"The Ultimate Python Unit Testing Course" |
"No software products should ever be shipped to the user without being tested. Making sure that your code works by writing effective, powerful, and sophisticated tests is a must in today's competitive world. This course is designed to turn you from a complete beginner to an expertin using the python Unit Test library. You will learn:1- how, why, and when should you test your project?2- how to test functions, classes, efficiency, and console print output? 3- how to organize your test files and test cases? 4- what, when, why, and how to use the test driven development method? And more! This course will be the best investment that you've ever made since we will build 11 projects that will ensure that you're extremely comfortable with testing."
Price: 199.99

"Adobe Experience Manager 6.3 The Complete AEM Masterclass" |
"Today most organisations need to manage multiple brands from several different sites on social and mobile platforms and many of them choose Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) as the Content Management System. Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), formerly known as CQ5 or Communique5, is an Enterprise Web Content Management System which allows organizations to deliver a highly personalized digital experience to audience across different delivery channels including web, mobile and social.This course is designed to build the fundamentals of AEM Architecture, Installation, develop and work with AEM applications using component and templates, using AEM with Eclipse and Git, how to use ClientLibs, Sightly, How to create your own website and MUCH MORE with online training...**** Why this course is special and one of its kind #1: Complete package of theoretical concepts and practical labs with online trainingWhats really important if you get one-stop shop with not just theory but also practical hands-on labs. This package of theory and practical sessions will build your concepts (even without any prior knowledge) and prepare you for an Intelligent Content platform, AEM. #2: Fun to code with resources and exercises You get the entire code and all the images and graphical assets that I designed especially for the course as a free download.#3: Walk away with ready-to-launch website We.LearnBy the end of the course you will have a complete, ready to launch website that looks great on your computer, tablet and smartphone.You will need basic knowledge of web-application techniques including HTML, CSS and JavaScript.Note: This course is built using AEM Version 6.3 and updates coming soon..."
Price: 39.99

"AEM Interview Q&A and Developer Certification Practice Tests" |
"The course is aimed for IT professionals who are interested in pursuing their career in Adobe Experience Manager, the complete Web Content Management System.Do you want to clear AEM Interview with full confidence and preparation? **Ok then. You have landed at the right place as the course will guide you, prepare you for tricky AEM interview questions and start your career as AEM Professional.**Prepare for AEM Interview covering 150+ Questions and Answers on Architecture, Templates, Components, JCR Repository, Sling, OSGi, Workflow, ClientLibs, Sightly, Workflow and much more..This course is well structured with all elements of different questions separated by different topics. Students should take this course if seriously want to advance their career and crack the technical rounds of AEM.Do you want to prepare for 9A0-384 Adobe AEM 6.0 Developer Exam?In this course you get 100+ certification exam questions, go ahead."
Price: 24.99

"Renda Passiva para Professores de Idiomas" |
"Voc ama ensinar aos seus alunos um novo idioma, porm est se sentindo esgotada e sobrecarregada com a sua situao atual, mas no pode descansar por causa da sua situao financeira?Voc se esfora, se dedica, se desenvolve profissionalmente, mas sente que no recompensado da forma que deveria?Voc gostaria de complementar a sua renda atual ou at mesmo, substituir o seu salrio atual por renda passiva?Mas afinal, o que essa tal de renda passiva? Renda passiva quando voc pago diversas vezes por algo que voc fez uma vez.Apesar de ser relativamente fcil criar produtos que gerem renda passiva, esse curso no promete milagres, nem ficar rico do dia pra noite. Porm, eu garanto que se voc fizer a sua parte, trabalhar duro e investir o seu tempo da forma correta usando as informaes passadas nesse curso, voc ser capaz de construir o seu negcio de renda passiva online em pouco tempo.Mesmo que voc precise se esforar para dar suporte aos seus alunos e clientes, certamente ser muito menos cansativo do que trabalhar em um emprego convencional vrias horas por dia. Quanto mais voc se dedicar a construir o seu negcio de renda passiva, menos voc precisa trabalhar fora dele.Nesse curso voc aprender:Quais so as possveis fontes de renda passiva para professores de idiomas.Quais so as fontes que combinam com seu perfil.Quais programas e ferramentas utilizar para criar os seus produtos.Quanto cobrar pelos seus produtos.Onde e como vender os seus produtos.Como receber os seus pagamentos."
Price: 99.99

"Potent Prospecting" |
"Potent Prospecting focuses on helping you build out a highly focused, potent and powerful prospecting game to fill your pipeline with both qualified and interested individuals. You''ll go over the basics of mindset, methodology, preparation, tools, ideal clients, qualifying questions, your daily routine and how to measure your success and improvements. This is all jam packed in to this course. :D"
Price: 29.99

"Build your first iOS App in Swift" |
"Welcome to iOS fundamentals course where we will explore a high level overview of all the building blocks you will need to build great iOS applications.This class covers a broad overview of iOS related topics in bite sized videos that you can follow along with. This class assumes you have some exposure to programming and are able to get setup and follow along. To succeed in this class it is best to follow along with each video. You would be best served by coding along with the video and making sure that your project outputs the same or similar results as mine as you go through each video in the series.The class project will require that you exercise many of thetopics covered in the videos to build your own application. You can refer to the class videos if you get stuck or forget how to do something a particular way. If you code along the way throughout each video you can refer to that as a reference for the class project.Specific topics covered in this course are:Subclassing UIViewControllersUnderstanding different kinds of segues and application navigationLearning about UINavigationControllers and UITableViewControllersAutoLayoutSubclassing UITableViewCellsThe basics of protocols and delegationLearning about the UIPickerViewCapturing user input with UITextFieldsPassing data between view controllersCreating UI elements programmaticallyLearning the basic concepts of caring about the user interface and user experience.Technologies Used in this Tutorial:Swift 4Xcode 9macOS Operating System"
Price: 19.99

