"Master Engineering Drawing Part I" |
"This course is all about learning the elements of Technical / Engineering Drawing.A picture is worth a thousand words and an animation is worth a thousand pictures. Andby the end of this course you will realize, how easy it gets to learn stuff by animations. This is not merely a subject to consume, but, its a language which allows engineers across various disciplines to communicate.This course is relevant across all disciplines of Engineering be it Mechanical, Civil, Electrical or Computer Science. This is a mandatory first year course in most of the universities globally. In Part I of Engineering Drawing we will be covering the following topics in depth:1. Orthographic Projection2. Orthographic Projection of Points3. Conic Sections4. Cycloidal Curves5.Involute6. Scales"
Price: 3520.00

"viso econmica" |
"Meu curso explica de forma simples e o conceito fundamentalista sobre tema forex e como existe no tempos atuais,O intuito mostrar no que realmente voc est querendo investi e no fazer voc virar um analista fundamentalista e para deixar bem claro fao uma comparao de forex com bolsa de valores nacional.Nessas aulas irei ensinar de forma bem dinmica e flexvel como ser calculista,a ideia em si mostrar como voc tendo essa habilidade fica mais fcil voc ler o mercado e consegui premedita situaes complexa ou tem mesmo simples como trader e vida pessoal, so regra simples irei mostrar como isso pode mudar sua forma de v o mundo e claro mercado.Objetivo bem claro em ensinar como voc deve se adapta as mudanas louca do mercado financeiro e assim minimiza suas perdas, voc sendo flexvel consegue criar varias possibilidade e estratgia para no ser limitar ao mercado e as aulas mostrar fundamento bsico do forexConsequncia do curso voc vai sentir uma leve mudana no dia dia,nesse momento no est mais s observando os coisas do seu interesse e est passando observar e analisando tudo a sua volta,acredito que voc vai tirar proveito dessas informaes,mas deixo bem claro,se caso no praticar as regras, no vai ter hbito de ser calculista."
Price: 54.99

"forex investimento basico" |
"Curso tem objetivo e misso de mostrar bem simples porque oferta e demanda e importante sobre mercado financeiro A ideia em si do curso mostrar os conceitos bsicos e regras que voc precisa conhecer e seguirNointuito dasaulas seria um edital de ferramentas fundamentais para seu conhecimento como traderNo poderia deixar de falar sobre metatrader 4, base de qualquer ensino para um recruta, irei ensinar passo a passo como usar plataforma de operao de mercado financeiroIrei mostrar como escolher uma corretora com critrio a sua escolhaCom fim do curso, voc ter entendimento tcnico sobre corretora, metatrade4, fundamento de compra e venda, conceito de variveis epoder usar as regras indiretamente em outros tipos de mercado financeiro"
Price: 114.99

"analise grfica / LEITURA DE PREO/" |
"Curso tem objetivo de ajudar do bsico ao avanado em leitura de grfico com conceito sobre o preoLeitura de preo vai ajudar da um norte sobre seu perfil como trader, voc irar se ajustar no mercado de forma dinmica e flexvelCurso tem vrios conceitos de estratgia operacional para lidar com varias situaes de preo usando ao seu favor como traderDeterminado vdeos, irei mostrar algumas estratgias sobre minha autoria e elas pode ser um complemento para criar novas estratgiasComo todo curso no existe frmula mgica,mas eu acredito com toda base falada ponto a ponto sobre minhas vdeos aulas seguido arrisca tudo que foi situado,vai abrir sua mente e virarum trader mais independente sobre suas aesCurso basicamente leitura de preo,o intuito mesmo ajudar voc entender todo tipo de movimento, mercado financeiro bem complexo se for pensar sobre leitura de preo, os vdeos so simplificado para voc se encontrar como profissional.Curso tem objetivo de ajudar voc consegui entender todos os pontos sobre leitura de preo,cada video tem significado importante para cada cenrio do mercado financeiro, boa parte do conhecimento vai ajudar lidar com grfico de forma mais confortvel e ser mais flexvel e tomadas decises mais tcnica"
Price: 234.99

