"English Words Vocabulary With Urdu/Hindi Meaning" |
"Everyone knows that at first, we need words to understand and then learn any type of language. In the course, you are going to learn 1000 action verbs with Urdu and Hindi meaning. You are not going to learn words in a list which is a wrong way to learn them. I have taught each word separately and have explained each thing with examples. You will learn words in contest which help you learn them by heart forever. During your learning, you will learn many other general words which will be a great bonus for you. These words about more than 4000.Why action verbs are important for English learner? We mostly use action verbs (go, come, get away, hum and so on) in our conversation. It is essential for you to learn them with understanding. Other verbs are mostly used in written English. This collection of verbs really helps you because we have selected them carefully. These words are common which you always find in English Movies, News, conversation etc. Lessons and Quizzes Each video contains 25 words with four forms (Present, Past, Past Participle and Present Participle). You will learn each word with meaning and example separately. After watching video lesson, now you need to watch its quiz video which help you to memorize words easily. I hope this course will be useful for you. Now it is time for getting yourself enrolled. If you have any question about this course, ask me inside. I am always here for you."
Price: 19.99

"Basic English Grammar for Urdu and Hindi Learners" |
"In the course, you are going to learn all the English grammar rules in the easiest way in Urdu and Hindi language. First of all, I introduce myself briefly. I am Sajid Hussain and I have been teaching English grammar for 7 years. I have taught many students throughout the world. I have written two books on English grammar. I am proud that some of my students are teaching English Grammar. Why should you buy this course?First thing is that this course is complete. I mean I have tried my best to add all the necessary things that a beginner student wants to know.I have my own method of teaching. I always try to make things easier. although it is too hard to understand and remember all the rules of grammar, using my method you will easily understand and remember all rules forever.I always remember my students once one buy my course. I mean If you will have any type of problem with the course or a single topic, kindly inform me I will resolve it. although this course is complete. if student find any topic which I did not add yet to the course, I can add it (send me a message) What am I going to learn in this course?You will learn all the things which a beginner should know.Most Important Topics are as UnderImportant English Grammar terms.Past of Speech - complete. Verb Tenses - Complete. Direct and Indirect Speech - Complete.Active and Passive Voice - Complete.Sentence and Phrase. Sentence and clause.Vowel and Consonant.Accent and EmphasisKinds of Sentence - Complete and much more. What will happen when I complete this course?although this course is designed for beginners, you will be able to start reading, writing and speaking the English Language.If you have completed the course with great attention, then you can teach Grammar too. You will be able to learn intermediate English grammar for spoken English. It is time to ""get enrolled"" yourself! Don't miss this precious Course. "
Price: 19.99

"Fun Teacher: English Grammar, Reading and Speaking Class" |
"Welcome to the warmest classroom onthe internet-- Susan will encourage you, motivate you, and care about you during your English language journey. As a PhD in Education and an Award-Winning teacher,she designed this course to keep you interested, learning, confident and successful in improvingyour English. Fun activities, lessons, and delivery are curated just for you. Ready to learn? Let's do this!"
Price: 19.99

"How to Cook Traditional Falafel & Hummus" |
"Have you ever wondered how to make the perfect Falafel and Humus at home? Are you dissatisfied with the tasteand texture of Falafel and Humus at your local Middle Eastern restaurants? Are you searching forauthentic,traditional deliciusvegetarian recipes?Look no further!In this course you will discover the secret behind making the perfect traditional Falafel and Humus. Falafel and Humus are made from simple ingredients, including vegetables herbs and chickpeas, however the secret is in the preparation.This course will take you step by step to preparing the perfect Falafel and Humus fresh at home.Who willbenefit from this course?Those who are looking for Falafel and Humus recipes that are free of colours, preservatives and additives which are typically found in packaged Falafel and Humus in the supermarket.Vegetarians that are looking for delicious high protean and fibre recipes.Foodies that appreciated the great taste of traditional fresh Falafel and Humus."
Price: 39.99

"How to Start a Successful Business in 30 Days!" |
"THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE, BEST-SELLINGCOURSE ON HOWTOSTARTABUSINESSONUDEMY - Free access to all updates for life!Do you have an idea that you wish to convert into the next million dollar business?Do you want to leave a legacy and create a better lifestyle for yourself? Do you want to become an Entrepreneur?Ready to take the next step of your life and live life on your own terms? Harness the power of Entrepreneurship with our extensive 30 daysChallenge. Everything from Idea to creating a Minimum Viable Product(MVP).Are you ready to become part of the next-generation of business leaders? Harness the power of this coursefor your idea andbusiness.Join our latest business launch course with UNLIMITED & LIFETIME access. You will learn how to convert your idea into a MVP and launch your business in 30 days. Future updates will include how to look for funding and more.This course is the most comprehensive look at how to launch a business in 30 days:What does this course give you?Access to methods to launch your business successfully in 30 daysCreating Buyer PersonaHow to create a mind mapUnderstanding the pain-point of your customers (The Problem)Determining the size of the problem for your customersValidating the problemLearning how to create a Minimum Viable ProductDeterminingthe Unique Selling PointCreating and growing a mailing listUsing MailChimpUnderstanding ofGrowth HackingThis course will take you from Wannapreneur to Entrepreneur in 30 days using our proactive and practical approach. It is arguably one the most comprehensive online courses onstarting a business; giving learners a great grounding and skill set to enter the world of Entrepreneurship.DON'T FORGET: Udemy operates a 30 day full money back guarantee, no questions asked! If you're not happy with this course you can request your money back.Click the""take this course""button straight away at the top right of this page to unlock the power of Entrepreneurship."
Price: 204.99

