"Android Studio Design" |
"O curso de Android Design possui 60 aulas, com elas o aluno ir aprender passo a passo como trabalhar em seus aplicativos usando componentes que auxliliam na organizao baseado em fragmentos, usamos tambm View Pages, Recycler View, Layouts do template, Fragmentos em List View e muito mais, adquira j o curso e comece a desenvolver os melhores templates para mobile."
Price: 444.99

"Aplicativo com Android Studio 2018" |
"O curso de Estruturao de Aplicativos Android possui 40 aulas, com elas o aluno ir aprender passo a passo como criar uma layout completo para um aplicativo android montando toda sua estrutura, fragmentos, pacotes e preparando o banco de dados para receber api e web service com php e mysql, adquira j o curso e comece a criar e vender seus aplicativos mobile."
Price: 309.99

"Android Studio 2018 com WEB Services e API" |
"O curso de Android Studio 2018 com WEB Services PHP e Mysql possui 53 aulas, com elas o aluno vai aprender a criar as APIs com PHP7 para poder integrar com aplicativos mobile desenvolvidos no android studio usando o banco mysql para poder armazenar os regitros criando o crud com insero, edio, consultas, deleo e carregamento de imagens para o banco de dados, adquira j o curso e comece a integrar seus aplicativos com sistemas web."
Price: 549.99

"Criando Aplicativo Android com WEB Services" |
"O curso de Aplicativos com Android Studio 2018 e WEB Services PHP possui 60 aulas, neste curso ensino a parte de finalizao e fechamento de aplicativos, montamos um aplicativo completo comunicando com banco mysql criando todo o crud, upload de imagens, consultas de vrios tipos, este o terceiro curso de uma sequncia mostrando sobre android com php e mysql, aquira j o curso e comunique seus aplicativos com sistemas web e sites."
Price: 579.99

"PHP7 Orientado a Objetos" |
"O curso de PHP 7 Orientado a Objetos possui 50 aulas, nele o aluno aprender a trabalhar com as classes para poder estruturar seus sites ou sistemas web tendo assim um cdigo muito mais bem organizado e de fcil reaproveitamento, o curso totalmente prtico, desenvolvo as telas de um sistema com toda estrutura e cruds feitos com orientao a objetos, adquira j o curso e comece a criar seus sistemas da melhor forma possvel."
Price: 579.99

"Sistema de Estoque e Vendas com PHP 7" |
"O curso de Sistema de Estoque e Vendas com PHP7 possui 60 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprender criar um sistema para gesto de estoque com entrada e sada de produtos, este sistema serve para atender qualquer comrcio de pequeno e mdio porte, seu sistema poder ser acessado por qualquer plataforma uma vez que ele responsivo, adquira j o curso e crie seus sistemas com php7 orientado a objetos."
Price: 579.99

"Curso de Java Design" |
"O curso de Java Design com NetBeans possui 40 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprender a trabalhar com os layouts e componentes em java para poder desenvolver os templates para sistemas desktop usando o NetBeans, adquira j o curso completo e aprenda a trabalhar com os principais componentes para desenvolvimento de sistemas com java."
Price: 564.99

"Ponto de Vendas com Java e Mysql" |
"O curso de Ponto de Vendas com Java SE possui 64 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprender a desenvolver um sistema de ponto de vendas com java desktop usando netbeans, neste sistema usando mysql como banco de dados, voc pode tanto manter seu sistema armazenando de forma local ou deixar seu banco de dados hospedado para que seu sistema possa funcionar em rede com mais de um usurio armazenando no mesmo banco de dados."
Price: 579.99

"Visual Basic com Banco de Dados" |
"O curso de Visual Studio com Banco de dados possui 60 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprender a trabalhar com o visual studio 2017 voltado para a linguagem Visual Basic, aprenderemos sobre a linguagem, sobre os componentes, sobre a comunicao de sistemas com banco de dados access e banco de dados SQL Server, podendo manter seus sistemas com banco de dados local ou banco de dados em rede."
Price: 474.99