"Self Defense Epitome:The Ultimate Online self defense course" |
"1.Introduction to why you need to take this online self defense courseIf you havent thought about defending yourself using effective self defense techniques, it is then a fact that you are just a future victim of rape, mugging and other types of physical violence. Criminals such as serial killers, robbers, terrorists and rapists among others thrive on the fact that most people believe that a mugging, a robbery, rape or any other attack cant happen to them. Many people have also pre-surrendered and believe that in the case of such an attack, they will be helpless and there is nothing they can do about it. Some of the self-proclaimed self defense experts will advise you to run or surrender in the case of an attack. However, in many instances that wont be an option. A terrorist will stab or shoot you whether you surrender or not. What if the attacker has blocked the only available escape route/exit and there is no escape or the attacker is too close? Do you think a rapist, terrorist, psychopath or mentally disabled person will spare you just because you have surrendered or complied? Running away is only effective when theres that opportunity to escape. In most cases, you need to use self defense techniques to create that opportunity by disrupting or attacking the assailant. Other instances where running may not be effective include: You can trip and fall while retreating backwardsBy facing away to run you are giving the attacker your back and he may stab youWhat makes you believe that you will run faster than the attacker? He may still outrun you.Just like running, surrendering is only effective when the assailant is interested in your valuables but not to harm you. However, it may be difficulty to determine the true intention of an attacker because some attackers will rob you then rape you or even shoot/stab you. There is also the other group that believes the ultimate defense is having your own gun. The Glock is their preferred answer to the question what will you do if somebody attacks you. To some extent this is true, particularly in those countries where owning a gun or carrying a concealed gun is allowed. Nonetheless, you cant carry a gun everywhere and in many countries like the UK, Australia and most western Europe countries, you can't carry a gun and there are strong restrictions on knives. Another reason why owning a gun isnt the ultimate self-defense is deployment. If you are attacked within 3 feet, will you be able to draw your gun and fire? As a matter of fact, research done in the 80s by police sergeant Dennis Tueller of Salt Lake City police department proved that a trained officer requires about 1.7 seconds to recognize a threat, draw his gun and fire at the attacker. However, an average attacker charging towards the officer can easily cover a distance of 21 feet with 1.7 seconds. It is therefore obvious that you need enough distance and consequently enough time to draw your gun and operate it effectively before the attacker reaches you. This distance is referred to as the safety distance or reaction gap, that is, the minimum distance between you and the attacker within which you can effectively respond to the attack. If the assailant launches an attack within a distance that is shorter than the safety distance, you wont be able to draw and operate your gun effectively hence you need to learn self-defense, particularly hand to hand combat. Additionally, you wont be able to escape/run because the assailant will be on you before you can create enough space to escape. It is also worth noting that your reaction time will definitely be increased by factors such as fatigue and fear. Similarly, the attack speed of the aggressor can be increased by factors such as rage and drugs such as heroin. Thus the safety distance/reaction gap is usually extended to 30feet. It is now definitely clear that you need self defense training because you wont always have the opportunity to run, compliance/surrendering doesnt guarantee safety and a gun wont be effective when ambushed at a close range (within your reaction gap). It is hard to imagine being attacked, stabbed, raped or even killed by a stranger, but it happens every day all over the globe. Such attacks are fast, dynamic, and messy and the attacker will be trying to injure, rape or even kill you. The attacks occur without warning, and when you least expect. Even though this is a scary fact, any average person must take it seriously because it is real. There is no need for discussion. It is a fact that we need self-defense techniques in order protect ourselves and families against violent crime. What will you do when you find yourself in such a situation? I think this is a question every person ought to ask himself/herself. Imagine the agony your family will go through when you are killed or completely disabled due to stabbing. Although the government bears the greatest responsibility when it comes to protecting its citizens and preventing crime, it is upon you to protect yourself. Nothing feels better than knowing you can defend yourself in all situations. Having knowledge in self-defense boosts your confidence and gives you reassurance. The confidence and reassurance can only be gained by undergoing self-defense training. However, when people think or hear the term self-defense, what comes to their mind? Years of tough training in practices such as Taekwondo, karate, jiu-jitsu, Krav Maga etc. Although this can be true, you are not necessarily required to undergo years of tough training to be able to defend yourself. Well, you can decide to challenge yourself by mastering a martial arts practice of your choice by undergoing years of training. However, defending yourself requires you to learn just the basic self defense moves. Moreover, online self defense training classes like this one are also available. Self-defense has one purpose and one purpose only, to survive. Hence, the simpler it is, the more the likelihood of survival. So let me spare you hundreds of dollars in martial arts classes and years of tough training in martial arts. I will help you minimize the chances of you being raped, mugged, harmed or even killed. I will take you through a step by step guide to effective self defense. By the end of this course, you will be able to prevent, avoid or stop any kind of physical attack on you. In the write-up below, I have provided the fundamentals of self-defense and finally a summary of what has been covered in this self defense video course. The fundamentals include the principles of Avoidance, Awareness, and Prevention as well as self defense guideless for different attacks such as knife attacks, ground fighting, and many more. If you are a self defense expert, the techniques in this hand to hand combat course will definitely spice up what you already know. If you are beginner or you have no background in hand to hand combat for self defense, the self defense course will give you the confidence and skills to avoid or prevent an attack or ultimately defend against any attacker by inflicting serious damage to the him or her. 2.The Self defense principles of Avoidance, Awareness, and PreventionAvoiding or preventing an attack is easy, and in most cases, it does not require physical self-defense or mastering martial arts. Thus, avoidance, awareness and prevention are the first lines of self-defense. For an assailant to attack you, he only needs three things:intent,means, andopportunity. Therefore, the easiest way of preventing or avoiding an attack is to deny the assailant any one of the three things. The following simple guideline will significantly reduce the chances of you being ever attacked: 2.1.Avoid dangerous places and peopleThis is the first rule of self defense. If you avoid places where violence is likely to occur, then you significantly reduce the chances of you being attacked or even being considered a target. Such places include high crime areas; places where potentially violent people frequent e.g. drug dens, bars with no effective security measures and personnel etc.; poorly lit places; places where there are people who dont like you or in places where people tend not to like your kind; andin-between places (placeswhere people commonly pass through, but not too frequently, e.g. isolated lanes and corridors, jogging trails, etc.) 2.2.Be a high risk and low reward targetIt is important to note that attackers select their target based ona particular conception of risk vs. reward, that is, what he wants to gain from the attack (reward), versus the chances of him being injured, killed arrested, etc. (risk). Although there exist some exceptions like the mentally ill, suicidal people and those under the influence of drugs, attacks from such people are few if not negligible. Therefore, you can prevent an attack by increasing the risk and decreasing the reward for the attacker. Attackers choose a victim that they can successfully attack with minimum risk. You can increase the risk by paying attention to the surroundings. Walking with earphones in your ears, talking on the phone, texting, being drunk in public among others shows the attacker that you are not alert, and they can successfully launch a surprise attack. Projecting a confident, attentive presence is an effective deterrent. Identifying a physically fit person is easy. Thus, regular exercise will make you a high-risk target. The clothing you are wearing also contributes to the likelihood of being attacked. For instance, a robber will prefer to attack a lady in a mini-skirt and high-heeled shoes as opposed to a lady wearing a pair of jeans trousers and running shoes. You should wear clothing that allows you to move freely. Also wearing revealing clothing may be the right motivation to a rapist who is already looking for his next victim. You can decrease the reward by not flushing valuables such as expensive phones, jewelry, cash money, laptops, and other electronics in public. Dont wear expensive jewelry or carry an expensive purse when in high-risk areas. Make your home a high-risk target by increasing the obstacles a potential intruder has to deal with. The obstacles may include visible CCTV cameras, window grills, motion sensing lights, and a barking dog among others. In this case, a potential robber is more likely to choose an easier target. 2.3.Be aware of your surroundingsBeing aware and mindful has numerous advantages, not just for self-defense purposes. You should know what is normal in your neighborhood in order to identify any strange thing. Some questions to ask yourself: Why did those four men split into two groups but keep walking toward me? Why is that mans hand held behind his back? Listen to your gut, and trust your instincts then use them to your advantage. If you dont feel safe, please take action regardless of what others will say. 2.4.Pre-attack indicatorsIt is important to note that attackers usually provide easily identifiable pre-attack indicators hence it doesnt take a psychic to see when an attack is imminent. For instance, it is common for an assailant to begin their attack with a barrage of swearing and verbal abuse. It may be that your would-be assailant is not overly sure of their ability to beat you and therefore the verbal exchange is an interview of sort that will help them to determine the risk of engaging a fight. Either way, the important thing to note is that there is very likely to be some kind of verbal exchange before a fight begins. Your assailant is likely to give a number of signals when their verbal aggression is about to escalate to the physical. Look for a change in skin colour, rapid breathing, an aggressive facial expression, a clenching fist, pointing, and a change in voice tone among others. Other pre-attack indicators include; While in isolated place you see a man leaning against a wall with a phone to his ear, and another is walking towards you with a phone to his ear, but none of them seems to be talkingA man doing a weapon check at some distance (either visually or doing a quick pat on his pocket)*A man is looking at you up and down nervously.A person with one hand swinging naturally while another hand is unnaturally placed in concealment, or unnaturally immobile.People standing, seating or waiting where they dont belongNote: Do not provoke people or allow a verbal conflict to escalate.Whenever you feel threatened and your life is in danger, you should immediately escape or create distance if theres that opportunity, if not, deliver a precise and lethal strike to a weak point. If bodily harm is threatened by surprise and you are caught unaware and unable to escape, especially when weapons are involved and the attacker is only interested in your valuables, comply and give up your valuables. If the threat is coming from a terrorist, a serial killer or a rapist, compliance wont save you. In this case, use the self defense techniques learnt in this self defense class to increase your chances of survival. 3.Why Self Defense Is Important in the Modern Society Why You Should Have the Ability to Protect Yourself and Your Loved OnesIt is worth noting that crime can happen to anyone at any time and this is the reality. At some point in life, you will be attacked, and this may come from a person you least expect. Knowing that you are able to fight to protect yourself and knowing exactly how you can do it ahead of time not only boosts your confidence but enhances the probability of successfully defending yourself. Having self-defense knowledge and mindset will enable you to identify the possibilities offlight or fightbefore the attack happens. Remember that in thecase of an attack, the winner will normally be the first to act. The following are some of the benefits of learning self-defense: 3.1.It builds confidenceThe society is filled with a lot of negativity making people feel unprotected. Practicing self-defense will help you to control your aggression and defeat your fear, thus making you experience internal peace and at the same time, boost your levels of confidence. It feels great to have the reassurance that you can defend yourself from anyone, anytime and anywhere. 3.2.It improves your balanceSelf-defense training improves your balance which allows you to focus on your target while you control your body. If you dont have proper body balance, its hard to protect yourself. 