"Video Editing; Softwares To Get You Started in Video Editing" |
"The Course is a well researched and demonstrated guide to basic Video Editing Softwaresfor those just starting outinvideo editing to those seeking to improve their video editing workflow in the filmmakingindustry .The course demonstrates threemajor video editing soft waresthat can help you start out, create, build and improve your editing workflow."
Price: 19.99

"Hadoop MAPREDUCE in Depth A Real-Time course on Mapreduce" |
"Mapreduce framework is closest to Hadoop in terms of processing Big data. It is considered as atomic processing unit in Hadoop and that is why it is never going to be obsolete.Knowing only basics of MapReduce (Mapper, Reducer etc) is not at all sufficient to work in any Real-time Hadoop Mapreduce project of companies. These basics are just tip of the iceberg in Mapreduce programming. Real-time Mapreduce is way more than that. In Live Big data projects we have to override lot many default implementations of Mapreduce framework to make them work according to our requirements.This course is an answer to the question ""What concepts of Hadoop Mapreduce are used in Live Big data projects and How to implement them in a program ?"" To answer this, every Mapreduce concept in the course is explained practically via a Mapreduce program.Every lecture in this course is explained in 2 Steps.Step 1 : Explanation of a Hadoop component Step 2 : Practicals - How to implement that component in a MapReduce program.The overall inclusions and benefits of this course:Complete Hadoop Mapreduce explained from scratch to Real-Time implementation.Each and Every Hadoop concept is backed by a HANDS-ON Mapreduce code.Advance level Mapreduce concepts which are even not available on Internet.For non Java backgrounder's help, All Mapreduce Java codes are explained line by line in such a way that even a non technical person can understand.Mapreduce codes and Datasets used in lectures are attached for your convenience. Includes a section 'Case Studies' that are asked generally in Hadoop Interviews."
Price: 24.99

"Apache Flink A Real Time & Hands-On course on Flink" |
"Apache Flink is the successor to Hadoop and Spark. It is the next generation Big data engine for Stream processing. If Hadoop is 2G, Spark is 3G then Apache Flink is the 4G in Big data stream processing frameworks. Actually Spark was not a true Stream processing framework, it was just a makeshift to do it but Apache Flink is a TRUE Streaming engine with added capacity to perform Batch, Graph, Table processing and also to run Machine Learning algorithms.Apache Flink is the latest Big data technology and is rapidly gaining momentum in the market. It is assumed that same like Apache Spark replaced Hadoop, Flink can also replace Spark in the coming near future.Demand of Flink in market is already swelling. Big companies like Capital One (Bank), Alibaba (eCommerce), Uber (Transportation) have already started using Apache Flink to process their Real-time Big data and thousands other are diving into.What's included in the course ?Complete Apache Flink concepts explained from Scratch to Real-Time implementation.Each and Every Apache Flink concept is explained with a HANDS-ON Flink code of it.Include even those concepts, the explanation to which is not very clear even in Flink official documentation.For Non-Java developer's help, All Flink Java codes are explained line by line in such a way that even a non -technical person can understand.Flink codes and Datasets used in lectures are attached in the course for your convenience."
Price: 39.99

"How To Master Your Time & Skills in Steemit For Beginners" |
"What Will You Learn?-How to Get started fast ( Step by Step ) with Steemit social media that pays you.-You Will Be Able To Exchange you Time, Skills, Effort with Real Money.-I Will Teach You How To Build Your Steemit Profile From Scratch and Get Your First Followers-You Will Understand How To Invest your Time & Skills In Steem and The Steemit Community-By Then End of Our Course Students Will Be Able To Get Paid (as reader or writer ) To Blog With Steemit!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Chinese Language Course in Urdu/Hindi efficiently" |
"Hello everyone in this course you are going to learn chinese language/Mandarin quickly in urdu/hindi.This course contains hsk4 vocabulary.This course contains all necessary patterns use in daily and business lifeSo you must buy this course to learnChina is no doubt growing fastly so to meet the world you should learnIn this course i have used very easy methods so that you enjoy my coursesthank you very much for visiting and buying"
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Excel for 2018: Zero to Mastery" |
"""The Complete Excel for 2018: Zero to Mastery"", is a course that contains each and everything about Excel 2016, backed with 30 day money back guarantee from Udemy.Start mastering Excel, the world's most popular and powerful spreadsheet program, with Excel expert.Learn how toenter and organize data, perform calculations with simple functions, work with multiple worksheets, format the appearance of your data and cells, and build charts and PivotTables. Other lessons cover the powerful IF, VLOOKUP, and COUNTIF functions; the Goal Seek, Solver, and other data analysis tools; and automating tasks with macros."
Price: 99.99

