"Introduction to Serverless" |
"Cloud computing is evolving at warp speed, and it's hard to keep track all the new buzzwords. This course gives you everything you need to know about Serverless and Functions as a Service (FaaS). By the end, you'll know enough to get started, and be confident answering all the questions thatget thrown at you - whether the questions areat the coffee machine or in the board room."
Price: 19.99

"City in Ruins" |
"The tips & tricks of world-building. Rob Loukotka Chicago based designer and illustrator takes a deep dive into one of his massively detailed screen prints: The city of Chicago in ruins from a robot apocalypse.This class jams well over 50 hours of illustration into just one hour, still plenty of time to gain insights into mapping, cartography, creative illustration, texturing, perspective, custom half-toning, and more!You can learn about my work or work with me directly athttp://fantasticfactory.shop"
Price: 19.99

"Copy this Profitable Business NO Investment Required 2020" |
"Looking for a Way to Make Money Without Investing?We show you step by step how we take a product we design and have it made in the USA for$7.95We thenSell each for $29.99THATSA$22.04 PROFIT!!!Looking for a Way to Make Money Without Investing?>These Product Sell Like Hotcakes<>Create Your Own Design<>10 Hot Trending Designs ideas Included<>Automatic System, No Need To Process Orders<>You Never Have To Ship These Product<>You Dont Need To Keep Inventory<>No Need To Deal With Customers<Can You Really Do This?Starting an online business can be hard and complicated.We show you how easy it is to Virtually create theseproduct and market them free and how to put them in frontof the right buyers.Once you start getting sales then you can use paid advertisement to sell even more.Someone with no experience can sell 20 of these a day onlinethats a profit of $460!!!We know how frustrating it can be.So many online courses promising to makeyou money fast.The truth is that nobody can guarantee thatyou will be successful.However this guide is simple just like thispage, no need to waste your time over selling this and useless fake hype.We will show you step by step how simple the process is.The photos here of the gold plated pendant are real, I Order one to take photos foradvertising and to see the quality.Customers will not be disappointed.included direct e-mail support to help you in the way."
Price: 24.99

"Bitcoin in 1 Hour Send, Receive, Trade & Secure BTC 2020" |
"In just 1 hour you will know enough to confidently take your next steps in to the World of Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology.My goal is to give you enough information and hands-on practice to allow you to confidently use bitcoin. This course covers everything a new comer should know.The curriculum is divided by topic which will help you when coming back later; Whenever you need a refresher, jump right into the relevant topic. The resources that I have provided give you links to further reading, some cheat sheets and some intermediate concepts that will help you continue your journey into Bitcoin technology. The course is sprinkled with a few quizzes which help you understand the subject better and kindle your interest to do some exploring of your own."
Price: 54.99

"complete wave tune tutorial course" |
"As a teacher i have seen a lot of students and even sound engineers who don't know by which vocal plugin they can get the best result . i have worked with most of these plugins and every plugin has it's own benefits. but among these i found wave tune more suitable. although it is a little bit complicated but in this course every complicated but in this course everything has been explained very easily and everyone can understand them. beside that where as wave tune can handle every scale from west to east i'm sure you will get the most benefit of that. now i will tell you what I've done in this course.video - 1: introduction to wave tune. Listen to it very carefully .video - 2: in this video i have tried to make you familiar with different parameters in wave tune generally.video - 3: generally speaking on tolerance and edit tools.video - 4: generally speaking on vibration section.video - 5: importing and scanning wave through wave tune generally.video - 6: from this video we enter the world of wave tune with describing the edit tools with precise samples.video - 7: continuing the video 6.video - 8: i will explain the segmentationsection step by stepalong with live samples just to make you understand the subject better.video - 9: in this video i will try to show you how the different parameters can affect on our vocal.video - 10: i will give you a full explanation about edit tools and howthey can affect on the sound.video - 11:continuing the video 10.video - 12: continuing the videos 10 and 11.video - 13: in this video you willget a great knowledgeofvibrationand how they can affect on vocal sound.video - 14: all around the world the people have their own tradition and music scales fortunately wave tune can handle all of them and you will know sori and krone that are very beloved notes and scales among more than 200 million people of the world.video - 15: in this video you will learn how to apply chords even on pre-scanned waves.video - 16 and 17: in these videos you can apply pitch shifts and correct scales.video - 18: this video is important not only for consumption of the cpu of your computer but also for best tuning from wave tune.video - 19: this video i a demo from my next course and shows you what other actions you can do with wave tune. in this video you will only see a tip from wave tune but in next course which will be shortly on the Udemy site you will learn how you can make music with full chords by your mouth with wave tune."
Price: 109.99

"Learning English Grammar" |
"Learning English Grammar is an effort to put forward to learners and aspirants a comprehensive work on Grammar covering almost all parts of speech. starting from Noun and its various types till adjectives and gender all the nuts ad bolts of English grammar has been dealt with very elaborately. The best part of this course is that Power Point explanations have also been added in theinitialportion of the course which makes it easier andsimple to understand. After completing this course learners would be able to understand English Grammar better."
Price: 1280.00

"Performance Appraisal and its various aspects." |
"This course focuses Peformance Appraisal methods and procedures as well as Organizational Development program as well as Interventions. Performance Appraisal is the comprehensive evaluation and assessment of the performance level of employees and team members as well as its assessment against few predetermined parameters.Organizational Development is the progressive transformation of the working mechanism of any organization."
Price: 1280.00

"Human Resource Planning and Theories of Motivation" |
"In this course I have extensively dealt into the various nitty- gritties of Human Resource Planning which is so instrumental in the complex business and even non business environment when it comes to employee management . The best part of all is that Human resource planning course has been aptly supported by another very vibrant study on motivation its various theories and its aspects. Every thing has been in proper perspective by some lucid and timely perfected lectures supported by some practical examples and quotations from few renowned scholars. The course is designed for learners as well as Management professionals as also experts and students who are in to business and management studies."
Price: 24.99

"Strategic Management and International Trade Theories" |
"Strategic Management and International Trade is a result of my hardcore effort, diligent research and some well composed lectures. The best part of this course is that it includes various terminologies of strategic Management as also International Trade Theories which gives aclear picture of Foreign Trade aspects. There are altogether 20 lectures which has been well explained by me supported by slides to give a proper understanding to learners. Each lecture has got minimum two slides and altogether it makes more than 50 slides."
Price: 19.99

"Xamarin Form Tutorial" |
": Native ? , C# computer basic C# Xamarin.Forms ? , code share xamarin cross Xamarin basics help , lectures - , , Google developer question , . : UI Xamarin Forms . XAML C# UI . Page, Views Layouts . Local operations. WebViews Images . RestFull API course . ?? , Xamarin Forms . , . C# skills - Android, iOS Windows ."
Price: 1280.00

"Basta piangere! Coliche e pianto inconsolabile dei bambini" |
"Come psicologo della Genitorialit vedo spessoche uno dei momenti pi sfidanti per i neogenitori il momento del pianto.Sembra che tutta la colpa sia delle coliche. Molti genitori iniziano con la posizione anticoliche, per passare poi aprobiotici, osteopatiao peggioa gocce e sondini, spesso inefficaci ea volte dannosi.Ma qual' il vero significato del pianto e come intepretarlo?Faremo insieme un viaggio tra psicologia, medicina e aspetti culturali del pianto. Imparerai quando iniziano e quando passano le coliche. Saprai interpretare il pianto notturno del neonato, inconsolabile, disperato e improvviso. Scoprirai quanto pianto fisiologico e come riconoscere le colichette nel neonato."
Price: 49.99

