"Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) Training For Beginners" |
"Welcome to the best Windows Server Update Services course where you will learn how to deploy and administrate a Windows Server Update Services Server from the ground up.My name is Paul Hill, and I have been administrating WSUS in various IT environments for the past decade. I have decided to take the experience that I have gained while on the job and share it with you in this course!This course will teach you how to install and administrate a Windows Server Updates Services (WSUS) server without boring you with the useless theory and fluff thats found in most certification study guides, college classes and other online courses.Too many people are studying books and learning endless IT theory but still unable to find a job or get that promotion they want because they lack hands-on experience. This course will give you the practical,on the job experience you need so you can add these skills to your resume and achieve your career goals.By the end of this course you will be able to create a WSUS lab (including a Windows Domain), install and configure WSUS, configured WSUS clients, approved and managed domain updates, administrate WSUS in disconnected / secure environments, troubleshoot WSUS and MUCH more!I will be taking you step-by-step through each of the sections in this course so all your questions about WSUS will be answered!The following topics are covered in this course:Learn Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) Administration from Basic to AdvancedLearn to install and configure WSUSSetup a Windows Server 2016 Lab (including a Windows Domain)!Learn how to approve Windows Updates in WSUSLearn how to move your WSUS content to another drive or locationConfigure WSUS Clients not in your Active Directory DomainQuickly and easily configure WSUS Clients with Group PolicyBuild Upstream and Downstream WSUS ServersHow to manage WSUS in offline/disconnected environmentsWSUSTroubleshootingThe ideal student for this course is anyone who wants to learn how to deploy and administrate a WSUS server, or anyone who wants to get a promotion or an IT job.Enroll in this course right now and I look forward to seeing you in side the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Fundamentos de Tipografia" |
"Este curso de nvel INICIANTE e no ideal para os avanados.O que tipografia e para que serve?Quais so os estilos tipogrficos?Qual o espao entre as frases e as palavras para alinhar e entrelinhar entre umas s outras?O que so caracteres especiais?O que legibilidade e para queserve?J ouviste falar da Hierarquia Visual? Sabias que cada letra do alfabeto tem a sua anatomia e a sua funo para servios grficos editoriais (edio grfica das revistas, livros, etc.)?ATENO: O curso no segueas normas do novo Acordo Ortogrfico Portugus. Tambm est preparado para os surdos oralizados e sinalizados (oralistas e gestualistas) para que possam ler as legendas e terem uma melhor compreenso ao curso."
Price: 19.99

"SQL Server DBA - Practicals" |
"The following course will introduce to you the very important Day to day frequently performing activities of a SQL Server Administrator.Anyone interested in understanding, configuring, managing or is responsible for SQL Server systems will benefit from this short course. All you need is a desire to learn and fulfill your future goals. These sessions will guide you in right direction and in easily understandable manner."
Price: 19.99

"Cryptocurrency Trading & Investing Course + eBook (In 2020!)" |
"Learn how to take your Cryptocurrency trading & investing to the next level!CryptoMeister is a leading cryptocurrency trading and investing education provider. Our courses have been created by experts with real-world trading experience for both new traders and those with previous experience. With our cryptocurrency trading courses, you too can learn the basics of trading cryptocurrency and can confidently start trading alone.Our Cryptocurrency Trading video course is divided into eight key chapters. Each easy to follow chapter is further broken up into several learning sections. Why bother creating dozens of videos? Smaller teaching video clips make learning faster and brushing up on topics later easier. We want to do everything possible, so you succeed.Bonus Content - The eBookTo deepen your understanding of cryptocurrency trading, CryptoMeister is offering an exclusive bonus only to our members. Our Cryptocurrency Trading eBook follows the same eight chapters as our video series but on a much deeper level. We explore each topic area more thoroughly, so you become a stronger trader.Regardless of where you are on your learning path, CryptoMeister strives to constantly develop the most comprehensive cryptocurrency trading courses available. We team up with industry pros, have expert instructors and perform constant market research to ensure our information is always up to date. We want to provide an authoritative voice on cryptocurrency trading that will help to increase the success rate in your trading career.Register to our website for full access to the extra resources that compliment this course (Completely FREE)"
Price: 149.99

"Futuristic HUD Motion Graphics in After Effects" |
"After Effects users often times get intimidated by the ""Iron Man"" style futuristic HUD animations, I'm here to tell you it's nothing to be afraid of! This motion graphics effect is something anyone can do with very little After Effects experience!So join me in this course to dissect an animation that looks super complicated and making it super simple!In this class we will learn and experiment with:Turning boring shape layers into something visually interestingVirtual camera animationsAfter Effects expressions to save you hours of animating time.This is an introductory course and I will be explaining everything step by step. However, you may need to have some After Effects knowledge to understand basic functionality and layout of the software.What makes me qualified to teach you?Im Sam! Im a professional motion graphics artist. Ive worked for a Major League Baseball team for 2 years. Had my work viewed in stadiums full of 40,000+ people every night in the summer.My job is unique and I am thankful for the teachers who have taught me After Effects motion graphics. And I want to pay it forward to you by teaching you the motion graphics techniques that I have learned of the years!***Reviews of my other After Effects and Motion Graphics courses***""Sam's style is light, engaging and I never become bored with his style or content. I highly recommend this course for those looking to get started with Adobe After Effects."" (The After Effects Roadmap: For Beginners)""He's a great instructor. Very clear, great examples, walks in slowly and moves at a great pace."" (The After Effects Roadmap: For Beginners)""Great Course!! Learned a lot and i feel motivated to follow some more after affects courses."" (How to Create a Realistic Draw-On Effect in After Effects)The MISSION of this course:You don't have to be an After Effects genius to be able to make amazing motion graphics.The bulk of this course focuses on creating and manipulating shape layers to create visually interesting motion graphics. Then we dive deeper by using these shape layer animations to create professional motion graphics projects.I do my best to break down every step and explain why Im doing what Im doing. If you have any questions, hit me up in the Q&A section! What we'll be covering in this course:Creating basic shape layersAdjusting shape layers and stroke propertiesUsing 2D Animation in a 3D spaceStylizing footage with glows, tints and reflections and more to make beautiful motion graphics.Using After Effects expressions to automate simple animations.Ready to be a better motion graphics artist? Join us on this course to learn much more about motion graphics than just creating HUD graphics."
Price: 74.99

