"The Ultimate Confidence & Self Esteem Masterclass-" |
"THE MOST PRACTICAL AND DETAILED TRAINING FOR THOSE WHO WISH TO BECOME MORE CONFIDENT.""Discover the Secrets to Build an Unbreakable Self-Confidence And Confidently take Charge of your lifeIf you want to fully live and enjoy your life, you will need confidence and a good dose of it. Confidence is the key ingredient that can make amazing things happens in your life. If you are unsure of yourself, other people will be unsure of you as well. When you are uncomfortable in your own skin, it leaves others uncomfortable to be around you. Confidence is a Skill That can Be Learn and develop.Just as lack of confidence drives people away, the possession of it attracts them like a magnet. When you have self-confidence, you have the capability to have it all. When you lack confidence, you will see dreams fall by the wayside, goals go unmet, and all the things you don't want happening. In this course, you will find the key to self-confidence mastery. You will find all the information you need to take your destiny into your own hands and confidently achieve the life of your dreams. This course is for you if...You want to start believing in yourselfYou want to stand up for yourself and share your ideas and thoughts with anyoneYou want to overcome your shyness or social anxiety. You want to learn how to speak with confidenceYou want to conquer fears disappointments and criticism, You want to learn how to make your goals and desire a reality. Throughout this course you will learn How to Destroy self doubt and cultivate self trustHow to develop a powerful Self ImageHow to overcome fear, disappointment & Criticismhow to overcome shyness & anxietythe 3 biggest secrets for attracting peopleHow to start a conversation with anyone5 Simple techniques to boost your confidence around peopleHow to change your internal dialogue with positive self talk How to supercharge your actions and get the results you wantAnd much much more...Your Happiness depends on your ability to express yourself well.Psychiatrists have found that many people are unhappy because they are unable to express themselves. They go around with their ideas and emotion bottled up inside them. Part of our happiness depends on our ability to express our ideas, desire, ambition, hope and disappointments to other people. And you cannot do that if you lack confidence.Have you ever wonder why some people seems to make friend instantly?Everyone seems to like them and give them instant love and respect.In business, youll see them rapidly move to the top of the corporate ladder.What it is, that make these people so special? What is their secrets?These people have simply learned and practiced the art of effectively dealing with people. And you too can do the same.And It all starts by developing a powerful and radiant self confidence.So, If youd like to understand and apply the techniques that top performers, athletes, executives and entrepreneurs use to develop a powerful self confidence and achieve massive success, then join this self confidence masterclass today so you too can develop a powerful confidence and achieve your desires and goal in life. Complete Satisfaction Or Get Your Money BackLet me remind you that we have a 30 days money back guarantee. So if for any reason youre not 100% satisfy by the content of this course, you can request a refund within 30 days of purchase.Id love to see you inside the course and help you become a powerful and confident person.Join the self confidence masterclass now!"
Price: 194.99

"Substance Abuse Counseling Introductory Course" |
"This course teaches the foundation knowledge needed to work with individuals struggling with substance use disorders. It will prepare an aspiring substance use counselor for more advanced counseling courses in the chemical dependency field. It discusses causes and theories of addiction, addictive thinking, post-acute withdrawal syndrome, and adjuncts to substance abuse and alcohol treatment recovery."
Price: 19.99

"Substance Abuse Group Counseling: difficult situations" |
"In this course, you will learn how to handle difficult, unexpected and challenging situations that commonly occur in substance abuse group therapy. This course will help any who will be facilitating substance abuse group counseling whether in an inpatient, outpatient or forensic setting. This course discusses de-escalation, redirecting, expressing empathy and handling unexpected situations with poise."
Price: 74.99

"5 C's of Live Streaming!" |
"There are plenty of reasons why you should be live streaming! Generating revenue is one of them, and its not hard to do! However, I find that many people simply dont know the essentials to this live stream monster!Thats what well be going over! I like to call these my 5C's of live streaming. Its essential for anyone looking to get into live streaming and stay relevant!"
Price: 39.99

