"YouTube VLOGGING: Secrets On How To Rank Videos With SEO!" |
"Want to know myeveryYOUTUBESEOSECRET? Ever wonder why your videos are getting NOVIEWS?How do Irank first on YouTube?How do Igrow a channel from 0 views and 0 subscribers without experience?Well guess what?YouTube SEOis one of the core foundations of how YOUcan substantially increase not only your views on your videos but also BUILDyour personal brand/company/online presence.When it comes to YouTube - its always changing but these are the KEY SECRETS on how you RANK on YouTube nowadays - why do I know this?As acontent creator for other brands and myself- YouTube SEOhas been my strength from years of testing and experimenting; Ihave been able to condense all thoseskills and knowledge FORYOURbenefit so that you don't have to go through the hurdles of testing and trying to figure things out on YouTube.In this course you will learn all the things I WISHIKNEW when I first started out on YouTube without the years of experience through trial and error.I will show you my own analytics as a reference - and how you can grow your traffic on YouTube organically.I havent told ANYONE this and this is my gift to you;sharing all the SEO Secrets I know so that YOU can succeed above the noise on YouTube.I will make SUREyou will learn:What is YouTUBESEOand Why does it Matter?Why YOUneed to know the difference in SEOStrategies?What are the PRACTICAL strategies to properly tag every single one of your YouTube videos?What does YouTube look for?How theseYouTUBE SEOstrategieswill help YOURbrand?Most YouTube SEOCourses are outdated (and unnecessarily long..)as YouTube themselves are CONSTANTLYCHANGINGtheir algorithms but with my knowledge and secrets - these tips and tactics will assist you in STANDINGOUTso that YOUcan apply them and grow your OWNbrand/business/channel.p.s. I will make sure you have the knowledge and tools at your hands so that you can learn YouTube SEO and be way ahead of the crowded YouTube market through my own failures and success so that YOUcan succeed in creating your brand."
Price: 194.99

"Learn Video Editing with Adobe Premiere Pro CC In 30 Minutes" |
"Are you a complete BEGINNER and needs to edit videos without having ANY knowledge of Adobe Premiere Pro CC and you don't want to spend HOURS learning how to use this complicated program?This course is for you.In this course, Iwill show youall the tools you need to be able to USEand EDITa video from beginning to end RIGHTNOW withoutany experienceonAdobe Premiere Pro CC.Whether you haveAdobe Premiere Pro CC 2019, 2018 or even Adobe Premiere Pro CS6...What separates this course from the other Adobe Premiere tutorials is that Iget straight to the point. I will show you everything from pointAto point Bwithin 30 minutes of your time without all the fluff. These tools will be your building blocks so that you can conquer any video using these fundamentalskills that you will have learned in this course.Through take this course you will learn HOW to:- Edit a Video From Beginning To End- Know What Video Settings/Files Are BESTfor AdobePremiere- Understand the Core Foundations of Video Editing- Take ANYRaw Footage and Create Content from SCRATCHI'm a story teller at heart but also a video editor for small to large sized businesses in creating, producing, and editing their online content. When I first started inAdobe Premiere - Ihad no idea what I was doing. It took memonthsof doing online research, watching countless lengthyvideo tutorials;to only find myself frustrated and wondering how do Ido this or that?I hope this course provides you value and are truly the only principlesIwish Iknew from the very beginning when Ifirst started video editing.P.S.This is the fastest easiest way to learn how to edit videos on AdobePremiere Pro CC 2018 even if you NEVER edited a video before :)"
Price: 64.99

"Overcoming Infertility and Getting Your Dream Child" |
"A lot of people are going through serious pressure, from the society and relativesbecause they have not givenbirth.It has causedmarriages to fail and family to fall apartIn this course we go into detail in explaining why infertility happens.We look at both the male and female reasons of infertility.Topics like diseases, menstruation, distance, mood and genetics have been discussed in relationship to pregnancy.You alsoget to understand the femalereproductive system and how it affects fertilityThere are medical prescriptions in this course but you will not lack the knowledge of ways to overcome infertility and go on to give birth to your dream child."
Price: 29.99

