"Yoga Terapeutico Para la Espalda - Estira y Elimina el Dolor" |
"Quien no ha sufrido de dolorde espalda? Si es tu caso y es constante quiero compartir esta rutinade kAca yoga para mejorar tu salud en esta rea del cuerpo que nosbrinda balance corporal.Los dolores de espaldacomnmente son relacionados con malas posturas, movimientos contraindicados hasta usar tacones altos. Tambin los dolores de espaldason provocados por condiciones medicas como discos herniados,escoliosis, entre otros. Estas dos ultimas condiciones son con lascuales he batallado toda mi vida y por eso, me enfoqu para ver quasanas o poses serian las recomendables para hacer toda una rutina.En esta rutina de kAca yogales ensearemos asanas para entrenar los distintos musculos quesostienen la columna, y es importante que inhalen y exhalen en cadaasana y transicin para poder enviar suficiente oxigeno a estasreas.Esta rutina la puedespracticar cuantas veces quieras y no solo cuando tengas dolor deespalda. Bienvenidos!Adems estre programa tiene como BONUS EXTRA:. MEDITACION DE 25 MINUTOS CON SONIDOTERAPIA Y VASOS DE CRISTAL. RUTINA CORTA PARA ESTIRAR EL CUELLO"
Price: 74.99

"Yoga Terapeutico Contra La Depresin" |
"Hola, quiero compartir la rutina kAca yoga contra la depresion. Este programa consta de dos rutinas y una meditacion larga con nuestros vasos de cuarzo.Practica cada rutina hasta cuatro semanas donde el cerebro se adapta a los nuevos movimientos, si es que quieres pasar a otra rutina o a otro nivel.Como el yoga es meditacion en movimiento, estas rutinas te serviran para solo enfocarte en el momento presente de lo que estas haciendo: yoga!Y no olvides volver a la calma haciendo meditacion que tenemos disponible con nuestros vasos de cristal al estilo unico de kacayoga.Y sobre todo, esta rutina no es una solucion para eliminar la depresion. Para eso es importante recurrir a un medico especializado. Aqui lo que hacemos es seguir las recomendaciones de incluir ejercicio a esta etapa que seguro pasaras con exito. Y como rutinas extras:RUTINA PARA EL CUELLORUTINA PARA MAS AMORRUTINA PARA PROTEGER TU AURARUTINA PARA ACTIVAR Y CALMARAsi que sin mas que esperar, busca tu mat de yoga y empecemos."
Price: 74.99

"Domine o InDesign CC 2018" |
"Este curso foi criado para voc que deseja entender o inDesign de uma vez por todas, vamos explicar as ferramentas bsicas de maneira simples e objetiva, durante o curso vamos criar um e-book usando todas as principais ferramentas e claro te mostrar segredos que vo agilizar e muito seu trabalho , so mais de 5 horas de contedo pratico e posso te garantir depois deste curso voc vai usar o inDesign com extrema facilidade.. te espero la no curso at."
Price: 54.99

