"SQL Server Administration & Apache Web Server: SSL & HTTP" |
"A server administrator, or admin has the overall control of a server. The Server Administrator's role is to design, install, administer, and optimize company servers and related components to achieve high performance of the various business functions supported by the servers as necessary, but if you dont master Server Administration, you will miss the opportunity to manage SQL server administration. What if you could change that? My complete Server Administration course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to manage SQL server administration, use the activity monitor for analysis, automate installing Windows and use DTA utility. You will get over 4 hours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it. :)What Is In This Course? Your Server Administration Skills Will Be Much Easier. Except if youre an expert at Server Administration, know Apache fundamentals, install the Apache http server plug-in, set up a simple web site, integrate Apache and tomcat, control access by hostname and ip address, you are going to lose many job/career opportunities or even miss working with Server Administration. As what Tim Berners-Lee, an English engineer and computer scientist, says The Domain Name Server (DNS) is the Achilles heel of the Web. The important thing is that it's managed responsibly. You can try it with no financial risk. In This Server Administration Training, You'll Learn: Apache FundamentalsKnow about Web Server?Apache And The WebInstall The Apache Http Server Plug-InDo Server ConfigurationHow To Optimize Apache Web Server PerformanceSetting Up A Simple Web SiteError Logs & Enabling Transfer LogsLog File ManagementOverview Of The Dynamic ContentCommon Gateway InterfacePerl And Mod_Perl & PHPJava Servlets, Jsp And TomcatfIntegrating Apache And TomcatLab: Enable Several Forms Of Dynamic ContentControlling Access By Hostname And Ip AddressUsing Mod_Auth Password Authentication And Database AuthenticationEnable Authentication And Access ControlWeb Security Issues, The Secure Sockets Layer (Ssl) & CertificatesIp Bases Virtual Hosting & Name Based Virtual HostingPort Based Virtual HostingBulk Virtual Hosting & Virtual Hosting With Mod_RewriteVirtual Host Support----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is This For You? Do you want to manage SQL server administration? Are you afraid of using the activity monitor for analysis? Do you think you will feel proud of automating installing Windows? This course is essential to all web administrator, network administrators, developers, and anyone looking to become great at Server Administration. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why To Master Server Administration? Let Me Show You Why To Master Server Administration: 1. You will manage SQL server administration. 2. You will use the activity monitor for analysis. 3. You will automate installing Windows. 4. You will use DTA utility. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it! Why wait any longer? Click the red ""Buy Now"" button, and take my course 100% risk free now!"
Price: 184.99

"CompTIA Network+ & Wireless Networking: Firewall & Ethernet" |
"The Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) is considered one of the IT industry's top trade associations promoting the importance of computer skills, but if you dont master IT, you will miss the opportunity to use computer networks, their functions, and their components. What if you could change that? My complete CompTIA Network+ course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to master CompTIA Network+, use computer networks, their functions, and their components, know the open systems and perform basic network configurations. You will get over 4 hours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it. :)What Is In This Course? Your IT Skills Will Be Much Easier. Except if youre an expert at CompTIA Network+, know Physical Network Topologies, master Interworking, The OSI Reference Models, do Encapsulation, Install Wiring Distributions, Use Hardware and Software Security Devices, you are going to lose many job/career opportunities or even miss working with IT. As what Alan Perlis, an American computer scientist, says ""A programming language is low level when its programs require attention to the irrelevant."" You can try it with no financial risk. In This IT Training, You'll Learn: What is a Network?Physical Network TopologiesTopology Selection Backbones and SegmentsNetwork SegmentsThe Open Systems Interconnection SpecificationsInterworking, The OSI Reference ModelsEncapsulationModulation TechniquesNetworking Topologies, Connectors and Wiring StandardsPhysical MediaCable PropertiesWiring StandardsInstalling Wiring DistributionsThe Current Ethernet SpecificationSecure Network DesignEthernet BasicsWireless Networking, Components and InstallWireless SecurityPhysical Security and RiskUsing Hardware and Software Security DevicesFirewall TechnologiesIntrusion Detection and Prevention SystemsUnderstanding Problems Affecting Device Security----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is This For You? Do you want to master CompTIA Network+? Are you afraid of using computer networks, their functions, and their components? Do you think you will feel proud of knowing the open systems? This course is essential to all network technician, network administrators, IT administrators, and anyone looking to become great at CompTIA Network+. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why To Master CompTIA Network+? Let Me Show You Why To Master CompTIA Network+: 1. You will master CompTIA Network+. 2. You will use computer networks, their functions, and their components. 3. You will know the open systems. 4. You will perform basic network configurations. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it! Why wait any longer? Click the red ""Buy Now"" button, and take my course 100% risk free now!"
Price: 184.99