"Crypto Cash" |
"Bitcoin was worth a few thousand dollars last year. Then it magically jumped up to nearly TWENTYTHOUSAND at the end of 2017.This course is designed to give you the ins and outs on crypto currency; while you can make lots of money really fast, you have to be careful! We'll go over the most common terms and best strategies, so that you can have the most benefit."
Price: 49.99

"Komplettkurs Portrtzeichnen fr Einsteiger" |
"Herzlich willkommen beim Online-Zeichenkurs Jeder kann zeichnen von Schnellzeichner und Diplom-Designer Marcel Bender.Du hast Spa am Kreativ sein und mchtest in die Welt des Zeichnens eintauchen? Dann bist du bei Jeder kann zeichnen goldrichtig! In aufeinander aufbauenden Videos kannst du hier auf einfache und unterhaltsame Weise das Zeichnen lernen, wobei der Fokus auf Portrts liegt. Anschaulich und verstndlich erklrt begleiten dich die Clips auf deinem kreativen Weg zum Zeichenprofi! Lege jetzt los und entdecke den Knstler in dir!In jedem steckt ein KnstlerGrundstzlich richtet sich der Online-Zeichenkurs Jeder kann zeichnen an jeden, der das Zeichnen lernen mchte. Also genau an dich! Das Alter spielt dabei keinerlei Rolle, denn es ist immer der richtige Zeitpunkt, Knstler zu sein! Und keine Sorge du bentigst kein besonderes Talent, um das Zeichnen zu lernen. So aufwndig manche Zeichnung auch aussehen mag es steckt eine handwerkliche Technik dahinter, die wirklich jeder lernen kann! Sei dabei beiJeder kann zeichnen""!"
Price: 149.99

"Curso de Ingls para Tecnologia da Informao" |
"Curso de Ingls tcnicopara rea de Tecnologia da Informao. Este curso focado emauxiliar o profissional de TI a sair da zona de conforto da leitura e escrita e conseguir empreender seuspassos rumo conversao. Ir capacit-lo a como estruturar corretamente sua linha de pensamento em ingls sem ficar traduzindo na cabea. Tambm ir desconstruir o medo de errar, uma vez que poder extender seus estudos em nossos grupos fechados no Facebook e Whatsapp. Obter acompanhamento diretamente com o professor via Udemy, atravs das redes sociais e at mesmo pelo Whatsapp.Oaluno ir gradativamente ganhar confiana o suficiente para conseguir se comunicar dentro de seu ambiente de trabalho, seja ele presencial ou remoto, receber estrangeiros e gui-los em explicaes tcnicas, participar de feiras e se interagir com staff tcnico, organizar conferncias e apresent-las.ESTE CURSO NO FOCA EMLEITURA E ESCRITA. Apresenta-setcnicas de aprendizado acelerado e metodologia no-linear para possibilitarqueo profissional de TI se comunique a contento dentro de seu contexto profissional, com autoconfiana e desenvoltura."
Price: 39.99

"Best Resume (CV) Writing Course For Migrants" |
"You've recently moved into your new 'adopted' country, that you will be calling your new home! Congratulations!! It takes alot of courage to leave your home country, your family, your friends, your job, everything you left behind in yourhome country is now just a memory.... but you've taken a leap of faith to start up a new life here.. That is taking some massive risks!You have now joined thousands of other migrants who have moved to a new country, and settling in can be overwhelming as well as scary. You've prepared your movemonths and months ago so that you're ready to settle into your new country as quickly and as seamless as possible. Among the hundreds of tasks that you will have to organise as a new migrant.. one of the MOST important things you will need todo in the first few weeks of being in a new country is attempting to gainEMPLOYMENT.THIS IS WHERE I COME IN >>Let me put your mind at ease here, it's NOT the most qualified person that wins the jobs over other candidates, it is usually the MOST prepared candidate that will be offered a job over others.The first contact or impressionthat any employer will have of you will be off your resume. And don't forget there are hundreds of other applicants that are also applying for the same job as you, and plus they're already locals, which makes it a little bit more challenging, but definitely NOT IMPOSSIBLE.You can totally do this, you just need to get passed the following steps to make it to interview stage and job offer:Job application submitted with powerful and effective resume/CVATS (ApplicantTracking System) - this system filters out resumes based off an algorithm before it gets to 'human' eyesPhone screen interviewInterview stageAssessmentsFinal InterviewJob offerThis course will help you with the very first step of having aresume/CV that is super powerful and attractive to the recruiters/hiring manager's eyes.This course will deconstruct, analyse and explain every component of a localised resume.Your resume also needs to align with 'accepted formats' within the new country you are now settling into. You SHOULD NOT use your resume from your country for any job applications unless you have completed this course ORspoken to a RECRUITER/HIRING MANAGER who understands the job market and recruitment process for you new country.Ihave seen hundreds and hundreds of migrants RUIN their chances of job interviews because they submit job applications using their resumes from their home country NNNOOOOOOOOO, don't do this.This course will guide you step by step as to how to improve or create a resume/CV that is fit for your new home country.Follow these steps, take action, and apply the lessons and you'll be smiling happily with your new job all because of your new and improved resume/CV.See you on the inside!"
Price: 29.99

