"Quit The B.S - Learn Better Faster" |
"Ever wonder how people learn highly complicated skills in just a few hours? Or how top students maintain 4.0 GPAs? Ill give you a hint: its not magic. It's efficiency. Hi, we're Nick and Soma. Our course is based on one simple premise:most people don't know how to learn. Unfortunately, modern school systemsspend years attempting to teach youeverything from ancient history to esoteric calculus. But thousands of hours of your time could be saved if, for just a moment, people stopped focusing onwhat to learn and instead focused on how to go about learning it. (Fact-based information gives you linear results. But productivity, time management, and learning skills grow exponentially in nature)A quickanalogy: Two people are trying to learn a skill. Both learn it at a hypothetical rate of 1 unit per hour. Once a person has reached 100 units in that particular skill, they're said to have ""mastered the skill"". Person A wastes no time - he gets right down to workand ends up taking 100 hours to learn the skill. Person B decides to invest one initial hour of their time into learning two or three simple productivity techniques. After the hour is done, the increased efficiency and productivity allows them to learn at a slightly faster rate of 1.1 units per hour. Person B will ultimately only take 91 hours to learn the skill. That's 9 hours saved with just a 10% boost in efficiency. Now what ifthat single hour could give them a 20% boost in efficiency? In this case, Person B will have saved 16.5 hours. How about a 30% boost in efficiency? 23 hours. Thats nearly a full day saved. I could go on and on, but I think the point is clear: modest gains in efficiency, time management, and productivity can end up saving you tons of time down the road. And if youre anything like me, you value your time. So lets get more efficient. Our course is going to teach you how to maximize memory consolidation in three phases: before, during, and after the learning period. And through these three phases, well touch on everything fromplanning & learning strategies to sleep &nutrition. Our material comes from two university degrees' worth of knowledge (Nick majored in behavioral neuroscience, and Soma majored in molecular biology), hundreds of hours of research, and dozens of high-quality, peer reviewed studies on learning, productivity, and memory.In short: we are the real deal. And our content will prove it. Sign up today and become an efficient learner. See you on the other side! **COURSE UPDATED WEEKLY *** Includes a 30 day no-risk money back guarantee. If you're not completely satisfied with our product, let us know and you'll happily be refunded!"
Price: 49.99

"Design a Beautiful Online Magazine Cover in Photoshop" |
"Have you ever try to create magazine cover in Photoshop? Now it's time! Are you beginner in Photoshop? Then, this is the course for you! I'll show you some simple tricks how to make beautiful magazine cover.This course is for beginners.Anyone with a few minutes can learn the skill through this course.It covers 10 lectures and takes than an hour to complete.This course is for you if you have no experience with design in Photoshop but you want to make your firstmagazine cover project."
Price: 34.99

"Design Original Mystery/Crime eBook Cover" |
"Hello and Welcome!Have you ever try to create an eBook cover in Photoshop? Now it's time! Are you beginner in Photoshop? Then, this is the course for you! I'll show you some simple tricks how to make beautiful eBook cover about mystery and crime..This course is for beginners.Anyone with a few minutes can learn new skill through this course.It covers 12 lectures and takes less than an hour to complete.This course is for you if you have little or no experience with design in Photoshop and wantto try to design eBook cover. And if you have experience, feel free to peek!"
Price: 19.99

"Intro to Music Theory: Lego Edition" |
"Intro to Music Theory:Lego Edition has been created to provide kids, and adults alike, a unique experience in learning music. Music theory is often considered boring, dreaded work, but when you get to play with Lego while you learn it helps to enhance the experience. Using a multi-sensory approach to learning helps individuals retain the information. Reading music already engages our auditory and visual sensations but to add another layer with our sense of touch and fine motor skills, we are able to further develop our learning. This course is intended to help those who know nothing about music or who have been struggling with the basic concepts of music from the beginning and want to try a fresh way of learning."
Price: 29.99

