"How To DJ With Your Numark DJ2GO2" |
"From complete beginner to playing onyour Numark DJ2GO2using beatmixing, cues, loops, samples & more...You're here because you've got (or are thinking of buying) the amazing Numark DJ2GO2 controller and want to know how to play awesome DJ sets on it.I'm here because I make DJ and DJ/producer courses for Digital DJ Tips, the online DJ school of choice for over 18,000 students in 105 countries.Welcome To How To DJ With Your Numark DJ2GO2...Here at Digital DJ Tips, we train DJs and DJ/producers from beginnerright up to fully pro. Scratch DJs, mobile/wedding DJs, club DJs and music producers have all turned their dreams into full-time careers by following our full curriculum.But we also know that many DJs give up in their first six weeks!They find taking those first steps in digital DJing just too hard... and so their new gear ends up gathering dust under the stairs. Even if they persevere, it can take them months to nail the basics.That's why we've created our ""How To DJ With..."" series.Featuring the same world-class instructors who teach our pro curriculum, these concise and practical courses take you from complete beginner (yes, we mean complete beginner) to being a DJ!You'll masterthe gear, the music, the skills and the features so that you too can pull tricks that will amaze your friends and family, and help you to pack dancefloors right from the very start.What makes this course so different?It doesn't throw jargon and features at you with no explanation of what or why.It doesn't lose sight of the fact that you want to know the important stuff so you can actually play the music you love to other people, fast!And crucially, it doesn't forget what it's like to be a beginner.Get started today and join the thousands of happy students of Digital DJ Tips - and who knows, it could be your first step to a changed career, fulfilling a lifelong dream...So what does this course cover?You'll learn how to set up your new controller and the supplied Serato softwareWe'll teach you how to source, organise and prepare your music, including how to incorporate iTunes into your hardware and software set-upYou'll get the lowdown on how to mix, including auto beatmixing and counting beats, for amazing transitionsAnd finally, we'll show you how to use hot cues, loops, and samples, and even how to manually beatmix, so you can play just like pro DJs.But that's not all! You'll also get:...12 hours of live classroom training via our Digital DJ Tips StudentLive monthly webinars, where you get to ask questions and get instant help with your DJing...PLUS a free download of ""Rock The Dancefloor!"", our best-selling Amazon book on DJing, which hasfive star reviewsSo what are you waiting for? Sign up today and start your DJ journey with your Numark DJ2GO2 now.Over 23 videos and five modules you'll learn:How to download and install your softwareHow to connect your controllers, headphones and speakersHow the DJ controller mirrors what you see on your screenHow the browser works for organising your musicHow iTunes integrates with your DJ softwareThe benefits of using playlists to organise your tunesThe best places online to get tracks fromUsing the headphones and crossfader to prepare and execute your first mixUsing ""sync"" to get your mix right every timeThe secret of counting beats for tighter, more pro mixesHow to mix from outro to intro to keep your transitions smoothUsing hot cues to jump to parts of tracksWhy looping is your best friendUsing the pitch faders to match temposLining up waveforms to match beatsAdding effects and drum sounds to the samplerWhat else will you get?A friendly, informal community to support you every step of the wayPersonal contact with me, the course tutorLifetime access to course materialsHands-on learning to lock that knowledge inNever waste another minute learning from out-of-date books, or yawn-some, poor quality YouTube videos again!With How To DJ With Your Numark DJ2GO2, everythings ready to go, in one convenient, mapped-out course.Plus youll get fast, friendly, responsive support by email, Twitter and on the Udemy forums. Or enjoy chatting with our 850,000-strong community on our website and social channels."
Price: 24.99

"Criando uma Criatura com ZBrush" |
"OZBrush um software de escultura e pintura digitalque revolucionou a indstria da computao grfica com suas poderosas ferramentase workflows intuitivos. Ele utilizado em todas as grandes produes da industria de games, cinematics, cinema, colecionveis, impresso 3D e em muitas outras reas.Neste curso veremos tcnicas e exemplos prticos onde vamos aprender todas as ferramentas necessriasque o ZBrush oferecepara esculpir uma criatura,comeandocom asua blocagem, depois faremos seu detalhamento, aplicao de texturas, cores erender, onde aprenderemos aplicar materiais e a trabalhar coma parte de iluminao, para fazermos um bom render pass para enviarmos para o Photoshop e finalizar o nosso trabalho.Este curso para o usurio mais bsico, ou seja, quem nunca abriu o ZBrush e esta comeando agora e tambm para aquele usurio que j brinca com o programa a algum tempo, mas no domina por completo as principais ferramentas do softwares.O ZBrush o programa mais indicado para quem quer ingressarno mundo da Escultura Digital e se este for o seu caso, comece agora o curso Criando uma Criatura no ZBrushe aprenda aesculpir, pintar e renderizarsuas prprias criaturas."
Price: 189.99

