"Hands-on Introduction to CAD" |
"This course is aimed at beginners interested in learning the basics of Computer Aided Design (CAD).The course is delivered using free open source software. The course consists of step by step video tutorials and a drawing exercise at the end of each section to test your skills.So whether you are working on DIY project at home or a an engineer looking to learning open source software, this is course is for you. Thank you for taking the time to explore this course and happy CADing."
Price: 19.99

"Android Hacking And Security Using Kali Linux" |
"Hello, Welcome to my courseAndroidHacking And SecurityUsing Kali Linux.In this course you will learnhow toHack and Secure yourAndroid devicefrom scratch, you don't need to have any prior knowledge aboutHacking,Kali Linux,Androidand evenComputers.This course is designed for everyone out there who want to learnhow toHack and Secure theirAndroid device.Why should you take this course?Android is the most used smartphone in the world. Everybody keep all their important data likeEmails, Contacts, Messages, and other Personal Fileson their smartphones and the most alarming thing is smartphones are not as secureas our personal computers. In this course you'll learn all the methods used to hack android devices and most importantly you'll also learn how toSecure Android Devices.This is acomprehensiveandHands-on Course,I'll teach you everything from scratch e.g setting upyour ownHacking Labthen I'll teach you how toPrepareyourKali Linux,after that you'll learn some importantLinux Terminal Commands,then I'll teach you how to generateRemote Administration ToolsandUndetectable Payloads,after that we will start hackingourAndroid OS, You will also learnSocial Engineering Techniquesand in the end you will learnHow To Use Those Tools Over WANwhich isthe most important part of learning Ethical Hacking but most other online courses skip this part."
Price: 199.99

"Mastering Network Troubleshooting with Wireshark" |
"Protocol analysis is a complicated, and often intimidating, subject. Many engineers, even ones with significant experience, feel powerless and lost when confronted with the sea of data that a network capture can provide. Most courses approach this problem with more overload; diving into each menu item and option with detailed explanations. But when you get done with those courses, you still find yourself wondering How do I actually use this stuff to resolve problems?This course is differentThis course is specifically designed to walk you through the mindset and methodology an expert uses to diagnose problems with Wireshark. No time is wasted on options or features that are not heavily used. Instead, the key skills are trained, with a focus on making sure you understand why this skill is useful, and how the skill is used. Real problems are examined from real network captures, and the techniques used to diagnose these problems are laid bare. Throughout this course, you will open the same captures as the instructor, and use the same techniques he uses to see the same results he gets. In this course, you will learn: How to install Wireshark to both take and view captures How to take the best possible captures, maximizing signal and reducing noise How to filter captures using both individual and combined filtering, to arrive at the exact information you need Advanced techniques like comparison captures and ring buffering to diagnose complex corner cases How to use RFCs to understand the function of the protocols you are examining How to use captures to troubleshoot both common and complex problems, such as TCP retransmissions and Black Hole routersAdditionally, you will receive access to all of the example traces used in the course, so that you can follow along as the instructor walks you through his techniques. And all of this is provided in high-quality video, allowing you to complete the course at your own pace. Finally, in addition to the course, you will receive: Direct access to the instructorUpdated contentA certificate of completion30-day, money-back guaranteeAll you need to take the course is a computer capable of running Wireshark (Windows, Linux, or Macintosh), and an Internet connection.Just click Buy Now, and you can begin immediately."
Price: 29.99

"Matrisez Le Marketing Direct" |
"Matrisez Le Marketing Direct est une formation en ligne qui vous aide conqurir et fidliser vos clients. Dcouvrez un apport thorique au format vido, suivi de quiz de validation des connaissances, et de nombreux exercices de mise en situation relle. Cette formation vous aide construire concrtement votre plan de conqute et de fidlisation clients aussi bien auprs des particuliers que des entreprises."
Price: 99.99

"Abi Bana Gitar ret online video kursunda balang seviyesinden ileri seviyeye gitar almay ve gitar zerinde armoni kurallarn nasl kullanacanz renebilirsiniz.lk olarak salam bir temel oluturmak iin Temel mzik bilgisi hakknda konular ileyeceiz ve bunlar test edeceiz. Daha sonra Gitarmzn blgelerini, tutuunu reneceiz. Temelimizi gzelce oluturduktan sonra gitarmz zerindeNotalar renip uygulayacaz.rendiimiz notalar ile Armoniye yava yava admlar atacaz ve Ritim altrmalar yapacaz. Seviyenizi yava yava ykselttiinizdesraSolo Tekniklerine gelecek ve artk istediiniz arky hem Akor hem de Solo olarak alabileceksiniz. Bu kadar almann zerine artk ileri derece Armoni Bilgisi ile rendiiniz tm konular kendi tarznz ile harmanlayp kullanabileceksiniz. Bu kursda reneceiniz gitar ve armoni bilgisi ile her tarzda mzik yapabilirsiniz.Unutmayn hayran olduunuz gitaristlerdebu ekilde sfrdan alarak balad. Neden siz de iyi bir mzisyenolmayasnz ?yi almalar dilerim.Vehbi Can Uyarolu"
Price: 49.99

