealthThe EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) thatis the most important change indata privacy regulation in 20 yearsAll the theory will be supported with practical exercises to help you to fully comprehend the theory and methodologies.You can download all the presentation files (.PDF) to take it with you and read when it suits you best.This course is constantly reviewed and updated with new lessons."
Price: 94.99

"The Complete Cryptocurrency Course: More than 5 Courses in 1" |
"20+Hour ComprehensiveCOMPLETE Cryptocurrency Course!I guarantee that this is THEmost thoroughcryptocurrencycourseavailable ANYWHERE on the market -or your money back(30 day money back guarantee).This course and the many exercises in this course are for beginneror advanced users in any country!By an Award Winning MBA professor who is a top selling online business teacher,top selling author, former Goldman Sachs employee, Columbia MBA (finance major)andventure capitalist who has invested in and sat on the boards ofcryptocurrency companies since 2013 and a hedge fund industry veteran and founder. He is also the author of the #1 best selling business course on Udemy.THIS COMPLETE CRYPTOCURRENCYCOURSE is 5+ courses in 1! CryptocurrencyInvestingCryptocurrency MiningCryptocurrency WalletsCryptocurrency ExchangesBlockchainCreating a Diversified Portfolio & Much More!Also included in this course is a very comprehensive Excel spreadsheet that contains more than 30 Cryptocurrency exercises to help you learn everything you need to know about cryptocurrencies (whether you are a beginner or an advanced user). No prior cryptocurrency orfinance or accounting or tech orExcel experience is requiredto take this course.We Will Cover More than10 Cryptocurrencies in this Course (and how to buy & selleach one, what are the pros and cons of each one andhow to mine each one):BitcoinEthereumRippleLitecoinMoneroZcashDashNEOCardanoStellar...and more (thiscourse will constantly beupdated with more cryptocurrencies)We Will Cover More than5 Wallets in this Course (how to set one up, the pros and cons of all 5 wallet types and how to transfer money between them)QR Code WalletsFour USB Wallets (Trezor. Ledger Nano S, DigitalBitBox &KeepKey)CoinbaseElectrumBlockchain...and more (thiscourse will constantly beupdated with more wallets)We Will Cover the More than 5 Exchanges in this Course (how to transact with each one)GDAXPoloniexKrakenBittrexGeminiBinance...and more (thiscourse will constantly beupdated with more exchanges)Here Are Some More Topics That We Will Cover In This Course:The Future of Money & What is Blockchain?Introduction to 10+ Cryptocurrencies (Mining, Investing and Much More)Createan Investment Portfolioof CryptocurrenciesUnderstand What Makes a Great Cryptocurrency as A Great Long-Term InvestmentIntroduction to 5+ Wallets to Use to Store Your CryptocurrenciesIntroduction to 5+ Exchanges to Use to Buy or Sell CryptocurrenciesIntroduction to Mining & Building a Mining PC from Scratch!Cryptocurrency Investment Framework (made in Excel)Watching out for Scams and Managing RiskWhat Are the Biggest Mistakes New Investors Make in Cryptocurrencies?How to Identify the Next Great Cryptocurrency (What to Look For & Watch Out For)When Should You Buy or Sell a Cryptocurrency?How Do You Read Charts and Look for Buy or Sell SignalsWhat Makes a Great Wallet (What to Look For From Researching a Wallet)Introduction to ICOs +What Makes a Great ICO (What To Look For From Researching An ICOMore than 100Great Online Cryptocurrency ResourcesYou can use the comprehensiveExcel exercise document in this course on a Mac or on a PC (I recommend having Excel version 2013 or later in order to complete all of the cryptocurrency exercises in this course).This course and the included comprehensive Complete CryptocurrencyExcel dashboard exercisefile is a roadmap for your personal and technical/finance cryptocurrencysuccess.All of the tools you need to be successful with cryptocurrencies are included in this course and the entire course is based on real life Practical Knowledgeand experience and not based on theory.Please click the take this course button so you cantake your cryptocurrencyskills to the next level.*** Again,I guarantee that this is THEmost thoroughcryptocurrency course available ANYWHERE on the market - or your money back (30 day money back guarantee). ***Thanks,Chris Haroun"
Price: 199.99