"Introduo Programao para Bioinformtica com Python" |
"Bem-vindos ao curso ""Introduo Programao para Bioinformtica com Python"". Neste curso aprenderemos os bsicos da programao para construo de programas para bioinformtica. Aprenderemos tambm a criao de pipelines usando Python. Esse curso ideal para alunos que esto comeando na rea dabioinformtica e que no tenham umprvio conhecimento de programao."
Price: 99.99

"Web Design: Construa Sites com PHP, HTML, CSS e JavaScript" |
"Neste curso voc aprender como pginas da internet funcionam e como construir um site. Voc tambm aprender sobre pginas dinmicas, construo de scripts e aplicao de folhas de estilo. Este curso apresenta conceitos bsicos sobre desenvolvimento front-end e back-end. Front-end: voc aprender a criar pginas na linguagem HTML e a aplicar folhas de estilo usando a linguagem CSS. Usaremos tambm o framework Bootstrap para aplicar belos componentes a nossas pginas. Por fim, apresentamos a linguagem JavaScript que ser usada para deixar os componentes de usa pgina dinmicos;Back-end: voc aprender os conceitos bsicos da linguagem PHP. Com isso poder criar sites de grande performance."
Price: 99.99

"Web Design com Adobe XD, Bootstrap, GIMP, HTML e Photoshop" |
"Construir sites exige uma gama de habilidades. No basta apenas ter conhecimentos em HTML e CSS. Para construir belas aplicaes necessrio dominar alguns frameworks e ferramentas.Neste curso abordaremos: Adobe XDBootstrap frameworkGIMP Photoshop ExpressFont AwesomeDataTablesVoc construir projetar sites usando o Adobe XD e os construir usando Bootstrap. Bootstrap um framework CSS e JavaScript. Ele contm um conjunto de componentes que facilitam a criao de pginas de internet com belas interfaces. Bootstrap ainda permite a criao de layouts responsivos: pginas que se ajustam automaticamente ao dispositivo utilizado, desde computadores de tela grande a at smartphones. No fim, apresentaremos dois editores de imagens gratuitos: GIMP e Photoshop Express."
Price: 579.99

"Le C++ moderne par le dveloppement de jeux" |
"Titulaire dun diplme dingnieur et aprs plusieurs annes dexprience,jai cr mon entreprise pour partager mes connaissances dune part et me consacrer divers projets dautre part.Jai cr ce cours destination des amateurs, des tudiants et des professionnels qui souhaitent dcouvrir ou redcouvrir le C++. Ce cours est conu pour apprendre le C++ moderne (c++17) depuis zro en prenant tout de suite de bonnes habitudes pour crer rapidement des applications robustes et performantes.Il est dcompos en deux parties qui suivent chacune un fil conducteur : un programme de Juste Prix pour la premire partie et un jeu darcade en seconde partie : Asteroids.Ces deux exemples ont lavantage dtre ludiques et de permettre daborder toutes les notions de bases du C++, ces bases pouvant servir aussi bien la cration dun jeu-vido que dun autre logiciel ou dun driver.Dans ce cours, vous dcouvrirez :ce quest la programmation C++ (dans sa version 2017)les outils ncessaires la programmationcomment utiliser la mmoire de lordinateur grce aux variablescomment conditionner du code et crer des boucles grce aux diverses structures de contrle (if, while, for, switch)comment convertir des donnes dun type un autrece que sont les rfrencesce que sont les pointeurs brutscomment crer des fonctionscomment structurer son code proprement pour un code lisible et modulairecomment crer et utiliser des tableaux de donnescomment grer le temps (chronomtre)comment gnrer un nombre alatoirecomment grer les chanes de caractres (donnes textuelles)comment installer une bibliothque externecomment crer et utiliser des objetscomment crer des classes (types dobjets)comment utiliser lhritagece quest le polymorphisme et comment lutilisercomment grer de la mmoire dynamique (tableaux dynamiques, pointeurs intelligents)comment grer les exceptions (outil permettant de bien grer les erreurs)comment crer des templates (modles de classes et de fonctions : moins de code pour plus defficacit !)comment lire/crire dans un fichierEt tout ceci dans les rgles de lart, avec des conseils, les bonnes pratiques adopter pour un code lisible, efficace et performant.Alors, nattendez plus et inscrivez-vous ds maintenant : cest parti !"
Price: 119.99