irfxxvug |
Price: 19.99

"Website Automation Testing for Beginners with Protractor" |
"Learn Website AutomationThis course will teach you everything you will need to know to get started automating website testing. You do not need any prior knowledge to be successful in this course.Web FoundationsTo be successful in web automation, you first must understand the basics of how a website works. We will teach you how to build a website from the ground up. You will be building a website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.ProtractorWe will be using Protractor 5 as our automation framework for writing our test scripts. Protractor was built for Angular applications but it is not limited to only Angular. We are going to demonstrate that by testing the HTML website what we created. Protractor is fully featured and easy to use once you learn all the fundamental concepts from this course. You may ask, ""Why are we not using Selenium?"". Protractor is built with Selenium at its core. What that means is that when you use Protractor, you are using Selenium.Industry Famous ToolsYou will learn how to use some of the most common tools in the web development and testing industry. These tools include:Protractor 5Visual Studio CodeNode.jsBootstrap"
Price: 24.99

"QA Guide to Web Application Testing for Beginners" |
"Application QA Engineers are high on the list of great jobs that can earn you over $100k a year. In this course, Iwant to help you learn all the skills required to get your first job as a QAEngineer.Learn Front End Website TestingThis course will teach you everything you will need to know to get started with Front End website testing. You do not need any prior knowledge to be successful in this course.Test CasesWe will be using QATouch, a real world test case management application throughout this course. There will be multiple guided lessons that will teach you how to create realistic test cases. BugsQATouch's test case management tool that we will be using also doubles as a bug tracking system. I will be instructing you on how to create bugs including how to document the reproduction steps and how to take great screenshots.Web FoundationsTo be successful in web testing, you first must understand the basics of how a website works. I will teach you how to build a website from the ground up. You will be building a website usingHTML, CSS, and JavaScript."
Price: 24.99

"QA Guide to REST API Testing for Beginners" |
"Welcome!This is the third course in my ""QA Guide"" series. Application QA Engineers are high on the list of great jobs that can earn you over $100k a year. Take the next step to achieve your maximum earning potential.What are APIs? And how do we test them?APIs are an extremely important part of the applications that we use everyday. There are APIs being called every time you open an app on your phone, search for products on the web, or play a song from your Alexa.If your team is developing a mobile app or web application, there are going to be APIs involved. You need to be able to understand what APIs are, how they work, and how to test them.Are you ready to work with APIs?In this course you will learn everything that you need to know to get started with RESTAPI testing. The course starts with API basics. Here you will learn what an API is and how they work.I will be covering several tools along the way to help you validate and format APIs so that you can quickly and easily understand the purpose and content.You will learn some javaScript which is essential when working with REST APIs.The bulk of the course will be through exercises. We will use Postman to generate API requests. Then we will use Postman to test the requests that we created.Finally, we will be using Fiddler to capture, view, and manipulate API Traffic.Get started now!"
Price: 24.99

"Newton's Laws - +" |
"Physics is the logic of nature.This course makes sure that students will be able to solveproblems and alsoto derive equations in PhysicsNewton's Laws - + Some quotes from Isaac Newton:'We build too many walls and not enough bridges.''To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction.''Genius is patience'"
Price: 600.00

