"Curso de ejercicios tcnicos al piano Vol.3" |
"Eres estudiante de piano y quieres mejorar tu tcnica?Batallas con el control del sonido y tocas golpeado?Se cansa tu mano al tocar arpegios y acompaar?Este curso esta diseado para todo pianista, amateur, principiante o avanzado que desee perfeccionar su tcnica, especficamente al tocar arpegios y acompaamientos ligadosEn este curso adquirirs habilidades que te permitirn:Tocar un ligado (legato) con ms control y balance.Relajar tu mano al acompaar, especialmente al tocar arpegios.Combinar toques como staccato y legato en ambas manos.Ampliar la extensin de tu mano con ejerciciosen arpegios a 3 y 4 notas.Tomar consciencia del sonido y balance que produces de acuerdo al ritmo natural de las figuras. A travs de videos 100% prcticos podrs seguir estos ejercicios haciendo nfasis en los principios bsicos de una buena tcnica.Este curso es el Vol.3 de una serie dedicada al desarrollo de una buena tcnica en el piano, aunque es recomendable tomar los otros cursos no es indispensable.Esto es lo que estan diciendo los estudiantes en sus reseas sobre este curso:""Claro y prctico, son pocos conceptos pero muy bien explicados. Es lo que necesito"" (5 estrellas) Inscrbete a este curso hoy y comienza a desarrollar y mejorar una mejor tcnica pianstica controlando tu sonido y embelleciendo tu expresin a travs de dinmicas.Recuerda que este curso tiene una garanta de satisfaccin, as que no tienes nada que perder.Bienvenido!!"
Price: 39.99

"Piano Technique Exercises Vol.3" |
"Are you a piano student and want to improve your technique?Are you strugglingwith sound control and playing too loud like hammering the keys?Does your hand get tired when playing arpeggios and accompaniments?This course is dedicatedtoany pianist, amateur, beginner or advanced who wants to improvehistechnique, specifically when playing arpeggios and legatoaccompaniments.In this course you will acquire skills that will allow you to:Play legatowith more control and balance.Relax your hand when you play accompaniments,especially when playing arpeggios.Combine touches like staccato and legato in both hands.Expand the extension of your hand with exercises in 3 and 4 notes arpeggios.Get control of the sound and balance that you produce according to the natural rhythm of the figures.Through 100% practical videos you can follow these exercises emphasizing the basic principles of a good technique.This course is the Vol.3 and isdedicated to the development of a good technique in the piano, although it is advisable to take the other courses is not essential, there are more than 600 students already enrolled in this course.Enrollthis course and start developing and improving yourpiano technique todayby controlling your sound and embellishing yourdynamics.Welcome!!"
Price: 49.99

"Cartoon Plasticine Figures Vol.1" |
"Do you love plasticine figures but you think is so difficult?Do you want to enhance your creativity on making plasticine figures?Are you looking for more activities for your kids or your students?This course is for you! Through 100 % practical videos you will learn how to make cartoon figures on plasticine. Animals, robots and much more.All the videos are very wasy to follow, you will learn step by step how to make and model these fun figures, you will be able to share this with your kids or at school through amusing workshops or extra curricular activities.In this course you will learn how to make:A catA pantherRobotsIf you have any question please let me know and I will be very happy to help you.Enroll in this course today and start developing all the creativity that has been given to you."
Price: 39.99

"Aprende escalas Vol.3: Pentatnicas y escala de BLUES" |
"Deseas aprender a tocar ESCALAS PENTATONICAS MAYORES Y MENORES?Te gusta improvisar y quieres aprender a tocar la ESCALA DE BLUES?Este curso esta dirigido a estudiantes que tienen conocimiento al piano sobre escalas mayores ymenores que desean aprender a tocar escalas pentatnicas as como la muy utilizada y popular escala de Blues.A travs de videos 100% prcticos aprenders a tocar a partir de cualquier nota estas escalas que son tan utilizadas en la improvisacin y desde luego, en el gnero del Blues y Rock.Este curso contiene:12 videos tutoriales de las escalas pentatnicas mayores12 videos tutoriales de las escalas pentatnicas menores12 videos tutoriales de las escalas de BluesCada video cubre:Digitacin de cada escala, siendo tocada por el instructor.Referencia visual de la partitura de la escala en cada video.Consejos tcnicos para una mejor ejecucin.Este curso contiene un total de 36 videos tutoriales + consejos sobre cmo estudiar estas escalas.Da ese paso para poder tocar las escalas pentatnicas y escala de Blues, si tienes alguna duda puedes mandar un mensaje y con todo gusto te asesorar para saber si este curso es para t, recuerda que este curso tiene una garanta de satisfaccin de 30 das as que no tienes nada que perder, nete a los ms de 130 alumnos inscritos en este curso!Inscrbete a este curso ahora y da ese paso en tu desarrollo tcnico musical!"
Price: 49.99

"Playing Piano -Scales - Vol.3: Pentatonics and Blues Scales" |
"Do you like to play Blues or Rockn Roll?Do you want to play pentatonic scales but you simply cannot play them all?----------------This course is for you!! -------------------------Major and minor pentatonic scales are key if you want to improvise, specially if you like Blues or Rockn Roll, thiscourse is not about how to improvise BUT it will teach you how to play these scales following the correct fingering and this will help you to improvise with more ideas.This course has 100% practical video tutorials, you will see the instructor playing each scalewith the correct fingering, plus you will see the image of the notes of each scale so you will be able to follow the written notes and the fingering.You will learn how to play:Major PentatonicsMinor PentatonicsBlues ScalesRemember that if you have any question about how to play this scales you can ask the instructor, so you are not alone in your learning journey.There are more than 270 students already enrolled in this course, it has been rated with an average of 4.94 of 5 possible in Udemy.Join this course today and improve your piano technique and improvising resources by learning this scales."
Price: 49.99

