"Jewellery Design in Rhino" |
"In this course, you will learn how to design jewellery by using CAD software ( Rhino 3D ). Thiscourse covers the skills needed to become a CAD designer. The projects help you convert sketches to 3d models and bring them to the real world by using 3D printers and casting. Activities in this training allow you to practise the materials. These are the skills that are possible to influence possible employers and clients.Here you will learn from the basic. So, if you do not have jewellery background or CAD modelling, dont worry. This course explains jewellery techniques which you need to know to create castable 3D models of jewellery."
Price: 189.99

"Rhino 3D : Jewelry Design In Action" |
"In this project, you will learn how to make a three-stone ring in Rhino by using advanced techniques and commands. Also, you will learn how to make basket and bead setting, from scratch.Rhino 3D is the most common software for jewelry (Jewellery) CAD designing in most countries. In this course, you step by step will learn how to make jewelry in Rhino from scratch. Also, you will have access to all of the information (International Ring Size Conversion Chart) and files ( Such as stones).The projects help you convert sketches to 3d models and bring them to the real world by using 3D printers and casting process. Activities in this training allow you to practise the materials. These are the skills that are possible to influence possible employers and clients.If you do not have any experience in Rhino and jewelry CAD designing, it would be better to first take "" Jewellery Design in Rhino - Fundamental Jewellery Designing Techniques in Rhino 3D "" course by Hamed Arab ."
Price: 149.99

"Write a Best-selling Novel of Any Genre" |
"This course will engage you as it gives you the knowledge and understanding needed to successfully write and publish your literary work. This course offers practice tests and best practices that will give you the fundamentals needed to be successful on you writing journey. Also offered, are resources that will assist you in the writing process along the way. Happy learning!"
Price: 24.99

"Python -" |
": Python 17 PythonMark Zuckerberg""""--------- ()(Data Types)(Conditional Statements), (Loops), (Functions)(Libraries)GitHub()Line Class ()--------- PythonPython ()PythonPython Python"
Price: 2800.00

"Crie seu Primeiro Rob de Investimentos com MQL5" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender a criar seu primeiro rob de investimentos (Expert Advisor) na plataforma MetaTrader 5 com a linguagem MQL5 que uma das mais poderosas e utilizadas no mundo. No curso ser ensinado como criar um rob de investimentos do zero (passo a passo). Ser utilizada como base a estratgia de cruzamento de duas mdias mveis e o Indicador IFR (ndice de fora relativa) para acionar as entradas nas operaes com o Rob de investimentos. Inscreva-se agora!"
Price: 39.99

"Curso bsico en Davinci Resolve 14" |
"Davinci Resolvees uno de los principales software de correccin de color en el mundo. En este curso podrn aprender las particularidades tcnicas del programa, con ejemplos prcticos que les permitir hacer correcciones de colores bsicas y avanzadas, con una forma de trabajo real, explicando adems bases y conceptos de la colorimetra, necesarios para trabajar en cualquier proyecto de postproduccin audiovisual.En el curso prcticopasaremos por las diferentes etapas o mdulos de Davinci Resolve, importacin del material y organizacin del proyecto, edicin de video, correcciones de colores primarias , secundarias y tcnicas de color. Exportacin del proyecto , exportacin a Adobe Premier pro y Final cut x.Davinci Resolve 14adems permite trabajar en su versingratuita con una licencia otorgada por Black Magic casi con las mismas caractersticas de la versin paga, la cual podemos descargar desde la pgina.Podrsaccedera material de prctica, documentos y otros recursos que les ayudarn a profundizaren los temas del curso. Adems tendrn una asesora constante a sus preguntas, que siempre sern resueltas en la mayor brevedad.Razones para tomar el cursoQu voy aaprender en este curso?Introduccin a Davinci ResolveGeneralidades de Davinci ResolveCmo descargo Davinci Resolve 14Cmo genero una gestin de base de datosQu son y cmo se gestionan los proyectosConfiguracin de preferencias y proyecto.Importacin de material audiovisualPgina de medios y caractersticasArchivos optimizadosSincronizacin de audio y videoRelinkDeteccin cortes de escenaTrabajar con varios atributos de videoEdicin y conformadoEdicion basicaLnea de tiempoHerramientas de edicinCambios de velocidad de un clipBiblioteca de efectosPropiedades del inspectorXML desde Adobe Premier y Final cut xClip off line como referenciaPgina de colorEl visorPaletas de correccin de colorCrculos de correccin de colorVentana de nodosTime lineRepresentaciones grficas y scopesCorrecciones primariasCrculo LogRGB mixerArchivos LogLutsTrabajar con archivos RawCurvas de colorSeleccin de color (Qualifier)Power windowTrackBlur and sharpenStill (capturas)Introduccin a los nodosTipos de nodos (nodo de capa y paralelos)Modos de composicinComparando correcciones de colorGrupos y versionesAnimacin manualExportacinExportacin a Premier y Final Cut x"
Price: 49.99