"2020 - Build Targeted Mailing List Today Without a Website" |
"""The Money is in the List""We hear this all the time and that is true the money is in the list and the bigger your list the more profit you are going to bank on.Building a list does not need to be hard or expensive. And it is targeted list that we want to build. I rather have 1000 targeted email than to have 100,000 untargeted email lead.Build a targeted email in any niche ,any topic, today not tomorrow and not next week.Here are what marketing guru will tell you.""Set up a website, Build a landing page with opt in and offer a free ebook that is of value so people that land on your page will be eagar to give you their email address for the high value ebook. Advertise your landing page using facebook ads and wait for your list to build up.""That is hard, really hard and depending on your budget to build 1000 email targeted leads you may need to spend more than $100 in facebook adsI am going to show you how you can build 1,000 highly targeted email leads for $10 Today. You can build more if you want 5,000, 10,000 or 50,000 it is entirely up to youYou don't need a website, no need to create a opt in form, there is no free ebook to give away to exchange for a email address. You do not need to create any ebook, website or opt in form. You are encourage to do it for the value of your customer but in this course Iam going to cut straight to the chase and show you how to build your list TODAYand TODAYonly.No Email scraping software (those scraping software is crap and get you crap email that is not targeted.You will need to have Microsoft Excel (any version of it)or at least a spreadsheet software as we are talking about building a big email list.If you want to build your list today. Enroll in the course now and get started today."
Price: 49.99

"Email Inboxing - Get Your Email Delivered To Inbox Always" |
"So you have a 10,000 email lead, what is next?It doesn't matter how big is your mailing list. If you can't send email or your email do not reach the recipient Inbox than your mailing list is as good asjust a database.Getting email to inbox is harder than you think, if you are just sending 100 - 200 email you are probably fine. If you are going to send 10000 email or more then the challenge is how to get those email land in the recipient inbox,You can pay for a bulk email server and send 100,000 email but they will never see the daylight of a inbox or you can be sending 10,000 email that hit inbox all the timeIn this course you will learn- Never use your own ISPor hosting server to send out email- Never purchase a bulk email server (most of this is already blacklisted)- Choose the rightAutoresponder that have the highest delivery inbox rate- Do it yourself emailing without using your ISPor hosting mail server (a few different options)- DKIMand SPF(Why is this important)- Using Amazon SES10000 email for $1Using FREEand PAIDway to delivered your email. I show you various way.This course cover everything you need to know on how to effectively send out email. It is the most comprehensive course available on the subject.Enroll Now and if are not satisfied, There is a 30 days no Question Ask Refund"
Price: 49.99

"Options Trading for Small Account - ETF SPY Strategy System" |
"This is a Options Trading For Small Account SeriesIn this course I will be using SPYas illustration. The Strategy work for stock options too. We earn time decay by selling against our long term options. But this is different from your usual calendar or diagonal.It work for all market condition - Uptrend, downtrend or sideway trendIt work regardless of IVlevel - It is 1 of the strategy that I use to trade all year roundCapital Required for this strategy - $3000The strategy has a wide room for error but that doesn't mean the strategy don't lose money. It does but when it does I keep it under control. The trade typically last 15 days and we can keep repeating the strategy and that is how you can grow a smaller account bigger.Can this be scale and is this suitable for larger account?The short answer is yes, it can be scale up and if you have a larger account you just have to increase the size. But I want to demonstrate in this series that even if you have a small trading account you can still be profitable in Options TradingThis Strategy will never get outdated and you can pass it to your grandson and the strategy will still workEnroll Now and join me in this journey"
Price: 99.99

"Master en PHP, SQL, POO, MVC, Laravel, Symfony, WordPress +" |
"Bienvenido al Mster en PHP, en el que aprenderemos todo lo necesario para dominar el lenguaje de programacin del lado del servidor(backend) ms popular en la actualidad y todas las tecnologas a su alrededor con ms futuro y demanda laboral.Este no es un curso cualquiera, ests ante un mster completo en el que aprenderemos:Programacin desde cero y paso a paso, sin necesidad de tener conocimientos previos.PHP 7, el lenguaje de programacin para el back-end ms popular en la actualidad.Bases de datos relacionales, su diseo y creacin desde cero (MySQL).SQL, desde cero hasta hacer consultas complejas y profesionales.Maquetacin web, creando varios proyectos web.POO, Programacin Orientada a Objetos en PHP.MVC, el patrn de diseo ms popular en la web.Libreras y frameworks, para dar el salto profesional con PHP.Laravel, el framework para PHP ms popular.Symfony, el framework PHP ms moderno y demandado por las empresas.WordPress, el gestor de contenidos lder en Internet.Habilidades full-stack, haciendo cientos de ejercicios y muchos proyectos completos.Si quieres ser desarrollador web profesional, o incluso si ya te dedicas al desarrollo web, aprender a trabajar con estas tecnologas y frameworks es casi obligatorio.La metodologa de aprendizaje es la ideal:Todo explicado desde cero y paso a paso.Decenas de horas de contenido en clases en vdeo (56 y subiendo).Cientos de prcticas y ejercicios.Ms de 450 clases bien explicadas.Varios proyectos poniendo en prctica todo lo aprendido.Orden lgico y progresivo, diseado para interiorizar todos los conocimientos tanto si sabes programar como si no.Adems te estar ayudando cuando tengas cualquier duda o problema.Al finalizar el curso:Sabrs programar y tendrs conocimientos para aplicarlos a cualquier lenguaje de programacin.Sabrs trabajar con las bases de datos y hars consultas en SQL como un profesionalDominars PHP y sus frameworks ms importantes (mencionados anteriormente) para desarrollar proyectos o aplicarlos a proyectos ya existentes.Durante las ms de 56 horas del curso vers como desarrollar varias webs y haremos cientos de ejercicios con todo lo que enseamos.Algunos de los proyectos que desarrollaremos desde cero:Un blog completo.Una tienda virtual.Un mini Instagram.Un gestor de tareas.Trataremos todos los temas paso a paso y poco a poco hasta conseguir un buen nivel en Programacin, PHP, MySQL, SQL, POO, MVC, Laravel 5 y 6, Symfony 4 y 5, etc.Para aprovechar al 100% el curso te recomendamos tener conocimientos bsicos en HTML y CSS, an as dentro del curso haremos un repaso de HTML y maquetaremos varias webs para machacar estos conceptos.Adems de todas estas cosas, en los cursos de Vctor Robles conseguirs soporte, apoyo y ayuda muy rpida para que puedas conseguir tus objetivos y resolver tus dudas.Si quieres aprender desarrollo web completo, moderno y profesional con PHP sin dolor, practicando poco a poco con las tecnologas y frameworks ms actuales, subir de nivel en el desarrollo web y aumentar tus opciones laborales Este es tu MASTER!chale un vistazo al programa del curso para ver todos temas que aprenders.nete al curso y sube de nivel: Se un Mster en PHP!!"
Price: 199.99