"Angular 5, JWT, Spring Boot,REST,Security,Data e MongoDB" |
"Seja um desenvolvedorFull Stack, no curso ser ensinado tanto a parte Front-end, como tambm oback-end.NoFront-end ser ensinado TypeScript, Angular, JWT, Bootstrap,paginao, controle de acesso conforme o perfil logado no sistema.Noback-end ser ensinado Spring Boot, JWT, Spring REST, Spring Security, Spring Data e MongoDB.Ser desenvolvido um projeto Prtico, chamado HelpDesk, no projeto ser aplicado todo conhecimento do curso, ter cadastro de usurios, controle de perfil de acesso, cadastro de controle dos chamados abertos."
Price: 174.99

"AWS RDS for DBAs" |
"Cloud computing is currently the buzzword in IT industry, and many Oracle DBAs are curious to know what cloud computing is and how it works. You will learn about Types of cloud services: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS. How this applies to Amazon Web Services and Oracle Public Cloud. We will also look at Oracle Cloud for Databases, AWS RDScovering how to signup for Oracle cloud account, create your first database in the cloud."
Price: 34.99

"Confident Mother Natural Birthing" |
"Having been in your shoes three times before, wanting to have a natural birth can seem COMPLETELY overwhelming. Society today has convinced us that we're broken. But you're NOT!Here you're going to learn everything that will set you up for having the best chances towards the natural birth that you desire. It doesn't take a biology degree or a 'perfect' body to have all the tools and skills developed necessary for your natural birth. You were BORN with everything you need.>> Does this sound like you?I'm confused about where to go in preparing for my natural birth.I want the best birth for my baby, but I'm scared I won't be able to do it well.I really want a natural birth, but everyone tells me it can't be done.I promise that everything you need to know for a natural birth can be learned.>> We're a lost generation of mothers.Billions of women have given birth naturally for thousands of years. It's just that in this modern day, our own mothers most likely didn't birth naturally. So that age old knowledge cannot be passed on. What are we to do?After having three natural births all on my own, I've learned three key things that will create the recipe for the best odds of having a natural birth. It took some practice. But I figured it out. You don't have to feel lost simply because your mother can't teach you. You already possess ALL of the gifts and abilities within yourself to have your baby naturally. It just takes some knowledge and implementation of a few key practices.>> Enjoy Amazing Benefits With The Course1.Unshakable ConfidenceChoosing to stick with your desires because you will no longer doubt yourself.2.Automatically StrongYou'll have all of the techniques and routines in place before birth to keep your body fortified.3.Sustained SupportCreate routines and systems within yourself to adapt to whatever circumstances your birth throws at you.>> This is not about just hoping for the best ...I don't believe that simply avoiding the issues of preparing for your birth will allow you to avoid setting yourself up for failure.I DO believe that approaching every aspect of your body's core functions to enhance your labor & delivery are the only solutions that can reinforce each other for maximum benefit.>> Who This Course Is NOT For ...You don't want to waste your time on something that won't provide the best transformation for your birth.You're A Master Of Natural BirthAlready had a few natural births that went great? You likely are already an expert and won't find much benefit here.You're Unsure If You Want A Natural BirthThis course won't go into the many pros and cons of natural vs. modern birthing methods. Make sure you've decided on exactly what you want so you can have the most focused effort.You Learn Well Only In PersonEverything is taught online and via digital formats. I want you to learn the best way YOU learn.>>INCLUDED BONUSES!Ultimate List of ResourcesSee what I personally recommend for making your experience amazing!Real Birth StoriesHear me tell you my individual birth experiences for greater inspiration!Personal WorkbookEnjoy worksheets and goal setting handouts that you can tailor to your own situation.Facebook GroupLearn from the other women who are in your shoes. Get extra support and guidance. Interact with me on a daily basis and get all your questions answered as you journey on.Extra Freebies!Enjoy cheatsheets, printables, additional ebooks, checklists, and even recipes so that you have everything that you need!>> What are you waiting for?You're making an excellent decision.You're a smart person to do the best for you and your baby's birth.---About The Course CreatorHi! I'm Sarah.When I was first pregnant 5 years ago, I knew I wanted to give my baby the healthiest start at life by birthing him naturally. But I didn't know what to do. I didn't know where to go. I was scared.Now, after having three completely natural births three years in a row, I've mastered the methods.I was just like you.My doctor and family wanted one thing, but I wanted another. I was determined.So I learned all that was vital for my births, getting better each time. And I want the same for you!Now you don't have to spend years trying to figure this all out with some trial and error thrown in there. I've already done the hard part for you!Take it from a mother who's gone before and mastered it herself. Trust in someone that isn't standing behind a clipboard and a lab coat.This is within your grasp!Let me help you along the way and I look forward to hearing about your wonderful birthing experience!DISCLAIMERI am not a medical professional and any advice you receive in this course should not be treated as medical advice. Please consult with your provider to questions for your unique circumstances at all times. Participation in this course does not guarantee a successful natural birth."
Price: 44.99

