"Sales Funnel Secrets" |
"It's no secret that a sales funnel is key to attracting new customers and leads, but the content inside this course is packed with secrets that will transform your online business into a revenue generating machine.Without a funnel your business will falter due to the lack of fresh leads that you can deliver value to and ultimately, sell to. In this course I share with you the exact step-by-step process for building an online funnel that converts.In this course you will learn:The exact process to creating a lead magnet (a free offer for your potential customers)How to structure your funnel to attract customers who actually buyThe blueprint for building a funnel easily and fastAnd much more!Upon completion of this course you will know exactly how to create a funnel that converts."
Price: 24.99

"Parkinson's Regeneration Training" |
"My name is Karl Sterling. I am a Master Trainer for the National Academy of Sports Medicine and I'm excited that you've joined this course. Over the past 6 years, I have traveled extensively and worked with / collaborated with leading neurologists, brain experts, and movement specialists to put together a training program for people with PD that gets RESULTS! Enjoy the course and stay tuned for additional lectures that will be added.While Parkinsons Disease (PD) can be debilitating, there is plenty of compelling data to showthat exercise is one of the best ways of managing PD symptoms. Studies show that regularexercise can improve gait, grip, balance, stability, strength, and motor control in the PD client.In addition, this improvement in movement and mobility helps to reduce falls, injuries, and various other complications of the disease in the PD client.Learn and gain a solid understanding of:What is Parkinsons Disease (PD)?Who gets Parkinsons Disease?What are the symptoms of PD? (motor and non-motor symptoms)How does PD affect strength, movement, mobility, stability, flexibility, cognitive function, posture, and overall functionality?What can people with PD be doing to manage disease symptoms and reduce or eliminatefalls and injury?How can caregivers, home health aides, and others to help the person with PD?Learn how the brain can be retrained to improve and help restore neuromuscularcommunication, cognitive function, and cognitive function during movement (whilesimultaneously activating proprioceptive awareness along with the vestibular andvisual systems).Learn optimal exercises that will help the person with PD to improve:StabilityBalanceAgilityStrengthFlexibilityGripGaitPostureMobility and movementOverall functionality"
Price: 19.99

"How to Get Started in Commercial Real Estate" |
"Are you sick and tired of making peanuts from residentialreal estate?Tired of chasing leads, working your tail off, referring commercial deals to other agents, andhaving no major differentiation from your neighbor 3 doors down that is also a real estate agent?Whyturn down the bigger deals because you don't have the expertise?Do you just want to know how to break into buying, selling, listing, and leasingCOMMERCIAL real estate properties?If you want to learn the fundamentals of commercialreal estate and how to actually start working on commercial real estate deals, keep reading.I can't promise you'll sell a multi-million dollar skyscraper the day after finishing this course.But I will teach youhow to establish a career in commercial real estate brokerage including what tools are most important when getting into the commercial real estate brokerage business.I haveworked on over $700M in real estate deals.I've taken everything I'velearned over 30+ years in commercial real estateand put all of it in this course. Take a look at the curriculum and compare it with other courses or ""systems"" that you'll find out there.How do I know if this course is right for me?If you've EVER wanted to:Make bigger commissions on the sales you help facilitate as an agent?Learn all the required terminology and jargon to win in commercial real estate?Transition from residential real estate to commercial real estate?Become an agent who could target investor clients instead of just home buyers?Become smarter and more efficient at finding and evaluating deals than you did before?Invest with business partners but do so in a smart and fair way?Want to appeal to investor clients as an agent?IF YES to any of the above, then this course is definitely for you._______________________________________What if I don't have any real estate background?This course is primarily geared towards real estate agents, but anyone with interest in commercial real estate will benefit from taking this course.I have some real estate background already, what could I learn from your course?Having some background in real estate will be a great asset when you take this course.This course introduces commercial real estate brokerage and all the associated terminology.It provides an overview of the commercial realestate industry by property type.It discusses the most prominent associations and designations available today. It teaches how to establish a career in commercial real estate brokerage.It introduces what tools are most important when getting into the commercial real estate brokerage business.Can you make me rich by taking your course?No way! Not just from taking the course. Anyone who promises you that is selling snake oil.If you take my course AND apply the learnings to start your career in commercial real estaein the future, then you have a chance.What I can guarantee is that you will leave with some serious commercialreal estate knowledge.What else does this course cover besides commercialreal estate?This course is ALL about and ONLY about commercial real estateconcepts and how to start a career in commercial real estate brokerage. So nothing else. But as you can see, just this topic is quite a bit to cover already.All of my courses have the highest quality information with no hype and no fluff. I dont just teach theory - I give you real world examplesfrom people who are in the trenches everyday just like you. Iknow what you need to be successful in commercial real estate.Whether moving into commercial full time or just adding an occasional commercial transaction to your investment portfolio or residential agent services, my step by step information will show you the exact steps you need to take to move forward.Additionally, I have othercourses on specific commercial property types and subjects so that you get in depth education on each subject while breaking it up into multiple courses so you can absorb the material and put that information into action.What WON'T I get from this course?You will not get a Real Estate License from taking this course. You can only get licensed by taking the appropriate test with the testing agency of your state and country. But what is taught in this course has nothing to with getting a license, which focuses on how to legally transact real estate deals between buyers and sellers. This course is about investment analysis.I will not be going over real estateinvestment analysis inthis course.This course does not cover any of the wide range of OTHERreal estate topics, which deserve their own courses, including but not limited to:contract negotiations, real estate legalities, real estate marketing, REITs, etc... In this course,I try to cover the most important concepts as it relates to getting started in commercial real estate.Tell me again why I should take your course?If you've read this far down, you already know why. You've always wanted to. So why haven't you pulled the trigger?Ask yourself this: ""What is holding me back?""Are you afraid you'll actually learn what you've always said you would but never did?Yeah, you'll have to put in the time and effort. If you're lazy, this course (or any other course) won't be able to help you.But if you're serious about learning how to get intocommercialreal estate, then this course is for you.Plus, you have absolutely ZERO risk.Udemy gives you a 30-day money back guarantee and they're really really good on that.Who is the target audience?Anyone who wants to succeed as a Commercial Real Estate AgentActive Real Estate AgentsResidential Real Estate BrokersCommercial Real Estate AgentsAnyone who just wants to learn more about Commercial Real Estate"
Price: 74.99

