"Vendre aux entreprises : le systme de prospection complet" |
"Le but de cette formation estde vous donner un systme de prospection efficace pour trouver de nouveaux clients rapidement.Cette mthode sadresse aux gens qui vendent des produits ou des services aux entreprises uniquement (B2B).Pour trouver de nouveaux prospects de manire rgulire et prdictive, il faut savoircomment constituer une bonne liste de prospects, correspondants tous votre client idal.Vous allez apprendre utiliser les diffrents outils disponibles sur internet pour constituer facilement cette liste de prospects idale. Puis nous verrons concrtement comment les contacter puis comment les transformer en clients.A l'issue de la formation,vous aurez votre liste dune cinquantaine de prospects contacter, dabord par email etensuite par tlphone pour certains. En rptant cette tche chaque jour, vous allez vous constituer un portefeuille de prospects qualifis qui va vous gnrer des ventes de manire constante."
Price: 124.99

"Consultations 101: Flower Remedies" |
"You want to increase your income, right? Maybe help more people in your Health Coaching Practice, too!If you are a Health Coach, Holistic Practitioner, or sell a natural health related product, this course is for you. Maybe you are a grandmother, or a crunchy Mama that wants to learn to raise her family using historic remedies, and you do your best to avoid chemicals and pharmaceuticals for your family. This course is for you, too!I have been a practicing Traditional Naturopathic Doctor for close to 15 years, and I have owned and operated a successful health food store and wellness center for over a decade. During my career as a Board Certified Naturopath, I have helped thousands of people to learn how to care for their health, and their family's health, naturally. I love educating others, and sharing my knowledge, that is a big part of what drives me in my business. To be able to help others on a larger scale, I thought it was time that I move my help out of rural Louisiana, and into a larger marketplace. The way I see it, the more people that I can teach, the more people that they can teach, and eventually, we will make progress by leaps and bounds in keeping our families healthy. To share a little back-story as to the reasoning behind my drive to learn and share natural remedies, I would like to share with you that during a five year period, both of my parents passed away, as did my husband's parents. Our fathers were 59, and our mothers were 62. As I draw closer to that age, it becomes more important to me to change my lifestyle, andto share the methods that I learn with others. The reality that, genetically speaking, my husband and I may not have long life spans, led me to start investigating what changes we could make in our lives to potentially rewrite our futures.I have 3 grown children, and 4 grandchildren. It weighed heavily on my heart that I may not have made the healthiest choices for them when they were younger, and that they had inherited my genes. I set out on a quest to find out how to be healthier, and to teach that to my grandchildren from a very young age. I want them to eat healthy, and to understand how the body systems work, and the importance of clean air, good food, exercise and water. It is also important for them to know how to stay healthy through natural remedies, rather than having to lean on pharmaceuticals if they become ill. So, I went back to college and earned my Doctorate in Naturopathy. As it turns out, two of my grandchildren face health challenges through life-threatening food allergies, and both of my daughters have autoimmune issues. Ione-hundred percentbelieve that I was led into this field of work so that we could save their lives, and through our experiences, improve the lives of many others. I have received many awards during my career, such as Business of the Year in my community, as well as top accolades in customer-voted ""Best Of"" categories for our parishes.I have certifications in Flower Remedies, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Clincial Aromatherapy, Face-Tongue-Nail Analysis, Iridology, EFT/Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique)and Ayurvedic training. This series, Consultations 101, will continue as I touch onmany of those topics in future courses. It is very important to understand that illnesses often have emotional origins. It is not just germs that make you sick. Bad cells develop over time, diseases develop over a number of years. When you learn to really listen to your body, it will tell you when something is beginning to go wrong. Changes in emotions, feelings, and behavior are a large part of the symptoms that often go unnoticed.Flower Remedies are based on the science behind the emotional relationship to illness. I am sure that you will recognize some of your own traits, as well as those of others that you are close to as you are going through this course. Your clients will recognize themselves, too. You will have an answer for them, a way to help them, and in turn, potentially prevent future health issues. That is a good feeling. I developed this course with that in mind, and in this course, you will learn:-About Dr. Edward Bachs 38 Flower Remedies, plus the Rescue Remedy, what symptoms each remedy will alleviate, and how they will help your clients...-How to conduct the Flower Remedy Consultation.-How to create a custom Flower Remedy for your clients. -How to price your service. (Based on how I price in my practice.)You will receive a printable copy of the actual Self-Assessment Questionnaire that I use in my practice, and the answer key. I have made a video demonstration as I made an actual remedy, so that you can visually see the simplicity of the process.At the end of this course, you will have the knowledge and the tools to start creating custom flower remedies for your family and your clients, starting immediately."
Price: 49.99

