"Introduction to Learning and Development (HR)" |
"Jump start your career in Learning in Development within HR with the only course on Udemy on the topic. At the end of this course, students will Know what Learning and Development is and how it can support the achievement of organisational objectives Be able to freely discuss the goal and purpose of Learning and Development Identify different roles in Learning and Development , their responsibilities and activities Build a list of skills and knowledge areas required to be a Learning and Development professional Be able to devise a plan to meet your individual learning and development needs. With this course, you will have the opportunity to plan you career in Learning and Development (either as part of Human Resources (HR) or outside of it) by completing a Personal Development Plan. You will also have access to free Learning and Development resources, visual guides and case studies from best practices in L&D.Join a worldwide community of ever-rising Learning and Development professionals by signing up to this course today!UPDATE: the course includes an updated video on the new CIPD Profession Map! ---------------------------------------------STUDENT FEEDBACK:Vita, : ""Very well structured and providing essential Information! Highly recommended!""Shivakrupa, : ""I loved it,It was lively and i was able to apply in my daily tasks.""Federica, : ""I really enjoyed this course! It helped me to reorganize all the information I learnt in the past two years as an HR Intern. Now I have a good knowledge of the L&D world. The teacher was clear and engaging, I appreciated the real life case studies, the PDP (Personal Development Plan) and all the attached resources. I'm looking forward the next course, how to design training actions. Thanks a lot, Ira!""Boby, : ""Proper explanations well done eye contact with camera Which means the teacher really CAREs about you as a student! This is PO!""Luis, : ""The course gave a good overview of the L&D profession and what to expect as one grows in this career. It was brief and just right for what I expected for an introduction.""---------------------------------------------Tags: Learning and Development, L&D, Human Resource Development, Human Capital Development, Instructional Design, Career Development, Personal Development Plan, Learning strategies, Learning technologies, HR, Human Resources, Talent ManagementMusic by Bensound"
Price: 149.99

"Instructional Design for Classroom Training" |
"Have you ever been tasked with designing a classroom training only to realise you have no idea how to do it? I have been where you are and I know how you feel. Thats why I put all my experience, knowledge and most of the templates I use to design effective, engaging and fun classroom training sessions that yield long-term result on the overall performance of the company. I will share with you tons of real world examples, alternatives to the classics, practical tools that you can use straight away and a good deal of tips and tricks I have tested throughout the years. In this course I will take you on a wonderful journey through the exotic and sometimes misunderstood world of Instructional Design for classroom training. By the end of the course, you will have designed a great classroom training that will be remembered by your learners for a long time. Join me on a journey of a lifetime! Music by BensoundTags: instructional design, human resources, HR, classroom training, training, adult learning, ADDIE, agile, course development, course design, human resource development, learning and development."
Price: 149.99

"How to buy passive income rental property!" |
"This course will walk you through a step by step analysis of the first rental property I ever purchased, and how to overcome the fears associated with taking that first step into the world of real estate investing.We will cover the basics of real estate investing, tax advantages, and the four main wealth building techniques that real estate exploits in order to make you successful for the long term!"
Price: 179.99

"Access & Excel VBA App & Usage Monitoring Online with Azure" |
"Excel VBA Application & Usage Monitoring Online with Azure.In this course you will learn how to connect your Excel VBA Workbook,Access VBA Application or any other Microsoft Office product that supports VBAandMicrosoft Azure cloud.Why? Because ...... You created a killing Microsoft Office document,Access VBA Application, Excel VBA Workbook, Word document or PowerPoint slideshow or other that supports VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). You've distributed them around the world to your users. But how do you know if there are any bugs in your, eg. ExcelVBA code, what parts of your document is used the most, which function, routine or part of the Access VBA orExcel VBAcode is executed faster or slower on your user's machines? Or are your Microsoft Office documents used at all? Now you can! With help of VBA Telemetry andAzure Application Insights.All you need is a FreeAzure Account and a Free version of VBA Telemetry client. Insert few lines of VBA code into your Office document (eg. Excel VBA code) and enjoy how your tracking data is flowing into your FREEAzure Account ready to be viewed and analyzed by you. ----------------------------------------------------From the author of the VBA Telemetry client, Davor Geci, with more than 20 years of programming experience, you will learn how to, with just a few lines ofVBA code, connect your Access VBA orExcel VBA orWord orPowerPoint or any other VBA project withAzure cloud. This will give you the unseen opportunities and possibilities for improving and monitoring your VBA projects (eg. Excel VBA projects),no matter where the useris located. And all that in real-time. Feel free to take a look at preview lectures and the course description before making a decision to buy.If you ever get stuck with something in the course, just post a message in the Q&A of this course and I will respond as soon as I can to help you out.And yes, this course is covered with30-day money back guarantee.You don't have anything to lose.So don't wait.Take this course NOW!"
Price: 99.99

