"Introduction to Microsoft SQL Server Application Development" |
"One of the most common scenarios in application development is to display data from a database on a Windows Form. You can display data on forms in Windows applications by dragging items from the Data Sources window onto your form.Data driven applicationsare applications that saves data to and retrieves data from the database.We interact with data apps daily from Facebook,Instagram,emails and even our bank accounts.In this beginners course we are going to create very basic data apps that will save data into databases.We will be using C# an object-oriented language designed by Microsoft and used by systems engineers, desktop programmers, and mobile app developers the world over.Also Microsoft SQL Server will be used as our database for storing and retrieving data.This course is suitable for anyone who has basic knowledge of C# and SQL server .You will learn:How to download visual studioHow to install visual studioHow to download Microsoft SQL ServerHow to install Microsoft SQL ServerHow to attach a database to a project in visual studioHow to design a form with datasetHow to create new C# project in visual studioHow to add controls to a formHow to customise controls on a formHow to test your data appsHow to run your application.By the end of this course you should be able to create your own data apps using visual studio and SQL ServerWelcome :-)"
Price: 124.99

"Introduction to Programming for Beginners" |
"Programming can be fun as well as challenging.This course provides the core knowledge to begin programming in any language.I will use the JavaScript programming language to explore the core syntax of a programming language,and show you how to write and execute programs.I will be using JavaScript , the most popular scripting language in the world to explore the core conceptsof programming . It is responsible for the interactivity like games, online forms or surveys and other activities users can engage with on a website. Most dynamic if not all website contains some element of JavaScript.JavaScript programming language drives millions of interactive web sites, powers fast web servers and can even be used to build desktop and mobile applicationsThe course will teach you topics like:ExpressionsInstalling Text EditorOutputInputCode CommentsStatementsMixing data typesVariablesVariable naming convention.Data TypesString operatorsAssignment operatorsComparison operatorsLogical operatorsOperatorsArraysFunctionsWorking with numbers, characters, strings, and operatorsConditional StatementsThe projects we will create include:Digital calculatorDigital clockBy the end of this course you will be confident to build more useful projects ."
Price: 124.99

"GraphQL: Introduction to GraphQL for beginners" |
"Applications that are data-driven depend on remote queries that run through APIs. For years, web services have provided basic support for simple query structures. Those services, however, often constrained developers who needed more granular approaches that provided flexibility without creating a huge collection of unnecessary calls. GraphQLa query language for APIs that was originally built by Facebookallows developers to choose the kinds of requests they want to make, and receive information on multiple facets of that query in one request. The GraphQL approach to querying across networks can address a wide variety of large-scale development problems. GraphQL enables you to nest multiple request in one query.In this course, you will learn how to get started with GraphQL step by step learning the basics of this query language, fetching data ,handling data,querying schema,creating variable definitions,creating mutations,creating fragments and getting you up to speed with the syntax and vocabulary of GraphQL. The course explains how to create basic queries, including how to work with arguments and multiple fields. Also you will learn complex techniques for handling data, including working with aliases, fragments, and pagination. Plus, how to edit and transform data with mutations.Topics include:Anatomy of a GraphQL QueryBenefits of GraphQL over REST ApIGraphQL TerminologyFormatting a queryPassing argumentsUsing Required argumentsFetching data with GraphQL QueriesCreating basic queriesUsing multiple fieldsUnderstanding schemasHandling dataDrilling down into nested fields with a queryAdding variables for argument valuesCreating mutationsUsing AliasesUsing FragmentsUsing multiple variable definitionsUsing nested fieldsUsing and creating operation namesUsing input objects with mutations."
Price: 109.99

"Become a JavaScript developer - Learn (React, Node,Angular)" |
"JavaScript is the most popular scripting language in the world. It is responsible for the interactivity like games, online forms or surveys and other activities users can engage with on a website. Most dynamic if not all website contains some element of JavaScript.JavaScript programming language drives millions of interactive web sites, powers fast web servers and can even be used to build desktop and mobile applications.Node.js is a very powerful JavaScript-based framework/platform built on Google Chrome's JavaScript V8 Engine.It is used to develop web and mobile applications.. Node.js is open source, completely free, and used by thousands of developers around the world. Node was built with JavaScript so it helps if you have some understanding of how JavaScript actually works.Node is quite popular and used by some big companies like eBay, General Electric, GoDaddy, Microsoft, PayPal, Uber, and Yahoo! just to name a few.What You Will Learn Include:Synchronous and AsynchronousCreating your first Nodejs AppModules and PackagesCreating and App with Express GeneratorPackage.json FileUsing Template engines with ExpressHow to start Node. js serverHow to stop Node.js ServerHow routing worksCloning Routing functionsAngularJS is one of the most popular JavaScript framework available today for creating web applications. This course provides you the skills needed to create dynamic web application using angular.js.Firebase is database service that is used to provide backend functionality for applications big and small.In this course we will be building a real time chat app with Angular 4 using firebase as a backend database server. Angular allows your application to have an expanded HTML library. Learn to add behaviour to your HTML and speed up your applications responsiveness.What You will learn:How to setup a development environmentHow to create a new project in angular 4How to generate componentsHow to nest componentsHow to use basic templatesHow to use interpolation with your templatesHow to define external HTML templatesHow to use *ngFor directives to display objects of an arrayHow to use conditional statements with your templatesHow to interact with componentsHow to data bindHow to connect to firebase from your appHow to store and work with objects in firebaseHow to save data to the firebase databaseHow to use firebase authentication.React.js is a an open-source JavaScript library for creating user interfaces .React adopts a component based approach in developing applications.Every react app can considered a component or a collection of components which can be re-usable.What you will learn includes:Setting up a local react development environmentAccessing React Library via CDNUsing Creating a React App tool to create new react projectsAccessing Reaact from JSBINCreating React ComponentsCreating React Components in ES6Converting React functions to ES6 ClassUsing JSXEmbedding JSX as expressionsUsing propsUsing StateComponent life cycleCreate a React project (Static tweet component)."
Price: 199.99

"Data Analysis With PostgreSQL: Analytic Aggregate Functions" |
"Due to the ever increasing reliance and growth of data there is even a greater demand for professionals who can help analyse these large volume of data that is used daily in applications that we use and rely on daily like Facebook, Instagram,bank apps etc.Aggregate functions perform a calculation on a set of values and return a single value. Analytic functions compute an aggregate value based on a set of values, and, unlike aggregate functions, can return multiple rows for each set of values.If you want to run a query using only aggregate functions, the query will return one row with a column for each field. If you want to run a query using an aggregate function in conjunction with the GROUP BY function, the query will return one row for each value found in the grouped field.If you want to run a query using an analytic function, the query will return one row for each field in the defined range of fields used to perform the calculations.If you use an aggregate function with any other function in a query, one field in the query must contain the GROUP BY function.Analytic functions are frequently used in fields such as finance and science to provide trend, outlier, and bucketed analysis for large data setsUnlike traditional aggregation functions, which return only a single value for each group defined in the query, Analytic functions return a single value for each input row .They increase the efficiency and reduce the complexity of queries that analyse partitions (windows) of a data set.This course will use aggregate and analytic functions to query and analyse data from a PostgreSQL database."
Price: 119.99