"Python for Beginners: Learn Python with Practical Exercises!" |
"Hi Im Sam, a big data engineer and full stack web developer teaching you to program in Python in the most efficient and down to earth approach. I will not only teach you to code but also the environment used to develop python code used by everyday data scientists and big data engineers.This course is streamlined into 3 hours to fit into a busy schedule. All content in this course will be highly reusable in a real world situation. This course is strictly no fluff which means we will get into the core of programming straight away without going through hours of theory which you will never apply on real projects. So if you want to learn python programming to transition into data science, or the big data space and dont have the luxury of time you have come to the right place!Course is split up into sections as below:Environment Setup - Here you learn and install the most popular environments used by data scientists and developersData Types and Methods - The abcs of the coding language.Control and Looping - Learn how to control the flow of the program and repeat tasksFunctions - Help Automate your tasksError Handling - Handles errors in real world applicationsObject Oriented Programming - Learn OOP to be even better at programmingFile Structure & Running in Terminal - Learn how Python modules work and run in Terminal"
Price: 24.99

"Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Course [2019 Update]" |
"[UPDATED CONTENT 2019 Exam]Storage SolutionsOLAP vs OLTP databasesConsistency concepts.Transactional consistency for various data storage solutions.Cloud StorageGsutil command line interface.DatastoreDatastore indexing - what is it, how to update, upload.BigQueryUpdate of BigQuery practicals including authorised views in the new BQ UI.Concepts of temporary tables.Types of schemas BQ accepts.BigTableBigTable fit for purpose of time-series data.Cbt command line interface for BigTable.BigTable consistency concepts and highly available configuration.DataflowDeploying dataflow jobs and whats running in the background.Dataflow job monitoring through console -> Cloud Dataflow Monitoring Interface and also gcloud dataflow commands.Updating a dataflow streaming job on the fly.Logging of Cloud Dataflow jobs.Cloud Dataflow Practical - Running job locally and using Dataflow ServiceHadoop & DataprocApache Spark jobsStackdriverExport logs to BigQuery for further analysis, why and how.Machine Learning Solutions - New SectionIntroduction of new GCP ML products and open source products such as Cloud Machine Learning Engine, BigQuery ML, Kubeflow & Spark MLCloud AutoML -> AutoML Vision, AutoML Vision EdgeDialogflow - GCPs Chatbot builderConcept of edge computing and distributed computingGoogle clouds TPU (Tensor Processing Unit)Common terms in Machine Learning terminology such as features, labels, models, linear and logistic regression, classification, clustering/networks and supervised/unsupervised learning.Migration into GCP - New SectionHow to migrate data into GCP - Transfer Appliance & Storage Transfer ServiceDataprep - New SectionWhat is Dataprep?Dataprep practical section, runs Dataflow job in background - nice interface for non-codersSecurity on GCP - New SectionCloud security best practicesSecurely interacting with Cloud StoragePenetration testingBastion/JumphostEncryptionData loss prevention apiLive migrationCloud Composer - New SectionWhat is cloud composer?Hi Im Sam, a big data engineer, full stack web developer and machine learning/AI Enthusiast teaching you GCP in the most efficient and down to earth approach. I will teach you the core components of GCP required to pass the data engineers exam using a real world applications approach. All the practicals in this course show you techniques used by big data engineers on the GCP.Course is streamlined to aim to get you to pass the GCP Data Engineers Certification. Therefore, it is the most time efficient course to learn about GCP if you want to have a good understanding of GCPs products and have the intention of becoming a certified data engineer in the future. The course is streamlined to under 5 hours! Learn all about GCP over a weekend or in a day !Infrastructure solutions will be presented for various use cases as you learn the most when solving real problems! Theory and Practicals will be placed to aim to pass the Data Engineers Exam with the shortest amount of time. In the exam most questions will be targeted on the why and not the how. For example you will be very hard pressed to find a question that asks you to choose the correct code snippet out of the 3 code snippets etc. Student Feedback:Hi Samuel. Hope this finds you well. I passed the GCP data engineering exam last week and just want to thank you for your Udemy course that summarises the exam materials so well! Have a good week ahead!The course is helpful for my preparation of Google Data Engineering Certification Exam. It also gives a good and brief overview of GCP products that is lacking in other courses. The knowledge gained from this course can be applied to using GCP in data scientist and data engineering work.I had tried coursera courses from google. It's too longer and has lots of marketing pitches. I like your approach. You should create another course like this for AWS or GCP architect.Course is split up into sections as below:Introduction - Explore questions, Why Cloud, Why GCP, main differentiators of GCP/main selling points, setup your free GCP accountCompute Engine - Overview of compute engine and pricing innovations, zones & regions, various machine types and practical to spin up VMs and access them via SSH, Mac and Windows supportedStorage Solutions - Overview of GCPs data storage solutions including Cloud Storage, Cloud Datastore, Cloud Spanner, Cloud SQL, BigQuery & BigTable. We will compare these storage solutions with each other and explain use cases where one storage solution will excel over another.IAM & Billing - Different member types, roles and permissions, resource hierarchy and billing processBigQuery - BigQuery Pricing structure, tips for reducing processing cost, Partitioned & Wildcard tables, Authorised views, Practicals in BigQuery using standard SQLCloud Datalab - How to use Cloud Datalab in a practical with a live feed from BigQuery to explore the dataset.Cloud Pub/Sub - Pub/Sub concepts and its components especially decoupling and the uses of Pub/SubHadoop & Dataproc - Overview of hadoop and major components which will be tested in the examCloud Dataflow - What is dataflow, the dataflow model, how and why its used with relation to other GCP ProductsStackdriver - Stackdriver functions such as debugging, error reporting, monitoring, alerting, tracing and logging.Tensorflow & AI - Brief overview of machine learning and neural networks, play with neural networks with a playground and understand GCPs AI products and APIsCase Study - Finally, Put your new learnt GCP knowledge to use in a real world application business case. Similar case studies will be present in the exams."
Price: 24.99

