"Passives Einkommen mit Amazon eBooks - eBooks schreiben" |
"APRIL AKTION: Mit dem Code APRILSCHERZ bekommst du diesen und meine anderen Bestseller - Kurse fr den aktuell besten Preis. Der Code ist zeitlich limitiert. Wenn du also erfolgreich werden mchtest und dabei auch noch den besten Preis haben willst, dann schreibe dich gerne in diesen Kurs ein.Du mchtest dir ein passives Einkommen mit eBooks aufbauen?Dieser Kurs zeigt dir Schritt fr Schritt den Weg zu deinem ersten eBook.Du wirst lernen,wie du ein profitables Thema fr dein eBook findest.wie du deine perfekte Zielgruppe findest.wie du dein erstes eBook erfolgreich schreiben & strukturieren kannst.wie du ein professionelles Cover fr dein eBook erstellst.wie du dein eBook erfolgreich bei amazon verffentlichst.wie du dein Buch erfolgreich vermarkten & deine Einnahmen erhhen kannst.wie du sehr schnell zu deinem eBook ein Taschenbuch erstellen kannst.Du brauchst weder ein Schreibtalent, Designerfahrung oder bermig viel Startkapital...Fang noch heute damit an, dir ein finanzielles Standbein mit Ebooks aufzubauen.Egal, ob du wenig Zeit, einen Vollzeitjob oder andere Verpflichtungen hast, in diesem Kurs zeige ich dir, wie du dir schnell und effektiv (sogar nebenbei) ein Portfolio aus verschiedenen eBooks erstellen kannst.Klick jetzt auf den ""JETZT-KAUFEN-BUTTON"" und fange noch heute damit an dein erstes eBook zu schreiben.Wir sehen uns bei der ersten Lektion."
Price: 74.99

"Charismatiker - Extrovertiert. Authentisch. Selbstbewusst." |
"SONDERAKTION: Mit dem Code BONUS20 bekommst du diesen und meine anderen Kurse fr den aktuell besten Preis. Der Code ist zeitlich limitiert. Wenn du also erfolgreich werden mchtest und dabei auch noch den besten Preis haben willst, dann schreibe dich gerne in diesen Kurs ein.Was machen Menschen mit einer unglaublichen Anziehungskraft anders?Dieser Kurs zeigt dir die Geheimnisse von wahrem Charisma. Ziehe noch heute die Menschen in deinen Bann...In diesem Kurs lernst du,wie du deine persnliche Wirkung bewusst kontrollieren & erhhen kannst.wie du eine magische Anziehungskraft auf Andere ausbst.wie du das Gesetz der Anziehung fr dich anwendest.wie du Schritt fr Schritt zu einer charismatischen Persnlichkeit wirst.wie du andere durch dein Charisma berzeugen, lenken & fr dich gewinnen kannst.Ich mchte dir gerne zeigen, wie auch du zu einem interessanten, extrovertierten Charismatiker wirst !Lass uns noch heute damit loslegen.Einfach auf ""KURS JETZT KAUFEN"" drcken und wir sehen uns bei der ersten Lektion."
Price: 94.99

"Rhetorik & Stimmtraining - berzeugen mit der eigenen Stimme" |
"SONDERAKTION: Mit dem Code BONUS20 bekommst du diesen und meine anderen Kurse fr den aktuell besten Preis. Der Code ist zeitlich limitiert. Wenn du also erfolgreich werden mchtest und dabei auch noch den besten Preis haben willst, dann schreibe dich gerne in diesen Kurs ein.WERDE NOCH HEUTE ZUM SPRECHPROFI Du mchtest deine Stimme & deine Rhetorik trainieren? Du willst ein charismatischer, interessanter Gesprchspartner sein, der es versteht, sich elegant auszudrcken?Du willst wissen, wie du deine Stimme & Sprache gezielt steuern und einsetzen kannst?Du mchtest deutlicher & interessanter sprechen?Dann ist dieser Kurs genau der richtige fr dich.Dieser Kurs beinhaltet unter anderem:Die 7 Stellschrauben, wie du deine Stimme optimieren kannst.Die 5 goldenen Regeln der KommunikationEinblicke in die Geheimnisse der Spitzen-RhetorikerDie 2 wichtigsten Eigenschaften fr wahren kommunikativen ErfolgDie 4 Sprachtypen und deren BesonderheitenLass uns noch heute das Optimum aus deinem rhetorischen Potential herausholen.Ich freue mich auf dich, wir sehen uns bei der ersten Lektion. "
Price: 74.99

"Finanzielle Freiheit JETZT! - Automatisch Passives Einkommen" |
"SONDERAKTION: Mit dem Code BONUS20 bekommst du diesen und meine anderen Kurse fr den aktuell besten Preis. Der Code ist zeitlich limitiert. Wenn du also erfolgreich werden mchtest und dabei auch noch den besten Preis haben willst, dann schreibe dich gerne in diesen Kurs ein.Noch nie war es so einfach wie heute, finanziell frei zu werden...Du mchtest wissen,wie du zur Gewinnerseite des digitalen Zeitalters gehrst?wie du dir immer mehr finanzielle Standbeine aufbauen kannst?welche Mglichkeiten es gibt, finanziell frei zu werden?Dann bist du bei diesem Kurs genau richtig!Wir gehen zusammen die 7 effektivsten Business Ideen durch, die bereits sehr viele Personen in die finanzielle Freiheit befrdert haben.Lerne die Erfolgsfaktoren & Konzepte kennen, wie auch du finanziell unabhngig werden kannst.Ich werde dir in diesem Kurs nicht nur die Business-Konzepte vorstellen, sondern dir ebenfalls meine geheimen Informationsquellen verraten, mit denen ich es geschafft habe, nie wieder arbeiten zu mssen. Heute kann ich das tun, was ich mchte.Lass uns gleich beginnen."
Price: 74.99

"Modern B2B Prospecting: How to Get More Meetings" |
"Prospecting is the ability to create opportunities from nothing - the hardest part of the B2B sales cycle. This training program will teach you modern, practical tactics to make you more effective atfinding, engaging and meeting with qualified prospective buyers. This is achieved by building your sales approach around your prospects, building trust and rapport in all your prospecting activities."
Price: 29.99