"Analise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas com Visual Basic" |
"O curso de Desenvolviemnto de Sistemas com Visual Studio possui 61 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprender a trabalhar com o visual studio 2017 para desenvolver sistemas usando banco de dados SQL Server, ser explicado como criar as telas do sistema, acesso e login, estrutura de cadastros e muito mais, tudo que voc precisa para comear a desenvolver seus sistemas usando visual studio."
Price: 489.99

"Como Fazer Melhores Escolhas de Vida com Coaching" |
"Esse curso foi desenvolvido para quem busca passar para um nvel mais elevado de autoconhecimento e com isso ter resultados mais coerentes com seu perfil pessoal e profissional.Trata-se de um processo de coaching de autoconhecimento para descobrir mais sobreseupotencial,seus pontos fortes, suas habilidadestrazendorespostas sobre si mesmo para promover melhorias contnuas em seu desenvolvimento.O coaching veio para criar um equilbrio em todas as reas da vida diante do novomundo. Voc vai aprender a focar naquilo que faz sentidoe eliminar tudo aquilo que atrapalha seu desempenho e impede voc de evoluir.Se voc est cansando de repetiros mesmos padres de comportamentose no consegueidentificar onde se esconde o vilo que sabota o seu avano na vida, ento esse curso paravoc.No curso vocencontrar aulas em vdeo, apresentaese exerccios que facilitaro aaprendizagem. Voc precisar participar de vrias dinmicas.Trata-se de um curso de desenvolvimento pessoalque ir causar umatransformao positiva em sua vida.No existe nenhuma exigncia para fazer esse curso, pois qualquer pessoa perfeitamente capaz de se tornar mais acertivadesde que se comprometa a aplicar as lies do curso.Voc ter melhor compreenso de si mesmo e das pessoas ao seu redor e com isso ir criarmelhores conexesna vida pessoal, profissional e nos relacionamentos."
Price: 189.99

"Come Holy Spirit" |
"In his farewell address to his apostles, Jesus said:I tell you the truth: It is to your advantage that I go away, for if I dont go away, the Counselor wont come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you (John 16:7).That Counselor, or Advocate, is the Holy Spirit, who was sent by Jesus into this world at Pentecost in a new way to usher in a new age of spiritual transformation and service. Unfortunately, many people are relatively unfamiliar with the Person and ministry of the Holy Spirit. This course can help to provide a new and deeper appreciation for and openness to the Holy Spirit.A few of the topics we will cover include:What do we mean by Spirit? The Holy Spirit and Original BlessingWounded Human NatureThe Holy Spirit and ConscienceProphets and PromisesJesus Teachings on the Holy SpiritThe Outpouring of the Spirit at PentecostThe Transformative Gifts of the SpiritCharismatic GiftsOpening to the Holy SpiritGrowing in the Holy SpiritFruits of the SpiritAnd much moreOur learning process includes 15 videos (5 - 12 min.) with supplemental resources for each, including a PDF copy of Dr. St. Romains book, Jesus Alive in Our Lives. Reflection and discussion questions will be provided for individual and group use. Online questions and comments are also welcomed.If you are interested in learning more about the Holy Spirit and becoming more open to this great Gift of God's loving power and creativity, this course is for you. - See instructor's web site for discount coupons."
Price: 19.99

"Umfragen erstellen in 30 Minuten" |
"Erfahre mehr ber die Probleme, Gedanken und Wnsche deiner idealen Kunden. Umfragen sind schnell erstellt und sehr aufschlussreich!Mit Umfragen hast du eine schnelle Mglichkeit, deine Kunden nher kennen zu lernen. Finde heraus, wie sie ticken - und das ganz kostenlos mit Google Forms, SurveyMonkey und Facebook.In diesem Kurz-Kurs zeige dir anhand einer erfolgreichen Umfrage, wie die Auswertung aussehen kann.Auerdem kannst du mir ber die Schulter sehen, wie ich im Handumdrehen Umfragen erstelle.auf Google Formsauf Survey Monkeyund auf FacebookHinweis:Ich bin nicht mehr im Udemy-Marketing-System. Von mir wirst du keine Kurse um 9,99 mehr bekommen!"
Price: 49.99