"Learn Film making from the Basics - Cinematography" |
"Start making money with your passion!Turn your videography Skills into a full time business!In this course, you get full access toIn-Depth step by step introduction to Gear & more tips to make you a better filmmaker.Script-Shoot-Edit-RepeatThis undoubtedly isevery filmmaker's life in just FOURWORDS. In this course, you would get to start from the ground up. This is to serve as the FIRSTCOURSE from the four. Here,we willtackle 'SHOOT' Which entails step by step detailed learning about the necessaryGEAR in CINEMATOGRAPHY with regards to the 4 core points in SHOOTING thus;Cinematography, Lighting, Sound & Editing.It is ESSENTIAL that you know your Gear, HOW & WHEN to select WHICH of them to use. If you are a beginner or need refreshingon the basics, then this is the place to be.This CINEMATOGRAPHY course is absolutely what you need. Let's learn together, Let's do this!"
Price: 29.99

"AWS Solutions Architect Practice Tests" |
"The new February 2018 version exam for AWS Solution Architect is NOT going to ask you how many VPCs you can create or to enumerate all the endpoints for SNS. Exam questions are mainly short (2-3 sentences) scenarios similar to real life situations for which every solutions architect needs to be prepared.And the answers should really be solutions addressing these scenarios. So why memorizing hundreds of questions andall the details when all you need is to learn to think and be able to solve the problem ?This practice tests course consists of two sets including 20questions each with more tests to be added in the future. Questions are based on the newest February 2018 exam guide for the Solutions Architect examination. They will give you the taste of the real exam.As we are starting as Udemy instructors, you can count on really interesting free offers from us in the future if you enroll for this one."
Price: 19.99

"Cryptocurrency Investing Blueprint" |
"Countless new millionaires are being created thanks to cryptocurrencies and blockchain, and now you can too by learning how with this ""investing blueprint"". In this course you're going to learn everything you need to get started, what cryptocurrencies are, how to store, secure, transfer them, how to utilize exchanges, how to classify certain coins, and how to invest the right way, the attributes i look for, the pitfalls i'm watching out for, the viability of a cryptocoin, how to allocate funds, how to pick the right coins on your own and more!"
Price: 19.99

"Logistics Optimization with Excel Solver" |
"Logistics Management is typically concerned with managing the flow of products across the supply chain efficiently and effectively. The task of planning and managing such flow is critical if the company is to compete in the marketplace. Transportation is one of the critical key activities of logistics and it constitutes a large proportion of the logistics cost. Almost every company deals in some way or another with transporting its products from where they are made to where they are consumed.Linear Programming is a commonly used model in management science and it has a wide range of applications in many different areas of business management. In this course, you will learn how to apply the linear programming techniques to optimize logistics flows across the supply chain network using the Excel Solver Add-in.We will start from the very basic definition of Linear Programming, how to formulate and solve Linear Programming models, and subsequently we will extend what we have learned to step-by-step solve and optimize more complex logistics problems.You will be introduced to three critical issues in Logistics Management and Distribution Planning: Transportation Problem, Transshipment Problem, Production and Inventory Scheduling Problem.You'll also have the opportunity to test your knowledge with the additional worksheets, exercises and the short quizzes provided in the course. On completion of this course, you will be very confident in modeling logistics problems into linear programs that can be optimized with Excel Solver. You will also be able to think structurally about the logistics problems and come up with sound business decisions."
Price: 19.99

"Accent Freedoms Techniques for American English Clarity" |
"Accent Freedoms Quick and Easy Techniques for American English Clarity is a short course for non-native English speakers to address the major issues of English clarity. We will focus on accent reduction and learning the proper way to use the American English accent.We will look at the big picture and give you practical techniques that you can immediately put into action to be better understood in the workplace andin your personal life. We will discuss five different techniques with 11sub-lessons to help you understand and utilize these techniques. We hope you enjoy the course!"
Price: 49.99

