"Twisting Balloon Sculptures-Course 1" |
"This course is designed for people who have some experience in balloon sculpturing but desire to enlarge their knowledge and experience.You will learn over 17 balloon sculptures plus jokes, one-liners and skits. Plus, three (3) video lectures deal with creative and fun ways to get a crowd, maintain crowd discipline/control and how to finish upa gig as effectively and delightfully as possible.This courseis also designed forcreative types who would like to earn a living or extra cash twisting balloons in an entertaining way."
Price: 19.99

"Adobe( Premiere, Photoshop, illustrator)" |
Price: 2400.00

"Adobe-2( Flash,Dreamweaver)" |
Price: 1200.00

"PHP +MySQL !" |
"1.PHP2.HTML3.CSS4.PHP 5.MySQL 6."
Price: 2400.00

"-HTML & CSS" |
"1.HTML()2. (JSBinEmmetVisual Studio Code)3.4.5.HTML : ...6.CSS ()7. HTML CSS"
Price: 2400.00

"Realistic Product Creation in Blender" |
"1. Photorealism the most important goal for CG artists .throughout this course we will create a realistic product from the first steps to the last steps.Starting with organise the project and knowing the first steps to create models then modeling the headphones taking a strong knowledge of modeling in blender,moving to create realistic materials for the headphones knowing how to use the procedural shaders and create simple realistic materials,and in the Realistic scene creation section you will take the fundamentals of creating Realistic scenes, we will setup a realstic scene conditions ,creating a realistic floor aplying some leaves tree to it using the particle systeme,adding a Ralistic lighting using an hdri ,some camera properties to get an extra realism,and finally render our images so By the end of this part you will be able to achieve Photorealism so you'll get the essential path needed to start making your own realistic renders 2. the opposite Unreal Scene creation:in this section you will know how to setup an unreal scene ,create some music notes changing some materials and lighting,swithing to blender compositor and applying some glow effects,and finally render our image,the finall section is the Post Processing Which you will know how to post process render photos,for the realistic scenes ,and also the unreal scenes ,By the end of this part you will be able to achieve unreal images so you'll get the essential skills needed to start making your own non realistic images What Will I be able to do after complete this course ? :you will Take the strong Metodology to start creating your own models you will learn about reference images,analyze the models and the prepation for modeling.you will be able to modeling anything in blender after taked a strong knowledge of modeling include many techniques and tricks to enhance your modeling skills.you will be able to create realistic textures and materials with the easiest way possibleyou will be able to set up a realistic scene with the easiest way possible understanding what's behind realistic rendersyou will be able to set up an unreal scene with an artistic way knowing what's behind non realistic rendersyou will be able to post process render photos for the realistic scenes and also the unreal scenes including the way to bring out ultra realism,and also the best way to produce an unreal image with an artistic vision.This course is for anyone who wants to learn about creating realistic images in Blender. And also for anyone who wants to learn about creating Unreal images in Blender. "
Price: 104.99

"MS Project Completo: Gerenciamento de Projetos + [BNUS]" |
"Curso destinado aprofissionais quetrabalham ou almejam trabalhar com gerenciamento de projetos. Nesse sentido, esse curso ensina as etapas fundamentais para voc gerenciar o seu projeto de forma consistente, desde a fase de planejamento e elaborao do cronograma, at a fase de acompanhamento e controle do projetopor meio da poderosa ferramenta Microsoft Project 2016.O grande diferencial desse curso justamente a implementao do software Sensei Schedule Analyzerna fase de anlise do cronograma, de modo que voc ir construir cronogramas reais e executveis, em outras palavras, mais propcio ao sucesso. Obs.: Nesse curso ensinado como instalar a verso teste do Sensei Schedule Analyzergratuitamentepara que os alunos possam acompanhar as aulas e praticar.Ademais, o curso aborda desde conceitos bsicos at avanados de modo que voc sair com um conhecimento slido sobre como gerenciar um projeto por meio da ferramenta MS Project.[SEO BNUS] - INTRODUO AO GERENCIAMENTO DE PROJETOS[SEO BNUS] - ANLISE DA QUALIDADE DO CRONOGRAMA COM O SENSEI SCHEDULE ANALYZER"
Price: 399.99