"Piano Rhythms Vol.2: Ballade Style" |
"Would you like to learn to accompany simple songs in ballad style? Knowing how to play chords on the piano but want to improve your accompaniments? ------------------------ This course for you!! ------------------------------ Through 100% practical videos I will show you how you can learn to play simple accompaniments in ballad style on the piano, I will teach you how to play these practical patterns on the piano in a fluid way. This course is dedicated to beginners, however if you have been playing piano for a while and you want to venture into the world of accompaniments, outside of the mere reading of notes, you will find the exercises presented in this course quite useful. This course contains: 100% practical tutorial videos where it is shown on the piano how to play the accompaniments. Theorical complementary lessons where the characteristics of each accompaniment are analyzed. Downloadable PDF material. Downloadable audios with drums backing track .There are more than 580 students already enrolled in this course, it has been rated with an average of 5 stars from 5 possible in Udemy. Also once you are enrolled in this course you can post all your questions through in the disscussion board or send me many comment about your piano work to the instructor, so you are not alone in your learning path! Enroll in this course today and begin developing your piano creativity in the fun world of rhythms on the piano."
Price: 69.99

"Marte y Venus comienzan de nuevo: cmo superar una prdida" |
"Cmo superar una prdida? Cmo volver a empezar luego de una separacin o divorcio? Cmo volver a encontrar gozo y felicidad luego de la prdida?Este curso, basado en el trabajo del libro ms vendido de superacin de prdidas, Marte y Venus Comienzan de Nuevo de John Gray, PhD llevar a los participantes ms all de la comprensin intelectual de los principios a una aplicacin prctica. Cada sesin est diseada para proporcionar experiencias prcticas y positivas de los conceptos. Este curso est divido en cinco secciones que cubrirn tpicos como:Marte y Venus comenzando de nuevo: diferencias y similitudes Las tres etapas de sanidad Los retos de Marte y Venus al comenzar de nuevo Sanidad del pasado para disfrutar del presente.Este curso te preparar para superar una prdida y encontrar gozo y felicidad luego del dolor."
Price: 94.99

"Los nios vienen del cielo: cmo criar hijos felices" |
"Cmo criar hijos plenos y felices? Cul es el rol de los padres y madres para lograr este objetivo?Este curso, basado en el trabajo del libro ms vendido de paternidad y maternidad, Los Nios Vienen del Cielo de John Gray, PhD llevar a los participantes ms all de la comprensin intelectual de los principios a una aplicacin prctica. Cada sesin est diseada para proporcionar experiencias prcticas y positivas de los conceptos.Este curso est divido en cinco secciones que cubrirn tpicos como:El cambio de la paternidad / maternidad basada en el miedo y los castigos a la paternidad / maternidad positiva. Los nios vienen de Marte, las nias de Venus: diferencias entre las necesidades de nios y nias. Los estilos de aprendizaje de nios y nias. Las 5 destrezas de paternidad / maternidad positiva. Las necesidades especficas de 0-9 aos, 9-18 aos, 18-27 aos. Los cinco mensajes positivos hacia los nios y nias.Este curso te preparar para desarrollar relaciones con tus hijos o hijas ms profundas y satisfactorias y te ayudar a ser un mejor padre o madre."
Price: 94.99

"Los hombres son de Marte las mujeres de Venus" |
"Qu herramientas podemos aprender para construir mejores relaciones con nuestra pareja? En qu somos diferentes los hombres de las mujeres? En qu somos iguales?Este curso, basado en el trabajo del libro ms vendido de relaciones humanas, Los Hombres son de Marte las Mujeres de Venus de John Gray, PhD llevar a los participantes ms all de la comprensin intelectual de los principios a una aplicacin prctica. Cada sesin est diseada para proporcionar experiencias prcticas y positivas de los conceptos.Este curso est divido en seis secciones que cubrirn tpicos como:Entendiendo a los marcianos y las venusianas Cmo ganar puntos con el sexo opuesto Cmo el pasado afecta tus relaciones Los secretos de la pasin duraderaEste curso te preparar para desarrollar relaciones ms profundas y satisfactorias."
Price: 94.99

"Catalyst: Gestin del cambio y transformacin" |
"Cules son los aspectos clave a modificar en un perodo de cambio?, Cul es el mtodo ms efectivo y eficiente para ir desde la situacin en que se encuentra la organizacin a la situacin deseada?, Cmo conducir a las personas de la organizacin hacia determinados objetivos y hacia el cambio? La gestin del cambio da la respuesta a estas preguntas a la vez que trata de minimizar su impacto en la organizacin y las personas. Este curso te brindar herramientas prcticas para entender y sobre todo gestionar el cambio exitosamente en las diversas reas donde lo maneje y, por lo tanto, disminuir la resistencia que todo cambio genera."
Price: 94.99

