"CCNA R&S 200-125 v3.0 - 3.0 WAN Technology Labs" |
"The CCNA certification proves an individual's capabilities to configure, operate, and troubleshoot switched and routed networks. This course is designed to help students preparing for their CCNA certification; we've provided some labs and we explain the labs while we are configuring it and in the process, we troubleshoot if anything goes wrong. by the time you finish the course you will gain a lot of hands-on configuration and troubleshooting experience through practice labs."
Price: 19.99
"How to build Wordpress Website With Astra & Elementor" |
"All the tools we are using on this course are all 100% free. Everyone knows about the importance of creating a responsive website that looks smashing on desktop, tablet and mobile devices. In this course, we go through step by step how to create a stunning WordPress website with the FREE Elementor and Astra theme. We then go on to explain how to customize the website we created to fit all devices, using Elementor's visual mobile editing tools."
Price: 99.99
"How to build Law Firm Website with Wordpress & Elementor 2.0" |
"All the tools we are using on this course are all 100% free.Everyone knows about the importance of creating a responsive website that looks smashing on desktop, tablet and mobile devices.In this course, we go through step by step how to create a stunning WordPress website with the FREE Elementor and Astra theme.We then go on to explain how to customize the website we created to fit all devices, using Elementor's visual mobile editing tools."
Price: 99.99
"Financial Freedom Series - 1." |
"This courseis structured into 4 parts:Part 1. Let's see themeaning of FEAR and the effect of fear on your body, moneyand mindset. No inspired actions come from a place of fear! And definitely, no financial freedom!Part2. Let's discover together how you seeFreedom. Freedom on your terms! We all have a different understanding of words and most importantly, we have adifferent understandingoftheEMOTIONS attached to our visions. That thing that settles us on the path to stability.Part 3. We will dive in themost common MONEY-related fears and how to take actions. Why to continue to have unexpected expensive when you can break through?!Part 4. So often you might run out of time ordo not have enough time to do thethingsyou desire. In this last lesson I'll introduce you to EINSTEINtime that will help you change theperception of timeAll these videos are easy to digest, on point andgiving you clear insides on Financial Freedom. In each video I share personal examples and YOU GET DOWN TO EARTH EXPERTISE."
Price: 19.99
"Aprende a renderizar en Cinema 4D" |
"Importa tus modelos de SketchUp para crear imgenes foto realistas en Cinema 4D, ideal si deseas realizar vistas de tus proyectos en poco tiempo. Aprende a configurar los diferentes tipos de materiales para lograr efectos agradables de transparencia, reflexin, relieve y demsen tu proyecto. Configura los diferentes parmetros de iluminacin natural y artificial para mostrar tu proyecto tanto en vistas diurnas como nocturnas. Anima una cmara para realizar recorridos de tu proyecto."
Price: 19.99
"Relational Excellence, Optimized Living." |
"This course will help you to get a road map to help you to advance personally and professionally and offers practical steps forward. Having your enterprise focused by engineering it with the basic tenants that ensure optimal opportunity to creating profit. This course provides direction and leadership and employs measurable methods to promote growth for any enterprise leader."
Price: 39.99
"How to: Digital Painting Photo Realism in Photoshop" |
"In this course, Ishow you my process for practicing being a better artist by creating a photo real portrait from scratch-- using a photo reference. This, in my opinion, is a VERYhelpful exercise for all artists who want to be able to memorize depth and realism techniques for their paintings that they create from the mind. Think of it in terms of a musician practicing chords or scales before writing an actual song. Or even musicians who cover other bands songs before they create their own. Ipick up a lot of detail and anatomy by simply studying real photos and then applying those similar parameters to original concepts from my mind."
Price: 129.99
"How to draw hairy creatures in Photoshop..." |
"It starts as a doodle, with some real photo references off to the side. No, not of a werewolf. Of some dogs. Then I show how it can be fun to create a spontaneous illustration of a crazy fictitious creature... But then also, show how challenging it can be to try and make it into something acceptable to the artist when you follow that path. It's a great exercise, and you will witness me struggling a t a few points and then finally resolve where I want to go with this kind image. I believe it is important to share this aspect, as I have met many artists who run into those snags where the art just doesn't feel right to them. And then they STOP. Don't stop! Look for alternative paths! The ending can be rewarding."