"Auto hipnose, como fazer?" |
"Um curso feito para iniciantes aprenderem a entrar em transe.O foco principal deste curso ser de fcil assimilao, contedo simples e dificuldade baixa para que seja mais fcil o ingressoao mundo da hipnose.A auto hipnose o primeiro passo para quem deseja aprender hipnose.Qualquer pessoa pode por em prtica os conceitos deste curso e se beneficiar com a autohipnose.Um curso simples, rpido e prtico. E o melhor de tudo, eficiente."
Price: 99.99

"Inteligencia Financiera para Principiantes" |
"El dinero es un tema del que no se habla en la universidad y menos en el hogar. Es una lstima ya que siempre tenemos relacin con l. Nadie nos ense cmo ganarlo en grandes cantidades ni a relacionarnos con el.Si quieres mejorar tus resultados econmicos y entender el dinero, tienes entonces que educarte financieramente en este tema tab para muchos y libertad para otros.Bienvenido a descubrir los ms poderosos conceptos que al aplicarlos transformarn tu economa para siempre.Temas enfocados en: *Inteligencia Financiera*Dinero*Mentalidad conforme al dinero*Tu configuracin de la riqueza*Frmula de la Libertad Financiera"
Price: 270.00

"Digital Photography and Creating Composite Images" |
"Hello everybody, in this video tutorial called Air Horn Scare, I will show you how to make this image. Using only a background picture, a picture of a little girl, a picture of a dad, and a few other miscellaneous items Like wine bottles and cups and a tea pot, all which are included. The tutorial will guide you step by step on how to prepare your image, cut out items as selections, creating realistic shadows, the dodge & burn technique, and how to appropriately size your objects. As we finish the image, I will show you how to implement software programs like Nik Color Efex and Aurora software to really make your image stand out."
Price: 19.99

"Dream Journaling & Interpretation with Certificate" |
"Have you ever woke up in the middle of a dream and said aloud, ""Where did that come from?"" This course can help you understand your dreams and own dream symbols a little better and start you on a new adventure! We will look at what influences our dreams and what to take note of in our dreams. You will get a little history on the subject and even learn about what crystals some people believe influence their dreams.There are a few activities and a project to do in the course too! Let's get dreaming!"
Price: 19.99

"Leitura e Interpretao de Desenho Tcnico" |
"Um treinamento para profissionais e estudantes que buscam interpretar desenhos tcnicos, a fim de compreender as geometrias e dimenses para que possam realizar tarefas em setor de fabricao, inspeo, projeto, compras, entre outros. Com este treinamento, ser possvel voc interpretar com autonomia desenhos dos mais variados segmentos e, dessa forma, voc estar preparado para os desafios do seu trabalho!"
Price: 39.99

"Conquiste sua Empregabilidade e Carreira de Sucesso" |
"Este curso ideal para pessoas que buscam a empregabilidade, tanto para primeiro emprego, como pararecolocao profissional. De uma forma clara e objetiva, este curso apresenta maneiras de construir uma carreira de sucesso, alinhando o propsito da pessoa com sua atividade profissional. O curso abordar tendncias atualizadas e os fundamentos do Coaching para que voc atinja seu objetivo."
Price: 39.99

"FMEA - Anlise de Modo e Efeito de Falha Curso Intensivo" |
"Este curso contempla aulas sobre os fundamentos do FMEA, que so conhecimentos essenciais para profissionais que atuam ou que pretendem atuar com produtos e processos. O profissional ter uma nova viso para otimizar e melhorar os processos.Uma vez que voc tenha concludo 100% do curso, ir receber o certificado de concluso."
Price: 39.99

"Ferramentas da Qualidade Curso Intensivo" |
"Curso que apresenta as 7 Ferramentas da Qualidade, so elas: Fluxograma, Diagrama de Ishikawa, Folha de Verificao, Grfico de Pareto, Histograma, Diagrama de Disperso, CEP.Este treinamento possui certificado e apoio ao aluno em caso de dvidas. Ao final do treinamento o aluno ser capaz de identificar qual ferramenta dever aplicar para melhorar e controlar determinado processo."
Price: 39.99

"Curso Avanado de Vendas - Com tcnicas de Coaching & PNL" |
"Este curso ensina as mais atualizadas tcnicas para um processo de venda eficaz e efetivo. Foram contempladas neste curso ferramentas de Coaching & PNL de uma forma criteriosa e com resultados que iro surpreender voc.O processo de venda dividido em muitas etapas e para que voc consiga aumentar suas chances de concretizar a venda, dever conhec-las e se desenvolver para que atinja seus objetivos.Seja bem vindo a este curso que foi organizado com muito carinho e dedicao! :)"
Price: 39.99