"Unlock Excel VBA and Excel Macros" |
"Go from Beginner to Microsoft Excel VBA Expert!I'll take you step-by-step through engaging video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to be able to use VBA to improve your work flow, save time and automate your current Excel projects. What differentiates this course from the other Microsoft Excel VBA & macros courses? It includes:Over 50 Microsoft Excel VBA & macro examples. These are solutions my clients have needed through the years. They are likely to be useful for you too.Using the right VBA syntax is the most difficult part. An important topic which isn't covered enough in other VBA courses. In this course you understand why you write things in certain ways.Create 3 Complete Excel VBA Tools. We go from idea to final product and cover each step.Over 100 pages of documentation (including useful code) so you can easily refer to it when in need.Simple explanations for complex concepts.High quality video and different delivery methods to keep things interesting.Lots of ideas to automate your current tasks.Learn from Google or from this Course?I've been there! I first learnt VBA from Google. It was truly a light-bulb moment, when I realized that Google has some answers - it could give me some of the code I was looking for - but there two things missing:The WHY - why does the code work in one situation but not another.Structure - topic sequence, real-case examples, workbooks, documentation.Dont waste your timeDon't waste your time on poor quality videos and confusing explanations. In this Excel VBA course, complex topics are taught in a simple way by an instructor with 17 years of experience. The content has been carefully crafted and clearly organized. The videos are high quality and include animations to emphasize points. Most importantly you learn VBA by doing. ""I have already tried some VBA classes but so far I was never able to apply what I learnt to my own work. This course is different. I have already used some of the techniques Leila is teaching and applied it to my work files. I was able to reduce manual work for me and my colleagues by creating my own macros from scratch. Highly recommended!!!"" -- Randy Taylor""Leila is the real deal... there are many VBA courses on Udemy (some of which I've taken) that merely demonstrate the functionalities. Leila explains the important foundation concepts and how the model is set up allowing you to truly create VBA code from thought rather than copying and pasting from various places. Her class is professionally constructed, with resources and content for each lecture, practice content for you to try things yourself and good Q&A opportunities to answer specific questions. Trust me, this is the course you want to take."" -- Justin FazzioWhat you can look forward to in this course:Understand how to use the right syntax in VBAUseful Excel VBA codes you can directly use for your workUse the macro recorder for simpler tasks and improve the codeWorking with the Visual Basic EditorDebugging tools and error handling methodsDifferent ways to reference ranges and cellsDifferent methods to loopHow to work with data typesPivotTables in Excel using VBAImporting data from other files and exporting data to text filesInteracting with other applications (Word, PowerPoint, Outlook)ActiveX and Userforms to enhance the Excel interfaceBasically all the knowledge you need to automate tasks in Excel"
Price: 199.99

"The Ultimate Productivity Course - 10 Productivity Methods" |
"Do you feel like you have a lot less time? Where you don't have enough time for friends, family, or free time? Is the workload getting heavy and stressful? Do you wish you could work faster and have more free time for the things that really matter?If you answered yes for any of these questions, I am here to help you.This course is meant for anyone who wants to learn ways to be more efficient and effective at the same time. The course brings 10 strategies / techniques / methods for productivity, they can all be used in different contexts or be put together to be made most effective.In this course I will share with you the secret of how to get rid of the useless things in your day and replace them with something that you would consider productive.These are the methods we will be covering in the class:PomodoroKaizenPersonal KanbanMust, Should, WantTo do list, To - don't listOrganize Tomorrow TodayEating the frogTimeboxingDon't break the chainEisenhower MatrixEnjoy the content, I hope you will enroll and I hope to see you inside the course.Austin Chan"
Price: 99.99

"SSH advanced usage" |
"In this course you will learn how to use SSHfor more than plain terminal access. SSHis the secure equivalent to telnet for remote terminal access over tcp/ip and even if you have probably used SSHbefore to connect to a remote host over TCP/IPthere is so much more that can be done with SSH. All this will be taught in this course!Course includes:Theory about keys and the SSH authentication process.how-to for password-less loginExplanation of file transfer protocols such as scp and sftp.Learn how to tunnel TCP traffic thru ssh with local port forwarding as well as dynamic port forwarding (SOCK4 proxy)Use jump-hosts to ssh in multiple steps.And much more!"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Regular Expressions" |
"This is an introductionary course on regular expressions. In this course you will learn the basics and most common components of regexps. This includes:Back referencingCharacter setsNegation (how to NOTlook for...)Anchors to find what is in the beginning and/or end of the line.And much more!""A regular expression, regex or regexp[1] (sometimes called a rational expression)[2][3] is, in theoretical computer science and formal language theory, a sequence of characters that define a search pattern. Usually this pattern is then used by string searching algorithms for ""find"" or ""find and replace"" operations on strings.""It will take a lifetime to master Regexps, but only an hour in this course to understand the basics!"
Price: 19.99

"Angular 7 with Angular Material and Firebase Cloud Firestore" |
"Learn to build blazing fast single-page web apps using Angular, AngularMaterial and Cloud Firestore database.This course is made in a learn by example format. You will use the Angular CLIto build a dynamic and interesting application. Once complete, you will create a production build and push your application to a live URL.Application Features Include:Authentication, CRUD, Data Persistence to Firestore, App DeploymentWho is this course for?Made with the beginner in mind, this course is structured to help you fully grasp every terminal command and line of code.What Angular concepts will Ilearn?You will learn about all the major concepts needed to build interesting apps, including:Forms, Routing, HTTP, Components, Modules and InterfacesWhich external libraries are covered?The app we build will include the following libraries:Angular Material with Flex-Layout for styling, Google Maps, AngularFire for Firestore, Ngx-Auth-FirebaseUI for AuthenticationWhich API's will be used?We will be using the OpenWeatherMaps APIto request real-time city data. Then persist this data to our Firestore database for logged in users.What skills will I have once Ihave completed?After completing this course, you will have a strong understanding of Angular 7+with typescript. This includes how to structure your application files and folders, how to use the Angular CLIand what is considered best practices when building Angular apps. Additionally, you will be able to create production ready applications that authorize users, are secure and persist data."
Price: 199.99

"Curso Completo de Powerpoint - Super Didtico" |
"Neste curso, voc vai aprender a utilizar os recursos do Powerpoint ao mximo, conseguindo criar apresentaes que so bem estruturadas, relevantes e tambm esteticamente bonitas! Ver como trabalhar com cores, estilos, imagens, criar transies e muito mais! Todas as aulas possuem uma apresentao de acompanhamento para voc ir exercitando enquanto aprende."
Price: 189.99