"Cronograma Master: Como Concluir Seus Projetos no Prazo" |
"Curso destinado a profissionais, estudantes e qualquer pessoa envolvida na elaborao de qualquer tipo de projeto, seja ele mais complexo, por exemplo, reforma de uma casa, construo de uma ponte, criao de um novo software, bem como projetos mais simples, por exemplo, planejamento de uma festa, planejamento de uma viagem, etc.Neste curso, voc aprender os conceitos fundamentais para construir cronogramas bem elaborados para os seus projetos e, assim, concluir todos os seus projetos de acordo com o planejado. Alm disso, voc ser capaz de identificar as atividades mais crticas e que necessitam de mais ateno no seu projeto, gerenciar melhor o seu tempo, como tambm gerenciar possveis imprevistos para ainda concluir seu projeto no prazo.Ademais, esse curso completamente prtico de modo que ao longo do curso construdo o cronograma da criao de um curso online."
Price: 249.99

"Equipamentos Cervejeiros (cerveja artesanal)" |
"Este curso apresenta aos cervejeiros iniciantes os principais equipamentos utilizadosna fabricao de cervejas artesanais. No requer experincia prvia. Apresenta um passo a passo de todo o processo da fabricao da cerveja caseira, de forma didtica e resumida. Ao final do curso, o aluno estar apto a identificar os equipamentos bsicos para a produo de sua cerveja caseira. Obtenha seu cupom FREE no site da HOPSchool."
Price: 39.99

"Insumos Cervejeiros (cerveja artesanal)" |
"Este curso apresenta aos cervejeiros iniciantes os insumos bsicos para a fabricao de cervejas artesanais. Todos os aspectos de cada ingrediente so descritos de forma clara e objetiva, numa linguagem de fcil entendimento. Ao final do curso, o aluno estar apto a identificar cada um dos insumos utilizados na produo de uma receita.Obtenha seu cupom FREE no site da HOPSchool."
Price: 39.99

Ver2.0 |
Price: 24000.00

"Der Excel Kurs fr Einsteiger - Formeln, Funktionen & Pivot" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du die besten Formeln und Funktionen von Microsoft Excel. Damit du es mglichst einfach hast, gibt es fr viele Lektionen bungsdateien mit der du die gelernten Inhalte direkt umsetzen kannst. Lade die Datei einfach herunter und lege los; der Lernerfolg ist dadurch sehr hoch. Anhand von anschaulichen Beispielen erklre ich dir in krzester Zeit worauf es beim Arbeiten mit Excel ankommt. Sollte die Umsetzung der bungen nicht gelingen, spulst du das Video einfach wieder zurck und bst die Schritte step-by-step; oder Schreib mich einfach direkt an und wir lsen das Problem gemeinsam. Die Videos kannst du brigens auch mit deinem Smartphone oder Tablet jederzeit von unterwegs aus abrufen. Die Videos sind sogar als Download verfgbar!Zudem gibt es eine Abschlussbescheinigung. Diese kannst du deiner Bewerbung beifgen und zeigen, dass du ein professioneller Excel-Anwender bist. Schaue dir sofort einige der frei einsehbaren Videos an. Auch danach gehst du kein Risiko ein; sollte dir der Kurs wiedererwarten nicht gefallen, gibt es eine 30-tgige Geld-zurck-Garantie.Viel Spa!"
Price: 194.99

"Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Mastering Photography: Eric Kim" |
"If you want to quickly jump start your photography skills and take them to the next level, this course is for you. Ultimate Beginners Guide to Mastering Photography will teach you the ins and outs of photography technique, help you master the fundamentals of composition, and empower you to create breathtaking images on your camera or mobile device. Go from A to Z in photography and shoot stunning photographs this seamless learning experience. In this course, you will learn how to: Select the best camera and lenses for your photography needsMake better photographs of your everyday life (regardless of how busy you are)Master essential composition techniques to create more dynamic imagesDirect and expertly frame your subjects in portrait photographyMake timeless black and white photographs and color photographs that popCapture decisive moments and tell better stories in street photographyConquer your fears and shoot street photography like a proTake better selfies of yourself, and make great portraits of your friends and familyTransform ordinary objects and make them look interesting and beautifulAlong the way, youll also learn about the exposure triangle (the relationship between aperture, shutter speed, and ISO) and when to use flash or natural light. Youll also gain an intuitive sense of what to look for when making photograph. Youll learn about the rule of thirds, the golden triangle, and other dynamic composition techniques to create truly stunning photographs. In the second part of the course, youll learn how to post-process your images in Adobe Lightroom Classic CC and the VSCO app on your mobile device. Youll master: The pros and cons of RAW vs JPEGHow to choose your best photographs to edit/post-processHow to organize, manage, and safely backup your photographs on the cloudThe best filters in VSCO to apply to your phone photosHow to create your own presets in Adobe Lightroom Classic CCHow to use presets to create your own signature look in photographyThis course will inspire you to immediately make better photographs with 5 engaging and entertaining demos, as well as 8 practical and fun activities to empower you. Regardless of how busy you are, you will have the opportunity to start making better photographs of your everyday life, and start sharing them with your friends, family, and followers. This course will also provide you with unique branding and marketing strategies to begin monetizing your photography.Learn how to: Build a dedicated following on social media and make your own photography website/blogPublish and share your work with creative confidenceStay inspired and continue to innovate in your workIntegrate profitable monetization and pricing strategiesThe reason why you will enjoy this course is because my teaching style is down-to-earth, friendly, practical, and also philosophical. I know how busy you are, so in this course I will only provide you with the essentials of photography, for you to immediately start making great photographs that wow you and your viewer. When I started off in photography, I had a difficult time mastering the fundamentals of my camera, technical settings, and making better compositions. Therefore, I have distilled all of my lessons in photography, to make your learning experience as seamless and fun as possible.Dont miss this opportunity to finally start learning how to make great photographs. Lets start making great photographs together, today!Excited to have you,Eric"
Price: 199.99

"Ultimate Beginners Guide to Photography Entrepreneurship" |
"If you want to monetize your passion for photography, discover your unique voice, and build a loyal following, this course is for you! The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Photography Entrepreneurship will teach you the fundamentals of branding, social media marketing, and monetization strategy so that you can turn your passion for photography into a profitable business.In this unique course, you will learn how to:Build a loyal following of true fans who will support you and purchase your products and servicesStand out as a unique voice and create your own personal brand and personality to meaningfully differentiate yourself from the competitionCreate a photography business plan and identify your income and expenses, in order to create a thriving and profitable photography businessDiscover your strengths and talents by cross-pollinating them in your own mind-map.Build your own photography website and platform, and master the fundamentals of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to dominate your niche on Google.In a world over-saturated with photographers, how can you stand out? What are the pitfalls that beginner entrepreneurs need to avoid in photography? Why should you never work for free, and why must you charge premium prices for your services? How can you learn to stomach risk in order to create strong profits while also thriving creatively as a photographer?In The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Photography Entrepreneurship you will build the essential online marketing platforms for photography, including your own website and blog, your Facebook fan page, your Instagram account, your YouTube channel, as well as your own email newsletter. You will learn how to create compelling content, increase your reach and influence, and leverage productivity hacks to stay focused and productive.In this course you will also master:Content marketing to drive massive traffic to your website/blogPhotography monetization strategies and figuring out which path works for youSpecializing in your photography niche to maximize your profitsOvercoming self-doubt and maximizing your creative outputLeveraging scarcity to create value as a photographerCreative intuition and following your own gut in business and lifeDefining success for yourself and tracking your progressThere a few online courses on photography entrepreneurship, but there are no other courses as engaging, interactive, and practical as this one in successfully monetizing your passion into a living. There are so many myths online about photography entrepreneurship: this course will help you steer clear of false strategies that prevent you from creating your own profitable photography business. Not only will this course cover the practical strategies around photography monetization, marketing, and branding, but it will also cover the mental skills and toolkit you need to overcome self-doubt, insecurity, and fear in order to thrive as a photography entrepreneur in todays hostile online climate.It would be an honor to be your personal guide and mentor in photography entrepreneurship. Dont miss your unique opportunity to live out your dreams as a photographer, and shoot for the moon!Excited to have you in the course. See you inside.Eric"
Price: 199.99

"Self Publish Your Own Book For Free" |
"Self Publish Your Own BookHi and Thanks for reading this course descriptionIn this course you will learn the different measure to edit your work in the way it will be accepted for publication, You will learn tricks and simple task toward getting your book to it's perfection and ready to be on shelves. Learn to save time and minimize your grammar errors, learn how to make your story stand out.Don't miss out on your chance to realize your dream!"
Price: 29.99

"Kombucha Basics" |
"This course will give you everything you need to brew and maintain your own kombucha at home!We will teach you what it is, how to make it, and more. You will learn how to create your own flavors, bottle and store your kombucha, troubleshoot problems, and long-term storage if you want to take a break. This course is a ""one-stop shop""!"
Price: 24.99

