"Drawing and Painting for Kids and Beginner Adults: Birds!" |
"Learn howto draw and painta tropical bird from start to finish! Use a variety of tools and mediums, including pencil and watercolor paintsto create a beautiful finished artwork. In this course we will learn about the elements of texture, form, value, and color. Take the course with your artstudents, or your children, or take it on your own as a starting point to get back into your own art making! The steps are very guided by professionalelementaryart instructor, Isaac Lundgren. Even students at the most beginner level should be able to follow along comfortably, with results consistent with their age and experience."
Price: 19.99

"Sculpt a Human Male Torso in Zbrush" |
"I will show you the process of sculpting the male human torso. You will learn anatomy in detail and landmarks on the male body to help you confidently sculpt a realistic torso. At the end of the course you will have a thorough understanding fo the male toros anatomy, techniques for sculpting muscle and bone under skin. details and tips to make your sculpt realistic."
Price: 19.99

"Por ser cobrada por diversos editais de concursos pblicos, a Arquivologia, apesar de aparentemente ser uma matria simples para muitos concurseiros, acaba por atrapalhar a vida de muitos candidatos a cargos pblicos pelo fato de as questes de prova serem realmente mais complexas do que parece. Muitas pessoas, embora estejam preparadas em outras disciplinas, so desclassificadas ou at mesmo eliminadas nos certames pblicos exatamente porque no conseguem fazer uma boa prova de Arquivologia, seja por negligenciarem o estudo da matria e dar prioridade ao estudo de outros contedos editalcios, seja por no compreenderem efetivamente a teoria para aplicao na realidade das provas de concursos. Nesse sentido, existem editais para cargos tcnico-administrativos que cobram Arquivologia em at 1/6 do total das questes objetivas. Isso mesmo, at 1/6 da prova geral pode ser de questes de Arquivologia! Esse exemplo foi do concurso para tcnico-administrativo do Superior Tribunal Militar, no ano de 2018, mas j aconteceram vrios outros casos dessa natureza. Portanto, faz-se imprescindvel estudar, de forma correta e objetiva, com a devida didtica especializada e esquematizada, a matria arquivstica para a compreenso definitiva e efetiva da disciplina visando a garantia dos valiosos pontos que iro te diferenciar relativamente aos concurseiros que no estudam a Arquivologia da forma adequada. plenamente possvel, sim, superar a grande concorrncia nos concursos pblicos a partir de uma pontuao diferenciada na matria arquivstica, certamente uma das partes da prova mais decisivas para a aprovao e conquista do cargo pblico. Assim, visando o sucesso, o contedo programtico deste curso versar sobre todos os tpicos de Arquivologia cobrados geralmente por todos os editais de concursos pblicos federais, estaduais, distritais e municipais, organizados pelas principais bancas examinadoras do Pas, a exemplo do CESPE/CEBRASPE, FCC, FGV, ESAF, entre vrias outras. Os assuntos geralmente cobrados em todos os certames pblicos so didaticamente abordados, de forma facilitada e esquematizada, a partir da teoria arquivstica utilizada pelas bancas examinadoras, utilizando-se macetes de fixao, esquemas grficos, mapas mentais e muitas questes gabaritadas e comentadas de concursos pblicos anteriores, para garantir a efetiva aprendizagem da matria. A parte terica, a legislao arquivstica pertinente e as questes de provas de concursos pblicos sero regularmente atualizadas de acordo com a necessidade e prticas realizadas por novos editais. Muito alm de simplesmente contratar um curso especializado preparatrio para concursos pblicos, ser possvel o contato entre o professor e o corpo discente no sentido de esclarecimento de todas as eventuais dvidas sobre as questes de Arquivologia, com a devida orientao acerca da correta aplicao da teoria na realidade das provas, objetivando garantir o entendimento efetivo da matria arquivstica para contribuir com o sucesso nos concursos pblicos."
Price: 39.99

"2020 Complete Marketing Masterclass #2 Belief Framework" |
"Ourlive Marketing Leadership Workshop is now available online!Too many people know WHAT to do in marketing but they don't know WHYthey are doing it!Does this sound familiar? Anyone can learn how to post to social, write a blog post, or learn what SEOis, but quantity is not what works. What works are people who actually know WHYand WHEN certain marketing activities work. That's the purpose of this course. By the end, you will have developed an actual marketing strategy, your own personal marketing playbook, that will guide you and your brand into the right marketing activity.Think about it - no more guessing or assuming. You will be able to inform others and act personally based on the correct information!Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now!You getlifetime accessto lectures, including new lectures every month (content is added/updated constantly).You canask me questionsandsee me respondto every single one of them thoughtfully!What you will learn in this course is original, tested, and very detailed! It comes from years of graduate-level education and 20+ of marketing leadership experience across dozens of industries.There are plenty of people who can teach you shortcuts and fast tactics.This is a course for people who are truly willing to understand instead.A course for people who would rather do it right than hustle and hassle people.Once you work your way through nearly 200 lessons, your strategy will become more clear, your empathy will deepenand you'll begin to see the market as it is, instead of merely wishing it to be what you want. ""This is the best marketing innovation I have seen in years.""- IgnacioAgacevicThe Marketing Leadership Masterclassis split into 6 different online sessions, each focusing on a different aspect of marketing leadership.In Session 2we will focus onTheBelief Framework.The Belief Framework is really the core, the foundation that pulls all the other sessions together.In modern marketing, we must come to an understanding that different people have different beliefs at different stages of the buying process. Some beliefs need to be exposed while other beliefs need to be nurtured or changed or directed, because, belief is one of the strongest motivators consumers have.At the completion of this session, you will have developed your own Belief Framework based on your personasthat you can immediately implement across allyour marketing efforts.What are the requirements?No experience or audience required.Suitable for all types of businesses (digital product, physical product, service, B2B, B2C).Why take this Course?Become a Leader - Learn how to think & act like a strategic marketing leader.Modern Marketing - The world of marketing is in constant flux. Dont get left behind.Why of Marketing - Learn the Why of marketing rather than just the How.What am I going to get from this course?Practical theory - Great marketers and great entrepreneurs are great learners. Well cover the theory that you need to understand to drive your own Demand Gen program.Hands on - Throughout the course, we give you multiple opportunities to slow down and apply what you have learned by building out the real-world plan that your company needs.Peer Learning - Your instructors are peers, start-up founders and fellow marketers with decades of tangible experience in every stage and level of an organization.What is the Target Audience?Business Owners - Increase your business revenue, sales pipeline, and ROI by building out transformative demand generation programs that actually work.Startups - Leverage proven marketing processes and practices to establish and increase your user-base and business revenue.Marketers - Increase your current marketing knowledge by learning the most effective tactics, best practices, and processes.Go from Beginner to AdvancedNo matter what level of marketer you are, youwillgo from beginner to advanced marketing leader as we walk you through building your own model.All the strategies, tips and tools recommended are eitherincluded,free or very cost effective.You'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download A 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!"
Price: 99.99

