"Programming in SAS for beginners" |
"SAS Programming - from beginners to advanced users This course is updated regularly to include new lectures, quizzes/practice activities About the course This course is your complete guide to mastering SAS programming language. This course covers all aspects of SAS programming, starting from basic concepts like Variables. Datasteps, Datasets, PROC (SAS Procedures) and Importing data in SAS environment to performing operations on data using SET statement, SAS Functions, Conditional Processing and handling Dates in SAS. It then leads to intermediate level concepts of using SAS Procedures where we cover PROC MEANS, PROC SORT, PROC FREQ and PROC PRINT. Base SAS concepts are then concluded with sessions on Data Merging and Exporting data out of SAS environment. The next section covers SAS SQL procedure, which is Structured Query Language implementation in SAS environment. In this section we go deep into PROC SQL and cover each of its components SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, HAVING. It leads to sessions on SQL JOINS INNER JOIN, OUTER JOIN and EXCLUSION JOINS. We have recently added a new section to the course to cover SAS Macro programming language as well. It covers the concepts of Macro Variables and Macro Programs in great detail, something which is not done in any other beginner level course on this platform. Needless to say, there are helpful quizzes included in all sections that will help you to cement the concepts learnt. Also, we are committed to add new practice activities so that you can practically apply the concepts learnt in this course. Why should you start learning SAS NOW! SAS jobs - You will be amazed to see how much SAS programming skills are in demand. Demand is only going to go up SAS is the pioneer in data analytics industry and is widely used by organizations and analytics service providers. Easy to learn, easy to use and very flexible as compared to its competitors like R and Python About SAS SASis a very powerful, widely used programming language fordata entry, management and analysis. Companies are now opening up to the importance of analytically savvy people to their organisations. Currently, the supply is having a hard time meeting up with the need. With our extensive list ofonline courses in analytics, you can be much better prepared to solve real world business problems and predictive modelling techniques. The development may be gradual but you will have practical knowledge you can apply on your nextdata analysisjob. There is no prerequisite of theseSAScertification courses. Anyone can learn it! You can train when and where you want, with courses our available 24/7. Why learn from Us? Dont work hard Work smart! Start crushing SAS programming, saving HUNDREDS of dollars with the most effective SAS training courses ever created. Gain instant access to the exact training courses used to train over 500 beginners to become experts in analytics techniques, data manipulation and optimisation techniques. Call us ambitious, but we are trying to save you time and money while giving you quality. Because when you are finally able to be the go-to SAS expert not only basic but advanced, when youve got reputable companies and start-ups looking for your service, when every project is as easy as drinking a glass of water. When that happens, we want you to remember this moment. You will look back on these words, and say that was when it all changed."
Price: 124.99

"Tableau for Visual Analytics" |
"Tableau 10: Data Visualization using Tableau - from beginners to intermediate users This course isupdated regularlyto include new lectures, quizzes/practice activities About the course This course isyour complete guidetomastering Data Visualisation using Tableau Desktop. In this course we cover all aspects ofTableau Desktop, starting from basic concepts like Importing data in Tableau environment Dimensions, Measures, Parameters Calculated Fields and Products offered by Tableau. Connecting Tableau to different data sources like Excel, Text, SQL Server, Oracle database Tableaus Interface - Menu bar, Worksheets in Tableau and Show me data options. To creating visual and performing visual analytics: Creating charts (Bar Charts, Pie Charts, Crosstabs, Tree Map, Histograms) Dates Table Calculations. How to apply Filters? Difference between Action Filters and Context Filters Sets and their use Sorting, Grouping and Forecasting And finally creating dashboards and learning advanced analytics and charting concepts: How to create a Dashboard? Advanced table calculations Calculation Syntax and Level of Details Nested Level of Details Control Charts Bump Charts There are 3 case studies included in the course which will help cement the concepts learnt through the videos. We will then utilise all our learning from the course in building our Final Dashboard which will give you enough confidence to land a high paying job in any of the major Data Analysis firm. Why should you start learningTableau NOW! Tableau jobs Top companies are looking for tableau experts who can easily identify areas that needs attention, helps in identifying patterns. Soaring demand for Tableau professionals In the field of data visualisation, demand for tableau skills is growing exponentially significantly more than its competitors. Tableau Salary The average salaries are on an upward trend with the recent average salaries go up to as high as $200,000 Variety of Job roles to choose from like Tableau Consultant, Data Analyst, Business Analyst, Business Intelligence Analyst/Developer and Business Intelligence Manager About Tableau Tableau 10 is the best data visualization tool out there. It is highly sought after by Business Intelligence professionals and key decision makers due to its superior data handling and visualization capabilities. Visualizations in todays world are widely used todiscover patterns in data such as customer purchase behaviour, sales trends, or production bottlenecks. By the year 2020, as the number of connected devices exceeds 50 billion, the world will generate 50 times more data. This data will be important to personal, and business decisions and can help many overcome distinct challenges. People that have the ability to understand and interpret this individual and business data will have a unique opportunity to capitalize on the worlds growing demand for data analysts. Why not get started learning how to use Tableau now instead of a few years from now? Data visualization is essential in identifying patterns for predictive analytics in a variety of individual and business applications. Through powerful platforms like Tableau, you'll be able to identify consumer behaviours and better understand the factors that influence their decisions. We invite you to learn how to use Tableau with our easy-to-follow video tutorials and lessons. This course was designed for everyone from beginner to advanced users. Whether you've never used the program before or if you want to learn a few new tips and tricks, by the end of this course, you'll be a Tableau master! Throughout the course, we'll teach you everything that you need to learn to be a Tableau master, making you a valuable asset to any company."
Price: 149.99

"R Programming: Mastering R for data analysis" |
"R will soon be the leading coding language in data science and statistics. Many professionals choose to use R in a variety of industries and scientific fields. Not many take the time to learn it because they dont know its importance for the future. Now is your opportunity to learn this powerful language while it is still in high demand. In this introductory course, youll learn everything that you need to know about R to become a successful data visualisation expert. Each video tutorial is easy to follow along with, and even if you've never worked with R before or dont have any coding experience, you'll be able to get started immediately. We start off slow, walking through the basics of R and with each lesson, youll progressively develop new skills and learn new aspects of R. Over the course of 20 video lessons in R, youll learn everything from downloading and installing R to creating your own unique functions and packages.As you move through the R course, youll learn a variety of essential skills that will make you a Data Science professional. After the basics, youll learn how to utilise data structures including vectors, matrices, lists, and data frames to create visualisations. Towards the end of the course, youll learn to use the advanced graphical capabilities of R.By no means are these video tutorials meant as a way to passively learn R. Each step of the way, youll be tested and will solve real data problems along with instant feedback to guide you to the correct solution if you need help. This is by far the easiest and most accessible way to learn R even if you have no prior experience or knowledge of Data Science of programming. Don't let the world pass you by and learn the data skills that will make you a valuable asset to any company of the future."
Price: 149.99