"Image and Photo Editing for Everyone with Paint.NET" |
"You would really like to edit photos and images on your own. But you dofeel overwhelmed by pricy or complicated image editing software. Never mind, there is a solution and that's Paint.NET.This photo and image editing software should oncereplace MSPaint as part of Windows standard tools, but Microsoftchanged their strategie. Instead it allowed the free release by the creator, Rick Brewster. So you might imagine that this software can't be that hard to deal with. And indeed, it's a program for everyone interested in image editing.In this course you will learn how to do all those fancy things with images using the amazing Paint.NET. You will be ableto crop images, remove backgrounds, change colors and somuch more."
Price: 49.99

"Personal Finance Mastery: The 6-Phase Personal Finance Plan" |
"Student Review: 'Amazing course. Not only it explains the basic theory behind personal finance, but it makes its implementation very straight forward. It also cover the psychological aspects of the way we deal with money in our lives. I've done other personal finance courses and, so far, this is the best and broadest.' - Flavio Barretto-------------------->In this course I won't share anything about 'getting rich quick' - because that's not the way money works. --->I will, however, share a proven, reliable system to create direct stability and clarity in your personal finances - which will enable you to automatically save more money and kick-start your financial growth. -----------------There was a time in my life whenI couldn't pay back a loan to a friend..I was craving for my paycheck to come in so that I could pay him back..I was bankrupt...I was stressed out of my mind, with my mental and physical health suffering from it.From that point onwards I decided enough wasenough.. And Iwent on a path to create financial abundance for myself.I readevery book, followed everycourse and went to everyseminar Icould find about money, investing and personal finance. And the results started to show almost immediately.The 'Personal Finance Mastery'course is the summaryof that journey -Here, I'll share my 6-Phase Financial Plan so that you can create financial stability, growth and eventually abundance for yourself - starting today.-------Imagineyou no longer hadto stress about money..Imagine thatyou have a system through which you always have a clear view on your finances, where you have enough money availablefor the things you find important - and where you automatically save more money than you've ever done so...How would your life look like?I bet that money-stress wouldn't be a part of it anymore.-------In Personal Finance Mastery, I'll guide you through the 6-Phase Personal Finance Plan where we:Look at the must-haveMindset Fundamentals if you want to improve your financial situation and have less stress about money.Set up a 'Bucket Allocation System'through which you'll save automatically for specific money goals, resulting in financial stability & clarity.Update your 'Financial IQ' (aka your financial knowledge), so that you'll know everything about money, investing and personal finance - which you can also confidently share with your loved ones.Go over the 'Money Growth System' where we'll look at the 7 ways to invest your money safely, yet profitably.Look at the Financial'Hack' of the Wealthy:Creatingsystems through which we can let our money work for us, instead of us working for money all the time.All in all, you'll walk away with a fully operating Personal Finance system, gaining you:Financial Stability and ClarityNo more money stressMore possibilities, adventure and experiencesin lifeNo more limitationsdue to a lack of money-------This course is for you if you are determined to improve your financial situation, if you want to create financial security and stability for yourself,if you've had enough of the limitations caused by a lack of money, if you don't have enough money at the end of each month - and if you want to create a life of freedom, moreopportunities and long-lasting wealth for you and your entire family.-------Furthermore, you'll learn a ton of other financiallessons, tactics and tools such as:The Bucket Allocation System To Automatically Save More, Reduce Money Stress and Give Structure To Your FinancesLearn The Top Money 'Hacks' Used By The WealthyThe Millionaire Secret: Multiple Streams of IncomeHow Modern Day Society May Have Put You In The 'Rat Race'The Cash Flow Pattern To Avoid At ALL COSTSWhy Liabilities Bring 99% of People Down (Financially)Why Acquiring Assets Will Set You Free (Financially)Learn All About the 7 Asset Types To Make Your Money Work For YouMaster The Top 4 Strategies To Earn More MoneyThe 2 Universal Emotions That Control Your Financial SituationWhy Creating A Money Vision Is A MUST To Reach Your Money GoalsLearn The Top 3 Misconceptions About Money, Wealth and Personal FinancesFind Out If You Suffer From The 'Latte' FactorThe 3 Personal Financial Statements To Structure Your FinancesThe Balance Sheet: How Financial Healthy Are You?The Personal Cash Flow Systems to Create Financial FreedomHow Affirmations and Visualizations can 'Brainwash' You Into WealthHow To Use NET Time To Your AdvantageThe Weird Truth About Staying BrokeWhy Inflation Is The Silent Killer Of Your FinancesWhy You Can Never Save Your Way To RichesThe #1 Biggest Personal Finance Trap To AvoidThe 'Hack' of the Wealthy: The Power of Compound InterestWhy A 'Money Mastermind' Is The Key To Build WealthWhy Keeping It SIMPLE Is The Best Way To Improve Your Personal FinancesHow ToBuild Long-Lasting Wealth for You and Your FamilyHow To Start Investing (ForBeginners)1 File For Your ENTIREOverview of Your Personal Finances - Which I Use For Years Now(Automated Spreadsheet)And much, much more...--------Ican't wait to share my 6-Phase Financial Planwith you!Are you ready to massively improveyour financial situation for the rest of your life?Then I'll see you on the inside of the Personal Finance Mastery course!Kind regards,Jari RoomerInvestor, Entrepreneur and Bestselling Udemy Instructor-------------Student Review: What a great course! Personal finance is what should be thought at schools. The course follows very clear curriculum, the explanations are well done, it's straight to the point and it includes lots of real life tips. This is a third course of Jari I follow on Udemy and it's a third course I truly come back to and apply in my real life. Well done, Jari!! :) - Katerina Langerova"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 Beginners Course" |
"***The ONLY &Most Comprehensive Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 Introduction Course on Udemy or Anywhere***WHATSTUDENTS ARE SAYING:Troy Blackford says ""I appreciated being led through the basics of this comprehensive ERP solution by the knowledgable, personable-seeming, and well-spoken instructor, Abhay Sharma. His video lectures were very clear and to-the-point without seeming cold or, worse, like he was trying to make everything hilarious to liven up the material. I like the effortless way that instructor Abhay Sharma simply delivered the information that we took this class to learn in a methodical, informative, and well-structured way and relied on his natural ease in speaking situations to lighten the mood, not on anxious 'jokes' that didn't land. I would recommend this course to anybody who is interested in getting a solid primer on Microsoft Dynamics.""Mirza Mohsin Beg says ""A wonderful experience of knowing NAV. I have a background of GP and AX, so getting into NAV was not that difficult. Abhay made it even easier to understand.""Conte Masanting says ""I gained a better understanding of Microsoft NAV 2018"".Sanjay Pagidimarri says ""Course is right for everyone who would like to know about Dynamics NAV 2018. Very well explained and detail oriented. I strongly recommend everyone!!!""Poonam Gupta says ""Good course to get proper knowledge of MSD NAV. Finding such course online is a very difficult task. Good for beginners who are looking for training online.""Shivam Shukla says ""That was a really good tutorial and came to know about the overview of the microsoft dynamics NAV 2018. Really knowledgeable and interesting, I learnt something as well and will surely get on practices. By the way the course was awesome.""Rennda Plymale says ""I think once we actually get into the course work and hands on with the software itself, it will be more beneficial, but all of this foundational information is good too.""Matthew Kotys says ""I am a new IT person at a company that already uses NAV (2015), and I'm going to need to know a lot about it. I am happy with this course content and the overview makes it look like a perfect fit.""Amadu A. Neckles says ""The presentation is great, overview explanation in clear and well understood. The lecturer is cognizant of the subject matter.""Abhishek Yadav says ""I'm sure this course is the best for beginners and covers every module of Dynamics NAV 2018. I highly recommend this course. Looking forward to continue learning from Abhay.""Elna Mathew says ""Readlly good videos and practically explained. The instructor is knowledgeable and easy to understand. Thanks again""... and a lot more...Did you know, Microsoft Dynamics NAV is being used by more than 110K businesses around the world and it's growing rapidly?Well, when it comes to systemize and improve productivity of SMBs (Small and Medium Size Businesses), there's no better ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) than Microsoft Dynamics NAV.And with it's proven record, Microsoft Dynamics NAVis here to stay and boom.The latest version isMicrosoft Dynamics NAV 2018. So, why to learn the old versions?I've created this course for anyone who wants to become familiar with Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018and decide if this can be their future career (will be a smart choice for sure).What you will learn? Here you go:Course Introduction &What to ExpectWhat Is Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018?Microsoft Dynamics NAV & Dynamics 365 For Financials?Microsoft Dynamics NAV InstallationMaster Navigation Inside Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018NAV 2018: Financial Management OverviewNAV 2018: Sales & Marketing OverviewNAV 2018: Purchasing OverviewNAV 2018: Warehouse OverviewNAV 2018: Manufacturing OverviewNAV 2018: Jobs & Resource Planning OverviewNAV 2018: Service OverviewNAV 2018: Human Resource OverviewNAV 2018: Administration OverviewConclusion & Next StepsTake this course now &start learning this amazing and hot technology:Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018.Iwish you all the very best &lookforward to teaching you this amazing technology.To Your Success,Abhay SharmaPS: This course does not include technical development."
Price: 149.99