"How to List and Sell Commercial Real Estate" |
"Are you sick and tired of making peanuts from sellingresidentialproperties?Tired of chasing leads, working your tail off, referring commercial deals to other agents, andhaving no major differentiation from your neighbor 3 doors down that is also a real estate agent?Whyturn down the bigger deals because you don't have the expertise?Do you just want to know how to break into sellingCOMMERCIAL real estate properties?If you want to learn the fundamentals of commercialreal estate and how to actually start working on commercial real estate deals, keep reading.I can't promise you'll sell a multi-million dollar skyscraper the day after finishing this course.But I will teach youhow to establish a career in commercial real estate brokerage including what tools are most important when getting into the commercial real estate brokerage business.I haveworked on over $700M in real estate deals.I've taken everything I'velearned over 30+ years in commercial real estateand put all of it in this course. Take a look at the curriculum and compare it with other courses or ""systems"" that you'll find out there.How do I know if this course is right for me?If you've EVER wanted to:Make bigger commissions on the sales you help facilitate as an agent?Learn all the required terminology and jargon to win in commercial real estate?Transition from residential real estate to commercial real estate?Become an agent who could target investor clients instead of just home buyers?Become smarter and more efficient at finding and evaluating deals than you did before?Invest with business partners but do so in a smart and fair way?Want to appeal to investor clients as an agent?IF YES to any of the above, then my courses are definitely for you._______________________________________What if I don't have any real estate background?This course is primarily geared towards real estate agents, but anyone with interest in learningcommercial real estate will benefit from taking this course.I have some real estate background already, what could I learn from your course?This course teaches the fundamentals of listing and selling commercial real estate.It will teach you the importance ofprospecting and preparing a listing presentation.Learn aboutevaluating and marketing commercialproperties.This course alsotakes you through a step-by- step process of how to list a commercial property for sale.It also reviews in detail the commercial real estate selling process.Can you make me rich by taking your course?No way! Not just from taking the course. Anyone who promises you that is selling snake oil.If you take my course AND apply the learnings to start your career in commercial real estatein the future, then you have a chance.What I can guarantee is that you will leave with some serious commercialreal estate knowledge.What else does this course cover besides commercialreal estate?This course is ALL about and ONLY about commercial real estateconcepts and how to list and sell commercial properties. So nothing else. But as you can see, just this topic is quite a bit to cover already.All of my courses have the highest quality information with no hype and no fluff. I dont just teach theory - I give you real world examplesfrom people who are in the trenches everyday just like you. Iknow what you need to be successful in commercial real estate.Whether moving into commercial full time or just adding an occasional commercial transaction to your investment portfolio or residential agent services, my step by step information will show you the exact steps you need to take to move forward.Additionally, I have othercourses on specific commercial property types and subjects so that you get in depth education on each subject while breaking it up into multiple courses so you can absorb the material and put that information into action.What WON'T I get from this course?You will not get a Real Estate License from taking this course. You can only get licensed by taking the appropriate test with the testing agency of your state and country. But what is taught in this course has nothing to with getting a license, which focuses on how to legally transact real estate deals between buyers and sellers. This course is about investment analysis.I will not be going overreal estateinvestment analysis inthis course.This course does not cover any of the wide range of OTHERreal estate topics, which deserve their own courses, including but not limited to:contract negotiations, real estate legalities, real estate marketing, REITs, etc... In this course,I try to cover the most important concepts as it relates to listing and selling commercial real estate.Tell me again why I should take your course?If you've read this far down, you already know why. You've always wanted to. So why haven't you pulled the trigger?Ask yourself this: ""What is holding me back?""Are you afraid you'll actually learn what you've always said you would but never did?Yeah, you'll have to put in the time and effort. If you're lazy, this course (or any other course) won't be able to help you.But if you're serious about learning how to get intocommercialreal estate, then this course is for you.Plus, you have absolutely ZERO risk.Udemy gives you a 30-day money back guarantee and they're really really good on that.Who is the target audience?Anyone who wants to succeed as a Commercial Real Estate AgentActive Real Estate AgentsResidential Real Estate BrokersCommercial Real Estate AgentsAnyone who just wants to learn more about Commercial Real Estate"
Price: 74.99