"Wordpress-Seiten erstellt mit dem Beaver Builder" |
"Der Beaver Builder ist ein Wordpress Theme. Mit ihm erstelle ich meine Webseiten, den Blog und auch Langinpages. Denn der Beaver Builder ist gnstig und leicht anzuwenden. In diesem Kurs lernst du, wie auch du im Handumdrehen deine Seiten mit Beaver erstellst!Schau mir ber die Schulter und sieh mir Schritt fr Schritt zu, wie ichBeaver installiere,das Design im Customizer festlege,Seiten mit und ohne Vorlagen erstelle,einen Blog einrichteund noch einiges mehr.Hinweis:Ich bin nicht mehr im Udemy-Marketing-System. Von mir wirst du keine Kurse um 9,99 mehr bekommen!"
Price: 99.99

"Audio-Aufnahmen erstellt mit Audacity in 30 Minuten" |
"Audios liegen im Trend, denn mit ihnen kann man den ganzen Tag lang lernen - auch beim Autofahren, im Fitness-Training oder bei anderen Ttigkeiten, wie zum Beispiel der Hausarbeit.Grund genug fr uns UnternehmerInnen, Audios in unser Content Marketing mit einzubauen alsAudio-KursePodcastsHrbcherMeditationenund vieles mehrMit Audacity Audios zu erstellen ist ein Kinderspiel! In nur wenigen Schritten hast du dein perfektes Audio - auch mit Musik untermalt oder Intro- und Outro-Musik. Und das Beste ist, dass die Software kostenlos ist!Dieser Kurs ist ein Einfhrungskurs in Audacity, wo ich dir zeige, wie du in wenigen Schritten professionelle Aufnahmen fr dein Business erzeugst.Der Kurs ist schon auf der aktuellen Version aus 2018 (2.2.0)!Hinweis:Ich bin nicht mehr im Udemy-Marketing-System. Von mir wirst du keine Kurse um 9,99 mehr bekommen!"
Price: 49.99

"Starte deinen ersten Podcast" |
"Starte deinen ersten Podcast!Mit Podcastsliegst du voll im Trend! Sie sind eine sehr persnliche Bereicherung deines Content Marketings.Lass dich nicht von der Technik und dem Einrichten des Podcasts abschrecken! Schau mir ber die Schulter und lerne Schritt fr Schritt, was zu tun ist.In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir,warum auch du einen Podcast starten solltestwas du dazu brauchstwie du in wenigen Minuten dein Cover Art erstellstwie du deinen Podcast bei einem Hoster einstellstwie du deine Folgen hinaufldstwie du deinen RSS Feed erhltst und ihn an iTunes &Co bermittelstwie du deinen Podcast auch in deinem Youtube Kanal teilstwie du eine Webseite fr deinen Podcast einrichtestAuerdem erhltst du einen einen Geschenks-Link zu meinem Audacity-Kurs wo du lernen kannst, wie du mit der kostenlosen Software Audacity deine Audio-Aufnahmen erstellst, editierst und exportierst.Hinweis:Ich bin nicht mehr im Udemy-Marketing-System. Von mir wirst du keine Kurse um 9,99 mehr bekommen!"
Price: 99.99

"JavaScript for beginners: Create 27 projects from scratch" |
"JavaScript is the most popular scripting language in the world. It is responsible for the interactivity like games, online forms or surveys and other activities users can engage with on a website. Most dynamic if not all website contains some element of JavaScript.JavaScript programming language drives millions of interactive web sites, powers fast web servers and can even be used to build desktop and mobile applicationsIn this course we will together create 27 beginner JavaScript projects from scratch. The projects are listed below:Analogue ClockMortgage Loan CalculatorQuote of the day appBMI CalculatorWeight Coversion AppTheme color changer2d breakout gameDigital calculatorDigital clockEvent countdown timerTip calculatorWord count toolContact formDay of week appBackground color changerImage sliderAddition gameTodo List AppInteractive Quiz AppCountdown TimerBaloon Popping GameRRS NewsFeedNumber guessing gameLight switch effectGreeting messageHeight Conversion AppWack a mole gameIn this course you will learn useful and practical steps to creating web based browser apps that will work when viewed with any modern web browser. I will be using google chrome for this project and i advise you do the same.A good text editor makes writing code fun and productive. I will be using a mixture of text editors for this course .By the end of this course you will be confident to build more useful projects ."
Price: 199.99