"Fashion Trends & Tendncias para Inverno 2018 no Brasil" |
"O frio esta chegando,hora de tirar os casacosdo fundo do armrio e editaro seucloset para entrar noinverno 2018com todo o seu estilo.Destacamos as principais tendncias apontadas nas passarelas nacionais e internacionais. Traduzidas para o Brasil.Para entender quanto aosFashion Trends que so publicados em cada estao e aplicados em cada regio no mundo todo importante aprender como so criados os estudos de tendencias, por quem so criados e conhecer suas diversasaplicaes.Neste curso abordamos as tendncias de forma global, comeando por uma observaocriativa para entender o seu entorno, as dinmicas de como funcionam as grandes tendncias para sua aplicao em desenvolvimento de produtos, colees, apoio parabuyers para lojistas epersonal shoppers, aquisio de peas para o seu closet ou de seus clientes.E em um segundo momento abordamos os Fashion Trends que estaro em alta para aestao inverno 2018 especificamente no Brasil.- O que so tendencias ?- Como so criados os estudos de tendencia ?- Quais so os principais laboratrios de observao ?-Como aplicar asprincipais tendncias do inverno 2018.- Saiba o que estar em alta na estao mais fria do ano.- Iremos falar sobre as tendncias de estilo, tecidos, estampas e texturas.Esta curso foi desenvolvido pela Fashion Stylist especialista em coresAna d'Carvalho que de origem colombiana, e atualmente vive na ilha deFlorianpolis em Santa Catarina - Brasil, e atua nos mercados brasileiro, colombiano, mexicano eNorte Americano.Abaixo segue o curriculum no perfil do Instrutor.Pronta para embarcar nesse panorama fashion do inverno de 2018?"
Price: 39.99

"SEO Training 2020 : Complete SEO Guide For Beginners" |
"LEARN SEO FUNDAMENTALS AND START YOUR JOURNEY FROM A BEGINNER TO A SEO PROFESSIONAL .........If you have a web site, blog or online store, SEO can help your business grow and meet the business objectives. Search Engine Optimization is essential because: ... Users trust search engines and having a presence in the top positions for the keywords the user is searching, increases the web site's trust.Have you tried to do SEO before but couldn't succeed ? Have you tried to rank your website but couldn't succeed ?Don't Worry !!!! You are at the right course and at the right place , this course is built by professional SEO expert who has helped various companies rank their website and also this course is the step by step journey from beginner to advanced .This course is designed in 2019 and on the latest algorithms of search engines like Google,Yahoo e.t.c We will teach you all the fundamentals of SEO , on What factors it depends , how many types of SEO are there ? e.t.cImplement These 3 Steps To Get Higher Search Rankings & Traffic With SEO Keyword Research: Find Low-Competition, High-Converting Keywords On Page Optimization: Optimize Your Content Around These Keywords Off Page Optimization: Build Authority Around Your Keywords & Content with Back Links.These 3 steps are the most necessary one in SEO,so if you implement these strategies, which we will teach in our course. You are going to blow your competitors.Who this course is for:Those who want to rank their own websitesThose who are looking to get a job as an SEO professionalPeople who are looking to add SEO in their Skills listBusiness ownersStudents and tech enthusiastsEntrepreneursFreelancers What will you be able to do after completing this course :Rank #1 on Google and other search enginesProperly research keywordsLearn how to get BacklinksApply for SEO jobsWork as an SEO freelancerIncrease your salesBring free traffic to your blog, website e.t.cExpand your businessMonetize your website and increase your revenueLive the lifestyle you want Many courses out there are outdated but their titles are changed every year but our course is designed on 2020 SEO Strategies and which has to the point explanation and which will save your time and energy.You will get 24/7 instructor support and the course for lifetime. ""IN TEACHING OTHERS WE TEACH OURSELVES"""
Price: 199.99

"Curso completo de Inbound Marketing con tcnicas actuales" |
"Con este curso de Inbound Marketing sabrs desde los fundamentos cmo se crea una estrategia, qu elementos la componen, cmo gestionar cada etapa del Inbound y hasta acompaar a un usuario al paso final del embudo.Aprenders tcnicas de SEO, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Retargeting, captacin de leads, incluso sabrs medir tus acciones y los objetivos que ests consiguiendo con Google Analytics.Los mdulos estn divididos de forma que puedas, incluso sin tener ni idea de lo que es el Inbound Marketing, seguir el curso y acabarlo entendiendo todo el proceso sino tambin, pudiendo crear t mismo una estrategia para tu empresa o negocio digital.Buyer persona, automatizacin, embudos, TOFU, MOFU, keyword research... Te suenan estos trminos pero no sabes exactamente qu son? Despus de ver los videos lo sabrs!Este curso es para ti si:Tienes un blogTienes un negocio digitalTienes un negocio fsicoTienes una tiendaonlineTrabajas en alguna de las opciones anterioresY sobre todo... quieres conseguir nuevos clientesEste curso se actualizar de forma peridica con nuevos contenidos y nuevas tendencias. Ten en cuenta que las herramientas se actualizan y el marketing digital va a un ritmo increble. Pero no te preocupes, el curso siempre estar actualizado."
Price: 34.99

"Meditation Simplified - The Easy Guide" |
"This is a course on how to start meditation in a simple yet meaningful way. In a simple and modern language we get to understand why it'simportant to meditate. This course is an introduction to a variety of techniques that any of us can use as we need.Meditation isn't a means to an end. Meditation helps us cope with our daily struggles. BUT, it's also not supposed to be as difficult as we hear all around us.This course helps students to get motivated for their practice after they get a simple, grounded and practical explanation as to how to meditate. Techniques explained in this course can be done even with open eyes at your desk at work or on a subway. They will have an impact on your life.With hearing about these simple truths about meditation, students not only stay with the simple techniques but often progress quickly to a level where they meditate at least 10-15 minutes every morning.This course will help you:Meditate with consistency no matter how little time you haveReach mindfulness in your practice without stress or pressureBecome calmer and kinder to yourself during meditationUnderstand your feelings and how to handle them so that you don't suffer as muchMeditation is here for us to understand our mind and once weunderstand it, we will be able tocontrol it so that we can become the master of our actions & reactions."
Price: 24.99

"Welcome to Facebook 360 Mastery Course (in Hindi).This is Our Flagship Course to Make your Career or Business to the Next Level.Benefits to Do this CourseUnderstand Complex Facebook Ads into Simple Step by Step in HindiLearn A to Z of Facebook MarketingHow you can make best out of Facebook with 2 Billion Active userLearn How to Grow any Page or Business by Selling People on FacebookGrow your Career and Earn in Lacs from Clients, who need Facebook Ads Experts to Grow their BusinessIf you are an Entrepreneurs or a Businessman, then you can Grow your Business by Learning Facebook A TO Z from Experts and Grow your Business to Next LevelLearn Beginner to Advance Level Facebook MarketingLearn in your Own Language i.e. HINDI (All the Videos are in Hindi)With Over 30 + Videos and Cheat sheet to Make Outstanding Ads.Beat your Competition, with Our Advanced Recommended Tools, Technique.10 Hours Recorded HD Videos+ With Pure Value driven Approach"
Price: 1280.00

