"How to Make Your Udemy Course Sell - Unofficial" |
"This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, Inc.Practically force students to take your course. Four proven ways to make your landing page irresistible.Hi. My name is Ian Stables. I regularly earn more than $1,000 a month on Udemy. I have developed and tested ways to make your course sell itself.I'm going to give you my formulas for writing irresistible titles, course descriptions, and creating promo videos that work. There is also an effective way to make your curriculum sell. (Many instructors don't do this. They should.)When I started on Amazon, I quickly discovered that your book title had to be right. It makes a huge difference to sales. Also, the book description needs to get them to buy. I already knew effective ways to create these parts.When I moved to Udemy, I was able to use these very effective formulas to create course titles and descriptions. The new one for me was promo videos and the course curriculum.I didn't get it right at first. I would record and re-record, trying to get it right. I wasn't sure what to say and when to get the best results. I took many courses, read numerous books, and continuallythought of solutions.I eventually did come up with a really simple formula. It really improved my results on Udemy.Now, it doesn't take me long to come up with a great title, write thedescription,tweak the curriculum, and record my promo video. I have formulas that work. These are what I'll teach you in this course.You will be able to:- Make your title irresistible with two ingredients.- Get to the top of search results. Just include certain words.- Get students to want your course from the first line.- Get others to prove they should take your course.- Create a strong desire to take your course. Use a powerful three step story formula.- Make your course more desirable by adding something.- Writing descriptions is easy with an imaginary person.- Make your curriculum sell with a few minor changes.- Promo videos that really sell. A simple, but powerful, four step formula.- Don't miss sales with the wrong price. Use this price.I want you to succeed. I will be there to help you and answer any questions you may have. Leave a question in the Q & A section of the course. I'll get back to you as soon as possible.Let me show you what I discovered makes courses sell themselves. Enroll now."
Price: 149.99

"Questions That Easily Write Nonfiction Books - Revolutionary" |
"This is a superior way to write non-fiction books.My name is Ian Stables, author of more than fifty Kindle books. Since I discovered this method, writing books has been so much easier and quicker.In fact, you can do more than just write books with this process. You can use it to write anything, articles, essays, Kindle book descriptions, Udemy course descriptions, blog posts, emails, and even business reports. It's that versatile.I taught this to a university student. She said it was a breakthrough for her. She found writing her essay far easier.Please note: For non-fiction writers.==============================Student reviewNothing pleases me more than a book that seems to answer each and every question I have in mind, and no other book does it better than this book. I felt as though Ian was speaking directly to my unspoken concerns. From the unbelievably great pre-introduction, which completely captivated my interest, all the way through the T of C, I was fascinated and entirely educated.Now that I have finished this course, I can only heap more praise on the instructor: he knows precisely what he wants his students to know and exactly how they can do it if they follow his instructions. Yes, Ian, I know your students and your readers love the way you show the way. You certainly have a layer of fans that you can count on to keep looking for anything (book or course) you do. Thank you so much.- Lillian==============================I used to write my books using the traditional approach. I'd pick my subject and create a list of topics. Then I'd start to write.This often involved a lot of head scratching. I used to run into road blocks many times, wondering what to write next and how to word it. Plus, the long editing process at the end was long and arduous.To top it all, the book was not as successful as I'd hoped.So I began to read everything Icould find on the subject of writing. I spent many hours reading books, taking online courses, and watching Youtube videos. I found some really good ideas.However, the real game-changer was when I made some amazing discoveries of my own. They literally transformed how I wrote books.With this new process, writing books became much easier, faster, and more enjoyable. There was no more long editing process. What's more, I began to produce books Iknew a lot of readers wanted.Here are some advantages of this process:- Writing will be a lot easier, faster, and even more enjoyable.- No writer's block. You will always know what to write. The words just flow.- You'll be able to edit out every error in your book. (My highly effective three step editing method.)- Write a book introduction that compels readers to want your book.Enroll in this course and let me transform the way you write books.Please note: For non-fiction writers."
Price: 79.99

"Aprenda a criar jogos com a UNITY na prtica" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender a criar seus jogos na Unity,uma ferramenta muito poderosa e quem vem ganhandocada vez mais espao no mercado de desenvolvimento de jogos.Aprenderemos conceitos do desenvolvimento de jogos comUnity na prtica, sem enrolao. Falaremos sobre alguns conceitos enquanto colocamos a mo na massa.Criaremos do zero um jogoreal, com diversas caratersticas que um bom jogo precisa ter.Ao final deste curso voc estar apto aplicar tudo o que aprender aqui no seu prprio jogo.Vamos l, vamos tirar esse projeto do papel e fazer ele se tornar real."
Price: 99.99

"Crie jogos mobile com UNITY e publique na Google Play" |
"Ol caro aluno,neste curso iremos aprender a criar um jogo mobileparaAndroid. Aprenderemos diversos conceitos da ferramenta Unity na prtica etambm como compilar seu projeto para ser publicado na loja da Google, a Google Play.Iremos usar como base do nosso aprendizadoo jogo do Timberman. Criaremos um clone desse divertido jogo paraaprendermos a criar animao de sprites, scripts C#, criao deobjetos de forma dinmica e aleatria, gravar recorde de pontuao, transao entre telas, e muito mais.Aprenderemos a trabalhar com componentes de touch screen, como criar uma conta na google play e como gerar uma build apk para que seu projeto possa ser submetido para a loja da Google.Espero que voc goste do curso.Te vejo na aulas."
Price: 99.99