"2020 Complete Marketing Masterclass #3 CRO" |
"Ourlive Marketing Leadership Workshop is now available online!Too many people know WHAT to do in marketing but they don't know WHYthey are doing it!Does this sound familiar? Anyone can learn how to post to social, write a blog post, or learn what SEOis, but quantity is not what works. What works are people who actually know WHYand WHEN certain marketing activities work. That's the purpose of this course. By the end, you will have developed an actual marketing strategy, your own personal marketing playbook, that will guide you and your brand into the right marketing activity.Think about it - no more guessing or assuming. You will be able to inform others and act personally based on the correct information!Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now!You getlifetime accessto lectures, including new lectures every month (content is added/updated constantly).You canask me questionsandsee me respondto every single one of them thoughtfully!What you will learn in this course is original, tested, and very detailed! It comes from years of graduate-level education and 20+ of marketing leadership experience across dozens of industries.There are plenty of people who can teach you shortcuts and fast tactics.This is a course for people who are truly willing to understand instead.A course for people who would rather do it right than hustle and hassle people.Once you work your way through nearly 200 lessons, your strategy will become more clear, your empathy will deepenand you'll begin to see the market as it is, instead of merely wishing it to be what you want. ""This is the best marketing innovation I have seen in years.""- IgnacioAgacevicThe Marketing Leadership Masterclassis split into 6 different online sessions, each focusing on a different aspect of marketing leadership.In Session 3we will focus onConversion Rate Optimization (CRO)CRO has been considered by many the most important marketing activity because it makes every visitor exponentially more valuable. For example, if you double your conversion rate but keep the same traffic, you have essentially doubled your revenue. Digital marketing is analytics driven, smart marketing.In this Session, you will learn how the best companies design and optimize sites that convert. The goal is to remove the fog of mystery around CRO by introducing you to a common-sense, data-informed, well-proven strategy for optimizing your conversion rate.At the conclusion of this session you will have developed your own conversion rate optimization plan based upon each of your primary user touch points.What are the requirements?No experience or audience required.Suitable for all types of businesses (digital product, physical product, service, B2B, B2C).Why take this Course?Become a Leader - Learn how to think & act like a strategic marketing leader.Modern Marketing - The world of marketing is in constant flux. Dont get left behind.Why of Marketing - Learn the Why of marketing rather than just the How.What am I going to get from this course?Practical theory - Great marketers and great entrepreneurs are great learners. Well cover the theory that you need to understand to drive your own Demand Gen program.Hands on - Throughout the course, we give you multiple opportunities to slow down and apply what you have learned by building out the real-world plan that your company needs.Peer Learning - Your instructors are peers, start-up founders and fellow marketers with decades of tangible experience in every stage and level of an organization.What is the Target Audience?Business Owners - Increase your business revenue, sales pipeline, and ROI by building out transformative demand generation programs that actually work.Startups - Leverage proven marketing processes and practices to establish and increase your user-base and business revenue.Marketers - Increase your current marketing knowledge by learning the most effective tactics, best practices, and processes.Go from Beginner to AdvancedNo matter what level of marketer you are, youwillgo from beginner to advanced marketing leader as we walk you through building your own model.All the strategies, tips and tools recommended are eitherincluded,free or very cost effective.You'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download A 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!"
Price: 99.99

"2020 Complete Marketing Masterclass #4 SEO" |
"Ourlive Marketing Leadership Workshop is now available online!Too many people know WHAT to do in marketing but they don't know WHYthey are doing it!Does this sound familiar? Anyone can learn how to post to social, write a blog post, or learn what SEOis, but quantity is not what works. What works are people who actually know WHYand WHEN certain marketing activities work. That's the purpose of this course. By the end, you will have developed an actual marketing strategy, your own personal marketing playbook, that will guide you and your brand into the right marketing activity.Think about it - no more guessing or assuming. You will be able to inform others and act personally based on the correct information!Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now!You getlifetime accessto lectures, including new lectures every month (content is added/updated constantly).You canask me questionsandsee me respondto every single one of them thoughtfully!What you will learn in this course is original, tested, and very detailed! It comes from years of graduate-level education and 20+ of marketing leadership experience across dozens of industries.There are plenty of people who can teach you shortcuts and fast tactics.This is a course for people who are truly willing to understand instead.A course for people who would rather do it right than hustle and hassle people.Once you work your way through nearly 200 lessons, your strategy will become more clear, your empathy will deepenand you'll begin to see the market as it is, instead of merely wishing it to be what you want. ""This is the best marketing innovation I have seen in years.""- IgnacioAgacevicThe Marketing Leadership Masterclassis split into 6 different online sessions, each focusing on a different aspect of marketing leadership.In Session 4we will focus onSearch Engine OptimizationSearch Engine Optimization (SEO) is an infamous, yet very important digitalmarketing discipline encompassing both the technical and creative elements of a user-centered website that results in increased rankings, more organic traffic, and increased awareness in search engines.In this session, we dive deep into the weeds of both the theoretical and practical elements of modern SEO, while dispelling many of the myths and confronting some of the blackhat techniques still practiced today.Having started my SEO career in the 90s, I look forward to uncovering the many layers of modern SEO that todays marketing leaders need to know.What are the requirements?No experience or audience required.Suitable for all types of businesses (digital product, physical product, service, B2B, B2C).Why take this Course?Become a Leader - Learn how to think & act like a strategic marketing leader.Modern Marketing - The world of marketing is in constant flux. Dont get left behind.Why of Marketing - Learn the Why of marketing rather than just the How.What am I going to get from this course?Practical theory - Great marketers and great entrepreneurs are great learners. Well cover the theory that you need to understand to drive your own Demand Gen program.Hands-on - Throughout the course, we give you multiple opportunities to slow down and apply what you have learned by building out the real-world plan that your company needs.Peer Learning - Your instructors are peers, start-up founders and fellow marketers with decades of tangible experience in every stage and level of an organization.What is the Target Audience?Business Owners - Increase your business revenue, sales pipeline, and ROI by building out transformative demand generation programs that actually work.Startups - Leverageprovenmarketing processes and practices to establish and increase your user-base and business revenue.Marketers - Increase your current marketing knowledge by learning the most effective tactics, best practices, and processes.Go from Beginner to AdvancedNo matter what level of marketer you are, youwillgo from beginner to advanced marketing leader as we walk you through building your own model.All the strategies, tips and tools recommended are eitherincluded,free or very cost effective.You'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download A 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!"
Price: 99.99