"Steemit Bootcamp: Learn to Blog and Profit from Scratch 2018" |
"Do you want to earn money from blogging at home with NOUPFRONTexpenses? Do you want to get into the world of crypto / Steemit but don't know how? Then this course is designed for you!Steemit is the most revolutionary social network and cryptocurrency to have come along since the original bitcoin. Combining a blockchain and social media platform together,you can earn money for posting great content and it's SUPEREASY!This effective course will help you understand Steem and the Steemit platform and provides a complete blueprint on how to earn and grow within this exciting cryptocurrency.---------------------------------------------------------------------""Overall, really enjoyed this course and cant wait to get started. If your looking to get into Steemit, grab this course.""Matthew A.Great course!JPG Publishing---------------------------------------------------------------------You'll learn the key aspects around Steemand Steemit, including:What is a blockchain?What is Steem and Steemit?What is a cryptocurrency?How to get rewarded by posting content, upvoting and commenting on other peoples postsHow to produce a great blog postWhy you need to build a community and what to do with itHow to earn reliable rewards with no investment required!And more!The best part about the Steemit platform is you don't need anything upfront to get started and you can finally get rewarded for all those activities you normally do on a social network!FREEBONUSES:I've includedextra PDF's, resources and guides including a special advanced section which goes deep into the growth mindset you can use to 10x your potential on Steemit.I'm really excited to present this course to you and I look forward to seeing you on the inside and on the Steemit platform!Cheers!Nick"
Price: 199.99

"SAP BI / SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence 4.2" |
"Mon objectif dans ce cours est de vous proposer une formation sur mesure, adapte vos besoins. Que vous soyez dbutant avec pour objectif une initiation SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence 4.2, ou utilisateur avec pour objectif la matrise parfaite de tous les concepts de loutil, la formation SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence 4.2 que je vous propose est fate pour vous!!!! Dans ce cours, nous allons voir ensemble: Quest ce que la Business Intelligence? Quest ce que la plate-forme SAP BusinessObjects BI Les diffrents outils de la plate-forme SAP BO et plus exactement Web Intelligence Les avantages de loutil Web Intelligence Comment crer un document Web Intelligence partir de rien En savoir plus sur lorganisation, la gestion et la distribution des documents laide de la zone de lancement BI Comment manipuler les lments du rapport comme les tableaux, les cellules, les sauts(Ruptures), les sections et les diagrammes. Rcuprer et collecter des donnes provenant de diffrentes sources de donnes Partager les donnes et les importer via un fichier Excel. Dcouvrez les fonctionnalits avances de la couche de reporting Ce cours se droulera sur la dernire version de SAP BusinessObjects 4.2 et nous allons le parcourir tape par tape avec une pdagogie complte base sur l'alternance de phases thoriques, d'ateliers de mise en pratique et de retours d'expriences. Ce que vous avez besoin: Lenvie dapprendre Un ordinateur, une tablette ou un smartphone Un bloc de note et un stylo Une connexion Internet Avoir loutil SAP BO Je suis impatient de vous retrouver dans ce cours!!!! Cest lheure de passer laction!!!"
Price: 49.99

"Garageband Basics for Podcasters" |
"The course covers thebasics of audio editing for podcasters who use Garageband as their editor. You'll learn how to edit withGarageband for spoken word files as used by podcasters. While Garageband was designed for musicians it is stillideal for podcast editing.This course will show you thequick way to edit. This enables you to focus onpublishing your creativecontent. Remember: ""Content is King!"""
Price: 34.99

"Smart Home Gateway powered by IBM Cloud" |
"Whatwill you Learn?Understand the Smart Home gateway architectureDesign the Smart Home gateway prototypeLearn how to design Smart Home gateway with NodeMCU (ESP8266)boardProgram NodeMCU using Arduino IDEExplore the IBM Watson IoT Platform for device managementUnderstand the concepts of device connectivity using MQTTprotocolLearn web application development using Node-RED tool &deploy on IBM Cloud"
Price: 3200.00

"Raj's Guide to Preparing and Revising for NEBOSH IGC" |
"There are many students who take up the NEBOSHIGC exams around the world. Most of them do worry abou the exams. We aim to calm the nerves by giving good clear information about how to prepare and revise for the NEBOSHIGC exams.We have been helping students over the years with different qualifications and are using our experience to help you prepare and revise for the NEBOSH qualifications."
Price: 24.99

"Formation Automation : Mettre en place un autorpondeur" |
"Dcouvrez comment lautomation peut vousaider dvelopper votreactivit sur Internet. Suivez ce courspour mettre en place une force de vente automatise qui travaillera pour vous 24h sur 24 !Ce que vousapprendrez : Quest-ce que lautomation : ses avantages, les outils pour le mettre en place Comment mettre en place une vraie stratgie pour son site Configurer tous les outils pour automatiser ses ventes"
Price: 19.99