"Godot 3 Complete Developer Course - 2D and 3D" |
"New lectures added periodically to the course.In this course you will learn how to develop games using Godot and its own scripting language:GDScript. We will start by learning how to use the language and keep moving on until we learn how toexport and publishour games, this way you'll not only learn how to create 2D and 3D games, but also how to share them.Godot is an awesomeopen source engine that gives us the ability to create awesome 2D and 3D games and export them to the Web, Linux, Windows, OSX, Android and iOSwith a single code base!Since its open source release, the engine keeps gaining space and grows more each day. Right now is anawesome time to learn this new engine and grow with it!This course is based on projects, this way you won't just learn how to use the functionalities provided to us by Godot, but alsoapply them on complete games. At the end of most modules, you'll be givenassignments so you can overcome problems on your own and apply what you've learned thought out all of the modules.All of the code and the projects created on the lectures are hosted on github repositories, this allows you to jump to any lecture by just downloading the project of the lecture and start from there, and compare your code to mine if you get stuck.The assets used on the games are also provided to you so you don't have to spend any time looking for assets or creating them!To top it all off, we also have a facebook group where you can interact with me and other students. There, you'll be able to post the games you've created and feedback on them, as well as taking part on challenges of game development that I'll host from period to period.Join now, you won't be disappointed!"
Price: 199.99

australia-nursing-registration |
"OETOETOETAHPRAAHPRA()AHPRAAHPRA88JP( Justices of the Peace )Fumie Iwano(12)Natsuko Okai(15)1AHPRAAHPRAZOOM()job application100%AHPRAAHPRAUdemy3030XxNozomi Kodaira "
Price: 199.99

medical-english |
"AIN()"" Can you get up ? """"Do you want to have a shower ?""4OET8/8"
Price: 8400.00

"Automao de Testes com Robot Framework - Bsico" |
"Esse curso tem como principal objetivo mostrar como a automao de testes pode ser legal e fcil!! O Robot Framework prope automao genrica de testes, ou seja, voc pode automatizar sites, webapps, APIs, desktop, mobile, etc, tudo em um nico framework. Ele no exige conhecimento especfico em linguagem de programao, pois o objetivo dele tornar os testes mais reaproveitveis e fceis com a abordagem keyword-driven, onde qualquer tester/QA podeautomatizar mesmo sem ser muito tcnico.Neste curso te ensinarei os fundamentos bsicos do framework, os passos necessriosparaconstruir um teste automatizado, explicareias estruturas bsicas que o framework disponibiliza para tornar seu teste mais completoe ao final iremos implementar duas sutes de testes: uma com Selenium testando um web app e outra com Requests testando uma APIREST."
Price: 54.99

"Gestin de Proyectos en base al PMI" |
"El curso de Gestion de Proyectos en base al PMBOK 6ta Edicion esta orientado a brindar un apoyo en la definicion de una metodologia de gestion de proyectos para gestores o jefes de proyectos que recien se inician es el mundo de la gestion.Iniciaremos el curso con la definicion de conceptos y generalidades de la gestion de proyectos y el PMBOKque es la guia del marco metodologico que promueve el PMI.Luego realizaremos una revision de las areas de conocimiento y grupos de procesos en que se basa este marco metodologico.Desarrollaremos un capitulo completo referido a la Definicion del Alcance y Desarrollaremos el Plan del Proyecto."
Price: 19.99

"The Comprehensive Guide to Earned Value Management" |
"The project environment is an ever changing and exiting place to be. Project Managers help shape the physical world we live in and contribute substantially the success of organisations and government institutions.The project landscape is changing with even more demands being placed on the project manager to deliver the project goals and objectives on time and on budget. Traditional methods of monitoring and controlling the project cost and schedule baselines are outdated and just does not have the desired impact in increasing the certainty of a project meeting its objectives. It is for this reason that we employ the concept of earned value management. EVM arms the project manager with an industry recognised tried-and-tested tool to help monitor project progress. Through EVA the project manager can identify project issues early and continuously make take corrective actions to ensure the project stays on goal. Project teams are also able to understand the extent f the issue with access to earned value performance data. Earned value will allow the project team to answer the following questions: How much work did we plan to do? How much work got done? How much did the completed work cost? What was the total job supposed to cost? What do we now expect the total job to cost? Being able to answer these questions would put you in a position of power. These questions may seem basic, but most team members do not have the answers. If you are: New to project management An experienced project professional and would like to complement your knowledge with earned value A project manager with the responsibility of delivering the project goals and objectives Planning a project in your personal life, like an extension to your home Then this course is just for you! My course will: Help you Make Sense of Earned Value Management Help you Understand How We Use Earned Value Management Enable you to Implement an Earned Value Management System Allow you to Apply Earned Value Analysis on Any project. So why not get the edge over your fellow project team members and potentially increase your earning by learning Earned Value Management CLICK ENROLNOW!"
Price: 39.99

"Lose Weight & Get Healthy With The Ketogenic Diet" |
"This course is designed to teach you how to start a ketogenic diet immediately after you take the course. The ketogenic diet isn't complicated, it just takes discipline and consistency to get the desired results that you want. Be patient at first because most people are heavy carbohydrate users and use sugar for fuel instead of ketones (fats).What is Nutritional Ketosis? Most people in society are in a state of sugar or glucose metabolism. Nutritional ketosis is a physiological state when the body switches from burning sugar as its primary fuel to burning fatty acids as its primary fuel. Ketones are produced by the liver from both dietary as well as body fat when blood sugar levels drop to a certain point. Unlike diabetic ketoacidosis which is a very rare medical condition that only takes place in individuals who cannot produce insulin, nutritional ketosis is a desireable physiological state because it helps the body to run more efficiently. What Are Ketones? Ketones are water soluble compounds formed from fatty acids that easily cross into the cellular mitochondria where they are metabolized for energy. Ketones create 14 times more cellular energy than glucose. In addition, the metabolism of ketones produces close to 50% less metabolic waste and oxidative stress. Think of a vehicle that gets more 14x more gas mileage, significantly better overall driving performance by all standards and produces 50% less exhaust and pollution. We would all want that vehicle and that is what the state of nutritional ketosis does for our body! What is the Ketogenic Diet? The ketogenic diet is a specific nutrition plan that helps the body produce ketones and utilize these ketones as an energy source. This nutrition plan is composed of a low level of carbohydrates, moderate protein levels and high in fats. The general breakdown is 60-80% fats, 10-30% protein and 5-10% carbohydrates. The variance in the ranges depends upon how active the individual is and how carbohydrate and protein sensitive they are. Enjoy the course."
Price: 19.99