3.3.It develops self-disciplineIn order to develop effective self-defense capabilities, you need to be self-motivated and dedicated to the practice. Self-defense is known to have positive effects on the mind as its training requires determination. This eventually develops self-discipline. 3.4.It improves your physical and mental strengthUndergoing self-defense training will keep your muscles healthy and strong hence enabling you to gain balance, speed and body coordination. This will give you the necessary physical and mental strength when faced with an assailant. 3.5.You will be more aware of your surroundingsViolence is an ugly affair, and it is better prevented or avoided. With self-defense training, you will be alert and aware of your surroundings enabling you to identify an imminent attack easily. This gives you the ability to act fast, to either flight or fight. 3.6.It teaches you self-respect and trustPracticing self-defense usually requires a partner. There must be mutual trust between the two participants that they wont hurt each other. Generally, self-defense training is centered on trust and respect which is useful in life. The moves taught in self-defense challenges participants brains and bodies and this leads to a better understanding of oneself and the world, greater self-esteem, a better sense of control over ones life, and a broad-minded perspective toward other human beings. 3.7.It gives you a warrior spiritWhen attacked, the last thing you would want is to get into the attackers car or allow him to take you to another location. Self-defense teaches you how to survive, and with a warriors spirit, you will make up your mind that I am going to survive here, not down the road. 3.8.It gives you a fighters reflexOur bodies are designed to respond to changes in the surroundings in a particular way. This is anormal reflex. However, you cant stand and wait for an attacker to make another move for you to respond. Remember action is always faster than reaction. Gaining a fighters reflex will enable you to act quickly and end the fight. 3.9.It will help you with setting and achieving your goalsWhen practicing self-defense, you need to set goals which may include; working out to achieve a certain level of fitness, regularly practicing a certain move in order to master it, etc. This goal setting can be effectively transferred to your daily life including your career.4.Course Summary: Self Defense Classes - Self Defense Epitome In lesson 1 of this self defense class, you will Learn Self-Defense Techniques from a Seated Position or on a Wheelchair. Lesson 1 is meant to give you self defense techniques to use to disable, break or even kill (if the situation demands) any assailant who attacks you when in a seated position. Attacks when seated are common and can happen to you when you least expect. This can be in a bus, in your office chair, on board a plane, on your subway ride and many more cases. This self defense lesson is also very useful to guys confined on wheelchairs because of physical disability. More self defense techniques while seated are provided in lessons 15 and 16. In lesson 2 of the self defense class, self defense techniques against different hand strikes while grabbed are provided. It is worth noting that hand strikes are the most common types of attacks including punches, slaps and elbow strikes. These strikes become extremely dangerous when the attacker is grabbing you (either by the throat, lapel or hand). When you are grabbed, the strikes land more accurately and with destructive force. The self defense techniques provided in this self defense lesson will give you the skills, ability and confidence to respond to such attacks with lethal moves. You will be able to do serious damage to the attacker regardless of his size, strength and height. There are also other self defense lessons in this self defense course that take the hand to hand techniques learnt in this lesson to even a higher level by considering situations where the attacker is grabbing and pushing you on the wall or obstacle as he simultaneously launches a devastating strike on you. These extra techniques will give you the ability to humiliate and destroy such attackers using simple but lethal moves. By going through these self defense lessons, you will learn how to counter, control and damage such attackers. The self defense techniques are provided in lesson 2, lesson 3, lesson 4 and lesson 5. Lesson 9 has hand to hand combat techniques that address bear hugs and throws. Bear hugs and throws are attacks of choice for attackers who want to control you for a follow-up attack like rape. The self defense techniques provided herein will enable you to free yourself from the hug and simultaneously deliver a lethal blow to the attackers vital points. There are also lessons that provide self defense moves that can effectively be used to defend yourself against kicks. You should know that the leg bone and muscles are relatively much stronger than the arm hence making kicks extremely dangerous. Learning these self defense moves will enable you to fiercely defend yourself against kicks by throwing the assailant to the ground head first and breaking his knee, neck or hand on his way down. Lesson 17 of this self defense course equips you with deadly self defense moves to counter strangulations and chokes. You should know that strangulations and chokes are extremely dangerous and can turn fatal if the attacker maintains the hold even just for a few seconds. By taking this hand to hand combat course, you will learn how to avoid chokes and strangulations. If the attacker manages to initiate a strangulation or a choke, you will still be able to escape the attack, gain control of the attacker and dismantle him within a split second. This course also provides self defense moves that you can use to free yourself from hair grabs. These self defense moves are provided in lesson 18 of this course. If you have long hair and get involved in a fight or you are physically attacked, the attacker will definitely opt to grab and pull your hair in order to control you into more deadly strikes. Learn to escape from such grabs while at the same time executing fatal strikes to vital points such as the throat and the groin. You will be able to control the attacker into deadly strikes without much effort. 5.Knife Self Defense The self defense class also addresses self defense moves against knife attacks. Knife attacks can be very unpredictable and are extremely dangerous. As a matter of fact, knives are even more dangerous than guns because criminals can easily acquire and conceal them. In addition, a criminal doesnt require any skill to use a knife. Knife attack cases have been on the rise in most countries. In the UK, statistics from Office for National Statistics (ONS) show that by June 2017, the total number of knife attacks within Wales and England had increased by 26% to a whopping 36,998 cases reported!!!. The statistics are even more alarming when we narrow down to London which had 13,000 cases of knife attacks within the same period, 142 of which were rape or sexual assault at knife point. Similar trends have been observed in Canada, USA, and even ASIA. Moreover, the knife has become the weapon of choice for terrorists because it is easily concealed. Terror attacks using knives have been witnessed in the UK, France, Israel and many more countries. It is thus obvious that everyone needs to take knife fighting classes in order to gain best self-defense techniques against knife attacks and consequently defend himself/herself and family against knife attacks. Since a knife is used at close range, it is more deadly because the stabs are accurately aimed at vital organs. It is also important to note that knife attacks are usually ambushes and are executed with quick, short, repetitive stabs at close range hence making it difficult to draw your gun and operate it effectively. The more you are stabbed, the higher the chances of a vital organ being hit resulting in death. Although many people have survived knife stabs, you should know that it only takes one stab to a vital organ to die!! When confronted with a knife-wielding criminal, you need to be calm so that you can size up the opponent and determine his real motive. This will enable you to take appropriate defense move to guarantee your safety. You should know that unless the attacker is a mugger, compliance shouldnt be an option. Also, in most cases running wont be an option. Knife attack victims tend to fall as they retreat trying to escape the attacker. Run when theres a clear opportunity, else, create the opportunity by using the self defense techniques provided in this online course. The self defense lesson on knife defense gives you the techniques to use to defend yourself from different knife attacks. Learn self defense moves that you can use to disarm the attacker and at the same time fatally damage him in order to save life. The knife self defense lesson provides a step by step procedure to follow when attacked by a knife. The first step is to quickly size up the attacker to know his motive. You can do this by asking questions. Ask them why they are attacking you and what they want from you. Ask them what you can do to for them to stop attacking you. During this conversation, you should indicate that you are fully compliant and they should know that you are not a threat to them. However, you should be prepared for anything and you should be ready to use brutal force when need arises. You may be dealing with a terrorist, a person under the influence of drugs, a rapist or any other criminal who wants to eliminate you. You should try to identify the motive as fast as possible because it will determine which self defense decision you will make, whether to run or fight to survive. If the attacker is a mugger, it easy to deal with him by simply giving up your valuables. However, you should still be alert and prepared to fight back just in case the mugger decides to eliminate the chief witness, that is, you. If you identify the attacker to be a terrorist or a mentally unstable person, it will be quite difficult to talk him out because will be extremely unpredictable. However, you should still try to talk to him in a calm and soothing voice while evaluating your best self defense decision; escaping, creating the escape opportunity or fighting using self defense moves to save yourself. You might also be able to pick a weapon of fortune to enhance your self defense decision. Weapons of fortune that may be within your reach include metal pipe, a chair, a lamp, your belt, an umbrella, your backpack and many more.6.Ground fighting for self defenseI am very sure that most of the fights you have witnessed end-up on the ground. I have witnessed hundreds of fights that ended up on the ground and most of them were extremely ugly. The aftermath of a ground fight includes a broken nose, missing teeth, unconscious guy, deep cuts on the head and many more. Any person who knows the importance of self defense must take ground fighting for self defense seriously. You definitely need to experience the ground for you to know how to defend yourself when pinned on the ground. Maneuvering on the ground while the attacker is compressing your lungs, grinding his knee against your ribs and simultaneously striking your face is scary. Furthermore, if you are defending yourself from the bottom position and the attacker has accomplices around him you should expect some of them to stamp on your head or even hit you with blunt objects. Even if you are in a winning position (on the top of the attacker) you are still not safe. If the attacker has accomplices, you should expect a bottle, a stone or a bar stool landing on your head with a thud. Thus, the first rule of ground fighting for self defense is to get off the freakin' ground as quickly as possible. Martial arts styles such as Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Judo have numerous techniques that you can use in ground fighting. However, you still need to remember that it is all about surviving, not fighting. Your main aim should be to get out of harms way as fast as possible. If need be, use brutal force and proper self-defense techniques to create the escape opportunity. This is course will equip you with the techniques you need to quickly end such fights and guarantee your safety. 7.ConclusionIt is now clear to you that violence is not just a reserve for women and children, but to all of us. It can happen to anyone, anytime and anywhere. It is not a matter of if it happens, but when it will happen. Take the right decision by taking self-defense lessons.Enroll with us and let's get started.Important to note: Although it is accepted universally that a person may be required to defend himself against physical harm, there are circumstances where the action can be regarded as a crime. Self-defense is simply the right to prevent violence by using a proportional or sufficient level of counteracting force. However, it is sometimes difficult to determine the magnitude of the proportion force. Legally, self-defense is quite complicated. Every state/country has its own rules that define what constitutes self defense and what level force can be used in self defense. It is therefore important to familiarize yourself with the relevant laws so that you dont find yourself on the wrong side of the law. The general guide is to avoid unnecessary physical confrontations. Only use brutal force if it is the only way to save your life. A student of Mine called Peter (second named withheld) 2 years ago found himself in a situation which later landed him in jail for man-slaughter. A gang of 4 men attacked Peters neighbor one evening. With the self-defense I taught him Peter managed to rescue his neighbor. The gang ran away but promised Peter that they would be back for him. He reported the matter to police but the police never took it serious. True to their word a week later the gang returned ready to take on Peter. Peter fought back with his all and in the event of that he accidentally killed one of them. He got arrested, charged with manslaughter and jailed for 6 months. I felt that this was unfair to him. He was only trying to defend himself. Anyway, it happened and the world is not a fair place at all. For this reason, it is therefore upon you to find out what your state elaborates about how far you can go to defend yourself. As mentioned, the exact rules differ between states, but the considerations are largely the same."
Price: 49.99