"Two Quick Tips To Boost Your Direct Bookings For Your Hotel" |
"Life as a hospitality owner is hard.You're always feeling as though you are spinning lots of plates.What a lot of hospitality owners that I talk to do to their peril is over rely on Booking com, Airbnb and Expedia to bring in their bookings.The problem with this is that they are losing control of their business. By not focusing on getting their own customers, they are missing out on crucial profits and they are not in control of the calibre of guests that arrive at their property. Let me show you two tactics that you can do right now to boost your direct bookings.I have shown my students these tactics and their profits have increased. Fay Khang of Edinburgh messaged me to say that one alteration on Facebook Ads meant that in less than 48 hours she had received 4 enquiries.Or, you can skip this course and move onto something else that you will overpay for and it won't have a return on your investment.This is a limited time offer only for Udemy users. Once you have purchased you can get started straight away."
Price: 19.99

"Batan Sona ngilizce Eitimi - Sfrdan Balayanlar in" |
"Deerli rencimiz,UDEMY ngilizce Eitim Programmz hizmetinize sunduumuz iin ok mutluyuz. Avrupa Ortak Dil Kriterlerine uygun olarak hazrlanan video derslerimiz ile bu gne kadar renmeye altnz tm seviyeleri kapsayan ngilizce dil yaplarn farkl bir Trke aklama mant ile alabilecek ve ksa srede ilerleme kaydedebileceksiniz.Video derslerimizde balangtan en ileri seviyeye kadar tm konular ak, ksa ve sade bir anlatmla aklanmtr. Her videonun arkasndan aktivite sorularyla desteklenen bu anlatmlar rendiiniz yaplar unutmamak zere hafzanza ileyecektir. Soru zm ve konu tekrar videolar ile reten eitim modelini benimseyen programmz ile rendiiniz yaplar ve kelimeler daha kalc olacaktr.Aktiviteler sarmal sistem iinde sralanmtr. Yani grdnz bir yap ile ilgili bir aktiviteyi ilerleyen aamalarda tekrar tekrar greceksiniz. Yine, sonraki nitelerde greceiniz baz yaplar nceki aktiviteler iinde karnza kar, bylece zihniniz konulara hazrlanr.Kursumuzun ierii:36 SAAT (236 adet) konu anlatm videosu.2000+ Test Sorusu: Her dersten sonra bir quiz.Progress Testler: Seviye geilerinde ilerlemenizi len kapsaml snavlar.149 adet PDF dosya: Derslerde grdnz kelimeleri almanz salayacak kelime dosyalar.Gramer ve kelime tekrar dersleri: Her iki dersten sonra tekrar dersleriyle renmenizi salamlatracaksnz.Reading analiz videolar: Orta seviyeden itibaren her iki dersten sonra bir reading analiz videosu ile rendiiniz yaplar ve kelimeleri pekitireceksiniz.Test zm Videolar: Her blmn sonunda o blmdeki testlerin tmnn zm videosu.Soru & Cevap etkileimi: u ana kadar tm rencilerimizin sorularna hzla cevap verdik. Cevaplanmayan sorunuz kalmayacak.Srekli gncelleme: Kurs srekli gncellenmekte ve yeni dersler eklenmektedir. Bir kez kayt olduktan sonra gncellemelere mr boyu eriebileceksiniz.Video anlatmlarmz kitaplarmzdaki konularla paralel gitmektedir ve ierdikleri binlerce soru ile renmenizi desteklemektedir. Yani kitaplarmz da ayrca satn alabilirsiniz ve Udemy videolar ile alrken bir yandan da kitaplarmzdaki aktiviteleri zerek renmenizi pekitirebilirsiniz. Sfrdan en ileri seviyeye kadar 3'l set olarak hazrladmz kitaplarmz:Temel ngilizce Dil Bilgisi - (A1 & A2 Seviye)Develop Your Grammar - (B1 & B2 Seviye)Advance Your Grammar - (C1 & C2 Seviye)GNCELLEME (MAYIS-HAZRAN 2020) : Kur Atlama SnavlarKursumuza orta seviyeye geite ve kurs sonunda 100'er soruluk iki adet kur atlama snav eklenmitir. Snavda hata yaptnz sorular konu balklaryla birlikte grp eksik olduunuz konular tekrar alabileceksiniz.GNCELLEME (NSAN-MAYIS 2020) : Quiz zm VideolarHer blmn sonuna o blmdeki tm quiz sorularnn zmlerini ieren videolar yklyoruz. Bylece aklnza taklan ve zemediiniz hibir soru kalmayacak.BYK GNCELLEME (MART-NSAN 2020) : Reading AnalizleriKursumuza ngilizce okuma paralar dersleri ekledik. Artk orta seviyeden itibaren rendiiniz yaplar ve kelimeleri okuma paralarmzla birlikte pekitireceiz. Eklediimiz 38 adet reading (okuma paras) ile kursumuz artk ok daha kapsaml.Udemy platformundaki konu anlatmlarmzdan bazlarn MyECO youtube kanalmzda da grebilirsiniz. Youtube zerinde KONU ANLATIM videolarmzn bir ksmn cretsiz izleyebilirsiniz, ancak her bir videonun arkasndan aktivitelerini zmek ve daha fazla video ile eitiminizi zenginletirmek iin Udemy platformundaki video derslerimiz size ok faydal olacaktr.Video programmz srekli gelitirmek amal dzenli olarak soru ve video eklemeye devam ediyoruz. Dzenli almanz durumunda, eitim programnn sonuna geldiinizde tm ngilizce gramer konularna hakim olacak, kelime haznenizi gelitirecek ve okuyup dinlediinizi anlayabilir durumda olacaksnz. Video derslerimizde rendiiniz konular daha fazla pratik yapmak iin;kitaplarmzdaki sorular zebilir, ngilizce bilenlerle veya yabanclarla pratik yapabilir, yabanc dizi ve film izleyebilir, seviyenize uygun ngilizce kitaplar okuyabilirsiniz.%100 renci memnuniyeti ve 30 gn para iade garantisiKursumuz %100 memnuniyet garantilidir. Eer memnun kalmazsanz 30 gn iinde iade edebilir ve dediiniz tm paray geri alabilirsiniz. Ayrca, kursumuzu satn aldktan sonra bizimle dorudan iletiime geebilir, kurduumuz messenger gruplarna dahil olabilir ve takldnz yerlerde dilediiniz zaman bize ulama imkanna sahip olursunuz.SayglarmzlaSekin ESEN & Akn DEMR"
Price: 409.99