"Web Design Bootcamp- HTML5 CSS3 Javascript Jquery By sketch" |
"front end web developmentIn this class You will learn the fundamentals of HTML5 CSS3 Javascript and Jquery & PHOTOSHOP BASICS.Web design course for beginnersIf you want to make own website or you make yourselfas a Web Designer You can join to learn this courseHTML5 BASICSTUTORIALWITHEXAMPLECSS3 BASICS TUTORIALWITHEXAMPLEJAVASCRIPT BASICS TUTORIALWITHEXAMPLEPHOTOSHOP BASICS TUTORIALWITHEXAMPLEjquery BASICS TUTORIALWITHEXAMPLECreate Responsive WebsiteWhen You Complete this course then you able to create own website.HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. In short HTML is a markup language that is used developing web pages.In this course we will cover HTMLfrom scratch and by the end of the course we will beHTMLninjas and build our first website step by step.Why you should take this course?1stReason isYou get best knowledgeof HTML.During the course we will cover HTML element,attribute, tags and with example.Here are some topics that will be taught in this course.Html IntroductionHTML ElementsHTML AttributesHTML HeadingsHTML ParagraphsHTML StylesHTML Text FormattingHTML CommentsHTML ColorsHTML Styles internal CSSHTML LinksHTML ImagesHTML TablesHTML ListsHTML The id AttributeHTML The Class AttributeHTML IframesHTML JavaScriptHTML FormsHTML Form ElementsHTML Input TypesHTML Input AttributesHTML5 VideoHTML5 Audio2nd Reason isYou get best knowledgeof CSS.In this course you learn how to put style in html tag and how call styleclass in class attribute in html tagand also learn how create class structure.Here are some topics that will be taught in this course.CSS IntroductionCSS Syntax / selectorCSS ColorsCSS BackgroundsCSS BordersCSS MarginsCSS PaddingCSS Height/WidthCSS DivCSS Links3thReason is thatYOU will be able to understand Photoshopbasic.Here are some topics that will be taught in this course.Photoshop cc introductionOpen Image & ResizeImage ModeImage AdjustmentImages CropImages TextMerge Two ImagesImages Pan & ZoomRemove Image Background By Polygonal Lesso toolRemove Image Background By Magnetic Lesso toolRemove Image Background By Pen tool4thReason is thatYOU will be able to understand JavaScriptbasic.Here are some topics that will be taught in this course.JavaScript - Introduction JavaScript Variables JavaScript Strings JavaScript - comments JavaScript Operators JavaScript - If...Else JavaScript - Switch Case JavaScript Functions5rdReason isYou make yourself as a website designerWhen you will know aboutHTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT & PHOTOSHOP perfectly thenyou will be able to make own websites.6thReason is thatYOU will be able to create Responsivewebsite"
Price: 19.99

"YOUTUBE SEO 2020 & Audience Growth: Get 1 Million Views!" |
"Updated for 2020!Welcome to YOUTUBE SEO Bootcamp: How I Got My First 1 Million Views.This complete Youtube SEO bootcamp teaches you how to optimize your Youtube videos so that you can rank higher and get more watch time. Even if you have ZERO SEO experience.Ill take you step-by-step through the entire process and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as a Youtuber. Ill cover Youtube SEO techniques & strategies in full detail from start to finish.This course includes over two and a half hours of HD video tutorials and builds your SEO knowledge through making real world Youtube videos using a classic vlog example & your very own personal project.I will create a video together from start to finish so that you'll be able to see every step taken for achieving perfect SEO. It includes over 2 and half hours of content on Youtubes brand new SEO algorithms for watch time, views, monetization, comments, community, discovery, and audience retention. Youll be creating fully optimized Youtube videos with the knowledge and skills you learn in each section. By the end of this course, you will be fluent in SEO and be ready to make your own SEO optimized Youtube video using keyword research. Sign up today, and look forward to:- Over 2 1/2 hours of HD 1080p video content- Building two fully-fledged SEO optimized Youtube videos- All the knowledge you need to start optimizing any video you want - Learn how to build a loyal audience that keep coming back to watch your videos!Dont waste your time with other coursesDont waste another minute with a poor quality course with an instructor that dont have the stats to back up their claims, or with instructors who have difficult to understand accents. Dont waste your time with one-off Youtube tutorials that are surface level and incomplete, or with teachers who dont know what they are talking about. Your time is extremely valuable. I offer a comprehensive, well-thought-out and edited course that guides you along every step of the way with clear explanations and real-life video examples.From beginner to SEO PRO with just one courseI know that youre here because you are serious about finding the right course for yourself to take your Youtube channel to that next level. By getting this course, you can rest assured that you will learn everything you need to know in order to optimize any Youtube video you want.Ive created this course so that it is extremely interactive and includes beautiful slides and video examples that explain all the difficult concepts, plus Im always available to answer any question you might have. By the end of this course, youll completely understand:How to create fully SEO optimized videos that Youtube can then suggest and show in the search resultsHow to properly create meta data for your Youtube videos (tags, descriptions, titles, filenames)How to create videos that have double the ad space How to research film topics so you can create videos that people are searching for & want to watch How to find keywords to target so that Youtube can suggest your video if it matches a search query How to create a thriving community of loyal fans & quadruple your comments!How to exponentially increase your watch time and rank higher in search results How to make sense of analytics to grow your channelWhy should you learn SEO for your Youtube channel?SEO is a very important aspect that is a great way to grow your Youtube channel for free. Understanding the fundamentals of SEO will help you create videos and content that people actually want to watch. Ill teach you how to figure out what people are searching for and how you can craft alluring titles that get views! Using these techniques will help your videos get found and help your channel gain more subscribers. Who should take this course? This course was created for both beginners and Pros.This course is perfect if you're just starting out on Youtube and need a little direction. I'll explain how you can inject your videos with a boost of SEO. This can help you get those initial views you need to get the ball rolling. This course is also great for established Youtubers who want to improve their presence on search results and be shown more often in suggested videos. Can SEO benefit my company or business?Absolutely. If you have a Youtube channel that is promoting a product or service, SEO can help your videos get show in search results and watched.By optimizing your videos with my tried-and-true SEO strategies, you can help new customers discover your product and services. Are you interested in taking your Youtube channel to the next level? This course is dedicated entirely to optimizing Youtube videos so that they'll have great SEO! Why? Youtube videos with great SEO are more likely to rank higher, and appear on the first page of search results. They are also more likely to get more views, higher watch time, and more subs. After taking this course, you'll have a clear idea of how to optimize your very own videos and take your Youtube channel to the next level. PLUS Im so confident that youll love my course that Im offering a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! That means you have ZERO risk and SO MUCH to gain. I hope you're as excited about this course as I am! So what are you waiting for? Click the Buy Now button and join the best Youtube SEO course out there. "
Price: 194.99