"DevOps Toolkit: Learn Kubernetes with Practical Exercises!" |
"Hi Im Sam, a big data engineer, cloud engineer and machine learning/AI Enthusiast teaching you Kubernetes using GCPs Kubernetes Engine. I will teach you the core components of Kubernetes with various kubernetes specific concepts. Course is up to date uses the latest kubernetes version and all exercises can be done for free and on any operating system. Course will include a quiz at the end of the theory section to test and consolidate your learning.Two practicals focusing on the major architectural concepts within Kubernetes and containerisation will be presented to complement the theory learned. This course was designed to balance theory and practise to deepen your understanding and why we do things the way its done and not just show you how its done. I want you to understand the reason behind each decision made.Course is split up into sections as below:Containerisation and Orchestration - Explore the concept of containers and problems that kubernetes aims to solve.Master and Nodes - Main architecture of Kubernetes, will dig a little deeper into components and commonly used architectures.Pods - The building block of Kubernetes, will explain the main concept and commonly used example of pods.Services - Various options for connecting pods to external traffic. Deployments - Concept of replication set and launching of a kubernetes cluster.Desired State, Defining Kube Objects - Explore the concept of desired state and how to actually define kubernetes working parts before deploying.Stateless & Stateful - Main concepts comparing stateless architectures with stateful and why you would want to use one over another.Stateless Cluster Practical - This is a practical where we will build a stateless application and deploy the cluster.Stateful Cluster Practical - This is a practical where we will build a stateful application and deploy the cluster."
Price: 24.99

"How to Forget your ex-Girlfriend or Boyfriend" |
"In this course, I will guide you through a practical ways to help you forgetting your ex. Youwill find it the right words for you. I have searched for 2 years for this topic to give you the best available solution.This course have helped many people, and if you follow it, for sure that also going to help you.The course come with lifetime access, friendly support in the Q&A areaand a 30 day money back guarantee, so there's no risk to get started!Hope to see you in class!"
Price: 29.99

"Comunicacin No Verbal al Alcance de Todos" |
"Este curso esta diseadopara que aprendas a detectar e interpretar aquellos signos no verbales que las personas en todo momento.El objetivo principal es, pues, la potenciacin de tus habilidades comunicativas en todas tus reas de accin para la consolidacin de relaciones humanas satisfactorias y de calidad y la proyeccin de una imagen de logra excelencia."
Price: 19.99

"Master Link building for SEO in 1 Hour (Updated)" |
"Update ( Nov 23, '19): Due to the ever changing nature of the google algorithm, link building remains one of the best ways to organically grow and promote your website and it's existing user base and content. Advanced methods, slightly on the blackhat side of the line, that used to work are no longer recommended and this course will help you build links naturally and with a strong foundation.In this course, you will learn link building from scratch. The course begins with a foundation of links, and why link building is important. It covers the journey and history of link building and it's place in Search Engine Optimization. You'll also learn how to create useful content and acquire links that are inherently protected from penalties from search engines. The course has been made keeping in mind the latest updates to the page-rank algorithm. Following these concepts and lessons will lead to a measurable increase in backlinks and traffic to your landing page. After finishing this course you will have :A solid understanding of how and why links and link building work they way they do, and how to take advantage of them.Know how to quickly identify, target and gather link building opportunities in your niche.Know how to use tools ranging from Majestic, Moz OSE, Tweeple, Ahrefs and others to help you in your link building campaign. Have additional link building help with browser extensions.Have a basic outreach spreadsheet to help you keep track of emails and other outreach methodsThis course also guides you through the link building landscape and points out the honey traps to avoid. You will be able to distinctly build out your link building outreach campaign and follow through with your target audience. You will be able approach link building from their perspective and write outreach messages that are personalized and get responses. This course will cover channels that maximize the chances of getting a successful backlink and optimize for those. It will also take a deep dive into how the page-rank algorithm gives preferential weight to certain factors like educational domains and how to use advanced search queries to filter these out. We will go through these using theory and practical examples to drive home the point. This course is meant for:Entrepreneurs building their online store, app, website, blog, marketplace or platformBeginners or intermediate SEO analysts looking for a comprehensive course. Advanced specialists who are looking to add to their knowledge can also take this course to keep up-to-date as it covers specific techniques.Marketeers looking to increase their efficiency and skill at linkbuilding and getting resultsAnyone who is beginning link building to their website and wants a structured plan to begin People who have an interest in SEO and it's component parts"
Price: 199.99