"Java ( Servlet )" |
"JavaJavaJavaJDK(Java Development Kit)JDKHelloWorldEclipseJavaEclipseEclipseEclipseJavaEclipseJavaEclipseTomcatTomcatJavaWebTomcatEclipseEclipseHelloWorldEclipseTomcatJSPJSP(Java Server Pages)WebJavaJSPJSPServletJSPServletWebJavaServletMySQLDBMySQLMySQLJavaMySQLJavaMySQLJSPMySQLWebMySQLJavaTomcatJavaDBDBMVCJspServletMVCModelViewControllerJavaMVCthrows & try catch)"
Price: 24000.00

"Career Accelerator - From Student to Professional to Brand.." |
"Are you a UniversityGraduate thinkingwhat now..? What's next..?The time after your studies can be really daunting.Is it time for a job? Time for a gap year? Or time to find another course to study? All to put off the inevitable of jumping into a career.If you put it off any further your career may become MORE difficult, not easier.If you studied business this is especially the case.Your possibilities as a business graduateare literally endless which makes it extremely difficult to know whats right for you.In this course we attack the 3 questions you are faced with right now.1 What do I do with my life after studies?2 How do I do I tackle my careerdevelopmenthead on?3 How do I make sure I'm successful in the long run? (Great Job, Comfy Income &Awesome Lifestyle)It's easy to understand why you may have these types of questions.It's because, in today's business environment, the rules have changed.It's no longer about planning a lifelong roadmap. Anything planned more than five years into the future will require significant change within 12 months time. And that'sjust to keep pace with the speed of the world.The reason behind this is thanks to the impact that technology has had on business, causingthe average lifespan of a business to become only7 years by the year 2020. So how can you expect to plan your life any further than your job may exist?Well I've got the answer for you, because now, instead of planning from the rote learning system you've been taught in the past, you can embrace a set of principles; a mixture of entrepreneurial principles and modern foundations which have been proven to help you accelerate your career with absolute certainty in an uncertain world.To take the next steps in your future career and your future self, take the action you require now.Remove thedaunting thoughts of your future career and place yourself on a positive trajectory to a more certain life.Enrol in Career Accelerator now."
Price: 204.99

"JAIIB 2020: Legal & Regulatory Aspects Of Banking Mock Test" |
"Are you ready to clear JAIIB Examination 2020 Conducted by IIBF ? Find out by testing yourself with this new offering on Udemy. Each of the 5 full length practice tests for Paper 2: Legal And Regulatory Aspects of Banking,provide an entire exams worth of knowledge, enabling you to confirm your mastery of the topics and providing you full confidence to clear the examination in very first attempt.The tests in this set are timed, so youll know whether youre taking more time than the official Examination, and at the end of the test youll receive a personal breakdown of the questions you answered correctly and incorrectly to improve your knowledge and help you know your weaker points.My First Tip is to clear this exam in first two blocks only. The reason being the fees you pay is valid for only two blocks. So if you cant clear the exam you have to pay again. Above all you have to give all the papers again. Suppose you clear two paper in first block then you only need to give third paper in second block and if you pass that paper ,you will clear JAIIB. But suppose you failed to clear that paper in second block then you have to give the exam fees again and have to give all three appears again. hope you got the point so better clear the exam in first two blocks only.My Second Tip is related to importance of JAIIB. Friends JAIIB has big relevance in banking and finance industry. So if your plans to stay in banking for long and reach new heights then take this exam seriously and gain as much knowledge as you can.My Third Tip is for newly recruited people. Clear this exam as soon as you enter the banking industry. Most of you are just out of your college and are still in study mode. So its easier for you to learn and grasp concepts. But if you take longer like 5-10 years then you will loose motivation and now being married and having kids u loose study habit and its difficult to study in that environment. You must have seen many seniors getting difficulty in clearing this examYou can retake the tests in this course, and also interact with me, if you need further clarification. I update this course every 6 months with latest questions added.Sharpen your skills to pass this exam with flying colors !"
Price: 1280.00

"Bank Promotion Exam Practice Tests" |
"Hiring and promotions in banks are at all time high. One can easily become officer form clerk in 3-4 years and from scale 1 to 2 in 3 years( many banks like BOI, Dena Bank, Bank of Baroda etc. are even giving in 2 years too). With todays pressure its good to take promotion as soon as possible in once career when one is bachelor and free from family responsibilities. This Practice Test Course helps youclear bank promotion exam successfully. I have made these tests with specially designed 600 questions . These tests areideally suited for promotions from clerical to officer ,scale I to Scale II and scale II to scale III. I havegeneralize the questionsfor the purpose of whole banking community and not specific to one particular bank.Questions are covering almost all topics of bank promotions like-RBI loan policy and loan documentation covering CRR, SLR, exposure norms, loan system, capital market exposures, loans to directors and other misc. policy issues, Stamp duty, limitation, securities, charges on securities such as Hypothecation, pledge, mortgage, assignment. Priority Sector lending issues such as Targets, weaker section, minority communities, collateral security rules, Education loans, MSE, National equity fund, Govt. sponsored schemes, Agriculture lending Non-performing advances such as Concepts, provisioning, SARFAESI Act, DRT Act, Lok Adalat, Willful defaulters, Securitization companies FOREX operations including Basics of FOREX, exchange rates, FC deposit accounts, Export credit, gold card, export refinance, imports Electronic Payment systems, such as RTGS, NEFT, ECS, MTSS, Cheque Truncation, ATM etc. Financial awareness, latest banking including Basel-3, Basel-2, Risk management, dividend payment, money market, CD, CP, NCD, LAF, WMA, securitization, factoring, narrow banking, universal banking, govt. securities, derivatives, options, ALM, RTI etc. Financial Statement Analysis Customers and customer issues such as Banker-customer, Lien, set off, garnishee & attachment order, KYC, Ombudsman, Bank Notes , Consumer Protection, Nomination, Fraud Reporting, TDS , Locker, Inoperative a/cs, Pension, PPF, accounts of customers such as Minor, partnership, companies, Trust, LLP, HUF. Negotiable Instrument Act including Definition, PN, BoE, cheque, cheque crossing, endorsement, cheque payment, cheque collection, material alteration, cheque dishonor.All the best for Promotions !Regards ,Instructor"
Price: 1280.00

