"Python Bootcamp 2020" |
"Python language is simple enough for beginners, on the same time powerful enough for the professionals. Now, python is considered to be the most popular language as of now Python sweeps away the top in the ranking and overtake the most popular programming languages for many decades i.e JAVAPython Programming language is everywhere. It is used in various domains like data science, machine learning, big data analytics, web & app development and game development. So, if you want to grab hot jobs like data scientist, data analyst or game developer, then YES this course is for you. Don't worry if you don't have any coding background, it is not required. By the time you finish course, you'll be a pro at Python! This course is a one-stop-shop for everything you'll need to know to get started with Python, along with a few incentives like projects, QnA. Topics covered in this learning path: 1. Basic operation with List, Tuple, Dictionary, set2. File Manipulation3. String Manipulation4. Graphical User Interface using Tkinter,And many more topicsI hope you're excited to dive into the World of Python with this course. Well, what are you waiting for? Let's get started! NOTE : IDE used : Python Idle , Python Version : 3"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Python GUI with Tkinter: The Complete Guide" |
"Python is a more popular programming language that can be used for a wide variety of applications like GUI, web-based application and much more. In this course you're going to learn about Tkinter, a powerful module of python to develop Graphical User Interface application.You can use Tkinter to create applications for both desktops as well as for the web and it's my personal experience using Tkinter is the easiest and fastest way to develop application in few lines.Through this course you'll be able to learn various widgets or elements of the GUI app like Labels, Buttons, Combobox, Checkbox, Menubar and many more. These all are most commonly used elements in any type of app.Objective of course is to cover all the concepts and how to use widgets. The course contains various projects to boost your confidence to build your own GUI apps. Topics covered in the course with proper combination of theory and practical:1. Introduction about Tkinter2. Widgets3. Cursors4. Bitmaps5. Checkbutton6. Radiobutton7. Menu8. Messagebox9. Canvas10. ButtonsAt the end, I'll only say let's convert your ideas into fully functional apps.PROJECTS Included :1. Calculator2. Text editor like notepad, sublime3. Login forms just like login window of Facebook, Gmail, etcHappy Coding!!"
Price: 19.99

"Mastering PYTHON WEB File handling" |
"Python is a more popular programming language that can be used for a wide variety of domains like data science, machine learning, big data analytics, web & app development and game development.What are files ?The file is a storage unit just like paper or documents in the real world. There are various types of files like data files, text files, program files, media files (images and videos) and so on.File Handling is an indispensable module of python programming language.With the help of file handling features we can add several functions like creating, reading, updating, and deleting files. At the time of developing desktop application and especially for web application, all described functions should be there which makes this part of python as an essential part.This course will cover different ways of interacting with data files. Operations like creating, reading, updating, and deleting files will be explained with hands on in this learning path.A complete Walkthrough of the course : 1. Understand file handling concept with python2. Use different file object method like open(), read(), readline(), write(), writeline(), flush(), close(), tell(), seek(), etc3. Read file4. Write file5. Append File6. Distinguish different modes of open7. Use File Object attribute and so on.HAPPY CODING, HAPPY PYTHON NOTE : IDE used : Python Idle , Python Version : 3"
Price: 19.99

"Learn ELIXIR Programming from ZERO to HERO" |
"Elixir programming language may not be popular as Python, Java, Javascript, Ruby or Go. But you may hear about Pinterest, Toyota, Lonely planets, Financial times and many more. All of them used Elixir to develop their websites. It is first released in 2011, a new programming language, but still it is used by prominent companies. This course is for those who are bored with python,java like programming languages and want to learn new programming language, then Elixir would be most recommended language of 2020. Enroll this course to learn about it.What is Elixir?Elixir is dynamic, functional language with concurrency features especially designed for building scalable and maintainable applications with a simple, modern and tidy syntax. The syntax looks like Ruby, which is easy to use. It leverages the ErlangVM, known for running low-latency, distributed, and fault-tolerant systems, while also being successfully used in web development and the embedded software domain.As game of digital transformation is on, lots of lot services and things are getting online, Netizen will also rise and to handle such huge traffic, concurrency of code is indispensable. Parallelism, concurrency and functional are the brass tack for modern application. Elixir is loaded with all the features which is required for modern app development.Topics covered in this learning path:Basic syntax of ElixirData structures like list, tuple, strings, mapsDecision making statement, loops and recursionModules and FunctionAnd many more concepts so that you'll be able to start building your own applications with ease.Elixir is Fun. Hope you'll enjoy learning journey with us."
Price: 19.99

"Web development with ELIXIR and Phoenix" |
"Elixir and Phoenix are two of the hottest technologies of 2020Elixir is a dynamic, friendly, easy-to-use, functional language designed to build scalable and maintainable applications which build on top of the Erlang programming language. According to the creator of Elixir, Jos Valim, Elixir was conceived in 2011. He had the plan to develop the new language to pull out the problem of concurrency in the ruby world. He had developed Clojure and Erlang. But still various issues were not resolved, then he came up with a new programming language, i.e Elixir, eliminating all the drawbacks of Erlang. This is how Elixir developed with dynamic, concurrency and functional capabilities. Elixir leverages the Erlang VM, known for running low-latency, distributed, and Fault-tolerant systems, while also being successfully used in web development and the embedded software domain.Phoenix, Ecto, Exunit and Mox are different frameworks of Elixir. In this course you'll going to learn all the fundamental concepts of Elixir primarily then deploy web application using Phoenix.Sites like Pinterest, Toyota, Lonely planets, Financial times and many more uses Elixir to develop their websites. Within 9 years, Elixir is used by so many prominent companies, signifies its popularity and features.So be ready to build your own scalable and efficient web applications, Enroll this Learning Path to discover all the things about most funny language of 2020."
Price: 19.99

"Cloud Computing with SALESFORCE HEROKU" |
"Heroku, a Salesforce company and industry pioneer in platform as a service (PaaS), enables developers to build and run applications entirely in the cloud, without the need to purchase or maintain any servers or software. Over 5 million apps, including ones from Macys, Product Hunt and Citrix run on Heroku. With support for the most popular languages such as Ruby and Node.js, high-scale data services including Postgres, Kafka and Redis, and an add-ons ecosystem featuring over 180 cloud application services, Heroku provides companies from startups to Fortune 500 enterprises with a faster and more effective way to create, deploy and manage apps.In this series you would learn ->Heroku ArchitectureHeroku Deployment(Using Git)Command LineDeploy WordPress , Laravel , nodejs web app , python web app etcHosting Static WebsiteHeroku CollaborationHeroku Teams etcBecome an Heroku Certified Developer today by taking this course. Learn it in the right way.This is the ultimate Heroku study guide."
Price: 19.99

"Corso completo sugli Amazon Web Services (AWS)" |
"Se sei interessato al Cloud Computing e agli Amazon Web Services questo il corso per te. Apprenderaicome funzionano i servizi AWS e come puoi utilizzarli nel tuo lavoro e/o nella tua azienda.Massimo e Davide ti guideranno tramite una serie di video ad apprenderea gestire diversi servizi AWS come ad esempio Amazon EC2 per la gestione di istanze virtuali, Amazon VPC per creare il tuo ambiente di networking, Amazon RDS per la gestione efficiente del tuo database, Amazon S3 per risolvere tutti i tuoi problemi di storagee tantissime cose ancora.Nei prossimi sei anni il 90% della spesa totale su tecnologie internet e sulla comunicazione sar basata su soluzioni cloud.The New York Times (2014)"
Price: 189.99

"Aprenda PHP do Jeito Certo!" |
"Ateno: Gravao em andamento.Previso de6 horas decontedo.PHP uma das linguagens mais utilizadas no mundo para desenvolvimento web e utilizadapor grandes empresas ao longo de todo o mundo, algumas das mais conhecidas so:Facebook, Flickr, Wordpress,Wikipdia e mais...Uma das razes por ela ser largamente utilizada a sua baixa curva de aprendizagem.Mas c entre ns, de nada adianta uma curva baixa se a didtica no for eficiente, aprenda PHPCorporativo do Jeito Certo. Candidate-se a vagas de programadoresPHPJnior depois de assistir esse curso e praticar em casa.As aulas possuem didticas simples e direta ao ponto, com dicas profissionais e focadas na qualidade de escrita de cdigo, tudo seguindo os padres internacionais existentes no PHP-FIG.Se for aprender PHP, aprenda do Jeito Certo!Importante: A gravao do Curso ainda est em andamento previsto em mdia 6h de curso, adquira agora e tenha acesso a todos as atualizaes de forma vitalcia e d dicas das aulas que fazem mais sentido pra voc!Oportunidade de sugerir seus prprios tpicos. Forte abrao amigo programador!"
Price: 39.99

"Learn about Maintenance Management Theory" |
"Anyone within a company can understand the basic theories used in the maintenance department. Learn the required data and input required in the day-to-day management of your company's Assets. An essential course for operators, supply chain, technicians, planners, schedulers, managers as well as IT and Finance team members. Get everyone on ""the same page"" working towards common goals."
Price: 34.99