"GMAT Algebra - The Comprehensive Course Learn from scratch" |
"Generally, around 25% of GMAT quantitative questionsare classified as""Algebra questions"". However, the number of questions on the GMATthat require the use ofAlgebra are much higher.And therefore it becomes absolutely essential that you master the art of manipulatingAlgebraic expressions.This course is designed by a team of passionate GMATinstructors and is aimed at teaching almost every concept that you need to know in order to master GMATAlgebra. The entire course is neatly divided into various sections: Preliminaries Linear Equations Quadratic Equations Graph TheoryFunctions InequalitiesSpecial Algebraic Questions Practice Quizes Solve over 100 original questions(including 45 Data Sufficiency questions) with guided tutorialsSections have all the ingredients of a thorough training module: Content that delves deep into the conceptual part of GMATAlgebra Integrated practice that helps you feel comfortable with GMATAlgebra A healthy mixture of time-bound practice and no-time-limit quizes Extensive tutorials at the end of a practice session The entire course is structured to give you the IMMERSIVELEARNINGexperience. The idea is to engross you into the course content till such time you master it.TheGMAT is a registered trademark of the Graduate Management Admissions Council, which is not affiliatedwith this course."
Price: 199.99

"A Practical Guide to Work Life Balance" |
"Having a balance between your careerand home life can be a challenge. With this challenge comes great rewards, when it's done successfully. By balancing your career with home life, you'll become healthier, mentally and physically, and you'll be able to produce more professionally. In this course you'll learn how to work less but stillproduce more by focusing on the important things, setting accurate and achievable goals, and communicating better with your peers at work and your family at home."
Price: 19.99

"A Practical Guide to Mindfulness and Self-Management" |
"Self-management is about understanding yourself and staying in the moment. This course teaches how to become more mindful of your actions and how to express and interpret your present environment to maximize your professional results. You learn how to create positive connections and increase your self-regulation of attention and personal experiences through gratitude, filtering, and active listening. This course also helps you develop an increased recognition of mental events in the present moment which allows you to see the world in new ways and provides countless personal and professional benefits."
Price: 19.99

"A Practical Guide to Professional Telephone Etiquette" |
"This course teaches propertelephoneetiquette in a professional work setting.The course is divided into 10 sections. This first section is the Course Welcome. Sections 2, 3 and 4 provide you with the fundamental knowledge you need to consistently display proper phone etiquette. Sections 5 through 9 deliver practical tips and guidelines to help you put your best foot, or in this casevoice, forward when handling calls and callers. The final section wraps up the course and prepares you for your next steps.By the end of the course, youll be able to effectivelyrecognize the different aspects of telephone language, properly manageinbound and outbound calls, handle angry and rude callers, and skillfully send and receive phone messages."
Price: 19.99

"A Practical Guide to Time Management" |
"This course teaches practical time management techniques. The course is divided into 12 sections. This first section is the course introduction. The middle nine are designed to teach the behaviors, knowledge and skills required to become a Top-Notch Time Manager. Section 11 offers some viable alternatives to one of the biggest time wasters at work: face-to-face meetings. And the final section summarizes what youve learned and then helps you exit the course with a plan of action. By the end of this course, youll be able to: Plan and prioritize each days activities in a more efficient, productive manner, Overcome procrastination, Handle crises, Organize your workspace and workflow to make better use of time, Delegate more efficiently, Use rituals to make your life run smoother, and Plan meetings more appropriately and effectively."
Price: 19.99

"A Practical Guide to Effective Communication" |
"This course teaches you how to communicate in a professional environment. The course is divided into 12 sections. This first section is the Course Welcome. Sections 2, 3, and 4 help you develop a good understanding of the components of effective communication. Sections 5 through 11 provide you with practical tips on how to apply what youve learned and enhance your communication skills. The final section wraps up the course and prepares you for your next steps.By the end of this course, youll be able to: understand what communication is, identify the different ways that communication occurs, detect barriers to communication and overcome them, develop non-verbal and para-verbal communication skills, use the STAR method to effectively speak on the spot, listen actively, ask good questions, use appreciative inquiry as a communication tool, skillfully converse and network with others, identify and mitigate precipitating factors, establish common ground with others, and use I messages to improve your communications."
Price: 19.99

"A Practical Guide for Developing Your Creativity" |
"This course teaches ways to develop your creativity. The course is divided into 11 sections. This first section is the Course Welcome. Section 2 defines what we mean when we say creativity. Sections 3 through 10 provide you with practical advice and tips on how to overcome the most common obstacles to creativity and ways to develop a creative mindset. And the final section wraps up the course and prepares you for your next steps.By the end of this course, you'll be able todefine creativity, act with confidence, engage in structured curiosity, stop acting out of fear, learn from introspection, and become more comfortable with taking calculated risks to reach your personal and professional goals sooner."
Price: 19.99

"A Practical Guide for Telecommuters" |
"Working in a home office requires a unique set of skills. Through this course, you'll acquire the knowledge needed to improve your performance as a telecommuter and develop the skills needed to be successful in yourwork from home environment.The course is divided into eight sections. This first section is the course welcome. Section two identifies the core skills necessary for telecommuting. The middle four sections are designed to teach the knowledge and skills needed to master one particular competency required to be an effective teleworker. Section seven shares additional challenges teleworkers face and the final section wraps up the course and prepares you for the road ahead."
Price: 19.99