"Create Excel apps with MySQL & Virtual Forms & Excel VBA" |
"Microsoft Excel & Microsoft Power BI are the most popular and used tools for analyzing and visualizing data.BUT, Microsoft Excel is not created for gathering data, especially in gathering relational data like master-detail structures.One basic, simple Excel example. You want to gather (or track) Orders in Excel and then for this Orders you want to track Order Details and, for example, Order Payments and all that using Excel.Not to mention, to do this in a multi-user environment also in ExcelBoy,.., You will have a tough time to do this with Excel, because Excel is simply not created for challenges like this, to gather master-detail data and also in a multi-user environment within the normal Excel environment.But in this course Create Excel VBA apps using MySQL database & Virtual Forms, You will learn how you can do this by using Excel VBA as a front end and MySQL database as a backend, whether the MySQL database is on your local machine, your local network, or on the web server. We will do this with help of a small tool called Virtual Forms.Hello,Im Davor Geci the CEO and the Lead Developer of WinPIS, the company thats behind a popular tool that brings to Excel what Access developers are having for decades.It is the ability to create CRUD Excel VBA Forms, forms to create, read, update and delete records that are stored in databases like MySQL, MSSQL, Access (On-premise or on the web) and use the data within Excel VBA and all that in minutes.It is similar to what Access can do, but you could also port this Virtual forms from Excel VBA to Visual Studio 2017 (C# or VB.NET), Python,....You can not do this with Access VBA or natively with Excel VBA !So, you just need to create a database and tell the Designer which fields you want on your form that is opened from Excel VBA code.Once created Virtual Forms can be also used as LookUp forms in Excel VBA with no extra work, just as you would do VLOOKUP an HLOOKUP in Excel functions & formulas.All the controls that are generated on this Virtual forms can be accessed with Excel VBA (or if you use Visual Studio 2017 with C# or VB.NET).Virtual form control also fires events, so it allows us to interact with it, in a similar way normal UserForms in Excel VBA do. But in a more data-centric way.Before you dive in, its probably a good idea to just check out the structure of the course Create Excel VBA apps using MySQL database & Virtual Forms.In this course, You will learn how to quickly create database applications using Microsoft Excel VBA and a MySQL database that is hosted somewhere on the internet or in your building (so-called on-premise) and all that with help of the Excel VBA & a small tool called Virtual Forms.In the first part of this course, You will learn how to create your first database app (Excel VBA forms) that will use Excel VBA as a front end, and a MySQL database as the back end. You will also learn how to install a MySQL server on your machine or anywhere in your network and use it as a data source. Also, in the first part of the course, you will learn how to install and use MySQL Workbench that help us to create and maintain MySQL databases.Dont worry, I will go slow!Not only you will learn how to create your Excel Virtual Forms and write a few lines of Excel VBA code to master them,you will also learn how you can make money with your Excel apps by leveraging an affiliate program from a 3rd party web hosting company where you will host MySQL database.And then, you will also learn how to transform your Excel VBA database applications with MySQL database as the datasource to C# or VB.NET with almost no change to the Excel VBA code.We will also create Excel apps with other datasources, like Microsoft Access database and Microsoft Excel Workbook.If you ever get stuck with something in the course, (like Excel VBA code or MySQL databases) just post a message in the Q&A of this course and I will respond as soon as I can to help you out. I do everything I can to make this a 5-star course and I hope you like it too and leave a review.Feel free to take a look at preview lectures and the course description before making a decision to buy.And yes, this course is covered with Udemy 30-day money back guarantee.You dont have anything to lose.So, enroll now, try it out, learn new things in Excel VBA and MySQL, have fun with me and create your Microsoft Excel VBA apps in minutes. Join me inside NOW!Davor"
Price: 199.99

"Disea con Photoshop [Curso Bsico desde Cero]" |
"Curso de Photoshop para aprender a manejar las herramientas bsicas de Photoshop y cmo hacer diseos simples para redes sociales, diseos para pginas web y diseos publicitarios para negocios.En este curso veremos el escritorio de Photoshop, veremos dnde encontrar cada cosa y empezaremos a trabajar con algunas de las herramientas y opciones que este magnfico programa de diseo nos ofrece.Es un curso ideal para aprender a manejar Photoshopde forma sencilla y rpida, y as poder crear diseos para mejorar la identidad corporativa y la imagen de marca. El objetivo del curso es que podis empezar a disear vuestros propios diseos sin complicacin y sabiendo en todo momento lo que estis haciendo. Adems, como tareas y deberes disearemos unas plantillas base que os servirn como gua para publicaciones en redes socialesOs apuntis al curso de Photoshop?"
Price: 19.99