"PHP MySQL Fundamentals from Scratch with Examples & Projects" |
"PHP MySQL Fundamentals from Scratch with Examples & ProjectsThere are many online php courses with certificate. Some instructors teach fundamentals of PHP with MYSQL for Dynamic Websites, while some explain the concepts practically using php projects. In order to work on live projects, it is necessary to have practical understanding of php and mysql. Since, there are many courses, it is really difficult to guess which is the best php video tutorial for you. In order to clear your confusion, I've created this course for you. The course lectures are organized in such a way that you will learn php from scratch step by step. First we will understand php language fundamentals, then move to MySQL database and then complete a couple of php mysql projects.Why should you take this PHP MySQL course?This course contains 15+ hours of video content, 20+ sections, 130+ video tutorials. In short it have almost every important topic you need to learn as a PHP developer.There are quizzes, do it yourself assignment challenges on each section. This is really important to know how much you understood, and if you are able to use the skill we learned so far.You will learn PHP fundamentals as well as MySQL database development. Please Note: Every topic is discussed with examples.We will also design PHP MySQL projects from scratch, relevant to the topics we've learned.Lightning fast support to your queries: I personally respond to my students queries (within 1-24hours) via direct messages or on Q&A section of the course. I reply on weekends too. So If you have any question feel free to PM me or ask questions on Q&A section.Lifetime access to all the content and future updates of this course.30 days money back guarantee. (I am sure you will never need this)You will learn PHP programming from scratch and effective database designing using MySQL database server for your websites or web applications. Steps involved in the learning process would be,Step 1: You will require local development environment to write and test the examples covered in the course. So, We will start from PHP, MySQL installation and configuration.Step 2: Then You will be introduced to PHP's most important, basic and fundamental topics like, data types, operators, conditional & loop statements, arrays, functions, date & time, cookies & sessions etc. After that, we will explore the skill required to develop web pages.Step 3: When you are confident enough with PHP programming, we will learn database development using MySQL database server. We will understood database development using MySQL command line client tool as well as phpMyAdmin.Step 4: When you have both the tools (PHP & MySQL), we will learn Interacting with MySQL database using PHP programming.Step 5: Throughout your journey, you'll be asked to solve quizzes, complete do it yourself assignment challenges, solve coding exercises.Do you know the Benefits of learning PHP & MySQL?Probably, you already know the benefits of PHP & MySQL. That might be the reason you are exploring this course content. If you don't know, here are some of the benefits.If you are a student, you can create academic projects.PHP is simple and easy to understood. It will help you understood programming concepts quickly.It is free & open source. You can design free/paid applications without worrying about license.PHP has a large community of developers. And there are various PHP resources available like, video tutorials, articles/blogs, documentation, FAQ's, discussion boards etc. You can quickly get the help you need.If you are completely new to PHP, I'll recommend you to Google ""Benefits of PHP"" and checkout the information available online.What students say about this course? Checkout some of my students reviews for this course.""I believe this is providing a detailed and thorough approach to learning PHP and MySQL. It seems to take a logical ""step at a time"" learning. echo ""Nice job."";"" By Brian MelladyWatch introduction video & checkout ""Curriculum"" to see list of all sections and topics included in this PHP programming course."
Price: 194.99

"Master Erlang Programming in Just 4 Hours" |
"Erlang is a general purpose or you might say a functional programming language and runtime environment. It was built in such a way that it had inherent support for concurrency, distribution and fault tolerance. Erlang was originally developed to be used in several large telecommunication systems. But it has now slowly made its foray into diverse sectors like Ecommerce, Computer telephony and Banking sectors as well.This Course has been prepared for both Beginner & Professionals aspiring to make a career in the field of telecom, banking, instant messaging, e-commerce and computer telephony as well. This Course will give you enough understanding on this programming language and also help you in building scalable soft real time systems that will have requirements on higher availability.The Erlang was originally developed to be used in the several large tele-communication systems from the Ericsson. The first version of Erlang was developed by the Joe Armstrong, Robert Virding & Mike Williams in 1986."
Price: 199.99

"A Complete Course on Microstrategy 10.1x BI tool" |
"MicroStrategy is a Business Intelligence software, which offers a wide range of data analytics capabilities. As a suite of applications, it offers Data Discovery, Advanced Analytics, Data Visualizations, Embedded BI, and Banded Reports and Statements. It can connect to data warehouses, relational systems, flat files, web services and a host of other types of sources to pull data for analysis. Features such as highly formatted reports, ad hoc query, thresholds and alerts, and automated report distribution makes MicroStrategy an industry leader in BI software space. It is recognized as a visionary by Gartner Magic Quadrant.This course is designed for all those who want to create, read, write, and modify Business Intelligence Reports and dashboards using MicroStrategy Desktop. In addition, it will also be quite useful for those who look forward to become a Data Analyst or a Data Scientist.Why should you take MicroStrategy 10 Certification Training?MicroStrategy has 4% global market share in Business AnalyticsMicroStrategy professionals are sought after by business giants for enterprise reporting and analysis worldwideThe average salary for a MicroStrategy certified professional ranges from $80,000 - $145, 000 annually"
Price: 199.99

"Mastering Pentaho Business Intelligence tool" |
"Pentaho Reporting is a suite (collection of tools) for creating relational and analytical reports. It can be used to transform data into meaningful information. Pentaho allows generating reports in HTML, Excel, PDF, Text, CSV, and xml. This courseprovides a basic understanding of how to generate professional reports using Pentaho Report Designer.This course is designed for all those who want to create, read, write, and modify Dynamic Reports using Java. In addition, it will also be quite useful for those who would like to become a Data Analyst.Before you start proceeding with this course, we assume that you have prior exposure to Core Java, Database Concepts, and SQL Queries.This course on Pentaho is designed for both technical and non-technical BI practitioners to develop their skills and knowledge for the most effective use of the Pentaho Business Intelligence (BI) Suite, required for successful projects.Why should you take Pentaho BI?Nasdaq, Caterpillar, Beontra, Telefonica, Randstad and many Fortune 500 companies are using Pentaho BIPentaho was acquired by Hitachi Data SystemsThe average pay stands at $84,893 per year - Indeed. com"
Price: 199.99