"Curso de Apps Web Progresivas PWA y Responsive + Angular PWA" |
"Bienvenido alCurso de Aplicaciones Web Progresivas(PWA)y Responsive Web Design,en el que aprenderemos a desarrollar las aplicaciones mviles del futuro usando tecnologas web.Durante el cursoaprenderemos:Maquetacin web.Responsive Design,para que tus webs se adapten perfectamente a la pantalla de cualquier dispositivo.Desarrollo de PWA, usando JavaScript.Github Pages, para publicar de forma gratuita nuestrossitios web en internet.Angular PWA, para convertir cualquier proyecto con Angular a una aplicacin web progresiva.Entre otras cosas!!Que es una Aplicacin Web Progresiva?Las PWA nos permiten crear aplicaciones web para dispositivos mviles.Simulan ser una aplicacin nativa y comparten caractersticas con ellas.Pueden instalarse en cualquier dispositivo.Se pueden ejecutar sin conexin.Son rpidas y ligeras.Cual ser el proceso de desarrollo de las PWAs en el curso?Primero desarrollaremos un sitio web.Haremos una maquetacin responsive, adaptable a todo tipo de pantalla.Crearemos un manifiesto.Usaremos los Service Wokers en JavaScriptAl finalizar el curso:Sabrs maquetar paginas web responsivas.Sabrs crear aplicaciones web progresivas.Trataremos todos los temas paso a paso y poco a poco hasta conseguir crear nuestras propias Progressive Web AppsPara aprovechar al 100% el curso te recomendamos tener conocimientos bsicos en HTML,CSS y JavaScript, an as dentro del curso haremos todo lo ms paso a paso y desde cero posible.Aparte de esto, en los cursos de Vctor Robles conseguirs soporte, apoyo y ayudapara que puedas conseguir tus objetivos y resolver tus dudas.Si quieres aprender desarrollo de este nuevo tipo de aplicaciones PWAy aumentar tus oportunidades laborales Este es tu curso!chale un vistazo al programa del curso para ver todos temas que aprenders.nete al curso y sube de nivel: Aprende Responsive y desarrollo de aplicaciones PWA!!"
Price: 199.99