"Sauerkraut and Kimchi Basics" |
"Learn how to confidently create your own sauerkraut, kimchi or curtido!Dig into some of the benefits and science, the hands-on how-to and suggestions for getting creative with your own. We will get you going, make sure you are staying safe, and support your exploration!As we go, we will exploresome of the history, the various methods for creation and the three main types of this delicious ferment. Come check it out!"
Price: 24.99

"Cryptocurrency: Bitcoin and Altcoins Masterclass" |
"CRYPTOCURRENCY INVESTING AND TRADINGMADE EASY FOR YOU!* TAKENOTE:I made the videos short and as simple as possible. Ialso provided pictures and actual websites of the topics i am discussingfor better learning especially forvisual learners. Please use a desktop computer or laptopif possible.*IF YOU ARE AFRAID OF HACKERS ONLINE. IN THIS COURSE YOU WILL LEARN WHERE TO PUT YOUR COINS SO IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BE HACKED.In the Cryptocurrency World, Bitcoin and Altcoins (Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple etc.) are constantly growing. However, cryptocurrency is still in its early stage having hundred billions of dollar in capital and is predicted to be 6 trillion in the year 2020. Only fewpeople knows about it andBig companies are still yet to invest in it. So getting ahead of everybody else will set you up for a great success.This is a greatopportunity of jumping in right now for traders, investors and even for those who have no experience in doing it at all. But of course there are risks involved in this kind of investment. And that is why i am here to help you minimize these risks!Cryptocurrency Investing andTrading made easy for you! This course will help you learn the quickest way in investing/trading with minimal risks as possible. I will teach you everything that i know straight to the point!.IncludingCryptocurrencyTerminologies that you should know before you get started. I will walk you step by step onhow to buy your bitcoin and altcoins and show you where to trade them using different exchanges. I will hep you better understand how technical analysis works and how you would use and applythat knowledge in trading.In this course, i will also teach youPRO TIPSfrom all other pro traders combined and strategies that i use on which coins havethe most potential forHUGE GAINSand when is the right time to buy them. Iwill also show you how to make profits usingSHORTTERM (Day Trading)andLONGTERMTrading.This is the right time to investin before its too late!HERE IS THE TABLE OF CONTENTS PREVIEW OF WHAT YOU WILL LEARN:WHAT IS CRYPTOCURRENCY - Blockchain - Bitcoin (BTC) - Altcoins - Bitcoin Mining (HARDWARE AND CLOUD MINING) - ICO TOOLS NEEDED TO START- Who can trade? - Exchange Platforms with 2FAsecurity - Technical analysis platforms - Social media reference GETTING STARTED: - How to get your first cryptocurrency (buying, selling and transferring) - Trading ALTCOINS 1.Day Trading VS. Long Term 2.Entry and Exit Points (When to Buy and when to sell) TRADING USING TECHNICAL ANALYSIS AND CHART PATTERNSTRADING USING FUNDAMENTALSWHERE TO KEEP YOUR COINS (WALLETS)CREATING YOUR CRYPTOCURRENCY INVESTMENT PORTFOLIOMONEY MANAGEMENT and Investments Tips in Creating your Cryptocurrency PortfolioBONUS AND PRO TIPS!! - Including HOW TO LOOK FOR CRYPTOCURRENCIES THAT HAS THE MOST POTENTIAL TAX REGULATIONS*I ALSOADVICE YOU TO PAUSE THE VIDEO EVERY AFTER LECTURE JUST TO GATHER YOUR THOUGHTS BECAUSE THIS COURSE IS VERY COMPACT AND GIVES YOU DIRECT KNOWLEDGE. YOU CAN ALSO REVIEW EVERY VIDEOS BECAUSE YOU HAVE LIFETIME ACCESS TO IT."
Price: 19.99