LaTeX |
Price: 19.99

"Firefighter Code: Pass Your Firefighter Oral Board Interview" |
"The fire service is one of the most difficult professions to enter, and theres a reason for that. Its also one of the most honorable and self-sacrificing careers a person can have. For that reason, the competition is extremely tight.Thats true for paid, and volunteer positions alike. My name is Chief Jeff Rolfe. Ive been employed in the fire service for a total of 34 years and just retired after spending the last 21 years of my career as a fire chief.Youre here because youre interested in learning more about the hiring process, and more likely, to collect information about the firefighter oral board interview. You may have an oral board scheduled, or you may be preparing yourself in advance. In either event, I want to commend you for doing what most applicants dont, and thats, prepare for the interview.Firefighter Code is host to more than 125 videos, the majority of which teach you exactly how to answer the most intimidating questions, along with those, nearly impossible questions to answer, the scenario questions.This course is designed to remove the mystery from the Firefighter interview process and to allow you to prepare effectively and efficiently for the most important interview youll ever take. Theres no debating the fact that you have only one shot at it, youll either pass or fail.Failure for firefighter candidates is not an option and its my job to make sure youre prepared, confident and excited to walk in and meet the oral board panel. Firefighter Code is your tool to stand out like no other candidate and claim your position as Firefighter!"
Price: 94.99

"Adobe After Effects For Beginners - VFX & Motion Graphics" |
"New to Adobe After Effects?This 8part beginner course will kick start your skills to add cool motion graphics &visual effects to your own film projects!And, best of all, you won't get bored out of your skull!Full Disclosure:The lessons in this courseare available on the Surfaced Studio YouTube channel. This course addsstructure,contains all course material in a single place andis yours to keep forever :)Learn how to use Adobe After Effects, an industry-leading video compositing toolBecome familiar with all of thebasic featuresGrow comfortable to moveon to more advanced topics &follow along with free online tutorialsEasy &fun introduction -edutainment at its best!Please leave me comments & feedback so I can further improve this course:)"
Price: 19.99

"Adobe Premiere Pro For Beginners - Video Editing Basics" |
"New to Adobe Premiere Pro?This8part beginner coursewill kick start your skills to create and edityour own film projects!And, best of all, you won't get bored out of your skull!Full Disclosure:The lessons in this courseare available on the Surfaced Studio YouTube channel. This course adds structure,containsadditional sections to explain differences in versions, gathers all course material in a single place andis yours to keep forever :)Learn how to use Adobe Premiere Pro, anindustry-leadingvideo editing toolBecome familiar with all of thebasic featuresLearn to work with audio &create animated titles and overlaysLearn the basics of colour correction &colour gradingGrow comfortable to moveon to more advanced topics &follow along with free online tutorialsEasy &fun introduction -edutainmentat its best!Please leave me comments & feedback so I can further improve this course:)"
Price: 19.99

"El programa Presto es un programa para la gestin de obras en el sector construccin. Es un programa complejo pero su dominio mejora el rendimiento de las empresas a la hora de controlar las obras de construccin a todos los niveles.Muchos usuarios del programa realizan la gestin de las obras en combinacin con el programa Excel. Esto conlleva un gran problema: la informacin acaba estando repartida entre la obra Presto y muchas hojas de clculo sin conexin. Te garantizo que si acabas dominando Presto te podrs olvidar prcticamente del Excel. Presto como todos los programas, tiene un gran nombre de funciones y utilidades. Con mi experiencia de 15 aos como jefe de obra y como profesor del programa, he realizado un curso claro y directo. No te mostrar en l todo lo que puede hacer el programa. Me centrar en aquellos puntos ms tiles.El primer paso ser dominar la fase de PRESUPUESTOS y CERTIFICACIONES, as como generar una LIQUIDACIN de obra, materias de este curso. El segundo paso ser rematar el trabajo dominando la parte de control de costes, materia que imparto en el siguiente curso: Presto CONSTRUCTORAS.Aunque los vdeos han sido creados con la versin de Presto 2019, es totalmente vlido para las versiones 2015 a 2020. Para versiones anteriores a la 2015 no puedo garantizar el contenido al 100%. Si tienes dudas para otras versiones me las puedes enviar y intentar ayudarte.Si no dispones del programa, en su pgina web (rib-software) puedes descargarte una versin DEMO gratuita para practicar. Lo explico en los primeros vdeos del curso.Espero que este curso te sirva de gran ayuda para el dominio del programa Presto y lo puedas aprovechar al mximo, tal como estoy haciendo yo en mi vida profesional.Nos vemos pronto!Josep Chavarria - formador en PRESTO"
Price: 49.99