"Master en webs Full Stack: Angular, Node, Laravel, Symfony +" |
"Bienvenido al Mster en desarrollo web Full Stack, en el que aprenderemos todo lo necesario para dominar el desarrollo de aplicaciones web en el lado del servidor (back-end) y en el lado del cliente (front-end).Este no es un curso cualquiera, ests ante un mster completo en el que aprenderemos:Desarrollo de Backend moderno, creando aplicaciones en el lado del servidor con las tecnologas mas demandadas.Desarrollo Frontend moderno, creando aplicaciones asncronas con el servidor y con interactividad instantnea.Desarrollo y habilidades Fullstack, haciendo cientos de prcticas y muchos proyectos completos.Desarrollo de APIs RESTful, para crear un back-end independiente y separado del front-end o cliente.Desarrollo de webs SPA, aplicaciones web de una sola pgina, super dinmicas y reactivas.Maquetacin web, creando varios proyectos web.En este curso aprenderemos a trabajar con muchas tecnologas, lenguajes y frameworks:JavaScript, el lenguaje de programacin ms popular en la actualidad.TypeScript, el superset de Microsoft que sube de nivel a JavaScript.POO en JS, Programacin Orientada a Objetos en JavaScript.Angular, el framework para JavaScript estndar para desarrollar aplicaciones web SPA, dinmicas, modernas y escalables.Plugins para Angular.NodeJS, tecnologa que nos permite hacer desarrollos back-end usando nicamente JavaScriptExpressJS, framework para desarrollo de APIs RESTful.MongoDB, la base de datos NoSQL lider.MEAN Stack, desarrollo web completo con el stack ms potente.PHP 7, el lenguaje de programacin para el back-end ms popular en la actualidad.SQL y bases de datos relacionales, desde cero hasta hacer consultas complejas y profesionales.POO en PHP, Programacin Orientada a Objetos en PHP.MVC, el patrn de diseo ms popular en la web.Libreras y frameworks, para dar el salto profesional con PHP.Laravel, el framework para PHP ms popular.Symfony, el framework PHP ms moderno y demandado por las empresas.Y muchas ms cosas que elevaran tu nivel de desarrollador full-stack.Si quieres ser desarrollador web full-stack profesional, o incluso si ya te dedicas al desarrollo web, aprender a trabajar con estas tecnologas y frameworks es casi obligatorio.La metodologa de aprendizaje es la ideal:Todo explicado desde cero y paso a paso.Decenas de horas de contenido en clases en vdeo (33 y subiendo).Cientos de prcticas y ejercicios.Ms de 320 clases bien explicadas (y subiendo).Varios proyectos poniendo en prctica todo lo aprendido.Orden lgico y progresivo, diseado para interiorizar todos los conocimientos tanto si sabes programar como si no.Adems te estar ayudando cuando tengas cualquier duda o problema.Al finalizar el curso:Sabrs programar y desarrollar aplicaciones tanto en el back-end como en el front-end.Dominaras el desarrollo web full-stack completo con las tecnologas mas buscadas en el mercado laboral.Dominars PHP y sus frameworks ms importantes (mencionados anteriormente) para desarrollar proyectos o aplicarlos a proyectos ya existentes.Dominars JavaScript y sus frameworks ms importantes (mencionados anteriormente) para desarrollar proyectos o aplicarlos a proyectos ya existentes.Durante las ms de 33 horas del curso vers como desarrollar varias webs y haremos cientos de ejercicios con todo lo que enseamos.Algunos de los proyectos que desarrollaremos desde cero:Un blog completo (2 apps, back y front independientes)Una foro completo (2 apps, back y front separados)Una aplicacin de vdeos favoritos (2 apps, back y front aislados)Muchas funcionalidades tiles y comunes.Trataremos todos los temas paso a paso y poco a poco hasta conseguir un buen nivel en desarrollo fullstack con: JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, NodeJS, MEAN Stack, PHP, MySQL, SQL, POO, MVC, Laravel 5 y 6, Symfony 4 y 5, etc.Para aprovechar al 100% el curso te recomendamos tener conocimientos bsicos en HTML, CSS, JS y PHP, aunque realmente dentro del curso lo explicar todo paso a paso y ser muy fcil seguir las clases.Adems de todas estas cosas, en los cursos de Vctor Robles conseguirs soporte tcnico, apoyo y ayuda muy rpida para que puedas conseguir tus objetivos y resolver tus dudas.Si quieres aprender desarrollo web full stack completo, moderno y profesional con JavaScript y PHP sin dolor, practicando poco a poco con las tecnologas y frameworks ms actuales, subir de nivel en el desarrollo web y aumentar tus opciones laborales Este es tu MASTER!chale un vistazo al programa del master para ver todos temas que aprenders.nete al curso y sube de nivel: Se un Mster en webs Full Stack !!Este curso es compatible con Angular 5, Angular 6, Angular 7, Angular 8 y Angular 9."
Price: 199.99

