"Alzheimer: entrenamiento para cuidadores" |
"Estar al cuidado de un paciente con enfermedad de Alzheimer es todo un reto. Es necesario conocer cada etapa de la enfermedad, as como contar con las herramientas que permitan la seguridad, manejo y buen trato hacia el paciente. Ademas, el cuidado que se debe tener con nuestro hroe, el cuidador, es fundamental en el proceso de mantenimiento de la salud mental y fsica del mismo, evitando al mximo los daos que por el desgaste del cuidado suelen presentarse. De una manera practica nos adentraremos a las tcnicas utilizables con este tipo de paciente para convertirnos en cuidadores preparados y saludables."
Price: 99.99

"Curso de Desenho Realista e em 3D" |
"Caro amigo(a),O Curso de Desenho Realista e em 3D foi criado e desenvolvido pela empresa nativus atravs do conhecimento e tcnicas do artista Paulo Holanda.A Frmula que criamos, desenvolvemos e aperfeioamos, juntamente com Paulo Holanda, foi fruto de trabalho de vrios anos e experiencia em desenho e que agora resolvemos disponibilizar e compartilhar com todos vocs amantes da arte.O curso dar a vocs a possibilidade concreta de fazer INCRVEIS Desenhos Realistas e Desenhos em 3D. Mesmo que voc seja um completo INICIANTE!A partir de agora, voc ter em suas mos um curso inovador, desenvolvido com um mtodo simples e poderoso, mostrando em videos aulas todo o passo a passo, onde qualquer pessoa que goste de desenho e tenha dedicao e disposio, possa praticar e aprender fazendo seus prprios Desenhos Realistas e em 3D."
Price: 74.99

"Productivity for Writers" |
"Are you an aspiring writer, but you find your life too busy to actually write? Do you feel overwhelmed with the day to day routine? Are you stressed out when you dont get everything done?The truth is that time is the most valuable commodity you have. You can always get more of most things, but the one thing you cant get is more time. In this course, our most powerful productivity tips and techniques for busy writers. Nothing here is merely theory. Inside you will find proven and tested time management hacks that we use every day to accomplish more in one hour than most writers accomplish all day. In this course, you will: Learn how time management is a myth Implement a time tracking exercise step-by-step Discover the four quadrants of time and which one you should spend most of your time in Find the real reason you want to be a writer Realize how working backwards actually keeps you on track Learn the true power of hyper-focus Develop powerful habits and rituals that maximize productivity Discover how to successfully schedule your time to work with your body rhythms Find out what kind of writer you really are Write up to 5 times faster than you ever thought possible You will get all this and much more. If you are ready to take your writing to the next level, join us inside now."
Price: 24.99

"Learn C Programming By Examples : Beginner to Expert Journey" |
"Overall Content12 hours of Video Lectures covering all topics of C Programming 60+ interesting problems implemented in C16 Topic Quizzes + 2 Cumulative Quizzes (300+ MCQ questions) to test and build your knowledgeAll source codes available for download100% support for your technical queriesThis course content following different types of sessions -Discussion of C concepts with help of PPTUseful for Someone who is learning C from scratchDemo of C programs implementations for interesting problem statementsUseful for - Logic Building and Practical IssuesBuild and Test C : MCQ Questions on Advanced C topicsUseful for Who want to be expert in C, Who are preparing for GATE / Campus Placements======================================================================================Following are feedback shared about the Course by students :@Abhijeet Bhosale :Very much helpful for clearing the basic doubt about c language@Lorenz Jan :Practical and detailed, it's a professional course designed for anyone who wanna excel in interview.@pranali suryawanshi :The content of this course is very informative and useful...It gives the correct information about Advance C.Due to the examples and many quizes taken in this course it becomes easy to understand and makes think one as a programmer..@Vasudha Premnarayan Dixit :This course cover each and everything about C. Learning through examples is the best way to learn any programming language.@Aaron Kramer :Great refresher course for C@Caio Penhalver Rodriguez :Really good stuff! The teacher points out interesting things!!"
Price: 19.99

"Programa tus Primeros Juegos HTML5 con JavaScript" |
"En este curso te ayudar a iniciarte en el apasionante mundo de la programacin de videojuegos, comenzando desde la base, para que en pocos das puedas empezar a crear tus primeros juegos de estilo retro. Durante el curso podrs seguir las sesiones en vdeo, paso a paso y tambin consultar mi cdigo para probarlo en tu propio PC y que as nunca te atasques durante el proceso.Los dos primeros mdulos te ayudarn a obtener la base necesaria en programacin, siempre utilizando como ejemplo el mundo de los videojuegos, para que te resulte entretenido, mientras que a partir del tercer mdulo empezars a programar videojuegos reales.En la documentacin que acompaa a las sesiones se incluyen apuntes y ejercicios para que puedas repasar y continuar perfeccionando tus habilidades en esta maravillosa disciplina."
Price: 99.99