"ElasticSearch 6.1 with Beats, Logstash and Kibana." |
"This course will teach elasticsearch, logstash, kibana and beats from very basic to create yourown cluster and creating your own infrastructure. Included all the practical.It will cover basic introduction about the course and how to install and configure it.The course is designed to teach how to create multinode elastic cluster. Included use case, how to pushapplication log data using beats to elasticsearch via logstash with enrichment. This also includes creating fewKibana visualization for dashboard."
Price: 129.99

"Devenez Super dveloppeur Android avec Le langage AI" |
"Cette formation a pour but de vous initier a la programmation avec le langage AI. Grace a MIT App Inventor vous serez capable de crer des applications Android en un rien de temps. Aucune connaissances en programmation requise, Juste votre ordinateur et votre main.::: Avec des exercices pratiques et trs intressants; vous vous familiariserais peu peuavec l'interface MIT APPINVENTOR; jusqu'a creer des applications Android intelligentes et montez votre propre business ! Amusez-vous bien,car c'est en jouant qu'on apprend le mieux!"
Price: 19.99

"Softball Tips and Techniques" |
"Learn essential softball skills and drills from Lamar University Head Coach Holly Bruder and the Cardinals' players. This comprehensive 56-minute program has everything you need to succeed in softball, be it as a player or coach. Among the topics covered are: everyday fielding drills, ladder drills, throwing progressions, infield drills, outfield drills and a wide variety of batting drills. This video is a must-have resource for coaches and players striving to reach their full potential! About the Coach:Holly Bruder is the head coach of the Lamar University Cardinals softball team in Beaumont, Texas. She has been head coach of Lamar since the program was restarted in 2012. From 2008 to 2011, she was the head coach at Morehead State in Morehead, Kentucky. Prior to the seasons at Morehead State, she served as head coach at Denison University in Granville, Ohio for six years (20022007)."
Price: 24.99

"Become a Better Bowler" |
"Improve your bowling with personal lessons from a true legend in the sport. This coursefeatures seven-time PBA Player of the Year winner, Walter Ray Williams Jr. In this highly-informative program, Williams shares numerous tips that he has acquired during his stellar career. Among the topics covered are: the grip, the targeting system, hand releases, step drills, nuances of bowling, lane play, common problems, the two-handed release, shooting spares and splits, practice tips, and the mental game. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced competitive bowler, this program will be beneficial to improve your skills and consistency.About the Coach: Walter Ray Williams, Jr. currently holds the record for all-time PBA Tour career titles (47) and total PBA earnings (over $4.3 million). He is a seven-time PBA Player of the Year winner and has won at least one PBA Tour title in 17 consecutive seasons. Through the 2012 season, he bowled 87 career 300 games in PBA competition. Walter Ray was inducted into the PBA Hall of Fame in 1995 and into the USBC Hall of Fame in 2005. Williams is also a nine-time World Champion in pitching horseshoes (three junior titles and six mens titles) and is a member of the World Horseshoe Pitching Hall of Fame. Currently, Walter Ray Williams, Jr. still competes on the PBA National and Senior Tours, and was awarded the PBA Senior Player of the Year for 2012."
Price: 24.99

"Boxing Tips and Techniques Vol. 1 - Fundamentals" |
"Learn how to box with personal lessons from one of the world's best trainers.This video is volume one of a three-part series featuring former IBO super featherweight champion and current trainer, Jeff Mayweather. In this program, Mayweather teaches how to perfect the offensive and defensive fundamentals of boxing. Among the topics covered are: stance, three different types of jabs, the right hand, the right and left hooks, the uppercut, combinations, parrying, catching with the elbows, evasion techniques and shadow boxing. The program also includes a section on conditioning with instruction by Melissa Littlejohn. This comprehensive program will help boxers to rapidly progress and take their skills to the next level!About the Coach: Jeff Mayweather has been boxing since he was 10 years old, competing in numerous Golden Gloves tournaments. After turning pro in 1988, Jazzy Jeff had a career boxing record of 32-10-5 (10 KOs). His biggest accomplishment was winning the IBO super featherweight title from John Roby on April 21, 1994, a title which he defended two times. Since retiring from boxing in 1997, Mayweather has been working as a trainer in Las Vegas, Nevada and has trained many world champions. Jeff is a member of the Mayweather boxing family; his brothers are former welterweight contender Floyd Mayweather, Sr. and two-division world champion Roger Mayweather, and his nephew is five-division world champion Floyd Mayweather. Jr."
Price: 24.99

"The A+ College Experience" |
"Do you remember going from grade school to middle school? And then middle school to high school? The next school always seemed so bigat the beginning, it took a good while to get used to it,and once you were leaving you knew it so well it may as well have been your home. College is the next step, but bigger than you could ever imagine. What was just one building with all your classesnow spans a small town with dozens of buildings,tens ofthousands of students, and probably a good couple hours form safe haven - home. As you can imagine finding everything out about such a big place and figuring out how to handle everything takes more than just a couple of months.This is where this course comes in to help you. Being a recent graduate, I summarized all my tips and tricks to help you get used to the college lifestyle as fast as possible so that you can really give it your best shot and make the next four years of your life a trulyunforgettable experience and a great start to your adult life."
Price: 24.99

WebHTML5CSS3Sass |
"Photoshop HTML5Sass(SCSS) PhotoshopAdobe XDWeb---HTML5CSS3SassjQueryPhotoshopAdobeXDAtomGoogle ChromeGoogle FontsGoogle Fonts + Font AwesomeressMacmacOSHigh SierraWindowsWindows10Mac"
Price: 24000.00

"DIVI - Wordpress : Dvelopper ton futur site internet" |
"Ce cours a pour objectif de vous permettre de crer facilement votre site internet sans passer par un prestataire extrieur et ainsi faire des conomies. Il est destin aux dbutant et je vous expliquerai clairement et simplement les diffrentes tapes pour arriver au site de vos rves !Point de dpart d'un projet d'entrepreneur,le site internetest l'arme ultimepour se dmarquer de la concurrence et faire passer un message.A lre duweb 2.0, avoirun site internet moderne, responsive et dynamiqueest indispensable !Malheureusement, nous ne sommes pas tous des gnies en informatique eton pense tort quil est impossible de crer son site internet seul.Avec cette formation, je te propose de dpasser tes limites et demettre toi-mme ton site internet en ligne rapidement! Oui oui, tu as bien lu,RAPIDEMENT!C'est une promesse un peu folle je l'avoue mais j'ai vraiment confiance en tes capacits et j'ai surtout confiance en la formation et le contenu que je te propose.COMMENTC'ESTPOSSIBLE ?Avec le temps j'ai pu mettre en place une mthode simple et efficace pour dvelopper et mettre en place des sites internet. Pour russir tu auras ta disposition :Les bons outils :Avec les outils adquats, c'est tout de suite plus simple d'avancerL'exprience :Je te partage uniquement ce que je matrise 100%. Je vais l'essentiel pour te faire gagner un temps prcieux et t'viter les centaines d'heures que j'ai pu passer matriser Wordpress et Divi.Lamthodologie :Je te guide pas pas dans les diffrentes tapes pour que ton site soit ton image et performant.Des BONUS :Pour te faire gagner encore plus de temps ... et de l'argent !BONUSEXCEPTIONNELPour aller encore plus loin et pour t'aider mettre en ligne un site qui te ressemble je te rserve une belle surprise ... d'une valeur inestimable !ATTENTION, dans ce cours nous ne traitons pas la partie E-commerce.Alors, prt(e) pour relever le dfi avec moi ? trs vite :)Julien"
Price: 69.99

"Amazon Seller/FBA : Lancer une boutique rentable rapidement" |
"Plateforme incontournable du E-commerce avec 18 000000 d'utilisateurs par mois, Amazon reprsente une formidable opportunit pour se lancer dans une premire exprience sur le WEB.Que ce soit pour un complment de revenu ou mme pour lancer un vrai business, Amazon va vous offrir une excellente visibilit pour commencer vendre rapidement.Qui n'a jamais rv de vendre des produits depuis son canap ? Avec Amazon c'est possible et je vais vous le prouver.Avec 5 ans d'expriences sur Amazon, je vais vous guider et vous donner mes meilleurs conseils pour lancer votre premire boutique et faire vos premires ventes.Pour vous montrer que c'est galement possible pour vous, j'ai mis en place une tude de cas et je vais vous montrer les chiffres d'une boutique toute neuve spcialement ddie ce cours.Prt passer l'action et gagner vos premiers euros avec Amazon sans faire un investissement fou?Avec moins de 300 je suis certain que vous pouvez crer une machine vendre qui vous rapportera rapidement plus de 300 par mois. C'est plutt tentant non ?En plus de cette formation sur Amazon Seller et FBA, j'offre en BONUS la mthode pour vendre sur Amazon en Dropshipping sans dpenser un seul centime !Si vous avez des questions surtout n'hsite pas me contacter !"
Price: 69.99

