"Remedial Massage - Super Simple Remedial Treatment" |
"Ever wanted to know more about the world of Remedial Massage?Well with this course you will get an inside look to the basics that you need to know to be able to give a full body remedial treatment.With this course you will have a great understanding of what it takes to start a career in remedial therapies and be able to provide your friends and family to a great pain relieving treatment.During this course we will discover:Some basic considerations before you begin, hygiene, contraindications etc.The equipment that is required and the considerations before you buy.Basic muscles and terminology.How to analyse postural deviationsHow to massage the individual parts of the body.All of this is delivered with real examples and simply, so that anyone can know what is going on.So if you want tobeable to help people with aches and pains, improve circulation, relieve stress and so much more, this is the course for you!"
Price: 24.99

"Self Love and Self Confidence: A Course in Contentment" |
"Want more confidence in life to be able to do the things that you always dreamed of doing?What about being at peace within yourself and truly accepting you for being you?Want to silence the inner critic that puts you down and makes you feel as though you are not enough?With the techniques and lessons in this course you can achieve all of this and much more!You will learn quick and easy ways to pull yourself out of a rut, different ways of thinking about things and proven techniques that will change your life and put you more at ease!Starting with easy things that you can do each and everyday, to downloadable hypnosis sessions that you can listen to at ease for a lifetime to create lasting change.This course is broken down into easy to follow chucks for each batch of lessons, so that you can do them at your leisure.By the end of the course you will be able to live more contently and with the confidence to be able to do just about anything you desire in life!"
Price: 24.99

"C++ programming: For beginners" |
"Are you ready to take your first steps into the programming world?Do you have a nice ideaof an app that you want to create but don't know where to start?Do you want to get a job in the tech industry?If yes, then this course is for you. You don't need any programming or technical background since this is a course for absolute beginners.The purpose of this course is to teach the principles of programming that every beginner needs to know so it's not focused necessarily on the programming language.You will start learning from the most basic concepts of programming and then increasing the level gradually until we will get to the 7th section in which you will learn how to create a Tic Tac Toe game. :DPromotional VideoMusic: Royalty Free Music from BensoundPromotional Video Footage: Videvo"
Price: 19.99

"Implementing ISO 17100" |
"ISO17100 was introduced in 2015 as the first international standard fortranslation requirements. A growing number of translation companies arebecoming certified for ISO 17100 or planning to do so. This training course, Implementing ISO 17100 is for people intranslation companies who want to achieve ISO 17100 certification. The lecturer is Peter Reynolds who was the project editor for ISO 17100 and is the convener of the ISO committee which developed the standard"
Price: 34.99

"Introduction to Translation Project Management" |
"This course is forpeople who have just started working as a translation project manager or willbe taking on that job soon. The course isstructured around a simple translation project. You will be acting in the roleof a project manager in a translation company. Even if you work in thetranslation department of a corporation you should still find this projectfamiliar.There are 6 sectionsin this course. These are:Section 1 Introductionto translation projects Section 2 Initialenquiry and Scope & agreementSection 3 Vendor andresource managementSection 4 Translationand revisionSection 5 Deliveryand project closureSection 6 StandardsThe course has six assignments including a practical exercise where you create a project budget and a project proposal."
Price: 34.99

"Master Visio" |
"This is a comprehensive course which will show you how to master Microsoft Visio 2016. The course is structured in five sections. Section 1 introduces the course, Visio and gets you working with Visio. Section 2 shows you how to work with shapes, create block diagrams, create workflow diagrams, create organisational charts and use Visio for brainstorming.Section 3 shows you how to create shapes, work with data, add data to shapes as well as looking at collaboration and the document Stencil.Section 4 shows you how to create timelines, Gannt charts, floor plans and maps, network diagrams, wireframe diagrams and SDL diagrams.Section 5 shows you how to use the developer mode, work with layers, work with macros and work with the ShapeSheet."
Price: 39.99

"CPI - Curso Preparatrio de Informtica - QCO-EB" |
"O curso dividido em duas sees, na primeira apresentado o currculo do professor e as videoaulas que sero oferecidas pela CPI-Concursos. Uma segunda aula apresentar um histrico da prova e falar sobre as vagas de TI. Por fim, na aula trs, feita uma apresentao do contedo que ser trabalhado na seo dois.A seo dois o suprassumo do curso, nela ser apresentada a consolidao da anlise do contedo especfico de informtica cobrado nas provas de 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017 e 2018, onde conseguimos traar um perfil de assuntos recorrentes. Baseados nesse levantamento, sero demonstradas maneiras de planejar e controlar os estudos de informtica, na sequncia realizada uma anlise dos gabaritos de respostas e a indicao de alguns livros da bibliografia anexada ao edital. Ainda apresentamos tcnicas de estudo e reviso para combater o efeito da curva do esquecimento e dicas de estudo fundamentais para te ajudar na to sonhada aprovao."
Price: 39.99

"introduction to software testing" |
"CH01 . Introduction to software testing CH02 . Prepare your testing mindset CH03 . Bug addressing CH04 . Levels of testing CH05 . Test Case Design Techniques"
Price: 49.99