"Temel Linux Eitimi (Trke)" |
"Dersimiz aadaki konular iermekte;Linux komut ekranna giriLinux komutlar yazlrken dikkat edilmesi gerekenlerTemel dzeyde Linux komutlar yazmaLinux'ta klasr/dosya yapsKlasr / dosya ilemlerini (ekleme/silme/kopayalama/tama) komut ekranndan gerekletirmeUygulamal gsterimler, rneklerEn ok karlalan problemler ve zmleriKarmak Linux komularn yazmaya giriKimler dersi almal?Temel dzeyde bilgisayar bilgisi olanlarLinux'a merak olan renciler ve alanlarLinux'ta kendini gelitirmek isteyen ve balang yapmak isteyen kiilerNot: Dersimiz balang seviyesidir. Orta seviye Linux Eitimi dersimizi almadan nce bu dersimizi bitirmenizi neririz.Dersimiz ile ilgili her trl sorunuz ve geri bildirimlerinizi bekliyoruz."
Price: 59.99

"Sfrdan SAS renin (Trke)" |
"Kursumuzda Neler Yapacaz?Sfrdan cretsiz SAS kurulumunu yapacaz.Excel tablolarn SAS'a aktarp birok hesaplama yapacaz.SAS kodlar ile fonksiyonlar yazp yeni kolonlar/deikenler oluturacaz.SAS kodlar ile rendiimiz kodlar SQL ile de yazacaz.Farkl tablolar birletirip filtreleme ve sralama ilemlerini reneceiz.Kod bile kullanmadan ksa yoldan hzlca grsel raporlar oluturacazFinalde: RNEK PROJE miz olacak. Sfrdan bir Excel tablosunu SAS'a alarak birlikte analizler yapacaz. Batan sona uygulamal olarak tm rendiklerimizin prtaiini yapacaz.Kursumuza veri analizi yapmak isteyen tm renciler katlabilir.Veri analizlerinizi, analitik hesaplamalarnz ve raporlamalarnz kolaylkla SAS kullanarak yapabilirsiniz.Exceldeki satr says limitleri ve donma problemleri ile uramanza gerek yok! Tm ilemlerinizi SAS ile yapabilirsiniz.Ksa srede uzun yollar katedeceiniz SAS kursumuzdan sonra Excel kullanmak istemeyeceksiniz.SAS kurulumu iin gerekli bilgiler kursumuzda verilecek olup, kurulum tamamen cretsizdir.SAS kullanarak veri analizleri ve veri temizleme admlarnz rahatlkla yapabilir, hzl bir ekilde grafikler karabilirsiniz.leri SAS derslerinde analitik kodlamalar ile modellemeler oluturabilirsiniz.Gelecein en parlak meslei olan ""Veri Bilimci"" olarak almak istiyorsanz, SAS sizin iin en iyi balang olacak."
Price: 89.99

"SAP S/4 HANA ABAP Workflow Administration" |
"According to Forbes 78% of the World transaction runs in SAP and 100% of them runs SAP Workflow. For this heavy Automation to run there needs to be a Administrator who takes care of this Space Shuttle on a Daily/Weekly basis. This course is the Manual for those Administrator.SAP Workflow Administration helps you to manage SAP Workflow in any SAP System.Take this course and you will be able to use this knowledge forever.SAPWorkflow is a very niche skill that is very much in demand. SAP Workflow is a tool available inside SAP ECC 6.0 and SAP S/4 Hana environment which is used to automate Business process and takes care of all Approval Process of Transaction Data and Master data."
Price: 34.99

"SAP S/4 HANA MM Purchase Order Workflow" |
"Currently 78% of the World transaction are being done in SAP and 90% of them uses SAPProcurement Module. If you use Procurement Module you are sure to use Purchase Order and hence there would be Approval. This Course covers the Purchase Order Workflow development from ScratchAfter Finishing this Course you will be an Expert in Developing Purchase Order Workflow. This course will make you Expert in Planning the design of SAP Purchase Order Workflow.Expert in Developing the Purchase Order Workflow.Expert in Configuring Purchase Order WorkflowExpert in 3 types of Testing Purchase Order Workflow"
Price: 19.99