"The Get Things Done Gmail System to Conquer Your Inbox" |
"Do you spend most of your time at work dealing with email? Do you always feel email slows you down on your actual work?Learn how to save HOURSper week by using the dead-simple to set up and maintain GTDGmail Framework and start conquering your inbox!Learn and copy my ""Get Things Done Gmail System"" that will save you hours per month dealing with email. You'll become faster, smarter, and better when it comes to email.With this course, you will reach Inbox Zero in less than 5 minutes every single time and you'll only need to check email 2 to 3 times per day.This leaves you with more time to focus on doing Deep Work and work on projects that move the needle on your goals!Email is the devil of the Knowledge Economy.If you dont have a management system in place, it can be the ultimate time-waster, hurting productivity. This course will introduce you to getting things done in the Gmail system and teach you how to use it in daily life.Youll learn how to set up labels and match filters with them, how to use advanced Gmail features, how to clean your inbox for the first time (without spending the hours on it), which tools and technology may help you conquer your inbox, and how to receive fewer emails.This will make email processing a breeze, reaching Inbox Zero in less than five minutes while keeping important tasks and to-dos in sight.What you will learn in this course:In this course, you will learnover 30different productivity hacksyou can learn right now and level-up your email game!After investing in this course and by following the lessons in it, you'll cut your email time by 80%. Think of all the time you'll save that you can use to do actual work.So what are you waiting for?Enroll today and start saving valuable hours per week!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The course has over 30 lectures and comes with free-for-lifecontinuous updates.In less than 2 hours, you can become a Gmail power user by following the step-by-step instructions. Lessons are easy to follow and cover everything you need to know to become a master at dealing with email and increase your productivity. No fluff, pure value only.You'll have lifetime access to watch the videos whenever you like. If you're not 100% satisfied, there is a 30 day money back guarantee!Here's everything you'll learn:How to always reach inbox zero in less than 5 minutesHow to process emails dailywith the email workflow of the GTD Gmail InboxThe only 3 actions you need to take on emailsHow to apply the Touch-It-Once principle to deal with email fasterUsing the 2-minute rule to beat procrastinationHow to copy my framework in less than 15 minuteswith step-by-step instructionsAssing multiple inboxes to segment your emails by typeHow to use stars to organize emails by different inboxesHow to always have an inbox zero but also keep all important emails in sightDeciding the categories of emails and how to create themHow to match your stars with your inboxesThe best email layout you can use to increase productivityHow to set up labels to keep all non-important emails away from your main inboxWhich labels to create and how many you truly need to haveSetting up filters and matching them to your labelsA sneaky trick to match filters to your labels and how you can take advantage of it to segment email automaticallyHow to set up keyboard shortcuts that save you thousands of clicks over timeSetting up custom keyboard shortcuts to make it easier to remember and useAuto-advancing emails so you never have to click on emails to open them (this is awesome!)Enabling send and archive to process email like a champion and reach inbox zero fasterHow to never send an email by mistake by using this powerful feature that should be a defaultDoing the first cleaning of your inbox and getting to Inbox zero for the first time in under 25 minutesParkinson's Law and the Pomodoro Productivity Technique to make the first cleaning easy-peezyHow to quickly remove large emails using a simple search query (using the 80/20 rule)The 5 principles that you need to follow to receive fewer emailsKnow and understand the 6 different types of emails and the actions you need to take on each oneHow to keep unimportant conversations out of your inbox for goodHow to get to Inbox Zero in less than 10 minutes upon returning from a vacation (simple hack)Make email appear automatically and reply faster with Canned ResponsesLearn the essential Gmail search operators to find any email in 5 seconds or lessWhy you should treat email as any to-do and schedule time in your calendar to deal with them (+2 other hacks!)How to use automatic responses to protect your most valuable asset: your time (includes two templates you can copy)Use IFTTT to connect multiple apps toGmail and automate repetitive tasksStop being a slave of your inbox and enroll now.It's100% risk free 30 day money back guarantee! - Lifetime access------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Who is this course for?Everyone who wants to increase their productivityEveryone who wants to be an expert in Gmail and other email systemsAt the end of this class, you will be given a Certificate of Completion."
Price: 29.99

"Ayurveda Online Course - The Science of Self Healing" |
"""Ayurveda is an all-encompassing science which combine scientific facts and profound empirical observation of Man and his connection to the Cosmos through the basic elements which are found in all life-substances.These substances in Nature, according to Ayurveda, are considered to have healing qualities and are used to treat disordered life-principles, which cause disharmony and result in disease."" (Vasant Lad)This course was made with love and devotion to the art of healing that is Ayurveda and with the deep desire to help other in their first steps towards selk-knowledge and acceptance.Within the section you will find each concept and theory organised in terms of difficulty and complexity, and all knowledge wasexplained in simplicity and clarity to the best of our capacities.Ayurveda is a very ancient art of life that ecompasses all our forms of existence (body, mind, soul) and focuses on bringing health, harmony and equilibrium to all. Throughout the course we share our thoughts and learnings to share this deep concepts of energy, life and nature with the purpose of fostering self-discovery, acceptance, intuition and love."
Price: 124.99

"Subquery Magic: Write awesome SQL, Master T-SQL Sub Queries" |
"In this Course you will Learn to:Know and understand subqueriesIdentify subqueries in SQLUse subqueries in your select statementUse subqueries in the WHERE clause with EXISTS and INUse subqueries with SUM, MAX and other Aggregate functions in GROUPBY and HAVINGWrite correlated subqueries (this is a big deal)Nothing is worse thanBeing excited to learn something newbut not knowing where to start.Wasting time learning the wrong features.Being overwhelmed with options and not know which to use.Imagine Having...Knowledge - Knowing how to quickly use subqueries to take your SQL to the next level.Confidence - Feeling good that youre on the right track.Accomplishment - Having a sense of accomplishment that you've learned something most can not.Fun - Actually having fun learning SQL subqueries!By the time youve completed this course youll have an appreciation of subqueries, overcome your fear, and able to write correlated queries to make your SQLmore robust."
Price: 19.99