"Dealing With Difficult People In Life & Work - Powerful!" |
"Dealing With Difficult People In Life & Work - Powerful!We all have to interact with a variety of people in our everyday lives, and some of those people might be downright difficult to deal with.Unfortunately, we cant always get away from those difficult people, so we have to figure out how to manage our relationships in positive ways. This is where a lot of people get stuck, and thats why this course can be particularly helpful.Whether your challenging relationships exist at home, at school, at work, or anywhere in between, this course will assist you in improving your interactions with the people you may not always get along with.Improve Your Relationships with Challenging IndividualsThis course is taught by a master therapist, who will share key strategies and skills that you can use to cope with challenging people. And this is important because, once your relationships improve, other aspects of your life could also improve.Youll tackle how to control your own emotions while approaching a situation from a place of power and strength. Plus, youll even discover how to deal with conflict in a more constructive way so you dont end up stressed and aggravated.The best part is that anyone can apply the tactics offered throughout this course to their everyday life.Course ContentAfter a brief introduction, youll dive right into the ways in which you can begin dealing with difficult people, and how you can change the way that you perceive various situations.Youll learn how to change your reactions and mindset for the better so that you can interact with others in a more peaceful and balanced manner.By comprehending your own flaws, and the ways in which you react negatively to a situation, you can begin to deal with other people in a more positive way as well, even when theyre approaching you with anger.As you move through the course, youll also cover specific techniques, such as how to set boundaries and how to build healthy relationships, that you can use to enhance your daily interactions with others.By the time you finish this course, youll understand why difficult people are the way they are, and youll know how to stop them before they take their toll on your mental and emotional well-being.#Difficult People #DealingWithDifficultPeople #SocialSkills #SocialSkillsTraining #SoftSkills #PersonalDevelopment #Self-Help #PersonalGrowthHeres What Our Students Say:Prof. Paul Never Disappoints! I Own All Of His Courses & This One Is Amazing Too. Youll Be Shocked How Fast The Course Goes By & Wishing It Was Longer Because Its Packed With So Much Life-Changing Information. I Believe It Gives You A Huge Advantage In Life. Thanks Again For This Amazing Course Prof. Paul Chris Ghering - CEOI Am Absolutely Loving This Course! It Is A Great A Match For Me As I Am Always Looking To Improve Myself. A Lot Of The Information Is Blowing My Mind! How They Explain It Makes It Easy To Understand! - Danielle SubannyNO RISK!!! FULL 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!Sign Up Now!"
Price: 174.99

"Motivation - Motivating Yourself & Others - POWERFUL!" |
"BEST Motivation Course On Udemy!MOTIVATION - Gain an Unfair Advantage in Life By Learning How to Motivate Yourself and Others! Motivation is the MASTER Skill of Success! Without it ... You will Fail. With It ... You will have Massive Success! NO FLUFF ... TONS of Specific Skills you can use right away to improve your life and the lives of others! TRULY Unique Motivation Skills that CAN'T be found anywhere else!Here are Just a Few of the Things you will Learn:Cutting-edge Motivation Strategies NOT Found anywhere else!The Secrets of Long-Term Motivation on Auto-PilotHow to Build a Motivational Mind-SetHow to Destroy Demotivators that have been holding you back!Learn how to Crush False Beliefs and Negative Concepts of YourselfHow to Break through the ""Glass Ceiling"" that is Limiting your PotentialHow to Motivate OTHERS ... Take Friends and Family to the Next Level!Learn Powerful Tools/Techniques that Create Change!How to Stay Motivated and Energized ...The EASY Way!How to be INFLUENTIAL With Others! Powerful!Motivation is CRITICAL To Your Success ... Without Motivation .. You can't get the slightest thing done!Motivation Is the MASTER Skill of Success!This course is Taught by Prof. Paul ..,. Celebrity Trainer of Top Therapists, CEO's, Business Owners ... and People just like You!EXCLUSIVE: You CAN'T Get These Unique Motivational Skills Anywhere Else!SIGN UP NOW! :)"
Price: 184.99