"Java ve Spring Boot 2.0 ile Dinamik Web Uygulamalar Eitimi" |
"En gncel Spring Boot 2.0.0 srm zerindenSpring, Spring Security, JDBC API, JPA/Hibernate, REST, Servlet, Filter, JSP ve dier pek ok teknoloji ile hzl biimde almaya balayarak, ilk andan itibaren kurumsal web uygulama gelitirme deneyimi edineceksiniz. Btn bu teknoloji ve frameworkleri tecrbe etmenin yan sra, kurumsal web uygulamalarnda terich edilen katmanl mimari yaklam, Eclipse, Maven, JUnit gibi gelitirme ortam aralar gibi konular zerinde de pek ok konuyu pratik yaparak reniyor olacaksnz."
Price: 409.99

"How to Give the Million View TEDx Talk" |
"Lance Allred, the first deaf player in NBA History, International Inspirational Speaker and 4M ViewTEDx Star of ""What is Your Polygamy?"" walks you through his 5-course lecture on how to land on the TEDx stage and more importantly,give a lasting,million-view caliberTEDx talk.With Lance, aTEDx talk is more than a bucket-list experience for your resume, but rather ajourney of self-dsicovery.Course Outline:1. The Secret Formula- The Trifecta- of a Lasting Talk2. Finding the Right Venue and Making your Application Pop!3. The Draft Writing Process and Misnomers4. Rehearse or Not to Rehearse and Body Language5. Marketing and Titling"
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Guide to Flower Box Arrangement" |
"A beautiful flower box makes a great gift. Whether you want to make it for gifting purpose or you want to add this to your flower shop as an additional product, this course is great for you. The Complete Guide to Flower Box Arrangement is a comprehensive course designed to guide absolute beginners to a level of creating professional quality flower boxes through easy-to-follow lectures andprojects. This course is for anyone wanting to try arranging flowers for the first time, or to improve their skills in arranging flower boxes.This course is intended for you to follow along step by step. You can also pause the video as needed. The course covers the follow topics:Preparation:- Walking through the steps of how to prepare the box and select flowers- A downloadable Flower Cutting Guide (PDF) is available to help you select flowers of the right sizeTips and Basic Techniques:- Explaining the techniques that will be used repeatedly in the rest of the course- Each technique is corresponded with a lecture/project in the next section7 Projects to Master Flower Box Arrangements:- 7 step-by-step lectures, from beginner to more advanced levels - Introducing incrementally more difficult techniques in each project- Teaching you how to gradually create more sophisticated arrangements- Mastering colors, compositions, patterns and arranging techniquesArrangements for Special Occasions:- Quick tips on how to create arrangements for holidays and special occasions- Quick video tutorials as concise guides to find inspirations- With the foundation we built in the previous sections, you'll be able to make special arrangements and come up with your own creative ideas Each project is designed to be followed along step by step. At the same time, students are encouraged to come up with different approaches. You can make each project/lecture a weekend project by yourself, or invite friends to learn together. I'm happy to answer any questions through the Q&Afeature on Udemy or on DelectableFlower's Facebook page. Your feedback is valuable. Please let me know what I can do to make this a five-star experience for you."
Price: 29.99

"How to talk to a bear Learn Russian effectively" |
"This course will help you to learn Russian from scratch if you want to communicate with Russians on everyday topics. Even if you have never learned Russian and were not interested in Russia, this course will be easy and clear to you!However, this courseis not just a set of useful phrases. This is a short but complete language course. Why is it so important to take a Russian course for beginners instead of just learning a couple of sentences? Even if you decide to pick up some phrases from a dictionary, you will not be able to participate fully in a dialogue. Also the chances that youll understand a person you are talking to is quite low (to put it mildly).But dont worry! Our course is here to help you out! Thanks to our systematic approach, this course is suitable for anyone who wants to start learning Russian in order to visit Russia (or just for yourself)."
Price: 29.99

"Metodologia de la Investigacin" |
"El Curso de Metodologa de la Investigacin I, consta de sesiones de clases.donde analizars los elementos conceptualespara la comprensin de la investigacin cientfica y su relacin con el mtodocientfico, la teora y la ciencia. Adems identificars las etapas del proceso deinvestigacin.En esas sesiones progresivamente conocers cmo se formula unproblema y cmo se derivan de l los objetivos, planteamiento, marco terico, metodologas, analisis de datos y la presentacion de resultados. AL INSCRIBIRSE ENVIE SU CORREO ELECTRONICO PARA ENVIARLE EL CONTENIDO; IBENBIRUACA@GMAIL.COM"
Price: 19.99

"FL Studio 12: Blazing Beat Making Beginner Basics" |
"Take A Minute and Read What Students Who Are Enrolled Are Saying!1. Just bought the package with this course as well as the second one and I gotta say, I learned way more with this than with the hours of tutorials I watched on YouTube. Hell, right at the 3rd lecture I learned something very basic I didn't know when I thought I already covered everything concerning the basic interface ! This tutorial is really good, LJ is really motivating and clear in his explanations. I see there is an EDM part in the second course and oooooh boy how ready I am for this ! Peace, and thanks a lot, from France - Leo Magnez2. I found the intro & getting started lessons a bit slow, but, you do need to get to know the DAW before really using it so that's all good. Once it got started on laying out the beats and stuff though it was amazing how easy it was to pick up. Really enjoyed it and learned heaps. Keep it up LJ! - Dan Yalg3. LJ is a great teacher, not pretentious, nor too step-by-step or theory based. He teaches with a great mix of what's needed to grasp and accomplish the lessons. Pretty easy to follow along, I don't have much of a music theory background, but he explains it well & gives the foundations needed to create music. - David Barnitz 4. The instructor (LJonthetrack) is straight to the point, clear on his explanations, so no matter if you are completely new to FL or already have some basic knowledge (like me), you will learn from every single lecture something new. Guaranteed. For this course 10 out of 10. - Tom A 5. Hey LJ, thanks for the great course! I'm looking forward to Part 2. As a first-time beatmaker (but longtime musician), this course helped me understand the layout of the FL Studio land. I highly recommend it for all FL Studio beginners. Best wishes LJ as your music career continues to flourish! - Matt Chan6. Recently switched from Logic to FL due to hardware issues and must say that this course is great for FL studio beginners such as myself. The videos are short and well-organized. I ended up watching some videos multiple times just to observe LJ's workflow. Glad I stumbled upon this ***** - Christian Andres7. So far, I loved the course...I love hip-hop and rap music, particularly old school and I think I have come to the right place. I have tried using FL studio earlier but I found it to be very complicated and confusing. I hope to learn something from this amazing tutorial. I would update once I am done with this course. - Ashish Tiwari8. I'm totally new to FL Studio but not to DAWs so at first I thought that LJ wasn't going deep enough into explaining various features of the application so I rated him 4 stars. After receiving the LOUD sound pack from him via email I then went back though the Game Time section of the course and created the Trap beat by following him step-by-step. I'm simply blown away at how simple it is to build a professional sounding beat from scratch. I've upped my rating to 5 stars and would recommend this course to beginners. At under 2 hours it's enough to get you started with creating your own music without getting frustrated with learning all of the bells and whistles of FL. Nice job LJ! Best, Dante - Dante Varnado Moore9. Ah shit man I have been into music production in high school but I lost interest because of my boring ass fucking lame ass teacher. After investing in this course LJ brought my passion, love, and motivation back into music production. So much that I already bought and finished both courses within two weeks. Nothing more and nothing less if youre even interested into music production do yourself a favor and buy into both courses! Good looks LJ for that fire and teaching me - Bell jell 10. This course really breaks down the major tools of FL studio. Definitely great for beginners. LJ is detailed, clear, and easy to follow. If you have some experience with FL studio (meaning you have already created tracks and messed around with plugins) this might be too beginner for you. But if you are an absolute beginner (meaning you have never or barely touched FL Studio) then this is perfect for you. I'd suggest this course to anyone who is unfamiliar or intimidated by FL studio. - Marissa Start as a Beatmaking Beginner and Finish as a Producer in Just One Hour!This course: FL Studio 12: Blazing Beat Making Beginner Basics is about the basic fundamentals of FL Studio and basic steps on how to start making simple beats as a starting producer using FL Studio 12. Think of this course as your own personal starter kit.Students who enrolled in this course learned the interface of FL Studio and basic FL Studio beat making techniques step-by-step over my shoulders. In addition, each student will have full access to ask me ANY question and personal help during and after taking this course.The ONLY materials needed is up to you.Most of the lectures are 2-5 minutes but packed with a lot of info so you won't die of boredom.The course is designed for students to learn over my shoulders with real life examples so, I recorded my screen throughout the lectures to make the learning process extremely simple to follow and easy to learn from.Regardless of the reason why you want to take this course, you will now be able to get all the training you need step-by-step all in one course to grow and develop into an amazingly talented beat maker/music producer. Instead of searching for the right information without knowing what you need, enroll in this beat making beginner basics course and save yourself hours of wasted time trying to learn on your own. All your answers are here!NOTICE: this is a course for beginners who are intimated by FL Studio's Interface and want to learn how to construct a beat. It is designed to help you understand how to make quality beats, if you are just getting started or have little experience under your belt See You In The Course!LJ, Peace!"
Price: 99.99