"The Ultimate Beginner Guide To CPA Marketing" |
"I wish I could shake your hand to congratulate you right now, because you have just discovered something truly special. This course on Affiliate Marketing is one like no other. It contains all the information, all the tips, all the tricks and all the insider secrets that will ensure your success, be that as a business owner looking to make use of affiliate marketing to propel his or her business to greater heights, or as someone who wants to enter this lucrative industry as an affiliate marketer.Here are a few of the topics we will be covering and some of the valuable skills you will soon be learning:How and where to find the most profitable products to promote as an affiliateThe top affiliate programs to use for your businessThe top affiliate networks to join as an affiliate marketer and insider tips on how to get approved as one of their hand-picked super affiliatesThe best places to advertise for attracting quality traffic to your offers and how to get the most value out of that trafficQuick and easy ways to set up squeeze pages, autoresponders, landing pages, sales funnels and simple yet effective websites - all without having any significant technical knowledgeLearn from the success of others by looking at case studies of both businesses and online marketers who have achieved astounding resultsLearn, in detail, about CPA Marketing - one of the most profitable forms of affiliate marketing found todayHow to leverage the power of CPA marketing for your businessThe Top CPA networks for affiliates and how to get approved on themHow to avoid the most common mistakes made by affiliate marketers"
Price: 104.99

"Basics in Drawing and Sketching" |
"Drawing and Sketching is often associated with talent and many people wither away for this reason. Truth be told, drawing is a skill that can be learnt and mastered by anyone.In this program, we teach you the basics to lay a really good foundation for art. We do this by teaching you the introductoryconcepts of art such as elements of art, compositions, measurements, proportions etc.along with certain practice exercises that help you improve your observation and gain confidence in your hand movements. These practice exercises are the keys to becoming really good at drawing.Here's a break up of the topics we cover in this course1. Elements of Art2. Drawing Techniques3. Compositions4. Measurements and Proportions5. Nature StudiesAt the end of this program, you will be able to draw various complex objects to even landscapes from life. All you need to do is to practice regularly, be patient, be open to making mistakes and of course, enrol for this program!So please do enrol and enjoy the program!Oh and feel free to ask us as many questions along the way.Happy Drawing!"
Price: 2240.00

"Become Great with Coffee From Beginner to Barista" |
"The World Of Latte Art community is born out of passion and is aiming to spread the passion for coffee and latte art with as many people in the world as possible!We are based in the Netherlands and working at the Hop&Storkspecialty coffee cafin The Hague. We believe in sharing our insights and are eager to build a community with passionate people who are able to help eachother further in their coffee journey.This course will start off from the beginning. We will start with the history of coffee, learn aboutthe farmersplaces and continuewith the importance of cupping. Furthermore,some brewing methods will be discussed and madeand ofcourse we are guiding you through the latte art journey.This course is a perfect start for people who want to learn more about coffee or want to start doing something into the coffee or people who want to improve in certain specific fields.See you in the course!"
Price: 19.99

"Comment crer un site web professionnel- FACILE et Vite" |
"internetest entr dans le quotidien des gens et des entreprises un point tel quune PME qui aujourdhui lignore dans sa stratgie marketing part au combat avec un seul bras! Cest aussi un domaine en constant dveloppement depuis 20 ans: il y a des rgles, des principes et plein de choses savoir, faire ou viter et ici, comme souvent dans le domaine professionnel, lamateurisme peut se payer cher.Pourquoi internet? Parce quune campagne marketing traditionnelle sadresse en gnral un public local (en fonction du media) tandis quun site internet professionnel est une vitrine accessible en permanence au monde entieren plus dtre un espace de rencontres et de contacts professionnels.Si vous tes prt vous lancer sur internet, prt crer un site internet professionnel, assurez-vous dtre bien encadr et bien conseill vous trouverez facilement une agence web a bruxellesen Wallonie ou en Flandre pour vous guider dans cette voie prilleuse. Mais vous devrez aussi et surtout trouver lagence qui vous coute, qui vous comprend et qui parvient exprimer visuellement le message et lesprit de votre entreprise"
Price: 19.99