"Build a ChatApp with: (Nodejs,Socketio, Expressjs ,MongoDB)" |
"Welcome to this course where will be building a real-time chat application that you can use to communicate with your friends and family using node ,express ,socketio and mongodbNodes is a platform built on the Chrome JavaScript run time that can help you build fast, Scalable network applications. Nodes uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficientperfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.Socket.IO is a web library that enables real-time bidirectional event-based communication. Express.js is a Node.js framework used in building nodejs applications MongoDBan open-source, document databasemakes it easy to bring up an application stack and start coding.Topics include: Installing NodejsInstalling ExpressInstalling MongooseInstalling socketioSetting up socketioServing static content with ExpressAdding bootstrap and jQueryCreating a get messages serviceCreating a post services messageEmitting messages to clientsSetting up MongoDB using mLabConnecting your app to mLabSaving data to mongoDBInitialising a git repositoryCreating a hosting app on herokuTracking your app with gitCreating a model for mongoDBConnecting with mongooseDeploying application into Heroku cloud platformChecking the logs for your app on Heroku platform"
Price: 129.99

"Machine Learning : A Beginner's Basic Introduction" |
"Machine learning relates to many different ideas, programming languages, frameworks. Machine learning is difficult to define in just a sentence or two. But essentially, machine learning is giving a computer the ability to write its own rules or algorithms and learn about new things, on its own. In this course, we'll explore some basic machine learning concepts and load data to make predictions.Value estimationone of the most common types of machine learning algorithmscan automatically estimate values by looking at related information. For example, a website can determine how much a house is worth based on the property's location and characteristics.In this course, we will use machine learning to build a value estimation system that can deduce the value of a home. Although the tool we will build in this course focuses on real estate, you can use the same approach to solve any kind of value estimation.What you'll learn include:Basic concepts in machine learningSupervised versus Unsupervised learningMachine learning frameworksMachine learning using Python and scikit-learnLoading sample datasetMaking predictions based on datasetSetting up the development environmentBuilding a simple home value estimatorThe examples in this course are basic but should give you a solid understanding of the power of machine learning and how it works."
Price: 104.99

"Become a Web Developer (HTML5;CSS;JavaScript;Ruby;Ajax; SQL)" |
"Hello and welcome to this course.If you are a complete beginner, web development can be challenging this course will guide you and provide enough detail for you to feel comfortable and learn the topics properly. You should feel at home whether you are a student learningweb development (on your own or as part of a class), a teacher looking for class materials, a hobbyist,or someone who just wants to understand more about how web technologies work.The objective of this course is not to take you from ""beginner"" to ""expert"" but to take you from ""beginner"" to ""comfortable so you can feel confident to experiment further.The three technologies every web developer must know are :HTML : Used to create contentCSS: Used to present the contentJavaScript : Used to create interactionThese core technologies are the building blocks of all websites and web based projects. They are collectively are used in front end web development .Topics include:Introduction to basic HTMLHTML document structureAnatomy of HTML elementMarking up textLinksUsing comments and HTML AttributesIntroduction to basic CSSWays to apply CSSCSS RulesetCSS basic selectorsStyling multiple elementsCSS Box modelUsing margin and padding propertiesChanging background colorCSS Display propertyCSS Font propertyUsing google fontsIntroduction to basic JavaScriptWhere to place JavaScriptVariablesData TypesOperatorsOperator precedenceUsing ConditionalsFunctionsRuby is a modern object oriented programming language, and Ruby on Rails is a popular and powerful frameworks for building web applications. Rails was built using Ruby and makes it much easier to develop web applications with Ruby. Some notable applications have been built using Ruby on Rails: They incudeBasecamp, Twitter, Shopify, Github, LivingSocial, Groupon, Hulu, Airbnb, Yellow Pages to just mention a few.. A google search will reveal much more..We will create a complete blog application from scratch using Rails and in the process build up your skills.Concepts we will cover while building our blog project include:Creating a new rails projectUpdating gems using bundlerIllustration of MVC architectureStarting rails serverConditional statementsLoopsCreating controllersCreating modelsAssociating modelscreating viewsGenerating modelsRunning migrationsCreating postsEditing postsReading postsDeleting postsAdding links to postsCreating commentsDeleting commentsCreating controller actionsSetting up routesCreate formsUsing helpersAdding resources and automatically generating routesImplementing security-By the end of this practical course you would have developed enough skills to be creative and expand this project or build similar type of projects."
Price: 139.99

"Cassandra for Beginners" |
"Cassandra is a distributed database from Apache that is highly scalable and designed to manage very large amounts of structured data. It provides high availability with no single point of failure.Apache Cassandra is a NoSQL database capable of handling large amounts of data that change rapidly. In this course, learn about the architecture of this popular database, and discover how to design Cassandra data models that support scalable applications. The course highlights the differences between Cassandra and relational databases, discusses the Cassandra Query Language (CQL).The course starts off with the installation of Oracle's virtualbox and ubuntu-linux followed by the installing of Cassandra on the Ubuntu-linux virtual machine. The course then covers a basic introduction of Cassandra followed by its architecture, installation, and how to perform operations such as create, alter, update, and delete on keyspaces, tables, and indexes using CQLSHTopics include:Installation of Oracle's virtualBoxInstallation of Ubuntu-LinuxInstallation of Java JDKInstallation of CassandraIntroduction to Cassandra Query Language -CQLcreating a keyspaceAltering a keyspaceDropping a keyspaceCreating a tableInserting data into a tableReading data from a tableUpdating data in a tableDeleting a tableUsing Batch for multiple modification operationsAltering a tableCreating IndexTruncating a tableDropping a tableCreating a table with Set collectionCreating a table with List collectionCreating a table with Map collection"
Price: 119.99

"Ember : A beginner's introduction" |
"Ember is a JavaScript framework that is used for building ambitious web projects.It adopts the MVC (Model ,View ,Controller) architecture where the Model represents the data layer for the application, the view which presents the data the user can see and the controller which communicates between model and the view.Ember is used by some famous names like Yahoo, Microsoft, Square and LinkedIn .This is just a sample of ember users there are much more companies and organisations that use ember in one way or the other.Ember is quite popular framework used by a lot of web developers who have an active community.MVCs"" have emerged to help developers be more productive and build these user interfaces more easily. Ember.js helps web developer's build scalable web applications by providing a framework that eliminates boilerplate, enforces good code organization, and provides tools for common practices.In this course, we'll start by looking at some sites built with Ember.js and learning the core concepts that underly the framework. Next, we'll examine each major area of Ember.js one at a time: templates, controllers, and models.This is a practical course and you should have some understanding of javascript,HTML and CSS before taking thiscourse as it will make it easier for you to follow along .Ember is modern web framework that comes built with a development server that will enable us to test any applications we will build. We will be using the Ember CLI command line tool a lot in this course so i hope you do not mind using the command line or the terminal.What you'll learnWhat is emberEmber CLIEmber core conceptsHow ember worksInstalling ember dependenciesInstalling emberRoutes and TemplatesControllersModelsData"
Price: 119.99