Excel |
"ExcelExcelMicrosoft OfficeOfficeExcelExcelExcelExcel"
Price: 600.00

Excel |
Price: 600.00

"Excelncia em Gesto da Qualidade e Metodologia Lean 6 Sigma" |
"Este curso foi estruturadopara voc quebusca obter melhores resultados, de forma estruturada e alinhada ao planejamento estratgico em umarea ou empresae quer aprender mais sobre essa abordagem.No mercado atual aGesto da Qualidade e Metodologia Lean 6 Sigmatem sido muito procurada e desejada pelasgrandes, mdias e pequenasempresas.Profissionais que aplicam essa abordagem como uma maneira depensar e agir de forma estruturadatm uma grandevantagem competitivano mercado.Portanto, se vocbusca atingir resultados de forma contnuae perenee est curioso para saber como aplicar um diagnstico de qualidade e ferramentas Lean 6 Sigmapensando do incio ao fim e queimpactam diretamente nos resultados em uma empresa ou rea especfica,mas nunca teve contato, este o caminho certo para voc!Neste curso voc vai mergulhar no que essencial para essa prtica, saber quais os benefcios em aplicar a gesto da qualidade de forma estratgica, quais so seus valores centrais para que isso acontea, ir atender cada uma das etapas de um processo completo e ter acesso a vrias ferramentas que voc pode us-las no seu dia a dia, seja como um uso profissional ou pessoal.Como treinamento inicial voc ter acesso a alguns exemplos de casos prticos que tm sido bem sucedidos na aplicao dessa metodologia em pequenas, mdias egrandes empresas.No recomendado para aqueles que j conhecem ou usam esta abordagem no seu dia-a-dia, porque um curso inicial."
Price: 144.99

"How to become a Soccer Coach?" |
"Do you have the dream of becoming a Soccer Coach? You don't know what are the steps to achieve that dream? This course will help you to understand what path should you follow to become aSoccer Coach! It will be explained, step-by-step how you can get there! With 20 years of experience close tosome of the world's top Soccer Coaches, the speaker will offersome useful tips for you to use right way andpursuit your own dream!"
Price: 19.99

"Awareness of your Ego can speed up your self-transformation" |
"Initiate a habit of choosing thoughts and ideas that support feeling good and powerful and that elevate you to a higher level of consciousness. Wayne Dyer Nobody likes to let go of the ego it is so precious to everyone. However, once you have attained a state of egolessness, the world wont disappear, as you may think it will. The world will continue, but a change take place within you. Something is uncovered. You start seeing everything with the wonder and innocence of a child. Mata Amritanandamayi Thank you very much for your interest in this course, which is the first in a series of courses leading you as the student away from your Ego and back to your Higher Self. My own growth as a facilitator has taken me from doing therapy to emotional intelligence and eventually to spiritual awakening. I have a Ph.D. This course is coming from a book I co-authored with my mentor, Dr Heinrich Kleinschmidt, during 2011. The name of the book is Spirals and Sunglasses. Self Realization gives us wings! I came to the spiritual path when I experienced a setback to my health and started to ask why and how. This often happens to many people, leading them to search for deeper answers and maybe even their life purpose. Coming to spiritual awakening and letting go of the Ego, can also result from peak experiences like the birth of a child or sad ones like a divorce. In this first course, I will raise your awareness/consciousness to be able to identify the role of the Ego in your life. Although this course is a spiritual one, I also see it as a course in self-transformation and self-realization. I will often ask the student ""Is this who you are? Is this who you want to be?"" What is the main purpose of this course and the ones that will follow? What do I really want for my students? I thought long and hard about this and came to the conclusion that I really want my students to reach self-realization. This is what I mean with that:1. Self-acceptance and self-love as far as possible in all aspects of who you are.2. To start believing in your innocense and your perfection.3. To be able to let go of who you think you should be and to embrace who you are.4. To heal your misconceptions about yourself, others and the world.in order for us to reach self-realization, we need to recognise that there are two ""forces"" at work in us. The Ego is the one force which is often the strongest and the most influencial. The Higher Self is not really a ""force"" as it will never be as demanding as the Ego, but it may be very strong and powerful once you listen to that more often... The Ego is the part of you that is most ""human"", whereas your Higher Self is your Soul/Spirit or the God part in you. We aim to integrate the two. While we are still living as humans on earth we need the Ego to keep us safe, but living the whole time in your Ego will keep you in your comfort zone. You will never have new experiences that will lead you to grow, as you will be too afraid. While you are still living from your Ego, you may experience a constant feeling of incompleteness. You will compare yourself to others and always feel that you are not quite good enough. You will strive for recognition and appreciation, feeling restless and disappointed in life. You may feel like a victim and blame others for your circumstances. These feelings may have a negative impact on your personal and professional life. Listening to your Soul/Higher Self will enable you to let go of the needs of the Ego. You will realize that you are perfect just the way you are and that there is no need for the constant striving for admiration, power, material belongings and money. You may then experience happiness and peace as you have never seen before. This is a liberating course, which will free you from old habits and beliefs. The new skills that you will learn will enable you to be happy and fulfilled. You will be able to let go of insane comparison and competition, feeling that you have find yourself and that you are very satisfied and proud of who you really are. The course that will follow this first one will each teach students about identifying various habits in their lives relating to the Ego. I will look at habits of resisting, judging, fearing, etc. and how that have an impact on your life. Having done both courses, students will be able to hear their Higher Self more clearly and they will recognise when the Ego wants to make a comeback! Living from your Higher Self will lead you to new levels of joy, harmony, happiness, passion, peace and self-fulfilment in your personal and professional life. "
Price: 300.00

