"Manager dbutant - Comprendre le rle et les dfis" |
"Certes le manager est le facteur cl de n'importe quelle structure, cest celui qui dirige sa russite.Et certainement acqurir ce rle est le rsultat d'une volution de carrire sre et certaine ainsi quil est la consquence dun haut niveau de comptences.Vous tes en transition vers le rle de manager ?Vous tentez voluer vers un poste de direction ?Vous tes embauch entant que responsable pour la premire fois ?Ou vous occupez dj ce poste depuis un moment et vous voulez amliorer vos comptences dans le management d'quipe ?Vous ne savez pas comment faire ?Vous n'arrivez pas vous dvoiler de votre rle entant que collaborateur individuel ?Vous voulez comprendre votre nouveau rle de manager et dcouvrir les demandes et les contraintes qui lui sont associes ?Vous avez besoin de vous rfrer une exprience professionnelle concrte pour le faire ?Voil toutes les bonnes stratgies pour le russir !L'quipe de SmartnSkilled vous a prpar cette formation vido ""Comprendre le rle et les dfis du Manager dbutant"" pour vous aider basculer vers le poste de manager et surmonter toutes les difficults qui peuvent vous entraver.Avec votre formateur Samir SABRI, vous allez pouvoir dvelopper vos comptences et acqurir des connaissances utiles sur le management, grce des dtails thoriques avec les principales notions lies au rle de manager et des exemples prcis issus de la vie relle.En suivant cette formation vido ""Comprendre le rle et les dfis du Manager dbutant"" vous allez pouvoir diriger, organiser, former, surveiller et embaucher des personnes avec confiance et professionnalisme.NOTEZ BIEN :Le formateur ne rpondra pas aux questions des apprenants sur Udemy. Merci pour votre comprhension"
Price: 54.99

"Initiation SAP ERP" |
"Vous visez optimiser les processus de gestion ? rendre les informations plus cohrentes et homognes ? faciliter la communication interne et externe ? minimiser les cots ? globaliser la formation ? diminuer le nombre de salaris ayant pour mission principale la saisie comptable et matriser les cots et les dlais de mise en uvre et de dploiement ?Quoi faire ?Une formation vido sur SAP ERP peut certainement vous aider atteindre ces objectifs et plus.Comment ?Un ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) ou galement appel PGI (Progiciel de Gestion Intgr) est un systme dinformation qui permet de grer et suivre au quotidien, lensemble des informations et des services oprationnels dune entreprise.SAP ERP est un outil stratgique qui permet de lier les diffrentes fonctions de lentreprise (comptabilit, finances, production, approvisionnement, marketing, ressources humaines, qualit, maintenance) entre elles grce un systme dinformation centralis avec un client et un serveur. Cela permet davoir des donnes mises jour en permanence car chaque changement au niveau dune fonction de lentreprise se rpercute instantanment sur les autres fonctions (par exemple, en ressources humaines avec le recrutement, ou en administration des ventes avec la signature dune commande). Ainsi chaque service peut dceler immdiatement ce qui a t modifi et voir les consquences.Cette formation vido SAP ERP, base sur lexprience de notre consultant Senior SAP, Skander BIZANI, vous offre une vue d'ensemble de SAP ERP.Restez la une pour la prochaine formation ""Grer la Comptabilit Financire sur SAP"" qui est en cours de prparation parvotre formateurSkander BIZANI pour la plateforme SmartnSkilled ;)NOTEZ BIEN : Le formateur ne rpondra pas aux questions des apprenants sur Udemy. Merci pour votre comprhension"
Price: 54.99

