"On-Page SEO For WordPress That Will ensure You #1 On Google" |
"Announcing The Brand New, 9-Part, Step-By-Step Video Course...""Finally, Discover How to Get Better Search Engine Rankings By Making Your WordPress Website More On-Page SEO Friendly... Starting Today!"" This has been working for the last decade. There's no theory here! Whether you are trying to rank for a specific term in Google or other search engines, most businesses forget one crucial thing, which is On-Page SEO. That technical term simply means that you help the search engines know what your site is all about. The reality is that most businesses forget this crucial piece of the puzzle and simply dont know why theyre not getting traffic from Google. They think SEO is a big scam purely because of bad assumptions. So, the big question is: how do you achieve this? How do you appear on the right keywords that your prospects and potential customers are searching for? Google and other search engines have become much smarter than ever. What this means is that they are constantly trying to figure out what your website is all about. That said - it still needs a little help to know what your website is all about and that is the best way to get ranked on the right keywords so that you attract the right prospects. Most people forgo On-Page SEO and try to focus on getting backlinks. This is a big mistake because by not doing something as simple as on-page SEO, you will lose out on some great initial rankings. Unless you take action now, nothing is going to change. Dont wait any longer! Enroll Now to this important On-Page SEO course!"
Price: 199.99

"How To Speed Up Your WordPress Site To Get Better Ranking" |
"Finally, Discover How to Speed Up Your WordPress Sites So That Your Visitors Can Get a Better User Experience Which Will Give You Higher Search Engine Rankings... Starting Today!These methods have been working for the last decade. There's no theory here! If youve ever wondered why your visitors keep leaving your WordPress site and why youre not ranking in the search engine its most likely due to a few factors. One of the many factors includes how fast your website loads. If you think about it, as information becomes easier and easier to access within seconds, the human patients have decreased. That's why you need to speed up your WordPress site. When the internet was first released and people were using dial-up modems to connect online, many were just happy to get access to data from the world wide web. But as the internet speeds got faster, the demand for data increased and peoples patience became shorter. As peoples patience becomes shorter, so too does their patience for your site load speed - when the site loading time is slower it's more likely you will lose the visitors. It just makes sense when you look at it that way - You speed up your WordPress site and the visitors are enjoying a faster loading site which make them want to stay longer on that site. While we could discuss 100s of variables, its best to start with one that everyone faces which is WordPress site load speed. Your goal at the end of the day is to keep your visitors on your site longer. This also helps your Google and other search engine rankings as well. So, if you think of it from that standpoint and you adjust the user experience to be the best it can be, you will actually win the Google search engine game. And that is how you kill two birds with one stone, or in other words win in both areas. Of course, we could talk theory all day long, but the way youll succeed is by understanding how to implement this in practical terms. Let's get started!"
Price: 199.99

"Learning Sculpting from beginner to Advanced in Cinema 4d" |
"Do you want to make amazing character with advanced details ! Do you want to be professional in cinema 4d sculpting! Do you want to become movies maker!Anyone wants to be professional in cinema 4d especially in sculpting.so, I introduce this course for you to learn about cinema 4d sculpting.Get started with:Basics of Sculpting. ( pull, pinch, wax, smooth, knife, inflate, erase, mask, Grab, Flatten, Amplify, Fill, Repeat andScrap )How to use sculptingtools in your project.Woman Tutorial, I will teach you how to sculpt { Mouth, Eye, Cap and Hair )Ninja turtles Tutorial (Advanced), I will teach you in this tutorial how to convert cube into turtle head and then how to sculpt it to be exactly like Ninja Turtle's head.Don't forget to rank and post review here to make the course available for all students in Udemy."
Price: 149.99

"Principles of Software Architecture" |
"In this course, Ipresent valuable principles on key development issues that go way beyond technology. Ioffer advice for communicating with stakeholders, eliminating complexity, empowering developers, and other piratical lessons through my experience.Among the 40 principles in this course, you'll find useful advice such as:Don't putyour resume ahead of your requirements.Chances are, your biggest problem isn't technical.Communication is king.Simplicity before generality.Use before reuse.It's never too early to think about performance.To be successful as a software architect, you need to master both business and technology. This course tells you what is important and how to approach a project. If you want to enhance your career, take this course."
Price: 99.99

"Do you want to be a great dirt bike rider?How long will it taketrying to do it on your own?For years I struggled with taking my riding to the next level until I discovered this one simple trick:find someone who has achieved the results you desireand study that person. As a pro rider, I had the privilege of traveling for several years to events all over the country, helping other riders turn passion into profits and learning how to hook great sponsors as well. As a recreational director, I learned how to teach the best techniques and habits that all riders must learn in order to excel on their bike. This experience coaching over 10,000 students has given me a firsthand view as to why so many riders miss the mark and fail to progress on a dirt bike. Before I arrived this success, I used to watch all the talented athletes and wish I was at their level, but I would do very little to start building my dream. I urge you to stop letting life pass you by, and start to design, build, and live the life you really want.Your future success will be determined by your ability to exercise proper habits and good training techniques. If you don't work through this program and spend the time required to master proper riding fundamentals, you are sabotaging your own future.Others like myself that have developed these proper habits are going to go out and continue to succeed, doing what we love, reaping the benefits of our riding, and you will be left behind. When riders don't master techniques, their success will plateau and riders will be much more prone to crashing and injuries, resulting in a life filled with frustration and pain from not being able to pursue their moto career. Ifyou are interested in learning to ride a dirt bikewith little tono prior experience, this programmight be just what you are looking for.On behalf of myself and our entire team here at MyMotoCoachwe are so excited to work with you and help you achieve your moto goals. Lets do this!"
Price: 19.99