"Alcohol Ink and Resin DIY Projects Drink Coasters and Knobs!" |
"Please read though the entire description.I'll give you the secret to creating this super cool DIY unique Drink Coasters and Unique one of a kindArtknobs for your cabinets, dressers, and more!This is a short Project Based course for 3quick and easy results. This course is all about PLAY, andis less structured than my other step byclasses. Alcohol Ink isalso a great medium to help more detailed artists loosen up and create some wonderful projects with Resin.I'll show you some really easy ways to create this super cool abstract coasters a few ways and we'll then create some DIY fantastic and unquie one of a kind knobs that can be used on your cabinets, drawers, or anywhere you want to jazz up! We'll cover each project step by step.Each and every piece you create will be different than mine.This is a personal journey to create , andyour pieces will have your stamp on itoryour own Art Expression. The key is to play and test things out without fear. You'll notice I just go with the flow when creating these. Let go of your perfectionism in this class and say I CAN do this!100% risk free purchase with a 30 day money back guarantee!********************************************************************************************This is an Beginner toIntermediatecourse for those of you that are new to Alcohol Inks or Resin and want to loosen up and have some play time with your art.WHATYOUWILLDISCOVERINTHISCOURSE:How to Mix and Pour Resin correctlyTypes of Silicone molds to useWhat alcohol inks are and theMaterials needed.Discoverhow to to create netting or webbing looks in with your Resin and Inks.In this course I will explain my process for each projectandwill cover 3simple/quick demos.2 Demolectures will be on creating two different Resin and Ink Coasters.1 Demo lecturecreating a unique and super cool DIY Knob for your home!The course is best used to discover abstracts byplaying being loosewith colors and movement of the inks.An open mind is all you will need discover that Inkscanbe very self growth,therapeutic, and creative process.BONUS VIDEOSMaterial List and Top 5 Information Freebies!Paintingis a lifetime skill that anyone can learn and enjoy.Over 1000's of happy studentsare already creating some lovely masterpiecestaking myLiveand Online classesusing watercolors,Alcohol Inks, Resin, and Jewelry! So come be creative with me andenjoy all thecompliments to comeon your ownspecial artcreations you will soon be hanging!With the right instruction and a little bit of practice, you too will soon be able to make your own stunning coasters or paper weights.********************************************************************************************REGISTER NOW and get started making beautiful DIY Resin piecestoday!********************************************************************************************Your reviews are very important to me.Ihope you find this course a5 STARREVIEW, and if not please let me know what I can do to improve to make it a better course.Please note that Udemy may ask for you to review the course at any point. If you have not yet completed the course you may simplyskip the review process until the end. :) Please make sure to use the Q&A Section for questions along the way. The course may be slowed down or the video quality changed if you are having connection or play back issues.Please understand that technical or account issues are not in my control. For Video playback, Technical or Account issues, please click on the Udemy Help or Support Link they will be happy to help.IMPORTANT - Not all artist allow this so please check and follow all copy writelaws.As an artist,I personallynever mind when someone copies my work to practice their techniques. I just ask that if you post it anywhere thatyou givecredit to either my courses or my links as theartist that created the image.Feel free to find my social media platforms in the profile section. Please Post your works in progressand finished pieces for review if you likein the Closed privateFacebook group for mystudents. You can also post it anywhere on social using #kcfacourse or on any socialmedia such as Instagram@kelliechasse_fineart .I'm looking forward to seeing it!!Playing =Happy Painting!!KellieSafety Note: When using paints and chemicals please adhere to any and all manufacturer safety guidelines with these products.If you have specific safety questions or concerns please contact the product's manufacturer. Contact your Doctor if you are concerned about medical conditions."
Price: 29.99

"Beginner Impressionism Seascape Painting Water Mixable Oil" |
"Please read though the entire description.KEEPINGITSIMPLE!If you are nervous about using Mediums to thin your paints (we'll cover the Fat over Lean method) it's ok tojust use tubes of paint and start painting as is! Remember every artist has his or her way of doing things and you will often find conflicting ways of doing things. Just keep in mind that do what works for you.This course isforBeginners andnew painters or crafty folks interested in trying their hand at oilpainting without the Hazards of dangerous solvents. This is a project based,simple course, (Keeping it simple) and not overwhelming for those that want to try their hand at oils. In this course we will cover just the basics, step by step instructions,on how to complete thisimpressionistic seascape using apalette knife. This course is NOTTechnical, ordetailed. This is more about the Creative process and playing.I will be using theArtisan Water Mixable Oil Brand by Winsor and Newton in the DemoPainting. Please note that these are different from using Regular Oils and should not be mixed.You can however use Regular Oils to complete this painting however some aspects of this course and materials will differ.I'll give you my process on thisOil painting seascape using a Palette knife.We will be usingWinsor & Newton Artisan brand water soluble oils foreasy clean up with soap and water, and they arethey're ideal forpainters interested inusing less hazardous solvents.Please read though the entire description.This is a short Project Based course with quick and easy results. You results will differ from mine and you may choose to use different colors and sized canvas. I would however recommend starting smaller. If you chose a different sized canvas please note that you may use more materials. The key is to play and test things out without fear. You'll notice I just go with the flow when creating these. Let go of your perfectionism in this class and say I CAN do this!********************************************************************************************WHATYOUWILLDISCOVERINTHISCOURSE:Materials Needed for this courseWater Soluble Oils and Linseed OilLearn toprepyour Canvas for oilsDiscover how to create an Underpainting with oilDiscoverhow tocreate using a palette knife.The course is best used to discover how oils play and start creating using a more looseimpressionistic stylethan traditional oil painting.Come with anopen mind anddiscover that oilsand a loosecreative process.BONUS VIDEOSMaterial List and Top 5 Information Freebies!Paintingis a lifetime skill that anyone can learn and enjoy.Over 1000's of happy studentsare already creating some lovely masterpiecestaking myLiveand Online classesusing watercolors,Alcohol Inks, Resin, and Jewelry! So come be creative with me andenjoy all thecompliments to comeon your ownspecial artcreations you will soon be hanging!With the right instruction and a little bit of practice, you too will soon be able to make your own stunning impressionistic textured oil painting.********************************************************************************************REGISTER NOW and get startedtoday!********************************************************************************************Your reviews are very important to me.Ihope you find this course a5 STARREVIEW, and if not please let me know what I can do to improve to make it a better course.Please note that Udemy may ask for you to review the course at any point. If you have not yet completed the course you may simplyskip the review process until the end. :) Please make sure to use the Q&A Section for questions along the way. The course may be slowed down or the video quality changed if you are having connection or play back issues.Please understand that technical or account issues are not in my control. For Video playback, Technical or Account issues, please click on the Udemy Help or Support Link they will be happy to help.IMPORTANT - Not all artist allow this so please check and follow all copy writelaws.As an artist,I personallynever mind when someone copies my work to practice their techniques. I just ask that if you post it anywhere thatyou givecredit to either my courses or my links as theartist that created the image.Feel free to find my social media platforms in the profile section. Please Post your works in progressand finished pieces for review if you likein the Closed privateFacebook group for mystudents. You can also post it anywhere on social using #kellielynnart or on any socialmedia such as Instagram@kelliechasse_fineart .I'm looking forward to seeing it!!Playing =Happy Painting!!KellieSafety Note: When using paints and chemicals please adhere to any and all manufacturer safety guidelines with these products.If you have specific safety questions or concerns please contact the product's manufacturer. Contact your Doctor if you are concerned about medical conditions."
Price: 39.99