"Facebook Marketing for beginners" |
"Are you a beginner to Facebook marketing ? You can amplify your social media marketing campaigns with Facebook advertising. Facebook ads allow you to target specific audiences, so you can make sure your ads are getting in front of the right people. This course will help new Facebook advertisers effectively create, budget, place, and manage Facebook ads.This beginner Facebook marketing course takes you through the basics: setting up an account, understanding ad structure, and using the Ads Manager tools. I will shows you how to make critical placement and budget decisions wisely.You will learn how to setup Business Manager and and use ad manager to create and manage your Facebook adverts.Topics include:What is facebook marketingBenefits of facebook marketingWhat you need to start creating facebook adsChoosing your marketing goalsChoosing your audienceWhere to place your adsChoosing your formatsBasic advertising terminologyWhat is Business ManagerSetting up Business ManagerHow to delete Business ManagerHow to setup paymentsHow to review notificationsHow to targets your ads on facebookFacebook advertising structureFacebook Ads ManagerCreating ads in ads manager partTips for improving your adsUnderstanding Facebook ad typesSetting up an advertising account with FacebookIdentifying and targeting your primary audienceChoosing a budgetWriting Facebook adsBy the end of the course you should have acquired enough useful skills to create your own Facebook ads."
Price: 119.99

"Advanced Transact-SQL (T-SQL) : Stored Procedures Functions" |
"Transact-SQL is also popularly refereed to as T-Sequel .This is Microsoft's own implementation of the international Structural Query Language (SQL).This course assumes you have some basic knowledge of SQL or T-SQL and will provide you with more advanced knowledge of Transact-SQL (T-SQL). I will be using the latest free version of Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Express edition and a sample adventureworks 2014 database. We will be installing and using SQL Server Management Studio as part of the SQL Server Express edition 2017The course focuses on writing and advanced queries that can be used with T-SQLin SQL Server 2012, 2014 and 2016 and 2017.In this course you will learn the details and capabilities of using various types of functionslike aggregate,analytic and ranking . You will also learnabout stored procdures and how to create ,modify and delete them. I will also be showing you how to use SET operators.What You Will Learn in this course includes:Installing Microsoft SQL Server Express 2017Downloading and attaching sample databaseUsing Convert functionUsing Substring functionUsing Cast functionUsing Round FunctionUsing Case expressionAggregate FunctionsAnalytic functionsSET operatorsStored ProcedureRanking functions"
Price: 114.99

"PostgreSQL: Advanced SQL Queries and Data Analysis" |
"PostgreSQL is commonly known as Postgres and it is also open source database. There is an increasing need for data scientists and analysts to understand relational data stores. Organizations have long used SQL databases to store transactional data as well as business intelligence related data. If you need to work with SQL databases, this course is designed to help you learn how to perform common relational database and data science tasks, including writing advanced queries,data analysis , finding, exploration, and extraction within relational databases.What you will learn includes:Introduction PostgreSQL TriggersCreating TriggersManaging TriggersIntroduction to ViewsHow to create viewsModifying and Removing ViewsIntroduction to Updatable ViewsCreating Updatable ViewsIntroduction to Materialized ViewsCreating Materialized ViewsIntroduction to Stored ProceduresIntroduction to Aggregate FunctionsIllustrating various types of Aggregate functionsIntroduction to Analytic FunctionsIllustrating various Analytic functionsRow Number FunctionsUsing various types of OperatorsIntroduction to Table JoinsUsing various types of joinsWindowing functions for working with ordered data setsInstalling PostgreSQLVerify postgresql installationPostgresql INNER JOINPostgres LIKE OperatorPostgresql OR OperatorServer serviceSequencesSchemaRetrieving all Data from TableLoading sample databasePostgresql UNION OperatorPostgreSQL UNION ALL OperatorPostgreSQL FULL OUTER JOINPostgreSQL CROSS JOINPostgreSQL combining AND OR OperatorPostgreSQL AND OperatorPostgreSQL NATURAL JOIN OperatorPostgreSQL EXCEPT OperatorPostgreSQL INTERSECT OperatorPostgreSQL Left JoinPostgreSQL IN OperatorCast and OperatorsThe course will teach you how to aggregate data,analyse data ,retrieve data from multiple tables using table joins and write more advanced queries."
Price: 124.99