"The Ultimate Disruption Playbook with Charlene Li" |
"Most people dont like to change: they like things to stay the same. But as a Disruptor, you are wired differently. You walk on the knifes edge because it makes you stretch and grow. And you want to lead organizations and teams capable of executing a disruption strategy. You have what I call a high Disruption Quotient or DQ the desire to formulate and execute a disruption strategy that results in breakthrough growth.But the desire to be disruptive alone isnt enough. To be truly disruptive, you must have a strategy for disruption, a plan to identify and seize an opportunity that no one else has the audacity or confidence to reach for. Disruptors dont just blow things up they also create and build things that result in huge, positive change. What is truly disruptive is the breakthrough growth that Disruptors create.Disruption is not an absolute, but rather, a continuum of skills that can be developed to transform a legacy business into a frontrunner. Its deceptively simple. In The Ultimate Disruption Playbook with Charlene Li you will learn how to:Create a coherent disruption strategy that will align your organization.Align that strategy with a vision of how you will serve your next-generation customer.Create a movement with groundswell leadership, to energize and sustain your efforts.Transform your culture into an engine that will power your disruption strategy.I have been in the business and technology space for 25 years, and have had a front row seat during some of the most seismic changes in our society. But Im not just an analyst or bestselling author. Ive worked in disrupted industries like newspapers and founded a disruptive analyst firm. As a result, this is not another course that serves as a rallying cry to Disrupt or Die!. Rather, this course is a preview of my upcoming book and provides an actionable framework, built on research and experience, and coupled with real examples and pragmatic activities to help you build your own disruption strategy. This course is filled with case studies and activities to help you build your own disruptors agenda. This will range from identifying the next generation customers that will guide your strategy to identifying the cultural beliefs that hold you back from being more disruptive.Put your disruption desires to work. Create breakthrough change and growth in your organization.See you inside the course today."
Price: 199.99