"FL Studio 12: Blazing Beat Making Beginner Basics 2" |
"Wait, Let Enrolled Students Tell You About This Course!1. Dam man LJ killing more tracks and melodies! Following along with the second course here is definitely a step up from the first one but in reality it feels like you are getting more than what your paying for! That's only if your following along though. Dam I have come from knowing nothing from the start to learning more than I thought I could at the end of both courses. If you're reading this do your self a favor buy both courses and see for yourself! - Bell2. lf you're like me and want to become a pro at FL Studio, sign up for LJ OnDaTrack's Blazing Beat Making Beginner Basics 1 and 2. Part 1 was really great for learning all the most elemental basics, and prepared me for Part 2. With Part 2, you now have the exposure and experience to be able to catapult in your abilities to 1) use the software and understand where things are and what they do, and 2) how to make catchy, professional-sounding beats. Ultimately all you need next are the vocals, and you'll have yourself a full track. LJ makes it fun, easy to understand, and keeps the pace moving fast. I really appreciate how he talks about the motive of every sound that you create, how it has to have an origin and a reason, because that will ultimately be what gives your track its heart. Once you understand that, you'll think about everything you're laying down in a new way--and you'll understand how to lay it down, thanks to LJ's in-depth explanations and easy to follow instructions, as well as his encouragement! I also want to shout-out to LJ, because anytime I've hit a snag on something I just couldn't figure out on my own, I've been able to reach out and he's been happy to help me figure it out. Thank you LJ! I hope there will be a Basics 3, or maybe the next course will be Intermediate 1. There is so much to learn with FL Studio, and I'm sure there's much more LJ can teach. Until then, at least now I know enough to be able to teach myself a lot within it, thanks to these courses. Look up LJ OnDaTrack online to hear some of the fresh beats he's already dropped as a producer--and while you still can, sign up for these courses before he goes on to become the next big thing. Peace, Matt - Matt Chan3. I've taken a few of LJ's courses, he's very good at building a foundation by trial & error, and repetition. This course takes 3 tempo's, a slow, medium, & fast beat. Then he whips out an EDM track as well, so it's all encompassing. In addition, while going thru the multiple tracks & beats, he dives into various instruments, keys, bells and other various music & melody makers. So you can follow along exactly (each instrument & note/chord), or after a while, change things up a bit & choose your own style. - David Barnitz4. Wow, I am so glad I took this journey! If you want to make some beats and have music in you, look no further and grab this course. LJ is taking it slow, sometimes he will dare you to go further with a gentle push, you know, like learning to ride a bicycle, but that is how you grow. A little caveat, though - not all of the sounds LJ is using in this course are available in FL Studio standard version, and this can be a bit frustrating. But I accepted it as a creative challenge and looked for my own replacements. Other than that - the course was above my expectations. Now, dear teacher, what about the other courses you promised? - Balys NarbutasHow you'll Benefit after Enrolling In This.If my 1st course: ""FL Studio 12: Blazing Beat Making Beginner Basics"" elevated your understanding of FL Studio, then expect this part 2 to do more!This course: FL Studio 12: Blazing Beat Making Beginner Basics 2 is a follow up from my first course mentioned above. Meaning its packed with more knowledge, more beat making activities, an advanced sound pack, and producing techniques. Blazing 2 is inspired by upcoming producers (like you) who left constructive criticism on the first course. Thank You!Students who enroll in this will course learn 3 major tempos professionals use when producing and the different genres that best fit those tempos. I also added a bonus section covering Boom Bap and Electronic music production to spice up the course or get some students familiarize with a new style of producing, whichever comes first lol. Each student has full access to ask me ANY questions and personal help with their beats during and after taking this course. The ONLY materials needed is up to you. Most of the lectures are 3-7 minutes and packed with a lot of info, so you won't die of boredom. The course is designed for students to learn over my shoulders with real life examples so, I recorded my screen throughout the lectures to make the learning process extremely simple to follow and learn from. The only risk is not enrolling to learn the new skills needed to enhance your music production.If you're still watching tutorials on YouTube and haven't had any luck, consider this course your last search. Save yourself hours of wasted time trying to learn on your own. Your answers are right here! See you in the inside! LJ, Peace!"
Price: 99.99

"Ionic3HybridProgressive Web Application" |
"Ionic3HybridProgressive Web ApplicationIonic3Ionic3AngularHybridProgressive Web Applicationnode.jsnpmSassHTML5CSS 3JavaScriptTypeScriptAngularWebpackIonic 3CordovaPWA"
Price: 20400.00