"Speed Reading Korean Style" |
"This course contains proprietary techniques that have been tested on more than 50,000 students.1.Speed Reading KoreanStyle2. Read Any Language with Limited Vocabulary - ""THE MAGIC WORD TABLE"" (LESSON 3)CDI (Chung Dahm Institute) is a school in Korea that went into Initial Public Offering on the KoreanStock Exchangeand grewto 200 institutions in just several years because of its cutting edge language acquisitions techniques, which enabled young students to read very densetext withan extremely limited vocabulary.Mike Ternoey, a New York City public school teacher and mining engineer,worked at the main branch of CDIin Seoul, as a reading instructor during the Pre-IPO phase of the institution -and also in Kangnam, Seoul at a ""million-dollar-a-year"" cram school specializing in ESL SAT 2400 consulting. He takes you on a quick tour of reading methodsstudents use for speed reading and reading with a low vocabulary.THEMAGICWORDTABLEis in the resources section.UPDATESTHISMONTH:1. The Magic WordTable InSpanish - under translation...(testing phase)2. The Magic Word TableIn French - under translation...3. 1000 vocabulary words in clusters - learn 65 words a day.4. SAT2400/GMAT GrammarCheat Sheets5. Guest Instructors from Korea: Korean ESL ExpertsTHEMAGICWORDTABLE (copyrighted) is in the resources section.The Magic Word Table is not like any other transition word list that is out there on google. Every quote in human history uses the word in the table to make a point.It is totally proprietary and optimized for ESLSAT and ESLLSAT. Students can take photos and screen shots of it and send it to friends. Its an image file copyrighted in 100 variations that no [competitor] can borrow."
Price: 199.99

"Read ANY Language WITHOUT Vocabulary (tm)" |
"""90% of quotes in human history use the same 20words to make an argument!""Everyone fromJulius Caesar to Bob Dylan, could agree on this.Watch the video, and discover the shocking truth.Furthermore, in the same way that you only need 20% of the puzzle pieces to guess what the puzzle is, you only need 20% of a language's vocabulary to get the big picture when reading an article or a book.With statistical analysis, we discover that adjectives and past past participles do critical work at generating detail and content. So when you buy this course you get:1. Vocabulary Spread Sheet IN ALL LANGUAGES Designed by Statistical Analysis2. A Magic Word Table Translated in the Top 10 Languages - the table every quote in human history uses!3.Weekly headlines fromFrance, Italy, and Spain.Background:This course teaches you how to read another language with limited vocabulary using cutting edge language acquisition techniques tested on more than 50,000 students. The PATTERNOFORGANIZATIONMETHOD was developed originally by CDI in Korea, a killer cram school that spread to 200 schools across the world in several years for its reading methods.CDI changed the way the world learns English. I was an instructor at the main branch in Chung Dahm in 2006, before the company went into initial public offering.I later worked in Apkugeong, Seoul as anSAT 2400 special consultant, where I became haunted by a new client.""My students didn't want to study TOEFL anymore.They needed to study the SAT to get into college in their own colleges inKorea - andthe problem was they didn't know enoughEnglish.They were ready for computer based tests, but not paper based ones."" - MikeTernoeyB.S. StanfordUniversity, Mechanical EngineeringM.S.South Dakota School ofMines, Mining EngineeringUSPhysics Olympiad Team MemberNYC PublicSchoolTeacherEducationalConsultant (Seoul)CDIInstructor at Main Branch Nara Building (3 of 55)"
Price: 189.99

"Learn German, in all languages" |
"do you want to learn German? then just contact me and I'm always ready to help you. the courses are not expensive, so everybody can learn German. Yes, it's true that the German language is difficult, but with me everyone can learn the German language easily. As I said, you only need time, desire and patience, and then you can just talk in German."
Price: 19.99

"Learn German, in all languages" |
"do you want to learn German? then just contact me and I'm always ready to help you. the courses are not expensive, so everybody can learn German. Yes, it's true that the German language is difficult, but with me everyone can learn the German language easily. As I said, you only need time, desire and patience, and then you can just talk in German.What is the target audience for this course?-Anyone who wants to learn German fast and easy.-Anyone who wants to advance to the intermediate level of German Language.-If you are near advanced you can improve your German with this course.If you are still wondering why this German course?-For at least 4 reasons:1. First, I wanted to help you to speak German fluently.2. Second, students can learn German at their own pace, wherever and whenever they want.3. Third, it is also important, and money, because I do not offer this course for free.4. Fourth, when I was a child, I wanted to be a teacher, and I feel good about teaching someone.Before I offer you the course, I would like to show you the summary of my course. so that you can know what you will have in the courseSummary of my course :-Letters -The greeting . -The important vocabulary . -The correct pronunciation -A test to let you know if you have mastered the last two lessons or not yet. and if not, then please look at the lessons again, and if you have questions, then feel free to contact me . -Basics of grammar . -Test in grammar . -Syntax .-Lessons in listening .-A test in listening and sentence building . -In each lesson, will be from 2 to 5 videos, so that you can understand everything exactly and correctly . -Time and counting . -Test in time and counting . -Time: present . -Time: perfect . -Time: preterite . -Time: futur . -A common test in these tenses .Important :-From the second lesson I try to speak only in German, so that you can get used to it.that was all, I thank you for your confidence, and I hope that I was you to help."
Price: 19.99

"Online Arbitrage-Amazon Online Arbitrage Bootcamp 2021" |
"Do you want to learn howbuy products at the lowestprices in order to resell them for a largeprofit on Amazon with little to no capital? Then this is thecourse thatwill show how to start a 8 figure per month income Online Arbitrage business from just $5.JOIN 2,000+ STUDENTS LEARNING HOW TO MAKE AN 8 FIGURE PER MONTH INCOME USING ONLINE ARBITRAGE!In this course, you will master the best practicesto do productresearch from clearance and deal websites, from the comfort of your laptop, so that you know what products are in demand and take profitable advantage. By the end of this course, you'll have a firm understanding of the Online Arbitrage business model and be on your way to becoming financially free and ditch the 9-5 job."
Price: 199.99