"UNITY - Aprenda a criar jogos de plataforma 2D incrveis" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender a criar seus jogos comUnity,uma ferramenta muito poderosa e quem vem ganhandocada vez mais espao no mercado de desenvolvimento de jogos.Aprenderemos a desenvolver um jogode plataforma 2Dpraticando,onde aplicaremos conceitos consagrados de jogos famosos deste estilo, como:Criar fases com tilemaps;Criar efeito parallax na imagem de fundo (3 camadas);Criar IA parainimigos patrulha;Coletar itens pela fase; eMuitasoutras caractersticas que um bom jogo 2D dever ter;Ao final deste curso voc estar apto aplicar tudo o que aprender aqui para criar seus prprios jogos 2D.Espero te ver nas aulas."
Price: 99.99

"Aprenda a criar jogos com Godot 3.0" |
"Aprenda a criar jogos e exportar para as principais plataformas com esta ferramenta totalmente gratuita e de cdigo aberto chamadaGodot Engine.Neste curso, aprenderemosos primeiros passosda programao em GDScript, linguagem nativa da Godot baseada em Python, at a finalizao de um jogo totalmente funcional onde exportaremos para as principais plataformas.Aprenderemos na prtica, passoapasso, como criar um jogo com a Godot. Desde animao do personagem, criao de fases, menus, incluso de udio e musica, programaoat a exportao para PC e Android. Tudo de uma forma bastante simples e didtica"
Price: 99.99

"Voice Training - Proven Methods to Improve Your Vocal Skills" |
"Do you have difficulties in communicating with people? Even when youre with a group of friends, you find your voice doesnt cut through the conversation even when you have some cool things to say? Wouldnt you love to have to have a rich, full, clear voice that people just want to listen to? Maybe you createvideos or podcasts telling potential customers about a great new product or service, but your voice lets you downand no matter how much you practice, you just sound not confident, or you stumble on your words.Im Peter Baker, and as an experienced professional voiceover artist and broadcaster with over 40 years experience, Ill train you to dramatically improve your voice and communication skills. In this voice training course, youll discover the bad habits and defects that may have been holding your voice back. Youll learn some very powerful voice training exercises so you can enhance your resonance, clarity and volume. Ill show you how to boost your confidence so youll be able to stand out and be heard in group conversations. Youll learn how to put energy and passion into your speaking voice so that youll hold the attention of listeners for longer and impress more! In this course, youll also find training modules covering voice pitch, warming up, voice health, breath control, resonance, clarity and much more Ill present this information in an easy to implement manner and I know youll start enjoying improved results to your voice fast. So, lets get started, click the button nowand I look forward seeing you on the inside!"
Price: 39.99

"How to Write And Deliver a Great Business Presentation" |
"Have you been asked to deliver a speech or presentation and although you might feel nervous and unsure about the whole idea of speaking in front of people, you know deep down this is your perfect opportunity to stand out from the crowd and give an impressive presentation that people remember! Just ONE presentation can totally change the way others see you for good!Its also one ofthe fastest ways to get recognised and respected more and become an authority figure in your niche or workplace,that people remember. Imagine how youll feel after walking into a room feeling confident, focused and fullyprepared to deliver a presentation that instantly grabs the attention of your audience, hooks them right from the start and keeps them engaged throughout your entire presentation.Youll feel so comfortable speaking in front of otherpeople and talking so naturally that each member of your audience will feel as though you arehaving a one-on-one conversation with them.Now you may be thinking that sounds amazingbut I dont even know where to start or how can Ipossibly feel like that talking in front of a room full of people, I don'tfeel comfortable even thinking about it?! Well thats exactly what you will learn in this course. You'll discover everything from changing your mind-set and preparing your speech right through to the BIG day when you give your amazing presentation. Are you ready to receive a round of applause after finishing your presentation and have people talking about your impressive presentation skills and actually look forward to any of your future talks? Well, lets get started and dont worry, everything will be alright. Just stick with me and youll be amazed once you realise what youre capable of and who knowsonce youre done you may be excited about doing your next one?!"
Price: 39.99

"Recruiter Reveals: How to Write a Professional CV" |
"Are you sending CVs and not getting any replies?The reality is that your CV gets 10 to 15 seconds to standout. And if your CV is poorly made you will be skipped.Even if you are qualified, even if you have the required skills and even you are the perfect candidate for the job.How would you like be in a position of choosing the job you want rather than taking whatever job you can get?For this to happen you need more job interviews. My name is Tom and I was a recruiter for the past 2 years. After seeing hundreds of CVs I realized that most people dont know how to write a CV. It doesnt matter if a candidate is a fresh graduate or a CEO of a large corporation, most candidates dont know how to promote themselves with the CV. I created this course for you if you are seeking a job, sending applications and not getting any replies.You will learn how to create a professional CV in under an hour.You will see actual examples of CVs being reviewed and edited.You will learn the most common CV writing errors and how to fix them.And you will learn the features all great CV's shareSo that you get more interviews and find your ideal jobJoin today and in under an hour you will know how to write a professional cv."
Price: 149.99