"REBT - The Science Of Programming Your Mind!" |
"REBT (Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy) - The Science Of Programming Your Mind!The Help You Need Is Here ... And we Have Made It Fast, Simple & Easy!REBT stands for ""Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy"" a special type of ""Behavioral Science"" It is the leading Form of ""Cognitive Behavioral Therapy"" (CBT). It gives you a way to understand how the human mind works. And, once you know that, you can deprogram old, negative though patterns to replace them with new, positive patterns.If you want to comprehend the behavioral science behind how your mind and emotions work, and you want to find ways of empowering and improving yourself, this course can guide you through that process by introducing you to REBT and its benefits.Ultimately, REBT can help you attain mental mastery. And it can also help you gain an advantage in everything you do because you can use it to improve just about any area of your daily life.Change Your Mind to Change Your Life for the Better!This course is designed for anyone of any skill level.It will show you how to use REBT as a self-help therapy for overcoming mental blocks and other issues that are holding you back from being your very best.From how to quickly program your mind towards positive attitudes, thoughts, and belief systems, to how to gain control over your most difficult emotions, youll start to use REBT to not only understand yourself better, but also understand why other people do the things that they do.Course ContentYoull begin this course by diving into what REBT (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy) is, including its background, so you can understand why its such an important aspect of self-improvement. As you move through the program, youll uncover how you can apply REBT to actually change your life.Youll discover top methods for removing negative thought patterns, as well as the negative behaviors that result from those damaging beliefs about yourself and others.Youll also learn how to apply these techniques to your daily life right away so that you can begin to shift your mode of being and thinking sooner rather than later.By the time you complete this online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) course, youll feel empowered and ready to transform your mindset to enhance your life and achieve success.#REBT #RationalEmotiveBehavioralTherapy #CognitiveTherapy #PersonalDevelopment #PersonalGrowth #EmotionalControl #MentalHealth #CBT #CognitiveBehavioralTherapy #BehavioralTherapy #SelfHelp #PsychologyHeres What Our Students Say:Prof. Paul Never Disappoints! I Own All Of His Courses & This One Is Amazing Too. Youll Be Shocked How Fast The Course Goes By & Wishing It Was Longer Because Its Packed With So Much Life-Changing Information. I Believe It Gives You A Huge Advantage In Life. Thanks Again For This Amazing Course Prof. Paul Chris Ghering - CEOI Am Absolutely Loving This Course! It Is A Great A Match For Me As I Am Always Looking To Improve Myself. A Lot Of The Information Is Blowing My Mind! How They Explain It Makes It Easy To Understand! - Danielle SubannyNO RISK!!! FULL 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!SIGN UP NOW! ... Feel Better Fast!"
Price: 179.99

"NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming - The Ultimate NLP Guide" |
"NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is the Science of how we Program our brain and how we can Re-Program it! NLP is the Science of HOW Your Brain Works ... Check out the Massive Benefits Below!You will Learn How to:Copy the ""Talents"" of Others - Fast - For Massive SuccessGain Greater Emotional ControlBoost Social SkillsImprove CommunicationRemove Old Negative ExperiencesDevelop Unshakable Confidence! Tap into your Most Powerful Mental States - Instantly!"
Price: 174.99

"Ultimate Persuasion Strategies! - Influence Tools & Skills" |
"Ultimate Persuasion Strategies! - Influence Tools & SkillsThe art of persuasion is an important one, as it can help you in your daily life and in your career. Unfortunately, it can be challenging to implement it without the right training.This course can help you master the power to influence so that you can do positive things, like encourage others to take action, get your ideas across clearly, make a sale at work or in your own business, and more.Once you integrate these persuasion strategies and tools into your life, youll be able to enhance them through practice and repetition, so youll become even more effective at whatever you do as time goes on.Use Persuasive Techniques to Lift Yourself and Others UpThis course, which is designed for people of all skill sets and levels, will give you helpful tools that you can use to influence others in a variety of settings.Youll discover how to boost your likeability and your communication skills so you can efficiently build a rapport with anyone, as well as earn their trust quickly. And youll learn why people do what they do, including what drives and motivates them, so you can use that knowledge to persuade them to take action.On top of all of that, youll even access tips on networking that you can use to become better at whatever it is that you do.Plus, youll also uncover methods that you can use to handle any objection, youll learn how to sell any product, service, or idea, and youll understand what it takes to lead in just about any situation that you find yourself in.Course ContentYoull begin this course with an introduction into what influence is, and why its so important. Then, youll dive right into the concepts behind the power to influence.Before you know it, youll be learning the principles of persuasion, including powerful tools that you can use to positively affect others.Beyond that, youll also tackle how to build your reputation, and how to establish a relationship with anyone so that you can improve your communication with them.Upon successful completion of this course, youll have the persuasive skills necessary to handle any situation with confidence. And youll be able to use the tools youve accessed to improve your interactions with others in all aspects of your life, both on the job and off."
Price: 174.99