"Alcohol Ink Art & Resin Glass Frame Abstract Wave Painting" |
"Short Project Based Course:ALCOHOL INK & ART RESIN ABSTRACT WAVE PAINTING ON A SIMPLE FRAME WITH GLASS!*This is the Demo from our Alcohol Ink Conference in January 2018Details: Grab any frame with glass and let's try out a wave painting with resin!We will be using Art Resin brand resin, but feel free to try other brands. Just note that some of the directions may differ for your brands.This is a project based course on creating this art piece painting on Glass using Alcohol Ink and Art Resin.We will cover quickly my favorite substrates for using Resin on, and we will walk through how to mix resin correctly and I have added my 5 top resin mistakes. students will learn to tint the resin using Pinata Alcohol inks and some gold powered pigments but jacquard. Of course you can choose different sized glass and use the colors you choose. This course is all about PLAY, and is less structured than my other step by classes. Alcohol Ink is also a great medium to help more detailed artists loosen up and create some wonderful projects with Resin.I'll show you some really easy way to create this super cool abstract wave painting! We'll cover the project step by step. Each and every piece you create will be different than mine. This is a personal journey to create , and your pieces will have your stamp on it or your own Art Expression.The key is to play and test things out without fear. You'll notice I just go with the flow when creating these. Let go of your perfectionism in this class and say I CAN do this! Hope to see you inside the course!************************************************************************************This is an Beginner to Intermediate course for those of you that are new to Alcohol Inks or Resin and want to loosen up and have some play time with your art.WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER IN THIS COURSE:My favorite substrates use Resin on.Materials needed.Cover my top 5 resin mistakes.How to Mix and Pour Resin correctlyHow to tint resin using Alcohol Ink.Step by step directions to complete this Abstract Wave using Alcohol Ink and Resin.The course is best used to discover abstracts by playing being loose with colors and movement of the inks.An open mind is all you will need discover that Inks can be very self growth, therapeutic, and creative process.BONUS VIDEOSMaterial List and Top 5 Information Freebies!Painting is a lifetime skill that anyone can learn and enjoy. Over 1000's of happy students are already creating some lovely masterpieces taking my Live and Online classes using watercolors, Alcohol Inks, Resin, and Jewelry! So come be creative with me and enjoy all the compliments to come on your own special art creations you will soon be hanging!With the right instruction and a little bit of practice, you too will soon be able to make your own Resin Art!************************************************************************************REGISTER NOW and get started making beautiful DIY Resin pieces today!************************************************************************************Your reviews are very important to me.I hope you find this course a 5 STAR REVIEW, and if not please let me know what I can do to improve to make it a better course. Please note that Udemy may ask for you to review the course at any point. If you have not yet completed the course you may simply skip the review process until the end. :) Please make sure to use the Q&A Section for questions along the way. The course may be slowed down or the video quality changed if you are having connection or play back issues.Please understand that technical or account issues are not in my control. For Video playback, Technical or Account issues, please click on the Udemy Help or Support Link they will be happy to help.IMPORTANT - Not all artist allow this so please check and follow all copy write laws.As an artist, I personally never mind when someone copies my work to practice their techniques. I just ask that if you post it anywhere that you give credit to either my courses or my links as the artist that created the image. Feel free to find my social media platforms in the profile section. Please Post your works in progress and finished pieces for review if you like in the Closed private Facebook group for my students. You can also post it anywhere on social using #kcfacourse or on any social media such as Instagram @kelliechasse_fineart . I'm looking forward to seeing it!!Playing = Happy Painting!!KellieSafety Note: When using paints and chemicals please adhere to any and all manufacturer safety guidelines with these products. If you have specific safety questions or concerns please contact the product's manufacturer. Contact your Doctor if you are concerned about medical conditions."
Price: 19.99