"How to Write the Perfect Cover Letter" |
"Have you been unemployed and searching for work for more than 1 month?Are you sending job application after job application and not getting any response?Do you have a long cover letter that you carefully customize before sending it out?Or Do you have 1 cover letter and 1 CV that you send out for every job ad?Or do you just forgo the cover letter and send the CV on its own?If you answered yes to any of these then you are limiting your chances for getting a job! You see a cover letter is an essential part of the job application process. If its written incorrectly, your job chances are weak. My name is Tom and I have worked as a recruiter for the past 2 years. I have seen hundreds of job applications. Throughout my experience I have come across a lot of mistakes on cover letters and CVs. I soon came to realize that it doesnt matter whether a person has 30 years of experience or is just a fresh graduate. Writing the cover letter and CV is an entirely different topic, altogether. So I decided to make this course. I wanted to help job seekers find a job they want as fast as possible. For this to happen, you need a great cover letter and a powerful CV. The purpose of the cover letter is to get the recruiter to move onto your CV. The purpose of the CV is to get the recruiter to call you and book an interview. This course is focused on writing the perfect cover letter. So if you have had no luck in your job search, if you have found yourself just sending application after application week in and week out, this course can help you. Sign up today and you will learn how to create the perfect cover letter within the hour. A better application greatly improves your chances for getting a job. See you on the inside."
Price: 199.99

"The Job Seekers LinkedIn Profile" |
"Did you know that the no.1 tool used by recruiters for finding job candidates is LinkedIn?But wait there is more Did you know that LinkedIn has a tool for recruiters. Its called LinkedIn Recruiter.Its basically a search engine for finding suitable candidates. Except a recruiter can filter candidates...by ageby experienceby skillsby locationand even by keywords used in your LinkedIn Profile.So in todays times, to find a job fast, it is absolutely crucial that your LinkedIn Profile is created correctly. Think of your LinkedIn profile like your online resume. Its the first chance to present yourself to recruiters. If your LinkedIn Profile is outdated, not formatted, or includes the wrong information You will miss out on one of the best ways for finding a job.A well-designed profile will give you more exposure to recruiters, more messages with job opportunities And this will lead to more interviews and finding your ideal job.So if you are looking for a way to get more job offers. This course can help you. Inside you will learn: How to setup your LinkedIn profile so that you get noticed by recruitersHow to determine which keywords to use in your profile so that you increase visits to your profile.And youll discover a proven method for finding a job using LinkedInEnroll today and learn how to use LinkedIn to maximize your job opportunities."
Price: 99.99

"Quick Start Guide to Google Pay Per Click Ads" |
"Would you like to learn how to setup Google PPC Ads by yourself?Do you have little experience with online advertising?This course can help you. It is a quick start guide to Google PPC Ads.Did you know that Google owns 71% of the search market share! Its no secret, most people go directly to Google and to find anything. An investment in Google ads has a big potential for you to get more customers to your offer. It has been said that for every $1 invested in Google, a business gets back $2.And if you learn how to get these customers yourself you will have a powerful tool for growing your business and increasing your profits. Who is the course for?I have created this course for you if you are just starting out with online advertising and want to use Google pay per click ads. No previous experience is necessary. This course can help you if youre about to open your first Google Ads account or if you have just opened your account and setup a couple of campaigns.This course is a starter guide to the Google ads platform and I will share with you a proven formula for setting up successful ads. What this course is about?I am focusing on pay per click ads. These are Google Ads that appear on the search results page. And you will only pay when someone clicks on your ad.You see Google is a massive advertising platform. About 97% of Googles total revenue comes from advertising. You can use Google ads for text ads, banner ads, mobile ads, video ads, email ads and more.But this course is focused on pay per click ads. I believe its the best way to get started with Google Ads. Enrol today and heres what you will learn in this course: A Step by step process for setting up pay per click ads How to optimize your campaigns so that you get good quality clicks at the lowest possible cost Learn the 4 tips for writing good quality Google Ads which will make your ads relevant to each user Discover costly beginner mistakes so that you dont waste money but learn from the experience of other marketers. And if you are a local service provider, you will learn how to promote your offer locally to areas where your customers are located.For the price of a cup of coffee and a slice of cake, you can learn how to advertise your product or service on Google and get more customers. You can even try the course 100% risk free. By enrolling you will get a 30 day money back guarantee.Join today and learn how to get customers and on the worlds biggest search engine using pay per click ads."
Price: 179.99

"Kundalini Yoga for Beginners with Carolyn Cowan" |
"In this course you will learn the basics of Kundalini Yoga, from the two prayerswhich we use to tune in to the Body Locks, Breath of Fire, Sitali Paranayam and Sat Kriya - all Kundalini classics. this course will give you a full introduction and allow you to create and maintain a dailypractice of your own."
Price: 19.99

