"Logstica en e-commerce: Gua para emprendedores" |
"Si buscar tener xito con tu e-commerce este curso va a cambiar tu vida.Gestionar los pedidos con precisin es una capacidad imprescindible para ganarte su confianza, afectando directamente a tu ROI y a LTV, siendo un factor que marcar la diferencia a la hora de fidelizar a tu cliente.""Tener el mejor producto y el mejor posicionamiento no va a servir absolutamente de nada, si el producto llega tarde o en mal estado.Ms all del diseo, usabilidad y la estrategia de publicidad la logstica es un valor diferencial para tu e-commerce, que la mayora de tu competencia olvidaen su estrategia Aprovecha para diferenciarte!Aprende rpidamente los secretos de la logstica en el mundo del e-commerce, y cmo te ayudar a incrementar las ventas.En este programa de Logstica para e-commerce aprenders las tendencias del e-commerce, los perfiles de tus compradores y podrs poner en prctica al momento nuevas estrategias en logstica para tu e-commerce.Al querer emprender un e-commerce, seguramente te has hecho algunas de estas preguntas:Qu tengo que hacer cuando un cliente compra uno de mis productos?Qu puedo cobrar por gastos de envo?Cmo de importante es que los envos sean gratis.Qu pasa siun cliente quiere devolver un producto?Qu procesos se esconden en la logsticaCmo decido cuanto stock comprar?Cmo aprovecho las expectativas en los envos?Lleva tu e-commerce a un nuevo nivel. Empezamos?"
Price: 34.99

"Crea y Edita Video Profesional con tu Mvil (Android)" |
"Si quieres darte a presentar como profesional, crear cursos online, o simplemente hacer videos por hobby en tus ratos libres, con ste curso sers capaz de usar uno de los editores de video mas simples que hay, pero que da como resultado videos de un aspecto muy profesional.Llevo ms de un ao buscando editores de video que ""me hagan la vida mas fcil"" a la hora de crear videos para mis cursos, y con ste puedo decir que di en la tecla.Estoy seguro de que te ahorrars todos los dolores de cabeza por los que pasamos todos los principiantes, as que... no pierdas ms tiempo!Nos vemos en el curso! :)"
Price: 24.99