"Basic English Grammar And Structures" |
"In thiscourse, you will see A1 - A2 Elementary Level English structures and their grammatical usage in different contexts and examples.With slow and clear explanations, you will learn fast and after watching each video lesson, you will be guided to do some activities to settle down the knowledge you have gained. You will justneedto watch the videos and do the activities.Besides, we uploadedpdf documents attached to each video, on which the words used in the video are written. You can look up the dictionary to learn the meanings of the words before watching the video.This course is the best fit for the people all around the world,who are learning English as beginners or whose level is A1 Elementary Level. If you know some basic English and want to improve your skills to A1 - A2 Elementary Level, this course will really help you a lot. Afterwatching the videos and doing theactivities, you will see the difference in your speaking and writing skills.To sum up, in this course,you will completeall the A1 and A2 Elementary level grammar lessons and structures. After completing this course, you will be givena course completioncertificate, which you can use anywhere in the world."
Price: 199.99

"C1 & C2 leri Seviye Akademik ngilizce Kursu" |
"Deerli rencimiz,UDEMY platformu iin hazrladmz C1 & C2 leri Seviye Akademik ngilizce Kursumuzuhizmetinize sunduumuz iin ok mutluyuz.Avrupa Ortak Dil Kriterlerineuygun olarak hazrlanan video derslerimiz ile LERC1 ve C2seviyede ngilizce dil yaplarn farkl bir Trke aklama mant ile alabilecek ve ksa srede ilerleme kaydedebileceksiniz.Video derslerimizde ileri seviyeyedekitm gramerkonularak, ksa ve sade bir anlatmla aklanmtr. Her videonun arkasndan gelen aktivite sorularyla desteklenen bu anlatmlar, rendiiniz yaplar unutmamak zere hafzanza ileyecektir. Bolsoru zerekreten eitim modelini benimseyen programmzile rendiiniz yaplar ve kelimeler daha kalc olacaktr.Aktiviteler sarmal sistem iinde sralanmtr. Yani grdnz bir yap ile ilgili bir aktiviteyi ilerleyen aamalarda tekrar tekrar greceksiniz. Yine, sonraki nitelerde greceiniz baz yaplar nceki aktiviteler iinde karnza kar, bylece zihniniz konulara hazrlanr.leri seviye video derslerimiz ADVANCEYOURGRAMMAR isimli kitabmz ile paralel ilerlemektedir. Yaklak 15000 gramer ve dinleme aktivitesi bulunduran bu kitabmz ile video kursumuzu paralel takip edebilirsiniz. Bu kitabmz indirimli olaraksatn almak isterseniz MyECO sitemizi ziyaret edebilirsiniz.ngilizce seviyeniz daha dkse, bu kursumuzdan nce BATANSONANGLZCE kursumuzu tamamlamanztavsiye ederiz.Batan Sona ngilizce Kitap Seti(4'l set olarak hazrladmz kitaplarmz):Temel ngilizce Dil Bilgisi -(A1 & A2 Seviye) - Yaklak 16000 aktiviteDevelop Your Grammar -(B1 & B2 Seviye) -Yaklak 15000 aktiviteAdvance Your Grammar -(C1 & C2 Seviye) -Yaklak 15000 aktiviteAdvance Your Listening - (C1 & C2 Seviye Dinleme) -Yaklak 15000 aktiviteUdemy platformundaki konu anlatmlarmzdan bazlarnMyECO youtubekanalmzda da grebilirsiniz. Youtube zerindeKONUANLATIMvideolarmz cretsiz izleyebilirsiniz, ancak her bir videonun arkasndan aktivitelerini zmek ve daha fazla video ile eitiminizi zenginletirmek iin Udemy platformundaki video derslerimiz size ok faydal olacaktr.Video programmz srekli gelitirmek amal dzenli olarak soru ve video eklemeye devam ediyoruz. Dzenli olarak almanz durumunda, eitim programnn sonuna geldiinizde tm ngilizce gramer konularna hakim olacak, kelime haznenizi gelitirecek ve okuyup dinlediinizi anlayabilir durumda olacaksnz. Video derslerimizde rendiiniz konular daha fazla pratik yapmak iin;ayrca satn alacanzkitaplarmzdaki sorular zebilir,ngilizce bilenlerle veya yabanclarla pratik yapabilir,yabanc dizi ve film izleyebilir,seviyenize uygun ngilizce kitaplar okuyabilirsiniz.