"Personal / Business Networking Skills For Maximum Success!" |
"Personal / Business Networking Skills For Maximum Success!Sometimes, its all about who you know, which is why networking is a powerful tool that can help you achieve more in business and in life. Unfortunately, a lot of people struggle with networking in an effective way.Whether youre hoping to meet new people who can help your business grow, or you want to make new friends, networking can get you there, but you need to know how to get there.If youre ready to uncover the top networking methods used by pros, and you want to overcome any fear and anxiety that you might feel towards networking, this course is for you.Networking Made Easy: Top Strategies for People of All LevelsNetworking has changed a lot in the last few years, so this course will dive into the new methods that should be employed to network successfully.Youll learn the secrets of great networkers, including steps to improve your likeability, how to establish trust and rapport, and how to get solid contacts for personal and business related endeavors.This course is designed for individuals of all skill levels. In just one hour, youll learn powerful networking strategies that you can implement right away to achieve success in every area of your life.Course ContentYoull begin this course with an introduction on the importance of networking. Youll even discover how everyone is actually linked in surprising ways, so its easier than you thought to make valuable connections.After digging into how networking has evolved, youll learn about the importance of being in service to others, and of being a good friend, in order to make your network work for you.Next, youll cover the importance of likeability, particularly when it comes to doing business with others.Youll finish the course by covering additional topics, including the best places to network and how to get a mentor.By the time you finish this course, youll be well-versed in all things related to networking, and youll be able to get out there right away to connect with others in meaningful ways."
Price: 174.99

"ZEN: For Personal Development - Zen Teachings" |
"Why do ZENcourses make ZEN so Complicated??? ZEN is based on SIMPLICITY!You can Finally learn ZENin a simple, easy to understand format with NO Esoteric B.Sor outrageous claims! THISCourse willimmediately make sense to you and will be easy to implement right away!ZEN Teachings canTransform Your LIFE!ZENcan help you see the World and Yourself in a Brand New Way!What this Course Will Do For YOU:Discoverthe tools to transform virtually any area of your LifeGain an Understanding of WHY you have so much Pain in Your LifeLearn the Ancient Secrets known ONLY to ZENPractitionersDiscover the Secrets of Reprogramming your Mind for Massive Success!Learn Better ways to Live and Be in the world ... That bring you Joy and SerenityImprove Mental Concentration and Boost HealingDevelop Untapped Levels Of Mental StrengthGain Peace and Serenity in Your LifeGain a Deeper Understanding of Yourself & OthersLearn how to break free from the life-traps that hold others back!Gain Freedom from Old Misconceptions and Old Pain.and MUCH More ...."
Price: 149.99

"Outstanding Customer Service - The Ultimate Guide!" |
"Customer Service Will MAKE Or BREAK Your Business! You Have NO Idea How Much MONEY You Are LOSING Due To Bad Customer Service ... And HOW Much MONEY You Can GAIN By Providing Excellent Customer Service!DID YOU KNOW?55% became a customer of a company because of their reputation for GREAT customer service40% began purchasing from a competitor because of their reputation for GREAT customer serviceWHICH side Of This Formula do you want to be on???Customer Service is one of the Top 3 Factors Determining Your Companies FUTURE & EARNINGS! Are YOUR Staff Trained in Customer Service???This Course is Perfect For Business Owners, Managers and Employees ... Get Your Team Trained and Cash in!A Sample Of What You Will Learn:STOP Losing Money Due to Poor or Average Customer Service! $$$Make MORE Money from Each Customer! $$$SAVE a Fortune in Advertising Dollars! $$$Get MORE Referrals! $$$Retain Existing Customers! $$$Solve Problems FAST!Learn How to Create an Outstanding Customer Service ExperienceHow to Handle Difficult Customers like a PRO!Learn the 5 Tenets of TQMAvoid the 10 Deadly Sins of Customer Service!... and MUCH More!!!Sign up Now!"
Price: 199.99

"Advanced Parenting Skills - BEST Parenting Class Ever!" |
"Parenting is an Amazingly Difficult and Complex Job! How can You do it well with NOTRAINING? Fear Not! Now you can get the Training you need ... And be in the TOP 1% of ALL Parents with these Amazing Tools and Skills. I have Cutting-Edge Tools, Strategies and Techniques that can ONLYbe Found Here !STOPSTRUGGLING! I spent 35 years as a Therapist teaching people how to stop the battle with their child .. and get back to the love. I can Teach You too!If you are a NEWParent - This class is IDEAL for you too ... WELCOME!Here are justa FEWof the Tools/Skills you will learn:1) Understand The Power Of Relationships & How To Use It 2) Develop A Mentoring Mindset & Be A Powerful Influence 3) Learn HOW Your Kids Think! 4)The Power Of Working As A Team 5) How to Talk In A Way That Your Children Will Listen & Change! 6) Consequences & Life Lessons 7) How to Instill Great Values!8) Have a Deeper, More Loving Relationship with your Child And Much, Much More!Gain the special advantages that other Parents WISH they had ... it is all here waiting for you ... Grab it NOW!"
Price: 199.99