"Angular & Django Full Stack: web, backend API, mobile apps" |
"Welcome to this Full stack course. This course is mainly based on Django and Angular and NativeScript but we will cover much more than just these frameworks. We will build full applications including backend restful API, front-end web app and mobile apps on both Android and iOS.We will discover how to make a user authentication (register and login users), how to create a full CRUD (create, read, update and delete) and how to create our own endpoints. I will show how to communicate between the API and web app. We will discover how to style the application and restrict certain parts of it to authenticated users only. All that done with very popular frameworks. We will use javascript and python languages and basic knowledge of these is required.This course is built from two kinds of sections: First is an introduction to the framework where I explain everything from scratch, and 2nd is a hands-on section to build a ready application. After finishing this course you will have both knowledge and also experience how to build a full-stack application using Django, Angular, and NativeScript.Also, I will show you how to deploy back-end API and front-end web app on the production server absolutely for free. You dont need to spend any money to put your full application live."
Price: 99.99

"The Empress Expedition: A woman's work" |
"You and you alone, have the power to create change: on a personal and global level! Our parents have told us, countless times, as we were growing and developing that we were, ""going to change the world"". As time went on, the world seems to have sought to show us differently. Women who opp into the Empress Expedition course will embark on a journey of self mastery. By developing a system of positive habitsfor yourself; uponcompletion of this course you will become a change agent of favorability on a huge scale.What you will develop during the Empress Expedition course:The transmutation of unwanted feelings and energy through art, poetry and vision boardingThe knack of adding fuel to ignite your own fire (your problems fuel your passions)To consistently work in your flowBecome a positive change agent in your family, community, and society as a wholeDon't just ""let it go!""For years; experts have instructedyou to, ""just let it go..."" whatever ""it"" is,""you have to let the junk go..."". But, they have yet to tell you""how?"" Countless times you have heard that prayer and meditation are the keys to your success. So; you pray and you meditate, and yet the problems still persist. That is because those are your experiences, and although a lot of times they were unwarranted, they make up parts of who you have become. Therefore; letting them go, if at all possible, will erase everything that has given you the strength and courage to be the you that you are at this moment!Transmutation is the fuel for your fire!By recalling past traumas, you can also revisit the moments in which you were able to overcome those obstacles. Use those negative thoughts of past experiences as the fuel to get you moving. Think of your cars gas tank: once you fill it up then you can ride for a while. It isn't until you see the needle drop, the gas light come on or the meter begin to blink that you say, ""I need to get some gas."" Because; in order to keep going...in order to keep moving forward and not get ""stuck"", you need that fuel. Those past experiences will become your fuel because you never want to be in that space again.Work in your flow!Once you realize how much you have been able to withstand and that you are stronger because of it, you will be able to move forward. Remember how much you have accomplished despite all of the unsuitable things that have happened to you!During this course, you will learn:How to, creatively, work in your flow.Take for instance thePulitzer Prize andGrammy award winning, people proclaimed, Poet Laureate, Maya Angelou: whom throughout her young life was subjected to so many hardships: rape, abuse and poverty among the most known. Only to become one of the world's foremost literary greats, and winner of over 50 prestigious awards. Clearly; Madam Angelou, transmuted her tragedies into success!"
Price: 29.99

"'Turn Your Passion into Profit' by Zai Miztiq" |
"Learn how I transformed $5 idea into a 6-figure businessworking from home, appeared on media locally ad globally and have impacted somany lives positively, and so much more ... after my tragic accident whichdoctors said, ""I will never be able to walk again, and that I had a 50-50chance to continue living.""Step Up! and be the strong, soulful, success you aredestined to be and live your dreams & leave your legacy.It is my dream to empower, educate and enrich you in mindand spirit to turn your dreams into reality with confidence and clarity.Step Up! with ZaiMiztiq & Let's Start Turning Your Passion into Profit today.If you want toachieve doing what you love and loving what you do,Then this is just foryou.This a Special VIPAccess available for a limited time only!In This Power-Packed Video Course, You Will Learn How ToTurn Your Passion Into Profit and Build A Business Of Your Own and Work FromHome.I've invested and loss close to $200,000 + 20 years of mytravel and entrepreneurial journey and put it all in. Here's what you willlearn in the video course:Introduction to Zai Miztiq and how I bouncedback from the tragic accidentHow I turned my pain into power and createdtwo 6-figure businesses from scratch - How I started with little or no moneyand made $3,000/month working from homeHow to Gain Motivation to Take PurposefulAction & turn dreams into reality with confidence and clarityHow to build your personal brand and befeatured (for FREE) in media locally and globallyHow I make money when travelling and have mostof my trips paid for &help you discover What is truly stopping youfrom moving forwardBonus Tips to getting started:How I gained strength to hold thepen & write my life script with my 3D system?The 5 common mistakes I made:Idid not believe in myself - I always felt I was not good enough. I did not know who I am & my purpose ofbeing?I was not happy but was pretending thateverything was ok.Iwas just passing my life away with aimless people in my lifeI had no directions, though I knew I was meantfor greater things in life.Learn my3D Proven System for you to be the strong, soulful, success you are destinedto be.Step 1. Diagnoseyour strengths & identityStep 2.Desire Check: Align your purpose with meaningStep 3.Decide: Map out a crystal clear direction towards your Final destinationIf you are ready to Step Up to Live Your Dreams & LeaveYour Legacy, NOW is the time."
Price: 79.99