"Rdiger sans fautes d'orthographe-Niveau dbutant" |
"Depuis quelques annes,l'enseignement d'orthographeest devenu beaucoup moins prsent dans nos systmes scolaires. Ceci gnre un grand problme lors de la rdaction surtout face une ralit certaine que les mots et les phrases crits refltent une image de notre personnalit, notre savoir, notre savoir tre, et/ou notre savoir-faire.Vous avez desambiguts en orthographe?Vous tes particulier ou professionnel et vous n'tes pas srs de votreorthographe?Vous commettez en continu des erreurs d'orthographe?Vous tes jeunes en phobie scolaire, travailleurs en contrat de qualification, salaris en rorientation professionnelle et cadres en reconversion et vous souhaitez rafrachir voscomptences enorthographe?Vous tes curieux pour dcouvrir lesrgles de base de l'orthographe?Vous voulez devenir capable derdiger des crits professionnels ou personnels sans erreurs dorthographe?Reprenez confiance en vos crits maintenant!Comment?L'quipe deSmartnSkilledvous cde aujourd'hui untutoriel vido""Rdiger sans fautes d'orthographe"",pour vous aider crire correctement les sons de base du franais, ne plus confondre les homophonesles plus courants, se servir de la ponctuation, raliser correctement les accordsau sein de la phrase et conjuguer lindicatif et limpratif.Cetteformation vido""Rdiger sans fautes d'orthographe""est le premier module dune formation qui comprend galement unniveau intermdiaire et un niveau avancqui vous permettent ensuite de continuer perfectionner vos connaissances.VotreexperteAgns Spathest l pour vous permettre dacqurir des connaissances de base enorthographe. En plus de la partie thorique qui va vous permettre de faon permanente de revoir vos bases, vous allez trouver desexercices dapplicationpour mettre en pratiquevos acquis.NOTEZ BIEN : Le formateur ne rpondra pas aux questions des apprenants sur Udemy. Merci pour votre comprhension"
Price: 34.99

"Simple BioHack for Increased Clarity & Reduced Anxiety" |
"Would you like to have a clearer mind? Less anxiety, worry, and stress? Did it every occur to you that you can ""hack"" your nervous system, using a really simple technique, to achieve a calm and focused state of mind and body? It only takes a few minutes to work, and you WILL notice the benefits.Learnsimple, easy, practical, and yet profound methods for ""grounding"" your body from Dr Scott, a science professor and mind-body connection expert. Thisvideo course describesfour differentgrounding techniques that build on each other. The techniques are accessible to beginners and those with advanced mind-body training alike. The techniques will be explained and demonstrated for you tofollowalong. Once learned, they can rapidly be applied to any life activity. Grounding will help calm the mind, stabilize your emotions, andreduce tension in the body. The effects will become easier, more natural, and eventually automatic with just a little practice.Does the world ever seem to push you around in a way that leaves your head spinning? That won't happen when you learn this simple grounding technique. You'll literally feel like you are standing on solid ground, and your mind will clear of worry, doubt, anxiety, and the associated mental chatter that's preventing you from reaching your full potential. Best of all, it can happen in just a few minutes."
Price: 19.99

"Subneteo con IPv4 desde 0" |
"Este es un curso practico de subnetting en IPv4 donde se inicia de lo ms bsico y progresivamente se avanza hasta dominar la parte practica del subnetting en IPv4.El curso cubre cada aspecto necesario para que de inicio a fin el estudiante tenga un contexto de lo que el instructor explica, adems los recursos adicionales del curso permiten que el aprendizaje se complemente bastante bien."
Price: 19.99

"Corso di Sicurezza Informatica e delle Criptovalute" |
"Il corso per tutti.. Prima di sapere cosa fare con un apparato informatico necessario sapere perch lo si fa e sopratutto come e quando farlo. Il corso frutto di un lavoro di pi persone che da nozioni sia all'utente intermedio che all'utente alle prime armi accompagnandolo per mano verso un mondo sempre pidigitale e con i rischi che ne derivano. Il tutto orientato ANCHE al mondo delle criptovalute dove ogni giorno, sono sempre pi frequenti gli attacchi nei confronti degli utenti che subiscono furti di criptovalute. Ma anche all'utente generico medio che lavora su un computer in una qualsiasi azienda o a livello domestico."
Price: 39.99

"How to Hack the Flow State and reach Peak Performance" |
"Thiscourse is designed to increase the frequency and intensity of flow experiences in your life, which will in turn enhance the quality of your life and enable you to reach peak performance. We will cover the latest scientific insights into what does it take to reach optimal states of mind, and provide the necessary tools to take action and implement those insights into your life.In the first section, we'll cover the definition, characteristics and benefits of flow states.In the second, you will discover your own Flow Signature, with which you'll be able to reach flow in those activities that suit your unique strengthsIn the third, we'll cover 3 Flow Triggers (Challenge/Skill Balance, Clear Goals and Unambiguous Feedback) and you'll learn how to apply each of them both in your work and outside of it.In the fourth, we'll cover 5 sleep hacks that you can implement in order to maximize recovery.In the fifth, you'll be shown two approaches to develop Deep Focus, an essential skill for flow hackers.Finally, in the sixth, we'll cover Courage Training, and we'll leave you with a final challenge to complete the course."
Price: 19.99