Price: 99.99
"How to digitally draw/paint a realistic Dragon in Photoshop" |
"Learn my techniques for creating dragons digitally in photoshop by using real photos of an alligator. Ibegin by taking you though my process and inspiration on how (and why) Idraw my dragons the way I do. (Inspirations from the past combinedwith modern studies of anatomy in dinosaurs and real animals.) The actual painting itself is a new frontier for me, as Ichallenge myself to go another level beyondthe typical way that Ihave always illustrated dragons up until now. Not only do I explore intricate detail for both the creature and this surroundings, I also stumble a bit with a few things (such as the background) and show you how I recover from that."
Price: 129.99
"Basics of Spoken Finnish" |
"In this class you will learn how to speak basic spoken Finnish, the language that Finns use when communicating face-to-face. Finnish people do not use the standard language to talk and communicate with each other so it is essential that you will learn spoken Finnish skills to talk to Finns.The course starts with a brief introduction to Finnish and I will share some useful tips & tricks that will help you understand the nature of Finnish when you learn and get deeper into it.The contents ofthis class will include EASY&USEFULFinnishthat you can use to start speaking Finnish right awaysuch as:use the the person pronouns and the be-verbuseful one-liner phrases you can start use right awayuse demonstratives (this, that)adjectivestalk about your hobbiescounting, numbers and ageself-introductionand MOREAnd it will be all in spoken Finnish. (with some standard Finnish too)You can leave questions at any time of the course with Q&A function. I will read & reply to them."
Price: 49.99
"Academia da Bblia - Curso bsico de Teologia" |
"O Curso est estruturado em 10 aulas (+duas aulas bnus!).Atividades on-line, planto de dvidas via mensagens na plataformaUdemy,mais E-book para download e Whatsapp do Professor Alisson Moiss!1. O Dom da profecia (Pregao)2. O Conhecimento do Criador (Orao e a pregao)3. O Conhecimento do Livro: princpios bsicos de interpretao bblica e o mtodo gramtico-histrico4. Jesus nas Escrituras: O Novo Testamento, a pregao Cristocntrica5. Geografia Bblica do Velho Testamento6. Geografia Bblica do Novo Testamento7. Principais perodos histricos do Velho Testamento: Cronologia Bblica8. Os tpicos do sermo e suas funes: a Introduo9. O Corpo do Sermo: tpicos e subtpicos (tcnica do esboo), exemplos10. A Concluso: importncia, funo, mtodos para concluirBnusIlustraes e Dicas gerais sobre a pregaoO Conhecimento do Ser humano"
Price: 99.99
"A arte de pregar a Bblia!" |
"Como captar a ateno das pessoas e despertar o seu interesse?Para qu serve a introduo de um sermo?Como estruturar os tpicos e subtpicos do corpo do sermo Bblico?Quais so os objetivos da concluso do sermo? Como construir uma boa concluso?Qual deve ser o tema central das pregaes?Qual o segredo de um pregador de poder?Este curso para quem quer se desenvolver um pouco mais no conhecimento da Bblia e no uso do Dom da pregao!"
Price: 54.99
"Curso de teclado: Louvai-O!" |
"Aulas de msica para teclado e piano voltados para o louvor e adorao a Deus. Mtodo prtico, direto no teclado. Para adultos e crianas que precisam comear do ZERO! Introduo leitura de partituras na clave de sol, introduo teoria de formao de acordes e escala das notas, apostila com exerccios e msicas, algumas tcnicas simples de acompanhamento!"
Price: 39.99
"Academia da Bblia - Teologia do Princpio" |
"Jesus disse aos apstolos aps a ressurreio, um pouco antes de subir ao Pai, ""importava que se cumprisse tudo o que de mim est escrito na Lei de Moiss, nos profetas e nos Salmos"" Lucas 24:44.Este curso dar a voc a habilidade de entender como encontrar Jesus, o Filho de Deus na Criao, na formao do homem, na queda e em alguns eventos da vida de Abrao. Tudo isto apontava para ELE!"
Price: 39.99
"Se voc quer viver mais e saber como prevenir-se de doenas cardiovasculares atravs do estilo de vida, este curso para voc. Quais so as doenas que mais ceifam a vida das pessoas? Como posso evitar as doenas cardacas SEM REMDIOS?Quais so os principais fatores de risco? Como meu corao funciona? O que aterosclerose? Como ocorre um infarto e como preveni-lo? O que eu posso fazer para evitar os fatores de risco e viver mais? Quais so os alimentos inimigos do meu corao? Quais alimentos so amigos do meu corao? Que outros ""remdios da natureza"" podem prolongar minha vida? Qual a relao entre stress e doenas do corao? O que fazer para reduzi-lo?E muito mais!"