"Curso de SEO y Posicionamiento web para Desarrolladores web" |
"Bienvenido alcurso de SEO y posicionamiento web para desarrolladores web, diseadores o novatos. En este curso aprenderemos todo lo necesario para posicionar cualquier proyecto web en los buscadores, conseguir ms visitas, ms trfico, ms visibilidad y relevancia en Internet. Veremos las tcnicas de SEO ms importantes con las que podrs optimizar sitios web o proyectos para los buscadores como Google.Este no es un curso cualquiera, ests ante un curso de SEO REAL, enfocado al mundo real, directo y claro, sin fantasias o falsas promesas en el que aprenders los siguientes temas:SEO,optimizacin de sitios web para los buscadores.Ventajas y desventajas del SEO frente a otras estrategias.Diferencias con el SEM o Search Engine Marketing.SEO On Page, todo lo que tienes que hacer en tu sitio web para posicionarte mejor en Google.HTML para SEO.Keyword Research, bsqueda y anlisis de palabras clave.Mejorar la velocidad de carga y funcionamiento de cualquier web.SEO Off Page, estrategias y acciones que se pueden hacer fuera del sitio web para potenciar el posicionamiento y el trfico (visitas).Indexar webs, como mandar tu web a Google.Factores de posicionamiento, claves y trucos para mejorar posiciones en Google y evitar penalizaciones.SEO Prctico,creando una web completa y haciendo todo lo necesario para posicionarla con SEO.Wordpress, trabajaremos con el gestor de contenidos ms popular de internet.SEO para Wordpress, optimizando este CMS para rankear mejor.WP Plugins para SEO, para mejorar el funcionamiento y el SEO de Wordpress.Copywriting, redaccin de textos para SEO.Google Search Console.Herramientas SEO.Link building y estrategias en redes sociales, para potenciar la visibilidad de los proyectos.En definitiva, aprenders a posicionar webs en los buscadores y tener ms visitas en ellas.Si quieres ser SEO, desarrollador web, diseador, marketer, responsable de publicidad, community manager, vivir de Internet o incluso si ya te dedicas a algo de esto,aprender a SEO y posicionamiento web es muyimportante.La metodologade aprendizaje es la ideal:Todo explicado desde cero ypaso a paso.Muchas de horas de contenido en clases en vdeo.Cientos de explicaciones, ejemplos y ejercicios.Ms de 60 clases bien explicadas.Proyecto real poniendo en prctica todo lo aprendido.Orden lgico y progresivo, diseado para interiorizar todos los conocimientos tanto si sabes SEO como si no.Adems te estar ayudando cuando tengas cualquier duda o problema.Al finalizar el curso:Sabrs posicionar cualquier proyecto web en Google, Bing, o cualquier buscador de Internet.Sabrs SEO, posicionamiento web y marketing digital para aplicarlo a proyectos propios o de clientes.Sabrs utilizar Wordpress para crear sitios web y sabrs aplicarle SEO.Durante las ms de 7horas del curso vers muchos conceptos de SEO y practicaremos con ejemplos y creando un sitio web desde cero.Trataremos todos los temas paso a paso y poco a poco hasta conseguir un buen nivel SEO y posicionamiento web en general.Adems de todo esto, en los cursos de Vctor Robles conseguirs soporte, apoyo y ayuda muy rpida para que puedas conseguir tus objetivos y resolver tus dudas.Si quieres aprender SEO real, sin fantasas, sino lo realmente importante, practicando poco a poco y con las tcnicas ms tiles y aumentar tus oportunidades laborales Este es tu Curso de SEO!chale un vistazo al programa del curso para ver todos temas que aprenders.nete al curso y sube de nivel: Aprende SEO y posicionamiento web real !!"
Price: 199.99

"Master en Frameworks JavaScript: Aprende Angular, React, Vue" |
"Bienvenido al Mster en frameworks para JavaScript, en el que aprenderemos todo lo necesario para dominar Angular, React y Vue, los frameworks ms populares, con ms demanda laboral y ms proyeccin de futuro.Este no es un curso cualquiera, ests ante un mster completo de decenas de horas de contenido nico y exclusivo. Aprenderemos a trabajar con:JavaScript moderno, el lenguaje de programacin ms popular en la actualidad.Maquetacin web profesional, desarrollando varios proyectos web con HTML 5 y CSS3 paso a paso.Responsive web design, haciendo que cualquier web se adapte a cualquier dispositivo mvil o pantalla.Angular, el framework para JavaScript, impulsado por Google, ms completo para desarrollar aplicaciones web SPA, dinmicas, modernas y escalables.React, la librera para JavaScript, impulsada por Facebook, ms popular para desarrollar interfaces de usuario y aplicaciones instantneas y reactivas en el front-end.Vue.js, el framework progresivo de JavaScript, mantenido por la comunidad, ms ligero y verstil para crear aplicaciones web de una sola pgina e interfaces web interactivas fcilmente.Node.js, plataforma que nos permite hacer desarrollos back-end usando nicamente JavaScriptExpress, framework para desarrollo de APIs RESTful con Node.MongoDB, la base de datos NoSQL ms popular.MEAN, MERN, MEVN Stack, desarrollo web completo con los stacks de desarrollo ms buscados.Habilidades de front-end profesional, haciendo cientos de prcticas y varios proyectos.Si quieres ser desarrollador front-end o full-stack, o incluso si ya te dedicas al desarrollo web, aprender a trabajar con estas tecnologas y frameworks es muy importante y te abrir un mundo nuevo de posibilidades.La metodologa de aprendizaje es la ideal:Todo explicado desde cero y paso a paso.Decenas de horas de contenido en clases en vdeo.Cientos de prcticas y ejercicios.Ms de 257 clases bien explicadas.Varios proyectos poniendo en prctica todo lo aprendido.Orden lgico y progresivo, diseado para interiorizar todos los conocimientos tanto si sabes programar como si no.Adems te estar ayudando cuando tengas cualquier duda o problema.Al finalizar el curso:Sabrs desarrollo web y programacin de aplicaciones web SPA (Single Page Application).Dominars todos los frameworks para JavaScript ms importantes (Angular, ReactJS y VueJS) para desarrollar proyectos o aplicarlos a proyectos ya existentes.Durante las ms de 26 horas del curso vers como desarrollar varias webs y haremos practicars con todo lo que enseamos.Trataremos todos los temas paso a paso y poco a poco hasta conseguir un buen nivel en desarrollo web con JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, React.js, Vue, NodeJS, MEAN Stack, MERN Stack, MEVN Stack, etc.Para aprovechar al 100% el curso te recomendamos tener conocimientos bsicos en HTML, CSS y JS, an as dentro del curso haremos un repaso de todo y maquetaremos varias webs para afianzar estos conocimientos.Adems de todo esto, en los cursos de Vctor Robles conseguirs soporte, apoyo y ayuda muy rpida para que puedas conseguir tus objetivos, comprender todos los conceptos explicados y resolver tus dudas.Si quieres aprender desarrollo front-end moderno con JavaScript sin dolor, practicando poco a poco con las tecnologas y frameworks ms potentes y solicitadas en el mercado, subir de nivel en el desarrollo web y aumentar tus oportunidades laborales Este es tu MASTER!chale un vistazo al programa del curso para ver todos temas que aprenders.nete al curso y sube de nivel: Se un Mster en Frameworks para JavaScript !!"
Price: 199.99