"Microsoft Excel Beginners to Advanced, Data Analysis and VBA" |
"This is a CPD UK ACCREDITED course. This course is updated regularly to include new lectures, quizzes/practice activities About the course This course is your complete guide to mastering Microsoft Excel. This course covers all aspects of working on Excel, starting from basic concepts like what are worksheets, rows, columns, tables and then moving onto different Formats in Excel and Conditional Formatting where we have covered all the different scenarios which one can think of. We then move onto more intermediate topics in Excel like Functions where we discuss Statistical, Math, Text, Logical, Lookup functions in MS Excel. We then discuss Data Protection and Validation which everyone uses to protect data from other users. We then move onto more advanced Excel topics of Pivot tables in which we discuss unique features of a pivot table and have a case study for you to understand how Pivot tables are used in real life. In Charts we cover distinct types of charts, how to do trend analysis using charts, sparkline charts and then move onto more statistical concepts which are essential for a data analyst - what if analysis, data interpretation using Data Analysis toolbox within Excel and finally VBA where we learn basics of VBA, how to create custom functions using VBA and finally a UserForm which will help you is automating your work! This course is basically THE Bible of Excel you want, and the explanation and examples provided are something which havent been done in any other course on this platform. There are helpful quizzes included in all sections that will help you to cement the concepts learnt. Also, we are committed to add new practice activities so that you can practically apply the concepts learnt in this course. Why should you start learning Excel NOW! Jobs in Excel Almost every organization uses Excel for data entry and knowing it will already put you over others Demand is only going to go up As organizations have started to understand the importance of having data, storing data, the demand for more people being comfortable in Excel will only go up. And for a Data Analyst, it is THE backbone! Easy to learn, easy to use and very flexible Why learn from Us? EXCEL in EXCEL is our motto!! Saving HUNDREDS of dollars and your time with the most effective training course ever created. Gain instant access to the exact training courses used to train over 4,000 beginners to become experts in using excel for day to day jobs and for analytics techniques and data manipulation. Call us ambitious, but we are trying to save you time and money while giving you quality. Dont work hard Work smart!"
Price: 79.99

"Customer Service Job Training in Urdu Language" |
"AFTER COMPLETING THIS COURSE THE LEARNER WILL BE ABLE TO: 1. APPLY THE FUNDAMENTAL ASPECTS OF CUSTOMER SERVICE IN A BUSINESS. 2. ADVANCE A CUSTOMER SERVICE PROGRAM FROM A FUNDAMENTAL TO ADVANCED LEVEL.3. COMMUNICATE AND COLLABORATE WITH CUSTOMERS UTILIZING EFFICIENT COMMUNICATION PROCESSES. 4. OBTAIN CUSTOMER FEEDBACK TO CONTINUOUSLY REFINE A CUSTOMER SERVICE PROGRAM. 5. IMPLEMENT A CUSTOMER SERVICE PROGRAM IN THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY, THE RETAIL INDUSTRY AND THE PUBLIC SECTOR.Providing excellent customer service is essential to the long-term viability of every business. OurCustomer Service course introduces the fundamental elements of customer service and explains how they can be applied in any organization. Following this, it describes how a business can develop its customer service program to the highest level.Our customer service course also details the role of customer service in the hospitality industry, the retail industry and the public sector. These sections explain the elements of customer service that should be focused on in these sectors.This course is ideal for business managers, business owners and entrepreneurs who wish to learn how to implement an effective customer service program in their organization.This course will also be of great interest to retail staff, hospitality workers and public servants who want to become more proficient at providing friendly and effective customer service."
Price: 24.99

"How to become a successful Youtuber (in Urdu language)" |
"Making money through YouTube means not only that you have a very stable source of large income without putting in that much work - but it also means accomplishing some measure of actual fame. If you make it big on YouTube, then people will recognize you in the street and it can even end up leading to other opportunities for your business. This is how celebrities are made in the digital age, so why not get involved?Of course this is not what a YouTube celebrity will actually tell you. They'll say that they've got it hard - that making content for YouTube is harder than it looks and that Google takes most of their commission. This may be true but at the end of the day, they're still often making a video a day maximum (often only a video a week) and they're still making huge amounts of money for talking on camera about something they love.But don't get me wrong - none of this is to say that becoming a YouTube celebrity is get rich quick scheme'. Not by any stretch of the imagination! In fact, making money on YouTube is not easy at all and there is a definite skill to this and a fair bit of luck involved too. A lot of people work incredibly hard at their YouTube content for years, never to see any real returns on it.So the question is: how do you go about exploding your content and building an effective business model on YouTube? How can you become the next big YouTube sensation? And what if you don't have a dashing camera smile?This book is the answer. Here, you're going to learn absolutely everything you need to know to practically guarantee your success on YouTube. You'll learn not only how to build a massive audience in no time at all but also how to make the most of that audience - you'll see how you can make money from advertisements and from sponsors, you'll discover growth hacking tricks to accelerate your progress and you'll see how to make an effective YouTube channel without even setting foot in front of the camera.What You'll LearnIntroductionWhy YouTube Stardom is the Perfect Way to Make it BigWhat Will Your Channel Be About?How to Find Your NicheHow to Make Money on YouTubeAdvertising on YouTubeOther Ways to Monetize YouTubeEquipment You Should Invest InHardware To GetSoftware and MaterialsYour Workflow - Creating and Uploading VideosHow to Make Videos Without Going In Front of the CameraTop Tips to Create Amazing Videos That Go BIGHow to Help People Find Your VideosTop Tips for Growing Your FollowingAnd Much More!Discover the step-by-step blueprint to become a YouTube celebrityBeing a YouTube celebrity is undoubtedly one of the coolest ways to make money online. Not only are you getting paid a rather large passive income potentially but you'll also be doing something that is highly rewarding - creating content and getting large amounts of feedback about it from a legion of fans...There's an awful lot to take on board here but the most important thing to always keep in mind is that you're aiming to provide value and to offer something different. You can be smart about the way you do this in order to minimize your work and maximize your exposure but the key is to be genuine, to be interesting and to really work on the quality and production values...Of course YouTube's advertising platform is not just a way for you to make money, it can also be a way for you to spend money on your own adverts! This way, you can create an advert that will show at the start of other videos and bring people to your channel. This costs money though and so it's not going to be a good option unless you already have a good form of monetization set up and that needs to be more than just advertising. If your YouTube channel is the start of an effective sales funnel, that leads people to buy a high ticket item...Try not to view other creators in your niche as your competitors. Instead, view them as colleagues and think of the niche as a community of creators. This way, you'll be able to ingratiate yourself into that community and work with them to help get yourself known while delivering something new for their viewers...Also highly important is to be consistent and to keep plugging away. Don't expect fame to come overnight and don't expect your first video to get a thousand views. This takes a lot of time and dedication and you need to be consistently and reliably churning out high quality video if you're going to convince people to subscribe and keep coming back. But if you're smart and you're determined then there's no reason you can't make it with the very best of them and once the hits start coming, things will start to take off fast.Get these 10 exclusive, step-by-step video tutorials that'll teach you how to become a massive youtube celebrity and inform you about creating content, managing your channel and growing like wild fire."
Price: 24.99

