"Sweep Picking 101" |
"Sweep Picking renmek genelde gitaristler iin zordur. Standart pena vuruu aa yukar olarak oturmu gitaristlerin, sweep picking'i anlamas biraz daha zor olmasna ramen, bu dersteki ipular ile beraber teknii daha iyi anlayacak ve uygulamaya balayabileksiniz. Tekniin kritik noktalar ve uygulanabilmesi iin hazranm 2 egzersiz ile, sweep picking sizin iin de kullanlabilirbir hale gelecek."
Price: 24.99

"How to make Geometric Art in Adobe Illustrator" |
"From this class you will get on how to use simple yet powerful Illustratorfunctions to make impressive art in few steps only. During that time youwill create few beautiful illustrations from simple shapes, arrange&export themas ready-to-use pictures and photoshop document. Also i will show you the verybasics of photoshop post-processing of Illustrator images.This course was made as easy-to-follow, so its perfect for completebeginners who want to grasp Adobe Illustrator basics shortly."
Price: 19.99

"How to Make Volumetric Art in Adobe Illustrator" |
"In this course you will find:How to make volumetric shapes in Adobe Illustrator. How to make custom patterns.How to export andimport your art from Illustrator to Photoshop. How to make a simple animation in Photoshop using Illustrator art. How to make a promo for the course.From this class you will get onhow to use simple yet powerful Illustratorfunctions to make imperssive volumetric art in short. During that time youwill create few wonderful volumetric shapesfrom simple ellipse, make few different patterns (as thesymbols);arrange andexport themas ready-to-use pictures and photoshop document. Also i will show you how you can lay it in use with Photoshoppost-processing.I made this course easy and understandable, even the complete beginners can complete easily. It is divided on simple parts for step-by-step learning."
Price: 19.99

"XSS Cross Site Scripting attack- Hacking Technique" |
"Cross Site Scripting or XSS is a hacking technique that exists for few decades now and that keeps on developing. It is considered to be the most common vulnerability that has been in the OWASP top 10 for years.Only here on Udemy!You will learn how to test web application for Cross Site Scripting manually by preforming code injection from the start, as well as performing various XSS attacks through different XSS examples (changing content, session hijacking, etc) by using various XSS payloads at the same time.We will go through basic types of Cross Site Scripting such as Stored XSS, Reflected XSS, Dom-Based XSS and we'll explain how you can pass through all of the XSS challenges from one of the biggest Internet companies of today.After this course you should be able to without any problems comprehend how to fix Cross Site Scripting vulnerabilities by using input validation and output escaping everywhere on the web application where it's necessary.Even though I believe that general Hacking Tutorials that cover different topics are quite good to understand what is Ethical Hacking in general and what cyber security jobs are all about, putting ""Hacking for beginners"" in your resume is not really an option. But if you pass this hacking course with attention and get a good understanding of what is Cross Site Scripting, you'll have a valuable cyber security skill under your belt that will look good in every resume of the future pen-tester, cyber security consultant, and even a web developer.In this course my intention is not only to pass you the knowledge about XSS, but to direct you to adopt a certain mindset that will lead you to results.Since youve decided for this subject, I guess you have a solid knowledge of Internet Technologies, HTML, JavaScript and some server side programming language.Disclaimer: Usage of techniques shown in this course without permit and consent of the other side will subject to criminal prosecution with potential jail penalty depending on the legal system of your country."
Price: 99.99

"Kubernetes from A to Z" |
"This course is an excellentintroduction to Kubernetes,helping you gain basic experience and an understanding of the vital components of the platform. Given its recent explosion in popularity, it is important to be on the frontier of this cutting-edge technology. Discover how to use Kubernetes to simplify your software development.As an IT professional with 20+ years management, I want to share my experience in providing technical solutions for achieving business objectives.This course is ideal for beginnersto container technology or those new to Kubernetes engineering.This course includes the following chapters:Course Introduction and OverviewWhat is Kubernetes?Why Kubernetes?Up and Running: BasicsCluster ArchitectureCore Objects and PrimitivesEnroll in the courseand getstarted withKubernetestoday!"
Price: 104.99