"Informtica desde cero" |
"La forma de no quedarse atrs en esta era tan veloz es aprender a usar las tecnologas de la informacin. Internet, computadoras, celulares y tabletas estn cada vez ms presentes en todo lo que hacemos. S parte de esta era aprendiendo informtica desde cero y en el confort de tu hogar.Elmundo digitalest cada vez ms inmiscuido en nuestras vidas cotidianas, volvindose ms y ms necesario dominar las computadoras y tecnologas de la informacin. Y aqu no importa si ests jubilado o si trabajas, si eres joven o adulto mayor, si eres empleado o si tienes tu propio negocio. Algo es seguro:Si no sabes usar Internet y una computadora ests fuera.Actualzate para la nueva eraFcilA tu tiempoCon acompaamiento y gua constantesVideos guiados paso por pasoLectura amenaAplica tcnicas de aprendizaje rpidoDomina las computadorasDomina el internetObjetivos del cursoAprender ausar una computadora e Internet desde CERO.Usar lastecnologas de la informacincon soltura y tranquilidad.Desbloquear creencias limitantesque te hacen decir no puedo.Desarrollar la capacidad deaprender por t mismo/a.Desarrollar la capacidad deinvestigar y experimentar.Acceder almundo digitaly ejercer un derecho que es de todos.Independizarsede otras personas y hacer las cosas por t mismo/a.Aprender a realizartrmites y actividades en lnea.Desarrollar la capacidad deAprendizaje Autodidacta.Desarrollar una forma depensardiferente y ms potente.SER NATIVO DIGITALsin importar el conocimiento previo.T solo ocpate de aprenderNo existen malos estudiantes, sino malos maestros.Esta frase tan simple sencillamente deja de manifiesto queTODA la RESPONSABILIDAD es nuestra. Si algo no est claro, no se entiende o no te permite avanzar entonces va por nuestra cuenta, por lo que te ayudaremos a superarlo, lo modificaremos y lo mejoraremos para brindarte la mejor experiencia.Al final del curso estars en condiciones de desenvolverte con soltura en uso de lasTecnologas de la Informaciny habrs ingresado a la ERA DIGITAL casi sin darte cuenta.Por esto mismo recibirs el ttulo deOperador Windows e Internet Aplicados 2018con una descripcin detallada de competencias y habilidades, dnde se vern cada uno de los aspectos que dominars al aprobar el examen final.Temario completoEl curso est formado por tres ramas principales que se organizan de tal modo que tuexperiencia resulte nica y de alta calidad:Informtica: El tema fundamental del curso, ensearte a usar una computadora partiendo desde cero, desde la nada absoluta. Este contenido incluye 5 sistemas Windows de los cualest aprenders uno (el que tengas en tu equipo), ya que sers guiado/a para leer y visualizar aquello que sea de tu competencia.Alto impacto en Internet:En este aspecto este curso se diferencia del resto queencontrars en el mercado ya que te dar un enfoque del Internet que te permitir aprovecharlo al mximo para generar positivo en tu vida.Iniciativa de Desarrollo personal:Este aspecto es transversal al curso, es decir, lo encontrars inmerso en casi todos los captulos del mismo de modo tal que te muestre una nueva forma de ver las cosas y te prepare para ir por ms. Esto es algo nico en un curso de computacin.Temario de alto impacto con InternetA partir del octavo captulo del curso comienzas a aprender a usar Internet. En este aspecto sete ensear a utilizar esta herramienta como un potenciador de tu desarrollo yaque te brindaacceso a todo tipo de informacin. Hoy da tienes acceso a casi cualquier cosa que quierasaprender, a material escrito y audiovisual, a cursos y a publicaciones, tanto gratuitas comopagas. Lo que esto puede generar en tu vida es infinito.Temario de iniciativa de desarrollo personalSi bien este no es un curso puramente de desarrollo personal, teniendo en cuenta que existencursos especficos para esto y que profundizan muchsimo en aspectos esenciales para mejorartu vida, en este curso recibirs cierta dosis de motivacin que te impulsar a ir por ms.Encontrars algunos secretos que seguramente desconoces y hallars tcnicas de educacinque se aplican con personas de alto rendimiento, como empresarios y atletas olmpicos.Temario de Operador Windows Bsico: INFORMTICA1. Iniciando desde la nadaLa introduccin que todo el mundo necesitara para aprender computacin desde cero, comenzando desde cmo encender una computadora hasta cmo diferenciarlas. Todo con un enfoque prctico para que rompas esa barrera ante el uso de la computacin.2. Introduccin a WindowsComenzars a conocer el sistema Windows desde cero, de forma progresiva, introduciendo nuevas herramientas y conceptos poco a poco para que los vayas asimilando. Tendrs que seguir las prcticas sugeridas paso a paso para poder seguir el contenido.3. Archivos y carpetasTeniendo ya una base bsica indispensable para sentarte frente a una computadora sin miedo y con soltura, comenzars a trabajar con la creacin de archivos y carpetas desde el enfoque ms bsico posible. De este modo desarrollars la capacidad de asimilar conceptos avanzados y trabajar directamente con las computadoras. Esto te permitir incursionar en los captulos siguientes, donde retomars estos conceptos y los llevars a otro nivel.4. Procesamiento bsico de textoExtendiendo el mdulo anterior, aprenders a usar herramientas de procesamiento de texto junto a conceptos avanzados y esenciales en computacin, tales como Fuentes, Estilos, Tipos de Archivo, Impresin, entre otras cosas. Aqu dars un salto abismal en tus conocimientos.5. Introduccin a las imgenesEn la misma lnea del mdulo anterior, aprenders conceptos sobre el tratamiento de imgenes digitales y cmo estas son utilizadas por las computadoras. Esto te ayudar a comprender cmo funcionan las cmaras digitales y cul es la mejor manera de compartir tus fotos. Tu prctica con el ratn en este captulo ser intensa.6. Sistema de archivos en WindowsQuiz el mdulo ms complejo del curso y uno de los ms importantes. Representa la base fundamental para cualquier usuario de computacin, brindndote los elementos esenciales para hacer uso de cualquier sistema informtico. Extenders todo lo visto hasta el momento, representando el segundo salto cuntico en tus capacidades informticas.7. Windows en detalleHabiendo adquirido una base slida en los mdulos anteriores y soltura a travs de todas las prcticas y ejercicios, recorrers en este mdulo tu sistema Windows mucho ms a fondo, aprendiendo a usar herramientas avanzadas del sistema y personalizarlo a tu gusto.8. InternetEl tercer salto en el desarrollo de tus capacidades. Incursionars en el mundo de Internet, aprendiendo a utilizar un sinfn de herramientas poderosas y esenciales en el mundo de hoy. Este es uno de los mdulos ms importantes de todo el curso.9. Algunas plataformas WebHabiendo adquirido la base del trabajo con Internet en el mdulo anterior, aprenders a usar algunas herramientas de uso masivo hoy da, como Facebook, Twitter y YouTube.10. UtilidadesEn este mdulo conocers algunas herramientas muy tiles en el uso cotidiano de tu computadora, tales como antivirus y programas de mantenimiento de tu sistema. Se incluyen tambin aplicaciones de compresin y uso de formato de archivos ZIP, muy difundido hoy da.11. Teora bsicaFinalizars el curso con conceptos tericos avanzados que sern mucho ms sencillos de entender luego de todo el recorrido realizado en los 10 mdulos anteriores."
Price: 19.99