"Aprende a reparar TV LCD - La Fuente Stand By" |
"Unprimer paso en el diagnstico de los Televisores LCD es la comprobacin de lafuente Stand By o STBY.Cuando sta falla, el TV se queda completamente muerto.Sila fuente Stand By se encuentra inoperante, hay que proceder a su diagnstico anivel componente si buscamos mayor rentabilidad y bajo presupuesto para nuestrocliente, con la reparacin de la fuente Stand By, y nocon el cambio completo de lafuente.La fuenteStand Byes la que ms se daa de las secciones del TV LCD,por estar, expuesta a sobre-voltajes, picos altos de energa y a descargas elctricas,""todo""el tiempo que el TV se encuentre conectado.Aqu caberesaltar, que unode los impedimentos mayores al momento del diagnstico,es la dificultad para hacerse al diagrama o manualde servicio no solo de la fuente Stand By, sino tambin del resto de la fuente. Eso porque los manuales de servicio, rara vez los incluye, debido a quela empresa ensambladora de los TV, no es la misma que fabrica lasfuentes Stand By.Nosotrosle enseamospaso a paso como hacerun rpido diagnstico, sinnecesidad del diagrama, sin importar el diseo, fabricante, marca o modelo delTV. Y se lo enseamos en muy poco tiempo.Adems este curso, lo prepara adecuadamente con fundamentos slidos no solo para las fuentes Stand By de los TV LCD, sino tambin para el estudio de los dems tipos de fuente que se usan tanto en TV LCD, cmo Plasmas, oLED, sistemas de Audio y otros electrodomsticos.."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende a reparar TV LCD - Seccin ""Control"" en Main Board" |
"No reemplace la MainBoard, reprala tu mismo!La Main Boardes una de las partes que ms se est reemplazando en los TV LCD, cuando en unalto porcentaje es reparable a nivel componentes.El hecho que no se tenga la debida preparacin, las herramientas adecuadas, y se desconozca el correcto procedimiento; es lo que lleva a muchos a asegurar que ""no son reparables"", que ""son desechables"".Unprimer paso para prepararse correctamente parael diagnstico de las Main Board,es conocer su estructura.Conociendo su estructura, es relativamente fcil ubicarse en la seccin correcta acorde al sntoma del TV. De otro modo, siempre estarsbuscando la falla en el lugar equivocado.Para la ubicacin de los componentes de la seccin de control, le enseamos procedimientos prcticos aplicables a cualquier tipo de Main Board,sin necesidad del diagrama, sin importar el diseo, fabricante, marca o modelo del TV. Y se lo enseamos en muy poco tiempo.Un alto porcentaje de las fallas en las Main Board son dadas por falla de una de sus fuentes, seguidas de problemas con el Firmware o Sistema Operativo, donde en la mayora de los casos se soluciona cargando de nuevo el programa.Adems este curso,lo prepara adecuadamente con fundamentos slidos no solo para las fuentes internas que necesita la Main Board, sino tambin otras secciones del TV como lo es la T-CON."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende a reparar TV LCD - La fuente tipo Forward Doble" |
"Un tercerpaso en el diagnstico de los Televisores LCD es la comprobacin de la fuenteForward Dobleo FD.Cuando sta falla, la secuencia de encendido en el TVse detiene en ese paso.Si la fuenteForward DobleoFDse encuentra inoperante, aunque reciba la orden Power_on procedente de la Main Board,hay que proceder a su diagnstico a nivel componente si buscamos mayor rentabilidad y bajo presupuesto para nuestro cliente.La fuentefuenteForward DobleoFDnoes la que ms se daa de las secciones del TV LCD. Sin embargo, una falla de sta obliga al cambio de la fuente completa si no se sabe comprobarcorrectamente. Ycaer en el error de diagnosticarla como daada, cuando la falla no esde ella.Caberesaltar, que uno de los impedimentos mayores al momento del diagnstico,es la dificultad para hacerse al diagrama o manual de servicio no solo de lafuenteForward Doble oFD, sino tambin del resto de la fuente. Esto porque los manuales de servicio, rara vez los incluye, debido a quela empresa ensambladora de los TV, no es la misma que fabrica las fuentes.Nosotros le enseamospaso a paso como hacerun rpido diagnstico, sin necesidad del diagrama, sin importar el diseo, fabricante, marca o modelo del TV e incluso sin la Main Board,yse lo enseamos en muy poco tiempo.El conocimiento que a muchos les a tardado aos aprenderlo, con nosotros lo obtendr en pocos das; ni si quiera semanas!Adems, lo prepara adecuadamente con fundamentos slidos no solo para lasfuentesForward Doble oFDde los TV LCD, sino tambin para el estudio de los dems tipos de fuente que se usan tanto en TV LCD, cmo Plasmas, oLED, sistemas de Audio y otros electrodomsticos.."