"The Beginner's Guide to Rigging in 3ds Max 2018" |
"Interested in the world of 3D Animation and Character Rigging but don't know how and where to start? Then this course isfor you.My name isAnass Cherkaouiand I will be very glad toassist you and walk you step by step into the most entertaining field in the world.With every lesson, you will develop new skills and improve your understanding about 3D Rigging and the various tools and techniques you can use to rig your models more effectively.This course is full of fun and excitement while at the same time delivering high quality content that's applicable to every other 3D software besides 3ds Max. It's structured as follows:Chapter 01: Getting StartedChapter 02: Creating the SkeletonChapter 03: Skinning the CharacterChapter 04: Building the Animation ControlsFurthermore, the course comes with an assignment at the end, so not only will you build a solid foundation about 3D Character Rigging, but you will also get your hands-on practice Rigging your own 3D Characters.And as a gift from me to you, I will include a bonus chapter dedicated for Facial Rigging so you can make sure your Rigged Character has all what you need to gettheperformance you're looking after.So, What are you waiting for? I can't wait to start this amazing journey with you. Let me help you build the necessary skills to start creating your own rigs TODAY."
Price: 194.99

"Facial Rigging For Beginners in 3ds Max 2018" |
"Are you Interested in the world of 3D Animation and Facial Rigging but don't know how and where to start? Then this course is for you.My name is Anass Cherkaoui and I will be very glad to assist you and walk you step by step into the most entertaining field in the world.With every lesson, you will develop new skills and improve your understanding about 3D Rigging, especially Facial Rigging and discover the various tools and techniques you can use to rig your models more effectively.This course is full of fun and excitement while at the same time delivering high quality content that's applicable to every other 3D software besides Autodesk 3ds Max. It's structured as follows:Chapter 01: Creating Bone ObjectsChapter 02: Skinning ProcessChapter 03: Building Animation ControlsChapter 04: AssignmentFurthermore, the course comes with an assignment at the end, so not only you will build a solid foundation about 3D Facial Rigging, but you will also get your hands-on practice Rigging your own 3D Characters' faces.So, What are you waiting for? I can't wait to start this amazing journey with you. Let me help you build the necessary skills to start creating your own Facial Rigs TODAY."
Price: 194.99

"Amazon Kursuyla ki Saat Sonra Para Kazanmaya Balayn" |
"Ksa ve z anlatm ile 2-3 saatte amazonu renip, hemen sat yapmaya balayacaksnz. Piman olmayacanz eitim seti. Geleceenize Yatrm Yapmaya Hazr msnz. in'den rn alp Amerikaya sat yapmak ister misiniz? Amerika'nn Yzde 80 i Ayda bir defa Yzde 20 si bir haftada bir kez Amazondan rn Sipari ediyoruz. Hatasz bir ekilde hazrlanm. Piyasada 1000 - 2000 TL 'dir kurs cretleri. Herkesin faydalanmas iin uygun fiyata sizlere sunulmutur."
Price: 49.99

"Master your Hi-Hat with Ydna Murd" |
"You cant really groove on a drum kit, without at least some basic limb independence, this is the nature of our instrument! Ydna Murd, well known German/Canadian drummer, educator and author of the HiHat Master and Breakbeat Guide drum books (YouTube channel Jungleritter), put together four video tutorials presenting some basic, advanced and unique concepts to work on your groove independence. The focus here is on the hi-hat and its countless possibilities to enhance your grooves. Part 1 deals presents a few basic hi-hat exercises every drummer should know and also introduces you to syncopated hi-hat patterns, one of the keys to make your grooves more interesting. Part 2 shows how you can apply well known sticking patterns on your hi-hat, including how to use the Stick Control drum book for groove exercises. Part 3 deals with dynamic hi-hat independence, something that is often overlooked and Part 4 shows you how to use your left hi-hat foot to groove even harder. Check it out and have fun!"
Price: 19.99