"letiim ve kna Teknikleri Eitimi" |
"Bu eitim sradan bir eitim deildir. Bu eitimden sonra hayatnz deiecek ve sevdiklerinizi daha iyi tanyacaksnz. Ayrca insanlarn duygularna nasl ulaldn ve duygular ile kiiyi fark ettirmeden nasl kontrol ettiinize ahit olacaksnz. Bir eitimden te yeni bir hayat.nsanlar daha iyi anlayacak ve kimin ne olduunu daha iyi greceksiniz. letiim kalitenizin artmas ile ilikilerinizin daha olduunu greceksiniz. Devir konuma devri deildir devir iletiimi baarabilenlerin devridir. imdi hayatn ve ilikilerini daha da mkemelletirip arkadalarnzn sizde ki deiiklikleri fark etmesini salama zaman deil mi?Balayalm..."
Price: 49.99

"Hablar en Pblico como Periodista de Televisin" |
"Desarrollar habilidades sencillas y prcticas que se utilizan en televisin y en periodismopara hablar en eventos, seminarios, conferencias, discurso, entrevistas,etc.Improvisacin, lenguaje corporal, control escnico, control de nervios, tcnicas de comunicacin, tips periodsticos y ms.Est dirigido a estudiantes, profesionales y todo aquel que quiera exponer ideas o mensajes por medio de la oratoria."
Price: 19.99

"Doubt as a Spiritual Virtue" |
"A healthy spirituality is one that integrates doubt and uncertainty, instead of seeing it as a threat. Through studying figures like Jesus, the Biblical Prophets, Soren Kierkegaard, and Mother Teresa we discover a faith that is not afraid of askingquestions. We also discover a new way to see a relationship with the God of the Universe; not one of blind submission, but one of continual wrestling as a sign of commitment. In this course we'll discuss where our beliefs actually come from, how atheism can function as a spiritual gift, a method of theology that discusses God by affirming what God is not, and how we can have a more honest and healthy faith. We will develop a faith that the Apostle Paul talks about when he tells us to test all things, hold onto what is good, and do away with the rest."
Price: 19.99

"Passion Meaning and Definitions" |
"Do you ever think of Picasso? what made him the greatest painter the world ever had? Think of Abraham Lincoln, what made him the best president in the history? Think of Romeo, why he is still the looked up by every lover around the world? The answer is passion. They discovered their passion and won the world. Passion is the energy which makes us great in what we do. This course will help you unveil passion. It will make you acknowledge how you'll have the courage to do the restless work. How you'll brighten up your eyes with a spark of passion. How you'll create the vision following your passion. What is the thing which will make you keep going, and give you a never giving up attitude. This course will make a pathway to your dreams, imagination, thoughts and gives you an eternal energy source for life. Passion is something for which you can scarify anything without thinking twice, something which pushes you to keep going and keep believing your dreams and vision; thats your passion. A sad truth is lot of us fails to find our passion and we confuses it with our short-term attraction, but after going to this course, you will be truly enabled to find or recognize your passion and follow it seamlessly. You will be enlightened with the different forms of passion and how to start the execution because the toughest part is starting once you find it and we know that; a good starting will be great motivation for you. This course will elaborate all about passion, the extreme selfless dedication which you have for purpose, goals, dream, work, person or anything in the world. This course will help you attain the level of dedication and energy with the set of our exercises and valuable tips provided. It will teach you the techniques and skills which will keep you engrossed in your purpose endlessly.In this courseThis course was designed to teach you different passion definitions, as it is not one definition only, sometimes, how to find passion is used as passion definition, knowing passion will help you in your journey to know your purpose, and make personal transformation.find passion is part of finding your uniqueness area."
Price: 174.99

