"Welcome to Mac - a Quick Start Guide to macOS High Sierra" |
"Are you new to the Mac or simply need a refresher? This course, taught by a former Apple employee, will show you through the basics of Apple's newest operating system, macOS High Sierra, and will lay the foundations to make you a power Mac user!- Learn the Dock, Menu Bar, Siri, Notification Center and More - Learn to customize your Mac to your liking in System Preferences - Learn all about the applications that come bundled with your Mac - Learn about the power of iCloud - Learn how to install, update, and delete applications - Learn the power of files and folders in Finder - Learn fun and time saving shortcuts"
Price: 24.99

"Edicion De Videos Desde Cero Curso Completo" |
"RequisitosSe recomienda un PC con 4Gb de RAM y procesador i5 o superiorEl curso va desde bsico hasta avanzado, no es necesario ningn conocimiento previo. TODO se explica en el CursoDescripcinActualizado en marzo de 2018Aprende a editar vdeosdesde cero y de forma sencillacon Filmora y las herramientas ms profesionales del momento. En este curso aprenders:Editar vdeospara ser un GamerEditar vdeospara ser un YoutuberEditar vdeos Facebook AdsA grabar la pantalla de tu PcA grabar la pantalla y a ti mismo al mismo tiempoA hacer Trailers de una forma sencillaA editar vdeospara Campaas PublicitariasVdeo banners para tus Paginas WebsExtrasTe INVITOa que antes de comprar FILMORA lo utilices de la forma gratuita y de esta forma ahorrar dinero.A lo largo del curso tendrs varias ejemplos y ademas en cada clase tu tendrs una actividad para que desarrolles tu potencial.Este vdeo curso esta diseado para que cualquier persona entienda las herramientas de edicin de vdeo y a la vez el producto terminado parezca que lo hizo un profesional.El diseo grfico hoy en da se ocupa en todo, y si tu aprendes a utilizarlo tendrs un plus si quieres poner tu negocio, si quieres ser Youtuber, si quieres hacer Gameplays, etc. Ya que con esta herramienta tu practicamente seras todo un experto.Permtete decirte por que tomar este curso:Hay millonesde personas que quieren Youtuberso Famosos y muchas veces tienen el talento para hacerlo pero hoytutomando este curso sacaras provecho de ello y tu seras quien tu quieras ser.Solo quiero que tu te imagines a una gran cantidad de personas diciendo tu nombre porque tu estas en su pas yeres famoso. Dado que hoy tu estas tomando la decisin de educarte en diseo de vdeos.Aprende a editar comoYoutuberSi tu verdadero sueo es ser un Youtuber pues djame decirte que aqu aprenders a como editar tus vdeos y ya despus que vayas haciendo los primeros vdeos, esto de editar lo vas a hacer y esto te lo aseguro lo estars haciendo en menos de 30 minutos.Un da te despertaras en un hotel y miraras a todos tus FANSgritando tu nombre porque eres su Youtuber preferido y tu dirs esto es real y te aseguro que ni lo creers.Aprende a editar vdeoscomo un GamerA la mayorade hombres nos gustan los vdeojuegos y nos gustaraser famosos como El Rubios, Vegueta777, GermanJuega, Fernanfloo, etc. Y pues tu ahora en este curso aprenderslas herramientas bsicaspara ser un Gamer y poder hacer tus Gameplays como todo un Crack.Tu te imaginas que te paguen, estar haciendo lo que te gusta y a la misma vez ser Famoso, uff esto es un sueo realidad, ser uno de los Gamers mas famosos del mundo, la verdad yo que tu no esperaria mas ya que hay millones de jvenes como tu que quieren ser Youtuber y hacer Gameplays. Crear vdeospara Facebook AdsHoy por hoy hay miles de millones de publicidades que aparecen Facebook y pues haciendo un buen vdeo tu campaa de Facebook Ads va a ser un total xito ya que la mayora de personas que trabajan en Facebook Ads no sabes de edicin de vdeos. Te imaginas hacer tu campaa de publicidad al estilo de las grandes empresas y de esta forma ganar Millones de dolares, pues yo te lo aseguro que lo conseguiras.Un Curso Diferente y en Constante RenovacinEste curso estar en constante renovacin, yo Javier Rubio les prometo que les ayudare en todo lo que pueda y ademas voy a estar actualizando el contenido para que tu no te quedes atras y seas ese Youtuber, Gamer, uh ese empresario exitoso con el cual todas las personas desean conocer.Verdad que es genial? Pueslo mejor de todo es que est a tu alcance.Compra el cursoy disfruta de todo lo que te est esperando.Nos vemos!Javier RubioA quin est dirigido?Interesados en ser YoutubersInteresados en ser GamersInteresados en hacer vdeo publicidadInteresados en ser FamososInteresados de verdad en cumplir sus sueos""Fcil sencillo y para toda la Familia"""
Price: 49.99