"A Beginner's Guide to Setup Kodi, Try it yourself today" |
"Kodi spawned from the love of media. It is an entertainment hubthat brings all your digital media together into a beautiful and user friendly package. It is 100% free and open source, very customizationand runs on a wide variety of devices. It is supported by a dedicated teamof volunteers and a huge community.It allows users to play and view most videos, music, podcasts, and other digital media files from local and network storage media and the internet."
Price: 19.99

"PowerShell Fundamental" |
"Neste curso iremos aprender os conceitos bsicos de PowerShell e como usar a programao com detalhes em hash tables, custom tables, arrays, operadores e condies ..etc. Enfim uma proposta completa pata voc aprender como customizar seus scripts. o curso certo e fundamental para quem quer aprender como usar cmdlets e customizar sadas ou junes de cmdlets , ou seja, programao em PowerShell. Do que adianta voc saber os cmdlets de active directory ou do SQL Server mas no saber como criar um custom table que vai customizar o output deste cmdlet.Este curso no pesca para voc e sim te ensina a pescar."
Price: 204.99

"PowerShell - Performance em Scripts" |
"Neste mini curso abordaremos os conceitos de foreach-object cmdlet versus foreach construct, quando e quando mo usar, prs e contras de cada um, tambm veremos o uso do where-object versus parmetros server sidee finalizaremos com um contedo importante de performance em arrays, conceitos de pipeline e best practices em scripts. um curso voltado para quem quer saber alguns conceitos internos do PowerShell que podem melhorar (ou no) a performance de seus scripts"
Price: 489.99

"PowerShell and SQL Server Best Practices in a Word Document" |
"Have you ever try to perform a SQL Server Best Practices in a Word Document. If yes, you know how painful is to run the query in SQL Server, copy the result and paste into tables in Word. This job may take to you up to 5 hours. In this training I will show how to customizeand provide to you the scripts that I wrote to perform this operations in minutes. Check the promotional video to see the magic of the PowerShell"
Price: 149.99

"The essential basics of the French language (indispensable)" |
"Hi, I am Ilhame FR., teacher ofFrenchlanguage.During this course (Level 1) we will learn :tounderstan, towrite, topronouncecorrectly thefrenchlanguage, especially :1.FrenshALPHABET (How to pronounce it and how to write it in arabic?)2.FrenshPRONOUNS(How to pronounce it and how to write it in arabic?)3.FrenshPOSSESSIVE ADJECTIVE (How to pronouce it &how to write it in arabic?)4.FrenshPOSSESSIVE PRONOUNS(How to pronouce it &how to write it in arabic?)5.FrenshQUESTION WORDS( who, what, .... when .... How much ....) ( How to pronouce it & how to write it in arabic?)6.SOMEFrenshWORDS FOR THE BEGINNING ( How to pronounce & how to write it in arabic?)7.THES DAYS/ THES MONTHS / THE SEASONS INFrensh( How to pronounce & how to write it in arabic?)8. Bonus : SOMESSHORT SENTENCES INFrenshCOMMONLY USED .9.Complete video of pronunciation of everything we saw during class.#LEVEL 1.-Frenshis a beautiful language written and spoken.- It is often said that it is the language that God will speak with everyone in the other life (if there really is another life after death).- But what interests us for the moment is to learn it from the desire to discover other languages and other cultures.- Good luck for leval 1 . -I will share another lesson soon and maybe one of them already share it, consult my videos can be one of them will interest you. -We will go gradually until you perfect theFrenshlanguage.Good luck !Bonne chance"
Price: 19.99

"The first steps to learn the Arabic language (indispensable)" |
"Hi, I am Ilham Ilhame, teacher of Arabic language.During this course (Level 1) we will learn :tounderstan, towrite, topronouncecorrectly the Arabic language, especially :1. ARABIC ALPHABET (How to pronounce it and how to write it in arabic?)2.ARABIC PRONOUNS(How to pronounce it and how to write it in arabic?)3. ARABICPOSSESSIVE ADJECTIVE (How to pronouce it &how to write it in arabic?)4. ARABICPOSSESSIVE PRONOUNS(How to pronouce it &how to write it in arabic?)5. ARABICQUESTION WORDS( who, what, .... when .... How much ....) ( How to pronouce it & how to write it in arabic?)6.SOME ARABIC WORDS FOR THE BEGINNING ( How to pronounce & how to write it in arabic?)7.THES DAYS/ THES MONTHS / THE SEASONS IN ARABIC ( How to pronounce & how to write it in arabic?)8. Bonus : SOMESSHORT SENTENCES IN ARABICCOMMONLY USED .9.Complete video of pronunciation of everything we saw during class.#LEVEL 1.- Arabic is a beautiful language written and spoken.- It is often said that it is the language that God will speak with everyone in the other life (if there really is another life after death).- But what interests us for the moment is to learn it from the desire to discover other languages and other cultures.- Good luck for leval 1 . -I will share another lesson soon and maybe one of them already share it, consult my videos can be one of them will interest you. -We will go gradually until you perfect the Arabiclanguage.Good luck !..."
Price: 19.99