"Beyond Jupyter Notebooks" |
"Interactive notebooks like Jupyter have become more and more popular in the recent past and build the core of many data scientists workplace. Being accessed via web browser they allow scientists to easily structure their work by combining code and documentation. Yet notebooks often lead to isolated and disposable analysis artefacts. Keeping the computation inside those notebooks does not allow for convenient concurrent model training, model exposure or scheduled model retraining.Those issues can be addressed by taking advantage of recent developments in the discipline of software engineering. Over the past years containerization became the technology of choice for crafting and deploying applications. Building a data science platform that allows for easy access (via notebooks), flexibility and reproducibility (via containerization) combines the best of both worlds and addresses Data Scientists hidden needs."
Price: 19.99

"Desenvolver jogo sem programao" |
"Com esse curso de criao de jogo sem programao voc ir aprender a mexer em uma ferramenta PAGA mas de uma facilidade tremenda para poder criar jogos mobile sem nenhum cdigo de programao ou linguagem tudo com cliques e a vezes se voc quiser usando o teclado para renomear os arquivos. ATENO A FERRAMENTA QUE USAREMOS NESSE CURSO ELA PAGA E SE CHAMA Clickteam Fusion 2.5... Tem a verso gratuita mas ela no faz muita coisa, alias quase nada, mas tem essa ferramenta na Loja da Steam basta procurar pelo mesmo nome, e comprar a verso do ANDROID!!!"
Price: 39.99

"5 Day Simplify Your Life Challenge" |
"I sat on my couch unable to move. My stomach was tied up in knots and my breath was shallow. I felt extremely overwhelmed with life in general. I was working a lot of hours, had a bunch of commitments, and no time for fun or friends. This wasn't what I wanted my life to be like. Can you relate?If you desire more calm, more balance, and more joy in your life, this Challenge is for YOU!We will tackle 5 areas of your life: house clutter, fitness, commitments, relationships, and nutrition. You will get simple, concrete action steps to take in order to simplify life in these areas. You'll be provided with worksheets that will guide the process. Each day's activities will take 30 minutes or less, so you'll have little chance for excuses why you can't do it. :)Think about how it would feel to have a less cluttered home, simple ways to take care of your health with encouraging friends alongside you, and goals that you will actually achieve.I can't wait to help you on this part of your life journey,Coach Lydia"
Price: 24.99

"Easy Branding Masterclass" |
"This course is designed to give you a better understanding of what branding is. Specifically In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of branding, the concept of a brand filter and how to create a style guide for your brand. In addition, Bill Clanton will walk you through some simple steps to make your brand more consistent and how to communicate that with your internal staff and outside marketing firms and designers.Are you having trouble getting customers to recognize your brand? Are you wasting time having to explain your brand over and over to marketing agents? Does everyone on your staff understand the mission of your brand? If any of these questions made you nervous about the effectiveness of your brand, then you need to consider taking this course. Just think of it, you could be one hour away from making your brand more effective and more consistent. Consistency of your brand will make your company more recognizable and in the end, pave the way to increased sales"
Price: 29.99

"YouTube 102 - Test Your Knowledge of Youtube Basics + Bonus!" |
"This course is designed to test or further enhance your knowledge on YouTube and its recent changes. You may be surprised of what you don't know about YouTube which is why this course will help you learn the behind the scenes of Youtube too! It's recommended for people who are new to the YouTube platform and are serious about starting a professional channel."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Android UI - Mejora la Interfaz de Usuario de tus Apps" |
"Aprende a mejorar tu Interfaz de Usuario en tus Aplicaciones para Android.La interfaz de usuario es una de las partes claves de toda aplicacin, muchas veces no se dispone de un gran equipo que pueda realizar esta tarea y recae en los programadores. Este curso no esta diseado para diseadores grficos, sino que es para programadores que quieren mejorar el aspecto final de sus aplicaciones sin tener que salirse de Android Studio.Por qu mejorar mi UI?Es lo primero que ven de tu aplicacin los clientes.Maneja GradientesManeja AnimacionesUtiliza Lottie en tus aplicacionesDisea botones atractivos en tus AppsDescubre ms en el cursoQue voy a Aprender?Realmente lo que vas a aprender a lo largo del curso es a mejorar la interfaz de usuario y quitarte la excusa de que eres programador y no diseador. Por lo que en el curso solo necesitas Android Studio y ningn programa de diseo.Al finalizar el curso podrs realizar aplicaciones con una Interfaz de Usuario mejorada."
Price: 49.99