"Join Together Now: Write T-SQL Joins to query SQL Server" |
"In this Course you will Learn to:Use different types of joins to solve real-world query problems. Understand the key differences between inner and outer joins.Use non-equi joins to solve interesting problems such as calculating running totals. Combine columns from two or more tables into a single result. Know when to use an outer join. Nothing is worse than Being excited to learn something newbut not knowing where to start. Wasting time learning the wrong features. Being overwhelmed with options and not know which to use. Imagine Having... Knowledge - Knowing how to quickly use joins to take your SQL to the next level. Confidence - Feeling good that youre on the right track. Accomplishment - Having a sense of accomplishment that you've learned something most cannot. Fun - Having fun learning SQL inner and outer joins! By the time youve completed this course youll have an appreciation of joins, overcome your fear, and able to write queries combining data from multiple tables. Now thats cool!"
Price: 19.99

"Full Stack Web Development From Scratch with PHP in 10 Days" |
"So you've decided to learn web development yourself and researching about which course is best for you?What's next?You want to pick the best and easy one that can help you transform yourself step-by-step as easily as possible but you've become confused to decide which course is best on ""full stack web development"".I know it by experience because when I was learning web development it wasted me a lot of time doing it all myself and after several years of selling coding services to international clients and reaching top 1% service provider, I've had figured out that freelance developers don't need to learn everything.If you want to earn money as a web developer, you don't need to master so many web languages.And you don't even need to confuse yourself in the beginning.You just need to know essentials and understand how to create practical solutions, not how to memorize vocabulary.The more you'll CREATE the more you'll LEARN and UNDERSTAND it better and of course memorize by doing.So, what's different about my course?A Focused Practical Approach:This course was made without going in unnecessary details to let you focus on essential practicals as a beginner.First Difference:This is experiential learning. Each of the lesson tells you what to do, and shows you how to do it, with my explanations.Rather than give you a (unnecessary) ""vocabulary"" like a lot of online courses do, this gives you a framework that orients you just enough so that you can learn by doing.It shows you from scratch to finish about making simple plain text file to a website to a custom basic admin panel with database and therefore will be more useful and powerful for your kick start.Second Difference:You'll get to experience what it's like to be a full stack web developer. Some ""full stack web development"" courses skip this part, which confuses you about what to do next and you are left blank after finishing the course.After this course, you will have confidence and experience to create websites by utilizing practical experience from this course. You won't really be stuck on how things work together.Here is What You Will Practically Do:- You create HTML website starting from scratch as a text file- You convert HTML website into PHP website- You transform website with CSS- You'll make PHP website into a responsive website using Bootstrap 4- You will manipulate web pages and images using jQuery- You'll easily learn SQL language and perform various operations- You create a custom and secure Admin Panel with Database- You'll setup Domain and Hosting for your created website- You'll upload website live with FTPFREE Bonuses:- Included some professional techniques- Problem-solving approach used for a beginner- Learn WHAT and WHY during practical developmentA Compatible Course for Beginners Familiar with basic HTML/CSS:You can even skip first two days because Day 1 and Day 3 are for beginners who don't really know anything about HTML/CSS.Step 1: Start and Finish Day 2 (take source files from Day 1)Step 2: Start and Finish Day 4 (take source files from Day 3)"
Price: 199.99

"Mobile Application Automation using Appium" |
"Appium supportsNative appsare those written using the iOS, Android, or Windows SDKs.Mobile web appsare web apps accessed using a mobile browser (Appium supports Safari on iOS and Chrome or the built-in Browser app on Android).Hybrid appshave a wrapper around a webview a native control that enables interaction with web content.Importantly, Appium is cross-platform: it allows you to write tests against multiple platforms (iOS, Android, Windows), using the same API. This enables code reuse between iOS, Android, and Windows testsuites.Here we are going to cover1. Basic to advance Java concepts2. Automation of Native android application3.Automation of Web basedandroid application4.Automation of Hybrid android application"
Price: 24.99