"Hosting Websites on Google Cloud Free Forever Tier" |
"Google Cloud Platform has a great free tier, there are lots of options which can make setup complicated. You have to generate SSH keys, login via the terminal, configure a Linux virtual machine (VM), create an SSH tunnel, and adjust your DNS Zone file. This course will walk you through all of those steps from signup on Google Cloud Platform, to configuring a virtual machine using a Bitnami LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) Stack, Uploading basic HTML, CSS & JavaScript files, Installing Wordpress, configuring CloudFlare, setting up multiple sites and sub-domains with virtual hosts (vhosts).Along the way you'll be introduced to several other free tools. If you are currently hosting your website on another hosting provider (such as Dreamhost, BlueHost, HostGator, MediaTemple, GoDaddy or others) you may be paying over $200 a year to host your site. Promo Video Music by Ikson"
Price: 29.99

"Kids Beginner Ukulele Course" |
"Step by step beginner ukulele video course for your child aged 5+to follow along to. They'll just need to grab their ukulele and jump right in. This course includes downloadable material to use while following along to the videos.Some things they'll learn include:How to hold the ukuleleParts of the ukuleleString names and numbersHow to read chord diagramsHow to play 2 full chordsHow to play 4popular Nursery RhymesEasy BeginnerStrumming Patterns"
Price: 39.99

"Learn How to Self-Coach: Achieve Any Result You Want" |
"They say it takes21 daysto form a habit, what they fail to mention is that a habit can be as quickly and aseasily lost as it is gained, in this Life Coachingprogram you will form new strategies of thinking, feeling and behaving thatwill make sure thatany effort you put into forming success habits is well sustained and capitalised on.Read on only if you, like me, are someone who hasa growth mindset and knows that the price ofanything is the amount oftime and effort you put into it. You mustalso be someone who is curious and courageous enough to try out new ideas. TheseLife Coaching ideas areexplained in a simple, step-by-step process backed by demonstrations,exercises, tasks, inquiries and further readings.Following the steps will help you, when practiced well, to become your own Life Coach."
Price: 199.99

"Trading de Bitcoins, Altcoins e ICOs (90% practico)" |
"En este curso aprenders de manera sencilla, rpida y fcil lo que es el Bitcoins y todas las Crypto monedas alternativas al bitcoin, las que se conocen como Altcoins, como lo es el Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin entre muchas otras que recin van iniciando, conocidas tambin como ICOs.Se comparte el conocimiento con el objetivo de que sea usado en beneficio propio,bien sea que tengamos inters en hacer pequeas inversiones, conocer del tema o usarlo de manera profesional, sabiendo ello vamos desde lo ms bsico, como lo que es el Bitcoin y la tecnologa blockchain, a lo ms avanzado, como lo es el trading de cryptos guiados por el precio y volumen."
Price: 74.99