"Mastering Arduino by Building Real World Applications" |
"Learn Arduino Programming to build working prototype of your Next IDEAThe course is designed for beginners to advance Arduino Users. It doesnt matter, if you already know C Programming. We will begin our journey of learning Arduino right from the basics. You can quickly brush-up the Concept of C Programming in the context of Arduino. Later on we will make some Arduino Projects. The concept learned in early part of the course will help us take projects to the next level (advance).Short Description: ""The Biggest objective of this course is to get you hands-on experience with Arduino. This course will not only help you learn Arduino Programming but also help you understand underlying hardwares and protocols. We'll build some cool projects which will motivate you to learn concept of electronicsThis course is step-by-step guide to setup Arduino Software and Hardware for Programming. The course starts with very basics and ends up making complex Arduino projects. We will setup every circuit from scratch and write Arduino programs for it. We will spend enough time in the beginning to get basics right. This will save time in long run to get you confident to solve complex Arduino programming tasks.Later on, we'll be building some mini projects using LED, Switches, Sensors (Temperature/Humidity/Light/Distance), PIR Motion Sensor, Motors (DC/Servo), Display (Character/TFT Touch Screen), IR Sensor, Ethernet Shield, Wireless ZigBee Module, Bluetooth Module (HC-05), Streaming Live Data to IOT Cloud (Internet of Things) and many more. These Projects will be small yet very powerful which enable you to get hands on experience with different technologies related to Embedded Software and Hardware Development.In the end, we will connect all the bits and pieces we have learned so far to deliver bigger projects. These Arduino Project will Include: Remote Weather Monitoring Solution, Smart Home Automation, Wireless Sensor Network etc. Future Update, Coming Soon....Servo Motor ControlUltrasonic Sensor (HC-SR04)Real Time Clock Module (over I2C Protocol)"
Price: 29.99

"Curso de Substance Designer Criao de Materiais e Texturas" |
"O Substance Designer a ferramenta definitiva de criao e digitalizao de material em 3D. Tornou-se o padro na indstria do entretenimento para a criao de material da PBR.Crie materiais com controle total e variaes infinitas.Este curso projetado para lhe dar todas as habilidades necessrias para criar belos materiais. Voc irpercorrercada passo do processo de criao de de materiais pelo sistema de nodes. Todos os passos foram gravados e narrados para dar-lhe as habilidades para no s construir um material ou textura simples, mas para entender econstruirqualquer tipocom a maisalta qualidade. No final deste curso, voc ter as habilidades para criar belosmateriais para serem usados em programas como Substance Painter ou para seus jogos, voc aprender como exportar e criar uma apresentao do material para seu porriflio.Agora a hora de aumentar a sua habilidade artstica e realmente permitir que suas verdadeiras habilidades evoluam.Ento no perca tempo,inscreva-se!"
Price: 39.99

"Dopes ton Instagram !" |
"Ce cours complet va vous guider dans les coulisses d'Instagram, vous accompagner dans l'installation d'outils, vous simplifier la vie et augmenter votre courbe de popularit !Je vous accompagne pas pas dans l'installation des outils mettre en place et la mise en garde des principes pointues d'Instagram, je dvoile tousles secrets utiliss, aucun lien d'affiliation et bien videmment aucune tricherie.On ne croit que ce que l'on voit alors je tesouhaite la bienvenue dans ce cours !Enjoy :)"
Price: 59.99

"Corso base wing chun" |
"Il corso sar strutturato in maniera semplice ed efficace per avvicinare il principiante al Wing Chun con serenit e voglia di impara. In questo corso l'allievo apprender:-nozioni basi del wing Chun.-Storia del wing Chun -tecniche di difesa anti stupro e anti bullismo- conoscere il pericolo e come affrontarlo-allenamento fisico marziale e allenamento legato al benessere-imparare a rimanere tranquilli e rilassati in situazioni di stess- imparare pugni e calci- imparare ad essere come l'acqua"
Price: 19.99

"Stretch and Mobility: Fundamental Guide to Mobility Training" |
"You are only as young as your spine. This is the statement most often heard when discussing mobility and flexibility programs...and it's true! This Stretching and Mobility course is designed to help you improve your flexibility and increase your range of motion (mobility). By the end, you'll have been introduced to the concepts of stretching and mobility and better understand how they affect your posture, health, and daily functions. You'll also know the differences between static and dynamic stretching and learn how to perform stretches correctly. This course includes: Static Stretching Exercises Full Body Dynamic Stretching Exercises SMR (Self Myofascial Release) stretches - using a foam roller Full body mobility sequences (flows) Shoulder Specific Mobility and Strengthening Exercises Each exercise and mobility sequences builds on your flexibility, challenges your core strength, and improves your balance, movement efficiency, and strength. In this course, Ill even share simple and effective shoulder mobility exercises that will take just a few minutes out of your day but will help you get your shoulders moving and feeling the way they were meant to. Give yourself 5 minutes before or after a workout and notice your improvements.Your entire body will thank you! Do you experience shoulder pain, tightness, or aches?The good news is that shoulder pain can be easily overcome by focusing on the right exercises. Learning how to improve your shoulders range of motion (mobility) and flexibility will open up an entirely new world of movement - and your whole body will thank you!Who would benefit from this course:Anyone wanting to improve their posture Anyone wanting to increase their flexibility and find relief from aches and painsPersonal trainersTrainers looking to improve their client's mobilityMovement coachesAnyone looking to increase mobility and flexibilityFitness enthusiasts looking for a new way to work outAnyone wanting to learn how to perform foam rolling to release tightnessThis course is built at a beginner to advanced beginner level. No previous movement or fitness experience is required as the exercises and sequences are broken down and created at an open level that is accessible to all. Mobility isnt something that you do tomorrow - its something you begin today."
Price: 49.99