"java se" |
"1-Introduction to java2-Flow Control3-Arrays4-oop5-Exception"
Price: 59.99

"1- 2- 73- word 20104- excel 20105- access 20106- power point 20107- outlook 2010,"
Price: 49.99

(JAVA) |
". JAVA . , , . . .."
Price: 49500.00

"Launch Team Lift-Off" |
"Would you like to have a team of readers who are ready and eager to spread the word about your next book release? Do you struggle to get reviews for your books on Amazon? (Not to mention Goodreads, Barnes and Noble, or any of the other retailers!)A Launch Team might be just the rocket fuel you need to make your next book release soar!Or maybe you already have a Launch Team, but you need to breathe fresh life into them. Whichever stage you find yourself, if your goal is a Launch Team that rallies around your new book, this course is for you.Through a combination of videos, course notes, and examples, you'll learn:- How to start and grow your team, including sample wording and sign-up forms.- How to interact with your team so your expectations are clear and your team is engaged.- Pro tips for both traditionally-published and indie authors.Now is the time to build your Launch Team to supercharge your next book release!"
Price: 39.99

"Awesome Reporting Tools in Selenium and Appium" |
"Report generation is one of the major and important topics in test automation. It is the only evidence for the test execution status. This course majorly discuss about different types of reporting tools available for selenium and appium. According to our project and client need we can choose any one of these reports and proceed in the test automation framework design. And we can generate logs in the reports to show the step by step execution and then can add screenshots (depends on the reports feature) if there is any failure in the exeuction for better understanding of the failures.In this course we are going to see below reports in detail:Reports Introduction and Importance.Default TestNG ReportsEmailable ReportsReportNG ReportsExcel ReportsXSLT Report (or) ReportyNGVigo ReportsATU ReportsAllure ReportsExtent ReportsMaven Surefire Reports etc...By End of this course completion you will be able to generate different types of rich, beautiful and elaborative automation test execution reports. So, you can present these decent reports to your clients about the test automation execution status and can impress."
Price: 39.99

"Groovy Fundamentals For Testers - Step By Step" |
"This is the only Groovy Course which covers all the basics which is needed for web automation and web services automation. And this course will not cover any automation tools. It will guide you to use the groovy in your automation scripts.I made this course very simple to understand and apply the same in your projects. I have provided all the code files which I made as part of course.This course will provide you step by step programming knowledge. If you do NOT have any prior programming knowledge also, you will be able to understand. And it looks very simple if you have prior programming knowledge on java and you can able to relate this course with java very easily.Groovy is one of the JVM languages and it is very similar to Java but it has more powerful features when compare to Java. If you are planning to automate any application with Selenium java then you can consider Groovy as alternate to Java as the syntax is very simple.With this Groovy knowledge, you can apply the same in your web services automation using soap UI as soap UI uses Groovy as programming language. I made this course will helpful to web automation using selenium and web services automation using soap UI.And this course is made especially for testers not for the developers.When there is a chance I compared Groovy with Java as Groovy is very simple to learn and write when compare to Java. So, what you are thinking !!!! please enroll and get the knowledge."
Price: 19.99

"Mastering XPath and CSS Selector for Selenium" |
"This is the only XPath and CSS Selector course which will cover all the information which is needed to find the elements/dynamic elements while automating any web application using Selenium or Appium. The reason behind making this course is, if you know how to construct XPath or CSS Selector then you are 50% success in writing your automation scripts.I made this course very elaborative to construct your own XPath and CSS Selector to find the elements on the web page. This course will cover what is XPath, XPath Types, XPath Terminology, XPath Syntax, XPath Operators, XPath Methods, XPath Indexing, XPath Axes, What is CSS Selector, CSS Selector Types, Methods in CSS Selector and Wildcards in CSS Selector etc...For each and every XPath and CSS Selector, I tried to give appropriate example to demonstrate. So, that it will be very clear to you to understand and implement the same in your work with out any issues.So, what you are waiting for !!!! please enroll and get the knowledge."
Price: 19.99

mmassi12 |
", , . , ."
Price: 194.99

"How to Get Hired in Patent Law Without Going to Law School" |
"Did you know that you can have a successful, lucrative career in U. S. patent law with or without obtaining a law degree? Thats right. You can bypass years of law school and over $100,000 inlaw school tuition fees and get hired in the field of patent law and intellectual property. Patent law offers a unique opportunity for engineers, computer scientists, life science professionals, inventors, and entrepreneurs to find employment in various patent practitioner roles using their currenttechnical skill set and practical training. In this course, taught by the Patent Institute of Trainings CEO, Braxton K. Davis, Esq., well take an in-depth look at patent law career opportunities, including salary potential, demographics, experience needed, and help you chart an overall strategyto get youstarted in the patent law field using your skills, knowledge, education,and training."
Price: 19.99