"YouTube SEO - Como criar e crescer o seu canal no YouTube" |
"Se voc est querendo comear o seu canal no YouTube ou j tem um canal mas quer crescer ainda mais rpido, este o seu curso!Afinal, incrvel como uma plataforma permite que voc crie contedo online e publique isso para o mundo inteiro. Mas voc j parou para pensar o quanto isso pode ajudar voc ou a sua marca?O YouTube tem, atualmente,1.5 bilhes de usurios ativos por ms. E neste nmero so contados somente usurios que fizeram o login com a contado Gmail, ento muito mais pessoas passam diariamente no YouTube para assistir nossos vdeos!Ento, vamos imaginar que voc uma tima maquiadoraou cozinha muito bem, ou tambm voc saber muito sobre um esporte. Agora, alm de saber muito sobre um assunto, voc tambm apaixonado por isso.J pensou que o YouTube te d a possibilidade de ganhar dinheiro e viver da sua paixo?Mas voc tambm pode oferecer um servio, como ser um(a) professor(a) de ingls ou estar iniciando a sua marca de roupas, ou at mesmo ter uma grande franquia. J parou para imaginar o quanto o YouTube pode te dar a exposio que voc precisa para atrair mais clientes?Se voc ainda no imaginou tudo isso, pode imaginar, por que o YouTube est aqui para isso. Para te ajudar a impulsionar voc e o seu negcio!E este tambm o meu objetivo neste curso.Prazer, meu nome Daniel e eu tenho vivido e consumido o mximo de informaes possveis de como criar e crescer um canal no YouTube nos ltimos 3 anos!Ento se voc se identificou ou gostou das possibilidades que eu mencionei acima, este o curso para voc.Aqui eu vou te ensinar tudo o que voc precisar saber para criar um canal de sucesso no YouTube.Eu vou te guiar passo a passo, desde a criao do seu canal, at a publicao de vdeos que estaro na primeira pgina das buscas do YouTube.Ao longo do caminho eu vou te explicar tudo sobre ttulos, descrio, tags e como criar timas miniaturas personalizadas.Eu vou te ensinar como estruturar o seus vdeos para que voc obtenha uma maior taxa dereteno. E tambm, como converter estas visualizaes em mais inscritos para o seu canal.Ns aprenderemos neste curso tambm, estratgia de contedo.Que so os tipos de vdeo que voc tem que criar para crescer o seu canal, no importa se voc um vlogger ou se voc est criando vdeos sobre o seu produto, ou se voc quer ensinar as pessoas a arte da confeitaria.Vem comigo e vamos criar o seu canal de sucesso!"
Price: 579.99

"Pinterest en Espaol" |
"Le gusta tomar fotografas de los pequeos detalles, cosas y artefactos a su alrededor simblicos en su vida? Le encantan fotos artsticas de modas, encuentra belleza en la creacin de imgenes personalizadas? Luego Pinterest puede ser el sitio perfecto para captar su inters. Pinterest es una red social para los amantes de fotografa y muchos intereses visuales ms. Puedes compartir tus fotos (basado en temas) en esta plataforma, siguiendo un estilo de pinboards o tablas para ""anclar"" fotos o enlaces en su perfil. Tambin puede optar por seguir los perfiles de otras personas y descubrir un nuevo mundo de intereses o intereses en comun. La misin de Pinterest es el de conectar el mundo a travs de videos e imgenes que les parescan interesante no importa el idioma. En Ingles ""A picture is worth a thousand words"". El valor de una foto es de...Equpate con estrategias que puedas utilizar para mejorar tableros propios o de otros. Finalmente, Pinterest No es Solo Para Mujeres en mi opinion. Toma el curso y veras que hasta los hombres pueden descubrir y crear tablas interesantes. Las miles the fotos y videos en mis tableros son la prueba de que vale la pena participar en una red social con mas de ===>200 millones de participantes.<===Especficamente, usted aprender: Cmo funciona Pinterest y qu lo hace diferente de otras plataformas Cmo empezar con tu propio Pinterest boards Pinterest tcnicas para ganar ms usuarios ms rpidamente Qu esperar de Pinterest Esperemos que est convencido de que debe comenzar a prestar ms atencin a Pinterest. A continuacin, la siguiente pregunta escmo? Cmo funciona Pinterest? Qu es lo que ofrecen que es diferente al de otras redes sociales? Y cmo llegar?"
Price: 19.99

"SINGING SIMPLIFIED #1: The Fast-Track to Singing Like a Pro" |
"SINGINGSIMPLIFIEDwillget you on your way tobecoming an excellentsinger... faster than youthought possible!Believe it or not, you already have the ""built-in"" ability to be a great singer.You were born with a natural vocal range and I'm going to help you to tap into it - quickly and easily, while having FUN of course! We'll combine technique and everyday emotive sounds in your vocal training to help you understand thatsinging isn't as difficult or scary as you thought it was.The course includes:1 video lesson per day, 6 days a week, for8 weeks. Over 3 HOURS of high resolution singing lessons!AFREEPERSONALIZED VOCAL ASSESSMENT FROM ME.30+ exercises (Mp3's)you can downloadto practice your lessons anywhere!The26 page SINGING SIMPLIFIED Workbookthat reviews eachvideo lesson and the exercisesfrom each lesson. An extremely helpful companion throughout the course.My66 page e-book: ""5 Shortcuts To Great Songwriting"".Many teachershave bought this book from me to help them teachtheirstudents about music theory and song structure. It's my bonusgift to you! Also, we're going to train your brain as well. Your mindset and your emotions are so very important when it comes to singing. You'll learn how to letstress and fear fall to the wayside, and focuson the emotion of the song.This is the perfect course for TOTALBEGINNERS,topeople who have a little experiencesinging, but haven't taken many singing lessons anddon't reallyunderstand much about technique or how the voice works.If your goal isto sing Pop, Rock, Country, Blues, R&B, Indie, Alternative... any popular style of music, this course is a great match for you. (This course isNOTfor Classical or Operatic singing. Those styles are quite different in their technique.)In order for this system to work for you...- You do NOT need any ""natural"" musical talent,singing talent, or previous vocal training- You do NOT need to know anything about technique or how your voice works (in fact, the less you know the better, because you'll have fewer bad habits to overcome)- You do NOT need to understand music theory, or even know how to read music"
Price: 149.99