"Using SQL for Data Science" |
"The role of a data scientist is to turn raw data into actionable insights. Much of the world's raw datafrom electronic medical records to customer e-commerce transaction historieslives in organized collections of tables called relational databases. Therefore, to be an effective data scientist, you must know how to wrangle and extract data from these databases using a language called SQL (pronounced ess-que-ell, or sequel).As data collection has increased exponentially, so has the need for people skilled at using and interacting with data; to be able to think critically, and provide insights to make better decisions and optimise their businesses. This is where the data scientist comes in. According to Glassdoor, being a data scientist is the best job in America; with a median base salary of $110,000 and thousands of job openings at a time. The skills necessary to be a good data scientist include being able to retrieve and work with data, and to do that you need to be well versed in SQL, the standard language for communicating with database systems.This course is designed to give you a primer in the fundamentals of SQL and working with data so that you can begin analyzing it for data science purposes. You will begin to ask the right questions and come up with good answers to deliver valuable insights for your organization. This course starts with the basics and assumes you have little or no knowledge or skills in SQL.What you will learn includes:Downloading and installing Oracle DatabaseDownloading and installing TOADDownload and installing SQL DeveloperConnecting to Oracle databaseQuerying data from single and multiple columnsRemoving duplicate records from query outputFiltering records with WHERE clauseUsing various operators with the WHERE clauseLimiting dataUsing aggregate functionsSorting and Grouping dataExtracting data from multiple tables"
Price: 119.99

"Introduction to SQL Window Functions" |
"SQL window functions also known as windowing functions, OVER functions, or analytic functions are tremendously useful. These functions make building complex aggregations much simpler. In this step-by-step course , I will lead you through SQL window functions. At its end, you'll embrace this topic with ease and feel comfortable using window functions in SQL databases.The most popular business problems can be solved with SQL . What is the revenue growth month over month and running total revenue? Can we trust the metric, or does the data have some accidental duplicates that affect it? What are the top N orders for every month? What is the repeat purchase behaviour? All these questions have to be translated from business language to programming language.This course covers the syntax and semantics of SQL window functions. It shows how powerful they are, what the typical use cases are, and how to use ORDER BY and PARTITION BY to set up a frame for window functions. You'll also learn the difference between ROWS and RANGE clauses.Topics covered includes:Installing Oracle databaseInstalling TOADInstalling SQL developerConnecting TOAD and SQL Developer to Oracle DatabaseAnatomy of Analytic Window functionsAggregate functionsAnalytic functionsHow windowing worksWhat Am I Going To Get from This SQL Window functions Course?You'll discover how window functions can be used to:Compute running totals and running averagesBuild rankingsUse DENSE RANKFind first and last valuesUse OVER clauseUse Partition By clauseUse Order By clauseUse Windowing clauseYou'll also get a deeper understanding of SQL aggregate and analytic functions.Who Should Take This Course?Beginning database analystsDevelopers who want to keep their knowledge of SQL currentStudents taking classes in relational databasesAnyone who wants to learn SQL window functions"
Price: 109.99

"Introduction to using SQL for Reporting" |
"SQL can be used to generate reports and present information on websites. This course covers SQL features in helping you answer more interesting questions about your data.The most popular business problems can be solved with SQL . What is the revenue growth month over month and running total revenue? Can we trust the metric, or does the data have some accidental duplicates that affect it? What are the top N orders for every month? What is the repeat purchase behaviour? All these questions can bee translated from the database using SQL into useful reports for the business.Topics covered includes:Installing Oracle databaseInstalling TOADInstalling SQL developerConnecting TOAD and SQL Developer to Oracle DatabaseOrdering and Limiting resultsFiltering data using the WHERE clauseUsing multiple operators with the WHERE clauseHow to use Views and Dual TablesUsing Like operators with wild cards to achieve search patternsRemoving duplicates recordsUsing sub-queriesUsing character functionsUsing conversion functionsUsing numeric functionsUsing date functionsGrouping resultsAggregate functionsSome real world SQL reportingWhat Am I Going To Get from This SQL Reporting Course?You'll discover how to use various built in features of SQL to generate useful for reports that can help a business make important decisions.Who Should Take This Course?Beginning database analystsDevelopers who want to keep their knowledge of SQL currentStudents taking classes in relational databasesAnyone who wants to learn SQL Reporting"
Price: 109.99

"Ember : Learn emberjs by building an ember app step by step" |
"Ember is a JavaScript framework that is used for building ambitious web projects. It adopts the MVC (Model ,View ,Controller) architecture where the Model represents the data layer for the application, the view which presents the data the user can see and the controller which communicates between model and the view.Ember is used by some famous names like Yahoo, Microsoft, Square and LinkedIn .This is just a sample of ember users there are much more companies and organisations that use ember in one way or the other.Ember is quite popular framework used by a lot of web developers who have an active community. MVCs"" have emerged to help developers be more productive and build these user interfaces more easily. Ember.js helps web developer's build scalable web applications by providing a framework that eliminates boilerplate, enforces good code organisation, and provides tools for common practices.In this 8hours course you will learn the core concepts of ember and also design and build an ember application to help you get a better understanding of how ember works.This is a practical course and you should have some understanding of javascript,HTML and CSS before taking this course as it will make it easier for you to follow along . Ember is modern web framework that comes built with a development server that will enable us to test any applications we will build. We will be using the Ember CLI command line tool a lot in this course so i hope you do not mind using the command line or the terminal."
Price: 139.99

"Joining Data and using Triggers in PostgreSQL" |
"The PostgreSQL Joins clause is used to combine records from two or more tables in a database. A JOIN is a means for combining fields from two tables by using values common to each.The main concept which is focusing on a join is that, two or more data sets, when joined, combined their columns into a new set of rows, including each of the columns requested from each of the data sets. All joins are standing on the foundation of Cartesian product. The Cartesian product is the set of all possible combinations between two data sets. A join creates a set of rows in a temporary table and works on two or more tables, and each table should at least one common field and must maintain a relation between the common fields. Join keeps the structure unchanged of the base tables.Types of PostgreSQL JOINCross JoinInner JoinLeft Outer JoinRight Outer JoinFull Outer JoinA PostgreSQL trigger is a function invoked automatically whenever an event associated with a table occurs. An event could be any of the following: INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE or TRUNCATE.A trigger is a special user-defined function that binds to a table. To create a new trigger, you must define a trigger function first, and then bind this trigger function to a table. The difference between a trigger and a user-defined function is that a trigger is automatically invoked when an event occurs.PostgreSQL provides two main types of triggers: row and statement level triggers. The differences between the two are how many times the trigger is invoked and at what time. For example, if you issue an UPDATE statement that affects 20 rows, the row level trigger will be invoked 20 times, while the statement level trigger will be invoked 1 time.You can specify whether the trigger is invoked before or after an event. If the trigger is invoked before an event, it can skip the operation for the current row or even change the row being updated or inserted. In case the trigger is invoked after the event, all changes are available to the trigger.We will create and manage a basic trigger in this course."
Price: 124.99