"Agile Scrum Master Project Management Certification Training" |
"Agile Scrum is changing the world by the minute Businesses and people working faster and better every day and its growing at a scary rate! Agile is a simple method for managing projects and completing them, but if you miss these team building and planning skills, you cant compete with others with these skills.What if you could change that? My complete Agile Scrum course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to master agile scrum, deliver projects quickly, learn strong team building skills and pass your certification. For less than a movie ticket, you will get over 4 hours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it. :)What Is In This Course? Your Agile Scrum Skills Will Never Be The Same. Except if youre an expert at Agile scrum, manage and complete complex projects, have effective planning, know stand-ups, user stories and retrospectives, you are going to lose many job/career opportunities or missed this incredible Agile scrum growth trend. This alternative methodology to traditional project management is incredibly needed by companies. As what Pearl Zhu, the Author of ""Digital Master"" book series (21 books), a Digital Leader says Agile is not just a methodology, but a set of principles and philosophy. This is offered with a 30 days money back guarantee. You can try it with no financial risk. In This Agile Scrum Training, You'll Learn:Scrum Ace AccreditationSteps To Become A Scrum MasterAgile Software DvlmntMove Frm Wtrfll T Agil Software DvlmntAgil (Srum) Sftwr Dvlmnt Mthdlg GuideCost Rdutin With Agil Mthdlg Agil And Srum Crtifitin Trining Rugby Srum Compared To Agile ScrumOrgnize Pay Off Technical DbtImrv A Software Development Team's PerformanceAgile Methods To Rlv Ch nd Unrditbilit In Software PrjtAgile TrnitinIncorporating Ubilit Prti And Ucd Pr------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Is This For You? Do you want to learn, master and understand Agile Scrum? Are you wondering why you cant pass your master scrum certification? Do you think you will feel proud passing your scrum certification? Then this course will definitely help you. This course is essential to all Agile Business Analysts, product owner, team member, business stakeholder, candidate preparing for a Scrum certification and anyone looking to master and learn Agile Scrum, project management and pass the scrum certification. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why To Master Agile Scrum? Let Me Show You Why To Master Agile Scrum: 1. You will master agile scrum. 2. You will deliver projects quickly. 3. You will learn strong team building skills. 4. You will pass your certification. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it! Why wait any longer? Click the green ""Buy Now"" button, and take my course 100% risk free now!"
Price: 184.99

"After Effects CC & CS6: Motion Graphics, VFX & Animation" |
"After Effect has become an essential software to master, not knowing how to use it can do more harm than good. It is a relatively easy way to create and can be extremely valuable. Doing visual effects and animation has become the new norm into your video editing skills, but if you miss the opportunity to learn this essential skill, other editors will be chosen do complete these visual effects jobs.What if you could change that? My complete After Effects course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to master motion graphics, use visual effects, do animation techniques, design and sequence complete motion graphics projects. For less than a movie ticket, you will get over 4 hours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it. :)What Is In This Course? Your After Effects Skills Will Never Be The Same. Except if youre an expert at After Effect, creating a project with animation, applying effect & creating key frames, understanding complex motion element and do key frame interpolation, you are going to lose many job/career opportunities or creating awesome content. This video editing software will change how you create. If youre looking to create cinematic visible, make your videos stand out, have actual expert high quality videos, heres your chance. This is offered with a 30 days money back guarantee. You can try it with no financial risk. In This After Effects Training, You'll Learn: Creating A Project, a Composition & Workspaces Basic Animation Applying Effect & Creating Key frames Applying a Preset Text Animation Tools & Preset Animating Photoshop Text Understanding Parenting Web Ready Text Animations Motion Path Key frame Interpolation Creating Motion Graphic Element & Graphic Videos Understanding Complex Motion Element Understanding 3D, Cameras, Animation & Depth of Field Rendering Graphics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is This For You? Do you want to learn, master and understand After Effects? Are you wondering how to do stunning visual effects? Do you think you will feel proud using After Effects easily, creating wonderful projects? Then this course will definitely help you. This course is essential to all video editors, motion graphics artists and designers, Videographers, Filmmakers, Storytellers and anyone looking to master After Effects. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why To Master After Effects? Let Me Show You Why To Master After Effects: 1. You will master motion graphics. 2. You will use visual effects. 3. You will do animation techniques. 4. You will design, animate, and sequence complete motion graphics projects. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it! Why wait any longer? Click the green ""Buy Now"" button, and take my course 100% risk free now!"
Price: 184.99