"Fundamentals of Social Media Marketing" |
"Social media has fundamentally changed the marketing landscape. Companies, non-profits and organizations large and small are using social media marketing to engage with prospects, customers, vendors, employees and fans.Social media advertising is one of the most powerful ways to connect with customers and drive marketing impact. In this course you'll learn the fundamentals of social media marketing in today's day and age that can help youunlock potential for your business.This coursegive you an opportunity to take a strategic look at your marketing efforts while giving you specific, practical and hard hitting tools to improve your business and the return on your investment. You can put into practice tomorrow what you learntoday!Bythe end of this course, you'll be ready to run your first social media ad campaignand how to build a social media strategy. You'll know how toconnect with customers, convert views into action, and drive impact for long-term business success!"
Price: 19.99

"Yarn Dependency Management: The Complete Guide" |
"Learn modern dependency management with Yarn.Gain all the skills needed to manage, migrate andpublishyour own JavaScriptpackages or projects.This course is suitable for ANYdeveloperwanting to learnYarn or gain expert knowledge in managing and publishing JavaScriptpackages.Learn to useYarn at an expert levelManage project dependenciesLearn aspects of dependency management such as Semantic VersioningCover the near-entire Yarn command lineAPI, learning one module at a timeLearn to migrate NPM managed projects or packages to YarnAn invaluable skill for any JavaScriptDeveloper lookingto improvecoding skills and expandcareer opportunities.Yarn is an extremely popular and relatively new dependency/package manager for JavaScript projects that solves commonissues with dependency management. The project was released by Facebook and is maintained by a group of top JavaScript developers with clear goals for the future of Yarn.This course will teach youevery aspect of the Yarn command line API and relatedconcepts.You will be able to start using Yarn in you projectsimmediately. You will also learn to publish and maintain your own JavaScriptmodules/packages.Content and OverviewWith 20 concise and practical lectures, this course will providea COMPLETE understanding of Yarn and Dependency Management as a whole.It is suitable for anyone with experience of working onJavaScript projects.Basic command line usage and an understanding of core JavaScript-related concepts is required. (JSON, Basic Node.js etc.)The course starts with a short introduction and overview of Yarn and also thedevelopment environment used in lessons.The main body of the course then covers the 3 individual sections of the Yarn Command Line API and some supplemental lessons in-between.These 3 sections include:Foundational Yarn Commands and ConceptsAdvanced Commands and FeaturesPublishing JavaScript Packages/Modules to the NPM registryUpon completion of this course you will have the practical skills to immediately start implementing Yarn as your primary dependency manager and also publish your very own projects to the NPM package registry.This course is to the point and everything is demonstrated in the most simple, yet practical ways, to helpyou become an expert at Yarn and JavaScript dependency management."
Price: 109.99

"How to Survive and Thrive in the Classroom" |
"Are you sick and tired of being the punching bag in the your classroom? STOP tolerating poor student behaviour, JUST because you are a substitute teacher? ENOUGH is ENOUGH. You need the answers to be able to SURVIVE and THRIVE in your Classroom.This course will show you why your classroom management MUST be different.This course will give you answers to combat student misbehaviour.Your role is vital in the education of students. Show them that you believe you are important as well."
Price: 24.99

"How to Improve and Streamline Your YouTube Live Streams" |
"By joining this course you will learn how to significantly improve your live streams to YouTube both for you, and for your viewers. If you're tired of fiddling around with live streaming and desire to setup and dominate your space, then this course is definitely for you.You will learn how toLive stream with one single buttonLearn a piece of software to streamline all your live streaming requirementsDiscover how to live stream to multiple live streaming services, simultaneously and with easeFind out all the important settings to tweak to improve your YouTube live streams"
Price: 24.99

"Learn Carnatic Music - Intermediate Level" |
"This course is designed to enhance your knowledge on Carnatic music further after basic lessons.This is an intermediate level course andis recommended that students should havecompleted basic lessons in Carnatic music before enrolling to this course.Jargons and conceptsused in this course needs familiarity to the subject.This course is suitable for both kids and adults as complexity involved in Carnatic music is explained in the simplest manner.Both theory and practical learning areincluded in the lectures."
Price: 124.99