"PHP From Scratch : Practical Beginners Introduction" |
"PHP is a popular programming language that you can use to write simple code for web pages. If you have been using HTML to develop websites, learning PHP will allow you to create dynamic pages. In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of PHP. The course covers concepts such as how to embed PHP code into an HTML page, and reviews the basic PHP data types such as strings and arrays. The course also covers the different control structures in PHP, how to work with built-in PHP functions, and how to define your own custom functions.PHP is one of the the most popular server-side language used to build dynamic websites.Topics include:How to setup local PHP development environmentWhat is PHPBasic PHP SyntaxPHP Data TypesPHP VariablesPHP Variable ScopesPHP ArraysUsing Print and Echo StatementsUsing code commentsPHP OperatorsUsing PHP Conditional Statements to make decisionsUsing switch statementUsing while loopsUsing For and foreach loopsPHP FunctionsFunction argumentsPHP String functionsCreating custom functionsPHP String functionsPHP Include statementUsing echo and print statementPHP Date functionsBuild your own yearly web calendarBuild a basic website"
Price: 134.99

"Create a Business or Personal Website with Wordpress" |
"In this course you will learn how to create a good looking and functional website from scratch using WordPress without knowing how to code. The course gives you the option of creating a website on a remote shared hosting computer that the whole world can visit or on you own computer where you can show your creativity to friends and family.Why pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars or pounds to a professional web developer to create a website for you when you can learn to do it yourself in a fun way and maybe even create websites for others yourself.This course is for beginners if you are an expert in WordPress this course is not for you.What you will learn includes:How to install WordPress on your own computerHow to signup for a shared hosting accountHow to register a domain nameHow to install WordPress on a shared hosting remote server (powerful computer that is on 24/7)How to install and customise a themeHow to install and use pluginsHow to add a slider with images to websiteHow to add video to websiteHow to add image gallery to websiteHow to create webpagesHow to add a functional contact form to websiteHow to add google map to show your locationHow to create a logoHow to add social media icons to websiteHow to change font propertiesBy the end of this course, you will have a good looking WordPress website and would learnt some useful skills along the way."
Price: 119.99

"JavaScript and React for Beginners: Create 12 projects" |
"JavaScript is the most popular scripting language in the world. It is responsible for the interactivity like games, online forms or surveys and other activities users can engage with on a website. Most dynamic if not all website contains some element of JavaScript.JavaScript programming language drives millions of interactive web sites, powers fast web servers and can even be used to build desktop and mobile applicationsAnalogue ClockQuote of the day appDigital calculatorTip calculatorImage sliderAddition gameDay of birth calculatorReact.js is a an open-source JavaScript library for creating user interfacesReact adopts a component based approach in developing applications.Every react app can considered a component or a collection of components which can be re-usable.React.js is designed to make the process of building modular, reusable user interface components simple and intuitive. With React you can design simple views for each state of an application. You can also use React to efficiently update and render components when your data changes. I will walk you through how to create react components from scratch, review components properties, and component state, as well as the foundational parent/child relationships within React.js. I will also take you through the lifecycle of components . You will be transpiling JSX code using babel which is an in browser transpiler that converts JSX code into readable format.What you will learn includes:Setting up a local react development environmentAccessing React Library via CDNUsing Creating a React App tool to create new react projectsAccessing Reaact from JSBINCreating React ComponentsCreating React Components in ES6Converting React functions to ES6 ClassUsing JSXEmbedding JSX as expressionsUsing propsUsing StateComponent life cycleCreating a React mortgage calculatorCreating a React Todo List AppCreating a React static tweet componentCreating a React countdown timerCreating a React digital clock"
Price: 129.99