"Adobe Illustrator CC Graphic Web Design: UI & Logo Design" |
"Adobe Illustrator is what you need to create vector graphics application that lets you create logos, sketches, icons, complex illustrations and typography for print, web, interactive, video and mobile devices, but if you miss the opportunity to learn how to use this useful software, other designers and developers will be chosen do complete these designs jobs.What if you could change that? My complete Adobe Illustrator course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to do logo design, master graphic design, do great UI with web designs and use sketch for your designs. For less than a movie ticket, you will get over 4 hours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it. :)What Is In This Course? Your Logo & Graphic Design Skills Will Never Be The Same. Except if youre an expert at Adobe Illustrator, knows color psychology, refine logo ideas, can develop your sketches, design optical illusions, vectorizing and use sketches to design, you are going to lose many job/career opportunities or creating awesome content. This video editing software will change how you create. As what Louise Fili, an Italian-American graphic designer, says ""As a designer, you have to understand that you have to have your own personal projects to know that you can grow and find your own design voice,"" This is offered with a 30 days money back guarantee. You can try it with no financial risk. In This Adobe Illustrator Training, You'll Learn:Creating Basic Forms Toolbar Fundamental Understanding Logos Basics Color Psychology Refine Logo Ideas Sit Taglines So They Look Great Against A Company Name Developing Your Sketches Master Every Primary Tool In Illustrator Apply Simple But Effective Effects With A Few Mouse Clicks Design With Optical Illusions In Mind Present Your Logo Design Work To The Client Professionally Improving Your Design Vectorizing UI & Web Design Using Sketch For UI Design------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is This For You? Do you want to learn, master and understand Adobe Illustrator? Are you wondering how to do stunning logo & graphic design? Do you think you will feel proud creating awesome logos, UI & graphic designs? Then this course will definitely help you. This course is essential to all Graphic Designers, Web Designers, UI Developers and anyone looking to master Adobe Illustrator. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why To Master Adobe Illustrator? Let Me Show You Why To Master Adobe Illustrator: 1. You will do logo design. 2. You will master design. 3. You will do great UI with web designs 4. You will use sketch for your designs. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it! Why wait any longer? Click the green ""Buy Now"" button, and take my course 100% risk free now!"
Price: 184.99

"Android App Development: Mobile App Development & Java" |
"Android app development is difficult on its own, but understanding Java and learning coding makes it easier to develop your killer app idea. Many apps, games or even softwares are developed by new programmers, while on the other hands, some apps needs millions in budget. But if you cant build applications, youre missing great opportunities and other programmers will grab them.What if you could change that? My complete Android App Development course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to build Android apps, create auser interface, learn Java programming and be hired as an Android developer. For less than a movie ticket, you will get over 4 hours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it. :)What Is In This Course? Your Android Development Will Never Be The Same. Except if youre already an excellent app developer, do performance optimization, manage activities and fragments, protect Android security architecture, know intrusion and tamper detection and do reverse engineering, you are going to lose more opportunities to create awesome applications and miss career advancements that other people will gladly take. As what Sundar Pichai, an Indian American business executive says Android is one of the most open systems I've ever seen. What makes Android great is it's literally designed from the ground up to be customized in a very powerful way. This is offered with a 30 days money back guarantee. You can try it with no financial risk. In This Android Development Training, You'll Learn: Android OS DevelopmentPerformance Optimization And TestingLearn Android 5 Or LollipopBuilding An User Interface Put On A Material Design Theme Adding Animated Widgets Managing The Activities And Fragments Steps On Monetizing An Application:Java Programming Build A Retro Squash GameBuilding An Android Application Protect Android Security ArchitectureIntrusion Or Tamper DetectionReverse EngineeringBe Hired As An Android Developer----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is This For You? Do you want to be great at Android development? Are you afraid of not developing good applications? Do you think you will feel proud developing great applications? Then this course will definitely help you. This course is essential to all app developer, Android developer, Entrepreneurs, Designer, Programmer and anyone looking to become great at Android Development. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why To Have Strong Android Development Skills? Let Me Show You Why To Have Strong Android Development Skills: 1. You will build Android apps. 2. You will create an user interface. 3. You will learn Java programming. 4. You will be hired as an Android developer. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it! Why wait any longer? Click the green ""Buy Now"" button, and take my course 100% risk free now!"
Price: 184.99

"Piano Keyboard Lessons: Read Music, Theory & Composition" |
"Piano is a popular and unique instrument you can start learning today! It was invented in Italy, but is mainstreamed used all around the world. Not only is it a beautiful, classical instrument, but it can be used in all music genre. Maybe you had encounter where you could play something beautiful on a piano, but didnt have the chance to do so because you dont know how to play piano. What if you could change that? My complete Piano course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to use task project tracking systems, evaluate your team development, manage projects and teams, and be more productive. For less than a movie ticket, you will get over 4 hours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it. :)What Is In This Course? Your Piano Skills Will Never Be The Same. Except if youre already good at playing the piano, have proper hand and sitting posture, determine the tempo and rhythm, play different piano scales, have keyboard skills and form multiple scales, you are going to lose opportunities and miss career advancements to become a great pianist. As what Tom Lehrer, a retired American musician, singer-songwriter says Life is like a piano. What you get out of it depends on how you play it. This is offered with a 30 days money back guarantee. You can try it with no financial risk. In This Piano Training, You'll Learn: Proper hand and sitting postureNotes and rhythmPlacing fingersBasic Playing TechniquesPlaying by earPlaying chordsPlaying with Both HandsReading Sheet MusicDetermining tempo and rhythmPiano ScalesHow to form a major scale, a minor scale & Other forms of scalesReading Chords ProgressionsLearning different keysPlaying Blues PianoKeyboard skills (Piano fingering, Using pedals)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is This For You? Do you want to play the piano? Are you afraid of playing in front of others because you lack trust in your skills? Do you think you will feel proud playing well the piano? Then this course will definitely help you. This course is essential to all pianists, music composer, music artists and anyone looking to play the piano, read music and have fun. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why To Have Strong Piano Skills? Let Me Show You Why To Have Strong Piano Skills: 1. You will play the piano. 2. You will read music sheets. 3. You will compose music. 4. You will play by ear & chords. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it! Why wait any longer? Click the green ""Buy Now"" button, and take my course 100% risk free now!"
Price: 184.99