"Master BOSSA NOVA Harmony & Rhythm" |
"Helloand welcome!I am Marcel leal, a Brazilian guitar teacher and Phd and would like to present you the ""Master BOSSA NOVA harmony and rhythm""course.Over the years, performing and teaching in other countries Ive noticed that many of my non-Brazilian students and even musician friends had a kind of a block when performing Brazilian rhythms and harmonyon guitar. So, I have developed this course where I address this difficulty through very practical and musical lessons.Thiscourse is composed of ten lessons in video, text and written music (score and tablature). Thelessons are based on songs I wrote in order to specifically address the difficulties that I detected in my experience watching other people play Bossa Nova. Since the lessons have been thought as real songs, what you get is a music material that is at the same time instructional AND artistic! Even though the material IS educational the music youll learn in the lessons by no means sound like technical exercises, its MUSIC!For making it easy for you, every lesson will be presented in a very relaxed way, making use of text, videos and written music (sheet music and tablature).As a bonus, Ive written two complete songs specially for the course and will offer to you in video and written music.Thank you very much for your interest and Im really sure that this course will be of great value to you, I have put much love and effort making it!"
Price: 24.99

"Oracle Workflow Champion Course- Beginner to Advanced Level!" |
"Oracle Workflow is the Backbone of Oracle Applications ERP. Recently, Oracle announced that the support for Oracle EBS is extended till 2030. Also, Oracle is planning to release new versions of Release 12. That means the knowledge we acquire now on EBS is not going to get obsolete anytime soon!Oracle Workflow is a mandatory tool to learn to better understand the Oracle Apps business flows. This tool will give you advantage over the others in any job interview! In Oracle Fusion, the workflows have changed to BPM tasks, but if you know the concept of workflows and have worked on it, it is really easy to get to the Oracle Fusion workflow rules and set ups!Arunkumar Menonhas been working on Oracle Applications andOracle Workflows for more than 13 years, and he has developed many complex solutions in the world of workflows, XMLgateway and business event systems. He is the author of a Workflow eBook titled ""Oracle Workflow Is Not That Hard As You Thought!"", which you can get it free from his website (search for this book title in Google!). He has taught workflow to many students and this series of videos here will help any absolute beginner to get a good understanding upto the Medium level. He is also creating a second part of this course, so as to make each studentan Oracle Workflow Expert!What Will YouLearn in this Workflow Beginner to Advanced Course?-- Basic Level1. Overview About Oracle Workflows.2. Installing Workflow Builder3. Familiarizing with Workflow Builder4. First Sample Workflow Creation5. Creating Text Notifications and Sending to a Role6. Creating HTML Notifications for Better Appearance7 Workflow Attributes Creation and Different attribute types8. Adding Action Buttons to Notification and Responding With Comments9. Routing Transition Flow - Approved Rejected FYI Messages10. Testing the Transition Flows in Workflows11. Admin Buttons Explained - MoreInfo, ReAssign etc12. Admin Action Buttons - Retry, Rewind, Cancel, Suspend Workflow Etc13. Different Ways Of Triggering Workflows14. Calling a PL-SQL Procedure from Oracle Workflow - Part 115. Calling a PL-SQL Procedure from Oracle Workflow - Part 216. Moving from simple to hard ! Getting Employee Manager from Database Tables17. Getting Employee Manager from Database Tables - More Test Cases 18. Workflow Tables - WF MetaData Tables19. Workflow Tables - WF Run Time Tables 20. Lets Debug Now - Custom Debugging at Statement Level-- Medium to Advanced Level21. Seeded WFSTD or Standard Workflow Itemtype and Usage22. Introduction to WFSTD Item typeAssign FunctionCompareNumber CompareTextUsing Loop, NoOp and Wait ActivitiesMaster Detail Coordination with WaitForFlow and ContinueFlow23. Interview Corner - Get Prepared For Your Job Interview! Interview QuestionsPersistence Type and Workflow Purging ConceptsWhat is Cost of An Activity and Defer Thread Function?How to create Your Own button labels in notification ?What is Access Level and Protection in Workflows?What is Document Type Attribute and how to call an HTML code?Creating a Beautiful notification with Document Attribute - Real life example!Notification Timeout and how to Define it...What is URL attributes and how to Use it?How to Call a Form from Workflow Notification ?What is a Selector Function?24. More Close Look At Complex Seeded Workflows and Customizations !Lets Start - Requisition Approval Workflow...The Autocreate Workflow...Need a More Complex one ? PO Approval Workflow...Purchasing Setups related to WorkflowsGet Into Application - Create Requisition and PO and see Workflow transitionsSending Requisition for Approval and check status diagram....Requisition Approval Workflow Customization - Need By Date UpdatePO Approval Workflow Customization - Need By Date UpdatePO Approval Customization - Another example - Buyer's POs sending for ApprovalPO Approval Customization - HTML formatting example!PO Approval Customization - Interfaced POs, routing Flow.Requisition Approval Workflow - Modifying the Timeout value.Autocreate Workflow Customization SampleOverview of Account GeneratorsReal time usage of Adhoc Roles to send notification to multiple users or a DL.25. Workflow Purge Process 26. Notification Mailer, mailer params etc. Planned Bonus Materials (May be Changed depending on feedback)1. Business Events Overview. Example on how the events can be created, and used.2. Workflow Admin Scripts.3. Workflow Translations Click on the Expand All button in the curriculum and see the whole topics. More topics are being added occasionally! Hope You Will Like The Course. WILLSEEYOUINSIDE!Note:Please check the Preview videos for the details of topics. Also, you can see how to get the course for the cheapest price!"
Price: 149.99