"Create a Successful Shopify Dropshipping store in 5 hours" |
"Welcome to myShopify Dropshipping course! In this course, you will learn step-by-step how to build a successful eCommerce store from scratch in under 5 hours. No prior skills or experience is necessary as this course was designed with the beginner in mind.My name is Dan Elliott and Ive been creating and growing successful online businesses since 2007. I specialize in eCommerce, affiliate marketing, and web optimization &development. I have a bachelor's degree in Business Analytics & Entrepreneurship from an Ivy League University. I started my eCommerce journeyin 2007 and have created and sold multiple businesses since, totaling 7-Figures in revenue.Im currently living a life of financial freedom, having the ability to travel all over the world doing what I want, when I want. One of my goals in life is to help as many people as possible to achieve this level of success. Break free from the 9-5 job and start living the life you deserve.In this course, I'm going to give you everything you need to have a successful Shopify Store of your very own. If you have the commitment and desire, nothing can stop you! This course will give you the ability to transform your life and financially secure yourself for the future. If I can do it, then you can too!What are you waiting for, let's get started on building a life offinancial freedom!Who is the targeted audience?This course is idealfor people who are new to building an online storePeople who want to startand grow a successful online businessThis course is perfect for people wanting to start their own business with little-to-no capitalto get startedPeople who want to earn money while they sleep"
Price: 19.99

"Project Management Practice Exam - PMBOK 6" |
"Asaseasoned project management firm,Veritable Associates, LLC offers a well-designed PM Certification practice examto provide students the necessary knowledge to excel in the recently revised PM Certification practice test. This exam will enhance your knowledge of Agile practices, as well as educateyou regarding traditional project management knowledge areas and processes."
Price: 19.99

"ATEM - Achtsamkeits-Training fr Entspannung und Meditation" |
"Einer der umfangreichsten deutschsprachigen Onlinekurse fr Achtsamkeit, Entspannungstherapie und Meditation!Hol' dir die Vernderung, die du fr dein Leben haben mchtest! Dieses spezielle 28-Tage Programm gibt dir die einzigartige Mglichkeit zu lernen, wie du dich deinem Stress entledigen und in Einklang mit deinen Gefhlen und Bedrfnissen dauerhaft deinen Alltag positiv gestalten kannst.Lerne anhand neurowissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse, Coaching-Techniken, gezielten Atem- und Krperbungen und stlichen Methoden der inneren Einkehr dir ein zufriedenes und erflltes Leben zu ermglichen. Entdecke, wie unser Krper und unser Geist funktionieren und erfahre, wie du anhand einfacher, bewusster Eingriffe dieses komplexe System fr die Erfllung deiner Wnsche und Ziele nutzen kannst. 28 Tage lang nehme ich dich mit auf einen Weg, der dich genau dort hinfhrt! Du bekommst tglich kurze, aufeinander aufbauende Videos, speziell ausgesuchte Techniken und abgestimmte bungen gepaart mit dem ntigen Wissen und Hintergrnden, die es braucht, um deinen Zielen Schritt fr Schritt nher zu kommen.Im Kurs-Programm enthalten sindVerschiedene bungen und Tagesaufgaben zur Reflexion und zum Aufspren unbemerkter Muster, zahlreiche Achtsamkeits- und Atem-bungen, effektive Krperbungen und ber Jahrtausende bewhrte Achtsamkeits- und Atem-Meditationen.Im ersten Teil des Kurses behandeln wir ausfhrlich und umfassend die Themen:Stress und EntspannungGefhle und Bedrfnisseunsere Bewertungsmuster und deren Einfluss auf unser Empfinden von Freude und Zufriedenheitunser Impuls-Reaktionsverhalten und dessen Einfluss auf unsere StressreaktionenAchtsamkeit und MeditationWhrend wir im zweiten Teil verstrkt auf das Thema ""Atem"" schauen werden und uns beschftigen mit:unserem Atem und seinen Einfluss auf unser Nervensystem und somit auch unsere Lebensqualittwas es heit richtig zu atmen, tief zu atmen und dein volles Potential aus den Lungen zu schpfenerfahre den Zusammenhang von Zwerchfell und Beckenboden und deren Wichtigkeit in Bezug auf die Atmung, aber auch auf unsere Gefhle von Vertrauen, Sicherheit, Wachstum und Verbundenheitlse dich von Verspannungen und Blockaden und komme wieder in deinen natrlichen Flusserlerne wichtige Atem-Techniken und Meditationen, um dich zu beruhigen, zu fokussieren, um mit unerwnschten Emotionen umgehen zu knnen, dein Nervensystem auszubalancieren, dich zu zentrieren und zu erden,und so viel mehr...Bonus: Krperbung zur Aktivierung der Selbstregulation des Krpers und Meditationen fr besseres KrperbewusstseinPlus: Zu jeder Lektion ein Skript mit Erklrungen zu den bungen und vertiefenden Infos zum Nachlesen.Auerdem gibt es zu jeder bung gefhrte Anleitungen als mp3 zum Download.Du bekommst also insgesamt:5 Stunden Video-Material in 28 Lektionen verteilt28 Skripte zum Download mit weiterfhrenden Informationen und Erklrungen10 Stunden gefhrte bungen und Meditationen als mp3-Download19 Links zu weiterfhrenden Videos mit Infos, Meditationen und KrperbungenZugang zur facebook Community, falls du dich mit Anderen ber deine Erfahrungen und den Kurs austauschen mchtestWir bringen gemeinsam Licht in das unbewusste, reaktionre Handeln deines geistigen Autopiloten und gewinnen das Steuer zurck, um dein Leben in die Richtung zu leiten, in die du dich bewegen mchtest. Whrend des Kurses hast du die Mglichkeit, mir direkt deine Fragen zu stellen und mir zu schreiben wenn du Hilfestellungen bentigst oder etwas unklar ist. Ich stehe dir bei deinem persnlichen Prozess zur Seite.Meine Antworten gebe ich dir persnlich oder als zustzliche Video-Lektion, falls das Thema fr andere Teilnehmer interessant sein knnte (natrlich anonym) . Somit wchst der Kurs mit seinen Inhalten und du kannst ihn aktiv mitgestalten. Verbinde dich auch mit meiner facebook-Gruppe und tausch dich dort mit mir und anderen Kursteilnehmern aus!Nutze die Mglichkeit diesen Kurs zu DEINEM KURS zu machen!"
Price: 199.99