"Microsoft Word Masterclass (Every Detail Covered)" |
"This course teaches you everything and anything Microsoft word. Everything under home, insert, reference, draw, design, mailings, review, view, add-ins, help,and every detail is covered. We cover font, paragraph, styles, illustrations, table, video, header and footer, symbols, equations, watermark, page color, margin, APA and MLA format, pictures and captions, spelling check, microsoft excel inside microsoft word, ink to math, and so much more."
Price: 19.99

"Personal Branding para cumplir tu sueo profesional" |
"En este curso, el alumnoencontrarvdeos, ejercicios y material complementario que le ayudarn a construir una marca personal slida y valiosa que sern esenciales paraconvertirse en un referente en susector o bienser elegido en unproceso de seleccin.Para ello, serecurrira herramientas del autoconocimiento, la estrategia empresarial, el marketing y la tecnologa.La marca personal es la huella o el recuerdo que cada persona deja en la mente de los dems cuando se ha ido. Es nuestra identidad y reputacin. En una sociedad altamente competitiva y saturada de perfiles profesionales homogneos, la marca personal permite identificar, definir y comunicar aquellos valores que nos hacen diferentes de los dems y que nos permiten destacar sobre el resto. Una marca personal positiva consigue convertirnos en la opcin preferida entre varias posibilidades. Hoy en da, igual de importante es tener las destrezas tcnicas para desarrollar nuestro trabajo como las habilidades para saber comunicarlas. Por ello, en el Curso Intensivo de Personal Branding trabajaremos en el desarrollo de una estrategia que nos permita potenciar nuestro talento y comunicarlo con honestidad y eficacia a travs de los canales de comunicacin existentes (tanto on-line como off-line)."
Price: 24.99

"learn chemistry IGCSE Basic topic" |
"In the Basic chemistry Igcsecourse is for those student who want tolearnthe following topic,Atom and the atomic structure.the differences between elements, mixtures and compounds,Metals and non-metalsAn alloy, such as brass, as a mixture of a metal with other elements.you will alsoable to learnState the relative charges and approximate relative masses of protons, neutrons and electronsproton number andnucleon number.isotopes and the example oftwo types of isotopes as being radioactive and non-radioactive,medical and one industrial use of radioactive isotopes shells structures of the outer shell electrons."
Price: 24.99

"Learn water treatment in STP" |
"water treatment plant STPyou will learn in ths course , Designing basic of water treatment in STP process stepone by one in water treatment field After learning you can understand that whyReduce BOD, COD, pathogenic organisms and nutrient Efficient collection system for aerobic conditions.Maintain aesthetics of natural water bodies, ecology of water systemsstart with pumping sewage water ending with filtration .Thanks"
Price: 29.99

"learn Basic Math IGCSE class 8 and 9" |
"The basic math course is for all student those who want to learnthe basic concept of math to Igcse o level. Its will cover the following .Basic symbol ofnumberset union and intersection complement set venn diagram basicsolutionalgebraindex law can solve bracket ,with out bracket and power and base form exponent.function and function notationsolution .also the basic of Quadratic Equation ."
Price: 19.99

"Prometric MCQS for general practitioner (GP) Doctor DHA MOH" |
"Those doctor who are going to give the promatric exam of DHA,HAAD,MOH,OMan and SLE and so onits can be helpful to understand the type of mcqs as well as the exam preparation pattern .The total number of mcqs are 315 the divide in to 5 section .It all about the MBBSDoctor ,those who want to recall there practice or want to give exam ."
Price: 34.99