"Making The Shot - Retouching with Franz Steiner" |
"In this course I will walk you through the entire postproduction process of my favorite photographs.The course is not a tutorial on how individual tools in photoshop work but more how Iuse them tocreate my signature look.This will include raw conversion in Capture One. Layer structure and image compositing.Color Correction and final touches.I also added a full Bonus Tutorial on how to create and use custom brushes in a creative way."
Price: 29.99

"Algebra Fundamentals" |
"THISCOURSEWILLFINALLYMAKEYOUUNDERSTANDHOWTOREARRANGEEQUATIONSThis course is NOTa long 12-hour slog of videos and quizzes.it is designed to be a fun and compact ""weekend course"" to properly explain the essential algebra techniques which all students initially struggle with.The course is split into 3 hours of video tutorials integrated with60quiz questions (with solutions!)to make sure you are following me every step of the way.This course is structured to supply you with a dense amount of knowledge for 2 to3 days ofcasualwork. It's a perfect weekend project forfinally understanding how to rearrange equations.Algebra fundamentals is broken down into thefollowing chapters:CH1Introduction & course outlineCH2Rules of equationsAddition & Subtraction in Equationsx - 5 = 10x +3 = 7Multiplication & Division in Equations3x = 9x/4 = 2Using letters instead of numbersThis reallyhelpsunderstand how to rearrangea +b = c, find b...Multi-step Equations3x +5 = 14ax +b = cRare caseWhen x is on the bottom4/x = 2CH3Expanding Brackets3(x +4)ax(bx +c)Factorising Bracketsfactorise 9x^2 +12xPowersx*x =x^2x*x*x = x^3CH4Harder equations3x +2 = 4x - 54(x + 4) = 2(7 - x)ax +b = 3x - dEquations with Fractions3(x +3)/(x - 2) = 1CH5Plotting Linesy = mx + cWhat m and c meanFinding the line from the plotCH6Simultaneous EquationsWhat does it mean?Method 1:y = 3x + 4 & y = 2x - 7Method 2:3x + y = 10 & 6x - 3y = 12Each video is designed to introduce a new concept and technique, then you are immediately tested on some short quizzes to see if you have understood it. Just like in tutoring, it's important for you to be tested as soon as you have learnt something new. This way you will never forget it.Who is the target audience?Any Current GCSE maths and sciencestudents who are struggling.Any PRE-GCSE studentslooking to get a head start for GCSE science and mathsAny struggling kid who doesn't want to go through hours and hours of lessons"
Price: 104.99

"Learn Moroccan Arabic Slang" |
"This course is made for anyone interested in improving his/her Moroccan Arabic skills. Either beginner, intermediate or advanced the course is an opportunity for all learnersto pick up and learn very useful slangphrases and expressions native Moroccansin their daily life. It is important to note thatthis short video-course does not teach cursing words."
Price: 19.99

"Turo making Your Vehicle an Asset" |
"How to make your vehicle make money for you. Turo is a site where anyone can rent their car out to people. It is the Uber version of car rentals! In here I will teach how to do it step for Step and How to scale it to an actual Business for you!List your carCreate a free listing with a few clicks. Describe your car, upload some clean photos, and youre ready to go.Be sure to keep your calendar up to date so travelers know when your car is available.Respond to requestsYoull get notified when someone requests, or books your car instantly. Confirm or decline the trip as soon as possible, and contact the traveler if you have any questions.Meet your guestCoordinate where and when youll meet your guest. Check their license, walk around the car, check the fuel and mileage, and send them off on their adventure.Kick back and earnRest easy, Turo covers your car with $1 million in liability insurance and 24/7 roadside assistance throughout the trip, so you can just watch the dollars roll in.*Pick up your carMeet your guest, make sure everythings in order, give them a high five, and head on home. Dont forget to rate and review them in the app to help keep our marketplace strong and honest."
Price: 54.99

"The Original Flexible Eating Blueprint By John Burch" |
"Is it really possible to ""trick"" your metabolism to use any food you eat to easily lose (up to 10lbs) of unwanted weight even tho you're over 35, busy *completely exhausted*, hate cooking and don't even have time to go to the gym?The Original Flexible Eating Blueprint shows you how to get the body you've always deserved while eating the foods you love.*A key feature of The Original Flexible Eating Blueprint is the private Facebook group ""Take Eating Back"". The program is still effective without joining, but the groupdoes add a level of support directly from Take Eating Back HQcoaches as well as the rest of the community. Links to the group are available in each lesson, but you must have your own active Facebook account in order to access this feature."
Price: 19.99

"Parsing TCP Socket Data with C/C++" |
"In C/C++, socket programming is one of the most challenging subjects to every developer. Not only the theory of the socket is quite tricky, and there are a lot of things to learn, but we also need much experience and guidance in various cases.To parse and handle TCP data is that very case. We can recognize the necessity and make sure the solution is correct, only by experience.With my 16 yrs experience in developing financial trading platforms with Visual C++, I'm sure that you need to learn and utilize this lecture."
Price: 209.99

"Introduction of C++ Sockets - Theory" |
"In this course, youll learn about socket programming. It is the most fundamental and practical knowledge in every IT communications field. It provides an overview of socket communication fundamentals such as UDP, TCP, and its functions. It aims to reduce significant ""gotcha"" moments the developers may encounter during socket applications development."
Price: 104.99

"Path to Citizenship" |
"Path to Citizenship is a thirty-twoweek social sciencecourse in which the concepts and practices of the U.S. government are studied.During the course we will examine how the government was developed and how thatgovernment works in todays society. The major goal of this course is for students to understandand apply democratic and civic values. The course focuses on the developmentand meaning of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, understanding the rolesand influence of the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches of thegovernment, the connection between politics and economics, and the relevance ofgovernment in relationship to the issues that face our world today."
Price: 19.99