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende a reparar TV LCD - La fuente tipo PFC" |
"Un cuartopasoen el diagnstico de los Televisores LCD incluye aunque no siempre, lacomprobacin de lafuente tipo PFCo Boost.Cuando sta falla, la secuencia de encendido en el TVse detiene en ese paso.Si lafuentePFCoBoostse encuentra inoperante, aunque reciba la ordenPower_onprocedente de laMain Board,hay que proceder a su diagnstico a nivel componente si buscamos mayor rentabilidad y unpresupuesto favorable para nuestro cliente.La fuentefuentePFCoBoostnoes la que ms se daa de las secciones del TV LCD. Sin embargo, una falla de sta obliga al cambio de la fuente completa si no se sabe comprobarcorrectamente.Una fuentePFCoBoost daada, har que la fuente tipo Forward doble no funcione aunque est en perfectas condiciones.Aunque ya lo hemos dicho, cabe enfatizar queuno de los impedimentos mayores al momento del diagnstico,es la dificultad para hacerse al diagrama o manual de servicio no solo de lafuentePFCoBoost, sino tambin del resto de la fuente. La razn? Porque los manuales de servicio, rara vez los incluye, debido a quela empresa ensambladora de los TV, no es la misma que fabrica las fuentes.Nosotros le enseamospaso a paso como hacerun rpido diagnstico, sin necesidad del diagrama, sin importar el diseo, fabricante, marca o modelo del TV e incluso sin la Main Board,yse lo enseamos en muy poco tiempo.El conocimiento que a muchos les a tardado aos aprenderlo, con nosotros lo obtendr en pocos das!Adems, lo prepara adecuadamente con fundamentos slidos no solo para lasfuentes PFCoBoostde los TV LCD, sino tambin para el estudio de otros tipos defuente que se usan tanto en TV LCD, cmo Plasmas, oLED, sistemas de Audio y otros electrodomsticos.."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende a reparar TV LCD - La seccin T-CON" |
"La seccin del TV LCD llamada T-CON, es determinante en muchos diagnsticos cuyo sintoma est relaccionado con fallas de video, como: Display oscuro, display blanco, y con otros sintomas que generalmente son atribuidos a fallas del Display.Como aprender, la tarjeta T-CON en parte es una fuente de energa multiple para el suministro de las distintas fuentes que requiere el Display LCD para funcionar.Ese hecho, refleja las muchas posibilidades que pudieran generar fallas que se reflejaran en el Display LCD, y equivocadamente concluir que es del display, cuando en realidad es de la T-CON.Tambin conocer, que en la T-CON adems de la sub-seccin de fuentes, la seccin procesadorade Video, yla correctora de Gamma, suelen fallarle componentes discretos como capacitores tipoSMD, que son muy baratos y fciles de cambiar. Lo difcil essaber cmo diagnosticar, y como ubicar l o los componentes daados.Nosotros le indicamos paso a paso como hacerlo fcil y rpido, en cualquier tipo de tarjeta T-CON, est sta incorporada o no al Display LCD.Nuestros metodos y tcnicasson tan efectivas, que no requiere de diagrama de toda la T-CON, para realizar el diagnstico. Nosotrosle enseamos un recurso alterno quiza ms efectivo que el diagrama mismo.Y aunque el Osciloscopio es una herramienta practicamente imprescindible en el diagnstico y repracin de la T-CON, tambin le ensearemos a construir y aplicar una herramienta alterna, que en muchos casos le ser de gran ayuda.Noesperea que ""alguien"" publique o compartaun tip que lo oriente o loayude enel diagnstico de la T-CON. Aprovecha esta oprotunidad ahora mimo!"
Price: 19.99