"TensorFlow and the Google Cloud ML Engine for Deep Learning" |
"TensorFlow is quickly becoming the technology of choice for deep learning, because of how easy TF makes itto build powerful and sophisticated neural networks. The Google Cloud Platform is a great place to run TFmodels at scale, and perform distributed training and prediction.This is a comprehensive, from-the-basics course on TensorFlow and building neural networks.It assumes no prior knowledge of Tensorflow, all you need to know isbasic Python programming.What's covered:Deep learningbasics: What a neuron is; how neural networks connect neurons to 'learn' complex functions; how TF makes it easy to build neural network modelsUsing Deep Learning for the famous MLproblems: regression, classification, clustering and autoencodingCNNs -Convolutional Neural Networks: Kernel functions, feature maps, CNNs v DNNsRNNs - Recurrent Neural Networks: LSTMs, Back-propagation through time and dealing with vanishing/exploding gradientsUnsupervised learning techniques -Autoencoding, K-means clustering, PCA as autoencodingWorking with imagesWorking with documents and word embeddingsGoogle Cloud MLEngine:Distributed training and prediction of TFmodels on the cloudWorking withTensorFlow estimators"
Price: 99.99

"Learn by Example: Python" |
"This course lays the foundation from which you can begin using Python to solve any problem - whether in Data Analysis, Machine Learning or Web Development. It gives you a fundamental understanding of Python loops, data structures, functions, classes and more to help you solve basic programming tasks so that you can confidently apply those skills to solve real problems.The course assumes zero prior experience with Python, though some fundamentalknowledge of programming is recommended."
Price: 99.99

"Introduction to ML Classification Models using scikit-learn" |
"This course will give you a fundamental understanding of Machine Learning overall with a focus on building classification models.Basic ML concepts of ML are explained,including Supervised and Unsupervised Learning;Regression and Classification;and Overfitting. There are 3 lab sections which focus on building classification models using Support Vector Machines, Decision Trees and Random Forests using real data sets. The implementation will be performed using the scikit-learn library for Python.The Intro to MLClassification Models course is meant for developers or data scientists (or anybody else)who knows basic Python programming and wishes to learn about Machine Learning, with a focus on solving the problem of classification."
Price: 99.99

"Kubernetes On The Cloud & The CNCF CKA Certification" |
"Kubernetes is a container orchestration technology - a way to create and deploy clusters of machines running containers, usually Docker containers.Kubernetes is also one of the hottest topics in tech today, because it is perhaps the only straightforward way to architect a hybrid, multi-cloud compute solution.Let's parse that:Hybrid: This is a solution where an enterprise has a private cloud or on-premise data center, in addition to using one of the public cloud providers (such as AWS, GCP or Azure). Any firm migrating to the cloud is going to have to run a hybrid setup, at least during the migrationMulti-cloud:This refers to the use of more than 1 cloud provider. Why is this so important? Well, because most large firms are unwilling to be completely locked into one provider, particularly after events like Amazon's acquisition of Whole Foods (that gave pause to a whole lot of potential AWScustomers, who decided that 'multi-cloud' makes sense for strategic reasons)Only straightforward way:Most cloud providers offer a range of compute solutions, ranging from PaaS (Elastic Beanstalk, or Google AppEngine) to IaaS (EC2, or Google Compute Engine VMs). The reality is that PaaS ties you down to 1 cloud provider, and IaaS is a lot of hassle, during migration and beyond.Kubernetes is supported by each of the Big-3: GCP has a special relationship with Kubernetes (since K8S originated at Google) but now AWS and Azure support it as well. Kubernetes has won the battle of the container orchestration systems.This is why containers running on Kubernetes constitute the hottest compute choice for a hybrid, multi-cloud world.Here is now is what this course contains:Docker, Kubernetes and the cloud platforms: understanding the inter-relationshipsPods and containers: Pods are the basic building block in K8S; each pod holds one or more containers that are tightly-coupled to each otherReplicaSets: Higher-level abstractions that provide scaling and auto-healing (they encapsulate pods, and bring new podsback up if the old onescrash)Deployments:Even higher-level abstractions that provide versioning, fast rollback, rolling updates and moreServices:Front-end abstractions (think of them as similar to load-balancers) that are loosely coupled with backend pods. Services provide a static, stable network frontend IP, as well as load-balancingOther K8S objects: StatefulSets, Secrets, ConfigMaps, Jobs and CronJobs and moreCKAtest tips: We don't reveal any information about the test that we should not, such as specific questions. But we do discuss the test format, what to expect, pitfalls to avoid,and strategies for successHope you enjoy the course!"
Price: 99.99