"Complete Digital Currency Overview Course" |
"So, you want to know more about Crypto currencies? Whether you've been following the recent hype centered around this digital phenomena or you're interested about making an investment in the digital currency market, this course id designed to help you understand what Crypto currencies are, how they work, and how you can get involved.This course is designed for anyone to use and understand, so even if you're a complete beginner and know nothing about digital currencies, within the span of just a few modules you'll be able to tell the difference between your Bitcoin and yourEthereum, what the blockchain is and how to get a digital wallet of your own!With11 modules of video content,covering everything from the beginning of Crypto currencies to current trendsin the blockchain, the course will guide you through every step with regular articles to help you further and useful links to digital currency sites. These 11 modules are broken down into bite-size chunks to helpmake the course easy to follow and develop your understanding of Crypto currencies. The content of the modules includes:An Introduction to Crypto currenciesAn overview of the history of Crypto currenciesAn explanation of the Blockchain technologyOverviews of the different ways to get involved with Crypto currenciesThe different types of Crypto coins out thereWhat Crypto currency mining is andthe equipment, methods and pitfalls associated with itInformation about digital wallets, how to install, use and protect themA guide to purchasing digital currencies, howand where to do thisInvesting and trading inDigital currencies, the how to, the where to and the things to be wary ofOverviews as well as tips onbuying and trading Crypto currencies"
Price: 19.99

"PREMIER IELTS Writing - General Training Part One with PPP" |
"In this PREMIERcourse (which can get you BAND8 with ease in terms of Task Achievement, Coherence and Vocabulary), you will begiven an overview of the taskgiven clear information regarding what is required for each criteriuminformed about the importance of TONEand the audienceled through each letter typebe given PHRASES for each letter typea model answer for each letter TYPEgiven access to Power Point Presentationsable to download templates and materialable to throw your old textbooks away!able to pass the test with flying colours!Post course, my suggestion is to get assessed as even those who love the course and benefit from it tend to make errors which can be tackled quite easily before the exam with an effective assessment!Good luck!"
Price: 99.99

"In this cutting edge course which mimics a CLASSROOM, candidates willread a news article / articlerelated to an IELTStopicThe example used here is ""driverless cars"" which is a controversial topicthen considerthe ideas, the language and the writing stylebe guided as to how to write an essay type for the topic which is based on the news articleThe aim of the course is to teach candidates how to do research on a topic when brainstormingfails.Not having ideas is a common issue with many candidates - but that does not mean we have hit a dead end!If you read articles which are related to the topic, you will be amazed at the number of ideas you get (in fact, TOOmany!)An added benefit of doing research and clicking on my links is that you get READINGpractice and can also gather/ harvest VOCABULARYwhich is related to the topic! Since you are reading the VOCABULARYin context, you are more likely to use words with precision!"
Price: 19.99

"Gateway to Moroccan Dialect (Arabic)" |
"No one can deny that Moroccan Darija is one of the Mostdifficultdialects in the world , this course was created to help people who love learning new languages and also travelers during thier visitto Morocco .in this course you have 12 lessons that will help you to learn the important basics that you will need as a beginner.you will learn :AlphabetsGreetingsBasic phrasespersonal pronounsIntroduction phrasesadjectivesinterrogative particlesDays&monthsNumbersFamilyColorsDialy dialougeswe'll go step by step with an easy way and I'm sure that after this course you will learn a lot !"
Price: 29.99

"How to visit and discover Morocco better and cheaper" |
"Absolutely this course will help you to know a lot about Morocco and how to visit the kingdomcheaper and better , you are going to have an idea about excursions you can make and how to do it yourself with no need to any travel agency, I made this course for you , for people wholove travel and love discoveringnew things."
Price: 29.99

"Master PowerPoint 2010 in the Easy Way- Basic to Adv" |
""" 2010"" 12+ . 90+ 4 . . . . . . . Learn Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 with this comprehensive course from an experienced trainer over 12+ years. Mastering PowerPoint made easy features 90+ video lessons with over 4hours of introductory through advanced instruction. Watch, listen and learn as your expert instructor guides you through each lesson step by step. During this media-rich learning experience, you will see each function performed just as if your instructor were there with you.You will learn introductory through advanced concepts from creating simple yet elegant presentations to adding animation and video and customization. Whether you are completely new to PowerPoint or upgrading from an older version, this course will empower you with the knowledge and skills necessary to be a proficient user. I have incorporated years of classroom training experience and teaching techniques to develop an easy to use a course that you can customize to meet your personal learning needs. Simply launch video lessons and you're on your way to Mastering PowerPoint. Hany Al-Najjar"
Price: 39.99

"Evernote for Researchers: Collecting & Analyzing Online Data" |
"This coursewill show you how to use Evernote as a research tool. Evernote is an incredibly popular note taking application. But it can do so much more!If you are a student or researcher of any kind, this course will show you the principles of how to use Evernote in your work. We will use a case study of collecting and analyzing online news stories to demonstrate how toInstalland setup EvernoteInstall and usethe Evernote Web Clipper and other browser extensions to make getting online data into Evernote a snapOrganizeyour research using notebooks and tagsUsetags and Evernote's powerful search and filtering capabilities to conduct an analysisUseEvernote's unique table of contents feature to begin making topic briefs and outlines to guide your essay or report writing.We will focus on collecting and analyzingnews articles in this course. But, theprinciples and methods outlined herewill work for many kinds of online data, including images and documents.**This course does not cover all of the features and functions of Evernote. It is meant for researchers or students who are beginners to Evernote and want to get up to speed quickly.**"
Price: 44.99