"Learning Task Automation using Windows PowerShell" |
"*** This Course purchase includes video lectures, practice files, quizzes, & assignments, 1-on-1 instructor support, LIFETIME access and a 100%MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE***Please note that this course will be continuously getting updated with more videos to keep you up to date on Windows PowerShell. You may see here a lot of production ready automation scripts very soon. Please encourage by enrolling and providing your honest reviews & ratings. You can also demand a lecture on a specific topic of PowerShellwhich comes under scope of this course.The course is designed to help IT Professionals in starting with WindowsPowerShell scripting. You might not find an extremely advanced PowerShell topic in the lectures. Here, prime focus is on the ITprofessionals who want to learn PowerShell scripting but are hesitating due to less or no knowledge of programming. Topics which may not be Windows PowerShell concepts but are important for developing PowerShellunderstanding are included which comes as bonus.The course is intend to make people think in terms of automating small daily tasks using PowerShelland improve work efficiency and then gradually move towards complex logical tasks. Once you have completed this course, you will be should be able to fully control even the modules which are not part of our discussion.Important Content:PowerShell Automation Solution for File PurgingPowerShell Automation for Scheduled Service restartsWindows Task Scheduler and scheduling PowerShell scripts to runPowerShell Basic FundamentalsPowerShell Programming basics for Absolute BeginnersFile Handling in PowerShell ScriptingPowerShell for Daily life AutomationAll of the basic concepts of PowerShell have been explained in simple terminology. You will start falling for PowerShell, that is a promise. so Lets start this scripting journey :)"
Price: 24.99

"Advanced Scripting & Tool Making using Windows PowerShell" |
"*** This Course purchase includes video lectures, practice files, quizzes, & assignments, 1-on-1 instructor support, LIFETIME access and a 100%MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE***Please note that this course will be continuously getting updated with more videos to keep you up to date on Windows PowerShell scripting. You will find lot of new lecture covering new features of PowerShell Scripting in future. Please encourage by enrolling and providing your honest reviews & ratings. You can also demand a lecture on a specific topic of PowerShell which comes under scope of this course.This course is designed to take the system administrators to advanced level in PowerShell Scripting. You will find ways to automate your daily work using advantages of PowerShell scripting. The professional who wants to start with PowerShell and have some basic idea of command line, will find it extremely easy to understand the underlying concepts of PowerShell and will be able to integrate PowerShell with non-Microsoft products as well.Topics which may not be Windows PowerShell concepts but are important for developing PowerShell understanding are included which comes as bonus.The course is intend to clear the things happening in the background so that automation ideas using PowerShell comes from within. You should be able to complete this course in a week time, if you dedicate 2 hours of your time daily and this journey will take your from PowerShell beginners to PowerShell expert.Important Content:PowerShell Automation Solution for Daily Manual ReportsDatabase interaction using PowerShellPowerShell Automation for Scheduled Service restartsWindows Task Scheduler and scheduling PowerShell scripts to runPulling reports from Windows event viewer using this PowerShellPowerShell for automating database related stuffPowerShell Script Signing, Execution Policy and System SecurityPowerShell Advanced Functions and PowerShell ModulesBuilding Graphical User Interfaces using PowerShellPowerShell with WMIAdvanced File handling Using PowerShellPowerShell with Windows Event ViewerWeb Scrapping using PowerShellPowerShell for ProgrammingUse PowerShell as a tool Briefly, The knowledge of Windows PowerShell is a must for IT professionals and this course is one stop shop for gaining this necessary and in-demand skillHappy PowerShell scripting :)"
Price: 34.99

"[Active Directory] Management using Windows PowerShell" |
"*** This Course purchase includes video lectures, practice files, quizzes, & assignments, 1-on-1 instructor support, LIFETIME access, and a 100%MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE***Please note that this course will be continuously getting updated with more lectures to keep you up to date on [Active Directory ]and Windows [PowerShell ]scripting. You will lot of new lectures covering new features of [PowerShell] Scripting. Please encourage the instructor by enrolling and providing your honest reviews & ratings. You can also demand a lecture on a specific topic that comes under the scope of this course.This course is designed to take the system administrators to an advanced level in Active Directory Management( AD). You will find ways to automate your daily work related to Active Directory using the advantages of PowerShell scripting. The professional who wants to start with PowerShell automation for Active Directory and have some basic idea of the command line will find it extremely easy to understand and will quickly start with Active Directory Management using PowerShell. If you dedicate 30 minutes per day to this course, within 2 weeks you will find it extremely easy to automate [Active Directory] tasks which eat most of your time using [PowerShell]Important Content:Lab Setup for Active DirectoryPowerShell BasicsActive Directory BasicsActive Directory AD Users Management using PowerShellActive Directory Group Management using PowerShellActive Directory OU Management using PowerShellActive Directory Bulk Request Management using PowerShellActive Directory Cleanup Management using PowerShellActive Directory Reports using PowerShellBriefly, The knowledge of Windows PowerShell is a must for IT professionals working on [Active Directory] & Windows Server Administration and this course is one-stop-shop for gaining this necessary and in-demand skillLearn [Active Directory] and administer it using [PowerShell][PowerShell] as a tool for system administrators and to manage the [Active Directory]"
Price: 24.99