"Software Testing/ QA: Learn Basic Testing with live examples" |
"NOTE: This is a software testing beginner course. This course is for people who like to join IT industry as a software test engineer / people who are eager to learn testing methodologies in quick time. This course covers the need of testing, process involved, different types of testing, JIRA etc we use in testing etc. Please note here we are explaining types of testing with live example codes"
Price: 24.99

"Viso Computacional com o Matlab - Nvel Introdutrio" |
"A viso computacional a tcnica usada para replicar a viso humana em maquinas utilizando software e hardware. A disciplina viso computacional estuda, a partir de imagens 2D, como reconstruir, interromper e compreender para ento construir um cenrio 3D.Viso computacional e reconhecimento de imagem so termos frequentemente usados como sinnimos, mas a viso computacional mais do que analisar imagens.O reconhecimento de imagens, ou seja, a anlise de pixel e padres de imagens, apenas uma parte do processo de viso computacional que envolve desde reconhecimento de objetos e caracteres at anlise de texto e sentimento. O reconhecimento de imagem de hoje, ainda na maior parte, apenas identifica padres bsicos como pessoa sorrindo ou uma fruta no cenrio. J a viso computacional um padro sobre-humano: ser capaz de ver claramente no escuro, atravs de paredes, em longas distncias e processar todos esses dados rapidamente e em volume macio. Ou ento, ser usada no dia a dia, como identificar e auxiliar nos diagnsticos de doenas, reconhecer padres e process-los em uma velocidade altssima para ajudar na conduo de negcios.Esse curso tem como objetivo servir como um guia introdutrio prtico para pessoas que possuam interesse em aprender sobre viso computacional. Foi escolhido o software Matlab como programa base por j possuir funes prontas, tornando o trabalho mais fcil de ser executado e compreendido. Nesse curso o aluno encontrar os seguintes tpicos:- Uma breve introduo a viso computacional;- As principais abordagens de pr-processamento de imagens;- As principais tcnicas de filtragem de uma imagem;- Mtodos de segmentao de imagens;- Mtodos de extrao de caractersticas;O foco desse curso aprender as noes bsicas de viso computacional. Para isso, a ferramenta escolhida para manipular, editar e selecionar imagens o software Matlab. desejado que o aluno j entenda como esse software funciona.O curso foi desenvolvido nas verses R2016a e R2018a do Matlab."
Price: 69.99

"Viso computacional com Python e OpenCV" |
"Esse curso uma introduo a viso computacional e ao processamento de imagens. A ferramenta usada o python3 e em ambiente jupyter notebook. Esse curso sempre sofrer alteraes buscando inserir/atualizar novas abordagens e novos cdigos, afinal a rea de viso computacional sempre ter novas tcnicas sendo descobertas ou melhoradas. A viso computacional procura integrar as reas de processamento digital de imagens e inteligncia artificial, tendo como objetivo a obteno de algoritmos capazes de interpretar o contedo visual de imagens. Suas aplicaes esto presentes em diversos segmentos tecnolgicos que envolvem anlise de imagens, reconhecimento de padres e controle inteligente, abrangendo mltiplas reas do conhecimento, tais como agronomia, astronomia, biologia, biometria, medicina e muitas outras. Constitui , portanto, uma rea multidisciplinar com muitas aplicaes prticas.O biblioteca OpenCV uma biblioteca Free que pode ser usada com o Python. Essa biblioteca usada principalmente para viso computacional e processamento de imagens . considerada uma das melhores ferramentas de cdigo aberto que auxilia os desenvolvedores a construir projetos completos e robustos em processamento de imagem, deteco de movimento e segmentao e extrao de caractersticas em uma imagem.Se voc completamente novo no conceito de Viso Computacional ou tem uma compreenso bsica disso, este curso ser o seu guia para entender os conceitos e algoritmos bsicos do OpenCV atravs de incrveis exemplos.Comeando com a instalao do OpenCV em seu sistema e entendendo os fundamentos bsicos do processamento de imagens, aplicaes de filtro espaciais, realando bordas com os principais algoritmos j desenvolvidos, operaes morfolgicas em imagens, fazendo a segmentao da imagem e por ltimo a extrao de caractersticas."
Price: 69.99

"Investing 101 - Learn to trade stocks, forex and crypto." |
"Do you know why 90%of the people who invest in the market lose money?Because they don't have a trading plan. In this course not only you will learn the basic of trading, you will also understand what it takes to build your own trading system in order to meet your goals, psychology and risk aversion. Implementing other's traders strategies is easy, but what if they don't fit your personality as an investor?This is the real reason why you need your own trading plan.The key for a successful trading plan is a solid set ofsolid money management rules that can make you profitable by reducing risks and maximizing profits; you will learn how you don't need the best performing strategy in the world, even with a 40%winning strategy (that's basically less than a coin toss!!!)you will be profitable in the long run if you have a solid plan to rely on.With practical example Iwill show you how Igrew my equity of 35%in a few months and Iwill provide you with the trading book Iuse as a record for all of my trades; all of these steps are extremely actionable and repeatable once you learn the foundations.As a bonus you will also learn my 4most profitable strategies, the very same ones that led me to that highly unexpected results!Don't let this opportunity pass by, be thatone winning trader out of 10!"
Price: 189.99