"Como Encontrar y Eliminar Bloqueos Mentales y Emocionales" |
"En la Psicologa existe un trmino conocido como Reverso Psicolgico, un Reverso Psicolgico no es ms que una incongruencia mental entre lo que tu dices que Quieres a nivel consciente y lo que tu Creesa nivel subconsciente.Segn la neurociencia la frecuencia neuronal de un nio entre los 2 a los 10 aos se encuentra en un estado Theta, en ese estado el filtro crtico de la mente que es este sistema por medio del cual el cerebro analiza la informacin de entrada y determina si es es verdadera o falsa, correcta o incorrecta, es prcticamente anulado. Esto produce que la gran mayora de creencias limitantes, miedos, fobias, y traumas que tus padres tenan en tu infancia fueron programados en tu mente subconsciente sin ningn tipo de resistencia.Todo este cmulo de creencias limitantes, miedos y fobias son los causantes del autosabotaje mental y emocional del que eres vctima en la vida adulta, y que por ejemplo impiden que logres emprender con xito, que sabotees tus finanzas, tus relaciones personales y que pocas veces logres completar tus metas y sueos. En muchos casos, estas tan invadido del miedo al fracaso, el miedo al rechazo, miedo hablar en pblico o el miedo al xito que no logras dar ni siquiera el primer paso para comenzar a tomar accin y si por alguna razn logras comenzar a tomar accin rpidamente te desanimas y abandonas. De esta manera tpodrs tener cientos de ttulos profesionales, maestras,doctorados, especializaciones, podras ser un experto en finanzas, en administracin, pero a menos que ests libre de todos estos bloqueos mentales y emocionales, es poco probable que logres obtener el nivel de xito que deseas en tu vida.Porque recuerda que estos bloqueos mentales y emocionales estn saboteando una y otra vez tus esfuerzos conscientes por tener buenas relaciones, tener buen cuerpo, tener libertad financiera y realmente ser feliz en tu vida."
Price: 79.99

"Aprende Autocad Civil3D para Topografa y Obras Civiles 2/4" |
"Este es el segundo de un conjunto de 4 cursos denominados ""Autocad Civil3D para Topografa y Obras Civiles"" que te permitir aprender a manejar este fabuloso software de Autodesk y aplicarlo a diferentes proyectos y obras de construccin. Vuelvete un experto en el software y podrs generar movimientos de tierra, calcular materiales y precios de obra y crear grandes diseos de carreteras, puentes, alcantarillado entre otros.Este conjunto de cursos ha sido producto de horas de dedicacin, trabajo y esfuerzo, recopilando los datos mas importantes en el tema de la Ingeniera Civil y Topogrfica, resumiendo grandes cantidades de teora y volviendolas practicas, para que tu puedas aprender de una manera facil y rpida con clases cortas pero especificas para cada tema y practicar con todos los datos (reales) y ejemplos que aqu te brindamos. Si quieres comenzar a manejar este software, participar en este curso te va a ahorrar semanas de trabajo investigando por tu cuenta lo que nosotros ya hemos investigado, haciendo las pruebas que hemos hecho, y cometiendo los errores que ya hemos cometido.Dejanos introducirte en este mundo del Autocad Civil3D, que es una poderosa herramienta para reducir grandes cantidades de tiempo diseando y calculando y facilitar tu labor en el ambito profesional.A quin est dirigido?Este curso est orientado a tcnicos, tecnlogos y profesionales con conocimiento en Topografa, obras civiles o relacionados, que quieran iniciar en el mundo del diseo de carreteras, obras lineales, movimientos de tierra y construccin o aquellos que quieren fortalecer sus habilidades en el manejo de esta poderosa herramienta.CONTENIDO DEL CURSO BSICO (2/4)SUPERFICIES IIEdicin de modelos de superficie, interpolacin, mejoras, exportacin.Estilos de modelos de superficie, presentaciones, anlisis de mapas.Superposicin de modelos.Cubicacin, reportes de volumen entre varias superficies.1. ENSAMBLES Y SUBENSAMBLESSeccin tpica. Definicin de ensambles (estructura). Configuracin de sub-ensambles (objetos tipo: terraza, carril, sardinel, canal, cuneta, puente, interseccin, etc.).2. OBRA LINEAL, SUPERFICIES Y MATERIALES:Definicin y construccin de la obra lineal.Superficies de la obra lineal y lmites.3. SECCIONES TRANSVERSALES DE SUPERFICIESLneas de muestreo.Vistas de seccin.4. CUBICACIN Y MOVIMIENTO DE TIERRA:Cubicacin y reportes.Comparacin de superficies.Superficies de volumen."
Price: 39.99