"Clickfunnels - Tunnel de Vente : Crer sa machine clients" |
"Pour aller encore plus loin dans le dveloppement de votre business, il est important de penser automatisation.Que ce soit dans le processus pour trouver des nouveaux prospects automatiquementou dans la vente de vos produits et/ou services, l'automatisation va vous permettre d'avancer sereinement et de prenniser votre entreprise sur le long terme.Dvelopper votre propre base d'emails peut prendre du temps mais avec une vritable stratgie c'est bien videment possible.Dans cette formation, je vousexplique commentcrer votrepropre machine prospects et surtout comment mettre en place un tunnel ou funnel de vente efficace pour rester align avec vosvaleurs.Je partage avec vous mes meilleures astuces pour dvelopper votre business automatiquement grce internet."
Price: 19.99

"Clickfunnels : Matriser son fonctionnement de A Z !" |
"Clickfunnels est actuellement l'outil le plus complet en terme de marketing d'automatisation et surtout celui le plus utilis par les plus grands marketeurs du monde.Sans avoir des grosses connaissances en dveloppement, vous pouvez crer en quelques minutes des tunnels de vente efficaces pour booster votre business.Dans cette formation, je vais vous partager le maximum de mes connaissances sur le sujet Clickfunnels.Nous verrons principalement comment :- Crer des pages de ventes qui convertissent-Crer des tunnels de vente automatiss-Crer des espaces membres pour vos formations- Crer des pages pour vendre des produits rapidement...Je vais vous guider dans les diffrentes tapes de la prise en main de ce fabuleux outil.Cette formation est offert pour permettre tout le monde d'avoir les connaissances ncessaires son utiliser. vous de jouer !Julien"
Price: 19.99

"Growth Hacking : Booster votre visibilit et votre audience" |
"Mettre en ligne un businessen 2018 n'est pas trs compliqu mais il reste un problme de taille : LAVISIBILITPour russir il faut souvent un gros budget marketing et ce n'est videment pas le cas pour tout le monde ...Il faut donc user des meilleures stratgies marketing et le GROWTHHACKINGen fait videmment partie.Grce cette mthode de dtournement de trafic, vous allez pouvoir rapidement booster votrevisibilit et augmenter considrablement votre communaut.Dans cette formation, je vous montre comment profiter de l'audience de vos plus gros concurrents. Cette mthode est facile dupliquer en fonction de la source (SEO, Facebook, Instagram ...).Pourquoi utiliser le GROWTHHACKING?- Pour rcuprer des audiences dj qualifies- Pour gagner du temps dans votre projet- Pour rcuprer les personnes qui souhaitent dcouvrir de nouvelles choses- Pour rcuprer du trafic pour son site (il faut bien aller le chercher quelque part non ?)- Pour viter de dpenser des grosses sommes en publicits au dbut de votre projetPrt(e) passer l'action ?"
Price: 19.99

"Pinterest : Booster votre visibilit en un clin d'oeil" |
"Pinterest est un rseau socialqui permet de partager ses coups de cur et den dcouvrir de nouveaux en explorant des contenus pingls. Facile d'utilisation et trs addictif, il accueille chaque mois plus de 200 millions d'utilisateurs uniques.Plateforme encore peu utilise, Pinterest peut vous offrir une belle visibilit moindre cot. Pourquoi s'en priver ?Si vous doutez encore de son importance, voici quelques chiffres qui devrait vous faire changer d'avis :100 milliards dpingles sur Pinterest85% des recherches sont effectues sur mobileEn France, prs de 3 millions dutilisateurs actifs chaque moissur PinterestLe nombre dinscrits en France a tmultipli par 2 en un an(de 2016 2017)5,79 millions dinternautesvisitent le site chaque mois (2017)70%des usagers sont desfemmeset30% des hommes30%des utilisateurs ont entre25 et 34 ans.Mais ce n'est bien videment pas la seule raison d'utiliser Pinterest !La partie commerciale est bien videment trs importante sur ce rseau et en l'utilisant de la bonne manire il est possible de crer un vritable empire.Multiplier son trafic par 10 avec Pinterest ?Oui, c'est possible et travers cette formation je souhaite vous montrer son norme potentiel et vous permettre de l'utiliser parfaitement dans le domaine professionnel.C'est LAplateforme d'inspiration du moment et l'arrive prochaine de la publicit sur les pingles va encore le propulser dans un autre monde. Vous souhaitez embarquer avant tout le monde ?Mode, Beaut, Dco,Nourriture, Entrepreneuriat ... vous avez de la place peut importe votre projet.Il suffit simplement d'avoir une bonne stratgie et de fournir du contenu qui va intresser votre cible.Prt(e) pour cette nouvelle aventure ?"
Price: 24.99

"Instagram : La stratgie ultime pour dvelopper ton compte" |
"FORMATIONOFFERTE(Dure limite !)Instagram est rapidement devenule rseau social la mode et avec plus de 800 millions d'utilisateursmensuels dans le monde il serait dommage de s'en priver pour dvelopper son business.Cependant, avoir du potentiel ne signifie pas qu'une simple prsence est suffisante pour russir !Il est important de dfinir et vraie stratgie et d'tablie un plan d'action efficace pour partir au combat et vous dmarquer de la concurrence.Vous doutez encore du potentiel d'Instagram ?-300 millionsdutilisateurs quotidiens de Stories- 25 millionsde comptes entreprise- 80% des utilisateursInstagram suivent au moins une marquePlutt intressant non ?Dans cette formation, je vais vous expliquer toutes les tapes que vous devez mettre en place pour crer un compte Instagram performant et pour booster votre communaut.Vous souhaitez une solution pour augmenter votre visibilit sur Instagram et trouver de nouveaux prospects ?Parfait, c'est galement mon objectif !Je vais vous donner les meilleures mthodes pour attendre des followers 100% cibls et pour leur donner envie d'interagir avec votre contenu. Il n'y a pas de recette magique, une bonne stratgie fera toute la diffrence.Gagner des followers cibls rgulirement sans tricher ? OUI, C'ESTPOSSIBLE!Il est encore temps de passer l'action et de vous faire une place sous le soleil d'Instagram !Prt(e) pour cette nouvelle aventure ?"
Price: 19.99

"Achtsamkeit & Entspannung: Progressive Muskelentspannung" |
"Hallo und Willkommen zu ""Achtsamkeit & Entspannung: Progressive Muskelentspanung""!Sie mchten sich entspannen und runterfahren in effektiver Art und Weise? - Dieser Kurs wird Ihnen helfen das zu erlernen! Die Methode, die in diesem Kurs verwendet wird, ist die vielfach bekannte Progressive Muskelentspannung - eine Methode, die einfach zu erlernen ist von jedem der Bedarf in Sachen Entspannung versprt. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zeigen positive Effekte der Progressiven Muskelentspannung auf Schlafstrungen, Depression, Angststrungen, erhhtem Blutdruck und mehr...""It was shown that they are as effective as pharmacological therapy in the short-term and in the long- run even superior to pharmacotherapy."" - Therapeutische Umschau (2014), 71, pp. 687-694""This systematic review supported the positive effects of relaxation interventions on depression and anxiety among older adults."" - Aging Ment Health. 2015;19(12):1043-55.""Mind-body practices have encouraging results for patients with cardiac disease."" - Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2015 Nov;22(11):1385-98.Auf Basis meiner Erfahrung in der Unterrichtung dieses Verfahrens an mehreren hundert Teilnehmern resultiert diese Version der Anleitung ""PROGRESSIVE MUSKELENTSPANNUNG KURZ & KNAPP"" Dieser Kurs beinhaltet Anleitungen mit beruhigender Hintergrundmusik, ein PDF- Dokument zur Zusammenfassung der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse, sowie MP3-Dokumente zur individuellen Anwendung im Alltag sowie ein Dankeschn nach Abschluss des Kurses! :)Sie sind herzlich eingeladen den Kurs anzuwenden!Ich freue mich Sie in meinem Kurs zu begren!Ihr Kevin KockotPS Thanks to Erokia/JordanPowell - Sound Design Freesoundorg/people/Erokia/ (Commons Attribution 3.0) "
Price: 19.99

"Autogenes Training: Meditation Entspannung Stressbewltigung" |
"Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen zu ""Autogenes Training - Entspannung einfach & selbstbestimmt""Sie mchten sich entspannen und runterfahren in effektiver Art und Weise? - Dieser Kurs wird Ihnen helfen das zu erlernen! Die Methode, die in diesem Kurs verwendet wird, ist das vielfach bekannte Autogene Training- eine Methode, die einfach zu erlernen ist von jedem der Bedarf in Sachen Entspannung versprt. (Dieser Kurs bezieht sich auf das AutogeneTraining in der Grundstufe) Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zeigen positive Effekte des Autogenen Trainings auf Stress, Schlafstrungen, Angststrungenund mehr...""This study suggests that AT may improve sleep patterns for patients with various health conditions and reduce anxiety and depression, both of which may result from and cause insomnia."" -Prim Health Care Res Dev. 2012 Apr;13(2):175-85.""This study confirms that these courses could effectively reduce the risk of chronic disease, a consequence of persistent exposure to distress."" -Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018 Mar 23;15(4).""Autogenic training might be effective for decreasing women's anxiety before delivering."" -Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011 Jul 6;(7):CD007559.Auf Basismeiner Erfahrung in der Unterrichtung dieses Verfahrens mit vielenTeilnehmern resultiert diese Version der Anleitung""Autogenes Training - Entspannung einfach & selbstbestimmt "" Dieser Kurs beinhaltet Anleitungen mit beruhigender Hintergrundmusik, einPDF- Dokument zur Zusammenfassung der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse, sowie MP3-Dokumente zur individuellen Anwendung im Alltag und ein Geschenk in der Bonus-Lektion!Sie sind herzlich eingeladen den Kurs anzuwenden!;)Ich freue mich Sie in diesem Kurs zu begren!Ihr Kevin KockotPS: Thanks to Erokia/JordanPowell - Sound Design Freesoundorg/people/Erokia/ (Commons Attribution 3.0)"
Price: 19.99