"Ethical Hacking From Scratch" |
"Course UPTODATE :More than 5000+ students purchase this course from the different platform...New lectures ADDED all the time.....If you are new in this field you can definitely purchase this course you can improve skill every time .Welcome to my mycourse on Ethical Hacking!In this course, you will start as abeginnerwith no previous knowledge about hacking. The first thing you will learn is somebasic informationabout ethical hackingand hackers.The course is structured in a way that will take you through the basics of linux, computer systems, networks andhow devices communicate with each other. We will start by talking about how we can exploit these systems to carry out a number of powerful attacks. This course will take youfrom a beginner to a more advanced level --by the time you finish, you will be work as a black hat hackers .Note : This course is created from the educational purpose only and all the attacks are work in my system . i am not permission to live attack and you have attack from your own risk .all the attacks are perform also in a live website .Note :you will receive a Course Completion Certification from Udemy after complete this course and also course will be updated every time so stay tunned ."
Price: 6720.00

"The Complete Web Developer Course" |
"Course UPTODATE :More than 20000+ students purchase this course from the different platform...New lectures ADDED all the time.....One of the biggest Web Developer Course...If you are new in this field you can definitely purchase this course you can improve skill every time .Youre here because youre ready to start building professional, career-boosting websites.Or maybe youre coding already and want to take things to the next level ?Welcome to the Complete Web Developer CourseFrom Zero to Heroin just 30 Days.What else makes my course different? Itll take you from beginner to expert in just 30 days(or take it at your own pacewhatever suits you).Note :The course starts with the fundamentals. Ill show you insider tips to work quickly and efficiently with web technologies like HTML5, CSS3 , PHP and many more.Then Create some beautiful website and login pages also a create in many tricks from the website useful in real life .As we all know, the best way to learn is to do, so youll complete fun website challenges at every turn.You will learn from :HTMLCSSJavascriptjQueryAjaxPHPBootstrapMYSQL DatabaseResponsive WebsiteLogin Pages andmany moreWhat else will you get ?You can contact me any time . i am reply as fast as possible .You can send me message i am definitely reply back .you can send me mail from my email address .Lifetime access to course materials .A deep understanding of how to code, design and build powerful websites ."
Price: 12480.00

"Setting Up Your First Wordpress Blog" |
"This class covers all you need to know to create and launch a successful Word press Blog. You can do it yourself however, why not save time and learn how to do it for yourself quickly in this class. My lessons cover where to find a hosting company, how to select your domain name, how to install and activate the ""must-have"" Word press plugins, how to create menus, categories and posts and some tips on how to market your blog."
Price: 24.99

"Creating a Wordpress Website from beginner to advanced" |
"This course covers all you need to know to create a beginner or advanced wordpress website.This class is comprehensive and the topics included but not limited to are:installing wordpress from your control panel and configuring itfinding , installing and activating a themefinding, installing and activating the wordpress ""must-have"" pluginsfinding free header images and manipulating them with a free online editor that is just like Photoshopadding functionality to your website such as : menus, widgets, youtube videos, your Facebook page feed, a contact form, calendar , google analytics search engine optimization specific to wordpressand more.....**NEW SECTION ADDED*** I just added a new section. TWENTY new lectures on how to use the Worpdress Gutenberg Editor. Why Wordpress? Wordpress is widely used across the internet and it is free. It takes 5 minutes or less to install. There are over 3,000+ free themes. There are 45,800 free plugins so you can get your website to do whatever you want. It's easy to add functionality and engagement using a wide variety of plugins.Hop on board now and I will see you in the first lesson!"
Price: 149.99

"Math Basics - Algebra" |
"Math Basics Algebra is the first in a series of Math Basics courses designed to get anyone from Im not a math person to Im actually pretty good at this.We have filtered out the background information and presented the core math principles in an extremely simplified manner, explained from a very practical perspective. It is the perfect course for students in high school having issues with math. Students preparing for tests including the SAT, ACT, GCSE, IGCSE, and GRE would alsofind it very useful for revision. It also serves adults looking to brush up on their basic math. Udemy provides lifetime access which is great news for adults who would like to have it to revise their basic math from time to time. At Mathevia, we encourage regular practice and that is why we have included over 200 multiple choice practice questions to help get you up to speed. We do not learn math by merelywatching and listening, we learn through solvingso solve, solve, and keep solving. Math is better when it is interactive and that is why we have provided a direct link to the instructor via whatsapp. If you experience any issues at all, do not hesitate to get in touch as he/she would be more than happy to help."
Price: 49.99

"Introduction to Neuro Linguistic Programming & Communication" |
"Brought to you by leading NLPMaster TrainerDr. HeidiHeron PsyD from the Worldwide Institutes of NLP, this online NLP program from Anywhere NLPwill offer you the skills and tools to understand and use NLP for your own personal growth. The techniques of NLP are rich in diversity and offer an opportunity to use them in all situations in life at work, with your family, with friends. NLP will help you to better communicate, understand yourself and others, improve unresourceful patterns, increase your motivation, live your life on purpose!In Module 1, learners will be introduced to the mind technology of Neuro Linguistic Programming. There are 8 lessons in this module:Introduction to NLPRepresentational SystemsSensory AcuityRapportEye Accessing CuesThe Meta ModelAdvanced Language PatternsMeta ProgramsThere are 4 modules in the full program from Anywhere NLP, availablenow on Udemy:Introduction to NLP&CommunicationBasic NLPTechniquesIntermediate NLPTechniquesEricksonian Hypnosis &Conversational Change WorkPLEASENOTE: This is not an NLPCertification training and there currently is no NLPassociation throughout the world that recognises NLPtraining online. if you are seeking a recognised NLPCertification, please ask us and we can point you in the right direction.Introducing your NLPTrainerDr. Heidi Heron has been training NLP professionally since 2000 and originally trained in NLP in 1997. She runs her own NLP Practice where she uses the skills in a coaching and therapeutic manner with individuals, families, couples, groups and companies. Originally from the USA, Dr. Heidi now resides in Australia. She is the Director of Operations and one of the Principle Trainers with theWorldwide Institutes of NLP. Heidi is one of the few NLP trainers in the world with formal qualifications as a Doctor of Clinical Psychology. Additionally, her Masters Degree is in Adult Education, with anonline learning emphasis so she really knows what she is doing with NLP & in a virtual classroom!In this online program, Dr. Heidi brings in her conversational style, her humour and dynamic presentation skills to not only impart this knowledge but to inspire you to use it. She offers real life examples and clear, concise explanations to make your learning withAnywhere NLPpractical, fun and easy."
Price: 174.99