"SINGING SIMPLIFIED #2: Greater Range, Power and Control" |
"SINGINGSIMPLIFIED #2is the perfect next step for those of you looking to improveevery aspect of yoursinging voice.We'll work on:Advanced Breathing techniques (Breath Control), Diaphragm Strengthening, Tongue Position for ALL of thevowel sounds,how to sing in differentVocal Styles, Vocal Runs, howto tackledifficultconsonants and vowels in the lyricswhen SingingSongs, more on Mix Voice, more onFalsetto Voice, how to blend your Registers...and much more! And of course, we'll continue to have FUN with all of it!The courseincludes:1 video lesson per day, 6 days a week, for8 weeks. Over 3.5 HOURS of high resolution singing lessons!AFREEPERSONALIZED VOCAL ASSESSMENT FROM ME75 Vocal Exercises (Mp3's)you can downloadto practice your lessons anywhere!DownloadablePDF:A34-pageWorkbookthat reviews eachvideo lesson and the exercisesfrom each lesson. An extremely helpful companion throughout the course.DownloadablePDF:""Helpful Practicing Tips""that'll help you immensely with your practice!Also, we're going to continue totrain your brain as well. Your mindset and your emotions are so very important when it comes to singing. You'll learn even more abouthow to letstress and fear fall to the wayside, and focuson the emotion of the song.This is the perfect course for SEMI-BEGINNERS,toMOREADVANCEDsingerswho feel they still have roomto grow and improve their voices.If your goal isto sing Pop, Rock, Country, Blues, R&B, Indie, Alternative... any popular style of music, this course is a great match for you! (FYI: The Singing Simplified methodisNOTfor Classical or Operatic singing. Those styles are quite different in their technique.)"
Price: 149.99

"Learn How To Wake Up Early" |
"If you've ever struggled with waking up early before, you've probably blamed yourself. You've blamed your willpower, your ability to succeed, and you've probably been way harder on yourself than necessary. Iknow this because I used to be the exact same way. But in this course, we are going to dive into how to create a morning routine and begin waking up early as effectively as possible. With this course, you will learn how to avoid the snooze button, how to perform proper evening and morning routines, and how to maximize your sleep and energy."
Price: 19.99

"Find the Right Style of Meditation for You" |
"Not everyone has the same favorite food. Not everyone enjoys the same workout program or has the same taste in music. Why should meditation be any different?Test out a variety of meditation techniques to find your favorite.If you are new to meditation, you might be overwhelmed by the marketplace of different meditation techniques. Should you be practicing mindfulness of breathing? Should you have your very own mantra? What on earthdo those Zen masters mean when they say ""Just sit""?Or maybe you have been meditating for quite some time but haven't found the success you hoped for. You may be thinking that the style of meditation you have been practicing doesn't actually work, and that there is a better technique out there.So what should you do?The truth is, there is no right answer as to the best way to meditate. Just like there is no right answer as to what the best sport to play is. It depends on the person. If you are seven feet tall, you are better suited for basketball than gymnastics.The same principle applies in meditation.The key to success in meditationis to find the right technique foryou.This course contains ten guided meditations culled from a variety of traditions for you to sample. Among the techniques you will learn are:Metta, or Loving-Kindness MeditationWalking MeditationMindfulness of BreathingBodyScanningFire KasinaAnd many more...By finding the right style of meditation for you, your practice will become fun, easy and you will make rapid progress in improving your concentration and decreasing stress."
Price: 19.99

"Introduccin a la programacin de computadoras" |
"En este curso de Introduccin a laprogramacin aprenders de forma muy completa sobre lgica de programacin,la cual es la base intelectual del desarrollo de software. Este curso dar unrecorrido por los fundamentos tericos y prcticos de la lgica deprogramacin. Dicho recorrido, te permitir comprender posteriormente cualquierlenguaje de programacin gracias a la visin global que adquirirs. Aprenders a solucionar problemasmediante el mtodo de Polya, el cual consiste en:Comprender el problemaDisear una solucinProbar la solucinImplementar la solucin.Recuerda ala computadora hay que saberle indicar lo que debe realizar. Hay una viejafrase que dice La computadora no hace lo que queremos, si no lo que ledecimos. Ah entra la lgica de programacin.Te animo a que veas el temarioycualquiera de las clases que estn accesibles antes de comprar el cursoy seguro que desears ver el resto del curso.Contarscon material didctico descargable y ejercicios propuestos, para queentiendas cmo se han desarrollado los algoritmos y sepas t tambin cmohacerlo. Adems, si despus de intentar, se te dificulta resolver un ejercicio,no te preocupes, se presentan posibles soluciones a los ejercicios propuestos.El curso est dividido en cuatro secciones: IntroduccinEn esta seccin conocers el conceptoy las caractersticas de un algoritmo, el cual, de forma general se puede decirque es una secuencia de pasos ordenados y finitos para resolver un problema. A partir de esta seccin desarrollarasalgoritmos bsicos y de la vida real, que te darn una visin general de lgicade programacin. Elementos bsicos de algoritmos computacionalesEn esta seccin se profundiza enalgunos conceptos bsicos, los cuales sern fundamentales en el desarrollo dealgoritmos. Estos conceptos son: Datos, Expresiones, Constantes, Variables,Jerarqua de operaciones, operaciones de entrada y salida de informacin, etc. Diseo de algoritmos (parte I)Primeramente, se ver de formaconceptual, las fases de fragmentacin para la solucin de problemas. Dichasfases son: Anlisis, Diseo y Solucin.Posteriormente, se entra a la parteprincipal de esta seccin que es el diseo de algoritmos a travs de diagramasde flujo. Para poder llevar a cabo dicho diseo, primero es necesariocomprender que es un diagrama de flujo y de qu forma lo podemos usar. Diseo de algoritmos (parte II)En esta seccin se continua con eldiseo de algoritmos a travs de diagramas de flujo, sin embargo, estosalgoritmos son ms avanzados que los vistos en la parte I. Adems, se muestracomo traducir un diagrama de flujo a pseudocdigo, el cual es un paso previopara decirle a la computadora como debe resolver un problema. Todos los conceptos se explican adetalle, as podrs sentar las bases desdeun principio en tu desarrollo profesional.Verdad que es genial? Pueslomejor de todo es que est a tu alcance.Nos vemos!Roberto Enrique Alberto Lira"
Price: 270.00