"2020 Complete Marketing Masterclass #5 Content Strategy" |
"Ourlive Marketing Leadership Workshop is now available online!Too many people know WHAT to do in marketing but they don't know WHYthey are doing it!Does this sound familiar? Anyone can learn how to post to social, write a blog post, or learn what SEOis, but quantity is not what works. What works are people who actually know WHYand WHEN certain marketing activities work. That's the purpose of this course. By the end, you will have developed an actual marketing strategy, your own personal marketing playbook, that will guide you and your brand into the right marketing activity.Think about it - no more guessing or assuming. You will be able to inform others and act personally based on the correct information!Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now!You getlifetime accessto lectures, including new lectures every month (content is added/updated constantly).You canask me questionsandsee me respondto every single one of them thoughtfully!What you will learn in this course is original, tested, and very detailed! It comes from years of graduate-level education and 20+ of marketing leadership experience across dozens of industries.There are plenty of people who can teach you shortcuts and fast tactics.This is a course for people who are truly willing to understand instead.A course for people who would rather do it right than hustle and hassle people.Once you work your way through nearly 200 lessons, your strategy will become more clear, your empathy will deepenand you'll begin to see the market as it is, instead of merely wishing it to be what you want. ""This is the best marketing innovation I have seen in years.""- IgnacioAgacevicThe Marketing Leadership Masterclassis split into 6 different online sessions, each focusing on a different aspect of marketing leadership.In Session 5we will focus onContent Engagement StrategyAs you know, technology has made content creation and marketing far more complex, and an emphasis on data-driven approaches has forced all of us to rethink the communications industry.The keys to breaking through today'simmense marketing clutter are quality content, compelling experiences, and their effective distribution.As such, every piece of content should have a defined purposed that traces back to the Belief Framework we developed in Session 2. In today's modern marketing, this is atable-stakes requirement that you cannot afford to get wrong.Therefore, in this Session, we will focus on helping you develop evergreen content that will shape, nurture, and grow the beliefs of your target market based on the personas you have developed earlier.What are the requirements?No experience or audience required.Suitable for all types of businesses (digital product, physical product, service, B2B, B2C).Why take this Course?Become a Leader - Learn how to think & act like a strategic marketing leader.Modern Marketing - The world of marketing is in constant flux. Dont get left behind.Why of Marketing - Learn the Why of marketing rather than just the How.What am I going to get from this course?Practical theory - Great marketers and great entrepreneurs are great learners. Well cover the theory that you need to understand to drive your own Demand Gen program.Hands-on - Throughout the course, we give you multiple opportunities to slow down and apply what you have learned by building out the real-world plan that your company needs.Peer Learning - Your instructors are peers, start-up founders and fellow marketers with decades of tangible experience in every stage and level of an organization.What is the Target Audience?Business Owners - Increase your business revenue, sales pipeline, and ROI by building out transformative demand generation programs that actually work.Startups - Leverageprovenmarketing processes and practices to establish and increase your user-base and business revenue.Marketers - Increase your current marketing knowledge by learning the most effective tactics, best practices, and processes.Go from Beginner to AdvancedNo matter what level of marketer you are, youwillgo from beginner to advanced marketing leader as we walk you through building your own model.All the strategies, tips and tools recommended are eitherincluded,free or very cost effective.You'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download A 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!"
Price: 99.99

"2020 Complete Marketing Masterclass #6 Multi-Channel Leads" |
"Ourlive Marketing Leadership Workshop is now available online!Too many people know WHAT to do in marketing but they don't know WHYthey are doing it!Does this sound familiar? Anyone can learn how to post to social, write a blog post, or learn what SEOis, but quantity is not what works. What works are people who actually know WHYand WHEN certain marketing activities work. That's the purpose of this course. By the end, you will have developed an actual marketing strategy, your own personal marketing playbook, that will guide you and your brand into the right marketing activity.Think about it - no more guessing or assuming. You will be able to inform others and act personally based on the correct information!Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now!You getlifetime accessto lectures, including new lectures every month (content is added/updated constantly).You canask me questionsandsee me respondto every single one of them thoughtfully!What you will learn in this course is original, tested, and very detailed! It comes from years of graduate-level education and 20+ of marketing leadership experience across dozens of industries.There are plenty of people who can teach you shortcuts and fast tactics.This is a course for people who are truly willing to understand instead.A course for people who would rather do it right than hustle and hassle people.Once you work your way through nearly 200 lessons, your strategy will become more clear, your empathy will deepenand you'll begin to see the market as it is, instead of merely wishing it to be what you want. ""This is the best marketing innovation I have seen in years.""- IgnacioAgacevicThe Marketing Leadership Masterclassis split into 6 different online sessions, each focusing on a different aspect of marketing leadership.In Session 6we will focus onMulti-Channel Lead AcquisitionIn today's world of the fully integrated consumers, it is more important than ever to understand the priority and role of every channel and device in your marketing toolkit.Which is why, in this Session, you will learn how your business can design and optimize lead acquisition campaigns through the major channels including social, search, and email.The purpose of this lesson is for you to comprehend and develop multi-channel lead acquisition and lead nurturing programs based on what you havealready developed with Your Models in Session 1, The Belief Framework in Session 2, and the Content that fills out the Belief Framework in Session 5.This Session is the culmination of all prior Sessions. So I look forward to pulling together all that we have learned in the previous lessons so that you complete this course with the necessary skills and knowledge to be an effective leader in todays business world.What are the requirements?No experience or audience required.Suitable for all types of businesses (digital product, physical product, service, B2B, B2C).Why take this Course?Become a Leader - Learn how to think & act like a strategic marketing leader.Modern Marketing - The world of marketing is in constant flux. Dont get left behind.Why of Marketing - Learn the Why of marketing rather than just the How.What am I going to get from this course?Practical theory - Great marketers and great entrepreneurs are great learners. Well cover the theory that you need to understand to drive your own Demand Gen program.Hands on - Throughout the course, we give you multiple opportunities to slow down and apply what you have learned by building out the real-world plan that your company needs.Peer Learning - Your instructors are peers, start-up founders and fellow marketers with decades of tangible experience in every stage and level of an organization.What is the Target Audience?Business Owners - Increase your business revenue, sales pipeline, and ROI by building out transformative demand generation programs that actually work.Startups - Leverage proven marketing processes and practices to establish and increase your user-base and business revenue.Marketers - Increase your current marketing knowledge by learning the most effective tactics, best practices, and processes.Go from Beginner to AdvancedNo matter what level of marketer you are, youwillgo from beginner to advanced marketing leader as we walk you through building your own model.All the strategies, tips and tools recommended are eitherincluded,free or very cost effective.You'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download A 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!"
Price: 99.99