"Data Structures and Algorithmic Trading: Machine Learning" |
"Data Structures andAlgorithmic trading is a method of executing orders using automated pre-programmed trading instructions over time. They were developed so that traders do not need to constantly watch a stock and repeatedly send those slices out manually. Algorithmic trading is not an attempt to make a trading profit. It is simply a way to minimize the cost,market impactandriskin execution of an order, but if you cant use this incredible tool, you might miss the right entry or exit spots that other traders will gladly take.What if you could change that? My complete Algorithmic Trading course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to succeed in the financial markets, master trading, build a forex robot and learn machine learning. For less than a movie ticket, you will get over 4 hours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it. :)What Is In This Course? Your Trading Will Never Be The Same. Except if youre already an excellent trader, know the importance of sorting, use array rotation, read technical analysis, finding shortest path in a graph and know AVL trees, you are going to lose more opportunities to code faster and more effectively. As what William Feather, an American publisher and author says One of the funny things about the stock market is that every time one person buys, another sells, and both think they are astute. This is offered with a 30 days money back guarantee. You can try it with no financial risk. In This Data Structures &Algorithmic Trading Training, You'll Learn: Learn Algorithmic ThinkingComputational Problem Solving Using AlgorithmsAlgorithmic Design ProcessImportance of SortingArray RotationInsertion SortMerge & Heap SortGreedy AlgorithmsTopological SortingBreadth & Depth First TraversalHashingOpen AddressingFinding Shortest Path in a graphAVL treesComputational Complexity and Machine Learning----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is This For You? Do you want to do algorithmic trading with machine learning? Are you afraid of not creating a good Forex robot and earn money through trading? Do you think you will feel proud making successful trades with your Forex robots? Then this course will definitely help you. This course is essential to all Forex trader, stockbroker, entrepreneur, systematic traders, short term traders and anyone looking to learn algorithmic trading. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why To Have Strong Algorithmic Trading Skills? Let Me Show You Why To Have Strong Algorithmic Trading Skills: 1. You will succeed in the financial markets. 2. You will master trading. 3. You will build a forex robot. 4. You will learn machine learning. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it! Why wait any longer? Click the green ""Buy Now"" button, and take my course 00% risk free now!"
Price: 184.99

"Meteor: Full Stack JavaScript, MongoDB & App Development" |
"Meteor, or MeteorJS, is a free and open-source isomorphic JavaScript web framework. It is mainly use to build real-time, interactive web applications that are really useful. You need to be familiarized with the practices of Meteor and web applications, or you will miss the opportunity to create awesome applications or even partner with top digital companies in the world.What if you could change that? My complete Meteor course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to build web applications, build single page applications, launch full-stack web applications, and implement accounts. For less than a movie ticket, you will get over 4 hours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it. :)What Is In This Course? Your Web Applications Development Will Never Be The Same. Except if youre an expert at full-stack web applications, can test projector server and its performance, do authentic web design, build an interactive applications, use MongoDB for databases, comfortably do routing of the Meteor Framework , you are going to lose many job/career opportunities or even miss creating great web applications. As what John W. Thompson, an American CEO, says "" Web services are nothing more than a way for users to interact with applications. "" This is offered with a 30 days money back guarantee. You can try it with no financial risk. In This Meteor Training, You'll Learn: Interactive Web AppsWeb Development For AppConfiguration & App Interface Feature DesignAuthentic Web DesignMeteor Web Integrations To The ServerWeb Development On Lateral ApplicationsMeteor Software EngineeringPerformance Of The SoftwareBuild Single-Page Web Apps With MeteorCreating Full Stack Of Mastery Programming Languages On Web ApplicationsGreat Third-Party Tools Like MongoDB For DatabasesLaunch Your Own Full-Stack Web ApplicationsCreate A Simple Project With MeteorRouting Of The Meteor Framework ComfortablyTesting Projector Server Of The MeteorMaster Fundamental Concepts Behind Structuring Meteor ApplicationAccounts ImplementationsLaunching Of The Software Development------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is This For You? Do you want to build great interactive web applications? Are you wondering how you can become a great full-stack developer? Do you understand how to create apps that users and websites are actually using? Then this course will definitely help you. This course is essential to all full-stack web developers, web engineers, web developers and anyone looking to master the Meteor Framework for long-term success. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why To Master Meteor Framework? Let Me Show You Why To Master Meteor Framework: 1. You will build web applications. 2. You will build single page applications. 3. You will launch full-stack web applications. 4. You will implement accounts. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it! Why wait any longer? Click the green ""Buy Now"" button, and take my course 100% risk free now!"
Price: 184.99