"The Board Game Making & Customization Guide" |
"Learn the theory and practice behind game board design. You'll learn how to take a theme idea like your favorite novelor movie, and make it into a 3Dversion of your favorite board game. You'll learn how to leverage Adobe Illustrator and The Noun Project to create awesome 2 dimensional game elements and TinkerCADto create a custom 3Dboard if you choose.3Ddesigning isoptionalas you can order the 3D board parts for 3D printing from your course instructor, James.This course will be taught usingMonopoly but James will teach you how to apply the lessons learned to any board game of your choosing!"
Price: 34.99

"Psychic Mediumship Development - Level 1" |
"This course is a level 1 course,meant to be a beginner's introductory course into mediumship and psychic development. Although this course is designed for students who want to tap into (or refine) their psychic and mediumship abilities, level 1 is also appropriate for students who are just curious about mediumship and want to know more. This may be an introductory course, but the purpose is to build those essential foundational skills that are required to advance into making longer and more meaningful connections to spirit.Topics for this course include:What is mediumship?Can anyone learn mediumship? Is now a good time for you to begin studying mediumship? A brief history of Spiritualism.The role of meditation in psychic/mediumship development. Opening your third eye with meditation.How to ground, cleanse and protect yourself from negative energy during psychic and mediumship work. The basics of chakras, opening and closing them, and their role in mediumship. The laws of mediumship. Setting your intention for doing the work. Making your first spirit contact. Starting or joining a development circle."
Price: 49.99

"Wealth, Success & Prosperity, Gods Way!" |
"How can I become a rich and wealthy millionaire? How can I become successful in online sales & marketing? How can I make money online? How do I write a bestselling book? How can I earn a certification or college degree? How can I get a high paying job? How can I get a promotion on my job? How do I start my own business and become an entrepreneur? How do I achieve success? How do I achieve prosperity? How can I purchase a new home or automobile? How do I get out of debt? How can I leave money and an inheritance for my children? Everyone who's human has thought about or wants to accomplish at least three of these major goals! But what has hindered your success?Like myself, maybe you've tried methods others have used to achieve success, but these same methods failed for you.You love God and His word, but are unsure about what He says about wealth, success & prosperity! And finally, maybe you know nothing about God, have no interest in God, but have a burning passion to succeed and will try anything now! You can experience results from this course as well!In this course, simply and properly entitled, Success & Prosperity God's Way, you will learn 1. How to turn your dreams, desires, visions, goals and passions into reality! 2. How to gain access to the wealth that is in the earth!3. How to apply Scripture to your life in a way that get's results!When applied, the principles will enable you to experience the abundance and overflow of wealth, health, success, and prosperity God continuously speaks of, continuously demonstrates, and STILLdesires to give to you and to your children, just as He has done for me!No prior knowledge is needed. Please have pen, paper and a Bible on hand throughout this course. If you are not familiar with how to find Scriptures in the Bible, during the lesson, when the Scriptures are given, pause the video and use the Table of Contents in your Bible to find the passages"
Price: 19.99

"Resume Writing - Shine Using Your Own Metric Stories!" |
"Peoplewould probably put resume writing somewhere under public speaking for things weunanimously hate. Does it have to be this way though?No!I promise, it doesnt!Thiscourse will teach you my strategy and method for turning the entire resumewriting process into something incredibly rewarding, deeply satisfying, andeasy to maintain.Iwill heavily cover how you can use a tool I have developed, called MetricStories, which will greatly increase your confidence in your own resume andability to deliver answers during an interview.Thiscourse will cover how to create Metric Story Points throughout your Resume ANDCover Letters. I will give furtherguidance on how to format and write different sections of your resume includingSkills and Certification, Objective Statement, and Volunteering and CommunityService. FurtherI will cover how to use Metric Stories throughout your cover letters togenerate significantly more employer interest and call backs.Asan ADDED BONUS, I also cover how to create a References Sheet along with tipsfor keeping in contact with your past managers or peers.Thiscourse will leave you prepared and ready to revamp your resume into anempowering tool that will help you find thriving employment!"
Price: 39.99