"CCA Exam : 1Y0-201 Managing Citrix XenDesktop 7.6 Solutions" |
"Welcome To TheCitrix 1Y0-201 exam preparationPractice Tests, The Final Exam preparation FromCertification Success Academy:Gain Managing Citrix XenDesktop 7.6 Solutions Certification Easily!Exam details;Exam Name - Managing Citrix XenDesktop 7.6 Solutions (CCA-V)Exam Code - 1Y0-201Exam Price - $300 USDTime Limit - 90 minutes*Number of Questions -64 (multiple choice and simulation)Passing Score -70%Recommended Knowledge and Skills for CCA-V:Intermediate knowledge of Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2Intermediate knowledge of Active DirectoryKnowledge of database concepts Basic knowledge of SQL Server Securing network operating systems Knowledge of virtualization conceptsKnowledge of user profiles Knowledge of storage configuration and managementKnowledge of desktop operationsManaging alternate client devices"
Price: 24.99

"(2V0-602) EXam: vSphere 6.5 Foundations Exam Preparation" |
"The VMware vSphere 6.5 Foundations Exam (2V0-602) tests candidates on their skills and abilities in deployingand configuring vSphere storage, networking, and compute resources as well as creating and administeringvSphere virtual machines. Successful candidates demonstrate mastery of these skills and abilities.Exam Number: 2V0-602Duration: 105 MinutesNumber of Questions: 70Passing Score: 300Exam Price: $125 USD"
Price: 24.99

"CCA Exam : 1Y0-203 Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15" |
" ***************************** ## Guaranteed Success ## *****************************Welcome To The Citrix 1Y0-203 exam preparation Practice Tests, The Final Exam preparation From Certification Success Academy: Gain Citrix XenDesktop 7.15 XenApp and XenDesktop Administration Certification Easily!Exam details;Exam Name - Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 Administration (CCA-V)Exam Code - 1Y0-203Exam Price - $300 USDTime Limit - 90 minutes*Number of Questions - 64 (multiple choice and simulation)Passing Score - 65%Recommended Knowledge and Skills for CCA-V:Intermediate knowledge of Microsoft Windows Server Basic knowledge of Active DirectoryKnowledge of database concepts Securing network operating systems Knowledge of virtualization conceptsKnowledge of user profiles Knowledge of storage configuration and managementKnowledge of desktop operationsManaging alternate client devices"
Price: 24.99

Unity3dC# |
"Unity3dAndroidUnity3dUnity3dC#Unityt1FPS3D2 2D"
Price: 3600.00

"Personal Development in Communication" |
"Communication is an innate human skill but we all can use a little improvements here and there. This course will assist you in developing in your career with these new skills as well as building better and stronger personal relationships as well. As long as you put these tips into practice, you will become an overall better communicator."
Price: 19.99

"The Profit of Marketing Inspired Branding" |
"This course is suitable for all stages of your career. You will get incremental profit from practicing marketing inspired branding. This course is divided in 4 chapters that culminate in a modular that enables you to set up your very own marketing inspired brandingtemplate. There is a brief summary after each chapter and a Q&A section that answers a potential key question. Though the chapters are set in a specific chronology, you are welcome to track back to a previous chapter and get back to me with any additional questions that you might have.The first chapter is about marketing terminologies and semantics.Second chapter, market segmentation and brand diagnostic. Chapter three,the tool box.What we need in order to plan a successful marketing initiative.Chapter four, marketing communication."
Price: 49.99

bkacourse1 |
"BKABKA- step by step ideaidea idea -Idea-social 5 Tips"
Price: 3000.00

"Algerian recipes: how to make Algerian couscous" |
"Do you have an idea of Algerian cuisine? Do you have an idea about Algerian couscous? Have you ever wondered. Why Algerian couscous is popular in the Maghreb? What is couscous? And how couscous is made Is Couscous healthy meal or unhealthy Couscous is one of the most famous traditional dishes in the Maghreb Making couscous requires only semolina and water. As for how to make couscous it is located in the training course I would be glad that you are one of the students of this course Studies have shown that couscous meal healthy 100% and also meal diet.It contains selenium which is very important in the human body.For this reason Couscous his popularity in the Arab Maghreb.Not only that but it is also delicious. It is true that couscous requires making time not long.But it has benefits even in material terms.It can be sold in stores in an easy way"
Price: 19.99