"16 beginner programming projects: Java, Python,JavaScript,c#" |
"Programming languages are the building blocks for communicating instructions to machines, without them the technology driven world we live in today wouldnt exist. Programming can be fun as well as challenging.In this beginners course we will be learning to code using four very popular and high in demand programming languages:JavaPythonJavaScriptC#Java is a general purpose high-level, object-oriented programming language.Java is one of the most commonly used languages for developingand delivering content on the web. An estimated nine millionJava developers use it and more than three billion mobile phones run it.Java is an object-oriented language, which means that programmersdefine not only the data type of a data structure, but also the types of functions that can be applied to the data structure.Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics. Its high-level built in data structures, combined with dynamic typing and dynamic binding, make it very attractive for Rapid Application Development, as well as for use as a scripting or glue language to connect existing components together.JavaScript is a programming language for the web. It is supported by most web browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, internet Explorer, Edge, Opera, etc. Most mobile browsers for smart phones support JavaScript too.C# is an elegant and type-safe object-oriented language that enables developers to build a variety of secure and robust applications that run on the .NET Framework. You can use C# to create Windows client applications, XML Web services, distributed components, client-server applications, database applications, and much, much more.The course will teach you topics like:Setting up various development environmentsVariablesData TypesString operatorsAssignment operatorsComparison operatorsLogical operatorsArraysFunctionsListsConcatenationConditional StatementsWe will be creating 16 projects - 4 for each of the programming languages."
Price: 139.99

"Elixir for beginners" |
"Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications. It leverages the Erlang VM, known for running low-latency, distributed and fault-tolerant systems, while also being successfully used in web development and the embedded software domain.Elixir is a functional, dynamic language built on top of Erlang and the Erlang VM. Erlang is a language that was originally written in 1986 by Ericsson to help solve telephony problems like distribution, fault-tolerance, and concurrency. Elixir, written by Jos Valim, extends Erlang and provides a friendlier syntax into the Erlang VM. It does this while keeping the performance of the same level as Erlang.Features of ElixirScalability All Elixir code runs inside lightweight processes that are isolated and exchange information via messages.Fault Tolerance Elixir provides supervisors which describe how to restart parts of your system when things go wrong, going back to a known initial state that is guaranteed to work. This ensures your application/platform is never down.Functional Programming Functional programming promotes a coding style that helps developers write code that is short, fast, and maintainable.Build tools Elixir ships with a set of development tools. Mix is one such tool that makes it easy to create projects, manage tasks, run tests, etc. It also has its own package manager - Hex.Erlang Compatibility Elixir runs on the Erlang VM giving developers complete access to Erlangs ecosystem.Topics covered in this course includes:Installing ElixirDisplaying outputElixir build toolApplication structureCreating a new elixir projectReading from afileInjecting a file into elixir projectCreating a custom taskUsing elixir packagesData typesOperatorsusing Elixir MapVariablesFunctions and ModulesFiltering dataSorting data"
Price: 109.99

"Become a MEAN Stack Developer: MongoDB; Express;Angular;Node" |
"MEAN, a free, open-source, full-stack solution for MEAN applications. MEAN combines MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js into a single, fullstack solution for JavaScript development.This course introduces development techniques that capitalise on the strengths of every layer in the MEAN stack, using a simple shopping list application project that has a Backend server side Api built with Node , Express and MongoDB and a Frontend client built with angular 6 that will exchange with the backend Api . Data will be exchanged between a browser based client and an API backend service .You will learn the essential concepts of the MEAN stack .Learn how to create a component anda form for users to add new items and also to edit items. The front end Angular Client will display data stored from the backend service. These techniques can be reused and recombined in your own MEANbased web applications.What we will cover includes:Installing and setting up your MEAN development environmentConfiguring Angular Component with a form to add new items and also to edit existing itemsCreating http methodsDisplaying stored items from databasseLearn how to connect your Angular Frontend to a NodeJS & Express & MongoDB BackendInstalling and working with MongoDB and Node.jsImplementing a MongoDB schemaDefining routesUsing Postman to interact with backend APIUsing nodemon to run serverImplementing middlewareSubscribing to ObservablesCreating a data serviceInjecting service into componentEditing componentNesting Component"
Price: 114.99

"Hacking Web Applications em Portugus" |
"Traduo de Gustavo Li Bem-Vindos ao curso de web hacking e teste de penetrao!Ser um hacker muito divertido, mas o tipo de diverso que requer muito esforo. O esforo requer motivao.Esse curso no como os outros. No ensinarei a parte tediosa que voc pode aprender no Google.Todos os vdeos neste curso so simples, curtos e prticos.Voc vai praticar Invaso / Testes de Penetrao contra um nmero de aplicativos no mundo real.Voc aprender como descobrir as vulnerabilidades de aplicativos da web atravs de testes de penetrao.Voc aprender como invadir websites.Comearei ensinando os conceitos bsicos de qualquer vulnerabilidade e ento explorando elas com habilidades puramente tcnicas. O curso de invaso e teste de penetrao foi feito para cobrir todas as ltimas vulnerabilidades de aplicativos da web como ataques CSRF, Ataques por injeo e muito mais.*Esse curso tem apenas propsitos educacionais*"
Price: 84.99

"Machine Learning von A-Z: Lerne Python & R fr Data Science!" |
"Jetzt neu: Zustzlicher Bonus zum Thema Deep Learning (Neuronale Netze) mit Python, Tensorflow und Keras!Dieser Kurs enthlt ber 300 Lektionen, Quizze, Praxisbeispiele, ... - der einfachste Weg, wenn du Machine Learning lernen mchtest.Schritt fr Schritt bringe ich dir maschinelles Lernen bei. In jedem Abschnitt lernst du ein neues Thema - zuerst die Idee / Intuitiondahinter, und anschlieend den Code sowohl in Python als auch in R.Machine Learning macht erst dannrichtig Spa, wenn man echte Daten auswertet.Deswegen analysierst du indiesem Kursbesonders viele Praxisbeispiele:Schtze den Wert von GebrauchtwagenSchreibe einen Spam-FilterDiagnostiziere BrustkrebsSchreibe ein Programm, wasdie Bedeutung von Adjektiven lerntLese Zahlen aus Bildern einAlle Codebeispielewerden dirbeiden Programmiersprachen gezeigt - du kannst also whlen, ob du den Kurs inPython, R, oder in beiden Sprachen sehen mchtest!Nach dem Kurs kannst du Machine Learning auch auf eigene Daten anwenden und eigenstndig fundierte Entscheidungen treffen:Du weit, wannwelche Modelle in Frage kommen knnten undwie du diese vergleichst. Du kannstanalysieren, welche Spalten bentigt werden, ob zustzliche Daten bentigt werden, und weit, die die Daten vorab aufbereitet werden mssen.Dieser Kurs behandelt alle wichtigen Themen:RegressionKlassifizierungClusteringNatural Language ProcessingBonus:Deep Learning (nur fr Python, weil die Tools hier sehr viel ausgereifter sind)Zu allen diesen Themen lernst du verschiedene Algorithmen kennen. Die Ideen dahinter werden einfach erklrt - keine trockenen,mathematischen Formeln, sondern anschauliche, grafische Erklrungen.Wir verwenden hierbei gngige Tools (Sklearn, NLTK, caret, data.table, ...), die auch fr echte Machine-Learning-Projekte verwendet werden.Was lernst du alles?Regression:Lineare RegressionPolynomiale RegressionKlassifizierung:Logistische RegressionSupport Vector Machine (SVM)SVM mit Kernel (rbf, poly)Naive BayesEntscheidungsbumeRandom ForestClusteringNatural Language ProcessingTokenizingStemmingPOS-Tagging (welchen Typ hat ein Wort?)Bonus: Deep Learning / Neuronale Netze (nur Python)Aufbau eines Neuronalen NetzesWas ist ein Neuron?TensorflowKerasZudem lernst du auch, wie du Machine Learning anwendest:Dimensionsreduktion mit der Principal Component Analysis(PCA)Lese Daten ein, und bereite sie fr dein Modell vorMit vollstndigem Praxisbeispiel, Schritt fr Schritt erklrtFinde die besten Hyperparameter fr dein Modell""Parameter Tuning""GridSearch (GridSearchCV in Python /tuneGrid in R)Vergleiche Modelle miteinander:Wie dich der Wert fr dieGenauigkeit eines Modells in die Irre fhren kann, und was du dagegen tun kannstK-Fold Cross-ValidationBestimmtheitsmaMein Ziel ist es, dir mit diesem Kurs den idealen Einsteig in die Welt des Machine Learnings zu bieten."
Price: 199.99