"Moving Averages :Trading and Investing 360 Degree[3.5 Hours]" |
"Are you confused and scared from stock market?Are you tired from loss making trades?Are you confused when to enter and when to exit a stock?Are you scared seeing all those confusing charts?If the answer is ""YES"" , Welcome to this amazing course on moving averages which isbasis ofmosttechnical indicators.What students are saying:5 Star, ""Finally, I know how to predict price movements thanks to this course."" -Thomas Gollogly5 Star, ""This course is a must for those who would like to learn more or refresh MA basics.""- Edward Clark5 Star, ""The instructor lays a solid foundation and then builds upon it.""- Steve Horn5 Star, ""Fantastic Course ! Great Overview of a Complex topic."" - Rajendra Prasad5 Star, ""Awesome course. Must buy for anyone interested in moving average and stock market trading."", UmaCOURSE UPDATED EVERY MONTHSINCELAUNCH- LASTUPDATE October2018.* Lifetime Support from Instructor* This course is applicable to Stocks,Forex, Commodity and even to CryptoCurrency.Moving averages are being used for many years to predict the market trend and are the best technical tool ever developed.Why complicate trading and investing when moving averages can make trading far better and efficient.Moving averages are basically lagging trend indicators and are frequently used due to their simplicity and effectiveness and best thing about Moving Averages is that these can be used for analysis of stocks, forex and even commodities.In this course you will learn-Importance of Moving Averages as a Technical tool as well as Quality investing tool.How to differentiate between reliable and unreliable trends.This course will Help you identify early Buy and Sell signals.Find perfect Moving Averagecombination .5-8-13 Moving Average Strategy.How to use MovingAverage as Support or Resistance.Develop a Moving Averagebased trading system which is easy to use and apply.Buy and lows and sell at highs using New Dip Moving Average Strategy( Never seen before)Trade using Predictive Moving average strategy( Predicting future highs and lows)""New Holy Grail"" Moving Average Trading Strategy.Golden Crossover Moving Average Strategy.Hull Moving Average Trading Setup"
Price: 6080.00

"JAIIB 2020 - Principles and Practices of Banking Mock Tests" |
"Are you ready to clear JAIIB Examination 2020 Conducted by IIBF ? Find out by testing yourself with this new offering on Udemy. Each of the 6 full length practice tests for Paper 1: Principles and Practices of banking,provide an entire exams worth of knowledge, enabling you to confirm your mastery of the topics and providing you full confidence to clear the examination in very first attempt.The tests in this set are timed, so youll know whether youre taking more time than the official Examination, and at the end of the test youll receive a personal breakdown of the questions you answered correctly and incorrectly to improve your knowledge and help you know your weaker points.Covers New Module Mock Test : Ethics in Banks and Financial InstitutionsMy First Tip is to clear this exam in first two blocks only. The reason being the fees you pay is valid for only two blocks. So if you cant clear the exam you have to pay again. Above all you have to give all the papers again. Suppose you clear two paper in first block then you only need to give third paper in second block and if you pass that paper ,you will clear JAIIB. But suppose you failed to clear that paper in second block then you have to give the exam fees again and have to give all three appears again. hope you got the point so better clear the exam in first two blocks only.My Second Tip is related to importance of JAIIB. Friends JAIIB has big relevance in banking and finance industry. So if your plans to stay in banking for long and reach new heights then take this exam seriously and gain as much knowledge as you can.My Third Tip is for newly recruited people. Clear this exam as soon as you enter the banking industry. Most of you are just out of your college and are still in study mode. So its easier for you to learn and grasp concepts. But if you take longer like 5-10 years then you will loose motivation and now being married and having kids u loose study habit and its difficult to study in that environment. You must have seen many seniors getting difficulty in clearing this examYou can retake the tests in this course, and also interact with me, if you need further clarification. I update this course every 6 months with latest questions added.Sharpen your skills to pass this exam with flying colors !"
Price: 1280.00

"How to Eliminate Loss & Profit Consistently in Stock Market" |
"Are you confused and scared of Stock Market?Are you totally depended on your broker for investing and stock selection decisions but still loosing?Are you often confused how andfrom where to start your stock selection process?Do you find difficulty in entering the stock at low valuations?If the answer is ""YES"" , then welcome to this amazing course on How to Eliminate Loss and Profit Consistently in Stock Market.Most investors often leave stock market with huge losses and myths in mind like stock market is a place to gamble, stock market is controlled by operators, money can be made only by insider trading etc etc. But mostly people fail to realise their own mistakes. Their own non ability to learn and often relying on other people for investment decisions. This course is for small investors who are engaged in different full time job or business or any other source of income and invest small amounts in stock market to earn passive income. Even if you are full time investor you will gain lots of new strategies and eye opening facts which you can implement to refine your investment process in stock market.In this course you will learn-1) Why ordinary/commoninvestor loses money in stock market?2)How retail investors are trapped? Stock Tip Scam3)Financial Analysis 4)Business and Industry Analysis 5)Valuation Analysis 6)Management Analysis 7)How to generate stock ideas? 8)Stock Investing Pledge 9)When to Sell the Stock 10) BONUS: New Dip Moving average strategy to enterstocks at lows.11) BONUS:How to findCompanies manipulating earnings?12) BONUS:How to find companies who may go bankrupt in near future?13) BONUS:How to find financial strength of a company?"
Price: 3200.00

"Learn To Write Dialogue & Settings" |
"This course is going to take you deep into your mind and help you create your own setting for a few different genres. It doesn't matter if you're just starting out or you have some experience, everyone can always improve their writing. In this course I want to help you improve your writing and let you explore your imagination. I want you to be as creative as you can and never hesitate to ask questions."
Price: 19.99