"Start In Software Defined Networking and Open Flow" |
"SDN Open Flow Switchesopen flow A practical, hands-on, real world approach to learning and implementing SDN and OpenFlow.See SDN and OpenFlow in action. Learn SDN and OpenFlow practically. You can set up everything shown here on your laptop using free or demo software.Learn all tiers of the SDN Architecture:* Applications - Bash scripts, FlowMaker, HP Network Protector, HP Network Visualizer* Controllers - Learn OpenDaylight (ODL), ONOS, the HP VAN SDN Controllers.* OpenFlow Infrastructure - Mininet switches (Open vSwitch)this course in Arabic Language"
Price: 19.99

"Win32 API C++ Tutorial Ebonygeek45" |
"This course is about creating Windows. Then customizing your windows to fit the needs of your program. (Your program not included). This means showing you how to add controls to your window, then add the logic to those controls to do what you need them to do.This is without the use of a UI, Your code for the most part will create and control your window.This is important so that down the line if you should decide to branch into UI's you will have the underlying knowledge of how it works under the hood(so to speak).We will also show you how to keep within the guidelines of working with Unicode.Working with Visual Studio C++ can be un-user-friendly and causes a lot of new comers to turn away from it. But it is the best for debugger functionality. We show you how to work with Visual Studio C++.Learning by doing is the best way to learn to program. This is how we encourage you to get the most out of this course. Following along with the video shows how it all fit together. But following alng and typing it out and running it as seen on the video helps it sink in far better.Working example code done and ran on video so you can see the exact results. This is an advantage over some books. Some of their sample codes don't work and you have to research to see why. In that case what is the point of having the book if the samples don't work. This is not the case with this course.So, take the course and learn with us."
Price: 19.99

"Set Up Beacons & Proximity Marketing - 2018 Masterclass" |
"Whats Included?Step By Step Video Guides We will show you every step of the beacon setup process on video and explain it in a clear and easy to follow way. We make a breeze to follow along, giving you tips and tricks along the way.Beacons! Direct From The Manufacturer Dont pay $60 per month to re sellers.Iwill show you the best beacons starting at10$ per unitandZERO MONTHLY FEES OR ACTIVATION FEES.Exclusive Knowledge On How To Optimize Your Beacons Its easy to optimize your beacon settings once you understand how. We will tell you how they work and how that exactly effects the way you can set them up. Learn how tomake a beacon last 3+ years on one watch batteryand still operate at maximum effectiveness.Learn Everything About Beacons! Not just how to set them up and use them. We will tell you how they work, where they evolved from, the science, and how that all effects you and your strategies.Open Your Targets Apps! An absolute breakthrough in proximity marketing capability which hasover double the click of the usual URL and text ads, and 5x the rate of a simple URL only. We will show you how to have your notification open your targets app and take them where you want.Open a Facebook Page or Profile, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube Video or Channel in their respective apps right from their notifications!35+ videos! Adding New Content Constantly This course gives you the complete knowledge of how to set up proximity marketing beacons, where to buy the best ones, how to most effectively use them, how they work, advanced strategies, and more!An Insider Only Facebook Group As the industry advances and new strategies are developed, be the first to hear about it and discuss with other proximity marketing graduates how to achieve better results. We will be present to offer assistance in all matters.Walk-Through Of Four Manufacturers Beacon Selection A video guide on all products offered by the top four beacon manufacturers with explanations of which are best for what purpose. We made sure all these beacons were Google Android compatible. These beacons includeWATERPROOF OUTDOOR UNITSandNO BATTERY NEEDED USBunits, all at a low one timecost.How To Make Money With Beacons We show you the best services to offer to make income using beacons.Bonus Lessons Simple Click Tracking Analyticsand a workflow solution to do complete setup and management on a smartphone. Know exactly when and how many clicks a beacon is getting, for free!The Absolute Best NOBODYNot Royaltie, Asirvia or the handful of fake copycats who offer junk expensive services like landing pages or coupon builders have better features than we show here. Dont waste your money on scams, do it yourself easily."
Price: 174.99