"Learn numbers and associate with others" |
"The power of numbers, the power of clock . Time Price and volume are the main ingredient. How to avail success and how to avoid failure. With the term of rules you can able to avoid failure and re connect with the success.Numbers speaks loudly, All the planets are rotating in the zone of numbers, which number is useful for you. Basically my course is reading of numbers whetherit is in stock market or in other standard.It is a fact that numbers dominate in your life by my course you can be able to formed the numbers."
Price: 199.99

"Firewall IPCOP - Installation and configuration" |
"If you are a network administrator, engineer, technician or trainee in systems, network, security of informations or anyone who's looking for knowledge, this course is for you!This course about the firewall IPCOP is the most important and recommended opensource firewall by many engineers of network and systems.If you need to secure your network this firewall is one of the best solutions in firewalling.NOTE:Please to install GNS3 and VirtualBox or VMware workstation on your PC to get started and for better experience.This is 100% Opensource Operating system; a Linux Distribution; complete, configured, and ready to protect your network.distributed under the GNU General Public License , complete source ready to be downloaded from the official Web Site of IPCOP or from the second video of this course.In this course we are using the version 2.1.8.If you are a student you can enroll this course for free, contact me."
Price: 19.99

"The Ultimate SEO, Social Media & Digital Marketing MASTERY" |
"""This Digital Marketing Course is so detailed, animated and the professionalism is really compelling. The effort and detail that is so evident throughout the course is so encouraging. There is such a well rounded approach to course material and each lesson truly adds value to the learner. This is definitely worth every penny and I'd pay for it twice :). Really happy with the course-work and knowledge gained!"" Taslynn""Thank you for the continual updates... this Digital Marketing Course is SO much better than I was expecting, and MUCH more comprehensive than I realized it would be..."" Mark""I never thought that I can find a teacher like Tomas. The Best Digital Marketing Expert. Dear Tomas helps his students by heart. I am pleased to be your student. With no doubt. You have opened my eyes on lots of things, especially with Facebook that I never thought of. I have a lot of fun learning new ideas and principles that is really helpful. Useful. But the main thing is that I worked on Facebook ads before and had a lots of successful ads with good quality ranking, but I can tell you that when I am following your intelligent strategies, I feel that I knew nothing about Facebook ads or related topics. I am right now reviewing the lessons constantly and applying these great ideas on my future projects. Thank you from my heart and I wish you all the best to you and your family. Only Request: Please keep updating and posting new contents because we are so hungry :)"" Zakaria""He's amazing... Still... I'm loving the Digital Marketing Course. Covers everything, easily, with great resources and it has been continually updated. Couldn't ask for more. Fabulous."" Julia""According to me this is the best course I have ever watched on Udemy."" Rameshwar""Hi Tomas, I purchased your course on Udemy -The Ultimate SEO,SM & DM Mastery. Ive only just gone through the first 2 hours or so but the amount of effort you and the team put in is so evident and inspiring. And the course material is excellent too - you clearly are one of the best digital marketing teachers on Udemy. And Im saying that because Ive purchased pretty much all the popular courses on Udemy, but yours is a class apart. While everyone else just talks about the basics, you are not afraid to dive deep and I admire that. I will leave a good review on Udemy as well but I just wanted to let you know personally as well. Best wishes. Happy to be connected with you on LinkedIn."" SahilCan you afford to keep wasting money on ineffective ad strategies that drain your budget? Sick of staying stuck in a dead-end job that's underpaid and going nowhere? Want to upskill so you can switch career? Maybe you'd like to grow your business faster?UNLOCK THE FULL POWER OF GOOGLE, YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, Bing, and Yahoo! with POWERFUL SEO TECHNIQUES, including 187 SEO Tools, 210 SEO Ranking Factors, SEO Keywords, SEO Copywriting, UX SEO, Website Creation, WordPress SEO Yoast, WordPress Security, Local SEO, Voice SEO, Visual SEO, E-Commerce SEO, Snippets SEO, SEO Backlinks, SEO Wikipedia, SEO RankBrain, Conversion Rate Optimisation, Google Ads, Google Ads Editor, Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Facebook Business Manager, LinkedIn Ads, Newsletter Marketing, Press Release Marketing, Blog Marketing, Content Marketing, TikTok Marketing, YouTube Marketing including VIDEO MARKETING, VIDEO SEO and VIDEO Creation....This is my new 2020 Ultimate Mastery Course! Now you also get my ultimate guide to professional Video Creation Mastery, which allows you to harness the power of video to market your business, using only your smartphone!Hi, I'm Tomas Moravek, and in 2016 I was awarded the Internet Efficiency Award for my Social Media Marketing Strategy. Now I'm here on Udemy, with my exclusive, comprehensive course designed to take you from novice to expert in digital marketing.With this course, I've really gone the extra mile, hiring a professional video content creator with experience producing ads for Pepsi, Nike, Adidas, Lays, and Red Bull. Now you can easily learn how to create powerful, professional looking videos with viral potential, that will massively expand your follower engagement and customer reach, using only your smartphone.I learned the hard way what to do - and what to avoid when it comes to digital marketing and SEO strategies, on the web, FACEBOOK, YOUTUBE, INSTAGRAMWith this course I'm offering you all my knowledge so you can avoid these mistakes and instead follow a blueprint to success that won't see you wasting your time, energy, or ad budget.My driving motivation for making this course, is my passion to share with others, so I can see them grow in their skillset and mastery using my knowledge. I get enormous satisfaction from the feedback my many satisfied students give me.This course will help you do digital marketing right. Put in just a bit of effort and you'll swiftly become proficient in SEO, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Messenger Ads, YouTube, Video content creation, and so much more. With it, you'll learn how to promote your business and quickly expand your reach.With my help, you'll be able to avoid making costly mistakes, and you'll save time too, because I'll be giving you only tried and tested techniques that have been proven to work many times over.These days, digital marketing can turn around your financial situation - if you know how to do it right. I'll be sharing with you many strategies and tools that will help you achieve success, including my latest addition, a complete guide to mastering Video Creation and SEO for YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.Video content creation can be a powerful tool. It's the world's most popular content medium, shared 1200% more on social media than any other content type.Just one well-made video could turnaround your business, bringing you a slew of new customers, boosting your sales, social media followers and sign ups, and helping you hit those all-important first page spots on Google and YouTube.There's a TON of money out there that could be in YOUR bank account, and my Digital Marketing, SEO, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Video Creation Mastery guides can help you tap into this rich stream of income.You need to avoid the bad advice and use the proven, tried and tested techniques that make the pros money. I'll help you do his, in fact, that's the reason I created this course!You will need to put in the work, but I can assure you, if you do, and if you follow my powerful social media marketing strategies, YOU WILL SEE RESULTS.These are techniques that have been PROVEN TO DELIVER - thousands of times over.I created this comprehensive course to take complete novices with no knowledge of SEO, FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM & MESSENGER ADS, YOUTUBE, SOCIAL MEDIA, VIDEO CREATION, or DIGITAL MARKETING and turn them into Digital Marketing MASTERS.This course is a real passion of mine, so I constantly update and improve it. Lifetime updates and access are included automatically when you enrol, so you'll always be able to access the latest, most relevant Digital Marketing knowledge and strategies.My Ultimate Digital Marketing Mastery course is designed to help you succeed no matter what level of skill you are at, even if you are a complete novice. By enrolling, you'll learn all my winning strategies, and will have the knowledge you need to succeed at SEO, FACEBOOK ADS, VIDEO CREATION, YOUTUBE, INSTAGRAM, SOCIAL MEDIA, and DIGITAL MARKETING.I've spent years developing and testing out these strategies. Many of my former course students will enthusiastically attest to their effectiveness and are now using them to unlock profitable streams of income via social media and the web.After completing my course, you'll be able to join them. With it, you'll have all the knowledge you'll need to dramatically increase your SALES & PROFITS, boost growth, expand your market reach and attract NEW CUSTOMERS.Learn Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Messenger Ads, and YouTube techniques that boost your conversion rates and obtain powerful SEO strategies that get your business FOUND.Become an expert content creator and effective copywriter with the power to persuade and discover how to create the type of magnetic and VIRAL YOUTUBE AND FACEBOOK ADS video content that gets everyone talking.Learn POWERFUL VIDEO CREATION TECHNIQUES using only your smartphone! Video is so important to your marketing strategy because it's the fastest growing and most shared type of content out there. By 2021, over 80% of all global content shared will be video. 79% of consumers say they'd prefer to view a video to learn about a product than read text on a webpage. With my course, you'll become fully proficient in professional video creation and editing, with expert input from an experienced industry insider, who I've hired to help create material for my course. You'll learn how to use DJI Osmo and RODE microphone to keep your videos smooth and your sound ultra-clear. You'll learn the essential editing techniques needed to polish your productions with Adobe Premier Pro. You'll get hours of royalty free music that you can use to enhance your creations and you'll also learn how to optimise your Video SEO and effectively market your videos for maximum engagement. There is NO OTHER DIGITAL MARKETING ALL IN 1 COURSE currently on the market that covers video marketing, video SEO, and Video Content Creation in so much depth and detail.This is my most comprehensive Digital Marketing Course, ram packed with 65 hours of training, strategies, advices, assignments, blueprints, summaries, To-Do lists and handy step by step guides, plus I can guarantee you that even more EXCITING UPDATES are coming every month.With Lifetime access and updates, and a 30-day money-back refund guaranteed, theres NOTHING TO LOSE and UNLIMITED PROFIT to unlock.I've updated this course with an improved curriculum and far better and more efficient organisation. See what my 17,000+ satisfied students say about it:""This is an awesome course. I am searching for too long on Udemy to find something that combines all of them together like Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Copywriting, and more. The Teacher is very professional and loves his jobs, and this is obvious if you see the total hours of the course, and almost everyday teacher updated the course with new feeds. I do not wait to finish it and master the social media tools. Thanks Teacher."" Evangelos""BEST TUTORIAL VIDEO EVER!!! Full of knowledge and very passionate teacher. Please stop ""APOLOGISING FOR BEING REPETITIVE"" about your teaching, this is not a Magic pills for a quick fix solutions. Mr Tomas Moravek, your teaching is reflection of caring and true passion of skills and experiences. Thank you very much for your time and efforts. Great video."" Mr Prosper/London""Contents are crisp and top notch.. All are practically explained. Easy to understand the subjects"" Sarath""Hi, I bought the course and I was very impressed. The fact that the topics are explained in detail is very good for beginners like me. There is no question mark in my mind. Also, the quick answer to my questions makes me feel precious. The update of the course is a plus for me. Thanks Tomas."" Halil""I'm loving it. I'm giving a lot of time to study the course since the home quarantine started. There are some lessons that I find difficult to understand as I'm new to the course. However, everything is very helpful because as I go along, I'm beginning to have clarity in every lesson. And the best thing is that I have lifetime access, which means I can return anytime to any topic whenever I want for continuous learning at my own pace."" Jerry""It is the definitive guide to becoming an expert Digital Marketer in very little time. This course provides proven tips and strategies to boost your online presence to 1st page search result for your