"Neuro Linguistic Programming - Basic NLP Techniques" |
"Brought to you by leading NLPMaster TrainerDr. HeidiHeronPsyDfrom theWorldwide Institutes of NLP, this online NLP program fromAnywhere NLPwill offeryou insight into the foundation techniques that make up NLP can be used to better understand ourselves and others, enhance what already is working, change what might not be working, and create new patterns of emotion, thought and behaviour that can help you in all aspects of life.In Module 2 you will learn 10 new NLP tools:Perceptual PositionsSubmodalitiesMapping Across SubmodalitiesSwish PatternBelief ChangeStatesAnchorsCircle of ExcellenceCollapsing AnchorsIntegrating AnchorsThere are 4 modules in the full program from Anywhere NLP, availablenow on Udemy:Introduction to NLP&CommunicationBasic NLPTechniquesIntermediate NLPTechniquesEricksonian Hypnosis &Conversational Change WorkPLEASENOTE:This is not an NLPCertification training and there currently is no NLPassociation throughout the world that recognises NLPtraining online. if you are seeking a recognised NLPCertification, please ask us and we can point you in the right direction.Introducing your NLPTrainerDr. Heidi Heron has been training NLP professionally since 2000 and originally trained in NLP in 1997. She runs her own NLP Practice where she uses the skills in a coaching and therapeutic manner with individuals, families, couples, groups and companies. Originally from the USA, Dr. Heidi now resides in Australia. She is the Director of Operations and one of the Principle Trainers with theWorldwide Institutes of NLP. Heidi is one of the few NLP trainers in the world with formal qualifications as a Doctor of Clinical Psychology. Additionally, her Masters Degree is in Adult Education, with anonline learning emphasis so she really knows what she is doing with NLP & in a virtual classroom!In this online program, Dr. Heidi brings in her conversational style, her humour and dynamic presentation skills to not only impart this knowledge but to inspire you to use it. She offers real life examples and clear, concise explanations to make your learning withAnywhere NLPpractical, fun and easy."
Price: 174.99

"Neuro Linguistic Programming - Intermediate NLP Techniques" |
"Brought to you by leading NLPMaster TrainerDr. HeidiHeronPsyDfrom theWorldwide Institutes of NLP, this online NLP program fromAnywhere NLPwill offeryou insight into yhe intermediate techniques of NLP provide a more in-depth look at emotions, behaviours and thoughts. This is where more of the change tool of NLP can be found providing you with a deeper understanding of the unconscious mind.InModule 3 are 9 lessons in this module:Parts Integration6 Step ReframeCommunicating with SymptomsIntroduction to TimelineClearing the NowUnconscious Pattern ChangeClearing Anxiety & WorryVisual Kinaesthetic DissociationFuture GoalThere are 4 modules in the full program from Anywhere NLP, availablenow on Udemy:Introduction to NLP&CommunicationBasic NLPTechniquesIntermediate NLPTechniquesEricksonian Hypnosis &Conversational Change WorkPLEASENOTE:This is not an NLPCertification training and there currently is no NLPassociation throughout the world that recognises NLPtraining online. if you are seeking a recognised NLPCertification, please ask us and we can point you in the right direction.Introducing your NLPTrainerDr. Heidi Heron has been training NLP professionally since 2000 and originally trained in NLP in 1997. She runs her own NLP Practice where she uses the skills in a coaching and therapeutic manner with individuals, families, couples, groups and companies. Originally from the USA, Dr. Heidi now resides in Australia. She is the Director of Operations and one of the Principle Trainers with theWorldwide Institutes of NLP. Heidi is one of the few NLP trainers in the world with formal qualifications as a Doctor of Clinical Psychology. Additionally, her Masters Degree is in Adult Education, with anonline learning emphasis so she really knows what she is doing with NLP & in a virtual classroom!In this online program, Dr. Heidi brings in her conversational style, her humour and dynamic presentation skills to not only impart this knowledge but to inspire you to use it. She offers real life examples and clear, concise explanations to make your learning withAnywhere NLPpractical, fun and easy."
Price: 174.99

"Neuro Linguistic Programming - Ericksonain Hypnosis" |
"Brought to you by leading NLPMaster TrainerDr. HeidiHeronPsyDfrom theWorldwide Institutes of NLP, this online NLP program fromAnywhere NLPwill offeryou skills gained from modelling Dr. H. Milton Erickson.NLP has many aspects of Conversational Hypnosis strewn throughout it known as Erickonian Hypnosis. In this module you will get a comprehensive lesson of utlising aspects of Erickonian Hypnosis in your ever day life. Additionally, we will be wrapping up all of our conversational tools into the topic of Conversational Change work.InModule 4, 5 lessons in this module:Introducing Erickonian HypnotherapyMetaphorsMilton ModelIndirect SuggestionsConversational Change WorkThere are 4 modules in the full program from Anywhere NLP, availablenow on Udemy:Introduction to NLP&CommunicationBasic NLPTechniquesIntermediate NLPTechniquesEricksonian Hypnosis &Conversational Change WorkPLEASENOTE:This is not an NLPCertification training and there currently is no NLPassociation throughout the world that recognises NLPtraining online. if you are seeking a recognised NLPCertification, please ask us and we can point you in the right direction.Introducing your NLPTrainerDr. Heidi Heron has been training NLP professionally since 2000 and originally trained in NLP in 1997. She runs her own NLP Practice where she uses the skills in a coaching and therapeutic manner with individuals, families, couples, groups and companies. Originally from the USA, Dr. Heidi now resides in Australia. She is the Director of Operations and one of the Principle Trainers with theWorldwide Institutes of NLP. Heidi is one of the few NLP trainers in the world with formal qualifications as a Doctor of Clinical Psychology. Additionally, her Masters Degree is in Adult Education, with anonline learning emphasis so she really knows what she is doing with NLP & in a virtual classroom!In this online program, Dr. Heidi brings in her conversational style, her humour and dynamic presentation skills to not only impart this knowledge but to inspire you to use it. She offers real life examples and clear, concise explanations to make your learning withAnywhere NLPpractical, fun and easy."
Price: 174.99