"English WORKout" |
"This intensive, highly practical course is designed for those who feel the need to use English at work or for business.Our major objective is to enhance your language skills ( speaking, writing, listening and reading) as well as your soft skills, such as effective spoken and written communication, presentation, speed-reading, project planning, etc. Combined with your professional expertise, these skills will boost your career opportunities significantly.The approach that we use in the course is called Task-Based Learning, which means you learn through doing true to life tasks that you are probably already doing in your native language.The course covers 8 units, each featuring a video from the instructor, a reading/ listening + vocabulary task and a practical part in which youll have to produce some language.We havent included any grammar exercises on purpose, because we want to focus on achieving practical aims rather than mistake correction. However, in some units we offer links to materials for self-study on some language phenomena.Join and have your brain muscles work for you!"
Price: 19.99

"Anlisis financiero corporativo" |
"Se estudiarn los conceptos y componentes ms importantes del anlisis financiero.Se aprender sobre la funcin, estructuracin y relacin de los distintos tipos de estados financieros que se utilizan en el anlisis. En adicin, se desarrollar el primer set de ejercicios prcticos.Conoceremos las herramientas clave del anlisis y su interpretacin.Posteriormente, desarrollaremos el anlisis financiero por medio del segundo set de ejercicios prcticos.Por ltimo, se dejar a disposicin un caso integrador para desarrollo individual haciendo uso de lo aprendido en este curso. Se adjuntarn las soluciones."
Price: 19.99

"Illahi Noor : A golden initiation in the Unity Ray !" |
"In this course, you will be initiated to the golden ray through a channel called Illahi Noor.Illahi Noor is an ancient portal of Divine Grace Energy, from the golden ray, originating in Egypt, that has been reactivated 15 years ago and that is now accessible to all, to bring the qualities and healing powers of Oneness, non duality and Divine blessings to your life, and to the world. It is an open source energy that we can use to update our consciousness, toprotect, and to heal anything. It can be blended with any other healing modality.You will learn how to receive it, and infuse it in your cells, for healing and reconnection. You will receive tips about using it in your daily life, about sharing it with others, and sending it remotely. Become a powerful actor in the new wave of awakening flushing our planet now !"
Price: 29.99

"Healing Toxic Relationships and Addictions" |
"We all have toxic relationships and addictions in life. It may be with our family, our friends, the people around us, or sometimes with places or objects. Many of us developed as well addictive behaviors with substances like food, alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. We might also have toxic relationships with patterns, thoughts, beliefs that sometimes becomeextremism or obsession.These unhealthy habits and patterns in our life hold us back, and generate a lot of suffering. They condition our reactions and responses in a way that is not serving our highest purpose. Usually Toxic relationships deal with our intimate partners, but this class addresses much more than that. We will bring the awareness and the healing to all levels of your Being -physical, emotional, mental and spiritual- andto all the aspects of your existence. The symptoms of being entangled in a toxic relationship are anger, resentment, frustration, sadness, feeling powerless, addictions, unhealthy control issues, obsession, feeling manipulated and not respected, feeling stuck asa victim or a rescuer... To set ourselves free and reclaim our power of cocreating a healthy joyful life, we need to heal these poisonous insidious connections and patterns we developed along the years. This course will provide you all the tools necessary to heal these toxic relationships and to move forward. First we will work on our awareness and responsibility as many of us are in denial about our own toxicity. We will scan and list all these unhealthy aspects of our life. We will then practice 4 different kind of healing : An emotional Healing with Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to relax our emotional body and stop our uncontrolled reactions. A Toxic Cord Cutting Healing using the Grace of Angelic realms, as along the years we created and fed many energetic toxiccords to these people or substances. A Forgiving and Healing Meditation usingHo'oponopono from the Hawaiian tradition. Forgiving yourself and others is essential to move forward. A Healthy Boundary Healing to set up new clear, whole, healthy energeticboundaries that you will be able to activate with a snap of your fingers. Finally, you will be given a simple but powerful ritual to practice for 28 days to let go of the past and start a new life. After this class, you will be able to :Bemore aware every time a relationship with somebody or something becomes unhealthy.Practice EFT tapping Healing by yourself, every time you will feel overwhelmed by emotions (pain, anger, cravings, sadness...)Cut your toxic cords to create more space in you, to allow something new to unfold, by simply listening to a short meditation.Forgive yourself and others, with a simple yet powerful visualization and guided meditation.Find your center and set clear boundaries with others with literally a snap of your fingers, using the Magic Cube.Integrate deeply this healing, and heal your past with the 28 days ritual.Twoaudio meditations (to be downloaded) are providedto repeat the healing processes where you want.Are you ready to shed the skin of you old Self ? Are you ready to truly transform and heal your relationships ? Are you ready to say goodbye to your addictions ? Are you ready for a quantum leap, to embrace yourNew Self, free from your past suffering ? Yes !!!! Then this class is for you. While speaking to you, I will take you to many different shamanic dimensions of consciousness, allowing your Spirit to bring to the surface what you need to heal. It is more than just words. It is Light Language in action. There are many healing downloads in this course, to allow you to Heal your toxic Relationships and Addictions ! Trust your Intuition ! It is time to set yourself Free !"
Price: 59.99