"Upa Yoga: Yoga of Transformation Relax, Replenish, Revive" |
"""Yoga is not something that you do. Yoga is something that you become. It is not an act, it is a quality. If you cultivate your body, mind, emotions and energies to a certain level of maturity, a certain quality arises within you. That is yoga."" - Sadhguru Yoga for Self Transformation is a set of powerful yoga tools for everyday practice, designed by world-renowned Mystic, Realized Master and Yogi; Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, whose incomparable wisdom and insight has guided tens of millions of people entangled in the ups and downs of life. He also has initiated millions of people across India and the world into powerful spiritual practices to deepen their awareness, consciousness and realize their own inherent divinity.Yoga is often misunderstood as being just an exercise form. However the true potency and significance of yoga is much greater.In its essence, yoga is a tool to break all illusions that we have of our separateness and our individual nature and to experience the oneness of existence.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It doesn't matter what religion you belong to or where you come from,what you believe in or do not believe in, whether you are a man or a woman; child, middle or old aged, or of a particular body shape or flexibility,here is a technology which will work wonderfully for you--provided you learn how to use it.Yoga is a way to be in perfect tune; with your body, mind, emotions and energy in absolute harmony, a way to produce a chemistry of blissfulness.Once you are blissful by your own nature, dealing with outside situations becomes effortless.An Overview of this Yoga Course: Of late, Yoga Studios have mushroomed everywhere. A quick Google search leaves you replete with a variety of forms of yoga being practiced nowadays. So, where does one begin ? With Patanjali's Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Bikram yoga, studio yoga, hatha yoga, power yoga and varieties sometimes bordering on ridiculousness like skydiving yoga, beer yoga, goat or dog yoga and naked yoga (yup, that's a thing) .We're not helping, are we?....We present, Yoga for Self-Transformation, a compilation of several easy-to-practice yet potent tools offered by Sadhguru to enhance health, joy, peace, love, success and inner exploration. It helps you cope with the hectic pace of modern life and realize your full potential in all spheres of life. It is an excellent starting point for all who are new to yoga, along with being of tremendous value for long time practitioners of yoga.Want to learn yoga, but dont know where to start? Sadhguru's got you coveredThis comprehensive course offers the ancient science of yoga in a format that is compatible with modern life. To start with, you work with the body, then you move to the breath, then to the mind, then to the inner self.The processes offered here do not require any changes in your daily routine with each one taking about 5 minutes to practice and can be done any time of the day, even at your work-desk.You dont need any prior experience of yoga, or any special agility.The practices are suitable for all adults and children above the age of 4 (except practices like Yoga Namaskar, which can be practiced after 7 years of age).Being a powerful system of Self Transformation, yoga demands a committed atmosphere and dedication to impart as well as a certain willingness while doing the practice. It can also be dangerous if incorrectly handled. The expert guidance of Sadhguru through these sessions eliminate any cause for worry.It is a good starting point for those who are new to yoga, and it can be used as a preparation for other yoga practices.A Few Key Myths Debunked...Myth#1: Yoga is ""Just for Women""Myth#2: Only Skinny, Flexible People Can Do YogaMyth#3: Yoga isn't for Guys who LiftMyth#4: You have to be Spiritual to practice YogaMyth#5: Yoga Is Against My ReligionYoga can be practiced by all people irrespective of their religion, disposition, gender,lifestyle or body types. As for this version, it can also be done on a chair and even if you are uncomfortable moving your limbs or getting into the standard yoga poses.What's Covered?Upa-yoga (included in this course) is a simple yet powerful set of 10 practices that activate the joints, muscles and energy system, bringing ease to the whole system. Based on a sophisticated understanding of the bodys mechanics, Upa-Yoga dispels inertia in the bodys energy and brings ease to the whole system.Activate the energy pathways in your body (there are a total of 72000, called nadis) leading to an exuberance of energy and life every single day.Upa-Yoga activates this energy and also lubricates your joints, creating an instant sense of alertness and liveliness, so that the rest of the system begins to function. Brings ease to the system. This form of practice is especially beneficial for those working in stressful and sedentary jobs and that too with near immediate results.Nada yoga (the yoga of using sounds,also taught in this course) is a particularly beneficial practice for yourself and your children. In terms of wellbeing and proper development of the body and mind, these simple tools can really set them apart in a group in terms of capability. As they start seeing the benefits, they would naturally pursue higher forms of yoga.You may be living with joint and muscle pain on a daily basis. Or you may be fatigued and stressed. Either way, you'd love the rejuvenation that these practices bring on a daily basis.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Few Key Benefits:This form of yoga provides many immediate and evident benefits. Based on a sophisticated understanding of the bodys mechanics, its benefits include:Relieves physical stress and tirednessStrengthens the joints and musclesRejuvenates the body after periods of inactivityNegates the effects of jet lag and long travelA powerful system of exercise. Will prepare one for higher forms of yoga. Can aid in effortless transition into higher practices, if one so desires. When your body and mind are in a relaxed state and at a certain level of blissfulness, you can be free of so many nagging ailments.Rejuvenates one's spine and reverses degeneration.Also-- Helps lower Addictions- Builds awareness- Accelerates the Healing Process.- Regulates Blood Pressure- Moderates Glandular Functions.- Makes you happier( mood enhancer)- Increase your Focus- Improves brain function- Massages the Nervous System- Releases Tension from your limbs- Helps you sleep better and deeper- Boosts your Immune system functionality- Increases Lung Capacity- Gives you peace of mind- Lowers anxietyAnd a lot more....Participants had this to say:At first, doing my Upa Yoga practice was so noisy! Everything in my body was creaking, popping, snapping or crackling. But after only a few weeks the noise level is significantly reduced, as my old body breaks its sixty-year-old habits of non-movement. My joints feel lubricated, and I have regained movements in my shoulders and wrists that I thought I had lost forever. Anonymous, San Diego I have been keeping up my Upa Yoga practice everyday. What a fantastic way to wake up in the morning! For 15 minutes, I cant believe the affect it has on me. When I finish, I feel like my whole body has loosened up and has a huge boost in energy. Throughout the day, there is a greater sense of clarity in my mind. I feel happy and excited to keep this up, now that I know the difference it has created for me. Mark S., Indianapolis Perfectly pairs with any other exercise program, or stands alone as a Pre-Yoga program. Splendidly produced with the ideas woven throughout the physical practices. Recommend to EVERY YOga Teacher!!! - Debbie TudorThe exercises helped me correct my breathing, and loosen up tight muscles especially on my back. And the philosophy of yoga changes my perspective on life, to focus on the moment. - Edgar BellaI have been following sadhguru since I heard him speak for the first time. He is genuine and bright and I love the way he speaks and explains things so easily and in a funny way. I will buy all his courses. I highly recommend this course. It was a fast and powerful course. Thanks -NataniaThese 5-minute processes are easy-to-practice yet potent tools to enhance health, joy, peace, love, success and inner exploration, helping one cope with the hectic pace of modern life and realize their full potential in all spheres of life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This Version contains The entire course The Yoga of Self-Transformation( Exercises Only Version), plusTeachings and Philosophy on YogaYoga Padhi Music albumFrequently Asked Questions on YogaSadhguru's Insights on various aspects of LifeTake the 1st step into Yoga.Time to roll out your yoga mat and discover for yourself what has hooked practitioners throughout the globe for many thousands of years [Despite not having any central authority for its propagation.]Don't be intimidated by technical yoga jargon and complicated poses. Yoga is for everyone and with it, you too shall blossom to your ultimate potential.""The only way to experience true wellbeing is to turn inward. This is what yoga means not up, not out, but in. In is the only way out."" Sadhguru "
Price: 34.99