"Become An Expert At Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online Deployment" |
"Here's what students are saying:Shivanthikani A ""I bought this course since i was preparing for MB2-715 certification and it is an one stop for the same. All the topics are included and a detailed explained by Abhay helped to understand the concept more and became easy to to crack the certification. Thank you Abhay!""Roma Kanta Patro ""This course is wonderfully designed from beginner to expert levelMr. Abhay is good command over the all topics in each chapter.I like the way instructor is progress towards the in depth from beginning of the courseThanks Romakanta""Jayesh Mhatre ""I cleared the MB2-715 exam yesterday with good percentage. The video tutorials and exam notes helped me a lot. Thanks to Abhay and Udemy!!""Ivan Sinenko ""I liked the course. Its my second course from Abhay that i'm taking and i really like his style. going for my test in a week and will update after with the results.""Ryan Lowell ""I enjoyed the course. Abhay is knowledgeable and presents the information in a very easy to understand format. The pace is just right and easy to follow.Update: I successfully passed my MB2-715 exam after taking this course. The course content and practice exams were spot on for the actual Microsoft exam. This course is the only study guide you need to pass MB2-715.""Gaurav Tempe ""This is a great course to clear your concepts for Microsoft Dynamics 365 customer engagement Online Deployment MB2-715. ""Abraham ""I love this course. I'm confident that I will be able to prepare for MB2-715 exam with this course.Can't wait to get MB2-715 practice exam. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is preparing for MB2-715 exam. It's awesome. Thanks Abhay Sharma.""And many more...*********************************************************************************Do you want to master Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement Online Deployment?If yes, then this course is for you.This course is based on the outline provided by Microsoft on their website. This course will teach you theory as well as practical concepts.WHY TAKE THIS COURSE? Did you know, Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a cloud based Enterprise Business Solution that help companies in Sales Force Automation, Improve Customer Experience, Field Service management, Project Service Automation, Manage Financials and Operations for any business? Dynamics 365 is one of the primary focus of Microsoft and a lot of innovation is happening towards the improvement of this product and the companies who use Dynamics 365. If you are a Consultant or an aspiring Consultant, then this course will help you understand online deployment of Dynamics 365.HERE'S WHAT YOU WILL LEARN:IntroductionWelcomeWhat to Expect?Create A Customer Organisational StructureOverviewSupport the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Client EnvironmentDeploy Microsoft Dynamics Editions AvailableDeploy Microsoft Dynamics Plans & PricingDeployment Plan Microsoft DynamicsImport data into the Microsoft Dynamics 365 environmentManage the Microsoft Dynamics 365 environmentReviewAdminister the Microsoft Dynamics 365 EnvironmentOverviewDeploy InstancesManage InstancesManage UpdatesReviewIntegrate Microsoft Dynamics with Other ApplicationsOverviewIntegrate Exchange OnlineIntegrate SharePoint & OneDrive For BusinessIntegrate other Online Business Solutions with Microsoft DynamicsIntegrate customized and third party applications with Microsoft DynamicsReviewManage Microsoft Outlook and Mobile EnvironmentsOverviewIntegrate Microsoft Dynamics 365 with OutlookManage and Configure Mobile Apps for Microsoft Dynamics 365ReviewCourse ReviewReview & Next StepsThis is one of the most comprehensive course available for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online Deployment.So, go ahead, enroll in this course.Wish you all the very best. To Your Success,Abhay Sharma"
Price: 199.99