"Curso Room Android. Persistencia de Datos Completa" |
"Aprende a Administrar Bases de Datos Locales con ROOM para Android.ROOM se ha convertido en la biblioteca oficial de los desarrolladores de Android para administrar bases de datos SQLite. ROOM ofrece una capa de abstraccin que permite acceso fluido a la base de datos. Al mismo tiempo nos ofrece todo el potencial de SQLite.Crea una cache de datos para tus aplicaciones para que pueda funcionar cuando no hay conexin a internet o simplemente desarrolla una base de datos local de manera eficiente y rpida para tus aplicaciones.Que necesito saber?Es ideal que hayas realizado antes algunas aplicaciones sencillas en Android Studio.El lenguaje de programacin utilizado para este curso es Java.Que voy a Aprender?Primeros Pasos: CRUD -> Create, Read, Update and Delete o lo que es lo mismo podrs crear una base de datos donde podrs insertar datos, leerlos, actualizarlos y borrarlos. Todo sin tener conocimiento previo de como funciona una base de datos.Veremos Relacin 1 a Muchos, es decir cuando por ejemplo tienes un tabla que guarda Profesores y quieres que cada Profesor tenga la opcin de tener muchos Cursos.Veremos Relacin Muchos a Muchos, es decir cuando por ejemplo tienes una tabla que guarda Profesores y otra que guarda Lenguajes de Programacin y quieres que un Profesor tenga muchos Lenguajes y a la vez,que un Lenguaje de programacin tenga muchos Profesores.Por ltimo tambin veremos como migrar una base de datos. Es decir podremos actualizar la base de datos, sin perder ningn dato.A quin va dirigido?A todos los que quieran aprender ROOM o todos aquellos que sabiendo ROOM a nivel bsico quieren saber un poco ms, como migrar de un esquema a uno nuevo o tener relacin de Muchos a Muchos.No lo dudes y apuntatahora mismo para aprender de forma rpida y eficiente."
Price: 49.99

"Learn UML From Scratch : A Complete guide" |
"This course has been prepared for those who want to make their career in Architecture and Designing and it willhelp them tounderstand the fundamentals of UML. After completing this tutorial you will find yourself at a moderate level of expertise from where you can take yourself to the next levels."
Price: 124.99

"MS Word for Novice to Expert : 2020 Updated" |
"An ultimate course for novice who want to learn basic MS Word. This course will help you to have clear concept of using MS Word. After complete this course using of MS Word will be very easy and friendly to you. This course focused from beginner level to advance level and its covered up with almost every major part of MS Word for using in personal and business uses."
Price: 199.99

"Video Editing Course Premiere Pro: 18 Project In 1 Course" |
"This course covered up with all major fields ofPremiere Pro CC. Its have some outstanding projects, if any student can go through by this course and practice course project than he/she will have a professional level concept about Premiere Pro CC. Students can also learn how to earn money with video editing and how to get job for video editing."
Price: 199.99

"A biblical understanding of the ministry gifts" |
"There is a category of gifts in the church, called ministry gifts. The reason that they are called ministry gifts is because those who receive them, are called by God to the ministry, i.e. they are called to serve the church in the ministry of the gospel. God is the one who gives these gifts, and they are appointed by Him. In total, there are ten ministry gifts listed in the scriptures, butthere are five main gifts, which are the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher. This courselooks at the operation of the five main ministry gifts.This course is meant for all audiences. No previous theological study is required or expected, for it is meant to give a basic understanding of how each ofthe ministry gifts operate in the church.Michael Maher will lecture from the bible, to walk the student through the different ministry gifts, and how each one ismeant to operate in the church.Quizzes have been developed to help test comprehension ofthe video lectures.This course focuses on explaining how the Lord uses each one ofHis ministry gifts to edify His church.As a supplementary resource, this course canbe taken in tandem with the reading of Michael Mahers book,Ministry Gifts. I trust that the material and the dialogue with other students will be encouraging and enlightening for all."
Price: 39.99