"Criando aplicativos com Ionic 3 do zero ao avanado" |
"Nesse curso voc vai aprender de forma prtica e didtica, como criar aplicativos para Android e iOS com Ionic 3. Desde o inicio do ionic, como funciona esse framework at um aplicativo robusto e completo.Ento se voc ainda no comeou nesse mundo de Mobile no tem problema. nesse curso vai do zero ao avanado.O intuito desse curso que voc aprenda a desenvolver aplicativos completos. Enovasaulas extras esto sempre.Todo curso sera utilizado a verso 3 do Ionic"
Price: 84.99

"2018 Smart Marketing with the Right Pricing Strategy" |
"The main focus of the course is to provide knowledge and instruments forcreatingapricing strategy that will grow company profits.The elements of the pricing strategy are separately discussed and finally combined in a strategy creation step by step process.The course journey starts with the pricing policy role in the marketing system, continues through the 5 marketing concepts, the 8 factors that influence pricing most, the four pricing goals and stops at 2017 case study. By that time you will be given three quizzes. Then a sightseeing of pricing concepts will be offered, as well as a template how to set rate per hour for theservices you provide. You will be surprised to learn what the real purpose of the right price is, and most likely you will get fascinated by it, in the same wayas many of ourstudents from the indoorseminars were.You will get instruments and knowledge how to measure the competition level in your niche, how to use the price elasticity and inelasticityin your favour. Scientific researches will be presented to you to explain why and how the flagman price effect, the two prices approach, and the three prices approachwork. The journey in the pricing policy world will end with the role of the common sense, strengthened bythe diagnostic reasoning."
Price: 69.99

"Bisutera: Aprende a hacer Accesorios de Moda" |
"En este curso aprenders hacer accesorios de Moda en este mundo de la Bisutera.Aprenders habilidades como:1. Conocimiento en el uso de las herramientas, almacenadores, materiales e insumos bsicos que se necesitan para hacer este arte de Bisutera. 2. Conocimiento de las principales tcnicas de bisutera que existen hoy en da para hacer pulseras, collares, anillos y aretes. 3.Hacer Collares, pulseras, aretes y anillosTendrs las herramientas principales y conocimiento en este curso para aprender a elaborar y hacer hermosos aretes, collares, pulseras y anillos diseados por ti de excelente calidad en diversos materiales, para usar, regalar o vender y para competir en el mercado, de manera que este permita tener una fuente de ingresos."
Price: 29.99

"SMM 1" |
", , SMM-, . SMM.! 1SMM "" "" SMM , . , , . . , . , , , . , . . 2SMM , . , . , , . , . . , SMM, . ? , . 3SMM . , , . , , , . , , SMM-. , , 50 000 , 1 . , 1 , 15 . , . , . , SMM. , SMM- . , . .!"
Price: 49.99

"Take Control of Your Future - Understand Cryptocurrency" |
"Bitcoin reinvented the concept of money. Although the concept by itself may have some limitations, it has opened the door for innovation within an alternative financial system. We want to share this concept to curious & motivated individuals and entrepreneurs around the globe in hopes to encourage investment and innovation into this new space.There are many courses that explain the promise of bitcoin from a technological and technical perspective, others in front of a computer screen working the exchanges and trading. From my experience, few explore the economic implications of cryptocurrencies and why they matter. This one does. It also offers you the following:Fundamental understanding of the bitcoin/blockchain technology from an economical and world view perspective.Introduction to the opportunities this technology can bring for entrepreneurs around the globe.Access to a cryptocurrency community.Training on how and where to transact your cryptocurrencies.Thus, the class will be informative, practical, thought provoking and gives access to an abundance of free resources. This video course is taught by CoinCoach Media, a cryptocurrency education company based out of Los Angeles, CA."
Price: 99.99