"Learn To Sew For Your Baby" |
"Sewing for my family has always been ajoy. That joy was intensified last year when our first grandchild arrived! The projects I'm sharing in this class were some of the first things I made for her.While sewing these projects I'll share tips to make sewing easier and more professional. I'll also include tips to ensure the highest safety standards.Learn how to make your own bias tape (used in many baby projects and clothing)4 different pacifier clipsCrib sheet with french seamsBaby leggings (free pattern included)2 different baby bibs (free patterns included)By the end of this class, you'll have severaldifferent projects that you're proud to give to the special little one in your life."
Price: 19.99

"How To Sew And Bind A Baby Quilt" |
"In this course I'll teach you how to sew a quilted baby blanket. The techniques can be used to make any size blanket you would like.I'll cover how to layer the fabricPin the fabricI'll share with you a simple and unique way to quilt the blanket without spending hours at the machineYou'll learn how to do test stitchesHow to create bias binding for a custom lookHow to apply bias binding several different waysBy the end of this course you'll have the confidence to create lovely quilted blankets."
Price: 19.99

"PLC Programming - Training from Scratch on RSLogix500 & 5000" |
"In this class, you will learn absolutely everything necessary to land a job as an entry level PLC technician (engineer, etc.).We will cover basic topics such as what a PLC is used for, how it is able to receive and process Inputs &Outputs. We will take a much deeper dive with hands on labs and practice sessions during which Iwill give you specific real world scenarios to work with and give you tips and common pitfalls. These lessons are designed to strengthen your knowledge of PLCs and give you an edge during interviews.At the end of each section, you will face a quiz which will allow you to test yourself on the material you have learned before moving to the next section. As some one who has administered interviews to PLC technicians, these questions are crucial in making sure that you've understood the material presented.What are the requirements for the class?You don't need any hardware or software to follow the lectures, however, it is highly recommended to get some practice before going into an interview. If that's not possible, I would advise spending some time working with an emulator and browsing through data sheets and manuals which will be presented to you in the course.What can I expect from this class?The main objective of this course is to get you job-ready by the time you finish the last lecture.You will have a good understanding of what a PLC does, how it does it as well as what the outcomes of those actions are.You will be comfortable creating basic ladder logic programs and troubleshoot complex existing ones.You will be able to create simple Human Machine Interface (HMI) screens and controlling them via a PLC.You will have a good understanding of manufacturing systems as a whole.What is the target audience for the class?Electrical Engineers looking for a crash course on PLCs.Electrical Technicians / Electricians looking to expand their knowledge into controls.Software Engineers who are seeking to learn about controlling hardware.Manufacturing Operators looking to progress in their career.Anyone interested in how manufacturing processes are executed."
Price: 129.99

"Lerne Franzsisch auf Franzsisch 1: Sprachkurs fr Anfnger" |
"Brauchen Sie Nachhilfe Franzsisch? War es schwer auf die Schule Franzsisch zu lernen? Sind Sie Anfnger? Oder ist es schon lange her, dass Sie Franzsisch gelernt haben und brauchen Sie eine Auffrischung? Denn ist dieser Kurs fr Sie!Fr wen ist dieser Sprachkurs Franzsisch?Dieser online Sprachkurs ist fr Anfnger. Anfnger die noch nie Franzsisch gelernt haben, oder in einer sehr fernen Vergangenheit. Sie mssen keine Franzsische Vokabeln kennen. Wir fangen an ab Null, Sie brauchen keine vorherige Kenntnisse.Was lernen wir?In diesem Kurs werden wir die Grundlagen des Franzsische Sprache lernen. Wir beginnen mit wie sich vorstellen. Denn lernen wir die Lndern, der Negativ, Fremdsprachen und viel mehr. Ab und zu werden wir ein bisschen Grammatik lernen, zum Beispiel Verben, aber das wichtigste Teile sind die Aussprache und die bungen, wir ben viel wie in einem Vokabeltrainer!Wie lernen wir Franzsisch?Vom Anfang bis zum Ende des Kurses ist alles auf Franzsisch, nichts auf Deutsch. Klingt mal schwierig, aber versuchen sie mit die ersten, kostenlosen Videos. So werden Sie schnell ihres Franzsisch verbessern. Es wird helfen Sprachen zu lernen.Ich garantiere:Immer ZugangAlle Verbesserungen und Updates kostenlos dabeiVersicherte Udemy Rckerstattung innerhalb von 30 TagenSind Sie Bereit fr diese Weiterbildung? Lernen Sie Franzoesisch mit diesem Franzsischkurs! Denn beginnen wir! Los gehts!Alain"
Price: 29.99