"Japanese for Travelers" |
"This course will get you started on your trip to Japan! In the Introduction, we start out with a little quiz to find out how much you already know. After that, we introduce a few basic phrases. In the next section (Getting There), we talk about airline travel, customs and immigration. Here we begin to study the fundamental sentence structure of the Japanese language. Don't worry! It's not as difficult as you think. And because you are probably not (yet) a professional student of Japanese, we have Romanized everything in an easy-to-understand system for a clear understanding of pronunciation.Once you have arrived, you will need to get settled. In this section we study topics such as money, transportation, and staying at a hotel. Naturally, we will cover language items like counting, describing locations, and stating the existence of things (there is / there are). Now for the Fun Part. This section covers sightseeing, getting around, food and drink, restaurants, shopping, and mailing a package. As far as language is concerned, we will study prepositions of direction, the continuous form (which doubles as the imperative), direct objects, possessives, two types of adjectives, and wanting to do something.In the section on Emergencies, we discuss staying healthy, doctors and hospitals, and various kinds of trouble that you may encounter. Language topics include changing adjectives and verbs from present to past, and how to change adjectives into adverbs.At the end of the course we have included a brief review, a final test (20 questions only; don't worry -- be happy), and as a little extra added attraction, our Advice for Travelers.Ready? Let's get started!"
Price: 19.99

"Creative Writing in a Nutshell" |
"Most writing textbooks nowadays emphasize the process of writing. That is, they teach students how to brainstorm for ideas, create an outline, free-write a first draft, edit their work, and format a finished essay for submission. This is all well and good, but does everyone follow the same process when writing? Probably not. The process of writing is highly individualized; it cannot and should not be the main subject of a university level course. Therefore the focus ofCreative Writing in a Nutshellis upon the expression of the individual, rather than on the writing process. The goal ofCreative Writing in a Nutshellis to enable students to express themselves in a creative manner. When we are called upon to describe our cat, for example, we usually say that it has four legs, a tail, whiskers, and says meow. Why not tell it like it is? My cat has a super-short tail so it will not break the vase when it jumps up on the shelf.Creative Writing in a Nutshellhelps the student step out of the dull, everyday world, stretching the imagination to come up with truly innovative language. Different areas of interest include Journals, Fairy Tales, Advertising, Short Films, and Poems. A full review is given at the end, makingCreative Writing in a Nutshellan idealcourse for useamong college-level adults. P.S.: You should bring a well-developed philosophy of Caps and Puncts with you to this course. If you are a die-hard fan of ee cummings, for example, more power to you! This is a course in CREATIVE writing. You can study the MECHANICS of writing elsewhere."
Price: 19.99

"Parking, Reversing and Low-speed Driving Made Easy" |
"Just a minor dent can cost several hundred dollars to fix and the likelihood of you having one is fairly high. Parking buildings and car parks can be full of hazards like poles and kerbs; parallel parking scares some people so much that they drive around and around trying to find a space they can pull into forwards; even basic reversing is tricky for some, let alone if you have a trailer.This course is presented by 20-year veteran driving instructor Duncan Seed of 2 Drive Safe. He's been an Approved Driving Instructor in the UKand is an I-endorsed driving instructor inNew Zealand. He's a member of the Institute of Advanced Motorists and isaccomplished in driving and instructing drivers ofall types of vehicles. He'll take you right from the basics of recognisingblind spots and setting your vehicle up correctly right through to analysing complex situations where you have to reverse into narrow spaces with multiple hazards. You'll also learn how to reverse a trailer and how to use a spotter.Whether you want to pass your practical driving tests more easily, you're a company driver who wants to improve their skills behind the wheel, you've bought a trailer and you need to learn better techniques for moving it, or you're just an interested member of the public that doesn't want a huge bill for repairing an annoying dent, this course has you covered.In this course we drive on the left (the same as the UK, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Japan, etc), but the techniques and tips are equally as valid in countries that drive on the right such as the USA and Canada."
Price: 19.99

"Strategy: Essentials for Management, Consulting & Startups" |
"Strategy:Essential Foundations for Management, Consultingand Startup Success is a complete,comprehensive introduction and overview of strategy and strategic management, taught by Chris Bolman, an entrepreneur, startup advisor and former VP of Marketing / Head of Growth at Percolate.In this class, I do my best to distill and explain:The history and origins of strategyThe most influential strategy frameworks and mental modelsHow great strategists thinkAn actionable framework to help you quickly develop, design and execute your own strategiesMy personal lessons learned as a strategist, management consultant and technology leaderThrough the lessons in this course, I'll distill the last 10 years of my career, and I'm confident Ihave a lot of helpful, actionable insights to share. Whether you're a leader, executive, manager, consultant, advertising agency planner, small business owneror anyone else looking to improve their strategic decision-making, this course is for you.Hope you'll join me."
Price: 94.99

"Escuela de espalda. Consigue una vida sana y sin dolor" |
"Los estudios dicen que al 80% de nosotros sufriremos dolor de espalda en algn momento de nuestra vida. Yo estoy convencido de que ese nmero es bastante optimista.Como yo tambin soy bastante optimista, he creado este proyecto, con el objetivo de ofrecerte una SOLUCIN DURADERA para el dolor de espalda, y basado en 2 aspectos que considero bsicos para conseguirlo:Darte informacin actualizada que cambiar tu forma de ver y entender el dolor de espalda.Fortalecer de manera adecuada y progresiva los msculos de tu columnaHe creado este curso pensando en ti, como ""usuario"" de una columna vertebral, al que habitualmente nadie ha enseado como es, como funciona, cules son sus puntos dbiles, y un montn de dudas ms que seguro que tienes, has tenido o tendrs, y que no sabes a quin preguntar.Por un lado encontrarslecciones brevescon explicaciones sencillas, aunque no por ello bsicas, con 3 grandes reas:- La columna vertebral, cmo es y cmo funciona- El sistema nervioso, el control del movimiento, y el dolor- El ejercicio como medicinaPor otro lado, te darfichas de ejercicios para que desde movimientos relativamente sencillos, a secuencias ms complejas puedas salir del crculo vicioso FRMACOS + REPOSO, que no slo no funciona, sino que es una de las grandes causas del dolor.En definitiva, el objetivo de este curso es darte recursos y autonoma para que puedas tomar tus decisiones y mejorar tu calidad de vida. No necesitas ser un experto en mecnica para conducir un coche, pero s tienes que tener unos pocos conceptos bsicos claros, o de lo contrario puedes hacerte dao. Lo mismo sucede con la espalda, tener estos conocimientos cambiar tu relacin con la espalda, estoy convencido"
Price: 49.99