"Maximizing Your Income on TeachersPayTeachers" |
"This course is meant for anyone interested in making additional income through TeachersPayTeachers. You can establish a supplemental source of income through TeachersPayTeachers with potential for active or passive income.When I first signed up for TPT, I signed up for the free resources, as many teachers do. When I did upload a few activities to my store, I remember feeling so excited for my first sale, and even more excited for my first 4-star rating. Then, I remember hearing a story about how much money the top educators were earning on TPT, and it got me thinking that there must be a lot of potential in this service and there must be a lot of people not yet taking advantage of the system.In a two month span BEFORE I implemented my 10 Steps to Maximizing TPT Earnings, I earned a whole $1.20.During the Summer of 2016, I used my knowledge of sales, marketing, education, and curriculum construction to establish a set of rules and guidelines I would follow to boost the success of my online TPT store. My earnings for the same two month period, one year later was $419.34! I'd say that's a vast improvement!TeachersPayTeachers could be what allows you to stay home with your young children, afford that vacation you keep saying you'll take, or finally start paying off those student loans and credit card bills. If you have a basic understanding of computers, experience in the field of education, and the effective strategies described within this course, you can find success on TeachersPayTeachers. I know you can!-Jessica Gordon"
Price: 19.99

"Practice your Spanish - Intermediate Level" |
"This is a Spanish language listening practice course designed for you if your Spanish is at anintermediate level. This course uses the language immersion appproach to help you review and consolidate the Spanish vocabulary and grammar knowledgethat you have already learnt in previous levels. This course does not explain basic Spanish grammar. It is suitable for you if you still find reading the newspaper or watching a movie without subtitlescomplex, but you can understand common phrases in Spanish.By taking this course, you will learn or review everydayvocabulary that youcan usein daily activities at home, at work and onholiday.You will study grammar structures in a fun way by listening to a series of short stories (mostly by the Brothers Grimm). The stories in this courseare told in Latin American Spanish.After taking this course, you will beable to interact with native speakers of Spanishin a more fluent and confident way since you will know many common expressions and you will knowhow to infer the meaning of words that you do not know atany giventime.You will be able to assess your Spanish language skills while being exposed to the language, sincethis course includesquizzes and practice tests written in Spanish that you can take after each lecture to evaluate your comprehensionof each story."
Price: 19.99

"Productivity with Microsoft Excel - Basic to Intermediate" |
"A practical and hands-on Excel training program, We will start from basic and build it up from there to intermediate level. Lots of practical formulae and functions will be covered during the session.I have been using excel for 12 years and teaching for 5 so I know exactly how its is done so that students can understand better.This is the same technique we been using over 5 years in our face to face classes which have 100% satisfaction so far."
Price: 99.99

"Revit Template Creation For a BIM Workflow" |
"Thinking about becoming a BIM manager? Tired of having no collaboration among a team? then this course is for you!In this course you will learn how to set up and create new Revit templates for BIM and company standards. Revit templates are an important part of implementing any BIM workflow within a company, it not only saves money and time through efficient modelling and documenting, but also ensures a coordinated drafting and modelling standard company wide, this will ensure quality documents and plans for all jobs big and small. This is your first step to becoming a prominent BIM manager.For more information about template creation please visit ArchSmarter website (Link on profile)"
Price: 29.99

"Negotiating and Contracting in Procurement and Supply" |
"Negotiating and contracting in procurement and supply is a course designed to help you understanding what happens when you are buying and selling and how that will impact your business if not properly taken care of. Creation of formalized agreements is a critical part of the work of anyone dealing with procurement and supply. This course analyses approaches to the negotiation of agreements made with external parties and the formation of legally binding contracts. After contracts have been entered into, there can be conflict over performance issues and on costs, timing and quality of supplies. This should involve negotiation to achieve required outcomes The main purpose here is to enable you Identify approaches to achieve negotiable agreements with external organizations and recognize the use of legal terms that should regulate commercial agreements"
Price: 59.99

"CONTRACT LAW: Business Obligations" |
"WELCOME TO CONTRACT LAW Contracts form the BASIS UPON WHICH MODERN BUSINESSES ARE BUILT. Most business operations and transactions are quite often in the shape of promises made now and the performance follows laterThe law of contract constitutes of the legal rules regarding such promises, their formation, performance and to what degree they can be enforced It is important to have the basic knowledge of contractual agreements irrespective of the position one is in as long as they are in business. The course is designed in a simplified way WITH ANIMATED CASE LAWS to reaffirm the idea that you are about to learn. Additional TEXT IN PDF form is availed for download at the end of every section so that the learner can in the end confirm what he/she/they have learned in the videos. The instructor is available to answer any question via any of the social media address provided or through direct messaging in the plat form"
Price: 59.99

"Learning the FUNK" |
"This course you learn how to create a Funk bass line, keyboard parts, Drum parts and extras. Everything that goes into making funk music. It's really not that hard but if you've taken the free music reading course you can apply what learned to any style of music. You will also be able to write down what you create and give it to any music reading musician to play. Learning to read and write music really means it's a universal language."
Price: 19.99