"Cryptocurrency: introduction how to earn big from home" |
"After finishing of this course, you will be able to easily follow intermediate courses regarding the cryptocurrency phenomenon which means having digital wallets, owning Bitcoin, Ethereum or other alternative coins. This is just a start to the cryptocurrency, you should study more before any other investment in this topic. But you'll fast skip many other basic courses and start directly with the right intermediate or even advanced courses that will guide you to the right area of cryptocurrency that suits you most and let you gain from you home."
Price: 49.99

"Identify & Define the Problem with Business Analysis" |
"Become the Business Analyst everyone wants to work with by learning how to solve an organizations problem before they make a costly mistake.Many organizations think that the most important thing to do when faced with a problem is to solve it as quickly as possible but they couldnt be more wrong.Abraham Lincoln famously once said give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe, when talking about the importance of preparation and that advice can apply to solving business problems too.Companies will often want to jump straight into finding a solution without taking the time to prepare and fully understanding the problem this results in sub-optimal solutions, or worse, a solution that doesnt even solve the problem.It is your responsibility as a Business Analyst to prevent this from happeningAnd this course will teach you exactly how to do that.Course enrollment grants you lifetime access, with no expiration, to all the course lectures, activities, handouts, and quizzes. In addition, youll also receive 1-on-1 support for any questions or uncertainties that come up. And this all comes with a money-back guarantee. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain.Looking to get ECBA certified? - This course qualifies for 3.5 hours of Professional DevelopmentThe BA Guides 5 Step Process to Identify & Define a Business ProblemIn this course, Ill teach you my 5-step method on how to use business analysis techniques to identify an organizations pain points and how to go about solving them. Then, youll learn how to convince these businesses that your plan adds organizational value and gain the approval necessary to begin work.The 5 steps will show you how to:Identify the ProblemAnalyze the Root CauseDetermine the Potential ValueCreate a Project ProposalGain Project ApprovalWithin each step, youll learn the techniques, tools, and skills through the use of practical, real-world examples meaning you wont just understand the 5 steps, but youll also know how to apply them.Just ask the students whove already taken this course: ""The manner in which Jeremy instructed this course is top-notch. He explains concepts in a way that is easy very to understand and also provides concrete examples and scenarios to back up those concepts which made the course very engaging. He is also extremely responsive in answering questions. This course authored by Jeremy is highly recommended and I look forward in taking more BA courses instructed by him. - Philip ""The course is awesome, didn't see similar before. Like how Jeremy explains, how he highlight key points and how he provide us by different types of a very useful templates, which we can use in our daily job. Highly recommended for everybody who wants to become an experienced business analyst. Jeremy and his courses will definitely help you to achieve your goal!"" Aykhan Jeremy courses are the biggest contributors to my understanding to business analysis. This is my 4th course I'm taking of his. Great lecturer KyleWhat else is included?Of course, anyone who has studied one of my courses before will know, it simply wouldnt be a course by The BA Guide if I didnt include some value-packed bonus material!As one of my students said, you give away everything INCLUDING the kitchen sink!Heres what you get as complimentary extras with the Identify and Define the Problem course:A 20+ Page Student WorkbookBusiness Analysis GlossaryInterview elicitation templateSurvey elicitation templateObservation elicitation templateFishbone diagram templateProject proposal templateThese templates wont just be great practice either theyll serve as vital tools to help you identify and define the problem on the job too, long into your career.In addition to all the tools youll need to start identifying and solving problems, youll also get a foot into the field by way of an industry expertIm not just the instructor who wrote this course, I will also act as both a resource and a mentor to guide you to a long and rewarding career in Business Analysis!This course is the first course of the Business Analysis Process Series:=> Identify and Define the Problem <=Conduct a Strategy AnalysisPlan the ProjectUnderstand and Elicit RequirementsAnalyze, Model, and Organize RequirementsManage, Prioritize, and Validate RequirementsTransition to the SolutionComplete a Solution EvaluationHear what others had to say: It's been an eye-opening to my personal development process especially for my analytical skill to apply in my current job task and be prepare for my future growth and opportunities. - Cindy Love Jeremy, all his courses are explained step by step and it includes many download for future reference. A++++++++ - Yohanna This is such a great course. The [BA Guide] is extremely knowledgable and goes into a lot of detail about how and why things are done. ToniaAnd if youre still not sure heres my promise to you:This course comes with a 30-day money back guarantee! That means, if you arent completely satisfied with your purchase, Ill give you a refund no questions asked!Whether you are an aspiring or a seasoned Business Analyst, this course is a must.By the end of this course, youll have learned the best practices for handling problems and be equipped with the tools necessary to help you save organizations money not to mention make you look like the hero in their time of need!So, what are you waiting for? Enroll today!"
Price: 164.99