"Spa for the Soul: Detox Your Crazy, Busy Life!" |
"Are you ready to take control of your crazy, busy life? Would you like more peace of mind dealing with everything youve got to do? How would you like some better ways to handle your day-to-day routines? Do you ever find yourself saying: ""I JUST NEED A BREAK?""Then youll love this four-part webinar and workbook series I call a Spa for Your Soul. It's a way to do away with stress, anxiety and just plain bad moods!Here are the descriptions of each module:Self-Talk Sauna:Are you ready to turn up the heat on your inner critic? You know the one, that voice in your head constantly judging and evaluating you? In this module you will not only identify your inner critic, but you will be empowered to let it go, and alter the way you approach issues in your life.Anxiety Colonic:Does anxiety crop up during your day? How can it not in todays fast-paced, high-pressure society? Now you can possess the tools to recognize and understand your anxiety. Turn real roadblocks into great motivators and make powerful choices in the moment. Thats the way we flush our anxiety away!Mood Massage: Has a ""bad mood"" ever ""ruined"" your day? Have you ever found yourself frustrated and have no idea why? Imagine going from mad to happy as quickly as you can change the TV channel! During this module you will identify the triggers that put you into a negative mood and learn several different strategies to massage your mood and get back to your happy place!Stress Detox:Are you constantly putting out fires instead of sticking to your plans? Do you take care of everyone else at your own expense? Detox those areas of life that cause you stress and bring peace and calm to any stressful situation.The four module system I've designed in Spa for Your Soul will change your life, but don't take my word for it. This is what participants had to say:After participating in her workshop, I have fewer mornings where I wake up anxious. Her sessions are prepared with great detail and she provides workbooks and worksheets one can use once the session has concluded. Totally recommend working with Jen to take ones next step in achieving results that make a difference. Bill,Senior Executive coachBefore I attended Jens four-week workshop, I was doing too many things for too many people and felt over-committed and exhausted. She taught me how to look at things differently, get the support I needed and detox my crazy busy life. I slowed down, re-prioritized, and aligned them with who I truly am. I now feel focused, free and peaceful. Suzanne,CEO & Entrepreneur"
Price: 29.99

"12 (All) English tenses with examples" |
"How is yourEnglish grammar?Before you answer I want to ask a couple of questions.1) When should you use the present perfect progressive? 2) What about the future simple perfect?If you study English but couldn't answer those questions then enroll now because this course is for you! What is this course? This course is designed to give you a good understanding of the most common ways we use each of the twelve tenses found in the English language.I have divided this course into 12 sections (one per day). Each day we will focus on one of the twelve tenses.If you are a teacher I have designed the course so that you can focus one each of the different ways we use each tense individually. How is the course structured?Each section will start with an introduction video.Then, we have videos that explain when and how we use the tense in that section.Finally, there is an assignment for you to do to prove to yourself (and me!) that you fully understand the tense.I have tried to explain each of the tenses in a way that is very understandable through the use of clear pronunciation, enunciation and enthusiasm combined with the use of short videos. Why should I choose this course over other courses? Enthusiastic teacher. Secondly, I think I teach this course in an enthusiastic way and hope that this enthusiasm spreads to you. I believe that if you want to learn anything, you must be enthusiastic or you will simply give up. There is a finish line that you can see. By knowing that this course is only 12 days (if you one section per day), I hope that it provides you with the feeling that it is short sprint and not a marathon. Consistency is key (or king). Its much more effective to study a few minutes a day than to study for a few hours once or twice a week. I want English to be your hobby that you enjoy not your habit that you hate. By only studying for a few minutes a day (but doing it every day) it is less likely that you will come to hate learning. Remember what you learn. By limiting ourselves to focusing on one tense per day we are able to prevent the common confusions experienced by overloading yourself with various aspects of grammar. Develop a habit for learning. Finally, many people say that it takes 2 weeks to develop a habit. I hope this course will provide you with the framework to develop a habit of study. While this is my second course here on Udemy, there are many other fantastic courses on here to study. I hope that you can use this course as a stepping stone for your continued growth. Sign up now and start speaking right away! So, if you want to learn to speak English more with more accuracy and finally bury some of those grammar demons then why not enroll in this course? You will be very glad you did!!! Thank you and see you soon, Joel"
Price: 19.99

"100+ high-frequency English idioms course" |
"People who effortlessly use idioms correctly in conversation really impress me. However, you must use them correctly because if you don't, you'll end up sounding like a fool.That is why you need this course.Do you know the meaning of this sentence:I heard through the grapevine that Mary is pregnant.How about....Im afraid you have missed the boat.And....Im going to call it a day.If you study English but couldn't quite guess the meaning of these sentences then enroll now because this course is for you! What is this course? This course is designed to give you a good understanding of the 100 most common idioms found in the English language.I have divided this course into 20 days. Each day we will focus on 5 idioms.As a student try to approach this course as an intense boot camp.After you have completed the 20 days there are still bonus idioms that can be learnt. How is the course structured?Each day will start with an introduction video.Then, I have 5 videos (one per idiom) explaining the idioms and how to use them in conversation with the use of example sentence.After watching the videos there is a short quiz. Finally, there are 2 assignments for you to do to prove to yourself (and me!) that you fully understand the idioms. The first is a writing assignment where you will create your own sentences using the idioms. The second is a speaking assignment where you will read your sentences so I can listen to your pronunciation.I have tried to explain each of the idioms in a way that is very understandable through the use of clear pronunciation, enunciation and enthusiasm combined with the use of short downloadable videos. Why should I choose this course over other courses?Enthusiastic teacher. I think I teach this course in an enthusiastic way and hope that this enthusiasm spreads to you. I believe that if you want to learn anything, you must be enthusiastic or you will simply give up. There is a finish line that you can see. By knowing that this course is only 20 days, I hope that it provides you with the feeling that it is short sprint and not a marathon. Consistency is key (or king). Its much more effective to study a few minutes a day than to study for a few hours once or twice a week. I want English to be your hobby that you enjoy not your habit that you hate. By only studying for a few minutes a day (but doing it every day) it is less likely that you will come to hate learning. Remember what you learn. By limiting ourselves to focusing 5 idioms per day we are able to prevent the common confusions experienced by overloading yourself with various idioms. Sign up now and start speaking right away! So, if you want to learn to use English idioms with more accuracy then why not enroll in this course? You will be very glad you did. Thank you and see you soon, Joel"
Price: 29.99