business or for others."" Adeyinka""The instructor packs the entire course with value. This was one of my best purchases on Udemy (out of around 90 courses). I like the fact that the instructor will be working on this course continuously and keep on adding value. His accent may be a little unclear at times, but I know I could not do such a great course in a foreign language. This is a fantastic course and I urge everyone interested to enroll."" David Verney""Tomas is a great instructor. He tells you everything you need to know from beginner to advanced!"" Jesper""The most complete course for marketing strategy."" Iulian Ghergi""Never judge a book by its cover. How often have you heard that? While it is true the instructor here does talk quite a bit, you can see (hear) the excitement in his voice - and thats a good thing. I was a bit hasty in my initial review and as life has interrupted my ability to concentrate on any marketing for some time, I'm just getting back into this course. Perseverance and patience and you will get something from this course. As an author I don't need (at least I don't think so at present) to know all the different marketing techniques, so I tend to cherry-pick thats OK, I'm not a complete novice when it comes to Facebook adv. but Thomas Moravek knows his way around FB ads like I know my way around a suspense introduction to a horror story. Recommend it."" Craig McDonough""Yes. Very useful course. I am new to SEO, so it's really helped me go from ""what is SEO"" to knowing all the different strategies to make it successful. I'm excited to learn more about what the course has to offer in upcoming chapters."" Hemani Bhardwaj""Very good lecturer who takes his time to explain everything in a calm and relaxed manner."" NicoleI am really wowed that there has been a huge lecture dedicated for each & single SEO topic. Thanks."" Santhoshninja""It was a good match for me. Excellent course."" KochadaiEnrol in Ultimate SEO, Social Media & Digital Marketing MASTERY now and SUPERCHARGE your digital marketing skills, boost your sales or land that highly paid dream job.This course is a tried and tested strategical guide that I promise will ROCKET-FUEL your Digital Marketing skills.Who will my course benefit?Feel overwhelmed by all the information out there and need help understanding what SEO, Social Media, Video Creation, & Digital Marketing Strategies that actually work?Would you like to always know what actions will be profitable when it comes to your SEO, Social Media, Video Creation, & Digital Marketing?Maybe you don't know where to begin with SEO, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Video Marketing, Video Creation & YouTube SEO or Local SEO?Want to diversify into a digital marketing-based career but need to get a good grounding in the skills required first?If the answer to any of the above questions is yes, you'll find my comprehensive course will help greatly. It takes you through ALL the steps necessary to become a highly effective Digital Marketing MASTER, teaching you tested and proven techniques you can start using immediately to make your advertising budget more cost-effective, and expand your CUSTOMER REACH.My new video creation update, included free as part of this course, means you'll now have even more knowledge at your fingertips. With 84% of marketers ranking video production skills as crucial when hiring, you'll want to learn how to do this right.WHAT WILL YOU GET?Even if you're a complete beginner, my course teaches you everything you need to know to make Facebook Marketing, Facebook, Instagram and Messenger Ads work for you. YOU GET: Complete walkthrough guide to Facebook Marketing & Advertising Master guide to professional Video Creation for FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM & YOUTUBE - with input from experienced Video Producer who has created ads for Pepsi, Nike, Adidas, and multiple other big-name brands Guide to Facebook 3 new score relevancy metrics - quality ranking, engagement rate ranking, conversion rate ranking Easy and quick Facebook business page optimization Facebook competition analysis to give you an edge over your rivals Guide to creating Facebook posts that get MAXIMUM engagement Guide to MASTERING Facebook messenger ads that get clients instantly Learning resources that help you use Facebook jobs to benefit your business MASTER Facebook pixel guide (including Events) Facebook remarketing strategies to make your budget go much further Facebook lookalike audiences guide to help expand your reach Blueprint to quickly create targeted Facebook local ads Blueprint to create TARGETED Facebook lead generation ads that bring the RIGHT kind of traffic Blueprint to create Facebook traffic ads that bring you PAYING CUSTOMERS Facebook keywords research guide Facebook business analytics guide to help you build sustainable growth and make smarter improvements Guide to using Facebook local ads with Google local ads for MAX RESULTS Walk through on constructing magnetic Facebook ENGAGEMENT ads that effortlessly attract interest Powerful Facebook video ads TECHNIQUES that attract a viral following Professional looking Facebook video creation TUITION Guide to making Facebook video polls that boost engagement Blueprint to making Facebook reach ads that unlock new market sectors Facebook blueprints to give you the highest quality rating Facebook blueprints to boost brand new business pages Facebook blueprints for effective Real Estate marketing MASTER Facebook Messenger Ads (including Lead Forms & Retargeting) Strategies to DRASTICALLY BOOST your Facebook quality ranking Tips to MASSIVELY IMPROVE your Facebook engagement ranking Guide to the Facebook Conversion rate rating and how to boost it Blueprint to creating Facebook polls that boost engagement MASTER GUIDE to effective Facebook content creation Facebook conversion ads blueprints that will BOOST YOUR SALES Walkthrough on how to use Facebook advanced pixel settings with Events MASTER GUIDE to Facebook catalogue feeds and sales Blueprints to create Facebook & Instagram & Messenger dynamic ads that work 24/7 for your brand Guide to smart Facebook retargeting Facebook BEST practices Guide Savvy Facebook personas tips and marketing tricks Facebook advanced targeting guide Complete guide to Facebook ads manager Complete guide to Facebook business manager Walkthrough on using Facebook Creative Hub Guide to using Facebook insights to target and make valuable tweaks that GROW YOUR AUDIENCE! How to use Facebook search to GET SEEN Guide to Facebook canvas Guide to using Google Analytics to boost your Facebook ads Facebook & Instagram marketing trends Facebook To-Do lists for Dynamic Ads and Lead Ads And so much more!Wait, there's even more! Not only will you get all my expert Facebook Ads knowledge, you'll also receive 13 POWERFUL SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING STRATEGIES: Cutting Edge Social Media Strategy to Master Viral Video Content Creation KEY Social Media Marketing Trends - CONSTANTLY UPDATED Social Media Essentials Guide to building MAGNETIC content Why you should THINK SOCIAL FIRST on Social Media - How a Traditional Marketing Mindset may be holding you back Facebook vs. Instagram KEY Advertising differences & Best practice STRATEGY Strategical Guide to Decreasing Facebook Ads Costs using your Facebook Relevance Score My winning Internet Efficiency Award Facebook Strategy REAL CASE STUDIES with Score Relevancy 10 My Super-Fast PROVEN Instagram TURBO-BOOSTER SEO & Social Media Marketing Optimization - Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc. Insider Social Media Keywords Research to help you WIN at Social Media Search Super-hacks for Positive Reputation Management Super-hacks to unlock the full power of Google my Business Easy Walkthroughs made for total Social Media Beginners available throughout the whole courseDid you know that on Social Media video content gets shared 1200% more than any other type of content? And did you also know that video makes you 53 times more likely to achieve a front-page Google search result?MASTERING VIDEO MARKETING is critical to your success as a Digital Marketer. Including video on your landing page has been proven to increase conversions by 80%.Video content has the power to massively boost your brand, that's why I've updated this latest version of my course with a Master guide to professional Video Creation for FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM & YOUTUBE. This is exclusive, high-level content with input from an industry insider who has created ads for Pepsi, Nike, Adidas, and many other household names.Learn techniques that will TURBO-CHARGE YOUR VIRAL VIDEO CONTENT MAKING SKILLS this 2020 and experience an explosion of growth, new followers, sales and sign ups.Included in this invaluable guide are easy explainers and walkthroughs that help you: CREATE professional looking video content with VIRAL potential LEARN tips, tricks, and insider video marketing and production secrets KEEP your videos smooth and clear sounding with DJI Osmo CREATE magnificient videos with DJI Drone DISCOVER how to edit videos like an expert with Adobe Premier Pro OPTIMISE your Video SEO to achieve top search results so you GET FOUND FREE! Royalty music & LUTS you can use with your creations MARKET your video content effectively and achieve a huge audience and high number of shares, views, likes and click-throughs GET all of this and create VIRAL VIDEO using only the power of your smartphone!!!PLUS, I'm also giving an EXCLUSIVE VIDEO CREATION BONUS away with this course to enhance your video production The invaluable OFFEO video package.With it you'll be able to easily: CREATE impressive and professional videos for social media in just a few clicksThere's even more. When you enrol you'll also get: 100 premium cinematic particle footages Spectra 4K light leaks that will add impressive effects to your visual content 5 Royal Music Themes 600 High Quality icons 247 POWER WORDS you can incorporate in your copy to boost conversions 392 CLICKBAIT headlines to increase your conversions Complete guide to easy and PRO-LOOKING WORDPRESS website creationMy Digital Marketing Mastery Course will help you become expert at both traditional SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) using Google, Yahoo!, Bing, etc AND Social Media and Video Content Optimisation.Enrol in my course and you'll learn ESSENTIAL Google, Yahoo!, Bing, Facebook, Instagram #, Instagram Stories, YouTube, LinkedIn, techniques, PLUS SEO STRATEGIES THAT WILL GET YOU SEEN including: SEO Fundamentals MASTER GUIDE SEO Strategies that get you FOUND! SECRET SEO & Social Media optimisation strategy TO MAX TRAFFIC SEO Key factors and Tools that will give you an edge SEO Analytics guide - so you can make smart tweaks to expand your reach SEO Keywords research KEY INSIGHT Efficient SEO Keywords organisation technique SEO Content organisation & optimisation Guide PERSUASIVE SEO Copywriting Techniques SWIFT SEO UX optimisation strategy SEO WordPress Yoast configuration & optimisation - EASY WALKTHROUGH INVALUABLE SEO Google search console info HANDY GUIDE to SEO Website speed optimisation SEO On-page guide SEO Images information you can use to GET SEEN SEO WordPress security walkthrough Resources to MASTER SEO Rich Snippets Smarter SEO Wikipedia link building POWERFUL SEO YouTube link building FAST SEO Facebook, Pinterest, and LinkedIn link building techniques SEO 300 bloggers outreach technique Easy-to-follow SEO PR link building Guide The most powerful SEO Link building strategy SEO for Local business and Google my business (Google maps) Video SEO and YouTube SEO WINNING TECHNIQUESWhen you enrol, you also get: COURSE MATERIALS AND TUITION Worth AT LEAST $2700 XLS / ODS To-Do lists to help you get organised and complete your goals Lifetime access Lifetime updates Fast & friendly support in the Q&A section Handy PDF jam packed with useful and FREE EXTRA RESOURCES that you can download Udemy certificate of completion - ready for download 30-day money back guaranteeWhat are you waiting for? There are multiple profit streams with your name on!I can't wait to welcome you on board as my newest student because I know you're going to find what I've discovered invaluable. I've made plenty of mistakes along the way, but after I teach you how to do things right, you won't have to!I've set my course at a fair, low-cost price point, considering the level of expertise I possess and the effort spent compiling the course content. I promise you, if your goal is to broaden your digital marketing skill set with powerful and effective strategies that work, this course will change your life.Don't just sit and let life pass you by, for one small investment you can ENROL RIGHT NOW and join thousands of my satisfied students. Get the knowledge you need to expand your skills, and effectively market your business in today's fast-paced digital business environment. Update your skillset with the latest video production and editing techniques so you can stay relevant as video dominates the content game. Now you can get a piece of the fastest growing content medium and gain the edge over all your competitors.My easy-to-understand, quick-learning course will help you to build sustainable growth, without throwing your money away on useless ads that don't work for you. Get the knowledge you need to unlock digital profits and tap into new income streams, upgrade your quality of life, and AFFORD THE LIFESTYLE YOU WANT.I look forward to welcoming you on board as my newest student,YoursIng. Tomas Moravek"
Price: 199.99