"dare Hukuku" |
"dare Hukuku'nu zaman ve mekan sknts ekmeden renmek istemez misiniz?Dershaneye, kursa ihtiya duymadan grsel ve szl anlatm ile dare Hukukunu renebilme imkannsizlere sunmak istedim. Dilediiniz vakit dare Tekilat hakkndaki bilgilere vakf olabileceksiniz.dare Tekilat iin gerekecek bilgileri snavlarda sorulmu sorular bazalarak ayrntl ve net olarak aktarmaya altm.Konu ieriklerinden daha verimli faydalanabilmeniz iin nacizane tavsiyelerim;dari Tekilat konusunun zor bir konu olduunu ve bu zorluun sebebinin ieriindeki ayrntlardan, ierik younluundan kaynaklandn biliyoruz.Tekilat konusuyla ilgili btn kanun maddelerini bilmemizin ok mmkn olmadn, zaten byle bir ihtiya duymadmz unutmayalm. Snavlar ve faklte hayat iin gerekecek ayrntda bilgiye sahip olmamz yeterli olacaktr. Ayrca bu bilgi birikimiyle teoride kalmayp uygulamaya ynelik hayatnzda da baarl olmanza bir nebze olsun yardmc olacaktr.Dersleri dinlerken slaytlar takip etmenizi neririm.Kendinize ilgili btn kanun maddelerini indirerek veya ders kitab edinerek bir ara edinmenizi, konu anlatmn lzum grmeniz halinde durdurup ilgili aralardan da yararlanmanz tavsiye ederim.Gerekli grdnz yerleri not alarak kendi dokmannz oluturmanz daima zaman kazanmanz salayacaktr.Bunlar dnda kendinize gre bir alma usulbelirlemeniz en salkl sonular almanz salayacaktr."
Price: 49.99

"The Quantum Mind: Stop Suffering & Take Back Your Life" |
"We experience so much unnecessary suffering in our lives andlive in a society that increases the likelihood of our suffering. Ive created an online course to help you get back into the drivers seat of your life.Based on eight years of researchand personalexperimentation, this course distills the essence fromsome of the best psychological theories and mental technologies humanity has ever created,from Buddhism to modern neuroscience.Whether this is your first mind-development course, or ifyou're a veteran at this, you will surely find resources, ideas and suggestions that nourish and sustain your quest to master the art of living.Module 1 - BuddhismModule 2 - Psychology of Excellence/Neuro-Linguistic ProgrammingModule 3 - The 4 Pillars of Well-BeingModule 4 - Spiritual Psychology"
Price: 19.99

"10 Steps To Permanent Happiness" |
"This is a lifetime journey that we will take together. I will be your teacher, guide, psychologist, motivator and friend.To be truly happy we need to learn and understand why we are unhappy, what is happiness and how we can achieve it. We have different types of happiness, but here we are going to be focused on permanent happiness.For permanent happiness, we have to make changes in our minds and soul. So we are going to learn about long-term solutions, methods, and techniques because that is the only way to be permanently happy.According to my approach, I made a combination of knowledge and a real experience to create this course.I am talking about happiness as a psychologistwho spent many years studying and researching the psychology of happiness.But what is more important, I am talking about happiness as someone who findshimself in a difficult situation, experienced deep sorrow, and then managedto return to the path of the happy ones. And I succeeded.It will be my pleasure to help you to take your life in your hands and create a meaningful and happy life.We will learn about a different life and personal tools and they are so powerful, so when you masterthem, you will be able to use them to manage your thoughts, emotions, behavior, and life.This all works because the process is always :Though> Emotion> Reaction> Behavior> Constant behavior> Life style> Happiness or unhappiness.All 10 steps are connected, and to take the next step you have to finish the previous one first.After every step you will have a TASK and find PDF/WORD files with exercises and tasks, so you will be able to apply what you learned immediately.Open your mind, open your heart and take my hand! Let's go!When you finish the course, please don't hesitate to ask me anything you want. In generally about course or about your personal situation.I am here for you anytime!"
Price: 109.99

"Estudo da Biblia - Panorama Biblico (Modulo 1 - Origens)" |
"Panorama BiblicoQuando eu aceitei Jesus como Senhor da minha vida, Deus proveu-me com um grande amigo, Aguinaldo Cruz, que se tornou meu pai da f, e cuidou de mim nos primeiros anos. Uma das coisas mais importantes que ele fez foi me direcionar para um estudo bblico srio, com real substncia. Era o tempo ureo do Panorama Bblico, ministrado pela querida Mrcia Veiga de Carvalho, o qual eu atendi por 3 anos seguidos. Os ensinamentos deste curso moldaram e embasaram a minha vida crist e o meu ministrio. Especificamente os ensinamentos a partir de Gnesis so de grandiosa valia, e abrem o entendimento da palavra, numa dimenso que certamente afeta toda a percepo da Bblia e do plano de Deus para o homem. Quando pela primeira vez eu ouvi sobre o projeto de Deus com a nao Israel, e a forma como o Senhor levantou Abro e estabeleceu a sua aliana, naquele mesmo dia eu percebi que a minha vida j no seria mais a mesma, pela qualidade da revelao implantada no meu esprito. Depois veio o entendimento da igreja como intervalo proftico, a partir da rejeio do Messias Jesus, por parte de Israel, e a forma como me foi revelada a verdadeira misso da igreja, e aquilo que nunca foi plano de Deus para ns. Por fim, o entendimento escatolgico, numa anlise mais aprofundada dos livros de Daniel e Apocalipse, fechou com chave de ouro este corpo de doutrinas, e me capacitou plenamente para o ministrio na palavra. Este curso se prope a trazer estes pontos de uma forma didtica e leve, obviamente menos aprofundada em detalhes como o curso original, mas igualmente revelador e transformador, possibilitando a sua aplicao em trabalhos de grupos celulares e estudos bblicos em geral. Voc vai entender alguns pontos da palavra de Deus que faro a diferena na tua vida. E a nossa orao que a tua vida seja frutfera, e que o Senhor seja glorificado. Deus te abenoe.Pr. Claudio Santilli "
Price: 19.99