"Hack Your Fitness" |
"Cardio exercises. Weight training. Calorie counting. Youre hitting the gym five days a week and eating healthy, balancing a busy career and family responsibilities, but your workout isnt working out. Despite the hours spent pedaling, running, and lifting, the lean, muscular, six-pack body youve been sweating to attain and maintain remains stubbornly out of reach.Let fitness guru Jay Kim show you how to optimize your workout routine and nutritious food preparation to get maximum results in minimum time.InHack Your Fitness, Kim shares his goal-winning formulaa combination of intermittent fasting, caloriecycling, macronutrients, and compound exercise trainingthat helped him lose fat and gain muscle, while only spending three hours a week in the gym. This regimen isnt a quick-fix solution for people looking to drop pounds without changing their habits. Its a simple, but not necessarily easy, lifestyle design that will help you get slim and trimfor lifeif youre committed to the patience and persistence required in sustaining your bodys health.Featuring step-by-step exercise routines and nutritious meal plans,Hack Your Fitnesspresents a streamlined, time-saving workout plan that will get you in and out of the gym and back to your life."
Price: 179.99

"Excuses Blowout" |
"Are You In Your Own Way? Feeling Stuck?It's time to stop making excuses. Maybe you're feeling stuck because you don't have theconfidence to take action, or you don't enjoy what you do, or maybe you just feel lost?This practical course breaks through all of these issues to give you back the control. Through practical videos, worksheets and hypnotherapy tracks you will:Increase your confidence &know where you currently get your confidence fromBecome emotionally committed to your goals, so you ensure you achieve themBuild a support team and get accountable - the two main reasons people fail or give up on their dreams"
Price: 34.99

"Financial management - Foundations of Finance (Theory)" |
"This course contains the lecture covering the Concept of Finance- Basics in TheoryYou will learn these concepts given below from this course and also you will get thesupporting resource material for exam preparation which isprovided along with this course. Topics covered:Financial Management - IntroductionObjectives of Financial ManagementConcept of Risk and ReturnConcept ofTime value of moneyCalculation for Single AssetCalculation for Portfolio of AssetFeatures of Bonds and sharesBasic Asset valuation ModelValuation of Bonds and SharesAll these concepts were explained with the example problems.At the end of the course, a sample descriptive type test Question paper for your practice.You can ask me any questions related to Finance and I will clarify your queries.Resource Materials:Year Question PapersPower point NotesAfter taking this course, you will have a very clear cut idea on Concept of Finance - Basics and also you will be to solve the problem so easily."
Price: 1280.00

"Communication Skills for Beginners" |
"Communication skills arethe key and fundamental for the success in personallife or in professional life. So if you are struggling to develop your communications skills, then this course is for you.Do youfindit hard to write a first sentence of an article?Do you find it difficult to speak in front of the group of audience?Do you find it hard to read a book?Do you find it difficultto listen and understand what others are saying?When your Lecturer or Boss tell you to make a presentation or speak in-front of the group of audience, you might have struggled to speakWhen you are required to write a letter or any technical article or your assignment, you might have found it difficult to write.So this Course will help you to read and listen effectively and also make you to start write an article confidently as well as make you to speak or present in front of audience confidently. This course will help you to master the communication techniques which you can apply and get better results faster.Course will contain the following:Basics of communication skillsHow to develop reading skillHow to develop writing skillHow to develop listening skillHow to develop speaking skillEach of these skills were explained in a simple way with a technique, tips and suggestions to improve it and along with thelecture videos and theself assessment at the end of every chapter.At the end of this course,Bymastering these techniques you will gainconfidence to write and speak to your audience and also expand your knowledge by listening and reading effectively."
Price: 1920.00

"Wzorce Projektowe (Design Patterns)" |
"Wzorce Projektowe (Design Patterns) s tematem istniejcym w wiecie programowania od wielu, wielu lat i zagociy w nim ju na dobre. Pytanie o wybrany wzorzec jest niemal pewniakiem podczas rozmowy kwalifikacyjnej na startowe pozycje w brany.W tym kursie poznasz popularne wzorce suce do uatwienia tworzenia skomplikowanych obiektw, dynamicznej zmiany ich zachowa czy takie, ktre pozwalaj na komunikacj pomidzy dwoma rnymi interfejsami. S to uniwersalne rozwizania suce do rozwizywania problemw, z ktrymi programistom czsto przychodzi si zmaga w codziennej pracy.Naszym celem jest zapewnienie kursantowi:wiedzy teoretycznej,zdolnoci wykrycia w ywym kodzie moliwoci zastosowania danego wzorca,umiejtnoci poprawnego zaimplementowania wzorca,gdzie owo ""poprawnie""to nieprzekopiowaniediagramu UML wymylonego dla jakiego abstrakcyjnego problemu, lecz taka implementacja, ktra idealnie wpasuje si w konkretny kontekst biznesowy.Kurs jestdostpny w rozdzielczoci 1080p - wystarczy w playerze Udemy wybra AUTO w polu wyboru rozdzielczoci. Przy dostatecznie dobrym poczeniu internetowym filmy bd wwczas wywietlanew najwyszej moliwej rozdzielczoci."
Price: 399.99

"Fingerpicking Basics for Ukulele" |
"Are you bored with strumming? Do you want to make your ukulele playing more beautiful? Do you want to develop a more sophisticated sound?Fingerpicking on the ukulele is a very satisfying style to play, and can really show off what a beautiful instrument the ukulele can be. This course is designed to help you develop the necessary physical skill to introduce fingerpicking to your repertoire of musical skills. How to start picking What does your rhythm (strumming) hand have to do Develop necessary skills in each finger Learn a few basic patterns How to apply them to songs you already know.This course is suitable for ukulele players of all levels. If you have learned a few chords and played a couple of songs, this is a benefit but not necessary. You can start with fingerpicking as a complete newbie if you would like to.I have been teaching ukulele to players of from age 5-99 all around the Hampshire, for 8 years, from one-to-one coaching to classes of around 60 students. I direct an acoustic band which includes a ukulele section, for which I create suitable arrangements, select music, train members to performance standard and incorporate multi levels of skill.Many thanks for all your help Dielle, I really feel I got to grips with the technical stuff Sue ""This is a very good beginner course and I am going to implement these fingerpicking styles as I learn more."" Susan The tutors are inspirational Peter, Hayling Ukulele Club "
Price: 29.99

"U.S. Citizenship Practice Tests" |
"This is a practice test course. These are questions that you may be asked and need to know in ordertopass the Civics Interview portion of the U.S Citizenship and Naturalization Test. Are you ready to become a U.S citizen?*Reminder*During the U.S Civics interview portion of the test, remain relax and focused"
Price: 19.99

"Find the Right IT Job of Your Dreams" |
"Have you ever dreamed of getting a job in IT but don't know where to start. This course is designed to target those students who do not have a clear path in IT career. You have heard from so many people that you should get a job in IT, but in which field? You might have also heard from people to get a job in system administration, database, programming, networking etc. but are those jobs the right fit for you?In this course you will learn different components of IT, different types of jobs in IT and which job is right for you based on your background, your knowledge, your education and your taste."
Price: 199.99