"The LED Pixel Master Course" |
"Hi there! Welcome to The LEDPixel Master Course, the ultimate online resource for creating interactive lighting projectswith LEDpixels!Most commonly arranged inLEDstrips,LEDpixels are found all over the worldat light festivals, concerts, arcades and Christmas light displays.As a software engineer, I've spent years working onsystems that are completelyinvisible to end users. It's hard to explain to your family what exactly you do all day when you work on systems like these.When working with LEDpixels, however, the results of your work are immediately visible and everybody can enjoy the results! By taking this course, you'll learn to harness this power to make visually stunning works of art that you can proudly show off to anyone, whether they're 1 or 100 years old!Why should Itake this course?Good question!You can learn bits and piecesthrough online videos,but this course is by far the most comprehensive LEDpixelresource you'll find.Here are just a few reasons why:Westart at the very beginning, learning allabout LEDpixels and what they can do.Instead of just taking the success path to project completion, we take the time to talk about common pitfalls and how to avoid them.Webuild our projects with a strongfocus on safety and reliability in terms of soldering, powering and programming our devices.You'll be given regular challenges throughout the course to test your skills, and we'llwork through the solutions together.The course content will continue to grow, with funnew topics and projects being added regularly!What will we cover in this course?Throughout the course we'll:Learn about the bestcomponents to use and where to buy them online.Make use of theArduino platform and FastLEDto easily communicate with LEDpixels.Use FastLED to create stunning visual effects.Power our projects in a safe and reliable manner, learning about important limitations and safety considerations.Solder useful connections for powering and communicating with LEDstrips.Create a fully-functional,reflex-based bomb defusal game using buttons and an LEDstrip.I am truly passionate about creating fun, interactive projects that make people happy. Join me in this course, and discover just how fun and easy it can be to make something amazing!"
Price: 94.99

"Si en algn momento te has preguntado como es que se realizan los grficos o efectos visuales realizados en las pelculasy estas considerando una carrera como Composicin VFX o Artista de Motion Graphics, este es el curso que usted esta buscando, En este cuso te guiar por todas las tcnicas utilizadas en el cine y la televisin todo bajo mi experiencia profesional.Este ser un curso muy nutritivo para usted , usaremos Adobe After Effects CC para desarrollar y comprender como es que se realizan los efectos visuales de algunas de las pelculas mas exitosas en la industria y grficos Animados para televisin."
Price: 19.99

"Building Influence in Your Workplace" |
"Influence why are we obsessedabout influence? After all, everyone has their own way of getting things done. Some, more successful than others; some, effective in specific settings. But, when in the workplace, it is crucial that we all know how to influence people around us be it our clients, our bosses, our team members, or just the colleague from the other department that you occasionally need help from."
Price: 19.99

"The Best Solution Architect - A Complete Understanding" |
"Whatever IT role you are currently having, if you want to become the Solution Architect, this course is best for you. This course is suited for any type of Solution Architect irrespective of any technology or domain.This course will help you developing new architectural and design skills to create high level solution to the customer IT requirements. A Solution Architect is often highly paid in this ITindustry and grow well along with Organization's growth. This is a really very important role in any organization.I have explained each component in detailfor better understandingand even mentioned the challenges which i faced in my architectural experience to help you with.So, whether you are a technology expert or already an architect, this course will certainly take you career to the next level."
Price: 1280.00

"AgilePM Project Management - Foundation and Practitioner" |
"This course prepares you fora qualification inAgilePM Project Management, a best practice for Agile Project Management.AgilePM is the most popular agile project management qualification in the world Trusted Training Radar The AgilePMcertification aims to address the needs of those working in a project-focused environment who want to be Agile. It provides individuals andorganisations with a leaner, more structured approach to project management enabling them to respond quickly to change and provides a way to implement high-priority initiatives.It works alongside formal approaches such as PRINCE2, PMI, APMP and compliments quality processes such as ISO 9001 and CMM1.AgilePM Project Management -The worlds leading framework and certification for Agile Project Managementis apractical and repeatable methodology that achieves an ideal balance between the standards, rigour and visibility required for good project management, and the fast-pace, change and empowerment provided by Agile. Benets of Method:Deliver quicker, cost-effective and low risk change by implementing a tried and tested approach to agile project management.Understand the background of agile in project management and the differences compared to traditional / alternative approaches.Equip yourself with the core principles, concepts and processes required for successful agile projects.Learn how to apply the DSDM agileapproach to projects and daily activities and embrace an evolutionary development approach for more effective solutions.Boost communication and stakeholder engagement skills; critical for successful projects.Clarify different management styles needed for successful agile projects compared to traditional projects and be able to tailor these to the situation.Help organizations deliver effectively, at a lower cost and with lower risk, by continually validating project milestones against business objectives.Become an informed member of a project team using DSDM and AgilePM practices.Enhance your CV and boost future employment prospects.This accreditedcourseaims to provide you with a straight forward route to becoming a fully certificated Registered Practitioner in your own time and at your own pace.Foundation and Practitioner-Course Content: 10modules with associated engaging, motion graphicvideo presented lessons Notes to support each lesson and references to further suggested reading. Support materials and exercises to consolidate the learning Foundation level sample questions to test and embed the learning Practitioner level sample questions to test comprehension of the subjectEligible for 30 CPU/PDU points.When you are ready to take the Foundation or Practitioner Exam/Qualification, please contact your Learning Service Provider SkillSolve Training (admin@skillsolve.co.uk +44 (0)1202 970910) to arrange your exams.AgilePM, The APMG-International and Swirl Device logo are trademarks of The APM Group Limited, used under permission of The APM Group Limited. All rights reserved. Accredited AgilePM training is provided by SPOCE (APMG-International Accredited Training Organisations)."
Price: 199.99

"APM - PFQ: Project Management Fundamentals" |
"This coursecontains everything you need to achieve a good understanding of the Project Management Fundamentals.It isalso accredited for andcovers thecompetencies required to achieve the APM - PFQ Project Fundamentals Qualification (SCQF Level6 - Globally Recognised Qualification).4 modules with associated interactive lessonsInnovative and engagingvideos for each lessonNotes to support each lesson and references to APM SyllabusPracticetestdirectly aligned to the APM syllabusTasks and exercises to consolidate the learningExtensive Exam Approaches module to support the ""Objective Testing"" Fundamentals examCourse ContentProject management and the operating environmentProject lifecycleManagement structures by which projects operateProject management planningScope managementScheduling and resource managementRisk management and issue managementProject quality managementCommunicationLeadership and teamworkThis course is also eligible for 14 CPD/PDUpoints."
Price: 99.99