"UX design: introduzione." |
"In questo corso ti spiegher passo dopo passo come fare a diventare un vero UX designer.Non parleremo solo della teoria, ma analizzeremo la struttura di siti famosi come sky, netflix, mailchimp, fattureincloud, booking e tanti altri. Entreremo dentro gli account analytics per capire quali sono gli indicatori da valutare dopo aver fatto un lavoro di UX.Capiremo meglio le esigenze dei due protagonisti del tuo lavoro: da un lato il cliente, che ci chiede pagine semplici da navigare e utili per i suoi utenti. Dall'altro lato il cliente, che ha i suoi obiettivi di marketing e che ha bisogno di creare un reddito tramite l'attivit che ti sta chiedendo di fare.Capiremo insomma cosa serve per creare un sito che sia utile, usabile e di valore.Questi sono i tre principi cardini della user experience e ce li portiamo dietro in tutte le nostre lezioni, chiedendoci sempre qual la cosa giusta da fare per massimizzare ognuna di queste tre variabili nella progettazione di un sito o di una app.Parleremo di come creare un wireframe; cosa chiedere al cliente durante la prima riunione; ci chiederemo perch importante la UX, come dare priorit alle specifiche di progetto e come fare farsi pagare la prima fattura.Infine, daremo uno sguardo alle opportunit che hai per cominciare questa fantastica professione.Sei pronto?"
Price: 99.99

"Super Freelance" |
"Pensi che il lavoro da dipendente non faccia per te? Stai scalpitando per ottenere il tuo primo cliente? Stai male quando devi fare delle riunioni col tuo capo? Brutto, bruttissimo segno.Forse vuol dire che hai scoperto di non essere tagliato per un lavoro da dipendente.Che tu faccia il fotografo, il web designer, il programmatore, il traduttore o qualunque altro tipo di lavoro, se vuoi fare il freelance questa il videocorso che devi assolutamente vedere.Poca teoria e tanto spazio a suggerimenti che nascono da pi di quindici anni di esperienza come freelance in giro per l'Italia e un po' di Europa.Luca Panzarella, oltre a questo corso, ha scritto una delle guide pi vendute in Italia sul freelancing (Vivere Freelance) e ha realizzato un seminario itinerante dal nome ""1001 modi per trovare lavoro""."
Price: 99.99

"English Vocabulary - SAT, GRE, GMAT, TOEFL" |
"Do you lack confidence when it comes to basic English Vocabulary? A good solid vocabulary is aprerequisitefor scoring well on most Test Prep exams. It's our philosophy that the best way to understand something is by havingstrong foundations, which is why we start right from the basics.Each video consists of well researchedexplanations. There are also more than 100+real lifeexamplesthat will keep you hooked whilst learning.By the end of our course you will really understand the meanings of 100+ words which appear frequently in the Test Prep Exams!Please remember to leave a review or star-rating."
Price: 24.99

"Social Worker 101 - Basic Training for Helping Professionals" |
"Introductory Topics for Social Work Support StaffSocial Workers and other Helping Professionals (Nurses, Therapists, Counselors, etc.) often enter the field ready to ""Save the World"" armed with undergraduate degrees, masters degrees, years of experience, and countless hours of training.However, there is also a group of entry level professionals who enter the field in ""support positions"" (entry level Social Workers, Outreach Professionals, Community Workers, etc.), with the goal of supporting the activities of higher level or more advanced practitioners. These support staff sometimes have a basic knowledge of the human services field, but quite often have yet to be prepared with all of the crucial information they need to do the critical activities that they are often called on to perform.This training series is intended to provide a basic understanding of some of the core concepts that may be commonly needed for Social Workers and others performing at this level within an organization. The topics are meant to be easily accessible and are intentionally brief, in order to allow for further discussion after each module with colleagues, Supervisors, Managers, etc."
Price: 29.99

"Using Advanced Custom Fields in WordPress for Custom Content" |
"In this course, we will review how to use ACF to make content building and editing easier for you and your client.Ill show you basic integration methods, examples of real websites using this plugin, and discuss the importance of organization to your workflow. This is one of my favorite WordPress plugins that I use on almost every website. ACF has a free and a premium version. We will go through the free version in this series, then I will also demonstrate features in the PRO version to demonstrate just how flexible and powerful the plugin is.You will learn: How to create a profile card with an image, name, title, and social media links using (free version) How to create a restaurant menu (free version)How to create a timeline using repeater fields (PRO version)"
Price: 19.99