"MCSA Windows Server 2012: MCSE Certification & Powershell" |
"Windows Server Certification is an interesting exam to pass. Its important for IT professionals to use the virtualization, storage, networking, and information protection capabilities of Windows Server to deliver global-scale cloud services into your infrastructure. The courses in this path map to the exam objectives for exams 70-740, 70-741, and 70-742. If you are not familiar with Windows Server, you will miss the opportunity to reduce IT costs and deliver more business value.What if you could change that? My complete Windows Server Certification course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to design and implement a server deployment infrastructure, configure Windows Deployment Services, perform server upgrade and migrations and deploy virtual machines using SCVMM. For less than a movie ticket, you will get over 4 hours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it.:)What Is In This Course? Your Windows Server Exams Will Be Much Easier. Except if youre an expert at Windows Server, know about system virtual machine vs operation virtual machine, know the best way to begin to study for the exam, server core & Nano server installation and use the best tips to face the exam, you are going to lose many job/career opportunities or even miss doing great electronic music production. As what Craig Zacker, a writer, editor, and educator, says In Windows Server 2012 R2, Microsoft is attempting to fundamentally modify the way that administrators work with their servers. Server Core is now the default installation option because in the new way of managing servers, administrators should rarely, if ever, have to work at the server console, either physically or remotely. In This Windows Server Certification Training, You'll Learn:MSCE Study GuideSystem Virtual Machine Vs Operation Virtual MachineWhat Is The Test About And How Is ProgrammedContent And EvaluationThe Best Way To Begin To Study For The ExamHow Should You Face This Exam (The Best Tips)Server Core InstallationNano Server InstallationVirtualizationInstallation Of Virtual Machine IBenefits Of The CertificationHow To Study For The TestThe Best Resources And HelpGetting Deep With The Test------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is This For You? Do you want to pass your Windows Server Exams? Are you wondering what are the best tips to pass the Windows Server Certification? Do you understand what it takes to pass the 70-410, 70-412 & 70-411 exams? Then this course will definitely help you. This course is essential to all IT professionals, users studying for their MSCE, All Microsoft Systems Administrators, Helpdesk Technicians and anyone looking to pass their Windows Server Certification. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why To Pass Your Windows Server Exams? Let Me Show You Why To Pass Your Windows Server Exams: 1. You will design and implement a server deployment infrastructure. 2. You will configure Windows Deployment Services. 3. You will perform server upgrade and migrations. 4. You will deploy virtual machines using SCVMM. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it! Why wait any longer? Click the green ""Buy Now"" button, and take my course 100% risk free now!"
Price: 184.99

"Python Flask Web Development: REST API, Postman & JavaScript" |
"Flask is a micro web framework written in Python and based on the Werkzeug toolkit and Jinja2 template engine. Flask is called a micro framework because it does not require particular tools or libraries, it has no database abstraction layer, form validation, or any other components where pre-existing third-party libraries provide common functions, but if you dont master Flask, you will miss the opportunity to work with web and mobile applications. What if you could change that? My complete Flask course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to connect web or mobile applications to databases, run Flask applications, develop a Flask application and process data from HTML Forms. For less than a movie ticket, you will get over 4 hours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it. :)What Is In This Course? Your Flask Skills Will Be Much Easier. Except if youre an expert at Flask, Create Web Applications, do Unit Testing With Flask Testing Postman, Build Your First Restful App, do API Authentication And Logging In, Work with Database & WT Forms and Create a Login Page Using Session, you are going to lose many job/career opportunities or even miss develop a Flask application.As what Bram Cohen, an American computer programmer, best known as the author of the peer-to-peer (P2P) BitTorrent protocol, says My favorite language for maintainability is Python. It has simple, clean syntax, object encapsulation, good library support, and optional named parameters. You can try it with no financial risk. In This Flask Training, You'll Learn: Flask BasicsCreating Our First Web AppRequest Variable And Clean URLWorking With TemplatesFlask RestAPIRest API Concepts And ExamplesUnit Testing With Flask TestingPostmanFunctional Testing In SoapuiBuild Your First Restful AppAPI Authentication And Logging InWorking with DatabaseRunning SQLAlchemy DatabaseWorking with WT FormsUploading and Returning Files from a DatabaseCreating a Login Page Using SessionAPP Design ProcessSteps To Getting A Web Development Job------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is This For You? Do you want to connect web or mobile applications to databases? Are you wondering how to run Flask applications? Do you know how to effectively develop a Flask application? Then this course will definitely help you. This course is essential to all software developers, Programmers, Project Managers, Computer students and anyone looking to master Flask. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why To Master Flask? Let Me Show You Why To Master Flask: 1. You will connect web or mobile applications to databases. 2. You will run Flask applications. 3. You will develop a Flask application. 4. You will process data from HTML Forms. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it! Why wait any longer? Click the green ""Buy Now"" button, and take my course 100% risk free now!"
Price: 184.99