"AWS Foundation - Certification & Job" |
"This course will build your foundation on AWSand its multipleservices, it will also thoroughly prepare you for AWSSolutions Architect Associate and SysOps Administrators Certifications. It will also cover partialtopics needed for AWSProfessional Certification, tune in for Part 2 of this course which wil cover rest of the topics to take up AWSSA-Professional Certification.Each topic will start with basics of that technology and go into deeper dives. For example, lets say we are discussing VPC, instead talking directly about VPCit will cover networking basics like CIDR, Stateful/Stateless Firewalls, IPaddress concepts etc. etc. andthen it will start with VPCconceptsfollowed by Theory &Lab. Finally each topic will end withDemo,Assignments and Quizzes (Quizzes are prepared keeping certification exams in mind).Please try complete the assignments without fail as those have been taken from real life use cases. It will not only help you in certification preparations, it will also prepare you for job interviews and make you hands-on so that you can start working on AWSin Corporate environments/companies right away.All the exercises have lab video answers as well so that if you are stuck somewhere, you can refer to those. But only check the video answers after trying the labs first.NOTE:FOLLOWINGTOPICSWILLBEADDEDSHORTLY:Database Caching:ElastiCacheApplication Integration:SQSArchitectural Knowhows:Architect using AWS, AWSBest Practices, Application Design Patterns"
Price: 69.99

"Lead Generation Shortcut Techniques" |
"Learn how to find any personal information quicker and easily with using shortcut formula.We need to find information about different people in various activities every day. But we cannot always be able to find it.By using the search engine properly, I can easily find the information of any human beingin less time and this is my main idea of lead generation shortcut techniques course.This course will be help you to be an expert on Lead generation within 1.5hour. After completing this Lead Generation Shortcut Techniques course you will be able to find leads very quickly and more easily which improve your business or earning money from freelancing. You need not to use any paid software to find lead.Learning objects:Finding any companypersonFindingcompany websiteFinding someone's with theirprofessionFinding someone's social media profileFinding someone'sphone numberFinding someone's emailFinding someone's locationFinding someone's faxHow to create Linkedin profileHow to work better with Google ChromeHow to find better result with Search EngineSo don't waste your valuable time to find someone's information. So take part in my course and apply it to find the person you want."
Price: 199.99

"Impt sur le revenu des particuliers (rsidents des USA)" |
"Cette formation en ligne traite de l'impt des particuliers qui rsident aux tats-Unis.Bien que la fiscalit soit complexe en soi, cette formation est quand mme facile comprendre et offre de nombreux exemples.Le formateur est monsieur Robert Chayer, associ au cabinet Richter au Canada. Il est responsable du service de la fiscalit amricaine au sein de ce grand cabinet.Il possde une matrise en fiscalit de lUniversit de New Haven au Connecticut. Il a aussi fond CanamTax, un cabinet spcialis en fiscalit amricaine pour les trangers, et a volu au Canada et aux tats-Unis.Au cours des 25 dernires annes, M. Chayer a enseign le cours de fiscalit amricaine lUniversit de Sherbrooke et lcole des Hautes tudes Commerciales de Montral (programmes de matrise). Co-auteur du livre Faire Affaires aux tats-Unis Aspects fiscaux, il agit aussi titre de confrencier auprs de plusieurs socits et organismes.La clientle de monsieur Chayer est constitue principalement de bureaux d'experts-comptables et avocats, ainsi que des socits canadiennes et trangres ayant des activits amricaines (succursales et filiales)."
Price: 19.99

"Exploitation d'une entreprise aux USA (aspects fiscaux)" |
"Cette formation en ligne traite des aspects fiscaux entourant l'exploitation d'une entreprise aux tats-Unis, que cette entreprise soit amricaine ou trangre.Bien que la fiscalit soit complexe en soi, cette formation est quand mme facile comprendre et offre de nombreux exemples.Le formateur estmonsieur Robert Chayer, associ au cabinet Richter au Canada. Il est responsable du service de la fiscalit amricaine au sein de ce grand cabinet.Il possde une matrise en fiscalit de lUniversit de New Haven au Connecticut. Il a aussi fond CanamTax, un cabinet spcialis en fiscalit amricaine pour les trangers, et a volu au Canada et aux tats-Unis.Au cours des 25 dernires annes, M. Chayer a enseign le cours de fiscalit amricaine lUniversit de Sherbrooke et lcole des Hautes tudes Commerciales de Montral (programmes de matrise). Co-auteur du livre Faire Affaires aux tats-Unis Aspects fiscaux, il agit aussi titre de confrencier auprs de plusieurs socits et organismes.La clientle de monsieur Chayer est constitue principalement de bureaux d'experts-comptables et avocats, ainsi que des socits canadiennes et trangres ayant des activits amricaines (succursales et filiales)."
Price: 19.99