"Alcohol Ink and Resin Jewelry Skinny Silicone Molds" |
"Simple quick project-based pendant course - Pendant Jewelry Making for Beginners. We will be creating a few quick silicone skinny mold pendants using Alcohol Ink and Art Resin.So excited to share with you this new course! This is a great follow up course to the First Resin jewelry course! This new course offers an easy beginner jewelry project. I'll give you all the materials and where I purchase them. I love making these and they are a really big seller for me so I hope you enjoy it, and I can't wait to see your projects.Resin is an amazing art medium that is so much fun to play with! In this course, you will learn how to correctly mix and tint your resin and create beautiful wearable art pieces. We will use alcohol ink to tint the molds and create some beautiful pieces. This is a Beginner to Intermediate course for those of you that want to have fun, be creative, and get the basics on how to create these artsy pendants. Learn all my quick easy tricks and steps to create your own jewelry to wear or gift! I'll take all the scariness away from Resin and show you how to mix and to create Resin art pendants and give you the skills and materials to develop your unique jewelry pieces.In this course will cover: Materials needed Learn to Mix and Tint the ResinEasy tips to de-mold How to add the bails and findingsBy the end of this course, you can whip up some very attractive pieces to wear or sell.Try a few pieces once you have completed these try tinting your resin with a few different colors of alcohol inks for a different look. The main focus of this class is play. As you try these techniques see how the inks can create some lovely variations. Really dive in with childlike curiosity and create some of your own ideas. I love playing and I find that trying new techniques brings me joy and I hope it does you too!REGISTER NOW and get started making some beautiful Resin Art pendants today! I hope to see you inside the course! This one is going to be fantastic and you can really get your imagination in full swing. I will be posting more projects for classes on my Instagram page, so make sure to swing my and say hello.Thank you so much for taking my classes, I get so excited to see my students work so make sure you post your projects! You can even tag me on Instagram to be featured in my STORIES!If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask and feel free to post your practice pieces in the Q&A section. Can't wait to see them!And if you enjoyed this class, and would like to see more, I would love it if you would please leave a review!Look forward to creating with you, have a TERRIFIC day!XOXO, Kellie"
Price: 19.99

"Alcohol Ink ZenDoodle Exploring Fluid Art" |
"Today I want to show share with you some alcohol ink exploring with Fluid art with Pen and Ink - creating a ZENDOODLE with Alcohol Inks. Have you Experienced Alcohol Inks for yourself? Maybe you have seen many images on Instagram and wondered, what is the medium they are using. It blooms, expands, and has a magical effect that no other medium can replicate.If you are looking for something playful and therapeutic or are feeling stuck in your art and have said to yourself.... I just want to ZEN and relax while painting, then this is the class for you. We will go over a few Ranger Ink colors and create a beautiful flowing fluid art piece that anyone can do. Take this as far as you want to go and use as many details as you wish plus choose any size. This class is for new painters or those of you that get overwhelmed if you have tried alcohol inks but don't like all of those realistic paintings and are looking to explore your abstract side with color. This is a very simple abstract that you can complete quickly and without a lot of frustrations, I'll show you how.Get your just a few Alcohol Inks out, any colors will do.... and have fun with a quick little ZEN painting. In this course, I'll show you how to explore fluid art to create a fun and interesting piece of art. I will be using one color to create all of these amazing shades with my fun and simple tool, then we'll add a bit of DOODLES to our ZEN using Gel pens and creating some fun designs in your painting. mini painting with a small number of details using Alcohol Inks. Please don't forget to post your projects below, I can't wait to see them! WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER IN THIS COURSE:How to create a Fluid Art Piece with Alcohol Inks.How to use my favorite tool to spend the inks and blend them to create soft flowing colors.We'll create the Zen first then add the Doodles with Gel Pens.Have fun and please post your projects - can't wait to see them!Kellie Chasse Fine Art Simple Living Maine Artist Instructor "
Price: 29.99

"Birch bark Lighthouse pendants Jewelry Necklaces Resin" |
"Easy Beginner Pendant Jewelry Projects Using Natural Birch Tree Bark and Resin.Learn to how to Create 3 of these super cute natural birch bark pendants using a few different methods with Simple Living Maine Artist & Instructor Kellie Chasse. These make a wonderful craft project to give as gifts or to sell! There is a full list of materials listed in lecture one with a free preview. First we will be coveringthe Heart and we'll use an engraving pen, then we'll seal it with Art resin in a bezel.For the Last project we'll do a basic one but we'll be adding some cute personalized charms. I'll have a full list of materials as well aslinks to a number of theproducts usedin the videos!IMPORTANT- Not all artist allow this so please check and follow all copy writelaws.As an artist,I personallynever mind when someone copies my work to practice their techniques. I just ask that if you post it on Instagram , Facebook or other social media sites, thatyou givecredit to either my courses or my links as theartist that created the image.Happy Painting!KellieSafety Note: When using paints and chemicals please adhere to any and all manufacturer safety guidelines with these products.If you have specific safety questions or concerns please contact the product's manufacturer or your doctor before using."
Price: 19.99

"Dikkat ynetimiyle ilgili bu kurs eitli ynleriyle odaklanma konusunu mercek altna alarak konsantrasyonun yaammzdaki nemini vurguluyor ve bu beceriyi gelitirmeyi retiyor.Bylece hayatnzda ciddi bir fark yaratma ansn yakalayabilirsiniz.Yarm yzyla yakn bir sreyi tenis arenasnda geirmi biri olarak dikkat konusunda rendiklerimi burada sizlerle paylayorum.Tenis bir dikkat oyunudur ve bu yetenek kesinlikle renilebilir.Kursun amac da bunun yollarn gstermek."
Price: 49.99

"Aplicao Para Controle do SpotiFy com Python" |
"OSpotify uma tima plataforma para desenvolvedores e fornece uma API REST realmente agradvel e bem documentada, onde possvel fazer buscas de artistas, lbuns, nomes de msicas e tambm criar e compartilhar playlists. Neste curso iremos criar uma aplicao do zero para controlar o nosso Spotify em qualquer dispositivo, iremos aprender muito sobre, Python, estrutura de uma aplicao real, gerenciamento de dependncias, criao de interfaces para terminal, instalao do Flesk e configurao de containerDocker."
Price: 159.99