"Mastering JSON using C#" |
"Course Last Updated Jan 2019 - Added Bonus Videos on how to consume Geocoding API and Language Translator API and to parse a complex JSON Object returned by them. JSON(JavaScript Object Notation), is a minimal, readable format for structuring data. It is used primarily to transmit data between a server and web application, as an alternative to XML. It is also used to transmit data between two different applications, that are written in different languages. In this short course on Mastering JSON using C#, you are going to learnWhat is JSON? and What are all its Features?How to validate a JSON Data?Different ways to structure a JSON DataHow to Serialize and Deserialize a C# object to JSON and JSON to C# Object?How to consume a Web Service?How to parse a JSON data received from a Web Service?How to convert JSON to XML and then How to convert XML to JSON?How to convert any Object to BSON? and How to convert BSON data back to its original object? So, if you want to Master JSON using C#, enroll in this course.Who is the Target Audience? People who have basic understanding of C#"
Price: 24.99

"NLP: Neurolinguistisches Programmieren" |
"Entfessle mit NLP deine innere Kraft!Was fehlt dir noch auf deinem Weg?Finde heraus, warum du bisher schon in vielen Situationen Erfolg hattest und wie du das in Zukunft gezielt wiederholst.Lerne wie du dich von der sozialen Programmierung befreist und zurck zu deinen eigenen Werten findest.Benedikt Ahlfeld hat einenVideokursentwickelt, die wissenschaftliche Methoden mit NLP Techniken vereint. Er solleinen Beitrag fr die Welt leisten, indem er Menschen Werkzeuge an die Hand gibt mit denen siebessere Entscheidungentreffen und selbstbestimmt leben knnen. Mit dem NLP Videokurskannst du deinPotential entfalten.Besonderes Bonus:Mit deiner Bestellung sicherst du dir auch einen Gutschein im Wert von 290fr das 2-tgige live ""NLP Basic"" Seminar in deiner Nhe! Damit kannst dudeine Trainer persnlich kennenlernen, Fragen stellen unddie gelernten Inhalte noch besser in die Praxis integrieren"
Price: 194.99

"Prezentacja z flipchartem sposb na wyrnienie si." |
"W tym kursie znajdziesznarzdzia i technik do zastosowania przy prezentacjach z flipchartem, dziki ktrym zaangaujesz swoich odbiorcw i wyrnisz si.Poznasz konkretne rady, ktre od razu po wdroeniu zwiksz efektywno twoich wystpie.Jest to praktyczny kurs dziki ktremu spotkania korporacyjne, prezentacje i szkolenia zyskaj na skutecznoci.Czego si nauczysz?Korzystania z narzdzia jakim jest flipchart.Czytelnego pisania na flipcharcie.Tworzenia przykuwajcych uwag, atrakcyjnych flipchartw.Rysowania prostych ikon uatwiajcych zapamitywanie.Tworzenia kreatywnych materiaw dydaktycznych.Wyjaniania skomplikowanych poj za pomoc prostych obrazw.Dziki temu kursowi rozwiniesz kompetencje mylenia skojarzeniowego, rysowania obrazw i swoich myli, angaowania wszystkich zmysw w procesie uczenia si i przekazywania wiedzy.Zdobyt wiedz bdziesz mg wykorzysta podczas spotka, prezentacji, szkole oraz wystpie publicznych.Zapisz si juz teraz! A jeli nie jeste przekonany to sprawd dostpne darmowe fragmenty i pamitaj o30-dniowejgwarancjizwrotu pienidzy w przypadku braku satysfakcji z kursu."
Price: 144.99

"Modern Standard Arabic Series : 1- Laying The Foundation" |
"This is the first course in the Modern Standard Arabic Series, and it is the first step towards proficiency in the Arabic language.My course may differ from many other Arabic language courses in that I want to tackle directly the 3 pain points every new learner of the Arabic language faces. That is : Identifying visually Arabic letters whatever the form they take in words. Producing phonetically the correct effect of vowels on letters. Pronouncing correctly Arabic words.I have designed a great course with clear and easy explanations, a lot of practice activities so you can engage in my course,and quizzes so you can get real time feed-backs on your progress."
Price: 19.99