"Dtention d'un immeuble aux USA par un tranger: fiscalit" |
"Cette formation en ligne traite de la fiscalit touchant la dtention d'un immeuble aux tats-Unis par un non-rsident amricain, que celui-ci soit un individu ou une socit.Bien que la fiscalit soit complexe en soi, cette formation est quand mme facile comprendre et offre de nombreux exemples.Le formateur estmonsieur Robert Chayer, associ au cabinet Richter au Canada. Il est responsable du service de la fiscalit amricaine au sein de ce grand cabinet.Il possde une matrise en fiscalit de lUniversit de New Haven au Connecticut. Il a aussi fond CanamTax, un cabinet spcialis en fiscalit amricaine pour les trangers, et a volu au Canada et aux tats-Unis.Au cours des 25 dernires annes, M. Chayer a enseign le cours de fiscalit amricaine lUniversit de Sherbrooke et lcole des Hautes tudes Commerciales de Montral (programmes de matrise). Co-auteur du livre Faire Affaires aux tats-Unis Aspects fiscaux, il agit aussi titre de confrencier auprs de plusieurs socits et organismes.La clientle de monsieur Chayer est constitue principalement de bureaux d'experts-comptables et avocats, ainsi que des socits canadiennes et trangres ayant des activits amricaines (succursales et filiales)."
Price: 19.99

"Impt sur le revenu des particuliers (non-rsidents des USA)" |
"Cette formation en ligne traite de l'impt sur le revenu des particuliers qui ne rsident pas aux tats-Unis.Bien que la fiscalit soit complexe en soi, cette formation est quand mme facile comprendre et offre de nombreux exemples.Le formateur estmonsieur Robert Chayer, associ au cabinet Richter au Canada. Il est responsable du service de la fiscalit amricaine au sein de ce grand cabinet.Il possde une matrise en fiscalit de lUniversit de New Haven au Connecticut. Il a aussi fond CanamTax, un cabinet spcialis en fiscalit amricaine pour les trangers, et a volu au Canada et aux tats-Unis.Au cours des 25 dernires annes, M. Chayer a enseign le cours de fiscalit amricaine lUniversit de Sherbrooke et lcole des Hautes tudes Commerciales de Montral (programmes de matrise). Co-auteur du livre Faire Affaires aux tats-Unis Aspects fiscaux, il agit aussi titre de confrencier auprs de plusieurs socits et organismes.La clientle de monsieur Chayer est constitue principalement de bureaux d'experts-comptables et avocats, ainsi que des socits canadiennes et trangres ayant des activits amricaines (succursales et filiales)."
Price: 19.99

"tats amricains: impts corporatifs et taxes de vente" |
"Cette formation en ligne traite des impts corporatifs et des taxes de vente des tats amricains, applicables aux socits par actions (amricaines ou trangres).Bien que la fiscalit soit complexe en soi, cette formation est quand mme facile comprendre et offre de nombreux exemples.Le formateur estmonsieur Robert Chayer, associ au cabinet Richter au Canada. Il est responsable du service de la fiscalit amricaine au sein de ce grand cabinet.Il possde une matrise en fiscalit de lUniversit de New Haven au Connecticut. Il a aussi fond CanamTax, un cabinet spcialis en fiscalit amricaine pour les trangers, et a volu au Canada et aux tats-Unis.Au cours des 25 dernires annes, M. Chayer a enseign le cours de fiscalit amricaine lUniversit de Sherbrooke et lcole des Hautes tudes Commerciales de Montral (programmes de matrise). Co-auteur du livre Faire Affaires aux tats-Unis Aspects fiscaux, il agit aussi titre de confrencier auprs de plusieurs socits et organismes.La clientle de monsieur Chayer est constitue principalement de bureaux d'experts-comptables et avocats, ainsi que des socits canadiennes et trangres ayant des activits amricaines (succursales et filiales)."
Price: 19.99