"A biblical understanding of the mind of man" |
"All through our lives up until the time we are born-again, our minds have been trained to think in a certain way. The bible calls it carnal thinking. That thinking is in direct opposition to Gods laws. Once we are born-again God expects us to discard our carnal thinking, and begin to set our minds on the things of the spirit. This courseexplains how to renew your mind.This course is meant for all audiences. No previous theological study is required or expected, for it is meant to give a basic understanding of how God created the mind of man to operate in the make up of man.Michael Maher will lecture from the bible, to walk the student through the part of man called the mind, and how the mindismeant to operate in the make up of man.Quizzes have been developed to help test comprehension ofthe video lectures.This course focuses on explaining how the Lord has designed our minds to operate as He intended.As a supplementary resource, this course canbe taken in tandem with the reading of Michael Mahers book,The Mind of Man.I trust that the material and the dialogue with other students will be encouraging and enlightening for all."
Price: 19.99

"A biblical understanding of the spirit of man" |
"We are spirit beings, and unless we walk in the reality of that fact, we will never experience the fullness in this life, of that which our Lord Jesus has for us. As believers, we are instructed by the Lord to walk in the spirit. This course will help the believer to more fully understand what their spirit is, and how to develop their spirit. This course is meant for all audiences. No previous theological study is required or expected, for it is meant to give a basic understanding of how God created the spirit of man to operate in the make up of man.Michael Maher will lecture from the bible, to walk the student through the part of man called the spirit, and how the spirit is meant to operate in the make up of man. Quizzes have been developed to help test comprehension of the video lectures.This course focuses on explaining how the Lord has designed our spirits to operate as He intended. As a supplementary resource, this course can be taken in tandem with the reading of Michael Mahers book, The Spirit of Man.I trust that the material and the dialogue with other students will be encouraging and enlightening for all."
Price: 49.99

"A biblical understanding of the body of man" |
"The bible clearly teaches us that our bodies are not our own, but that they in fact belong to God. One way that we can understand this concept, is to view our body as a house that we are renting. God is the owner of the house, and we are His tenants. As tenants, our Landlord expects us to look after His property, and He will hold us to account if we damage it in any way. This courseteaches us what God expects us to do with our bodies.This course is meant for all audiences. No previous theological study is required or expected, for it is meant to give a basic understanding of how God created the bodyof man to operate in the make up of man.Michael Maher will lecture from the bible, to walk the student through the part of man called the body, and how the bodyismeant to operate in the make up of man.Quizzes have been developed to help test comprehension ofthe video lectures.This course focuses on explaining how the Lord has designed our bodiesto operate as He intended.As a supplementary resource, this course canbe taken in tandem with the reading of Michael Mahers book,The Bodyof Man.I trust that the material and the dialogue with other students will be encouraging and enlightening for all."
Price: 24.99

"A biblical understanding of spiritual gifts" |
"Believers that are filled with the Holy Spirit, can expect through the use of spiritual gifts, to operate by measure, in the miraculous powers that will be freely available to us in the age to come. The Lord Jesus has given us these gifts so that we can minister His supernatural power to His church, thus edifying His church. This courseteaches the studenthow to operate in spiritual gifts.This course is meant for all audiences. No previous theological study is required or expected, for it is meant to give a basic understanding of how to operate in the gifts of the Spirit.Michael Maher will lecture from the bible, to walk the student through the operation of the gifts of the Spirit, and how to cooperate with the Holy Spirit through His gifts.Quizzes have been developed to help test comprehension ofthe video lectures.This course focuses on explaining how the gifts of the Spirit operate in the church.As a supplementary resource, this course canbe taken in tandem with the reading of Michael Mahers book,Spiritual Gifts.I trust that the material and the dialogue with other students will be encouraging and enlightening for all."
Price: 19.99