"Libro Un Curso de Milagros: Gua para una fcil comprensin" |
"Sabas que la mayora de losestudiantes de Un Curso de Milagros experimenta resistencia al libro?Sabas que millones de personas han comprado el libro de Un Curso de Milagros, pero muy pocas lo han terminado de leer?Muchos estudiantes aseguran que este libro cambiara de manera significativasu vida, pero les cuesta mucho trabajo ponerlo en prctica yterminanabandonndoloesperando retomarlo algn da.Sabas que dentro de ti existen dos sistemas de pensamiento diametralmente opuestos?Deseas aprender las enseanzas deUn Curso de Milagrosde una manera fcil y guiada?Bienvenido al CursoLibro: Un Curso de Milagros!!En este Curso aprenders qu es loque te ofrece Un Curso de Milagros para tu crecimiento espiritual.Qu son los milagros de los que habla Un Curso de Milagros?Por qu surge en m la necesidad de tener una bsqueda espiritual?Qu pasa cuando mi inters en la espiritualidad es despertado?Qu me ofrece Un Curso de Milagros como camino espiritual?Cmo es que Un Curso de Milagros naci?Cules son los temas pilares de Un Curso de Milagros?Cmo puedo aplicar Un Curso de Milagros en mi vida diaria?Te recomiendo que respetes la secuencia que tieneel Programa del Curso y de esta forma lo aproveches al mximo.Porque estoy compartiendo este Cursocontigo?En mi bsqueda espiritual he seleccionado a Un Curso de Milagros como la gua haciami paz y felicidadinterior. Es impresionante lo que este libroha cambiado enmi mente; de tener una mente con miedo a tener una mente con amor.El libro deUn Curso de Milagros no le habla a tu personaje de este mundo; le habla a tu verdadero ser; es un libro que va a la causa de los hechosy no a susefectos.Es mi deseo que aprendas las enseanzas de este maravilloso libro de una manera fcil y guiada. Este curso no te exime de leer la obra completa de Un Curso de Milagros, pero si te da los tpicos principales para que locomprendasmejor."
Price: 570.00

"Success Secrets of Learning Cantonese at Intermediate Level" |
"The ONLY and FIRSTintermediate levelCantonese course on Udemy. I am a professional language teacher and have taught over 80+ students Chinese. I know your feeling while learning Cantonese so I summarize all the essential elements and grammar rules to you! This course will definitelysaves your time because I included a wide variety of vocabulary with and English Translation.Guaranteed successSpeak and understand perfectlyIncredible progressGet what you want, FASTAbsolute confidenceSee you soon!"
Price: 19.99

"How To Profitably Do Shopify And Converting Ads" |
"Hacking Dropshipping is going to completely show you how you can build a shopify store and properly advertise it to get the maximized conversions possible. I'm going to show you all step by step on exactly how i open and design my stores in shopify, how i pick winning products and do the research behind if they're good products , then we run successful Facebook ads and contact influencers!"
Price: 64.99

"Automation Testing with QTP 11, ALM 11, Selenium 2 with Java" |
"This course helps to understand the concepts of QTP, Selenium and ALM. After this course students can implement test automation in their projects.This course helps beginners to understand the concepts thoroughly. Vb scripting basics and Java Programming basics are also included in this course to benefit beginners to acquire the skills"
Price: 1280.00

"Suivi et Evaluation de Projets" |
"Cette formation vise vous permettre dacqurir les connaissances techniques ainsi que les savoir-faire mthodologiques ncessaires la mise en uvre dun dispositif de suivi & valuation au sein dun projet.De manire plus spcifique, au sortir de cette formation, vous serez en mesure de :- Mettre en uvre un processus de suivi au sein dun projet- Conduire une mission dvaluation dans le cadre dun projet- Configurer et doprationnaliser un dispositif de suivi & valuation au sein dun projet."
Price: 19.99