"Shopify Dropshipping- Complete Shopify Dropshipping 2021" |
"Do you want to start your own business from home that brings you 7 figures a month? If yes, then enroll In this course where i will show you step by stephow to build your own 7figure eCommerce Shopify Dropshipping business from the ground up. You will learn the initialproduct market research, Shopify setup and configuration, shipping, email configuration,payments and how to make youfirst sale through Facebook Ads!STUDENT COMMENTS:''I really appreciate this course. I am loving the extra knowledge I needed to get my store started. I love how my store looks. This course is packed with so much value. Awesome! ''''Very useful and distinct from other courses on the same topic.Highly recommended!''What is in this course?Introduction to E-Commerce and How it WorksNiche, Audienceand Theme Research and SelectionRegistering and Linking a Domain Name to ShopifyFull coverage of Shopify SettingsHow to Add ALL of the necessary Pages to your WebsiteFree vs Premium ThemesEditing your Shopify StoreAddingSocial Mediato your StoreSetting up Collections and Product Pages on your Shopify storeAutomatic Shipment TrackingHow to Add Product Page Trust SealsAdding Google Analyticsand the Facebook Pixel to your Shopify StoreAdding a Checkout Countdown TimerHow to Launch Facebook AdsHow to Launch FacebookRetargeting AdsEmail MarketingSourcing Products from AliexpressHow to Add Products with Different POD ProvidersPlus more!"
Price: 199.99

"Amazon FBA-The Complete Amazon FBA Bootcamp 2021 Edition" |
"Do you ant to start a 7 figure business from home right now? Then enroll in this Amazon FBA course now where i will show you step by step how to achieve financial freedom and success that you deserve. This coursewill be the best investment of your life. Iwill walk you through exactly how to set up and scale a passive income that deposits thousands of dollars into your bank account every 2 weeks. It's time to build a product and an onlinebusiness around your passion and let amazon bring paying high end customers to your door!This course isa proven, up-to-date blueprint for beginners or existing sellers who want to create a 7 figure per month income on the worlds largest eCommerce platform, Amazon. You will learn from a beginner level to advanced level how to be a top Amazon FBA private labelmerchant. You will get an over-the-shoulder guide on how to do this business and you can simply copy this blueprint into your business to achieve similar results like mine. Everything you need to be a successful seller is in this course including a Special Microsoft excel worksheet that will tell you exactly your buying price, expenses and profit margin to the last dime.STUDENT COMMENTS:''I had no clue how to do any of this. I've gotten more useful info from this than I've gotten from people doing seminars on this. I appreciate it so far. I've seen these so-called FBA gurus charge in the upwards of $5,000-up just to be heard. Some of them don't even do FBA. This course is a simple, straight-forward, information-packed entity that anyone whose looking to get into FBA can use to really get the ball rolling. Thank you, sir. ''''It is a detailed course. It was clear and concise. It explained things in details and gave examples. I recommend this course to anyone wanting to start an Amazon fba business. Good job!!! ''Benefits from this course include:-You will no longer need to worry about where your next pay check is coming from. -Huge demand for skilled assistants to create listings and do research to uncover the best products to sell.What is in this course?-Designed for a complete novice, or you already sell on Amazon but want to get better results. -Setting expectations so that you know what to expect when you begin this Amazon business. -How to discover the easiest and most profitable items to sell and where to get them.-How to write the perfect amazon listings for high conversions-How to use advanced tactics to double your sales and understand how to start small and scale up fast.Enroll today now and become a Amazon FBA seller!"
Price: 199.99

"Beginner to Pro : PowerPoint Animation Tips and Tricks" |
"Do you want to learn awesome tricks of animations in PowerPoint?If you want to masterMicrosoft PowerPoint, you should learn a lot of things,but before knowing this things let's see why we should master it.YourPowerPointslides is your best tool to make an awesome presentation and make everyone amazed after watching your presentation.You're presentations are going to collect dust on your computer if you don't learn how to produce them and share them on the Internet.Hi, My Name is Nassim, and I'd Like to Teach you Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 and some Amazing Tricks.We'll begin by creating some animations, and some amazing trick.Next we'll cover the basics of PowerPoint in which you'll learn to create simple, bulletted item based presentations.Then we'll learn to insert visual elements into your presentations to add impact and help convey your message.$After each video we will work together on some projects.Finally, we'll look into advanced animation techniques .If You're Finally Ready to Learn Microsoft PowerPoint, I'm Prepared to Teach YouIn this course you'll learn everything you need to know to use Microsoft PowerPointlike a professional. I'll teach you the basics from the ground up, spice things up with some intermediate additions, and finish things off with advanced automation and presentation production techniques. This course provides completeMicrosoft PowerPointfrom beginner through advanced training.With help of this course you will:Increase Your powerpointknowledgeImprove Your workflow & design skillsImprove animation skillsLearn to setup custom Layouts with slide master and placeholdersShorten the time you need to complete a high quality presentationLearn powerpoint 2016 or the older versions in one, comprehensive courseBe able to brand and build templates for you, your company or your clients!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WHAT'S SO SPECIAL ABOUT THIS COURSE?You learn many animations tricks that you will see for the first time.Convert your boring presentationinto an amazingpresentation.Make awesome characters with PowerPoint.Draw with PowerPoint.Download all the free resources as said in our course and design the powerpoint slides along with me."
Price: 134.99