"Aprende Autocad Civil3D para Topografa y Obras Civiles 3/4" |
"Este es el tercer de un conjunto de 4 cursos denominados ""Autocad Civil3D para Topografa y Obras Civiles"" que te permitir aprender a manejar este fabuloso software de Autodesk y aplicarlo a diferentes proyectos y obras de construccin. Vuelvete un experto en el software y podrs generar movimientos de tierra, calcular materiales y precios de obra y crear grandes diseos de carreteras, puentes, alcantarillado entre otros.Este conjunto de cursos ha sido producto de horas de dedicacin, trabajo y esfuerzo, recopilando los datos mas importantes en el tema de la Ingeniera Civil y Topogrfica, resumiendo grandes cantidades de teora y volviendolas practicas, para que tu puedas aprender de una manera facil y rpida con clases cortas pero especificas para cada tema y practicar con todos los datos (reales) y ejemplos que aqu te brindamos. Si quieres comenzar a manejar este software, participar en este curso te va a ahorrar semanas de trabajo investigando por tu cuenta lo que nosotros ya hemos investigado, haciendo las pruebas que hemos hecho, y cometiendo los errores que ya hemos cometido.Dejanos introducirte en este mundo del Autocad Civil3D, que es una poderosa herramienta para reducir grandes cantidades de tiempo diseando y calculando y facilitar tu labor en el ambito profesional.A quin est dirigido?Este curso est orientado a tcnicos, tecnlogos y profesionales con conocimiento en Topografa, obras civiles o relacionados, que quieran iniciar en el mundo del diseo de carreteras, obras lineales, movimientos de tierra y construccin o aquellos que quieren fortalecer sus habilidades en el manejo de esta poderosa herramienta.CONTENIDO DEL CURSO MEDIO (3/4)ALINEAMIENTOS HORIZONTALES II- Manejo avanzado de estilos- Edicin y construccin de criterios de diseo y tablas.- Edicin grfica, geomtrica y tabular (avanzado).- Paralelas del eje y sobre-anchos.- Definicin y diagramas de peraltes.ALINEAMIENTOS VERTICALES II- Construccin con tablas de diseo.- Superposicin de perfiles.- Proyeccin de objetos de planta a perfil.- Edicin grfica, geomtrica y tabular (avanzado).- Manejo avanzado de estilos, bandas.SECCIN TPICA II- Definicin de ensambles (estructura). Avanzado.- Creacin y configuracin de sub-ensambles, cdigos y vnculos.- Definicin de transiciones horizontales y verticalesOBRA LINEAL II- Obra lineal con varios alineamientos.- Obra lineal con diferentes regiones y estructuras.- Edicin avanzada de obra lineal, secciones, frecuencia, regiones, superficies.SECCIONES TRANSVERSALES II- Manejo avanzado de estilos, tablas, objetos a visualizar.- Edicin de lneas de muestreo.- Configuracin avanzada de materiales y precios.- Diagrama de masas y reportes."
Price: 39.99

"Aprende Autocad Civil3D para Topografa y Obras Civiles 4/4" |
"Este es elcuartode un conjunto de4 cursosdenominados ""Autocad Civil3D para Topografa y Obras Civiles"" que te permitir aprender a manejar este fabuloso software de Autodesk y aplicarlo a diferentes proyectos y obras de construccin. Vuelvete un experto en el software y podrs generar movimientos de tierra, calcular materiales y precios de obra y crear grandes diseos de carreteras, puentes, alcantarillado entre otros.Este conjunto de cursos ha sido producto de horas de dedicacin, trabajo y esfuerzo, recopilando los datos mas importantes en el tema de la Ingeniera Civil y Topogrfica, resumiendo grandes cantidades de teora y volviendolas practicas, para que tu puedas aprender de una manera facil y rpida con clases cortas pero especificas para cada tema y practicar con todos los datos (reales) y ejemplos que aqu te brindamos.Si quieres comenzar a manejar este software, participar en este curso te va a ahorrar semanas de trabajo investigando por tu cuenta lo que nosotros ya hemos investigado, haciendo las pruebas que hemos hecho, y cometiendo los errores que ya hemos cometido.Dejanos introducirte en este mundo del Autocad Civil3D, que es una poderosa herramienta para reducir grandes cantidades de tiempo diseando y calculando y facilitar tu labor en el ambito profesional.A quin est dirigido?Este curso est orientado a tcnicos, tecnlogos y profesionalescon conocimiento en Topografa, obras civiles o relacionados, que quieran iniciar en el mundo del diseo de carreteras, obras lineales,movimientos de tierra y construccin o aquellos que quieren fortalecer sus habilidades en el manejo de esta poderosa herramienta.CONTENIDO DEL CURSO MEDIO (4/4)CONFIGURACIN DE PLANOS- Construccin de plantillas.- Generacin automtica de planos en planta.- Generacin automtica de planos en perfil.- Generacin automtica de planos en planta-perfil.- Generacin automtica de planos de secciones transversales.EXPLANACIONES (GRADING)- Definicin y configuracin.- Cubicacin y transicin de taludes.- Balance de volmenes.- Generacin de superficies.INTERSECCIONES- Construccin de interseccin en cruz.- Adicin de ramales- Diseo de obra lineal a partir de interseccin- Construccin de una rotonda o glorieta.CONSTRUCCIN DE PARCELAS- Calculo de reas y permetros- Alinderacin- Topologa- Emplazamientos- Englobes y desenglobeCLCULO DE ESCORRENTA SUPERFICIAL- Diseo de superficies- Anlisis de cuencas- Drenajes y subcuencas hidrolgicasDIBUJO DE REDES SANITARIAS Y TUBERAS- Proyeccin de objetos- Perfiles- Clculos de materiales"
Price: 49.99

"Mental Health Conditions" |
"There is something that we all can do tostop the stigma associated with mental illness and be a part of the process intransforming someone in need from mental illness to mental health. I amvery excited that so many people want to be a part in this movement to promoteMental Health Awareness! Mental Health Matters was created to be avehicle that provides, mental health resources and on-line training to helpthose in need.Sharing and interacting with otherson-line has become the standard. On-line learning has come a long way inmany subjects, why not mental health? We can never learn too much andalways have room for more knowledge that we can share with others in thebetterment of their mental health.Please continue to support this movement by taking courses andtelling your friends about them."
Price: 29.99