Price: 39.99
"How To Help Prevent Teen Suicide" |
"This course provides a guide for how to help a teen who is suicidal. Whether the teen is your child, sibling, friend, or patient, these tools can help you take action when you're concerned that a teen is suicidal. This course will help with understanding what to say and doto help steer the teen in a hopeful direction, and what resources and treatment options are available to help immediately."
Price: 19.99
"Cucumber BDD With Java, Selenium, Jenkin, GIT, Extent Report" |
"Do you want to write BDD style automation implementation with Cucumber, Gherkin & Java? You are at right place. We will cover starting from all basic setup and configuration requiredThis course will start from very basic level with no prior experience required and cover End-To-End automation with Jenkins. Cucumber is a Behavior Driven Development framework and will be used along with Gherkin, Selenium, Java, Maven, Ecllipse, GIT, Extent Report.We will see how to write Step definition file, Feature file and different cucumber option to execute it.This course will also cover how you can push your written code to GIT (Version Control System) and use that code in Jenkins (CI) to run your automation and generate report.We will also integrate Extent Report in Jenkins for Advance reporting.Execution of entire cucumber automationtestswithCucumberreport and Extent Report integration andgeneration on local machineExecution of entire cucumber automationtestswithCucumberreport and Extent Report integration andgeneration with Continuous Integration tool i.e. JenkinsBasic understanding of Java or any other OOP language is required to understand the code."
Price: 19.99
"Ultimate Facebook Funnel for Messenger & Lookalike audiences" |
"Do you want in on the little known secret of Facebook Messenger ads and Lookalike audiences?!This course is designed to provide you with acomplete overview to make you feel comfortable running Facebook messenger ads and creating lookalike audiences.!Facebook messenger ads are a fantastic way to generate cheap new leads and establish a conversation with your audience!Creating a lookalike audience can help you analyze your already existing customers, and find new people that are very similar! Think about the possibilities!What you'llgain from enrolling in this course is- An explanation of what Facebook Messenger ads are and how to create them- Generate TONSof new leads every day- Targeting specific locations- What a Lookalike audience is(and the potential behind this)- How to create different lookalike audiences for A/B testing- And the confidence to run your own campaigns!"
Price: 99.99
"Essential Video Marketing Course to Grow ANY Business" |
"You want to learn how videos and video marketing can bring you new business, fame, and awareness online, right? You've found the perfect course.In this course, Iexplain and show you how Ihave successfully grown multiple Youtube channels and Facebook pages leveraging video marketing!My name is Austin Armstrong,and I've been doingdigital marketing for 13 years (I started very young). Through my profession Ihave seen successful video marketing strategies work time and time again and developed strategiesto generate leads, phone calls, website traffic, emails, awareness and everything in between!By joining this course, you will learn:- Everything you need to get started making videos- Optimization strategies to rank your videos in search- Gain inside knowledge on distribution strategies to gain MANYnew views, and quickly- The importance of thumbnails and how to create awesome attention grabbing ones!and much more!Whether you are just starting out or are already having some success with video marketing, this course will provide you with a much better understanding and sow you some cool tricks to get targeted views fast and build long term growth,If you are ready to take your passion, business, expertise, hobby, etc to the next level and start reaching people online, Ihope you will give this course a try."
Price: 149.99
"Start Your Own Digital Marketing Agency!" |
"Are you ready to start your own digital marketing agency?My name is Nader Nadernejad and I'm the founder of Nadernejad Media at the Toronto Eaton Centre. I've run my own digital marketing agency for two years now and it has completely changed my life. Because of my digital marketing agency, Iwas able to backpack Europe in the summer, meet influential people and take control of my finances.Irecommend this course to anybody who is interested in digital marketing, social media or viral content. This course will teach you everything from scratch, so you really don't need any experience coming into it.As your teacher, I'll always be available to answer yourquestions and your feedback will be taken into account throughout the entire course.Here are some things you can expect out of this course!Launch your own digital marketing agency from scratch.Set up your agency's website and get your own address.List your business on Google My Business to compete with other agencies.Get your own number and automated answering system.Learn how to get your first client.Learn how to pitch your services.Iwill also reveal a few industry secrets to get you ahead of the game. Online marketing agencies are dominating the media and creating some of the most brilliant entrepreneurs in the world. Imagine being able to go wherever you want, whenever you want while working on your laptop.If you are self-driven, determined and want to launch your own digital marketing agency, then you've come to the right place.Important:In this course Irecommend the use of websites and tools. They are suggestions and point at possible hosting options andexamples of where you can register your business. You can use your own tools or free tools if you wish, or anything else you deem fit. Ionly use these examples to remain transparent with the strategiesIhave employedbuilding my own digital marketing agency. It is possible to skip some of the steps that Ishow you or substitute them with your own ideas and solutions.In fact, Iencourage it and look forward to the creativity you can bring to building your own digital marketing agency.Example:Iuse Wix and the Ontario business registration site as examples, but your methods can andshould vary!"