"MySQL MariaDB From Scratch - Become an App Developer in 2020" |
"The Ultimate MySQL MariaDB Beginner CourseHave you ever taught of how Facebook, Google, Twitter, Wikipedia and many others, manages and manipulates data or (post) behind the scene? Ever wanted to create a dynamic web application and software that could interact with or store information on the database? Then this MySQL MariaDB course is for you. Database is an in-demand skill for any one who want to become IT expert. Learning SQL opens a new dimension injobs, where you can work as a database administrator in IT companies or you can becomea freelancer. Whether youre a complete beginner or a programmer new to databases don't worryI designed this MySQL MariaDB programming course to be easily understood by absolute beginners. This course is comprehensive and straight-forward to get you up to speed on how to query and manipulate databases. You will Learn MySQL MariaDB from scratch and build a Database Application. The concept i will be teaching you in this course is basically the same for both MySQL andMariaDB as well asother relational database management systems such asPostgreSQL, SQL Server, DB2, Oracleetc. As the most popular database in the world, MySQL is used by FACEBOOK, APPLE, YOUTUBE, EBAY, WORDPRESS etc. While MariaDB is used by GOOGLE, WIKIPEDIA, REUTER, OLX, TUMBLR, NIMBUZZ etc.No wonder SQL is one of the languages theoretically taught in computer science classes but a lot of what is been said is not applicable in day to day programming, this is one of the reasonthis course is well structured to teach you the foundation of databases and how you can apply it in real-life.; with over 50 Video lectures leaving no stone on turned. Hence at the end of this course, you will be able to build a PHPapplication that interact(SQL)with database?BELOW ARE WHAT STUDENTS ARE SAYING ABOUT THIS COURSE AND THE REASONS YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS COURSEExcellent course!! The instructor is very knowledgeable about Database development using MySQL and Maria-db and is able to present the concepts in a detailed and methodical way. Topics are introduced, then explained in detail, this is then followed with hands-on, step-by-step tutorial style demonstrations that further reinforce and allow for a greater understanding of the technology and how a schema can be implemented and accessed - Brava man This is a good course for MySQL beginners, the instructor explains all the topics clearly and uses useful examples in order to understand each topic - Rafael Godinez Gives you a great explanation of many different SQL commands and how they work. I learned a lot. For a 90 minute course you learn a lot. The example project at the end really tied everything together and I learned some PHP as well - David Leacock This course is a great course and i would recommend to every computer science student in my class. I'm now proficient in SQL. Thank you instructor for your clear explanation - Sampson Stella SOME OF THE MAJOR TOPICSWE WILLCOVER IN THIS COURSE INCLUDE:You will learn how to create, alter MySQL MariaDB tables with real world examples.You will learn how to insert, select, update, deletedata.Use PHP API to connect and query MySQL and MariaDB.You will learn how to build any database application from scratch using PHPHow to use Regular Expressions (REGEXP) in SQL.You will learn how to perform mathematical calculations with numericfunctions and Date Time formatting.How to use built-in functions to find, format, extract and convert text.You will learn how to implement transaction in MySQL and MariaDB.You will have a solid foundation for RDBMS databases and SQL in general.Subquery in MySQL and MariaDBDifferent storage engines in MySQL.How to query multiple table with JOINS.How to combine multiple query with UNION. etcLIFE TIME ACCESS:By enrolling in this course you have an instant Life- Time access30 DAY MONEY BACKGUARANTEE:This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee! If you are not satisfied in any way, you will be refunded of your money.THANK YOU AND I HOPE TO SEE YOU IN THE COURSE"
Price: 54.99

"Electronics Fundamentals - Understanding Electronic Circuit" |
"Have you ever wondered about the working principle of Electronics ? or how you could build a simple electronic circuit from simple Semiconductor components? IF YES, You've found the right course . This course is well structured to get you started in the study of Electrical Electronics Engineering from the foundation.Electronics is every where and new discoveries are continually exploding. It is difficult to think of any area of live that hasn't been affected by electronics, you see electronics in communication devices, entertainment devices, homes and even in medical. Learning Electronics gives you a greater chance of been employed in technology focused companies. And the knowledge you will gain in this course will help you achieve your career goals.In this course, you will learn how to build electronic circuits, learn about electricity, understating ohm's law and power law, how to use the Breadboard and other circuit board, basic analog and digital electronics, how to build simple circuit using semiconductor components such as diodes, transistors, and operational amplifiers. You don't need some basic math skills and that's it! No prior knowledge of electricity or electronics is required, and yet by the endof this course you'll have built functioning electronic circuit .THE BEAUTY OF THIS COURSEThis Course concentrate more on how this components works and how to use them in your circuit constructionrather than the cumbersome theories that other courses offer that is of little value in real world electronics projectsSome of the major topicscovered include:What is Electricity and Electronicshow to build simple electronics circuits usingsome common semiconductor components such as diodes, transistors, and operational amplifiersUnderstating ohm's law and power lawWhat exactly is current, voltage, resistance and energyPassive components such as switches, Relays, Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors, Transformers etcActive components such as the Transistor, Diodes, SCR, LED, Linear and Digital IC's etcDiode applicationsNPN and PNP bipolar junction transistorsOp-amp applicationsHow to use the Breadboard and other circuit boardHow to simulate,analyze and design Electronic circuit in your computerLIFE TIME ACCESS:By enrolling in this course you have an instant Life- Time access30 DAY MONEY BACKGUARANTEE:This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee! If you are not satisfied in any way, you will be refunded of your money.THANK YOU AND HOPE TO SEE YOU IN THE COURSE"
Price: 84.99