"Kurs Microsoft Word 2016 - od Podstaw do Eksperta" |
"Kurs Microsoft Word 2016 to kompletny zestaw poradnikw jak korzysta z popularnej aplikacji.Rozpoczynamy prac z edytorem tekstu, tworzymy tekst, odpowiednio go formatujemy i wykorzystujemy wszystkie funkcje, by przygotowa finalny dokument. Midzy innymi zagbiamy si w tworzenie wykresw, tabel danych, obiektw SmartArt, rwna matematycznych i wielu wicej.Kurs przygotowany przez Partnera Roku Microsoft 2016 orazFinalist2017 Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards."
Price: 99.99

"Kurs Microsoft Excel 2016 - od Podstaw do Eksperta" |
"Kurs Excel 2016 to kompletny zestaw poradnikw z obsugi popularnego programu Microsoft.Pracujemy z komrkami danych, rozwijajc raport sprzeday. Korzystamy z wykresw, formu i tabel oraz stosujemy makra. Nie pomijamy takich zagadnie, jak tabele i wykresy przestawne, wykresy przebiegw w czasie, czy te stosowanie formatowania warunkowego.Kurs przygotowany przez Partnera Roku Microsoft 2016 oraz Finalist2017 Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards."
Price: 99.99

"Kurs Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 - od Podstaw do Eksperta" |
"Kurs Powerpoint 2016 to kompletny zestaw poradnikw z obsugi popularnego programu Microsoft.Poznajemy dziaanie programu, formatujemy slajdy oraz wstawiamy grafiki, wideo oraz pliki muzyczne i rozpoczynamy pokaz slajdw. Posugujemy si ksztatami SmartArt, dodajemy zrzuty ekranowe, hipercza i odwoania, tworzc efektown prezentacj multimedialn.Kurs przygotowany przez Partnera Roku Microsoft 2016 oraz Finalist2017 Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards."
Price: 99.99

"Kurs Microsoft Outlook 2016 - od Podstaw do Eksperta" |
"Kurs Outlook 2016 to kompletny zestaw poradnikw z obsugi popularnego programu Microsoft.Konfigurujemy konto pocztowe, tworzymy wiadomoci, stosujemy reguy i ustawiamy odpowiedzi automatyczne oraz udzielamy penomocnictwa do poczty. Konfiguracj konta prezentujemy na dwa sposoby: automatyczny w oparciu o serwer Exchange, jak i rczny, z wykorzystaniem protokou POP/SMTP.Kurs przygotowany przez Partnera Roku Microsoft 2016 oraz Finalist2017 Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards."
Price: 99.99

"Kurs Microsoft OneNote 2016 - od Podstaw do Eksperta" |
"Kurs OneNote 2016 to kompletny zestaw poradnikw jak korzysta z popularnej aplikacji Microsoft.Rozpoczynamy prac z notesem, tworzymy notatki, korzystamy z szablonw oraz udostpniamy gotowe notatki. Prezentujemy moliwoci pisma odrcznego oraz wykorzystanie znacznikw. Tworzymy zaawansowane zapiski, ktre pozwol pracowa efektywniej.Kurs przygotowany przez Partnera Roku Microsoft 2016 orazFinalist2017 Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards."
Price: 99.99

"Kurs Microsoft Office 365 - od Podstaw do Eksperta" |
"Czego si nauczysz na szkoleniu?W serii szkolez Office 365 poznasz nie tylko wszystkie narzdzia i funkcje oferowane przez usug, lecz take szereg jej praktycznych zastosowa. Poruszane zagadnienia obejmujpodstawy pracy z usugoraz jej skadowymi, takimi jak Outlook, Kalendarz czy aplikacja Skype dla firm, a take mechanizmy zarzdzania Office 365. Szczeglnuwagpowicono rwnieidei obszarw roboczych, przepywowi pracy oraz specyfice pracy z projektami w witrynach SharePoint.Dlaczego warto?Cykl szkole trwa przeszo osiem godzin. Dziki temu nie zabraknie czasu, by pozna tajniki pracy z Office 365, przewiczy uycie najpopularniejszych funkcji oraz dowiedzie si, jak organizowa i zarzdza prac w usudze. Bdziesz mg rwnie sprawdzi swoj wiedz za pomoc obszernego testu. Dziki szkoleniom bdziesz gotowy do rozpoczcia pracy z usug Office 365."
Price: 249.99