Price: 199.99
"Telephone Confidence: Be Super Confident on the Telephone!" |
"Become super confident on the telephone!In this course, you'll learn how to be more confident on the telephone. Learn how to do elite cold calls, make sales, sound confident and showcase your charisma.I've interviewed public figures over the phonesuch asCBCChief News Correspondent, Peter Mansbridge and the first Canadian to walk in space, Chris Hadfield.I've also made hundreds of sales over the phone, hosted conference calls and used the telephone to get the things Iwant. From tough situations like interviewinglaw firms involved in scandals and pharmaceutical companies failing to warn consumers about their side-effects, I've used the phone in various situations.I'm so excited to be able to share my skills with you so that you can become confident on the telephone and use it to gain the leverage you want in any situation.Ican't wait to help you with phone confidence!Let's develop your phone skills today."
Price: 204.99
"Freelance Blueprint: Start Freelancing Today & Get Clients!" |
"Are you ready to become an Elite Freelancer?This course is for you if you want to become a freelancer or if you're already freelancing and need some guidance. What makes this course special is that it's includes hands-on techniques along with mentorship so you can change your mindset and take control of your financial future. Not only do Iteach you how to become aprofessional freelancer, but Iteach you how to become a digital nomad and run your own business.This course is made for people who feel like their dreamsnot understood by the school system or by their friends and family. You're not alone and your dreams are possible. I want to help you actualize them so that you can become a successful freelancer and go freelance full time. My purpose is to teach you how to do this from anywhere in the world.Love adventure?You need to take this course!There's a strategy to travelling the world full-time and working as a digital nomad. It's not impossible and there's no magic trick to doing it. All you'll have to do is build a small savings, remove the internal and external negative voices from your life and book your flight.If you don't want to travel and just want to remain put, that's fine too!The point of this course is to teach people how to master freedom of mobility and freelancing so that they can be wherever they want whenever they want."
Price: 204.99
"Twitter Celebrity Marketing: Using Twitter Influencers!" |
"Get Tweeted About by Verified (Blue Tick)Influencers on Twitter!In this course, I'll teach you how to reach verified Twitter influencers and celebrities and get them to tweet about your brand for the price of a latte. Not only will you learn how to use Twitter influencers to build your brand, but you'll also learn how to use them to get other people to trust you.Twitter influencers are the reason whyI was able to score a spot on national television and build my business when Ihad no money at all. Now, I run a full-service digital marketing agency and travel the world in my spare time, all thanks to the power of influencers.I can't wait to teach you how to boost your business and personal brand by using Twitter influencers!ANote to My StudentsIn these lectures, I mention tools and services you can use to hire influencers.You don't have to use themto complete the course or to gain knowledge about Twitter influencer marketing. They aresuggestions and are not vital to your comprehension of the course. Feel free to substitute them for whatever tools or resources you like."
Price: 204.99
"Superhuman Confidence: The Elite Confidence Training Course!" |
"Get superhuman confidence today by taking this elite confidence training course!In this course you'll learn how to become more confident, boost your charisma and persuade people. By practicing these three things, you'll boost your self-esteem and confidence. With practical techniques and assignments, you'll be able to instantly apply these techniques to your everyday life.Confidence isn't difficult. The problem is that society often prevents us from becoming the most confident versionof ourself. This course will allow you to unlock your confidence and develop your character like you've never experienced before.In this course, you'll learn how to:Boost your confidence.Increase your charisma.Learn the art of persuasion.Become more likeable.Learn things to avoid that kill your confidence.Learn how to socially influence people.Become the strongest version of yourself.Ican't wait to teach you how to master your confidence!Let's get started!"