"Cryptocurrency Intro Course for Absolute Beginner" |
"I tookplace in a project back in December of 2017. The objective of the project was to help people who have zero knowledge about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.We had such a big interest in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies of people with no prior knowledge that we decided to create a course for people to start with and learn the basic vocabulary and gain vital knowledge about Bitcoin andcryptocurrencies in general.This course for absolute beginners has proven to besuccessful with our BETA groupand the students were very grateful for this easy to understandcourse. So I decided to share this course with everybody that is interested in cryptocurrencies.I believe that this course is what people need to understand what's going onin the crypto space todayand learn more aboutthe future of money."
Price: 19.99

"Plus de 3h de cours en VIDOS Groupe Facebook priv(espace membre) o je rponds TOUTES tes questions ! Je taccompagne ! Cet espace membre a une valeur inestimable !Explications dtailles (du cours) dans les vidosCahier dexercices ( imprimer)Corrig du cahier dexercicesMise en application sur texte dentrainement.Un maximum de valeur ajoutePROGRAMME :TAPE 1 : Dans ce cours nous voyons les sons que lon retrouve dans la langue arabe + Voyelles longues + Alphabet ( Premire tape indispensable pour passer au module 2)TAPE 2 : Alphabet(suite)TAPE 3 : Alphabet(suite)TAPE 4 : Alphabet ( fin) + La chadda et le tanwin, Deux rgles qui font la diffrence !TAPE 5 : Les lettres lunaires et solaires, une rgle trs simple de prononciation qui va parfaire votre prononciation.TAPE 6 : Le Lam Alif ( une rgle dcriture importante mais trs simple + Pratique)TAPE 7 : PRATIQUE ! On lis ensemble un texte et je vous traduit chaque phrase et je vous donne un maximum de vocabulaire pour introduire la pratique de loral."
Price: 64.99

"Clients Don't Pay for Coaching, They Pay for RESULTS!" |
"This course is the precursor to the flagship course ""Results Coach Mastery"".If you are a life or business coach, this program will endeavor to accomplish four things:Provide you with the strategies and techniques to become a Results Coach . . . .for that's where it all starts!Show you how to create tangible RESULTS for your coaching clients . . . . for that's what coaching is all about!Provide you with a formula to determine your high-end coaching fees . . . . for that is your entitlement as a coach!Allow your clients to justify their coaching investment in you . . . .for that's the magic of Results Coaching!""Clients Don't Pay for Coaching, They Pay for RESULTS!"" will dramatically change your perception about coaching!And it all starts with with you new perception of being a Results Coach!Coaching is always about VALUE and never about FEES! And the only VALUE your clients are interested in, is measured by the RESULTSyou deliver!Enjoy the course!~ Allan N. Mulholland"
Price: 99.99

"Reportes Gerenciales Interactivos en Excel (Paso a Paso)" |
"Has estado creando reportes contables, financieros o de ventas en Excel usando formulas sencillas o Buscarv?, te has pasado hasta altas horas de la noche luchando con la data o el formato de tus reportes para cumplir un deadline?, te preocupa que talveztus reportes son muy sencillosy nos estas trasmitiendo todo el valor que podrias a tu trabajo o negocio?Si has pasado por estas situaciones y has pensado, ""tiene que haber una manera mejor..."", pues si, la hay. Usar conceptos como Tablas de Datos y Tablas Pivote para facilitar tu anlsispuede literalmente ahorrarte horas de trabajo cada semana. Si a esto incorporamos herramientas como Slicers y Grficos Interactivos veras que puedes crear rapidamente Dashboards sumamente poderosos usando solo Excel...En este curso y usando Archivos de Ejemplo yte guiaremos paso a paso en esteproceso, desde las herramientas usadas a como ponerlo todo junto para crear unDashboard como el mostrado en la introduccion (Clase 1,Capitulo1,)de este curso..."
Price: 74.99