"Inkscape: Sfrdan balayarak vektrel izim renin" |
"Inkscape Nedir?Inkscape ak kaynakl olarak gelitirilen, Illustrator ve CorelDRAWgibiprofesyonel bir vektrel grafik yazlmdr. Inkscape tamamen cretsiz ve gl bir yazlmdr. Inkscape ile logolar, afiler, kurumsal kimlik almalar, illstrasyonlar, web grafikleri, ikonlar ve ok eitli grafik tasarmalmalar oluturabilirsiniz.Bu kurs Trke olarak hazrlanm en kapsaml ve en profesyonel Inkscape kursudur.Inkscape'i temel seviyeden balayarak profesyonel seviyeye kadar renmek iin kursa kaydolabilirsiniz.Ben aksini belirtmediim srece dersler gncellenecektir."
Price: 99.99

Price: 3000.00

"Blow Up Your Small Business" |
"If you're trying to grow your new orsmall business, but can't afford to hire an ""A-list"" marketing agency, then this course is for you!Why? Because it'll show you which powerful words to use togrowyour business. Your customers only make buying decisions after hearing or seeing words that compel them to buy. If you use the right words, you'll make more sales. It's that simple.Sadly, most businesses have a difficult time explaining what they do in a clear, compelling way and it's costing them thousands (even millions of dollars).So we created thissimple 12-step blueprint that showsyou how toclearly communicate your value in the marketplace so you will stand out, get noticed, and getmore customers.If you want 'word-of-mouth' advertising to spread like wildfire for your business, thenthis course is for you.Welcome, let's get started and grow your business today!- Brian FlemingCourse Founder"
Price: 34.99

"Como Criar Um Post Viral no Facebook" |
"H 11 anos eu montei meu primeiro negcio na internet. Eu no sabia nada de marketing digital. Na poca eu no tinha nenhum capital para comear. Era extremamente difcil conseguir clientes. Eu pensava nas mais diferentes estratgias de marketing, nada funcionava. Foi ento que comecei a buscar informaes em outros lugares, ler livros, assistir palestras, e aos poucos fui aplicando e entendendo como tudo funcionava.At que alguns anos atrs eu acertei em cheio. Um artigo no meu site teve 150.000 visitas e 50 mil compartilhamentos em um dia. Eu nem acreditava. Desde ento, passei a me dedica a estudar esses fenmenos.Como consultor de marketing digital eu sempre atendi pequenas empresas. Mas sempre foi muito difcil, porque as pequenas empresas esto sempre com a corda no pescoo. Elas precisam vender, mas no possuem dinheiro pra isso.Tinha um cliente precisando muito de algo que trouxesse vendas. Eu j estava bolando essa estratgia, mas ainda no tinha surgido a oportunidade de aplic-la. Ento eu pensei:- Esse o momento perfeito!Foi ento que eu criei um post que teve 3.300 curtidas, 2.100 comentrios e 916 compartilhamentos. E o melhor, tivemos 128 vendas em 2 dias. Como investimos 200reais, o retorno foi mais de 1.280%.Esse post aborda exatamente isso. Como voc pode criar um post viral no Facebook que ainda faa sua empresa vender mais.Voc no precisar ser um gnio do marketing e muito menos entender tudo de computador. Basta voc ter uma pgina do Facebook para sua empresa e implementar tudo que eu disser.Aqui voc vai aprender como escolher a melhor estratgia de contedo para seu post no Facebook, como ter ideias de postagens, como criar a postagem e como fazer com que ela se propague."
Price: 39.99

"Desenvolvimento Responsivo com HTML5, CSS3 e Javascript" |
"Depois de anos atuando como desenvolvedor web freelancer, decidi concentrar meus esforos na produo de um curso que ensine outras pessoas a fazer o mesmo.Neste curso voc ir aprender como criar seus prprios sites para a internet moderna, e sem a necessidade de ter nenhum conhecimento prvio.Iremos aprender o bsico do funcionamento da internet, estilizar as pginas, programar funcionalidades com linguagens de programao e no fim publicar nosso site.Isso mesmo, voc ir partir do nada at no fim ter aprendido uma nova profisso."
Price: 579.99