"Creacin de punto de venta web con PHP" |
"En este curso se aprender a crear aplicaciones web con datos dinmicos que ayudaran a cumplir una tarea, no solo paginas web fijas, si no sistemas complejos que almacenas informacin, la analizar, la ordenan, la clasifican y te dan resultados. Sistemas que realmente sirven en la vida real, en el mbito laboral y como freelancer."
Price: 19.99

"Turning Setbacks into Mega Comebacks" |
"From Setback to Mega Comeback, The Seminar.A three-partseries for those who want the structure of working through my plan with me. In the three video messages I will show you how to get the most out your comeback. This is for those who need hands-on help in structuring their comeback. It comes with downloadable hand-outs as I take you through the steps to work your comeback."
Price: 39.99

"The Ultimate Guide to Self-Publishing" |
"Youve finished writing your childrens book!Awesome!Unsure of what to do next?I know what that's like.When I was first starting out, I looked everywhere for a single source that would tell me everything I needed to know to create and self-publish a professional qualityillustrated children's book.I couldn't find anything to seamlessly guide me through the process.The majority of the sources of information I found online were trying to sell me their printing, layout, design, or distribution services.I worried about being taken advantage of.Therefore, I asked tough questions of the self-publishing companies who made big promises, read the fine print, and conducted extensive research regarding what my editing, printing, and distribution options were.In this course, in under two hours, you can learn information that took me over a year to research, collate, verify, and test.Ive sorted through the mountains of information developed by leading publishing experts, designers, and commercial printers and I've pinpointed exactly what you need to know know to self-publish like a pro.Most self-publishing blogs, books, and courses focus primarily on how to work with only one self-publishing company. In this course, I teach you the foundational knowledge you need to know to work with any printer and book distributor you choose, whether that's Amazon, IngramSpark, BookBaby, Lulu, or somewhere else.By the end of this course, you will know exactly what you need to do to self-publish a professional quality children's book.This course is for you if you want to:Increase the marketability of your book by choosing the right title, book categories and keywords and by writing compelling book descriptions.Speak the language of childrens books designers and printers. I tell you what you need to know about margins, bleeds, digital artwork, scanned in artwork, hue, saturation, PNG, JPG, print ready PDFs, and more.Produce a professional quality book by learning about ISBN numbers, book industry print standards and the Library of Congress PCN program.Save money by understanding your printing options, including the difference between offset printing and digital (POD) printing.Learn how to use Amazon Createspace, KDP, or IngramSpark (or all three in combination!) to widen your books reach and distribution.Learn how the publishing industry works and speak the language. Self-publishing is a rapidly developing market. The printers and distributors that are the industry leaders today, may not be around tomorrow. While I discuss both IngramSpark and Amazon in this course because they are the current industry leaders, I also teach the core foundations of the publishing industry so that you can switch printers and distributors as you see fit to maximize your distribution and profit.In this course, I will teach you how to self-publish your book, but more importantly, I will teach you how to protect your wallet along the way. According to The Independent Publishing Magazine, there are over 80 author services companies vying for your business. Some are great, while others are charge huge fees to handle things you can easily do yourself for free. When you are finished with this course, you will know what is worth paying for and what isnt.Are you in the right place?These classes are NOT for you if you want to create a book for family and friends and you have no intention of selling your books commercially.In these classes, I cover topics like how the self-publishing industry works, book marketing, and how to prepare digital files for commercial printers.If you plan to only create a few books to share with family and friends, I recommend using a company like Shutterfly or Blurb. These companies offer easy drag and drop templates and they handle the details for you. However, if you plan to sell your book commercially, these companies arent very practical because their print costs are so high (the average is $20 per book or more,) so youd have to price your book cost unattractively high to make a profit if you tried to resell these books. However, these companies are a great solution if you only want a few copies made."
Price: 199.99

"Conquering Digital Marketing pt. 1" |
"Ready to conquer digital marketing? Learn what exactly encompasses digital marketing and how to gain valuable insight on your customers to effectively grow business. From Google search ads, B2C email marketing, SEO, leveraging influencers, and those remarketing ads that follow you around on the internet; Brittany Whitlock will guide you through the ins and outs to make you a digital marketing champion! Youll walk away having the tools to take your marketing strategy to the next level, with a true understanding of how to approach digital marketing by meeting your customers where they are."
Price: 24.99

"Send Automated SMS from Google Sheets" |
"Learn tosend quick and automated SMS messages to your clients using Google Sheets& Google Forms for marketing and alerts.Send preset templates or custom messages directly by filling Google Form. Take your customer service to next level.Quick, simple & cost effective with Simple Google Sheets Interface. Deliver to DND Numbers."
Price: 54.99

"Manage Inventory with Google Sheets" |
"With this training you will be able to Manage your Inventoryget advanced functionality like a Dashboard, Dispatch Challans and Dispatch planning for free without buying expensive and complex software. Google sheets allows you to managemultiple locations centrally without the need for expensive server based solutions.With our Pre-Made Template you will be able to Manage all Items using the simple interface of Google Sheets.You will get a Central Dashboard to see which items are Out of Stock, Excess, Stock Out or Ageing etc."
Price: 24.99

", -VMD !" |
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Price: 110000.00

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Price: 110000.00

"SAP S/4HANA Analytics" |
"SAP S/4HANAintelligent ERP suite designed specifically for in-memory computing, SAP S/4HANA offers a personalized, consumer-grade user experience with SAP Fiori. No matter your industry or business size, SAP S/4HANA can help you drive instant value across all lines of business.Course Goals:Give an overview of the S/4HANA Analytics architecture.SAP Business Suite to SAP S/4HANA DeltaSAP S/4HANA Embedded AnalyticsSAP S/4HANA Embedded Analytics & Modeling BasicsContent TableModule: SAP S/4HANA Analytics OverviewS/4HANA and S/4HANA Analytics IntroductionS/4HANA and S/4HANA Analytics overviewAnalytical Consumption with:Query BrowserMultidimensional ReportsSmart business KPIAnalytical Fiori appsAnalysis for officeLumira DesktopQuery designerKPI Modeling appsDashboard Design: Design StudioQuery Design: ABAP for EclipsSAP Best practice for analytics with SAP S/4HANASAP Business warehouse integration scenariosModule: SAP Business Suite to SAP S/4HANA DeltaSAP S/4HANA User ExperienceSAP HANA Powers SAP S/4HANASAP Activate for SAP S/4HANASAP S/4HANA Enterprise Management, LOB Solution,and Add onsSAP S/4HANA Embedded AnalyticsIntegration Between SAP S/4HANA Core and SAP Cloud SolutionModule:SAPS/4HANA Embedded Analytics & Modeling BasicIntroduction in to VDM and CDSRequired ToolsThe Data ModelIntroduction in to AnnotationThe Basic ViewThe Composite ViewThe Consumption ViewConsume CDS Views in the BI ToolTroubleshooting SAP Fiori and OData"
Price: 199.99