"The French Imperative - Immersion Course" |
"Thiscourse is 100% in French (with French subtitles) with a French and qualified teacher. Feel freeto watch the introduction section and the free video previews to see how the course is structured.This course isfor people who wish to progress in French and more particularly to know exactly what the imperative mode is and its uses.I think it's very important to learn with pleasure, that's why, when I teach, I always try to do original things, things that make you want to learn. In this lesson, of course you will learn the rules of use of the imperative seriously, but I also propose you two pleasant activities. I am sure you will enjoy ! The first is an exercise through a recipe of French cuisine and the second is arelaxation exercise, yes, yes! You read correctly ! A relaxation exercise where you can also practice the imperative through this activity. My 3 objectives, with this course and with all my courses are to give you my knowledge in French, that you progress,to make you happy and that you enjoy !I hope this course will succeed it.A bientt"
Price: 19.99

"Improve your French with a story" |
"Ce cours est trs complet et vous permettra d'amliorer votre franais dans toutes les comptences :- comprhension orale : vous pourrez couter une petite histoire d'un clbre auteur avec des questions de comprhension-comprhension crite : vous pourrez lire cette mme histoire et tudier le vocabulaire de plus prs.- Production crite : des exercices de grammaire, une dicteProduction orale : vous travaillerez en ma compagnie sur la prononciation et la mthode d'imitation qui vous permettra d'amliorer grandement votre prononciation et votre confiance l'oral.This course is perfect toimprove your French in all skills :- listening comprehension: you will be able to listen to a little story of a famous author with questions of understanding- written comprehension: you can read this same story and study the vocabulary more closely.- Written production: grammar exercises, dictationOral production: you will work with meon the pronunciation and the imitation method which will allow you to greatly improve your pronunciation and your oral confidence."
Price: 29.99

"Speak French like a native !" |
"Ce cours vous aidera a progresser l'oral en franais. Il est 100% en franais et gratuit !Grce ce cours, vous pourrez apprendre du nouveau vocabulaire utilis par les Franais dans la vie de tous les jours. C'est un vocabulaire trs pratique, trs courant.Ensuite, vous travaillerez sur la prononciation car, sans une bonne prononciation, vous ne pouvez pas vous faire comprendre.Dans une troisime partie, vous aurez un peu de coaching, c'est une vido o je vous donne tous les conseils pour franchir le pas de l'expression orale.Et enfin, un peu de grammaire (parce qu'il en faut!) o je vous explique la diffrence entre pass compos et imparfait.Ce cours est trs complet et vous permettra de commencer parler comme un Franais !This course will help you improveyourFrench expression. It is 100% in French and free!With this course, you will learn new vocabulary used by the French people in everyday life. It is a very practical vocabulary, very common.Then you will work on the pronunciation because, without a good pronunciation, you can not make yourself understood.In a third part, you will have a little coaching, it is a video where I give you all the advice to take the step of oral expression.And finally, a little grammar (because it's necessary!) Where I explain to you the difference between past perfect and imperfect.This course is very complete and will allow you to start speaking like a French!"
Price: 19.99

"Start to speak French in 5 minutes a day Part 1" |
"If you are a beginner in French, this course is for you! This first part will help you to know the basics of French and you will begin to learn the important words of French vocabulary. This course will make you work on vocabulary and pronunciation. The complete grammar beginner level will be present in another video course. This course is really based on communication in French and it will allow you to make very simple sentences but also very useful in everyday life.This course is divided into 2 parts: the first devoted to the learning of the basic vocabulary and the second one with different situations of the daily conversation. These mini dialogs allow you to know the basic phrases to start speaking French.Each video is followed by an exercise: a dictation or an interactive exercise where you have to answer thequestions. This allows you to memorize acquired vocabulary.This course is a very good wayto start communicating in French. Difficult sentences are translated into English. This course is 100% French with 0% grammar.So, ready to start? Let's go !"
Price: 29.99