"SUPERCHARGE your Facebook Marketing & Facebook Ads in 2020" |
"Join 12,000+ students in my bestselling Facebook Marketing & Facebook Ads course on Udemy! Supercharge your own business, make money as Facebook Ads & Instagram Ads expert, work from anywhere as a freelance Facebook marketer, or land a highly-paid job.""It's so amazing all this course. I am really impresed on how Tom explained all this complicated stuff easily and clearly. He is not like others (''Fake Marketing Gurus'') outhere who they sold their image and luxury life. He is so prefessional and well updated person and cares about other students learning too. I will manage it for sure with Tomas courses. Thank you Tom"" Evangelos""Simply love this course! Tomas really knows a lot about the platform and I'm finding every time some new golden nuggets which I didn't know about before. Thank you so much for this course!"" Dylan""Extremely detailed course with step by step guide procedure to create effective ads. It even comes with actual case studies for all the methods used in the course. I'd highly recommend to anyone looking to learn about Facebook Marketing to get this course! As a bonus, Tomas is extremely active in the Q&A section to answer all our doubts. Thanks Tomas!"" Raymond""This has been so far the best course I have studied on Udemy. Tomas regularly updates and tries to teach 360-degree Facebook marketing."" Anurudh""I decided to purchase this course to gain a new skill set during the quarantine and I have been extremely impressed. Tomas' teaching is very detailed and he covers a lot of ground in a sequence that reinforces principles and ideas that you absolutely need to know. In addition, I reached out to Tomas with a question and he got back to me with a detailed response in a timely manner. Highly recommend this course."" Kevin""I think this is a great course. In my opinion you get a lot of information about social media ads. Tom gives clear information and repeats it continuous to make you sure you fully understand it. New videos are also added frequently to make sure you are up to date with information. I had multiple questions throughout the course and Tom was always happy to help me. I really liked that as well. I paid 11,99 for this course with a special event from Udemy. I my opinion the 11,99 was well spent on this course! I played this course on speed 1,5x to get more fluent videos."" Kane""Hello to everyone. First of all I'd like to say thank you to Tomas he's providing very good content. I enrolled in this course maybe 2 months ago and I haven't finished yet because I work and study after work....I have learned a lot and understand why I wasn't successful when I first started Fb Ads for my shopify store last year but now I am more confident. This week exactly yesterday (10-03-2020) I signed my first contract $750 for a trial to be running Fb ads for a travel agency that was a suprised to me and I really hope I will provide good result to my client. Thank you once more to Tomas you are really doing hard work for us."" Iawrence""I'm amazed by the quality of the content creation material, which is a key topic on a marketing course! You can clearly see that Tomas is really an expert in the subject. In my first review I complained about the course organization, which after talking with Tomas, was fixed (among other things); now the course is structured in a way that is easy to follow. Having a teacher that listen to his students and strive to create the best content is really important! The strategies are sound and the content is well explained. One nice aspect is that Tomas always create honest Ads for the customers and never uses ""dark hacks"" like fake scarcity. It's the most complete course about Facebook Business and have new videos time to time."" GabrielThis is the most Ultimate & Advanced course ever. I loved the way this course is being delivered. Every lecture is described in a detailed manner, much more engaging and to the point. No doubt that this course is teaching about everything you need to know about facebook page & ads from A to Z. Course delivery is a little slow so I watched every video at 1.5 x speed. Overall the course is as amazing as I expected. Thank you so much for delivering everything in details. SagarThis is the only course you need. For Real, Tomas is delivering so much value, it's almost criminal! I have followed a lot of Facebook ads course, none of them made me feel confident like this one. Thank you again for this course! There is so much value, much more than in others that costs 997! Thomas""AWESOME COURSE! When I started this course I did it only to promote the products I sell on Amazon. But I started to really like marketing thanks to Tomas. So now, one month later, I signed my first client last week for 800$/month that I will handle social media marketing for. And a meeting with potential second client booked! Did not expect that when starting this course, but it is truly awesome!"" Jesper""Tomas is passionate about Facebook advertising and he knows his stuff. Watch carefully, he is sharing exactly what works for him. He answers questions and goes above and beyond what you would expect from a teacher. I'm 10 videos into the course and I have my first client! I simply shared a little bit of the knowledge that Tomas shared and the client ASKED ME to help him with his marketing."" Rory""Great course for people who wants to learn and start practising from day 1. The teacher's attitude toward students is exceptional. Thanks Tomas"" Mike""Man, after years studying Facebook Marketing, your Udemy Supercharge course was the only one that worth the time investment. You're awesome, with great didatic! Thanks for sharing your view and knowledge."" Erik""My experience with this course is wonderful. I have learnt a lot even though I am still below 50 % completion. Purchase the course today and you will not regret it! With all love from Nigeria."" Mars""Tomas is a Gem. He has explained this course in detail. This is my first Udemy course which was so lengthy and detailed. Tomas is responsive and active to all the questions asked in the course. I really respect the knowledge he has in this field and the willingness to help others succeed. I love you Tomas! I will enroll for your other courses as well. Thank you!"" Aman""Amazing teaching style, by the way!"" JoeCourse is great! A lot of valuable information."" Dustin""Hello! Thank you so much for this course, as a beginner this has helped me with my clients a lot! Just thought I would leave a message for you, thank you! Greetings from UK! Keep doing what you are doing!"" Sam""Listen to Tom! I finished over a month ago and put Tom's advise into practice. Listen to him you need to work on creating GREAT content and have hyper focused targeting especially with video. Doing this I was able to get a relevancy score of 10 for video views and 8 for engagement goals. Thank you sir for taking the time to teach us what really matters and not just the technical stuff which changes all the time. :) "" Laolu""I have been promoting on engagement and videos for 2 weeks and got 3 sales of $200+ each. Which is a good start! This is the perfect training to be 100 % sure of what you are doing. Mentor have very good teaching skills. Overall this is the best training I have ever take. And I have spent over $20,000 looking for the ""formula"" with all kind of fake gurus out there."" RamseyI feel like he's giving everything he knows. He is really devoted to his students. When asking questions, response takes like 1 hour. I will take all of his courses. I'm sure that what he provides will be my turning point at 2020. SeunghyunThank you Tomas for this detailed course!! This course is much detailed one and you are continuously improving this by uploading new videos on student's request. RajaI just completed 17% of the course and I already find it very useful, very good training. I was wasting in facebook the very few money I had when it comes to Ads. I will definitely sign up for the other two courses of this guy when I finish this one. Hey, guys, I don't know Tom, we're very far away from one to another but he's done a great job with this training. JamesReally detailed and easy to follow instructions. Nice to see at teacher who know (from experience) what he is talking about. Preben""Great instructor and great content. It covers more than facebook, even google my business, how to create a website and much more."" Mario""I am working on building an agency around FB marketing, you are definitely one of the people I have to thank :)"" Michelle""Dear Tom, I would like to share with you and all your students my first Lead Campaigns and I got sales for 5 order with more than 150 $ profit."" Mohammad""Im a beginner to Facebook marketing and this course is giving me a solid foundation for success with Facebook marketing! Cant wait to keep learning as there is real value here."" BrennenWhen you enrol, youll learn the only tested, proven, and unbeatable way to WIN with your Facebook Marketing & Facebook Advertising. Learn from my most successful Facebook Marketing campaigns follow the blueprints Ill show you and use the same strategy to reap profits from your Facebook Ads. Using clear video explainers, Ill teach you both theoretically and practically how to create winning Facebook content targeted to the right people. Then Ill show you how to amplify your results using specific types of Facebook remarketing to bring in a consistent lead stream with Facebook every time.This course will make your Facebook Ads budget 100 % more effective! With my expert tuition youll understand the power of engaging Facebook Ads content and how to create it. Without grasping this fundamental principle your Facebook Ads will always underperform I will teach you how to create Facebook winning content that magnetises leads.If youre looking to use Facebook Ads, Facebook Marketing, or Facebook Advertising youll find it hard to discover a better investment on the entire internet than my Internet Efficiency award-winning strategy. Using easy to understand video presentations Ill lay out real case studies you can use as instant blueprints to success. Ive been developing my Facebook Marketing Master Strategy for more than 9 years now. By the end of this course youll know everything you need to succeed and profit from Facebook Marketing, Facebook Ads, & Facebook Advertising. Along the road to presenting this information to you, Ive tested thousands of Facebook Ads campaigns & hundreds of Facebook targeting to arrive at a method that delivers consistent results that work every single time. After seeing this Facebook marketing strategy, you wont need to spend a penny on Facebook Marketing Courses - ever again. Youll know Facebook Ads inside and out and will understand the Facebook Marketing algorithm (Facebook Score Relevancy) and how to use it to your advantage.The great thing is, you dont need any prior experience using Facebook Ads or any special skills to consistently get great results using my Facebook Marketing & Facebook Advertising Strategy. The only thing you need to do is follow my instruction, so you gain a crystal-clear understanding of how Facebook Marketing & Facebook Ads really work.Youll understand exactly how to use Facebook Marketing & Facebook Ads 100% more effectively. If youre prepared to work hard and apply the knowledge, I will teach you, you can enjoy prosperity using Facebook Marketing & Facebook Ads.Ill teach you how to WIN at Facebook Marketing, including how to obtain a number one ranking position in Facebook search, plus, as an extra bonus, when you enrol in my Facebook Marketing Course, Ill also teach you how to supercharge your Instagram marketing and gain new followers every day with zero effort.Youll also receive my guide to Facebook lead generation Ads that will get you a stream of new clients immediately! Even if you have no prior knowledge you can immediately learn how to master Facebook Marketing and start profiting from it. This is the No 1 Internet Efficiency Awarded Facebook Marketing strategy for Facebook Ads & Facebook Advertising available to you at an unbelievable price.And with my mobile optimised content and easy to understand material, you can study effortlessly anywhere - download my app via the Apple Store or Google Play and you can start learning my Facebook marketing strategies wherever you are at any time of day!This course is yours Facebook Ads & Facebook Marketing strategical guide containing 70 Facebook Ads Strategical Guides proven to ROCKET-FUEL yours Facebook Marketing performance.From beginner to expert:New Facebook Ads Experience 2020New Facebook Creator Studio 2020New Facebook Business Page 2020New Facebook Business Manager 2020New Facebook Audiences 2020Facebook marketingFacebook advertisingFacebook strategy to decrease Facebook ads costsFacebook strategy to increase C-T-R rateFacebook relevancy scoreFacebook quality rankingFacebook engagement rate rankingFacebook conversion rate rankingFacebook video content MASTERYCustomer journey on FacebookFacebook personasFacebook marketing trends for 2020Facebook BEST practicesFacebook content strategyFacebook engagement strategyFacebook blueprints with score relevancy 10Facebook blueprints for real estateFacebook blueprints for new pagesFacebook business page set upFacebook business page optimisationFacebook business page advanced settingsFacebook business page appoitmentsFacebook competition analysisFacebook postsFacebook pollsFacebook video pollsFacebook jobsFacebook targetingFacebook pixelFacebook advanced pixel eventsFacebook remarketingFacebook retargetingFacebook dynamic retargetingFacebook dynamic collectionsFacebook advanced remarketing strategiesFacebook lookalike audiencesFacebook custom audiencesFacebook insightsFacebook creative hubFacebook local adsFacebook reach adsFacebook video adsFacebook music libraryFacebook engagement adsFacebook messenger adsFacebook messenger ads with lead formsFacebook messenger botsFacebook campaign budget optimisationFacebook lead adsFacebook dynamic adsFacebook catalogue sales adsFacebook catalogue feedsFacebook instant experienceFacebook traffic adsFacebook conversion adsFacebook conversion ads optimisation with carouselsFacebook business analyticsFacebook business managerFacebook ""most difficult ads"" TO-DO lists in PDF, ODS & XLSXFacebook content creation resources in PDF, ODS & XLSXFacebook searchFacebook copywritingFacebook & Instagram easy video creation (Facebook Video Toolkit)Facebook reportsFacebook attributionsSign up for my course today and get my Internet Awarded Strategy for Facebook Marketing Success, and all my expert Facebook Marketing & Facebook Ads knowledge PLUS: MASTER Copywriting for Facebook Marketing, Newsletter & Website Creation. Create Magnificent Website on WordPress without any Coding! Super-hacks for Facebook Marketing & Positive reputation management.Did you know that on Social Media video content gets shared 1,200 % more than any other type of content? MASTERING VIDEO MARKETING is critical to your success as a Facebook Ads Marketer. Video content has the power to massively boost your brand, that's why I've updated this latest version of my course with a Master guide to professional Video Creation for FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM. This is exclusive, high-level content with input from an industry insider who has created ads for Pepsi, Nike, Adidas, and many other household names.Learn techniques that will TURBO-CHARGE YOUR FACEBOOK VIDEO CONTENT MARKETING SKILLS this 2020 and experience an explosion of growth, new followers, sales and sign ups. Included in this invaluable guide are easy explainers and walkthroughs that help you: CREATE professional looking video content with VIRAL potential LEARN tips, tricks, and insider video marketing and production secrets KEEP your videos smooth and clear sounding with DJI Osmo and Microphone CREATE magnificient videos with DJI Drone DISCOVER how to edit videos like an expert with Adobe Premier Pro OPTIMISE your Video Facebook Search to achieve top search results so you GET FOUND FREE! Royalty music & LUTS you can use with your creations MARKET your video content effectively and achieve a huge audience and high number of shares, views, likes and click-throughs GET all of this and create VIRAL VIDEO using only the power of your smartphone!!!There's even more. When you enrol you'll also get: The XLS / ODS / PDF Step-by-step TO-DO lists Lifetime access Lifetime updates Fast & friendly support in the Facebook Ads Q&A section (150+ Q&A answered within 24 hours) Facebook strategies in PDF for download Udemy certificate of completion ready for download 30 day money back guaranteeCan you afford to keep wasting money on ineffective Facebook ad strategies that drain your budget? Sick of staying stuck in a dead-end job that's underpaid and going nowhere? Want to upskill so you can switch career? Maybe you'd like to grow your business faster?My easy-to-understand, quick-learning Facebook Ads course will help you build sustainable growth, without throwing your money away on useless ads that don't work for you. Get the knowledge you need to unlock digital profits and tap into new income streams, upgrade your quality of life, and AFFORD THE LIFESTYLE YOU WANT.I look forward to welcoming you on board as my newest student,YoursIng. Tomas Moravek"
Price: 199.99