"The complete betting roulette course 2020 + Free APP espaol" |
"Subtitulos en ESPAOL disponiblesWhenwas the last time that you obtain profits from the casino roulette atleast for three of four consecutive times?Longtime ago, I used to bet randomly, I used to put the money on thetable, cross my finger and wait to win. Of course, most of the time Ifailed. Then I started to buy books, videos and tutorials, butnothing changed. Finally, I studied the mathematics of the rouletteand I learned a lot useful things. I also studied some basic butimportant aspects of psychology of gambling to understand how casinosmanipulate people in order to get their money easily. Now I apply allthat knowledge and my profits have been considerable incremented.Themain problem I had, was that I always wanted to recover my moneyafter losing a bet. I was betting, and betting over and over againinstead of going home and return other day. The secret of asuccessful bet at roulette is stop betting randomly. Bycalculating the probabilities of the roulette numbers, theuncertainty of a bet is considerable decreased and at the same timeprofits are incremented. If you are not able to compute theprobabilities of the roulette in each spin, you are doomed to failover and over again.Originally,I developed an app for me. That app computes automatically all theprobabilities of the roulette, increases the probabilities to win,helps to design a bet strategy, and it is completely customizable.All the calculations are based on the probability theory, in the sameway that professionals obtain profits. This app comes free with thecourse.Withthis app I could recover all the money I have lost in the casino.It really worked for me; it can work for anyone. The trick isto stay at the casino the less time you can. You win, you leave thecasino. For each extra minute you stay in the casino, theprobabilities of lose your profits could be considerable increased.Specially if you don't have enough self-control. Thiscourse can be taken by any person. No specific math knowledge isrequire. All you need is internet connection and a web browser. Iwill teach you how to compute all the probabilities in a roulette.This helps you to easily take decisions during a betting session.With this course and the app you will know about repeated numbers,delay in specific kind of numbers and the probabilities for lastroulette numbers. You will be able to see everything in a graphicwhich presents the behavior of the roulette. Thisis not a miracle course. No one can predict thefuture or know which would be the next roulette number. However,computing the probabilities clearly increases the chances ofwinning. By computing probabilities you can't lose, can you? Yes,you can! Anything can happen in the real world. The coursemain purpose is to increment the chances to obtain profits,not to magical predict numbers. I'msure there are a lot of courses that promise 100% of numberpredictions. To obtain profits the most important thing is tocorrectly manage your money when you are betting. With this coursesometimes you may lose other you may win, but the balance willhave positive profits.Thecourse provides all the tools needed to compute probabilities inroulette, betting systems, betting strategies, monitoring numbers andcomplete information about the roulette. With all this you canpick up the more suitable winner numbers.Ifanyway you are going to bet, it would be better to do it withacknowledge and advantage. If roulette data is analyzed, the successis guaranteed.Thinktwice, bet once, win a lot of money.P.S.Roulette betting is easier with this course, you can monitor theroulette behavior, know all the probabilities, and customize yourbets. Enroll now and increase your profits."
Price: 19.99

"Le marketing par chatbots: gnrer des ventes et prospects." |
"Dans cette formation, vous allez apprendre comment utiliser le messenger marketing pour gnrer des prospects et augmenter votre chiffre daffaires.Jy partage mes meilleures stratgies et tactiques en plus de partager les statistiques de mes bons et mauvais coups. Cette formation vous donne tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour crer des chatbots efficaces et profitables pour votre entreprise."
Price: 49.99

"Crez un site web avec SquareSpace, de 0 la mise en ligne!" |
"Dans cette formation, je vais vousguider pourcrer votre propre site SquareSpace, sans aucune exprience requise et aucun codage.Mme si vous n'avez jamais cr de site web, vous serez en mesure d'avoir votre site en ligne en l'intrieur d'une heure!Pourquoi devriez-vous suivre cette formationParce que cette formation est trscomplte, vous partirez de 0 et jusqu' l'achat du nom de domaine et la mise en ligne de votre site web.tape par tape, vous apprendrez btir votrepropre site web facilement, sans perdredutemps puisque votre professeur vous guidera tout au long du processus.Parce qu'au final, votre site web auraun magnifique design, il seraperformant au niveau SEO, vous pourrez le personnaliser selon votre besoin (blogue, ecommerce...) et ce,sans avoir coder quoi que ce soit.Vous allez apprendre :Configurer votre compte et choisir le modle (template) parfait pour votre type d'entreprisePersonnaliser votre contenu et designAjouter un blogue votre site webAjouter un ecommerce pour vendre vos produits ou services en ligneInstaller le pixel Facebook sur votre site webApprendre les bases du SEOEt plus encore.Pourquoi vous allez aimer ce cours:Apprentissages en franais. Malgr que l'interface de SquareSpacesoit en anglais, 100% du cours est dans la langue franaise,qubcoise ;)Professeur d'exprience. Avec plus de 30 sites web crs, votre professeur a toutesconnaissances ncessaires pour vous aider btir comme il faut, par vous-mme, votre premier site web!Gain de temps. Grce cette formation concise et droit au but, vous serez en mesure de mettre en ligne votre site web en 1h. En plus, vous ne perdrez pas de temps essayer de comprendre une nouvelle plateforme, puisque je vous explique clairementce qui est important ou non.conomies d'argent. Faire faire son site web peuttre trs coteux. Avec SquareSpace, vous payez un petit montant mensuellement et le tour est jou. Vous tes autonomes et ne dpensez pas de sommes faramineuses une agence qui vous charge pour chaque modification.Au plaisir de vous voir dans le cours!"
Price: 34.99