"Rsidence fiscale amricaine" |
"Cette formation en ligne traite de la notion de rsidence fiscale aux tats-Unis.Bien que la fiscalit soit complexe en soi, cette formation est quand mme facile comprendre et offre de nombreux exemples.Le formateur estmonsieur Robert Chayer, associ au cabinet Richter au Canada. Il est responsable du service de la fiscalit amricaine au sein de ce grand cabinet.Il possde une matrise en fiscalit de lUniversit de New Haven au Connecticut. Il a aussi fond CanamTax, un cabinet spcialis en fiscalit amricaine pour les trangers, et a volu au Canada et aux tats-Unis.Au cours des 25 dernires annes, M. Chayer a enseign le cours de fiscalit amricaine lUniversit de Sherbrooke et lcole des Hautes tudes Commerciales de Montral (programmes de matrise). Co-auteur du livre Faire Affaires aux tats-Unis Aspects fiscaux, il agit aussi titre de confrencier auprs de plusieurs socits et organismes.La clientle de monsieur Chayer est constitue principalement de bureaux d'experts-comptables et avocats, ainsi que des socits canadiennes et trangres ayant des activits amricaines (succursales et filiales)."
Price: 19.99

"Inspire emerging artists interested in pursuing a career in the field of Musical Theatre and theperforming artsand give theman intensive hands-on direction of what to expect if they were to embark on this challenging and exciting journey. This tutorial or Master Class isdivided into five categories: (a) how to structure the plot and write the libretto to a musical story, book and lyrics, (b) how to compose the music (c) how to produce a musical and/or a theatrical production (d) how to direct a musical and/or a theatrical production,and (e) how to nail an audition."
Price: 19.99

"Corso SEO completo Da Wordpress ai moderni sistemi Engine" |
"Questo corso nasce per tutti coloro che desiderano affrontare un percorso tecnicamente approfondito che parte dal saper gestire una semplice analisi e termina con il saper affrontare progetti SEO anche molto complessi in diversi CMS con diverse tecniche di pubblicazione.Dalla SEO massiva tramite indici in un Wordpress fino ai progetti da gestire negli Ecommerce, dal posizionamento delle risorse come immagini e video fino alla creazione dei grandi impianti di controllo concorrenza tramite Referral.Si termina la parte di teoria con due esercizi utili a gestire i contenuti all'interno del Vostro sito sia con sistemi di scrittura classici piuttosto che tramite le pi moderne tecniche ad indice."
Price: 199.99

"Corso SEO avanzato Sistemi di realizzazione divisi per CMS" |
"Questo corso e' consigliato agli studenti del nostro ""CORSO SEO COMPLETO"" e non a chi si affaccia alla SEO per la sua prima volta. Quanto spesso ci avete sentito dire nei nostri corsi come il vero valore aggiunto di una strategia sia dato dall'ingegno con il quale si creano le differenti combinazioni?L'ingegno segue per delle linee guida che differiscono da mercato a mercato piuttosto che dal CMS per il quale si opera e per aiutare a comprendere meglio quali siano i ragionamenti che un buon specialista SEO studia quando affronta la creazione delle strategie di un dato progetto, abbiamo ritenuto utile creare questo corso avanzato.Questo corso, per chi ha piacere di seguirlo, anche il CORSO UFFICIALE riservato ai professionisti che usano il nostro tool. Un percorso quindi molto pratico."
Price: 199.99