"Submitting A Winning Bid" |
"A step by step guide on writing UK/ EU bid proposals in response to an Invitation To Tender (ITT) or Response For Quote (RFQ). This course builds on the foundation of my previous course 'How to Win UK Contracts'. Here we go into more detail and look at Contract Notices and official tender templates used in the EU and UK. We also try our hands at responding to ITT questions. If you have ever struggled with responding to tenders or felt overwhelmed when looking at tender documents, this course will help you understand in simple English, what is required to submit a winning bid.All the details in this course can be found in my book How to Win UK Contracts on Amazon."
Price: 19.99

"Logic Pro X: Dj Snake EDM Music Production in Logic Pro X" |
"Do you like the style of Dj Snake and the process of ""modern"" EDM music production? Do you struggle to lay out ideas and to get inspiration quickly for your EDM track in Logic Pro X? Are you running in to writers block easily these days? Then this course is for you!Welcome to this course where I will learn you how to create electronic music in the style of Dj Snake. In this course - you will learn how to create a ""modern"" EDM track fast and how to get ideas quickly. In just a few hours you will learn how to overcome writers block and arrange your track fast. Logic Pro X Template is included for FREE! We also included FREE Sample Packs as a Bonus!These Sample Packs are included:4 Project Ideas for Logic Pro X1 Full BONUS Deep House Project1 Original Logic Pro X Project File (The one that you will learn creating in this course)Snare Rolls Pack 1 - 70 Snare Rolls Samples - Complete Snare Rolls to use in your next project.Up & Downlifters 1 - 50 FX Samples for great transitions between different parts in your song.Kick Toolbox 1 - 100 Professional Kick Drum Samples in different pitch.Reversed Reverbs - 120 Reversed Reverb Effects to use to introduce parts in your arrangement.One Shot EDM Samples - 50 Synth & Bass Samples to use in a Sampler for Professional Sounds in no time!One Shot Deep House Samples - 50 Synth & Bass Samples to use in a Sampler for Professional Sounds in no time!Clap & Snare Toolbox + MIDI Groovy Tools.I have produced electronic music for a long time - over 10 years now - and a few years ago I got to a point where I couldn't get past writers block and I didn't know what to produce anymore. The genre ""Electronic Music"" started to get generic and after a while the style got slower in tempo - from 128BPM to 110BPM and even slower. After trying to experiment with tempo and different style I became a lot more inspired to create music again. A whole new world opened up to me. I just wish that someone would tell me how to do these different tricks and how to experiment without thinking so much about whats wrong and what right. This course will help you a lot - take it as a guideline at the same time as creating a track that is ""Modern"".In this course you will learn:How to produce a full track from scratch to finish.How to get from a short musical idea - an 8-bar loop - to a full track.How to make transitions from different places in your track so you get a natural and professional sound.How to mix and master a track so it sounds good on every place you play your track.You will get the finished Logic Pro X project file (.lpx file) that you can download and open on your computer.We will first go through an initial idea process, or a creative process where we just throw every sound that we like in to the project. Without any rules at all, just whatever we feel sounds great at that moment. I think that it is important to be creative when creating music since music is an creative art after all.After that we will go over organising the project and arrange the track even though we don't have all the sounds for our final project yet or we're not 100% happy with the sounds yet. I think it's really important to create a first arrangement or how I call it ""the skeleton of the track"". This is so we can see visually how our track will look like when it is done. Now it's a lot easier to see what sounds we should add where in the track.When we are done adding more sounds that we like and adding FX's such as transition elements so our track sounds more alive and not that static - then we are going to the finishing process of the track.Mixdown and mastering sections are also fully covered in this course so we can listen to our tracks on every sound system there is out there like you car speaker, Spotify or a big club sound system. We are going through the process on how to have it mixed down properly.So what are you waiting for? Lets see you in the course :)"
Price: 194.99

"Music Production - Make Calvin Harris Style in Logic Pro X" |
"Have you heard Calvin Harris track ""This is What You Came For""? Do you want to know how to make Calvin Harris style tracks that sounds like it and get in par with the ""big guys"" in the music industry? Do you want to learn Music Production for Electronic Music?Do you want to create a track from scratch?Do you struggle to lay out ideas and to get inspiration quickly for your Electronic Music track? Are you running in to writers block easily these days? Then this course is for you!Logic Pro X Templates are included for FREE! We also included FREE Sample Packs as a Bonus!These Sample Packs are included:4 Project Ideas for Logic Pro X1 Full BONUS Deep House Project1 Original Logic Project (The one that the course is teaching you how to create)Snare Rolls Pack 1 - 70 Snare Rolls Samples - Complete Snare Rolls to use in your next project.Up & Downlifters 1 - 50 FX Samples for great transitions between different parts in your song.Kick Toolbox 1 - 100 Professional Kick Drum Samples in different pitch.Reversed Reverbs - 120 Reversed Reverb Effects to use to introduce parts in your arrangement.One Shot EDM Samples - 50 Synth & Bass Samples to use in a Sampler for Professional Sounds in no time!One Shot Deep House Samples - 50 Synth & Bass Samples to use in a Sampler for Professional Sounds in no time!Clap & Snare Toolbox + MIDI Groovy Tools.Last Updated: February 2020Welcome to this course where I will learn you how to make Calvin Harris Style Track in Logic Pro X. In this course - you will learn how to create a ""modern"" EDM track fast and how to get ideas quickly. In just a few hours you will learn how to overcome writers block and arrange your track fast. I have produced electronic music ever since I met DJ's like Avicii, Alesso or Otto Knows (they actually went to the same High School as me in Stockholm, Sweden) and that is for a long time - over 10 years now - and a few years ago I got to a point where I couldn't get past writers block and I didn't know what to produce anymore. The genre ""Electronic Music"" started to get generic and after a while the style got slower in tempo - from 128BPM to 110BPM and even slower. After trying to experiment with tempo and different style I became a lot more inspired to create music again. A whole new world opened up to me. I just wish that someone would tell me how to do these different tricks and how to experiment without thinking so much about whats wrong and what right. This course will help you a lot - take it as a guideline at the same time as creating a track that is ""Modern""In this course we are going over how to start from an initial idea where we are going to a creative stage where they are no rules at all - just throw in whatever sound that you like. After that we are going straight to the point and arranging our track idea, cleaning up and organising the project. I like arranging my tracks even when I'm not 100% sure about every sound that it contains. It's a lot easier to see what sounds you should add or rather need add when you have a proper arrangement laid out. After that we are going over how to perfecting the idea and experimenting with the sound a bit - just so we won't get bored of it. We are also going through the full process of mixing down the track properly so every sound is levelled out, have an stereo image and EQed properly. After that we will also go through the full process of mastering the track so it sounds great on all of your speaker systems like your computer, a radio, in your car or a club system.So let's jump in to the course and start learning music with me. See you in the course :)"
Price: 194.99