"Complete Linux Training Course to Get Your Dream IT Job 2020" |
"Linux is the number ONE operating system for the Corporate world.If you want to start your career in Linux and have little or no knowledge of Linux then I can help. In this course you will learn Linux installation, configuration, administration, troubleshooting, command line, OS tools and much more... I have also included Resume and Interview workshop that will definitely help you get your dream IT job. In addition to the lectures there will be quizzes, homework and hand-out material just like a live classroom training I have been teaching this exact course in a classroom environment in New York City. Please note 80% of my students who took this course got the job in Linux within months. Imagine those who take my course only to level up their career, how productive this training can be for them Following is the list of topics I will cover in this course:Module 1 Understanding Linux ConceptsWhat is Linux? Everyday use of Linux Unix vs. Linux Quiz, Homework and Handouts Module 2 Download, Install and Configure What is Oracle Virtual Box? Downloading and Installing Oracle Virtual BoxCreating virtual machine Linux Distributions Different way to install Linux Downloading and Installing Linux (CentOS) Redhat Linux installation (Optional) Linux Desktop (GUI) Virtual Machine Management Linux vs. Windows Who Uses Linux? Quiz, Homework and Handouts Module 3 System Access and File System Accessing Linux systemDownload and install Putty Connect Linux VM via Putty Important Things to Remember in Linux Introduction to File SystemFile system structure descriptionFile system navigation commandsFile System Paths Directory listing overview Creating Files and Directories Finding Files and Directories (find, locate) Changing PasswordWildcard (*, $, ^)Combining and Splitting Files (cat and cut) Soft and Hard Links (ln) Quiz, Homework and Handouts Module 4 Linux Fundamentals Commands Syntax File Permissions (chmod) File Ownership (chown, chgrp)Getting Help (man, whatis etc.) TAB completion and up arrow keys Adding text to file Pipes ( ) File Maintenance Commands File Display Commands Filters / Text Processing Commands (cut, sort, grep, awk, uniq, wc) Compare Files (diff, cmp) Compress and Un-compress files/directories (tar, gzip, gunzip)Combining and Splitting Files Linux vs. Windows Commands Quiz, Homework and Handouts Module 5 System Administration Linux File Editors (vi text editor)sed Command User account management Switch users and Sudo access Monitor users Talking to users (users, wall, write)Linux Directory Service - Account AuthenticationDifference between Active Directory, LDAP, IDM, WinBIND, OpenLDAP etc.System utility commands (date, uptime, hostname, which, cal, bc etc.) Processes and schedules (systemctl, ps, top, kill, crontab and at) Process ManagementSystem Monitoring Commands (top, df, dmesg, iostat 1, netstat, free etc.) OS Maintenance Commands (shutdown, reboot, halt, init etc.) Changing System Hostname (hostnamectl) Finding System Information (uname, cat /etc/redhat-release, cat /etc/*rel*, dmidecode) System Architecture (arch) Terminal control keys Terminal Commands (clear, exit, script) Recover root Password (single user mode)SOS Report Quiz, Homework and Handouts Module 6 Shell Scripting Linux Kernel What is a Shell? Types of Shells Shell scripting Basic Shell scripts If-then scripts For loop scripts do-while scripts Case statement scripts Aliases Shell History Command history Module 7 Networking, Servers and System Updates Enabling internet in Linux VM Network Components Network files and commands (ping, ifconfig, netstat, tcpdump, networking config files) NIC Information (ethtool) NIC or Port BondingDownloading Files or Apps (wget)curl and ping CommandsFile Transfer CommandsSystem updates and repositories (rpm and yum)System Upgrade/Patch Management Create Local Repository from CD/DVDAdvance Package Management SSH and Telnet DNS Hostname and IP Lookup (nslookup and dig) NTP chronyd (Newer version of NTP)Sendmail Apache Web Server (http) Central Logger (rsyslogd)Securing Linux Machine (OS Hardening)OpenLDAP Installation Quiz, Homework and Handouts Module 8 Disk Management and Run LevelsSystem run levelsLinux Boot ProcessMessage of the DayDisk partition (df, fdisk, etc.)StorageLogical Volume Management (LVM)LVM Configuration during InstallationAdd Disk and Create Standard PartitionAdd Disk and Create LVM PartitionLVM Configuration during InstallationAdd Virtual Disk and Create New LVM Partition (pvcreate, vgcreate, lvcreate,)Extend Disk using LVMAdding Swap SpaceRAIDQuiz, Homework and Handouts Module 9 All About Resume Resume workshop Cover Letter Linux job description or duties Exposure to Other TechnologiesHomework and Handouts Module 10 All About Interview IT ComponentsIT Job StatisticsLinus Around UsLinux Operating System Jobs IT Management JobsPost Resume and What to ExpectInterview workshopRedhat Certifications (RHCSA, RHCE etc.)Join Linux Community200+ interview questionsHomeworkCourse RecapCommands We Have LearnedDon't Give upCongratulationsRecap - HandoutsAdditional ResourcesMany extra lectures=============================================================================================Here is the testimonial from my students:To all of you that are looking for a REALLY GOOD LINUX course, THIS IS IT, SERIOUSLY I promise you won't find a course on LINUX here that is THIS GOOD. -- T.J. Marstiller (Udemy Student)Imran is a very knowledgeable and engaging instructor. As others have said, you can tell that he is not just trying to sell a course, but that he is invested in giving his students a strong career foundation with a positive and approachable attitude. He is also entertaining with his use of pop culture and practical work examples. It really feels like you're in a classroom with him. I'm taking this course mainly as a hobbyist, but got a lot from it already. The homework assignments, quizzes, and handouts help reinforce the material. -- Raymond B. (Udemy Student)Main thing about course is its simplicity and the hierarchy. Design is very good and easy which helps to understand things better. -- Akash Garg (Udemy Student)I just love the teaching ad the learning experience I am getting -- Jacob Samba (Udemy Student)Imran Afzal might be my favorite teacher I've EVER had. He is funny, and engaging. The course was easy to follow, and with no experience starting I am now extremely comfortable with Linux, and actually really like it. He does make you do your googles, but this is not a bad thing especially considering the nature of IT and documentation to solve your own problems. I highly recommend. -- Vanessa Diaz-Goumond (Udemy Student)The course is run very well and I really like the handouts and the homework that is assigned. The homework helps me learn and continue with the learning process even when adult life is still progressing forward. -- Thomas Rogers (Udemy Student)Such an amazing instructor. Imran must have put in a lot of effort in structuring the course and taking the student step by step, he takes his time in explaining everything, from what Linux is, how to down load it, coding, etc. I have taken other courses from Imran. I am a student for life. Keep it up and please keep preparing more courses for please like us who can benefit from your way of teaching, knowledge and experience. Thank you. -- Ali Shiekh (Udemy Student)In the first place I say a big thank you to the instructor for making such a great course. I was afraid to learn Linux. I now feel very comfortable with Linux. I have understood both the concept behind and the practical as well. I would recommend every one who is NEW to Linux and wants to grab it once and for all without wasting time to go ahead and ENROLL. You will not regret it. I would like the instructor to do same for WINDOWS SERVER ADMIN., I don't seem to find any better and beginner oriented course out there that could be matched with this course. To me, it is the BEST Linux Course on Online. I just started some real world projects with Linux after this great course, I was new to Linux and in just a month I am on the command line always playing. -- Opoku Bright (Udemy Student)I genuinely look forward to additional courses in the future. This has been so informative. You hear the name oracle all the time, but this was well put in laymans terms -- Atoofa Hasan (Classroom Student)Imran Afzal eats, breathes and sleeps Linux! He really knows his stuff. I feel like he has brought me from a novice level education to masters level in a short time period. Anyone who is looking to get a job in Linux should definitely take this course. -- TJ Walker (Udemy Student)"
Price: 199.99