"Investment Appraisal Mastery - NPV, IRR, Payback, PI, ARR" |
"Gain command over the core skills you need to invest in anything and do it well thanks to rock solid Finance Fundamentals. Change the way you look at money and investments by mastering one of the most versatile concepts in Finance. Identify the right investment opportunity and avoid making bad investment decisions by becoming an Investment Appraisal PRO.With no prior knowledge required, and a curriculum designed for distinction, this is the only course you'll need to truly master the most vital investment appraisal / capital budgeting tools and ensuring you have a solid foundation in core finance fundamentals including:Net Present Value (NPV)Internal Rate of Return (IRR)Payback PeriodAccounting Rate of Return (ARR)Profitability Index (PI).DESIGNED FOR DISTINCTIONWe've used the same tried and tested, proven to work teaching techniques that've helped our clients ace their exams and become chartered certified accountants, get hired by the most renowned investment banks in the world, and indeed, manage their own investment appraisal / capital budgeting process. Here's how we'll help you master one of the most powerful Finance Fundamentals concepts and turn you into an Investment Appraisal PRO:A Solid FoundationYoull gain a solid foundation of the core finance fundamentals that drive the entire investment appraisal / capital budgeting process.Example WalkthroughsEvery major concept is taught with example question walkthroughs, so you can literally see how we evaluate investments from scratch.Loads of Helpful Practice ActivitiesApply what you learn immediately with 65 practice questions, all with impeccably detailed solutions.Proofs & ResourcesMathematical proofs, engaging study materials, discount factor tables with built-in how-to guides all included.6 SECTIONS TO MASTERYUse our structured learning path, or dive right in to a specific concept youre struggling with.Introduction & The FundamentalsGet the basics and core finance fundamentals right, first time so you learn once and retain it forever.Explore why certain investments look great, but arent so in reality.Discover the power of the time value of money and discounting cashflows from scratch.Net Present Value (NPV)See why companies around the world rely on this technique when investing billions.Understand the powerful logic and intuition behind one of the most versatile capital budgeting techniques.Compute the NPV of projects from scratch, manually as well as on Excel.Internal Rate of Return (IRR)Understand the powerful relationship between the IRR and cost of capital.Learn how to estimate the IRR from scratch, including by interpolation.Explore Excels RATE and IRR functions and know which one to use when.Accounting Rate of Return (ARR)See why simplicity isnt always useful, and why it can be dangerous.Explore the limitations of one of the most popular techniques.Make better decisions by distinguishing between profit and cashflows.Payback & Discounted PaybackDiscover what makes this the easiest capital budgeting techniques out there.Learn how to estimate when youll make back your initial investment.Understand how the time value of money can change your payback period.Profitability Index (PI)How do you choose between 2 great opportunities when your funds are limited?Explore why the Profitably Index is probably the most useful capital budgeting technique.Forget about mechanical learning understand the intuition behind the formula and the finance fundamentals that drive the logic behind it.Make Better Investment Decisions by mastering Capital Budgeting, Starting Today.Use our structured learning path, designed for distinction.Focus on what really matters.Engage with carefully thought out, clutter-free, and engaging study materials that focus on the 20% finance fundamentals that drive 80% of the results.Retain your knowledge forever by easily following through complex concepts with great visuals that dont overdo it.Explore why investment appraisal / capital budgeting techniques work the way they do, instead of memorising formulas without understanding them.There really always is a reason for everything.Feel your confidence rise.Apply what you learn immediately in example question walkthroughs and progressively challenging quizzes with impeccably detailed solutions.Engage with over 65 questions ranging from simple true and false ones to more complex problems that take you outside your comfort zone.Questions are relevant for Ivy League / Russell Group University students as well as professionals studying for the ICAEW CFAB, ACA, ACCA, and CFA qualifications.All questions designed in-house, by Professional Tutors with Russell Group Distinctions.See how & why the equations work.Learn why we divide some variables by something, and multiply other variables by something else. Get past the painful approach of memorising countless equations.Not only will we rip apart each equation one variable at a time, well also give you mathematical proofs that show the equations logic one step at a time.Save yourself time and effort by understanding why the equation works the way it does. Then go out and create your own equations thanks to your new solid finance fundamentals.Here's what you get. And this is exactly why this is the only course you'll ever need to take to master Investment Appraisal and build a solid foundation in Finance Fundamentals:Over 2 hours of video content, with each concept broken down part by part, variable by variable, one equation at a time. Starting from the very basics, and building you to a point where you can handle more complex problems.Student-centric, easy-to-read learning materials - this will change the way you look at lecture notes. Seriously.Quizzes and assignments that challenge you, progressively.An easy to apply 'Discount Factor Table', with a built-in how to guide.Mathematical proofs for the mathematically curious!An instructor who's insanely passionate about Finance and Finance Fundamentals, and obsessed with helping students win.______________________________________________________________________________________________As you can tell, we're new to Udemy. But we've been helping students and professionals master Finance and Accounting across Europe for a while now. Here's what our 1:1 Tuition Clients say about us.We're proud of our students, and inspired by these stories - we decided to share them (unedited) with you...""I have had a great experience with Fervent tutor as I was taught more of the content and less memorizing. I think their timings and their work is professional as the tutor seeks the most efficient and productive way to help the student. I studied accounting with the tutor and it contributed greatly to my knowledge for the exam.""- Abdulaziz, BA (Hons), International Management""Fervent goes above and beyond the call of duty. First, they help you get the basics right and then assist you until you get a firm grip of your module. Fervent provides an extremely professional and patient environment. Doesnt matter how many questions you have or silly you think they are, they encourage all of it. I never would have passed my module rather score a merit in it if it wouldnt have been for Fervent.""- Shambhavi, MSc, Accounting and FinanceFervent provides an exceptional service, the whole process from start to finish was very hands on and supportive during my final year I needed tuition for a governance paper, essentially I was hoping they would do all the work for me but in the long run I got so much more than I bargained for .they changed my entire thought process and maintained a complete professional reserve. Working with me every step of the way, I was encouraged to think critically in achieving my objective and inspired to dig deep. As a result I produced a 2000 word essay (which I had them proof read as well) worthy of a distinction. Thank you for all the help and most importantly thank you for believing in me.- Sean, MSc, Accounting and FinanceThroughout the period of doing my Masters dissertation, I felt agonised from not only researching my specific topic but also writing clearly with no any grammatical errors. Fortunately, I found Fervent which offers efficient and comprehensive services. At first, I just expected my dissertation to be improved in terms of grammar; however, Fervent provided me much more than that. All essential aspects such as formatting, structure, logic, consistency of analysis and critique, strength of arguments are also checked and corrected. One thing that Ive been very grateful is related to my topic details. In addition to pointing out some big mistakes and recommending more accurate and professional alternative solutions, Fervent gave me many more interesting and valuable ideas which helped to develop my content to have stronger arguments and more critical analysis. My tutors suggestions helped me become more analytical in my thought process and in producing a better research paper; my critical thinking skills also saw a considerable improvement. Without Fervent support, I dont believe I could have been awarded an excellent grade for this dissertation. Thank you so much for invaluable help over my hard time. - Duang MSc, Financial Analysis and Fund ManagementUndoubtedly the gains that I have acquired from the studying with Fervent are plentiful and significantly make me different from what I used to be in terms of my expanded knowledge base, improved English skills (e.g. English-writing), as well as being more confident communicating with English speakers and with the improved ability to think differently and critically for dealing with various types of course works in my study in the university more readily. My tutor is specialized not only in the teaching of Accounting and Finance but also very familiar with the relevant knowledge in the subjects such as Marketing and Management. This is why I trust this person at an initial point along with his kind, friendly and very patient characteristics (e.g. Im always encouraged by my tutor during the session with him, often to hear: if you really want it and then you can do it and will make it with no doubts). Skilled worker ushers in the gate, leads a pious life depending on individual. This is a Chinese old saying which I can still remember vividly because it was what my tutor had told me in my with him and made me believe an excellent learning outcome and a constructive learning process requires the hardworking from both of us. The record shows we did it. This is another reason I like Fervent as in the session with my tutor you see his hardworking as for the preparation for each session and in making the sessions distinctive from clich-ridden teaching-and-listening classes by exploring the best way and the most suitable set of teaching methods to provide the student with the best value for money. Jiajian BA (Hons), Business and Management"
Price: 99.99