"Complete 2020 Marketing MASTERCLASS for Startups and Leaders" |
"JUST UPDATED FOR 2020 WITH THE LATEST TRENDS IN MODERN MARKETING!!Leaders and Startups love this Course: ""Way above my expectations! Brian is REALLY knowledgeable about the whole area of marketing and the current state of the digital marketing industry, this is a guy who has ACTUALLY worked in the industry and is not just selling a course based on something he read in a book! This will really help anyone to become a true marketing leader!"" - Erick Cardoso ""This is the best marketing masterclass so far. I've taken dozens of online courses in various e-learning websites. No matter you are a beginner or a marketing pro, this course will both give you a ready-to-go checklist for creating your own marketing strategy, and freshen up your marketing skills."" - Nano Mardoyan ""The best of the best .... I think his Point of view will last for the next 50 years about the content. Professional and to the point. I`m really glad I know such a great brain of marketing. Note: I've taken more than 50x about marketing and content and you are one of the first ...You know what is my pain point and you deliver it."" - Asem Al SardyKnowing WHY and WHEN to perform certain marketing tasks is the million dollar question for most businesses.Anyone can learn how to post to social, write a blog post, or learn what SEO is, but quantity is not what works. What works are people who actually know WHY and WHEN certain marketing activities work. That's the purpose of this course. By the end, you will have developed an actual marketing strategy, your own personal marketing playbook, that will guide you and your brand into the right marketing activity.Think about it - no more guessing or assuming. You will be able to inform others and act personally based on the correct information! ""After finishing Session 1 of this course, I have a better understanding of the ""WHY"" of digital marketing efforts. This course gives you a compass and a map you can refer to plan your marketing activities. Most of the marketing courses I took so far focus more on the tactics --how to rank well on Search Engines, get more visitors on Social Media -- without giving you the tools you need to really plan those activities for optimal ROI. Knowing ""How to"" is good, but knowing ""Why"" is even greater because you can chart a better path and keep the eyes on metrics to make the necessary corrections. So, I'm religiously taking this course to implement the concepts taught, and to remove any guesswork when it comes to investing some marketing dollars."" - Majonka DiokouThree reasons to take this course:You get lifetime access to lectures, including new lectures every month (content is added/updated constantly).You can ask me questions and see me respond to every single one of them thoughtfully!What you will learn in this course is original, tested, and very detailed! It comes from years of graduate-level education and 20+ of marketing leadership experience across dozens of industries.There are plenty of people who can teach you shortcuts and fast tactics. This is a course for people who are truly willing to understand marketing strategy. A course for people who would rather do it right than hustle and hassle people. Once you work your way through these 200 lessons, your strategy will become more clear, your empathy will deepen and you'll begin to see the market as it is, instead of merely wishing it to be what you want. You will have your own complete marketing playbook!! No more guessing. ""Amazing course, best delivery, up-to-date, and very specific - no extra blah blah"" - Malik WaqasThe Marketing Leadership Masterclass is split into 6 different online sessions, each focusing on a different aspect of marketing leadership.In Session 1 we will focus on Building Your Model.As you may know, more and more marketers are constantly under pressure to justify their marketing effectiveness, prove ROI, and create efficiency at scale. Since most marketing today is digital marketing, all the digital tools available make this task easier.To do this well, every brand should have a model for how they track consumers from anonymous visitor all the way to loyal customer and promoter. The goal of building a model is to ensure that you have a way to track and measure every primary step a consumer takes during the buying journey. Without a model you will simply be guessing at which marketing tasks will be the most effective.The benefit of having multiple models of historical numbers is that you are then able to build out future scenarios by which you can more accurately gauge ROI, create efficiency at scale, and identify opportunities for marketing activities on each channel.Session 2 - The Belief Framework. The Belief Framework is really the core, the foundation that pulls all the other sessions together. In modern marketing, we must come to an understanding that different people have different beliefs at different stages of the buying process. Some beliefs need to be exposed while other beliefs need to be nurtured or changed or directed, because, belief is one of the strongest motivators consumers have.At the completion of this session, you will have developed your own Belief Framework based on your personas that you can immediately implement across all your marketing efforts.Session 3 - Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)CRO has been considered by many the most important marketing activity because it makes every visitor exponentially more valuable. For example, if you double your conversion rate but keep the same traffic, you have essentially doubled your revenue. Digital marketing is analytics driven, smart marketing.In this Session, you will learn how the best companies design and optimize sites that convert. The goal is to remove the fog of mystery around CRO by introducing you to a common-sense, data-informed, well-proven strategy for optimizing your conversion rate.At the conclusion of this session you will have developed your own conversion rate optimization plan based upon each of your primary user touch points.Session 4 - Search Engine OptimizationSearch Engine Optimization (SEO) is an infamous, yet very important digital marketing discipline encompassing both the technical and creative elements of a user-centered website that results in increased rankings, more organic traffic, and increased awareness in search engines.In this session, we dive deep into the weeds of both the theoretical and practical elements of modern SEO, while dispelling many of the myths and confronting some of the blackhat techniques still practiced today.Having started my SEO career in 90s, I look forward to uncovering the many layers of modern SEO that todays marketing leaders need to know.Session 5 - Content Engagement StrategyAs you know, technology has made content creation and marketing far more complex, and an emphasis on data-driven approaches has forced all of us to rethink the communications industry.The keys to breaking through today's immense marketing clutter are quality content, compelling experiences, and their effective distribution. As such, every piece of content should have a defined purposed that traces back to the Belief Framework we developed in Session 2. In today's modern marketing, this is a table-stakes requirement that you cannot afford to get wrong.Therefore, in this Session, we will focus on helping you develop evergreen content that will shape, nurture, and grow the beliefs of your target market based on the personas you have developed earlier.Session 6 - Multi-Channel Lead AcquisitionIn today's world of the fully integrated consumers, it is more important than ever to understand the priority and role of every channel and device in your marketing toolkit.Which is why, in this Session, you will learn how your business can design and optimize lead acquisition campaigns through the major channels including social, search, and email.The purpose of this lesson is for you to comprehend and develop multi-channel lead acquisition and lead nurturing programs based on what you have already developed with Your Models in Session 1, The Belief Framework in Session 2, and the Content that fills out the Belief Framework in Session 5.This Session is the culmination of all prior Sessions. So I look forward to pulling together all that we have learned in the previous lessons so that you complete this course with the necessary skills and knowledge to be an effective leader in todays business world. ""The Marketing course with Brian was very thorough and complete, covering the A-Z of marketing from an executive position, but doing the deep dive into each of the key components of successful marketing. Primarily, I found the course to be directly applicable to putting together a strong marketing campaign that will talk to the consumer. But, it really took it from a ""marketing problem"" through the research, planning and putting together a full Integrated Marketing Plan, and then following up to review and update the strategy based on new data learned. Further, it covered the online universe as well as the traditional universe and how these work together to create a result. So, terrific course, and thank you Brian."" - Jesse NoskoWhat are the requirements?No experience or audience required.Suitable for all types of businesses (digital product, physical product, service, B2B, B2C).Why take this Course?Become a Leader - Learn how to think & act like a strategic marketing leader.Modern Marketing - The world of marketing is in constant flux. Dont get left behind.Why of Marketing - Learn the Why of marketing rather than just the How.What am I going to get from this course?Practical theory - Great marketers and great entrepreneurs are great learners. Well cover the theory that you need to understand to drive your own Demand Gen program.Hands on - Throughout the course, we give you multiple opportunities to slow down and apply what you have learned by building out the real-world plan that your company needs.Peer Learning - Your instructors are peers, start-up founders and fellow marketers with decades of tangible experience in every stage and level of an organization.What is the Target Audience?Business Owners - Increase your business revenue, pipeline, and ROI by building out transformative demand generation programs that actually work.Startups - Leverage proven marketing processes and practices to establish and increase your user-base and business revenue. Marketers - Increase your current marketing knowledge by learning the most effective tactics, best practices, and processes.Go from Beginner to AdvancedNo matter what level of marketer you are, you will go from beginner to advanced marketing leader as we walk you through building your own model.All the strategies, tips and tools recommended are either included, free or very cost effective.You'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download A 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!"
Price: 199.99