"Cartooning and Character Design: The Pirate Edition!" |
"In this course Ill be taking you through my general thought process when designing characters. Starting with their personalities, then bringing in visual elements that will make the character believable, using simple shapes as my foundation, the rough sketch, the inking stage and finally adding colour and shadows!Ill be conducting this course using Adobe Photoshop and a Wacom tablet but if youd rather follow along using traditional materials, the core teachings in this course can be applied to other mediums as well."
Price: 54.99

"Cartooning for Beginners: How to Draw Cartoon Dogs!" |
"Welcome to How to Draw Cartoon Dogs! This is a course for beginners, kids, parents or anyone else who would like to learn cartooning. In this course Ill be walking you step-by-step through my process to create seven cartoon dogs. By the end of this workshop you will have created a chihuahua, a German shepherd, a poodle, a basset hound, a pug, a bulldog and a sausage dog! Ill first show you the sketch phase, where I build up each dog with some basic shapes, then well move on to inking in the dominant lines with a thick pen, followed by adding details with a thin pen. Finally we will get out some colored pencils and do some good old fashioned coloring in!"
Price: 54.99

"How to Draw Faces - Cartooning for People Who Can't Draw!" |
"The purpose of this course is to teach you how to create interesting and unique characters using basic shapes (squares, rectangles, circles and rounded rectangles).This course will alsoshow you that anyone can draw a face! All you need to do is start your face withsolid confident shapes, followed by adding somedetail!"
Price: 54.99

"How to Draw Female Cartoon Faces for People Who Can't Draw!" |
"The purpose of this course is to teach you how to create interesting and unique characters using basic shapes (squares, circles, ovals and rounded rectangles).This course will alsoshow you that anyone can draw a face! All you need to do is start your face withsolid confident shapes, followed by adding somedetail!"
Price: 54.99

"Songwriting: 6-Figure Musician" |
"This course is for any level of songwriter from beginner to experienced.With my first module:How To Write Songs That Make Money; you willget the tools you needto make every song you write a hit. I'm not blowing smoke...if you learn the process and apply it,every song can be a hit.Money follows hit songs. Bottom. Line...I once made over $50,000.00 off of a single song! I consistently getquarterly checks formy songcatalog that's out there working for me all the time. IT ALL BEGINS WITH A GREAT SONG!6 Figure Musiciandetailsover 20 years of experience I've had in learning how to make a six figure income being a musician. My hope in creating this course is to share my experiences with other musicians that want to make a goodliving doing what they love and give themactionableadvice and resources to get themthere faster than I did."
Price: 24.99

"Algebra 1 - A Complete Course" |
"This course is designed to emphasize the study of multiple representations of linear and non-linear functions. It includes mathematical concepts for working with rational numbers, various expressions, analyzing and solving linear equations & inequalities, data analysis, probability, statistics, and polynomials. Students will use hands-on materials and calculators when needed in solving problems where the algebra concepts are applied. Students who complete Algebra I should take Geometry next."
Price: 199.99

"Parenting Teens in the Sexualized Age" |
"The disadvantage of growing up in a hypermedia and hyper-technology culture is that our teens will be exposed to sexual material, and possibly sexual activity, sooner than wed like.As a parent, you need to know what to do to support your teen, help them to think critically about their choices, and encourage them to keep themselves safe - physically and psychologically.This course is for parents and alsohas elements for your teen. It covers:Sex: What is it and what is it not? And how do you initiate this conversation with your teen.Tackling Shame: How to confront it and overcome it.Discretion & Intimacy: Helping your teen understand the importance of trust and privacy.Consent: How to give it, how to get it, and the risks of not knowing if you have it.Pornography: How to understand what it is (entertainment) and what it isn't (healthy sexual relationships).Identity and how to respect your teens developing sexuality.At the end of this course you will have a solid base from which to start and continueintegral conversations with your teen to help them navigate the realities of the modernsexual landscape.For topics you may not quite be ready to discuss together (ahem, porn) the teen videos are downloadable so you can easily share the info with them."
Price: 24.99