"Learn online marketing" |
"This the short course to facebook marketingYou will learn how to create page on facebook ,diffrent between page and group,student will learn the promotion of anyyour product in facebook groups andpageIn this course leaning oftweeter markingas well asemail marking.by gmail account"
Price: 19.99

"International Operation Safety and health" |
"Safety and Health, the Chartered body for health and safety professionals. The course consist of the Following ModuleModule 1 Introducing health and safety Module 2 Risk management systemModule 3 Controlling Risk in health and safety Module 4 Responsibilities and understand the safety Module 5 understanding Hazards type of hazardsModule 6 Incident and investigation process Module 7 performance of heath and safety Module 8 Environment protection from the hazardsInternational health and safety training courses help to the people in all sectors to stay healthy and safe at work. The Working Safely course is for all employees and covers the essentials of health and safety in theirs workplace."
Price: 54.99

"Laravel 5.6 : Application web de gestion de contacts" |
"Ce cours a t pens pour vous l'occasion de la sortie de la version 5.6 du Framework. Pour ne pas attendre plus longtemps avant de ce mettre niveau nous avons labor ce dernier avec un exemple de la vie rel. Votre carrire est entre vos mains donc vos mieux ne pas attendre. Dans ce cours, nous abordons les nouveaux concepts de Laravel tel que: Route::middleware()Les alias de composants,La nouvelles annotation @csrf et bien plus encore.Au plaisir de voir voluer tout les participants cette formation initiale pour ceux qui n'y connaisse rien ce Framework, et pour ceux qui y sont dj vous apprendrez comment utiliser les Query Builder pour contourner certaines contraintes."
Price: 39.99

"Build a Culture of Allies" |
"In this engaging train the trainercourse, Julie will share stories, ideas, and research from her new book,ONE: How Male Allies Support Women for Gender Equality.She will teach leaders how to effectively build a culture of allieswith four proven strategies for men and women to succeed together:Empathy: How Men Channel the Women They Empathize, and How WomenStart the Dialogue with the WIIFM Story Sharing: How Men Ask for HERStory, and How WomenShare Their Story Speaking Up: How Men Speak up with Her, and How WomenSpeak Up with Him Work-Life: How Men Do the Fair Share, and How WomenPractice Self-Care"
Price: 199.99

"Selling T-Shirts on Facebook With Teespring" |
"Do You Want To Know How To Make Massive Profits Selling Shirts Online With Platforms Like Teespring?How Would You Like To Make Money With Teespring?They handle the printing, shipping and customer support.If 'YES' then you are in the right place. Join over 2,500 students and counting as we teach you everything that you need to know!In this Teespring: Selling T-shirts and Other Products on Facebookyou will learn from A-Z on how to sell shirts online using Facebook.This course will walk you through what I have been doing since 2013 to generate over $700K by selling T-shirts on Facebook.This course will teach you how to find the best niches, then how to get your designs done for as little as $5 and then how to market properly on Facebook. This course is not just about Teespring, but various other platforms you can use.Using Teespring as your t-shirt selling platform is one of the best places to start. They handle everything from printing, shipping, and all the customer support. All you have to do is collect the profits. I will guide you on how to do just this.Why would you listen to me?My name is Eric Carnes and I have been workingin this Teespringplatform for past 4years and still now. Ihave earned over $100,000+ from this platform.Ihave sold 8,854 products using the teespring platform alone. Not counting other platforms I have used.""Adam Chandler made $2,322 with his first shirt in his first week using my methods."" -""With Eric'c T-shirt course I have made a consistent $4,000 plus per month. It is simple and easy to follow. Highly recommended.""-Dan HoldingsIt's Fast and Easy -This teespring course is an intensive, fast paced, online video training program. It's designed for complete beginners and it's easy to get started. It's not the type of thing that takes weeks or months to learn and implement. You could easily be running your own t-shirt campaigns within 24 hours of completing the course.By Taking This Course You Will Learn:How to find best selling shirts and create a spin off and make huge profits.I dive deep and show you how to always have a constant flow t-shirt ideas.I will show you several places to get your designs created for as little as $5.Plus you will get access to my personal designers.You will also get unlimited lifetime access to a free ad creation software ($297 value)Step by step guide to how to set up and launch you t-shirtsLearn several other websites just like Teespring to launch your shirt on.Free ways to promote your shirt without spending ad money.UseFacebook Advertising (FB Ads)To Promote T-shirt CampaignsTips &Tricksto take your business to the next level.AndMuch Much More!My Personal GuaranteeIf you are not at all satisfied with this course. I will refund you 100%...no questions asked.With our 30-day 100%money back guarantee, there is nothing holding you back from jumping in right now and trying the course out.Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!To your success,Eric CarnesP.S. Please leave a review!"
Price: 19.99