"Unity,Make a complete Android Game in 1 Hour" |
"RequirementsUnity version 5.6 and aboveYou should be familiar with using a computer with internetSome programming experience with C#Description:Welcome To Unity & C# - Complete 2D Android Puzzle Game Development Course!List Of Things You Will Learn:Build A Complete 3D Android GameLearn Unity BasicsLearn C# ScriptingMenu setupmaking differnt LevelsLearn the basic concepts, tools, and functions that you will need to build fully functional 3D Games with the Unity game engine and C#.Build a strong foundation in Unity and 3D Game Development with this course.Unity Installation & SetupLearning Unity EditorUnity PhysicsUnity AnimationsUnity UIUnity C# ScriptingA Powerful Skill at Your Fingertips Learning the fundamentals of Unity Android Game Development puts a powerful and very useful tool at your fingertips. Unity is free, easy to learn, has excellent documentation, and is the game engine used for building 3D games.Jobs in unity android game development are plentiful, and being able to learn unity android game development will give you a strong background to more easily build awesome android games.Content and Overview Suitable for beginning programmers, through this course of 1 hour of content, youll learn all of the unity 3D game development fundamentals and establish a strong understanding of the concept behind android game development.Starting with the installation of the Unity . This course will take you through various unity features and how to use them. By creating Puzzle game, youll a establish a strong understanding of unity game development.With these basics , the course will take you through building different example games with unity to learn more about the proces of creating mobile android games with unity.Students completing the course will have the knowledge to create fully functional and ready to publish 3D games with unity.youll be able to work alongside the author as you work through each concept.Build A Complete 3D Android Game."
Price: 74.99

"Curso de Produo Musical - Guia do Home Studio" |
"Voc sabia que pode gravar com pouco equipamento em qualquer lugar e ainda assim ter a qualidade de um grande estdio? Sim. Neste curso mostrarei como isso possvel. Com a facilidade do acesso a tecnologia, muitas vezes com o que voc j tem em casa aliado a um bom conhecimento, voc j poderia gravar guitarra, baixo, bateria, teclados, vocais e outros instrumentos em casa, ou mesmo fazer uma super demo de uma banda com uma qualidade que nada deveria aos grandes estdios. Comigo voc vai aprender como extrair o mximo de qualidade com o mnimo de equipamento, sempre usando conhecimento e muita criatividade. Voc ter acesso para tirar dvidas diretamente comigo. Vou dar consultorias em produes, mixagens, aquisio de equipamentos e muito mais. Se inscreva, e se no gostar, voc pode pedir seu dinheiro de volta em at 30 dias. "
Price: 219.99