"Introduction to Docker and the DCA Certification" |
"Docker is a tool which has greatly simplified the task of packaging your application, along with all its dependencies into lightweight, portable units called containers. These containers are platform independent and can be executed on any host which runs a Linux kernel.Docker is one of the hottest tools in the market right now as a lot of teams have learned how to use it to break up their large, monolithic applications into smaller and more manageable units - often called microservices. This has allowed developmentteams to work on microservices independently and package it into a container once it is ready.Docker has also eased the pain of DevOps teams who often need to manage the deployment processes andenvironments - since containers can run independently of each other, theycansimply focus on deploying containers rather than worrying about dependencies for each application.Container orchestration tools such as Docker Swarm and Kubernetes have made it very easy to deploy microservicestoa cluster and scale them according to demand.For these reasons, Docker is a technology which you need to know if you're an app developer or DevOps engineer.This course introduces you to all the mainconcepts of Docker, and focuses on getting you up and running with the tool in all the lab sections. The main topics of this course include:Images: Templates to define your containerContainers: What they are and how Docker helps you create themStorage: Volumes, Bind Mounts and tmpfs to manage data in containersNetworks: Regulate connectivity to your containers whether on individual hosts or in a clusterDocker Swarm: The built-in container orchestration toolDocker EE, UCP and DTR: The enterprise offerings of DockerHope you enjoy the course!"
Price: 99.99

"Introduction to Microsoft Excel VBA" |
"Microsoft Excel VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)provides Excel users with the ability to automate any Excel task. Excel Tasks that would normally take an extensive amount of work and time to complete can ultimately be automated and completed in a single click of a button. All that'sneeded to automate your experience is a little Excel VBAknowledge.Maybe you've heard of Excel Macros and VBA. Or, maybe you've even attempted to create your own. Jumping into VBA can be a bit daunting and overwhelming. I've been teaching Excel for 15+ years and have had loads of questions from those that have taken the dive into learning Excel VBA. Where should I start? What do I need to know? What's a variable? Enroll in this course and I'll share the knowledge and experience I've gained working with Excel VBA.WHATYOU'LLLEARNFundamentals of Excel VBAProper Syntax Writing VBACodeExcel Object Structure to Effectively Communicate with ExcelWorking with the Most Common VBAObjects in ExcelAutomate Routine Microsoft Excel TasksAnd More....EXERCISEFILES ANDQAAs you go through the video lectures you can download the exercise files, found within each section. Use the exercise files to practice the concepts you will be learning.The course contains a QA section where you can interact with me and ask any questions as you develop your VBAskills.ENROLLNOWAs you participate in this introductory Excel VBAcourse you will build the knowledge and confidence to automate your experience in Excel, saving you time and money."
Price: 149.99