"Introduction To 3D Character Animation In Unreal Engine 4!" |
"TESTIMONIAL""One word for this course . . . ""FANTASTIC""! This course is as close to perfection as you can get. The instructor speaks slowly, with enthusiasm. He covers all the necessities without bogging you down with too much info. I love how he gets you having fun quickly with the Sequencer section. The audio is of great quality. His depth of knowledge in a variety of 3D packages is amazing. I am familiar with DAZ3D, Mixamo and Unreal but I learned so many great tips and discovered several things that I was doing incorrectly. I searched Youtube for UE4 sequencer tutorials and found none of them to be satisfactory. After ten minutes with this course, I was very confident with Sequencer. If you are interested in getting DAZ3D characters into Unreal, and a ton of bonus tips and information on top of it, you DO NOT want to miss out on this fantastic course!"" ~ J JacksonWhat You Will Learn In This CourseIn this course we will cover the steps on how to animate your character in Unreal Engine 4. This is a project based course, and Ive designed it to be really, really fun! All the scene files you will need are included in the course. You will get the Exile Alien character along with 28 motion-capture animations that work with him. Youre going to love how easy it is - you just drag and drop your character in the scene and its ready to go! Were also going to cover lighting, physically based materials, camera movement and much more. Best of all its FUN! DAZ Studio ExportWe will cover how to prepare your DAZ Genesis character for export and animation. There are certain steps that need to be taken in order for the character to be able to accept motion-capture animations in Mixamo and then imported into Unreal Engine.Mixamo(Note: Even though Mixamo discontinued direct support for Unreal Engine, this method works by exporting standard FBX from Mixamo to UE4.)Next, well upload your character into Adobe Mixamo and add motion-capture animations. Mixamo is a ton of fun, and super easy to use as youll see. There are literally thousands of animations in Mixamo, and all you have to do is click on the animated preview and it will be applied to your character. So youre basically auditioning your character using different animations. You can adjust the speed of the animation, and adjust things like the arm spacing as well. Your character wont have his materials or textures applied - we will do that over in Unreal Engine 4. Unreal Engine 4 - Drag and Drop AnimationInside of Unreal Engine 4 we will have some fun with the Mixamo animations you applied to your character. All you have to do is select your character and drag him into your scene. Hit play, and the animation begins, being rendered in real-time! An Army of Animated AliensInside the course, there are 28 animated aliens, ready for you to drag and drop into your Unreal Engine scene for instant animations! In no time at all, youll have your aliens fighting, jumping, running, or falling. Youll have enough animations to make some really awesome movie scenes! Unreal Engine 4 SequencerNext up is the Unreal Engine Sequencer, which is very similar to a non-linear editor. We will set up your scene, complete with spaceship interior, Exile alien characters, lights, smoke effects and cameras and get it ready for animation. Sequencer makes it really fun to get your scene set up and feels very similar to being on a real movie set. In fact, Ive found thats the best way to think about it - like youre in the real world. Unreal Engines lighting system behaves like real world lights, so its very responsive and intuitive, as you will see.Exporting your video file - and rendering in near real time! Now we will export your movie in high-definition... in near real time! No longer does it take hours or days to render a single frame! This is a real game changer! Imagine being able to setup, animate and then render 1 minute of finished animation per day...it would be entirely possible to complete a 2 hour feature film in 120 days! Unreal Engine 4 has provided the tools to make this possible some day. HitFilm3 ExpressWe will then take our rendered video file and bring it into HitFilm Express, or your favorite video editing program. There we will add color grading, music, sound effects and fine tune our edits to prepare our scene for final output. Your finished High-Definition SceneBy the end of the course you will have completed your own animation scene from beginning to end and have a good understanding of Unreal Engine's animation workflow.Enroll Now Go ahead and click on the enroll now button to get immediate access to your scene files and get started right away! To recap, youll get:The Exile Alien Character along with 28 motion-capture animationsThe complete Unreal Engine 4 project with all assetsThe Genesis 2 Male and Female charactersComplete sci-fi spaceship interiorBest of all, its FUN! See you on the inside!"
Price: 199.99