"Guida Pratica e Completa a Django, Python e Bootstrap" |
"Benvenuto o Benvenuta al corso Guida Pratica e Completa a Django, Python e Bootstrap! In questo corso impararei tutto ci che c' da sapere per creare Siti Web moderni e responsivi con Python, Django e Bootstrap.Perch questo corso?Se vuoi accrescere le tue abilit per migliorare la tua vita professionale, avviare un business nel mondo della tecnologia, restare competitivo nel mondo del lavoro o semplicemente imparare a programmare e a creare siti web professionali con Python per te e per i tuoi clienti bene, questo corso stato pensato e realizzato anche per te!Il corso strutturato in maniera tale da guidarti in un percorso di crescita formativa passo dopo passo, e per ciascun argomento trattato partiremo dalle basi, per costruire delle fondamenta solide mentre avvii la tua carriera nel mondo della programmazione e dello Sviluppo Web.Ti insegneremo a programmare tramite oltre 140 lezioni in alta definizione, esercitazioni pratiche con soluzioni, slides, codice scaricabile, pagine di approfondimento nella documentazione ufficiale e tanto altro ancora!Impara a scatenare tutta la potenza di Django, il Web Framework Python professionale alla base di colossi del Web come Instagram, Mozilla, Disqus e National Geographic, e diventa abile nell'uso di Bootstrap, la libreria di componenti per lo sviluppo Front End pi famosa al mondo, sviluppata da Twitter.Il corso viene aggiornato costantemente per offrirti tutte le novit relative ad aggiornamenti dei framework e delle tecnologia utilizzate. Tutte le lezioni sono quindi compatibili al 100% con le ultime release di Django, Python e Bootstrap.Questo corso pensato e realizzato per far si che chiunque possa acquisire le conoscenze necessarie a diventare sviluppatori web, usando le stesse tecnologie impiegate da queste importantissime aziende.Otterrai inoltre accesso all'area studenti, dove potrai espormi eventuali domande riguardo agli argomenti delle lezioni e scambiare pareri e informazione con gli altri studenti e studentesse che gi si sono iscritti.Iscriviti anche tu!"
Price: 199.99