Price: 204.99
"Adobe Audition: Master Adobe Audition CC (Audio Production)" |
"Master Adobe Audition with Nader Nadernejad!Welcome to thecompleteAdobe Audition tutorial course that will take you from beginner to expert.This course is delivered in a fun and engaging way to have you on your way to creating fantastic audio productions using Adobe Audition.Learn how to edit and record audio, perfect your voiceovers, master music,vocals, DJDrops and more!"
Price: 204.99
"Digital Marketing: Digital Marketing for News Coverage!" |
"Get media coverage for your brand using elite PRstrategies and Digital MarketingIn this course I'll teach you how to get press coverage for your brand using elite PRstrategies. I've used these strategies to hack growth for dozens of companies around the world including my own personal brand. If you're interested in growing your business or learning some of the fundamental principles of public relations, then this course is for you.You'll learn how to:Use digital marketing to get featured in the newsSeekmedia coverage from trusted sourcesLeverage the power of news media to get your brand featuredConvince news outlets to report on you or yourbusinessGet news coverage each month using digital marketing hacks and pitchingWith hands-on lessons and techniques, you're just a few steps away from getting high quality media coverage for you or your brand!There are many digital marketing courses out there, but not many of them will show you how to get in the news!This course covers all that."
Price: 204.99
"The Complete Writing and Editing Course: Writing & Editing" |
"Welcome to the Complete Writing and Editing CourseThere's value in this course for everyone whether you're a beginner writer or an expert. Whether English is your first language or your fifth language, I'll be able to improve your writing and editing skills. I can help you write better essays, news articles, reports and much more.Writing and editing is a skill. They're like muscles, and you need to train them to make them stronger. Not only will I teach you how to become a better writer and editor, but I'll also give you exercises to hone your skills.So what are you waiting for?Let's get started!"
Price: 204.99
"Shopify Dropshipping Blueprint: Learn Shopify Dropshipping" |
"Want to build your own Shopify dropshipping store?I'll teach you how to build your own Shopify dropshipping store from scratch with easy hands-on lesson. I know learning dropshipping can be hard, so that's why I put together this course to remove all the mystery. I'll explain how the entire process works and walk you through how to launch your own Shopify dropshipping store in less than 24 hours.In this course, you'll:Get the motivation you need to launch your own Shopify dropshipping store.Learn from simple how-to lessons aboutShopify dropshipping.Eliminate all fear and confusion around Shopify dropshipping.Learn how to create ads for yourShopify dropshipping store.Dropshipping is super simple and I want to show you how much fun it can be!I can't wait to teach you everything Iknow and help you achieve thesuccessyou desire."
Price: 204.99
"Neuroplasticity: Hands-On Training to Rewire Your Brain" |
"Do you want to rewire your brain?If you want to change your habits and improve your life, then this neuroplasticity is for you. It was only in the past decade that scientists discovered that our brains are far easier to rewire than we had previously thought. By learning these proven neuroplasticity methods, you'll be able to rewire your brain.This course takes consistent practice and effort, but with time you'll be able to use practical neuroscience and neuroplasticity actives to rewire your brain.Ican't wait to teach you how to rewire your brain with neuroplasticity!"
Price: 199.99
"YouTube Analytics and SEO: Analytics and SEO Crash Course" |
"Do you want to learn how to use YouTube analytics and SEO to grow your channel?I'm here to help. I've made thousands of videos over my online video career an have over 150 on my current channel.I noticed the largest growth in my channel when Istarted using analytics to create video content. By implementing the YouTube analytics and SEO tips and tricks Ishow you, you'll be able to:Get more watch timeGain subscribersReach new demographicsLearn marketing techniquesIncrease viewer retentionAsolid understanding of YouTube analytics are essential to your success on YouTube now that the platform has become extremely popular. These strategies will help you stand out among the crowd and shine.Ican't wait to teach you everything Iknow about YouTube analytics and SEO."
Price: 204.99
"Adult ADHD Help Guide: Reclaim Your Scattered Mind" |
"If Adult ADHDis making life difficult for you, I'm here to help!You don't need to worry about being scatterbrained anymore. If you have ADHDand want to take control of your life, I'll help you do just that.I've been living with ADHDfor years now and provide a hands-on approach with concrete tips and tricks you can use today to take control of your mind and your life.It's not easy to live with ADHD, but if you can accept it as a part of yourself and implement a schedule, customize your environment and gain an understanding - you can overcome it!Join me as we overcome ADHDand reclaim your scattered mind!NOTE:This course is not meant to be a substitute for realprofessional help. It is merely a help guide compiled by somebody who has ADHDand has learned to live a productive, successful life despite it."
Price: 204.99