"A biblical understanding of the revelation gifts" |
"The nine gifts of the Spirit can be consolidated into three different categories. The reason that they can be consolidated into these categories, is because each of the gifts categorized, do something similar. The first of the three categories, are what we call the revelation gifts. The reason we call them the revelation gifts, is because each one of these gifts, reveal something. The gifts that fall into this category are; the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge, and the discerning of spirits. This courselooks at how each of these gifts operate.This course is meant for all audiences. No previous theological study is required or expected, for it is meant to give a basic understanding of how the revelationgifts of the Spirit operate.Michael Maher will lecture from the bible, to walk the student through each of the revelationgifts of the Spirit, and how they operate in the church today.Quizzes have been developed to help test comprehension ofthe video lectures.This course focuses on explaining how the revelationgifts of the Spirit operate in the church.As a supplementary resource, this course canbe taken in tandem with the reading of Michael Mahers book,The Revelation Gifts.I trust that the material and the dialogue with other students will be encouraging and enlightening for all."
Price: 19.99

"A biblical understanding of the power gifts" |
"The nine gifts of the Spirit can be consolidated into three different categories. The reason that they can be consolidated into these categories, is because each of the gifts categorized, do something similar. The second of the three categories, are what we call the power gifts. The reason we call them the power gifts, is because each one of these gifts, display the power of God. The gifts that fall into this category are; the gift of special faith, gifts of healings, and the working of miracles. This courselooks at how each of these gifts operate.This course is meant for all audiences. No previous theological study is required or expected, for it is meant to give a basic understanding of how the powergifts of the Spirit operate.Michael Maher will lecture from the bible, to walk the student through each of the powergifts of the Spirit, and how they operate in the church today.Quizzes have been developed to help test comprehension ofthe video lectures.This course focuses on explaining how the powergifts of the Spirit operate in the church.As a supplementary resource, this course canbe taken in tandem with the reading of Michael Mahers book,The PowerGifts.I trust that the material and the dialogue with other students will be encouraging and enlightening for all."
Price: 24.99

"A biblical understanding of the speaking gifts" |
"The nine gifts of the Spirit can be consolidated into three different categories. The reason that they can be consolidated into these categories, is because each of the gifts categorized, do something similar. The third of the three categories, are what we call the speaking gifts. The reason we call them the speaking gifts, is because each one of these gifts, say something. The gifts that fall into this category are; prophecy, different kinds of tongues, and the interpretation of tongues. This courselooks at how each of these gifts operate.This course is meant for all audiences. No previous theological study is required or expected, for it is meant to give a basic understanding of how the speakinggifts of the Spirit operate.Michael Maher will lecture from the bible, to walk the student through each of the speakinggifts of the Spirit, and how they operate in the church today.Quizzes have been developed to help test comprehension ofthe video lectures.This course focuses on explaining how the speakinggifts of the Spirit operate in the church.As a supplementary resource, this course canbe taken in tandem with the reading of Michael Mahers book,The Speaking Gifts.I trust that the material and the dialogue with other students will be encouraging and enlightening for all."
Price: 19.99

"A Christian understanding of what the sin to death is." |
"Scripture teaches us that there are two distinct types of sin that Christians can commit. They can commit sin not to death, and they can commit sin to death. Although all sin without exception, eventually leads to spiritual death, there is a sin that believers can commit, that will kill their spirits. Scripture differentiates this sin from every other sin, by telling us that all other sins do not kill the born-again human spirit. This courselooks at the difference between the two types of sin, and specifically what is the sin to death, and how believers can be led to commit this sin.This course is meant for all audiences. No previous theological study is required or expected, for it is meant to give a basic understanding of what the sin to death is.Michael Maher will lecture from the bible, to walk the student through the two categories of sin as taught in the new testament, and how they can affect believers.Quizzes have been developed to help test comprehension ofthe video lectures.This course focuses on explaining what the sin to death is, and how to avoid it.As a supplementary resource, this course canbe taken in tandem with the reading of Michael Mahers book,There is Sin to Death.I trust that the material and the dialogue with other students will be encouraging and enlightening for all."
Price: 19.99