"The Weight Loss Escape Plan" |
" Want to learn how to set yourself up mentally for weight loss success? Want to learn how to eat and exercise to achieve a slimmer and more toned body? So that you can wear the clothes you want, not feel self-conscious at social events and not be the one always behind the camera on family events instead be in the action. Are you tired of the Weight Loss Struggle and want to finally look and feel the way you want! Then... Enroll in our course today and start looking and feeling the way you want! Hi, my name is Erak Simsson Im relatively new to online teaching but have over a decade of successful experience of helping busy professional women aged 40+ that want to drop 2 3 dress sizes, tone and tighten in 3 6 months by adopting some simple and practical mind-set, diet and exercise habits, which means not having to starve yourself or become a slave to exercise or the gym! I have helped women lose from 10lbs to over 70lbs in less than 12 months! My clients are able to live the dream of looking and feeling slimmer in the summer months not afraid to show off their new toned arms, legs and flatter stomaches and at those end of year cocktail parties being able to wear that little black dress! They are able to do this because they learned and applied the information share in this course consistently. And that's exactly what you will learn in this complete course. I will show you exactly what I have shared with my successful clients like Katie, 47 who lost 42lbs got back into here bikini and won a medal as a fitness model beating women 10 years her junior (see Katie in the introductory video) or Sue, 51 who lost 70lbs expanded her wardrobe, did the African Kilimanjaro challenge (see Sue in the introductory video) or Caroline, 52 who lost 85lbs improved her fitness and to use her words Re-invented herself (see Caroline in the introductory video). When you enroll on this course you will be gaining access to information that has help busy professional women to: Lose weight Tone up Increase energy levels Improve fitness Improve body confidence If you are looking for those kinds of results this course is for you! Click Buy Now For Instant Life-Time Access! IN THIS COURSE I WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO How to escape 6 deadly mind-set traps so that you can confidently develop that the habits the habits that will help you to transform your body quicker than you think because you will no longer be trapped inside your own head! How to combine 3 simple food groups to help reduce sugar craving, feel fuller longer and natural lose weight and be able to maintain it! How to exercise to tone, shape and tighten those areas you want. FREE RESOURCES & BONUSES: FREE - downloadable guide to help you follow along and make your own personal notes FREE Lessons Ive learned from 3 clients that lost a total of 198lbs between them ASK Erak videos that answer your specific questions, I bet yours is on here if it's not let me know! LEARN HOW TO ESCAPE FROM YOUR OVERWEIGHT AND UNFIT BODY AND STEP INTO THE ONE YOU REALLY WANT WITHIN THE NEXT 3 6 MONTHSThe information I teach in this course I teach clients and prospective clients from my private weight loss coaching and fitness training studio and the results they get never cease to amaze me when they put this information into practice consistently. THE TIME TO ESCAPE AND CREATE THE BODY YOU WANT IS NOW! There is now better time to start to learn exactly how to escape the 6 deadly traps and final create the look and feel you want for your body! Every day you go without knowing this information youre sabotaging your weight loss success and probably getting heavier year after year! and.... you don't need a GYM to get started! You don't need to starve yourself You don't need to be super motivated when you understand the how to get out of the 3 deadly traps All you need is the willingness to LEAN and APPLY the simple teachings in this course. All you need is the willingness to LEARN and APPLY the teachings in this course. WHY DID I CREATE THIS COURSE? 1. Its fun to share through teaching and coaching. I discovered this whilst working at a physical training and recreational school where I also went on to gain a teaching qualification 2. I dont like to see people struggle with something which has given me so much enjoyment over the years, nobody should have to work as hard at achieving weight loss results as I see some people do. 3. Its also a way that we like to demonstrate what we know about weight loss at a relatively low investment point and sometimes we have people that like our approach and choose to work with us one to one. I have seen first-hand the life changing effects of losing weight from many of my clients like just a few mentioned earlier: Sue, 51, lost 71lbs, expanded her wardrobe and did the Kilimanjaro challenge Katie, 47, lost 42lbs and achieved her dream bikini body and won a fitness model medal beating women 10 years her junior Caroline, 52, lost 85lbs, re-invented herself And yes even me! losing 30lbs in 12 weeks by following my own Weight Loss Escape Plan course advice. By the way I have 2 clients that surpassed me one of those being Val, 42, lost 31lbs in 12 weeks (youll see her in one of the free to watch videos) That's why I created this course I want to share with you my process for Escape the Weight Loss Traps and achieving the look and feel you want. So what are you waiting for? You have nothing to risk and everything to gain by enrolling in our course! Still having second thoughts? Before Katie lost her 42lbs and achieved her bikini body and became a fitness model she was cycling over 75 miles on a weekend and did not achieve what she wanted. Once she understood what Lll be sharing with you in this course shes never looked back! In fact for the last 4 years shes never gone above 126lbs. With the right mindset, understanding, and application of the teachings in this course, you will instantly begin to move towards a slimmer, healthier and toned body. When we learn something new, I add it to the course - at no additional cost to you! This is a course that will continue to add more and more to every aspect of your life. In addition to the Udemy 30-day money back guarantee, you have my personal guarantee that you will love what you learn in this course. If you ever have any questions please feel free to message us directly and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible! What I can't do in this Course.. I can't guarantee your success this course does take work on your part. But You Can Do It! I am also not responsible for your actions. You are responsible for 100% of the decisions and actions you make while using this course. This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, Inc This course will not remain this price forever! It's time to take action! Click the ""Buy Now"" button at the top right now! ...every hour you delay is costing you, your health and confidence and FUN!... See you in the course! Sincerely, Erak Simsson What are the requirements? Having an open mind, willingness to learn and try new things will greatly help students chances of success in our course Taking action on what youve learnt Being consistent with your actions What am I going to get from this course? At the end of our course students will gain clarity and have a plan to recognise and escape 6 mind-set traps At the end of our course students will know which food groups to combine when and why to reduce, sugar cravings, hunger and lose weight naturally Understand what exercises to include to create a slim, toned, fit and healthy body What is the target audience? This course is for busy professional women aged 40 plus wanting to Understand the truth about weight loss Eating in the real world Body toning InstructorErak Simsson Creator of the Weight Loss Escape Plan course and founder of the Coach Me Slim & Trim Weight Loss and Body Toning programme. 1) I teach with passion and purpose! Every course is delivered with my students in mind. 2) My courses will help you achieve real results and change your life today! 3) My dedication to Udemy and teaching the highest quality course I can at a value for money investment Try enrolling in a course with me and see for yourself! About Erak Simsson: Eraks training and qualifications include, certified personal trainer, pilates instructor, motivational speaker, cognitive behaviour therapy, certified teacher, BSc(Hons) Sports Exercise Rehabilitation. His main areas of expertise are weight loss coaching and exercise for busy professional women aged 40 + , public speaking and personal development, personal transformation, motivation, and goal setting. My CV: Erak has worked in health and fitness for over 30 years. A former warrant officer in the British Army Physical Training Corp. Erak is a Weight Loss Expert and founder of the unique Coach Me Slim and Trim programme. Erak has successfully helped and advised thousands of women to transform their bodies and their health for over a decade. Erak believes that healthy weight loss and long-term maintenance has to be underpinned by the right mindset due to the constant noise and confusion of weight loss quick fixes and fad diets. Eraks approach holistically combines; mind-set, diet and exercise into a lifestyle solution which brings about natural weight loss improved body tone and better health in a non-stressful weight to your body or mind. Business: He has successfully developed and runs his own private weight loss training and fitness studio called Coach Me Slim & Trim where he works with busy professional women aged 40+ that want to drop 2 3 dress sizes, tone and tighten in 3 6 months by adopting some simple and practical mind-set, diet and exercise habits, which means not having to starve yourself or become a slave to exercise or the gym! Erak also helps those unable to get to him due to geography online through his online weight loss academy Erak has spoken and taught about weight loss, fitness and motivation to thousands of people across the UK and abroad. Erak and his clients have been featured on the TV, in national newspapers, magazines, BBC radio and other local media. Mission Statement- Erak Simsson is committed to teaching and coaching simple, practical and proven skills to help you achieve weight loss, improved body tone and long-term longevity. Our products and services are created and marketed with the purpose of helping others worldwide prosper and improve their lives. Vision Statement- Our vision at Coach Me Slim & Trim is to help each client find their personalised way to achieve the look and feel they want from their body and enjoy the journey. Instructor Erak Simsson Coach Me Slim & Trim 1) Purpose: We teach using simplicity and practical application at the core of all of our products and services. Every course is delivered with our students in mind. 2) Quality: Our courses are designed to be life changing and help you achieve real results! 3) Commitment: My dedication to Udemy and teaching the highest quality course I can at a value for money investment Try enroll on any of our courses today and experience us first hand! "
Price: 99.99