"After Effects CC: Create Cool Lower Thirds & Motion Graphics" |
"Learn Lower Thirds From Scratch! Go from Zero to Build 6 Great Lower Thirds in After Effects. All Lower Thirds Project files Included!Master Graphic Design, Lower Thirds, Titles, Text Animation & Motion Graphics in Adobe After Effects CC 2018 (from Novice to Expert) in Less Than 3 Hours!Join the 11,500+ happy students in one of the bestselling After Effects course on Udemy!With almost 3 hours of training and practical steps you can follow - this is the most comprehensive Adobe After Effects course available. We'll cover After Effects Fundamentals, After Effects Interface, Keyframe Animations, Time Remapping, Text Animators, Keyframe Interpolations, Text Layers, Solids, Shapes, Text Animators and much much more!Just Take a Look at These Top Rated Reviews... ""The course is really helpful so far. Instructor is knowledgeable and I think this is a great course. I highly recommend it if you want to learn how to create professional lower thirds fast and easy. LOVE IT ;) "" - Mary Malcom ""It's really great! It's the most complete course I've ever seen on udemy for lower thirds in after effects. I recommend it to all new after effects users. Thank you! "" - Jacob Wilson ""Before I looked at this course, I thought I had learned something about After Effects, now I realize I know nothing. Brilliant course, I recommend "" - Tiriplic Catalin ""This is real helpful. This teaching is not only helpful for creating and animating lower thirds but also creating animation in general. "" - Balu Grafix ""good course it takes you to learn new techniques, speed answer and reaction. its a good start to begin with AfterEffects "" - Marwa Al-Soudi ""Thank you very much for making this course, I have been looking for something like this for a long time :) "" - Siyad VP ""Really useful, it has helped me a lot to cover the basics and getting better at motion graphics. "" - Bruno Tena ""Awesome course! Very detailed information. Thank you. "" - Bobbie SmithGo from Beginner to AdvancedYou'll go from beginner to extremely high-level and your instructor will take you through each step on screen.Here is What You Will Gain By Enrolling in Our Course:Create eye-catching and professional lower thirds, titles, text animations & motion graphics in Adobe After Effects Create organized and fully qualified After Effects Templates for online Adobe After Effects Marketplaces like VideoHive, MotionElements, MotionArray, Pond5, Create 4K & FullHD compositions in Adobe After Effects Create smooth animations by using keyframe interpolation techniques Export final lower thirds and titles with an alpha channel to use over your videos Create Color Control System for your lower thirds & titles packages that are an essential part for After Effects Templates if you want to sell your projects in After Effects marketplaces Use animators for your texts and shape layers to create dynamic video titles Create dynamic motion graphics utilizing all techniques you have learned in this course Use Track Matte techniques to create different types of lower thirds & titles Create video titles for your videos in social media networks and TV news in After EffectsIf youre a Novice After Effects User, dont worry, we have described all necessary parts of this software and you will learn how to create all lower thirds, titles and motion graphics in this course step-by-step. In this case please watch this course from the beginning so you will get a complete overview of After Effects. What will you gain from this course?30-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee3 Hours of High Quality Training Course24/7 Online Support to Answer Students QuestionsDownloadable Adobe After Effects Project Files Analyze And Feedback on Your After Effects Project Files or Exported VideosThanks for enrolling in this course and we hope to see you inside this amazing complete guide to lower thirds and titles animation in Adobe After Effects CC video course! Enroll & Enjoy! Video Course Center "
Price: 19.99

slunfqtp |
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Price: 19.99

"Painting an old schooner at the seaport of Barcelona" |
"In this course you will get acquainted with some watercolor techniques, simple tricks that will let you make a finished picture step by step. Learn how to draw the sky and the sea, as well as the reflection of ships and the landing place. I will tell you about each step of making a picture very simply and in detail, and if you have any questions, I will answer each of them in a simple way, because I understand how many apparent difficulties arise for the beginners at the early stages when they start practicing watercolor painting."
Price: 19.99