"A Believers Guide to Praying Effectively" |
"Jesus was referring to the physical temple in Jerusalem, when He quoted the prophet Isaiah, 'My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations'. As our Lord predicted, that physical temple in Jerusalem was destroyed in the year seventy AD. When Jesus was crucified on the cross, the veil in that temple was torn in two, and God no longer dwells in a temple made with human hands. Under the new covenant, all believers in Christ have now become the temple of the living God. In the current church age, the temple of God on earth has changed, but the purpose of that temple has not. All believers are now the house of God, and as such, we are called by God to be His house of prayer for all nations. This courselooks at how we are to fulfill our call to prayer.This course is meant for all audiences. No previous theological study is required or expected, for it is meant to give a basic understanding of how to pray effectively.Michael Maher will lecture from the bible, to walk the student through the principles of prayer as taught in the new testament, and how they can be applied effectively.Quizzes have been developed to help test comprehension ofthe video lectures.This course focuses on explainingthe biblical principles of prayer, and how to apply them.As a supplementary resource, this course canbe taken in tandem with the reading of Michael Mahers book,Prayer.I trust that the material and the dialogue with other students will be encouraging and enlightening for all."
Price: 19.99

"A biblical understanding of children in God's kingdom" |
"In the gospels, there is a passage of scripture where we see how close to Jesus heart, little children are. For the scripture says that He was greatly displeased, when He found out that the disciples were trying to keep the little children from coming to Him. I can imagine that the disciples learnt very quickly not to transgress in this area again. So just why was Jesus so protective over small children? Jesus answers that question Himself, when He plainly tells us that, of such is the kingdom of God. Jesus stated that children were of the kingdom of God, because He knew that all children were born of God. This courseteaches what the bible says on the subject.This course is meant for all audiences. No previous theological study is required or expected, for it is meant to give a basic understanding of what the bible says about children.Michael Maher will lecture from the bible, to walk the student through heaven's view of children, and how they fitinto the kingdom of God.Quizzes have been developed to help test comprehension ofthe video lectures.This course focuses on explainingthe biblical view of all children in the earth.As a supplementary resource, this course canbe taken in tandem with the reading of Michael Mahers book,Of Such is the Kingdom.I trust that the material and the dialogue with other students will be encouraging and enlightening for all."
Price: 19.99

"A biblical understanding on overcoming unforgiveness" |
"It is precisely because we have received complete forgiveness for our sins, that we can in turn extend forgiveness to those who sin against us. In other words, God gave us the example which we are to follow. Believers who struggle to forgive others, have forgotten just how much the Lord Jesus has forgiven them. This courseteaches how to forgive.This course is meant for all audiences. No previous theological study is required or expected, for it is meant to give a basic understanding of what the bible says about the subject of forgiveness.Michael Maher will lecture from the bible, to walk the student through the subject of forgiveness and how to walk in it, and how unforgiveness impacts the life of the believer.Quizzes have been developed to help test comprehension ofthe video lectures.This course focuses on explainingthe biblical view of unforgiveness.As a supplementary resource, this course canbe taken in tandem with the reading of Michael Mahers book,Overcoming Unforgiveness.I trust that the material and the dialogue with other students will be encouraging and enlightening for all."
Price: 19.99

"A biblical understanding on how to overcome sin" |
"When we accepted Christ Jesus as Lord and Saviour we were washed clean in the precious blood of the lamb and we stood before God completely cleansed from all sin. It was never our Lord's intention that His saints then went back into sin, and so He made provision for us to walk free from sin. This coursehelps the believer to understand that truth in scripture and appropriate it for themselves.This course is meant for all audiences. No previous theological study is required or expected, for it is meant to give a basic understanding of what the bible says about the subject of overcoming sin.Michael Maher will lecture from the bible, to walk the student through the subject ofhow to walk in righteousness, and how walking inunrighteounessimpacts the life of the believer.Quizzes have been developed to help test comprehension ofthe video lectures.This course focuses on explainingthe biblical view of walking free from sin.As a supplementary resource, this course canbe taken in tandem with the reading of Michael Mahers book,Born Free from Sin.I trust that the material and the dialogue with other students will be encouraging and enlightening for all."
Price: 39.99

"React Native E2E Testing iOS Apps with Detox" |
"You want to write high quality React Native apps? Then you should write tests, too! You sure know about snapshot tests and unittests for your app already. But in this course we will go the next step and learn how to write End-To-End tests. These tests simulate an app user and test your finished app instead of code components.We learn how to integratedetox testing to your project, how to write tests and finally how to also run the tests during your CIbuild."
Price: 74.99