"Boost your academic vocabulary in English 1" |
"The combination of images connected to uniquemnemonic stories and ideas aids in the retention of the word and it's meaning.It provides all the traditional elements necessary to learn andunderstand vocabulary;I would recommend this to students from 6th grade through post-graduate work, as well as anyone looking for a fun way to expand their own vocabulary! It is a life saveron the SAT,ACTand GREReading and Writing and Language and all parts of TOEFL,IELTS and Cambridge exams (CPE ,CAE ,FCE) Tests .Humorous cartoons and photosthat focus on words and their coding andmeanings,more than 125cartoons and photos with visual puns, related to each word's meaning.its definition and pronunciation, and sample sentences that show how the word is used,Sentence completion exercises following everyset of 6lessons for lesson 1-6 and6-12.This is course isone of a soon to be 8-course series.Studies show that most of us are visual learners,so the trick to remember an abstract concept is to turn it into a picturethat serve as memory aids,to reinforce retention ofthe most frequently occurringwords on recent tests,that will establish the definitive ""How to"" permanentlymemorize hard academic words for any other words .The method in this course makes it fun, easy,fast ,and painless to tame tough exam academicvocabulary.This course does all of the work for you,It is theacademicequivalent ofsteroids for an athlete.this method obviatethe need for boringflashcards and tedious rote memorization.wordsmagically stick in your memory like glueVisualize Your Vocabulary.Turn Any hardWord into a Picture.Remember It Forever,take you on a tour through 125zany illustrations.Read it and develop a powerful vocabulary whichis the most accurate indicator of potential academic success.Read it and gain a remarkable edge over otherstudents.Read it and dramatically raise your verbalscore."
Price: 44.99

"Advanced Lightroom & Photoshop CC for Wildlife Photography" |
"Lightroom and Photoshop are the most popular photography editing programs on offer today. Learn to Master Lightroom and Photoshop today on your Wildlife Photography. This is a comprehensive course teaching you everything you need to know in Lightroom and Photoshop to take your wildlife photography to the next level. Advance your knowledgeofLightroom and Photoshop with easy to follow lectures explaining a detailed workflow in theDevelop panel in Lightroom and advanced techniques in Photoshopspecifically suited to Wildlife Photography.Add value to your wildlife photography today!In this Advanced Lightroom & Photoshop CC for Wildlife Photography course I go through my entire wildlife photograph editing workflow from start to finish across 2 modules. I explain & demonstrate everything from the develop panel in Lightroom (module 1)to advanced Photoshop work (module 2) including smart objects, luminosity selections, masking, dodging & burning, selective editing, fine-art black & white techniques and web sharpening to name a few.Over 3 hours of lectures includes theories covered in a casual but informative way. By no means is this coursea complete guide on how to use Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop, the course purely describes how I implement them to create a workflow best suited to a wildlife photographer."
Price: 24.99

"Write That Novel" |
"Do you want to learn how to write a novel? This course is designed and delivered to you by a traditionally published author and gives you all the tips and tricks and essential elements you need to write your novel. Whether you're just starting out, or struggling to finish a manuscript, this course will guide you every step of the way. Covering the basics (genre, theme, point of view, writers block) to character development, plot structure and the road to publishing. There are even concrete examples in the resources, that will show you exactly how to fulfil your writing dreams."
Price: 24.99

"Ditch Photoshop today! Zero to Pro Photo editing in 8 hours!" |
"ARE YOU AT THE RIGHT PLACE?Are you tired of digging through Photoshops complex tutorials that ""take forever toget itdone and you still cant get it?Do you want a simple way to enhance your photos or more practically, design your social media picture without spending money for ad agency or taking a week-long photo editing course?Are you a Mac user who loves photography, or an Instagram person and want to learn to edit photos effortlessly?If you answer Yes then this is the course for you!Join me to a 8 hour virtual journey in which I hold your hand and take you from a Photoshop-averse photo-editing wannabe to a confident power editor of pictures and a proficient master of graphics. With all the skills set learn, you will be in best place to jump start your creative projects, either as a hobby, or freelancing or even a big career change! SO WHY ME? Just like you, I started out fightingmy way through the Photoshops jungles.The software is not designed for beginners. Its for high level people in graphic industry. Its powerful, but its complex interface and non-intuitive functions quickly turned me off.Too many options, too many tools, too many small little boxes! I like photography, and I want to get the idea of how the picture should be in my head quickly presented on the monitor screen.I like things that is simple. I want to pay an affordable price to use the software, and not get stuck with Creative Clouds subscription forever and fork out $10 per month for features 70% of which I would never use. I was almost lost for a while researching for another better and easier way.I found out about Pixelmator. I paid $30 for it. I never look back. I have played with Pixelmator, tried to understand how it works.And I haveultimately taken all trial and errors of Pixelmator for you and packaged it into a bite sized, easy to follow course that you can learn to jump start your editing skills from zero to pro level in only 8 hours!I am not a professional designer. I am a graduate student from a business school. I am starting my own business.Just like you, I am starting out, and I know for a fact thatphoto editing is an useful skill that is important in this media dominated world.In my lessons, I use a simple language style so you are not inundated with unnecessarily complicated jargons. I have been there and done that, and I have simplified everything for you.AND WHY PIXELMATOR? It is a good alternative to Adobe Photoshop for Mac users. If you are a Mac person, you like simplicity. Pixelmator is about simplicity. Its a fairly light app to quickly edit graphic images with its robust built in effects, tools, textures to help editors bring their imagination to paper. Thanks to its design simplicity and clean interface, it cuts the usual Photoshop learning curve down a tons, making it super easy for someone without a lot of Photoshop knowledge to crank out some good looking photos.You do not need high end powerhouse with a tons of hidden features to it photos like a pro. At the end of the day, who cares which photo editing apps you use. You need to get your photos done and shining that you are proud of, without too much complexity and headache.WHAT MAKESTHIS COURSE DIFFERENT?-You will understand and practice the basics to advances of photo editing with Pixelmator in a matter of 8 hours (a working day), not weeks or months to get around the basics with Photoshop. All technical details that are not needed to get maximum results are left out.-Unlike other photo editing courses in general or Pixelmator courses in specific, you will not learn concepts and tools separately (one per video). In this course, you get to focus on practical cases where several editing tools are grouped and introduced at the same time, so you can learn those tools quickly and see the differences in terms of the final image immediately. -Each lessons build up in terms of difficulty, but can be watched separately in any order and at your own pace -Built-in guide boxes in each lesson show clearly which keyboard shortcuts to hit, which tools or effects are used. You do not need written cheat sheets, as these guide boxes are already added along the way for you. -This course is taught in an unscripted way, and show you after each step real small problems you may come along when editing and quickly show you the fastest work around.-Support files that include all photos used in the course and brief introduction files to content of the lessonsare included so you can follow along in the hands-on lessons -Instructor support: I answer to most questions within 24 hours.WHAT WILL YOU LEARN?-How to jump start your photo editing conquest without getting lost (It's hard to get lost in Pixelmator): navigate the interface, customize palette, open/create new file, print, save, export, share, turn on ruler, grid, guides - How to not let layers and masks (they are simple!) scare you: learn dynamics of (clipped) masking and stacked layering and blending modes to create a show-through look, apply color adjustment to a specific part of an image, on a specific layer, correct blown out or overexposed area, create a gallery canvas, create a music event's poster, create a simple fading text box, fix crooked photos, create a realistic vignette and creamy bokeh look, - How to select precisely parts of images you want to edit: understand modes of selection, refine/deselect/reselect/invert selection, selection based on shape and color - How to use painting tools to create pattern, icon and painting: how to draw with pen, explore cool brushes, create your own brushes, understand settings, use various painting tools, - How to use vector shape to create graphics like a pro: get familiar with common shapes and create a chat mobile application icon from shapes - How to make your text stunning quickly: bring more texture and depth, stylize text - How to remove unwanted part in your images QUICKLY: remove any parts, not least red eyes area - How to distort certain parts of your image in a purposeful way: stylize images, generate pattern from images, soften edges, create a wet painting look, quickly sharpen, - How to master using colors so you can tweak them effortlessly: tonal and color balance, tonal range, color vibrancy, colorization, masking, adjust saturation, hue, - How to draw viewers to the main object of the image: create a focal point, create a miniaturize effect - How to retouch portrait photos like a pro: reduce wrinkles, smoothen skin, boost colour vibrancy, create a soft focus look, with advanced blending of light effects - How to create special cool ""looks"" that you are proud of: selective black & white, blueprint magazine cover, multiple exposure, comic look, authentic vintage, artificial HDR, high vibrancy, blockbuster movie, dreamy retro look, decoupage look, customized sepia look, composite background WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?Dont wait any longer.Join me and other fellow students and start your creative journey by exploring the nuggets inside Pixelmator, an amazingly powerful photo editing software!"
Price: 99.99