"Success' Tools" |
"Success is not a destination, its a journey. A famous quote known by every individual throughout the planet, yet we tend to forget this and we materialize success by looking at the shiny golden world of wealthy people. Everyone has a different meaning for success, but all of them have one thing in common which brings them peace, growth, prosperity and happiness in life. This course will be a blessing for you, letting you know that pparticular thing and make you learn the basic keys and elements to gain success in your journey. Perspective, vision, mindset, communication, success mantras and many more skills are there in the list of success ingredients. This course will cover every single one in the list so helping you learn the essential success elements. The never giving up attitude, standing firmly on your decision even when the odds are against you. Every decision you make is going to affect your success like every single road turn will either take you closer or far away from your destination. This course will help you in mastering the decision-making capability because your success is outcome of your decisions. Learn how every single word you speak frames your success. The impact of using positive words, framing a confident speech and a pleasing humble communication may become reason for your brake through. We may not notice this but our words reflect our mindset. Every essential utility needed to develop your success is in this course waiting to transform your life.This course is designed to explain most important tools to find your success ; if success is recipe, so yo need components of this recipe and how you can use these components to get best meal and to be happy with it.finally; success is not hard to achieve, need time and tools, also trials in right way, any destination need action and direction, be sure about your direction and use tools in right way to get successful actions. Looking to see you"
Price: 149.99

"Passion personality Types" |
"Before you create your story, you need to understand your story. Doing what you love is the holiest blessing for anyone but finding your passion and following your passion is totally different thing. We all know that success comes after lots of hard work, improvements and sacrifices. Sometimes we need to transform ourselves completely, sometimes it demands self-discipline and development. This course will be helping you identifying yourself, your personality and your character. Knowing yourself completely we unlock the huge potential inside you and carving you perfectly for your success. Once you understand yourself you need to know your passion deeply. This course will teach you how to clear your blur vision and bring clarity of your goals. This is just like the warm up before you jump on the ground. After completion of this course you will have deep understanding of yourself and your passion, paving a smooth way for your success journey. During this course our personality development and character development tips will help you to match the rhythm of your passion. Letting you to discover yourself and brings the positive and remarkable changes in you. This course will truly help you in making a clear vision of your purpose and in achievement of your targets and goals.This course is presenting different passion personality types and also some specification tips per each character, you will find yourself in one of these different characters, and based on that, will try to modify your character by different methods to achieve your targets and find fulfillment in your life.Knowing your personality, will clarify your road more and more, because you will select suitable method to deal with your present character and you will decide if you want to change or not to keep yourself on track. "
Price: 179.99

"Decrease Impostor Syndrome within yourself- simple Course" |
"Original is always worth more than its copy. In todays fast developing era we usually admire a lot of people and sometimes we get attracted to lot of them. According to a universal phenomenon we unknowingly tend to copy the behavior to things we are attracted to. This is known as imposter syndrome. A very common personality issue in which humans unknowingly start to lose their actual personality because they are trying imposter someone else. You need to first identify it and then fix it if you are someone who needs to accomplish his Goals. Yes! That's not easy. But you are lucky, as you have figured out to find our course. This course will prove to be a game changer. Through this course, first you will get known about the various symptoms of imposter syndrome and identify weather you are its victim or not. You will understand that Losing yourself will never going to work. It only gives you unstable mindset and personality which ultimately results in set backs and failure in your life. With the proper guidance provided by this course, you will recover yourself and regain your original personality. Success is game of self-discipline and finding your inner self, but if you are suffering from imposter syndrome, believe me you have lost your track. I know you are worried now, but actually you don't have to. I'll tell you how to get on right track to get actual success. This course will clear your every doubt and help you in finding your true self and success in life. I already suffered a lot from imposter syndrome which can stop your success, even your start in a very easy and unexpected way. You will find yourself already procrastinate your achievements because you are not sure that, you can start, because you always feel there is something missing, or you are telling yourself, I want to learn more to get complete information to help others and find the perfect start. If you are telling yourself that; you are not enough, you are not qualified, you're not ready to start, or you may feel that you are a bad person and all people who surround you, know that and they will laugh on you in your back, welcome Impostor Syndrome lives inside you. "
Price: 199.99

"Know About Fear! in simple way" |
"Fear kills more dreams than failure would ever kill. Like all other emotions and feeling, fear is also one of them, but its the most devastating emotion. Although we humans dont want to fear anything but the truth is, we cant control the nature. Being afraid is part of human nature but letting your fear take over you is end of your life. This course will help you learn more about fear and knowing the fears you have in your life. Every successful person was afraid of failure. Most people dont follow their passion because of the fear of society. Now the point is what fear is in your head. Its simple to know about your fear through the tested techniques provided in this course. Greatness lies in overcoming your fear and follow your dreams with full faith in it and by the help of this course we will be helping you to get win over your fear. Bringing out a complete strong personality which was over powered by the fear.This course is presenting fear in a very simple explanation based on my readings, learning and also my previous experience. Fear is not like what we see in movies, if fear attack one in movies, you will see him find fear in his eyes, you will find him scary, cry, his body is shaking mainly, which mean you can see the fear in a physical situation.Fear in actual condition and actual life, is not like what we see in movies, fear is silent and can stop your success in different ways under cover of good intention.Also the relation between Fear and 4F's survival strategies, and how both of them change through time and can change our life and stop our life and success in very easy."
Price: 174.99