"Tablas Dinamicas (Pivot Tables) en Casos Empresariales" |
"Para los que me conocen, saben que mis cursos son eminentemente practicos....Cubriremos por supuestolos principios de las Tablas de Datos y como crear y usar Tablas Dinamicas, exploraremos el flujo de trabajo recomendado y veremos los diferentes ""superpoderes analiticos"" que podemos hacer con las Tablas Dnamicas...Pero luego que veamos los fundamentos, no nos quedaremos ahi:Para aprender a usar las Tablas Dinamicas en un entorno empresarial, lo mejor es usar casos empresariales reales, asi que que puliremos nuestras habilidades practicas con un casobasadoen empresareale, en donde marcaremos ademas claramente los conceptos claves que aprenderemos...Detalle del Caso:CONTABILIDAD Y FINANZASIntegraremos tablas de Ingresos, Costos y Gastos para hacer una Estado de Resultados de 2 Niveles y ademas un Analisis de proyectos, comparando Gastos reales Vs Presupuestados...CONCEPTOS IMPORTANTES: Uso de jerarquias para el analisis de datos,como enriquecer nuestras tablas de datos, Powerquery para cambiar tablas, integracion de varias tablas usando 2 metodos (Tradicional y PowerPivot,)usarnuevas columnas para diferenciar tablas, uso de slicers en tablas dinamicas, comparacion de real Vs Presupuesto y conditional formating para facilitar el analisis"
Price: 174.99

"Introduction to Kubernetes - Run Docker Containers at Scale" |
"This short course provides an initial opportunity to understand what Kubernetes is, how it fits into the world of cloud-native software and offers an opportunity to try out Kubernetes on your own. It is intended as a ""first look"" at Kubernetes' function as a container orchestration tool and is appropriately followed up, if appropriate for you, with our Kubernetes bundle.This course will provide you with an understanding of the basic architecture and functionality of Kubernetes, a container orchestrating/scheduling system. More importantly you will be able to follow along on your laptop (or compute environment of your choice) as you instructor shows you how to launch Kubernetes and use it to deploy, manage and troubleshoot Docker containers."
Price: 99.99

"Continuous Integration on Gitlab" |
"By the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of how GitLab continuous integration works. Youll have hands-on experience setting up GitLab CE and adding users, projects, ci jobs, and runners. This training is designed to help you learn while guiding you thru powerful concepts using simple examples."
Price: 99.99

"Intro to Istio-Service Mesh for Cloud-Native Kubernetes Apps" |
"Join Kumulus Technologies' CTO, RobertStarmer, as he helps you gain a functional understanding of how Istio provides a service mesh on Kubernetes to effectively and efficiently manage microservices-based, cloud-native applications. A series of concise lectures provide the necessary background on Kubernetes' and Istio's architectures and then explains how Istio's features help simplify microservices management complexity for both cloud operators and application developers. The course wraps up with Labs that provideinstructions on how to deploy Istio on Kubernetes (with instructions to deploy locally on your laptopor leveraging Google Cloud Platform's GKE),then deploy istio on Kubernetes, and finally deploy and application and manage it's behavior with Istio. This course assumes no prior knowledge of Kubernetes or Istio and will leave you with the fundamental understanding and operational skills to repeatabledeploy both k8s and Istio to continue your learning of Istio's functionality."
Price: 99.99

"Continuous Deployment with Jenkins on OpenStack" |
"Join Kumulus Technologies' Lead Application Developer, James Starmer, as he explores the continuous deployment (CD) space, starting with a simple example, and building to a fully working CD pipeline based around Jenkins, Maven, and OpenStack. Learn why CD is so important to efficient application developmentand get practical, hands on experience building a CD pipeline as you progress through the class. **Note that this class requires that you already have access to an OpenStack environment.**"
Price: 99.99

"Fontica de Ingls Americano" |
"En este curso aprenders la fontica del Ingles Americano. Elcurso esta dividido en tres partes: 22sonidos vocales, 24sonidos consonantes, y una serie de trabalenguas que te ayudaran a articular mejor cada palabra. Cada sonido es explicadoindividualmente con el objetivo de perfeccionarlo por medio de la repeticin."
Price: 29.99

"How to Help Your Child Focus & Concentrate" |
"This Course isfor you IF you are at your wits end while teaching your kidsyou believe that there must be a more creative way to teachyou are willing to invest a little more time to learn techniques to make learning fun for your kidsyou truly believe that children are more intelligent than usIt is easy for a child to ensure laser like focus while playing or when engaged in something of his/her interest. A child does not need to learn to concentrate and focus. He is a natural at it! The real problem statement is, therefore, not how to increase a childs ability to concentrate. It is in fact how to revolutionize our teaching methodologies to match the energy and enthusiasm of a child.This is what this courseis all about and will benefit teachers, parents and even students."
Price: 19.99

"Programozs alapok" |
"Ez a kurzus azrt jtt ltre, hogy legyen egy fellet, ahol online kurzus keretben magyarul lehet programozst tanulni. A kurzus vgigmegy a programozs alapjain, megismerkednk a ciklusokkal, elgazsokkal, majd komplexebb feladatokkal: programozsi ttelekkel, fjlkezelssel.A kurzus egy programozst segt jtkkal indt (Colobot), ezen ismerkednk meg a vltozkkal, elgazssal, ciklusokkal. Ezutn ttrnk a Java nyelvre, ahol tnzzk a mr tanultakat, majd lesz pr sz a kdolsi konvencikrl, fggvnykezelsrl. Megismerkednk sszetettebb programozsi feladatokkal, valamint a fjlkezels alapjaival.A kurzust ellenrz krdsek s programozsi feladvnyok segtik."
Price: 19.99