"ASIC Bootcamp for VLSI Engineer: STA Basic Concepts" |
"Hello dear fellow VLSI Engineers,> If you are new to Static Timing Analysis and often feel:No systematic way to learn, learn it little by little can be slow and frustratingDifficult to grab the most importantpiece of knowledge that will help you in your interview/workDont know the reason behind the methodologyYou have come to the right place, after completing this course, no more ""surprises"" in your daily job!> New edits in year 2019:We have collected a lot feedback from previous course comments. There are 3 major improvement we made this time:No more distracting ambient/background music;Fully custom transcription in sync with the narrator content;Recorded narrator voice with TTS technology (we have to seek for this resort due to our limited bandwidth/budget). But it is much more easy to understand now.Make the course more practical emphasized along with the essential theoretical background. We have introduced a lot new examples and 28 special topics right after each knowledge point.> If you are actively looking for a new job, you may also want to watch for the course in planning: (will be coming online in a short time)ASIC Bootcamp for VLSI Students: Cracking the Physical Design Interview"
Price: 119.99

"PMP Mock Exam Aligned with PMBOK Guide 6th Edition" |
"Are you in the last leg of your PMPexam preparation and looking for mock exam to test your exam readiness? Then try these mock exams. I have created this mock exams aligned with the exam content outline for PMBOKguide 6th edition. If you are scoring more than 75% in the mock exam, then you can consider yourself ready for the exam. I have also drafted the answer explanations for each of the question you will see on the exam. These answer explanations will not only help you to understand the right answer choice but will also clarify why other answer choices are wrong. This course also offers my premium video series of strategies for PMP exam. Make sure you go through those videos. If you are ready take these mock exams and assess your readiness. Wishing you all the best for your PMPexamination."
Price: 19.99

"Joomla! per strutture ricettive" |
"Il corso intende fornire le conoscenze basilari per realizzare un sito internetattraverso il gestore di contenuti online(CMS) open sourceJoomla!. Una volta compreso il funzionamento di Joomla!, si entrer nello specifico con l'installazione di due componenti ""Solidres"" e ""JHotelReservation Starter"" in grado di estendere le funzionalit di Joomla!, trasformandolo un vero e proprio sistema di prenotazione online. All'interno del percorso formativo verranno segnalati i pro e i contro delle soluzioni implementate e si valuteranno anche delle strategie a seconda dei costi di implementazione e delle risorse umane necessarie per mantenere in attivo la vendita della camera rispetto ai grandi player di booking online."
Price: 49.99

"wordpress per strutture ricettive" |
"Il corso ""Wordpress per strutture ricettive"" vuole essere d'aiuto a tutte le persone che hanno piccole strutture ricettive come B&B, affittacamere oppure anche Hotel, oppure gestiscono i siti internet costruiti con il CMS Wordpress e che vorrebbero implementare nel sito un sistema di prenotazione online (o Booking Engine). Durante il corso dopo aver predisposto l'ambiente di Test attraverso la virtualizzazione di un PC o MAC, attraverso l'applicazione MAMP, che ci permetter di creare un server virtuale, e dopo aver installato il CMS si inizier una panoramica di wordpress focalizzata alla capacit di installare plugin che possano dare la possibilit ad un ipotetico visitatore di prenotare una camera. Nel corso delle lezioni si realizzer un sito internet basilare con il CMS e si proveranno due soluzioni: il Booking Engine Solidres ed il Channel Manager Bed24.Obiettivo del corso sar anche la spiegazione pratica della differenza tra un Booking Engine ed un Channel Manager in modo tale comprendere anche i carichi di lavoro e le risorse (non solo economiche) si dovranno sostenere rispetto alla scelta strategica e business che la struttura ricettiva vuole intraprendere."
Price: 49.99