"GDPR In One Hour - The Basic Facts" |
"One hour of lectures that actually explain what the GDPR is and what it meansFocuses on practical GDPR knowledge and how it applies to organisationsFree supporting materials, quizzes and infographicsWritten by practitioners with real life experience and knowledge of implementing GDPR in large organisationsOver 550 Five Star reviews (more than any other GDPR course on Udemy)English subtitles (hand written, not automatically generated)30 day money back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose!This training course gives you a brief introduction to the GDPR in just one hour of lectures. We cover the main elements of the GDPR that organisations must be aware of and explore some examples to make things clear. We've worked hard to make this a great value course, with supporting materials (such as infographics), complete subtitles in English and quizzes at appropriate points. We are proud of the feedback we've had so far, here are some examples""Loved this course! I did not know much about the GDPR and this was the perfect course to teach me about it"" Mara""Very informative and useful..."" Dian""Nice course on GDPR basics."" Hrvoje""I liked this course for it's accuracy, shortness and interesting quizzes."" Brankica""Found it short and precise!"" Alexandra""Very informative and interesting presentation"" MariyaWe won't just read you the law, we explain what it means.With a basic understanding of the regulation, an organisation can begin to understand the areas of the regulation that will affect them, and specifically where they need to delve deeper into the requirements to determine what changes will need to be made for their business. We are involved in real life GDPR projects and understand the practicalities of implementing the regulation, this course is directly derived from our experience.Our course is featured in Udemy for Business as a GDPR training course; we get as lot of students through this route.Remember, Udemy offers a money back guarantee, so you really do have nothing to lose!"
Price: 49.99

"GDPR Compliance Cookbook" |
"Using our proven Understand, Implement, Protect, Maintain framework, we will cover the key obligations that apply to organisations that fall within the scope of the regulation and will cover how to build and maintain a compliant position.This course is designed as an action plan that can help you significantly lower your compliance risk in relation to the GDPR and data protection.17 lectures over 2.5 hours that actually explain the GDPR, what it means and what your must do.Free supporting materials, quizzes and infographics.Includes detailed compliance checklist to ensure youve not missed anything.Includes a 137 page long ebook covering the entire course, the material from our introductory one hour course GDPR The Basic Facts and the comprehensive checklist (attached to last lecture).Written by practitioners with real life experience and knowledge of implementing GDPR in large organisations30 day money back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose!We've worked hard to make this a great value course that helps you to improve your organisations compliance. We take you through a structured approach that addresses the elements of the GDPR that apply to organisations and what you need to do to demonstrate compliance in line with the accountability principle. If you follow the steps in this course, you will reduce your regulatory risk.We are proud of the feedback we've had so far, here are some examples;Good Content - clearly explained. Thank you, Sue.Excellent course-very informative, at least I know now what is GDPR and its process. Instructor was to the point and very knowledgeable. Natalie.Le contenu du cours est trs bien expliqu. L'auteur a une excellente diction. Les concepts sont bien expliqus. Arouna.An excellent introduction to the GDPR for someone fairly new to the regulations (such as me). The far reaching scope/requirements of the GDPR is covered well in the course and this has helped me realise what new steps will be needed in my business. Darren.As well as video lectures, the course includes a detailed compliance checklist, additional articles and quizzes to test your knowledge and help you on your GDPR compliance journey.We won't just read you the law, we explain what it means and what you need to do.Remember, Udemy offers a money back guarantee, so you really do have nothing to lose (in fact, we encourage you to ask for a refund if you're not happy)!"
Price: 159.99