"Spin&Go Poker Pre-flop Essentials" |
"With this course I aim to give you everything you need to crush your poker goals and to feel confident at the virtual tables.If you are looking for a way to grind out a solid side income in the evening hours then Spin&Go's could very well be the answer. Spin and Go Poker has the perfect combination of action, speed, and poker for mostly recreational players but also for regular grinders.Due to it's hyper fast format it is perfect to implement into even the most busy schedule. With still a big skill factor involved and the opportunity to win big, being busy no longer has to mean giving up on a solid poker income.In this course I will go into detail on every single pre-flop situation that you will encounter in Spin&Go's and what ranges we want to be using. Moreover, I will give you the adjustments you need to be making if you are still playing at the lower stakes and looking to move up and I will show you exactly how to adjust your pre-flop game to maximize your profit."
Price: 19.99

"Unreal Engine" |
"Unreal Engine 4.16"
Price: 199.99

"The Ultimate Guide to Logic Pro X Instrument Plugins & VSTs" |
"Master Every Logic Instrument - and Create Limitless Awesome Sounds. In this course you will understand and master all of Logic Pro Xs virtual instrument plugins, synthesizers and VSTs. Starting from beginner level, youll learn the deep principles of synthesis and enhance your music by learning how to emulate the instrument, synth and drum sounds of your favorite artists,producers and sound effects designers -as well as a wealth of other music production skills.Each of the many free instruments included in Logic is like its own piece of software. Some of these are small like the ESE, ESM and ESP - but others, like Alchemy Synthesiser & Sampler or Sculpture Modelling Synth provide so many parameters they can be overwhelming could have their own entire courses. Many people dont even scratch the surface of what these instruments do and buy new ones without realising how powerful they are for composition and Sound Effects DesignSFX for games and filmThe Entire Logic Instruments Manual - In One Step-by-Step Video Course. Many courses on Logic Pro go through the production, editing and mixing side of the program, but do not explain the instruments in depth. Understanding the concepts behind how these instruments work, let alone learning the interface can take months and its easy for even conscientious people to give up.Ive read the manual for you - literally. Ive read every page of that that thing and condensed and rephrased that complex bible into a practical course that guides you through each instrument - backed with the concepts you need to understand each one and make it yours. You could take this course and go through the whole thing, or use this as your production instrument encyclopedia - referring to it at will whenever you forget what a dial or knob does. Which Logic Instruments Does the Course Cover?Starting with a complete introduction to Synthesis mini-course, this course builds through the most simple instruments sequentially, right up to the most complex - covering everything you need to know about the following Logic Pro X instruments:ESMESEESPES1EFMRetro SynthES2ESX24 SamplerEVOC PS VocoderComplete Alchemy Synthesiser CourseSculptureVintage ClavVintage Electric PianoVintage B3 Hammond OrganLogic Pro DrummerDrum Kit DesignerDrum Machine DesignerUltrabeat Complete CourseIn addition, I cover core concepts behind using these virtual instruments that allow you to use them exceedingly well. Concepts and guides to the controls of things like:Envelopes, Filters and ModulationFilters, Sends and EffectsPreparing your own samples and building your own sampled instrumentSequencers, Arpeggiators and Vector EnvelopesXY Pads, Midi Controllers (CCs and Via modulationsMorphing, Macros and Global ControlsModelled instruments,Principles behind and getting the best out of the Logic DrummerPrinciples of Library Management and organising your library as a composer/producerFrequency Modulation (FM) Synthesis, Sync Synthesis and Virtual Analog DigitalGranular Synthesis, Spectral Synthesis and FormantAnd more..An entire course on Alchemy - The Ultimate Synthesizerand Sampler Instrument.Alchemy (originally by Camel Audio) is one of the most complex and powerful synthesisers inside of Logic. Its parameters could warrant an entire course in itself.The course takes you through the entire interface and every dial and knob (barring the extended spectral synthesis parameters) - allowing you to turn Alchemy into an extremely powerful workhorse.Sound Design andEffects Creation for Games &FilmThe Logic Instruments course is also particularly useful for game composers and sound designers. Mastering all the interesting and detailed parameters in these sound effect creation VSTs can give you an endless sound palette to build wonderful and weird effects for your game designprojects."
Price: 49.99