"Exercise for Beginners: Bodyweight Training" |
"Master basic anatomy, fitness lingo, understand differences between training types, & learn 20+ bodyweight exercisesExercising regularly is one of the best things you can do for your health and wellbeing. You can even think of exercise as a cure-all for everything from anxiety to heart disease! The problem is that many people know its good for us, but we just dont know how to begin to work it into our lives and even where to start! If you're considering starting to exercise but don't know where to begin, this course is for you. I'll guide you through a complete 101 introduction to everything exercise. Think of this as the ultimate beginners guide to exercise - created for anyone wanting to kickstart their fitness journey! This foundation course is specifically created for the beginner as the ultimate guide to exercise, working out, and fitness. From here, youll be able to branch out and explore more focused and specific training programs and regimes to help you surpass your goals!By the end of this course youll have mastered basic anatomy, fitness lingo, and even understand the differences between training for weight loss or training for muscle growth. The best part is that youll learn exercises that you can perform with your own bodyweight and start today! These movements can form your base and allow you to begin getting fit and even be your ticket to enter a gym for the first time and look like what you know what you're doing. Being confident is a large part of the puzzle and knowing a few key exercises will help you find and build that confidence.If you want to kickstart your fitness, live a healthier life, and feel more energized...then THIS IS YOUR COURSE! "
Price: 19.99

"Strength and Mobility Training" |
"This course is designed to help you improve strength, posture, flexibility, and increase your joint range of motion (mobility). It targets the body as a whole not in individual parts and holistically strengthens the body Learn short mobility exercises that you can incorporate into your current training or use as a stand-alone workout Develop your skills as you learn how to add exercises together to create longer sequencesMaster mobility flows that build core muscle strength, challenge your flexibility, and improve your postureGain visible improvement and increased freedom in your movement and the tools you need to continue after this courseBoost your overall health, sense of wellbeing, focus and body control This course is suitable for all levels as each exercise can be adapted based on your current level. Improving your joint mobility and core strength leads to... Improved postureDecreased risk of injury Greater range of motionBetter functional performance You will first be guided through 16 exercises. These form the base upon which you will learn mobility sequences or flows. The tools learned in this course will help you get stronger and more flexible and provide you with the tools and confidence to incorporate mobility training into your current workout schedule. This course includes: 16 Mobility Exercises - These exercises are performed in each plane of movement and are created to improve your body's coordination, mobility, and balance. 8 Full Flows - Flowing teaches the body to focus on transitions between movements and increases core strength and its capacity for ideal movement.Improving your strength and mobility is a commitment that will reward you with a myriad of health benefits including decreasing lower back pain, headaches, and even helping you sleep better. Its not a quick fix, but it is a process worth starting. Welcome to your new beginning!"
Price: 49.99

"CCNA R&S 200-125 v3.0 - 1.0 LAN Switching Labs" |
"The CCNA certification proves an individual's capabilities to configure, operate, and troubleshoot switched and routed networks. This course is designed to help students preparing for their CCNA certification; we've provided some labs and we explain the labs while we are configuring it and in the process, we troubleshoot if anything goes wrong. by the time you finish the course you will gain a lot of hands-on configuration and troubleshooting experience through practice labs."
Price: 19.99

"CCNA R&S 200-125 v3.0 - 2.0 Routing Technology Labs" |
"The CCNA certification proves an individual's capabilities to configure, operate, and troubleshoot switched and routed networks. This course is designed to help students preparing for their CCNA certification; we've provided some labs and we explain the labs while we are configuring it and in the process, we troubleshoot if anything goes wrong. by the time you finish the course you will gain a lot of hands-on configuration and troubleshooting experience through practice labs."
Price: 19.99