"From Ordinary to Extraordinary Leadership: An Overview" |
"What you are going to benefit from this overview course is an understanding of specific attributes that differentiate ordinary leaders from extraordinary leaders.We are specifically looking at leadership roles inside the corporate world, however these attributes are consistent across all facets of life. That is to say that, living out theseattributes in daily life is what differentiates extraordinary people from ordinary people.What we will be focusing on in this introductory course is an overview ofseven attributes.When we witness as extraordinary leader it is not be very obvious what distinguishes her or him from an ordinary leader, that is because what really makes a leader extraordinary is not always obvious and it is usually not measurable. The attributes we will be focusing on in this overview course are not an all inclusive list, but when a leader possess these attributes s/he has no other option but to be an extraordinary leader.Below is a list of the attributes we will be covering in this overview course:Continuously EvolvingLeadership ConfidenceBeing Open and TransparentCommunicating PowerfullyBeing in IntegrityManaging EmotionsBeing Mindful"
Price: 29.99

"React + Redux" |
"10 JavaScript JavaScript UI React JavaScript - React React JavaScript /React React JavaScript React JavaScript React JavaScript React HTML CSS JavaScript jQeury JavaScript React - React - import, export, class, map, arrow-function ES2015+ - CodeSandbox CodeSandbox - - Webpack, Babel, loader React React Webpack, Babel, Webpack loder Node,npm Sass Gulp React CodeSandbox React - React CodeSandbox state TodoList Webpack Redux state AJAX SPA React"
Price: 79.99

"Vue.js + Vuex" |
"Udemy 4.6450 React + Redux Vue.js + Vuex SPA () JavaScript JavaScript Vue Vuex (state, getter, action, mutation, modules )Vue-router (Dynamic Route Matching )CodeSandbox Vue Vue Vue JSjQueryWeb - Vuetify UI Vue.js + Firebase"
Price: 79.99

"LaTeX do zero ao avanado" |
"Fala a! Est precisando fazer um relatrio de faculdade, monografia, TCC, documento profissional ou simplesmente tem vontade de aprender?Ento este curso de LaTeX para voc! Nosso objetivo e ser simples, direto ao ponto e completo.Beleza, mas o que isso significa?Simples - Vamos utilizar sempre as melhores ferramentas disponvel para tornem nosso fluxo de trabalho mais simples e gil: voc vai aprender como fazer e como fazer de forma otimizada!Direto ao ponto - Nada de perder tempo com slides abstratos - Vamos ensinar tudo na prtica, criando e fazendo!Completo - O curso est moldado para cobrir tudo que precisa para produzir um documento em qualidade profissional. No queremos que nada que precise passe batido por esse curso. Sentiu falta de algum contedo importante? Fala para gente e adicionaremos!"
Price: 144.99

"Instagram Success: Step-By-Step to Your First 1000 Followers" |
"**COURSEINCLUDES INSTAGRAM'S LATEST UPDATE** (including INSTAGRAM HIGHLIGHTS and more...)Does Instagram intimidate or overwhelm you and you simply don't know where to get started?Instagram is an incredible platform, that enables you to connect with hundreds of potential clients and customers every single day. With over 800 million active users on Instagram (and numbers going up and up) you cannot afford to miss out on the potential business revenue you an earn from this powerful social media tool.Are you already posting on Instagram, but not getting the followers or engagement you were hoping for?This course will give you simple effective strategies that you can implement NOW, that will bring you targeted followers fast and increase your engagement.The strategies I'll be teaching you can be applied if you havebusiness account, a personal account, or a brand. Whether your Instagram account specialises inphotography, lifestyle,blogging, technology or acreative field;these techniques WORKfor any business.Even if you have never used Instagram before, anyone can use the30-day Marketing Strategy detailed in thiscourseto getRESULTS.What makes this course different?I reveal the tried-and-tested methodsand techniques used on my own Instagram account that I used to gain followers with NO financial outlayI use my account as a case study, with behind-the-scenes instructional walkthroughs from inside the appI have gone through trial and error so you don't have to failI work professionally as a social media consultant - this course will be way more comprehensive than any amount of Googling (believe me, Ive done it all)You get a solid step-by-stepplan which will gain you REAL followers within 30 days in my 30 Day Challenge marketing strategy.You get to see behind the scenes footage of me using methods to gain followers that currently has over 10,000 followers.My teaching style is straight forward, clear, concise and to-the-point. I cant wait to get started with you on your journey to Instagram success.ENROL NOWand create an Instagram account that is primed for success.See you on the inside!"
Price: 39.99