"SAP Transport Management" |
"SAP Utility Tools for Analysis and Transport Management. SAP Cheat sheet that every SAP End user should be using, This is one tutorial that can save you on an average 1-4 hours every week. You will turn out to be expert just following this Tutorial.This will be a life saver for you all and trust me after this course everything will be cruising"
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Guitarra Ornamentao, Licks e Fraseados" |
"Voltado para o desenvolvimento dastcnicas e da linguagemguitarrstica. Depois desse curso, o aluno passar a ver os solos de outra maneira. Isso ter um grande impactoemseudesenvolvimento tcnico, o qual passara entender como os solos so montados.O objetivo do curso e ensinar o aluno a se desenvolver sozinho, para isso foram criados exerccios capazes de provocar o aluno e incentivar o auto desenvolvimento.Atravs de clichs,doslickse dosdesdobramentos dos mesmos, mostrareio caminho para semontar frases curtas ou longas e a manter o motivo durante todo o solo."
Price: 84.99

"Curso Prtico de Guitarra JK" |
"""Curso Prtico de Guitarra"" um curso desenvolvido para alunos iniciantes e j iniciados no estudo da guitarra. Seu contedo segue uma lgica cronolgica de ensino, por meios de aulas progressivas e com muitos exerccios, far com que o aluno tenha um incio slido e consistente.Esse curso a somatria de experiencia dos mais de trinta anos que Juka Fernandes"" vem se dedicando a arte de ensinar guitarra."
Price: 99.99

"Email Marketing: Build A Profitable Business From Scratch" |
"Do you dream aboutfollowing your passion and building a business on something you truly love? Either if you want to make some extra cash on the side working a few hours per week or building a realbusiness that will provide you with a full time income, so you can quit your job and work from wherever you want, Email Marketing offers you the opportunityto do so without having to be a tech savvy or a marketing expert.If you want to learn about Email Marketing, this course will teach you everything you need to know about this business model: the tools you will need and how to use them, as well as a step by step processto start building your own list andgenerate aconsistent income.All from your own home and on your own schedule.""There is no other marketing tool available that will connect an individual or business with an audience as large as the number of email users. In fact, in 2015, the number of worldwide email users will be nearly 2.6 billion. By the end of 2019, the number of worldwide email users will increase to over 2.9 billion."" The opportunity to make money with Email Marketing is HUGE!"
Price: 19.99

"Budget Mastery" |
"Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck?Do you often wonder where all your money goes each month? Do you feel out of control with your spending?If you have answered yes to the any of the questions above our BudgetMasteryprogram is for you. In our program you will participate in our 30-Day Spending Challenge. This challenge gives you the opportunity to track your spending. Why is this important to your Money Mastery? Your eyes will be opened to how and where youre spending your money. You will start to see your spending habits and how they impact your financial health. You will then learn the power and benefits of budgeting. While budgeting isn't sexy and sometimes can be tedious, if you are looking to master your money, having a budget is required. Our tools and videos take the guesswork out of budgeting. We provide you with an excel document that requires you to simply input your data and our formulas take care of the rest. You will be able to see in a quick overview the percentages of your spending and your cash surplus each month. We also give you a budget hack called the 60% / 40% Solution. This hack provides you a simplistic strategy for how to allocate your income each month.When you purchase our BudgetMasterycourse you get access to in depth video training's and the tools to begin your money mastery. In addition, you also gain access to our exclusive online community. In this community we off tips, tricks, and weekly sessions where we answer your budgeting questions and provide help.So, the question that you have to ask yourself is; when is living paycheck to paycheck not goodenough anymore? Purchase our BudgetMasteryprogram today to begin your journey towards Money Mastery.Connect with us on Social Media;Facebook Page: @BNFocusTodayFacebook Group: @MoneyMasteryInstagram: @MoneyMasteryLifeTwitter: @BN_Focus"
Price: 99.99