"Logic Pro X - Pop & EDM Music Production In Logic Pro X" |
"This online music production techniques course will show you how to, step by step, create an original and fresh Pop & House Music track with only your computer and your DAW Logic Pro X .This course is created for the absolute beginner as well as advanced users who wants to expand their knowledge in music production techniques. We are covering all of the techniques that the biggest music producers use in the real world to get professional sounding productions in the box.This Course Includes All You Need To Create This Track From Scratch - You Will Only Need Logic Pro X & Your Computer.There are a plenty of different Music Production courses out there where they focus on a lot of different things - but in this course I rather focus on the Music Production Techniques as well as showing you the process from scratch to the finished product.Logic Pro X Template is included for FREE! We also included FREE Sample Packs as a Bonus!These Sample Packs are included:4 Project Ideas for Logic Pro X1 Full BONUS Deep House Project1 Original Logic Pro X Project File (The one that you will learn creating in this course)Snare Rolls Pack 1 - 70 Snare Rolls Samples - Complete Snare Rolls to use in your next project.Up & Downlifters 1 - 50 FX Samples for great transitions between different parts in your song.Kick Toolbox 1 - 100 Professional Kick Drum Samples in different pitch.Reversed Reverbs - 120 Reversed Reverb Effects to use to introduce parts in your arrangement.One Shot EDM Samples - 50 Synth & Bass Samples to use in a Sampler for Professional Sounds in no time!One Shot Deep House Samples - 50 Synth & Bass Samples to use in a Sampler for Professional Sounds in no time!Clap & Snare Toolbox + MIDI Groovy Tools.This course is designed for every skill level from Beginners to Advanced. If you never used Logic before, that's totally fine as well. This course includes a 14-part video series on how to Download Logic Pro X as well as a good overview of the Software from a new beginners users perspective.Just a few of the things you'll learn:How To Get Your Favourite Music And Produce a Track Similar To That OneMaster Logic Pro X As An EDM Music ProducerDifferent Music Production Techniques in Logic as Well As Real World ExamplesAnalyse Arrangements and Create Your Own EasilyLearn how to Create a Mixdown and Master Electronic Music in Only A Few HoursImprove Your Music Production Techniques and Start Making Professional Quality Music in No Time!Regardless of what your level of experience is or what type of music you are creating, this course will take you knowledge to a whole another level. I will show you step-by-step how to create this track with just Logic's own stock plugins and no third party plugins.Whether you prefer creating music or learning different production techniques and methods such as workflow, this course will suite you perfect.Unlike other music production courses, this course will cover everything from how to learn Logic Pro X from scratch to how to come up with the idea and as well as arranging, mixing and mastering. I always use a mixing reference that is my Car. Since I listen to music regularly in my Car's Sound System, that way I'm making sure that if my track sounds fine in my car then it would sound fine on other systems as well.Contents and OverviewThis course is aimed at teaching music producers such as EDM Music Producers or Pop & House music producers who are producing in the box. We are creating the track from scratch with only our computer and nothing else when it comes to hardware.You'll start with the basics and learn how to download Logic Pro X, install it and what different parts of Logic does to get you a good grip of the software. We will then go through how to get your favourite track to Logic's Piano Roll and build ourselves a great idea around that track. Logic Pro X is a great piece of software but it's also a very advanced Digital Audio Workstation. That is why I have included a Quick Start section for Logic Pro X users. It is good for both users who has never used the software before as well as advanced users of Logic since you still can learn different workflow methods that I will share with you in this course.We will then cover how to build simple but yet effective sounds from scratch and not only that, we will also build them with 3rd party plugins and Logic's stock plugins. So let's say that you don't own any 3rd party plugins - that is totally fine since I will show you how to do almost the same sounds with only the stock plugins that comes bundled with Logic Pro X.By the end of this complete course, you will learn how to analyse a popular track and copy that arrangement. After that we will arrange the track completely and create different transitional effects so that every part of the track is arranged properly. It is important to have a full and very well arranged track since DJ's depends on that nowadays.About the instructors:Martin Svensson started producing music since 2005 and teaching since 2016, and now has over 80,000 happy students on Udemy learning music production and other related topics viewed from a Music Producers perspective. Martin has been working with different producers around the world as well as co-created a few very well known tracks with other musicians. Martin is based in Stockholm, Sweden"
Price: 194.99

"Logic Pro X 101 Masterclass - Complete Logic Pro X Course" |
"In this class, you will learn how to master Logic Pro X and how to create full productions in no time! We will also create 3 full productions from scratch in this class, from the idea stage to a complete finished professional sounding track. You will also get those 3 full productions as templates so you can open them on your computer to see how the projects are built up. Feel free to copy settings and/or different presets or sounds.Do you know that Logic Pro X is one of the most used music programs in the world? You can create, edit, and arrange music as well as do many other things, even creating videos. Not only Music Production but Also How to Make It As The Professional Music ProducersStart getting creative with Logic Pro and make music quick.Learn how to get organized and getting your projects clean leading to a better end result.Discover Apple Loops and how to create a whole Project within just an hour.Learn how to Master Logic Pro X with a lot of different quick tips and key commands.Get creative with the Piano Roll and MIDI - learn how to quickly come up with chords that you would never ever think about doing.Master Logic Pro X in just a DAY!This is the ONLY class you will Need for Learning Music Production with Logic Pro XDo you want to start writing music in Logic and dont know where to start? This course will help you! In this course, we will go over all sections in Logic from a Music Producers perspective, from Downloading the app to going through all of the sections and why you should use them and how. You will be able to produce music within a day from knowing NOTHING. This course is for new users and for users who are already familiar with Logic Pro X.There's a lot of different tutorials on YouTube on how to learn Logic Pro X but since it's such a huge software and where the possibilities are endless with what you can do with it. That's why I have created this course to easily understand how to make music with Logic and to focus on Music Production. The great thing about Logic Pro X is that everything is pretty much included in the software. You can really go and produce a top hit track with just the tools that Apple gives to you when purchasing the software through the App Store. We will cover all of these tools that you need to know about. There's literally music producers who use ONLY the stock resources that come with Logic and made it through Billboard top 100.Did you know that Rihanna's career started with a basic Apple Loop? Yes, her whole career started with that one Apple Loop. And not only that loop, but it was also just taken from the stock library and used as-is - without modification of any sort. And it's totally fine and legal.We will go over topics such as how to download the software and getting started, managing all sounds that Logic comes with initially (there's a lot of them), going over Logic's interface and look through what different things do just so you get familiar with the software itself and then we are going to learn how to create music with the powerful tools such as Piano Roll, Library, Plugins and lastly we will take a look at the mixer window and how to use the Mixer section in Logic Pro X properly. Instead of you figuring out the in's and out's with Logic Pro X by yourself I have created a lot of different quick tips videos with tips and tricks that have made me produce music a lot quicker and where I got the sound quality to be much better (new videos are getting added up every month). These tips and tricks are the little ""secrets"" with Logic Pro X that I've found out in the last 10+ years that I have been working with Logic Pro ever since version 7.When enrolling in this class you will get support directly from me through Udemy's Q&A feature. I will answer as fast as I can but I aim for the answer within 24 hours on weekdays.We will focus on Music Production and how to get results from Logic Pro X quickly and make you a hit machine with lots of projects in no time!"
Price: 194.99