"Realidad Aumentada con Unity2019 y Vuforia Engine" |
"Opinin de los alumnos: ""Es un curso muy completo y el profesor se esfuerza por que todo el contenido quede claro, con ejemplos prcticos y tiles para futuros proyectos. Sin duda realizar ms cursos con este profesor. 100% recomendable""Borja Jaume Prez ""Mi experiencia fue espectacular!!!, realmente es uno de los mejores cursos que he estado en linea, podria decir el mejor!, simple directo y a la vez con todo el contenido que uno espera aprender."" Ruben Torres ""Contenido es el que busco y el instructor tiene la experiencia que espero."" Rogelio Gonzalez---Hola y bienvenidos al curso de Realidad Aumentada con Unity 2019 y Vuforia Engine.En este curso intensivo, orientado a estudiantes, empresas y emprendedores, aprenders desde 0 cmo desarrollar proyectos de Realidad Aumentada con Vuforia, plugin oficial de la empresa PTC ya integrado a Unity que nos permite desarrollar aplicaciones y videojuegos en Realidad Aumentada.El mismo est orientado a trabajar con dispositivos mviles, por lo que no necesitas de ningn otro dispositivo especial para aplicar lo estudiado en el curso. Vuforia nos permite testear el proyecto dentro de Unity, y una vez listo, podemos pasarlo a nuestro celular para disfrutar de la experiencia desarrollada.ste curso est dividido en 8 secciones:En la primera, estudiaremos el mundo de la Realidad Aumentada, y daremos los primeros pasos con Vuforia Engine.En la segunda parte, hablaremos sobre diseo de interfaz orientado a Realidad Aumentada, y cmo aplicar estos conceptos en nuestros proyectos de Unity.Ya en las siguientes secciones, desarrollaremos 5 aplicaciones de Realidad Aumentada que yo mismo vend a distintos clientes:Un plano que muestra modelos 3D hechos en SketchUp para un estudio de arquitectura.Un clon de MERGE Cube que proyecta el sistema solar con fines educativos.Una etiqueta de botella que muestra el video de una publicidad.Un catlogo de imgenes que se pueden ver con Rayos X.Y un vehculo que se puede colocar en el suelo y cambiar de color.En la ltima seccin nos introduciremos en la Prctica final, donde desarrollaremos una aplicacin desde cero, aplicando conceptos de arte y programacin para lograr un producto acabado, completamente adaptable a las necesidades de cada cliente.Mi nombre es Mariano Sosa, trabajo en un estudio de videojuegos como programador Unity, y tambin soy productor en mi emprendimiento dnde desarrollamos aplicaciones y videojuegos tanto en Realidad Aumentada como en Realidad Virtual. sto te garantiza a vos cmo alumno una excelente calidad del curso, y que el contenido es dado por alguien que vive de sto, por lo que te transmitir no solo mis conocimientos sino tambin la experiencia que fui ganando en sta industria con el paso del tiempo.Te invito a que veas las clases gratuitas habilitadas en las secciones, que descargues los APK adjuntos para probar las aplicaciones en tu celular, y cualquier consulta no dudes en contactarte conmigo por mensaje privado.Muchas gracias, y te espero en el curso."
Price: 74.99

"The Complete 3D-Printing Course - Masterclass" |
"After this course you will be a master in 3D-Printing, because we developed a unique step-by-step approach to learn every part of this course. For example in the 3D-Design part you not just get a course to watch. You will be guided in every step so that you have a the end of the course a 3D printed ready 3D-Model.The courseinlcudes the following essential step to get a 3D-Printing Master:The Basics of 3D-Printing (Learn from the history over the different technologies to each material and how it will change your industry.The Basics of 3D-Design (How to design your first product for the 3D-Printer and what are the important DesignguidelinesThe Basics of 3D-Models (How to repair and prepare your 3D-Model so that every 3d print gets an success)"
Price: 199.99

"Stress Management & Mental Health Relaxation in a Nutshell" |
"Hello! I welcome you to my new course ""Stress Management & Mental Health Relaxation in a Nutshell""!Do you want to relax and calm down in an effective manner?- In this course you will learn how to do so! :)The method used in this course is he well-tried progressive muscle relaxation - a method that is easy to learn by anyone who is interested to relax.Research suggests the positive effects of progressive muscle relaxation in terms of insomnia, depression, anxiety, high blood pressure and more: ""It was shown that they are as effective as pharmacological therapy in the short-term and in the long- run even superior to pharmacotherapy."" - Therapeutische Umschau (2014), 71, pp. 687-694""This systematic review supported the positive effects of relaxation interventions on depression and anxiety among older adults."" - Aging Ment Health. 2015;19(12):1043-55.""Mind-body practices have encouraging results for patients with cardiac disease."" - Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2015 Nov;22(11):1385-98.With the help of my experience teaching this programm to more than 1000 clients the result is this version of the progressive muscle relaxation with exercies for deep relaxation in a nutshell.This course includes instructions with calming background music, PDF-files summarizing scientific research and free (!) MP3- files for individual usage.You are very welcome to try it out! :)If you have any questions: feel free to message me anytime! I am happy to answer you! :)I am happy to see you in my course! ;)Thank you!Sincerly yours, KevinPS: Thank you very much Michelle Thompson to make that course possible!!PSPS: Thanks to Erokia/JordanPowell - Sound Design Freesoundorg/people/Erokia/ (Commons Attribution 3.0) "
Price: 199.99

"Freelance Medical Writing as a Career Choice" |
"Hi there! If you are in a scientific or medical career and are experiencing burnout or just want to spend more time at home with your family, this course may be for you! Medical writing is a career choice that few people have heard about, but for someone with a strong science background and writing ability, medical writing is a GREAT way to earn a substantial income working from the comfort of your own home.In this course, I will introduce you to medical writing as a career choice. I'll discuss the following:What medical writing is and what it is not Types of clients you can expectGenres of medical writing The importance of a scientific background The importance of writing ability Necessary traits to succeed at freelance medical writing The software and equipment youll need as well as how to promote yourself How to transition from your day job and whether you should seek a staff job first or go straight into freelancingThe steps you need to take to get in to medical writingWhat a day in the life of a medical writer is likeAnd last but not least, the type of income you can expect to earn"
Price: 19.99

"Energy Balls - perfect anytime snack" |
"What Could Be Better Than a Quick, Healthy, No-Bake Recipe That Tastes Like Dessert? Energy balls are DELICIOUS and packed with wholesome ingredients that will keep you full and satisfied longer. In this special class, youll learn all the skills you need to make your own! I share easy and convenient prep tips from my experience as a chef and busy mom. I also share three decadent recipes for my favorite energy balls (with step-by-step demo videos!).This class is for you if:You want to learn how to whip up the perfect snack in minutes!What makes Energy Balls so special?Easy to make with ingredients you already have in the pantry!Loved by adults AND kids!Finally, something nutritious your picky-eater will devour.Convenient to make-ahead, store in the fridge, and grab on-the-go.Perfect for breakfast, snack, pre-workout, or dessert!Full of antioxidants, protein, healthy fats, and fiberGluten Free, Dairy Free, Paleo Friendly, & Vegan recipe options!Finally a fun, nutritious, convenient snack that everyone will enjoy!The sky is the limit with your creativity once you learn the basics of making these bite-sized gems.Superfoods never tasted so good! Enroll today and let the fun begin!"
Price: 19.99

"Angles and Positioning for Hockey Goaltenders" |
"This course will give you a comprehensive system by which you can consistently get into the right place at the right time, by knowing ahead of time where you need to be. It is easy to understand, communicate and implement but will take some time to execute automatically which is foundational to executing control at the advanced levels of competition."
Price: 149.99