"Preparatrio para Certificao PMP/CAPM - PMBOK v6" |
"**** Prepare-se para as certificaes PMP/CAPM com a gente! Mais de 1000 alunos certificados nas principais certificaes em gerenciamento de projetos (gil & tradicional). Venha fazer parte do nosso Hall da Fama!! *****Nossos diferenciais so:Este curso est totalmente alinhado com a 6 edio do Guia PMBOK, inclusive abordando os novos temas referentes aos mtodos geis conforme a nova verso desse Guia.So mais de 240 vdeo-aulas que versam em sua totalidade os tpicos do exame de certificao. As aulas vo direto ao ponto, focando no que o mais importante para a sua preparao.Temos mais de 1200 questes similares s que voc vai encontrar na prova para que voc possa estar totalmente preparado para o exame.Disponibilizamos mais de 500 pginas de material de estudo, distribudas em apostilas detalhadas que cobrem todos os itens para a sua preparao. Obs: NO so ""prints"" de slides...nosso material foi desenvolvido para ser sua principal referncia de estudo juntamente com o Guia PMBOK.Esto disponveis planos de estudos elaborados especialmente para ajud-lo a seguir pelo caminho da certificao de maneira mais tranquila.O curso foi estruturado para que voc aprenda todos os processos do Guia PMBOK na verdadeira ordem que um projeto construdo, ou seja, partiremos da Iniciao, passaremos pelo Planejamento, Execuo, Monitoramento e controle e por fim abordaremos o Encerramento. Essa , sem dvida, a melhor forma de se abordar os processos de gerenciamento de projetos, pois segue um encadeamento, coerente, lgico e estruturado de aprendizagem. Tendo concludo o curso com sucesso voc receber o certificado com a comprovao das 35 contact hours exigidas para o exame de certificao.Mais algumas timas razes para estudar conosco na Udemy:Voc ter acesso vitalcio ao curso, embora seja recomendvel que voc o termine antes disso...Voc no perder aquele captulo especial da novela ou daquela srie fantstica, j que poder estudar a hora que quiser...Voc no precisar enlouquecer ou criar vagas para estacionar o seu carro...Voc no precisar se entupir de salgados ou refrigerantes na lanchonete da escola...Voc poder assistir s aulas de pijama (ou at sem...)...Voc no se afundar em dvidas astronmicas para se matricular no curso...E se em 30 dias, chegar concluso de que no gostou do curso, seu investimento ser devolvido sem complicaes.Nota: PMI, PMP, CAPM, PMBOK Guide so marcas comerciais do Project Management Institute (PMI), EUA. Nossos cursos no so endossados nem afiliados ao PMI."
Price: 579.99

"Programming with JavaScript" |
"JavaScript is a powerful and versatile scripting language used in web applications, games, asynchronous coding, and more. Students will learn how this language can enhance a web page,allowing additional interactivity and more precise control of page elements. Students will also learn how JavaScript can be used to validate web forms and how to script for the DOMin an effort to manipulate web page elements.More advanced techniques used in creating a website and making the content more dynamic will also be taught as well as how to use JavaScript in a variety of ways frombuilding simple games to simple financial applications."
Price: 19.99

"Crea una landing page EFECTIVA, gratuita y sin programar" |
"Aprenders a disear hermosaspginas de aterrizaje que realmente convierten, con un simple arrastrar y soltar, no necesitas invertir largas horas aprendiendo temas tecnolgicos o el manejo de mailerlite, tampocopagar poralojamiento y cuotas mensualespara tus landing pages, mailerlite te permite hasta que tengas 1.000 suscriptores hacerlo de forma gratuita,Por lo que no tendrs que pagar por esta herramienta online, hasta que no hayas aprendido a utilizarla y aprovecharte del 100% de las ventajas que te ofreceMi nombre es Luis Eduardo Amaya Uribey voy a ser tu instructoren este curso deCrea una landing page efectiva gratuita y sin programar en el queaprenders a: Crear formularios alojados, incrustados yformularios Pop-up(formularios emergentes). Instalar un botn de Whatsapp para aumentar tus ventas Como instalar un pixel de Facebook en tu landing page para hacer remarketing Crear Imagenes, galerias y contenidos para tu landing page Crear un bloque testimonios como generador de credibilidad Crear chats para tu landing pages Configurar tu landing para aumentar la visibilidad en los motores de bsqueda Configurar tu landing page para publicar en Facebook Cambiar a un dominio personalizado para tener una URL con el .com de tu empresa Crea los mejores copys para tus Botones de llamadas a la acciny Mucho ms!Aprenders desde cero cmo funciona Mailerlite hasta llegar a ser un experto en la creacin de landing pages con elvdeo curso de Mailerliteespaol.Por qu debes tomar este curso? Ten en cuenta que unlanding page bien diseada es la clave para convertir extraos en prospectoscorrectamente realizada puede ser la mejor forma de conseguir datos de tus prospectos yaumentar las ventas.NOTA IMPORTANTE : En este curso NO SE TRATAN los temas de embudos de venta, ni automatizacin (que la verdad es un tema bastante largo y complejo que tratan mejor otros cursos), el objetivo de este curso bsico es ayudar a los emprendedores que no tienen los recursos para invertir en un inicio en herramientas de pago.Este curso tambin incorpora: Acceso de por vida a todas las actualizaciones futuras. Soporte por parte de elinstructoren la seccin ""Preguntas y respuestas"" del curso. Documentacin adicional. Certificado de finalizacin deUdemy listo para descargar al finalizar el curso. Garanta de devolucin de dinero de ""30 das sin preguntas""!.A quin est dirigido?Profesionales del MarketingBloguersNuevos emprendedores digitales.Personas que presten servicios de marketing digital a empresas y negocios."
Price: 24.99

"Microaprendizaje : Nueva Metodologa para crear tus cursos." |
"Mediante este Curso aprenders a crear cursos cortos, divertidos y eficaces, o si tienes ya Cursos On Linecreados entenders comotransformar tus cursos aplicandoesta Nuevametodologay adaptarla a la forma en que los Millenials aprenden hoy, adicionalmente aumentaras la rentabilidad de tus cursos puesto que se hacen en menos tiempo y son mas faciles de actualizar y mantener."
Price: 24.99