"Adobe Spark: creativit per i nostri social media!" |
"Quante volte abbiamo pensato come rendere facile, veloce e duttile la gestione grafica dei nostri canali social che hanno dimensioni diverse e formati grafici diversi. Ebbene con la piattaforma online Adobe Spark, la nota software House della creativit, ci mette a disposizione uno strumento molto facile ed immediato per esaudire il nostro sogno! Con questo corso ci soffermeremo sulla creazione di post, pagine html e video con questo strumento davvero formidabile ed aperto a tutti."
Price: 29.99

"Become an Expert In Personal Energy Management" |
"One of my mentors, Wayne Dyer, said: In your Life you do not attract What You WISH, but What You ARE, and Your Personal Energy is directly and in a grate way involved in What You ARE! Would you like to Discover your invisible inner parts and those around you, as well as the way in which they leave their imprint on your Personal Energy? Would you like to be truly Efficient, Organized and Responsible both in your personal and in your professional Life?Are you curious to find out which are the sources of the Living Energy, how and by whom is your electromagnetic field influenced, and other similar interesting things? Do you want to know all the aspects regarding your Personal Energy and to maximizethem thoroughly, acknowledging that in this way your Personal Power and your Creativity will reach the Highest Levels?If this is the case, then welcome to a course that mostly suits you! This course will make you an Expert in Personal Energy Management, putting togetherall the pieces of the puzzle, and guiding you towards the activation of Wellness andProsperity in all the aspects of your Life!We are the only ones responsible for the way in which we create our Life, no matter how much we would be tempted to say that it is our external circumstances influencing us more. Everything we are able to mold inside of us, is going to constantly be reflected on the outside, and it will also be creating our surrounding reality. There are more than ten years of my own experience and that of the people I work with,of qualitative and quantitative modeling of the Personal Energy, with great benefits bothfor personal and professional Life. You as well deserve to benefit from Your Inner Potential, from your maximized Personal Energy, and to use them in order to Fulfill Your Life!Enjoy each video, integrate and relish it! Because You Deserve It!I am delighted to accompany You in this Journey! Mihaela"
Price: 199.99

"Positividade e Sucesso para a Vida" |
"Voc gostaria de ficar a saber como ser sempre positivo independentemente do que acontecer ao seu redor (no seu exterior) e conseguir ter a positividade dentro de si, chegando at ao ponto em que fica ciente que isso no um estado mental eterno, mas que sim a sua atitude diria na vida? No seria fantstico?Acredito que sim. Influenciado pelos milhares de leitores do meu blog e tendo como objetivo responder pergunta atrs colocada, surgiu o treinamento: Positividade e Sucesso para a Vida -um curso para ser feliz e bem sucedido.Um curso criado para todos aqueles que pretendem dar um salto na sua positividade e forma de pensar, sentir e agir. Um curso no s para quem pretende seguir em frente quando tudo parece perdido, mas tambm para quem quer ter um maior domnio sobre a sua mente, sobre as suas emoes e tornar isso em uma vantagem na sua vida.Mas o que era a vida sem positividade, sem felicidade e realizao pessoal? Voc consegue visualizar o seu sucesso sem positividade? Eu Imagino que no!Neste treinamento vou ensinar passo a passo o que voc tem de fazer para encarar a vida munido destas ferramentas psicolgicas avanadas e que fazem parte da Frmula da Positividade."
Price: 54.99

"Wordpress for Beginners in 2018 The Game Changer WP Program" |
"By the end of this program you will be able to create Great Websites.Why this Course was Created ?I have seen people struggling to use Wordpress to Create Great Websites.People can install Wordpress, install couple of themes & plugins, but still they can't create Great Websites.I have seen the most selling WordPress themes on most popular marketplaces to have issues, those themes load slow.So I created this Course, to help people worldwide learn How to Create Great Themes, using right set of Themes & Plugins.I welcome you to this amazing Journey, The Game Changer Wordpress ProgramYou Will learn :How to Create Great Website for ClientsHow to Create Great Website for UsersHow to Create Great Website for Search EnginesYou will learn everything mentioned above alongside below mentioned lectures:What is WordPress ?How to Install WordPress ?Difference BetweenPost & PagesDifference Between Categories & TagsHow WordPress Handles Images ?How to use Revisions ?How to use Quick & Bulk Edit OptionsEmbeds in WordpressUnderstanding Themes, Navigations, Widgets & Sidebar.Understanding Plugins & User ManagementUnderstanding all Dashboard Configuration settings"
Price: 194.99

"Turkish Language Grammar for Beginners (Fun and Fast)" |
"The course aims to explain basics of Turkish with fun and easy methods.Course is explained by pictures and easy examples. At the end of some lectures there are small questions for you to practice.At the end of each course you can downloadPDFversion of the lecture withhomeworkWhat will I learn?Pronunciation and writing with Turkish lettersPronounsBasics of daily used Turkish words(info, basic daily used words,antonyms, directions)Questions in TurkishColorsNumbersDate & TimeThere is / There areSingular & PluralsAdverbsGreetingsNegativesBefore - After - WithVowel Harmony, Noun statesVerbs (Can, Must, If)"
Price: 19.99