"Curso para aprender Francs en Francs 1: curso de idiomas" |
"Buscando un curso de Francs en lnea? Empiezas de aprender Francs? No tienes conocimientos previos? Aqu, estas en el lugar correcto! En este curso, vamos a aprender Francs para Hispanohablantes... en Francs.Quin puede aprender?Cualquier principiante. Ya conoces algo de Francs o Franca? De una escuela de idiomas o de una academia de Francs? Perfecto! Esto te ayudar a hablar y estudiar Francs. No sabes nada de Francs? No te preocupes, comenzamos desde cero.Que vas a aprender?Estas clases de Francs te ensearan a tener conversaciones bsicas en Francs. Comenzamos con la presentacin: cmo presentarte. Entonces, aprendemos de los pases, el negativo, verbos, y ms cosas generales para mejorar tu Francs, y tambin hablar y mejorar tu pronunciacin para aprender el idioma frases. Cmo vamos a aprender?Vamos a hacer muchos ejercicios. Cada seccin una prueba (o un examen). Y todo esto ... en Francs! Francs en Francs? S, el curso es exclusivamente en Francs. Eso puede ser impresionante, pero probas los primeros videos que estn gratis. Despus de unas lecciones, olvidaras que el curso es en Francs. Iras ms rpido, como con otros idiomas.Te garantizo:El pleno accesoTodas las futuras clases adicionales y actualizaciones se incluyen libre.Udemy garanta de devolucin de 30 dasListo para empezar tus clases de Francs, el idioma de Francia? Vamos!Tu profesor de Francs,Alain"
Price: 29.99

"Leer Frans in het Frans 1: cursus voor absolute beginners" |
"Wil je jouw Frans verbeteren?Zoek je naar een online cursus om Frans beginnen te leren? Wil je beginnen of ben je pas begonnen? Dan is deze opleiding ideaal om ermee te beginnen! We gaan Frans leren in het Frans.Voor wie is deze cursus?Deze taalcursus is voor beginners. Heb je nog nooit Frans geleerd? Of in een heel ver verleden? Of geen tijd om de taal te oefenen? Gebruik dan deze cursus om eraan te beginnen. Je moet geen woord Frans kennen, we beginnen vanaf nul.Wat gaan we leren?In deze opleiding Frans gaan we de basis leren. We beginnen bij de basis: hoe jezelf voorstellen. Daarna volgen landen, de negatieve wijs, talen, interessante Franse woorden en nog veel meer. Hier en daar is er wat grammatica maar het belangrijkste is dat we de taal oefenen. Ook de uitspraak komt aan bod.Hoe gaan we Frans leren?Van het begin tot het einde van de cursus leren we in het Frans. Klinkt moeilijk, maar probeer de gratis videos. Het klinkt veel moeilijker dan het werkelijk is. Zo zal jouw Frans snel verbeteren en wordt de Franse les n en al oefening. Het is ook een efficintere manier om talen te leren. De vertaling nl fra zal niet meer nodig zijn.Ik garandeer:Altijd toegang, levenslangAlle verbeteringen en updates gratisVerzekerde terugbetaling binnen de 30 dagenKlaar voor de Franse les? Dan beginnen we eraan met jouw eerste Franse zinnen!Ik kijk uit naar jouw vorderingen,Alain"
Price: 29.99

"Learn French in French 1: French language course from zero" |
"Are you willing to learn French? Is French school a challenge? Do you prefer to learn languages online?You're at the right spot! You're about to learn French... in French!For whom is this course?The course is for beginners. So no previous knowledge needed. You're going to learn basic French. We'll see everything from 0: French pronunciation to learn how to speak French and basic French grammar for the starting language learner.What are you about to learn?All the aspects of the basic French language. The French lessons will cover French verbs, how to form French phrases, questions, French words for transport, French vocabulary, drinks, and many more subjects. You'll blend in the 'France culture.'How will you learn the French language?The French language isn't the easiest language to learn. So a good question is: how to learn French? The answer: completely in French. You'll learn all your new words in the French language - yes. Feel free to try the previews, you'll soon find out it guarantees quick learning so you'll easily blend in in France.The level is French A1.I guarantee:Full, free lifetime accessAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for freeUnconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guaranteeReady look learn French online?Happy learning,Alain"
Price: 29.99