"Public Speaking Basics" |
"This interactive workshop is the quickest way to improve your public speaking I have yet found. I've run versions of this for hundreds of people of all ages and without fail, I see a dramatic improvement over the course of this one short workshop.The primary value of this workshop is the individualized feedback you'll receive on a speech that you give.In this course you'll get a series of short videos in which I cover the following areas with tips and techniques:Prep and basicsEyesMouthHandsFeetPropsContentAgain, the videos with tips are helpful, but don't mistake them for the main value of this course! The main value is when you give your speech and get feedback specific to you!After taking in the tips you will then record yourself in front of at least one other person giving a 3-minute speech on any topic, and answering a few quick questions from them afterwards. You'll schedule a free session with Lyceum Communications where they'll review your speech and give you feedback.By the end of this workshop, you WILL be a better public speaker!Your time commitment:*20 minutes of videos to watch*Record and share 3-minute speech*Take in feedback"
Price: 24.99

"Public Speaking for Aspiring Professionals" |
"This course is designed to help you developvaluable public speaking skills and provides you with in-depth information on developing an engaging program and delivering your presentation with power.The course is divided into 11 sections. The first section is the course introduction. Sections 2, 3,and 4help you prepare yourtopic and set yourself up to succeed. Sections 5 through8 deliver thetips and tools you need to put it all together and overcomecommon obstacles to success. Sections 9 and 10 focus on thedelivery of your speech and handling follow up questions.The final sectionwraps up the course and prepares you for what's ahead."
Price: 24.99

"psd to html and css conversion course" |
"in this course you will learn how to convert a photoshop design to html and css responsive website.i will show you a process i used to convert almostany design to a functional website.you will learn how to:* measure elements in photoshop *create an html tags hierarchy for all the design elements*translate a photoshop layout to css style*convert photoshop colors, effects and fonts to css*use a simple slider with your website*use the same html and css to create an inner page for the same design"
Price: 199.99

"psd to html using bootstrap3 , sass and jade course" |
"in this course you will learn how to convert a psd design to html withbootstrap 3 using a faster and more effective workflow.i will show you how to use sass a css precompiler and jade a html precompiler. using these tools will make your workflow more effective.using bootstrap 3 grid we will create the pages layout faster.the final product will also have a preloader ,slider and a google map, js and jquery knowledge is not required,as they can be used as is (copy paste code basically).i assume in this course you have at least basic understanding of html and css .i also add a extras section for stuff that didnt make it into the main course."
Price: 104.99

"psd to html with materializecss jade and sass" |
"why learn how to convert PSD to HTML :simple,money. 1 page conversion can cost a 100$ (ten times the price of this course) , more complex designs may cost more. some front end developers make more then this. as their main income or side income.my work process comes from my experience , anyone can teach you HTML and CSS , but an effective workflow like mine can save you alot of time and work , thats exactly what i teach, this is not just another course teaching you how to convert a design to a website, i will show you the tools i use and my own workflow. summeryin this course, you will learn how to convert aPSDdesign toHTMLwithmaterializecssusing a faster and more effective workflow.Iwill show you how to use sass aCSSprecompiler and jadeaHTMLprecompiler. using these tools will make your workflow more efficient.usingmaterializecssgrid we will create the layout of the page faster.metrilizecssalso have cool premadeCSScolor class,Iwill show you how to change the whole color scheme of the webpage fast with just the search and replacefunction.the final product will also have a preloader, slider, carousel, lightbox etc, js and jquery knowledge is not required, as they can be used as is (copy paste code basically).Iassume in this course you have at least a basic understanding ofHTMLandCSS.no other course on the market teaches how to convert PSD to HTML like this coursejade: is much cleaner then vanilla HTML, more readable and has features HTMLdosnt have like loops. using jade will improve your workflow. you will be able to create HTML faster then you could before.Sass: again more readable then vanilla CSS , class can be nested, has functions, variables and other tools that makes your CSS coding workflow better and easier to maintain/reuse.materialize css: is a css framework like bootstrap but with materialize design concepts. has alot of things out of the box other then just CSS it also comes with a built in responsive slider lightbox and alot of other modules, its easier to use then bootstrap once you get into it.learning to convert PSD to HTML using only HTML CSS or even with bootstrap is nice, my workflow is more advanced and makes the hole process much more easy, fast and efficient."
Price: 119.99

"Save time and boost your digital reach using RSS feeds" |
"Do you find it takes far too much timeto share some of your excellent digital content once you've created it? First you have to post it via Twitter, thento Facebook, and thendon't forget toinclude it inyour next email newsletter or update.Wouldn't it be useful to be able to automate much of this process, so that every time you added a new blog post or new content to your site it was automatically distributed to various channels? And wouldn't it be particularly useful if there was a free tool to help you do this?Good news.There is. RSS.Really Simple Syndication. You probably recognise its small square orange logo but have never been quite sure what it does.This course guides you through making the most of it in four key ways:automate sharing your latest website content to another website (to reach a bigger audience)automate sharing your latestcontent via your email alertsautomate sharing your latest content via your Twitter accountautomate sharing your latest content via more social channels - Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and moreOnce you've set RSS up, it will just run, day in day out,sharing your content to a wide audience in multiple locations.Think of the time you could save by automating one or more of these tasks.No coding is required. This really is as straightforward as it sounds."
Price: 34.99