"Running Znaczy Bieganie" |
"Kurs przeznaczony jest dla osb ktre chc rozpocz przygod z bieganiem a na swej drodze napotykaj na wtpliwoci. Autorzy w sposb przystpny przybliaj kolejne tajniki przygotowania do udanych treningw, motywacji, systematycznej pracy, planowania i wielu innych czynnikw wpywajcych na kocowy sukces.====================================================================================================================W Grudniu 2018 Autorzy podpisali umow z audioteka dotyczc udostpnienia treci kursu w postaci audiobooka. Dla uczestnikw tego kursu przygotowano niespodziank: audiobook mona pobra w dziale drugim.====================================================================================================================Ten kurs poprowadzi ci do wyznaczonego celu, jakim moze by regularne bieganie. W kolejnych rozdziaach przybliono kolejne stopnie wtajemniczenia w treningu biegowym, poczwszy od pierwszych krokw a po pierwsze zawody.The course is designed for beginners, who want to start the adventure with running and they encounter the doubts..The authors approach the next secrets of preparations to successful workout, motivation, gradual progress, planning and other factors influencing the final success. The course will lead you to the set goal, like regular workout or running."
Price: 69.99

"Lataj Pewnie i Bezpiecznie Dronem od DJI" |
"Jeeli wydae spore pienidze na swojego nowego Towarzysza przygody i obawiasz si, e zniszczysz maszyn, zrobisz komu krzywd lub doprowadzisz do wypadku, ten kurs jest wanie dla Ciebie.Autor w sposb przejrzysty wprowadza Ci w tajniki latania, krok po kroku.Ten kurs zawiera szerokie spektrum wiedzy i dowiadcze dotyczcelatania dronami DJI.Moesz miao korzysta z dowiadcze innychzwizanychz kadym etapem wtajemniczenia, od zakupu, poprzez omwienie ustawie, inteligentnych trybw lotu, bezpieczestwa,a po bardziej zaawansowane techniki lotu i filmowania.Kurs systematycznie bdzie si poszerza o biece informacje i nagrane nowe materiay dydaktyczne a take pomoce.Materia zosta przygotowany w taki sposb, aby kady otwarty na rozwj uytkownik mg z niego wynie co dla siebie.W miar jak technologia bdzie si rozwijaa, na bieco kurs zostanie aktualizowany.Zapraszam serdecznie, Rafa Galiski"
Price: 19.99

"Warsztaty obejmuj zarwno technik Power Walking jak i prac z grup.Zawieraj omwienie wanych kwestii, zarwno dotyczce pracy z grup, ksztatowania zespou,techniki, spraworganizacyjnych jak i zdrowotnych z praktycznymi wiczeniami. Podano przykady z prawdziwego treningu i warsztatw z zajciamiobejmujcymi struktur treningu: rozgrzewk, cz gwn i rozciganie. Dodatkowo zawarto materiay dydaktyczne i przykady prawidowej techniki."
Price: 19.99

"Warsztaty Nordic Walkingobejmuj kompletny program, od podstaw zwizanych z NordicWalking, poprzez wiczenia praktyczne i przykady poprac z grup i organizacj wydarze dla grup..Zawieraj omwienie wanych kwestii, zarwno dotyczce pracy z grup, ksztatowania zespou,techniki, spraworganizacyjnych jak i zdrowotnych z praktycznymi wiczeniami. Podano przykady z prawdziwego treningu i warsztatw z zajciamiobejmujcymi struktur treningu: rozgrzewk, cz gwn i rozciganie. Dodatkowo zawarto materiay dydaktyczne i przykady prawidowej techniki."
Price: 19.99

"Practical chemistry" |
"This course is all about salt analysis. It demonstrates the preliminary and confirmatory tests for various anions and cations . This course is based on class 12th chemistry practicals of cisce board( council of indian school certificate examinations) . In our system cations and anions are grouped into various groups.For Anions:1) dilute acid group: CO3--,SO3--,S--, NO2-,CH3COO--2)conc.H2SO4 group: Cl-,NO3-,Br-,I-,C2O4--3)Special group : SO4--For Cations : ( common reagent is written in bracket)Group 0(dil.NaOH) : NH4+Group 1(dil.HCl) : Pb++,Ag+,Hg+Group 2(dil.HCl + H2S) : Pb++,Cu++,Sn++,Sn++++,Group 3(NH4Cl + NH4OH): Al+++,Cr+++,Fe+++Group 4(NH4Cl + NH4OH + H2S) : Zn++,Mn++,Co++,Ni++Group 5(NH4Cl + NH4OH + (NH4)2CO3): Ba++,Sr++,Ca++Group 6: Mg++Each group has a common reagent. except for the special group(anions)andgroup 6(cations).Many videos have been uploaded and many will be uploaded soon."
Price: 19.99

"Master Meditation in 7 Simple Steps" |
"In this course, which you can complete in just 7 days, you will be introduced to all the essential elements that make up any meditation practice. Whether you have tried meditation before and struggled with one or more of its components (visualization, stillness, etc.) or you are new to the idea, this course provides you with everything you need!The lectures will give you an overview of the topic before the downloadable video lets you practice that particular component as often as you wish. A writing exercise at the very beginning of the course lets you discover your own presumptions and hesitations about meditation, so that you come prepared for the first lecture that introduces you to the benefits and pitfalls of meditation. You may do the exercise as often as you wish to monitor your change of perception, or use it to explore other topics along the way.This course is a great resource for beginning as well as experienced practitioners who would like to hone in on one or more elements of a successful meditation practice."
Price: 139.99

"The Secrets to Feel Good at Parties and Have Fun" |
"Do you hate parties? Or do you try to avoid them?...but deep inside wish you didn't feel like that?I used to feel exactly like that. Big parties. People everywhere. I didn't like or enjoy that.I used to tell myself that I am an introvert and I just prefer the solitude. But I knew I was not honest with myself. I wanted to feel good at parties.Are parties only fun for extroverts? No.Introverts hate uncertainties - learn how to eliminate them before the partyEliminating uncertainties makes you feel better.With two simple techniques you can master the secrets of small talk - and turn it into a game and have fun.Also, if you practice a small set of skills then you will learn something new at parties, and feel awesome.It is not even that hard. You just need a desire to feel good at parties. Invest some time before hand. And be open to try some new approach at the parties.The course has a 30 day money back guarantee that ensures if you are not satisfied, you will get your money back. Also, feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions.Student feedback""I think it gives me some good tools to work with when at parties. I am introverted."" - Laika (student)"
Price: 49.99