"Bond Valuation Mastery - Learn To Value Bonds From Scratch." |
"Explore how to value one of the most versatile fixed income securities, inside out. Apply rock solid finance fundamentals to value Straight / Vanilla Bonds, Consols, and Zero-Coupon (Deep Discount) Bonds as well as their Yields, from scratch. Do this manually, and on Excel and Google Sheets.With no prior knowledge required, and a curriculum that's designed for distinction, this course will take you from zero to PRO in one of the most important aspects of modern day Finance. And build your finance fundamentals up from scratch, to hold you in good stead forever.6 SECTIONS TO MASTERY.Use our structured learning path, or dive right in to a specific concept youre struggling with.Introduction to BondsGet the basic finance fundamentals right, first time so you learn once and retain it forever.Explore what bonds are, including their types and characteristics.Discover the trading status of bonds and see how ratings work.The FundamentalsGain a solid command over the core finance fundamentals that drive the entire bond valuation process.Understand the powerful logic and intuition behind discounting future cashflows.Witness the power of compounding cashflows, including why we use (1+r) and not just r.Valuing Bonds (Simple Cases)Value a Zero-Coupon Bond from scratch.Estimate the price of a Straight / Vanilla bond.Value a Consol (aka Perpetual Bond), and see why the formula works.Valuing Bonds (Advanced)Value bonds with semi-annual and quarterly coupons.Explore the impact of compounding on bond prices.See first hand how a change in the yield impacts the value of a bond.Yield To Maturity FundamentalsExplore the pre-requisites for estimating the yield.Learn what the Net Present Value (NPV) is.Understand the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and see how it relates to the yield.Estimating Yield To Maturity (YTM)Calculate the YTM of a Zero-Coupon Bond from scratch.Estimate the YTM of a Consol (aka Perpetual Bond).Apply your knowledge of NPV and IRR to estimate the yield of a vanilla bond, manually and on Excel.DESIGNED FOR DISTINCTIONDiscover the intuition behind the bond valuation process and gain a solid foundation in Finance Fundamentals thanks to:A Solid FoundationYoull gain a solid foundation of the core fundamentals that drive the entire bond valuation process.Example WalkthroughsEvery major concept is taught with example question walkthroughs, so you can literally see how we value bonds from scratch.Loads of Helpful Practice ActivitiesApply what you learn immediately with 135 practice questions, all with impeccably detailed solutions.One Page Cheat Sheets & ResourcesMathematical proofs, one page cheat sheets, workable Excel & Google Sheets spreadsheets all included.Say goodbye to endless memorising.Engage with carefully thought out, clutter-free, and engaging study materials that focus on the 20% finance fundamentals that drive 80% of the results.Easily follow through complex concepts with great visuals that dont overdo it.Explore why bonds are valued the way they are, instead of memorising formulas without understanding them.There really always is a reason for everything.Feel your confidence rise.Apply what you learn immediately in example question walkthroughs and progressively challenging quizzes with impeccably detailed solutions.Engage with over 100 questions ranging from simple true and false ones to more complex problems that take you outside your comfort zone.Questions are relevant for Ivy League / Russell Group University students as well as professionals studying for the ICAEW CFAB, ACA, ACCA, and CFA qualifications.All questions designed in-house, by Professional Tutors with Russell Group Distinctions.See how & why the equations work.Learn why we divide some variables by something, and multiply other variables by something else. Get past the painful approach of memorising countless equations.Not only will we rip apart each equation one variable at a time, well also give you mathematical proofs that show the equations logic one step at a time.Save yourself time and effort by understanding why the equation works the way it does. Then go out and create your own equations thanks to your new rock solid finance fundamentals.____________________________________________________________________________________________________Here's what you get. And this is exactly why this is the only course you'll ever need to take to master Bond Valuation:Over 3.5 hours of on-demand video content, with each concept broken down part by part, variable by variable, one equation at a time. Starting from the very basics, and building you to a point where you can handle more complex problems.Student-centric, easy-to-read learning materials that will change the way you look at lecture notes. Seriously.Quizzes and assignments that challenge you, progressively. With the most detailed solutions you've ever seen.An easy to apply 'Discount Factor Table', with a built-in how to guide.Mathematical proofs for the mathematically curious!An instructor who's insanely passionate about Finance and Finance Fundamentals, and obsessed with helping you win.____________________________________________________________________________________________________As you can tell, we're new to Udemy. But we've been helping students and professionals master Finance and Accounting across Europe for a while now. Here's what our 1:1 Tuition Clients say about us.We're proud of our students, and inspired by these stories - we decided to share them (unedited) with you...""I have had a great experience with Fervent tutor as I was taught more of the content and less memorizing. I think their timings and their work is professional as the tutor seeks the most efficient and productive way to help the student. I studied accounting with the tutor and it contributed greatly to my knowledge for the exam.""- Abdulaziz, BA (Hons), International Management""Fervent goes above and beyond the call of duty. First, they help you get the basics right and then assist you until you get a firm grip of your module. Fervent provides an extremely professional and patient environment. Doesnt matter how many questions you have or silly you think they are, they encourage all of it. I never would have passed my module rather score a merit in it if it wouldnt have been for Fervent.""- Shambhavi, MSc, Accounting and FinanceFervent provides an exceptional service, the whole process from start to finish was very hands on and supportive during my final year I needed tuition for a governance paper, essentially I was hoping they would do all the work for me but in the long run I got so much more than I bargained for .they changed my entire thought process and maintained a complete professional reserve. Working with me every step of the way, I was encouraged to think critically in achieving my objective and inspired to dig deep. As a result I produced a 2000 word essay (which I had them proof read as well) worthy of a distinction. Thank you for all the help and most importantly thank you for believing in me.- Sean, MSc, Accounting and FinanceThroughout the period of doing my Masters dissertation, I felt agonised from not only researching my specific topic but also writing clearly with no any grammatical errors. Fortunately, I found Fervent which offers efficient and comprehensive services. At first, I just expected my dissertation to be improved in terms of grammar; however, Fervent provided me much more than that. All essential aspects such as formatting, structure, logic, consistency of analysis and critique, strength of arguments are also checked and corrected. One thing that Ive been very grateful is related to my topic details. In addition to pointing out some big mistakes and recommending more accurate and professional alternative solutions, Fervent gave me many more interesting and valuable ideas which helped to develop my content to have stronger arguments and more critical analysis. My tutors suggestions helped me become more analytical in my thought process and in producing a better research paper; my critical thinking skills also saw a considerable improvement. Without Fervent support, I dont believe I could have been awarded an excellent grade for this dissertation. Thank you so much for invaluable help over my hard time.- Duang MSc, Financial Analysis and Fund ManagementUndoubtedly the gains that I have acquired from the studying with Fervent are plentiful and significantly make me different from what I used to be in terms of my expanded knowledge base, improved English skills (e.g. English-writing), as well as being more confident communicating with English speakers and with the improved ability to think differently and critically for dealing with various types of course works in my study in the university more readily.My tutor is specialized not only in the teaching of Accounting and Finance but also very familiar with the relevant knowledge in the subjects such as Marketing and Management. This is why I trust this person at an initial point along with his kind, friendly and very patient characteristics (e.g. Im always encouraged by my tutor during the session with him, often to hear: if you really want it and then you can do it and will make it with no doubts).Skilled worker ushers in the gate, leads a pious life depending on individual. This is a Chinese old saying which I can still remember vividly because it was what my tutor had told me in my with him and made me believe an excellent learning outcome and a constructive learning process requires the hardworking from both of us. The record shows we did it. This is another reason I like Fervent as in the session with my tutor you see his hardworking as for the preparation for each session and in making the sessions distinctive from clich-ridden teaching-and-listening classes by exploring the best way and the most suitable set of teaching methods to provide the student with the best value for money.Jiajian BA (Hons), Business and Management"
Price: 119.99