%100 renci memnuniyeti ve 30 gn para iade garantisiKursumuz %100 memnuniyet garantilidir. Eer memnun kalmazsanz 30 gn iinde iade edebilir ve dediiniz tm paray geri alabilirsiniz. Ayrca, kursumuzu satn aldktan sonra bizimle dorudan iletiime geebilir, kurduumuz messenger gruplarna dahil olabilir ve takldnz yerlerde diledii zaman bize ulama imkanna sahip olursunuz.SayglarmzlaSekin ESEN & Akn DEMR"
Price: 409.99

"Basics of Microeconomics" |
"With this short almosttwo-hour video coursein FULL HD you learn everything important you must know for your microeconomics exam. Understandable explanations will help you understand the complicated terms and forms. You can deepen the learned knowledge with the help of 34 exercises. You can compare your results with the solutions."
Price: 49.99

Mikrokonomie |
"Mit diesem knappzweistndigenVideokurs(108 min) zum Download inFULL HDerlernst du alles wichtige, was du fr deine Mikrokonomie Klausur wissen musst. Verstndliche Erklrungen helfen dir die komplizierten Begriffe und Formeln zu verstehen. Du kannst das erlernte Wissen mit Hilfe von34 bungsaufgabenvertiefen. Deine Ergebnisse kannst du dann mit dem vorgeschlagenen Lsungsweg vergleichen."
Price: 54.99

"Become a Game Changer" |
"Why is it necessary to become a ""game changer?"" This course isn't designed to become one for the rest of the world, but for yourself. I'm big on the whole""becoming your own hero"" principle... and this course dives into some of the identities, patterns and behaviors that keep us from reaching hero status. You will find eight action taking steps into uncovering your best self.This mini masterclass is taught with a ""no sugar coat"" style approach. I'm not hear to coddle you, I'm here to launch your tail into your potential! If you are uncomfortable with ""cursing"" this is not the course for you."
Price: 19.99

"Master Microsoft Excel - Excel from Beginner to Advanced" |
"Microsoft Excel All-In-One Training This Microsoft Excel course includes all three Levels from Beginner to Advanced Microsoft Excel Level 1 Beginner Microsoft Excel Level 2 Intermediate Microsoft Excel Level 3 Advanced Material recorded with Excel 2016 but works in 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 and 365.As your instructor I will use my 17+ years of Excel training and certifications including: Microsoft Office Specialist, Expert and Master Instructor: 2000, XP (2002), 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016, Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) to guide you step by step through Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Levels of Excel. At completion of this course you will master Excel skills that will alleviate the discomfort of uncertainty and reduce time working through your daily tasks, as well have all the training you need to help pass both Microsoft's Excel Core and Excel Expert Exams and become certified, like me. Below are just a few of the topics that you will master: Creating effective worksheets Writing and editing formulas and calculations Use sorting and filtering options Build a database right the first time and avoid common design flaws Creating informative and captivating Charts Eliminate repetitive tasks instantly using Macros Create many scenarios with varying groups of data Manage large ranges of data in a List or Table Increase productivity with functions: IF, PMT, VLOOKUP, FIND, SEARCH, MATCH and much more..."
Price: 149.99