"Python and C# for beginners: Create 12 Projects" |
"Python is a dynamic modern object -oriented programming language.It is easy to learn and can be used to do a lot of things both big and small.Python is what is referred to as a high level language. That means it is a language that is closer to humans than computer.It is also known as a general purpose programming language due to it's flexibility.Python did not get it's name from the snake but rather from the British comedygroup known as Monty Python.Python is object -oriented means it regards everything as an object.An object in the real world could be a person or a car.Python is an interpreted language that does not need to be complied likefor example java programming language.It is interpreted and run on the fly the same time.Python has been used in a lot of places like in creating games,for statistical data andvisualisation,speech and face recognition.Some of the biggest websites on this planet earth use python in one way or another. Examples inlude:GoogleYoutubeFacebookNasaDisneyPixarRedditPinterestInstagramSpotifySurvey MonkeyYahoo MapsWe will create the following projects below using Python.A Digital ClockA countdown timerA CalculatorA weight conversion toolA times tables generatorC# (pronounced C Sharp). is an object-oriented language designed by Microsoft and used by systems engineers, desktop programmers, and mobile app developers the world over.This course you will guide you through C#'s basics, its core syntax, and the fundamentals of writing strong C# code. I will show you how to install Visual Studio, a great IDE for developing in C#, and then dive into the language itself.You will learn about the basics of C# including variables and data types and also create some projects using C# ."
Price: 129.99

"Java and Ruby on Rails for beginners: Build 12 projects" |
"Java is a case-sensitive, modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language. One of the reasons Java is so popular is that it is platform independent . You only need to write java code once and then run it on any platform be it mac, windows or Linux.You will learn about:Primitive Data TypesBasic Data typesVariablesArraysWe will also build some projects with graphical user interfaces -GUIThe projects include:Digital ClockTemperature ConverterHeight ConverterWord Count ToolThis course will guide you through java basics, its core syntax, and the fundamentals of writing strong java code. I will show you how to install Java JDK and NetBeans IDE. Netbeans is a great IDE for developing in java, and then dive into the language itself. Along the way, we will cover topics such as:Declaring and initializing variables with a variety of data typesExploring Basic Arithmetic operatorsTroubleshoot Compile errorsControlling flow with conditional codeCreating MethodCreating Event Handler methodsUsing Component controls and changing their propertiesRuby is a modern object oriented programming language, and Ruby on Rails is a popular and powerful frameworks for building web applications. Rails was built using Ruby and makes it much easier to develop web applications with Ruby.I will guide you through setting up your development environment. Then we will cover some basics of the Ruby programming language. We will also install git and touch on github which is used for version control.We will create a complete blog application from scratch using Rails and in the process build up your skills.By the end of this course you would have acquired enough skills to create your own basic projects in Java and Ruby on Rails."
Price: 124.99

"Introduction to Google Calendar for beginners" |
"Google Calendar is a time-management and scheduling calendar service developed by Google. It is available on the web and as mobile apps for the Android and iOS mobile operating systems.Google Calendar allows users to create and edit events. Reminders can be enabled for events, with options available for type and time. Event locations can also be added, and other users can be invited to events. Users can enable or disable the visibility of special calendars.Google Calendar allows users to create and edit events. Events have a set start time and stop time, with an option for an ""All-day event"". Users can enable a ""Recurring"" functionality with optional parameters for frequency.Users can add a color to an event for recognition or to distinguish the event from others. Users can optionally set notifications, with options for type (email, mobile push notification) and time. Locations can be added for easy understanding of an event's place. Events are viewable in different types of setups, including day, week, month, or schedule.Users can invite other people to events; for other Google Calendar users, the event becomes visible in their calendar, and for non-Google Calendar users, an email will have options for ""Yes"", ""No"", or ""Maybe"". Privacy settings allow the user to define the levels of public visibility of the entire calendar or individual events. Although the calendar defaults to showing users event times in their local time, users can specify a different time zone for an event. Users can enable or disable the visibility of special calendars, including a Birthdays calendar, that automatically retrieves dates of births from a user's Google contacts and displays the dates on a yearly basis, and a Holidays calendar, a country-specific calendar featuring dates of special occasionsTopics covered in this beginners course include:Navigating Google CalendarCreating events, including all-day and repeating eventsInviting guestsResponding to invitationsCreating secondary calendarsSharing calendarsSearching for events. ."
Price: 109.99