"Sacred Space." |
"Everyone wants to feel safe, anywhere and all the time. It is a basic need for humans. That you want to meditate alone or that you hold space for people, students or friends, you want the space you create to be safe, functional and harmonious.The thing is that when you become a space holder, or a teacher/facilitator, nobody teaches you how to hold space. It is a skill you are supposed to learn with experience, and it should be a part of anyteacher training.This course was created after 15 years of experience as a healer, a teacher and a ceremony space holder. It explains clearly how you can create a safe and functional sacred space for yourself and others, easy to maintain, and free from any interference or distortion.Are you a yoga teacher, a workshop facilitator, a lecturer, a healer, a parent,a coach, a dancer, a musician ? You will upgrade your practice with this course !You will learn how to :Clear the space physically and energetically.Ground, Source and connect to your space to the 4 directions.Own your space and claim your energetic authority.Invite supportive presence like masters, angels, teachers, spirits..Define clearly the purpose of your space.Protect your space with a powerful energetic download that you can activate instantly.Open and close your space properly.Many practical tips about how to maintain the integrity of your space while teaching or speaking.How to connect energetically to the other members of the space.These simple, clear steps will change the way you handle and hold your space. It will make it easy, flowing, and powerful. Your students or the people sharing your sacred space will feel it. They will feel more safe and will allow themselves to go deeper in their process.The members of your space will be more focused, more grounded and will experience a deeper understanding or healing.You can use this download anytime, with your family, at work, with friends. Sacred Space doesn't mean you it has to be spiritual. It means that your Intent prevails in a harmonious way, supported by the Universe.Upgrade your practice of holding space with this class. This transmission carries the teachings and experience from a lineage of 26 generations of miracle healers from Mexico, and my own experience as a teacher of workshops since 15 years.We are all Space Holders at some point. We are all modern shamans and priests ! Receive this teaching to make it easy for you and easy for others, and to manifest your intentions in the most sacred way !"
Price: 49.99

"Como Consegu 2,7 MILLONES en FIFA 20" |
"Imagina que ests delante de un ro que quieres cruzar, en este hay una hilera de rocas separadas entre si, lo suficientemente cerca como para que puedas saltar de una en una, hay veces que por impaciencia queremos llegar a la otra orilla lo mas rpido posible, as que damos un gran salto con la esperanza de llegar cuanto antes. Pero al igual que en todo en esta vida, si quieres avanzar demasiado rpido, acabas cayndote y retrocediendo, es por eso que las cosas hay que hacerlas paso a paso, y escoger muchas veces el camino ms lento. Siempre sers libre de escoger, si dar un gran salto o avanzar roca a roca. Con todo esto lo que quiero transmitirte es que el camino hacia el querer ganar muchas monedas, hay que empezar por lo primero, que en este caso es la organizacin y no desesperarse por encontrar jugadores, la primera roca para cruzar el ro, una vez tienes los conocimientos necesarios podrs dar el salto hacia una nueva roca que te acerque a la otra orilla, en Fifa una vez has cruzado varias rocas, estas se bifurcan en varios sentidos, aqu tu decides cual tomar, pero al principio hay que pasar por las primeras rocas que te encuentras.Este curso se adentra en el conocimiento de todas las formas de tradear en Fifa 18. Saber cmo actuar cuando estamos delante un jugador que nos dar beneficios es fundamental. Material nico y exclusivamente en formato libro para conseguir un aprendizaje sencillo y consolidado de cmo ganar monedas en este Fifa 19. Mediante el libro, veremos distintos conceptos que nos ayudarn a llegar a ese objetivo que desde un principio habamos soado.No Esperes Ms! "
Price: 114.99

"Curso completo de iMOVIE para Mac - 2020 (Espaol)" |
"Imagina que ests delante de un ro que quieres cruzar, en este hay una hilera de rocas separadas entre si, lo suficientemente cerca como para que puedas saltar de una en una, hay veces que por impaciencia queremos llegar a la otra orilla lo mas rpido posible, as que damos un gran salto con la esperanza de llegar cuanto antes. Pero al igual que en todo en esta vida, si quieres avanzar demasiado rpido, acabas cayndote y retrocediendo, es por eso que las cosas hay que hacerlas paso a paso, y escoger muchas veces el camino mas lento. Siempre sers libre de escoger, si dar un gran salto o avanzar roca a roca.Con todo esto lo que quiero transmitirte es que el camino hacia aprender a editar vdeos, hay que empezar por lo primero, que en este caso es la organizacin y no desesperarse si no te salen las cosas rpido, la primera roca para cruzar el ro, una vez tienes los conocimientos necesarios podrs dar el salto hacia una nueva roca que te acerque a la otra orilla, en la edicin,una vez has cruzado varias rocas, estas se bifurcan en varios sentidos, aqu tu decides cual tomar, pero al principio hay que pasar por las primeras rocas que te encuentras.Este cursose adentra en el conocimiento de la edicin de iMovie des de 0 o con pocos conocimientos. Saber progresar y entender lo que explicoes fundamental.1 hora y 30de material nicoy exclusivamente devdeopara conseguir un aprendizaje sencillo y consolidado de como saber editar. Mediante el curso, veremos distintosconceptosque nos ayudarn a llegar a ese objetivo que desde un principio habamos soado.La idea del curso es crear dos partes, la primera:que consistir enun vdeo fcil y bsico a medida que avanzan las clases para al final tener tu propio vdeo y saber usar los conocimientos aprendidos a otros vdeos y la segunda consiste en usar todas las herramientasque se pueden usar en iMovie hasta la fecha.Aunque uso el editor de pelculas ms profesional Final Cut Pro X en mi uso diario de edicin, os enseoa usar iMovie ya que yo empez con esta herramienta y es imposible pasar a Final Cut sin empezar en iMovie, adems,demuestro que se pueden hacer cosas geniales con esta aplicacin.Si tienes un iMac, seguramente tienes iMovie, si no lo tienes, ningn problema, en el curso te enseo a descargarlo de forma gratuita.En este curso de iMovie, cubrir todo lo que necesita saber para empezar de cero en esta aplicacin y acabar el curso sabiendo usar iMoviea la perfeccin. Incluso si tienes conocimientos de iMovie, despus de completar este curso podrs lograr cosas que ni siquiera te habas imaginado. Y sin duda sorprenders a tus amigos y familiares.Si no entiendes algn concepto, no dudes en escribirme en la seccin de preguntas y respuestas, si te gustara saber algo bsico que no queda claro o que no digo, puedes hacrmelo llegar y aadir la clase si me parece bien la propuesta.Estoy seguro de que encontrars suficiente informacin nueva en este curso para que valga la pena.Estoy seguro de que cuando acabes sabrs hacer tus propios vdeos y espero que me los hagas llegar para opinar y ayudarte! Un saludo y nos vemos en el siguiente curso.No hay un curso similar de iMovie disponible en ninguna parte. Todo lo que necesitas saber en iMovieest aqu en espaol.No Esperes Ms!ndice del curso:Introduccin del cursoEl ndice del cursoDescargar iMovieImportar videosAudioDividir ClipsTransicionesTtulos y textoMsicaExportar vdeosSobreponer clipsAumentar un clip sobrepuestoPoner imgenes o vdeos en paraleloModo Ken BurnsInvertir el vdeoCmara rpidaCmara lentaCongelar fotogramaReducir ruido de fondoEstabilizar vdeo temblorosoCromaCorreccin de colorFiltro colorComparacin iMovie y Final Cut Pro XFinal"
Price: 199.99