"Debt Mastery 101" |
"Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck because of your debts?Do you feel buried in debt? Have you wondered is debt necessary? And if so, is there a way to pay it off fast to reduce the amount of interest paid to the lender? If you have answered yes to the any of the questions above our Debt Mastery 101 program is for you. In our program we discuss and define what is debt and the different types of debt; necessary, good, and bad. We explore what is your WHY for wanted to get control of your debt with the goal of becoming debt free. You will learn 3 Strategies for debt reduction; Avalanche Strategy Snowball StrategyCustom StrategyYou will then learn the power and benefits of these debt repayment strategies through using our BN Focus Debt Calculator. We will show you how to organize your debts and choose a strategy that best fits you. Our videos and tools will take the guess work out of creating an action plan to pay off your short-term debts. Once your short-term debt information is entered into our calculator it will display; Your debt repayment scheduleMonthly dollar amount to pay on each debtSpecific date each short-term debt will be paid offSpecific date you will become debt free from your short-term debtsAs we discuss the true cost of debt we will provide you with an Auto Loan & Mortgage Calculator. Our videos will take you through how to utilize these calculators. We provide you with the calculators that simply require you to input your data and our formulas will take care of the rest. Using these calculators, you will be able to see how much that loan interest rate will actually cost you over the life of your loan.Lastly, we share with you a video that give a brief history of where the word and practice of mortgages originated. When you purchase our Debt Mastery 101 course you get access to in depth video training's and the tools to begin your debt mastery. In addition, you also gain access to our exclusive online community. In this community we off tips, tricks, and weekly sessions where we answer your short-term debt questions and provide help. So, the question that you have to ask yourself is; when is paying hundreds of dollars in interest to lenders not goodenough anymore? Purchase our Debt Mastery 101 program today to begin your journey towards being debt free.Connect With Us On Social MediaFacebook Page: @BNFocusTodayFacebook Group: @MoneyMasteryInstagram: @MoneyMasteryLifeTwitter: @BN_Focus"
Price: 149.99

"Angular ve Asp.Net WEB API ile Kapsaml Dosya Ykleme" |
"Kurs leyiincelikle server' a kayt edeceimiz dosyamzn konum ve ad bilgilerinin tutulaca bir veritaban Ado.Net Entity Model yaklam ile oluturulacaktr,Sonrasnda Web Api ile Angular' dan dosya transferini gerekletirmek iin metodumuzu yazacaz.En son' da Angular tarafnda Web Api ile iletiim kurulup dosyamz ykleme, dosyalarmz listeleme ve silme ilemleri gerekletirilecektir."
Price: 49.99

"Electron le Cross-Platform Masast Uygulama Gelitirelim" |
"Bu kurs ile JavaScript, HTML ve CSS ile platformlar aras masast uygulamalar gelitirin sloganna sahip Electron ile hem masast uygulamagelitirmenintemellerini renip sizde uygulama gelitirir hale geleceksiniz hem de angularjs ile bir uygulama gelitirerek pratik bir uygulama ile electron konusunu pekitireceksiniz. Ayrca sfrdan bir uygulama yazdmz iin HTML, CSSve Javascript konularn da greceksiniz."
Price: 49.99

"Advanced Angularjs Education" |
"I have discussed the advanced level of this angularjs framework.I tried to refer to more examples by keeping them independent of each other. I took a long time to each topic and I made coding from scratch step by step. I hope this tutorial is useful for your angularjs projects."
Price: 49.99

"Uygulamal WCF Servis Eitimi" |
"Bu eitim serisi ile WCF Servis oluturmay proje zerinden gsterdim. Eer sizde WCFServis projesi oluturmak istiyorsanz bu kurs tam size gre. WCF Servis ile birden ok platform iin kod yazabilirsiniz. Bu eitimle sizlerde birden ok platform aras haberlemeyi salayan WCF Servis projesi gelitirebilir ve projelerinizde kullanabilirsiniz. Yararl olmas dileimle."
Price: 49.99

"Sfrdan Her Ynyle AngularJs" |
"Bu kurs ile temel angularjs konularna hakim olacaksnz.Orta seviye angularjs konularn uygulama zerinde renme imkan bulacaksnz.Routing konusunu uygulama ile ile ayrntl ekilde reneceksiniz.$watch() ve $digest() konularn ve Services/Factories/Providers konularn reneceksiniz. Todo App, Login App ve Search Box uygulamalar ile renilen bilgileri pekitirme imkan bulacaksnz.leri seviye angularjs konular ile Transclusion,Router,Scope,Directives ve UI Router konularn pekitirip ayrntl renme imkan bulacaksnz."
Price: 49.99

"Kapsaml Asp.Net MVC ve Web Api Eitimi" |
"Bu eitim ile birliktekapsaml olarak Asp.Net MVC WEB API ve JQUERY konularnanlattm ve kurs canl bir kurs olduu iin srekli bymektedir.ileri Jquery konularn dahil ederek aadaki konular ayrntl ekilde anlatacam. Bu konulara dahil edeceim konu balklar ise yledir:-leri Jquery Eitimi-Helpers-Web Helper-MVC ile Durum Ynetimi-MVC de Jquery Kullanm-Jquery Uygulamalar-WEB API yelik lemleri-WEB API Token-Areas-ODATA"
Price: 49.99