"PostgreSQL'e Giri" |
"Bu eitim ile bir Postgres kurulumu gerekletirmeyi reneceksiniz. Mimarisinin temellerini kefederek query yaam dngsn renmi olacaksnz. Bir veritaban oluturup veritabannda deiiklikler yapabileceksiniz. Tablo oluturup ierisine data basabilecek ve bu datay eki yntemlerini ve performanslarn inceleyecek seviyeye geleceksiniz.PostgreSQL 9.6 InstalattionPostgreSQL 12 InstalattionPostgreSQL Sample DB InstallationPostgreSQL Architecture -IPostgreSQL Quering DataPostgreSQL Filtering DataPostgreSQL Joining Multiple TablesPostgreSQL Grouping DataPostgreSQL Tools (PgAdmin)Performing Set OperationsPostgreSQL Modifying DataPostgreSQL Managing TablesPostgreSQL Export-Import lemleri PostgreSQL Tuning Sreleri"
Price: 329.99

"SQL Server'da A'dan Z'ye Performans" |
"Bu Eitim ile Developer,Analyst,SQL Developer,Database Administrator gibi i kollarnn SQL Server zerindePerformansl Query Nasl yazlr A'dan Z'ye renilmesi salanacaktr.Eitim Serisinin ilk Eitimi ,Neden Veritabannda Performans ? Veritabanndaki Performans Neden nemsemiyoruz ?SELECT * Kullananlarn Bana GelenlerWhere Blounda Function Kullanmnn Etkileri LIKE Operatr Kullanm Yntem ve Etkileri Aritmetiksel Operatrler ile Performans Etkileri IS NULL Fonksiyonun Performans Sreci Convert Implicit Problemi Collate KullanmQuery Lfe CycleTemp Table & Table Variable Performans KarlatrlmasCAST-CONVERT ve PARSE Performans Karlatrmalar"
Price: 229.99

"SQL Server Execution Plan Operatrleri ve Plan Guide" |
"SQL Server Execution Plan Operatrleri ve Plan Guide EitimiSQL Server zerinde altrlan Sorgularn Query Planlarn okumanz iin gerekli en ok kullanlan operatrleri tanmlanmaktadr. Bu Operatrlerin ne ie yarad ve ne ekilde kullanlrsa Performansa etki edebilecekleri.Bu Eitim ile Execution planlar okuyabilir ve yorumlayabilirsiniz. Bu sayede Performans problemlerinizi hzl bir ekilde tespit edip zme kavuturabilirsiniz.Eitim eriiExecution Plan Nedir ?Execution Plan Okuma TekniiScan SreciTable ScanHeap Table Nedir ?Clustered Index ScanSeek SreciClustered Index SeekNon Clustered Index SeekNested Loop Operatr Nedir?Nested Loop Operatrnde Hint KullanmKey Lookup OperatrRID LookupDemo"
Price: 399.99