"Logic Pro X: Chainsmokers Style EDM Music Production Course" |
"This Chainsmokers style EDM Music Production course will show you how to, step by step, create an original and modern EDM track with only your computer and Logic Pro X without any 3rd Party plugins.This course is created for the absolute beginner as well as advanced users who want to expand their knowledge in music production techniques. We are covering all of the methods that the most prominent music producers use in the real world to get professional sounding productions in the box.This Course Includes All You Need To Create This Track From Scratch - You Will Only Need Logic Pro X & Your Computer.There are plenty of different Music Production courses out there where they focus on a lot of different things - but in this course, I instead focus on the Music Production Techniques as well as showing you the process from scratch to the finished product.Logic Pro X Template is included for FREE!This course is designed for every skill level from Beginners to Advanced. If you never used Logic before, that's fine as well. This course includes a 14-part video series on how to Download Logic Pro X as well as a good overview of the Software from a new beginner's users' perspective.Just a few of the things you'll learn in this EDM Music Production course:How To Get Your Favourite Music And Produce a Track Similar To That OneMaster Logic Pro X As An EDM Music ProducerDifferent Music Production Techniques in Logic as Well As Real-World ExamplesAnalyze Arrangements and Create Your Own EasilyLearn how to Create a Mixdown and Master Electronic Music in Only A Few HoursImprove Your Music Production Techniques and Start Making Professional Quality Music in No Time!Regardless of what your level of experience is or what type of music you are creating, this course will take your knowledge to a whole another level. I will show you step-by-step on how to create this track with just Logic's stock plugins and no third-party plugins.Whether you prefer creating music or learning different production techniques and methods such as workflow, this course will suit you perfectly.Unlike other music production courses, this course will cover everything from how to learn Logic Pro X from scratch to how to come up with the idea and as well as arranging, mixing, and mastering. I always use a mixing reference. That is my car. Since I listen to music regularly in my Car's Sound System, that way, I'm making sure that if my track sounds fine in my car then it would sound fine on other systems as well.About the instructors:Martin Svensson started producing music since 2005 and teaching since 2016 and now has over 80,000 happy students on Udemy learning music production and other related topics viewed from a Music Producers perspective. Martin has been working with different producers around the world as well as co-created a few very well known tracks with other musicians. Martin is based in Stockholm, Sweden"
Price: 194.99

"GarageBand for Mac Tutorial - Complete GarageBand Course" |
"In This GarageBand for Mac Tutorial - Complete Beginners Guide, I will show you how to Master GarageBand from knowing nothing to create two different complete full tracks. This course is created for the absolute beginner as well as advanced users who want to expand their knowledge in music production techniques. We are covering all of the methods that the biggest music producers use in the real world to get professional sounding productions in the box with the FREE high-quality software that GarageBand is.This Course Includes All You Need To Create Music and to Get Your Musical Ideas to GarageBand - You Will Only Need a Mac and an Internet Connection.There are plenty of different Music Production courses out there where they focus on a lot of different things - but in this course, I instead focus on the Music Production Stage and how to layout ideas on GarageBand quickly instead of messing around with unnecessary knobs and other settings that you won't need to use ever in GarageBand.This course is designed for every skill level from Beginners to Advanced. If you never used GarageBand before, that's fine as well. This course includes an introduction section where we will download GarageBand on the Mac App Store and show you how to get the big additional sound library that comes bundled with GarageBand as well.Just a few of the things you'll learn in this GarageBand for Mac course:How To Get Your Musical Ideas Quickly To GarageBandProduce Two Full Songs From Ideas Inspired Out Of Apple LoopsGet You Familiar With The GarageBand Interface And LooksIntroduce You To The Music Production Software From Apple and Show Why You Should Upgrade To Logic Pro XImprove Your Music Production Techniques and Start Making Professional Quality Music in No Time!Regardless of what your level of experience is or what type of music you are creating, this course will take your knowledge to a whole another level. I will show you step-by-step on how to create two different tracks with only GarageBand sounds and plugins without any third-party plugins.Whether you prefer creating music or learning different production techniques and methods such as workflow, this course will suit you perfectly.Unlike other music production courses, this course will cover everything from how to learn GarageBand from scratch to how to come up with the idea.About the instructor: Martin Svensson started producing music since 2005 and teaching since 2016 and now has over 80,000 happy students on Udemy learning music production and other related topics viewed from a Music Producers perspective. Martin has been working with different producers around the world as well as co-created a few very well known tracks with other musicians. Martin is based in Stockholm, Sweden"
Price: 194.99

"GarageBand iPad & iOS Course - Complete GarageBand Course" |
"In This GarageBand for iPad & iPhone Tutorial - Complete Beginners Guide I will show you how to Master GarageBand for iPad and iPhone from knowing nothing to create complete full tracks. This course is created for the absolute beginner as well as advanced users who wants to expand their knowledge in music production techniques. We are covering all of the techniques that the biggest music producers use in the real world to get professional sounding productions in the box with the FREE high quality software that GarageBand is.This Course Includes All You Need To Create Music and to Get Your Musical Ideas to GarageBand - You Will Only Need a Mac and an Internet Connection.There are a plenty of different Music Production courses out there where they focus on a lot of different things - but in this course I rather focus on the Music Production Stage and how to actually lay out ideas in GarageBand quickly instead of messing around with unnecessary knobs and other settings that you won't need to use ever in GarageBand.This course is designed for every skill level from Beginners to Advanced. If you never used GarageBand for iPad (iOS) before, that's totally fine as well. This course includes an introduction section where we will download GarageBand on the iOS App Store and show you how to get the big additional sound library that comes bundled with GarageBand as well.Just a few of the things you'll learn in this GarageBand for iPad course:How To Get Your Musical Ideas Quickly To GarageBandProduce One Full Song From Ideas Inspired Out Of Apple LoopsGet You Familiar With The GarageBand Interface And LooksIntroduce You To The Music Production Software From Apple.Improve Your Music Production Techniques and Start Making Professional Quality Music in No Time!Regardless of what your level of experience is or what type of music you are creating, this course will take you knowledge to a whole another level. I will show you step-by-step how to create a full track with only GarageBand sounds and plugins without any third party plugins. I will also show you the possibility of using third-party plugins on the iOS version of GarageBand with Audio Units.Whether you prefer creating music or learning different production techniques and methods such as workflow, this course will suite you perfect.Unlike other music production courses, this course will cover everything from how to learn GarageBand from scratch to how to come up with the idea.About the instructor:Martin Svensson started producing music since 2005 and teaching since 2016, and now has over 80,000 happy students on Udemy learning music production and other related topics viewed from a Music Producers perspective. Martin has been working with different producers around the world as well as co-created a few very well known tracks with other musicians. Martin is based in Stockholm, Sweden"
Price: 194.99