"Learn Electron from Scratch" |
"This course teaches electron, the cross-platform desktop development tool from the scratch. Html, css and javascript used in this course so the course teaches them. This course is mainly focused on the question of what should be found in a desktop application.the course begins with demonstrating how to code a basic electron application and ends with showing how the advanced desktop application will be coded. At the end of the course, there are videos showing how to perform sample electron applications."
Price: 49.99

"Microsoft Excel - Excel fr Anfnger" |
"Excel von den Grundzgen her lernen!Viele Kurse setzen ein grundlegendes Verstndnis von Software und Tabellenkalkulation voraus. Wenn du willst, holt dich dieser Kurs aber bei Null ab! Du lernst, wie du die Software startest, Projekte speichern oder laden kannst und hast auch schnell deine ersten Eingaben gemacht! Doch auch wenn du bereits ein grundlegendes Wissen fr Microsoft Excel besitzt, kann dir dieser Kurs helfen, deine Kenntnisse zu sortieren und in vielen Bereichen zu erweitern. Erlebe beste Audio- und Videoqualitt, sodass du den Inhalten der einzelnen Lektionen noch besser folgen kannst. Profitiere dabei von meiner langjhrigen Erfahrung im Bereich der Medienproduktion auf Youtube. Spezialisiert auf Tutorials rund um Audio- und Videobearbeitung, wurden meine Arbeiten auch bereits ber die Zeitschrift CHIP auf Heft-DVD fr Leser empfohlen. Durch die Verbindung von Excel-Kenntnissen, die ich mir bereits seit ber 10 Jahren angeeignet und in einem Studium der Wirtschaftsinformatik vertieft habe, erhlst du einen Kurs, der dich auf die Nutzung von Excel in verschiedenen Aufgabenfeldern vorbereiten kann:Tabellen erstellenDaten eingeben und bearbeitenArbeitsbltter und Daten formatierenFunktionen finden, verstehen und anwendenDiagramme erstellen und formatierenBilder, Formen und SmartArts fr eine schnere Optik einbindenDruckeinstellungen auf verschiedene Datenbereiche und Anforderungen anpassenWie auch bei Youtube, verfolge ich den Grundsatz, dass ich weitere Inhalte jederzeit auf den Wunsch meiner Studenten nachreichen kann, wenn das fr den Kurs frderlich ist. Fleiiges Lernen und das Bestreben nach ""mehr"", knnen mit diesem Kurs also belohnt werden.Wichtiger Hinweis: Der Kurs wurde unter Windows erstellt. Die Lerninhalte selbst eignen sich natrlich auch fr Mac-User. Es kann jedoch vorkommen, dass Bedienoberflchen explizite Unterschiede aufweisen, sodass sich Benutzer unter iOS umorientieren mssen. Da ich selbst nicht mit Mac arbeite, kann ich hierfr leider keine weiteren Hilfestellungen anbieten."
Price: 149.99

"Les bases de Dynamics CRM 365" |
"Ce cours se veut pratique et vous plonge au cur de l'outil CRM Dynamics pour apprhender le CRM avec aisance.Dtail sur le contenu Cette formation a t cre en se basant sur la dernire version de Microsoft Dynamics CRM soit Microsoft Dynamics 365.Si vous tes un programmeur, business analyst ou que vous voulez devenir Consultant CRM, cette formation fait partie dune suite de 7 modules qui vous permet en moins dun mois davoir une approche pragmatique et efficace pour commencer votre voyage dapprentissage et dmarrer une mission en tant que business analyst junior CRM Flexstart.La solution CRM utilise est MICROSOFT CRM Microsoft Dynamics CRM est une solution business pour la gestion de la relation client, cre par Microsoft.Destin tout type de business, Dynamics CRM peut tre utilis pour lautomatisation de la force de vente, les campagnes marketing et la gestion complte du service client.Combien je gagne en consultant Business analyst FLEXSTART ? Microsoft Dynamics CRM est lune des technologies les plus attrayantes du march. Un consultant CRM gagne entre 75k et 100k dollars brut par an sur le march anglo saxon.Sur le march franais, un consultant gagne entre 40k et 100K en fonction de ses annes dexprience."
Price: 169.99