"Learn Transcription and Kick start your freelancing journey." |
"In the 21st century, the internet has becomepervasive and many people want to earn a living working from the convenience oftheir home.Learn transcription andkick start your freelance journey is meant to teach you the basics oftranscription with the aim of offering career skills in various transcriptionfields that can enable you to transcribe your audios or videos easily and fast,work as a contractor on either a full time or a part time basis within thecomfort of your home. The course will endeavor to introduce transcription, waysof improving the transcripts, as well as improving and enhancing your listeningskills and grammar concept.In this course, I will introduce you to transcription, to helpyou improve the reach of your audios or videos, to help you influence videoranking in search engines and help make videos more accessible.Learn what transcription is, types of transcription that arecommonly used and then dive into a step by step approach of transcribing audiosor videos using various tools."
Price: 24.99

"Gelungene Kommunikation - Jetzt neu berarbeitet" |
"Anforderungen Vorkenntnisse sind nicht erforderlich! Der Lerneffekt ist um ein vielfaches grer, wenn Du alle praktischen bungen mitmachst! Dazu auch in der Einleitung meines Kurses noch nhere Informationen. Beschreibung des Kurses In diesem Kommunikationstraining ""Gelungene Kommunikation"" geht es wie der Titel schon sagt um gelungene, also zielfhrende und erfolgsorientierte Kommunikation. Du lernst wie Du berzeugst ohne zu berreden. Du lernst wie Du Gesprche lenkst und so zu Deinem Ziel kommst. Dieser Kurs ist ideal fr diejenigen, die in ca. 4 Stunden das Wesentliche zum Thema gelungene Kommunikation lernen mchten. Der Trainer ist Kommunikationsexperte, gehrt zu den Top NLP Lehrtrainern und vermittelt sein Wissen in zahlreichen Vortrgen, Seminaren und Ausbildungen. Die wesentlichen Inhalte des Kurses sind: 1. Was ist berhaupt Kommunikation 2. Grundlagen - Wie strukturiere ich ein Gesprch 3. Die richtige Stimme 4. Wertschtzung und innere Haltung 5. Rapport - das A und O jeder gelungenen Kommunikation 6. Trennende und verbindende Kommunikation 7. Gesprchsstrer und Gesprchsfrderer 8. Paraphrasieren 9. Reframing u.v.m. Warum sollte man diesen Kurs ""Gelungene Kommunikation"" unbedingt machen? Ganz einfach: Man lernt von einem absoluten Kommunikationsexperten, der aus der Praxis fr die Praxis sein Wissen vermittelt. Vor allem: Egal ob Du Anfnger bist - oder schon etwas fortgeschritten: Das hier vermittelte Grundlagenwissen ist ein absolutes ""Muss"" fr jeden, der effektiv und gelungen kommunizieren will. Also: Gleich anmelden und ein paar Lektionen machen! Es lohnt sich!! An welche Zielgruppe richtet sich dieser Kurs? Wenn Sie besser, zielfhrender und erfolgreicher kommunizieren mchten, wenn Sie besser, klarer und verstndlicher die Dinge auf den Punkt bringen wollen, besser argumentieren und auf Einwnde reagieren mchten, in Beruf & Alltag, dann ist der Kurs genau das Richtige."
Price: 19.99