"After Effects CC: How to Make The Elegant Logo Animation" |
"Kindly read the text below.First of all, No matter which version you use, After Effects CS or CC.I amteaching logo reveal animation with a lot of logo samples, as well as, drawing their shapes If you ask me what the greatest advantage of this course 's , i would tell you that you will be able to complete your own logo designs without needing anyone any book any tutorial. But, i have one condition : You must be able to hold just a mouse . I always put 100% into my courses and i hope my students will benefit from my knowledge and achieve the best results from this course.The strategy i have used's to explain in simple language the fundamental subjects within the second section. So you will find the subjects easy to understand as it expands into more detail.Furthermoreyou will get all the project files of the sample logos. So, as well as, you can use them as a template.Biggest Benefits This CourseThe reason that i have chosen especially these logos because they are quite favorite in the recently years.You can make your commercial project without needing anyone.or any tutorial. Your skills will improve to the end of this course. So, you can make your own logo designs. Through the lessons at the second section you will get all the fundamentals techniques related this course . So, Even if you don't know anything about After Effects, you must get this course . All project files are included in the resources. In this course has been handled, the drawing logo techniques and the animation techniques in many ways on modern logo designs. My education strategy has got a principle that is known as holistic education.According tothis principle,it is necessary to give to students all the subjects related to processed techniques in the course.Section 2:You will learn fundemantals of AE In section two. such as How to draw your custom shapes, Keyframing techniques, How to use the tools and the workspace Also, i will teach you the handwritten Text Effect. In this way you will get ready very well to the next sections . So you will never be lost among the subjects.Section 3:I will teach you how to type and animate along a path. You will learn text animations with different techniques, in particular by using keyframe animation and the animators which is quite important tool. After that you will see how to add a sound into your projectsSection 4:We will draw and animate the logo shape and the text items. You will learn how the create a custom background in adittional i will show you how to render your project as image sequences with tranparancy background.Section 5:You will learn how to prepare and edit your logo shapes on adobe illustrater for AE. I will teach you how to make handwriting effect animation . After that, We will explore the effect preset browser which is pretty important on AE.Section 6:you will learn shape animation by using secondary technique. We will draw and animate all the element of the logo on AE. So, You will learn how to overcome a complicated scene . in addition i will teach you both the masking and matte techniquesJoin the course now."
Price: 59.99

"After Effects: 3D Logo Animation" |
"Kindly read the text below.First of all, No matter which version you use, After Effects CS or CC.I amteaching A 3dlogol animation with theeasiest tecniques,If you ask me what the greatest advantage of this course 's , i would tell you that you will be able to complete your own logo designs without needing anyone any book any tutorial. But, i have one condition : You must be able to hold just a mouse . I always put 100% into my courses and i hope my students will benefit from my knowledge and achieve the best results from this course.The strategy i have used's to explain in simple language the fundamental subjects within the second section. So you will find the subjects easy to understand as it expands into more detail.So, as well as, you can use them as a template.Biggest Benefits This CourseThe reason that i have chosen especially 3D logobecauseit isquite favorite in the recently years.You can make your commercial project without needing anyone.or any tutorial.Your skills will improve to the end of this course. So, you can make your own logo designs.Through the lessons at the second section you will get all the fundamentals techniques related this course . So, Even if you don't know anything about After Effects, you must get this course . All project files are included in the resources. In this course has been handled, the drawing logo techniques and the animation techniques in many ways on modern logo designs.My education strategy has got a principle that is known as holistic education.According tothis principle,it is necessary to give to students all the subjects related to processed techniques in the course.If you have any question please ask meJoin the course now."
Price: 39.99

"Diseo y desarrollo web front-end con Bootstrap + Photoshop" |
"Introduccin:El nico curso que te prepara a usar bootstrapy a desarrollar tu creatividad para generarlayouts ypginas web adaptables para dispositivosque se usan realmente en el mercadoy haciendo la mejor apariencia, no lo tpico.Aprendizaje extra:Trabajaremos con Google Font, Solucion de errores que aparecen en el momento, Aprender Emmet, Uso de Photoshop, Diseo grfico para web, Uso de columnas en Photoshop, Dos editores a la vez, Aprende a usar correctamente el inspector de elementos de Google Chrome, Crear cdigo limpio y mucho ms.Desarrolla un verdadero proyecto donde podrs aplicar todos tus conocimientos y empezar a generar UI/UX atractivos."
Price: 1020.00

"Como iniciar sua estratgia de marketing digital" |
"Nesse curso voc ir aprender o que precisa ser feito antes mesmo de voc comear a pensar nas suas estratgias de inbound marketing, funil de vendas, gerao de contedo, entre tantas outras tcnicas de marketing digital.Para que voc tenha mais assertividade e consiga avaliar e melhorar cada vez mais o desempenho das suas campanhas, preciso estar de acordo com o que as regras dos principais buscadores (SEO).A velocidade do seu site, as configuraes dos cdigos de acompanhamento e a otimizao dos contedos e campanhas tambm fazem parte do marketing digital.Muita gente se frusta por no conseguir aplicar corretamente uma estratgia de marketing digital pois na maioria da vezes comeam da maneira errada.J vi muito gente investindo bastante dinheiro em ferramentas de automao, gastando tempo e esforo, e no final o resultado no surge como o esperado.Esse curso mostra um fluxo que ir garantir que seu site e suas campanhas de marketing digital possam performar da melhor forma possvel.Queremos que voc possa avaliar da maneira correta o desempenho do seu site, das suas campanhas e possa entregar contedo para seu pblico de forma rpida e relevante.Aproveite o bem o curso e boas aulas."
Price: 369.99

"Computer Management in Windows 7" |
"In any windows version there will be a Computer management is a place where you can create user and group of local computer , see event viewer, see share folder , see device manager ans update your driver and disk management so you can delete create resize your partition can change drive latter can format."
Price: 19.99

"Intro to Flask" |
"This eight part series was created for those without experience in Flask.By watching these videos, you'll go from knowing nothing about Flask to building a working app. You'll see how far just knowing basic Python can get you when using Flask to build a web app.The app built in this course is a guest book app.This course assumes basic understanding of Python, SQL databases, and HTML"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Magnificent Marketing" |
"Want more customers?Dont know where to start with Marketing?Lets create Magnificent Marketing together!Marketing your business can be a challenge:How do you capture new clients?How do you keep the clients you have happy?Are you providing the right message to the right people at the right time?Introduction to Magnificent Marketing is an online course that helps you define the elements needed to build your marketing plan.The course provides video-based learning on major marketing topics to help develop your understanding of marketing.The magnificent marketing methodology provides a logical structure to your marketing, delivering competitive advantage for your business to help you understand and shape customer behaviour.We define the major elements that you need to create a successful marketing strategy and the tactics to realise your goals. You will learn the choices available, techniques and tactics, as well as what to measure to make sure your efforts return results.This is not just a generic approach, this course provides an introduction to the tools and techniques to match your organisations capabilities with client demand and drive the continual search for competitive advantage. In addition, once completed you will have options for further mentoring and clinic sessions, ensuring you have the confidence to deliver magnificent marketing in your own business."
Price: 59.99