"The Complete Cyber Security Course - Practice Test - Vol 1" |
"Welcome to The Complete Cyber Security Course - Practice Test for Volume 1 Hackers Exposed by Nathan House. Are you ready to test your skills and knowledge in the area of cyber security? Find out where you stand on these practice tests.In this practice test set, well cover the following topics from Volume 1 Know yourselfKnow your enemyEncryptionSetting up a Testing Environment Using Virtual MachinesOperating systems Containing three 2 hour tests. More questions are being continuously added. Example question;""Youre concerned about the threat of your laptop being stolen. The adversary would be a thief. The vulnerability is the data on the laptop being in clear text. The consequences are reputational damage and identity theft. What security control do you feel best mitigates the risk?"" NOTE: This contains only practice tests. The course is a separate purchase."
Price: 119.99

"A complete overview of Microsoft PowerPoint 2016" |
"Welcome to our latest courseA Complete Overview of PowerPoint 2016We are glad to meet you. If only we could shake hands!Are you wondering how is this course going to be useful to you?Hey, did you watchthe promo video?If not, please do.If youare looking to learn PowerPoint from basics to advanced, this course will teach you exactly that.Look, PowerPointis ubiquitous. It is used in almost every job we do in today's world.So your job will alsopossibly require you to do make PowerPoint presentations for business meetings.Our course does exactly that - we make youjob ready for your prospective project / daily work.What makes our course different from others?Our course content is unique - you learn exactly what you are required todo in your dailywork.You get 1.5 hours of crisp synthesized practical real life illustrations of all key functionalities in PowerPointYou will be carrying out the illustrations along with the instructor.Same set up as the instructor.It's almost like as if somebody is guiding you in person to create the various slides in PowerPointYou are going to love our instructor's teaching style.He makes it very engaging and fun learning experience.Our support team responds to any course queries within 24 hours of your request.And of course, the price is competitive.What will you learn in this course?100% familiarity with PowerPoint 2016.SLIDE LAYOUT options, DESIGN THEMES, ANIMATIONS, CHARTS, TRANSITION, SMART-ART, TABLES, everything.This one single course will be comprehensive to cover all the aspects of PowerPoint 2016.You can watch the FREE course previews in the CURRICULUM section.Read through the entire CURRICULUM section if you can.All modules with details of lectures are provided.What next?Well, we sincerely hope to see you inside the course.We wish you well and good luck.Still confused? Don't hesitate to reach out."
Price: 19.99

"Business Presentation in PowerPoint" |
"Hey,welcome to our PowerPoint Presentation in PowerPoint online course.We are glad to see you visit thiscourse.If only we could shake hands!What is this course about?In this course, we willteach you the comprehensive presentationskills to become an expert in creating business finance presentations in PowerPoint.We will illustrate the following broad content topics in great detail in this course:1) Creating client ready business presentation in PowerPoint2) Synthesizing the slide information into an effective slide title3) Story-telling techniques in PowerPoint4) Modern slide design and animationIt is a very comprehensive course that will teach you the completeskills of to create a stunning and effective business presentation in PowerPoint.How is this course useful for YOURpurpose?Hey, did you watchthe promo video?If not, please do.If youare looking to create a powerful businesspresentation in PowerPoint, this course will teach you exactly that.Look, PowerPointis ubiquitous.It is the most widely used tool for preparing presentations for business meetings.So your job will alsopossibly require you to do make PowerPoint presentations for business meetings.Our course does exactly that - we make youjob ready to create your own business presentation in PowerPoint.This one course covers everything - Creating Slides, Synthesizing, Story-telling and Modern Slide Design.You have lifetime access to the course once you enroll.So even if you don't plan to start now, you can still enroll and come back anytime later.You will love this course once you finish this completely!What makes this course different than others?This course content is unique!You willlearn exactly what you are required todo in your dailywork.You get access topractical real life illustrations of allkey skills to create a complete client ready business presentation in PowerPoint.It is a completely hands-on course.You need to carry outthe illustrations in the course along with the instructor.We provide you the same set up as the instructor.All illustration slides and datasheetscan be downloaded at your end.You will feel as if somebody is guiding you step by step in all illustrations.It is a very practical on the job training for you.You are going to love our instructor's teaching style.He makes it very engaging and fun learning experience.You will have practice assignmentsto test your learning from the courseYou will have unlimited access to our support.Our support team responds to any course queries within 24 hours of your request.There are manually edited hand typedcaptions added on all lectures of this course.Feel free to refer to them in case you feel the need.And of course, the price is competitive.What are other students saying about this course?Check our our reviews below.Read what student Larkland Morleywrote -""The course was very good in terms of the details covered. They could avoid repeating some steps to save time but overall good details.""Go to the reviews section below to read more such stories.What if YOU do not like the course?Well, we will be very sad to hear that you did not like the course.But you are well protected.You have a 30 day money back guarantee in case you are not happy with the course.No questions asked.But we sincerely hope, you will definitely like the course!What next?If there are any doubts, don't hesitate to reach out to us.Start learning now.See you inside the course."
Price: 49.99