"Master Microsoft Access - Access from Beginner to Advanced" |
"Microsoft Access All-In-One Training This Microsoft Access course includes all three Levels from Beginner to Advanced Microsoft Access Level 1 Beginner Microsoft Access Level 2 Intermediate Microsoft Access Level 3 Advanced Material recorded with Access 2016 but works in 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 and 365.As your instructor I will use my 18+ years of Access training and certifications including: Microsoft Office Specialist, Expert and Master Instructor: 2000, XP (2002), 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016, Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) to guide you step by step through Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Levels of Access. At completion of this course you will master Access skills that will alleviate the discomfort of uncertainty and reduce time working through your daily tasks, as well have all the training you need to help pass the Access 2016 (77-730) Exam and become certified, like me. Below are just a few of the topics that you will master: Create powerful, effective Access Databases Enter, edit, update, search, sort and filter Table records Set defaults and validate data for more accurate data entry How to quickly edit, filter and search records in a Form Add option controls, command buttons and drop-down lists for faster data entry and accuracy in Forms Add custom fields to perform calculations: Sum, Count, Average and more Add, sort and filter groups as well as keeping them from splitting across pages in your Reports Use criteria in a Query to dramatically refine your search View unique records and use Actions Queries to Update, Add and Delete records fast Automate data entry and accuracy dramatically by creating Macros and much more"
Price: 149.99

"Master Microsoft Word - Word from Beginner to Advanced" |
"Microsoft Word All-In-One Training This Microsoft Word course includes all three Levels from Beginner to Advanced Microsoft Word Level 1 Beginner Microsoft Word Level 2 Intermediate Microsoft Word Level 3 Advanced Material recorded with Word 2016 but works in 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 and 365. As your instructor I will use my 18+ years of Word training and certifications including: Microsoft Office Specialist, Expert and Master Instructor: 2000, XP (2002), 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016, Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) to guide you step by step through Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Levels of Word. At completion of this course you will master Word skills that will alleviate the discomfort of uncertainty and reduce time working through your daily tasks, as well have all the training you need to help pass both Microsoft's 2016 Core (77-725) and Word Expert (77-726) Exams and become certified, like me. Below are just a few of the topics that you will master: Step by step in creating Microsoft Word Documents Entering, editing, selecting, navigating, searching and formatting text fast Working with Tab Stops and their Alignments Track and accept/reject changes to your documents Create Table of Contents, Figures, Equations, Authorities and an Index Add Citations, Footnotes, Endnotes, Captions, Cross-References, Bibliography Mail Merge to create Form Letters, Mailing Labels, Emails, Envelopes and more Create Tables to organize your data, and perform calculations Present your data visually with SmartArts Processes, Relationships, Cycles and Lists Create and insert Building Blocks of content fast with Quick Parts Create Print and Dynamic Electronic Automated Forms Work with Page and Section Breaks Add Headers and Footers Manage large documents Formatting shortcuts, shortcut keys, and Painter Quickly remove personal or hidden information with Document Inspector"
Price: 149.99

"Microsoft PowerPoint - PowerPoint from Beginner to Advanced" |
"Microsoft PowerPoint All-In-One Training This Microsoft PowerPoint course includes both Levels from Beginner & Advanced Microsoft PowerPoint Level 1 Beginner Microsoft PowerPoint Level 2 Advanced Material recorded with PowerPoint 2016 but works in 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 and 365 As your instructor I will use my 18+ years of PowerPoint training and certifications including: Microsoft Office Specialist, Expert and Master Instructor: 2000, XP (2002), 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016, Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) to guide you step by step through Beginner and Advanced Levels of PowerPoint. At completion of this course you will master PowerPoint skills that will alleviate the discomfort of uncertainty and reduce time working through your daily tasks, as well have all the training you need to help pass Microsoft's PowerPoint Exam (77-729) and become certified, like me. Below are just a few of the topics that you will master: Step by step in creating Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations Capture your screens images, insert and modify pictures Add, arrange, navigating and modifying slides fast Adding, modifying & layering shapes, text, pictures, audio and video Insert, Trim, Fade and Bookmark Audio and Videos Create multiple custom slideshow within the same presentation Create professional looking handouts for your audience to follow along Learn how to create Speaker Notes to read, or take notes from during your presentation View your notes and details of your presentation on a separate screen using Presenter View Update all your slides, or certain slide layouts instantly in Slide Master Record your presentation and save it as movie MP4 file for automated presentations Arrange and order or layer your pictures, shapes and text Manage your slides and collaborate more effectively by grouping them into sections Look professional and efficient during your presentation with many handy shortcuts Record narration and rehearse timings for your presentations New! Screen Recording and Closed Caption in PowerPoint 2016"
Price: 149.99