"Fat Loss in 4 Weeks: Step by Step Master Course" |
"Step by Step.Shed inches of body fat in 4 weeks.Our first Fitness Course - Jan 25th 2018!Weshow youscientificallyhow you can lose inches of body fat in 4 weeks as youbegin to tone and build lean musclein this fresh and engaging course. We show you the best scientific fitness practices that willhelp youto lose body fat in 4 weeks. We've combined the science with ourmentorship programswe havedesigned for our online personal trainingclients in this fat loss courseat madefitdotonline and through our social channels.You are given in this course: Strategies for how to lose body fat without counting calories or eat bland food Free very high quality Gym &@Home training programs and nutritional guidelinesfor anentire month Exercise videos for EVERY exercise in your workout plan Research based information presented in a fresh, engaging way Top Tips to boost your metabolismthat you can use TODAYto kick start your fat lossWhy This Course?We want this course to be as accessible to as many people as possible, so we'vepurposely set the lowest price pointfor this reason. No money mind games.Our course offers many realistic and brilliantbenefits for you:SAVE: Hundreds of hours of research and weget straight to the point:the important things you need to know to improve your health & fitnessCONFIDENCE:Look and feel healthier, happier, and more full of vitality as you watch your body transform as you not only learn toget fit but learn to stay fitLIFESTYLE: This course develops on ourlifestyle approach. It's not just about exercise and nutrition. We also touch base on very important things beyond nutrition and exercise that will help you get fitTRANSFORM: People expect just a physical transformation in their weight loss. But very soon theyrealise that there is a mental and emotional transformation as well. In this course, we offer a clear step by step process for you to begin your physical transformation to greaterself confidenceSUPPORT: We will support people whotake this course as best as we can. We encourage you to send us messages. We want you to succeed...and much, much more.We backup this course with the women and men we've helped in the U.S., Canada and the U.K.;real, proven, scientific studies that we present in fresh and engaging ways; results driven @Home and Gym exercise programs and strategies that our clients have used; and our professional standing as actual teachers and online and in real life personal trainers.Your Next Step:1. Simply click ""Enroll Now"" to start your journey today2. Sit back and watch.Regardless of whether you are completely new or have a vast experience in fitness and health, we know that you will be able to take at theveryleast, one piece of knowledge away with you to empower yourself even more.See you soon!Michael & Jade"
Price: 94.99

"Aprende Adobe Capture" |
"Hola! Soy Mariana Cabral, Education & Marketing Specialist de Adobe Latinoamrica y te doy la bienvenida a este curso de Adobe Capture.Domina la creacin y gestin de recursos digitales desde tu dispositivo mvil y llvalos a Illustrator, Photoshop o la aplicacin de escritorio que quieras, a travs de las Bibliotecas CC.En este curso aprenders a utilizar Adobe Capture, la aplicacin mvil gratuita de Adobepara crear recursos digitales donde quieras que ests.Capture cuenta con 6 sub aplicaciones que, al capturar una imagen a travs de la cmara de tu dispositivo, crean distintos recursos listos para utilizarse de manera profesional en el resto de aplicaciones de tu membresa de Creative Cloud.Vectoriza imgenes con Formas (Shapes), dejndolas listas para editar punto de control a punto de control; con todo el poder de los vectores dentro de Illustrator.Sincroniza fuentes de TypeKit con Tipos (Type),unode los grandesservicios de Adobe Creative Cloud;y designa estilos de caracter, listos para elevar tus proyectos editoriales en InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop y otros.Crea paletas de color Colores (Colors), basndote en reglas cromticas o a partir con total control numrico sobre los 5 chips de color; estarn listas para darle color a todos tus proyectos grficos.Viste tus modelos 3D en Dimension CC con los materiales capturados en Materiales (Materials) y dale vida a tus escenas en tres dimensiones.Construye patrones impresionantes para ser usados como texturas en tus documentos de Illustrator y Photoshop; a travs de Patrones (Patterns).Crea pinceles listos a usarse en Illustrator, Photoshop o incluso de vuelta en tu dispositivo en Sketch,con Pinceles (Brushes). Calbralos en tu dispositivo y termina de ajustarlos en cada aplicacin.Todo esto es posible gracias a la gestin omnipresente de tus Bibliotecas CC, que permiten administrar tus recursos a travs de todas las aplicaciones de Creative Cloud."
Price: 24.99

"No destruyas tus fotos! Edicin NO destructiva en Photoshop" |
"Hola! Soy Mariana Cabral, Education & Marketing Specialist de Adobe Latinoamrica y te doy la bienvenida a este curso de Edicin no destructiva con Photoshop.Sabas que de lopeorque puedes hacerle a una fotografa es agregarle ajustes y efectos? S, y ya s que para eso es Photoshop, pero hay que saber hacerlo, aplicarlas correctamente para que no pierdas la informacin original de tus imgenes y siempre puedas editarlas sin contratiempos.En este curso veremos las tcnicas bsicas que conforman el universo de la Edicin NO destructiva, comenzando por un recorte correcto de tu fotografa y su proceso en modo RGB.Conoceremos y trabajaremos con las Capas de Ajuste, los Objetos inteligentes y los Filtros inteligientes, aplicaremos Mscaras bitmap y vectoriales, agregaremos informacin en capas independientes pintando y clonandoy, por ltimo pero igual de importante, revelaremos fotos en Camera RAW y usaremos el filtro dentro de Photoshop.En 2 horas y media tendrs todoslosrecursos para editar tus fotos sin perder informacin alguna. Bienvenido!"
Price: 34.99