"PL/SQL Oracle Database Administration: Server UNIX & Queries" |
"Do you want to learn, master and use PL/SQL? If you are not familiar with PL/SQL, you will miss the opportunity to have proper code management and work with Oracle. What if you could change that? My complete PL/SQL course will show you the exact strategies and techniques you need to declare PL/SQL variables, use event triggers, create stored procedures and work in Oracle database. Learning this knowledge cost about a meal and you will get over 4 hours of videos. Plus, you can ask questions anytime! :)What Is In This Course? Your Oracle PL/SQL SkillsWill Never Be The Same. Aside if you are knowledgeable at PL/SQL and use stored procedures & functions, know the nested program blocks, build and manage packages, work with the triggers and know types of PL/SQL program units Martin Fowler, an author and speaker, has spoken on the topic and said Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand. You can try this course at no financial risk! If You Want To Learn PL/SQL, Heres What You Will Get: Database TerminologiesBasic Concepts of SQLLearning Different RDBMSVarious Syntaxes of SQLData Types in SQLSQL Operators & Expressions in SQLSQL Wildcards & ConstraintsData Manipulation in Oracle SQLCreating Your First DatabaseTables in Oracle SQLCreate & Drop TableQueries in Oracle SQLInsert, Select, Update & Delete QueryClauses of SQLWhere, And & Or, Order By, Group By, Like & Top, Having ClauseFigure Out If You Need This Course: Do you know what it takes to have a much, improved performance? Are you wondering how to have organized codes? Do you understand what it takes to implement any changes easily? In this case, our course will get you forward. Are you a database administrators, SQL Developer, application designers and developers or just looking to learn PL/SQL?I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. Heres Why To Learn PL/SQL Why To Learn PL/SQL: 1. You will declare PL/SQL variables. 2. You will use event triggers. 3. You will create stored procedures. 4. You will work in Oracle database. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it! Why wait any longer? Click on the ""Buy Now"" button and take my course 100% risk free now!"
Price: 184.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect & Developer: EC2, Azure" |
"Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides on-demand cloud computing platforms to individuals, companies and governments, on a paid subscription basis. You can have a virtual cluster of computers, available all the time, through the Internet. The AWS technology is implemented at server farms throughout the world, and maintained by the Amazon subsidiary, but if you dont master AWS, you will miss the opportunity to pass the AWS exam. What if you could change that? My complete AWS course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to pass the AWS certification, design websites on AWS, become a cloud expert and be a security specialist. For less than a movie ticket, you will get over 4 hours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it. :)What Is In This Course? Your AWS Skills Will Be Much Easier. Except if youre an expert at AWS, understanding AWS and the different certifications, choosing the right AWS certification, know how AWS cloud works, manage multiple AWS accounts for security, reduce impact of DDOS attack on AWS and use AWS developer tools, you are going to lose many job/career opportunities or even miss working with AWS. As what Steve Jobs, the Co-founder, CEO and Chairman of Apple Inc, says I dont need a hard disk in my computer if I can get to the server faster carrying around these non-connected computers is byzantine by comparison. You can try it with no financial risk. In This AWS Training, You'll Learn: Understanding AWSPublic CloudAny Issues With AWSTypes Of CertificationUnderstanding Different CertificationsOther Best Cloud CertificationsChoosing The Right AWS CertificationAWS Certified Security Specialty ExamSpecialty Beta ExamBenefits Of AWS CertificationHow AWS Cloud Works?Salesforce And AmazonDevopsContinuous IntegrationManaging Multiple AWS Accounts For SecurityEnterprise-Grade SecurityReducing Impact Of Ddos Attack On AWSAWS Shield Advanced And AWS Shield StandardAWS Cloud Adoption FrameworkSteps To Become Amazon CertifiedComparison Of AWS Cloud With Azure CloudAWS Developer Tools------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is This For You? Do you want to pass the AWS certification? Are you afraid of designing websites on AWS? Do you think you will feel proud becoming a cloud and security expert? This course is essential to all solutions architects, programmers, developers, systems administrators and anyone looking to become great at AWS. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why To Master AWS? Let Me Show You Why To Master AWS: 1. You will pass the AWS certification. 2. You will design websites on AWS. 3. You will become a cloud expert. 4. You will be a security specialist. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it! Why wait any longer? Click the green ""Buy Now"" button, and take my course 100% risk free now!"
Price: 184.99

"Data Visualization & Analysis In Python: D3.js, HTML & CSS" |
"Data visualization involves the creation and study of the visual representation of data. A primary goal of data visualization is to communicate information clearly and efficiently via statistical graphics, plots and information graphics, but if you dont master data visualization, you will miss the opportunity to explore data. What if you could change that? My complete Data Visualization course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to read and write data with python, deliver & serve the data, cleaning and exploring data with Pandas and build a simple Tooltip. For less than a movie ticket, you will get over 4 hours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it. :)What Is In This Course? Your Data Visualization Skills Will Never Be The Same. Except if youre an expert at Data Visualization, build a webpage, do heavyweight scraping with scrapy, use Pandas, do dynamic data with flask and visualizing your data with D3, you are going to lose many job/career opportunities or even master data visualization. As what Al Shalloway, the founder and CEO of Net Objectives, says Visualizations act as a campfire around which we gather to tell stories. This is offered with a 30 days money back guarantee. You can try it with no financial risk. In This Data Visualization Training, You'll Learn: A Language-Learning Bridge Between Python And Java Script Reading And Writing Data With Python Building A Webpage Getting Your Data Off The Web With Python Heavyweight Scraping With Scrapy Using Python To Consume Data From Web API Targeting HTML With Xpaths Cleaning And Exploring Data With Pandas Learning Numpy How To Use Pandas Visualizing Data With Matplotlib Delivering & Serving The Data Dynamic Data With Flask Using Static Or Dynamic Delivery Delivering Static Files Visualizing Your Data With D3 Imagining A Nobel Visualization Understanding D3 The Story Of Bar Chart The HTML Skeleton D3s Mapping Data Formats, Geo, Projections And Paths Updating The Map Building A Simple Tooltip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is This For You? Do you want to read and write data with Python? Are you wondering how to deliver & serve the data? Do you understand how to clean and explore data with Pandas? Then this course will definitely help you. This course is essential to all manual testers, web automation users, software engineers and anyone looking to master Ansible. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why To Master Data Visualization? Let Me Show You Why To Master Data Visualization: 1. You will read and write data with Python . 2. You will deliver & serve the data. 3. You will clean and explore data with Pandas . 4. You will build a simple Tooltip . Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it! Why wait any longer? Click the green ""Buy Now"" button, and take my course 00% risk free now!"
Price: 184.99