"I sistemi di Flooding e la tutela della reputazione online" |
"Al giorno doggi limmagine di un personaggio pubblico o di unazienda vive, e a volte addirittura nasce, sul Web; essere presenti in una prima pagina di un motore di ricerca un fattore estremamente rilevante, tant che da qualche anno si cominciato a parlare di Economia della Reputazione, ovvero del valore economico che pu essere potenzialmente generato o distrutto dalle informazioni presenti in Rete. Gestire bene, in modo preciso e con finalit difensive, la visibilit organica di un soggetto o di una azienda in un motore un potere pi prezioso del denaro."
Price: 199.99

"Corso Wizard Il Wordpress Onepage per il webmarketing" |
"Amiamo moltissimo il mondo Wordpress al punto tale da aver creato un template di ultima generazione perfetto per la SEO ma anche bellissimo da usare e che anche l'oggetto principale di questo corso. Se sei alla ricerca di un corso in WordPress ad alto valore aggiunto sei nel posto giusto: non solo teoria ma anche ovviamente tanta pratica con l'installazione e la creazione di un sito Wordpress con i nuovi Wizard Onepage, template di ultima generazione che, oltre ad essere SCARICABILI E GRATUITI per tutti gli iscritti, sono anche strutturalmente delle meravigliose macchine per il marketing strategico.Il wordpress che potete installare e gestire in questo corso lo stesso che usiamo anche noi per le nostre attivit di marketing."
Price: 199.99

"ACCA F1(FAB) - (Knowledge, Practice, MCQs) UNIT 1" |
"Do you want to ace the ACCA F1 course? This is the right program for you then.As F1 is a computer-based exam, more practice of Multiple Choice Questions ( MCQs) is vital in all the subject areas. This is a set up for making the students practice MCQs in ACCA F1 - Accountant in Business. More practice of these MCQs along with time-management practice will ensure success in F1 in first attempt. The course gives you unit wise and topic wise detailed guidance followed by MCQs based quizes for practice from different sources to help you gain the knowledge and skill - and confidence, to score at least a PASS in this subject, if not a distinction.I have divided the complete syllabus provided by ACCA into 4 main units. This course is the first unit of this series. At the end of the 4th unit, a complete MOCK Paper will be provided for practice on complete course."
Price: 19.99

"Tips and tricks to save your time in MS Excel" |
"Themain purpose of this course is to give you an overview of the Excelfeatures that save literally hours of timethose who use them. I have assembled tips and tricks I know from myexperience students of my courses value most.Inthe first part you are going to learn several doubleclick tricksto increase your productivity in Excel. You will be able to automateadjustingcolumn with to fit the content in itor filling formulas in the column.Inthe second part I am going to teach you some of the most usefulkeyboard shortcutsin Excel to really boost your productivity. You will be able to movethe cursor from the beginning to the end of columns and rows, selectall tables, wrap text in a cell just where you want to, or even typein multiple cells at once.Inthe following parts I have prepared some other interesting and veryefficient tricks that can save you time in Excel. You will be able tofind cells with formulas, addor subtract copied numbers or makeseriesof workdays to create a calendar.Andin the end I have a bonus video for your, where you are going tolearn how to make your own keyboardshortcutfor anything you want in Excel.Justenroll and I guarantee you that whether you are a beginner orintermediate you increaseyour productivity in Excel by tens of percents,if not more."
Price: 19.99

"How to Launch a Vacation Rental/Holiday Let Business" |
"Wow!There is so much to think about to set up a Vacation Rental/Holiday Let business!There is property to find,customers to appeal to, regulations to satisfy, competitors to challenge, bookings to manage, cleaners to find and supervise, and a whole lot more! Oh yes, and it has to make money!This course applies Nicholas'experience in launching a profitableVacation Rental business which has consistently attracted10 point reviewson ""Booking-dot-com"" and five star reviews on Tripadvisor and HomeAway.Nicholas shows how to:Plan the business by understanding customers and the competition and coming up with a viable financial planEstablish the business by preparing the property to enticeguests and setting up the ""back office"" to gain bookingsDrive success by running the business to delight guests and refining the business so it can be scaledMake it so, turning the insights gained in the earlier sections into an action plan and a business plan.Nicholas presents thecourse in nine video lectures supported by a Work Book preparedin Microsoft Word. This Work Book allowsstudents tocollect their insights in one place and thereby have all the information they need to launch their own successfulVacation Rental/Holiday Let business."
Price: 94.99