"Excel Fundamental (Bsico/Intermedirio)" |
"Voc quer aprender a trabalhar com o Excel?Quer terminar seu trabalho no Excel de forma rpida?Est em busca de um estgio ou emprego mais no sabe usar o Excel?Quer aprender Excel de forma rpida e eficiente?ENTO ESSE CURSO PARA VOC!!!!Parabnspor procurar se especializar nessa ferramenta fantstica que o Excel.Voc ir aprender nesse curso os elementos fundamentais para voc se destacar utilizando o Excel (Como o programa funciona, criar e formatar planilhas, clculos e os principais recursos usados pelas empresas) .Esse conhecimento vai permitir que voc resolva vrios tipos de problemas envolvendo planilhas. Alm disso o curso conta com vrios exerccios para voc treinar seus conhecimentos e ganhar confiana. As aulas tm seus contedos aplicados em exemplos prticos para voc no ficar apenas na teoria. A proposta que voc veja as frmulas e recursos em funcionamento para entender melhor e aplicar no seu dia a dia.Atravs desse curso voc ser capaz, dentre outras coisas, de: Criar planilhas e aplicas frmulas para resolver problemasUtilizar grficos para apresentar as informaes de forma visuale impressionarEntender os conceitos de referncia do Excel e as frmulas 3D (Sua produtividade vai aumentar e muito!!!!!)Aprender a imprimir de forma eficiente fazendo uso correto do espao disponvel no Excel (Muita gente no sabe fazer isso)As aulas so ministradas por um professor com experincia de 10 anos na ferramenta. Possui as certificaes: Microsoft office Specialist EXCELMicrosoft office Specialist MASTERO curso conta com um sistema de apoio ao aluno diferenciado, onde o aluno pode tirar suas dvidas, pedir explicaes extras ou mais exerccios para treinar.Que tal comear o curso hoje mesmo e se destacar no mercado de trabalho?"
Price: 19.99

"Smart Contract Development: CryptoDoggies Token Game" |
"I'm sure you've heard of CryptoKitties, the first highly successful Ethereum Smart Contractand Distributed Application (DApp) that took the world by storm!.There is no denying that Ethereum and the amazing opportunities that come from writing Smart Contracts will only get bigger and more disruptive in the coming years as it continues to grow.Learn How To Use:Solidity - The programming language used to write smart contractsTruffle - The most popular way to develop smart contractsMetaMask - Browser extension to interact with your smart contractBootstrap / JavaScript - You'll build your own website using common web frameworks and languages.ERC721 Token Standards - You'll build your own ERC721 compliant Token that can be traded on the Ethereum blockchain.I wrote this course for people who want to step through each of the steps required to implement their very ownERC721 TokencalledCryptoDoggies. Each of the Doggies created is completely unique and can be sold and collected on the Ethereum Blockchain.By the end of this course you will have deployed your very own CryptoDoggy contract, and be fully capable in creating anything you can dream ofusing the amazing power of Ethereum Smart Contracts."
Price: 89.99

"The Complete Flutter and Firebase Developer Course" |
"Flutter is Google's brand NEW mobile UI framework build to make developing beautiful and functionalinterfaces for both iOS and Android natively. Flutter Apps are written in a language called Dart, which is a simple client/server language that you'll learn along the way!This course is designed specifically for people just starting out with Flutter and Mobile development who want to build a fully functioning, app that serves a real purpose. You'll learn how to tie your app into Firebase services in order to make it truly Serverless.Some of the Firebase Services you'll learn along the way:Cloud Firestore - NoSQL Cloud DatabaseFirebase Storage - Raw Cloud File storageGoogle Sign-in Authentication - Plus options to add sign-in for GitHub, Facebook, Email etc.Firebase Functions - Write a number of Cloud functions that our app with use to safely handle requests"
Price: 99.99