"Instagram Domination: Build Your Brand & Get More Followers" |
"**COURSEINCLUDES INSTAGRAM'S LATEST CHANGES TO THE ALGORITHM**Do you want to...Grow your Instagram follower countfast, into the 1000s and 10,000s?Create a professionalclient-converting Instagram feed?Learn how to convert your followers into potential business opportunities?Automate your Instagram feed for success so you can attractfollowers in your sleepIf you answered YESto these questions, this is the course for you.Instagram is an incredible online platform that provides you with the opportunity to contact hundreds of potential clients and contacts every single day. With over 800 million people on Instagram,don't miss out on the potential business revenue you could be earning from the internet's most powerful social media tool. Once your account hits 10k followers, it will unlock features on Instagram you might not even know existed. It will help get you noticed by potential customers as well as other brands and is the starting point to becoming an influencer on Instagram.Do you run a personal account, business or brand on Instagram?Whether your Instagram account specialises inphotography, lifestyle,blogging, technology or acreative field;these techniquesWORKfor any business.This course offers practical advice whichanyone can useto getRESULTSright awayAre you frustrated by the new Instagram algorithm, and noticeyou're not getting enough newfollowers or engagement?This course will give you simple effective strategies that you can implementNOW, that will bring you hyper-targeted followers,increase your engagement and work with the Instagram algorithm.If you think you know everything there is to know about Instagram marketing, wait until you unlocktheSECRETSinside this course that the top Instagram influencers andpower-players don't want to tell you.What makes this course different?You get to see behind the scenes footage of me using methods to gain followers that currently has over 10,000 followers.I reveal the tried-and-tested methodsand techniques used on my own Instagram account that I used to gain followers with NO financial outlayI use my account as a case study, with behind-the-scenes instructional walkthroughs from inside the appI have gone through trial and error so you don't have to failI work professionally as a social media consultant - this course will be way more comprehensive than any amount of Googling (believe me, Ive done it all)The course includes step-by-stepstrategies which will gain you REAL followersMy teaching style is straight forward, clear, concise and to-the-point. I use practical real-life advice that you can apply straight away.I cant wait to get started with you on your journey to Instagram success.ENROL NOW and take your Instagram account to the next level.See you on the inside!"
Price: 199.99

"Learn Primavera P6 Version 17 ( in Detail in URDU language)" |
"Course Contents1.Creating a Project2. Customizing Calendars ( to adjust Working Days, Hours , holidays etc. )3. Create WBS ( Work Breakdown Structure)4. Creating Activities ( Defining ID, Name, Duration, Activity Types )5. Setting Predecessors and Successors ( with Leads and Lags)6. Computing / Calculating Schedule ( with Starts, Finish Dates , Floats,Critical Path , Total Duration of the Project)7. View Network Diagram , Critical Path8. Defining and Assigning Resources on the activities ( with Overtimefactor, Resource Rates, Per day maximum number of hours )9. Defining New Currency ( e.g. Saudi Riyals )10. Showing or hiding Columns and Tabs11. Showing Project Total Cost and Breakdown ( on Labor, NonLabor,Material wise and Activity and WBS wise breakdown and summaries)12. Baselines13. Activity Steps14. Activity Codes15. Grouping and Sorting17. Filtering Activities18. Renumbering Activity IDs19. Suspend and Resume Activities20. Defining Units of Measurements ( UOM) e.g. Kg , Cubit Meteretc)21. Progress Spotlight22. Global Change23. Reflection24. Import / Export25. Printing Plans26. Generating and Printing Reports27. User Defined Fields and Indicators28. Resource Leveling29. Resource Histograms / Resource Spreadsheets30. Progress Update and Monitoring31. Generating and Showing Earned Values ( including PV, EV, AC,SV, CV, SPI, CPI, EAC, ETC, TCPI etc)32. Text and Curtains33. Issues, Thresholds and Risks34. Expenses35. Notebook36.Look ahead plans37.Handling Negative Float38.Saving and Restoring Layouts39.Creating Project Website40.Defining EPS ( Enterprise Projects Structure)41.Defining OBS ( Organizational Breakdown Structure)"
Price: 199.99