"3 Days Linux Administration Course" |
"This course is designed for those students who do not have enough time to learn Linux. They want to be able to do Linux installation and manage the Linux server by running commands in 3 days. Spend a few hours with me everyday for the next 3 days and I will make sure you will learn the following:Day 1 Installation, Configuration, File System and Basic Commands Understanding of Linux? What is Oracle Virtual Box? Downloading and Installing Oracle Virtual Box Creating virtual machine Linux Distributions Downloading and Installing Linux (CentOS) Download and install Putty Connect Linux VM via Putty Changing Password Introduction to File System File system structure description File system navigation commands Directory listing overview Creating Files and Directories File system paths Finding Files and Directories (find, locate) Wildcard (*, $, ^) Quiz and Handouts Day 2 Linux System Administration File Permissions (chmod) File Ownership (chown, chgrp) Getting Help (man, whatis etc.) Adding text to file Pipes ( ) File Maintenance Commands File Display Commands Filters / Text Processing Commands (cut, sort, grep, awk, uniq, wc) Compare Files (diff, cmp) Compress and un-compress files/directories (tar, gzip, gunzip) Linux File Editors (vi text editor) User account management (useradd, groupadd, usermod, userdel, groupdel)Switch users and Sudo access Monitor users (who, id, last)System utility commands (date, uptime, hostname, which, cal, bc etc.)Quiz and Handouts Day 3 Advance Linux System Administration Processes and schedules (systemctl, ps, top, kill, crontab and at) System Monitoring Commands (top, df, dmesg, iostat 1, netstat, free etc.) OS Maintenance Commands (shutdown, reboot, halt, init etc.) Changing System Hostname (hostnamectl) Finding System Information (uname, cat /etc/redhat-release, cat /etc/*rel*, dmidecode) Terminal control keys Linux Kernel What is Shell? Shell scripting Basic Shell scripts AliasesCommand history Enabling Internet in Linux VM Network Files and Commands (ping, ifconfig, netstat, tcpdump, networking config files) Network Interface (ethtool) System Updates and Repositories (rpm and yum) System Upgrade and Path Management System Run Levels File transfer (ftp, scp, rsync etc.) Message of the Day Disk Partition (df, fdisk, etc.) Quiz and Handouts=============================================================================================Here is the testimonial from my students:To all of you that are looking for a REALLY GOOD LINUX course, THIS IS IT, SERIOUSLY I promise you won't find a course on LINUX here that is THIS GOOD. -- T.J. Marstiller (Udemy Student)Imran is a very knowledgeable and engaging instructor. As others have said, you can tell that he is not just trying to sell a course, but that he is invested in giving his students a strong career foundation with a positive and approachable attitude. He is also entertaining with his use of pop culture and practical work examples. It really feels like you're in a classroom with him. I'm taking this course mainly as a hobbyist, but got a lot from it already. The homework assignments, quizzes, and handouts help reinforce the material. -- Raymond B. (Udemy Student)Main thing about course is its simplicity and the hierarchy. Design is very good and easy which helps to understand things better. -- Akash Garg (Udemy Student)I just love the teaching ad the learning experience I am getting -- Jacob Samba (Udemy Student)Imran Afzal might be my favorite teacher I've EVER had. He is funny, and engaging. The course was easy to follow, and with no experience starting I am now extremely comfortable with Linux, and actually really like it. He does make you do your googles, but this is not a bad thing especially considering the nature of IT and documentation to solve your own problems. I highly recommend. -- Vanessa Diaz-Goumond (Udemy Student)The course is run very well and I really like the handouts and the homework that is assigned. The homework helps me learn and continue with the learning process even when adult life is still progressing forward. -- Thomas Rogers (Udemy Student)Such an amazing instructor. Imran must have put in a lot of effort in structuring the course and taking the student step by step, he takes his time in explaining everything, from what Linux is, how to down load it, coding, etc. I have taken other courses from Imran. I am a student for life. Keep it up and please keep preparing more courses for please like us who can benefit from your way of teaching, knowledge and experience. Thank you. -- Ali Shiekh (Udemy Student)In the first place I say a big thank you to the instructor for making such a great course. I was afraid to learn Linux. I now feel very comfortable with Linux. I have understood both the concept behind and the practical as well. I would recommend every one who is NEW to Linux and wants to grab it once and for all without wasting time to go ahead and ENROLL. You will not regret it. I would like the instructor to do same for WINDOWS SERVER ADMIN., I don't seem to find any better and beginner oriented course out there that could be matched with this course. To me, it is the BEST Linux Course on Online. I just started some real world projects with Linux after this great course, I was new to Linux and in just a month I am on the command line always playing. -- Opoku Bright (Udemy Student)I genuinely look forward to additional courses in the future. This has been so informative. You hear the name oracle all the time, but this was well put in laymans terms -- Atoofa Hasan (Classroom Student)Imran Afzal eats, breathes and sleeps Linux! He really knows his stuff. I feel like he has brought me from a novice level education to masters level in a short time period. Anyone who is looking to get a job in Linux should definitely take this course. -- TJ Walker (Udemy Student)"
Price: 199.99