"Learn SQL Skills Using PostgreSQL and MS SQL Server" |
"SQL stands for structural query language. It is the language used to communicate and interrogate databases.In this course we will be using SQL on PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server.Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system. (RDBMS)supports a wide variety of transaction processing.Supports business intelligence.Supports analytics applications in corporate IT environments.It's one of the three market-leading database technologies.SQL server is used in a lot of countries and companies.PostgreSQL is commonly known as Postgres and it is also open source database.There is an increasing need for data scientists and analysts to understand relational data stores. Organizations have long used SQL databases to store transactional data as well as business intelligence related data. If you need to work with SQL databases, this course is designed to help you learn how to perform common relational database and data science tasks, including writing advanced queries,data analysis , finding, exploration, and extraction within relational databases.What you will learn includes:Installing PostgreSQLInstalling SQL ServerDatabase ConceptsIntroduction to Updatable ViewsCreating Updatable ViewsIntroduction to Materialized ViewsCreating Materialized ViewsIntroduction to Stored ProceduresRow Number FunctionsUsing various types of OperatorsInstalling PostgreSQLPostgresql INNER JOINPostgres LIKE OperatorPostgresql OR OperatorRetrieving all Data from TableLoading sample databaseSQL Server Rank functionsPostgreSQL FULL OUTER JOINPostgreSQL CROSS JOINPostgreSQL combining AND OR OperatorPostgreSQL AND OperatorPostgreSQL NATURAL JOIN OperatorPostgreSQL Left JoinPostgreSQL IN OperatorHow to create databaseHow to create a tableHow to create a viewTable joinsOperatorsAggregate functionsAnalytic functionsStored proceduresTriggersCRUD operations"
Price: 159.99

"Absolute Beginners Introduction to web development" |
"Hello and welcome to this course.If you are a complete beginner, web development can be challenging this course will guide you and provide enough detail for you to feel comfortable and learn the topics properly. You should feel at home whether you are a student learningweb development (on your own or as part of a class), a teacher looking for class materials, a hobbyist,or someone who just wants to understand more about how web technologies work.The objective of this course is not to take you from ""beginner"" to ""expert"" but to take you from ""beginner"" to ""comfortable so you can feel confident to experiment further.The three technologies every web developer must know are :HTML : Used to create contentCSS: Used to present the contentJavaScript : Used to create interactionThese core technologies are the building blocks of all websites and web based projects.Topics include:Introduction to basic HTMLHTML document structureAnatomy of HTML elementMarking up textLinksUsing comments andHTML AttributesIntroduction to basic CSSWays to apply CSSCSS RulesetCSS basic selectorsStyling multiple elementsCSS Box modelUsing margin and padding propertiesChanging background colorCSS Display propertyCSS Font propertyUsing google fontsIntroduction to basic JavaScriptWhere to place JavaScriptVariablesData TypesOperatorsOperator precedenceUsing ConditionalsFunctionsEventsUsing Linting toolsAdding image changerAdding personalized messageThe course is practical and hands-on and should provide you with enough basic web development skills to be creative building your own projects."
Price: 114.99