"Cryptocurrency 101: Invest & Trade Like a Pro" |
"Want to learn how toinvestand tradecryptocurrency like a pro? Then look no further!This course provides the quickest and easiest way for you to learn the basics of cryptocurrency so you can start investing and day trading right away. There has never been a better time to get into cryptocurrency to start making money every day.First, we will start with the basics and teach you what cryptocurrency is and how it works, as well asdiscuss the most popular cryptocurrencies.From there we will diveinto my top investment strategiesso you canmake the most of your money andinvest smarter whileminimizingyour risk of losing money.Finally, we will get into altcoins andshow you the fundamentals of day trading so you can start readingcharts putting money in your pocket. Whether you're looking to add a little bit of money to your bank account or you want the freedom to work from anywhere with nothing but an Internet connection and a phone, thiscourse has something for everyone.Don't miss out on this incredible financial revolution.Sign up for Cryptocurrency 101 and get started today!"
Price: 199.99

"En este curso aprenderas las bases para realizar las 4 operaciones bsicas para el desarrollo de sistemas Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete,usando Entity FrameWork y el patrn Repositorio.Crearemos unproyecto vaco ASP.NET MVC desde Visual Studio que puedes descargar desde el sitio de MicrosoftVamos a usar la base de datos SQL Server de Microsoft en su versin 2017Express edition descargandola desde el sitio de MicrosoftCrearemos un proyecto de libreria de clase para usarlo como Repositorio genrico de datos para las operaciones en el servidor, dicho proyecto podr ser usado por otras aplicaciones sin mayores cambios Veremos el usodeMtodos de Extensinen C#y como estos nos ayudan para un desarrollo mas gil en cada proyecto.Crearemos cada una de las operaciones de ejemplo con y sin AJAX y veremos las diferencias entre cada una.Crearemos informes para imprimir los datos normal, agrupados y agrupados colapsados.Usaremos reporte de grficos para mostrar los datos digitados.Por ltimo y no menos importante publicaremos nuestra aplicacin ennuestra mquina local creando un dominio personalizado."
Price: 19.99

"Master Detail ASP.NET MVC" |
"En este curso aprenderemos a desarrollar un sistema de facturacin completodesde cero para poder tener nuestra carta de presentacin para mas clientes,Este curso se enfoca en el uso de ASP.NET MVC 5 con AJAX, JQuery, Select2, DataTable, SweetAlert, JEditable, TableToJson, BootStrap, Animaciones CSS y UIKitCrearemos un repositorio genrico que nos permitir trabajar con cualquier contexto de Entity Framework.Aprederemos a crear un maestro detalles y realizaremos las operaciones CRUD necesarias para los registros.Crearemos una base de datos que nos permita realizar cualquier tipo de orden tales como: Facturas de Venta,Facturas de Compra, Nota de Crdito a Venta,Nota de Crdito a Compra, Orden de Compra, Orden de Venta, Cotizacin, Conduce o cualquier otro tipo de orden que quieras crear. Opcionalmente podrsenviarpor correo electrnicolas ordenes que quierasa supropietario de forma automtica siempre que tengas el correo registrado previamente en el sistema. Las ordenes que crearemos podrn ser en condiciones decontado, a crdito o a consignacin.Nuestra entidad principal Persona quien nos servir para agrupar todos los tipos de personas que necesitemos, tales como:Cliente, Empleado, Suplidor, Socio, Miembro, Vendedoro cualquier otro tipo de que necesitemos crear de forma gil y eficiente.Podremos crear todos los tipos de productos que necesitemos para la venta, cotizacin, orden de compra etc, dichos tipos de productos seran algo como: Partes de Inventario, Servicios, Activo Fijo etc.Al finalizar nuetro sistema lo publicaremos en el dominio que prefieras, en mi caso loharemos en un dominio propio gratis en la computadora local. tu le podrs poner el nombre que quieras.Una vez nuestro sistema de facturacin POS est listo podremos comercializarlo ya que cubrecualquier tipo de negocio que aplique para venta de productos o servicios.Inscribete y disfruta del curso que te llevar a otro nivel en tu carrera y seguro que aprenderas algo nuevo."
Price: 34.99

"Dart - Beginners Course" |
"Learn how to create basic Dart programs. This course is aimed at the absolute beginner with no programming experience. Dart is an expressive and powerful language that has a very friendly learning curve. This makes it a great starting language.Dart helps you craft beautiful, high-quality experiences across all screens, with a client-optimized language, rich and powerful frameworks, flexible tooling"
Price: 19.99

"Dart - Intermediate Course" |
"Continue to your journey into the Dart language.This course picks up where the beginner course left off. In this course you will learn classes, scope, packages, and how to work with the file system. We will also explore generic programming. All of the code presented in this class is freely available on GitHub."
Price: 19.99

"Dart - Advanced Course" |
"This is NOTa beginners course!To take this course you should have at least an intermediate level understanding of the Dart programming language. When in doubt please complete the dart for beginners and dart intermediate courses I have on Udemy.Learn how to work with advanced concepts and code in dart, from working with processes, compression, encryption, sockets and databases."
Price: 19.99

"Flutter - Beginners Course" |
"Learn how to create fast and stunning mobile applications using Flutter, a new mobile framework by google. In this course you will quickly learn how to build an application in Flutter with no previous experience. It is HIGHLYrecommended you understand the Dart programming language, see my Dart programming tutorials."
Price: 19.99