"Crash Course 2 Keto - Ketosis Made Simple" |
"THE#1 BEST-SELLINGKETOGENICDIETCOURSEKETOMADESIMPLE!KETODONERIGHT!REVIEWS""Very good presentation and hearing Keto explained by an authoritative source provides clarity. My husband and I are using this course as our bible to going keto. Not only is the curriculum comprehensive, but it is also explained in layman's terms for newbies, such as myself, to understand. I've watched the course several times because that is how I learn, but each time I seem to focus on something different and it has helped me plan and execute my journey to ketosis. So thankful I found this course, thanks for sharing it with those who are interested in a logical and proven way to a healthier lifestyle.""-Angie Norris""This was an excellent course and very motivating. I'm new to the Keto diet and this was the perfect place to start. Instructor was engaging and direct. This diet is the perfect fit for my lifestyle as i have already seen the benefits of intermittent fasting and as I'm trying to gain more energy and burn more fat to fuel my love of cycling.""-Kevin Frank""Excellent, videos carefully explaining Ketosis and it's benefits. Of all the books I purchased on Keto, I finally understood it's meaning and application from this course.""-Jose Carbo""Very informative! I've been doing Keto for about 4 months for weight loss and haven't lost that much weight. This helps me see where I have been going wrong a tweak things and keep on track.""- Teresa CroninKeto aka Ketosis has seen tremendous growth in popularity recently for it's amazing results. Ketosis has been helping countless people BURNFAT, BUILDMUSCLE, IMPROVEENERGY, INCREASETHEIRFOCUS, and REJUVENATETHEIRHEALTH!What if I told you that they were able to achieve these amazing benefits while eating the foods that they LOVE!Ketosis is a state in which your body is burning FATas it's primarily fuel source and if done properly can actually burn your own fat stores to fuel massive weight loss. Not only that but it has been shown to improve athletic performance, brain function, and energy.The problem is many people are unaware of the proper strategies and tools needed to flip the switch on their metabolism for fat burning. This is leading many people attempting the ketogenic diet to make some critical mistakes that are preventing them from experiencing the full benefits of ketosis.In this course, you'll learn how to get all the benefits of ketosis with as little bumps in the road and mistakes as possible. You'll also learn:How to maximize the benefits of ketosis and avoid the top 3 mistakes!How to use ketosis for fat loss!How to combine ketosis with intermittent fasting for rapid and powerful ketosis!Hacks for beating the Keto Flu and making the transition a breeze!How to track and measure your progress along the wayGetRecipes, Workouts, and Guidesto get the maximum benefitThe Crash Course 2 Keto also comes with a FREEFASTINGGUIDE, FREERECIPES, and 20 FREEWORKOUTS!More Praise For Crash Course 2 Keto!""I really liked the course and it was straight to the point as to how to get into ketosis and also how you can combine this diet with intermittent fasting as a way to boost your results. If you really want to be healthier, in better shape and have more energy, focus and brain power, this is the course for you. I've tried myself and it's been doing great. You can feel the most difference when you put on some carbs back to your diet and have a feeling of lethargy, then when you come back to the low carb approach you feel great."" - Felipe da Silva Frana""The course was very informative and provided me with a blueprint on how to get started. I especially appreciated the FAQ because many of the questions I had after going through the course were addressed."" - Saquoria""Awesome!"" - Prashanth Kumar""Really helpful!!! So many hacks and practical tips for getting into ketosis. I also enjoyed the way dr. brady explain complex concepts in a simple manner without information loss."" - Marcos Medeiros"
Price: 99.99