"Digital wallets (online wallets) and How to use them" |
"The Complete Digital Wallet Course: Get $1.5 In Your Fast Wallet - is the only online course that lets you learn about Digital Wallets right from the grassroots level, to actually getting involved with it by getting some Digital wallets of your own.More About The Complete Digital Wallet CourseYou will be gaining a whole host of practical experience with Digital Wallets, as well as theoretical within this course, and thats going to start from the very first section. So youll be jumping straight into the deep end within the first part of this course.Why Should You Get Involved With Digital Wallets ?1. Digital Wallets have become Phenomenon in Solving Online trasaction since it makes it easy for people to buy goods and services on an international levels.2. Digital Wallets are also used to keep funds online. they can act as oline bank accounts if you have fully varified your wallets. Wallets can handel any amount of money as long as its fully varified. 3. By getting involved with online wallets, You can always turn you wallet as a payment gateway if you have any online business your or transaction with someone with a similar walletWhats Holding You Back?Just to put it out there, by the end of this course you will have a full theoretical and practical understanding of Digital Wallets. This is the only course on Udemy that lets you learn about Digital wallets right from the grassroots level, to actually getting involved with it by getting some transactions done on your own. You can be assured youll have access to me throughout the course on-demand, as well as that I am a Certified Digital Wallets Professional hence can answer any questions you have clearly.I just want you to be aware that as Digital Wallets keep on changing, so will this course. This course will give you so much ROI, as once you enroll itll always stay updated.Remember, youll gain lifetime access to this course which includes all future updates free of charge, and theres a 30 day money back guarantee with no questions asked.Nothing Is Holding You Back From tryingout Digital Wallet !Go ahead, and click that take this course button! Grab this totally risk free opportunity to start using these wallets . I will see you inside the course!"
Price: 59.99

"Installer et configurer un serveur Unix" |
"A la fin de cette formation vous serez capable d'installer et configurer un serveur UNIX de faon complte. On verra les diffrents modules de base sur un serveur distant savoir: L'installation d'un serveur SSH pour la connexion distance, un serveurAPACHE pour la mise en place de vos sites web, un serveur Mysql pour le stockage de vos donnes, un serveur PostFix pour l'envoi d'email, et enfin un serveur Proftpd, pour le transfert de fichiers. D'autres part je vous montrerai aussi comment mettre en place une configuration de base pour la scurit de votre serveur via les outils Fail2Ban, Iptable, et Ufw"
Price: 34.99

"The 3 in 1 Website Design, Development & Google Ads Course" |
"""Awesome website and awesome course."" - Kenny Williams""Easy to understand and follow along with. Simple and basic for someone who is starting out."" -Nelly'Easy to follow, inspiring and I'm super excited to continue learning!"" - Christine Porter""Great course!"" - Nick B---Work smarter, not harder by generating monthly income for you and your clients.So, theres a good chance that youre in or new to the Web and Design game and realized that youre tired of working so hard on a job-to-job basis to keep the lights on. Youve probably realized that upping your web and online marketing game with recurring income is the way to go.If thats the case, give yourself a pat on the back, because youre right on the money. Literally.Were about to show you how to not only master potent new skills, but turn gorgeous websites into powerful online marketing tools. Were talking about the kinds that impress your clients with traffic, customers and profits while giving you the immense security of recurring income that builds as your client list grows.Wanna know something crazy? Our Google Ads campaigns have increased our clients website traffic by up to 1200%. Thats well, thats a whole lot. Needless to say, our clients were - and still are - thrilled.When your ongoing marketing services make your clients money and help them grow, theyll never want to leave. Thats the definition of win/win if youve ever seen it, and why it always pays off to work smarter, not harder.Even better, is that youre going to learn the whole process from beginning to end, with high quality, simple step-by-step video lessons.Youre about to learn all about setup. From domains, hosting and wordpress themes to preparing your photoshop files for web design.Youre going to learn how to impress clients with beautiful mockups and effective designs and then turn those designs into functional mobile responsive websites.Last and most certainly not least, youre about to discover the ease and power of Google Ads, how to set them up and how theyre able to elevate your clients above the competition.More? You bet. Were also throwing in loads of resources including handy links, a mockup PSD, access to our exclusive little black book and incredibly powerful checklists that guide you through the steps and provide additional tips and strategies for recurring income and much more. If youre wondering... yes! Its all yours to keep and use. Forever. You dont even need to think on it, because if you arent completely satisfied you have 30 days to get a full refund!The internet is powerful, especially in the hands of someone who has the right tools and knows exactly what theyre doing.Get ready to be that someone."
Price: 350.00