"Conduct a Strategy Analysis using Business Analysis" |
"BECOME A BUSINESS ANALYST WHO CAN TAKE AN AMAZING IDEA FROM VISION TO REALITY BY UNDERSTANDING THE CURRENT STATE OF AN ORGANIZATION, WHAT THEIR FUTURE STATE COULD LOOK LIKE, AND HOW TO HELP THEM BRIDGE THAT GAP.Use business analysis techniques to create and recommend the best strategies and solutions to help your organization meet its goals.When an organization has a big idea but doesnt have a clue how to bring it to life, it is your responsibility as a Business Analyst to help them bridge that gapAnd its my responsibility as The BA Guide to teach you how!This course will take you through my 5-Step Strategy Analysis processAnalyze the Current State Learn how to determine where the organization is today so youre able to move forward fully prepared.Define the Future State Understand exactly how to define what a successful result is in order to achieve success, you first need to understand what success looks like.Assess the Risks Minimize possible pitfalls and stumbling blocks by identifying them early and taking them into consideration in your planning.Determine a Change Strategy Learn how to consider all possible options and determine which to put forward as your recommendation - then, define a strategy for how you intend to make the change.Create a Business Case Document all of the previous elements together in a persuasive and cohesive way that gets you approval to move forward with the project.Within each step, youll learn the techniques, tools, and skills through the use of practical, real-world examples meaning you wont just understand the 5 steps, youll also know how to apply them.Course enrollment grants you lifetime access, with no expiration, to all the course lectures, activities, handouts, and quizzes. In addition, youll also receive 1-on-1 support for any questions or uncertainties that come up. And this all comes with a money-back guarantee. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain.Looking to get ECBA certified? - This course qualifies for 7 hours of Professional DevelopmentLets hear what our current students have to say: This is a great course! The real life examples are great for new or inexperienced BAs to connect to the theories taught to real world. A very comprehensive course and excited for the next courses in this series. Amy I am a college student that is studying science. Not once did I ever consider business as a career option for me. That goes to say I do not have a business background. However, Jeremy explains fully and in detail of each lecture perfectly to where I can understand. This is awesome. Sandhya The courses provided by Jeremy and The BA Guide are fantastic! I'm currently working through my 5th Business Analysis course and I continue to be amazed at the quality of the courses. I have learned an incredible amount and would recommend the course to anyone looking to increase their business skills. - CamdenWhat is included in the course?Over 8 hours of high-quality video lectures that break down all the concepts covered into an easy to understand, step-by-step format.A 40-page Student Workbook that will enhance your learning and your information retention from the course, as well as giving you reference material after youve completed the course.10 Business Analysis Templates so you have all the tools you need to immediately conduct a strategy analysis while on the job.7 Practice Activities to help you cement what youve learned and give you an opportunity to put your newly acquired skills to the test.In addition to all the tools youll need to start conducting strategy analysis, youll also get a foot into the industry by way of an industry expertIm not just the instructor who wrote this course, I will also act as both a resource and a mentor to guide you to a long and rewarding career in Business Analysis!Still not convinced? Another great course in The BA Guide / Jeremy Aschenbrenner series. Although you can take this course individually, I highly recommend that anyone considering this course get the entire series and work through them sequentially. Well worth it. Liz Great quality work. I like how Jeremy brakes everything down, so it's understandable even if you don't have any background in the business analysis. Awesome courses!!! - Oleg I'm in consulting and I have been able to compare what I've learned so far with the materials taught in the course and it's great because I can pick up the concepts and look at my next projects with this approach. I recommend it for anyone that wants to get into consulting. - CarlosAnd if youre still not sure heres my promise to you:This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee! That means, if you arent completely satisfied with your purchase, Ill give you a refund no questions asked!Whether you are an aspiring or a seasoned Business Analyst, this course is a must.This course is the second course of the Business Analysis Process Series:Identify and Define the Problem=> Conduct a Strategy Analysis <=Plan the ProjectUnderstand and Elicit RequirementsAnalyze, Model, and Organize RequirementsManage, Prioritize, and Validate RequirementsTransition to the SolutionComplete a Solution EvaluationWhilst taking the previous course isnt a requirement, I do recommend it as it will help your understanding of the material covered as we will be building on skills and techniques taught in the previous course lectures.By the end of this course, youll have learned how to analyze an organizations situation and subsequently recommend the best strategies to help them take their big idea from vision to fruition.So, if you want to earn the prestige of being able to say youre a Business Analyst who can help organizations make their goals a reality, enroll today."
Price: 164.99

"Plan the Project as a Business Analyst" |
"OVER 40% OF PROJECTS FAIL BECAUSE OF A LACK OF PLANNING - BECOME ONE OF THE FEW BUSINESS ANALYSTS THAT ARE TRAINED IN USING PROJECT MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES AND SEE MORE PROJECTS THROUGH TO SUCCESSThe top-cited reason by organizations for not planning a project is not understanding how to plan.And since many organizations dont have the resources to put a Business Analyst and a Project Manager on the same projects, they often expect the BA to take on the responsibilities of both.Leaving you in charge of the planning.And since the majority of Business Analysts arent trained in the role of project management youre often stuck in an embarrassing and stressful situation.This course will teach you how to use project management techniques to put together a robust step-by-step project plan thatll not only help ensure a projects success but also save your organization time and moneyAs well as keep you one step ahead of your competition while you do it.Course enrollment grants you lifetime access, with no expiration, to all the course lectures, activities, handouts, and quizzes. In addition, youll also receive 1-on-1 support for any questions or uncertainties that come up. And this all comes with a money-back guarantee. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain.Looking to get ECBA certified? - This course qualifies for 5.5 hours of Professional DevelopmentWhy do organizations tend to still execute projects without a plan?The common reasons given are:1. We dont have time to plan2. Plans only cause constraints and restrict our team3. Things change too much to plan for themAnd while these seem like legitimate reasons, they arent!Taking steps upfront to plan the project will actually:1. Help you understand and prioritize project activities allowing you to manage your time and resources effectively2. Provide direction to team members about their roles and responsibilities so they can focus on doing their jobs as well as possible, and not waste time struggling to understand whats required of them3. Allow you to predict changes and possibilities leaving you in a position to respond to stumbling blocks effectively and spend less time fighting firesLets hear what our students have to say: The course is great for both new and experienced Business Analysts who want to streamline and finish their learning mode. It takes you step by step of the whole project planning phase. [] The course is perfect, it really teach you a lot, I know it because I have taken full business analysis courses online and offline from a couple of instructors and no one is better. Talai Course continues to exceed my expectation. Jeremy presents the information in an easy to understand. I recommend his courses to all that have an interest in Business Analysis or Project Management. - James Jeremy's in-depth knowledge on the role of business analysis is quite transparent and shines through. Breaking down that role and clearly explaining the requirements and how to measure the KPI to be successful as a business analysis is quite informative. Thank you Jeremy. - SaulBy this point, youre probably sold on the virtues of planningBut perhaps youre intimidated by the idea of learning how to be able to plan any variety of projects and indeed what aspects of a project you should be planning.If so, dont panic.This course will take you through my 5-Step Project Planning Process. This process will act as a framework for you to use for all your future projects.The BA Guides 5 Step Process to Plan a ProjectInitiate the Project Plan - Learn how to identify and engage with stakeholders, create a Project Charter, and conduct an official kick-off meetingCreate a Requirements Management Plan - Learn how to define the different aspects of the requirements including the level of detail, storage, access, traceability, reuse, and more, to give you an overview of what needs to be done.Define the Project Plan Details - Learn how to break down the project, estimate the effort, and put together a project schedule that ensures the project is delivered on time.Conduct Stakeholder Analysis & Engagement - Learn how to utilize various techniques to assign roles, responsibilities, and define a communication plan, so you can stay in control.Set Performance Measures - Learn to identify key performance indicators to later validate success and learn from areas of opportunity.Within each step, youll learn the techniques, tools, and skills through the use of practical, real-world examples meaning you wont just understand the 5 steps, but youll also know how to apply them when the opportunity arises.What is included in the course?- Over 5 hours of high-quality video lectures that break down all the concepts covered into an easy to understand, step-by-step format.- A 35-page Student Workbook that will enhance your learning and your information retention from the course, as well as giving you reference material after youve completed the course.- 13 Business Analysis Templates so you have all the tools you need to immediately start putting together a project plan.In addition to all the tools youll need to start planning the project, youll also get a foot into the field by way of an industry expertIm not just the instructor who wrote this course, I will also act as both a resource and a mentor to guide you to a long and rewarding career in Business Analysis!Still not sure? Hear what others had to say The course is very practical and very helpful. Planning, communication and collaboration can save every project. I like much components breakdown of the project. And [] users stories and Agile approach were quite new for me, but Jeremy explained them very well. Yury I've been working my way through The BA Guide (Jeremy Aschenbrenner) series, and this is #5 for me. These courses are so dependably excellent. Jeremy is deeply knowledgeable & experienced as a BA, and his presentation skills are superb. He also provides templates that alone are worth the price of the course. I can't recommend this series enough. Liz Jeremy did a great job in explaining the process for Plan the Project course. He enumerated the expectations for each of the sections and provided tips on how to achieve it. - GerryStill not convinced?And if youre still not sure heres my promise to you:This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee! That means, if you arent completely satisfied with your purchase, Ill give you a full refund no questions asked!Whether you are an aspiring or a seasoned Business Analyst, this course is a must.This course is the third course of the Business Analysis Process Series:Identify the ProblemConduct a Strategy Analysis=> Plan the Project <=Understand and Elicit RequirementsAnalyze, Model, and Organize RequirementsManage, Prioritize, and Validate RequirementsTransition to the SolutionComplete a Solution EvaluationWhilst taking the previous courses isnt a requirement, I do recommend it as it will help your understanding of the material covered as we will be building on skills and techniques taught in the previous course lectures.By the end of this course, youll have learned how to effectively plan a project and become an incredibly valuable Business Analyst who doesn't require a Project Manager to be successful.So, if youre ready to save your organization time and money and ensure the project youre in charge of doesnt become one of the 40% that fails due to poor planning, enroll today."
Price: 164.99