"WordPress Complete Guide for Experts: Security" |
"The security topic is one of the most important in these days when we talk about web applications including WordPress. With the increasing number of vulnerabilities and attempts of attacks by hackers, it's very important to protect your application.I will show to you great practices and how can you implement a series of procedures that can definitely increase the security of your WordPress environments.Why should you take this course?We will cover the most recent topics related to securityLearn the hackers techniques to avoid them to reach your websiteImplement security procedures in your databaseImplement security procedures in your serverProtect the traffic of your informationProtect the directories and files of your websiteImprove your security skillsAnd much more!Let me know if some content is missing I'll be glad add more topics to this course."
Price: 19.99

"Instagram Marketing" |
"Welcome to the latest and very easy to apply Instagram Ads Training,designed to take you by the hand and walk you through the process of making themost out of Instagram Advertising.Im very excited to have you here, and I know this will be very helpfulfor you.This exclusive training will show you step-by-step, topic by topic, andtool by tool, what you need to know to dominate Instagram Ads, in the easiestway possible, using the most effective tools and in the shortest time ever.This training is comprised of 15 chapters organized into 4 sections.This is exactly what you are going to learn:Section 1: Instagram Ads BasicsIn Chapters 1 through 3, well talk about: What is Instagram and why useit for your business?, What are Instagram Ads All about?, and What Ad Solutionsis actually Instagram Offering?Section 2: Setting things upIn Chapters 4 through 7, well talk about: What you should do rightbefore creating Instagram Ads, Setting up Facebook and Instagram forAdvertising, Image Tips for Instagram Ads, and Video Tips for Instagram AdsSection 3: Creating AdCampaigns Step by StepIn Chapters 8 through 12, well talk about: Boosting your posts,Increasing brand awareness, Increasing your reach, Sending people to adestination on or off Facebook, and Getting installs of your appSection 4: Additional Tips toconsiderIn Chapters 13 through 15, we will talk about: Premium tools andServices to consider, Shocking Case Studies and Frequently Asked Questions"
Price: 19.99

"Build an app for the Google Play Store (Android)" |
"Create an app for yourself or someone else easily and quickly. The course is a set of videos showing you exactly how to do everything you need, by doing it right in front of you. Everything from sourcing App ideas to generating images to uploading the App to the play store. Step by step from beginning to the end."
Price: 19.99

"Find products to sell on the internet" |
"Source and buy products to sell on the internet or offline. Easy video course going through the process step by step on the screen in front of you. Ideal for eBayers, Amazon, Facebook marketplace and any offline selling platform.Save yourself time and effort by watching a professional source products to sell, safely."
Price: 19.99

"Criando uma planilha de controle financeiro empresarial" |
"Com esse curso voc ir aprender passo a passo como criar uma planilha para controle financeiro empresarial, utilizando as Planilhas do Google, que so como o Excel, porm com recursos mais interessantes, e o melhor de tudo que no precisa instalar nada. Voc poder acessar e compartilhar sua planilha em qualquer lugar com acesso a internet.Todas as aulas e mdulos desse curso, foram criadas pensando em voc que no conhece ou tem um conhecimento bsico em planilhas eletrnicas e no dispe de muito tempo para fazer cursos demorados.Criaremos juntosum Dashboard com asinformaes mais importantes do nosso controle financeiro. Um Dashboard muito til para tomada de decises rpidas.Voc vai aprender como criar menus de acesso rpido. Deixando assim sua planilha com um aspecto mais profissional.Vamos criar juntos um fluxo de caixa, onde voc vai conseguir identificar de forma rpida a lucratividade mensal e anual de sua empresa. O total de contas a pagar e a receber do ms e do ano.Com o conhecimento adquirido no decorrer desse curso, voc ir conseguir desenvolver planilhas dos mais diversos tipos.Esta apenas a primeira verso de nossa planilha de controle financeiro empresarial. Iremos aperfeioa-la com novas funcionalidades e informaes de acordo com a sua participao no curso."
Price: 39.99