"Make 5 Free Awesome Augmented Reality Experiences Today" |
"Youve heard about, seen, or experienced Augmented Reality (AR). Now you want to create your own AR experiences, but how? In this introductory course, youll learn how to use Human Centered Design (Design Thinking) methodology to create 5 engaging AR experiences that you can build today! Well use a free trial of the Zappar/ZapWorks suite of online authoring tools (Widget, Designer, and Studio) to create an AR enhanced 1) business card, 2) thank you note, 3) photo, 4) sign/poster, 5) and interactive 360 photo experiences. When youre finished with this course, youll have the foundation to modify these and create AR experiences of your own design."
Price: 49.99

angelicreadingsnov |
"12 Readings, 1 , Reading! Bonus , ! , Reading :) ,) ,) , , , ) Readings ! Reading 13 , Readings! 11 , 2 , Deck! Reading, kehagia@hotmail.com You Tube, 111 Readings, 8 , 33 Readings ! 144 Readings! , : thehumanangels Fotini Kechagia ! ! !"
Price: 119.99

angelicreadingsdec17 |
"12 Readings! 12 Bonus ! Reading :) ,) ,) , , , ) Readings ! Reading 13 , Readings! 11 , 2 , Deck! Reading, kehagia@hotmail.com You Tube, 111 Readings, 8 , 33 Readings ! 144 Readings! , : thehumanangels Fotini Kechagia ! ! !"
Price: 119.99

symbolaia-aspida |
", , , . , , , , . , . , , , , , ! , , ! ! ! !"
Price: 99.99

"- Reading 11-17.12.17!" |
":1) ,2) - ,3) Reading ,4) ,5) : , , , , ! ! !"
Price: 99.99

"- Reading 18-24.12.17!" |
":1) ,2) - ,3) Reading , 4) ,5) : , , , ! ! !"
Price: 99.99

"- Reading 25-31.12.17!" |
":1) ,2) - ,3) Reading , 4) ,5) : , , , ! ! !"
Price: 99.99

didimesfloges |
":1) ,2) ,3) 1 : 4) 2 : 5) 3 : 6) 4 : -4 7) 5 : Wesak- 8) , , !* , , 4 , . 5 : Wesak- . , . ! !"
Price: 99.99

"Gesto Financeira e Estratgia para Empresas de Servios" |
"Neste curso, vamos tratar sobre estratgia de negcios e gesto financeira para empresasprestadoras de servios em um nvel bsico para intermedirio.***OBS: Este curso est sendo melhorado, novas aulas ainda sero includas! ltima atualizao 15/11/2018.Se voc um empreendedor ou pretende abrir uma empresa prestadora de servios, este curso ser um direcionador para suas aes, pois voc ser guiado desde a concepo da empresa, definio da estratgia, posicionamento, segmentao, anlise dos ambientes externo e interno at entrar no tema gesto financeira, onde conhecer os principais conceitos, ferramentas e como aplicar cada uma delas no seu dia a dia.Lembrando que, empresas prestadoras de servios precisam buscar constantemente a satisfao e fidelizao de seus clientes, mas no podem, de forma alguma, esquecer de algo primordial, que a estratgia do negcio e a correta gesto dos custos e receitas.Desta forma, o curso contempla os seguintes tpicos principais:- O que gesto estratgica- Quais os passos para um correto planejamento de negcios- Quais os passos para fazer uma boa gesto de negcios- O que servio e quais suas caractersticas- Conceitos financeiros e como aplic-los: regimes financeiros, custos, despesas etc.- Como calcular o pro labore dos scios- Fluxo de caixa eDRE, como montar cada um deles e como explorar os indicadores para tomada de decises mais assertivas- Conciliao bancria- Como a gesto de vendas pode ajudar a melhorar a gesto financeira- Formao de preos e muito mais...Alm de contar com uma srie de exerccios e leituras extras para enriquecer seu conhecimento!O curso pretende focar nos aspectos funcionais da estratgia e gesto financeira, portanto todas as aulas so direcionadas para a prtica no dia a dia."
Price: 384.99

"Practical Beginners JavaScript: Build Six Projects" |
"JavaScript is the most popular scripting language in the world. It is responsible for the interactivity like games, online forms or surveys and other activities users can engage with on a website. Most dynamic if not all website contains some element of JavaScript.JavaScript programming language drives millions of interactive web sites, powers fast web servers and can even be used to build desktop and mobile applicationsThis beginners course is a practical hands-on course that will enable you to gain some useful JavaScript Script through building six useful projects in JavaScript.The course will teach you topics like:VariablesData TypesFunctionsConditional StatementsThe projects we will create include:Loan CalculatorBMI calculatorEvent countdown timerBalloon popping web appLight bulb effectTip calculatorBy the end of this course you will be confident to build more useful projects ."
Price: 109.99