"Aprende Lectura Rpida y Mejora Tu Comprensin Lectora" |
"Quieres saber como leer ms veloz ... O an mejor a como ser un superlector teniendo una lectura rpida? Entonces ests en el sitio adecuado!Prepara a tus hijos para una vida de aprendizaje continuo, rpido y sin esfuerzo, con estas habilidades de SuperlectorImagina que ests delante de un ro que quieres cruzar, en este hay una hilera de rocas separadas entre si, lo suficientemente cerca como para que puedas saltar de una en una, hay veces que por impaciencia queremos llegar a la otra orilla lo mas rpido posible, as que damos un gran salto con la esperanza de llegar cuanto antes. Pero al igual que en todo en esta vida, si quieres avanzar demasiado rpido, acabas cayndote y retrocediendo, es por eso que las cosas hay que hacerlas paso a paso, escoger muchas veces el camino mas lento. Siempre sers libre de escoger, si dar un gran salto o avanzar roca a roca. Con todo esto lo que quiero transmitirte es que el camino hacia la lectura rpida, hay que empezar por lo primero, que en este caso es la organizacin y no desesperarse si al principio vas ms lento que antes, es importante la constancia,la primera roca para cruzar el ro, una vez tienes los conocimientos necesarios podrs dar el salto hacia una nueva roca que te acerque a la otra orilla, en la lectura,una vez has cruzado varias rocas, estas se bifurcan en varios sentidos, aqu tu decides cual tomar, pero al principio hay que pasar por las primeras rocas que te encuentras.Este cursose adentra en el conocimiento de la lectura rpida y en resumen de como ser unsuperlector. Saber progresar y entender lo que explicoes fundamental.1 hora y 30de material nicoy exclusivamente devdeopara conseguir un aprendizaje sencillo y consolidado de los trucos para leer bien, que herramientas usar y como aplicarlo a nuestra vida. Mediante el curso, veremos distintosconceptosque nos ayudarn a llegar a ese objetivo que desde un principio habamos soado.La idea del curso ha sido dividirlodos partes, la primera: Consiste en unos hbitos de lectura, en focalizar bien las ideasy darse cuenta que para aprender a leer rpido todo lo de la primera parte es sper importante tenerlo presente yla segunda consiste en usar todas las herramientasque hay para leer ms rpido, para aumentar la velocidad con la que lees. Yo te doy muchas tcnicas y t te quedas con la que mejor se aplique a ti mismo.En este curso de leer ms rpido, cubrir todo lo que necesita saber para empezar de cero con la lecturay si aplicas todo lo que digo ser un super lector y leer sper rpido. Incluso si tienes conocimientos sobre la lectura, despus de completar este curso podrs lograr cosas que ni siquiera te habas imaginado y vers lo potente que es la mente humana. Y sin duda sorprenders a tus amigos y familiares.Si no entiendes algn concepto, no dudes enescribirmeen la seccinde preguntas y respuestas, si te gustara saber algo bsico que no queda claro o que no digo, puedes hacrmelo llegar y aadir la clase si me parece bien la propuesta.Estoy seguro de que encontrars suficiente informacin nueva en este curso para que valga la pena.Seguroque cuando acabes el cursosabrs leer muy rpido y adems sabrs todas las tcticas de la lectura rpiday tambinespero que me pongas tu opinin y as puedaayudarte! Un saludo y nos vemos en el siguiente curso.No hay un curso similar de lectura disponible en ninguna parte. Todo lo que necesitas saber los librosest aqu en espaol.No Esperes Ms!"
Price: 199.99