"The Full Forensic Planning / Delay Analysis for Construction" |
"The course content How are claims prepared What are the sections of a typical claim submission What the sources of usual project disputes and how it can be avoided An explanation of the common terminologies used in claim industry The difference between a criticalpath and longest path An overview of the various type of Delay Analysis Techniques In depth study of the 5 major techniques applied to a case study. Advanced Windows Analysis applications tips and tricks How to select the most suitable delay analysis technique Practice project to be completed by student and discussed with Instructor."
Price: 199.99

"Introduction to Delay Analysis / Forensic Planning" |
"Upon completion you will be able to know:1-How to prepare a Successful Claim (Overview of claims content and sections), including detailed reasons for delays and claim sections.2-What is the difference between Critical Path and Longest Path?3-What is Delay Analysis & Time Impact Analysis 4- What are the different Types of Delay Analysis Techniques and when to use each(Over View)This was a recorded live webinar that is why as a bonus there isQ&A section recorded with real life scenarios discussed."
Price: 34.99

"Nutrition : Construisez votre plan alimentaire parfait" |
"Vous en avez marre de faire le YOYO sur la balance ? Vous voulez virer un max de gras ? Vous en avez marre de vous ruiner dans des rgimes et des pilules la con ? Vous aimeriez optimiser votre prise de muscle ?Si vous rpondez oui l'unede ces questions, prenez cette formation.Pain For Change aide des milliers de personnes sur les rseaux sociaux atteindre leurs objectifs.Alors si a marche pour eux, a marchera pour vous. Pour moiti moins cher que le prix d'une consultation chez une nutritionniste, vous allezAPPRENDRE comment mieux manger. COMPRENDRE ce qu'il faut faire pour enfin avoir de vrais RSULTATS durables.Pensez vous mesurer, car croyez moi les cm vont fondre !CharlesPain For Change"
Price: 34.99

"Comment avoir un ventre plat et comment galber vos fessiers?" |
"Vous pensez que le squat a travail les fessiers ? Malheureusement non.Rflchissons ensemble,quand vous faites des squats vous avez mal ou ? Aux cuisses... Vous voyez...donc ne perdez plus votre temps ne faire que des squats pour esprer galber vos fessiers. Il est temps d'avoir un programme carr, qui fonctionne.Rassurez vous, vous ne pouviez pas le savoir, l'industrie du Fitness vhicule pas mal de mensonges.Alors si vous voulez enfin avoir des rsultats, prenez cette formation qui a dj transform des centaines de spartiates.La communaut Pain For Change arrive sur Udemy, pour vous aider atteindre tous vos objectifs. Avec des cours, rapides et efficaces.Mon autre formation est un best seller sur notre boutique en ligne. Apprenez enfin bien manger, comprenez comment fonctionne votre corps, faites vous plaisir et contrlez enfin votre poids.Fini le gras persistant, l'effet YOYO et l'argent dpens dans des programmes et pilules bidons.A tout petit tarifvous allez enfinavoir des rsultats.Pain For Change"
Price: 34.99

"Fundamentos de Javascript" |
"Este curso esta diseadopara ensearte los fundamentos bsicos de javascript, tal veshas intentado aprender javascript por tu cuentadesde lo mas bsico, pero has renunciado porque no entendas nada o peor aun no te lo explicaban bien. Pues bien yo se lo que se siente y la frustracin que da.Sin embargo no te preocupes ya que soy consciente de que la mejor manera de ensear a otros es ponindome en suszapatos. Por eso te invito a realizar este curso.Este curso es para ti,si no tienes ningn conocimiento previo en Javascript.Este curso no es para ti, si ya tienes los fundamentos clarosde Javascript."
Price: 39.99

"Mutual Fund Investments for Retail Investors" |
"Mutual Fund Investment is one of the best options for retail investors, looking to invest in capital markets. But are you confused about the sheer number of schemes to choose from? Does Index fund suit your needs or you are better off with debt/income fund? Should you go with SIP or lump sum? In this course, we explain various aspects Mutual Funds - from it structure and type to investment approach and tax implications. The course is designed to prepare you select the right scheme to suit your investment goal, improvereturn by investing directly with AMC, choose the tax efficient equity oriented schemes as well as take the right approach to investing - SIP, STP or lump sum - depending on your individual circumstances. Approx 30-40 minutes spent on this course would help you throughout your life."
Price: 1280.00