"Learn Primavera P6 Ver17 (in Detail in Easy English & Steps)" |
"Course Contents1.Creating a Project2. Customizing Calendars ( to adjust Working Days, Hours , holidays etc. )3. Create WBS ( Work Breakdown Structure)4. Creating Activities ( Defining ID, Name, Duration, Activity Types )5. Setting Predecessors and Successors ( with Leads and Lags)6. Computing / Calculating Schedule ( with Starts, Finish Dates , Floats,Critical Path , Total Duration of the Project)7. View Network Diagram , Critical Path8. Defining and Assigning Resources on the activities ( with Overtimefactor, Resource Rates, Per day maximum number of hours )9. Defining New Currency ( e.g. Saudi Riyals )10. Showing or hiding Columns and Tabs11. Showing Project Total Cost and Breakdown ( on Labor, NonLabor,Material wise and Activity and WBS wise breakdown and summaries)12. Baselines13. Activity Steps14. Activity Codes15. Grouping and Sorting17. Filtering Activities18. Renumbering Activity IDs19. Suspend and Resume Activities20. Defining Units of Measurements ( UOM) e.g. Kg , Cubit Meteretc)21. Progress Spotlight22. Global Change23. Reflection24. Import / Export25. Printing Plans26. Generating and Printing Reports27. User Defined Fields and Indicators28. Resource Leveling29. Resource Histograms / Resource Spreadsheets30. Progress Update and Monitoring31. Generating and Showing Earned Values ( including PV, EV, AC,SV, CV, SPI, CPI, EAC, ETC, TCPI etc)32. Text and Curtains33. Issues, Thresholds and Risks34. Expenses35. Notebook36.Look ahead plans37.Handling Negative Float38.Saving and Restoring Layouts39.Creating Project Website40.Defining EPS ( Enterprise Projects Structure)41.Defining OBS ( Organizational Breakdown Structure)"
Price: 199.99

"Microsoft Project 2016 by Abu Bakar - 20 PDU's" |
"More than 60 Features you will learn with videos and explanation. Explained with scenarios from practical situations. Everything is explained once only (no redundant information or repetition. Soon we will be launching PMPand RMPalso , The PDU's can be counted for PMPCCR, in case of any confusion please feel free to contact on Course Questions Page.The contents include , Tasks Creation, WBS, Formating, Grouping, Filtering, Resourcing , Costing, Baseline, Printing , Progress , resource leveling . We will keep on adding more and more topics in this course. It can be beneficial for all levels, beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Level."
Price: 199.99

"The Shoebox Solution: Save Scan and Share Your Family Photos" |
"Discover the exclusive new course totake your whole collection of print photos from shoeboxes tucked away in your attic, garage, or basement, and digitizethem so that they will be safe and secure forever. We will do this in three modules, with a total of eleven videos. First you'll learn how to organize your photos, then you'll learn how to scan them onto a computer, and finally you'll learn how to back them up to the cloud. Protect, relive, and share your incredible life withthe ones who matter most."
Price: 99.99

"(Hinglish) Class 12 Physics,Electric Charges & Fields(CBSE)" |
"This course is designed for Class 12 students to prepare them for their board exam of physics. It contains all concepts and questions as per the requirement of the student to excel in their board exams. This course will help them understand the concept of electric charges and fields. It also provides questions to strengthen the concepts further."
Price: 1280.00

"Have you always wanted to write but you do not know where to get ideas?Do you want to know how authors get their ideas?Do you want to know about all the essentials that make up a great story?Preeti Shenoy, one of India's highest selling authors shares all her tips and tricks,which she has gathered over a long writing career spanning more than a decade.Come, be inspired to keep a writers notebook, know what goes into it and start recording your thoughts and ideas. Learn how to start thinking like a writer.In this course designed for complete beginners as well as for those who want to improve their writing skills, learn Where to find Ideas, What point of view is best, how to create strong characters, use settings to add depth to your writing, learn why dialogues are important and finally put it all together.At the end of the course you would have written your very own original short fiction. You will definitely feel more inspired to write. Your writing will have more depth and clarity.From the Indian of the Year, Preeti Shenoy, comes a course that is engaging, interactive and which will give you loads of practice, to enhance your own writing."
Price: 99.99