"Ableton Live - DJ Mixtape & Podcasts in Ableton Live Course" |
"In This How To Make A DJ Mixtape in Ableton Live Course, I will show you how to create a full mixtape and how to make transitions from one track to the other - beat matched and with effect to make the transitions smooth and simple. This Course will learn you how to make Pre-Made sets without any other prior knowledge of Music Production OR Djing. You Can Use The Same Principles For Both EDM, Hip Hop or Even New Music Genres - it will work for all Genres!This course is created for the absolute beginner as well as advanced users who wants to expand their knowledge in dj mixtape creation. We are covering all of the techniques that the biggest Dj's use in the real world to get professional sounding mixtapes for radio shows, all created in the box with the included FREE Ableton Live Trial.This Course Includes All You Need To Create DJ Mixtapes in Ableton Live - You Will Only Need a Computer with macOS or Windows and an Internet Connection.There are a plenty of different DJ courses out there where they focus on a lot of different things and how to play out live - but in this course I rather focus on the DJ Mixtape point of view and how to actually create pre-made sets which is used popularly in clubs but mainly used for radio shows, podcasts or when uploading your mixtape to mixcloud or Soundcloud.This course is designed for every skill level from Beginners to Advanced. If you never used Ableton Live before, that's totally fine as well. This course includes an introduction section where we will download Ableton Live and show you how to manage the most basic functions of Ableton Live to get you started.Just a few of the things you'll learn in this How To Make A DJ Mixtape course:How To Get Your Music Tracks into Ableton Live And Beat Match ThemCreate One Full Mixtape Where We Create Smooth Transitions Between The Different TracksShow How To Change Tempos Between Sections So You Can Blend Different Genres Within The Same SetMaster Ableton Live For AudioImprove Your DJ Mixtape Techniques and Start Making Professional DJ Mixtapes With Quality in No Time!Regardless of what your level of experience is or what type of music you are creating, this course will take you knowledge to a whole another level. I will show you step-by-step how to create a full mixtape with Ableton Live with Effects Like EQ & Reverbs.Whether you prefer creating pre-made mixtape sets or learning different dj techniques and methods such as workflow, this course will suite you perfect.Unlike other dj courses, this course will cover everything from learning how to beat match with Warp Markers in Ableton Live to Create Voice Over Effects.About the instructor:Martin Svensson started producing music since 2005 and teaching since 2016, and now has over 80,000 happy students on Udemy learning music production and other related topics viewed from a Music Producers perspective. Martin has been working with different producers around the world as well as co-created a few very well known tracks with other musicians. Martin is based in Stockholm, Sweden"
Price: 194.99

"Ableton Live 10 in a Day - Learn Music Production in Ableton" |
"In This Learn Ableton Live In A Day course, I will show you how to create a full song and learn all of the parts of Ableton Live that you need to know when producing music. This Course will learn you how to master Ableton Live and Music Production without any prior knowledge! I will show you how to produce music with Ableton Live as well as creating full music songs without talking about unnecessary stuff that you won't even use.... ever.This course is created for the absolute beginner as well as advanced users who wants to expand their knowledge within Ableton Live software. We are covering all of the different parts in Ableton Live such as Clip Envelopes, Automation, Warping Modes and Session/Arrangement View.This Course Includes All You Need To create music in Ableton Live - You Will Only Need a Computer with macOS or Windows and an Internet Connection.There are a plenty of different Ableton Live courses out there where they focus on a lot of different things and covering the software in a 10 hour or so, course - but in this course I rather focus on how to quickly jump into the Ableton Live boat and create music in an instant. When I learned Ableton Live myself, I didn't like to read books for hours and hours to learn all of the different knobs that I'm never going to use anyway. And if I would use that particular knob that I never use - I would just read up on that when I needed it.This course is designed for every skill level from Beginners to Advanced. If you never used Ableton Live before, that's totally fine as well. This course includes an introduction section where we will download Ableton Live and show you how to manage the most basic functions of Ableton Live to get you started.Just a few of the things you'll learn in this Learn Ableton Live course:How To Create A Full Track From Scratch in AbletonCreate Different Presets And Favourites In The Browser Section For A Quick WorkflowShow How The Different Controls Works And Why You Should Use ThemUsing Ableton Live As A Music Production SoftwareImprove Your Music Production Techniques And Work Up A Nice Quick Workflow Which Will Make You A Track Creating Machine!Regardless of what your level of experience is or what type of music you are creating, this course will take you knowledge to a whole another level. I will show you step-by-step how to create a full music production with Ableton Live and Effects Like EQ & Reverbs.About the instructor:Martin Svensson started producing music since 2005 and teaching since 2016, and now has over 80,000 happy students on Udemy learning music production and other related topics viewed from a Music Producers perspective. Martin has been working with different producers around the world as well as co-created a few very well known tracks with other musicians. Martin is based in Stockholm, Sweden"
Price: 194.99

"Logic Pro X: EDM Electronic Music Production in Logic Pro X" |
"In This How To Make EDM Style Course, I will show you how to create a full music production from scratch to the entire product - arranged, mixed, and mastered. This course will teach you how to make this track with Logic Pro X stock plugins and free third party plugins ONLY. I will also show how to import a vocal and how to make that vocal at the same tempo and key as your track to create a remix. You Can Use The Same Principles For Both EDM, Hip Hop, or Even New Music Genres - it will work for all Genres!This course is created for the absolute beginner as well as advanced users who want to expand their knowledge in music production. We are covering all of the techniques that the biggest music producers are currently are using as well as limiting ourselves to create music with ONLY Logic's stock plugins and free plugins - as well as working in the box. This Course Includes All You Need To Create a Full Music Production WITHOUT any paid plugins or sounds. Everything is included in this course and inside the included project file.We also include 10+ Sample Packs that will improve your productions as you can use them for free in your tracks - all royalty-free.This course is designed for every skill level from Beginners to Advanced. If you never used Logic Pro X before, that's totally fine as well. This Course includes an introduction section where we will download Logic Pro X and show you how to manage the most basic functions of Logic Pro X to get you started.Just a few of the things you'll learn in this How To Make A DJ Mixtape course:How To Make A Full Music Production Including Arrangement, Mixdown And MasteringRecord Natural Sounds Outside To Get A Natural Feel On Your TrackYou Will Learn How To Start With Music Instead Of Getting Into Writers BlockStart Finishing Music Instead Of Going To An Idea And Just Leave It Like ThatImprove Your Music Production Techniques and Start Making Professional Music With Quality in No Time!Regardless of what your level of experience is or what type of music you are creating, this course will take your knowledge to a whole another level. I will show you step-by-step how to create a full Music Production with Logic Pro X with Mixdown, Mastering as well as importing vocals to create a remix of this track.Unlike other Music Production courses, this course will cover everything from scratch and improve your overall music production level as well as getting you motivated to finish your music instead of letting your music ideas die within your project file.About the instructor:Martin Svensson started producing music since 2005 and teaching since 2016 and now has over 80,000 happy students on Udemy learning music production and other related topics viewed from a Music Producers perspective. Martin has been working with different producers around the world as well as co-created a few very well known tracks with other musicians. Martin is based in Stockholm, Sweden"
Price: 194.99