"Music Composition with the Piano: Ultimate Keyboard Theory" |
"This music composition course has four core elements: An extensive introduction to piano technique, theory & arrangementFundamental & advanced harmony & music theory at the piano taught & learned in a practical way you can start using immediately. (as opposed to learning how to read, which isnt as efficient as alearning strategy.)A look at powerful compositional techniques and strategies to help you generate material and problem solve when you get stuck Conventions and structures of piano chords, progressions and songwriting, so that you can analyse and grow your knowledge of building songs & tracks. ---Many composers, producers and songwriters feel restricted by their lack of ability and knowledge of music theory at the piano. Without doubt, one of THE greatest things you can do to supercharge your composing and songwriting abilities is to gain greater technique and experience in modern day harmony at the piano.The aim of this course is to give you a powerful and extensive compositional vocabulary, from the ground up - right up to advanced music theory, chords & harmony. And it does it all through a practical, hands on experience of theory at the piano, and its all accessible without having to read any music.---This course was designed for three types of musician, the beginner and intermediate ProducerComposer (Film & Games)SongwriterFor the beginner, this course takes you from literally ground zero into the building blocks of what makes music work, right up to advanced harmony - without skipping a beat. Youll learn to write a wealth of different material at the piano and start your composing journey off right with a powerful skillset at the piano.For the intermediate composers, producers and songwriters who are already serious about their craft but feel restricted by never really getting their head around piano & theory - this course covers almost everything you need to know. Its built from thousands of hours (literally) of experience in private teaching with composers, producers & songwriters with a highly experienced teacher. For those of you who feel your writing ability is held back by your piano, arranging, compositional strategy & harmonic knowledge this course is completely designed for you. And even if youre basically semi-pro, but think your piano technique, voicings and harmonic knowledge are missing a trick, I still know the course will be of value to you. We cover extended Jazz Harmony, thematic writing, non-diatonic chord relationships and more.---At the end of this course not only are you going to feel more strong and fluent as a writer, youre going to be able to solve critical problems on the fly whilst composing; things like:Where do I start? How do I generate material?I have a chord progression, how do I make it more interesting?How can I make my chords sound more sophisticated?I have a chord progression, but I dont know where to take it nextWhats the musical science behind why that sounds like it doesI have chords, how do I add a bass line?I have a melody, how do I add chords?I have chords, how do I add a melody?I have a bass line, how do I add chords?My melodies sound a little dull, how can I make them more interesting?If my chords are going to stay the same, how can I make them sound different or more inspiring for the next section?---At the end of this course, youre going to be able to:Express yourself and your ideas fluentlyKnow how to compose well & use extended music theory without having to involve yourself in reading music but by understanding simple patterns at the piano.Unleash your writing with tools to unblock the writing process and generate material with easeBe able to write anything from classical music, to jazz music to mainstream music - because the fundamental building blocks of harmony are largely the same.Build interesting chord progressions and choose from hundreds of other options when something doesnt sound quite rightAlleviate a lot of writer's block!Have specific principles, techniques and formulas for making music work at your fingertipsTeach others the fundamentals of music theory and composition and keep teaching yourself so that you can learn and master piano more and more.This course contains many piano tutorials on piano scales, piano chords, exercises and is the perfect way to learn piano online.---More of the elements we cover:How to write a songHow to compose musicHow to improviseAll the most common piano chords and how to create them instantlyHow to play jazz chords on the pianoThe most common chord progressions and how to manipulate them into your songsHow to write music compositions for film or gamesHow to write themes for characters in films or musicalsThe fundamentals of musical compositionHow to compose piano musicHow to play keyboard scalesWhat chords sound good togetherHow to modulate between different keysHow to create different feelings with literally hundreds of different scales (Im not talking about different root notes here with just minor, major, blues etc - this is a whole other level of scales youve probably never used.)How to transpose between different keys and transpose the songs you love into the right key for you or someone else to sing toHow to accompany singersMany different accompanimental patterns to suit different circumstancesHow to analyze musicHow to read chord symbolsHow to find the key of a songWhy the favourite sounds of your fav artists are soHow to write effective melodies that are really interestingHow to structure your compositions well with harmonyHow to voice and arrange and play your chords in interesting waysHow to write bass linesHow to write effective voice leading with 3 or 4 parts for orchestral string writingHow to create pretty much any chord from scratch, including: major, minor, diminished, augmented, suspension, major 7th, minor 7th, dominant 7th, diminished 7th, 9th chords, 11th chords & 13th chords.How to reharmonize and make your progressions rhythmically interestingThe power of tension and resolution in music writingThis course has A TON of theory in it. But the goal is not to turn you into a theory monster who composes theoretical music. The goal of this course is to give you fluency andOPTIONS so you can choose who you want to be and how you want to write, andexpress yourself in your own unique way.Above all, you should know that I obsess about teaching effectively - theres no rambling, tangents, wasted space or filler. Its not 30 hours (yet) because Ive made every video super condensed and to the point, whilst trying not to rush. I also care deeply about and teach you how to think & learn music effectively. I hope to see you on the insideJack Vaughan"
Price: 49.99

"Become RICH and FAMOUS on YouTube doing what you love" |
"If you want to be successful on YouTube. Then, this is a course for you. I am a successful YouTuber with multiple YouTube channel (who is living a dream life) and would like to share my knowledge with people worldwide. If you want to be famous on YouTube, use YouTube as a lead generation tool, earn part time or full time income on YouTube then I welcome you to this course.In this course Iwill share with you my proven strategies which will help you to get started quickly and hence save you a lot of time and money. Ialso offer free Q&A support, free templates, graphics for your channel branding.Enrolling to this course could be the best decision of your life. The best part is that you get a 30 day money back Guarantee. That's the confidence Ihave on my course.I wish you all the best and Ilook forward to being your Friendly Coach :)Cheers!!!Ashwani Thakur"
Price: 199.99