"Advanced Data Analytics & Story-Telling Techniques" |
"Hey,welcome to our latest course Advanced Data Analytics in Excelonlinecourse.We are glad to see you visit thiscourse.If only we could shake hands!What is this course about?In this course, we willteach you the comprehensive data analysis skills to derive insights from data.We will illustrate the following broad content topics in great detail in this course:1) Data mining using slicers, pivot-tables and pivot-graphs in Excel2) Data analysis in Excel3) Deriving actionable insights from data analysis4) Undertake management level discussion on key insights from data analysisIt is a very comprehensive course that will teach you the completeskills to do advanced data analysis in Excel.How is this course useful for YOURpurpose?Hey, did you watchthe promo video?If not, please do.Areyou are or aspiring to be a Data Analyst, Business Analyst, Financial Analyst or aBI Analyst?Do you love to play with large data sets?If yes,thenthis course may be a great one for you to start building your expertise in advanced data analysis in Excel.Analysts are required to play with large data all the time.You need to analyze, aggregate, extrapolate, etc with the data sets to identify meaningful trends in the data.Fortunately, there are lots of tools that can make your work easy if you knew how to use them.In this course, we teach you how to do all of the above using advanced data analysis tools in ExcelThe course coversPivot Tables, Pivot Graphs & Slicers.Theseare some of thevery cool and powerful functionalities in-built in Excel that can help you do your work better.You have lifetime access to the course once you enroll.So even if you don't plan to start now, you can still enroll and come back anytime later.What makes this course different than others?This course content is unique!You willlearn exactly what you are required todo in your dailywork.You get access topractical real life illustrations of allkey skills to derive insights from data analysis.It is a completely hands-on course.You need to carry outthe illustrations in the course along with the instructor.We provide you the same set up as the instructor.All illustration spreadsheetscan be downloaded at your end.You will feel as if somebody is guiding you step by step in all illustrations.It is a very practical on the job training for you.You are going to love our instructor's teaching style.He makes it very engaging and fun learning experience.You will have practice assignmentsto test your learning from the courseThe Practice Assignments are marked with varying difficulty levels - High, Medium and Low.You will have unlimited access to our support.Our support team responds to any course queries within 24 hours of your request.Feel free to refer to them in case you feel the need.And of course, the price is competitive.What are other students saying about this course?Check our our reviews below.Read what student Erika Lootswrote -""I really enjoyed the course and was sad when it ended, would love to learn more on the topic of Data Analysis. The instructions are clear and very easy to follow. Thank you very much for a great course! Looking forward to learning more from you.""Go to the reviews section below to read more such stories.What if YOU do not like the course?Well, we will be very sad to hear that you did not like the course.But you are well protected.You have a 30 day money back guarantee in case you are not happy with the course.No questions asked.But we sincerely hope, you will definitely like the course!What next?If there are any doubts, don't hesitate to reach out to us.Start learning now.See you inside the course."
Price: 49.99

"The Credit Analyst Training course" |
"Hey,welcome to our very popularCredit Analyst Training onlinecourse.We are glad to see you visit thiscourse.If only we could shake hands!What is this course about?In this course, we willteach you the comprehensive skills needed to be aCredit Analyst.We will illustrate the following broad content topics in great detail in this course:1) Comprehensive credit risk assessment of any company2) Qualitative assessment of business risk factors3) Quantitative assessment of financial risk factors4) Calculating the financial ratios5) Estimating the cost of debtfinancing of a companyIt is a very comprehensive course that will teach you the completeskills required to bea Credit Analyst.How is this course useful for YOURpurpose?Hey, did you watchthe promo video?If not, please do.This course will help you to stand in good stead for a potential Credit Analystprofilein the following sectors:Investment bankingEquity ResearchPrivate EquityAsset ManagementCredit Rating AgenciesLook, the CreditAnalyst profileis quite demanding in all of the above jobs.So your employer will want you to be on ready to work on a real project on Day 1!Our course does exactly that - we make youjob ready for your professional work.The course provides all the practical training to undertake the role of a creditanalyst in the above sectors.You can crack your upcoming interviews easily with the learning from this course.You have lifetime access to the course once you enroll.So even if you don't plan to start now, you can still enroll and come back anytime later.What makes this course different than others?This course content is unique!You willlearn exactly what you are required todo in your dailywork.You get access topractical real life illustrations of allkey skills to be a Credit Analyst with Financial servicesfirmsIt is a completely hands-on course.You need to carry outthe illustrations in the course along with the instructor.We provide you the same set up as the instructor.All illustration spreadsheetscan be downloaded at your end.You will feel as if somebody is guiding you step by step in all illustrations.It is a very practical on the job training for you.You are going to love our instructor's teaching style.He makes it very engaging and fun learning experience.You will have practice assignmentsto test your learning from the courseThe Practice Assignments are marked with varying difficulty levels - High, Medium and Low.You will have unlimited access to our support.Our support team responds to any course queries within 24 hours of your request.Feel free to refer to them in case you feel the need.What are other students saying about this course?Check our our reviews below.Read what student Akash Singrodiahad to say about this course-""This course can be considered as a stepping stone in the world of credit analysis. Particularly helpful for someone with a moderate idea of the process. The course summarizes the entire process in a very short span of ~2 hours very well.""Go to the reviews section below to read more such stories.What if I do not like the course?Well, we will be very sad to hear that you did not like the course.But you are well protected.You have a 30 day money back guarantee in case you are not happy with the course.No questions asked.But we sincerely hope, you will definitely like the course!What next?If there are any doubts, don't hesitate to reach out to us.Start learning now.See you inside the course."
Price: 74.99