"Russian for Beginners (A1) Step by Step" |
"The course aims to explain basics of Russian language with fun and easy methods.Course is explained by pictures and easy examples. At the end of all lectures you can download lecture material and practice.You will get a homework exercise for each course in your PDF material.At the end you will take a quiz to measure your knowledge from this course.What will I learn?Pronunciation and writing with Russian lettersGreetingsBasicsQuestionsNumbersColorsDateFamilyTo BeThere is / There arePluralsPronounsNegationsDemonstrative pronounsGender in Russian language"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Statistics" |
"Statistics encompasses the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data and provides a framework for thinking about data. Statistics is used in many areas of scientific and social research, is critical to business and manufacturing, and provides the mathematical foundation for machine learning and data mining.In this course, students will gain a comprehensive introduction to the concepts and techniques ofstatistics as applied to a wide variety of disciplines.This coursecovers basicstatistics, such ascalculating averages, medians, modes, and standard deviations.With easy-to-understand examples combined with real-world applicationsfrom the worlds of business, sports, education, entertainment, and more.This course provides you with the skills and knowledge you need to start analyzing data. You'll explore how to use data and apply statistics to real-life problems and situations."
Price: 19.99

"2020 Financial Foundation" |
"***3 Bonus Courses Added 10/29/2018 ******Bonus Podcasts Added 8/10/2019***In this 4-part course you will:- Learn how to get a good credit score- Learn how to budget- Learn how to invest in your 401k, stocks, bonds, mutual funds and more- Learn how to invest in cryptocurrency- Learn from some of the best personal finance podcasts around3 of the 4 courses make up the series, Financial Foundation. Financial Foundation is a 3-part course designed to teach young men and women to become financially self-sufficient adults. Budgeting, Credit and Investing are the areas that will be taught. Ultimately, this course will be a boot-camp to financially prepare young adults to prevent them from having to learn the hard wayThe final course is called, How to Analyze an ICO. How to Analyze an ICO is a class offers you a system to analyze an Initial Coin Offering(ICO). This system is simple but effective. The knowledge that you learn in this class will be fortified with walkthroughs, a scoring system, real-life examples and knowledge checks along the way. Youll also have access to bonus resources, such as a podcast and an Altcoin ICO example document.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In iInvest you'll learn,- 401(k) Fundamentals - Learn why a 401(k) is important and how to get the most out of it for retirement planning.- Stock Market Fundamentals - Learn why a stock price goes up and down and gain a true understanding of the stock market.- Mutual Fund Fundamentals - Learn what a mutual fund is, how they work and their advantages and disadvantages.- Bonds, Booms and Building Portfolios - Learn about bonds, booms and how to build a portfolio. You'll also learn the correlation between risk and investment horizon.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------***Bonus Course***In Creating a High-Octane Budget you'll learn,- Emergency Funds - Learn why an emergency fund is a necessary account for all adults. Plus, don't miss the Emergency Funds podcast.- Needs vs. Wants - Learn the difference between needs and wants. It is paramount to understand this distinction prior to making a budget.- Creating SMART Goals - Learn why goals should be setup in a certain way for success. Smart people make SMART goals.- Inputs and Outputs - Learn how to put all of your budgeting principles into action. This is where the magic happens.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------***Bonus Course***In Running Credit Checks with no Shame you'll learn,- How to build a great credit score - Learn how your FICO credit score is determined and what causes it to go up and down.- How to avoid the credit pitfalls and traps - Learn some of the seemingly harmless places to avoid. These places seem like a quick fix, but looks can be deceiving.- Plus don't miss 2 special podcasts, Payday Loans and Give me some Credit.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------***Bonus Course***In Cryptocurrency How to Analyze an ICO , well cover the following areas:The Mission StatementUtilityCompetitorsHype MeterToken SupplyLeadershipRed FlagsCompetitive AdvantageThe investment duration(short-term/long-term/both)Your thoughts as the analystAn Initial Coin Offering, aka ICO, is cryptocurrencys rough equivalent to an IPO in the mainstream investment world. Essentially an ICO has 2 main goals to raise capital for the cryptocurrency company and to initially supply their cryptocurrency to the market to be used and or traded. The coins that go through this process are called Altcoins and there are currently over 1500 alt coins on the market today. Who knows how many new coins will be introduced to the market over the next 20 years?This class is designed to take you from cryptocurrency enthusiast to cryptocurrency analyst."
Price: 19.99