"English Grammar: Tenses with Animations, Sounds and Quizzes" |
"English Grammar Rules in Context - Learn English Tenses with Confidence!The lessons are presented through the entertaining stories which are told in natural English. The humorous animations accompanied by sounds help to make the content more meaningful for you. The illustrations will simplify the complex and tricky English tenses and enhance your understanding of the topics presented. They add interest and will further engage you in an enjoyable learning experience. The quizzes will consolidate your knowledge of the tenses that you will have learnt.You can also download a FREE interactive PDF E book.Topics coveredPresent simple Present progressive (continuous) Past simple Past progressive (continuous) Present perfect (part 1) Present perfect (part 2) Present perfect progressive (continuous) Past perfect Used to Future simple Future progressive (continuous)Future perfect Present progressive for future Present simple for future Going to Present perfect vs. Past simple Past progressive vs. Past simple Present perfect vs. Present perfect progressive Past perfect vs. Past simple Future simple vs. Future progressive Will vs. Going to Present simple vs. Present progressive"
Price: 19.99

"Jewelry Sales Training - Selling Fashion & Fine Jewelry" |
"Welcome to your Jewelry Sales Training!This Jewelry Sales Training course is designed from a sales professional with more than 12 years sales experience in high-end, high-price industries (Banking, Management Consulting, Recruiting, Luxury Retail / Jewelry) for Jewelry Designers, Jewelry Makers and sales professionals who either want to transition into Jewelry Sales / High End Retail or already work in Jewelry Sales and need a refresher course.Why Jewelry Sales Training?Well, this course idea was born out of the praxis.. My friend, a Jewelry Designer, needed a hand with sales and preparation for a fair. And as I'm a salesperson myself and a certified trainer who worked for different Jewellers (Tiffany & Co. and others) with a passion for Jewelry, this whole idea was born. The course is a passion project of mine and the area of sales that I absolutely love and feel comfortable with and I aspire to help you to get the word out of your beautiful craft and art.What will you learn?How to deliver a luxurious customer experience when selling fine and fashion jewelryThe biggest no go's in jewelry sales and how to avoid themHow to sell jewelry with positive emotionsWhy storytelling works for jewelry salesHow to sell the brand and style when selling jewelryWhat drives purchasing decisions from customersHow to handle multiple clients in your jewelry shopHow to ask questions as a pull rather than pushing someone into buyingHow to ask the right questionsHow to up-, and cross-sell when selling jewelryUnderstand your customer's budgetHow to conduct a professional need's assessmentHow to use the FAB-Method to sell jewelryHow to handle objectionsHow to deal professionally with discounts or the requests for a discountHow to take payments with confidenceHow to present and handle the jewelryHow to provide great customer after-sales serviceHow to follow-up with your customerSpecial: how to sell diamonds and diamond must-knows for sales professionals The 4 C's of the diamond: Cut, Carat, Clarity, and Color What makes Tiffany diamonds so special? Why do people buy diamonds? How to compete with Tiffany diamondsHow is this Jewelry Sales Training course structured?You will have a mix of video, articles, downloadable resourcesYou will have access to various exercises that will help you to understand the presented material on a more in-depth level and will support you with the learning transfer by customizing and tailoring the materials to your needs and productsThis course contains sales and psychological concepts like the iceberg model, emotional selling, etc. with a custom transfer and use of those methods within a jewelry sales environmentThis course contains the essence of 12 years of real-world sales experience from different industries, from someone who hit quota within a jewelry sales environmentThis course is a fluff-free course that focuses on ethical selling with a win-win-mindset that is sustainable and allows long-lasting partnerships with your clientsThis course also has a 30-day Money-back-guarantee - so no strings attached! I am very much looking forward to seeing you in the course and get you started in selling your beautiful jewelry :-)Enroll now and start selling jewelry like a pro!Stephanie"
Price: 194.99

"Como me Defender (Defesa Pessoal)" |
"Esse curso no tem o objetivo final de ensinar as mulheres a lutarem, mas ter um conhecimento que ajudar a diminuir muitoas chances de serem surpreendidas durante uma abordagem suspeita. Por que um curso de defesa pessoal voltado para a mulher?A violncia contra a mulher lamentavelmente uma ameaa constante na vida brasileira.Seja a violncia subliminar no abuso de autoridade, assdio moral, sexual, nos ambientes familiares, de trabalho ou mesmo no prprio espao pblico. O ataque fsico nas ruas, no transporte pblico, nos banheiros pblicos, cinemas etc. a violncia notcia diria nos meios de comunicao.Este curso no promove violncia ou incita a reao contra assaltos. Ele foi criado para que a cidad possa ter mais controle e tranquilidade durante uma abordagem ou reagir somente quando sua vida ou de terceiros estiverem REAL ameaa de morte."
Price: 69.99

"Como Desenhar um Eixo Mecnico 2D e 3D no AutoCAD" |
"Neste curso o aluno ir aprender como desenhar um eixo mecnico de forma prtica e simples utilizando as melhores opes que o AutoCAD oferece.Ir aprender tambm:Como colocar o projeto em escala no formato.Como inserir textos no desenho conforme a escala do projeto.Forma simples de inserir as cotas na escala correta.Como inserir tolerncias dimensionais e de formas.Imprimir o desenho.Desenhar o eixo em 3D.Este curso indicado para alunos iniciantes no AutoCAD e tambm para os mais experientes interessados em se aperfeioar e se atualizar."
Price: 174.99