"RH135 CentOS 7 Certified System Administrator II" |
"O curso CentOS 7 System Linux Administrator II, fornece a capacidade para os alunos que querem se tornar administradores de sistema Linux. Este aborda e apresenta o conceito e prtica dos servios que um Sysadmin precisa saber para administrar em um ambiente corporativo. Ao trmino do curso, o aluno estar capacitado a prestar a prova RHCSA v7 - exame EX200.Ateno: Todos os tpicos so compostos por laboratrios, com um simulado geral ao final do curso."
Price: 39.99

"Complete Java Programming Mastery for your New Job!" |
"Learn Java for your new Job! or to clear Oracle certification!Are you thinking to start your career in Java ?Are you applying for a software engineer (developer) role in top MNC companies?Do you wish to learn Java and develop Android apps or enter the world of Big Data and Analytics ?Do you wish to clear Oracle certification Exam or your academic exam in your first attempt? That too with a good score? And add credibility to your profile?You are in a perfect place!This course will make you a confident Java Programmer and you will be able to stand on your own.You can clear Java interviews or Certification and land in a better job!You will learn all Java Programming concepts that are very relevant in the current market.Why is this Course Special?- Special care is taken while structuring the course. Your precious time will not be wasted. You don't have to refer any other books or resources. All that heavy lifting is already done for you.- Instructor has an exceptional ability to correlate complex concepts with real world examples around you. There by, you will understand a very complex concept in simple and fun manner. - This is a ""Course"". Not a ""Dictionary"". You will only learn the concepts, that are necessary for your Job or to clear certification exam. As and example, if I am teaching Engligh language to you. It doesn't make sense to teach you all the words in the dictionary. Instead I'd teach your the skill of English speaking.Same applies here too, and hence this course is not a 50 or 100 hour long.Who's your instructor?Your instructor is an IT Geek (or rather a freak!) since 2007. He loves teaching and he invested his heart and soul to make this course. Just take a look at few videos and you will understand it yourself. He is having a good track record of mentoring professionals worldwide and helping them reach their professional goals.What Should You Do Next?Enroll..Learn..Adding value to your career? Great! We are glad...Not adding value? Get full refund with just a click of a button!I will see you inside...!"
Price: 109.99

"Primer for the AWS Cloud: Networking" |
"An excellent networkingbackground is a prerequisite skillfor the cloudadministrator. Upon completion of this course, you will havewhat it takes, from a networking perspective, to be effective on day one, managing any cloud environment.Wehaverounded upthe networking concepts encounteredby the newcloud administrator and created a fun, highly illustratedcourse around it. The Primer for the AWS Cloud: Networkingis an effective prerequisite to any course on cloud administration and it can standon its own as a useful review of relevant networking topics.Skills coveredinclude:port number types and usesdecodingIPv4,IPv6 and MAC addressesrepresentingIP addresses in the various formatsgrouping IP addresses intoCIDR blockspartitioning networksproper deployment ofnetworking services such as DNS, DHCP, NAT.To reinforce the learning, we provide examples and demonstrations, using theAmazonWebServices (AWS) cloud platform, however the skills covered in this course are transferable to any cloud environment available today."
Price: 19.99

"Allenamento, alimentazione e integrazione in gravidanza" |
"In questo corso saranno analizzate diverse tematiche relative alla gravidanza e al post parto, tra queste ricordiamo: l'analisi della diverse fasi della gravidanza, le problematiche legate alla gravidanza e al post parto, le variazioni ormonali che interessano la donna in stato interessante, le possibili infezione cui soggetta la donna in gravidanza, le diverse strategie allenanti per la gestante e per la donna che allatta, la.depressione post parto, le variazioni nel fabbisogno nutrizionale durante e dopo la gravidanza, le modifiche anatomiche e strutturali e fisiologiche che si presentano durante e dopo la gravidanza, le linee guida per strutturare un piano di allenamento adeguato alle esigenze della gestante e della donna che allatta."
Price: 24.99