"AWS IoT: The Hobbyists Guide to Home Automation" |
"AWSIoT Core is rapidly looking to become the industry leader in Management & Orchestration of Internet of Things (IoT) devices for both thehome, small businessand enterprise marketplaces.When you think about the tight integration it has with all other offerings throughAWS Its hard not to see the immense benefits of managing an Infinite number of devices in the cloud.In this course you'll learn all the offerings that AWSIoT Core and much more!Raspberry Pi - You'll learn to take your Raspberry Pi and turn it into an IoT hub, bridging the AWSIoT Cloud services with your home network.ESP32 Micro-controller- If you have access to an ESP32, you'll learn how to connect it up to AWSIoT CorePlatformIO - Develop for any embedded system using one code base! Make use of PlatformIO's Unified development environment to write once, deploy to thousandsAWSLambda - Learn to connect Cloud Functions to your AWSIoT sensor flows, and perform analytics at the EdgeNode-RED - Make use of Node-RED's incredible Flow control system and develop complex data paths using easy to understand; drag and drop techniques.Slack Bot - You'll create a Slack bot that will send you alerts in realtime about changes to the data coming from your sensors."
Price: 49.99

"Granularidade de Requisitos e Mtodos geis - Mini Curso" |
"Esse um mini treinamento, com foco bem especfico e que procura trazer ao aluno reflexes importantes sobre o tema.Como posso ajustar o nvel de detalhes do trabalho com requisitos?Como os modelos geis relacionam-se com a granularidade dos requisitos? preciso documentar quando uso modelos geis de projeto ou incremento de produto?Como flui a comunicao com os usuriosnos modelos de trabalho gil?Essas so questes que sero trabalhadas durante o curso. Os mini cursos servem em grande parte para trazer conhecimento rpido para o aluno, sendo que no tem a pretenso de esgotar o assunto, muito menos ser extensivo, por isso decidimos fazer esse modelo de ""MiniCursos"".Venha comigo nesse caminho de reflexes e nesse super bate-papo sobre o tema.Espero seus comentrios e sugestes."
Price: 189.99

"Percussive Fingerstyle on Acoustic Bass" |
"Hi, I'm Dmitry Lisenko, and welcome to my new Foundry course, Percussive Acoustic Bass. This course is an introduction to the wonderful world of percussive bass guitar!By understanding the core concepts, you'll be able to replace whole rhythm section in acoustic concerts, acting as a bass player and drummer at the same time. Also, it's an incredible way of exploring your bass at home, for solo playing, covering songs arrangements, and just for the joy of playing! It will open a whole new dimension in your composing and change your understanding of the rhythm section.All exercises and information given here is to demonstrate the most common approaches and techniques used in percussive style acoustic bass. It's the first step in discovering rhythm section abilities for bass players.This video course will be beneficial for musicians of any level, starting from complete beginners to most advanced players. You'll need an acoustic bass to fully benefit from the course, but many techniques and tips can be applied on electric bass. I'm sure after watching few videos you will want to get an acoustic bass for yourself. It's also very handy for practicing at home, as you don't need any amplification.At the moment of creating this video, such course is a first of it's kind for bass players. You've found very unique school with a fresh and innovative approach. Welcome to the world of percussive bass!"
Price: 24.99

"Den Messe-Auftritt erfolgreich ausschreiben" |
"Nach dem Kurs fhlst Du dich viel selbstsicherer, wenn es in die Verhandlungen mit den Messe-Dienstleistern geht. Du weit anschlieend, welche Informationen du zusammentragen musst, um eine Ausschreibung erfolgreich auszuschreiben. Und du wirst wissen, nach welchen Kriterien du die Teilnehmen fr deinen Architektur-Wettbewerb auswhlst.Ich zeige Dir in diesem Kurs, wieIhr eine zielorientierte Ausschreibung fr Messe-Stnde angeht!"
Price: 84.99