"Mastering SQL Table Joins from scratch: Real World Examples" |
"SQL is a special-purpose programming language designed for managing information in a relational database management system (RDBMS). The word relational here is key; it specifies that the database management system is organised in such a way that there are clear relations defined between different sets of data. Join makes relational database systems relational.Joins allow you to link data from two or more tables together into a single query result--from one single SELECT statement..When combining rows from multiple tables in one query, you need to use the JOIN command. There are a few different types of joins, and the following should help explain the differences between them.The syntax will vary depending on which database type you are using. In this course i have used Oracle database.The JOIN operations, which are among the possible Table Expressions in a FROM clause, perform joins between two tables.Below is a brief description of the various types of joins used in Oracle.INNER JOIN operationSpecifies a join between two tables with an explicit join clause.LEFT OUTER JOIN operationSpecifies a join between two tables with an explicit join clause, preserving unmatched rows from the first table.RIGHT OUTER JOIN operationSpecifies a join between two tables with an explicit join clause, preserving unmatched rows from the second table.CROSS JOIN operationSpecifies a join that produces the Cartesian product of two tables. It has no explicit join clause.NATURAL JOIN operationSpecifies an inner or outer join between two tables. It has no explicit join clause. Instead, one is created implicitly using the common columns from the two tables.In all cases, you can specify additional restrictions on one or both of the tables being joined in outer join clauses or in the WHERE clause.In this course there will be lots of hands-on real world examples of SQL table joins."
Price: 129.99

"Data Migration: Database Migration MS SQL to Oracle DB" |
"Data Migration is an important function anyone working with a database should be able to carry out.There are several tools available to perform database and data migration. In this course we will be using a free powerful tool by Oracle called Oracle SQL Developer to migrate a third party database from Microsoft SQL Server into Oracle.Database migration involves several steps specified below:Setting up a Migration Repository : The Migrations Repository is a database schema that stores themeta_data collected and transformed in the migration process.Configuring the Third Party Database Connection : You need to configure a database connection for the databasewhich you would like to migrate. There are two steps to this process:Download JDBC driver and Connecting to ThirdParty Database.Capturing Source Database :This step is used to capture a snapshot of the current stateof your third-party database and is necessary to provide SQL Developer with a ""point in time"" view of your database. Once this step is complete, the Migration wizard works on the meta-data stored in its repository, instead of issuing queries against your live database.Convert Captured Model to Oracle : The next step in the migration process is to convert the captured modelof the database to an Oracle-specific model.Translate Third Party SQL Objects to Oracle :The next step in the migration process is to translate theT-SQL objects - constraints, functions, procedures, triggers, views - to Oracle SQL objects.Generating Scripts to Create Target Database :Once the conversion process has completed, SQL Developer hasa model of what the converted database will look like. This is used to generate SQL scripts for the creation of the new Oracle Database schema(s) and to run these scripts.Move Data from Third Party Database to Oracle :The last step in the Migration Wizard is to move the data to the new database. Migrating the data is a process that copies the data from the third-party database to the new tablesin the Oracle database. The Migration Wizard uses the same Oracle database connection required to run the scripts as it does to move the data."
Price: 114.99

"Introduction to Oracle Application Development for Beginners" |
"Oracle Application Express is a free tool by Oracle that enables you to design, develop and deploy responsive and database-driven applications which are robust and scalable. APEX is a rapid tool used to develop web based oracle database applications that can be deployed and published for end users to consume.Application Express runs wherever there is an Oracle database is installed.Most applications will need some type of database interaction at some point.This beginner's course will teach you how to quickly create a fully functional database driven application using Oracle's application express (APEX) which comes bundled with all instances of Oracle database installation since 2004.Learn the essential skills required to develop a complete application using Oracle Application Express (APEX).In this course we are going to build a functional application using sample data from the Oracle database.What You Will Learn include:Create a complete database -driven application from scratchUsing SQL Workshop in Executing adhoc SQL and PL/SQL statements using SQL CommandsHow to create a workspaceCreating and modifying a pageUse Application Builder to create applications from scratchPage rendering and processing overviewCreate a form and associated reportQuickly navigate the builder by using the Developer ToolbarUnderstand how to user the theme repositoryIdentify users using Authentication schemesCreate end user accountsYou willGain understanding of APEX URL structure after completing this course andyou will be able to develop oracle database- driven applications that are robust and scalable using Oracle Application Express (APEX)."
Price: 129.99