"Microsoft Word 2016 Course - Basics to Expert" |
"During this Microsoft Word 2016course webegin working with the populartext editor. We create and format text, using all the available functions to prepare the final document. Among other things, we delve into the process of creating charts, data tables, SmartArt graphics, mathematical equations and many many others."
Price: 29.99

"Microsoft Excel 2016 Course - Basics to Expert" |
"Excel 2016 Courseis a complete set of guides from the popular Microsoft application.We work with data cells and develop a sales report. We use charts, formulas and tables as well as apply macros. In addition, we discuss pivot tables, pivot charts, sparklines and the mechanisms of conditional formatting.The course prepared by Partner of the Year Microsoft 2016 and Finalist 2017 Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards."
Price: 29.99

"Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 Course - Basics to Expert" |
"Powerpoint 2016 Course is a complete set of guides from the popular Microsoft program.We get to know the program, format slides and insert graphics, video and music files and start the slide show. We use SmartArt shapes, add screenshots, hyperlinks and references, creating an effective multimedia presentation.The course prepared by Partner of the Year Microsoft 2016 and Finalist 2017 Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards."
Price: 29.99

"Microsoft Outlook 2016 Course - Basics to Expert" |
"Outlook 2016 course is a complete set of guides from the support of the popular Microsoft program.We set up an e-mail account, create messages, apply rules and set up automated responses, and give power of attorney to mail. The configuration of the account is presented in two ways: automatic based on the Exchange server, and manual, using the POP / SMTP protocol.The course prepared by Partner of the Year Microsoft 2016 and Finalist 2017 Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards."
Price: 29.99

"Microsoft OneNote 2016 Course - Basics to Expert" |
"OneNote 2016 course is a complete set of guides on how to use the popular Microsoft application.We start work with a notebook, create notes, use templates and provide ready-made notes. We present the possibilities of handwriting and the use of tags. We create advanced records that will allow you to work more effectively.The course prepared by Partner of the Year Microsoft 2016 and Finalist 2017 Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards."
Price: 29.99

"ConvertKit: The Mailchimp Alternative" |
"Are you on the search for aMailchimp alternative?Have you outgrown Mailchimp or feel frustrated that you can't do what you want to do!Introducing Convertkit! The solution to your email marketing problem.This course is your step by step guide on how to get you started with ConvertKit.It will simplify the process and explain tech terms in language that you can understand. Are you ready to simplify your email marketing?Your Six Modules included are:Module 1: IntroductionModule 2: Migration and SetupModule 3: FormsModule 4: Email TemplatesModule 5: Sending MessagesModule 6: Automation and MoreCan't wait to see you in the classroom! :)Enrol today"
Price: 19.99

"The EPIC Mailchimp Course: Email Marketing with Mailchimp" |
"This course will walk you through how to use Mailchimp as a business owner starting out to those who currently have an account with Mailchimp but not sure about how to make the most of this platform.There are 6 modules in this course walking you through from account creation to doing much more with your email marketing.Email marketing is one of the best ways to start with online business and if you've been struggling to get started because of the tech, enrol now to get yourself up-skilled.Don't have the time?Are you happy to stay in the same spot next month, next year by not taking action? The course is structured accordingly so you can zoom in to the exact lessons that will answer what you are looking for.Don't delay another day. Take action now and get yourself signed up!"
Price: 49.99

"Pratik Yntemlerle KPSS - ALES - DGS Matematik" |
"Kurs tamamen sfrdan balamaktadr ancak konularilerledike kapsam genilemektedir. Bu nedenle bildiiniz konular dahi olsa konu atlamas yapmamanz nerilmektedir.Sfrdan balamasna ramen son derece detayl sl saylar, kkl saylar, 1 ve 2 bilinmeyenli denklemler, arpanlara ayrma, mutlak deer vb. konular orta veileri derecede ilenmektedir.Uzaktan Eitim Matematikile snavlarda baarl olma hayallerinizi ertelemeyin!Hedefe ulamak iin abalayan tm snav adaylar iin; zaman en etkin ekilde kullanmasn salayacak, dk maliyetli ve az zahmetli bir ekilde ve en nemlisi aklda kalc yntemlerle renen harika bir ieriimiz mevcut.Dikkat! Kursa kayt olmadan nce mesaj atarsanz sizin iin indirim kuponu gnderebilirizETME KMLER KATILABLR?Matematik, Eitim Seti Kimler in Uygundur?- KPSS'ye Hazrlanan- DGS'yeHazrlanan- ALES'e Hazrlananve SYM'nin yapt dier snavlar iin hazrlanmtr.ETMEN KMDR?Matematik retmeni brahim ZKARA, 10 yla yakn sredir KPSS, ALES, DGS, lkokul Matematik'i ve Lise Matematik'i alanlarnda gerek dershane gerekse zel okullarda retmenlik yapmaktadr.Alannda uzman olan eitmenimiz renimi kolaylatran ""pratik"" ve ""ksa yol"" anlatmlaryla farkn ortaya koymaktadr.Kurs erii-- Temel Kavramlar - Saylar-- Blme ve Blnebilme kurallar-- Asal arpanlarna Ayrma-- EBOB-EKOK-- Rasyonel Saylar-- Basit Eitsizlik-- Mutlak Deer-- sl Saylar-- Kkl Saylar-- arpanlara Ayrma-- Oran-orant-- Say Problemi-- Kesir Problemi-- Ya Problemi-- Yzde Kar-Zarar Problemi-- Faiz Problemi-- Karm Problemi-- Hz Problemi-- i Havuz Problemi-- Kmeler-- lem ve Modler Aritmetik-- Permtasyon, Kombinasyon ve Olaslk"
Price: 109.99