"Fulfilling Relationships: Become Skilled" |
"Do you feel like you can use some helpful relationship advice?Are your friendshipsnot peaceful enough?Or don't you know how to find the right partner? Or how to make thingswork more smoothly?In this course you will learn tocreate fulfilling relationships by aquiring 17 next-level relationship skills that you might not even have thought about before.1. Transforming your Social Life: how tostop wanting tochanging others. + You are the one having the power to change and to transformyour social life!2.Cultivate Self-Love:you don't have to feel dependent anymore, and that will actually increase your chances with others.3.Build Confidence: how to learnand expand your comfort zone.4. Kickstart Clear Communication: how to have less misunderstandings and more openness5. Making Forgiveness the Default:how to forgive, and how to have the joy of being a forgiving person6. Foster an Abundance Mindset: from this place you'll berelaxed and any neediness-energy will resolve7. When to End a Relationship: a helpful and clearguide to thisdiffult decision8. How to Find new Connection: are you up for meeting like-minded souls with whom things just flow easily?9. Relax and Enjoy Exciting Meetings: with the right mindset you don't have to be nervous during that first date or at that party with cool people.10. How to Be Respectful: if you have never given respectfulness a good though, you might accidently harm others now and then. Not so anymore!11. How to Be Non-Judgmental:make other feel safe and accepted as they are, while gaining a new level of inner peace.12. ""Yes!"" and nothing less:learn to raise your standard so that you don't have to experience mediocrity in your relationships any longer.Extra Lessons:13. No More Fear of Failure: Stop perceiving your relationships as having failed. Here's how to start seeing that you are already a great success!14. Overcome Insecurity and Social Anxiety: Don't fearing rejections, stop caring what others think of you, and a practical step-to-step guide to lose insecurity and anxiety.15. Stop People Pleasing, Be Strong in your No and Powerfully You: how tomake self-empowering choices, like saying no, and keeping healthybounderies.16. Resolve Neediness by Embracing Alone-Time:What a great backup it is to feel thatyou don't even need anyone to be happy. And this will actually make you more attractive for others.17. So You Want to Go on a Cuddle Date?: what are cuddle dates?And how to arrange one for yourself? Here are the answers!This relationships skills course is for all gender types, all sexualities and for monogamous people as well as thepolyamorous ones among us."
Price: 179.99

"Happy Mind Games - Master Happiness the Playful Way" |
"Arial: I have been depressed for 1,5 years, I never went to a psychologist for it, instead I found ways throughout the years to develop a happy mindset. In this course, Ill be sharing the most fun ways I have found. I call them Happy Mind Games. They'relittle games you play within your own mind that make you instantly happy and will shiftyour usual way of thinkinginto positivity. During the 15 lessons of this course, we will do this focusing of our consciousness together, and I will give you the perfect, convenient resources to continue these games in your daily life.15 Video Lessons + 15 Guided MeditationsSupport through Q&AAudio downloads of the meditationsavailableMaster HappinessLet Life Be AwesomeYou can do it"
Price: 99.99

"Turning Jealousy into Gold" |
"Aren't we all jealous from time to time? When our partner looks at someone we think looks better than us. When our sister or brother is more succesfull that we are. When our colleague gets paid more.Learn to disarm jealousy so that it won't damage your relationships anymoreExperience beingokay with the feeling of jealousy so that you don't feel horribly uncomfortable anymor whenever you encounter jealousyHow to liberate yourself from anyshame and guilt that may surround jealousy?Learn to love the person you're jealous ofLearn to be happy for the person you're jealous ofFind lessons and gifts in the jeaousy situations so that you cantruly feel that the situation of jealousy was a good thing to happen in your lDuring your journey, you'll be supported inthe Q&A section. At additional cost you can also alway request video call coaching with me personally."
Price: 24.99

"Piano Hack Learn 4 Tunes & Sound Like a Pro!" |
"How would you like to spend half an hour on yourself? Give yourself a break from life and relax in front of the piano...This course kick starts by teaching you to play a syncopation song in a few minutes. We will then learn to boogie and play a jazz riff, and of course a famous classical piece from Beethoven that you can show off to your friends and family.This course is designed for you if you want to start playing immediately, andleave the theory for later.I hope that you enjoy this concise course, and that you're encouraged to play daily and take a break from the rat race.James Klein Piano Academy - Learn to Play like a Pro!Please note: all videos in this course are downloadable."
Price: 19.99