"Neuroeducacin y Neurodidctica - Herramientas para educar" |
"Hola soy Antonio Prez, formador en Nueces y NeuronasQuiero presentarte el curso ""Neuroeducacin y Neurodidactica - Herramientas para educar"",creado especficamente paraformadores y educadores,en el quehemos volcado todos nuestros conocimientos relacionados con la Neuroeducacin. Queremos darte herramientas prcticas y aplicables realmente, y exponerte diferentes estrategias que te ayuden a crecer como docente o formador.Soy maestro de Educacin Primaria, curs un Mster en Neurofelicidad Aplicada en la Universidad de Valencia y trabajo en el equipo de Nueces y Neuronascomo divulgador de temas relacionados con educacin, psicologa y neurociencia.En este curso encontrars2 horas y media de contenido en vdeo creado por el equipo de Nueces y Neuronas, y diferentes materiales de apoyo como 12 guasexplicativasconuna gran cantidad deejemplos prcticos de actividades y estrategiasmetodolgicas basadas en los conocimientos ms novedosos sobre el cerebro,y 12 cuestionarios de autoevaluacin.Adems podrs ponerte en contacto con nosotrospara solucionar cualquier tipo de duda o inquietud que te surja.Estaremos atentos a tus peticiones, dejando la puerta abierta a realizar ampliaciones de contenidobajo demanda de losalumnos. Hemos preparado un curso para ti sencillo, ameno y entretenido, a la vez que completo y riguroso. Podrs realizarlo a tu ritmo, ya que tendrs acceso ilimitado a todos a los vdeos explicativos y no se requieren conocimientos previos sobre Neuroeducacin. Apntate ya y conoce los estudios ms innovadores sobre el cerebro y cmo aplicarlos en tus sesiones formativas!"
Price: 149.99

"Domina la Inteligencia Emocional Psicologa Aplicada" |
"Desde muy jvenes nos hemos interesado por el comportamiento del ser humano. Esto nos llev a realizar estudiosrelacionados con la psicologa y la educacin. Pero, tras la obtencin de nuestros ttulos universitarios y diferentes msteres, no nos sentamos satisfechos.Con la intencin de conocer ms sobre la complejidad del pensamiento humano, ahondamos en temas como la inteligencia emocional o la neurociencia aplicada a diferentes mbitos.Pasamos varios aos recopilando informacin a travs de libros, charlas y cursos impartidos por verdaderos referentes en sus campos, que ofrecan informacin rigurosa, avalada por aos de investigacin y diferentes estudios cientficos Con la finalidad de ofrecer estos conocimientos a miles de alumnos en nuestras conferencias, cursos presenciales y online...Conseguimos reunir a ms de una decena de profesionales en los mbitos de la psicologa y la neurociencia. En poco tiempo, conseguimos ms de 100.000 seguidores en las redes sociales por nuestro trabajo de divulgacin.Ahora hemos preparado este nuevo curso de inteligencia emocional para ti, que te ayudar a desarrollar tu autoconocimiento, a mejorar tu gestin emocional, tu seguridad personal y autocontrol, a travs de estrategias para regular tus niveles de estrs, resolver conflictos y comunicar de forma eficaz.Este curso incluye 51 vdeos explicativos y 29 recursos complementarios entre los que se encuentran guas con los conceptos desarrollados de forma rigurosa, ejercicios prcticos explicados y listos para su puesta en marcha, cuestionarios, mp3 con prcticas guiadas y ms herramientas de diferentes tipos...Hemos preparado un curso para sencillo, ameno y entretenido, a la vez que completo y riguroso. Podrs realizarlo a tu ritmo, ya que tendrs acceso ilimitado a todos a los vdeos explicativos y no se requieren conocimientos previos sobre Inteligencia Emocional Aplicada. Esperamos que lo disfrutes ;)"
Price: 149.99

"Stream to Facebook and YouTube simultaneously" |
"In this course Ishow you how to add Facebook to restream. If you can do facebook you can easily do the others since they just automatically ask you to connect your account with restream such as ""youtube""Facebook uses RTMPthough.Video Is Short but very helpful specially if you can't figure out youtube."
Price: 19.99

"How To Set Goals And Create A Life of True Freedom" |
"Goal setting is a necessary skill for achieving anything significant...This applies to all areas of life, not just your career, but your personal life as well.Without a set of goals, you will be running blind on the road to a life of freedom and success!You need to know where you are going before you can actually get there.In the How To Set Goals And Create A Life Of True Freedom course, you will learn:The proper techniques and best ways to go about setting your initial goalsThe right mindsets to adopt to help you along the way and keep you focusedHow to always stay on track when distractions and circumstances are working against youHow everything can change once you have your mindset rightAnd much more!Incorporate goal setting into your process for achieving anything and see your odds of success skyrocket!Upon completion of this course, you will be set on the right track to the life you have always desired!"
Price: 49.99