"Strategy for Activists" |
"Activists have a single question:So What?They have little interest in the theory.They just want to know what works, and why they should care.This course has been designed with activists in mind.It delivers the essentials of strategy in videos averaging five and a half minutes.But it is not a disconnected set of concepts.It is a system that answers a single question:What must the enterprisedoto continue to thrive in fulfilling its purpose?It is more likely that activists will contribute to strategy rather than develop it.With this course under their belt they will know how best to work with the strategist."
Price: 94.99

"Eulogies: How to Craft and Deliver Memorable Farewells" |
"Honouring the memory of a loved one who has died is one of lifes privileges. To weave the threads of a human life into a tapestry of images that form in the minds of our hearers and so give their minds eye one last glimpse of the one they honour can be at the same time humbling and immensely rewarding.An eulogy - or ""good word"" -is an event much more than it is a speech. It is a shared moment in which mourners gather around pictures painted by the words the speaker utters, and the emotions the speaker conveys, so that they may linger in their personal and shared remembering of the one who has died.This course offers immediate practical advice to people who find themselves, perhaps unexpectedly, preparing to deliver the good word. It draws on the authors experience in speaking at funerals of friends and family members, and as the minister of a London church. It shows how to gather the raw material, how to organise it, how to craft it into aneulogy, and then how to prepare and deliver the eulogyso that it engages the minds and emotions of those who hear it."
Price: 19.99

"How To Flip Property For Profit" |
"""Flipping property for profit is easy, isn't it?You just find a property you can buy below market value. Then ""do it up"". Then sell it at a profit. Then do it again. Right?"" Sure, it really is as simple as that. Except that you need to find the worst property in the best road. And design it to be better than the best property in the best road. And you need professionals to deal with the legals and the finance and the structure and the survey. And you need to find and engage tradespeople to do the building work, windows, plumbing, electrics, carpentry, decorating, and a host of other tasks. Not to mention raising the finance, assessing the risks, working out how much profit you could really make. And someone has to coordinatethe team to do the work to a high standard. Oh yes, and then you have tosellthe dream property you have created. Phew! ""When you put it that way, there's a huge amount to master."" Yep! It's a business, like any other, and it has to work.So you have to think about a host of things and weave them into a coherent plan that delivers you the profit you expect. Drawing on the author's experience in Devon, southwest England, this course is packed with content and illustrations to achieve one of two ends: to give the student a firm foundation from which to launch a property flipping business, or to give the student sufficient information to decide this isn't for them. The course starts by asking the student why they are considering flipping property, and what personal objectives they seek to achieve through it.Then it turns to the business, showing: How to find the worst property in the best street and design the transformation into being better than the best property. How to find a reputable team with all the skills to implement your design. How to fund your project. How to prepare your plan to create the best property in the best street and so deliver the profit you expect. How to fix the property by executing your plan. How to flip the property and reap the profit set out in yourplan."
Price: 99.99

"Develop Node Chatbots with Control Panels" |
"Hi, I am Tudor and I am new to the Udemy community. I decided to create this course in order to share my knowledge ofbackend systems and chatbots. I designed it specifically for users with some or intermediate knowledge of Node and Mongo, but if you have no experience at all, don't worry, I will try to be as detailed as possible. If you encounter any problem while taking this course, you can always send me a message on Udemy and I will respond ASAP."
Price: 24.99

"The Circular Economy" |
"Do you know what the circular economy is? And if so, are you ready to embrace the future of business?I invite you to join me in this course and embark with me on a circular journey. You will learn what the circular economy is, where to discover circular ideas, how business models are presently shifting, where to look for financing and, most importantly, why you must become part of this transformational shift, whether you are a for-profit or non-profit entrepreneur or even an intrapreneur in a large company.This course is packed with practical ideas and inspirational stories and is ideal for all forward-thinking individuals. Once again, I invite you to join us!"
Price: 134.99