"Total Chi Kung: Aprendizaje y prctica con la energa Qigong" |
"En esta primera parte del Programa Total Chi Kung, comenzaremos aprendiendo la postura corporal que es fundamental para la prctica de este arte milenario.Luego aprenders6 ejercicios de una serie llamada WahNam que es practicada por los monjes Shaolin, son muy simples y efectivos y nos permiten trabajar los msculos, tendones, ligamentosy la respiracin consciente."
Price: 24.99

"SAP2000 Complete Course: From Beginner To Pro" |
"Description of The CourseThis course titled "" SAP2000 Complete Course: From Beginner To Pro"" teaches you all the things required for the structural analysis and design of a residential building. This course doesn't require you to have any prior experience in this software or any other structural design software. It will teach all the aspects of the software from very basic and will take you to the higher levels of the software as the course progresses. The course has been very systematically arranged so that you can best understand the software. Once you complete this course, you will have all the necessary knowledge to do the structural design of a building. You can do the structural design of buildings on your own projects. We spent years at college but yet there are some topics that are overlooked in the engineering syllabus but are important in working fields. This course titled "" SAP2000 Complete Course: From Beginner To Pro"" has been created in order to fill that void and help students start out with structural design software. SAP2000 is a structural analysis and design software developed by csiamerica. It is a very powerful software that can design almost any kind of civil engineering structure.SAP2000 is used for the design of beam and columns only. So, the design of slab and footing has not been covered but these topics will also be covered using other software so that students get a complete package of the course. Unlike other courses available online which only teach you tools of SAP2000 and not the actual process of analysis and design, this course takes a real world architectural drawing of a building so as to explain the entire process from modeling up to the design."
Price: 34.99

"ETABS: For Structural Design of Buildings" |
"Description of The CourseThis course titled "" ETABS: Structural Analysis and Design of a Building"" teaches you all the things required for the structural analysis and design of a residential building. This course doesn't require you to have any prior experience in this software or any other structural design software. It will teach all the aspects of the software from very basic and will take you to the higher levels of the software as the course progresses. The course has been very systematically arranged so that you can best understand the software. Once you complete this course, you will have all the necessary knowledge to do the structural design of a building. You can do the structural design of buildings on your own projects. We spent years at college but yet there are some topics that are overlooked in the engineering syllabus but are important in working fields. This course titled "" ETABS: Structural Analysis and Design of a Building"" has been created in order to fill that void and help students start out with structural design software. ETABS is a structural analysis and design software developed by csiamerica. It is a very powerful software that can design almost any kind of civil engineering structure.ETABS is used for the design of beam and columns only. Howeever, this course also contains the design of slab and the footing. Unlike other courses available online which only teach you tools of ETABS and not the actual process of analysis and design, this course takes a real-world architectural drawing of a building so as to explain the entire process from modeling up to the design."
Price: 34.99

"Learn To Read Structural Drawings: With Real Site Videos" |
"We study a lot of things our four years of engineering life. However, when we land ourselves on the site, we are completely new to it. Why does this happen? It is because the syllabus of our engineering focuses on theoretical knowledge rather than practical applied knowledge. This creates a void in the graduates who have no idea about the knowledge required to work at the site.This course is intended to fill this void. It teaches students what is left in the college but very mandatory for a civil engineer. This course will help fresh graduates to understand the most important concepts that an engineer should know, working with rebars. A project consists of many works. Most of them can be done by supervisors who do not possess engineering certificates. However, rebar work is such a work that can only be done(in most cases) by an engineer. This course is intended to teach you how to read all kinds of structural drawings. If you are a civil engineering student or a fresh civil engineering graduate, then this course is for you. You will learn how to read the structural drawings of the slab, beam, column, staircase, etc. You will also see real-life applications of those drawings. Once this course is complete, then you will get clear concepts of all the structural elements.This course will not only help you to read the structural drawings but will also help you to understand how actually the reinforcement is placed at the site. It will thus, help you prepare the bar bending schedules, giving cutting length to the workers, and also prepare running and the final bills. Not only this, if you are a structural designer and want to learn the detailing of structural members, but it will also help you to understand the concept of detailing and prepare the detailed drawings after you do the structural analysis."
Price: 24.99