"Perfect English Punctuation for Beginners" |
"Writing is held together by punctuation: semicolons, colons, commas, periods, apostrophes and more. But few writers have mastered these small but vital marks and points. Indeed, writers are more focused on grammar and style, forgetting the glue between the words. Without punctuation, your writing becomes confusing and even misleading.A poor grasp of punctuation shows a lack of attention to detail, whether youre writing a cover letter for a job, a book manuscript for a publishing house, or a research paper for school. Do you really know where to put a semicolon? Are you certain that your commas are in the right places? Show editors, teachers, and employers that you are a punctuation master with this new course on English punctuation. This course takes you through all of the major punctuation marks and points, including my Top 6 punctuation errors, a list Ive developed from reading thousands of writing assignments from university students. These errors spring eternal in students writing. Do you really know the difference between its and its and youre and your? The course lessons begin with the most common but misunderstood punctuation mark: the comma. Then the course moves through other commonly misapplied punctuation, including dashes, apostrophes, and colons. In this comprehensive course, I will help you: Seethe importance of punctuation in making correct meaning; Avoidembarrassing punctuation errors; Writebetter sentences through punctuating properly; Usemore obscure punctuation marks appropriately; Addstructure to your writing through proper usage;Join now and complete this course to produce perfectly punctuated writing that impresses teachers, editors, and employers.If you do not find this course helpful, you may request a refund within 30 days, no questions asked."
Price: 199.99

"Retire to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico" |
"Everything you need to know to reduce the stress associated with moving to Mexico, Puerto Vallarta area, which includes 62 miles surrounding the Bay of Banderas. Lots of affordableretirement options.You will learn how to find the best and cheapest living accommodations, health care, currency exchange, banking, lifestyle, travel and more, including how the course developer and other expats earn extra income, online.Step by step process for retirement in another near and around the Bay of Banderas, Mexico."
Price: 29.99

"Affinity Photo: Developing Landscapes" |
"'I've learned some of the tools with Affinity Photo, but how do I actually enhance an image, start to finish?'That was the question I saw asked on the Affinity Photo forums. And I thought:'Good point!' So here is a course designedwith justthat in mind. I take you through the development of a series of landscape photos, and we start by adjustinga RAW file in the Develop Persona which is suitable for further development in the Photo Persona. Then we take that file through every step needed to bring it to a final, polished state. Check out the free previewintroduction video and see the files we start out with, and then see just how good we can make them by the end.I'll take you through every stage and explain why we are doing things in a particular order. I've given you allthe images used on the courseto follow along with.I'll show you problems that can crop up and what do about them. Landscape image developmentbrings it's own set ofproblems and opportunities and the various techniques I guide you through take that fact into consideration. Then I'll show you examples of using plug ins from the Nik Collection to create incredible effects.This course assumes you have some basic knowledge of Affinity Photo but I'll alsohelp you there. At the end of the course I've included some bonus videos which take you through the basics of the main tools we will be using. I also give you advice on where to get more tutorials and resources to take you from beginner to intermediate.By the end of the course you will have seen and followed along withan effective workflow, start to finish. You will gain the confidence to tackle your own images and one day soon you may well be looking at one of your ownphotos which you've enhanced, and thinking 'That looks fantastic! I did that...'"
Price: 59.99

"Affinity Photo: Beginner to Pro via Reference and Workflow" |
"*Recently updated to cover the new features in Affinity Photo 1.7!*'I've learned some of the tools with Affinity Photo, but how do I actually enhance an image, start to finish?'That was the question I saw asked on the Affinity Photo forums. And I thought: 'Good point!' So here is a course designed with just that in mind. I'll take you through the development of a series of photos using a variety of workflows. We start with a simple workflow that's just right for beginners then move on to more advanced workflows as the course progresses.But there's a problem. Learning the when and why of an effective workflow is all well and good. But if you have to learn the finer points of the tools at the same time, every tutorial will take forever and you may end up forgetting whether you are supposed to be learning a workflow or a tool. In short, it's hard to learn the tools when you're learning about the workflow and it's near impossible to learn about the workflow when you're learning about the tools.So I've done both. This course is divided into two sections. You get hours of tutorials which cover various workflows and approaches to developing photos. But you also get a huge reference section which covers the various tools that Affinity Photo has to offer. If there's a tool I'm using in the workflow videos, there's a video explaining just that tool in the reference videos. Two ways to learn Affinity Photo. Reference and workflow.*Update* - I study Udemy courses myself and it struck me how much time I spend making notes I can refer to. I estimate it increases my study time by a factor of at least 4. So I've made notes for you! The second lecture of this series has an extra resource - a downloadable 50+ page PDF with a table of contents plus an index. This PDF contains notes based directly upon the Affinity Photo courses I offer. Bullet points, screen shots, tips - they are all there and you can keep the PDF and refer to it whenever you want. This should save you dozens of hours of note taking.We'll take a series of photos through every step needed to bring them to a final, polished state. I'll take you through every stage and explain why we are doing things in a particular order. I've given you all the images used on the course to follow along with. I'll show you problems that can crop up and what do about them. I'll even show you how to use third party plug ins from the Nik Collection to create incredible effects.By the end of the course you will have seen and followed along with various effective workflows, start to finish. You will gain the confidence to tackle your own images, be able to select which workflow suits the photo best, and one day soon you may well be looking at one of your own photos which you've enhanced, and thinking 'That looks fantastic! I did that...'"
Price: 99.99