"Masterclass Business to IT alignment" |
"Everybody is talking about aligning business and IT. But how can this be done? How can investments in IT be justified to thebusiness? This masterclass introduces a solid framework that will guide you in your journey to align business and IT. It shows how to translate desired business outcomes to strategy and how to translate strategy to IT-capabilities and ultimately to IT-solutions.At the end of this masterclass you will be able to create matrices mapping business priorities to IT-solutions. The result is that you will never have to justify to the business why an investment in IT is required. And to remain in control of the implementation of IT-solutions, a dynamic roadmap is introduced, ready for you to use."
Price: 84.99

"Google Analytics Comprehensive course for certification" |
"In this course you willlearn Google Analytics from the basics, and up to themost advanced reports and featuresGoogle Analytics provides us.After taking this course, you will master Google Analytics and will beconfident with the data you send and present in your reports.After completing this course you willknow your audiencebetter, understand yourusers behavior,measure your marketingcampaigns efforts,customize your Google Analyticsproperty & views to your own needs and so much more"
Price: 199.99

"Yapay Zeka 101: Projeler zerinden Algoritma ve Kavramlar" |
"Yapay zeka trke kaynak sknts yznden renilmesi zor bir konudur. Bu kursta temel yapay zeka, makine renmesi,veri bilimi kavramlarn,snflandrma algoritmalarnn, yapay sinir alarn,derin renmeyive Python 3'te bu algoritmalarnnasl kullanldnreneceksiniz. Bu kurstan sonra yapay zeka hakknda iyi bir temele sahip olmakla kalmayp kendi problemlerinizi yapay zeka algoritmalar kullanarak Python 3'te zebileceksiniz. Bu kurs yapay zekay renmek isteyen ancak nereden balanlmas gerektiini bilmeyenherkes iin uygundur.Dersi srekli olarak yeni konular ekleyerek gncel tutmann yannda sizlerden gelen sorulara en ksa srede cevap veriyor olacam."
Price: 329.99

"Como lucrar mais usando a Curva ABC de Vendas" |
"Voc gostaria de aumentar a venda e lucro de sua empresa, usando apenas uma ferramenta? E o que melhor, sem realizar grandes investimentos ou contratar consultorias carssimas!Tenho certeza que sua resposta SIM!Olha, existem grandes chances de que o faturamento da sua empresa esteja sendo bastante impactado pelo simples fato de voc no utilizar as ferramentas corretas para gerir seu negcio.Por isso importante que voc fique ligado no que eu vou te falar, caso voc realmente queira virar o jogo e ver as vendas e o lucro de sua empresa crescerem assustadoramente!Fique tranquilo.Voc vai aprender de uma forma bem simples sobre uma das principais ferramentas utilizadas na gesto de varejo, a CURVA ABC de Vendas. to simples que voc poder aplicar os conceitos a na sua empresa ainda hoje se voc quiser.Vou te ensinar sobre estes temas: O que a Curva ABC de Vendas?Como ela pode melhorar os resultados? Pra que serve?Como definir os parmetros da Curva?O que preciso para criar minha primeira curva ABC?Como fazer anlises detalhadas de suas vendas e estoques?Indicadores de KPIS especficos da Curva ABC de Vendas. Vamos lSaiba como aumentar a venda e lucro com a Curva ABC de vendas:O que a Curva ABC de Vendas?A Curva ABC de vendas uma das principais ferramentas utilizadas na gesto de negcios varejistas e uma de suas finalidades aumentar a venda e lucro de uma empresa.Ela tem suas bases fundamentadas nos estudos de, um economista Francs que viveu na Itlia e que em suas observaes e estudos percebeu que 80% das riquezas daquele pas estava concentrada nas mos de 20% da populao (1892/1894).E por conta de Vilfredo que a Curva ABC de vendas tambm conhecida por princpio de pareto ou regra 80/20.Quando este conceito foi aplicado em negcios, isto representou um enorme avano na gesto de empresas de varejo.A grosso modo a ferramenta serve para classificar os produtos de acordo com o seu grau de relevncia (participao) monetria nos resultados de uma empresa.Ao final deste treinamento voc ser capaz de realizar anlises poderosas que podero impactar o resultado de sua empresa no curtssimo prazo.Alm das anlises dos relatrios, voc ser capaz de construir seus prprios relatrios utilizando apenas o Excel (ou similar) e sem a necessidade de ser especialista na ferramenta.Vou te explicar passo a passo e voc vai se surpreender com os resultados.Te vejo no curso!!"
Price: 39.99