"Roadmap to Social Media Success" |
"Becoming a social media influencer is the #1 most wanted job for today's teenagers and young adults, but most people have no idea where to start. In this course, you will learn all the tips and tricks on how to build a following on social media and ultimately become famous.When you imagine your dream life, do you think of having the freedom to do whatever you want?Do you think of creating content that changes people's lives? Then becoming an internet personality might be the perfect career for you. From the very experienced social media creators to people who just consume content on Instagram, you will walk away from this course with a completely changed understanding of social media.I will teach you all the ins-and-outs of creating content, building a following, and staying relevant on the top three social media platforms: youtube, instagram, and snapchat."
Price: 19.99

"Creating a YouTube Video: Start to Finish" |
"If you're a small YouTube creator, you know what it feels like to work for hours on a video only to upload it and get no views. Trust me, it's one of the worst feelingsin the world.You've been uploading for months and your channel still seems to be getting no traction. This isn't what you thought being a YouTuber would be like! You look around and see other channels growing quickly, but your growth is stagnant. You start to wonderWhat makes my videos different from every other successful YouTuber's?If only you knew the specific patterns all of the top YouTubers use to create your videos, then you could replicate them and implement them into your own videos. Therehasto be some kind of formula for creating successful videos, right?Introducing... this online course! I spent two weeks analyzing the top growing YouTubers of the past year and found multiple interesting patterns that the top YouTubers use to create their thumbnails, titles, and even video ideas!In September 2017, I implemented these principles into my own YouTube videos. Within a month, my channel grew from 138 subscribers to over 1,100 in October 2017! I don't think that was a coincidence.I'm sharing these principles with you so you can save years from your YouTube career because you won't have to do all the experimenting, analyzing, and studying I did to solve the YouTube growth mystery.Here's what you'll learn:Finding winning video ideas.You'll learn the exact, step-by-step process on how to find YouTube video ideas that will gain you thousands of views and hundreds of subscribers.Creating the actual video.In the first part, you'll learn the basic technical side of creating YouTube videos. Secondly, you'll learn the two biggest mistakes I made in my YouTube career so far and how you can fix them to gain you hundreds more followers and subscribers.Formula for titles and thumbnails.The most valuable pattern I saw during my YouTube study is the way the top creators create their titles and thumbnails. Knowing exactly how to create eye-catching thumbnails and attention-grabbing titles can make or break your YouTube career.Building a tight-knit community.The exact steps to building a connection with your viewers. This method only takes a few minutes per day, but it can gain you hundreds of subscribers over time.I'd love to see you inside the course!It'll save you years of experimenting and it's very fairly priced."
Price: 19.99

"Hackeando Seu Sono" |
"No curso Hackeando Seu Sono voc vai aprender diversas tcnicas para maximizar a qualidade do seu sono, e assim, ter muito mais disposio no seu dia a dia. Tudo de maneira saudvel, sem medicamentos ou qualquer coisa que possa ser prejudicial a sua sade.Seja para estudar, seja para trabalhar, voc vai se tornar uma mquina!O curso dividido em 6 mdulos, que abordam desde conceitos tericos (para formao de base de conhecimento) como conceitos prticos (para voc aplicar e colher os resultados).So eles:* Mdulo #1: Por que o sono to importante?* Mdulo #2: Os estgios do sono* Mdulo #3: A configurao ideal para o seu quarto* Mdulo #4: Ritual noturno perfeito* Mdulo #5: Como tirar cochilos de maneira inteligente* Mdulo #6: Combatendo a insniaNunca mais voc vai se sentir cansado ao longo do dia!"
Price: 99.99

"Crie sites Wordpress hospedados gratuitamente na Amazon" |
"Esse curso pra quem:Quer ter um site ou blog mas no tem dinheiro para pagar mensalmente um servidor.Querter um site mas no sabecomo configurar um, e no quer pagar algum pra fazer isso.Quer aprender a criar e configurar um site pra ganhar dinheiro com isso, criando sites ou blogspara outras pessoas.-Neste curso,vou te ensinar detalhadamente o passo a passo pra colocar um site Wordpress no ar, hospedando o sitegratuitamentena Amazon Web Services (AWS), que simplesmente uma das melhores e mais confiveis plataformas para este fim."
Price: 99.99

"Data Structures and Algorithms in Java" |
"This course will give you the ability tosolve problems, most people focus on the programming language, but people often forget about algorithms.Algorithmsare definitely more important than a programming language, you can learn a programming language in about week, but the problem-solving ability is much harder to learn. But the benefits are worth it.When you get tointerviewmostly they care about yourproblem-solving abilities.To get your dream job, you need to know how to solve whatever problem they have. In this course, you will learn how to do that.Also, I believe thatnobodyhas time for long and boring lectures, so inthis class, Itry to explain theimportant thingsin afast and engagingway, so I won't bore you to death.We start off withSorting algorithms, I explain each algorithm and then I show you implementation.After that we take a look atData Structures, Ichoose In my opinion the best Structures for you to learn the important concepts.As a bonus, I go through the complexproblem-solving techniques.And Ishow you how these works on common examples such asKnapsackandMinimum spanning tree.I believe that learning and understanding these concepts willhelp you solve problems more efficiently."
Price: 99.99