"YouTube's Journey - Tu Gua Completa hacia YouTube" |
"Imagnate poder aprender de gente que ya haya llegado al xito, poder conocer sus aciertos sus errores, sus rituales para conseguir millones de visitas. Piensa hasta dnde podras llegar si aplicaras esas lecciones en tu propia vida(en vez de dedicar aos para cometer sus mismos errores).En este curso aprenders justo eso. Cubriremos en gran profundidad los secretos y estrategias mejor guardados por las mentes ms brillantes y ms exitosas de la plataforma de Youtube.Lnzate ahora y tendrs acceso de por vida a un curso que cambiar para siempre tu forma de crearen Youtube! En el que aprenders todo lo que necesitas para lanzarte en la plataforma, desdelas estrategias para obtener millones de visitas y subscriptores hasta cmo poder vivir de tu pasin.Youtube es la plataforma del momento. Todoel mundo quiere crearse un canal. Pero.... Qu te va a diferenciar del resto? Qu te va a hacer que destaques?Durante mucho tiempo, yo mi hice la misma pregunta... Durante mucho tiempo intent crear muchos canales de diferentes temticas, pero ninguno con xito. Con el tiempo me d cuenta, que el problema no era la cantidad de vdeos que publicaba, ni la cmara, ni el ordenador, sino... La Experiencia.Mi nombre es Dani y soy un cineasta.Llevo creando vdeos para YouTube desde el 2007 pero sin ningn xito hasta que hace unos aos decid abandonar mi casa y lanzarme a vivir a Londres para perseguir mi pasin: ser un cineasta.Desde ese momento, mi vida cambi por completoya que tras mucho trabajotuve la oportunidad de trabajar bajo uno de los canales de entrevistas ms grandes de la comunidad inglesa! De un da para otro, pas de trabajar en un restaurante como limpia platos, a conocer alguna de las mentes ms brillantes del planeta. Durante mi tiempo trabajando pude conocer todo tipo de personas, desdecanales con millones de seguidores, aescritores debest-sellers amillonarios, astronautas, cientficos, etc.Aunque no lo saba en ese momento, muchos de sus consejos cambiaron radicalmente mi forma de pensar.Pude comprobar esto cuando tiempo despus decid dejar atrs mi trabajo y lanzarme acrear mi propio canal de Youtube: Dani Bonilla. Ya que en menos de un ao consegu lo que jams haba conseguido con ningn otro canal que haba creado, poder tener una comunidadque disfrutara de mi contenido.Ah es donde me d cuenta de quesi realmentequierestener un canal de xito, necesitas tener los conocimientosyexperienciade alguien que ya haya estado ah. O si no puedes pasarte aos cometiendo los mismos errores una y otra vez, sin saber que ests haciendo mal.Ya queparaaprender todo estopor tu cuenta, requiere tiempo. En mi caso ha sido casi una dcada (an aprendiendo de otros)y en el de muchos otros Youtubers mucho ms!Esa es la razn por la que he decidido creareste curso, para poder devolver todo lo que he aprendido de una forma ms rpida y eficaz.Para que no tengas que cometer los mismos errores que yo y otros cometimos, para que puedas conseguir xito con tu canal de YouTube mucho antes que cualquier otro!Gracias a la tecnologa, ya no tienes que pasarte aos leyendo libros oaprendiendo de ensayo y error. Puedes prcticamente acceder a la mente de otras personas para aprender de su experiencia, de sus errores.A esto lo llamamosaprendizaje acelerado!En unas pocas horas puedes aprender lo otros han tardado aos en descubrir por su cuenta.Y este curso es exactamente esto, en menos de 6 horas he comprimidotodo lo que te harfalta para empezar ysacar hacia adelante tucanal de YouTube con xito. Todo lo que necesitas parapoder vivir de lo que realmente te apasiona y poder ayudar e inspirar a otros como t.Y por supuesto, respaldadobajo la experiencia de canales ya establecidos que viven a tiempo completo de su pasin yla experiencia que he tenido creando mis canales.Por ello, si quieresrealmente lanzarte y dar el paso. Si realmente ests preparado para comenzar en este camino... A que esperas?Cul es tu excusa paratodava nohaber empezado?Un abrazo, Dani.Nos vemos dentro!"
Price: 49.99

"JSON Masterclass with Rest Api for web development" |
"JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. JSON is text based data exchange format between server and client and it is now a days more popular in data exchange between server and client .Student will lean :--JSON Syntax and Data types-Reading JSON Data-JSON Objects-JSON Schema-JSON with other programming language ( Php , Ajax, Python , Java and others )-JSON Project With API's"
Price: 19.99

"Productivity Powerhouse: Boost Productivity, Get More Done" |
"PRODUCTIVITY POWERHOUSE: Boost Productivity, Get More DoneLearn productivity strategies and simple, free tools to help you get focused, more organized, and achieve your goals.Are you constantly looking at your to do list wondering how youll get it all done, what to tackle first, and and achieve your big goals...while still having a full, fun life you love? Well, my friend, this course is for you. You can expect a comprehensive training covering everything from the biggest productivity killers (and how to avoid them), managing your time and calendar, taking control of your inbox, setting priorities for your days, weeks, and months, hacks and tricks that save me hours every week, and so much more. Ill take you behind the scenes of my calendar, inbox, and project management tools to show you how I run three businesses, teach courses, do consulting, speak at events, and work towards personal goals all while maintaining my sanity Ive been an executive and entrepreneur for nearly 10 years and have grown companies, launched products, hired teams, and more. Just like you Ive been overwhelmed with the volume of tasks on my to do list, managing multiple #1 priorities at the same time, while trying to live a balanced life. Through considerable trial and error, project management training, and a commitment to see my goals to the end, Ive developed a system and strategy that has catapulted my career and my businesses. After taking this course you will:Have a system to tackle each day, week, and month of your work and life with ease and organizationLearn the things killing your productivity and how to eliminate them for goodKnow the key tools (all FREE!) you can use every day to save time and get more donePlan out your next week to have the most productive week everUnderstand the tools and tricks I use to manage my email and other direct messagesGo behind the scenes of my project management software, my email, and my calendar to see exactly how I get things done. And more! Whether you want to feel more accomplished in your days, tackle a new project to earn that promotion, launch a side hustle that you can take full-time, achieve a personal goal youve had for awhile - whatever it is you want to achieve, Productivity Powerhouse will help you get more done, in less time, and focus on the things that make you happy!Enroll now and become a Productivity Powerhouse by the end of the day!"
Price: 49.99