"Manual de publicidad en Facebook paso a paso" |
"Este curso se enfoca totalmente en el desarrollode estrategias publicitarias a travs de Facebook y ensea paso a paso paraaplicar lo aprendido desde el da uno.Desarrollaremos publicidad enFacebook haciendo uso de los elementos ms novedosos que nos permiten herramientasdigitales de terceras plataformas que son 100% compatibles para lograr asnuestros objetivos comerciales. Crearemos un plan estratgico de publicidad enFacebook, aprenderemos a usar psicologa del color para nuestras campaasdigitales y aprenderemos los tipos de objetivos comerciales, los objetivospublicitarios, la ejecucin de la estrategia, la analtica digital y latrazabilidad; todo desde la perspectiva empresarial."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Excel - All About Pivot Tables" |
"WHAT IS A PIVOT TABLE ?A Pivot Table is a tool which is used to storethe summary of a large data set in a condensed manner. Just like any table, thePivot Table consists of rows, columns, data fields, and pages. These componentscan be moved around and it helps the user to expand, isolate, sum, and groupthe particular data in real time. Pivot Table enables the user to view thedifferences in a very big set of information. It is very helpful in organizinga large amount of data in Microsoft Excel.Easy to UseAn important advantage of pivot tables is thatit is easy to use. You can easily summarize data by dragging the columns todifferent sections of the table. The columns can also be re-arranged as youwish with the click of a mouse.Fast Data AnalysisWith the help of Pivot Tables, you can handlelarge quantities of data in one single go. Pivot Tables allow you to take alarge amount of data and work on it in such a way that you need to view only afew data fields. This helps in the easy analysis of large amount of data.Easy Data Summarization.Another important benefit of pivot tables isthat it helps to summarize data in a quick and easy manner. Pivot table helpsin making a concise summary out of thousands of rows and columns of unorganizeddata. With the help of pivot tables you can summarize large amounts ofinformation into a small space. The data can be summarized in a simple formatwhich is easily understandable. Users can arrange rows and columns of the dataaccording to their needs and they can label it and sort it in any way they wantto.Find Trends & Patternsin Transactional DataPivot tables help you to create customizedtables from large data groups. Manipulating data in this manner will help tofind recurring patterns in the data, if any. This in turn will help in accuratedata forecast.Quick Report CreationOne of the important features of excel pivottables is that it helps to create reports in an efficient way. This saves youthe long and strenuous hours that you need to spend for creating reportsmanually. Apart from this, the table also helps you provide links toexternal sources if any, in the report created.Helps in Decision MakingA pivot table can beconsidered to be a valuable Excel reporting tool as it allows users to easilyanalyze the data and arrive at quick decisions. This serves as a huge advantagein the industrial world, where it is crucial to make precise and quickdecisions.If you want to master this one of the most powerfulfeatures of Excel, if you want to be ahead of your colleagues, if you want toreduce your working time on MIS reports, if you want to create amazing reportsand dashboards from your transactional raw data, then this course is for you.See our promo video for full coverage of the course."
Price: 1280.00

"ASP NET (C#) - Programao em Camadas - CRUD completo" |
"Este curso tem como objetivo capacitar o aluno para odesenvolvimento de sites e sistemas web utilizando a tecnologiaASP.NET (Web Forms)nalinguagem C# com banco de dados MySQLseguindo o estilo arquitetural de programao em camadas.O roteiro desse curso gira em torno dodesenvolvimento de um cadastro bsico (CRUD) de produtos simulando a ideiade um sistema tpico de controle de estoque. Aarquitetura dosistema construdado zero, apresentando aoaluno todos osdetalhes de implementao de um projeto profissional, desde a construo da camada de viso enegcios at a camada de dados, onde uma classe de acesso e manipulao do banco de dados MySQL construda linha por linha com a explicao detalhada pelo professor.Ao final do desenvolvimento desse curso, o aluno estar aptoa construir sistemas webutilizando a tecnologia ASP.NET seguindo o estilo arquitetural de sistemas em camadas."
Price: 39.99

"Este curso tem como objetivo capacitar o aluno para odesenvolvimento de sites e sistemas web utilizando a tecnologiaASP.NET CORE MVCnalinguagem C# com banco de dados MySQLseguindo o estilo arquitetural de programao em camadas.O curso ir abranger os seguintes tpicos:Utilizao e dicassobreo ambiente do Visual StudioArquitetura WebIntroduo Programao WebArquitetura MVCIntroduo ao ASP.NETCOREMVCUm pouco sobre UML:Diagrama de Classes e Casos de UsoModelagem de Banco de DadosConstruo de umProjeto Web Completo (MyFinance)Configurao de Servidor IISPublicao no Windows AzurePara ilustrar todos os conceitos e exercitar os itensde aprendizado, um Sistema de Gesto de Finanas Pessoais construdo do zero,apresentando aoaluno todos osdetalhes de implementao de um projeto profissional, desde a construo da arquitetura, camada de viso, camadadenegcios at a camada de dados. Todos os cdigos so implementadoslinha por linha com a explicao detalhada pelo professor.Ao final do desenvolvimento deste curso, o aluno estar apto construo desistemas webutilizando a tecnologiaASP.NETCORE MVCcom Banco de DadosMySQL.Alm disso, o mesmo ser capaz deconfigurar um servidor para hospedagem completada aplicao."
Price: 129.99