"Intermittent Fasting 101 - The Complete Course" |
"#1 Best-Selling Course On Intermittent Fasting!""This is absolutely the information I was looking for to begin my own personal transformation. Simple to understand. Simple to implement. Well done!"" - Wayne Steel""I am already familiar with fasting successfully but only recently I have developed an interest in understanding the theory and science behind it. I particularly liked the fact that this course provides just enough information about nutritional facts, without confusing my brain too much.:-) as Dr Brady made it very easy to understand, it's relaxing and engaging too. I really recommend this course to anybody who is interested in starting a healthier lifestyle, and in gaining a better understanding of the body's ""self sustaining capabilities"" I give 5 Stars. Thank you:-)"" - Rosana CardosoWelcome to Intermittent Fasting 101!Are you ready to: Burn Fat?Build Muscle?Revolutionize Your Energy?Improve Your Health?Reduce Inflammation?Even Improve Your Brain Performance?Say ""Hello""to Intermittent Fasting!Intermittent fasting is not a diet, but a strategic method of eating that's been show to literally hack your metabolism and hormonal system for fat burning.With intermittent fasting, you strategically plan a set window to eat your food (8 hours) and another window in which you fast (16 hours).It's not as simple as it sounds. There are quite a few important factors to consider that will either maximize your results or prevent you from experiencing the results you want!The Intermittent Fasting 101 Course will help you avoid the most common intermittent fasting mistakes while also taking your intermittent fasting to the next level to 10Xyour results and benefits.In this in-depth comprehensive course you'll learn:How Intermittent Fasting WorksThe Benefits of Intermittent FastingHow To Maximize Your ResultsHow To Use Intermittent Fasting For Weight LossIntermittent Fasting HacksFrequently Asked Questions AnsweredYou'll receive:Over an hour of in-depth tutorial videos (not a powerpoint presentation)An Intermittent Fasting Starter Guide (PDF)Hacks to maximize your intermittent fastingThe secret to starting intermittent fasting simply and easilyWhat students say!""Dr. Brady's Intermittent Fasting course was exactly what I was looking for! He covers the material in enough depth to get started right away, and offers some great tips & troubleshooting advice for making the process go smoothly. I like the pace of the course, and that he writes notes on a whiteboard for those of us who are visual learners, while he's teaching. I have training in nutritional therapy, and would feel very comfortable recommending this course to clients, as well as Dr. Brady's other course: Crash Course to Keto.""- Lenka Dresselhaus""He is very easy to understand. I like that he is covering so many healing aspects and what it can do to heal the body. Perfect if you need some education on inflammation in the body and what keto can do for you, essential where sickness comes from if you know the body. love it""- Crystal Vigil""Informative and found several ways to do the fasting. Great job."" - Khalil Evans""Great course straight the point and easy to apply in the real world. Thank you"" - Saleem Walker""I previously took Dr. Salcido's course titled, ""Crash Course 2 Keto - Ketosis Made Simple"". It was nice how this course supplements the other. I found this course is easy to complete in a short amount of time. It also provided me helpful information along with thoughtful tips for my Intermittent Fasting plangiven my current health goals."" - Bill Goldner"
Price: 79.99

"Unleash Your Super-Brain: Hack Your Neuroplasticity" |
"Upgrade your Brain.How would it feel to have a brain that is constantly upgrading itself 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?Have you ever wondered how high-achievers and elite CEO's can learn quickly, stay energized, and get rid of bad habits fast?The key is NEUROPLASTICITY.Neuroplasticity is the ability and capacity of your brain to change. During neuroplasticity, your brain not only changes how it processes information, it literally changes the structure of the brain.When Neuroplasticity is LOW, your brain is more rigid, inflexible, and unchanging, which can inhibit your ability to change, learn quickly, and feel energized.When Neuroplasticity is HIGH, your brain will be able to:Learn new things faster than ever beforeFeel more energized throughout the dayGet rid of bad habits to adopt new healthy onesBe more productive and focusedFeel more confident and happyIt turns out that simply changing the way you think may not be enough, your brain needs the right resources and tools to be able to change.That's why in this course, you'll receive a 360 degree view of how to increase your Neuroplasticity byLearning about what foods and supplements you can use increase neuroplasticityHow to optimize your movement and exercise to increase neuroplasticityHow to use the power of habits to change your brainHow to use mental exercises and strategies to increase neuroplasticityThe strategies and tools you'll learn in this course are backed by science and research.In each supplemental resource you'll find all the relevant links to the research detailing the diet, lifestyle, fitness, and psychological tools to increase your neuroplasticity.Hack Your Neuroplasticity also comes with free supplemental resources:Free Intermittent Fasting GuideNeuroplasticity Supplements GuideSleep Hacking Guide20 FreeWorkoutsIt's time to unleash your SUPERBRAIN!"
Price: 139.99

"Chess Openings for White and Black Taught by a Grandmaster" |
"Hey guys,this is Grandmaster Mesgen Amanov!I am excited to present you with my new video course on Chess Openings. In this particular course I will teach youall openings that happen after 1.e4.This course is for Beginners and Intermediate players. In order to fully benefit from this course you just need to know how the pieces move and some basic rules.I've been teaching chess for more than 15 years and I know exactly what you need to know in order to get good positions out of the opening. I recommend the best lines to play for white and black.In this course I recorded 20 Chess Openings that will help you understand which Opening is right for you. If you play 1.e4, this course will help you obtain better positions in the middlegame and you will understand what your plan is.When you play with black pieces you must know how to play against 1.e4, so this course will teach you how to deal with it as well. You won't have to memorize much as we will not go too deep.All lessons are very easy to follow and for your convenience I am adding a PGN file for all the openings that we will go over. Thank you so much for your attention! Enjoy!"
Price: 99.99

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Price: 19.99

"Theory of Sound Healing" |
"Are you interested in Sound Healing? Are you practicing or thinking of learning Sound Healing?Have you heard terms like frequency, vibration, entrainment, resonance and you are not sure what they exactly mean?This course will provide you with an understanding of the basic terms that are recurrent in the field of sound as well as an in-depth analysis of the effects of sound on the human body and mind.Please note that this is a theoretical course and it is mainly based on text. I have added videos for those topics that need visual help to be clearly understood.Techniques of Sound Healing are available in the other programmes I offer. This one is intended to be a deepening of the fundamental elements upon which Sound Healing is based.The concepts presented in this course may be entirely new to you or some of them may be already familiar. Either way, you will acquire a broad understanding that will connect all the dots and provide a bigger picture of how different aspects of working with sound and music are interconnected.A body of information that will boost your competence in this field by clarifying the connection between the metaphysical aspects of sound and their practical application.We are made to interact with physical reality in terms of vibration and resonance. The aural universe speaks the language of our souls and sound is the key to a deeper understanding of life.The content of this online programme is also part of the Sound Therapy Practitioner Online Training."
Price: 49.99