"How to Become a Voice Actor and More!" |
"***3 Bonus Courses Added 10/29/2018******New Podcasting Course Added 8/10/2019***The Official DIY Guide to Voice ActingThe goal of this course is to teach new and aspiring voice actors how to generate income through voice acting on their own. This course can also help anyone who is looking to communicate better.This course is taught by full-time professional voice actor, Donald Fittsgill Jr. Donald is the host of ""The Donald POV"" podcast and has completed thousands of voice-overs in only a few short years. Donald has built a large client base that consists of small, medium and large businesses in a wide variety of areas.This course is designed to teach you the tricks of the trade that have helped propel Donald to success.This course will teach 3 main areas:- How to nail the read ""Its not right until the client says its right.""- How to record Room setup, hardware, software, and recording/editing process- How to market Finding your edgeIf you're interested in becoming a voice actor (voiceover actor), this online course will show you a non-traditional path, and the steps to getting started now.Nearly any time you hear a voice but don't see a person speaking, there's a voiceover actor at work. On television, radio, in video games, animation, sports arenas, or on audiobooks, voiceover is everywhere. It's a surprisingly diverse field open to people with various backgrounds and skill sets, so whether you're an actor looking to expand his earning potential, someone who excels at creating characters with her voice, or someone who's constantly being told what a great voice he has, there can be work for you as a voice actor.This class is for you if....---you've ever wanted to QUIT your day job and CHASE your dream of becoming a voice actor...--- you want to simply get better at communicating...--- you've been told, ""You have a great voice!"" but don't know where to start...--- you hear commercials on the radio and say ""That could be me!""--- you've ever dreamed of being in video games or animation...Essentially, if you've ever wanted to start a career as a voice actor (or you're even curious about the career itself), ""The Official DIY Guide to Voice Acting"" is the best place for you to start. With a comprehensive overview of the career of voiceover itself, a step by step guide on how to ""find your sound,"" make your reel, and get voice over work, ""The Official DIY Guide to Voice Acting"" is an invaluable resource, whether you're just starting out from a home studio, or you've got some experience under your belt.In this class you'll learn:-- A large variety of voice over recording techniques-- How to market yourself for voice over jobs-- How to record voice overs at home, including equipment, software and setting up the room.-- How to set yourself apart from the crowd in the world of voiceovers.See you inside...--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------***Bonus Course***Entrepreneurship - How to quit your job and chase your dreamsThe problem - Many people today are looking for a way out of their current situation. They want to start a business but are unaware of how to do so. Specifically, they are unaware of how to quit their job and chase their dreams.The goal - This class aims to solve that problem. This comprehensive class is designed to equip you with the necessary knowledge to quit your job and chase your dreams.The courses included in this class are:- How to quit your job and chase your dreamsThe Process - This online course contains easy to understand, Entrepreneurship Fundamentals. This course is essential to beginning your journey in becoming an entrepreneur.You'll learn:- How to prepare your mind - Preparing your mind is essential to address before you seek to become an entrepreneur.- How to find your way - You'll learn which entrepreneurial path is right for you. You'll learn a proven process of determining what is the best path to entrepreneurship for you.- Honing your craft - You'll learn how to take your entrepreneurial talents to the next level.- Preparing Financially - You'll find out what it takes financially to be able to leave your job. This is arguably the most important step, because your life expenses don't go away when you embark this journey. ***Special Podcast on Emergency Funds added***- How to find and implement a side-hustle - This is the key to meeting your financial goals. You will find out how to become a side-hustle ninja and learn real-world examples.- Preparing for takeoff - Summary--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------***Bonus Course***Creating EFFECTIVE Podcast Intros and OutrosAre you looking to make your podcast come alive with an effective podcast intro and outro? This class will cover the following topics:- How to create an effective podcast intro- Podcast Music- How to create an effective podcast outro- Tricks of the tradeThis class is recommended for anyone looking to make their podcast intro and outro come alive.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------***Bonus Course***Podcasting 101Podcasting is very popular these days and many people are dipping their toes into the podcasting waters, really without any direction at all.My goal for this course is to give you structure so that you can produce the very best podcast within your ability.Youll start off the course by really developing your podcast, then you'll learn some of the dos and donts of podcast recording, youll learn about podcast artwork, podcast hosting, podcast directories and so much more.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Learn how to FREESTYLE RAP in 5 Easy Steps!Improvising is necessary skill for any actor. Freestyle rapping is a fun way for you to learn how to improvise and be quicker on your feet when communicating.This a fun and informative class for anyone looking to learn how to freestyle rap. Freestyle rap Is an improvisational rap with or without instrumental beats, in which lyrics are recited with no particular subject or structure.Anyone can how to freestyle rap and with a little practice anyone can be good at it too. Enroll in this class and find out how."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Excel 2013: Excel in 1.5 hours" |
"This Course is basically designed for the people who are not that familier with the MS-Excel and have less time to learn it.Anyone can take this course and learn MS-Excel as it has a content of 1.5 hours.I have tried to shorten the topic and explained only those things which are important to learn and ignoring the other unrequired things.It is very effective and efficient for the learners.I hope that the students will get benefit from this.I believe in smart and quick work so I have discussed the whole main MS-Excel in about 1.5hours hours so that anyone can learn it anywhere quickly and for better results.Learn MS-Excel from your place."
Price: 24.99