"Facial Animation & More In Unreal Engine 4! 3D Animation" |
"LEARN FACIAL ANIMATION & MORE WITH UNREAL ENGINE 4 & DAZ STUDIO!Both of these outstanding animation programs are FREE and will allow you to create stunning and highly professional character animations. In this course we will go over the simple techniques that unlock the little known animation powers inside of Unreal Engine. By using the high quality DAZ 3D characters, you will learn how to export any morph targets you'd like from DAZ Studio and then utilize them inside of Unreal Engine 4. REAL TIME ANIMATION RENDERINGBy far one of the most powerful features of Unreal Engine 4 is the ability to see your animations playing in real time as you work. No more slow, sluggish systems that cramp your style and hinder your animation creativity. Unreal Engine 4 is a breeze to use, and best of all ...it's FUN! When your ready to export your animation to an image sequence for later compositing or to a video file, you will be able to render your animation out in near real time! IN THIS COURSE YOU WILL LEARN:How to prepare your DAZ 3D character for export to Unreal Engine 4 with all the morph targets and expressions you wishHow to use the PUPPETEER tool in DAZ as a way to export morphs and animationsHow to properly import your DAZ3D character with it's skeleton, rigging, morph targets, materials and texturesLearn where the morph sliders are in Unreal Engine and how to use themCreate a realistic blink animation for your characterCreate side to side and up & down eye movements for your characterAnimate mouth movements for speech as well as expressionsAnimate your characters head movementsCreate and animate believable expressionsLearn about amazing new tools that work in conjunction with Unreal Engine 4 such as Allright Rig & AkeytsuPlus much, much more!Included In The Course Are Five (5) Fully Rigged CharactersSuper Dude - this character is an original creation by Michael Ricks sculpted in ZBrush. Inspired by the characters from the hit film 'The Incredibles,' Super Dude comes fully rigged with a ton of facial morphs. You'll have an absolute blast right away when you start sliding around the controls and see what hilarious expressions you can make with him. He also comes with the phoneme mouth shapes for accurate lip sync punctuation. Super Dude is based on the DAZ3D Genesis 8 character. Wendy - this cute Toon girl character is also an original creation by Michael Ricks and was sculpted in ZBrush, based on the DAZ3D Genesis 3 character. She also comes with many facial morph and expression controls and will immediately come alive for you in Unreal Engine 4. With her big expressive eyes, you will have her emoting in no time at all!Lil' Frankenstein - this Toon character was also created by Michael Ricks in ZBrush and is based on the DAZ3D Genesis 3 character. Frankie comes with a wide array facial morphs and can create many emotions. You'll have tons of fun with Lil' Frankenstein all year around, not just on Halloween!Billy - also created and sculpted in ZBrush by Michael Ricks, this Toon boy character is based on the DAZ3D Genesis character and comes with a wide variety of facial morphs. You'll have a blast animating Billy!Epic Robot - this way cool robot character is created by Epic Games for the hit VR game Robot Recall. He's a stunning 3d character asset and really fun to animate. He comes with an included animation and sound wave 'roar' so you'll have him up and running right away.NOW IS THE BEST TIME TO LEARN ANIMATION! SO GO AHEAD AND CLICK THE ENROLL NOW BUTTON AND LET'S BEGIN! I'LL SEE YOU ON THE INSIDE!All these characters are included in the course and are for your use both personal and professional for cinematics and film/video use. If you desire to use the characters in an actual game as a playable character you will need to purchase an interactive license from DAZ3D as these characters are based on the Genesis models. At this time, game licenses are running approx $30-$50 per character for a published game. Please go to the DAZ3D website for more information. "
Price: 199.99