"Start-up valuation modeling for entrepreneurs and investors" |
"Hey,welcome to ouronline course.We are glad to see you visit thiscourse.If only we could shake hands!What is this course about?In this course, we will provide you the complete finance training you need to know for running your business.We will illustrate the following broad content topics in great detail in this course:1) Building a forward looking business plan of your company2) Making assumptions on business growth drivers3) Assess the amount of funding you need to raise from investors4) Estimate the valuation of your company5) Negotiate on the right % of equity to be offered to investorsIt is a very comprehensive and practicalcoursethat will illustrate all the key aspects in Finance you need to know,Just so you know, this is NOT an Accounting course.What makes this course different than others?The content of this course is designed to teach you very practical things in Finance.You willlearn exactly what you are required toknow.You get access topractical real life illustrations that you can relate with your own business.It is a completely hands-on course.You need to carry outthe illustrations in the course along with the instructor.We provide you the same set up as the instructor.All illustration slides and datasheetscan be downloaded at your end.You will feel as if somebody is guiding you step by step in all illustrations.It is a very practical training for you.You are going to love our instructor's teaching style.He makes it very engaging and fun learning experience.You will have practice assignmentsto test your learning from the courseYou will have unlimited access to our support.Our support team responds to any course queries within 24 hours of your request.And of course, the price is competitive.What if YOU do not like the course?Well, we will be very sad to hear that you did not like the course.But you are well protected.You have a 30 day money back guarantee in case you are not happy with the course.No questions asked.But we sincerely hope, you will definitely like the course!What next?If there are any doubts, don't hesitate to reach out to us.Start learning now.See you inside the course."
Price: 49.99

"Health and safety in the workplace" |
"Are you taking on line health care courses and feel there are some missing pieces? Or do you live in another country and interested in working in the UK, or maybe just interested in the UK's health and safety system? Well this course provides specific teaching of Health and safety in the UK and is applicable to all UK employees. Anyone outside the UK can still benefit and even share what health and safety is like in their home country - this course aims to assist you in improving the health and safety of your workplace wherever you are. There course will be added to over time and updated whenever legislation and regulations are changed/amended.What do you learn in this course?Employers dutiesThe workplaceRisk assessment, identifying hazards, taking actionAccidents, incidents and injuriesWaste disposalLone workingWhat do you receive with this course?Students will receive:Life time access to the course recordings and updatesA certificate of completion from DeborahSupport in the Q and A section of the platformAccess to new courses as they arrive (i.e. stress in the workplace)"
Price: 19.99

"Top 10 WordPress Plugins For Business Websites [Beginners]" |
"Top 10 WordPress Plugins -Do you need help with yourYoast SEO plugin? Are you having trouble tweakingyour setting with theAll-In-One SEO plugin?This video course is for complete beginners that are looking for the top 10 WordPress plugins. These pluginswill transform your website from mediocre to extraordinary!In this WordPress video course, we'll show you step-by-step how to correctly setup the top rated essential WordPress plugins quickly. No technical knowledge is required.Plugins include but not limited to:Yoast SEOAll In One SEOWP SmushInsert Headers and FootersPermalink Finder.....+ more!Enroll in this course now to get started."
Price: 199.99

"SEO For WordPress [Part 1]: On-Page SEO Secrets" |
"Are You Struggling With Your On-Page SEO?Are You Still Looking For That ""One Simple Trick"" To Dominate Your Competition In Google Search?If you answered ""YES"", then this SEO course is for you! Discover how to quickly get on page #1 of Google using our secreton-page SEO strategy!My name is Kent Mauresmo, and I've been teaching SEO for the past 5 years through my books and live seminars in Los Angeles, California.There's a lot of information online about On-Page SEO, but most of it is confusing, boring and a waste of time. I'm sure you've noticed this too, right?That's why I've created this simple, fast paced video course that will teach you how to quickly master on-page SEO in less than 90 minutes.What Will You Learn?You'll discover:How to setup SEO friendly URL's the easy way.How to quickly optimize your homepage using the All-in-One SEO plugin, and the Yoast SEO plugin.How to optimize your title tags and heading tags the correct way. (most important Google ranking signal)How to structure your homepage, articles, and blog posts to jump ahead of your competition FAST within 7 - 10 days .. + MOREEverything I teach in this video course is updated, tested, and still works.(proof is provided in the video course)What Are The Requirements To Take This Course?You need a WordPress websiteBasic SEO knowledge. (you need to know the keywords that you want to rank for)Are You Curious To Learn More?If the answer is yes, then you need to get started right now.Make a small investment today, and you'll learn the skills required improve your on-page SEO fast!This SEO course comes with a 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee, so you have nothing to lose.Are You Ready To Get Started?Enroll now And I'll See You In The Course!"
Price: 199.99