"Indian Culture from a Mystic's View: Why we do What we do" |
"Indian culture is incredibly complex and resembles a chaos of mind-boggling proportions. But beneath this seeming chaos is a scientific foundation that is thousands of years old. Yogi and mystic, Sadhguru, looks at the basis behind the various elements of Indian culture and customs, and explains how every detail in this tradition was geared towards a human beings immediate and ultimate wellbeing. The most significant aspect of 'Bharat' (the cultural name of India) is that this is a land of Seekers , and not Believers of any particular religious doctrine( although we have over 33 million Gods and Goddesses in this country). In this Culture, 'Mukti' or ultimate liberation from the cycles of life and death has been seen as the highest goal that one can aspire for. It is because of that, this culture created a variety of Tools for the Ultimate Well-being of a Person. No other culture on the planet has looked at a human being with as much depth and understanding as this culture has. No other culture has looked at it as a science and created methods to evolve a person into his ultimate nature. Sadhguru goes on to say that we have the technologies as to how to manufacture an enlightened being. Every culture is valuable to that particular population largely for emotional and territorial reasons. But the significance of Indian culture is that it is a scientific process towards human liberation and well-being and hence can offer a beautiful future for all of humanity. So, creating the necessary ambience for spiritual growth of a human being, is what you see as this culture. In India, the way people look, their language, food, way of dressing, music and dance, everything is different every 50 or 100 kilometers in the country. Everything about people who live in this country is different, but a common cultural thread has held us together. This culture of what India has been, which cannot be quantified, is simply there. Wherever you go in the world, if you see an Indian, the very way he sits and walks, you know he is an Indian! Here we say that whatever is happening to you is your karma. That means it is your making. You are the maker of your life and hence can craft your life whichever way you want it to be, if you learn to be conscious of certain aspects. In this course 'Indian culture from a Mystic's view' Sadhguru explores the various aspects of Indian culture, from the mundane to the profound : Sadhguru explains the significance of Festivals like Diwali, Holi and Dussehra ; explaining how celebration can be a passageway to the most profound aspects of life.Sadhguru explains the meaning of the name Bharat, and how it wasnt just a name inherited from Indias first emperor, but a scientific device to find your rhythm with the tune of existence. Sadhguru describes the nature of consecration and what makes this life-transforming science so relevant to humanity. India is a land of temples. Sadhguru looks at how for millennia, temples have been energy centers and instruments for raising human consciousness. He also explores the science behind their creation. Sadhguru speaks about powerful sacred places like Kailash, the great repository of mystical knowledge. We look at the science and impact of Indian classical music, as Sadhguru interacts with Pandit Jasraj, doyen of Hindustani classical music. Sadhguru speaks about the science behind the system of gotras and kulas that were established in Indian culture, which show a deep understanding of genetics. Sadhguru looks at the science and significance behind the Kumbha Mela, the greatest gathering of people in the world. With India fast becoming a truly global environment in terms of economy, food and culture, what does it take to make sure our youth do not forget the richness of being Indian? It would take thousands of years to set up such a complex scientific mechanism that constantly drives you towards your liberation. In this culture, the way you sit, stand, or do anything else, it is structured in a way that leads to your wellbeing. Be it Music, Arts or Dance-forms everything is oriented towards making you free. People who get deeply involved in these aspects naturally turn spiritual. ""Wherever I travel, whatever kinds of groups of people I meet, I have spoken to top-level scientists, academics and students at very prestigious universities, and various other kinds of people, but I always find that the groups I meet in India are far sharper and smarter than most people anywhere in the world. The country is so effortlessly going ahead in the information technology age while everyone else is struggling essentially because the spiritual ethos in the culture has sharpened the intellect in a certain way."" --Sadhguru "
Price: 29.99

"Spiritual Manifestation I: Chit Shakti (Success) Meditation" |
"In this course, Sadhguru, a renowned mystic and yogi, leads you through a powerful meditation process that taps the latent power of your mind, to visualize your goals and manifest them. He reveals how you can transform yourself from being just a piece of creation to becoming a Creator. Once your thought, emotion and energies are organized, your very body will also get organized. Once all these four are organized in one direction, your ability to create and manifest what you want is phenomenal. -SadhguruLaw Of Attraction Doesn't Really Work...This is a fact.Sadhguru says that : ""Whether it is two magnets, male and female, North Pole and South Pole, the law of attraction happens between opposites. Now you are talking about the universe so does that means you are an alien to this universe? "" People who go about claiming the benefits of this supposed Law of Attraction have actually unconsciously achieved access to the creative power of their mind which is referred to in yoga as 'Chitta'.If you transcend the limitations of your logical mind, what is there is here; what is here is there; what is then is now; what is now is then; everything, time and space, get mixed up in your perception. When this happens, you will not be talking to the universe. Those who are not on talking terms with their neighbors talk to the universe. So, We'll Say this again: The Law of Attraction Doesn't really work.What exactly is this 'Chitta' or 'Chit Shakti' ?Chitta is the subtlest dimension of our minds, a mind without memory pure intelligence. This intelligence is like the cosmic intelligence simply there. Everything happens because of that. If you touch this dimension of your mind, which is the linking point to ones consciousness, you do not even have to wish for anything, you do not have to dream of anything the best possible thing that can happen to you will anyway happen. Everything that human beings have created on this planet was essentially first created in our minds. So how we organize and focus our minds will decide the direction our life flows. Using the power of the mind to create what one wants in his life is called Chit Shakti. The four Chit Shakti guided meditations will help you to manifest love, health, peace and success in your life.This course features Part 1 of those powerful meditations: The Chit Shakti Meditation to Manifest Success. Each one of us has desires, our very own list of dreams and longings. Creation may have its own blueprint for us, but our personal desires cannot be easily wished away. They may be extravagant or mundane, ambitious or trivial, they may be inconvenient, they may be too personal to share, but they are ours. And for us, they are real, they are precious, they are urgent and deeply significant.Here is a rare offering from Sadhguru, a mystic who embodies the wisdom and clarity of profound realization. It is an offering that enables each one of us to become our own alchemist, that empowers us to transform long cherished desires into reality. Sadhguru offers this with the intention that once these desires are fulfilled, we will turn towards the larger goal of our ultimate wellbeing.This isn't about attracting something through the Law Of Attraction. That anyway doesn't work.Creation has given us this wonderful freedom... You can manifest..You can determine your destiny and only you should, that is what being human means. Make your mind into a Kalpavriksha : ""Kalpavriksha"" is a mythic wish-fulfilling tree. It is held as a metaphor for a well-established mind an amazing instrument capable of creating what you want. In this mind, whatever you ask for becomes a reality. Sadhguru says, the most miraculous thing in this existence in terms of instruments, is not the computer, car or spacecraft, but the human mind. We present to you : Yogic Law of Attraction: Chit Shakti (Success) MeditationUse it to manifest whatever is your idea of Success."
Price: 24.99