"Java for Complete Beginners: Become Junior Java Developer" |
"Learn to programmefrom scratch for complete beginnersSave your precious timewiththis course. You will learn how to program in Java ina fast and easy way!You don't need any experience in programming to take this course.This course is designed forcomplete beginners.All you need is Computer and ability to learn.As the course name ""Java for complete beginners"" suggestThis course is designed to help you start with programming, I explain important concepts such as Variables, Conditions, Loops or Functions. Then I show you how to use these things to createSimple applications in Java. Almost every programmer started by creating simple applicationsand almost everyprogrammer is now earning decent money.This course is mostly designed for beginnerwho wantsto learn Java or programming fundamentals, if you are advanced and already familiar with programming fundamentals, or with programming in java. This course might not be for you.Java is the most used and popular programming language, by Indeed there were 26 268 Job openings in Java. And it was marked as Most in-demand Programming language."
Price: 99.99

"Algorithms and Data Structures in C++ (2020)" |
"This course will give you ability tosolve problems, most people focus on programming language, but people offten forget about algorithms.Algorithmsare definetly more important than programming language, you can learn programming language in about week, but problem solving ability is much harder to learn. But the benefits are worth it.When you get tointerviewmostly they care about yourproblem solving abilities.To get your dream job, you need to know how to solve whatever problem they have. In this course you will learn how to do that.Also I belive thatnobodyhave time for long and booring lectures, so inthis class Itry to explain theimportant thingsin afast and engagingway, so I won't bore you to death.We start off withSorting algorithms, I explain each algorithm and then I show you implementation in C++.After that we take a look atData Structures, Ichosed In my opinion the best Structures for you to learn the important concepts.As a bonus I go through complexproblem solving techniques.And Ishow you how these works on common examples such asKnapsackandMinimum spanning tree.I belive that learning and understanding these concepts willhelp you solve problems more efficiently."
Price: 199.99

"Assembly Language: Learn Assembly Programming Fast In 2020" |
"Assemblyis a historic programming language, but when you write a program in Java, C# or any other programming language it is translated into Assembly and then Assembly code runs onthe processor. So even though Assembly Language is not commonly used programming language. It is stillimportantto know How Assembly worksandHow you carwriteprograms in Assembly.In this course, you will learn How Assembly works ( if you learn how assembly works, you understand how the microcontroller works ) and that is useful even if you program inJavaorC#. We start off with Inline Assembly, and that is Assembly code wrote inside C/C++. I choose to do so because I want to start simple and then move on to realAssembly.I Explain Important Concepts such asRegisters,Stack,MemoryAccess,Jumps,ConditionalJumps. And inside this course are plenty ofexerciseson which you can practice and improve your skills. And if you get stuck or if you don't understand something You can alwaysreach out to meand ask,mostly I respond the same day."
Price: 99.99

"Software Engineering : Master Software Engineering in C#" |
"In order to create Efficient Algorithms, you must start from bottom. Learn the important concepts of problem solving and Software engineering. And then use the knowledge you gain to create your own algorithms. Algorithms are essential part of computer science and programing. Every program is executing some Algorithm. So it is important to know how to create efficient algorithms.I think every programmerexpierienced null pointer exceptionor something like that. These errors are not created by ""not knowing the programming language"" but they are created because the algorithmis incorrect. So what do you think is more important, Algorithms or programming language ?By learning Software engineering concepts. You will be able to create algorithms. Ofcourse it takes also practice, but learning software engineering is first stepto better algorithms and better analythic thinking.In this course I will go through Software engineering( algorithms and data structures, problem solving)In Sorting Algorithms section you will learn:Selection SortBubble SortRecursionMerge SortQuick SortIn Data Structures section you will learn:What is Data StructureBinary Search TreeAVL treeLinked ListTrieHash TableIn Problem Solving section you will learn:Divide and ConquerDynamic programmingGreedy AproachBacktrackingAnd I will explin these techniques on:0-1 Knapsack problemKruskal's algorithmsSo do you want to learn software engineering ?"
Price: 199.99

"C Programming For Beginners" |
"Save your precious time by taking this course, This course is designed to show you C language, and to help you understand programming fundamentals. This course is designed for complete beginners, so there is no need for previous experience with programming.This course is great if you want to start with programming or if you want to learn/improve your C programming skills.In my opinion, long lectures are boring, so in this course, I try to explain things in a fast and engaging way so I won't bore you to death. Also, there is plenty of exercises on which you can practice. And if you get stuck or if you need anything I will be there to help you, mostly I respond to questions within a day.In this course you will learn:What is programming?Variables, data typesConditions, if, switchArrays, loopsFunctionsPointers, referenceStructsAlso in the course is plenty of simple application on which I explain important concepts."
Price: 199.99