"The 1 hour Google Ads Course" |
"""Nice Course, Highly Recommend it for Adword Campaign."" - Setufaisal""Very helpful. Learned a lot!"" - Anshul ReejoniaWork smarter, not harder with our 1 hour Google Ads crash course.So, theres a good chance that youre looking to build a Google Adwords campaign for yourself or a client in a hurry, and need a crash course that will help you do just that. If thats the case, give yourself a pat on the back, because youre right on the money.Literally.Were about to show you how to not only create a ROCKING Google Adwords campaign in just one hour, but give you all the tips and tricks you need to know to make sure your campaign does well. We're talking about a step by step guide that you can simply follow, with no prior experience, that will get your phone ringing and your email buzzing within 48 hours. Wanna know something crazy? Using this method our Google Ads campaigns have increased our clients website traffic by up to 1200%. Thats well, thats a whole lot. Needless to say, our clients were - and still are - thrilled.Even better, is that youre going to learn the whole process from beginning to end, with high quality, simple step-by-step video lessons.Youre about to learn all about setup. From campaign and budget settings to location targeting and scheduling.Youre going to learn how to target the most popular Google keywords using the Keyword Planner and then add those findings to your Ad Groups.You're going to learn how to write effective Ads with different strategies to reach your different audience types.Add all the bells and whistles that only experience could teach you, and get your Ads up infront with the best of them.Discover the ease and power of Google Ads.More? You bet. Were also throwing in our incredibly powerful Google Adwords Checklist, which is a step by step guide to help you build your campaign now, and any campaign you build in future.If youre wondering... yes! Its all yours to keep and use. Forever. You dont even need to think on it, because if you arent completely satisfied you have 30 days to get a full refund!The internet is powerful, especially in the hands of someone who has the right tools and knows exactly what theyre doing.Get ready to be that someone."
Price: 350.00

"A complete understanding of Federal Taxation of USA" |
"This course is for all those who want to gain completeunderstanding of various business entities, what all income are taxedand how they are taxed. There are different forms of business entities that are created and they are all taxed differently. This courseis beneficial for all thosewho have started their own business along with their salary income togain understanding of how they can legallyclaimthe expenses incurred in their business and how their business income will be taxed. For example the course willenable all studentsto gain understanding of not only how theirpersonal income will betaxed but also howpartnerships, S corporations, Corporate, self employment and farm incomes will be taxed. This will help you to plan out your businessto gain maximumby claiming the right expenses and payinglegal minimum tax. Further, this course also covers the topics under Certified Public Accountant ('CPA') Taxation section."
Price: 19.99

"A complete walk through stock market investing for beginners" |
"This video is for all those who want to gain basic knowledge about stock markets, shares, risk of investing and all essential ratios required for investing in shares. This video illustrates how to get hold of financials available in public domain and read the important aspects of the financial for example reading thebalance sheet and theprofit and loss account. This course not only teaches about the ratios but also takes you through the calculation by picking figures from the financials."
Price: 19.99