"4 Ways to Digitize Watercolor" |
"That's right. You've struggled with those muckybrown photos of your watercolor for too long. It's time to create stunning, sharp and eye-catching images of your work so you can give it the credit it deservesIn this class, I'm giving you the tools to do just that.4 Ways to Digitize Your Watercolorswill teach you FOUR different ways that you can bringyour pieces to life. I recommend spending timelearning all four techniquesbecause you'll find they come in handy at different times depending on what you're working on.The class project is to share all of your beautiful watercolor work in it's glorious, digitized form!"
Price: 19.99

"Simple Charisma - The Science of Communication" |
"You've been lied to about social skills. Most people make them out to be this rare, god-given gift that you're either born with or not. But communication in it's entirety is actually just a few core components. And once you understand those components, you'll be miles ahead of the competition in nearly every aspect of your life.Hi, we're Nick and Soma.Our course is taught on the simple premise that people deserve to be able to learn social skills similarto how they're given the opportunity to learn about math, stats, or biology: in a structured and scientific way.Withanxiety and depression on the rise all over the world, don't you think it's time something changed?Extensive research tells us that the majority of all communication is subverbal. That is, the way you're perceived in public depends significantly more on both your body language and vocal tonality than the actual content of your speech. We refer to this principle as the non-linguistic model, and itdrives how we developed our course content.In teaching you this stuff, we're going to make you more attractive. More empathetic. Morecharismatic.And best of all, we're going to show you that your personality is not a static,unchanging part of you. You can become whoever and whatever you want - it just takes a bit of work here and there.Our material comes from two university degrees' worth of knowledge (Nick majored in behavioral neuroscience, and Soma majored in molecular biology), several years' experience in live charisma coaching, and dozens of high-quality, peer reviewed studies on social dynamics. In short: we are the real deal. And our content will prove it. Sign up today and become a better communicator. See you on the other side!* Includes a 30 day no-risk money back guarantee. If you're not completely satisfied with our product, let us know and you'll happily be refunded!**COURSE UPDATED WEEKLY **"
Price: 49.99

"The 4-Step Sales Guide - Use Psychology Hacks to Sell More" |
"If you're looking for a practical, high-yield, no-BS approach to making more money in sales, this is the course you want. Hi, I'm Nick. I'm a behavioral neuroscience researcher who's worked in sales for the last6 years. Let's get straight to the point. Unfortunately for you, the majority of the world has fallen for the feel-goodcharms of the modern sales ""guru"". They're successful, motivational, inspiring - and in many cases, completely backwards. Instead of focusing on immediately applicable techniques and practical theory, they spend their time and energy making you feel good. Making vague, ambiguous statements like ""be yourself"" or ""believe in your product"". Sound familiar? Don't get me wrong, these look great on paper. But they don't translate intoresults. They don't make you more sales. They don't make you more money. And they don't actually move your life forward in any real way. All they do is get you caught up in an emotional hamster wheel that allows you to justify your lack of quantifiable progress by saying ""what matters is that I'm trying!"" That's not what I believe in. I believe in numbers, and I believe in success above all else. And I think by the end of our course, you will too. ---- The Ultimate 4-Step Sales Guide is the culmination of the idea that online courses should cut the fluff and just get straight to the point. Me and my partner Soma have over 8 years of face-to-face and online sales experience between us, and with this course we've crammed everything we know into a single, information-packed hour. Some of the stuff we say is controversial, debatable, and possibly amoral. And I'm sure we'll be hearing from some of you about it. But you can't argue with results.Our content is simple and modern, drawing from the latest in economics, neuroscience, and evolutionary psychology. We spent countless hours testing each technique so you don't have to. In The Ultimate 4-Step Sales Guide, you're going to learn the latest trends in marketing, sales strategies, and sales today - click funnels, psychological loops, social proof, time constraints, andmore. I'm incredibly excited to get you on board with us. You're about to embark on one of the best decisions of your entire entrepreneurial career. And in the incredibly unlikely case that you don't end up learning anything valuable, we want you to know that you can return it within 30 days for a no-risk money back guarantee. Sound too good to be true? Check out our content for yourself. See you inside :-). **COURSE UPDATED WEEKLY**"
Price: 99.99