"Hosting Websites with Amazon Lightsail AWS for 2020" |
"Updated November 2018This course details how to use one AmazonLightsail (via AWS)instance to runmultiple websites and apps (including WordPress) across a number ofdomains.Several hosting stacks will be explored within this course, including theBitnami's LAMP Stack, Bitnami WordPress Stack (a variant of the LAMPstack), and the Plesk Hosting Stack.All of these stacks are available from Amazon Lightsailwith just one click!Amazon Lightsail is considered an easier-to-use and entry-level implementation of Amazon's AWS cloud service. It has the specific objective of creating and running aVirtual Private Server (VPS) as opposed to the dozens or hundreds of potential use cases with AWSEC2 instances. Lightsail is an ideal cloud solution for individuals who self-host and for small-to-midsize businesses looking to minimize I.T.costs without sacrificing performance.If you want to begin to leverage the power of the cloud for your online business or hobbies, or if you've ever felt intimidated by your web hosting providers and too scared to cut costs by running your own setup, this course will help you break the dependency on overpriced shared and reseller hosting. You'll increase your knowledge of cloud computing and cloud server instantiation while building functional skills with Linux and Apache, despite needing absolutely no Linux, Apache, or cloud computing knowledge to begin.After viewing this course, you'll be able to complete the following tasks on Lightsail:Create a Virtual Private Server on Amazon Lightsail using a Bitnami or Plesk stackInstall one or multiple WordPress blogs mapping to different domains, subdomains, or directoriesEncrypt your website for users with SSL/TLS certification to use https:// instead of http://Host one or multiple static websites with just one VPS InstanceHost one or multiple dynamic websites with just one VPS InstancePoint domains to your hosted websitesAdd additional storage space to a VPS InstanceBackup and scale your VPS InstanceDon't miss out and don't be locked into high web hosting and VPS costs which can reach over $100/mo. Instead, learn the fundamentals of AmazonLightsail and be able to power your own websites on Amazon's cloud starting at just $5/mo. Take back control of your web sites, and sign up for Hosting Websites with Amazon Lightsail today!====================Software UtilizedThe course uses the least expensive Lightsail packages from the AWScloud, specifically we utilized the US$3.50 and $5.00 per month plans (formerly $5 and $10, respectively). Also introduced is how to use free softwaresuch as PuTTY and FileZilla forInstance management, but Lightsail comes with its own built-in and web-based SSH terminal, so no external software is necessary in many cases.====================Course Changelog:July 2018 - Updated videos to show additional options for working with the WordPress installer moduleMay 2018 - Major update to include a second LAMP stack, the Plesk Hosting Stack. This is an alternative stack to the one provided by Bitnami and it provides a web-based dashboard. Three domains can be managed for free by the Plesk Hosting Stack on Amazon Lightsail.Larger licenses are available from Plesk.March 2018 - Added SSL/TLS encryption and certification on the Bitnami LAMPStack using Let's Encrypt. Certbot is introduced as a command line tool for automating the SSL process with Let's Encrypt.February 2018 - How to Connect via macOS Terminal lesson added for Bitnami LAMPStack.Also added a new section for Bitnami's LAMP Stack on running one or multiple WordPress installations that can map to domains, sub-domains, or directories.January 2018 - Course launched focusing entirely on setting up the Bitnami LAMPStack on Amazon Lightsail to host one or multiple websites."
Price: 199.99

"Social Media Tactics" |
"Updated November 2018Social media can be a hard task for digital marketers to address. This course will help you and your team better understand how to better consider your customer and craft the message they want to see. This course can help you and your digital marketing team deploy social media to generate customers and energize your existing following.This course doesn't waste your time by trying a one-size-fits-all approach for social media engagement. Instead, the focus is on how to leverage different types of engagement-driving social media tactics.In this course, you'll learn about:Social media engagementSocial media listening (""social listening"")Sweepstakes and contestsFollow-back campaigns (""follow back"")Content marketingInfluencer marketingCross-channel promotions,..and more as new marketing tactics evolve!"
Price: 19.99

"Excel Crash Course: VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, and LOOKUP Functions" |
"VLOOKUP is one of the most requested Excel function tutorials that I've received inover eight years of providing corporate training in Microsoft Excel. All too often, professional Excel users get caught up in inefficient and problematic workflows, and nested conditionals (nested IF statements)are certainly towards the top of the list.Learn to solve this, and other problems, by utilizing the VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, and LOOKUPfunctions.Some of the abilities you'll gain by understanding these functions are:Eliminate nested conditional (IF)statementsPull data from disjointed or brokentablesAllow for autofill even when a reference table is transposedCreate scalable drop-down validation lists"
Price: 39.99

"30 dicas: falar em pblico e criar apresentaes incrveis" |
"Voc fica com as mos suando quando precisa falar em pblico? No sabe para onde olhar, a voz falha e prefere morrer do que enfrentar aquelas pessoas a sua frente?Aproveite que as primeiras dicas so s sobre nervosismo e ansiedade! Apresentaremos regras de ouro para falar empblico. O curso abordar tambm tcnicas incrveis para ajudar voc a compreender que um bom planejamento resultar em excelentes slides!Concentre-se em realizar todas as etapas bem executadas, para que seus slides reflitam toda a beleza do seu trabalho. Nos vemos l!"
Price: 69.99