"Essential Elements of A Good Business Plan" |
"This course, Essential Elements of a Good Business Plan, provides a foundation to help students design and develop their business plan. It identifies core areas that they must address in theirplan to make it a viable working document.It is designed primarily to give new business owners a better understanding of what is expected and should be included in theirplan."
Price: 99.99

"How to Improve Your Personal Credit" |
"Developing a greatpersonal credit profile is essential to your financial success. Too often, individuals, especially those seeking to start a business are not prepared for the rigorous process of financing or credit analysis.This course, 'How to Improve Your PersonalCredit:7 Credit Strategies You Should Use', was developed to help the individualstruggling with credit learn learn key management strategies. Depending on your level of knowledge on personal credit, this course will provide a foundation to help improve and manage your credit.It will present seven key management strategies you need to implement to better aid your personal financial success."
Price: 29.99

"Write Every Day" |
"Create a regular writing habit that builds your confidence, creates solid, sustainable progress, and enables you to reach your biggest writing-related goalsDiscover how to start and maintain a regular writing practiceSet yourself up for success with the right mindset and environmentCreate a writing habit that supports your health and happiness, as well as your goalsLearn how to overcome procrastination, resistance, and other common challengesregular writers encounterHarness the power of a daily writing practice and watch your skill and confidence growThe difference between aspiring writers and actualwritersiswriting.Writers write. Whether you want to write a book, start a blog, finish your dissertation, or complete client projects, a regular writing practice will help you do so in an efficient and sustainable way. Its the best and arguably only way to create a body of work without giving up on your writing goals and dreams or, at the other end of the spectrum, experiencing burnout.Contents and overviewThis course contains 32lessons and 2hours of content.Its designed for new writers who want to make the most of the time they have and start their writing career with good habits in place. Its also for more experienced writers who are struggling to maintain a regular practice and want to learn how to create a writing habit, as well as support themselves with the emotional ups and downs of the writing journey.To start, youll discover a simple writing practice that works with any schedule and will help you kickstart your new writing habit. Youll also learn how to grow your practice and dig deep into your identity as a writer, looking at what motivates you, what your ideal writing life looks like, and how writing fits with the other important areas and elements of your life. With a strong foundation in place, the course also covers how to deal with the most common challenges and obstacleswriters face, including procrastination, struggling to finish projects, self-criticism, and more. Whether youre writing purely for personal pleasure, to further your career, or as a side project, having a regular writing practice is a hugely rewarding and fulfilling habit that will enrich your life across the board. This course will give you the tools to get writing and stay writing, whatever else is on your plate."
Price: 19.99

"HOT & NEW : Build a Full Platform Game With Construct 2 or 3" |
"Take a journey with me while we build a complete video game using the Construct 2 platform. The game is called Cave Slayer and includes a hero, enemy, boss, artificial intelligence, hot lava, and multiple levels. Learn the process from start to finish while you have fun learning the logic behind video games. This is a beginner to intermediate course. Enjoy!"
Price: 19.99

"Piano Rhythms Vol.1: Rockn Roll" |
"Do you like Rockn Roll? Do you want to learn to play piano accompaniments? If you answer is yes, this course is for you!! This course is dedicated to those piano students that want to learn to play piano rhythms, this course is the number 1 in the Piano Rhythms Series and is dedicated to Rockn Roll. In this course you will learn how to play 5 piano compings, this course has:Video tutorials where you can watch the instructor playing each comping and giving you advices at the moment so you can take the most of your practice.DownloadablePDF so you can practice offline.Downloadable drumsbacking tracks, so you can practice these compings while you play along with the drums.Theorical explanations of how and what you need to play.This course has 1200 students already enrolled, it has been rated with an average of 4 stars from 5 possible in Udemy, this is what students are saying about the course in their reviews:""Great for beginners to start jamming "" (5 stars) ""This is an awesome course. Beautifully demonstrated. Thank you. "" (5 stars) Enroll in this course and start playing Rockn Roll today! Remember that you can ask the instructor questions about the course and how you can really get the most of it, so you are not alone in this musicaljourney."
Price: 69.99