"La atraccin de clientes y beneficios a travs de la venta" |
"Tras varios aos trabajando en asesoramiento directivo y estratgico para pymes espaolas, he observado que hay una serie de errores de gestin que se repiten de forma recurrente en ellas. Uno de esos problemas es la dificultad para atraer clientes y/o para generar beneficios lo que, tarde o temprano, acaba provocando la desaparicin del negocio. Por este motivo me decid a desarrollar de forma pormenorizada este curso, en exclusiva para Udemy, con el objetivo de establecer una gua para empresarios y gerentes que ayude a erradicar este problema. Qu vamos a ver en este curso? Puesalrededor de 90 minutos destinados a aprender desde cero las claves del marketing y la estrategia empresarial, desde un enfoque totalmente prctico, mediante el uso de casos y ejemplos, aplicados al mundo de los negocios. El objetivo de esta formacin no es memorizar conceptos, sino poder llevar a la prctica, en tu empresa, lo aprendido aqu, mejorando el porcentaje de ventas y de beneficios. Tu empresa no atrae clientes?, no es rentable?, ha perdido su posicin en el mercado? Entonces necesitas esta formacin, porque el 60% de las empresas espaolas mueren antes del 6 ao de vida; la falta de formacin directiva de sus empresarios es una de las razones por las que esto sucede. Y es que los empresarios espaoles son los menos formados en direccin y gestin de la Unin Europea, slo superados por los emprendedores italianos.No lleves a tu empresa al fracaso. Convirtete en un empresario de xito con ""La atraccin de clientes y beneficios a travs de la venta"", donde aprenders las pautas clave necesarias para la direccin de cualquier empresa. -Descubrirs cmo fijar tu modelo de negocio. -Estudiars qu es lo que logra atraer a los clientes y, a su vez, cmo asegurar la rentabilidad de lo que vendes. -Veremos cmo podrs realizar cambios en tu modelo de negocio, sin destruir la esencia de tu empresa. -Y aprenderas a determinar cul es tu clientela real, y qu productos o promociones pueden interesarles ms. -Estudiaremos cmo reaccionar estratgicamente ante cambios en la competencia y en el mercado. - Y, finalmente, obtendrs algo muy valioso, y es, el incremento de la confianza en ti mismo como gestor de tu negocio y la mayor seguridad que te dar, esta formacin, en la toma de decisiones. Estos 6 aspectos son esenciales y fundamentales para la direccin de cualquier negocio No dejes pasar la oportunidad de mejorar los resultados de tu empresa y asegurar su supervivencia.Aprovecha esta oferta de lanzamiento al 60% de descuento (9,99) con el cupn: ESTRATEGIA0418 No ests del todo seguro? chale un vistazo a los 10 minutos de clase de prueba* y averigua lo que puede aportarte esta formacin. *Clases con vista previa habilitada, disponibles en el apartado ""Programa de este curso"""
Price: 24.99

"Fotomontaje Avanzado para diseadores y fotgrafos" |
"Este curso contiene 14 tutoriales de fotomontajede dificultades intermedia y avanzada compatibles con Photoshop CS6 yCC (tambin conversiones anteriores pero el resultado no est garantizado)Todos los tutoriales estn explicados paso a paso y podrs ver el flujo de trabajo completo, desde la creacin de la escena usando fotos de stock hasta el efecto final usando ajustes, filtros y efectos.Podrs descargar todos los videos de ste curso as como los recursos necesarios para seguir el tutorial.Aunque en Udemy tendrs acceso a ellos de por vida una vez comprados.Sobre Andrei OprincaTrabajo con Photoshop desde hace 10 aos y ms de 8 aoscreando tutoriales en YouTube y para mi pgina web. He trabajado creando video tutorialespara las revistas: Photoshop Creative, Advanced Photoshop y Digital Photographer."
Price: 29.99

"Resgatando O Do no Karate" |
"Trata-se de um mtodo prprio visando a ampliao da conscincia e a transformao interior do karateca, seja iniciante, seja veterano ou Sensei, mas leal aos fundamentos tcnicos do Karate da escola do Sensei Funakoshi.Foi desenvolvido a partir de anos de aprendizado com o karate, fortemente influenciado pela viso humanista de meu Sensei Juichi Sagara, um dos introdutores do Karate Shotokan no Brasil, na dcada de 50, e somando com estudos na rea do comportamento humano.So mais de 30 anos ensinando Karate e aplicando o que estou compartilhando nesta produo.Esse curso traz ensinamentos baseado no legado do Sensei Gishin Funakoshi, no Karate Tridimensional do Sensei Sagara e nos conceitos da cincia do comportamento humano, uma excelente ferramenta pedaggica para aquele Sensei preocupado em desenvolver o Karate Budo, utilizar junto aos seus alunos em treinamentos especiais e seminrios.Inclui tambm a parte prtica com exerccios para desenvolver o Zanshin - a ateno - e o mokuso para ser aplicado no seu dia a dia e obter um modo de vida mais consciente e harmonioso."
Price: 54.99

"Anatomy of the Breath" |
"Taking a breath is central to the human experience:it's the first, and the last, thing you'll ever do. It happens with and without voluntary control. For these reasons and more perhaps, most meditative and movement traditions have placed great importanceon coming to knowone's own breathing.So whether you're not even sure how the lungs fill, or you do know but want to get adeeper understanding into what happens in the autonomic nervous system with an exhale, or you can release tight shoulders by freeing up your diaphragm ... This could be an awesome course for you.Watch the video to get a sense of the curriculum. Thanks and hope to see you in a minute!"
Price: 29.99

"Modos Gregos 1 - Jnio, Drico e Frgio" |
"Talvez voc j tenha ouvido por a os nomes mixoldio, drico, ou algo semelhante. Parece coisa de outro mundo, no? Pois bem, com este curso voc ser capaz de executar e aprender os modos gregos de forma completa e funcional. No estamos oferecendo afrmula mgica, mas sim um estudo completo sobre os Modos Gregos e suas particularidades."
Price: 84.99

"Troubles digestifs, plantes mdicinales & huiles essentielle" |
"Voussouffrez de problmes digestifs et vous souhaitez en finir naturellement ?Lorsde cette formation, vous apprendrez comment fonctionne le systme digestif etcomment certaines plantes mdicinales et huiles essentielles peuvent vous aider soigner certains troubles.Cetteformation fera de vous un expert, aucune trouble digestif ne vous rsistera !"
Price: 49.99