"Responsive Web Design: HTML, CSS Angular, jQuery & Bootstrap" |
"Responsive web design is an approach to web design which makes web pages render well on a variety of devices and window or screen sizes. Content, design and performance are necessary across all devices to ensure usability and satisfaction, but if you dont master responsive web design, you will miss the opportunity to create great responsive websites. What if you could change that? My complete Responsive Web Design course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to build responsive websites, master HTML5 & CSS3, know Bootstrap Basics and create fluid and responsive layouts. For less than a movie ticket, you will get over 4 hours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it. :)What Is In This Course? Your Responsive Web Design Skills Will Never Be The Same. Except if youre an expert at Responsive Web Design, know Fundamental Concepts Of Responsive Design, do the Common Procedures In Adaptive Design, use Progressive Enhancement Vs Graceful Degradation, master HTML, CSS & Jquery but also Bootstrap, you are going to lose many job/career opportunities or even design databases. As what Milton Glaser, a celebrated graphic designer in the United States, says There are three responses to a piece of design yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for. This is offered with a 30 days money back guarantee. You can try it with no financial risk. In This Responsive Web Design Training, You'll Learn: Fundamental Concepts Of Responsive Design The Three Angular Stones Of Responsive Design Optimization Common Procedures In Adaptive Design Development Flow Of A Responsive Site Progressive Enhancement Vs Graceful Degradation Basics Of HTML Use Of CSS CSS Language Layers, Layout & Positioning Jquery Basics & Effects Add And Remove CSS Classes On Elements Show And Hide Page Elements Bootstrap Basics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is This For You? Do you want to build responsive websites? Are you wondering how to master HTML5 & CSS3? Do you understand how to create fluid and responsive layouts? Then this course will definitely help you. This course is essential to all new web Developers, Programmers, Designers, Etc and anyone looking to master Microsoft Access. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why To Master Responsive Web Design? Let Me Show You Why To Master Responsive Web Design: 1. You will build responsive websites. 2. You will master HTML5 & CSS3. 3. You will know Bootstrap Basics. 4. You will create fluid and responsive layouts. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it! Why wait any longer? Click the green ""Buy Now"" button, and take my course 00% risk free now!"
Price: 184.99

"Bootstrap 4 Wordpress Theme Development: HTML & JavaScript" |
"Bootstrap is a free and open-source front-end library for designing websites and web applications. It contains HTML- and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions, but if you dont master Bootstrap, you will miss the opportunity to create great themes. What if you could change that? My complete Bootstrap course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to create high quality Bootstrap themes, Learn the utilities, components classes, & widgets of Bootstrap, create dynamic WordPress websites and work as a freelancer. You will gethours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it. :)What Is In This Course? Your Bootstrap Skills Will Never Be The Same. Except if youre an expert at Bootstrap, Configuring Bootstrap, know Php Basics, Create Custom Wordpress Theme, Translate A Wordpress Theme and Earn Money Freelancing, you are going to lose many job/career opportunities or even master Bootstrap. As what Trish Parr, the founder of Microsoft, says If you think math is hard, try web design. This is offered with a 30 days money back guarantee. You can try it with no financial risk. In This Bootstrap Training, You'll Learn: Configuring BootstrapPhp BasicsBasics Of Php For WordpressWordpress CodexConversion To WordpressCreate Custom Wordpress ThemeWordpress Blog SectionAdding WidgetsAccessibility ModeHow To Translate A Wordpress ThemeUsing Short CodesTesting The ThemeTypes Of Web HostingInstall Wordpress On A Live ServerInstall The Custom Wordpress Theme On The Live ServerMake A Living As A Wordpress DeveloperEarn Money FreelancingBecome A Freelance Web Designer And Programmer------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is This For You? Do you want to create high quality Bootstrap themes? Are you wondering how to Learn the utilities, components classes, & widgets of Bootstrap? Do you understand how to create dynamic WordPress websites? Then this course will definitely help you. This course is essential to All Developers, Programmers, Designers, Etc and anyone looking to master Bootstrap. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why To Master Bootstrap? Let Me Show You Why To Master Bootstrap: 1. You will create high quality Bootstrap themes. 2. You will Learn the utilities, components classes, & widgets of Bootstrap 3. You will create dynamic WordPress websites. 4. You will work as a freelancer. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it! Why wait any longer? Click the red ""Buy Now"" button, and take my course 100% risk free now!"
Price: 184.99