"Agenda Lucrativa" |
"O curso Agenda Relmpago um mtodo incrvel e fcil de colocar em pratica, at mesmo uma criana poder usar este mtodo.Com duas ferramentas gratuitas da internet o Facebook e o Whatsapp, voc poder construir a sua base de clientes.Mdulo 01 (Autoridade na Internet)Voc aprendera a se posicionar nas redes sociais estabelecendo de maneira correta de comportamento evitando bloqueios inteis em sua conta sabendo diferenciar o uso de cada uma delas e como ganhar relevncia de maneira assertiva, Facebook, Youtube, whatsapp, como se apresentar de maneira correta.Modulo 01 (Grupos do Facebook)Aqui voc ser orientado a respeito dos grupos a importncia de como fazer, como aproveitar o seu nicho de mercado explorando cada detalhe (no pule esta aula) criar seu grupoModulo 02 (Pesquisa / Comea a Magica Aqui)Aqui comeou a magica da pesquisa de envolvimento e venda com gatilhos mentais, com um sistema de promoo com dicas de persuaso onde o cliente envolvido com ofertas e bnus e irresistveis. Aqui voc ter 3 mensagens secretas que deixaro seus clientes loucosModulo 03 - (Criando uma oferta irresistvel)Neste Modulo voc aprender o que muitos profissionais no sabem, ou seja criar uma oferta irresistvel, no deixe de revisar este modulo (um segredo guardado a 7 chaves)Modulo 04 (O segredo dos Benefcios)Neste modulo voc vai aprender a importncia dos benefcios, como usar esta palavra e utiliza-la para fidelizao dos seus clientes um assunto de suma importncia como colocar em pratica.Modulo 05 (Provocando a Escassez).Aqui voc aprender a usar um dos gatilhos mais poderosos do mercado, o ser humano no suporta ficar para traz ou perder uma oferta ou promoo, aqui entra a emoo e a justificativa o crtex contra o lmbico.Modulo 06 (O que fazer com a Crise?)Aqui uma banana pra ela!(Aula Master Bnus) como recuperar clientes inativos/ vdeo e planilha de coaching gratuitosLuiz VirgilatoCaoach de Venda e Atendimento"
Price: 579.99

"Talking Sustainability in the Boardroom" |
"Welcome to the Sustainability Forces we have been waiting for you. This course has been put together by people, who believe in the power of business to create value for society and shareholders simultaneously a strategy Michael Porter at Harvard Business School calls Shared Value. That you are here, shows that you are concerned about the equilibrium between business and society just as we are. It also shows that you are looking for help.You might be dealing with an actual or potential crisis, you might be foreseeing something which puts a serious threat to your organization, or you might have ideas on how your company could gain new markets by pursuing more sustainable forms of business. This means that your organization needs you! It needs to know what you have to say, because it is serious and it is business.There is a challenge, however. How to bring social and environmental issues to the attention of the most senior executives and board members, who in many cases are not used to discuss sustainability? This is why we put together this course for people like you because we have been there before. We know how difficult it is to talk to members of the Board of Directors and how easy you might be labeled and dismissed as a tree hugger.We consolidated our experience and those of many others in order to help you get a kick-start and be recognized by the Board for what you are: someone deeply concerned about the longevity and competitiveness of the company which is embedded in a society in which expectations about social and environmental performance raise every day. Again welcome to the Rebel Forces. Let us start with your training."
Price: 99.99

"Tasarm mhendisinden Siemens NX 11.0 dersleri" |
"Siemens NX eitimini Tasarm mhendisinden almak bir bakadr!3 boyutlu her trl cismi ve montaj izip, teknik resmini alabilir hale gelmenize yarayacak olan bir eitimdir. Teknik seviyeniz ne olursa olsun, sizlere faydal olacana inandm bir seri hazrladm. Sorularnz anlk olarak buradan yantlayacam. Proje ve devlerinizde size yardmc olacam. Keyifle izlemenizi temenni ediyorum!"
Price: 329.99