"Microsoft Excel Advanced Functions with INDEX and MATCH" |
"Supercharge your Microsoft Excel SpreadsheetsMicrosoft Excel contains hundreds of built in functions, such as SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, IF, VLOOKUP and many more. In this Microsoft Excel Advanced Functions course, you will learn two of the most powerful functions Excel has to offer. Tasks that would normally require complex, specific setups and a lot of back and forth, can be completed with ease using these functions you'll master during this course.Not all Excel Functions are Created EqualAs you participate in this course I'll guide through a series of exercises tailored to give you the greatest exposure and step by step instruction as you learn toharness the power of Excel's INDEX() and MATCH() functions.We'll start out with the fundamental building blocks of creating complex calculations by building a solid foundation, mastering:Relative vs. Absolute ReferencesUsing Name Ranges to Create Dynamic Data ReferencesFunction ShortcutsBreaking Down the Calculation by using Microsoft Excels Formula Auditing ToolsAfter you master these building block conceptswe will then dive into several real world scenarios, where I'll take you step by step through the finer points of creating dynamic and robust formulas using Excel's INDEX() and MATCH() functions.Understand and Implement the INDEX and MATCHfunctionsCreate Dynamic LOOKUPS by Combining FunctionsCreating ARRAY Functions with INDEX and IFFunctionsAdd Multiple Criteria to the INDEX and MATCH FunctionsCombine INDEX/MATCH and MIN to Return Associated Data PointsBuild Complex Conditional Formatting with CalculationsLearn by ParticipatingI've found one of the best ways to learn and master something new, is to apply the knowledge as soon as possible. In order to help you learn and master the skills taught in this course, I'm supplying downloadable exercise files for you to use in order to follow along with.The course also includes a Q&A section where you can ask questions, reply to other students and myself.Supercharge Your Excel Skills NowWhat are you waiting for? Enroll now and join me and take your next steps to mastering Microsoft Excel."
Price: 149.99

"Command Line, NPM, Babel 6 and Webpack 3 Crash Course" |
"This course covers four area:Command LineNPMBabel 6Webpack 3If you are a front-end developer and want to develop front-end programs in the modern way, then you just have to master these four skills.Command Lineis the foundation. Without it, you won't be able to operate anything.NPM is a package manager. Without it, you won't be able to install anything.ES6 or JavaScript 2015 has brought us lots of news features and can make our program development much easier and more efficient. But currently, most browsers do not support ES6. Therefore, we need Babel to help us translate our ES6 codes into ES5 which can be understood by browsers.It is impossible for you to create a complicated project using only one JS file. But the problem is that browsers do not support any JS modular system. We allocate our codes into different files for easier development and maintenance. In the end, we bundle all those files into one and link that bundled file to browser. Webpack is the tool we use to bundle files together.In this course, you will lean all these four techniques."
Price: 19.99

"Fotografia con mvil EL FINAL de las Cmaras de FOTOS" |
"PERDN?Seguro que en alguna ocasin has escuchado la maravillosa frase Un mvil nunca ser como una cmara de fotos. Cada vez que la escucho personalmente me entra la risa, hace tiempo que los telefonos mviles son muy capaces, a da de hoy dira que mucho mas capaces de lo que nosotros podemos imaginar.Un mvil tiene infinitas ventajas frente a una cmara de fotosUn telfono mvil lo llevamos 24h al da encimaEs muy pequeo y nos entra en el bolsillo del pantalnEs muy ligeroLos accesorios son pequeos y mucho ms baratosEl software aun teniendo las mismas posibilidades es ms baratoY mucho msEn el mundo en el que nos movemos con tanta red social es indispensable saber hacer fotos de calidad con nuestro telfono mvil, por lo que si aun te estas pensando que si este curso es para ti, sin duda dira que si.. porque con el mero hecho de tener acceso a internet ya denota que vives actualizado y en el mundo 2.0 que siempre me gusta decirTe espero dentro!Sobre lvaro Prez y Felinu Academylvaro Prez:A nivel profesional, hatrabajado como locutor de Radio, Diseador Grfico, Fotgrafo de Moda, Montador de Video, DIT... y un sin fin de trabajos ms. Actualmente, se dedica a la promocin audiovisual de empresas, Es profesor en la Universidad de Almera (Espaa) y Director de Fotografia en Pelculas y Series de Televisin de gran repercusin Nacional e Internacional. Entre tanto no deja de lado su gran pasin, ensear fotografa por todos los rincones del mundo.Felinu Academy:Nuestras formaciones se caracterizan por las ganas de aprovechar y exprimir el tiempo que tan valioso es para todos. Por lo que, tras meses de estudio y muchas personas involucradas, trazamos un mtodo de Aprendizaje Acelerado para que cualquiera pueda aprender mucho en poco tiempo. Actualmente contamos con ms de 35.000 alumnos formados."
Price: 94.99

"Curso de productividad personal" |
"LBRATE DE TUS HBITOS POCO PRODUCTIVOS PARA SIEMPRE!Quieres tener ms TIEMPO para HACER ms cosas VALIOSAS?En el presente curso encontrars los mayores secretos de las personas MS PRODUCTIVAS yMS EXITOSAS! Todos queremos ms tiempo para hacer realidad nuestros sueos o metas.Cual es tu sueo? Cul es tu objetivo o meta ms importante?Lo que sea que anheles (digo humanamente posible!) se puede alcanzar con una correcta planeacin y administracin del tiempo!!!En este curso encontrars las herramientas necesarias para convertirte en un ser humano productivo.Con este cursopodrs no solosobrevivir, sinosobresalir en forma exitosaen cualquier entorno competitivo.Usando tu tiempo con CALIDAD podrs LOGRAR cualquier cosaque te PROPONGAS.El TIEMPO es VIDA, salo BIEN."
Price: 99.99