"Ingls bsico para o ambiente acadmico" |
"Este curso aborda alguns aspectos importantes no que tange linguagem acadmica e aos gneros textuais no mundo universitrio tanto nos Estados Unidos como na Europa. Verificaremos como se d a pesquisa, como so os eventos e que tipo de linguagem podemos utilizar, levando voc a refletir e entender o contexto em que o Ingls Acadmico empregado."
Price: 39.99

"Espanhol para o meio Acadmico" |
"O curso est direcionado aos estudantes do meio acadmico que necessitam de conceitos e terminologia em espanhol para lidar com futuras tradues, participaes em eventos e Congressos, assim como para seu desenvolvimento profissional. Para isso os estudantes vo aprender termos em espanhol que so importantes em suas interaes no mundo acadmico alm do aprendizado de tcnicas de traduo."
Price: 54.99

"Trello passo-a-passo" |
"Voc gostaria de aprender a usar o Trello ou aprimorar seus conhecimentos tcnicos no uso da ferramenta? Este curso comea na etapa de criao de uma nova conta e vai evoluindo passo-a-passo, passando por todos os elementos do Trello. Quadro, Listas, Cartes so explicados em detalhes levando em conta suas funes e recursos bsicos e avanados. As etapas do aprendizado vo evoluindo at a apresentao de um conjunto de boas prticas que faro com que o aplicativo seja muito melhor aproveitado."
Price: 114.99

"Automao de Processos Online (para iniciantes)." |
"Tem a sensao de que est executando tarefas repetitivas oumecnicas em planilhas, formulrios, email e outros servios online? Existem ferramentas que permitem automatizar estes processos. Neste curso voc aprender como utiliz-las para trabalhar menos e executar mais.Trata-se de um curso para iniciantes, para aqueles que no conhecem ou no sabem utilizaras ferramentas IFTTT, Microsoft Flow eZapiere desejam aprender como automatizar rotinas online utilizando uma ou mais destas ferramentas.Alm de aprender como realizar seu cadastro nas ferramentase criar rotinas, voc descobrir como formatar contedo e ter acesso a exemplos prticos."
Price: 99.99

"Ionic Tutorial For Beginners" |
"Have you ever wanted to create mobile apps using web technologies such as Angular?If yes, then this course is for you.In this course we will learn how you can create native apps with Ionic Framework using web development technologies like Angular (HTML, CSS and TypeScript). We will begin from scratch by downloading and installing Ionic and setting-up our development environment for android development on windows.We will learn some of the fundamental components and concepts of Ionic and then move on to learn how you make Rest API calls to a JSON api.We will also learn how to implement Deep-Linking in Ionic.Note: Ionic works the same on windows, Mac or Linux operating systems. You should not have any trouble taking this course if you wish to develop for IOS on a MAC.For recording this course only windows operating system is used."
Price: 19.99

"How to Create Learning Tools Using YouTube Videos" |
"Learning from freely available videos is becoming an important tool in this world full of data. However, most people are just simply exposing themselves to the data and doing nothing with it.In this course you will be exposed to how to use YouTube videos to train yourself to learn anything. This ability to learn anything is worth gold.The course teaches a method for taking videos and turning them into a learning tool.Each section explores a part of the process.This step by step processwill enable you learn how to tackle any learning challenge.Last video will show the complete process and will serve as a way of putting the information together.Course slides and word template are also provided in the conclusion section."
Price: 19.99

"Astrology for Newbies: The Aspects and Chart Interpretation" |
"Welcome to the Astrological Aspects: Chart Interpretation course. As an Astrologer since 2006, and the author of 2 books as well many online video courses and teleclass on Astrology, I am excited to share with you the basis for the core technique of Astrological Chart Interpretation for yourself or for others.In this course, you will discover each of the symbols and significance of the Major Astrological Aspects, including Conjunctions, Oppositions, Squares, Trines, Sextiles, and the Quincunx.Understand how the different Planets and their psychological processes influence each other in your chart. In this course, we will explore how Sacred Geometry is the foundation for Chart Interpretation. You will also learn the difference between Traditional and Modern interpretations of Aspects, as well as what Whole Sign Aspects are vs. Degree Based Aspects.You will also be exposed to 8 different famous chart examples to prepare you for reading the charts of friends, family, or potential clients. And you will learn how to pull up charts online to begin your own database of horoscopes."
Price: 199.99

"Graba la pantalla y haz streaming profesional usando OBS" |
"En la era digital el vdeo es una de las herramientas ms importantes de impacto y utilizar herramientas profesionales en nuestro trabajo es fundamental para tener un producto de calidad, ya sea que usted necesite hacer una presentacin en vivo a tus clientes a travs de Facebook, YouTube u otra plataforma digital donde necesite mostrar tu cmara, tener audio, mostrar vdeos, diapositivas e imgenes, ensear lo que haces en tu computador, OBS es la herramienta adecuada para ello; pero si lo que haces es ensear y necesitas un programa para grabar la pantalla que puedas controlar todos los aspectos de audio y vdeo y te de unos resultados excepcionales sin duda OBS Studio es la herramienta adecuada y lo mejor de todo es software libre y gratis."
Price: 74.99

"RESTful Web Services with Java in less than a month!" |
"This course is intended for those who want to learn how to create web services using Java EE.The course is built so that from the first day, you'll be coding web services, and it is created in a way that by the end of the course you'll have a working RESTful Web Service.- Basic RESTful API security concepts- Learn about annotations to add fine-grained functionality to each endpoint- Learn how to customize Data Transfer objects- Perform external calls to your APIs- Understand Postman to test each endpoint and verify that all the requirements are metJava basics are required."
Price: 24.99

"Lgen erkennen leicht gemacht" |
"Wer wollte nicht schon immer Mal einfach am Gesicht erkennen knnen, ob jemand lgt, oder die Wahrheit sagt? Aber wie soll das gehen?Nach diesem Kurs wirst Du zwar nicht unbedingt jede Lge erkennen, aber Du wirst wissen, worauf Du achten musst und Deine Trefferquote wird sich mit der Zeit deutlichverbessern, wenn Du trainierst.Dieser Kurs ist fr Menschen wie Dich und mich gedacht. Handwerkszeug fr den Alltag eben. Weder sollen Meister der Lgenerkennung trainiert, noch sollen Hobby-Agenten ausgebildet werden. Es geht schlicht darum, die eigene Persnlichkeit zu entwickeln, Fhigkeiten zu verbessern und zu lernen, sich auf dem Parkett der zwischenmenschlichen Begegnungen elegant zu bewegen."
Price: 199.99