"Manifesting Magic Relationships Law of Attraction Coaching" |
" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Hi, I am a Bestselling Author and Udemy Course Instructor. My courses have been taken by over 30,000 happy students from 161 countries. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++At last, an EFFORTLESS breakthrough system that eliminates your toxic thinking and ATTRACTS your Magical lifeNOW The wait is over! Now you can fulfill your dreams such as increased prosperity, vibrant health and loving relationships. Its guaranteed or your money back!!! Dear Friend,Have you ever wondered why most of the self-improvement programs or books on the market or even on your bookshelf never work?Have you noticed that there are some tools that might seem to work for a few people but not for you?Have you watched the movies What the Bleep Do We Know?, The Secret, studied the Law of Attraction? Have you attended numerous seminars on self-help and positive thinking? Yet, have you been able to achieve permanent & radical transformation in your life?The Self-Development field is a multi-billion dollar industry and bookshelves are loaded with self-help books. Then why is it that there are millions of people struggling with financial insecurity, health problems, unfulfilled relationships, etc?Breakthrough your struggle!Have you wondered why you have worked so hard to make your life work, and strive so hard to make more money to pay your bills, to make your relationships more harmonious, and to gain better health, but you just cant make that breakthrough?Is there always something missing?You wonder why, but never find the answer!Let me make something very clear for you right now:Here is whyThe majority of popular books or programs on self-improvement only touch the surface of your challenges or frustrations, NOT the toxic mindset that causes the problem to begin with!For example, if you have financial problems, you will be advised to take the expensive wealth building seminars that teach you a bunch of money making strategies. BUT, the fact of the matter is that your financial problems are not solved by tools or techniques to make money, but by something deeper and more fundamental.Spread your wings and fly . EffortlesslyWhen those fundamental issues are resolved, EVERYTHING CHANGES!You start to attract the right and fulfilling relationships.Your financial situation starts to change; you start attracting money and abundance into your life.Things that youve always wanted start to show up in your life EFFORTLESSLY. You TRANSFORM your life by taking 100% responsibilityYou find yourself more energetic, passionate, and enthusiastic.Life will seem so easy and effortless; everything will flow naturally.If you wonder how you can align yourself to live an amazing life, you have come to the right place.Make magic happen!This program is the result of over 30 years studying mind science and consciousness-expanding practices. You will learn how to finally identify the dis-empowering mindset that is running your current life by default and start designing your exciting life; the life you dream of having where anything is possible. I have also created this program for anyone who finds spending thousands of dollars on a personal Life Coach too much. Join me on this journey of exploration and manifestation by hitting the ""Buy now"" button above to start creating the life of your dreams and Ill see you in the course."
Price: 199.99

"YouTube Growth Mastery: Create YouTube Audience From Scratch" |
"Understand the conquer the YouTube algorithm in 2020!If you are looking to build a channel without a pre-existing audience, you've come to the right place! Perfect for beginner YouTubers and people who don't know too much about SEO. This course takes you from beginner to advanced in just a few hours. I've personally built my channel to 55,000+ subscribers, and almost 10,000,000 views! Learn to gain an audience doing what you love. Jump right in to learning new ideas and techniques right off the batRethink the way you look at YouTube, and how it wants you to create content.Learn tips for making content that people will want to engage with.Have access to notes on the entire course, for quick refreshers on the content! Enroll now, you'll learn: Niche buildingTypes of content on YouTubeHow to make your channel stand outCreating a channel styleA FREE editing softwareThe YouTube dashboardCreating growth and uniquenessHow the ""masters"" on YouTube do itWhy enroll in this course - and not another YouTube course?I have been a member of YouTube since it's inception way back when. I have watched it grow, and have constantly analyzed it's algorithm and how it works. I know the inner workings of YouTube and have used it to create a strong channel without a pre-existing audience. I am currently at over 55,000 subscribers, and nearly 11 MILLION views! I am also a trained video editor, and will give you some tips to create great content that is inline with YouTube's algorithm. All of this was created and designed in 2020, so the techniques still work. I will do whatever we can to make you happy in the course. I will always respond to your questions in a timely manner, and help re-explain something if it doesn't make sense. In my lessons, I get straight to the point without any additional fluff. Other courses might go in to long winded explanations of things. I understand your time is valuable and tried to condense the content in this course to as short as I could without losing quality. Each lesson will be chock full of tips and tricks to help reshape your view of YouTube, and thereby create growth. Our 100% GuaranteeI am so confident you'll enjoy this course, that I offer a 100% 30-day money-back guarantee through Udemy. If you're not happy with your purchase, I have no problem giving you your money back.Are you ready to start learning?I am waiting to help you learn YouTube Audience Building inside the course! Remember, this is an online course, so you can take it at your own pace. Are you busy right now? That's okay. Enroll today, and take the course whenever you have free time.Thanks so much for your interest in my YouTube SEO Growth course. I look forward to meeting you! See you inside!Kurt"
Price: 29.99

"Android Studio Masterclass: Conquer the Android IDE" |
"Master the Android Studio and become a better Android Developer.Android development is one of the hottest topics to learn. With a single app you can create a worldwide product. With it's fast evolution, a studio for Android development was created.This is where Android Studio came in to the picture. With time-saving features, learning the Android Studio is essential to becoming a good Android developer.There are some amazing resources out there to learn Java and XML,however, there aren't manyresources out there to teach you the this amazing software.In this course we will be going over Android studio. We will take it from installation, to debugging, to deployment.Note, this is not a Java/Development course, but a course to learn the Android Studio IDE.Android Studio Has Some Amazing Time Saving Features ThatMost People Never Use!!We will cover these tools, as well as go over other features and resources that will improve the quality of your code.Why is Android Studio Important?It's the thing that ties Android development together. It canaid your development making better, higher quality and more manageableapps.In this course, I hope to teach you enough about Android Studio that you will be comfortable using all of it's time-saving tools. This will speed up your efficiency and quality of code.Enroll Now and Learn:InstallationJDK, and SDKSetupHandling ErrorsAPI DifferencesGradle Build File BasicsMaking aProjectFlavors and Build TypesEmulator Creation and EditingCreating New FilesCode ManagementDebugging and LoggingGit IntegrationMiscellaneous Android Studio FeaturesOur 100%GuaranteeI amso confident you'll enjoy this course, that Ioffer a 100% 30-day money-back guarantee through Udemy. If you're not happy with your purchase, whave no problem giving you your money back.Are you ready to start learning?Remember, this is an online course, so you can take it at your own pace.Are you busy right now?That's okay. Enroll today, and take the course at your own pace.See you inside!Kurt"
Price: 39.99