"BU KURSTANNELER RENEBLECEM ?Kiril alfabesi,Okuma,Yazma,Konuma,Rusa temel dil bilgisi, takvim , saylar ,gnler , mevsimler , hayvanlar , meslekler , meyve ve sebzeler ve vs..BU KURS HANG PROGRAM ZERNDE KURULMU ?a )Bu kursta ilk nce kiril alfabesini rahatlkla yazar ve okuyabileceinizi salayacak bir ders greceksiniz . Bu derste beni takip eder , tavsiyelerime uyarsanzsadece 2 gndebu alfabeyi ok kolay ve bast zeceksiniz .b)Sonra ise basit rusa cmleler kurmayreneceksiniz ve ayn zamanda her dersten sonra kendinizi snamak iin test snav greceksiniz .c) imdiki zaman , gemi zaman ve gelecek zamanlar ile daha da ileri seviyede cmleler kuracaksnz .d)Rusa zamirler, en ok kullanlan balaclar , ve nemli ifadeleri reneceksiniz .e)Her konuyu baarl srlar ile reneceksinizf)Ayriyetten , BONUS blmnde faydal materiyaller ve kitaplar elde edebileceksiniz .BANA NASIL YARDIMCI OLACAKSINIZ ?Eer herhangi derstensonra aklnzdasuallar, sorular veanlamadnz yerler olacaksa, mesaj blmnde istediiniz zaman benim ile iletiime geebilirsiniz. Sizin rusa bilginizi daha pekitirmeniz iin elimden gelen yardm edeceim .*** Rusa kursu her hafta gncellenmektedr ***"
Price: 19.99

"How To Make algerian (ShawatChakhchoukhaMahajab)" |
"In this course we present three algerian meals Which is (Shawat, Chakhchoukha and Mahajab). the three meals are really famous and popular in algeria especially in holidays and feasts and really easy to make and all people can make it.Also this course is for those who sake for learning about other countries and their food."
Price: 19.99

"Alexa Skills - How to Create An Alexa Skill Flash Briefing!" |
"Amazon Alexa Skills is the next big thing!***1-on-1 instructor support, LIFETIMEaccess and a 100%money-back guarantee!*****YOUALSOGETMYEMAILINCASEYOUNEEDANYHELP*** :)Learn how to create an Alexa Skill Flash Briefing - for your business, personal brand,hobby or for fun!The Amazon Alexa Skills Store is an excellent land grab opportunity right now. Its a perfect time to create your Alexa Skill flash briefing before the world starts flocking. The amount of Amazon Echo devices that are in peoples homes is increasing at a massive rate. Amazon is ploughing huge amounts of capital into continual development of Alexa and I truly believe voice and Amazon Alexa is the internet 2.0... don't let this opportunity slip you by!I will walk you through the whole process and give you idea's for your Amazon Alexa Flash Briefing.I will guide you through the process of creating an Alexa Flash Briefing Skill, from idea concept through to publishing your Alexa Flash Briefing Skill. I believe in practical learning so I will take you through the whole process by DOINGnot by death by powerpoint!Course StructureWhat is a flash briefing and why it mattersIdea's for your flash briefingPower of Voice - Amazon Alexa is in millions of homes and will soon be in vehicles, in your fridge, on your washing machine.. everywhere! With AmazonAlexa you can get in front of millions of peopleCreate your flash briefing using your own voice - providing a personalilty to your flash briefingUsing Audacity to record your flash briefingUploading your flash briefing to Amazon Developer AccountUsing AWSto upload a text briefing to the skills storeWhat are you waiting for?I'm looking forward to guiding through the process to creating yourAmazon Skill Alexa Flash briefing!:)"
Price: 199.99

"CCNA In Hindi" |
"If you want to adopt your career in IT networking then this course is for you.I try to teach in such manner that you can easily understand all the concept and topics that help you to crack the interview and help the passing Cisco CCNA Routing and Switching 200-125. I use various teaching methods and try to give simple example so you can easily understand I am trying to fulfill the gap between online video training and traditional classroom training and still try to improve. Before posting this video I show this video nearly 200 students not aware of networking asked whether they understand the concept easily or not. Mostly I got satisfactory Review Instead of creating several small video lecture I am creating 40 mins to 2 hrs video that gives you details view of the topics and try to create virtualized class."
Price: 8000.00

"CEH practice set: easy way to pass the exam" |
"This question set help you to understand the pattern of exam. we add near about more than400questions and answers, it highly recommended if you want to attend CEH go through all questions. This should be final stage and i sure it will help you achieve your certification goalThis course will reviewEXAMQUESTIONS that help you to pass and test your. IMPORTANT: This course will provide you with the most accurate style of practice exams which you should be familiar with moving into this course as you will see it is necessary to understand how to configure all the key domains for the exam to be able to answer a lot of the questions. Iwill continuously add more questions to this course! This exam practice should be in last before attending the exam.i will provide six question set 80 question in each set. i recommended you if you more than 90 percent marks in this practice set than you are ready for exam. Best of luck."
Price: 5440.00

"How to Start your Startup and be rich" |
"This is the best course on entrepreneurship that I've seenAnyone who has the willpower to do what it takes to become the boss will love this course. Leveraging our experience as the leading provider of entrepreneurial business education to a community of over 50,000 learners worldwide, weve created an unparalleled video-based learning experience for you. This experience is about real stuff involved in entrepreneurship, the power of visual learning, and the thrill of building something awesome.This course is perfect for both first-time entrepreneurs who want a clear pathway through launch and for entrepreneurs and freelancers who are already in the game and want a full set of resources to use as you develop your lasting entrepreneurial skills.Developing a business planHiring the human resourcesAcquiring financial and material resourcesProviding leadershipBeing responsible for both the venture's success or failureRisk aversion"
Price: 19.99

"Vagrant - Criando Ambientes de Desenvolvimento de Software" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender como trabalhar com esta poderosaferramenta que o Vagrant para poder criar seus ambientes de desenvolvimento de software de forma simples e automatizada. Voc ver como gerenciar suas instncias, como automatizar as configuraes e como colocar suas instncias trabalhando em rede simulando um ambiente de produo."
Price: 69.99