"The Complete Course on Blockchain and Bitcoin for 2020" |
"Welcome to this Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Masterclass that will teach you everything you need to understand Blockchain and cryptocurrency on a technical level and assess their business impact in 2020! This course will help you to form your own opinions about the merits of Blockchain technology as well as business use cases. It will enable you to help yourself and your clients to make blockchain-related business decisions. It will also provide an introduction to buying, storing and trading cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum.There are a couple of other course options on this topic out there, but this is without a doubt the most effective and comprehensive course on the market. This is why:Comprehensive syllabus, covering Blockchain fundamentals, technical intuitions and practical tips for Blockchain and cryptocurrenciesFocus on business perspective, discussing use cases and providing insights into how blockchains can transform industriesRelevant and current material - the Blockchain world is constantly changing, this course will keep you up to dateConstantly updated with new material and examplesHigh-quality closed captions / subtitles - not the computer-generated gibberish most other courses haveHeinrich was a Project Lead at McKinsey with extensive work experience in digital technologyJens is an engineer and Senior Manager at a large e-commerce retailer with first hand experience on how Blockchains transform businessesDid you ever wanted to understand Blockchains on a technical level and form an opinion about its business merits? No matter if you are a young consultant, a software engineer, an entrepreneur or a student who wants to learn more about Blockchain, we will teach you the ins and outs about Blockchain and its most relevant applications.These are some of the topics that we will cover:What is money and how do cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum compareHow do Blockchains work on a technical levelWhat are consensus mechanisms like Proof of Work and Proof of StakeUnderstand Blockchain forks, like Bitcoin vs. Bitcoin CashDetailed discussion of relevant Blockchain use cases and business impactPractical guide on how to buy, store and trade cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and EthereumTechnological outlook on scaling challenges and next generation BlockchainsWe are very much looking forward to teaching you these exciting Blockchain and cryptocurrency skills for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, Cardano and the like in this course. Welcome on board!"
Price: 199.99

"CEO-level Presentation Skills - Slide Writing for Consulting" |
"Welcome to this presentation course that will teach you all presentation skills you need to create top management-level slide presentations! There are a couple of other course options on this topic out there, but this is without a doubt the most effective and comprehensive course on the market. This is why:Teacher was Project Lead at MBB consulting firm (strategy consulting firm) with 4+ years of experience and 1,000+ created slides I have slide writing teaching experience within my consulting firm but also teaching students in business schoolsSlide templates, including tables, charts, structure pages and much moreComprehensive slide writing skills covered from storyline to structuring detailsConstantly updated with new material and examplesDoes not require any specific presentation program - you choose your tool that best fits your workflowI want you to stay focused, this course covers slide writing concepts and teaches you all the necessary presentation skills to create slide presentations like top management consultants. It will not focus on the specifics of how to use a presentation program.Did you ever wanted to create slide presentations like a top strategy consultant? No matter if you are a young consultant, an entrepreneur or a business school student who wants to improve his slide writing skills, I will teach you the ins and outs of creating professional top management presentations.These are some of the topics that we will cover:Create compelling storylines that will win your audienceStructure your presentations in an intuitive wayVisualize data analyses with the right chartsUse consistency as a presentation principleIncrease production speed with slide blueprintsLearn the creation workflow and valuable design tipsI am very much looking forward to teaching you these exciting presentation skills in my course. Welcome on board!"
Price: 199.99

"Complete Introduction to Astrology" |
"In this course, you will learn all of the essential information needed to be able to understand an astrological birth chart, to give you a much deeper understanding of your own personal nature, your challenges and your gifts, as well as those of your loved ones.Topics covered in the course:*The philosophy behind astrology: what astrology is and how it can describe so accurately a person's life*How to identifythe planets, signs, houses and aspects in a chart*The 4 elements- Fire, Earth, Air and Water*The 3 modes- Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable* TheSun, Moon and all of the planets - what their natures are and what they show about you*The 12 signs of the zodiac*The 12 houses of the chart*The 5 major aspects- Conjunction, Sextile, Trine, Square and Opposition*The Nodes of the Moonand their influence on your life direction*The 12 letter alphabet- a handy way to simplify the wealth of information in a chart"
Price: 199.99