"Introduction to Oil Painting" |
"Join me as we explore some different techniques as I give a step-by-stepintroductionto oil painting. This medium has so much possibility that will start you off in the right direction.Oil painting is such a flexible medium and I am going to give you some tips and tricks to working with it. I love abstract painting because your imagination is the limit and it can fit into any space.This class will be the foundation you need while working with oil paints. Whether you are a beginner or more accustom to acrylic paint and want to try something new, this will cover all the basics:Oil paints I recommendPaint brushes that work bestOther materials to useUsing the palette knifePaint techniques with the palette knifeand a few more bonus tips!Hopefully this class will help take that fear of using oil paints away and you will love using this medium as much as I do."
Price: 500.00

"Curso de Microsoft Excel - HyperExcel Bsico" |
"Est dirigido a personas con conocimientos bsico o avanzado de Excel por igual, aqu lo importante no es su nivel de conocimiento previo de la herramienta Excel sino sus necesidades de manejo de informacin.Necesito conocimientos previos de Excel para comenzar este curso?: No, este es el principio de todo. Ya considero que manejo Excel AvanzadoDebo ver este curso?: Si, pues seguramente aprender a afinar sus conocimientos previos en formas ms eficientes de trabajo y con muchos atajos, adems sus conocimientos previos son de Excel, tal vez no de ensamble de flujo de datos.Puedo saltarme este curso y ver uno intermedio?: No se recomienda en absoluto, pues, cada curso se basa en conocimientos adquiridos en el anterior de manera progresiva. Nota: Estn en verde cursiva las tcnicas innovativas desarrolladas por nuestro equipo de HyperExcel.Objetivo del Curso:El objetivo del HyperExcelBsico es establecer los fuertes cimientos del Anlisis de Flujo de Informacin y fortalecer las herramientas fundamentales para obtener este flujo de informacin como punto de partida para el resto de las tcnicas que vienen en los siguientes niveles, el objetivo final es tener la informacin para la toma de decisiones de una manera eficaz y eficiente y adems con una sonrisa en el rostro. Comenzamos a construir el camino para aumentar su productividad aprendiendo las tcnicas para manipular su informacin.Contenido Programtico del Curso:Trabaja usted para Excel o Excel para usted? -Establecimiento de laTeora de Anlisis de flujo de Informacin-.Lo que todo personal en su empresa debera saberAlmacene su informacin de manera tal de que Excel pueda ayudarlo. -Definicin de la condicin de no cruzamiento-Adivine donde ha estado fallando durante mucho tiempo. -Ejemplo de estructuras de informacin inadecuada para el correcto almacenamiento de la informacin-Dos conceptos que su cerebro siempre vio como uno solo y que lo arrastr a usted al abismo de la improductividad en la manipulacin de la informacin. Suprelo!Contino trabajando con las estructuras que hered de mis colegas o rediseo el flujo de datos nuevo? Ventajas y el precio que debe pagar por su productividad.Ahora que sabe cules son los tipos estructurales de informacin. Cules estructuras cubre la serie Hyperexcel?-Casos de tipos de Flujo de Informacin y tcnicas asociadas a los 8 casos. No mueva un solo msculo de Excel hasta haber analizado todo esto: los beneficios sern infinitos-Primer Caso de Anlisis de Flujo de Informacin.Identifique usted mismo sus variables.Amarre su Flujo de Informacin con su objetivo No podr fallar en ser eficaz-.Disposicin final de estructura.Dmosle la Bienvenida al Excel.Primer Caso de Anlisis de Flujo de Informacin. (Un planteamiento ms complejo).Identifique usted mismo sus variables. (MULTIVARIABLES).Identificando debilidades. Qu hacer cuando las funciones de Excel me causan terror?... Pues enfrntelas:Analizando los casos de Bifurcacin de Informacin.Cmo anidar funciones. (Mtodo del asistente y otros).Break informativo de funciones de Texto y Fecha y HoraCuando los das que pasan son importante para su gestin...TCNICAS UTILIZADAS EN TODOS LOS EJERCICIOS DE ESTE CURSO:Ventajas de utilizar la validacin de datos.Construya un men con Hipervnculos y ubique la informacin requerida rpidamente.Aljese de los problemas de complejidad innecesaria eligiendo la funcin correcta: Aprenda a BifurcarAcaso Si Condicional y BuscarV, Son familia? Cmo puedo saber cundo utilizar una en vez de la otra?: Establecimiento de laTeora de la Bifurcacin en Excel-Proporcione informacin no frecuente al instante.-.Lo que usted no saba de BUSCARH.Se ha perdido usted de utilizar NUMERO.ROMANO en Excel? Verifique su estrecha relacin con TEXTOBATH y MOSTRAR COLUMNAS DE DERECHA A IZQUIERDA. Increble.Vctima de su propio xito: La paradoja del uso del Si condicional y el secreto que se guardaba BuscarV.Infraccin en el trnsito de informacin Qu? BuscarV buscando de derecha a izquierda?.Funciones y formulas las necesito justo ahora!.BuscarV y su papel de unir estructuras lineales.Nunca las subestime Funciones de Fecha y hora.Por qu para Excel el mundo comienza en 1900?.No tan complejo Funcin de clculo de semana de mes-.Denme mi premio mayor: Construyamos las Tablas dinmicas, ah y con sus grficos por favor.Criterios para saber qu poner en los cuadritos de la derecha (listas de Campos).Las letras pequeas de contrato: -Tips que aumentarn su productividad al mximo con sus Tablas dinmicas.-.Hay algo mejor que una Tabla dinmica? Pues si varias Tablas dinmicas. -Aprenda a hacerInformes Dinmicos Mltiplesy tenga a la mano todo lo que su jefe o su cliente le soliciten-.Construyamos una Tabla dinmica en segundos con una Macro.Construyamos un Grfico dinmico con Macros.No tengo tiempo para hacer esto todos los das Pues permita que las Macros vengan a su rescate e invierta mejor ese tiempo en anlisis.Acaso eso no pertenece al dominio de los ingenieros? Pues no!!! aprenda las primeras etapas de programacin en VBA o Lenguaje de Macros, se lo agradecer a usted mismo todos los das y dos veces los domingos.Lista de cosas que debo hacer una vez finalizado este mdulo para cambiar mi vida. (Si, tanto personal como empresarial, la informacin no se limita solo a su trabajo.).De qu me he estado perdiendo?: Lo que viene luego de este mduloTransformadores de Flujoy ms."
Price: 19.99