"Spiritual Insights for Businesses, Leaders and Entrepreneurs" |
"A Yogi and Profound Mystic of our times, Sadhguru, effortlessly bridges the so-called gap between the spiritual and the material. Here, he offers his inspirational but delightfully simple perspectives on leadership and its many challenges, including ways to overcome those using subtle, effective methods. His idea of cultivating leadership as an innate, intuitive process does not rely on strategies and techniques, instead creating a pure inner balance and an insightful mind. All business is done by human beings and the quality of a human being definitely determines the quality of the activity that they perform. 'Spiritual Wisdom for Businesses, Leaders and Entrepreneurs' is designed to bring an inner dimension to leaders in the world, as today the economic leaders have the most significant role to play in the world. This Course will focus on cultivating leadership as an innate and intuitive process beyond strategies or techniques. Its guiding principle will be the importance of first managing your own mind, body and emotions, before you can manage external situations and people. The Aim of this Course is to create leaders who strive to find full expression to their human potential, who are deeply rooted in their inner well-being and are able to operate from a sense of inclusiveness resulting in far superior actions and decisions.A Glimpse into this Offering:Inspirational and delightfully simple perspectives on Leadership and ManagementSubtle but effective methods to deal with the many challenges of Leadership, and innate ways to overcome obstacles.How leaders can fulfill their responsibilities joyfully rather than being in misery.How you can manage your body, mind and emotions to achieve inner harmony and Yogic-tools to help you with that.How to set long-term goals that actually create wellbeing. Why being enterprising is a most desirable quality in every capacity and all aspects of lifeExplore with Sadhguru the fundamentals of a friction-free and stress-free business culture.Learn what it takes to achieve leadership excellence combined with inner harmony and peace.Explore new ideas, introspect your present mode of work-life and absorb the timeless wisdom of a MysticInsights on life from a Self-Realized Master on Work-life Balance, Sustainability, Productivity and much more...This course is designed to motivate committed entrepreneurs, businessmen and leaders who are keen to invest substantially in themselves, to help them develop an insightful mind, while being rooted in inner stability and balance. Most importantly, it is an effort to produce leaders who are compassionate and inclusive human beings people with a larger vision of humanity."
Price: 29.99

"Yoga, Herramientas para la Transformacin en Espaol" |
"Este curso es una compilacin de herramientas yogas tradicionales tradicionales y poderosas ofrecidas por un yogui de renombre mundial del sur de la India y un mstico profundo de nuestro tiempo, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev. Su sabidura y perspicacia incomparables han ayudado a decenas de millones en todo el mundo a lidiar con los altibajos de sus vidas. Tambin ha iniciado a millones de personas en toda la India y el mundo en prcticas espirituales poderosas para profundizar su conciencia, conciencia y darse cuenta de su propia divinidad inherente.YOGA, HERRAMIENTAS PARA LA TRANSFORMACIN Con tan slo cinco minutos al da puedes transformar tu vida! Ya sea que busques salud y alegra o paz y amor, ya sea que es xito en el mundo o que procures la exploracin interior, estas prcticas sencillas estn diseadas para ayudarte a superar la lucha y caminar por la vida con facilidad.La palabra yoga puede evocar imgenes de pretzels humanos, personas retorcidas en posturas fsicas imposibles. Sin embargo, eso no es a lo que se hace referencia aqu. La palabra ""Yoga"" significa esencialmente ""Unin"". No solo como una idea o un sistema de creencias, sino como una posibilidad experiencial. Cuando experimentas todo como uno en tu conciencia, entonces ests en yoga.No importa a qu religin perteneces o de dnde vienes, en qu crees o en qu no crees, ya seas un hombre o una mujer; nios, de mediana o avanzada edad, o de una forma o flexibilidad particular del cuerpo.Yoga, es una tecnologa que funcionar de maravilla para usted, siempre que aprenda a usarla.El yoga es una forma de estar en sintona perfecta; con su cuerpo, mente, emociones y energa en absoluta armona, una forma de producir una qumica de bienaventuranza. Una vez que es dichoso por su propia naturaleza, lidiar con las situaciones externas se vuelve sin esfuerzo.Una descripcin de este curso:Yoga for Transformation es una compilacin de varias herramientas potentes y fciles de practicar que Sadhguru ofrece para mejorar la salud, la alegra, la paz, el amor, el xito y la exploracin interna, ayudar a uno a lidiar con el ritmo acelerado de la vida moderna y desarrollar todo su potencial en todas las esferas de la vida. Este curso integral ofrece la antigua ciencia del yoga en un formato que es compatible con la vida moderna. Para empezar, trabajas con el cuerpo, luego pasas a la respiracin, luego a la mente, luego al yo interior.Los procesos que se ofrecen aqu no requieren ningn cambio en su rutina diaria; cada uno de ellos toma alrededor de 5 minutos para la prctica y puede realizarse en cualquier momento del da, incluso en su escritorio.No necesita ninguna experiencia previa de yoga ni de agilidad especial. Las prcticas son adecuadas para todos los adultos y nios mayores de 4 aos (excepto en prcticas como Yoga Namaskar, que se puede practicar despus de los 7 aos de edad).Es un buen punto de partida para aquellos que son nuevos en el yoga, y se puede utilizar como preparacin para otras prcticas de yoga.Upa-yoga (incluido en este curso) es un conjunto simple pero poderoso de 10 prcticas que activan las articulaciones, los msculos y el sistema de energa, brindando facilidad a todo el sistema. Basado en una comprensin sofisticada de la mecnica del cuerpo, Upa-Yoga disipa la inercia en la energa del cuerpo y brinda facilidad a todo el sistema.Cuando te acuestas en posiciones horizontales y te vuelves esttico, una cierta inercia se acumula en el sistema de energa.Dentro del sistema humano, la energa fluye a lo largo de 72,000 vas llamadas nadis. En las articulaciones, los nadis se juntan y forman nudos, lo que hace que las articulaciones sean almacenes de energa. Upa-Yoga activa esta energa y tambin lubrica las articulaciones, creando una sensacin instantnea de alerta y vitalidad, para que el resto del sistema comience a funcionar. Mantener un flujo de energa adecuado en el cuerpo promueve una vida sana y brinda facilidad al sistema del cuerpo.Esta forma de prctica es especialmente beneficiosa para quienes trabajan en trabajos estresantes y sedentarios, y eso tambin con resultados casi inmediatos.Nada yoga (el yoga de usar sonidos, tambin enseado en este curso) es una prctica especialmente beneficiosa para usted y sus hijos. En trminos de bienestar y desarrollo adecuado del cuerpo y la mente, estas herramientas simples realmente pueden diferenciarlos en un grupo en trminos de capacidad. A medida que comiencen a ver los beneficios, naturalmente buscarn formas ms altas de yoga.Es posible que viva con dolor articular y muscular a diario. O puede estar cansado y estresado. De cualquier manera, te encantar el rejuvenecimiento que estas prcticas aportan a diario.Beneficios de este curso:Esta forma de yoga proporciona muchos beneficios inmediatos y evidentes. Basado en una comprensin sofisticada de la mecnica del cuerpo, sus beneficios incluyen:Alivia el estrs fsico y el cansancioFortalece las articulaciones y los msculosRejuvenece el cuerpo despus de perodos de inactividadNiega los efectos del jet lag y los viajes largosUn poderoso sistema de ejercicio. Preparar uno para formas superiores de yoga. Puede ayudar en la transicin sin esfuerzo hacia prcticas ms elevadas, si as lo desea.Cuando tu cuerpo y tu mente se encuentran en un estado relajado y en cierto nivel de dicha, puedes liberarte de tantas molestias molestas.Isha Foundation es una organizacin no religiosa, sin fin lucrativo, de servicio pblico, que abarca todos los aspectos del bienestar humano."
Price: 24.99