"Secret To Spy To Find Winning Shopify Dropshipping Products" |
"The ecommerce marketing continues to grow year after year! Building an online store offering and selling goods or services is a very trendy business nowadays.And The road to creating a successful online store can be difficult if you do not know how to pick the right products to sell on Shopify and how to test it properly of facebook ads. Finding the right products is the number one factor when it comes to getting sales to your store.But do not worry! If youre thinking of creating your own online store and you dont know how to do these things then this course is the perfect solution for you.In this course I will teach you a process of finding winning products for your Shopify store. This method will help you find winning products easily in less than 5 minutes if you are dropshippingAnd also in this course I will teach you a simple strategy of how to test a product on facebook ads properly no complexityFollow these techniques that i'm gonna teach you and soon you will find a winning product of your own.This course has a 30 days money back guarantee, so whenever you feel, for any reason at all, that this course doesn't suit you, you can easily ask for a refund !!"
Price: 44.99

"Business ESL: Administrative Tasks for Virtual Assistants" |
"Are you interested in improving your business English skills when interacting withclients and customers?This course is designed specifically for intermediate to advanced English language learners who work as virtual assistants or customer service representatives. By enrolling in the course, you will...Speak and write in a professional, business-friendly manner to clients and customersLearn the steps and components of a successfully scheduled appointmentUtilize vocabulary that clarifies your responses to customer inquiries and client requestsWrite brief, clear & specific introductions to prospective clients & customersAs a bonus, enrollment grants you lifetime access to all (7) of the video lectures, plus the supplemental resources, including email templates that you can use to capture professional and polite business English phrases that will help you score the job or contract that you've been wanting!"
Price: 19.99

"Fundamentals of Machine Learning for iOS and Core ML" |
"This course provides an introduction to machine learning and the Core ML framework, and goes over on how to build your own custom machine learning model and integrate it into an iOS app. With Core ML, you can integrate trained machine learning models into your apps.In this course, you'll get an an introduction to the Core ML framework. You will learn about the basics of Python and how to incorporate Apple's Core ML framework into your app. You'll also get a quick overview of machine learning fundamentals, and exposure to real-world examples of companies using machine learning technology in their iOS appsIn this course you'll learn the advantages of using machine learning models, computer vision, and natural language processing in modern apps. Learn about different features and use cases for the Core ML and Vision frameworks, as well as the natural language processing classes. In addition, this course walks through the development of sample apps that leverage different machine learning features."
Price: 19.99
